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--- Log opened Wed Aug 08 00:00:01 2012 00:03 -!- Frostee [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:04 -!- geniice [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:04 -!- geniice [] has quit [Changing host] 00:04 -!- geniice [~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:05 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 00:07 -!- quanticle is now known as quanticle|away 00:09 * Apheori sprays the channel with fungicide. 00:10 < geniice> hmm buying new lenses today 00:10 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:11 < Ironholds> yo 00:12 -!- rr0 [kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:12 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 00:13 < geniice> hmmp nerdy day trips is being unhelpful 00:14 -!- Maccer [~Maccer@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 00:14 < Shirik> ┌┬┐ 00:14 < Ironholds> fiiinally in SF 00:14 < Ironholds> ...and I've not got a power adaptor 00:14 < Ironholds> for FUCKS SAKES 00:14 < Shirik> it's ok 00:14 < Shirik> just plug it in 00:14 < Shirik> what's the worst that could happen! 00:14 < Ironholds> eejit 00:15 < geniice> Shirik err UK plugs are 3 pronged 00:15 < Shirik> rip off the plate and just force it to connect 00:15 < geniice> see 00:16 < Shirik> also, US sockets suck 00:16 < geniice> BS 1363 FTW 00:17 < geniice> possibly the only household plug system that could in theory handle an arc welder 00:17 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o eir] by ChanServ 00:17 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-bbbb *!* *!* *!* *!*] by eir 00:18 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-bo *!*@gateway/tor-sasl/closed eir] by eir 00:18 < Apheori> I love you people. 00:19 -!- lukas23 [~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:20 * Ironholds glomps Apheori 00:20 < Ironholds> go to sleep! 00:20 < Ironholds> it's like, midnight over here 00:21 < Apheori> Nou. 00:21 < Ironholds> is that a posh no, or a no u 00:21 < Apheori> Yes. 00:21 < Ironholds> buckets 00:21 * Apheori huggles Ironholds. 00:21 * Ironholds huggles Apheori 00:21 < Ironholds> and on that note I shall go to sleep 00:22 < Ironholds> dream dangerously 00:22 * Apheori huggles the wiki. 00:22 * Apheori crashes huggle. 00:22 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has quit [] 00:22 < Apheori> Oh, right, sleep... I remember sleep. 00:22 < Apheori> Maybe I should try that again sometime. 00:23 < Frostee> HELLO 00:23 < Apheori> HELLO. 00:24 < Frostee> Now why am I here? o_O 00:24 < Apheori> Because you can? 00:24 < Apheori> Because you miss me? 00:25 < Apheori> Because... uh, chickens? 00:25 < Frostee> oh yes, I left you a message 00:25 < Frostee> because you don't complain at me 00:25 < Frostee> like you used to 00:25 < Frostee> ;_; 00:26 < Apheori> Oh. 00:26 < Apheori> Sorry/ 00:26 < Apheori> . 00:26 * Apheori gives Frostee a user warning template to make him feel better. 00:26 < Apheori> "Research project teachers generally do not approve of students placing large poisonous insects in their mouths." 00:26 < Apheori> Snrk. 00:27 -!- Maccer [~Maccer@] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:27 < geniice> in practice the bah 00:28 < geniice> If students don't do that how will we eliminate the weak ones 00:28 < Frostee> THE WEAK 00:28 -!- FloatingBoat [~Ashok@wikipedia/Floating-Boat] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:28 < Frostee> should be, deleted 00:28 < Apheori> Traps? 00:28 < Frostee> yes, traps 00:28 < Apheori> Bear traps. 00:30 < Frostee> Yes, bear traps 00:30 < Frostee> WHERE IS MY TALK PAGE COMPLAINT 00:30 -!- Odisha1 [~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:31 < Apheori> Else where.. 00:31 < Frostee> I do not see it 00:31 < Frostee> I need it 00:32 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:32 < Apheori> What's to complain about, though? 00:33 < Apheori> We edit completely different projects these days. 00:33 < Apheori> And now I'm addicted to template messages as a result. 00:33 < Frostee> strangest addiction ever 00:34 < Apheori> They're so easy! 00:34 < Frostee> you found the time to complain at Puppy, but not me 00:34 < Frostee> I'm hurt 00:34 * Apheori clings. 00:34 * Frostee is sad 00:34 < Apheori> He was making my life difficult. 00:34 < Apheori> After someone else made my life difficult by dragging me in there. 00:34 -!- Odisha1 [~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 00:35 < Frostee> Are you saying I don't make your life difficult? 00:35 < Frostee> pfffffft 00:35 -!- schiste [~schiste@wikimedia/schiste] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 00:35 < Apheori> Please keep it that way. 00:36 < Frostee> but then I won't get the complaining 00:36 < Frostee> Which is MY addiction 00:37 < Apheori> Or I could just go over there and block you. Would that help? 00:37 -!- lubmil [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:37 < Frostee> Yes, that would help 00:37 < Apheori> Okay. 00:39 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Quit: User has quit this network.] 00:39 -!- schiste [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:39 -!- schiste [] has quit [Changing host] 00:39 -!- schiste [~schiste@wikimedia/schiste] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:39 < Apheori> Are you just really bored or something? 00:40 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [] 00:40 < Frostee> I am still removing from a 3 hour maths test, and drinking a litre of coke afterwards 00:40 < Frostee> So thats a yes 00:41 < Frostee> Also I watch that video about a jar of dirt about 5 times in a row 00:42 < Apheori> I'm sorry. 00:42 < Frostee> make that 6 times 00:42 * Barras pokes kylu 00:44 < Frostee> WHY AM I WATCHING THIS 00:44 -!- Maccer [~Maccer@] has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 00:45 < Apheori> Are you still blocked? 00:45 -!- Will-k [~Will-k@unaffiliated/makeshift] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:45 < Frostee> no... 00:45 < Frostee> wait what 00:45 < Frostee> you never blocked me 00:45 < Apheori> Here, I mean. 00:45 < Frostee> Oh yes 00:46 < Frostee> Although I probably deserved it 00:46 < Frostee> what with the use of {{unblock}} 00:46 < Apheori> I'd suggest trying to get unblocked, but you kind of dug yourself a hole there... 00:46 < Apheori> Yeah. >.< 00:46 < Frostee> Meh 00:46 < Frostee> I'll ive 00:46 < Frostee> *live 00:46 < Frostee> Now Away! 00:46 -!- Frostee is now known as Frostee|away 00:47 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ 00:53 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has quit [Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~] 00:58 -!- AndrewN[Away] [~Andrew@wikimedia/AndrewN] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 00:58 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:59 -!- Frostee|away is now known as Frostee 00:59 < Frostee> now where was 00:59 < Frostee> I 01:01 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:02 -!- AndrewN[Away] [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:02 -!- Apheori [~dirien@wikimedia/Isarra] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 01:02 -!- Frostee [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 01:13 -!- ExtinguishedFire [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:22 -!- brotato [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:24 -!- SudoKing [~geek@wikihow/SudoKing] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:25 -!- Maccer [~Maccer@] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:29 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:33 -!- Aetitiae [~Aetitiae@] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:33 -!- Aetitiae [~Aetitiae@] has quit [Changing host] 01:33 -!- Aetitiae [~Aetitiae@unaffiliated/aetitiae] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:41 -!- Will-k [~Will-k@unaffiliated/makeshift] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:42 -!- Will-k [~Will-k@unaffiliated/makeshift] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:42 -!- rschen7754 [~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:43 -!- rschen7754 [~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:44 -!- ExtinguishedFire [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.11/20120715041107]] 01:47 -!- Internet13 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:50 -!- Internet13 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:53 -!- sDrewth [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:53 -!- sDrewth [] has quit [Changing host] 01:53 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:07 -!- SteveMobile [~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:11 -!- Dcoetzee|2 [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium] 02:16 -!- lukas23 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:18 -!- rschen7754 [~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:20 -!- lukas23 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 02:27 -!- rr0 [kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 02:30 -!- MartijnWerk [~MartijnH@] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:30 -!- MartijnWerk [~MartijnH@] has quit [Changing host] 02:30 -!- MartijnWerk [~MartijnH@wikipedia/Martijn-Hoekstra] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:34 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 02:37 -!- Taalasmaa [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:37 -!- Taalasmaa [] has quit [Client Quit] 02:40 -!- SteveMobile [~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 02:48 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:49 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:49 -!- tonynoname2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:49 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:50 -!- rr0 [kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:52 -!- Internet13 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 02:52 -!- tonynoname [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 02:53 -!- zephyrAVS [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:53 -!- zephyrAVS [] has quit [Client Quit] 02:56 -!- Internet13 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:59 -!- TeeTylerToe [] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 03:02 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]] 03:05 -!- chicocvenancio [~chicocven@wikipedia/Chicocvenancio] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:07 -!- chicocvenancio2 [~chicocven@wikipedia/Chicocvenancio] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 03:16 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]] 03:19 -!- rejuvyesh [~rejuvyesh@] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:24 -!- Qcoder02 [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:33 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:41 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:41 -!- Fasttimes68 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:46 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:50 -!- muzammil [45e45c1d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:50 < muzammil> hello 03:51 -!- muzammil [45e45c1d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 03:55 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:02 -!- MartijnWerk [~MartijnH@wikipedia/Martijn-Hoekstra] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 04:04 -!- Aetitiae [~Aetitiae@unaffiliated/aetitiae] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 04:05 -!- Hydriz [~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:13 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:13 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@] has quit [Changing host] 04:13 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:16 -!- MartijnWerk [~MartijnH@] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:16 -!- MartijnWerk [~MartijnH@] has quit [Changing host] 04:16 -!- MartijnWerk [~MartijnH@wikipedia/Martijn-Hoekstra] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:21 < IRWolfie-> Fasttimes68: and another one admits he is a paid advocate 04:21 -!- FloatingBoat [~Ashok@wikipedia/Floating-Boat] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 04:22 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 04:24 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 04:31 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:32 -!- Will-k [~Will-k@unaffiliated/makeshift] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPod touch -] 04:44 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:44 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Client Quit] 04:47 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:47 < wctaiwan> I'm sure y'all have already seen this but 04:47 < wctaiwan> interesting, though it doesn't look more practical than the current design to me.. 04:57 -!- Fasttimes68 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 05:01 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [] 05:02 -!- nickanc [~Nickanc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:02 -!- nickanc [~Nickanc@] has quit [Changing host] 05:02 -!- nickanc [~Nickanc@wikimedia/Nickanc] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:07 < koishi> i think this is a joke site 05:07 < koishi> yeah this is a joke 05:08 < koishi> i really don't know why people bother with this crap anymore 05:08 < koishi> i wish they'd stop 05:09 -!- Hydriz [~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz] has quit [Quit: Hydriz] 05:09 -!- rr0 [kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 05:13 < foks> as I said before, wikipediaredefined is nothing more than a design project undertaken to pad out a folio 05:16 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has quit [Excess Flood] 05:24 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:24 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has quit [Excess Flood] 05:25 -!- afat [~proscan@unaffiliated/portrait] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:26 -!- FloatingBoat [~Ashok@wikipedia/Floating-Boat] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:27 -!- rr0 [kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:30 < geniice> why can't they do it in an interesting way? 05:31 < geniice> say a steampunk wikipedia skin 05:33 < foks> ew 05:37 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:37 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Quit: User has quit this network.] 05:43 -!- Wehwalt [4462af34@wikipedia/Wehwalt] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:43 < geniice> foks you don't like steampunk? 05:44 < closedmouth> does anybody? 05:45 < geniice> The first[3][4] Steamcon was held October 23–25, 2009[5] at the Seattle Airport Marriott in Seatac, Washington. The convention in its first year had 1,350 people attend 05:45 < geniice> 05:45 < geniice> so aparently yes 05:45 -!- groupcat is now known as konk 05:47 < Qcoder02> Steampunk Wikipedia? 05:47 < Qcoder02> You mean a sort of automated rolodex? with selectors? 05:47 < foks> Steampunk is awful 05:47 < mareklug> how could you not like that: 05:47 < foks> Bioshock is the only decent thing to ever come from steampunk 05:48 < closedmouth> that was dieselpunk 05:48 < closedmouth> not much steam involved 05:48 < foks> ah whatever 05:49 < geniice> Qcoder02 no I mean a skin with heavy use of steampunk motifs 05:49 < Qcoder02> Oh 05:49 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:50 -!- Qcoder02 [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]] 05:50 < geniice> so a colour scheme of brown with brass highlights. buttons that look like leavers that kind of thing 05:51 < geniice> anyway got to go camera lenses to buy 05:51 -!- geniice [~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.11/20120715041107]] 05:52 < foks> YAY 05:52 < foks> finally got giffgaff working 05:52 < foks> Giffgaff btw is the only mobile provider I can think of that advocates jailbreaking as a method of unlocking an iPhone. 05:53 < foks> fact 05:53 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:54 -!- DoRD|away is now known as DoRD 05:55 -!- ExtinguishedFire [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:59 -!- YE [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:04 -!- Aetitiae [~Aetitiae@] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:04 -!- Aetitiae [~Aetitiae@] has quit [Changing host] 06:04 -!- Aetitiae [~Aetitiae@unaffiliated/aetitiae] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:08 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 06:14 -!- TheCavalry [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:14 -!- WilliamH_UK [~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:16 -!- Hole1n0ne [~Hole1n0ne@] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:19 -!- TheCavalry [] has quit [Changing host] 06:19 -!- TheCavalry [~Chase@wikipedia/Chase-me-ladies-Im-the-Cavalry] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:19 -!- Hole1n0ne [~Hole1n0ne@] has quit [Client Quit] 06:21 -!- haggis [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:23 -!- yuvipand1 [~yuvipanda@] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:23 -!- Topher385 [629dc974@wikipedia/Topher385] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:24 -!- yuvipand1 [~yuvipanda@] has quit [Client Quit] 06:24 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 06:24 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|Away 06:24 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:31 -!- mysterytrey [~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:34 -!- DeltaQuad [~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:35 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:41 -!- yrtneg [~crazilon@wikipedia/yrtneg] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:41 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:44 -!- Anna_Frodesiak [Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:45 < Anna_Frodesiak> anyone here good with hatnotes? 06:45 < closedmouth> yeah 06:45 < Anna_Frodesiak> ah good 06:46 < Anna_Frodesiak> mainstream media is using the term Mars Rover a lot 06:46 < Anna_Frodesiak> so people google it and arrive at 06:46 < Anna_Frodesiak> but the real whopper article is 06:46 < Anna_Frodesiak> 06:46 < Anna_Frodesiak> maybe hatnotes are in order at: 06:46 < Anna_Frodesiak> 06:46 < Anna_Frodesiak> 06:46 < Anna_Frodesiak> 06:47 < closedmouth> oh ggod my connection falling to pieces again 06:47 -!- Bendersgame [~chatzilla@wikipedia/LuciferTiger] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:47 < Anna_Frodesiak> not sure how to handle that 06:47 < yrtneg> maybe ... ? 06:48 < Anna_Frodesiak> right i forgot about that one 06:48 -!- ExtinguishedFire [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.11/20120715041107]] 06:48 < Anna_Frodesiak> that's about the vehicle 06:48 < Anna_Frodesiak> of course a page move isn't needed 06:48 < Anna_Frodesiak> just a few hatnotes maybe 06:48 < Anna_Frodesiak> not sure. 06:49 < closedmouth> eh, it's mentioned in the lead 06:49 < Anna_Frodesiak> so many articles and links 06:50 < Anna_Frodesiak> funny that the article getting all the hits is the hardest to find 06:50 < Anna_Frodesiak> 06:51 < mareklug> is it linked from the main page? 06:51 < closedmouth> probably linked from a blog or something 06:51 < Anna_Frodesiak> ah 06:51 < Anna_Frodesiak> i guess this one is taking over the traffic 06:51 < Anna_Frodesiak> 06:52 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:52 -!- BigRig [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:52 < Anna_Frodesiak> sorry folks. it's probably just fine and i'm the only one confused 06:52 < closedmouth> would you refer to it as the current american rover? are there any others that can be defined as that? 06:53 < Anna_Frodesiak> ? 06:53 < closedmouth> {{for|the current American rover expedition|Curiosity rover}} 06:53 < Anna_Frodesiak> i'm just trying to see it from the point of view of people who read about it in the paper then try to find the enwp article on it 06:53 -!- gudaoUbuntu [~gudaoUbun@] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:54 -!- gudaoUbuntu [~gudaoUbun@] has quit [Client Quit] 06:54 < Anna_Frodesiak> maybe a temp hatnote at 06:54 < Anna_Frodesiak> ? 06:54 < Anna_Frodesiak> dollars to donuts that's what they are all searching at enwp 06:54 < mareklug> are you sure the others are inoperative ? maybe "latest" is safest. 06:55 < Frood> omg 06:55 < Frood> it's supposed to rain today 06:55 < Frood> :D 06:55 < Anna_Frodesiak> "current" is good 06:55 < yrtneg> Which rover just landed? 06:55 < closedmouth> mareklug: that's what i was wondering 06:55 < Anna_Frodesiak> curiosity 06:56 < Anna_Frodesiak> the one made of leggo 06:56 < yrtneg> ok 06:56 < mareklug> curiosity. but opportunity might still be "current". and the orbiting robots are "current" 06:56 < Anna_Frodesiak> true 06:56 < yrtneg> We goin' to MARS, son 06:56 < Anna_Frodesiak> so "recently landed" 06:56 < yrtneg> united states of SPACE 06:56 < mareklug> latest, Anna. smile, true, clear. 06:57 < closedmouth> yrtneg: get your ass to mars 06:57 < Anna_Frodesiak> latest, ok 06:57 < Frood> who decided it's okay for America to invade not only countries, but now planets!? 06:57 < yrtneg> Why are most people active at night? 06:57 < yrtneg> frood: for science. 06:57 < closedmouth> america did 06:58 < closedmouth> you monster 06:58 < yrtneg> the uss 06:58 < yrtneg> united states of space 06:58 < Frood> nono, united space of america 06:58 < mareklug> india said it plans to send a mission to mars, so… it's anyone who has the technology 06:59 < Anna_Frodesiak> so is the only one? 06:59 < Anna_Frodesiak> that could use a hatnote to curiosity i guess 06:59 < Anna_Frodesiak> does that make sense? 06:59 < Anna_Frodesiak> that will get visitors in the loop 06:59 < yrtneg> -.- is K in morse 06:59 -!- BigRig [] has left #wikipedia-en ["Silentium est aureum"] 07:02 < Anna_Frodesiak> {{For|the latest vehicle to land on Mars|Curiosity rover}} 07:02 < Anna_Frodesiak> is that ok? 07:02 < Anna_Frodesiak> tweaks? 07:02 < closedmouth> already done 07:02 < Anna_Frodesiak> ah 07:03 < mareklug> yrtneg: my client reported that an impassive emoticon is K in morse 07:03 < Anna_Frodesiak> american? 07:03 < Anna_Frodesiak> aren't they all? 07:03 < mareklug> so far 07:03 < closedmouth> beagle! 07:03 < yrtneg> russian. 07:03 < yrtneg> and uk-ian. 07:03 < mareklug> i think the russians landed something that broke 07:04 < Anna_Frodesiak> hahahaha 07:04 < Anna_Frodesiak> funny 07:04 < yrtneg> Mars 2, Prop-M rover, 1971, landing failed. 