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'''Peter Zuvela''' is a Photographer/Artist from Fremantle, [[Australia]].  Peter teaches Digital [[Photography]] workshops at the Fremantle Art Centre.<ref> [http://www.fac.org.au/search-results.aspx?IndexCatalogue=Site_IDX&SearchQuery=peter%20zuvela Fremantle Arts Centre]</ref>
#REDIRECT [[Directory:Peter Zuvela]]
He exhibited for the FotoFreo Fringe Festival.<ref>[http://www.fotofreo.com/fringe.php Fotofreo]</ref><ref>[http://fremantle.inmycommunity.com.au/news-and-views/local-news/Haunting-journey-of-discovery/7551048/ Fremantle Gazette: Haunting Journey of Discovery (16/Mar/2010)]</ref> The exhibition was held at Greg James Sculpture Studio, Unit 2,''' J Shed'''-Fleet St, [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&g=Fleet+St%2C+Fremantle+WA+6160%2C+Australia&q=fremantle&btnG=Search+Maps Fremantle]. The FotoFreo Fringe Festival was part of  [http://www.fotofreo.com/ Foto Freo], which ran from 21 March to 18 April 2010. 
*Web site: [http://www.peterzuvela.com/ www.peterzuvela.com]
*Email: pzuvelaerin@yahoo.com
[[Image:Stone Basin (Olive Oil) SF.jpg|thumb|left|215px|Foto Freo Fringe Festival:  ''Stone Basin (Olive Oil)'']]
[[Image:Light Within Darkness1.jpg|thumb|right|275px|Foto Freo Fringe Festival:  ''Light Within Darkness'']]
== FotoFreo Fringe Festival: Loss & Unrealised Dreams ==
Through the eye of the camera, trapped memories and dreams are captured in the decaying peeling paint, the muted colours of a deserted house and soft autumn light streaming through windows and doors. Images depict everyday objects now abandoned as the family fractured and moved away leaving a virtual museum of life frozen in time.
This dislocation and relocation, a common migrant experience, is poignantly represented by a series of beautiful images produced during a recent return visit by Peter to his family’s ancestral home, now deserted and empty of human life.
Peter is the son of Croatian Immigrants who travelled as a young couple to Fremantle, Australia in the early 1960’s from the island of Korcula (Dalmatia). After building a home, a successful business and a family of three children, his parents decided to return to the island. All of the adult children over time returned to [[Australia]] leaving their parent’s homeland. This dislocation and relocation, a common migrant experience, is poignantly represented by a series of beautiful images produced during a recent return visit by Peter to his family’s ancestral home, now deserted and empty of human life.
[[Image:Sky Painting.jpg|thumb|left|500px|Sky Painting]]
== See also ==
*[[User:Peter Z.]] ''Photo Gallery''
*[[Bather’s Beach Arts Precinct|Bather’s Beach Arts Precinct]]
*[[Kidogo Arthouse and Art Institute]]
*[[Directory:Greg James Sculpture Studio Gallery|Greg James Sculpture Studio Gallery]]
*[[Canon EOS 7D Review]]
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==External links==
*[http://www.peterzuvela.com/ Peter Zuvela-Web Site]
*[http://fremantle.inmycommunity.com.au/news-and-views/local-news/Haunting-journey-of-discovery/7551048/ In my Community/Fremantle Gazette: Haunting Journey of Discovery (16/Mar/2010)]
*[http://www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/main/html/?CFID=2310258&CFTOKEN=14303109 Fremantle-Australia]
*[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&g=Fleet+St%2C+Fremantle+WA+6160%2C+Australia&q=fleet+st+fremantle&btnG=Search+Maps Fremantle-Fleet St Google Map ]
*[http://www.gregjamessculpture.com Greg James Sculpture]
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Latest revision as of 09:01, 8 September 2010