User:Boxstuf/BB vs RM

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Angelo Dundee was trainin John Holman for February 29 1956 fight but Holman slipped in rankings. The true & the only contender left for legendary Rocky Marciano's title was legendary 'Big, Bulky, The Grinder' Bob Baker who was the only logical opponent left for Rocky. He was real heavyweight for any era, 188cm 6'2, 220+lbs, 100+kgs. Baker had winning record of 13 straight fights aka Baker's dozen! Fight was to happen between January 1 & February 3 1956, most likely February 3 in NY or Jan 5 & March 3 in LA, Olympic auditorium, or in Cleveland where Rocky Costillani got screwed on decision, it was clearly drawn fight. But it could have been the night of 2 Rockies. It was to be live on radio, tv. RM's final good-bye to fans. Big mistake Rocky & Weill didnt take on Baker. He had best winning record of all world's top hevyweight boxers, except for Italian Champ Cavichi who was just top 10 rated, Summerlin came in second with 11 straight. But the only, toughest challenge was Bob Baker 45-5. It was golden opportunity for Rocky to be 50-0. Baker would give Rocky trouble in first few rounds, he almost never lost to shorter guys, Rocky would figure him out, as he does every fighter like Hopkins & slowly, by attrition destroy him. Baker would not come out of his corner after 10th round, 102% facts!!!!! Keep in mind, after losing to Archie Moore by TKO, he never lost by KO or TKO again, that's special!