07:04 < yrtneg> Mars 3, Prop-M rover, 1971, communication failure after landing. 07:05 < yrtneg> So is the rover connected to a super-stong wifi network? 07:05 < Anna_Frodesiak> N. Korea just send one that will search for potatoes and send them back 07:06 < Anna_Frodesiak> closedmouth: thanks :) 07:06 < yrtneg> That octopus? 07:06 < Anna_Frodesiak> i wonder if that'll increase traffic 07:06 < yrtneg> Give him boots 07:06 < yrtneg> and send him to NORTK KOREA 07:07 < haggis> 07:07 -!- yrtneg is now known as yrt|food 07:08 -!- basile is now known as guillom 07:11 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 07:13 -!- Avruch [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:13 -!- Avruch [] has quit [Changing host] 07:13 -!- Avruch [~Me@wikimedia/Nathan] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:14 -!- Anna_Frodesiak [Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak] has left #wikipedia-en [] 07:15 -!- yrt|food is now known as yrtneg 07:15 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 07:15 < yrtneg> haggis: She looks and sounds like OAG 07:16 -!- Patar_knight [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:16 -!- Patar_knight [] has quit [Changing host] 07:16 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:17 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:17 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@] has quit [Changing host] 07:17 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:18 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:18 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:19 -!- lukas23 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:19 -!- lukas23 [] has quit [Changing host] 07:19 -!- lukas23 [~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:21 -!- FloatingBoat [~Ashok@wikipedia/Floating-Boat] has quit [Quit: Going out for the evening] 07:22 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 07:24 < mysterytrey> So are admins allowed to tag things with CSDs and such and pass on to other admins or must they take care of it themselves? 07:26 -!- OlEnglish [OlEnglish@wikipedia/OlEnglish] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 07:26 -!- jc39 [~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:27 < jc39> Hullo, copyright issues on Main Page. 07:27 < jc39> 07:27 < yrtneg> hmm 07:27 < yrtneg> Worse, the main page. 07:28 < SerajewelKS> mysterytrey: admins can CSD-tag things if they want 07:28 < SerajewelKS> mysterytrey: though it's not really any harder to just delete the page 07:28 < mysterytrey> And if they're unsure they can just pass it on to someone else? 07:29 -!- peteforsyth [~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:29 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:30 < yrtneg> [[WP:C-P]] 07:30 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:31 -!- Anurag2k12 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:33 < yrtneg> Well none of the text on the main page is actually WRITTEN, /on/, the main page 07:34 -!- Don_Of_Cera [~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:37 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 07:37 -!- Don_Of_Cera is now known as [ceradon] 07:39 < mysterytrey> SerajewelKS: And if they're unsure they can just pass it on to someone else? 07:40 < afat> lol 07:40 < afat> how can I get a wikipedia clock? 07:40 < afat> cloak? 07:40 < yrtneg> Um 07:40 < yrtneg> I forgot lol 07:41 < yrtneg> join #wikimedia-ops, ask there maybe 07:41 < afat> ok 07:42 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:42 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@] has quit [Changing host] 07:42 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:42 -!- LL2|Android [~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 07:45 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:47 -!- lukas23 [~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:47 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:47 < jc39> Hello, 07:47 < jc39> is a legit WMF account? 07:47 -!- lukas23 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:47 < jc39> bit fishy imo 07:47 < yrtneg> Bit fishy to me as well 07:48 < jc39> HELLO 07:48 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:48 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@] has quit [Changing host] 07:48 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:49 -!- schiste_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:49 -!- schiste [~schiste@wikimedia/schiste] has quit [Disconnected by services] 07:50 -!- lukas23 [] has quit [Changing host] 07:50 -!- lukas23 [~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:50 -!- lukas23 [~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23] has quit [Client Quit] 07:51 < wctaiwan> el fokso isn't here :( 07:52 < wctaiwan> but for those of you who were similarly frustrated with the doodle yesterday: 07:52 < wctaiwan> (oh and there's a new one today <g>) 07:53 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:54 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:54 < wctaiwan> foks! 07:54 < yrtneg> lolgoogle 07:54 < wctaiwan> [22:51:56] <wctaiwan> el fokso isn't here :( 07:54 < wctaiwan> [22:52:09] <wctaiwan> but for those of you who were similarly frustrated with the doodle yesterday: 07:55 -!- [ceradon] [~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon] has quit [Quit: *poof*] 07:56 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:56 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@] has quit [Changing host] 07:56 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:56 < foks> wctaiwan, el fokso, I like 07:57 < wctaiwan> :p 07:57 < foks> also, looool 07:57 < yrtneg> also, TF2. 07:58 < yrtneg> also Hey foks! 07:59 < foks> Hiiii 08:03 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:05 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Quit: Changing client] 08:05 -!- VZP10224 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:06 < foks> guh, PAC codes 08:11 -!- tkazec [~msk@] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:12 -!- Anurag2k12 [] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 08:12 < haggis> foks: hey 08:13 -!- The_Blade [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:13 -!- The_Blade [] has quit [Client Quit] 08:14 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:14 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:15 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Client Quit] 08:15 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:15 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:16 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 08:20 -!- MJ94 [~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:20 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:22 -!- DivT [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:24 < Tony_Sidaway> I figured out how to make irssi work with SSL ids from a remote shell account in Sweden. I suppose that means I'm officially either paranoid or simply geeky enough to want to try that sort of thing. Probably the latter. 08:25 < Tony_Sidaway> What I cannot yet do is figure out the simple instructions on the freenode web page about the tor gateway. 08:25 < mysterytrey> Hah. 08:25 < Tony_Sidaway> Once I get that working I'll be able to use the cjb account. 08:28 < Tony_Sidaway> The big advantage of cjb (which is in all other respects a horrible environment for anything) is that it's a throw-away account. If by chance you lock yourself or mess up the shell environment (say, by trying for the umpteenth time to make Ruby on Rails work in that environment) then you just go to the website and reset it. 08:28 < Tony_Sidaway> So it's a fail-many-times, succeed-once, kind of environment. You just keep plugging away until it works. 08:29 < Tony_Sidaway> Then you tar it all up as insurance for your next umpteen failures. 08:29 * haggis tazes Tony_Sidaway 08:29 < afat> can you configure SASL for cjb? 08:29 < Tony_Sidaway> afat: that is my next project. 08:30 -!- puffin [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 08:30 < afat> nice. 08:31 -!- puffin [~cremepuff@unaffiliated/cremepuff222] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:31 < Tony_Sidaway> I think I've proven to my own satisfaction that I cannot produce a Ruby build on cjb that is stable enough to host Rails. 08:31 < afat> lol if you manage tell me how 08:32 -!- MartijnWerk [~MartijnH@wikipedia/Martijn-Hoekstra] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 08:32 < afat> I tried SASL on it but failed I guess. 08:33 -!- nickanc [~Nickanc@wikimedia/Nickanc] has quit [Quit: Sto andando via] 08:33 < Tony_Sidaway> When you're running rails (and particularly under rvm) on your home system you don't realise what a diskspace hog it is. I built Rails on Polarhome but then ran out of space needed to run bundle install on the simples apps! 08:34 -!- Nascar1996 [~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:34 < Tony_Sidaway> cjb has oodles of space but it's a fundamentally brain-damaged environment. 08:34 < afat> yup 08:35 < afat> every goodies were stripped out I think. 08:35 < Tony_Sidaway> shellmix sort-of works but I had to tunnel git's ssh via cjb just to be able to push to heroku. 08:36 -!- mysterytrey [~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:36 -!- Frood is now known as MarchingFrood 08:37 < afat> best option is to pay for a VPS . I mean u get root on them. 08:37 -!- koishi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 08:37 < Tony_Sidaway> afat: I think the main problem with cjb is that it's a stitched-together Frankenstein system designed by somebody who is using it as an experiment in jail techniques. 08:37 -!- schiste_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 08:37 < afat> haha 08:37 < afat> yeah 08:38 -!- Report [5aca191a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:38 < afat> nmap was still working some months back but it was damaged. pings dont work... 08:38 < Report> Hello 08:38 < afat> its a wonder that gcc still works. 08:38 < Report> I decided what I want to write that report on wikipedia about 08:38 -!- dungodung|away is now known as dungodung 08:38 < Tony_Sidaway> Pings probably don't work because pinging via tor is a bit of a pointless exercise. 08:39 < Report> I have decided to title my report "Wikipedia's greatest weapon : Addiction" 08:39 < Report> Is it Ok if I title it that way 08:39 -!- Anurag2k12 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:40 < Tony_Sidaway> Report: you wouldn't be the first person to write about that aspect of Wikipedia. 08:40 < Report> So 08:40 < foks> Report, you can title it whatever you like :) 08:40 < Tony_Sidaway> But all insights into our condition are welcome. 08:40 < Report> Are you all the victims of addiction? 08:41 < Tony_Sidaway> That would be telling. 08:43 < Report> I hope you won'y block me from reading wikipedia for my report 08:44 < Report> won't 08:44 -!- Dave898 [457889b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:45 < Pharos> 08:46 -!- Tiptoety [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:46 -!- Tiptoety [] has quit [Changing host] 08:46 -!- Tiptoety [~Tiptoety@wikipedia/Tiptoety] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:47 < Tony_Sidaway> afat: I'm configuring cpan in an effort to get the SASL script given on the freenode tor page to work. 08:47 < Tony_Sidaway> afat: on cjb that is. 08:48 < Tony_Sidaway> Report: nobody is blocked from reading Wikipedia. Even if we wanted to do so, which is very doubtful, we couldn't do it. 08:48 < Tony_Sidaway> Report: we wouldn't block you from editing either unless your conduct on the wiki caused problems. 08:48 < afat> ok 08:50 < Tony_Sidaway> afat: oh well, cpan is broken. I'll probably just have to get out and push. 08:50 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:50 < afat> hehe 08:51 -!- quanticle|away is now known as quanticle 08:52 -!- Simeondahl [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:55 -!- Dave898 [457889b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:55 -!- Bruvtakesover [~kiewii@wikipedia/bruvtakesover] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 11.0/20120201153158]] 08:56 -!- Bruvtakesover [~kiewii@wikipedia/bruvtakesover] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:58 -!- schiste [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:58 -!- schiste [] has quit [Changing host] 08:58 -!- schiste [~schiste@wikimedia/schiste] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:58 -!- Report [5aca191a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 09:00 -!- jc39 [~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]] 09:02 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:03 -!- yrtneg [~crazilon@wikipedia/yrtneg] has quit [Quit: (quit)] 09:04 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:05 -!- KarjamP [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:06 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.] 09:07 -!- koishi [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:07 -!- LikeLakers2 [~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:07 -!- DoRD [~DoRD@wikipedia/Department-of-Redundancy-Department] has quit [Quit: Bye!] 09:08 * Fluffernutter yawns 09:08 -!- KarjamP [] has quit [Client Quit] 09:09 < Pharos> is not yawn-worthy 09:12 -!- DoRD [~DoRD@wikipedia/Department-of-Redundancy-Department] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:13 -!- DoRD is now known as DoRD|away 09:13 < LikeLakers2> apparently my internet is having a vacation 09:13 < LikeLakers2> FUCK 09:13 -!- Simeondahl [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 09:14 < LikeLakers2> No seriously, I am mad as heck right now 09:14 -!- TheBanner_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:15 -!- TheBanner [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:18 -!- ragesoss [~sage@wikimedia/ragesoss] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:21 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:22 < Fluffernutter> embarrassing: being thirty years old and finding yourself doing that thing kids do, where they jump and reach because they're too short to reach what they need. Especially when your 6'2 coworker looks down and is like "...would you like me to get that for you?" 09:22 -!- \h [mh0@unaffiliated/mh0] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 09:22 < foks> aww 09:23 * Fluffernutter needs to grow 09:23 < wctaiwan> bit late for that >.> 09:24 < Fluffernutter> surely someone will invent a way for adults to grow 09:24 < Fluffernutter> ...that doesn't involve breaking and extending their bones in risky surgery 09:25 -!- mh0 [mh0@unaffiliated/mh0] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:27 -!- DJMalik [b5b65fcb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:28 -!- VZP10224 [] has quit [Quit: Leaving...] 09:28 < DJMalik> Hola 09:29 < Mdann52> Bonjourno! 09:29 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng 09:29 < DJMalik> O____O 09:30 < Tony_Sidaway> Fluffernutter: talk big and carry a stepladder. 09:30 -!- M132T003C [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:30 -!- M132T003C [] has quit [Changing host] 09:30 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:30 < Fluffernutter> heh 09:31 -!- [Me]123 [~Me]123@] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:32 -!- [Me]123 [~Me]123@] has quit [Quit: MegaIRC v4.05] 09:33 -!- DJMalik is now known as Bradford 09:33 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: DARTHSIDIOUS2, nprice, Reedy 09:33 -!- Maryana [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:33 -!- mys_721tx [~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx] has quit [Quit: leaving] 09:33 -!- Apheori [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:33 -!- Apheori [] has quit [Changing host] 09:33 -!- Apheori [~dirien@wikimedia/Isarra] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:33 < Nascar1996> LOL 09:34 -!- Netsplit over, joins: DARTHSIDIOUS2 09:34 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has quit [Quit: !] 09:34 < Bradford> Hi 09:34 -!- Netsplit over, joins: nprice, Reedy 09:34 -!- aezop [~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop] has quit [Excess Flood] 09:35 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:35 < Bradford> Hey Nascar1996, ;: 09:35 < Nascar1996> Hi 09:36 -!- Topher385 [629dc974@wikipedia/Topher385] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 09:37 -!- aezop [~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:37 -!- Wehwalt [4462af34@wikipedia/Wehwalt] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 09:38 -!- Maryana_ [~justdandy@] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:38 -!- Maryana_ [~justdandy@] has quit [Changing host] 09:38 -!- Maryana_ [~justdandy@wikipedia/Accedie] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:38 -!- Maryana [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has quit [Client Quit] 09:38 -!- Maryana_ is now known as Maryana 09:38 < Fluffernutter> my watchlist hasn't moved in like 45 minutes now 09:38 < Fluffernutter> where the hell is everyone today 09:38 -!- Jayflux [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:39 < Bradford> Hay alguien acá 09:39 < Maryana> fluffernutter: i think it's because we semi-protected everything after last night's steven colbert outburst 09:39 -!- jc33 [~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:40 < Fluffernutter> what did colbert do? 09:40 -!- Tiptoety [~Tiptoety@wikipedia/Tiptoety] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 09:40 < Maryana> he told everyone to go edit the articles of people they want as romney's VP pick 09:41 < Fluffernutter> oh, that 09:41 < Fluffernutter> sigh 09:41 < Krenair> wtf 09:42 < jc33> 09:42 < Fluffernutter> "colbert" should totally be a valid protection reason at all times 09:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> {{Colbert}} 09:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> create it 09:44 < jc33> rd's 09:44 -!- Fasttimes68 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:45 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: nprice, Reedy 09:45 -!- Netsplit over, joins: nprice, Reedy 09:45 < Fluffernutter> nah, we need a template that says like, "You saw this on Colbert, didn't you? Sorry, this article is temporarily protected from editing so that a flood of people who saw the same thing don't mess with it" 09:45 < MJ94> Is reliable? :P 09:45 < Fluffernutter> it's an opinion piece, so probabky not 09:46 < MJ94> that's what I thought 09:46 < jc33> 09:46 < MJ94> Fluffernutter: I just wanted it for the Jay Leno line - can I use it then? 09:47 < Fluffernutter> i would say not, MJ94. Surely there's somewhere more reputable that reported on what Leno *exactly* said? 09:48 < Bradford> Hola 09:48 < MJ94> Fluffernutter: Thanks :) 09:49 -!- thomas is now known as website 09:49 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:49 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:49 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@] has quit [Changing host] 09:49 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:50 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [] 09:54 < Bradford> Hey Mdann52 09:55 < Bradford> Hilsner venner 09:55 < Bradford> Greetings amikoj 09:55 < Bradford> Поздрави приятели 09:55 < Bradford> Bye 09:56 < foks> ok 09:57 < Bradford> foks: What do you mean by ok 09:57 < foks> just ok 09:57 -!- jc33 [~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]] 09:58 < Bradford> foks: I do not understand but good 09:58 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 09:59 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 09:59 < Fluffernutter> okay then 10:00 -!- mysterytrey [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:00 -!- mysterytrey [] has quit [Changing host] 10:00 -!- mysterytrey [~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:05 < Bradford> See you later 10:05 -!- Bradford [b5b65fcb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en [] 10:05 -!- liberaldudette [~mark@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:06 -!- James_F [~jdforrest@wikimedia/JamesF] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:06 < foks> ok 10:06 -!- jc33 [~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:06 -!- agkwiki [~AGK@wikipedia/AGK] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:08 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:10 < jc33> Why are all IPv6 address unable to edit at Wikiversity? 10:10 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:10 < jc33> *addresses 10:10 < Fluffernutter> maybe they've somehow blocked them? though that would be a strange thing to do 10:10 < Mdann52> You should be able to edit on a IPv6 address 10:10 < foks> Wikiversity isn't really what this channel discusses 10:11 -!- liberaldudette [~mark@] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:11 < Mdann52> I've not known a widespread issue 10:11 < foks> Because they're <s>savages</s> not related to us very strongly 10:12 < Mdann52> (normally, I'd link to WP:NPA here) 10:12 -!- foks is now known as foks|vaek 10:12 < foks|vaek> but you agree, correct? 10:12 < foks|vaek> ;) 10:12 * Fluffernutter personally attacks foks 10:12 < foks|vaek> I'm teasing. Also, afk 10:15 -!- Mdann52_temp [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:15 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:15 -!- BigRig [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:15 -!- Mdann52_temp is now known as Mdann52_AFK 10:16 < haggis> Fluffernutter: npa. 10:16 -!- tonynoname3 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:16 < Fluffernutter> {{nono}} 10:17 < Fluffernutter> ^whenever i see that template used i wonder what the person who named it was thinking 10:17 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:17 -!- tonynoname3 [] has quit [Client Quit] 10:18 -!- tonynoname [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:19 < Pharos> come and see the violence inherent in the system! 10:19 * Apheori blows up the system. 10:19 < jc33> Pharos, since you're with the WMF 10:20 < Pharos> i am no such thing! 10:20 < jc33> do you know any "James Nolan"? It's *veeery* fishy, imo - 10:20 < Ironholds> jc33: he's not, but I am. thanks. 10:20 -!- TheCavalry [~Chase@wikipedia/Chase-me-ladies-Im-the-Cavalry] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 10:20 < jc33> o 10:20 -!