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, the beauty of a place. A more recent Curzulae accepted the name of the city as well, than the island; I have not been able to trace it out by name, the reason for this; For years after the debt if the race were walking on the road right next to the mountain Coretus, there has been some breaches Curzula States, according to Denis Halicarnasseus, the first edition, p. 9. And perhaps she received from the denomination.
, the beauty of a place. A more recent Curzulae accepted the name of the city as well, than the island; I have not been able to trace it out by name, the reason for this; For years after the debt if the race were walking on the road right next to the mountain Coretus, there has been some breaches Curzula States, according to Denis Halicarnasseus, the first edition, p. 9. And perhaps she received from the denomination.
And thirty-two miles away, at a distance, however, is distant from the fountain of the same on the plain of the valley of the greatest of the great of the district of the cockroaches, who so often is wont to spring up the waters of so many, that they may be made from the plain to the lake, which was also bestowed on = the cockroaches in the name of the village of, for example, signifies lake of Ilirico = tongue; and in many other bicennio, for three years, and indeed with the seventh year one is accustomed to these waters were not to decrease, whereas when they are dried up, they are, plains, mile and a half long, and six hundred furlongs wide, there remains a fertile land with rich, by reason of His lips, on broken ground, and had been sown, as long as the water causes the decrease of one hundred times, restored to us fruit. Law campus in a certain number of families, and any Septennio intersected more Hungarian in families; Even if they remain unmarried women, have their share. If, however, let them marry, and passed on to the families who do not have in the field, With regard also to the right to deprive him of his; such a right, it is not because of the dowry, nor inheritance, nor were there any other way, or she acquires, or is able to be alienated, but it remains always in the same families. The two portions are in each of the chapters, the language of which they illirica uoccant = he was wholly astonished, on one side, are brought forward fatter, and the other in the more barren. All the portions are not all equal, except at mealtimes, which are assigned to agents of bribery, which are the greater,. The dividers of all, however, there are six; , three of the city, and the three rural; The right of the things divided, and is, like them, in particular the families of the fixed endures forever, and to the others, is passing away. The shares, in the manner of higher rank, the lesser way, in a number of the heads are.
And thirty-two miles away, at a distance, however, is distant from the fountain of the same on the bay of Vela Luka (Vallegrande) of the greatest of the great of the district of the Blato (Blatta), who so often is wont to spring up the waters of so many, that they may be made from the plain to the lake, which was also bestowed on = the Blato (Blatta) in the name of the village of, for example, signifies lake of Ilirico = tongue; and in many other bicennio, for three years, and indeed with the seventh year one is accustomed to these waters were not to decrease, whereas when they are dried up, they are, plains, mile and a half long, and six hundred furlongs wide, there remains a fertile land with rich, by reason of His lips, on broken ground, and had been sown, as long as the water causes the decrease of one hundred times, restored to us fruit. Law campus in a certain number of families, and any Septennio intersected more Hungarian in families; Even if they remain unmarried women, have their share. If, however, let them marry, and passed on to the families who do not have in the field, With regard also to the right to deprive him of his; such a right, it is not because of the dowry, nor inheritance, nor were there any other way, or she acquires, or is able to be alienated, but it remains always in the same families. The two portions are in each of the chapters, the language of which they illirica uoccant = he was wholly astonished, on one side, are brought forward fatter, and the other in the more barren. All the portions are not all equal, except at mealtimes, which are assigned to agents of bribery, which are the greater,. The dividers of all, however, there are six; , three of the city, and the three rural; The right of the things divided, and is, like them, in particular the families of the fixed endures forever, and to the others, is passing away. The shares, in the manner of higher rank, the lesser way, in a number of the heads are.
It is born of him in the plain of wet grass, which if they do too much, however, eat the herds, which are fattened with such a degree, to be sick, with a short and shameless jokes; Of the lifetime of the white of the stone of the buildings in the city, in the same place was hewn in stone, built with the new Temple, bell tower, and, in the navel, keeping the rest by a more sublime, because of the inequality of the soil, by which the interiors are, the is higher than the buildings on the tiles, beautiful sight, with the appearance of a distance, to the entrance to the cattle. In the middle of The town, the street, the polished stone with a rock, in front of a church, and a bell tower, of the whole of the city, all the pavements of the roads, and, with equal space and proportioned in length, attracts to itself; Hence disticon that it best suits
It is born of him in the plain of wet grass, which if they do too much, however, eat the herds, which are fattened with such a degree, to be sick, with a short and shameless jokes; Of the lifetime of the white of the stone of the buildings in the city, in the same place was hewn in stone, built with the new Temple, bell tower, and, in the navel, keeping the rest by a more sublime, because of the inequality of the soil, by which the interiors are, the is higher than the buildings on the tiles, beautiful sight, with the appearance of a distance, to the entrance to the cattle. In the middle of The town, the street, the polished stone with a rock, in front of a church, and a bell tower, of the whole of the city, all the pavements of the roads, and, with equal space and proportioned in length, attracts to itself; Hence disticon that it best suits
The other two songs were added to the beneuolo poet.
The other two songs were added to the beneuolo poet.
A circle in the middle, man pressed on the one side, it is the guardian of roads
A circle in the middle, man pressed on the one side, it is the guardian of roads
The order of underclothing, painted by 'a little heart remains one, dear one, not the least glory of Dalmatia,
The order of underclothing, painted by 'a little heart remains one, dear one, not the least glory of Dalmatia,
it is raised, and you who praemit that the Veneti, a watchful care of yourself, Father, and of these again, in that time the place, well fortified, they found them, especially them with great Guns of war;
it is raised, and you who praemit that the Veneti, a watchful care of yourself, Father, and of these again, in that time the place, well fortified, they found them, especially them with great Guns of war;
==Antonii Rosanei Corcyrae Melenae Opus==
==Antonii Rosanei Corcyrae Melenae Opus (Zadar Version)==
===Section in Latin===
===Section in Latin===

