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Jun 17, 2011 — Privatization At The Heart Of Divisive Battles


HUPO -- Privatization At The Heart Of Divisive Battles


Privatization At The Heart Of Divisive Battles In Wisconsin (June 17, 2011)



Note 1


ALEC's Restaurant

There are several Facebook pages where readers can begin getting up to speed on the Kamikaze attacks of the GOP-TEA Parties that are really in play in these States. Here's 3 for starters:

Democracy Watchdog Action Network
• https://ww­w.facebook­.com/democ­­dog.action­.network

Wear Red For Public Ed
• https://ww­w.facebook­.com/wearr­edforpubli­ced

Support Bill Cronon
• https://ww­w.facebook­.com/pages­/Support-B­ill-Cronon­/163419837­045434

Bill Cronon is a distinguis­hed history professor who came under attack when he wrote an article about ALEC and the Mackinac Center, so the people who came to his defense began collecting data about these issues.

Related tags at the Daily Kos —

• http://www­.dailykos.­com/news/A­LEC
• http://www­.dailykos.­com/blog/E­xposing%20ALEC

Current update at the Daily Kos
• http://www­.dailykos.­com/story/­2011/06/15­/985433/-E­XPOSING-AL­EC2nd-Upda­te-with-im­portant-ne­ws-and-lin­ks


Note 2


The American Revolution In Reverse

ALEC + GOP + TEA = East India Trading Company 2.0

This is just one more component of the Corporate Totalitari­an Agenda, replacing everything that we have been accustomed to regard as the Public Sector with the Non-Repres­entational Government of Privateeri­sm.

I think a lot of people are being suckered into it out of sheer naivete, but the corporate con artists know perfectly well what they want and how they plan to get it.


Note 3


This is just one more component of the Corporate Totalitari­an Agenda, replacing everything that we have formerly valued as the Public Sector with the Non-Repres­entational Government of Privateeri­sm.

I think a lot of mis-inform­ed people are being suckered into their plot out of sheer naivete, but the corporate con artists know perfectly well what they want and how they plan to get it.

Global Corporatio­ns have no integrity, no loyalty, no nationalit­y. They are perfectly content to colonize the world. They don't have to produce goods or provide services — that would be work — all they have to do is control the flow.


Note 4


ALEC's push for a private government extends across every State of the Union.

Michigan has its home-grown version of a Madison Avenue doublethink tank in the form of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy (MCPP).  The MCPP closely coordinates with ALEC's agenda, not to mention their fellow travelers in the massive complex of crypto-lobbies that are run by the DeVos family and the Koch brothers.

Michigan's “Governerd” Rick Snyder and his band of Privateers in the GOP-controlled State Legislature are starving the public sector in Michigan out of existence for a reason, so that private corporations can complete their hostile takeover of all public services. They stopped being content with tax abatements, bailouts, bribes, incentives, kickbacks, and worker concessions a long time ago — they want nothing less than the automatic funneling of tax dollars directly into their private corporate bankrolls without the annoying interference of all us pesky commoners.

Mackinac Center For Public Policy • “State Needs Privatization”


Lansing State Journal • “Going Private? — Snyder, Republicans Put New Focus On Merits Of Privatization”



Jun 21, 2011 — Few Details Emerge On Michigan College Promise


HUPO -- Few Details Emerge On Michigan College Promise


Detroit Education Reform : Few Details Emerge On Michigan College Promise (June 21, 2011)



Comment 1

The Broad Axe Falls Again …

Seattle Education Blog • “The Broad Foundation”

Seattle Education Blog • “Eli Broad’s Last Hurrah In Detroit?”

Don't sweat the details of their sales pitch.  One thing we've learned about the Corporate Privateers is that it doesn't really matter what their PR says — the agenda is always the same.

Say hello to the East India Teaching Company?


Comment 2

Here's a good article that will help Michigande­rs and other observers understand the brand of PR blitz — bankrolled by the Billionair­e Boys (and Betsy) Club — that we can expect to see broadcast all over Detroit and Michigan in the upcoming year:

Michael T. Martin • “Waiting For SuperFraud”

The invasion of cash from so-called “philanthr­opists” is what is known in the Biz as a “Loss Leader”. Big bucks will be pumped into the system to make it look like the reforms are a smashing success. If that strategy works the way it has in other States and Washington­, DC, a lot of data will get cooked and lot of Agenda-Dri­ven Statistification (ADS) will get trumpeted all over the Corporate Air Waves in order to make it look like there was any improvemen­t at all.

Never mind the small stuff, the truth won't matter. More big bucks will be pumped into rah-rah ads and corporate media “documenta­ries” to cover up the facts. By the time the Public figures out what is really going down, the school system will be so far down the road to privatizat­ion for corporate cash, command, and control that it will take the People all they can do to keep any shred of equal opportunit­y education at all.

You have to understand that these people are not philanthro­pists — “lovers of humanity” — they are investors. They don't give money away — they invest money for the sake of making more money, acting in tandem with their ego-driven need to force their personal ideology on the rest of the world. It does not make an ounce of difference to them if they have to destroy the American way of life — it's just so much collateral damage in their war on egalitaria­n representa­tive democracy.


Comment 3

The following Facebook page is a good resource for learning how communities across the nation are dealing with the ongoing degradation of their public education systems.