- tonynoname2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:20 < haggis> Fluffernutter: Could you do some deletes for me? 10:21 < Pharos> I am only with the WWF 10:21 < Fluffernutter> deletes of what, haggis? 10:21 < Apheori> Are walruses involved? 10:21 -!- jc33 [~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33] has quit [Quit: walruses are not involved.] 10:22 -!- Earwig [~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:22 < haggis> Fluffernutter: 10:22 < haggis> it's on commons 10:22 < haggis> Magog is just being a troll. 10:22 < Fluffernutter> um 10:22 < Fluffernutter> it has keeplocal 10:23 < haggis> for no reason, magog tagged it as non-free in canada and it was proven free. 10:23 < haggis> I'd revert it (again) but that'd be edit warring. 10:23 -!- Earwig [~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig] has left #wikipedia-en [] 10:23 -!- Headbomb [~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 10:23 -!- Mdann52_AFK [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:23 < Ironholds> grr 10:23 -!- Mdann52_AFK [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:23 < Ironholds> WMF impersonaters get on my tits. 10:24 * Fluffernutter impersonates the entire WMF. At once. 10:24 * Apheori impersonates Ironholds. 10:24 < foks|vaek> Hey 10:24 * Apheori impersonates Fluffernutter impersonating the entire WMF. 10:24 < Fluffernutter> haggis: i;m not doing anything to that file. Fight it out or whatever 10:24 < foks|vaek> surely it would be Jnolan? 10:24 < Ironholds> there's that too 10:24 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Quit: heatherw] 10:24 < Ironholds> it's Max Viwe again, I think 10:24 < foks|vaek> Not nearly as awesome sounding though. 10:24 -!- Mdann52_AFK is now known as Mdann52 10:24 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@] has quit [Changing host] 10:24 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:25 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:25 < foks|vaek> Well if he definitely doesn't work there... 10:25 < foks|vaek> we gon' block? 10:25 < Ironholds> I'm handling it 10:25 < haggis> foks|vaek: Could you do a delete? :-) *glares at Fluffernutter* 10:25 < foks|vaek> "vaek" means "away 10:25 < foks|vaek> :( 10:25 < foks|vaek> I'm eating tea 10:25 < Ironholds> I want to CU first to verify a concern 10:25 < haggis> away means away 10:25 < haggis> you don't eat tea. 10:26 -!- website is now known as thomas 10:26 < haggis> you consume or drink it. 10:26 < foks|vaek> you do eat tea 10:26 < Fluffernutter> maybe YOU do 10:26 < foks|vaek> "tea" = "dinner" = "supper" 10:26 < Fluffernutter> but what if he's spreading the tea leaves on his toast 10:26 < Apheori> Why isn't the creation of usernames ending with (WMF) blocked in general? 10:26 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 10:26 < Apheori> I eat tea for breakfast. 10:26 < foks|vaek> Apheori, the WMF *do* hire folk 10:27 < Mdann52> Because it stands for Wikimedia Foundation 10:27 < Apheori> So why can't account creators or other staff create accounts for them? 10:27 < Apheori> They don't hire that many, do they? 10:27 < Fluffernutter> becuase that would be way too easy, Apheori 10:27 < haggis> Fluffernutter: then he'd be eating tea leaves. 10:27 < haggis> Apheori: the world is employed by WMF 10:27 < Apheori> But easy can be nice. 10:27 < haggis> they just don't know it. 10:27 * Apheori employs haggis. 10:27 < haggis> yay 10:28 * Apheori makes him move bodies for her. 10:28 < Fluffernutter> murderess 10:28 < haggis> these are lively bodies, right? 10:28 < Apheori> No. 10:28 < haggis> :O 10:28 < haggis> good. 10:28 < Ironholds> where do I find a steward. 10:28 < haggis> Ironholds: #wikimedia-stewards 10:28 < Fluffernutter> ^ 10:29 -!- DeltaQuad_ [~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:29 -!- Trudman [~wizard@] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:29 < haggis> Fluffernutter: not sure if he can see, LOL 10:29 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Client Quit] 10:29 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:29 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 10:29 < Ironholds> ta 10:30 * Fluffernutter eyes her watchlist balefully 10:30 -!- MJ94 [~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 10:31 -!- schiste [~schiste@wikimedia/schiste] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm 10:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> eyes around 10:31 -!- BarkingFish [~BarkingFi@openglobe/BarkingFish] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:31 -!- DeltaQuad__ [~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter I used to be a sysop like you, then I took a troll to the knee 10:32 -!- coldplay [kat@wikia/vstf/countervandalism.KATANAGOD] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:32 -!- DeltaQuad [~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 10:32 < haggis> wait, how many edits are needed to violate 3rr? 10:33 -!- Anurag2k12 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:33 -!- Anto|away is now known as Antonorsi 10:33 -!- Furry [sactage@countervandalism/staff/Sactage] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:34 < Mdann52> 4 10:34 < BarkingFish> 7 in total, initial edit - revert by user - edit - revert - edit - revert - 7th in the sequence is the violation 10:34 -!- Elchzard [Elchzard@wikia/Elchzard] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:34 < haggis> BarkingFish: an admin violated it :O 10:34 -!- schiste [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:34 -!- schiste [] has quit [Changing host] 10:34 -!- schiste [~schiste@wikimedia/schiste] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:34 -!- DeltaQuad_ [~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:34 < Mdann52> Were they reverting vandalism though? 10:34 * Apheori hits ToAruShiroiNeko with a frying pan. 10:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> haggis one can be enough 10:35 < BarkingFish> 3 edits + 3 reverts by one user, the 4th edit, regardless, is the breach - so 7 in total 10:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 3rr exists as a general rule 10:35 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 10:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if someone is disrupting the wiki that is enough to block 10:35 -!- mattbuck [~mattbuck@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:35 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:35 * Mdann52 uses the same frying pan to cook an omelette 10:35 -!- mattbuck [~mattbuck@] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:36 -!- MJ94 [~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:36 < Apheori> If someone is just being silly but not really impacting much it's worth ignoring. 10:36 * ToAruShiroiNeko creates a potion using the omelette 10:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mix omlette and vampires dust 10:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> + ninroot 10:36 -!- agkwiki [~AGK@wikipedia/AGK] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:37 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:37 < foks|vaek> yay skyrim 10:37 -!- foks|vaek is now known as foks 10:37 -!- Jeske_Merensky [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:37 -!- crazytails [UNKNOWN@unaffiliated/crazytales] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:38 * Apheori assaults foks and then kills all witnesses. 10:38 < foks> !! 10:39 < foks> you bitch 10:39 < foks> >:( 10:39 < Apheori> It works so well in skyrim. 10:39 -!- niko [~niko@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko] has quit [Ping timeout: 610 seconds] 10:39 < foks> Not for me it doesn't. 10:39 < foks> :( 10:39 < Apheori> Oh. 10:39 < foks> Always with the 1000 bounty. 10:39 < Apheori> Do you accept bribes? 10:39 -!- tonynoname [] has quit [Quit: tonynoname] 10:40 < Apheori> O_o 10:40 < foks> No. 10:40 * foks is a man of honour. 10:40 -!- tonynoname [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:40 < Apheori> I never get bounty in the first place. 10:40 < Apheori> It helps if you're invisible. 10:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> foks what honor? 10:40 < foks> Apheori, indeed it does. 10:40 * ToAruShiroiNeko picpockets foks and steals the honor 10:40 < foks> ToAruShiroiNeko, honour honour! 10:40 < foks> >:( 10:40 * Apheori takes all her clothes off and runs off yelling 'I'M INVISIBLE!' 10:41 * ToAruShiroiNeko picpockets the slient 'u' too 10:41 < Pharos> that usually works in my experience 10:41 < BarkingFish> ew. no. You're not. 10:41 < BarkingFish> 2/10. Would not bang. 10:41 < Apheori> Yes, well, I became a bard for a reason. >.> 10:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I like pickpocketing yarls 10:41 -!- niko [~niko@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:42 -!- rr0 [kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if you get pickpocketing to 100 you can pickpocket the clothes they are wearing 10:42 < Apheori> Nobody got that reference? 10:42 < Apheori> Tsk. 10:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it is hilarious to see them indifferent to loose everything they have 10:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Apheori I cannot imagine you as a bard 10:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> remember how dark brotherhood handles bad bards 10:42 < Apheori> You people need to read more webcomics. 10:43 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:43 -!- rr0 [kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:43 < Apheori> And hey, insane is good. 10:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> really? 10:43 -!- lfaraone__ [quasselcor@LUSTRE.MIT.EDU] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:43 < Apheori> Yes. 10:43 * ToAruShiroiNeko hits Apheori with the wabberjack 10:43 -!- lfaraone__ [quasselcor@LUSTRE.MIT.EDU] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yay a bunny! 10:44 * Apheori sings a whithering on ToAruShiroiNeko. 10:44 * Pharos is an unknown bard 10:45 -!- afat [~proscan@unaffiliated/portrait] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 10:45 < foks> The wabberjack is shit. All it does is made crazy women approach you. 10:45 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:45 < foks> * makes 10:45 < foks> :( 10:45 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:45 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@] has quit [Changing host] 10:45 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:46 < Pharos> are made crazy women in the mafia? 10:47 -!- TeeTylerToe [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:47 < foks> Escusemway? 10:47 -!- crazytails [UNKNOWN@] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:47 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 10:47 < BarkingFish> anyone know, when you send mail to Jimbo - roughly how long does he take to reply? Does he reply at all? 10:48 < Pharos> he replies within 30 seconds of every inquiry 10:48 -!- Trudman [~wizard@] has quit [Quit: ThrashIRC v2.7 sic populo comunicated] 10:48 < BlastHardcheese> or your money back 10:48 < BarkingFish> 0.0 10:48 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:48 < BarkingFish> you just blew my sarcasm meter to pieces :( 10:48 < Pharos> "made man" in a new york expression 10:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> foks isnt that awesome? 10:49 < Pharos> it refers to a sworn member of the mafia 10:49 < schiste> What's that jimbo thing? 10:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> BarkingFish I have never gotten a reply form jimbo 10:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> even if he asked me to mail him in person 10:49 < foks> Jimbo sends you a hot reply within thirty minutes 10:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I think he prints each email and stores it in a cardboard box 10:49 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:49 < foks> if it's not hot you get your next one free 10:50 < Pharos> he prints t on pink paper and ties it with a bow 10:50 -!- Elchzard [Elchzard@wikia/Elchzard] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:50 < BarkingFish> I have had a reply in the past, ToAruShiroiNeko - but that was almost 18 months ago, and I can't remember how long he took to get back to me. 10:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll? 10:50 -!- Jayflux [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:50 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 10:50 < BarkingFish> nope :) 10:51 < BarkingFish> It was during a private exchange concerning my objections to PC 10:51 -!- Wehwalt [4462af34@wikipedia/Wehwalt] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:51 -!- quanticle is now known as quanticle|away 10:51 < foks> my cousin's out fighting dragons, and what do I get? Guard duty. 10:52 < Pharos> guard duty sounds better for your health 10:53 < BarkingFish> not necessarily. Who's gonna protect you from the dragons if they get to you while nobody else is there? :P 10:53 < Pharos> i would rather be a general than a foot-soldier in he dragon war 10:53 -!- Lubaf [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:53 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> foks no 10:53 < Pharos> and if not a general, then a mess cook 10:53 < Lubaf> <- Good writing making pre-emptive jokes about bad writing. 10:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> "My cousin's out fighting dragons, and what do I get? RC patrol..." 10:54 < foks> :D 10:54 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:54 -!- crazytails is now known as Guest25082 10:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> If Ulfric Stormcloak was a wikipedian how quickly would he be blocked? 10:55 -!- Apheori [~dirien@wikimedia/Isarra] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:55 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: [[Dr_Pepper]], YE, niko, QueenOfFrance, Garnig, puffin, MartijnH, jeremyb, peteforsyth, Fasttimes68, (+5 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 10:55 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:56 < BarkingFish> oops 10:56 < Fluffernutter> i told you not to hit the red button 10:56 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter dont worry its probably a dragon attac 10:57 -!- Qcoder02 [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they should respawn in 24 hours 10:57 -!- Odisha1 [~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:58 -!- Netsplit over, joins: niko, Fasttimes68, aezop, Bruvtakesover, puffin, peteforsyth, YE, andrewcrawford, MartijnH, Brooke (+5 more) 10:58 -!- Aetitiae [~Aetitiae@unaffiliated/aetitiae] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 10:58 * Mdann52 uses magic potion 10:58 < Mdann52> It worked! 10:58 -!- Headbomb [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:58 -!- Headbomb [~chatzilla@] has quit [Changing host] 10:58 -!- Headbomb [~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:58 < BarkingFish> Fluffernutter, My big red button disappeared. G-d only knows what happened to it. 10:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Mdann52 no that was skooma 11:00 -!- Aetitiae [~Aetitiae@] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:00 -!- Aetitiae [~Aetitiae@] has quit [Changing host] 11:00 -!- Aetitiae [~Aetitiae@unaffiliated/aetitiae] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:00 * Mdann52 uses potion on ToAtuShirio Neko 11:02 -!- schiste [~schiste@wikimedia/schiste] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:02 < Mdann52> That looks like it was my mute potion :) 11:03 -!- kaldari [~rkaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:05 < BarkingFish> Try using your "can't stop talking" potion. It might help. 11:07 < BarkingFish> I remember an episode of some witch based comedy thing, trollz or something, with a spell in it that would be useful in here sometimes, Mdann52 - some kid who'd never stop yacking got this cast on them... 11:07 -!- kaldari [~rkaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has left #wikipedia-en [] 11:07 < BarkingFish> "You talk, you speak, you cannot stop, you never even nip it. You're driving me insane, so will you kindly zip it?" 11:08 < Mdann52> Ok 11:08 < BarkingFish> Next thing - this kid has a fucking great zip across his face, in place of his mouth, and it's padlocked at one end. 11:08 < BarkingFish> :) 11:08 < Mdann52> :) 11:08 < Mdann52> X-----X 11:09 -!- niko [~niko@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko] has quit [Ping timeout: 608 seconds] 11:09 < BarkingFish> Man, what I wouldn't give to cast that bitch on my sister :P 11:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> BarkingFish huh? 11:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its called domestic violence 11:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you take someone violent and domesticate him or her 11:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and intimidate the person you want slienced using him or her 11:10 -!- aezop [~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:11 -!- niko [~niko@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:13 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 11:14 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:14 -!- worm_that_turned [~worm_that@wikipedia/Worm-That-Turned] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:15 < BarkingFish> Quick poll - Do you ever feel really, really thick, when you see a joke or a riddle where the answer should be blatantly obvious, but you miss it entirely or can't think of it? 11:15 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:15 -!- Earwig [~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:16 -!- Earwig [~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig] has left #wikipedia-en [] 11:19 < foks> BarkingFish, I think people would be lying if they didn't 11:21 -!- schiste [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:21 -!- schiste [] has quit [Changing host] 11:21 -!- schiste [~schiste@wikimedia/schiste] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:22 -!- Nascar1996 [~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has quit [Quit: Later!] 11:23 < Fasttimes68> nasty outside 11:24 < Fluffernutter> ? 11:24 < Fasttimes68> humid 11:24 < BarkingFish> Fasttimes68, think of the poor guy who posted a pic of the weather forecast for his area from his iPhone on 11:25 < Fasttimes68> though its nothing compared to what we got a month ago 11:25 < Fasttimes68> im not up to date with memes 11:25 < Fasttimes68> enlighten me 11:25 < BarkingFish> He lives in tempe, Arizona, and at 9.23 pm last night, it was still 108° outside - over the next 5 days, it ranges daytime between 110° to 116° 11:26 < Fasttimes68> crap.. I just found out how much my christmas present just cost 11:26 < foks> What's 108˚ in real money? 11:26 < Fasttimes68> i dunno, but tommorow im gonna be a racist 11:26 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o eir] by ChanServ 11:26 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-bo *!* eir] by eir 11:27 < Fasttimes68> thats what you call racers, no? 11:27 < foks> 42C 11:28 < Fasttimes68> your seat? 11:28 < foks> That's pretty damned hot. 11:28 < Fasttimes68> heh 11:28 < Fasttimes68> i could never "feel" celcius 11:28 -!- rejuvyesh [~rejuvyesh@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 11:28 < foks> "feel"? 11:28 < foks> Probably because you've been brought up with F 11:29 < foks> my condolences 11:29 -!- Coffee [kat@gateway/shell/] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:29 * Pharos was raised a strict Kelvinist 11:29 -!- Coffee is now known as Guest30399 11:29 < BarkingFish> I was bought up with both thankfully, but I normally work in F, the same as when I cook, I still do all my measurements in US 11:30 < foks> my condolences 11:30 < foks> :P 11:30 < Fluffernutter> C makes no sense 11:30 < foks> none at all 11:30 < Pharos> my people believe zero is zero is zero 11:30 < foks> Freezing being 0? What's that about? 11:30 < Pharos> no room for moral relativism there 11:30 < foks> haha 11:31 < Pharos> the only zero we recognize is Absoute Zero 11:31 < BarkingFish> yeah, well for us, by the time we reach 0, it's already cold enough to freeze your shoes to the sidewalk :) 11:33 -!- peteforsyth [~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth] has quit [Quit: peteforsyth] 11:33 < Pharos> negative temperatures are theAbomination in our teachings 11:34 < Pharos> negative temperatures are a LIE 11:34 -!- mysterytrey [~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey] has left #wikipedia-en ["parted"] 11:35 -!- Furry [sactage@countervandalism/staff/Sactage] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:35 < BarkingFish> Pharos, to myself, certainly - saying that nothing is ever truly at freezing point until it hits a temperature at which by my reckoning, most life on earth would not exist, is an abomination. 11:36 < BarkingFish> Has anything actually ever been frozen down to 0°K? 11:36 < TeeTylerToe> close but no cigar 11:36 < Pharos> it is impossible to reach absolute zero without divine absolution in our teachings 11:37 < Pharos> this is due to the taint of original sin of course 11:37 * BarkingFish wonders where the clock is. 11:37 < BarkingFish> It's clearly short of a cuckoo. 11:37 < BarkingFish> :) 11:37 < The_Thing> 11:38 -!- TB|Away is now known as TBloemink 11:38 * Peter-C pokes BarkingFish in the eye 11:39 < BarkingFish> ow# 11:39 * BarkingFish is just finishing his dinner, home made tuna and mushroom pasta bake 11:40 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:40 < Pharos> is there a good reason we don't distribute 150k free condoms at Wikimania too? 11:40 < Pharos> think of the sposnorship possibilities 11:41 < BarkingFish> We really should you know. Do you honestly want Wikipedians *breeding*??? 11:41 * BarkingFish faints at the idea 11:41 < Peter-C> That would be 22 times a day 11:41 < Peter-C> That would be a little more than once an hour 11:41 -!- AndrewN[Away] is now known as AndrewN 11:42 -!- AndrewN [] has quit [Changing host] 11:42 -!- AndrewN [~Andrew@wikimedia/AndrewN] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:43 < Pharos> WiMDC really fell short on this point 11:44 < TeeTylerToe> wikipedians violating their sponsorships by cheating with other condom brands? 