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Revision as of 19:34, 13 January 2015 by Badmachine (talk | contribs) (#wikipedia-en-2012-01-20)
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Session Start: Fri Jan 20 15:34:31 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[15:34] * Santorum (~lol@unaffiliated/d-e-r-p/x-3722634) also in #wikipedia #wikinews #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #wikimania #wiki #ubuntu #tasvideos #Reddit #mediawiki #gaygeeks-asl #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##The_Thing ##politics ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf ##cremepuff222 has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[15:34] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | SOPA channel: #wikimedia-sopa�'
�03[15:34] * Set by wctaiwan!~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan on Thu Jan 19 10:49:37
[15:34] #wikipedia-en url is
�15[15:34] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) from #wikipedia-en ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[15:35] <Netalarm> haha YES
[15:36] <Netalarm> opening the file up in audacity and looking at the charts is mucheasier
�03[15:37] * AMadman is now known as AMadman_
[15:37] <tjf> hey
[15:37] <tjf> Mozilla webdev is doing an IAmA
�15[15:40] * Popcorn (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-commons Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
�03[15:41] * Santorum is now known as Smegma
[15:42] <juancarlos> Smegma: /part -help if you're going to be gross.
[15:42] <juancarlos> Or I'll remove you.
�06[15:42] * the_wub is away: I'm busy
�03[15:42] * Fluff|dogwalk is now known as Fluffernutter
[15:42] <juancarlos> the_wub: please turn off that script. Thanks!
�08[15:42] * Smegma snuggles with Fluffernutter.
[15:42] <Fluffernutter> ew
[15:43] <BarkingFish> Netalarm: you want some morse decoding? Meet me in PM and send me a copy of the files if you have them handy :)
�03[15:44] * Smegma is now known as d_e_r_p_a_l_i_c_
�03[15:44] * d_e_r_p_a_l_i_c_ is now known as derpalicious
�08[15:44] <derpalicious> juancarlos, in a bad mood?
[15:44] <juancarlos> No. I don't like smegma popping up while I'm helping a new user.
[15:44] <juancarlos> It's not professional at all.
[15:45] <tjf> what is Smegma?
[15:46] <tjf> i don't want to know do i
[15:46] <AMadman_> This is what Wikipedia is for.
�03[15:46] * AMadman_ is now known as AMadman
�15[15:46] * Netalarm (~Netalarm@TechEssentials/Netalarm) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[15:47] <Jeske_Merensky> tjf) It's a gunky substance that accumulates under one's foreskin or labia.
[15:47] <the_wub> juancarlos, sorry was just experimenting - I'm new to XChat. It's off now :)
[15:47] <juancarlos> no prob
[15:47] <tjf> Jeske_Merensky, ...oh
[15:48] <Jeske_Merensky> - Fat chance in hell they'd win a lawsuit
�03[15:49] * Popcorn (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[15:50] * Ks0stm (~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
�15[15:53] * Titoxd_ (~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
�03[15:53] * Ironholds (~f@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:54] <Peter-C> BarkingFish -
�03[15:55] * Maryana|lunch is now known as Maryana
�08[15:55] * derpalicious captures Peter-C
[15:55] <Peter-C> :(
�03[15:55] * StevenW (~swalling@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[15:56] <derpalicious> So yeah, i hacked a admin account pretty easily.
�03[15:57] * sDrewth ( from Australia also in #wikimedia-stewards has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[15:57] * sDrewth ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-stewards Quit (Changing host)
�03[15:57] * sDrewth (~sDrewth@wikisource/billinghurst) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:57] <Fluffernutter> which one would that be, derp
�03[15:58] * ceradon (~ceradon@wikipedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:58] <juancarlos> Zoe
�08[15:58] <derpalicious> Fluffernutter, not telling.
[15:58] <Popcorn> It was Fluffernutter's of course.
[15:58] <Popcorn> >_>
[15:58] <Peter-C> Fluffernutter - I think I passed CPR but I am not sure. Wanna impersonate me and call up the EMS class and asked if I apssed? :D
[15:58] <Fluffernutter> no
[15:58] <The_Thing>
�08[15:58] <derpalicious> Please, Peter-C, don't you do CPR
�08[15:58] <derpalicious> espically SEXY cpr.
�03[15:58] * Netalarm ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:58] <Peter-C> The cordinator scares me ;(
�15[15:58] * Netalarm ( from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[15:58] * Netalarm (~Netalarm@TechEssentials/Netalarm) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:58] <The_Thing> "I do a lot of pushups and situps, and I drink plenty of BAWLS"
�08[15:58] <derpalicious> Howdy The_Thing <3
[15:59] <Peter-C> I think Fluffernutter said yes :3
[15:59] <tjf> The_Thing, I got a geeky shirt :D
[15:59] <tjf> It says
[15:59] <The_Thing>
[15:59] <tjf> "There's no place like ::1"
[15:59] <harej> Bawls is the worst. Too sweet.
[15:59] <tjf> and I'm wearing it
�15[15:59] * fabriceferrer ( (France) from #wikipedia-fr #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[15:59] <tjf> the tag is annoying though
[15:59] <tjf> but I keep it because it's funny
[15:59] <harej> Fucking IPv6, how does it work?
[15:59] <Peter-C> You're wearing a shirt!?
�03[15:59] * Doc_glasgow (5208a887@wikimedia/Doc-glasgow) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[16:00] <derpalicious> harej, you need a tunnel :) or a backbone :)
�15[16:00] * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-ops Quit (Quit: Catch y'all later!)
[16:00] <quanticle> harej: No, Bawls is not the worst. Red Bull is the worst. Rockstar Lo-Carb is second worst. Monster is third worst. Bawls is fourth, if that.
[16:01] <Ironholds> quanticle: I thought you loved bawls?
�15[16:01] * balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: balrog)
[16:01] <Ironholds> or was all the bathroom graffiti lying to me?

Session Start: Fri Jan 20 16:02:31 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[16:02] * Santorum (~lol@unaffiliated/d-e-r-p/x-3722634) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[16:02] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | SOPA channel: #wikimedia-sopa�'
�03[16:02] * Set by wctaiwan!~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan on Thu Jan 19 10:49:37
�03[16:02] * Santorum (~lol@unaffiliated/d-e-r-p/x-3722634) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[16:02] Clones detected from unaffiliated/d-e-r-p/x-3722634:�8 derpalicious Santorum
Session Close: Fri Jan 20 16:02:31 2012
�15[16:02] * Santorum (~lol@unaffiliated/d-e-r-p/x-3722634) from #wrongplanet #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
[16:02] <quanticle> Ironholds: Me luv u long time
�15[16:03] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~)
[16:04] <Ironholds> quanticle: sucky sucky, ten dollah?
�03[16:04] * ahdaj (~lol@2001:0:5ef5:79fb:2c7e:13b7:b9cf:a1a1) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[16:04] * ahdaj (~lol@2001:0:5ef5:79fb:2c7e:13b7:b9cf:a1a1) from #wrongplanet #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)

Session Start: Fri Jan 20 16:02:31 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�11[16:02] * Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Jan 20 16:02:44 2012

Session Start: Fri Jan 20 16:04:11 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[16:04] * ahdaj (~lol@2001:0:5ef5:79fb:2c7e:13b7:b9cf:a1a1) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[16:04] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | SOPA channel: #wikimedia-sopa�'
�03[16:04] * Set by wctaiwan!~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan on Thu Jan 19 10:49:50
Session Close: Fri Jan 20 16:04:12 2012
[16:04] <Ironholds> you're the wrong ethnicity for that to work
[16:04] <Ironholds> I guess I could make some joke about calling you for tech support, but I don't have the energy
�08[16:04] <derpalicious> Ironholds, for a good time call sheniqua na fa fo fo fo na fa
�06[16:04] * Fluffernutter eyes this conversation
�03[16:04] * Prodego (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[16:05] <derpalicious> I approve of the block on Prodego's username.
[16:05] <quanticle> Indeed.
[16:05] <quanticle> Let's all go block Prodego.
[16:06] <AMadman> Kay.
[16:07] <Ironholds> derpalicious: I didn't know your name was sheniqua
[16:07] <Ironholds> urghhh this is a hideous headache
[16:07] <Prodego> too late, The Bushranger beat you to it
[16:07] <Fluffernutter> why are we blocking Prodego?
�03[16:07] * Voltorb ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[16:07] * Voltorb ( from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[16:07] * Voltorb (~Netalarm@TechEssentials/Netalarm) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[16:07] Clones detected from TechEssentials/Netalarm:�8 Netalarm Voltorb
�03[16:07] * IShadowed_ is now known as IShadowed
[16:08] <tjf> Fluffernutter, because he's Prodego
�08[16:08] <derpalicious> Fluffernutter, sockpuppetry and massive abuse.
[16:08] <Fluffernutter> oh, fair enough
�15[16:10] * Netalarm (~Netalarm@TechEssentials/Netalarm) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[16:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Because {{Prod}}ego
�03[16:13] * balrog_phone (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[16:14] * Prodego_ (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[16:14] Clones detected from wikipedia/Prodego:�8 Prodego Prodego_
�15[16:14] * Prodego_ (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #ubuntu #mediawiki #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##politics Quit (Excess Flood)
�03[16:15] * Prodego_ (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[16:15] Clones detected from wikipedia/Prodego:�8 Prodego Prodego_
�15[16:15] * Prodego (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #ubuntu #mediawiki #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##politics ##juliancolton Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
�15[16:16] * tegra (~tegra@gateway/tor-sasl/tegra) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
�15[16:17] * Thehelpfulone (~Helper@wikimedia/Thehelpfulone) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #mediawiki #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##juliancolton Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
�03[16:17] * Netalarm (~Netalarm@TechEssentials/Netalarm) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[16:17] Clones detected from TechEssentials/Netalarm:�8 Netalarm Voltorb
�03[16:19] * telegatto61 (~boobed@ from Italy has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[16:19] * UnknownFork ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[16:20] * Voltorb (~Netalarm@TechEssentials/Netalarm) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
�03[16:21] * ubuntin (~woo@ from United States also in #ubuntu has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[16:21] * Doc_glasgow (5208a887@wikimedia/Doc-glasgow) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: Page closed)
�15[16:22] * Netalarm (~Netalarm@TechEssentials/Netalarm) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
�15[16:22] * telegatto61 (~boobed@ (Italy) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
�03[16:24] * tdubellz (~tdubellz@freenode/staff/tdubellz) also in #Reddit #freenode #defocus has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[16:24] Clones detected from freenode/staff/tdubellz:�8 dubellz tdubellz
�03[16:24] * tdubellz is now known as Guest7661
�15[16:25] * UnknownFork ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #defocus Quit (Changing host)
�03[16:25] * UnknownFork (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/unknownfork) also in #defocus has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[16:27] * dubellz (~tdubellz@freenode/staff/tdubellz) from #wrongplanet #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia #ubuntu #Reddit #mediawiki #freenode #defocus Quit (Disconnected by services)
[16:27] <tjf> hey, i got huggle working on wine
[16:27] <tjf> slow but it works
�03[16:27] * Guest7661 is now known as dubellz
[16:27] <PeterSymonds> Don't drink and Huggle.
�03[16:28] * SteveMobile (~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #freenode has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[16:28] * SteveMobile (~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #freenode Quit (Client Quit)
[16:30] <Nascar1996> This user has been on Wikipedia for 2 years, 3 months and 2 days... Wow...
[16:30] <AMadman> I've been on Wikipedia for almost 8 years, I realized recently... :x
�06[16:30] * Peter-C pets PeterSymonds
[16:30] <AMadman> Though I haven't been active the entire time.
�03[16:30] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
�03[16:30] * eir sets mode: -bo *!*@unaffiliated/asfasf eir
[16:30] <Nascar1996> I wasn't active from November - January 2009.
[16:31] <PeterSymonds> Hello Peter-C.
�15[16:31] * AMadman (~madman@wikimedia/madman) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: I'm homeward bound!)
�03[16:32] * Steven_Zhang (~chatzilla@ from Australia has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[16:32] * Steven_Zhang (~chatzilla@ (Australia) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
�15[16:32] * erikhaugen (erikhaugen@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: erikhaugen)
�06[16:32] * Peter-C hands his EMT workbook to BarkingFish
[16:32] <Peter-C> do work for me! :D
[16:33] <BarkingFish> I would, but I'm busy as hell at the moment :)
�03[16:33] * Steven_Zhang (~chatzilla@ from Australia has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[16:34] * Steven_Zhang is now known as Guest37049
�03[16:34] * WilliamH_UK (WilliamH_U@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has left #wikipedia-en
�15[16:34] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Tired....)
�15[16:34] * Lara (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jennavecia) from #wikipedia-en ##dgaf Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
�03[16:38] * StevenW (~swalling@wikimedia/steven-walling) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia has left #wikipedia-en
�15[16:38] * ubuntin (~woo@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en #ubuntu Quit (Quit: Leaving)
�03[16:39] * balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[16:39] Clones detected from unaffiliated/balrog:�8 balrog_phone balrog
�08[16:40] * derpalicious sends 1 000 clowns to Peter-C's house.
[16:40] <Peter-C> :(
[16:40] <Peter-C> My next test is on handwashing
�03[16:40] * ty (~ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[16:40] <derpalicious> remember
[16:40] <Popcorn> Peter-C: Scrubbing in?