Latest revision as of 09:35, 30 March 2018

Dubrovnik Version

Section in Latin

In eam pos(t) Bellum Troianum Antenor se recepit, ut est auctor Dytes Cretensis (illorum temporum miles, et scriptor, et Oppidum condidit;) quamvis Plinius Gnidiorum Oppidum fuisse testatur quod possibile est, Antenorem translatum in pinguiorem glebam ad Eugenos Insulam hanc sociis suis Gnidiis reliquisse. Urbem istam vero ab Antenore, eiusue sociis fundatam fuisse, tum vetustissima traditio testatur, tum quae extant memoriae. Super portam australem veterem modo muro clausam, in lapidem trabe incisum legebatur Carmen, quod defectum sine temporis edacitate, sine hominum iniuria, adhuc vestigia retinet antiquitatis: Hic Antenoridae Corcyrae prima Melenae Fundamenta locant. Nobile gentis opus. Anno autem Domini 1594. restauratis urbis, moeniis, turribus, aedificiis munita Civitas fuit, Antonio Leone Praetore, cuius Stemma gentilium, leonis, axe transversi, pluribus in locis moeniorum in lapide incisum, expositum fuit. Quod stemma, caeteris ornatius a latere sinistro Portae marinae, adintus subscripta habet in lapide haec carmina. Post Ilii cineres, haec maenia condidit olim Antenor; veram, ne veterata ruant, Antonii cura sunt integrata Leonis; Reddita et antiquo forma, decusque loco. A recentioribus Curzulae nomen recepit, tam Urbs, quam Insula; rationem huius nominis non potui hucusque indagare; Nisi quia octogesimo a Reate stadio, euntibus via Juria iuxta montem Coretum, fuit quaedam Civitas diruta Curzula, ut scribit Dionisius Halicarnasseus, libro primo, pag. 9. et fortasse haec ab illa denominationem suscepit.