11:45 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:45 < russavia> barkingfish, they'd have to get laid before they could breed ;) 11:46 < Pharos> thank god for that 11:46 * Fluffernutter has heard some rumours about extensive Wikimania hookups 11:46 < Pharos> i hope the rumours included prorectin! 11:46 < BarkingFish> good point. maybe distribute condoms if they can prove they're gonna get laid. {{cite diary}} :) 11:47 < russavia> lol 11:47 < Pharos> with 150k condoms, i think we can have some to spare 11:47 < Fluffernutter> 149,950 or thereabouts 11:48 < Pharos> on a good day! 11:48 < BarkingFish> lol. maybe order a few less? 11:48 < Ironholds> Fluffernutter; you're off by 50 11:49 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away 11:50 < Pharos> I guess we can pass out the 145k extras in the Hong Kong redlight district 11:50 -!- Barras is now known as lazy 11:50 < russavia> you can pass some over my way if you doing a sexytime photosession for commons this weekend ;) 11:51 < Fluffernutter> ... 11:51 < Fluffernutter> ew 11:51 < WilliamH_UK> pahahahaha 11:51 < Fluffernutter> and this is why, WilliamH_UK, I say that Commons is all dicks all the time 11:51 < BarkingFish> tmi 11:52 -!- Actress22 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:52 < WilliamH_UK> yep 11:52 < Actress22> hello 11:52 < WilliamH_UK> is that what you have to do to be an admin there? 11:52 < Actress22> does use irc 11:52 < Actress22> ?? 11:52 < Fluffernutter> pretty much, I think 11:52 < WilliamH_UK> jesus, god knows what you have to do in order to be a CU 11:52 < russavia> well people are always going on about low-quality cock pics on i talked to 2 guys i hooked up with last week, and we gonna do something this weekend :) 11:52 < BarkingFish> shit. Apparently there's been an explosion at the House holding the New Zealand olympic team in London 11:52 * Pharos has not posted pornographic pictures of myself on commons 11:53 < Pharos> i'm pretty sure! 11:53 < BarkingFish> 11:53 < Fluffernutter> please tell me you're going to upload them under a sockpuppet, russavia. Both because you can fuck your reputation that way, and because I do NOT want to randomly come across some dick pic and be informed it belongs to you 11:53 < russavia> fluffernutter, i will be the one taking the photos 11:54 < russavia> and it's going to be an "educational" photoshoot lol 11:54 < BlastHardcheese> Who hates New Zealand? Probably drunken athletes doing things they shouldn't 11:54 < Pharos> i hate New Zealand 11:54 < Pharos> the thiefs with the furry feets 11:54 < Fluffernutter> "educational" is always the word commons applies to porntastic images. "It's educational! If someone needs to learn how to shove an aubergine up their behind, we can use the image to teach them!" 11:54 < BarkingFish> Nope, it was a barbecue at the rear of Kiwi House, apparently the gas bottle exploded 11:54 < russavia> you know why kiwis can't take their wives to the cricket? 11:55 < russavia> because they keep jumping over the fence to eat the grass 11:55 < BarkingFish> ouch 11:55 -!- Matthew_ [~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:55 < Pharos> is that considreed offensive? 11:55 < Pharos> it's just their culture 11:56 < Pharos> be open-mindede my friends 11:56 < russavia> #truestory pharos 11:56 < russavia> fluffernutter, we do need well done photos for commons on a range of sexual topics though 11:56 < russavia> and we can't deny that 11:57 < Fluffernutter> the key being well-done, really. Well, that and 'not duplicative' 11:57 < russavia> and I will be doing the "well done" side of things 11:57 < Pharos> should we put a call for volunteers on sitenotice? 11:57 < Fluffernutter> volunteers for dick pictures? 11:57 < Fluffernutter> we really don't need to recruit any more people for those 11:57 < Matthew_> !admin I need a revdel,please. 11:58 < russavia> pharos, i have a very strict criteria for not making me want to barf whilst doing them 11:58 < worm_that_turned> Hi Matthew_ 11:58 -!- lukas23 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:58 < Pharos> maybe for more varieties 11:58 < Matthew_> worm_that_turned: PM? 11:58 -!- lukas23 [] has quit [Changing host] 11:58 -!- lukas23 [~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:58 < worm_that_turned> drop me a pm 11:58 < worm_that_turned> :) 11:58 < Actress22> o_O 11:58 < russavia> plus, this is all part of my "training" in doing human photography 11:59 < Pharos> have you met a human before? 11:59 < Pharos> how to they compare to new zealanders? 11:59 < russavia> not commenting on that one ;) 11:59 -!- Lubaf [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]] 12:00 < Fluffernutter> why do we dislike kiwis, now? 12:01 -!- mysterytrey [~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:01 < Pharos> they're different 12:01 -!- thomas is now known as evilthomas 12:02 < russavia> kiwi's are a different breed 12:02 < Actress22> ;/ 12:02 < Pharos> also, they're smarter and better-looking 12:03 < russavia> smarter in the sense of them all moving to australia where they can get on the dole instead of having to work at home 12:03 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has quit [Quit: meeting] 12:04 < Pharos> this is a kind of smartness 12:04 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:05 -!- russavia [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:05 -!- russavia [] has quit [Changing host] 12:05 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:05 < Peter-C> We need to invade Canada 12:05 < Pharos> too easy, no? 12:06 < Pharos> i like a challenge 12:06 < mysterytrey> London? 12:06 < Peter-C> We just need to airdrop our navy into the great lakes 12:07 < mysterytrey> Wikipedia should take mars. 12:07 < Pharos> I bet the governors of NY could conquer Canada 12:07 < BlastHardcheese> the sports team? 12:08 < Pharos> no, the last three governors, as a fighting team 12:08 < Pharos> spitzer, paterson, cuomo 12:08 < Pharos> in a pinch, they could bring in pataki and cuomo sr 12:08 < russavia> i heard france is pretty easy to invade 12:08 < Peter-C> I hate when this happens - 12:09 -!- nickanc [~Nickanc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:09 -!- nickanc [~Nickanc@] has quit [Changing host] 12:09 -!- nickanc [~Nickanc@wikimedia/Nickanc] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:09 -!- WilliamH_UK [~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH] has quit [] 12:10 < Pharos> have you ever *tried* invading france? 12:10 < Pharos> more trouble than it's worth 12:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos I tried 12:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> turns out it was belgium 12:10 < Pharos> exactly 12:11 < Pharos> it's not as easy as it looks 12:11 -!- quanticle|away is now known as quanticle 12:11 < Pharos> i spent 3 weeks and all i had was the louvres pyramid 12:11 < Pharos> and that's not easy to defend 12:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure its easy 12:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> just grab a sledge hammer and threaten to break it 12:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> either france will surrender or you will be sniped 12:12 < Pharos> exactly, easy to conquer but not to defend 12:16 < Matthew_> Am I the only one that can't get to this page: ? 12:16 -!- tonynoname2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:16 < Tony_Sidaway> Matthew_: I got a 403 with that URL 12:17 < Matthew_> Tony_Sidaway: OK, me too. I'm glad I'm not the only one. 12:17 < Tony_Sidaway> Why do people mangle email addresses? It's utterly pointless unless you want to make it difficult for people to contact you by email. If you want that, just don't put an email address of any kind up. 12:18 < Matthew_> Tony_Sidaway: You mean on the web? Because there a bots that crawl the web looking for email addresses to spam. 12:18 < Tony_Sidaway> "Oh we might get spammed." Daft excuse. Get a decent filter. 12:19 < Tony_Sidaway> Matthew_: the spam doesn't get through. My email address is all over and I don't see a spam message from one month end to the next. 12:19 < mysterytrey> Tony_Sidaway: By that Matthew_ means to annoy people. 12:19 < Matthew_> Tony_Sidaway: Not every email provider has that luxury. I split my Toolserver email because I don't have a spam filter on it. 12:20 -!- Guerillero [~androirc@wikipedia/Guerillero] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:20 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng 12:20 < Tony_Sidaway> And how difficult do you imagine it is to write a simple perl script to recognise a mangled email address and translate it? 12:21 < Tony_Sidaway> I'll tell you: a lot easier for machines than humans. 12:21 < Tony_Sidaway> Dpm 12:21 < Tony_Sidaway> Sorry that was a typo. 12:22 < Matthew_> Tony_Sidaway: For me, very difficult. I don't know perl ;) 12:22 < Matthew_> Seriously, though, spammers are quite lazy and probably don't want to do that. Not with easier pickings out there. 12:23 < Tony_Sidaway> I'll tell you who's lazy: cretins who mangle their email addresses thus making everybody who needs to contact them jump through unnecessary hoops. 12:23 < Guerillero> They aren't as easy as they used to be 12:23 < TeeTylerToe> I suppose the perl script could add every permutation of the address to it's list 12:24 -!- peteforsyth [~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:25 < Tony_Sidaway> "enwp10 [at] toolserver [dot] org" How many permutations of that do you imagine there are? And no, the solution is not to mangle email addresses even more. 12:26 < Peter-C> Pharos - We need a meetup in front of Bloomberg’s house 12:26 -!- PeterSymonds [~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:26 < Peter-C> We will all drink 64oz sodas and drink it in his face 12:26 < Pharos> i'm considering retiring and appointing bllomberg my wmnyc successor 12:26 < Pharos> i think he'd be hnored! 12:26 < Tony_Sidaway> It's nearly as bad as those idiots who try to foil spammers by making genuine users squint and guess what some horrible smudgy by of distorted text saya. 12:27 -!- TeeTylerToe [] has quit [] 12:27 -!- EMZ_ [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:28 < Pharos> we should get a $50m donation from him while we're at it 12:28 -!- MJ94 [~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 12:30 -!- EMZ_ [~chatzilla@] has quit [Client Quit] 12:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway to be fair captcha has a purpose 12:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> few people know it is actually supervised learning for OCR 12:30 < Pharos> that's only recaptcha 12:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yes 12:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> some others also do it 12:31 < Pharos> which wmf doesn't use ;) 12:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wmf doesnt use anything 12:31 < Pharos> it uses science 12:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wmf wiki is exclusive registration 12:31 < Pharos> and the dark arts 12:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and dark elfs 12:32 < Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: even if every single "captcha" had a genuine alternative purpose, they could ask for volunteers to do that, couldn't they? 12:32 -!- Seddon [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:33 -!- rr0 [kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia] 12:33 * Seddon makes lots of noise 12:33 < Tony_Sidaway> I don't have great eyesight, but it's good enough for everyday life. I shudder to think what captcha does to people whose eyes just aren't good at all. 12:34 < Pharos> there is audio captcha 12:34 < Tony_Sidaway> And deaf? 12:34 < Pharos> smellovision captcha 12:35 -!- aezop [~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway people are forced to volunteer 12:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its the best kind <3 12:35 < aude> Pharos: not for wikipedia. 12:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> caotcha doesnt work because inherantly OCR beats it 12:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> *captcha 12:36 < aude> no audio captcha 12:36 < Pharos> huh, why not? 12:36 < Pharos> is it a "security" thing? 12:36 < aude> no idea. recaptcha is not open source and is flawed 12:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> probbaly they dont have ogg captcha 12:37 < aude> don't know of an open source alt. 12:37 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:37 < aude> you can request an acct via toolserver i think but good luck finding that 12:37 < mysterytrey> Do you have to pay to have a toolserver account? I've always wondered that. 12:38 < Pharos> what, of course not 12:38 < Pharos> wikipedia is freedom 12:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway I hate having captcha since it really doesnt stop spam 12:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> asking logic questions is more effective 12:39 < aude> mysterytrey: no 12:39 < mysterytrey> Ah. 12:39 < Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: yes, a decent neural net or kernel should beat it no problem. 12:39 < aude> ToAruShiroiNeko: agree 12:40 < Pharos> there's no such thing as a 'paid account' anywhere in thwe wikimedia universe 12:40 -!- Keegan_ [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:41 -!- MJ94 [~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:42 < Tony_Sidaway> I had a tool server account but didn't really do much with it, so I let it lapse. You could just apply for it by stating roughly what you'd be doing. 12:43 < Tony_Sidaway> I later did some bot experiments but those were from my system or various shell accounts. 12:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway nothing so advanced 12:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the spammers have hundreds of thousands of computers at their command 12:43 -!- Odisha1 [~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they can guess by trying randomly if they like 12:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you have botnets that have over one million ips 12:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos sagner was the first and only paid editor 12:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he chose to resign\ 12:46 -!- koishi [] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:46 -!- koishi [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:46 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:46 < Pharos> but he did not pay to be an editor ;) 12:55 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has quit [] 12:55 -!- mh0 is now known as \h 12:55 -!- quanticle is now known as quanticle|away 12:57 -!- guillom is now known as basile 12:59 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:59 -!- BadGirl_ [becc63da@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:03 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o eir] by ChanServ 13:04 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-qbbo *!* *!* *!* eir] by eir 13:05 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:05 < mysterytrey> qbbo?, well, that means this channel has had a lot of vandalism recently. 13:06 -!- Jarry1250 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:06 -!- Jarry1250 [] has quit [Changing host] 13:06 -!- Jarry1250 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:09 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:09 -!- aezop is now known as aezopbot 13:09 -!- aezopbot is now known as aezop 13:10 < BadGirl_> Hi 13:10 < Ironholds> heyo 13:10 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 13:13 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:13 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 13:13 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@] has quit [Changing host] 13:13 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:13 -!- Guerillero [~androirc@wikipedia/Guerillero] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:15 -!- [ceradon] [~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:16 < Seddon> hey Ironholds 13:18 -!- Fasttimes68 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:18 * Seddon feels unloved 13:19 * worm_that_turned waves at Seddon 13:19 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:19 * Isarra curls up next to worm_that_turned and falls asleep. 13:19 * Seddon waves to worm_that_turned :) 13:19 * Maryana loves seddon 13:19 < Maryana> :) 13:19 < worm_that_turned> :) 13:19 * BadGirl_ Marry me 13:19 < Maryana> and worm_that_turned! 13:19 < Maryana> :D 13:19 < worm_that_turned> lol 13:20 < Maryana> seddon: i think ironholds is at lunch 13:20 < Seddon> damn it, thought I was special 13:20 -!- Jpyamamoto09 [bd8ddd44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:20 < Seddon> ahhhhh ok 13:20 < Jpyamamoto09> Hola 13:20 < Maryana> you are very special 13:20 < Maryana> special:random :) 13:20 < worm_that_turned> Can't we be special together? 13:20 < Jpyamamoto09> thanks 13:20 < Seddon> lol 13:20 < Isarra> Seddon: You are special. If you manage to be unloved here without someone killing you, why, that is incredibly special. 13:20 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has quit [] 13:20 < Seddon> oh Maryana, you so funny :P 13:20 < BadGirl_> Jpyamamoto09: hola 13:20 < Maryana> the special pages jokes, they never get old 13:21 -!- evilthomas is now known as goodthomas 13:21 -!- goodthomas is now known as evilthomas 13:21 < Jpyamamoto09> Hola 13:21 < Jpyamamoto09> te quieres unir a mi casa 13:21 < Jpyamamoto09> *causa 13:21 < Qcoder02> How many new page patrollers does it take to change a light bulb? - None the just tag it as blown 13:21 < Qcoder02> :( 13:22 < Isarra> Casa was funnier. 13:22 < Qcoder02> *they 13:22 < BadGirl_> Que causa Jpyamamoto09 13:22 < Jpyamamoto09> estoy creando un Wikiproyecto llamado Wikiproyecto:Internet 13:22 < Jpyamamoto09> y nesecito que votes por la creación 13:23 < BadGirl_> Jpyamamoto09: Sabes que no puedo editar en la wiki 13:23 < Qcoder02> BarkingFish: NZ House had a fire? 13:23 < Jpyamamoto09> cierto 13:23 < Jpyamamoto09> me tengo que ir 13:23 < BadGirl_> Jpyamamoto09: claro te ayudaria desde la wiki en inglés jejejeje 13:23 -!- Jpyamamoto09 [bd8ddd44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:24 < Qcoder02> russavia: You are going to a famr to take a picture of ornothological breeding? 13:24 < Qcoder02> Won't someone think of the chicklets? 13:24 < Qcoder02> XD 13:24 < Qcoder02> *farm 13:24 < BadGirl_> ok chao Jpyamamoto09 13:24 -!- BobTheWikipedian [~BobTheWik@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:25 < BadGirl_> A.N.T. Farm Qcoder02 13:26 < Qcoder02> ?? 13:26 < BobTheWikipedian> artichoke, nutmeg, and tomato farm 13:26 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:27 < BadGirl_> Qcoder02: Sorry 13:27 < Qcoder02> I'm still going to take picture of my alien costume when I;ve completed it... 13:27 < Qcoder02> Does anyone here think Wikipedia needs pictures of make up tactics? 13:28 < BobTheWikipedian> save it for pinterest 13:28 -!- BarkingFish [~BarkingFi@openglobe/BarkingFish] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:28 < Qcoder02> ?? 13:28 < BobTheWikipedian> look it up :) 13:28 -!- MJ94 [~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94] has quit [Quit: Textual v2.1 (ZTN Fork v2.0.1)] 13:28 < BobTheWikipedian> site for sharing images 13:28 < BadGirl_> Qcoder02: these confused 13:30 < Peter-C> wtf does one wear to a village council meeting 13:30 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:30 < Qcoder02> A auit 13:30 < Qcoder02> *Suit 13:30 < BobTheWikipedian> stockings? 13:31 < Peter-C> I don’t wanna D: 13:31 < BlastHardcheese> nothing 13:31 < Peter-C> ^good idea 13:31 < Qcoder02> What is a Village Council ? 13:31 < Peter-C> Show them I am open to new idea 13:31 -!- MJ94 [~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:31 < BlastHardcheese> presumably a council for a village 13:31 < mareklug> Peter-C: in the audience in the summer, a tshirt 13:31 < BadGirl_> See you later 13:31 -!- BadGirl_ [becc63da@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en [] 13:31 < Peter-C> addios 13:31 < Qcoder02> If it's anything like a British Parish Council, just wearing seomthing conservative but casul will be fine 13:31 < Qcoder02> A shirt is usally required 13:32 < mysterytrey> Who's badgirl_ ? 13:32 < BobTheWikipedian> or a blouse 13:32 < Qcoder02> If female yes 13:32 < Peter-C> BobTheWikipedian - I AM NOT WEARING A BLOUCE 13:32 < BobTheWikipedian> lol 13:32 < Pharos> what are you doingf at the village council? 13:32 < Qcoder02> Peter-C: If you are able to see me please respond 13:32 < BobTheWikipedian> i hope not! 13:33 < Peter-C> Qcoder02 - what 13:33 < Qcoder02> Peter-C: Thanks 13:33 < Qcoder02> I had a chance to reconsider certain things I said earlier in the year 13:33 < Peter-C> Pharos - We are proposing a 1.5 million dollar project for a new radio system 13:33 < Peter-C> Moving from 300 band to 700 band 13:33 < Qcoder02> Qcoder02 = Qcoder00 13:33 < Peter-C> O’rlly? 13:34 < Qcoder02> I locked myself out of the old account 13:34 < Qcoder02> :( 13:34 < Qcoder02> BTW Are you willing to back a campaign against tasteless 9/11 jokes? 13:35 -!- Fasttimes68 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:35 < Fasttimes68> Is there a commons chan on freenode? 13:35 < Qcoder02> Fasttimes68: #Wikimedia-Commons 13:35 < Fasttimes68> danke 13:36 < Fasttimes68> might as well do something there 13:36 -!- nickanc [~Nickanc@wikimedia/Nickanc] has quit [Quit: Sto andando via] 13:36 < Qcoder02> Peter-C: Anyway good luck with the EMS stuff in any event 13:36 < Qcoder02> :) 13:36 -!- kaldari [~rkaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:37 < BobTheWikipedian> qcoder - btw = me? 13:38 < mattbuck> can someone semi [[University of Nottingham]] please? lots of IP peacocking recently 13:38 -!- The_Blade [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:38 -!- The_Blade [] has quit [Changing host] 13:38 -!- The_Blade [~chatzilla@wikipedia/The-Blade-of-the-Northern-Lights] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:38 -!- ragesoss [~sage@wikimedia/ragesoss] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 13:38 < Qcoder02> Peter-C: Thanks for the response :) 13:39 -!- MarchingFrood is now known as Frood 13:39 < mareklug> USA defeats USA for gold in ladies' beach ball. for a 3rd straight gold for the pair. 13:40 -!- TeeTylerToe [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:40 < BobTheWikipedian> usa self-defeated? 