[16:40] <Peter-C> ?
[16:40] <Popcorn> Oh wait, you're a para.
�08[16:40] <derpalicious> you wet the hands, put soap on it, brush them against together to make foam, then use the bristle brush to clean between your fingernails
[16:40] <Popcorn> Not a doctor.
�08[16:41] <derpalicious> with the apporpriate soap.
[16:41] <Peter-C> It is an OSHA thing, not an OR thing
�08[16:41] <derpalicious> then rinse it all off.
�08[16:41] <derpalicious> then shut the fuck up
[16:41] <Peter-C> I have to wash my hands for 20 seconds up to the wrist
�08[16:41] <derpalicious> with HCL?
�15[16:43] * Ironholds (~f@wikipedia/Ironholds) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: argh, gotta run)
�15[16:43] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia #wikimania Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
�08[16:43] <derpalicious> Peter-C, what did the sea say to the shore?
�15[16:44] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) from #wikipedia-en ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[16:44] <Peter-C> IDK D:
[16:44] <tjf> admin, please block
[16:45] <tjf> PeterSymonds, ^ ?
[16:46] <PeterSymonds> Done by Mike Rosoft.
[16:46] <tjf>  oh
�15[16:46] * Fluffernutter (~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops ##dgaf Quit (Quit: shopping!)
�08[16:46] <derpalicious> Peter-C, nothing, it just waved.
�03[16:47] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:47] <Peter-C> O_o
�03[16:48] * raindrift (~Adium@ from United States also in #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[16:48] * raindrift (~Adium@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons #mediawiki Quit (Changing host)
�03[16:48] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) also in #mediawiki has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[16:49] * Resfirestar (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) also in #Reddit ##The_Thing ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[16:50] * DeltaQuad (~stfltcmd@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-ops has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[16:50] Clones detected from wikipedia/DeltaQuad:�8 DeltaQuad FAdmArcher
�03[16:52] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) also in #wikimedia-tech #mediawiki has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[16:53] * derpalicious throws icicles at Peter-C
[16:53] <Peter-C> GTFO WOMAN
�08[16:53] <derpalicious> Fluff|away is a woman.
�03[16:55] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) also in #wikimedia-ops has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[16:56] * Maryana will not gtfo :-p
�03[16:56] * jakr (~nofreewil@unaffiliated/jakr) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[16:56] * MoPac (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[16:57] * DeltaQuad is now known as DQ|sleep
�03[16:58] * kgorman-ucb ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[16:58] * WilliamH_UK (WilliamH_U@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[16:59] * heatherw_ (~hwalls@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #mediawiki Quit (Quit: heatherw_)
[17:00] <jakr> hello?
[17:00] <kgorman-ucb> y hello thurr
[17:00] <geniice> jakr ?
�03[17:00] * Deiz (~swh@unaffiliated/deiz) also in #wikipedia has left #wikipedia-en ("Leaving")
�15[17:00] * balrog_phone (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Bye)
[17:01] <jakr> can someone help tell me where to write a proposal about changing a type of articles
[17:02] <geniice> could you clarify what you mean?
[17:02] <geniice> what type of article?
�03[17:02] * MoPac|2 (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[17:02] Clones detected from gateway/tor-sasl/mopac:�8 MoPac MoPac|2
�03[17:02] * IShadowed ( from United States also in ##IShadowed ##dgaf has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[17:02] * IShadowed ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Changing host)
�03[17:02] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:03] <jakr> geniice, specifically say you visit an article about a disease
[17:03] <geniice> yes
[17:03] <tjf> okaaaay
[17:03] <jakr> geniice, i think that the image of that disease should be hidden but with the option to click (show)
[17:04] <tjf> There are three people editing one article, vandalizing, obvious socks
�15[17:04] * Guest37049 (~chatzilla@ (Australia) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[17:04] <tjf> SPI or just AIV?
[17:04] <jakr> because i find that many are offensive/disturbing to myself
�03[17:04] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:04] <tjf> TParis, you're an admin, right? :D
[17:05] <QueenOfFrance> he is
�03[17:05] * Netalarm ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[17:05] * Netalarm ( from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[17:05] * Netalarm (~Netalarm@TechEssentials/Netalarm) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:05] <tjf> three socks socking
[17:05] <tjf> SPI or just AIV?
[17:05] <geniice> jakr wikipedia is not censored
�15[17:06] * MoPac (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[17:06] <Jeske_Merensky> jakr) There are in-browser measures to prevent images you don't like from loading for you
[17:06] <jakr> {{Collapse top|title=image}}
[17:06] <QueenOfFrance> jakr: wikipedia isn't censored, so that's irrelevant
[17:06] <geniice> jakr	it has been considered many many times and the answer is no
[17:07] <jakr> geniice, ok where can i read the debate?
�15[17:07] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Quit: EEK! Yoshi! *flees*)
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[17:07] <TParis> tjf: Done
[17:07] <tjf> TParis, danke
[17:08] <rotatomel> hi
�03[17:08] * fabriceferrer ( from France also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:08] <geniice> jakr
[17:09] <jakr> geniice, thanks you
[17:09] <jakr> thank*
�03[17:09] * sDrewth is now known as sDrewthedoff
�03[17:10] * rotatomel ( from Argentina has left #wikipedia-en
[17:12] <TParis> tjf: I'm borderline about protecting that page but if anyone else shows up, I'll give it a few weeks of semi-protection
[17:13] <tjf> TParis, alright
�15[17:13] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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[17:14] <jakr> geniice, i see your point.  What is keeping an editor from adding all the shock site pictures to a relevent article like ??
�03[17:15] * TBloemink (~TBloemink@ from Netherlands also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #freenode #defocus has joined #wikipedia-en
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[17:16] <geniice> copyright
�15[17:17] * Grashoofd ( (Netherlands) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards Quit (Quit: Oogjes toe!)
[17:17] <TParis> Shouldnt meatspin be on the Shock Site article?
�03[17:18] * varnent ( from United States also in #mediawiki has joined #wikipedia-en
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[17:19] <jakr> geniice, would a screenshot of a website violate copyright?
�03[17:19] * telegatto61 (ThrashIRC@ from Italy has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:19] <kgorman-ucb> Yes.
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�03[17:20] * EyesIsServer is now known as EyesIsAsleep
[17:20] <jakr> TParis, look at the talk page
[17:21] <geniice> jakr yes
[17:21] <tjf> ehh
[17:21] <tjf>
[17:21] <tjf> edit war...
�15[17:21] * Prodego_ (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #ubuntu #mediawiki #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##juliancolton Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[17:21] <tjf> between an admin and an anon user...
[17:21] <geniice> TParis tubgirl should be. I even found some sources
[17:21] <tjf> I feel as if I have to report the admin too.
�08[17:24] <derpalicious> hmm, pasta OR pizza?
�03[17:24] * SpeakFree (~IceChat77@wikipedia/SpeakFree) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:24] <quanticle> Why not both?
�08[17:24] <derpalicious> pizza-ghetti?
�15[17:25] * RichardRoss ( (United States) from #wrongplanet #wikipedia-en #Reddit #freenode Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[17:25] <kgorman-ucb> Pizza is essentially spaghetti anyway
�15[17:26] * telegatto61 (ThrashIRC@ (Italy) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: 衹綔)
�08[17:26] <derpalicious> i have shredded swiss cheese, parmesan and oodles of noodles.
[17:26] <jakr> Jeske_Merensky, what in-browser measures were you refering to?
[17:26] <kgorman-ucb> You can turn off images in most modern browsers.
[17:27] <quanticle> derpalicious, the most delicious pizza I've ever had was a baked macaroni & cheese on a pizza pie.
�15[17:27] * MoPac|2 (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
�08[17:27] <derpalicious> yum
�03[17:27] * pir^2 (~PiRSquare@wikipedia/PiRSquared17) also in #wikimedia-stewards has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:27] <pir^2> TBloemink: what?
�08[17:28] <derpalicious> imma cook some bows with swiss cheese, I'll order garlic bread.
[17:30] <Peter-C> jorm is such a heavy metal dude :P
[17:30] <jorm> \m/
[17:30] <Peter-C>
[17:30] <Peter-C> stolen from jorm's FB :P
�15[17:30] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia #wikimania Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
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[17:40] <juancarlos> Good afternoon.
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�08[17:41] Clones detected from TechEssentials/Netalarm:�8 Netalarm Voltorb
[17:41] <Qcoder00> Is Ironholds around?
[17:42] <juancarlos> [ERROR]	No match for “ironholds”.
[17:42] <juancarlos> It doesn't appear so.
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�15[17:52] * bribroder (~bribroder@unaffiliated/bribroder) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[17:53] <BarkingFish> OMG. Have any of you guys seen this? This is someone on reddit's idea of what Wikipedia is gonna look like without donations...
[17:53] <BarkingFish>
[17:53] <BarkingFish> NSFW by the way :)
[17:54] <TAWX14> ...
[17:54] <Qcoder00> BarkingFish:  A word?
[17:54] <BarkingFish> If we get that many ads, heaven only knows what we'll be like.
[17:54] <BarkingFish> Sure, help yourself Qcoder00 :)
[17:55] <tjf> erm
[17:55] <tjf> wtf is going on?
[17:56] <TAWX14> vandalism?
[17:56] <tjf> TAWX14, I can't tell
[17:56] <TAWX14> idk
[17:56] <BarkingFish> tjf, I'd say that's vandalism.
[17:57] <juancarlos> unless larry is now lana
�15[17:57] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[17:59] <tjf> juancarlos, Larry is indeed now Lana.
�03[18:00] * Johnlong ( from Germany also in #wikipedia #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
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[18:14] <TAWX14>
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�03[18:22] * Ryulong (~user.ryul@wikimedia/Ryulong) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:22] <Ryulong> who broke the site
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[18:23] <Maryana> spinning loading wheel of death...
�03[18:24] * juancarlos changes topic to 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Spinning wheel of death ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | SOPA channel: #wikimedia-sopa�'
[18:24] <juancarlos> attribution: Maryana
�03[18:25] * Fredddie (~Eiddderf@wikipedia/Fredddie) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[18:25] <Fredddie> what is
[18:25] <Martijn_nothome> who keeps borking Wikipedia?
[18:25] <Fredddie> and why am I waiting for it
[18:25] <TAWX14> borking?
[18:25] <Maryana> juancarlos: :)
�03[18:26] * ty (~ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:26] <ceradon> any 'crats around?
[18:26] <TAWX14> 'crats?
[18:26] <TAWX14> You guys are confusing me with these words, lol
[18:26] <juancarlos> ceradon: crats don't come on irc very often
�03[18:26] * jakr (~nofreewil@unaffiliated/jakr) has left #wikipedia-en ("Leaving")
�06[18:26] * pakaran waves to ceradon
[18:26] <pakaran> what's up?
[18:26] <juancarlos> Fredddie: it's where the bits are located. like elements for the skin and so forth
[18:26] <TAWX14> :S
[18:26] <Fredddie> makes sense
[18:27] <TAWX14> What's wrong with Wikipedia?
[18:27] <ceradon> pakaran: nothing much
[18:27] <Fredddie> kinda silly that that of all things is holding everything up
[18:27] <pakaran> you wanted a crat?
[18:27] <tjf> Fredddie, reduces server load by using a CDN
[18:28] <ceradon> pakaran: Oh I thought you we're being friendly :P
[18:28] <juancarlos> FROM TECH: Problem at bits.wikimedia, skins are broken
[18:28] <tjf> How do we know who to blame
[18:28] <juancarlos> [15:28:01]	Eloquence	according to CT, load issues possibly caused by downtime in our European DC
�15[18:29] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[18:29] <tjf> The blamewheel says to blame the community
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�03[18:30] * eir sets mode: -bo *!*@* eir
[18:30] <tjf> It's everybody's fault.
[18:30] <Martijn_nothome> there was consensus to break it
[18:30] <Popcorn>
[18:31] <Fredddie> I don't get it
�03[18:31] * techman224 (~textual@Wikimedia/Techman224) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:32] <TAWX14> So........
[18:32] <TAWX14> What Wikiproject are you guys from?
[18:33] <Peter-C> Wiki Medicine <3
[18:33] <Peter-C> And youreself?
[18:33] <TAWX14> WPTC
�03[18:33] * guest5542 (625dd7e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:34] <TAWX14> Wikipedia project tropical cyclones ^
[18:34] <Peter-C> ?
[18:34] <Peter-C> ah
[18:34] <BarkingFish> en.wikipedia seems to be working perfectly well here, can't see any skin issues
[18:34] <TAWX14> Working fine now
[18:34] <Fredddie> and we're back
[18:34] <Fredddie> the rash cleared up
[18:34] <Peter-C> TAWX14 - is it fair to say you know a lot in general about weather?
[18:34] <Peter-C> or just cyclones?
�03[18:34] * juancarlos changes topic to 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | SOPA channel: #wikimedia-sopa�'
[18:34] <TAWX14> weather
�15[18:35] * UOJComm ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[18:35] <Peter-C> Is the storm that is going to hit NYC as bad as the weather man says?
[18:35] <tjf> no
[18:35] <TAWX14> Depends.
[18:35] <TAWX14> What is he calling for?
