Logical implication
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Revision as of 14:20, 21 May 2007 by Jon Awbrey (talk | contribs) (copy text from [http://www.opencycle.net/ OpenCycle] of which Jon Awbrey is the sole author)
The logical implication and the material conditional are both associated with an operation on two logical values, typically the values of two propositions, that produces a value of false if and only if the first operand is true and the second operand is false.
The truth table associated with the material conditional if p then q (symbolized as p → q) and the logical implication p implies q (symbolized as p ⇒ q) is as follows:
p | q | p ⇒ q |
F | F | T |
F | T | T |
T | F | F |
T | T | T |