13:40 < mareklug> self-won, too. 13:40 < BobTheWikipedian> is that legal? 13:40 < mareklug> gold and silver. 13:41 < The_Blade> BobTheWikipedian; it's a bit like Schroedinger's cat, isn't it. Simultaneously winners and losers. 13:41 < Fasttimes68> beach vollyball is lame 13:42 < mareklug> all around it was a banner day for usa in track and field, too. 13:42 < Peter-C> Oh look, someone in my down died at a party 13:42 < BobTheWikipedian> sorta....but the cat represents certain uncertainty 13:42 < BlastHardcheese> we're so awesome the only ones who can beat us are ourselves 13:42 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Quit: leaving] 13:42 < Peter-C> Didn’t see that one coming, except for the fact I did 13:42 -!- Tony_Sidaway_ [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:42 -!- Tony_Sidaway_ is now known as Tony_Sidaway 13:43 * BobTheWikipedian applies for a job with clorox 13:44 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Quit: While there's life, there's hope.] 13:45 -!- Keegan_ [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 13:45 < kaldari> the clorox headquarters is about 4 blocks from my house 13:46 < kaldari> which is probably not important 13:46 < Frood> why do people pay extra for brand-name bleach? 13:46 < Frood> it's like 13:46 < Frood> okay you have chlorine and you add some stuff 13:46 < Frood> i think 13:46 < Frood> i should probably look this up before i speak more 13:46 < kaldari> even generic bleach normally contains chlorine 13:46 < mareklug> brand trust is a powerful thing 13:47 < Frood> kaldari: that's what i mean 13:47 < kaldari> you pay extra for the cool logo 13:47 < Frood> it's hard to mess taht up 13:47 < Frood> if you have an extra atom in the chlorine, you don't have chlorine 13:47 < Frood> er, not atom 13:47 < kaldari> what I want to know is where can I buy pure bleach 13:47 < Frood> electron/neutron/proton 13:47 < Frood> what kind of bleach? 13:47 < kaldari> regular bleach is like 10% bleach actually 13:48 < kaldari> what if I need to burn a hole through my floor? 13:48 < Frood> there are apparently a lot of kinds of bleach 13:48 < Frood> chlorine? 13:48 < BobTheWikipedian> haha if only i could copy/paste this discussion onto my application for the social media manager position with clorox i'm applying for... 13:48 < kaldari> NaClO 13:49 < Tony_Sidaway> You can get fairly concentrated bleach. If you really need pure bleach (and are a competent chemist) you can make it in the kitchen. 13:49 < IRWolfie-> The_Blade: you there 13:49 < The_Blade> Yeah. 13:49 < IRWolfie-> The_Blade: I had a question about Korean 13:49 < IRWolfie-> you are Korean right? 13:49 < BobTheWikipedian> yay, a client i turned down called to find out what other string quartets are available 13:49 < The_Blade> No, but I know some about it. 13:49 < Tony_Sidaway> Trouble is of course some bleaches are also used in explosives... 13:50 < IRWolfie-> ah, you don't speak the korean language do you? 13:50 < kaldari> I also found out that duct tape is used by terrorists 13:50 < BobTheWikipedian> so are #2 pencils 13:50 < IRWolfie-> I was wondering what the korean for North Korea literally translates into 13:50 < The_Blade> No, my second language of sorts is Japanese 13:50 < kaldari> and typewriters! 13:51 < The_Blade> That I think I know, though... 13:51 < mareklug> kaldari: and Boeing B 757 13:52 < kaldari> the USPS wouldn't let me ship a package wrapped with duct tape because they said duct tape was used by terrorists. no joke. 13:52 < The_Blade> It translates to "Joseon Democratic People's Republic" 13:52 < The_Blade> As if it really is... 13:52 < kaldari> I should have asked if terrorists used stamps 13:52 < IRWolfie-> Joseon is? 13:52 * IRWolfie- googles 13:53 < IRWolfie-> aha, an old unified korean state? 13:53 < BobTheWikipedian> lol kaldari 13:54 < BobTheWikipedian> i've never used duct tape for sealing a package 13:54 < The_Blade> Ah, got me in the middle of typing it. 13:54 < BobTheWikipedian> i use mailing tape 13:55 -!- heatherw [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:55 -!- heatherw [] has quit [Changing host] 13:55 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:55 < The_Blade> I can read some hanja, so I can generally get pretty close if I have them there. 13:55 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:55 -!- shimgray [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:55 -!- shimgray [] has quit [Changing host] 13:55 -!- shimgray [~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:55 -!- jc33 [~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:55 < BobTheWikipedian> today i found an impossible captcha 13:56 < The_Blade> Ah, those. 13:56 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Quit: leaving] 13:56 < jc33> BobTheWikipedian: ? 13:56 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.] 13:56 < Isarra> It's okay. We're all terrorists here. 13:56 < jc33> 13:56 < BobTheWikipedian> one by recaptcha, actually 13:56 < jc33> "headshits"? 13:57 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has quit [Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~] 13:57 < BobTheWikipedian> i don't recall having troubles with recaptcha before 13:57 < Isarra> We want to make knowledge available to people. If that's not terrifying, I dunno what is. 13:57 < BobTheWikipedian> i seriously had to hit refresh captcha at least 100 or 200 times to see something i could make out 13:57 -!- Keegan_ [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:57 -!- Jarry1250 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]] 13:57 < jc33> oh, 13:58 < BobTheWikipedian> eventually got frustrated and hit the audio button 13:58 < BobTheWikipedian> which wasn't an improvement 13:58 < Isarra> O_o 13:58 < BobTheWikipedian> much to my surprise 13:58 < BobTheWikipedian> anyone else have problems with this captcha? 13:58 < foks> The audio button is utterly impossible 13:58 < foks> BobTheWikipedian, no? 13:59 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has left #wikipedia-en [] 13:59 -!- liberaldudette [~mark@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:59 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:59 < foks> ...hurr 13:59 < BobTheWikipedian> does the audio work for you? 14:00 < foks> Audio captchas don't ever work 14:00 < Isarra> It makes my brain hurt. 14:00 < foks> I have no idea what to listen for 14:00 < BobTheWikipedian> mine sounds like a bunch of people talking gibberish atop one another 14:00 < foks> it's just loads of people talking. 14:00 < Isarra> But then, most captchas do. 14:00 < foks> What are you listening for exactly? 14:00 -!- liberaldudette [~mark@] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:00 < BobTheWikipedian> individual letters to type 14:01 < foks> well I can't hear anything 14:02 -!- lexein [~chatzilla@wikipedia/lexein] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:02 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:04 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:04 < BobTheWikipedian> submitted a "too hard to read" report and noted the audio issue. hopefully that's the last time i encounter that issue 14:05 < lexein> Quick question - is [[User:Wiki.2012.pedia]] username running afoul of [[WP:USERNAME]]? 14:05 -!- Frood_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:05 -!- Frood_ [] has quit [Changing host] 14:05 -!- Frood_ [~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:05 < BobTheWikipedian> am i? 14:06 < Isarra> BobTheWikipedian: Yes. 14:06 < lexein> aren't you grandfathered in for being a wikibeardian? 14:06 < BobTheWikipedian> lol 14:06 < BobTheWikipedian> before i had a unified login, i had to use a different name on the japanese wiki 14:07 < BobTheWikipedian> "bob" is blacklisted there 14:07 < GorillaWarfare> Hmm. Making a for sale poster for my car is difficult... 14:07 < lexein> oooh, don't go there, man 14:07 < GorillaWarfare> "Runs pretty well, I think" isn't terribly confidence-inspiring... 14:07 < BobTheWikipedian> lol gorilla 14:07 < BobTheWikipedian> why do you like the car? 14:08 < GorillaWarfare> BobTheWikipedian: I don't. That would be why I'm selling it :P 14:08 < BobTheWikipedian> what is there to show off? 14:08 < GorillaWarfare> BobTheWikipedian: Nothing? 14:08 -!- Frood [~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 14:08 < BobTheWikipedian> then scrap it 14:08 < GorillaWarfare> Just because I don't like it doesn't mean someone else won't :P 14:08 < BobTheWikipedian> "worth its weight in gold"? 14:08 < kaldari> GorillaWarfare: "no flat tires"? 14:09 < GorillaWarfare> Hahaha 14:09 < BobTheWikipedian> lol kaldari 14:09 -!- Frood [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:09 < GorillaWarfare> "Had a fuel leak but I fixed it" 14:09 -!- Frood [] has quit [Changing host] 14:09 -!- Frood [~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:09 < BobTheWikipedian> then say "new fuel line" 14:09 < BobTheWikipedian> "new tires" 14:09 < BobTheWikipedian> "new transmission" 14:09 < GorillaWarfare> I'm not sure how to word it... 14:09 < BobTheWikipedian> "new air freshener" 14:09 < kaldari> lol 14:10 < GorillaWarfare> "New plastic thinger that pumps fuel in" 14:10 * GorillaWarfare is not a car person 14:10 < BobTheWikipedian> oh i got one of those too 14:10 -!- PeterSymonds_ [~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:10 < Isarra> "Car for sale. It runs." 14:10 < kaldari> don't mention the plastic :) 14:10 < BobTheWikipedian> "new fuel injector" 14:10 < BobTheWikipedian> "leak is probably fixed" 14:10 < mareklug> "cheap, dependable transportation" 14:11 < IRWolfie-> The_Blade: thanks 14:11 < kaldari> "no foul odors" 14:11 < IRWolfie-> (forgot to say :>) 14:11 < The_Blade> No proble 14:11 < The_Blade> *problem 14:11 < lexein> Well, you know those Chinese made "anvils"? Real blacksmiths call them ASO's. Anvil-shaped objects. So, you have a "car-like object, resembles most legally permitted moving passenger vehicles. no features. no big gaps." 14:11 < BobTheWikipedian> "buy now and return the fuel injection with the included receipt for its full value" 14:11 -!- Frood_ [~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:12 < BobTheWikipedian> "hurry fast, only 14 days remaining on warranty!" 14:12 -!- PeterSymonds [~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:12 < kaldari> "Not a Trabant!" 14:13 < GorillaWarfare> xD 14:13 < kaldari> unless it is 14:13 < BobTheWikipedian> "or a pinto!" 14:13 -!- PeterSymonds_ [~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:13 < mysterytrey> Pinto! 14:13 < GorillaWarfare> BobTheWikipedian: It's a minivan :S 14:13 < mysterytrey> Faster than a ferrari! 14:13 < BobTheWikipedian> "seats seven!" 14:13 < GorillaWarfare> That's on there 14:13 < Fasttimes68> We had a Pinto 14:14 < mysterytrey> Lucky you. 14:14 < Fasttimes68> it was an awseome little car 14:14 < mysterytrey> ? 14:14 < TeeTylerToe> beetle queen conquers tokyo? 14:14 < kaldari> "Bigger than a Trabant!" 14:15 < Fasttimes68> "damper than an armpit!" 14:15 < BobTheWikipedian> perfect for squeezing in as many politicians as necessary before cementing the accelerator to the floor with the vehicle aimed at a cliff!" 14:15 < Fasttimes68> !time 14:15 < Fasttimes68> need useful bots in here 14:15 < BobTheWikipedian> "your candidate's opponent doesn't stand a chance with this one" 14:16 < kaldari> "fine japanese engineering" 14:17 < mysterytrey> Presidential Limo --> Presidential Pinto 14:17 < Qcoder02> Anyone here got a good female voice? 14:17 < Fasttimes68> hmm looks like rtc actually did an Mfd for the nazi logo 14:17 < BobTheWikipedian> mine's a bit falsetto-y 14:17 < Isarra> My orchid grew a leaf. 14:17 < Isarra> I thought it vitally important you all knew that. 14:17 < kaldari> Qcoder02: hate to tell you this, but IRC is text only 14:17 < BobTheWikipedian> my mandeville got scorched, withered, and is now a brown clump 14:18 < Isarra> Also, have you seen wikipedia's assortment of women? 14:18 < jc33> Qcoder02: But there's color. 14:18 < GorillaWarfare> *sigh* I finally found the perfect barbell for a piercing of mine, and it's not in my size 14:18 < Isarra> WMF already hired most of the good ones. 14:18 < Qcoder02> ROFL 14:18 < Pharos> does this look good? 14:18 * GorillaWarfare glares at this website 14:18 < Fasttimes68> are you gonna put it in your prick? 14:18 < mareklug> Qcoder02: Sangeeta the Indian voice on the mac. I think it is also publicly available 14:18 < GorillaWarfare> Fasttimes68: That's the plan. 14:19 < Fasttimes68> why 14:19 < jc33> looks ok 14:19 < kaldari> seems like a trick question 14:19 < Qcoder02> I was wanting a female voice to record something 14:19 < Qcoder02> :) 14:19 < Isarra> Pharos: Big button. 14:19 < Maryana> isarra: :D 14:19 < Qcoder02> Anyone here interested in recording jane Austen? 14:19 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 14:19 < Isarra> ^^ 14:19 < BobTheWikipedian> pharos.....i think we agreed that anyone posting links without descriptions gets killed by fluffernutter 14:19 * Isarra starts giggling. 14:20 < Qcoder02> It needs a British English female voice 14:20 < Qcoder02> I know someone I could ask to record Dickens, but didn't know anyone to record Austen 14:20 < Isarra> LOOK A LINK! 14:20 < mareklug> then Fiona the Scottish voice on the mac 14:20 * Isarra runs. 14:20 < jc33> BUSTED :D 14:20 < jc33> 17:30, 8 August 2012 DerHexer (talk | contribs) changed status for global account "User:Jamesn (WMF)@global": Set locked; Unset (none) (WMF impersonator) 14:20 * BobTheWikipedian hits isarra with a pan 14:20 * jc33 has a good nose 14:20 < jc33> um 14:20 < Isarra> Ow. 14:21 < kaldari> Qcoder02: There is a woman who does some very good audio articles, but don't remember her username 14:21 < GorillaWarfare> Qcoder02: Female yes, British no :/ 14:21 < GorillaWarfare> What's it for? 14:21 < BobTheWikipedian> isarra stop sharing your porn sites 14:21 < Qcoder02> Recording Jane Austen ; 14:21 -!- Aetitiae [~Aetitiae@unaffiliated/aetitiae] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 14:21 < Qcoder02> Unless there's already a Librivox 14:21 < Isarra> Actually, most of the porn is at, not 14:21 < BobTheWikipedian> sh! 14:21 < GorillaWarfare> Qcoder02: I got that… I meant for what purpose 14:21 < Isarra> I'm just sayin'. 14:21 < Qcoder02> Wikisource 14:22 < TeeTylerToe> jane austin isn't porn 14:22 < Qcoder02> Also is there any Sci-fi on Wikisource? 14:22 < TeeTylerToe> for men at least 14:22 < BobTheWikipedian> :o 14:22 < Isarra> Actually, technically speaking, I suppose it's all at, what with the uploads being a subdomain of that one... 14:22 < BobTheWikipedian> i just saw a [[bare-fronted hoodwink]] fly past my window 14:25 -!- DivT [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:25 < lexein> Jane Austen is verbosity-porn. Mmmm, too many words.... 14:26 < The_Blade> The worst for verbosity is William Faulkner. 14:26 < GorillaWarfare> Mrr, I love Wikisource ^^\ 14:26 * lexein MmmmmmmmmMMMMMmmmm 14:27 < BobTheWikipedian> hmmm. would the kentucky-indiana border be "great lakes" or "great plains"? 14:28 < mareklug> it's ohio valley 14:28 < The_Blade> We should start an edit war over it and get it on WP:LAME 14:28 < BobTheWikipedian> yeah...this is multiple choice though 14:28 < mareklug> great lakes for evansville 14:29 < BobTheWikipedian> hmmm great lakes seems closer, i'll go with that 14:29 -!- jc33 is now known as New_York_City 14:29 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:29 -!- New_York_City is now known as jc33 14:29 -!- jc33 [~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]] 14:32 -!- Keegan_ [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:33 < Pharos> now has the magical wizard thing 14:33 -!- James_F [~jdforrest@wikimedia/JamesF] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:33 < Seddon> Pharos, getting gandalf involved is cheating :P 14:33 < Pharos> WALRUS in 3.5 bhours 14:33 < The_Blade> Well, stop him then. 14:34 < Pharos> gandalf is a well-known WALRUS 14:35 < TeeTylerToe> is the mythbusters jamie gandalf's love child? 14:36 -!- Sven_Manguard [~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:37 < BobTheWikipedian> :o 14:37 < BobTheWikipedian> walrus clobbers facebook 14:37 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away 14:38 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:38 < foks> WALRUK 14:38 < BobTheWikipedian> lol 14:38 -!- YE is now known as YE|Away 14:39 < Pharos> WALRUK is welcome to join 14:39 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has quit [Excess Flood] 14:39 < Pharos> who registered on facebook? 14:39 -!- The_Blade [~chatzilla@wikipedia/The-Blade-of-the-Northern-Lights] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 14:39 < BobTheWikipedian> pharos - where's your list of good animal names? 14:39 < BobTheWikipedian> heh i set it up on fb months ago 14:40 < Pharos> 14:40 < BobTheWikipedian> none of them have UK in them 14:41 < Pharos> WALRUK is good enough 14:41 < foks> I love that that exists, Pharos 14:41 < foks> :D 14:41 < BobTheWikipedian> gotta be a walronym with "UK" in it :P 14:41 < Pharos> i think i have a fair idea of what a walruk must look like ;) 14:42 < BobTheWikipedian> 10 points for whoever can think of a UK walronym 14:42 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:42 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has quit [Excess Flood] 14:42 -!- TheBanner_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:42 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:42 < TeeTylerToe> A close second in the VP candidate race behind rafalka? 14:43 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:45 < Pharos> Scottish Organization of Wikimedians 14:45 < BobTheWikipedian> that insn't inclusive 14:46 < BobTheWikipedian> that singles out englishmen 14:46 < BobTheWikipedian> it would be like having the confederate organization of wikimedians, what about the union? 14:47 < Pharos> foks is a raging scottish nsationalist 14:47 < foks> I already said WALRUK! 14:48 < foks> Also, I totally am. 14:48 < Logan_> WALRUS 14:48 < BobTheWikipedian> quack 14:48 < foks> United States of SCOTLAND 14:48 * foks declares war, etc. 14:48 < RD> *China 14:48 < Pharos> i believe a WALRUS would be a cross between a walrus and an auroch 14:48 < Pharos> a most formidab;e beast 14:48 < BobTheWikipedian> isarra 14:49 < Pharos> *WALRUK i mean 14:49 < GorillaWarfare> Sven_Manguard: o/ 14:49 < Sven_Manguard> o/ 14:49 < BobTheWikipedian> issarrrrrrraaaaa.... 14:49 < Logan_> OMG IT'S SVEN 14:49 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:49 < Sven_Manguard> o/ 14:50 * Logan_ eats fluffernutter 14:50 < Logan_> sandwich 14:50 < foks> Wikimedians And High Octane Occurances 14:50 * Fluffernutter dies 14:50 < GorillaWarfare> Sven_Manguard: So, bummer:,_1945%E2%80%931967:_A_Study_Prepared_by_the_Department_of_Defense/I._C._Ho_Chi_Minh:_Asian_Tito%3F#11 14:50 < BobTheWikipedian> oe, to, tree, fur, fve, sx, sven, eght, nne, tn! 14:50 < [ceradon]> Welp 14:50 < Sven_Manguard> BobTheWikipedian: yawn 14:50 < Sven_Manguard> GorillaWarfare: you need me to delete things? 14:51 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:51 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:51 < Sven_Manguard> Or... wait... that was the one you were working on?! 14:51 < Sven_Manguard> Wha?! 14:51 -!- Avruch [~Me@wikimedia/Nathan] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:52 -!- nprice [~nprice@] has quit [Changing host] 14:52 -!- nprice [~nprice@wikipedia/nprice] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:52 < BobTheWikipedian> "sven" appears in pop culture. in monkey island, the street dealer code is "have you got a brother named sven?" 14:52 < GorillaWarfare> Sven_Manguard: Nah, Pathoschild and Logan helped me out there 14:52 < foks> Wikimedians On Lighter Fuel 14:52 < foks> WOLF 14:52 < BobTheWikipedian> um 14:52 < GorillaWarfare> It's all set, just a shame 14:52 < BobTheWikipedian> good luck applying for grants under that name, foks 14:52 < foks> :3 14:53 < Pharos> in USAmerica, we say Wikimedians in Lighter Fluid 14:53 < Pharos> On 14:53 < BobTheWikipedian> i was gonna say the same 14:53 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:54 < Sven_Manguard> GorillaWarfare: what happened? 14:54 -!- Anurag2k12 [~Anurag2k1@] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:54 < Sven_Manguard> all that was excerpts? 14:54 < GorillaWarfare> The text contained a number of excerpts from copyrighted books 14:54 < GorillaWarfare> Indeed 14:55 < Isarra> Huh? 14:55 < Sven_Manguard> goddamned CIA 14:55 < Isarra> BobTheWikipedian: What? 14:55 < BobTheWikipedian> foks needs a logo 14:55 < BobTheWikipedian> of a walruk 14:55 < Isarra> For what? 14:55 < Isarra> What's that? 14:55 < BobTheWikipedian> for walruk, of cousre 14:55 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng 14:55 < foks> It's like a walrus, but with less s and more k. 14:55 < foks> I don't need a logo. 14:55 < foks> :3 14:56 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:02 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Quit: I'll remember this.] 15:03 -!- peteforsyth [~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth] has quit [Quit: peteforsyth] 15:04 < BobTheWikipedian> yay for applications that time out :P 15:05 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has quit [] 15:07 -!- Wehwalt [4462af34@wikipedia/Wehwalt] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 15:07 * Isarra tattoos a walrus on foks. 15:07 < foks> >:( 15:07 < Pharos> the day someone gets a waalrus tattoo, is the day my work is done 15:08 < Isarra> Comma splice. 15:08 < Actress22> back 15:08 < Pharos> all my splices are intentional 15:09 < Pharos> altho ii don't plan on any walrus tattooos yill 2024 15:09 < Pharos> *till 15:10 -!- haggis_ [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:10 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has quit [Quit: !] 15:12 < russavia> pharos, condoms were the topic of discussion earlier ---- 15:12 -!- haggis [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:12 -!- haggis_ is now known as haggis 15:14 < Pharos> that's some kind oif justice 15:15 < Pharos> anyway, what page should i use for planning farifuture wikimanias? 15:17 < Pharos> [[Wikimedia X]]? 15:18 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 15:19 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:19 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:24 < Sven_Manguard> Pharos: "Wikimania Mars"? 15:25 -!