�03[18:36] * Voltorb is now known as Spotted_Netalarm
[18:36] <TAWX14> Ok, that's overreacting :P
[18:36] <Peter-C> He compared it to the Apaco Storm on October 2011
[18:36] <Fredddie> hobos don't have chainsaws
[18:36] <BarkingFish> Peter-C: Considering there are Winter weather advisories spread our for most of NY, I'd say something is coming
[18:36] <TAWX14> Probably around 3-6"
[18:36] <BarkingFish> s/our/out
[18:36] <Fredddie> they'd have sold it a long time ago for beer money
�15[18:36] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 10.0/20120111092507])
[18:37] <tjf> BarkingFish, advisories are nothing to worry about
[18:37] <Peter-C> The Apaco Storm was 2 inches
[18:37] <tjf> generally
[18:37] <Peter-C> and it did severe damage
[18:37] <Peter-C> It 100% overwhelmed our resources
[18:37] <tjf> ...two inches?
[18:37] <tjf> of snow?
[18:37] <Peter-C> yes
[18:37] <Fredddie> TWO INCHES OF DOOM
[18:37] <tjf> dude we got eight inches in less than 8 hours
[18:37] <Peter-C> It was because of the leaves on the tree
�15[18:37] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) from #wikipedia-en #defocus ##politics Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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[18:37] <Fredddie> I don't even get out the shovel for 2 inches
[18:37] <Peter-C> and the freezing/nofreezing conditions
[18:37] <tjf> and guess what
[18:37] <BarkingFish> well there's nothing higher than an advisory according to the NOAA right now, most issued around 2pm EST 1/20  due to expire around same time 1/21
�15[18:38] * foomandoonian ( (Great Britain) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-commons #defocus Quit (Quit: foomandoonian)
[18:38] <tjf> we're going to go out and get food
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[18:39] <TAWX14> New York will get somewhere around 3-7"
[18:39] <TAWX14> probably more on the higher side
[18:39] <Peter-C> Hmm, I need to go to NYC tomorrow....
[18:39] <Peter-C> Pondering canceling it
�06[18:39] * Peter-C lives in NJ
[18:40] <Peter-C> BarkingFish - Dude, I was handed serious BS
[18:40] <Peter-C> I cannot get my hours on ambulances anymore, I need to do clinicals
[18:40] <BarkingFish> TAWX14: Last advisory for North/South Winchester, Orange, Rockland and Putnam marks possibility of up to 6in
[18:40] <BarkingFish> that's out until 4pm EST tomorrow
[18:40] <tjf> Hey bep
[18:40] <tjf> Wanna do something for me?
[18:40] <BarkingFish> Peter-C: Seriously? Damn
[18:41] <Peter-C> I know, right!
[18:41] <TAWX14> Peter-C: A majority of the winter weather in New York City will occur in the morning hours
[18:41] <BarkingFish> That is crazy.  How much more experience can you get than being out on the road
[18:41] <BarkingFish> ?
[18:41] <Peter-C> I need to go in, in the morning :P
[18:41] <TAWX14> Gonna be a lot of traffic troubles...I'd cancel
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[18:41] <Peter-C> BarkingFish - One issue with getting ambulance hours is they are sparadic
[18:42] <bep> tjf: like what
[18:42] <BarkingFish> Yeah, but you should still be able to get them when you have the opportunity to
[18:42] <Peter-C> I would end up going to my station for over 24 hours to get 10 hours of ambulance time
[18:42] <tjf> bep, unhide a post on /r/IAmA
�15[18:42] * guest5542 (625dd7e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[18:42] <bep> linky poo
[18:42] <Peter-C> Yea, I wanna ask about that
[18:42] <tjf> Because apparently four isn't close enough to five in a request -_-
[18:42] <tjf>
[18:42] <BarkingFish> Can anyone give me the name of one of the boroughs that are part of NYC?
[18:43] <Peter-C> Manhattan
[18:43] <BarkingFish> thx
[18:43] <Peter-C> Statten Island
[18:43] <juancarlos> brooklyn
[18:43] <Peter-C> Bronx
[18:43] <Peter-C> Brooklyn
[18:43] <juancarlos> queens
[18:43] <Peter-C> woopd
[18:43] <bep> lol
[18:43] <bep> tjf: done
[18:43] <tjf> bep, <3 thx
[18:43] <bep> we're actually getting stricter about the rules. there are about 4 out of the 20 people there who do any bloody thing at all
[18:43] <BarkingFish> ok, yep, that's enough, I'm just looking for details on the NOAA for conditions within NYC itself
[18:44] <tjf> bep, what if I had *gasp* six?!
[18:44] <BarkingFish> Peter-C: I'd watch out, bits of NJ are in the firing line by the looks of it.
[18:44] <BarkingFish>
[18:44] <bep> I WOULD MURDER YOU
[18:44] <bep> only joking
[18:44] <bep> we set 5 and we need to stick to it
[18:45] <bep> because believe it or not, we do get twats who are like "why not only three? you let that guy with four through you nazi f***** n*****s!111"
[18:45] <TAWX14> There's 213 people in this chat...why do only a handful talk?
[18:45] <bep> and those are the nice replies
[18:45] <bep> TAWX14: there are 700 in #reddit, with a handful
[18:45] <Fredddie> ooh house is getting smoky
[18:45] <bep> and 1200 in #archlinux with a handful
[18:45] <TAWX14> why?
[18:45] <bep> it's called the Law of IRC
[18:45] <BarkingFish> TAWX14: maybe because most of the others can't get a word in sideways? :)
[18:45] <bep> more than a handful = chaos
[18:45] <bep> and people stop talking
[18:45] <Fredddie> smoking ribs, not burning the house down
�03[18:45] * Sven_Manguard (~~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:46] <Fredddie> otherwise I'd be all "afk: fire"
[18:46] <jorm> sure is quiet today.
[18:46] <Peter-C> BarkingFish - I will run around outside waiting for an emergency
[18:46] <jorm> might quiet.
[18:46] <bep> hallo jorm old bean
�15[18:46] * agk-away (~chatzilla@wikipedia/AGK) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: I flipped a three-sided coin; it came up 'no consensus'.)
[18:46] <Sven_Manguard> I'm not getting pages to load on Wikipedia, but the rest of the internet is fine. Anyone else having this issue?
[18:46] <tjf> Sven_Manguard, datacenter problems
[18:47] <TAWX14> Sven Manguard, I'll admit, your review of Colin hurt yesterday. :P
[18:47] <Sven_Manguard> Rewrite, resubmit.
[18:47] <Sven_Manguard> I didn't mean to make you feel bad, though. Sorry about that.
[18:48] <TAWX14> It's okay, I think you'll find Maria in a lot better shape.
[18:48] <TAWX14> I think I kinda rushed Colin.
�15[18:48] * Sir48 (~Sir48@ (Denmark) from #wikipedia-fr #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[18:49] <TAWX14> By the way, considering you seem to like the articles the project writes, here is our channel: #wiki-hurricanes
[18:49] <Sven_Manguard> oh wow
[18:50] <TAWX14> what?
[18:50] <ceradon> who is good at programming in python and familiar with Pywikipediabot?
[18:51] <TAWX14> What's the "oh wow" for?
[18:51] <Snowolf> ceradon: try #pywikipediabot -- more chances of finding that there
�15[18:51] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) from #wikipedia-en #defocus Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912])
[18:51] <juancarlos> snowolf is helpful
[18:52] <Fredddie> heh, there actually is a pywikipediabot channel
[18:53] <ceradon> Snowolf: Thanks
[18:53] <Fredddie> I like pointing people to fake channels, so I chuckle when the channel is real
[18:53] <Sven_Manguard> TAWX14: that you all have a chan
[18:54] <TAWX14> We've had one for years
[18:54] <pakaran> Fredddie, that SO sounds like an xkcd hobby, but i'd remember if it hadb een
[18:54] <pakaran> congrats on being creative
�15[18:54] * Johnlong ( (Germany) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia #ubuntu Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
�15[18:58] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: erikhaugen)
[19:00] <Martijn_nothome> night folks
�03[19:00] * joke-away ( from Canada also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:00] * Martijn_nothome (d97b0c6c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[19:00] <TAWX14> WPTC as a whole is trying to get Hurricane Andrew to a better status:
�03[19:00] * Johnlong (~johnlong@ from Anonymous Proxy also in #wikipedia #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:01] <TAWX14> Kinda dormant for now, but we're going to try to finish it before its anniversary (25th)
[19:01] <Fredddie> 1993, wasn't it?
[19:01] <TAWX14> No, 1992.
[19:02] <Sven_Manguard> Yeah, it was 1992. I /slept/ through that storm
[19:03] <Sven_Manguard> while it destroyed most of the area around me
[19:04] <Fredddie> We don't get hurricanes in the midwest
[19:04] <Fredddie> but we do get tornadoes!
[19:04] <tjf> Fredddie, thankfully
[19:05] <Fredddie> I think I'd rather have hurricanes over tornadoes
[19:05] <Fredddie> you get a few days to prepare
�06[19:05] * Peter-C shouts at the TV
[19:05] <Peter-C> INPROPER BVMing
[19:05] <tjf> Fredddie, At least tornadoes usually only affect a few blocks, if even
[19:05] <TAWX14> Hurricanes give you time to prepare, but you get the strong winds for hours and hours.
[19:05] <Fredddie> tornadoes you just have to stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye
�06[19:05] * Peter-C fails the TV medic on his CPR test
[19:05] <TAWX14> Tornadoes don't give you warning, and they're strong, but they're brief.
[19:06] <TAWX14> Of course, brief doesn't mean anything
�03[19:07] * barts1a ( from Australia has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:07] * barts1a ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[19:07] * barts1a (~barts1a@wikipedia/barts1a) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:08] <Fredddie> NWS is getting pretty good at tornado warnings
[19:08] <Fredddie> you get a good 15 minutes now
�03[19:08] * Sir48 (~Sir48@ from Denmark also in #wikipedia-fr #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:08] <BarkingFish> Fredddie: they're better at storm warnings than the Met office in the UK
[19:09] <barts1a> heh
[19:09] <BarkingFish> The last time someone contacted them and said they'd heard there was a Hurricane on the way, britain was assured there wasn't.
[19:09] <bep> OLO
[19:09] <bep> Michael Fish
[19:09] <bep> You magnificent bastard
[19:09] <BarkingFish> The next day, most of the UK got the arse ripped out of it by winds up to 110mph
[19:09] <tjf> Fredddie, At least 15 minutes
[19:09] <tjf> We usually get >1 hour
[19:09] <bep> "A lady has rung the BBC to ask if there's a hurricane on the way! Well if you're watching, don't worry; there isn't."
[19:09] <barts1a> lolol\
�03[19:10] * raindrift1 (~Adium@ from United States also in #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:10] * jorm_ (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) also in #wikimedia #mediawiki has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[19:10] Clones detected from wikimedia/jorm:�8 jorm jorm_
[19:10] <Fredddie> tjf: here, the watches start at least 5-6 hours before the super cells form
�15[19:11] * Maryana (~maryana@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
�03[19:11] * Maryana (~maryana@ from United States also in #wikimedia-tech has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:11] <Fredddie> then they start pinpointing the rotation and issue warnings as required
[19:11] <BarkingFish> Fredddie & barts1a  -
�15[19:12] * MC8 (~herpes@wikimedia/Microchip08) from #wikipedia-en #wikinews #mediawiki #freenode Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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�03[19:13] * jorm_ is now known as jorm
�15[19:13] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons #mediawiki Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
�15[19:14] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Quit: Bsadowski1)
�03[19:17] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) also in #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:17] * Titoxd_ (~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd) also in #wikimedia-tech has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[19:17] Clones detected from wikipedia/Titoxd:�8 Titoxd Titoxd_
�15[19:19] * Sven_Manguard (~~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243])
�03[19:20] * Resfirestar (sam@ from United States also in ##The_Thing ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:20] * Resfirestar (sam@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en ##The_Thing ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Changing host)
�03[19:20] * Resfirestar (sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:20] <barts1a> Question... can someone remove the notice of a block they are appealing like in this edit?
�03[19:22] * Johnlong_ ( from Germany also in #wikipedia #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:22] <TAWX14>
[19:22] <TAWX14> Imagine looking at that out your window
[19:23] <barts1a> anyone want to answer the question I asked?
�03[19:24] * TwinsMetsFan ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:24] <barts1a> Anyone...?
�15[19:24] * TAWX14 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/TropicalAnalystwx13) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 8.0.1/20111120135848])
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�03[19:25] * fabriceferrer ( from France also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:25] <geniice> anyone know anything about the NYT best seller list?
�03[19:25] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:25] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has left #wikipedia-en
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[19:27] <juancarlos> I know it exists.
[19:28] <juancarlos> and I peruse it on occasion.
[19:28] <barts1a> Question... can someone remove the notice of a block they are appealing like in this edit?
[19:28] <Peter-C> Hmm... I wanna make a phone call... but I don't want to
[19:28] <Peter-C> Who wants to make a call for me?
[19:28] <Peter-C> :D
�08[19:29] <derpalicious> Peter-C, to who?
[19:29] <Peter-C> My EMT class because I need to ask if I passed my CPR exam xd
[19:29] <barts1a> ... NOBODY wants to answer my question...?
[19:29] <Peter-C> I know I passed the test but not sure about the practical
�08[19:30] <derpalicious> Peter-C, use a relay call
[19:30] <Peter-C> ?
�08[19:30] <derpalicious> I'm not your fucking secretary.
