Directory:Globalwarming awareness2007

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globalwarming awareness2007
Sloganglobalwarming awareness2007
Founded [[Year_Started:=2007|2007]]
Headquarters Template:Country data US [[City:=Memphis|Memphis]] [[State_Name:=Tennessee|Tennessee]]
Key people[[Key_Person1:=Sanford Milson|Sanford Milson]], CEO
[[NAICS_Code2_Title:=Support Activities for Printing|Printing Support]]
EmployeesGreen Arrow Up.svg 2007 (2007)
Contact 123 SEO Blvd
Memphis, TN 38116-0000
[ globalwarming awareness2007 is SEO keyword]
Reference NAICS: 32311, 32312
Region: [[Region1:=Orange County|The OC]]
Latitude: 35°01'10.59"
Longitude: -90°01'30.35"

globalwarming awareness2007 is part of a worldwide search engine optimization contest being sponsored by a Swedish SEO site. The author thought this might be an interesting effort on the part of Centiare, to see how we amateurs might compete against SEO powerhouses. Perhaps this will end up on our Reviews page. The contest ends May 1, 2007; however, Centiare will not be eligible to win, because the domain existed before January 15, 2007. THIS IS A TRIAL.

<adsense> google_ad_client = 'pub-4781341637005814'; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = '468x60_as'; google_ad_type = 'text_image';//2006-12-28: Centiare Directory space google_ad_channel = '2388332058'; google_color_border = '6699CC'; google_color_bg = '003366'; google_color_link = 'FFFFFF'; google_color_text = 'AECCEB'; google_color_url = 'AECCEB'; </adsense>

Search engines that will judge the contest

Additional reading