- Courcelles_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:25 < mysterytrey> Sven_Manguard: Yes! 15:25 -!- BigRig [] has quit [Quit: ThrashIRC v2.7 sic populo comunicated] 15:26 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:27 < Sven_Manguard> Wikimania Mars: "Free oxygen for everyone except for the WR people" 15:28 < mysterytrey> WR people? 15:28 < Sven_Manguard> if you don't know, you're better for it 15:28 -!- Courcelles_ is now known as Courcelles 15:28 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.] 15:29 < Sven_Manguard> Wikimania Mars: "Excursion to the location where the Curiosity rover found liquid water (and Jimmy Hoffa swimming in it)" 15:30 -!- Magog_the_Ogre [~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:31 -!- lukas23 [~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:32 < mareklug> and Jimmy Hoffa sleeping with the fishes in it 15:32 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Quit: GorillaWarfare] 15:35 -!- aezop [~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:35 -!- mysterytrey [~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 15:36 < Pharos> WALRUS IN 2.5 hours 15:39 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:40 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:41 < Sven_Manguard> Pharos: what? 15:41 < Sven_Manguard> An IRC meeting> 15:41 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:41 < Pharos> yes 15:41 < Pharos> in #wikimedia-us 15:42 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has quit [Quit: hometime] 15:42 < Pharos> we can also plan the next real-life meeting 15:42 < Pharos> I was thinking Texas! 15:43 -!- Actress22 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:44 < Pharos> at a HI hostel! 15:44 -!- Courcelles [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]] 15:45 -!- Earwig [~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:46 -!- Nascar1996 [~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:49 -!- Anurag2k12 [~Anurag2k1@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:50 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:51 < Pharos> i am in love with the canadian poet-in-residence at the olympics 15:53 -!- Earwig [~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig] has left #wikipedia-en [] 15:53 < Sven_Manguard> Pharos: I, as a sane person, would never set foot in that place. 15:53 < Sven_Manguard> Except to visit user:La Pianista 15:54 < Sven_Manguard> and even then, I'd have to wear a biohazard suit and avoid contact with politicians 15:54 -!- worm_that_turned [~worm_that@wikipedia/Worm-That-Turned] has left #wikipedia-en [] 15:54 < Pharos> love for canadian poets is never sane 15:54 < Sven_Manguard> Hi WTT 15:55 < mareklug> 15:55 < Pharos> mareklug: exactly 15:57 -!- Jeske_Merensky [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Quit: Eek! Yoshi! *flees*] 15:57 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has quit [Quit: tttt] 15:57 < Sven_Manguard> Pharos: do you know how to send an entire email chain instead of just the latest email when using gmail? 15:58 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:58 < Pharos> replied in #wikimedia-us 15:59 -!- shimgray [~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 15:59 < Tony_Sidaway> What is #Wikipedia-us? 15:59 < Tony_Sidaway> Ooh I see, media. 15:59 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:59 < Pharos> yes 16:00 -!- peteforsyth [~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:00 < Tony_Sidaway> Misread that. 16:00 < Tony_Sidaway> I thought for a moment there had been another one of those colonial rebellions! 16:04 < Pharos> heaven forfend 16:05 < BobTheWikipedian> is that a word? 16:05 < Pharos> i choose to believe so 16:05 -!- haggis [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 16.0a2/20120803042008]] 16:06 < Pharos> 16:06 -!- mysterytrey [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:06 -!- mysterytrey [] has quit [Changing host] 16:06 -!- mysterytrey [~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:07 < BobTheWikipedian> ˈfɔːˌfɛnd 16:07 < BobTheWikipedian> the r is silent :o 16:07 < mysterytrey> Do you roll the silent r? 16:07 < BobTheWikipedian> lol 16:08 -!- Lydia_WMDE_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:08 < BobTheWikipedian> "This word is dated and becoming obsolete. Mostly used now in set expressions such as heaven forfend." 16:08 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:09 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 16:09 < mysterytrey> What does WMDE stand for? 16:09 < BobTheWikipedian> wm germany 16:09 < BobTheWikipedian> de = deutschland 16:10 < BobTheWikipedian> wm = wikimedia 16:10 -!- Patar_knight [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:10 -!- Patar_knight [] has quit [Changing host] 16:10 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:11 -!- turntechTerminal [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:11 < mysterytrey> Ah. 16:11 < mysterytrey> Interesting article feedback. Worth a ponder: "Wikipedia tends to have technical bias, which understandably occurs considering that only those who are technically inclined can edit it. The term "Arduino" for example, should lead to the disambiguation page for the name, not the technical project given that name." 16:12 < Pharos> what does WMAQ stand for? 16:12 < BobTheWikipedian> wikimedia aq 16:12 < mysterytrey> Antartica? 16:13 < BobTheWikipedian> Wikimedia Antarctique 16:13 < Pharos> we incorporate at dawn! 16:13 < BobTheWikipedian> lol 16:13 < mysterytrey> What does WMBBQ stand for? 16:13 < BobTheWikipedian> this year, pharos? 16:15 < BobTheWikipedian> trey...Wikimedia Barbecue 16:15 < mysterytrey> No rly? 16:15 < BobTheWikipedian> :D 16:17 < BobTheWikipedian> actually, WMAQ is an AM radio station 16:17 -!- WilliamH_UK [WilliamH@Wikipedia/WilliamH] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:17 < BobTheWikipedian> it stands for We Must Ask Questions 16:18 -!- rschen7754 [~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 16:18 -!- turntechTerminal [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 16:18 -!- LikeLakers2 [~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:18 < mysterytrey> btw:And your telling us this why? 16:20 < BobTheWikipedian> perhaps the same reason you asked what wmbbq stands for 16:21 -!- Matthew_ [~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Quit: meeting] 16:22 < Pharos> WALRUS in 1.5 ours 16:22 < mysterytrey> Interesting article feedback: "dildos were used to kill nazi" 16:23 < BobTheWikipedian> i once used a forum where "nazi" was a forbidden word 16:23 < BobTheWikipedian> so was "stalin" 16:23 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:24 < mysterytrey> Does wikipedia suck gumdrops? " posted feedback to Wikipedia2 weeks ago | Details 16:24 < mysterytrey> no I forgot to tell you it also sucks gumdrops" 16:24 < Pharos> i used one where "ron paul" was forbidden 16:24 -!- Soapy [Soap@wikipedia/soap] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:25 < BobTheWikipedian> well we ended up finding a long list of words that were forbidden, and the history club at the forum had a big bone to pick about that 16:25 < mysterytrey> I used one where profanities were forbidden. 16:25 < BobTheWikipedian> so i led them in a petition to have the words unblocked 16:25 < BobTheWikipedian> and it was successful :D 16:25 < Pharos> actually, it was automatically changed to "Ron Lawl" :P 16:26 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:26 < Pharos> which is kind of hilarious 16:26 < mysterytrey> I used one where it turned mysql to crap. Honest to god. 16:26 < BobTheWikipedian> lol 16:27 -!- Fasttimes68 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:27 < BobTheWikipedian> legend has it yahoo used to automatically delete "allah" from emails 16:27 < BobTheWikipedian> until a certain miss callahan complained 16:28 < Pharos> is even yahooo that stupid? 16:28 < BobTheWikipedian> apparently they once were 16:28 < Soapy> Miss Can 16:28 < mysterytrey> This is very random: posted feedback to Oxygen4 months ago | Details 16:28 < mysterytrey> "must be made by mexicans" 16:28 < BobTheWikipedian> yeah she thought it was people being rude until she realized what was going on 16:30 -!- DeltaQuad__ is now known as DeltaQuad 16:30 < Sven_Manguard> BobTheWikipedian is correct. Yahoo used to also remove words such as "java", replacing them with things like "mocha", because they feared people would use email to send malware 16:30 -!- turntechTerminal [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:31 < BobTheWikipedian> also, this story regarding once-banned usernames on yahoo: 16:31 < mysterytrey> mochascript didn't raisee any eyebrows? 16:31 < Sven_Manguard> mysterytrey: it did 16:31 < Sven_Manguard> people got pissed 16:31 < Sven_Manguard> In other news, no one uses Yahoo mail anymore and the company is now generally associated with a bygone era, if people are that nice to it 16:32 < BobTheWikipedian> :o i use yahoo mail 16:32 < BobTheWikipedian> and yahoo chat 16:33 < Sven_Manguard> BobTheWikipedian: 16:33 < mysterytrey> ... 16:33 < BobTheWikipedian> and yahoo search, and yahoo news, and flickr 16:33 < mysterytrey> BobTheWikipedian: That explains why you're still using IRC. 16:33 < Sven_Manguard> God dammit! Does anyone know how to make firefox not cut out the http://www. part of web addresses? 16:33 < mysterytrey> Not that I'm not. 16:33 < BobTheWikipedian> lol sven 16:33 -!- Jmajeremy [~Jmajeremy@wikipedia/Jmajeremy] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:33 < mysterytrey> https ? 16:34 < BobTheWikipedian> and i dunno :/ 16:34 -!- peteforsyth_ [~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:34 < Tony_Sidaway> Doesn't Yahoo have an unfortunate bug that permits people to discover your screen names? 16:34 < BobTheWikipedian> sven if you figure it out, let me know 16:34 < BobTheWikipedian> that's skype, tony 16:35 < BobTheWikipedian> and they consider it a feature 16:35 < Tony_Sidaway> I had to stop using 16:36 < Sven_Manguard> BobTheWikipedian: 16:36 < russavia> i hope you didn't stop sniffing socks though as a result 16:36 < BobTheWikipedian> sven that happened to me when i registered at 16:37 < BobTheWikipedian> "bob" is blacklisted 16:37 -!- peteforsyth [~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:37 -!- peteforsyth_ is now known as peteforsyth 16:37 < Sven_Manguard> ??? 16:37 < Sven_Manguard> why 16:37 < BobTheWikipedian> however, unified login overrode it 16:37 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:38 -!- Nascar1996 [~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has quit [Quit: Later!] 16:38 < russavia> i had to snag this username ages ago 16:38 < BobTheWikipedian> :o pharos foks the only walronym with W and UK in it is WAUK, which isn't an animal 16:38 -!- MC8 [~herpes@wikimedia/Microchip08] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:39 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:39 < BobTheWikipedian> lol russavia 16:39 < mysterytrey> You can unrequest oversight on feeback :o 16:39 -!- turntechTerminal [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 16:40 < BobTheWikipedian> and thus, the walruk is born :) 16:40 < Tony_Sidaway> russavia well it stopped being fun when everybody found out. 16:40 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 16:41 < mysterytrey> posted feedback to Wikipedia8 months ago | Details 16:41 < mysterytrey> everything sucks, wikipedia is stupid, and im better than you... im trolling your sorry butt. 16:41 < Tony_Sidaway> Than goodness nobody found out I'm a secret Thatcherite. 16:43 < Soapy> anyone here from finland? 16:43 -!- Fasttimes68 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:43 < Soapy> hi fast 16:44 < Fasttimes68> hi soap 16:45 < mysterytrey> posted a comment.7 months ago 16:45 < mysterytrey> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I DID NOT FIND WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU DUMMIES I ASKED (WHY IS GLOBAL WAMRING NOT HAPPENING??) OK UGH I WILL NEVER HELP IMPROVE THIS ARTICLE BECAUSE ITS A PIECEOF CRAP STUPID ARTICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 16:45 -!- lubmil [] has quit [Quit: noc, ppa] 16:45 < RD> cool. 16:45 < Soapy> average 16:45 < mysterytrey> warm 16:45 * RD finds this comment helpful 16:45 < RD> +1 16:45 < RD> Like. 16:46 < TeeTylerToe> An article is going to go without exclamation marks? How sad. 16:46 < mysterytrey> RD: 16:46 < Fasttimes68> good article 16:46 < Fasttimes68> i like the smiley face 16:47 < Soapy> global wamring 16:47 < Fasttimes68> i like global warming 16:47 < mysterytrey> global heating 16:48 < mysterytrey> pseudo-global cooling 16:48 < Fasttimes68> im a coneseuir 16:49 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm? 16:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Global warming is lame 16:50 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has quit [Excess Flood] 16:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> This is the year of Global Defense Inititive 16:50 < russavia> soapy, given that its the middle of the night, i am guessing all available finns would be out stabbing people in the forest at the moment 16:50 < russavia> perkele! 16:50 < Tony_Sidaway> Wonderful. That guy asked why global warming isn't happening and he's upset to be informed that it is. 16:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia finns dont have a darnk brotherhood office 16:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway to be fair global warming is a controversial term 16:51 -!- Anurag2k12 [~Anurag2k1@] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> whats happening is climate change 16:51 < RD> lol 16:51 < Tony_Sidaway> Different name, same phenomenon. 16:51 < RD> Yes. The 4th season. 16:51 < TeeTylerToe> Isn't it happening at 100 times the pace of regular climate change? 16:51 -!- YE|Away is now known as YE 16:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> true but one is wrong 16:52 < RD> Fall, Winter, Spring, Global Warming 16:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> climate change does not result in global warming everywhere 16:52 < Soapy> russavia: eh i found a Finnish speaking Finn in Finland on another channel : ) 16:52 < Soapy> optimism pays off 16:52 < BobTheWikipedian> hmmm. anyone have adobe acrobat? 16:52 < Tony_Sidaway> I won't argue about it. Our article is pretty definitive. 16:52 < RD> Does anybody not have adobe acrobat? :P 16:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tempratures in some places actually decreases due to the phenomenom 16:52 < BobTheWikipedian> i only have adobe reader 16:52 < russavia> lol 16:52 < RD> Oh, right 16:52 < RD> :) 16:52 < Soapy> i had Adobe Acrobat once 16:53 < Soapy> the real thing 16:53 < BobTheWikipedian> i need a document converted from a pdf :P 16:53 < Soapy> I got it legally either for free or really cheap through my school 16:53 * RD just likes Word's ability to save as PDF 16:53 < Soapy> It's gone now though. And probably wouldnt run on Windows 7 anyway 16:53 < Soapy> I dont think even Acrobat can convert *from* a pdg 16:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway sure, I only interfered because some dickheads use out of season snowing as evidence that global warming is false 16:53 < Soapy> at least not the version I had had 16:53 < RD> BobTheWikipedian: MS Word does it 16:53 < Soapy> Photoshop maybe could 16:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> RD sure it can 16:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> download primo pdf 16:53 < RD> What is the document currently? 16:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and print to it 16:54 < RD> Not even that 16:54 < BobTheWikipedian> pdf to doc? 16:54 < RD> It has a built in feature 16:54 < Fasttimes68> ToAruShiroiNeko: not their fault someone gave anthropogentic climate change a bad name 16:54 < Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: please just read the global warming article, which defines the term. 16:54 < BobTheWikipedian> word goes doc to pdf 16:54 < RD> Oh, *from* .. I missed that. 16:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway I have no problem with it 16:54 < BobTheWikipedian> not reverse 16:54 < RD> My old scanner had software to do that. 16:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> "Climate change" is the PC term, thats all I am saying 16:54 < Soapy> adobe Photoshop can take pdf's as input a 16:54 < RD> Not helpful. Sorry. 16:54 < Soapy> *and output to various other formats that are image based 16:54 < Soapy> what were you trying to convert it to? 16:54 < Soapy> .doc ? 16:55 < Soapy> a business card reading program might help 16:55 < BobTheWikipedian> anything that i can insert into a word document 16:55 < Soapy> yeah 16:55 < BobTheWikipedian> i suppose i'll do a print screen 16:55 < Soapy> you can insert images 16:55 < Soapy> print screen will work but itll be pixelated 16:55 < Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: you say you have no problem, but you argue from a fundamental misconception about what global warming means, and that is cleared up in the first sentence. 16:56 < Soapy> i wouldnt even say "climate change" is more politically correct 16:56 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.] 16:56 < RD> Are we gong to have a global warming discussion in here? 16:56 < Tony_Sidaway> No. 16:56 < Soapy> yes! 16:56 * RD doesn't think that's a good idea. :P 16:56 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:56 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@] has quit [Changing host] 16:56 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:56 < Tony_Sidaway> That's my last word. 16:57 < Soapy> can we debate abortion instead then? 16:57 < Soapy> nothing brings people together like abortion debates 16:57 < Fasttimes68> i like sauteeing the fetus 16:57 < Tony_Sidaway> I would expect we're all on the same side of that one, at least. 16:58 < Fasttimes68> i dunno, do you prefer olive oil or butter? 16:58 -!- Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter 16:58 < Tony_Sidaway> It's been a long time since abortion was really controversial outside religious circles. 16:59 < mysterytrey> Interesting name for an album. 16:59 -!- peteforsyth [~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth] has quit [Quit: peteforsyth] 16:59 < Pharos> depwnds on the country 16:59 < Tony_Sidaway> Well I'm in London. 16:59 < Fasttimes68> im in favor of later term abortion 16:59 < Fasttimes68> up to 215 months 17:00 < Pharos> this seems excessive 17:00 < Fasttimes68> at least the kid will mind his p 17:00 < Fasttimes68> p's and q's 17:01 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has quit [] 17:01 -!- august101 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:01 < TeeTylerToe> I lost a friend over an argument over whether the federal government funded abortion, and in what exact cases the federal government has over time 17:01 -!- august101 [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 17:01 < Fasttimes68> must not have been good friends 17:02 -!- Maryana [~justdandy@wikipedia/Accedie] has quit [Quit: AFK] 17:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe so you aborted your friendship? 17:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> was it federal gov funded? 17:02 < TeeTylerToe> No, it was just a fanatical belief 17:02 < TeeTylerToe> medicare covers it in cases of incest rape, and a few other cases, and it changes over time 17:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm 17:03 -!- Frood_ [~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Why would people care about what the federal government pays 17:03 < TeeTylerToe> because they don't want their tax dollars to go to abortion 17:04 < RD> Lets talk about in the meeting :P 17:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you can tell them their tax money is exclusively used on bombs 17:04 < RD> s/meeting/room 17:04 < Soapy> ok 17:04 < RD> lol 17:04 < Soapy> Wikipedia has locked the pages of several Republicans being mentioned as possible running mates for Mitt Romney, perhaps as a response to some shenanigans from Stephen Colbert. 17:04 -!- MC8 [~herpes@wikimedia/Microchip08] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 17:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> umm 17:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I object 17:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the entire site should be protected 17:05 -!- Anurag2k12 [~Anurag2k1@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:05 < RD> With armed guards. 17:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I suspect Patrick Steward could be a candidate for romney 17:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Who would hire guards without arms? 17:05 < RD> ED. 17:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its as irrational as guards without legs 17:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> guards without legs or arms = shield 17:06 -!- Frood [~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 17:06 < Soapy> Pawlenty's the only one whose article got full protected 17:07 < Soapy> maybe we got a leak that he's the actual nominee? 17:07 < Soapy> id vote for pawlenty 17:07 < TeeTylerToe> at first there were no exemptions For a brief period of time, coverage included cases of rape, incest, life endangerment, and physical health damage to the woman. However, beginning in 1979, the physical health exception was excluded, and in 1981 rape and incest exceptions were also excluded. 17:07 < TeeTylerToe> In September 1993, Congress rewrote the provision to include Medicaid funding for abortions in cases where the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest. The present version of the Hyde Amendment requires coverage of abortion in cases of rape, incest, and life endangerment. 17:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I think US politics and Egypt politics have something in common 17:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> both is over women 17:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> in part 17:09 < Soapy> eh?? 17:09 < Soapy> egypt was nice a few thousand years ago 17:10 < Pharos> egypt is nicer now than it was then 17:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> lies 17:10 -!- Guest30399 [kat@gateway/shell/] has quit [Changing host] 17:10 -!- Guest30399 [kat@wikia/vstf/countervandalism.KATANAGOD] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:10 -!