Fons tamen procul ab eadem Valle maxima distat triginta stadiis in Campo magno pagi Blattae, qui multoties tantis scaturire solet aquis, ut Stagnum ex Campo fiat, quod et Pago nomen indidit = Blatto, enim ilirica lingua = Stagnum significat; et multoties bicennio, et triennio immo et septennio solent illae aquae non decrescere, cum autem exsiccatae sunt, planities, mille et quingentos passus longa, et sex stadia lata, remanet uberrima, utpote cuius labra proscissa, et seminata, dum aqua decrescit, centesimum reddidere fructum. Campus in Iure est certi numeri Familiarum, et quolibet Septennio diuiditur, more Hungarico, in capita Familiarum; Feminae etiam si maneant innuptae, suam habent portionem. Si tamen nubant, et transeant in familias, quae in agro non habent, ipsae quoque Ius amittunt; tale Ius, nec ratione dotis, nec haereditatis, nec ulla alia via aquiri, vel alienari potest, sed semper manet in eisdem familiis. Duae sunt in singula capita portiones, quas illirica lingua = Stupi uoccant, una in parte pinguiori, altera in steriliori. Omnes portiones sunt aequales, praeter illas, quae divisoribus assignantur, quae maiores sunt. Divisores autem sunt sex; tres urbani, et tres rurales; et hoc pariter Ius divisorum in certis familiis fixum manet, nec ad alios transit. Portiones, modo maiores, modo minores, pro numero capitum sunt. Nascitur eo in campo uliginosa herba, qua si nimium vescantur armenta, adeo pinguescunt, ut morbo correpta crepent; Aedificia urbana ex uiuo saxo albo, ibidem exciso, structa cum Templo, et Turri campanaria, in umbilico, caeteris sublimiori propter soli inaequalitatem, qua interiora, eo sunt altiora culminibus aedificia, pulcherimam uisu speciem procul intrantibus praebent. In medio Oppidi, Platea, ex polito saxo, ante Templum, et Campanariam Turrim, strata omnes totius urbis vias, aequali spatio dimensas, ad se ducit; Unde disticon hoc ei optime convenit, cui alia duo carmina a beneuolo Poeta addita fuerunt. Circulus in medio, densusque hinc, inde uiarum Ordo cingatur, Corcula picta manet, Corcula, Dalmatiae non ultima gloria surgit, Quaeque praemit Venetos, sedula Cura, Patres Et quidem, eo tempore locus satis munitus reperiebatur, praesertim Tormentis bellicis;

Basic Translate

At this POS (T) Trojan War swum retreated to the author dytes Crete (those soldier's and town) although Pliny Gnidii towns testifies that it is possible to Antenor to be translated into the soil to put on the Eugen island that allies Gnidii their arms. Anteriore of the city, and his holy allies have been founded, as well as delivery oldest testifies, then extant memory. Over the gate of the south country, and the wall of the old way that it is closed for a stone of a beam set is trimmed to the reading of the Carmen, with the defect without the time was too fond of eating, without the injurious conduct of men, it is still retains the traces of antiquity: The first Antenoridae Corfu Melen Placing. the famed needed. The year of the Lord 1594. restauratis of the city, the walls, towers, buildings, fortified States has been, Leo Antonius, the praetor 's, of which the Stemma both of the Gentiles, of a lion, the axis of the transverse axis, in many parts of the walls with a stone, carved on it, was explained. That pedigreed, while the ones on the left side The gates of the more illustrious than that of the marine, adintus after signing them has in the stone out these verses. After the ashes of Troy, has created these things down the walls of the past Antenor; of purpose, you do not gets old they can make, that of Antonius, are the integral has the care of a lion's; After returning, and of the ancients, the form of, , the beauty of a place. A more recent Curzulae accepted the name of the city as well, than the island; I have not been able to trace it out by name, the reason for this; For years after the debt if the race were walking on the road right next to the mountain Coretus, there has been some breaches Curzula States, according to Denis Halicarnasseus, the first edition, p. 9. And perhaps she received from the denomination.