[19:30] <Peter-C> Yes you are
�03[19:30] * Sven_Manguard (~~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[19:31] * derpalicious snuggles with Sven_Manguard.
[19:31] <barts1a> Question... can someone remove the notice of a block they are appealing like in this edit?
[19:31] <Peter-C> I would, *but* leave a note
[19:32] <Peter-C> wait what
�15[19:32] * balrog_phone (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Bye)
[19:32] <Peter-C> no
[19:32] <Peter-C> it is an honest mistake
[19:32] <Peter-C> do not do that D:
�06[19:32] * Peter-C just saw the edit dif and half paid attention
�03[19:32] * OverlordQ (~OvrLrd-Q@2001:470:1f05:54d::3) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #mediawiki has joined #wikipedia-en
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�15[19:33] * juancarlos (~killer@wikimedia/Killiondude) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia Quit (Quit: Tyger, tyger, burning bright)
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�11[19:34] * /dialog: 'Clone' name in use
�03[19:40] * Ryulong (~user.ryul@wikimedia/Ryulong) has left #wikipedia-en
�03[19:41] * LtNOWIS|food ( from United States also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:43] <LtNOWIS|food> Pet peeve: people using cite web instead of cite news.
�03[19:44] * Ironholds (~f@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:45] * Spotted_Netalarm is now known as Netalarm
�06[19:46] * Popcorn joins in between Sven_Manguard and derpalicious
[19:46] <Popcorn> COCK BLOCK
�03[19:46] * Prodego_ (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[19:46] Clones detected from wikipedia/Prodego:�8 Prodego Prodego_
�15[19:46] * Prodego_ (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #ubuntu #mediawiki #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##juliancolton Quit (Excess Flood)
[19:47] <barts1a> Who the heck...
[19:47] <Netalarm> addihockey of course
[19:47] <Sven_Manguard> Addihockey, Zalgo, no
�03[19:47] * Prodego_ ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:47] * Prodego_ ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #mediawiki #freenode ##juliancolton Quit (Changing host)
�03[19:47] * Prodego_ (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) also in #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #mediawiki #freenode ##juliancolton has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[19:47] Clones detected from wikipedia/Prodego:�8 Prodego Prodego_
�15[19:47] * Prodego_ (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #mediawiki #freenode ##juliancolton Quit (Excess Flood)
[19:47] <Sven_Manguard> I have no more paitience for this kind of thing, which is why I stopped coming to this channel.
�03[19:47] * Prodego_ (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[19:47] Clones detected from wikipedia/Prodego:�8 Prodego Prodego_
[19:48] <Titoxd_>
[19:48] <Titoxd_> o.O
[19:48] <Ironholds> Sven_Manguard: yes; this channel seems to be becoming increasingly immature
[19:48] <Netalarm> any mediawiki experts in here?
[19:48] <Ironholds> unfortunately cretiny is not a criteria for a kickban
[19:48] <Ironholds> Netalarm: try #mediawiki or #wikimedia-tech
�15[19:48] * Prodego (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #ubuntu #mediawiki #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##juliancolton Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[19:48] <Netalarm> Ironholds, of course i did... no one ever helps in there
[19:49] <barts1a> Titoxd: I think he's a photographer :P
[19:49] <Ironholds> Netalarm: probably not, then ;p
[19:49] <Netalarm> out of like the around 7 times i've asked a question, i only even got a response once
[19:49] <Snowolf> Netalarm: I've got responses to my questions in #mediawiki at least 70% of the times
[19:49] <Netalarm> O_O
[19:50] <Netalarm> teach me, master
�06[19:50] * tjf jumps on Netalarm
[19:50] <Netalarm> like when i asked how to remove a language code, i got a lecture on ISO639, and then the guys said they had no idea
[19:50] <Sven_Manguard> lol
[19:50] <Snowolf> o_O
�03[19:51] * fabriceferrer is now known as FistF-cking
[19:51] <Netalarm> he said it was against ISO-639's terms of use for me to be removing a language code from mediawiki -.-
[19:51] <Snowolf> What the...
[19:51] <tjf> Snowolf, tis true
�15[19:52] * Pederast ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #freenode #defocus Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
[19:52] <Netalarm> but anyway, i see that the wikipedia signup page has changed - it now has a grey shading
[19:52] <Netalarm> would anyone happen to know where that was set?
[19:52] <Titoxd_> Netalarm: which page?
�15[19:53] * balrog_phone (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Bye)
[19:53] <Netalarm> the signup page
�03[19:53] * FistF-cking is now known as fabriceferrer
[19:53] <Netalarm>
[19:53] <Titoxd_> Special:Userlogin
[19:53] <Snowolf> That box in the background?
[19:55] <Netalarm> you see how that page now has a grey background?
[19:55] <Netalarm> kinda fades out
[19:55] <Snowolf> On monobook I just see a badly designed box behind the box
[19:56] <tjf> me too
[19:56] <Netalarm>
[19:56] <Snowolf> Yeah on monobook it's broken
[19:59] <Titoxd_> it's #userlogin
[19:59] <Titoxd_> can't find where it is defined though
�03[19:59] * rosakoalaeinhorn ( from Germany has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[20:01] * UOJComm ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:01] <Titoxd_> monobook uses div#userloginForm
[20:01] <Titoxd_> form#userlogin2
[20:01] <Titoxd_> but I'd ask in VPT
�03[20:02] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:02] <Netalarm> erm anyone wanna help in -help
[20:02] <Netalarm> i've got 4 to myself -.-
�03[20:02] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has left #wikipedia-en
�15[20:03] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia #mediawiki Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[20:04] <Netalarm> hmm, surely there aren't that many css files on WP
�03[20:04] * Chenzw_ (~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:04] <Netalarm> ah, common.css
�03[20:08] * balrog_phone (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:08] * TAWX14 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/TropicalAnalystwx13) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:08] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@ from United States also in #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:08] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Changing host)
�03[20:08] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:09] <Ironholds> ahoy, GorillaWarfare
�03[20:09] * ayan_ (4723bb25@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:09] * JeffAndroIrcAFK (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:09] <GorillaWarfare> Heyo
�03[20:09] * Cats (4723bb25@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[20:09] Clones detected from gateway/web/freenode/ip.�8 ayan_ Cats
[20:09] <Popcorn> Hey GorillaWarfare :-)
[20:09] <Ironholds> how goeth is?
[20:09] <Ironholds> *it
[20:09] <Cats> hello
[20:09] <Popcorn> Hey Ironlungs
[20:10] <Cats> hey mohamed
�03[20:10] * Cats is now known as Guest9353
[20:10] <Ironholds> Popcorn, change the silly bloody nick
[20:10] <GorillaWarfare> Pretty good! Just got back from the Museum of Fine Arts
�15[20:10] * ayan_ (4723bb25@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
[20:10] <Guest9353> hey
[20:10] <GorillaWarfare> Time to go through the zillion photos I took :3
[20:10] <Ironholds> GorillaWarfare: heh. Fer commons?
[20:10] <Popcorn> Ironholds: :(
[20:10] <Guest9353> :x
�03[20:10] * MoPac|2 (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[20:10] Clones detected from gateway/tor-sasl/mopac:�8 MoPac MoPac|2
�06[20:10] * Popcorn is burnt by ironholds
[20:10] <GorillaWarfare> Ironholds: But of course
[20:10] <Guest9353> :x
�03[20:10] * balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[20:10] Clones detected from unaffiliated/balrog:�8 balrog_phone balrog
�03[20:10] * aden_ (4723bb25@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[20:10] Clones detected from gateway/web/freenode/ip.�8 aden_ Guest9353
[20:10] <Popcorn> Guest9353: :x
[20:10] <Ironholds> GorillaWarfare: I have managed to get an entire 2 photos on to wikipedia. And one is of me, so it doesn't count.
[20:11] <Popcorn> GorillaWarfare: Need help?
[20:11] <Guest9353> hwo can i change my name
[20:11] <Popcorn> Seriously, I'm a commons person.
[20:11] <Popcorn> Guest9353: /nick <newname>
[20:11] <Guest9353> thanks
[20:11] <GorillaWarfare> Popcorn: Most of the work is figuring out which are usable, honestly. My camera isn't great
[20:11] <GorillaWarfare> Thanks, though :]
[20:11] <Ironholds> wait, the hell! They've removed the other one
�06[20:11] * Ironholds goes to find it
[20:11] <Popcorn> Ironholds: LOL
[20:12] <GorillaWarfare> xD
[20:12] <Ironholds> wait, nope
[20:12] <Ironholds>
�15[20:12] * Maryana (~maryana@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[20:12] <Ironholds> we didn't have any photos of a wheellock. Hella-depressing.
[20:12] <Popcorn> 1250 AWB edits while I was sleeping
[20:12] <Popcorn> Hm.
[20:12] <Popcorn> >_>
�15[20:12] * aden_ (4723bb25@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
[20:12] <Guest9353> i still can't cahnge my name
[20:12] <Peter-C> BarkingFish -
[20:12] <Guest9353> help!!!
[20:12] <Popcorn> 9000 edits to go
[20:13] <Popcorn> Guest9353: Don't put the <> in there.
[20:13] <GorillaWarfare> I hope I'm not reflected in too many of the photos.. :S
[20:13] <Popcorn>  /nick NewName works
[20:13] <GorillaWarfare> Stupid museums, putting glass around everything
[20:13] <Popcorn> I hat ethat
[20:13] <Popcorn> At this one museum the alarm went off every 7 seconds :-P
�15[20:13] * MoPac (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[20:14] <Popcorn> It had original Titanic artifacts.
[20:14] <Guest9353> oh, ok
�03[20:14] * Guest9353 is now known as ayan300
�03[20:14] * ayan300 is now known as ayan6484
[20:14] <GorillaWarfare> Popcorn: I accidentally touched the side of this slightly raised wooden platform on which they put these carved chairss
[20:14] <GorillaWarfare> It beeped at me
[20:15] <Popcorn> lol
[20:15] <Popcorn> ayan6484: Happy? :-)
[20:16] <ayan6484> yes, i am happy
[20:16] <ayan6484> :P
�03[20:16] * Fredddie (~Eiddderf@wikipedia/Fredddie) has left #wikipedia-en
[20:16] <ayan6484> I MEAN :D
[20:17] <ayan6484> :), :P, :3, :(, :'(
[20:17] <GorillaWarfare> Popcorn: Questions
[20:17] <Popcorn> Answers!
[20:17] <GorillaWarfare> 1) If my camera isn't fantastic and the photos are somewhat grainy at high res, does it really make sense to upload them as such large files?
�15[20:18] * heatherw_ (~hwalls@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #mediawiki Quit (Quit: heatherw_)
[20:18] <GorillaWarfare> 2) How important is it to preserve the aspect ratio when cropping? For things like statues/etc, obviously paintings will just crop to the edges
[20:18] <Popcorn> Not really, but it's always good to keep the original on your computer in the case that we can improve it.
[20:18] <GorillaWarfare> Kk
�06[20:19] * Popcorn doesn't worry about aspect ratio - as said above, we can always ask you for the originals if there are any problems.
[20:19] <GorillaWarfare> Thank ya :]
[20:19] <Popcorn> N p
�15[20:20] * Netalarm (~Netalarm@TechEssentials/Netalarm) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #mediawiki Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:20] <Ironholds> urgh. I should do something productive.
[20:20] <ayan6484> HUH?
�15[20:21] * mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons Quit (Quit: leaving)
[20:21] <ayan6484> am i in the right place?
[20:21] <Ironholds> ayan6484: for what?
�03[20:21] * Netalarm ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:21] * Netalarm ( from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[20:21] * Netalarm (~Netalarm@TechEssentials/Netalarm) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:21] <ayan6484> I need help on knol
[20:21] <ayan6484> please help me!
[20:22] <Ironholds> ayan6484: then no.
[20:22] <ayan6484> Why?
[20:22] <ayan6484> isn this #knol?
[20:22] <Ironholds> well, firstly because Wikipedia is not gnol, and secondly because you are clearly a troll
[20:22] <Ironholds> now piss off before I have you kickbanned.
[20:22] <ayan6484> oops
[20:22] <Earwig> haven't we already banned you twice?
[20:22] <ayan6484> sorry, wrong palce
[20:23] <ayan6484> you piss of buttface
�15[20:23] * MoPac|2 (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
�15[20:23] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) from #wikipedia-fr #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #ubuntu #mediawiki #freenode #defocus Quit (Quit: Whatever doesn't kill you, will probably have another go later. (Xchat 2.8.8))
[20:23] <Peter-C> Has anyone seen Coriolanus?
[20:24] <Ironholds> Peter-C: he was behind the sofa last time I checked
[20:24] <Peter-C> ...
[20:24] <Peter-C>
[20:24] <Peter-C> This one
[20:24] <GorillaWarfare> Popcorn: Photoshopping out things like reflections of exit signs/lights: yea or nay?
[20:24] <Popcorn> GorillaWarfare: YAY
[20:25] <GorillaWarfare> Haha, cool. I promise I'm not miserable at photoshop
[20:25] <QueenOfFrance> You alr/abr ayan6484
[20:25] <Peter-C> USe GIMP!