- Guest30399 is now known as coldplay 17:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> back then it was under british rule 17:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> whats better than being ruled by the british 17:12 < TeeTylerToe> in heaven the cops are british the lovers italian, the chefs french, the mechanics german and it's all run by the swiss 17:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe ya 17:12 < TeeTylerToe> in hell the cops are german the lovers swiss the chefs british, the mechanics french and it's all run by the italians 17:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but italians are efficient 17:12 < Tony_Sidaway> We've still got their Rosetta Stone and an incredibly large number of looted "archeological artefacts" 17:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway not really impressed 17:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> americans have shipped an entire pyramid 17:13 < Tony_Sidaway> Mummies, tomb decorations, all sorts. 17:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway queen mum mummy <3 17:13 < WilliamH_UK> brits do excellent food 17:14 -!- LikeLakers2 [~LikeLaker@] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:14 -!- LikeLakers2 [~LikeLaker@] has quit [Changing host] 17:14 -!- LikeLakers2 [~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:14 < WilliamH_UK> many times I have hosted European friends round my house and it's an in-joke that they go back to their home country fatter because our food is great :P 17:14 < Tony_Sidaway> The only edible British food is Yorkshire Pudding and sadly you can't live on that. 17:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway is that a challenge? :3 17:15 < WilliamH_UK> yorkshire puddings are fab 17:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Britons got talent: yorkshire pudding challenge 17:15 < WilliamH_UK> but i'd prefer the whole roast beef ;) 17:16 < Tony_Sidaway> The French actually call us "rosbifs" because of our awful cuisine. 17:16 < WilliamH_UK> pfffft what do they know about food? 17:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway to be fair the French have thyme 17:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> WilliamH_UK more than you think 17:17 < WilliamH_UK> it was sarcasm :P 17:17 < Tony_Sidaway> Ooh and English cheese is excellent. 17:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I know 17:17 < Soapy> all good food comes from the tropics 17:18 < Soapy> everyone agrees with me 17:18 < Tony_Sidaway> And English pancakes, which are rather like French crepes. 17:19 < WilliamH_UK> Bakewell tart. 17:19 < WilliamH_UK> mmmmmmmmm 17:19 < WilliamH_UK> fish and chips 17:19 < Tony_Sidaway> Apart from that, all English food is unremittingly dull and stodgy. 17:20 < WilliamH_UK> it can be 17:20 < WilliamH_UK> it definitely has the potential for it 17:20 < WilliamH_UK> if you think about dishes like shephard's pie, etc, etc 17:20 < WilliamH_UK> that's not my favourite thing, I prefer not to have my food slurried together like that 17:20 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:21 < Tony_Sidaway> We eat foreign food. The traditional stuff, we serve to tourists as a cynical joke. 17:21 < Soapy> lol 17:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway to be fair, there was this british cookie I ate 17:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it was with butter or something 17:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> from one of her magesties companies 17:21 < WilliamH_UK> Tony_Sidaway +1 17:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it elevated me to heaven 17:22 < WilliamH_UK> ToAruShiroiNeko like a butter biscuit then? 17:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway in one sense its not foreign food 17:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> just former biritsh colony food 17:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> WilliamH_UK yes 17:22 < WilliamH_UK> excellent 17:22 < Tony_Sidaway> Yes, we do Brilliant biscuits. Comparable to the best German ones. 17:22 < WilliamH_UK> was it shortbread? 17:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> probably 17:22 < WilliamH_UK> SCONES! 17:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it was in a container 17:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> cylindirical 17:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> metal 17:22 < WilliamH_UK> I believe after 5 years of supplying the royal household, a retailer or service provider may apply for a Royal Warrant 17:23 < Tony_Sidaway> Yeah, but apart from the Yorkshire Pudding, the cheese, the biscuits, etc 17:23 < Tony_Sidaway> All British food is awful. 17:23 < WilliamH_UK> e.g. Swan matches 17:23 < Tony_Sidaway> Inedible 17:23 < Tony_Sidaway> Totally inedible 17:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway fish and chips is awesome 17:23 < WilliamH_UK> "By appoint to Her Majesty Elizabeth II, makes of fine matches." 17:24 < WilliamH_UK> yes, it actually says that on a box of matches 17:24 < WilliamH_UK> in all fairness: they are excellent matches, they never fail 17:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> WilliamH_UK not true 17:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they fail in space 17:24 < Tony_Sidaway> You tasted a match? 17:24 < WilliamH_UK> ToAruShiroiNeko i'll grant you that 17:24 * ToAruShiroiNeko gtantifies 17:26 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o eir] by ChanServ 17:26 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-bbbb *!*@* *!*@thefuture*) *!*@* *!*] by eir 17:26 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-bo *!*@2001:470:fcc0::67 eir] by eir 17:26 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o Fluffernutter] by ChanServ 17:26 -!- Ktr101 [183cd9f9@wikipedia/Ktr101] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:26 < mysterytrey> It took eir 2 lines? Lotta vandalism. 17:26 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+b *!*@*] by Fluffernutter 17:26 < Tony_Sidaway> The whole By Appointment thing has always puzzled me. Can a maker of sex toys apply for that? 17:27 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+b *!*@thefuture*] by Fluffernutter 17:27 < Tony_Sidaway> Mostly it's alcohol and biscuits and stuff. 17:27 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+b *!*@*] by Fluffernutter 17:27 -!- James_F [~jdforrest@wikimedia/JamesF] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:28 -!- [ceradon] [~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon] has quit [Quit: *poof*] 17:28 < WilliamH_UK> right guys 17:28 < WilliamH_UK> I'm looking for 17:28 < WilliamH_UK> a 3.5 inch IDE disk cradle 17:28 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o Fluffernutter] by ChanServ 17:28 < WilliamH_UK> if such a one exists, i'd like it to run off USB power, and not an adaptor 17:28 < Tony_Sidaway> Maybe they're all biscuit-munching, alcoholic, pyromaniac sex haters. 17:30 < Tony_Sidaway> WilliamH_UK I have a cable for that. For 2.5" it runs on USB. For 3.5" it has a separate power supply. 17:31 < WilliamH_UK> bugger. I'm looking for a 3.5 inch one without a separate power supply, if such a thing exists, and I have the feeling it doesn't, unless Google can prove otherwise 17:31 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:31 < Tony_Sidaway> Handy for data recovery. 17:31 < Tony_Sidaway> I suspect the power requirements are too big for USB. 17:32 < WilliamH_UK> mmm I suspect so too 17:32 < The_Thing> 17:32 -!- SteveMobile [~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:34 < mysterytrey> USB + maker of sex toys = USB sex toy 17:34 < mysterytrey> Oh I love combining topics. 17:34 -!- Soapy [Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:34 -!- SoapX [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mysterytrey now now 17:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a USB sex toy aquarium 17:35 < mysterytrey> 20:28 <WilliamH_UK> if such a one exists, i'd like it to run off USB power, and not an adaptor+ 20:26 <Tony_Sidaway> The whole By Appointment thing has always puzzled me. Can a maker of sex toys apply for that? 17:36 < mysterytrey> = 17:36 < mysterytrey> USB sex toy 17:36 < WilliamH_UK> haha oh wow 17:36 < WilliamH_UK> 2 contexts combined 17:37 * The_Thing looks at Fluffernutter. 17:37 < mysterytrey> 16:51 <kaldari> and typewriters! + 20:28 <WilliamH_UK> if such a one exists, i'd like it to run off USB power, and not an adaptor+ 20:26 <Tony_Sidaway> The whole By Appointment thing has always puzzled me. Can a maker of sex toys apply for that? = USB typewriter dildo 17:37 * Fluffernutter looks at The_Thing 17:37 < The_Thing> WilliamH_UK: 3.5 inch disks draw too much power to be used on USB alone, they require an adapter no matter what. 17:38 < WilliamH_UK> balls 17:38 < WilliamH_UK> thought so 17:38 < The_Thing> 2.5 inch disks are a different story, of course :) 17:38 < WilliamH_UK> the power adaptor for my current one has failed and it's cheaper to get a new cradle than buy that adaptor again 17:38 * Jasper_Deng thinks should be closed 17:38 < WilliamH_UK> yes quite, i have one, salvaged from my old laptop 17:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway hmm 17:38 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 17:38 -!- MJ94 [~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 17:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if a dildo connects to the internet, does that count as porn? 17:39 < mysterytrey> No. 17:39 < mysterytrey> Wait. 17:39 < The_Thing> Also: 17:39 < mysterytrey> Does php count as a dildo? 17:39 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:39 -!- SoapX [] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:39 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 17:40 < russavia> -- so the greeks can fix illegal immigration but not their own economy? 17:42 < Pharos> if by fixing illegal immigration you mean beating up foreigners who actually work 17:42 -!- MJ94 [~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:42 * Isarra kidnaps Pharos. 17:42 * Isarra travels to a foreign country and puts him to work. 17:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos thats a type of fixing 17:42 < Pharos> ohnoees\ 17:43 < Pharos> what foreign country? 17:43 < Pharos> do they have universal healthcare? 17:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> probably japan 17:44 -!- Soapy [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you are now a hentai beta tester 17:44 < mysterytrey> ... 17:45 < WilliamH_UK> what's funnier than british TV is ripping the piss out of it 17:45 < WilliamH_UK> 17:45 < WilliamH_UK> harry hill, you are a very funny man 17:45 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 17:47 -!- kaldari [~rkaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has quit [Quit: kaldari] 17:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia btw 17:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the said river is at the border 17:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it is inaccessable by either side 17:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> as in by civilians 17:48 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:48 * ToAruShiroiNeko thinks a better strategy is building draw bridges 17:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and dragons 17:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> BTW 17:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> US is protested at mars 17:50 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:50 < WilliamH_UK> ToAruShiroiNeko here's an amazing view of the Milky Way from Mars: 17:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> WilliamH_UK WOW 17:51 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away 17:51 -!- AndrewN is now known as AndrewN[AFK] 17:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> do you have infrared view? 17:53 < BobTheWikipedian> wow. my resume is SO not "copy-and-paste-into-notepad"-friendly 17:53 -!- Qcoder02 [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]] 17:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> as in you dont have anything to copy? 17:55 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:55 -!- mysterytrey [~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey] has left #wikipedia-en ["parted"] 17:56 < Sven_Manguard> *Ladies and Gentlemen: In case Pharos hasn't pestered you all enough, a WALRUS meeting is happening in five minutes in #wikimedia-us (with an "m", not a "p")* 17:56 -!- ragesoss [~ragesoss@wikimedia/ragesoss] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:56 -!- aoke1989 [~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 17:57 < Sven_Manguard> Walrus meeting is in three minutes. Oh yeah, we're bringing out the colored text for this one. 17:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> WOHA 17:57 < WilliamH_UK> yeah 17:57 < WilliamH_UK> sex olympics 17:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> No 17:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it wont be a village soon 17:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it will become a city 17:59 -!- matt_buck [~mattbuck@] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:01 -!- mattbuck [~mattbuck@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 18:01 < Sven_Manguard> Ladies and gentlemen. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALURTIME!!!1! 18:01 -!- matt_buck is now known as mattbuck 18:02 < Tony_Sidaway> I used to like it when Harry Hill did stand-up. I try watching his recent stuff but it's difficult to get excited at a guy taking the piss out of really bad soap operas I haven't ever watched. 18:03 < Tony_Sidaway> To get the jokes I would actually have to watch the trash. 18:03 -!- haggis [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:05 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:05 -!- SteveMobile [~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:07 -!- Soapy [] has quit [Changing host] 18:07 -!- Soapy [Soap@wikipedia/soap] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:08 < Soapy> good luck with the job hunt Bob 18:08 -!- RD [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:08 -!- RD [] has quit [Changing host] 18:08 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:08 < SigmaWP> BobTheWikipedian: Is WP on your resume? 18:08 < Soapy> Im going to be looking for a new job myself 18:08 < BobTheWikipedian> yup 18:08 < BobTheWikipedian> and thanks 18:08 < SigmaWP> Yay 18:08 < BobTheWikipedian> sigmawp didn't you see my userpage? 18:08 < SigmaWP> No 18:08 < Soapy> I thought about putting on my resume that i was an administrator but I think most people dont really understand how Wikipedia works 18:08 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:08 < BobTheWikipedian> [[User:Bob the Wikipedian]] 18:08 < BobTheWikipedian> check my userboxes :D 18:09 < Soapy> that photo is from the Mars Attacks! movie I think 18:09 < SigmaWP> Ah 18:09 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:09 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:09 < SigmaWP> Why do republicans use the elephant 18:10 < BobTheWikipedian> it's the grand old party 18:10 < Soapy> Bob can I ask what does it say on the resume? 18:10 < Soapy> is it just a one-line thing 18:10 < Soapy> "Wikipedia administrator" 18:10 < BobTheWikipedian> thomas nash depicted republicans as an elephant in a cartoon 18:10 < SigmaWP> Oh 18:10 < Soapy> or have you found room for more detailed info 18:10 < BobTheWikipedian> not quite soapy... 18:10 < SigmaWP> That's a retarded reason :P 18:10 -!- matt_buck [~mattbuck@] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:11 < BobTheWikipedian> pm'd you a giant block of text soapy 18:11 < SigmaWP> Soapy: PM that to me too 18:11 < WilliamH_UK> If you're a voluntary wiki admin, I think it's a good thing to put on your CV, or if not, at least mention it in an interview 18:11 < WilliamH_UK> if you're trusted enough not to screw up the 5th most seen web page on earth, that's pretty neat 18:13 -!- mattbuck [~mattbuck@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 18:14 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Quit: Reality intrudes] 18:14 < Soapy> we're 5th now? 18:14 -!- matt_buck is now known as mattbuck 18:14 < Soapy> I remember when we were promoting the fact that we were 7th, just a couple years ago. Which websites did we gain over, I wonder? 18:15 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:15 < BobTheWikipedian> 6th, according to alexa 18:15 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:16 -!- Dereckso1 [dereckson@wikimedia/Dereckson] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:16 -!- Dereckson [dereckson@wikimedia/Dereckson] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:16 < SigmaWP> Screw alexa, we're fifth :D 18:17 -!- kim_bruning [~kim@2001:980:331a:1:225:22ff:fe7d:8a27] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:17 < BobTheWikipedian> 18:17 < BobTheWikipedian> beats wikipedia 18:17 < SigmaWP> BobTheWikipedian: If you wrote cluebot NG would you put that on the resume? 18:18 < BobTheWikipedian> indeed! 18:18 < Soapy> 6th now 18:18 < SigmaWP> How? 18:18 < kim_bruning> Ok, so I'm not going to say *anything*, but could someone review the edits of and tell me if you think they're on the up-and-up? 18:18 < SigmaWP> "Wikipedia vandalism detection bot operator" 18:18 < SigmaWP> thing 18:18 < Soapy> i wonder if Twitter used to be higher 18:18 < kim_bruning> (while we're at it, checking other recent editors at [[Rob Portman]] might be interesting 18:18 < kim_bruning> ) 18:19 < Soapy> but that they slipped because people dont use specifically very often 18:19 < BobTheWikipedian> twitter has never overtaken wikipedia 18:19 < kim_bruning> Ok, I did my thing :-P 18:20 -!- WilliamH_UK [WilliamH@Wikipedia/WilliamH] has quit [] 18:22 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:22 < kim_bruning> actually, you know what, I'm going to post an RFCU 18:22 < SigmaWP> Oh no 18:23 -!- Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away 18:23 < kim_bruning> hmm, they can only really check for SPI? 18:23 < kim_bruning> dang 18:23 < kim_bruning> I want to know if some folks are doing COI 18:23 * kim_bruning scratches head 18:24 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]] 18:24 -!- Icy_ [4c13b6b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:24 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 18:24 < Soapy> hi ice 18:24 < Icy_> 'lo 18:25 < kim_bruning> Okay, so I guess the level of dudgeon for "Mitt Romney campaigners are scrubbing WP" is, "AN/I" :-P 18:25 < kim_bruning> s/are scrubbing/are potentially scrubbing/g 18:25 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:26 < kim_bruning> You must notify any editor who is the subject of a discussion. You may use {{subst:ANI-notice}} to do so. 18:26 < kim_bruning> well frack 18:26 < kim_bruning> when did that start? 18:26 < kim_bruning> :-/ 18:27 < kim_bruning> what if the user in question is innocent? 18:27 < kim_bruning> hmph, not that that helps 18:27 < kim_bruning> you know, threshold for reporting potential COI manipulation is really high? 18:28 < Soapy> just transclude the ani notice in your sig 18:28 < Soapy> that way every possibility is covered 18:28 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:28 < Soapy> ~~~Kim Bruning (by the way there may be an ANI discussion about you; might want to check just to be safe) 04:18, 9 August 2012 18:28 < Isarra> WHEEEEE! 18:28 < SigmaWP> Soapy: Genius. 18:29 * Isarra runs around flailing. 18:29 * Icy_ gets whacked by Isarra's flailing arms. 18:29 < Isarra> Oops. Sorry. 18:29 < Isarra> Unfortunately a notice in a signature about ani would probably be construed as canvasing soon as there ever is one. 18:29 < Isarra> Such as the one about the ani notice in the signature. 18:30 < kim_bruning> I wonder if User:There maybe be an ANI discussion about you. 18:30 < kim_bruning> is taken 18:31 < The_Thing> We have such a damn bad case of wasps at our house... 18:31 < Soapy> where are the wasps? 18:32 < Soapy> i killed 40 wasps in a day once 18:32 < Soapy> got some people upset at me for it, too 18:32 < The_Thing> The little bastards literally made a nest inside of a hole in the brick leading to a crack in our porch. 18:32 < Soapy> well actually I think those were hornets 18:32 < Icy_> O..O 18:32 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:32 < Soapy> are you going to try to kill them? 18:33 < The_Thing> So, I sealed the crack shut, then waited for all the wasps to return to the nest... then sealed the hole shut with concrete. 18:33 < Soapy> ah youve done it already 18:33 < Soapy> you won 18:33 -!- Fasttimes68 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 18:33 * Soapy high fives The_Thing. Dont let the animal rights activists find out though 18:33 < The_Thing> And they're still coming back too, there's like 2 or 3 wasps trying to figure out how the hell to get back in the next. 18:33 < The_Thing> Soapy: About wasps!? Seriously? 18:33 < Soapy> yes 18:34 < Soapy> I consider myself pretty soft-hearted but I cant really get upset over the killing of insects. But, some people definitely do 18:34 < The_Thing> If someone told me that killing wasps is bad, I'd tell them to fuck off. 18:34 * Icy_ hugs her spiders protectively. But they're not exactly insects. 18:34 < Soapy> even though the lifespan of a wasp is just a few months at most anyway 18:34 < The_Thing> They're mean little bastards 18:35 < The_Thing> They even look mean... They even SOUND mean. And I've had at least 1 chase after me while I was walking by and sting me... 18:35 < The_Thing> Detestable little bastards that I have no qualms about killing... and I normally don't kill flies. 18:36 < The_Thing> Karma, er, stings them in the ass :p 18:36 < Isarra> Can I get a username change to something incredibly stupid just to annoy people? 18:36 < The_Thing> Isarra: This perhaps?: 18:37 < kim_bruning> Okiday, ANI'ed my spidey^Wwikisense 18:37 -!- Guest95307 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:37 < Isarra> Wrong kind of annoying. 18:37 < Isarra> I was thinking more along the lines of what kim_bruning said. 18:37 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:37 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:37 < Soapy> isarra: if you dont ever want to run for admin, sure 18:37 -!