And thirty-two miles away, at a distance, however, is distant from the fountain of the same on the bay of Vela Luka (Vallegrande) of the greatest of the great of the district of the Blato (Blatta), who so often is wont to spring up the waters of so many, that they may be made from the plain to the lake, which was also bestowed on = the Blato (Blatta) in the name of the village of, for example, signifies lake of Ilirico = tongue; and in many other bicennio, for three years, and indeed with the seventh year one is accustomed to these waters were not to decrease, whereas when they are dried up, they are, plains, mile and a half long, and six hundred furlongs wide, there remains a fertile land with rich, by reason of His lips, on broken ground, and had been sown, as long as the water causes the decrease of one hundred times, restored to us fruit. Law campus in a certain number of families, and any Septennio intersected more Hungarian in families; Even if they remain unmarried women, have their share. If, however, let them marry, and passed on to the families who do not have in the field, With regard also to the right to deprive him of his; such a right, it is not because of the dowry, nor inheritance, nor were there any other way, or she acquires, or is able to be alienated, but it remains always in the same families. The two portions are in each of the chapters, the language of which they illirica uoccant = he was wholly astonished, on one side, are brought forward fatter, and the other in the more barren. All the portions are not all equal, except at mealtimes, which are assigned to agents of bribery, which are the greater,. The dividers of all, however, there are six; , three of the city, and the three rural; The right of the things divided, and is, like them, in particular the families of the fixed endures forever, and to the others, is passing away. The shares, in the manner of higher rank, the lesser way, in a number of the heads are.

It is born of him in the plain of wet grass, which if they do too much, however, eat the herds, which are fattened with such a degree, to be sick, with a short and shameless jokes; Of the lifetime of the white of the stone of the buildings in the city, in the same place was hewn in stone, built with the new Temple, bell tower, and, in the navel, keeping the rest by a more sublime, because of the inequality of the soil, by which the interiors are, the is higher than the buildings on the tiles, beautiful sight, with the appearance of a distance, to the entrance to the cattle. In the middle of The town, the street, the polished stone with a rock, in front of a church, and a bell tower, of the whole of the city, all the pavements of the roads, and, with equal space and proportioned in length, attracts to itself; Hence disticon that it best suits The other two songs were added to the beneuolo poet.

A circle in the middle, man pressed on the one side, it is the guardian of roads The order of underclothing, painted by 'a little heart remains one, dear one, not the least glory of Dalmatia, it is raised, and you who praemit that the Veneti, a watchful care of yourself, Father, and of these again, in that time the place, well fortified, they found them, especially them with great Guns of war;

Antonii Rosanei Corcyrae Melenae Opus (Zadar Version)

Section in Latin