�03[20:25] * ChanServ sets mode: +o QueenOfFrance
�03[20:25] * QueenOfFrance sets mode: +b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
�03[20:25] * ayan6484 (4723bb25@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en (requested by QueenOfFrance (you should know better))
�03[20:25] * QueenOfFrance sets mode: -o QueenOfFrance
�06[20:25] * Popcorn loves how GorillaWarfare thinks I know what I'm doing.
[20:25] <Popcorn> :-P
[20:25] <GorillaWarfare> Peter-C: I do, but "Gimping out" sounds a bit odd
[20:25] <GorillaWarfare> Haha, hey, more than me
[20:25] <Ironholds> Popcorn: well, she's sweet and naive
[20:25] <Peter-C> I cannot wait for BAttleship the movie
[20:25] <Popcorn> Meh. I just have a couple ten thousand edits related to commons
[20:25] <Peter-C> It will be hilarious
[20:26] <GorillaWarfare> THERE'S a description I don't get often
�15[20:26] * balrog_phone (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Bye)
[20:26] <Ironholds> GorillaWarfare: it's the only explanation!
[20:26] <Popcorn> Ironholds: You could buy me the foxhunting album.
[20:26] <Ironholds> Popcorn: I could, but why would I?
�06[20:26] * GorillaWarfare nods sagely
[20:26] <Popcorn> for something productive ;-)
[20:26] <Ironholds> that's not at all productive
[20:26] <Ironholds> plus, my brain? burnt
[20:27] <Ironholds> I've actually got a weekend off
�03[20:27] * LL2|Android (~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #mediawiki ##The_Thing has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[20:27] Clones detected from wikipedia/LikeLakers2:�8 LL2|JedIRC LL2|Android
[20:27] <Ironholds> this is because I am contractually prohibted from working more
[20:27] <Ironholds> this means my head is all melty and I cannot deal with thinking
�03[20:27] * balrog_ (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[20:27] Clones detected from unaffiliated/balrog:�8 balrog balrog_
[20:28] <Ironholds> and am having to explain things in stupid words
�06[20:28] * Popcorn freezes Ironholds's brain.
[20:28] <Ironholds> shut it, you
�06[20:28] * Popcorn shuts the freezer door.
�15[20:29] * balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
�03[20:29] * balrog_ is now known as balrog
[20:29] <Peter-C>
[20:29] <Peter-C> GorillaWarfare ^
�06[20:29] * Popcorn ignores the muffled cursing and threats coming from inside the freezer.
[20:29] <Peter-C> That is my test on Tuesday D:
[20:30] <Popcorn> lol
�03[20:30] * lilaaa (~himeyuuki@ from Bosnia Herzegovina has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:31] <GorillaWarfare> o.O
�15[20:31] * lilaaa (~himeyuuki@ (Bosnia Herzegovina) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
[20:31] <GorillaWarfare> Please pass
[20:31] <Popcorn> Peter-C: Will they swab your hands?
[20:31] <Peter-C> Can I cheat off you
[20:31] <Popcorn> or whatever
[20:32] <Peter-C> They will observe me washingmy hands
[20:32] <Popcorn> right, but will they swab them for bacteria after?
[20:32] <Popcorn> or spray
[20:32] <Peter-C> No
[20:32] <Popcorn> whatever it is.
[20:32] <Peter-C> (I meant to say that is all they do)
[20:33] <Popcorn> Peter-C: Chop your nails.
[20:33] <Popcorn> It'll be easier.
�03[20:33] * Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
[20:33] <Peter-C> I bite my nails down to nothing! :D
[20:33] <Peter-C> Fluffernutter - help me study for this -
[20:33] <Popcorn> that's gross.
�15[20:34] * raindrift1 (~Adium@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons #mediawiki Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:34] <Peter-C> Too bad :3
�15[20:36] * Johnlong_ ( (Germany) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia #ubuntu Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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�15[20:39] * IShadowed_ ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Changing host)
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�08[20:39] Clones detected from wikimedia/IShadowed:�8 IShadowed IShadowed_
�06[20:41] * Fluffernutter has so. much. mochi.
�03[20:42] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|ping
[20:43] <zscout370> :)
[20:44] <Popcorn> zscout370: itwiki is giving me thousands of edits.
�15[20:45] * UOJComm ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #mediawiki Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:46] <Snowolf> Whatcha ya doin' on itwiki
�06[20:46] * Snowolf is curious
�15[20:46] * Jayflux ( (Great Britain) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: (� ::� NoNameScript 4.22 ::� www.�� )�)
[20:47] <zscout370> Popcorn, I am not sure how that wiki is about going from blah to SVG
�03[20:47] * harej ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
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�15[20:48] * PhancyPhysicist ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[20:48] <Popcorn> Well, they approved me
[20:48] <Popcorn> :pP
[20:48] <Popcorn> (my bot)
[20:48] <Popcorn>
[20:50] <Snowolf> oh I see
[20:50] <GorillaWarfare> Whooo
[20:50] <GorillaWarfare> One photo uploaded
[20:50] <harej> Autorizzazioni? I love this language.
�03[20:51] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
[20:53] <Popcorn>
[20:59] <Popcorn> My gawd.
[20:59] <Popcorn> Someone on facebook complained that after I left them a message I "spammed" them
[20:59] <Popcorn> The same person who liked 43 items on my page
[20:59] <Popcorn> *facepalm*
�03[21:03] * Ktr101 (0cef31f2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
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�08[21:12] Clones detected from wikipedia/Prodego:�8 Prodego_ Prodego
�15[21:12] * Prodego (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #ubuntu #mediawiki #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##politics ##juliancolton Quit (Excess Flood)
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�15[21:14] * balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: balrog)
�15[21:14] * Prodego_ (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #ubuntu #mediawiki #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##politics ##juliancolton Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
�15[21:16] * Sir48 (~Sir48@ (Denmark) from #wikipedia-fr #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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�06[21:21] * Peter-C whips GorillaWarfare
[21:21] <Peter-C> UPLOAD
[21:21] <GorillaWarfare> I ammmm
[21:21] <Popcorn> Peter-C: ABUSE
�06[21:21] * Peter-C whips Popcorn too
[21:21] <Popcorn> Peter-C:
[21:21] <tjf> meh, I'm bored
�06[21:21] * Peter-C cried
[21:21] <tjf> What am I doing? Installing gentoo in a vm
[21:22] <tjf> why? because i've heard it's quite difficult
[21:22] <tjf> docs? fuck those.
�15[21:22] * Fifelfoo ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
�03[21:23] * Fifelfoo ( from Australia also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[21:24] * Ktr101 shoots Peter-C for hurting the GorillaWarfare
�15[21:24] * Thehelpfulone (~Helper@wikimedia/Thehelpfulone) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #mediawiki #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##juliancolton Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88-rdmsoft [XULRunner])
�06[21:24] * Ktr101 hugs the gorilla and gives her a banana
�06[21:24] * GorillaWarfare scuttles off
[21:24] <Popcorn> Ktr101: LOL.
[21:24] <Popcorn> SPI failure.
�06[21:24] * Peter-C issues Ktr101 a citation
[21:24] <Ktr101> dude, you just whipped a gorilla!
[21:25] <Ktr101> that's fucking animal abuse
[21:25] <Peter-C> Animal abuse < sexual harassment
[21:25] <Peter-C> You are worse than me! :D
�03[21:26] * kgorman-ucb ( from United States has left #wikipedia-en
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[21:29] <Ktr101>
�15[21:29] * Resfirestar (sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en ##The_Thing ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:32] <harej> ...I don't have Photoshop. Sadface :(
[21:32] <harej> Not on this computer, at least.
[21:33] <Ironholds> ugh, I need to do my scholarship application
[21:33] <Ironholds> tomorrow, mebbe
�15[21:33] * engla_ (~engla@wikipedia/Sverdrup) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
�03[21:33] * Sir48 (~Sir48@ from Denmark also in #wikipedia-fr #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
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�08[21:34] Clones detected from�8 varnent varnent_
�15[21:35] * zscout370 (~Kagami@wikipedia/Zscout370) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-commons Quit (Quit: Leaving)
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�08[21:37] Clones detected from Wikipedia/Headbomb:�8 Headbomb Headbomb_
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[21:39] <Ktr101> Ironholds: wikimania?
�15[21:39] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech ##dgaf Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
�03[21:39] * Headbomb_ is now known as Headbomb
[21:40] <Ironholds> Ktr101: indubitably
[21:41] <Ironholds> in the meantime I shall write a blogpost. It has a further reading section, I am that wikipedian.
[21:41] <Ktr101> heh
[21:42] <kylu> Ironholds: are you including references for any assertions?
�15[21:43] * Fifelfoo ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
[21:43] <Ironholds> kylu: no, no I am not
[21:43] <Ironholds> I am sorta 2005-era wikipedian
�03[21:43] * swarfega|away ( from United Kingdom has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:43] * swarfega|away is now known as swarfega
�03[21:44] * Fifelfoo ( from Australia also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:44] <Ktr101> Ironholds: ah, the good 'ol days
[21:46] <tjf> Ktr101, My band directors told us what show we're playing next year :D
[21:46] <Ktr101> nice
�03[21:48] * Nascar1996 ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
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�08[21:49] Clones detected from�8 Thayora Thayora_
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[21:50] <LtNOWIS|food> What's worse than citing IMDb?
[21:50] <Ironholds> heh
[21:51] <Ironholds> LtNOWIS|food: not citing anything
[21:51] <LtNOWIS|food> having your entire reference be []
[21:51] <LtNOWIS|food> without a specific page
[21:51] <Ironholds> that would also be worse, yes.
�15[21:51] * Thayora ( (Spain) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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�03[21:52] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) also in #wikimedia #mediawiki has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[21:53] * Nascar1996 yawns.
[21:57] <Popcorn> Ironholds: I'm in your wiki, pwning your recent changes.
�03[21:58] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:59] * Pederast ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:59] <Pederast> pederast here
�15[22:01] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia #mediawiki Quit (Quit: jorm)
[22:02] <Ironholds> Popcorn: uhh. okay.
[22:02] <Pederast> ?
[22:02] <Ironholds> Pederast: how's trollin? going well?
[22:02] <Pederast> what?
�03[22:02] * balrog_phone (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[22:02] * MJ94 is now known as BandwagonsSuck
�15[22:03] * Fifelfoo ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
[22:03] <Ironholds> wooh, I get 800 quid tomorrow
�03[22:03] * SigmaWP ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[22:03] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:03] <pakaran> Pederast, do you really think that a community devoted to the largest encyclopedia in the world is incapable of looking up your name, for those of us who didn't already know the meaning?
[22:03] <SigmaWP> Hell yeah
[22:04] <pakaran> nice, ironholds
[22:04] <Pederast> My name?
[22:04] <SigmaWP> So what did I just agree with
[22:04] <wctaiwan> Hi, SigmaWP
[22:04] <pakaran> no, the name of the pederast behind you.
[22:04] <Ironholds> pakaran: I love getting paid
[22:04] <Ironholds> pakaran: hahah. 1 internet for you, sir.
�03[22:04] * Fifelfoo ( from Australia also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:04] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Hi
[22:04] <Pederast> There is nothing wrong with my name.
[22:04] <Ironholds> hey, SigmaWP
[22:04] <Ironholds> do you want to keep arguing about SOPA? ;p
[22:04] <SigmaWP> Ironholds: hi
[22:04] <Popcorn> wctaiwan:
[22:04] <Popcorn> :-D
�03[22:04] * DQ|sleep is now known as DeltaQuad
[22:04] <tommorris> NAMBLA is *that* way.
�06[22:04] * tommorris points to #wikimedia-commons
[22:05] <wctaiwan> O_o
[22:05] <wctaiwan> Pederast: change your nick please? I find it unnecessarily provocative.
[22:05] <Ironholds> tommorris: I still think we should petition to get the NRA renamed BAMBLA
[22:05] <Pederast> Change your nick.
[22:05] <tommorris> !ops trolling troll may just be trolling
[22:05] <Pederast> !ops people are being mean to me
[22:05] <Ironholds> Pederast: let us rephrase. Change your nick or I shall summon daemons to forcibly boot you in the jacksie
[22:06] <Ironholds> I appreciate that having things shoved in your jacksie is probably perfectly welcome.
[22:06] <Pederast> lube or no lube?
[22:06] <SigmaWP> While you're here, ops, you can all clean CSD.
[22:06] <Shirik> who said an op is an admin
[22:06] <Ironholds> SigmaWP, not all ops are admins and not all admins are ops.
[22:06] <SigmaWP> Oh.
[22:06] <SigmaWP> Hmph.
�03[22:06] * Jeske_Merensky is now known as Jeske|Away
[22:06] <tommorris> that said, even though it's 3am and I should be asleep, I'll have a gander at CSD
�03[22:06] * Jeske|Away is now known as Jeske_Merensky
[22:06] <Ironholds> tommorris: SLEEP
[22:07] <log> Ironholds: You should talk. ;P
[22:07] <SigmaWP> Ironholds: isnt it like 5 AM in the UK?
[22:07] <tommorris> what the fuck, it's full of shit
[22:07] <SigmaWP> You can thank me
[22:07] <APexil> It's only 3 am
[22:07] <APexil> What are you, his mum?
[22:08] <Pederast> so
[22:08] <Pederast> we all good here?
[22:08] <Pederast> no problems?
[22:08] <wctaiwan> No, I'd still like you to change your nick.
[22:08] <SigmaWP> What is a pederast anyway
[22:08] <Pederast> I'd like a pony.