Wear Red For Public Ed •

Many people across the country are beginning to realize that there is a coordinated campaign by corporate-dominated State governments to turn back the clock on American education to something like the systems of private privilege we once had the good sense to revolt against.


Jun 23, 2011 — Detroit Public Schools Budget Cuts


HUPO -- Detroit Public Schools Budget Cuts


Detroit Public Schools Budget : Cuts, Cuts, Cuts (June 23, 2011)



Comment 1

The Governor and his Privateers are starving the Public Sector in Michigan out of existence for a reason, so that private corporations can complete their hostile takeover of all public services. They stopped being content with tax abatements, bailouts, bribes, incentives, kickbacks, and worker concessions a long time ago — they want nothing less than the automatic funneling of tax dollars directly into their private corporate bankrolls without the annoying interference of all us pesky commoners.

Mackinac Center For Public Policy • “State Needs Privatization”


Lansing State Journal • “Going Private? — Snyder, Republicans Put New Focus On Merits Of Privatization”



Comment 2

I see we have the usual crew of ignoranus Detroit bashers.

This is for everyone — but it goes out to them especially —


When I'm feeling down about the state of education today, that always cheers me up.

(Yes, I know how I spelled it.)


Comment 3

The main thing that everyone needs to understand is that what you see happening in Detroit, Pontiac, Benton Harbor, Michigan and several other States today will be coming your way sooner or later if not already arrived.  It has nothing to do with black vs. white, left vs. right, liberal vs. libertarian, or any of those old-fangled diversions. It goes beyond education, firefighters, public safety, public services, and even beyond the public sector to the very ideas of community and the common good.

If you don't comprehend the reality of that yet, then you are way behind the curve, and you need to educate yourselves about the corporate ideology groups that fly every now and then under the banners of ALEC, Broad, DeVos, Koch, Mackinac Center, but that mostly have been flying under the radar of public attention for decades now.


Comment 4

Here's a post from the Facebook page of the Ferris Faculty Association:


We all know the struggles public schools face with declining per pupil funding. We have seen Governor Snyder's plan for the future. The following link is a fund raiser trailer for Greenhills, the school Snyder has his daughter enrolled in. They're fund raising because $20,000 per year per student is not enough to properly educate a child. This trailer shows what Snyder wants in a school for *his* children.


I'm guessing the Governor does not have a clue how to go about creating a high quality educational environment for all of Michigan's children, but the above information tells us that he does know where to get a few clues about the components of a quality education and how much it costs to achieve it. And one thing we know for sure is that he's not getting those clues from his bean-counter corporate buddies who are dictating their wish list of laws to the Legislature in Lansing.


Comment 5 (Reply)

I don't recall exactly when the Department of Education was formed as a separate entity, but I know that Federal funding for education was pretty generous in the 60's and 70's, especially grants to individuals, and the strings had mostly to do with accreditation, full time enrollment, equal opportunity, separation of church and state, parental income where need was a condition of the program in question, and sensible considerations on that order.

The ratio of strings to purses began to increase in the Reagan years and pretty much strangled States and students alike in the Bush years.  For reasons most of us cannot fathom, Obama has done little or nothing to address the problems he inherited.  Most likely the Republicans wouldn't let him do anything if he tried, so I will be charitable and blame them.


Comment 6 (Reply)

Disaster Capitalism + Prelude to Privatizat­ion

Pretty obvious to anyone who has seen it before and who isn't distracted by the blue smoke and mirrors of their rhetoric.


Comment 7

Here's a recent Huffington Post article that mentions the American Legislativ­e Exchange Council (ALEC), plus a few additional links pertaining to ALEC and associated groups.

More informatio­n is coming to light about the move by ALEC, Broad, DeVos, Koch, the Mackinac Center, and related entities to co-opt our elected officials into serving their corporate ends, namely, to privatize not only public education, but all current public services, indeed, our very government itself.

Here's an article that came out this week —

Amanda Terkel • “Privatization At The Heart Of Divisive Battles In Wisconsin”


The American Legislative Exchange Council is one of the groups most actively advocating privatization nationwide. It has 2500 legislative members, which is about a third of all state lawmakers around the country. One of its most valuable functions is crafting model legislation that lawmakers can then use to propose real bills in their own states. In the past few years, ALEC-inspired legislation has been popping up with increased frequency around the country.

The group just launched “Publicopoly”, a Monopoly-like board game as part of an “initiative to provide solutions for a more effective, efficient government, and a thriving economy”. Visitors to Publicopoly are able to learn about privatizing seven sectors: government operations, education, transportation and infrastructure, public safety, environment, health, and telecommunications.


Comment 8

There are now several sites where readers can begin getting up to speed on the “Starve and Supplant” tactics that the ALEC Axis is bringing to bear on several States at once.

Democracy Watchdog Action Network

Wear Red For Public Ed

Support Bill Cronon

Bill Cronon is a distinguished history professor who came under attack when he wrote an article about ALEC and the Mackinac Center, so the people who came to his defense began collecting data about these issues.

Related tags at the Daily Kos —


Current updates at the Daily Kos —





Comment 9

The Broad Axe Falls Again …

Seattle Education Blog • “The Broad Foundation”

Seattle Education Blog • “Eli Broad’s Last Hurrah In Detroit?”

One thing we've learned about the Corporate Privateers is that it doesn't really matter what their PR says — the agenda is always the same.

Say hello to the East India Teaching Company !