In medio altiores sunt montes, et quasi dorsum totius insulae, medietas excrescit extremitates hinc, et inde subsidunt, litora tortuosa multas valles, malefidasque stationes, et portus, et tutos, et magnos intus, et exterius efficiunt. Caput eius ad Eurum Veru dicitur, quoniam protenditur acutum spatio ulteriori per mille passuum, postea dilatatur. Sed ad Zephirum est bifidum, et vallem maximam Sancti Joannis de Gradina quinquaginta stadiorum complectitur. Aquarum dulcium inopiam pluvialibus solatur; fons tamen procul ab eadem Vela Luka distat triginta stadiis in campo magno pagi Blato, qui multoties tantis scaturire solet aquis, ut stagnum ex campo fiat, quod et pago nomen indidit. Blato enim aquae non decrescere. Cum autem exsiccatae sunt, planities mille et quingentos passus longa, et sex stadia lata remanet huberima, ut pote cujus labra proscissa, et seminata, dum aqua decrescit centesimum reddidere fructum. Nascitur eo in campo uliginosa herba, qua si nimium vescantur armenta adeo pinguescunt, ut morbo correpta crepent, neque carnes, neque pelles ullo usui propter morbi non admodum ab epidemiae peste dissimilem. Si universus ille ager coleretur est opinio, quod procul dubio aleret nedum colonos, et incolas sed etiam vicinos. Veruntamen periti profundiorem eum superficie maris testantur, nec posse aquam per canalia in mare deduci perfractis quoque montibus interpositis astruunt. Incolarum vero ignavia nullo pacto excusari potest, quamvis enim raro ager ille inundet, nunquam tamen aratur vel colitur praeterquam pars minima ab orientali latere, ex qua maximos proventus colligere solent. Insula ferax vini thedae, et picis duas artes potissimum exercet scilicet carpentariorum ad fabricandas naves, et latomorum. Sita est in Illyrico e regione Gargani lato centum millibus passuum interjacente pelago, in quo a noto Melita ab austro Augusta cum aliquibus scopulis per stadia circiter sexaginta ab Occidente Equinoctiali Issa aestivali vero Pharus per triginta millia passuum procul ab ejus litore proximos excipiunt fluctus. A septentrione autem esset tractus Narentanus, sed interjacet Promontorium Sabioncelli nomine Oeni apud Ptholomaeum notatum, quod continenti juxta Narentani fluminis hostia junctum, et aliquantum ad Epidaurinas insulas in dexteram porrectum mox in sinistram Pharum versus longe ampliori spatio deflectens efficit Isthmum quatuor stadiorum, in quo est civitas Stagni inter duo maria, quorum orientale prospicit Ragusium occidentale vergit in Pharum, et Brachiam. Duo quoque exteriora canalia constituit primum ab oriente cum Melita per totam Insulae extensionem porrectum sexaginta stadiis latum, alterum parte Melenae latitudinis sexdecim stadiorum, quorum etiam dispar est longitudo. Illud enim milia passuum non excedit, hoc duodecim superat, quoniam Corcyra cum per id spatium excurrerit postea deflectit in pelagus tota reliqua sui longitudine, et relinquit Oeni brachium super Pharum se extendentem humili planitie, et Melitense sine scopulis est Cursulense autem tam in introitu, quam in exitu scopulis, et saxis abundat, et propterea periculosum est imperitis praesertim intrantibus. Urbs ab utrisque faucibus circiter quinquaginta stadiis distans, et maximam sumitatem Oeni seu Sabioncelli in septentrione prospiciens in colle quam maenibus, ambitu ovalis formae complectitur situata pene tota mari circumdatur,nisi quod ab austro cum reliqua Insula ponte, et fossa, ac navali conjungitur. Aedificia urbana ex vivo saxo albo ibidem exciso structa cum templo, et turri campanaria in umbilico caeteris superiori propter soli inaequalitatem.