�03[22:08] * BandwagonsSuck is now known as MJ94
[22:08] <wctaiwan> look it up, SigmaWP
[22:08] <Pederast> Don't think I'll get one.
[22:08] <tommorris> sigh, since when did "lead and supporting roles in numerous television and film productions" count as an example of not credibly indicating the importance or significance of an article?
[22:08] <tommorris> Shit CSD tagging sure is shit.
[22:08] <wctaiwan> log: are you an op here?
[22:09] <log> Yes.
[22:09] <Pederast> you don't get to call ops just because i'm not doing as you wish.
[22:09] <Pederast> i have broken no rules.
[22:09] <SigmaWP> Oh.
[22:09] <bep> log is an op?
[22:09] <SigmaWP> Pederast: Change your nick or I'll nuke you
�06[22:09] * bep performs sexual favours
[22:09] <wctaiwan> It's an inappropriate and needlessly offensive username.
[22:09] <Pederast> i'd rather not get nuked.
[22:09] <Pederast> howerver, i have used this nick for years
[22:09] <SigmaWP> Pederast: So?
[22:09] <QueenOfFrance> bep: please.
[22:09] <bep> [03:07:02] <SigmaWP> Ironholds: isnt it like 5 AM in the UK?
[22:09] <Pederast> So it is my identity
[22:09] <Pederast> and I will not be stripped of my identity
[22:10] <bep> QueenOfFrance: you will have to wait your turn, your Majesty.
�06[22:10] * wctaiwan sighs
[22:10] <SigmaWP> Pederast: Then I guess you'll be leaving
[22:10] <QueenOfFrance> Wasn't meant that way, I'm asking you to keep it family friendly.
[22:10] <wctaiwan> whatever. If the ops won't take action, it's their call.
�03[22:10] * Lara (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jennavecia) also in ##dgaf has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:10] <Pederast> So, what I miss in wikiaction?
[22:10] <SigmaWP> Everyone quickly convert to speaking in jargon :D
[22:10] <bep> QueenOfFrance: really now? I haven't seen this channel be family friendly before o.o new policy?
�06[22:10] * Peter-C cried on GorillaWarfare
[22:10] <Ironholds> Bendersgame: err. no? it's 3am
[22:10] <Peter-C> I want ICS :'(
[22:10] <harej> SigmaWP: CAFE standards got me dizzy. Fuck those ALJs!
[22:11] <Pederast> buy an iPhone
�15[22:11] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~)
[22:11] <Ironholds> sorry, bep
[22:11] <Ironholds> hey, woogie!
�06[22:11] * wctaiwan gives Peter-C an eclair to cheer him up
[22:11] <wctaiwan> congratulations, downgrade :P
[22:11] <Peter-C> O_o
[22:11] <bep> Ironholds: i know
[22:11] <Lara> Hey Irony!!
[22:11] <bep> Ironholds: why are *you* up
[22:11] <Ironholds> bep: I'm writing a blog post about how coffee and revolution is the source of all copyright law
[22:11] <wctaiwan> (are)
�06[22:11] * SigmaWP blames capitalists again
[22:12] <Ironholds> wctaiwan: no, the combination of coffee and revolution as a single unit is the source
[22:12] <Ironholds> they're not each individually sources.
[22:12] <Ironholds> so it's singular.
[22:12] <bep> Ironholds: how very pleasant
�15[22:12] * balrog_phone (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Bye)
[22:12] <wctaiwan> SigmaWP: I challenge you to release all your contributions to PD
[22:12] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: actually it's not down to capitalism, it's down to the emergence of a nascent public sphere at the same time as political parties
[22:12] <bep> Ironholds: wasn't it cold today
[22:12] <Ironholds> it's genuinely quite remarkable. Without that conflux of events we might never have developed copyright - or we would certainly have developed it much later.
[22:12] <Peter-C> tommorris - FB make me freind you D:
[22:12] <Pederast> Actually it is because intectual property is the same as physical property
[22:12] <Ironholds> bep: not really
[22:13] <Pederast> it belongs to who created it
[22:13] <Ironholds> Pederast: wrong.
[22:13] <Pederast> people like you want everything for free
�15[22:13] * ceradon (~ceradon@wikipedia/Ceradon) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[22:13] <Ironholds> ahh, more trolling
[22:13] <Pederast> people like you are, frankly, scum
�03[22:13] * ChanServ sets mode: +o SpitfireWP
�03[22:13] * SpitfireWP sets mode: +b *!*
�03[22:13] * Pederast ( from United States also in #freenode #defocus has left #wikipedia-en (requested by SpitfireWP (do not disrupt this channel))
�03[22:13] * ChanServ sets mode: -o SpitfireWP
[22:13] <SigmaWP> fair enough
[22:13] <wctaiwan> thanks.
[22:13] <bep> Ironholds: it was cold, but not as cold as wednesday
[22:13] <SigmaWP> Yay
[22:13] <Ironholds> SpitfireWP: kickban, not just kick?
[22:13] <bep> fuck me that was
[22:13] <bep> chilly
[22:13] <log> Ironholds: He did.
[22:13] <Ironholds> bep: it wasn't particularly cold, actually
[22:13] <bep> Ironholds whaaaaaaat
[22:13] <bep> where were you
[22:13] <Ironholds> bep: suburban London
[22:13] <bep> oh, you're in the big heat
[22:14] <Ironholds> Lara: argh. I had something to tell you, but I can't remember what it was.
[22:14] <Ironholds> bep: a misnomer. You get urban channelling in cities
[22:14] <Ironholds> (this is what comes from having an ex who is a geologist. Lots of interesting terminology about wind and rock formation)
[22:14] <SigmaWP> Geologist :O
[22:14] <bep> Ironholds: surely though, London is slightly warmer in the centre than the edges
[22:14] <wctaiwan> SigmaWP: say the c-word and I'll strangle you alive >.>
[22:15] <SigmaWP> COMMUNISM :O
[22:15] <wctaiwan> lol :P
�15[22:15] * Laura|Away (~LauraHale@wikipedia/LauraHale) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikinews #wiki Quit (Quit: popples sleep!)
�15[22:16] * DeltaQuad (~stfltcmd@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Quit: Clear cache)
[22:18] <wctaiwan>
�03[22:18] * Resfirestar (~sam@ from United States also in #Reddit ##The_Thing ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[22:18] * Resfirestar (~sam@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #Reddit ##The_Thing ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Changing host)
�03[22:18] * Resfirestar (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:19] <Peter-C> That awkward moment when -
[22:19] <Peter-C>
�06[22:20] * Nascar1996 hates when you forget login credentials. :/
[22:20] <Ironholds> Peter-C: you know, we have internet access too
[22:20] <harej> Yyyyyikes!
[22:20] <Ironholds> this means we can find stupid jpegs without your help!
�06[22:20] * Ironholds pats Peter-C on the head
[22:20] <Peter-C> {{cn}}
[22:20] <tjf> Nascar1996, protip: don't remember them in the first place.
[22:20] <tjf> best passwords are the passwords you don't know
�15[22:20] * fabriceferrer ( (France) from #wikipedia-fr #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:20] <Nascar1996> It is better to right them down...
[22:20] <tjf> as opposed to wrong them up?
[22:21] <tjf> "wrong them up" sounds like a sexual term
[22:21] <SigmaWP> Of course you would think that
�03[22:21] * Jonadin ( from United States also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:21] <Nascar1996> write.... I'm tired...
[22:22] <tjf> if you record them somewhere, record them somewhere encrypted
[22:22] <geniice> Nascar1996	what irritates me  about passwords are the completely unnecessary ones
[22:22] <SigmaWP> Which makes recording them totally useless
[22:22] <tjf> with a password you can remember, and a key on a different drive
[22:22] <SigmaWP> Oh
�15[22:22] * Fifelfoo ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
[22:22] <Nascar1996> Ugh.
[22:22] <geniice> Nascar1996	all the lab computers have passwords for example. What they heck are they worried about? Someone will sneak in and run a quick XRF?
�03[22:22] * boylove (~blankc@ from Germany also in #ubuntu #freenode has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:23] <Nascar1996> This requires a password, similar to Wiki.
�03[22:23] * ceradon (~ceradon@wikipedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[22:23] * ChanServ sets mode: +o QueenOfFrance
�03[22:23] * QueenOfFrance sets mode: +b *!*@
�03[22:23] * boylove (~blankc@ from Germany also in #ubuntu #freenode has left #wikipedia-en (requested by QueenOfFrance (you should know better))
�03[22:23] * QueenOfFrance sets mode: -o QueenOfFrance
[22:23] <geniice> its not as if the computers are ever normaly loged out in any case
[22:23] <SigmaWP> Wom wom wom wom wom
�15[22:23] * Sven_Manguard (~~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-commons Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243])
[22:23] <Ironholds> anyone here speak spanish?
[22:24] <Nascar1996> Ah, I figured it out! :-)
�03[22:24] * Fifelfoo ( from Australia also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[22:25] * SigmaWP_ (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[22:25] Clones detected from wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma:�8 SigmaWP SigmaWP_
[22:25] <Nascar1996> Many people are getting banned tonight.
[22:25] <Shirik> not really
[22:26] <SigmaWP_> Bleaurhgh
�15[22:26] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Disconnected by services)
[22:26] <GorillaWarfare> Oh sweet water
�03[22:26] * SigmaWP_ is now known as SigmaWP
[22:26] <Popcorn> Ironholds: What do you need?
�15[22:26] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:26] <Nascar1996> More than normal, IMO.
[22:26] <Ironholds> Popcorn: Fluff|ping needs it
[22:27] <Popcorn> Ironholds: -stewards or -es is her best bet.
[22:27] <Ironholds> Popcorn: then bloody tell her that, she's in the channel
�06[22:27] * Popcorn bloodily tells Fluff|ping that.
[22:28] <APexil> I hope you have a mop
�06[22:28] * GorillaWarfare cleans up the blood
[22:28] <APexil> That blood won't clean itself up
[22:28] <APexil> Oh, good.
[22:29] <tjf> GorillaWarfare, are you wearing gloves?
[22:29] <Popcorn> APexil: I don't have a mop no. Feel free to nom me.
�06[22:29] * tjf omnomnomnoms Popcorn 
[22:29] <APexil> tjf: Mops have long handles for a reason
[22:29] <Popcorn> GorillaWarfare - that's Peter-C's job
�06[22:29] * GorillaWarfare takes her janitorial powers too seriously
[22:29] <SigmaWP> APexil: If you nom him let me know so i can oppose :P
[22:29] <Popcorn> SigmaWP: __|__
[22:29] <tjf> ,,|,, ftfy
[22:29] <SigmaWP> Why yes, there is a cross section of a wall in my house.
[22:30] <Peter-C> Aparently cleaning up dead bodies is also in my scope of practice too
[22:30] <APexil> SigmaWP: OK
[22:30] <Peter-C> Did you know that AIDS does not live in bodily fluids until it dries up?
[22:30] <Popcorn> Peter-C: Don't get blood on your nerd glasses :-P
�03[22:30] * sonia (895cb04e@wikipedia/sonia) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:30] <SigmaWP> sonia: :D
[22:30] <tommorris> Peter-C: you mean HIV, right?
�06[22:30] * Popcorn waves to the sonia
[22:30] <Peter-C> HIV lives for 35 days
[22:30] <Peter-C> Wait
[22:30] <GorillaWarfare> Peter-C: As in, HIV waits until the bodily fluids are dry?
[22:30] <Peter-C> Woops
[22:31] <Peter-C> Blah, yes, correct
[22:31] <SigmaWP> :O
[22:31] <sonia> hai
�06[22:31] * Peter-C is tired from 15 hours of sleep this week
[22:31] <SigmaWP> Peter-C: Take an eternal bath and you're safe, then
[22:31] <tjf> that would make AIDS much less dangerous
[22:31] <tjf> would it not?
�03[22:31] * funnyfarm299 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:31] <Peter-C> HepB lives for 35 days
[22:31] <SigmaWP> funnyfarm299: Hey
[22:31] <Peter-C> When the fluid dried up, the HIV dies
[22:31] <SigmaWP> funnyfarm299: Wait for ten fucking minutes before tagging A3.
[22:31] <SigmaWP> funnyfarm299: It's against the rules to do otherwise.
�06[22:32] * SigmaWP melts funnyfarm299 with his eyes
�15[22:32] * ceradon (~ceradon@wikipedia/Ceradon) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-commons Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
�15[22:32] * Fifelfoo ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
�06[22:32] * APexil harnesses SigmaWP's eyes as a powerful new energy source
�06[22:32] * GorillaWarfare sighs
�06[22:32] * tommorris accepts Peter-C's friend request, goes and 'likes' all the people who trolls his posts
[22:32] <GorillaWarfare> Museums need to cut down on reflective things
[22:32] <funnyfarm299> Let's play a game. Figure out the reason to delete this
[22:33] <Peter-C> GorillaWarfare - I thought you were sighing because you touched dried HepB blood because you thought you would be ok
[22:33] <APexil> funnyfarm299: Vigilance.
[22:33] <GorillaWarfare> That too
�03[22:33] * DeltaQuad (~stfltcmd@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-ops has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[22:33] Clones detected from wikipedia/DeltaQuad:�8 DeltaQuad FAdmArcher
[22:33] <GorillaWarfare> Wait, now I'm confused... AIDS? HIV? HepB?
