Bloomington, Indiana

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MyWikiBiz Indiana University, one of the oldest major state universities west of the Allegheny Mountains, began operation in Bloomington in 1820. Of particular interest on the beautifull, 850-acre campus is the Thomas Hart Benton murals in the University Theatre, Woodburn Hall and the auditorium.

Some 30 working quarries in the area produce quality limestone; examples of this natural feature can be seen in local architecture. Within an hour's drive of the city are several state parks, including Brown County State Park near Lake Monroe. Lake Lemon, surrounded by a landscape of ridge and ravine that is typical of southern Indiana, is just east.

Bloomington Monroe County Convention and Visitors Bureau: 2855 N. Walnut St., Bloomington, IN 47408; phone (812) 334-8900 or (800) 800-0037.

Shopping areas: A major shopping center in the Bloomington area is College Mall, at the junction of the SR 46 bypass and E.Third Street, which features JCPenney, Lazarus, L.S. Ayres and Sears. The renovated historic district contains art galleries and specialty shops, including an antiques mall. An eclectic group of shops and restaurants line Kirkwood Avenue at the west edge of the Indiana University campus.

INDIANA UNIVERSITY ART MUSEUM, on the Fine Arts Plaza of the Indiana University campus at E. Seventh St., was designed by architect I.M. Pei. The museum houses more than 35,000 works in permanent and changing exhibits. The permanent collection includes wonderful masterpieces by Henri Matisse, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, Augnste Rodin and Andy Warhol; an ancient and Asian art gallery with sculpture, jewelry, woodcarvings and other works from early Japanese to Greek cultures; and the African, Oceanic and Art of the Americas collections. Wed.-Sat. 10-5 (also the first Fri. of the month 5-8), Sun. noon-5; closed July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Wed.-Fri. and Dec. 24-Jan. 1. Free. Phone (812) 855-5445 or 855-4826.

JORDAN HALL GREENHOUSE, corner of Third St. and Hawthorne Dr., is a botany research facility. Displays include exotic, tropical and desert plants from around the world. Allow 1 hour minimum. Mon.-Fri. 8-4, Sat.-Sun 9-3; closed major holidays. Free. Phone (812) 855-7717.

LAKE MONROE, 6 mi. s.e. via SR 446, is the largest lake in Indiana and is surrounded by the Hoosier National Forest. The lake is home to a wildlife refuge and provides a nesting area for bald eagles. Lake Monroe Reservoir offers water sports and other recreational opportunities. Daily 24 hours. Admission $5 per private vehicle (nonresidents), $2 per vehicle (Indiana residents). Phone (812) 837-9546

LILLY LIBRARY, on the Indiana University campus at Seventh St. s. of Showalter Fountain, contains rare books and manuscripts, including a copy of the 1454 Gutenberg New Testament; a copy of the first complete Bible in English, dating from about 1535; and an extensive collection of works about Abraham Lincoln. Reading and exhibit rooms Mon.-Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-1. Free. Phone (812) 855-2452.

MATHERS MUSEUM, at 416 N. Indiana Ave. on the n.w. side of the Indiana University campus, contains changing exhibits about anthropology, history and folklore from countries around the world. Allow 1 hour minimum. Tues.-Fri. 9-4:30, Sat.-Sun. 1-4:30; closed major holidays and during semester breaks. Free. Phone (812) 855-6873.

Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology is at Ninth and Fess sts. Weekend access is through the lobby of the Mathers Museum. Artifacts revealing Indiana's history, from its first inhabitants to more recent American Indian cultures, are displayed. Tues.-Fri. 9-4:30, Sat.-Sun. 1-4:30, Sept.-May; closed major holidays and during semester breaks. Free. Phone (812) 855-9544.

MONROE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM, 202 E. Sixth St., provides exhibits about early settlers, the local limestone industry and the natural history of Monroe County. You will be able to see on display farm and household implements and a log cabin. The museum is in the old library, an early 20th-century Classical limestone structure. Allow 30 minutes minimum. Tues.-Sat. 10-4, Sun. 1-4; closed holidays. Free. Phone (812) 332-2517.

WINERIES Oliver Winery, 7 mi. n. on SR 37. Tasting room Mon.-Sat. 10-6, Sun. noon-6. Tours are given Fri.-Sat. noon-4:30, Sun. 1-4:30. Closed Jan. 1, election days, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25. Phone (812) 876-5800, or (800) 258-2783 in Indiana. MyWikiBiz