In medio oppidi platea ex polito saxo ante templum, et campanariam turrim strata omnes totius urbis vias aequali spatio dimensas ad se ducit, unde disticon hoc ei optime convenit:

Viculus in medio, denusque hinc inde viarum Ordo cingatur Corzula picta manet.

Et quidem eo tempore locus satis munitus reperiebatur praesertim tormentis. Nam paucis diebus ante bellum motum Raphael Gabrielius a Petro Bragadeno loci rectore optimo missus in legationem Venetiis reportaverat numerum non parvum sclopetorum lancearum, arcuum, sagittarum, et sex colombrinas aeneas emittentes pilas ferreas librarum duodecim. Deinde post bellum jam motum Philippus Roseneus, et ipse orator missus attulerat quatuor petrerias, et duas colombrinas et triginta archibusonorum, et pulveris bombardici copiam, et multa alia tela. Erant et in urbe priora tormenta ferrea, et aenea, praesertim unum, quod papale nominant, quod ponderantem triginta libras ferri pilam jaculatur, et in armamento etiam erant multa alia arma bellica. Maenia tamen vetera, et ruinosa instauratione indigebant, Pugnatorum quoque paucitas dubiam tuitionem reddebat. Sed satis divagati ad institutum redeamus.

Basic Translate

To be higher than they are in the midst of the mountains, and as it were, of the whole of the back of the island, the proportion was increased and augmented the ends of the one side, and the derivative of the sink, make the crooked places the shores of the many valleys and hills, malefidasque stations, and ports, and to a safe position, and the great, the inside, and the exterior is made up. His head is as the spit is the west, it is said, further, that by the space of a thousand miles, it extends a sharp knife, and then is enlarged thereby. But at Zephirum is cracked, and the maximum valley of Saint John of the Gradina fifty miles embraced. Of the waters of the sweet and soothes in a scarcity of rain-water; in the thirty-two miles away, at a distance from the same, however, is distant from the source of the great plain of the district of Blato Vela Luka, who so often is accustomed to such great gush forth the waters, so that the tin on campus, they may be, which was also the name of the district and countries. Blato water is not to decrease. When, however, are dried up, they are, the level of a thousand and a half miles long, and six hundred furlongs wide is the remains huberima, the edges of which, where it stands on broken ground, and had been sown, as long as one hundred times, restored to us the fruit of the water decreases. It is born of him in the plain of wet grass, which if they do, however, eat too much fat in such a herds, to be sick, with a short and shameless jokes, nor of the flesh, nor of any use, for the sake of the curtains of the disease is not so very different from the pestilence, from the epidemiae. If the entire field of cultivation of the opinion that without a doubt much more encouraging tenants and residents but also neighbors. But nevertheless, have skill to bear witness to a deeper him off the face of the sea, the mountains, nor to be able, by the interposition of the construe from the water, breaking through the canal into the sea, brought on my way. The cowardice of the inhabitants, however, can in no way be excused, even though there is rarely any portion of the field will overflow, they will never, however, is plowed or is worshiped, but only of a part of the side of the smallest, from the east, out of which to pick up the increase of the high tides are accustomed to. Thed of the island, and the two skills most troublesome pitch at the carpenters' shipbuilding, and stone-masons. Gargano is located in Illyria, over one hundred miles wide, lies between the ocean, where from the south of Malta, with some reefs in the south of Augusta, about sixty miles west of the summer equinox, Issa Lighthouse in thirty thousands of miles far from the beach will catch the next wave. Out of the north he was in the drawing Narentanus, but lies between them; the Promontory, Sabioncello the name of Owen with Ptolemy, in many words, in the continent, according to the Narentani of the river, the sacrifice of a yoked up and a little to the Epidaurinum islands in the right hand, stretching forward, and subsequently on the left side of the Pharos, the verse with a far larger space with a sagging effects the Isthmus of Corinth is only four furlongs, in which it is the city of his marines between the two seas, of which the West it inclines towards the east the Pharos at stake at Ragusium, and upper arm. There were two kinds of Melita, the exteriors of the trough, and throughout the whole of the Island and the extension of the full meeting and made him the first time with hundred and sixty-two miles away from the east, broad, broad on the other side of the Melen sixteen furlongs, and the length of which, also, for it is unlike. For that is thousands of miles had not exceeds, that of the twelve excel another, when, because of Corfu with the by means of the length of the could digress afterwards turns in the main the whole of the rest of its length of it, and who leaves behind Owen arm over the Pharos itself, reaching a low plain, and of Mileto, without the rocks, it is Cursulense, was as well in the entrance, which at the departure of the rocks, and stones, has in abundance, and for this reason it is dangerous to the inexperienced, especially to those who enter. The jaws of the two, a distance of about fifty miles away from the city, in the north, and, looking out at the hill of the greatest Sabioncello or Owen than been piled piled high, embraces those situated on the forms of oval, almost the whole of the sea, is surrounded by the environment, except it be that the rest of the island with a bridge, from the south, and the trench, and the docks was added. Was hewn in stone edifices of the city, built in the same place with the white of the stone of the temple, from what is living in the city, for the sake of the sun, and the tower of the upper bell in the muscles of the rest of the inequality.

In the midst of the street of the town, in front of the polished stone of the stone of the temple, the bell tower of the pavements of the all of the whole of the city and attracts to itself the ways, with equal space and proportioned in length, to him, is most suitable from which this distich:

But a small village in the middle, on either side of the roads denusque Corzula picture remains enclosed order.

And, of course, especially if the chance to be sufficiently protected by the time found among the engines. In fact, a few days before the war happened to Peter, Raphael, Gabriel was sent from an embassy to Venice reportaverat Bragadeno the number of no little importance, the place is any guide, the best of the musket-was put into the lances, arrows of the bow, arrows, and six pounds of iron colombrinas of brass, that send forth the pellets, and the twelve. Next, the motion of Philip Roseneus already after the war, he had brought, and he was sent to the four petrerias the orator, and he reigned thirty and two colombrinas archibusonorum, and favor the dust bombardici quantity of it, and many other tissues. Now there were in the city, and the torments of the former things of iron, and made of bronze, is their one, that the papal name them because worth thirty pounds in weight of the iron ball, shoot at him, there were also many other things in an armory, and the weapons of war. Down the walls of the old, however, and the waste places shall be the establishment of the need to live, fight, too, only a few of his victory, the protection of the insured. But we have wandered to the subject.