�03[22:33] * Fifelfoo ( from Australia also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:34] <APexil> It's in the blood! You're going to die!
[22:34] <sonia> tommorris: good call
[22:34] <sonia> also, GorillaWarfare <3
�06[22:34] * GorillaWarfare glomps the sonia
�03[22:34] * ceradon (~ceradon@wikipedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:35] <sonia> :3
[22:35] <Peter-C> get a room!
[22:36] <sonia> Peter-C: you say that to me no matter who I maul!
[22:36] <APexil> Maybe you should stop mauling people
[22:36] <sonia> (actually I got told that irl here at this conference heh)
[22:36] <Peter-C> ^
[22:36] <Peter-C> O_o
[22:36] <Peter-C> Did you get a room?
[22:37] <sonia> nope.
[22:37] <APexil> Nice
[22:37] <sonia> I wasn't doing anything :-P
[22:37] <sonia> Just declared someone my personal hero
[22:37] <Peter-C> - play this in your room alone at night, it is creepy as fuck D:
[22:37] <sonia> and he declared me his personal hero
[22:37] <sonia> and everyone was like "aww"
[22:38] <APexil> Maybe they were being preemtive?
[22:38] <wctaiwan> Peter-C: join the Junior Anti-sex League.
[22:39] <Peter-C> O_o
[22:39] <sonia> wctaiwan: is that from 1984? o_O
[22:39] <wctaiwan> yes.
[22:39] <wctaiwan> :P
[22:39] <sonia> heh
[22:39] <Peter-C> hey, GorillaWarfare, your a woman right?
[22:39] <sonia> Peter-C should join that league for the safety of women everywhere
[22:39] <GorillaWarfare> Peter-C: You're*, and yes
[22:39] <sonia> APexil: it was also very clear by that point that I had a significant other who was not at the conference :p
[22:40] <wctaiwan> ...okay wait what?
�15[22:40] * Resfirestar (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #Reddit ##The_Thing ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:41] <wctaiwan> log: don't direct people to RDQ for things RDQ isn't suited for -_-
[22:41] <wctaiwan> err,
[22:41] <wctaiwan> RD*
�06[22:41] * kylu shivers, hides behind sonia from the cold.
[22:41] <funnyfarm299> GAH! There's over 225 AFC submissions.
�06[22:41] * DeltaQuad was pinged
[22:41] <log> wctaiwan: I thought that RD was for anything other than medical or legal advice.
[22:41] <SigmaWP> Nonsense
[22:41] <APexil> sonia: o_O
�06[22:42] * sonia wraps warm fluffy blankie around the kylu , kidnaps her to Canberra where it is Way Too Warm
[22:42] <kylu> deal!
�03[22:42] * foks ( from Australia has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[22:42] * foks ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops ##dgaf Quit (Changing host)
�03[22:42] * foks (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) also in #wikimedia-ops ##dgaf has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:42] <sonia> actually prolly not by your standards
[22:42] <sonia> it's only like 85 fahrenheit max
[22:43] <kylu> ah, that's warm, just not hot.
[22:43] <wctaiwan> log: they're not a cesspool. If Google / whatever is likely to work better, it's more helpful to the helpees and the RD volunteers to just direct them to those places. IMO anyway.
[22:43] <kylu> sauna's hot, sit in there for an hour at 160 fahrenheit and that's some heat.
[22:43] <sonia>
[22:43] <log> wctaiwan: That's not our job.
[22:44] <kylu> 22F (-6C) outside, about 42F where I'm sitting a few feet away from it.
[22:44] <sonia> right.
[22:44] <funnyfarm299> I read this username SO WRONG User talk:Thegolfersexchenge
[22:44] <kylu> also, sleet outside.
[22:44] <Nascar1996> o.O
[22:44] <sonia> fun.
[22:44] <kylu> tigress woods. :D
[22:44] <sonia> we're just having intermittent thunderstorms
[22:44] <wctaiwan> log: Editing wikipedia isn't our job either. Do what is helpful, don't pass the buck.
[22:44] <Peter-C> Money is also welcome though
[22:45] <Peter-C> Tips especially
[22:45] <wctaiwan> Tigress Woods xD
[22:45] <log> wctaiwan: Fine, "role" in the context of the channel. You know what I mean.
[22:45] <APexil> Sounds sexy
[22:45] <sonia> just help out
[22:45] <tjf> log, I <3 bittorrent
[22:46] <tjf> It takes me under 5 minutes to download a 400 mb file
[22:46] <Peter-C> MY SKIN IS SO CRACKED
[22:46] <Peter-C> GAH
[22:46] <wctaiwan> I know what you're saying, log. I'm just saying, assuming RD is short on helpers as -en-help is, it's going to be more helpful to recommend google or whatever, thereby reducing the workload at RD and reducing the time it takes for the helpees to get whatever they want.
[22:46] <log> tjf: BitTorrent is a wonderful protocol, yes.
[22:46] <tjf> I'm downloading arch linuc
[22:46] <tjf> linux
[22:46] <log> Why would you do that?
[22:46] <Peter-C> tjf - I am installing it now :D
[22:46] <wctaiwan> funnyfarm299: experts-exchange was called expertsexchange until a few years ago :P
[22:46] <tjf> log, why not?
[22:47] <tjf> Peter-C, bittorrent or arch?
[22:47] <Peter-C> Arch
[22:47] <log> Because there are better distros out there.
[22:47] <wctaiwan> whoo distro war.
[22:47] <kylu> ohgodreligiouswar
[22:47] <tjf> log, because it's apparently hard to install
�06[22:47] * Peter-C draws a knife
[22:47] <log> tjf: That's a good reason to install it.
[22:47] <tjf> it is
�06[22:47] * SigmaWP draws a cow eating a rocket ship
[22:47] <SigmaWP> Peter-C: Ha.
�06[22:47] * kylu votes for beos, just to be different.
�15[22:47] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:47] <Peter-C> tjf - It is, it is fun though, remember to set a username... I forgot that part >.<
�03[22:47] * incog ( from Great Britain also in #freenode has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[22:47] * wctaiwan trips Peter-C and makes him fall on his own knife
[22:47] <wctaiwan> kylu: ever tried Haiku?
�06[22:48] * log votes for Windows ME.
[22:48] <log> Best operating system ever.
[22:48] <pakaran> Linux version 3.1.6-gentoo (root@pakaran) (gcc version 4.5.3 (Gentoo 4.5.3-r1 p1.0, pie-0.4.5) ) #1 SMP Sat Dec 31 18:26:16 EST 2011
�06[22:48] * Peter-C is thankful it was a toy knife
[22:48] <kylu> my japanese isn't really good enough for poetry, sorry wctaiwan
[22:48] <wctaiwan> it seems interesting, but I'm too lazy to try anything that wouldn't be practically of use
[22:48] <wctaiwan> kylu: I meant
[22:48] <kylu> and I always forget the nature keyword.
[22:48] <The_Thing>
[22:48] <The_Thing> Lmao... this bastard needs to be arrested
[22:48] <kylu> I do have some free verse if you want to read though.
[22:49] <wctaiwan> I meant the OS :P
[22:49] <The_Thing> He just admitted to wide-scale bribery
[22:49] <sonia> kylu: try writing double dactyls.
[22:49] <log> The_Thing: That's how lobbying works, you see.
[22:49] <The_Thing> Arrest the United States then.
�15[22:49] * bep (~britishen@reddit/operator/bep) from #wikipedia-en #Reddit Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:49] <The_Thing> :P
[22:49] <log> That's too meta to even comprehend.
[22:50] <kylu> sonia: I have ten of them.
[22:50] <sonia> ...:P
�06[22:50] * kylu wiggles dactyls.
[22:50] <foks> Oh man it's busy this afternoon
[22:50] <log> I have a pterodactyl.
[22:50] <log> Suck it.
[22:50] <ceradon> Any people in BAG around? I need help.
[22:50] <tjf> gahaha
[22:50] <kylu> not into dinosaurs like that, but thanks for the offer, log.
[22:50] <log> ceradon: #wikipedia-en-bag
�15[22:50] * UnknownFork (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/unknownfork) from #wikipedia-en #defocus Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[22:50] <SigmaWP> Sack
[22:50] <log> kylu: Okay, I will inform it of your decision.
[22:51] <The_Thing> of ball?
[22:51] <wctaiwan> o.O
[22:51] <log> Let me pull out my dictionary.
[22:51] <SigmaWP> The_Thing: No
�03[22:51] * UnknownFork_ ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:51] <SigmaWP> Of coal ball
�06[22:51] * wctaiwan strangles SigmaWP 
[22:51] <Nascar1996> Whats up with the coal balls.
[22:51] <kylu> I know someone with a iguana if you're looking for a mate though.
[22:51] <wctaiwan> also, I need to clean my room for chinese new year :(
[22:51] <wctaiwan> Nascar1996: SigmaWP is obsessed with it
[22:51] <The_Thing> testicles
[22:51] <tjf> "If you are looking to install arch on something more exotic, such as your kerosene-powered cheese grater"
�03[22:51] * UnknownFork_ is now known as UnknownFork
[22:51] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: :O
[22:51] <log> kylu: He's not into the small ones.
[22:51] <Nascar1996> ,,,
[22:51] <Nascar1996> ...
[22:51] <The_Thing> I had an electric cheese grater once.
[22:52] <kylu> tjf: a terrible thing to call one's sisterwife.
[22:52] <The_Thing> It was the shittiest piece of technology I ever used.
[22:52] <tjf> The_Thing, but was it kerosene power?
[22:52] <log> Anyone who is too lazy to manually grate cheese shouldn't be cooking in the first place.
[22:52] <wctaiwan> more like a testament to the length americans would go to stay lazy? :P
[22:52] <The_Thing> It took more effort to use that thing than it did to grate cheese manually
[22:52] <tjf> or you can buy pre-grated cheese.
[22:52] <wctaiwan> you're proving my point, Thayora_
[22:52] <wctaiwan> ugh
[22:52] <wctaiwan> The_Thing&
[22:52] <wctaiwan> sorry Thayora_
[22:52] <The_Thing> ANd that stuff tastes terrible
�03[22:52] * Resfirestar (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) also in #Reddit ##The_Thing ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:53] <tjf> wctaiwan, you're proving your own point!
[22:53] <wctaiwan> hahahahaha.
[22:53] <kylu> [163582] The_Thing(1)
[22:53] <wctaiwan> I'm not american though.
�15[22:53] * UnknownFork ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #defocus Quit (Changing host)
�03[22:53] * UnknownFork (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/unknownfork) also in #defocus has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:53] <SigmaWP> They see the coal balls
�06[22:53] * The_Thing kills SigmaWP with a sock full of coal balls
[22:53] <SigmaWP> That's impossible
�06[22:53] * SigmaWP assimilates the coal balls
[22:53] <wctaiwan> SigmaWP: I used to blabber about coal balls then someone put a pie to my face and told me to shut up :P
[22:53] <SigmaWP> :P
[22:54] <tjf> i was half expecting wctaiwan to say "but them I took an arrow to the knee"
[22:54] <Nascar1996> SigmaWP: ...
[22:54] <Popcorn> I used to be like you, writing about coal balls..
[22:54] <log> Nascar1996: You overuse ellipses.
[22:54] <wctaiwan> tjf: that's the joke, yes.
[22:54] <Popcorn> but then I took an arrow to the coal balls.
[22:54] <The_Thing> AND NOW MY BALLS ARE INERT
[22:54] <log> The_Thing: Behave, please.
[22:54] <Nascar1996> ---> OO >:(
[22:54] <The_Thing> whoops, capslock
�03[22:55] * varnent_ ( from United States also in #mediawiki has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[22:55] Clones detected from�8 varnent varnent_
[22:55] <SigmaWP> The_Thing: See, if your balls were coal balls, the arrows would have had no effect
�15[22:55] * funnyfarm299 ( from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 8.0.1/20111120135848])
[22:55] <ty> The Sigma of WP is obsessed
[22:55] <Nascar1996> You are right ty
[22:55] <SigmaWP> yep
�03[22:56] * Steven_Zhang (895cb042@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[22:56] * ty huggles Nascar1996, SigmaWP, and Steven_Zhang 
[22:57] <SigmaWP> :D
[22:57] <Popcorn> Steven_Zhang fails.
[22:57] <Nascar1996> :)
[22:58] <ty> Those who fail need love more than those who don't :)
[22:58] <Nascar1996> Awww, Steven_Zhang
[22:59] <Steven_Zhang> lol addihockey fails.
�15[22:59] * varnent ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #mediawiki Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
�03[22:59] * varnent_ is now known as varnent
�03[23:03] * Fluff|ping is now known as Fluff|away
�15[23:04] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikinews #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #mediawiki Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
�15[23:05] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@wikipedia/Moabdave) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Moabdave)
�15[23:05] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-commons Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
�15[23:07] * Jinx (~Jinx@unaffiliated/jinx) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #defocus Quit (Quit: reboot)
�03[23:08] * Hafnium (Snowtest@unaffiliated/snowolf/bot/hk-47) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:08] <SigmaWP> Hafnium: Test complete
[23:08] <SigmaWP> Nice bot, it hasn't died yet
�03[23:11] * N1996[iPhone] (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[23:11] Clones detected from wikipedia/Nascar1996:�8 Nascar1996 N1996[iPhone]
�03[23:11] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:12] <Popcorn> Steven_Zhang: PW.
[23:13] <Steven_Zhang> Popcorn: why would i give you the pw when you call me an idiot :P
[23:14] <Popcorn> Because I know the names of your sockpuppets.
[23:15] <N1996[iPhone]> O.O
[23:15] <wctaiwan> SigmaWP: stop disrupting the help channel, ffs.
[23:15] <SigmaWP> Fine
�06[23:15] * SigmaWP rolls the log
[23:15] <N1996[iPhone]> ?
�06[23:16] * SigmaWP no longer has anywhere to sit
�03[23:16] * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:16] <Netalarm> ..... i remember when we used to have intelligent discussions in here...
[23:16] <Popcorn> Netalarm: When was that?
[23:16] <wctaiwan> XD
[23:17] <Netalarm> on second thought...
�03[23:17] * UOJComm ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[23:18] * LtNOWIS is now known as LtNOWIS|buzzed
�03[23:18] * mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) also in #wikimedia-stewards has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[23:18] * Steven_Zhang (895cb042@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) from #wikipedia-en Quit Quit
�03[23:22] * Steven_Zhang (895cb042@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:22] <Steven_Zhang> why is the sopa channel still in the topic?
[23:22] <SigmaWP> Steven_Zhang: So fix it
[23:22] <sonia> I thought you had to be an op to change the topic?
[23:23] <sonia> in this chan?
�03[23:23] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Steven_Zhang
[23:23] <sonia> ...oh
[23:23] <sonia> okay, point taken lol
[23:23] <SigmaWP> sonia: No, it's not +t
�03[23:23] * Steven_Zhang changes topic to '#wikipedia-en English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
[23:23] <SigmaWP> Steven_Zhang: +t it and I'm poking a super
�03[23:23] * Steven_Zhang changes topic to ']English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[23:23] * Steven_Zhang changes topic to 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
[23:23] <Steven_Zhang> bleh
[23:23] <wctaiwan> ...
[23:23] <wctaiwan> what?
�03[23:23] * UnknownFork_ ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[23:23] * Steven_Zhang sets mode: -o Steven_Zhang
[23:23] <Steven_Zhang> there.
�06[23:23] * Steven_Zhang grumbles
[23:24] <wctaiwan> why the second / third changes?
�15[23:24] * UnknownFork (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/unknownfork) from #wikipedia-en #ubuntu #defocus Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
�03[23:24] * UnknownFork_ is now known as UnknownFork
[23:24] <Steven_Zhang> cos i did stuff wrong
[23:24] <wctaiwan> Oh, I see.
�03[23:24] * DarkoNeko (~udontcare@wikipedia/darkoneko) also in #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[23:25] * UnknownFork ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #ubuntu #defocus Quit (Changing host)
�03[23:25] * UnknownFork (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/unknownfork) also in #ubuntu #defocus has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:25] <incog> Steven_Zhang, does anybody tell you your name sounds like wang
�03[23:25] * Peehspeem (~Peehspeem@ from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:25] <incog> as in big floppy penis
[23:25] <incog> ?
�15[23:25] * Sir48 (~Sir48@ (Denmark) from #wikipedia-fr #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:25] <sonia> incog: Wang is also a perfectly legit Chinese last name.
[23:26] <SigmaWP> Bye
[23:26] <SigmaWP> incog: Shut up
[23:26] <incog> hey thats rude
[23:26] <Peehspeem> wang = dong
[23:26] <SigmaWP> So are you
[23:26] <SigmaWP> And all you trolls without WMF cloaks
[23:26] <incog> now thats just racist
[23:26] <Peehspeem> so everyone without a wmf cloak is a troll?
[23:26] <Popcorn> incog: is a wanker
[23:26] <Peehspeem> lovely
[23:26] <SigmaWP> I know, right
[23:27] <wctaiwan> wtf is with people taking shots at one another today?
[23:27] <wctaiwan> Can't we all just get along?
[23:27] <SigmaWP> incog: No, it can be more closely compared with nationalism
[23:27] <incog> im glad i dont have a cloak to be in your crew of insult flinging remedials
[23:27] <SigmaWP> So am I,
[23:27] <Peehspeem> incog, wut is ur wp account?
[23:27] <Peehspeem> this chan is for wp discussion
�15[23:28] * N1996[iPhone] (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
�03[23:28] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Prodego
�03[23:28] * Prodego sets mode: +b *!*
�03[23:28] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Prodego
[23:28] <Peehspeem> rude
�03[23:28] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Steven_Zhang
�03[23:28] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Prodego
�03[23:28] * Prodego sets mode: +b *!*@
�03[23:28] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Prodego
�03[23:28] * Steven_Zhang sets mode: -o Steven_Zhang
[23:28] <Steven_Zhang> eh
[23:28] <Steven_Zhang> :P
[23:28] <SigmaWP> That was unnecessary a bit
�06[23:28] * wctaiwan sighs
�03[23:28] * hope ( from Canada has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:28] <SigmaWP> d
�15[23:28] * Ktr101 (0cef31f2@wikipedia/Ktr101) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[23:28] <hope> hi
[23:29] <hope> is this womans
[23:29] <hope> help chan
[23:29] <Steven_Zhang> no
�06[23:29] * Nascar1996 yawns.
�03[23:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Prodego
[23:29] <log> No, this is the Wikipedia help channel.
�03[23:29] * Prodego sets mode: +b *!*
�03[23:29] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Prodego
�03[23:29] * darkfalls (~Dark@wikipedia/darkfalls) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:29] <Steven_Zhang> lol
[23:29] <wctaiwan> ... 4! that's quite the record.
�03[23:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +o log
�03[23:29] * Peehspeem (~Peehspeem@ from United States has left #wikipedia-en (requested by log (incog hope ))
�03[23:29] * ChanServ sets mode: -o log
[23:29] <log> er
�03[23:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +o log
[23:29] <Earwig> good lord man
�04[23:29] * incog was kicked by log (incog�)
[23:29] <SigmaWP> :|
�04[23:29] * hope was kicked by log (hope�)
�03[23:29] * ChanServ sets mode: -o log
[23:30] <log> #awkwardkicks
[23:30] <SigmaWP> Earwig: I got the cookies working :D
�06[23:30] * SigmaWP thanks Earwig for his assistance in the creation of a cookie jar
[23:30] <Earwig> ...clay?
[23:30] <Nascar1996> ?
�03[23:30] * M||psh||p (~M||psh||p@ from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:30] <Earwig> ...baking?
�03[23:30] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Steven_Zhang
�03[23:30] * ChanServ sets mode: +o log
�03[23:30] * M||psh||p (~M||psh||p@ from United States has left #wikipedia-en (requested by log (Goodbye))
[23:30] <Earwig> hell if I do that stuff
�03[23:30] * log sets mode: +b *!*@
�03[23:30] * ChanServ sets mode: -o log
[23:30] <Steven_Zhang> aw
�03[23:31] * Steven_Zhang sets mode: -o Steven_Zhang
[23:31] <SigmaWP> from cookielib import LWBPCookieJarWhatever
[23:31] <SigmaWP> And then a opener
[23:31] <wctaiwan> cookies are delicious delicacies.
[23:32] <Earwig> ah, exactly what I told you to do; nice work :P
[23:34] <ceradon> just saw a video of Obama singing lol :P
[23:34] <log> How does one sing lol.
[23:34] <QueenOfFrance> ceradon: the shmoyoho one?
[23:35] <QueenOfFrance> aka "The Shawties" iirc
[23:35] <Ironholds> sonia! how goes the con?
[23:35] <Steven_Zhang> its alright
�15[23:36] * Prodego (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #ubuntu #mediawiki #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##politics ##juliancolton Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[23:36] <wctaiwan> Ironholds: more than ten thousand dollars reaped so far.
[23:37] <ceradon> QueenOfFrance: Saw it on the news
[23:37] <QueenOfFrance> ah
[23:37] <QueenOfFrance> Thought you meant the obama autotuned one
[23:37] <Ironholds> wctaiwan: sorry?
[23:37] <wctaiwan> (con)
[23:38] <wctaiwan> (as in a deceptive crook)
[23:38] <Ironholds> wctaiwan: you're not funny.
[23:38] <ceradon> QueenOfFrance: He was singing at the Apollo Teatre
[23:38] <Ironholds> (funnier than me, but still not funny)
[23:38] <sonia> Ironholds!
[23:38] <wctaiwan> I knew that :( (and no, you're certainly funnier.)
[23:38] <quanticle> Wait, the con isn't over?
[23:39] <Ironholds> funnier lookin'!
[23:39] <Ironholds> sonia: did ye get my email putting you in contact with thingy?
[23:39] <sonia> Ironholds: I replied
[23:39] <Ironholds> ahh
[23:39] <Ironholds> I haven't checked my work email :). Got a weekend off!
[23:39] <SigmaWP> Bye people
[23:39] <sonia> cool :)
[23:40] <sonia> I'm sitting in a room of pedians, so I guess things are reversed
[23:40] <Popcorn> Ironholds: AWB isn't working.
�15[23:40] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912])
[23:40] <sonia> I also wanted to ask about a grant I might apply for
[23:40] <Nascar1996> What class should be in? It is currently in Start
[23:40] <Shirik> GA and FA are the only ones that really matter
�03[23:40] * SigmaWP ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:40] <Ironholds> sonia: ooh, what sort of grant?
�15[23:40] * SigmaWP ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[23:40] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:40] <foks> Hi Ironholds
[23:40] <foks> :3
[23:40] <wctaiwan> (I'm pretty sure there is no easily searchable, publicly available, recent picture of me online)
[23:40] <Popcorn> foks!
�06[23:40] * SigmaWP forgot stuff
[23:40] <Popcorn> You made me fail my exam.
[23:40] <Popcorn> I have to redo my grade.
[23:40] <foks> Oh, did I?
[23:41] <foks> Sry.
[23:41] <Steven_Zhang> Ironholds: probably one that involves money
[23:41] <Popcorn> yesh.
[23:41] <Steven_Zhang> hi foks
[23:41] <Steven_Zhang> hi sonia
[23:41] <Steven_Zhang> :P
[23:41] <foks> Hello.
[23:41] <foks> :3
[23:41] <Steven_Zhang> who are both to the right and left of me
[23:41] <Ironholds> Steven_Zhang: you, I'm going to hurt
[23:41] <Ironholds> oh you're all at the con together?
[23:41] <Ironholds> hey foks!
[23:41] <Steven_Zhang> yes
[23:41] <wctaiwan> another person to murder.
[23:41] <foks> Ye
[23:41] <Steven_Zhang> foks is like 30cm away from me
[23:41] <Ironholds> sonia: have you got foks to sing to you yet? :P
[23:41] <Steven_Zhang> to my right
[23:41] <foks> hahaha
[23:41] <Ironholds> Steven_Zhang: personal space; you are violating it
[23:41] <foks> Oh God no
[23:41] <Ironholds> sonia: get foks to perform!
[23:41] <Steven_Zhang> maybe 50cm
[23:41] <Ironholds> impromptu wiki-concert!
[23:42] <foks> Ironholds, we're at the same table! And I don't have a guitar.
[23:42] <wctaiwan> ustream it!
[23:42] <foks> :3
[23:42] <Steven_Zhang> i got some great photos of foks sleeping yesterday
[23:42] <Ironholds> foks: we can get you a guitar! you can play wikipedia-themed albums!
[23:42] <Steven_Zhang> and he has garagebans
[23:42] <Steven_Zhang> garageband
�15[23:42] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: Quit)
[23:42] <Ironholds> Happy Songs for Consensus-Orientated People! Come On Revert Young!
�15[23:42] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[23:42] <Ironholds> Wikipedia Will Never Die, But You Will
[23:43] <Shirik> what is this?
[23:43] <Ironholds> The ARS Is Howling
�15[23:43] * UOJComm ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #mediawiki Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[23:43] <Ironholds> Shirik: "If Mogwai edited wikipedia, what would their albus be called"
[23:43] <Steven_Zhang> we made a brains song
[23:43] <Ironholds> Steven_Zhang: is it about brains?
[23:43] <Steven_Zhang> well we used garageband
[23:43] <wctaiwan> Play the RfA candidate's song!
[23:43] <Steven_Zhang> to record us making moaning sounds
[23:43] <darkfalls> Ironholds:
[23:43] <Steven_Zhang> and saying brains
[23:44] <Steven_Zhang> and we made it really deep
[23:44] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Music from hell :O
[23:44] <Steven_Zhang> so we sound like zombies hungry for brains
[23:44] <tjf> I hate how commercialized Canonical has made Ubuntu.
[23:44] <wctaiwan> you don't just sound like one, Steven_Zhang
[23:44] <Steven_Zhang> brains!!! brains!!! brainssssssssssssss!!! BRAINSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
[23:44] <Steven_Zhang> lol
[23:44] <Steven_Zhang> sonia: ohai
[23:45] <Ironholds> darkfalls:
�15[23:45] * sonia (895cb04e@wikipedia/sonia) from #wikipedia-en ##dgaf Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[23:45] <darkfalls> wtf am i watching.
[23:46] <Ironholds> darkfalls: it is quite literally the worst music ever recorded
�03[23:46] * sonia (895cb04e@wikipedia/sonia) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:46] <darkfalls> you're gonna make me deaf.
Session Close: Fri Jan 20 23:47:02 2012