- mig22 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:37 < Isarra> Soapy: Have we talked? 18:38 < Soapy> errr ... yes? 18:38 < kim_bruning> Isarra, ? 18:38 < Isarra> Really? 18:38 < Soapy> not sure what you mean by that but OK 18:38 < kim_bruning> maybe isarra is anti-rfa? :-P 18:38 < Soapy> i was the one who warned you that that eggplant image would cause problems on an RfA. Because really, anything can 18:38 < kim_bruning> or... <kinda lost> 18:39 < Isarra> I guess I'm just surprised that you'd suggest doing something like that could possibly make my odds in an rfa any worse. 18:39 -!- MJ94 [~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94] has quit [Quit: Textual v2.1 (ZTN Fork v2.0.1)] 18:39 < Isarra> The eggplant is unrelated to the image. 18:39 -!- ktron [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:39 < kim_bruning> dangit, I was trying to look for the big fat buddah for Isarra , but where did that user go? 18:39 < Isarra> kim_bruning: User:There may be be an ANI discussion about you. 18:39 < Isarra> I love it. 18:40 < BobTheWikipedian> and here goes my application to work at clorox... 18:40 -!- Guest95307 is now known as MJ94 18:40 -!- MJ94 [] has quit [Changing host] 18:40 -!- MJ94 [mj94@wikimedia/mj94] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:41 < SigmaWP> BobTheWikipedian: See, without capitalism you wouldn't need to worry about this :D 18:41 < BobTheWikipedian> lol 18:42 < BobTheWikipedian> socialism in america won't work as long as freedom of religion is a right 18:42 < kim_bruning> Isarra, eh? 18:42 < kim_bruning> OH, right, yes :-) 18:42 * Isarra hands kim_bruning a small turtle. 18:42 < Isarra> Yes. 18:43 < kim_bruning> definitely irritating 18:43 < kim_bruning> or you could take a culture ship name 18:43 < kim_bruning> though that might be equal parts awesome and irritating ;) 18:43 < russavia> this is what is stopping socialism in the US -- 18:43 -!- Icy_ [4c13b6b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en [] 18:44 * BobTheWikipedian is glad for it 18:44 < russavia> and 18:44 < kim_bruning> 18:44 < Soapy> lol 18:44 < Soapy> polandball comics about chick-fil-A 18:45 < Isarra> kim_bruning: Culture ship? 18:45 < russavia> i dare you to post them in the chick-fil-a article 18:45 < russavia> i've added them to the cat on commons of course lol 18:45 < Soapy> does chick-fil-A really have "burgers" though? 18:45 < russavia> who cares :) 18:46 < Soapy> just being pedantic 18:47 < SigmaWP> Oppose gay marriage by not getting one. 18:47 < SigmaWP> Simple as that. 18:47 < BobTheWikipedian> soapy - no. chicken sandwiches 18:48 < kim_bruning> russavia,*%29 18:48 < kim_bruning> Hmm, nice nick 18:48 < kim_bruning> Isarra, I linked just before you asked that question ;-) 18:48 < BobTheWikipedian> and i don't think they've made any statements to align themselves with the republican party. they've only announced that they support organizations that defend traditional marriage and do not support organizations who are against it 18:48 < Soapy> hmm ... two huge hurricanes just hit the Phillippines 18:49 -!- Doug_Weller [~Doug_Well@wikipedia/Dougweller] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 18:50 < BobTheWikipedian> saying why you choose to give or not give money to organizations is freedom of speech 18:50 < Isarra> Ah, got lost in russavia's links. 18:50 < SigmaWP> *args, **kwargs would be a better username 18:51 < SigmaWP> 18:52 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 18:52 < kim_bruning> **kwargs ? Python? <3 18:54 -!- LtNOWIS [~Simon@] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:56 -!- evilgohan2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:57 * SigmaWP hugs kim_bruning 18:57 -!- mig22 [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 18:58 -!- MBisanz [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:58 -!- MBisanz [] has quit [Changing host] 18:58 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:59 -!- evilgohan2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:59 < kim_bruning> rm -rf is not registered yet? O:-) 19:07 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:08 < kim_bruning> later gaters 19:08 -!- kim_bruning [~kim@2001:980:331a:1:225:22ff:fe7d:8a27] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:09 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:09 -!- AndrewN[AFK] is now known as AndrewN 19:10 -!- pierreghz [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:11 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Client Quit] 19:14 -!- pierreghz [] has quit [Client Quit] 19:15 -!- OlEnglish [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:15 -!- OlEnglish [] has quit [Changing host] 19:15 -!- OlEnglish [OlEnglish@wikipedia/OlEnglish] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:21 -!- aoke1989 [~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 19:22 -!- aoke1989 [~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:22 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng 19:27 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 19:37 -!- ChrisGualtieri [47eae49b@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:38 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:38 -!- ragesoss [~ragesoss@wikimedia/ragesoss] has quit [Quit: Bye] 19:38 < ChrisGualtieri> How can I check unreferenced articles by catagory? 19:38 -!- LikeLakers2 [~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:40 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 19:45 -!- matt_buck [~mattbuck@] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:46 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:46 < ChrisGualtieri> No one? 19:46 < Isarra> Magic. 19:47 -!- mattbuck [~mattbuck@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 19:48 < TeeTylerToe> create a web spider that checks for reference tags 19:48 -!- matt_buck is now known as mattbuck 19:48 < TeeTylerToe> or fake your death 19:49 < TeeTylerToe> still working on a plan c 19:49 -!- mindspillage [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:49 -!- mindspillage [] has quit [Changing host] 19:49 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:51 -!- Frood [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:51 -!- Frood [] has quit [Changing host] 19:51 -!- Frood [~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:52 -!- Jmajeremy [~Jmajeremy@wikipedia/Jmajeremy] has quit [Quit: Jmajeremy] 19:52 < ChrisGualtieri> Well TeeTylerToe I'm asking because I wonder if I should bring it up at the pump to deal with our massive backlogs 19:52 < ChrisGualtieri> The current method is stupid 19:53 -!- Soapy [Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Quit: bed] 19:53 < TeeTylerToe> don't a lot of the templates automatically add the article to a category? 19:53 -!- Frood_ [~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 19:54 < ChrisGualtieri> Yeah, the problem is I want a template sorted by category that is not 'unrefenced by date' 19:54 < ChrisGualtieri> I want 'unref by category' 19:54 < TeeTylerToe> A bot could do that 19:55 < ChrisGualtieri> And add it to WP:BACK? 19:56 < TeeTylerToe> I suppose 19:57 < SigmaWP> !oversight contained addresses and phone numbers 19:57 -!- Nascar1996 [~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:57 * Frood slowly applauds 19:57 < Isarra> Thank you for linking that here. 19:57 < Frood> you just sent that to nearly 200 people. 19:57 < Isarra> We all needed this information. 19:57 < Frood> you are an idiot 19:58 < Nascar1996> o.0 19:58 -!- AndrewN is now known as AndrewN|Sleep 19:58 < Isarra> No telling if any oversighters are even on, either. 19:58 < Logan_> It's only visible to administrators. 19:58 < Logan_> But yes, oversight requests should only be sent via PM or e-mail. 19:58 < Frood> Logan_: there's a reason why not all admins have oversight... 19:58 < Logan_> Because Gfoley4. 19:58 < Frood> yeah, he's pretty stalkish 19:59 < Logan_> I mean, he stalked me all the way to a museum. 19:59 < Isarra> I dunno; there are some stalkier ones... 19:59 < Frood> yeah, i heard about that 19:59 < Isarra> Like this one guy, he knew my name. 19:59 < Isarra> ...or did I tell him? I can't remember. 19:59 < Frood> went all the way across the country to meet you there 20:00 < Logan_> I know! 20:00 < Isarra> Creepy. 20:01 < Isarra> fiwp is scary. 20:01 < Logan_> It's so...foreign. 20:02 < Isarra> And full of foreigners! 20:02 < Isarra> And even worse, finnish people! 20:02 * Logan_ shudders. 20:03 < Tony_Sidaway> Isn't Finland where the Nokia ringtone is classed as a munition? 20:04 < Isarra> That wouldn't come as a surprise. 20:04 < Isarra> Granted my source of information on the place isn't exactly unbiased either. 20:04 -!- Antonorsi is now known as Anto|away 20:06 < Tony_Sidaway> Everything I know about Finland I learned from the Moomintroll books. 20:07 < mareklug> and there it was written about ringtone as munition? 20:07 < Tony_Sidaway> Finns are short and plump and cute, and they hibernate in winter. 20:08 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Quit: Reality intrudes] 20:09 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:09 < TeeTylerToe> Well, the Fins aren't the happiest of people. The effect of a bad phonecall heralded by a ringtone could be amplified by their winter solitude 20:10 * Fluff|away slaps SigmaWP with a very large trout 20:12 < Fluff|away> there is an EMAIL ADDRESS 20:12 < Fluff|away> Use it 20:13 < Tony_Sidaway> Is it mangled? 20:13 * Fluff|away vanished in a puff of oversight-colored smoke 20:13 < Fluff|away> vanishes, too 20:13 * Tony_Sidaway ducks 20:14 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:14 -!- LL2|Android [~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:14 -!- localhost [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:15 -!- localhost [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:17 -!- GabrielF [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:17 -!- GabrielF [] has quit [Changing host] 20:17 -!- GabrielF [~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:19 -!- GabrielF [~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF] has left #wikipedia-en [] 20:19 -!- FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4 20:19 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 20:20 < Frood> jorm: <-- you should make this happen. 20:20 < jorm> i'm going to kill you now. 20:21 < Frood> Okay. 20:21 * Isarra hands jorm a frying pan. 20:21 < Frood> but why? 20:22 < Isarra> Scratch that. 20:22 < Isarra> I'll kill you myself. 20:22 < Frood> if you insist 20:23 < TeeTylerToe> that webpage is very ironic in that it doesn't take any of it's own suggestions on user interface 20:23 < jorm> i'm just going to start pasting this everywhere: 20:24 -!- quanticle|away is now known as quanticle 20:25 < Tony_Sidaway> We did that last night. 20:26 < Frood> jorm: but quora is down! 20:26 -!- DeltaQuad [~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:26 -!- DeltaQuad [~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:26 < Isarra> I need entertainment. 20:26 < mindspillage> jorm: nice answer. 20:27 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:27 * Isarra makes Logan_ entertain herself. 20:27 < Logan_> Frood, why do I have this reputation? 20:28 < Frood> Logan_: what reputation? 20:28 < Logan_> I AM NOT A CLOWN. 20:28 < Frood> the one that you're a female? 20:28 < jorm> danke, mindspillage. 20:28 < Logan_> Frood: Well, you always say, "Entertain me." :P 20:28 < jorm> it irritates me that, on a day when i expected to be talking about *our* redesign plans, i have to talk about that thing instead. 20:28 < Frood> Oh. 20:29 < Isarra> Sorr, I can't type. 20:29 < Isarra> Sorry 20:29 -!- The_Blade [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:29 -!- The_Blade [] has quit [Client Quit] 20:29 < Isarra> So you're not a clown? 20:30 < Logan_> I did not go to clown school, at least. 20:31 < Frood> yes you did 20:31 < Pharos> you're an unlicensed clown! 20:31 < Pharos> someone call the union! 20:31 < Isarra> Are you sure? It may have been mislabeled. 20:31 < Frood> yes 20:31 < Pharos> SCAB 20:31 < Frood> fuck the police, they arrest the unlicensed clowns 20:31 * Frood throws bricks at Peter-C 20:32 < Pharos> jorm, when is WMF going to unionize? 20:32 < Brooke> 20:32 < Brooke> Why doesn't the page just have a fucking trash button? 20:33 < Brooke> Just delete the stupid comments. They're easy to spot. 20:33 -!- Matthew_ [~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:33 < Isarra> We're not even supposed to hide them. 20:33 -!- aoke1989 [~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 20:33 < Isarra> Apparently the frowny faces are useful. 20:33 < Isarra> Or something. 20:34 < Brooke> 20:34 < Brooke> Painfully helpful, this shit. 20:34 < Isarra> The initial reaction is helpful! 20:35 < jorm> unionize? 20:35 < Brooke> 20:35 < ChrisGualtieri> HAHA 20:35 < Pharos> FCWA 20:35 < Brooke> "We're gonna host a bunch of useless comments from now on." 20:35 < Pharos> Free Culture Workers of America 20:35 < Brooke> Well, wonderful. That's just what we were missing! 20:35 < Isarra> THE ARTICLE DIDN'T SHOW THEM WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING FOR! 20:35 * jorm keeps his mouth shut about AFT5. 20:36 < Isarra> THIS IS IMPORTANT. 20:36 < Tony_Sidaway> I thought the Wikimedia union was GNAA. 20:36 < heatherw> lol 20:36 < Brooke> "Have feedback?" should just link to the edit screen. 20:36 < heatherw> that would not be confusing at all 20:36 < Brooke> Heh. 20:36 -!- geniice [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:36 -!- geniice [] has quit [Changing host] 20:36 -!- geniice [~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:37 < Brooke> There's a chance they might make the article better. 20:37 < Brooke> With a feedback form, that chance is smaller. 20:37 < Brooke> I suppose the opposite is also true: there's a much higher chance they'll just screw something up. 20:38 < Isarra> Feedback can be useful for things they just didn't find or things they don't know how to fix, though. 20:38 < Brooke> Feedback is a fairly generous term. 20:38 < Brooke> Most of this is noise. 20:38 < heatherw> i'm gonna need some… yeah :) 20:38 < Brooke> Or garbage. 20:38 -!- Matthew_ [~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 20:38 < heatherw> sometimes the illusion of listening is very effective 20:38 < Isarra> Without the garbage it'd be useful, though. 20:38 < Brooke> Isarra: Maybe. 20:38 < Brooke> I'm not sure how helpful it is to know "there should be an image!" 20:39 < Isarra> I'd maybe be willing to touch it if given the green light to kill garbage. 20:39 < Tony_Sidaway> The Global Warming feedback comment somebody posted earlier was a hoot. Our chap was frustrated by our baffling insistence on presenting facts. 20:39 < Brooke> Sometimes that isn't possible and no amount of feedback changes that... 20:39 < Brooke> True as it may be. 20:39 < Isarra> Feedback like that doesn't harm anything, though. 20:39 * Peter-C licks Frood 20:39 < Peter-C> Why did you pingeth me 20:39 < Brooke> Isarra: Right, but I'm not seeing a great balance of value to cost. 20:40 < Isarra> That's because it's all garbage! 20:40 < Pharos> garbage can be recycled 20:40 < Brooke> Right, expensive garbage. 20:40 < Frood> Peter-C: i threw a brick at you 20:40 < Frood> because fuck the police 20:40 < Frood> #firstworldanarchists 20:40 * Isarra wants to kill garbage. 20:40 < Peter-C> I am not a cop :() 20:41 < heatherw> garbage cannot be killed 20:41 < Pharos> i don't think there's such a thing as #thirdworldanarchists 20:41 < heatherw> it just changes state 20:41 < Brooke> Isarra: The whole notion of creating an outlet where people can dump their noise only to then have editors spend time deleting it... 20:41 < Pharos> they already have anarchy, and it ain't pretty 20:41 < Brooke> Well, that's a bit silly. 20:41 < Isarra> Okay, I want to put it in the garbage. 20:41 < Frood> nick Froodsleep 20:41 -!- Frood is now known as Froodsleep 20:41 < Isarra> Brooke: Oh, no, no. You misunderstand. 20:41 < Brooke> A bit silly, I say. 20:41 < Isarra> We're not supposed to delete it. 20:41 -!- Tgeairn [32497bba@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:41 < Brooke> What if it's spam? 20:42 < Pharos> we're supposed to hug it! 20:42 < Brooke> Doesn't this awful thing get spammed? 20:42 < Brooke> Some of the comments already read like spammer English. 20:42 < Isarra> Of course! byt only stuff blatantly offensive is to be hidden. 20:42 < Isarra> But 20:42 < Brooke> Is spam offensive? 20:42 < Isarra> Apparently not. 20:42 < Brooke> Hmm. 20:43 < Brooke> Well, we should start posting some, then. 20:43 < Brooke> We'll get rich! 20:43 < heatherw> offensive=completely subjective 20:43 < Brooke> heatherw: The word "abuse" in the interface seems rather subjective to me. 20:43 < Brooke> I flagged a few comments. 20:43 -!- NuclearWarfare [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:43 -!- NuclearWarfare [] has quit [Changing host] 20:43 -!- NuclearWarfare [~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:43 < Brooke> But I'm not sure what one has to do to the definition of abuse to make it apply. 20:43 -!- NuclearWarfare [~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare] has left #wikipedia-en [] 20:43 < Brooke> Nasty things, I think. 20:44 < Isarra> Indeed, this thing is very... clear. 20:44 < Isarra> And sensible! 20:44 < Brooke> 20:44 < Isarra> I'd never guess wikipedians were involved in it. 20:44 < Brooke> Heh. 20:44 * Brooke NP: "Slow Dancing In A Burning Room" by John Mayer from "Continuum" 20:47 < Tony_Sidaway> I'm pretty convinced (and becoming more so) that the redesign proposal is wholly or partly satirical in intent. It's all rather too blatant. 20:47 -!- Tgeairn [32497bba@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 20:47 -!- Tgeairn [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:47 < Isarra> If it were supposed to be satire, it'd be written better. 20:47 < Pharos> these theoretical brand redesigns are a dime a dozen 20:48 < Pharos> don't assume satire when cluelessness is sufficient 20:48 < Isarra> Oh gods my poor wikipedia. 20:48 * Isarra hugs it. 20:48 < jorm> most of them like to ignore the whole "multilingual" thing because it's inconvenient. 20:48 < Tgeairn> !admin Please PM 20:49 < Pharos> Commons Category:Encyclopedia hugging 20:49 < DeltaQuad> yes? 20:49 < Pharos> it's like tree-hugging, but more sustainable 20:49 < heatherw> they ignore all the hard problems. because hard problems are what? 20:50 < heatherw> also, they don't know about most of them. 20:50 < ChrisGualtieri> I'm ready to address many problems, but no one ever can make my solutions >.> 20:51 -!- NuclearWarfare [~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:52 < ChrisGualtieri> I just posted a bit on pump about the unreferenced articles mess 20:54 -!- LtNOWIS [~Simon@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 20:55 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 20:55 -!- ktron [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]] 21:02 -!- quanticle is now known as quanticle|away 21:02 -!- maid [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:02 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:03 -!- Doug_Weller [] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:03 -!- Doug_Weller [] has quit [Changing host] 21:03 -!- Doug_Weller [~Doug_Well@wikipedia/Dougweller] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:04 -!- Doug_Weller [~Doug_Well@wikipedia/Dougweller] has quit [Client Quit] 21:07 -!- Dagny [~missrain@wikipedia/OohBunnies] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:10 -!- BobTheWikipedian [~BobTheWik@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.11/20120715041107]] 21:11 -!- DeltaQuad [~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:22 -!- Hydriz [~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:25 -!- Nascar1996 [~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has quit [Quit: Later!] 21:26 < YE> are admins around? 21:26 -!- rschen7754 [~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:28 -!- Ktr101 [183cd9f9@wikipedia/Ktr101] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:28 < TeeTylerToe> this place is lousy with them, though I am not one. What do you need? 21:29 -!- Seddon [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 21:29 < TeeTylerToe> if you see one ask you for food spray them with a spritzer 21:29 < Isarra> I keep thinking wiktionary is wikipedia. 21:29 < Isarra> Why do they use the same favicon? 21:29 < Isarra> That's just cruel. 21:32 < YE> a sandbox moved 21:32 < Sven_Manguard> lol 21:34 < TeeTylerToe> I think editors have some move privledges 21:34 < TeeTylerToe> priviledges 21:42 < Sven_Manguard> TeeTylerToe: only admins can move over redirects 21:42 < Sven_Manguard> if there's no redirect, almost anyone can do it 21:42 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:43 < Sven_Manguard> last admin to speak in this channel is Pharos 21:44 < SigmaWP> 21:44 < Isarra> He's an admin? 21:44 < Isarra> Weird. 21:44 < Isarra> We really have crazy admins. 21:45 < haggis> Sven_Manguard: hey :-) 21:45 < geniice> Isarra well that or RFA makes them crazy 21:45 -!- Odisha1 [~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:45 < haggis> geniice: both. 21:45 < haggis> they were crazy to begin with, RfA triggered it. 21:46 < Isarra> Are wiktionarians any more agreeable than wikipedians? 21:47 < geniice> no idea 21:47 < geniice> how do people here test out new camera kit? 21:48 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 21:48 < Sven_Manguard> Isarra: "are _____ more agreeable than wikipedians?" Probably. 21:49 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:49 < Sven_Manguard> are the Jersey Shore cast more agreeable than wikipedians? Yes. 21:49 < Sven_Manguard> are the mole people from the original Deus Ex game more agreeable than wikipedians? Yes. 21:49 < Isarra> Are there any particularly good ways to get wikipedians to going along proposals with long-lasting impacts? 21:49 < Isarra> Sven_Manguard: Are people on meta more agreeable than wikipedians? 21:50 < SigmaWP> Admins are welcome to delete 21:50 * SigmaWP hugs geniice 21:50 < Sven_Manguard> No. If you spend time on Meta you're a nutcase. 21:50 < Sven_Manguard> But actually, yeah, probably IS 21:50 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has quit [Quit: !] 21:50 < Isarra> And people on commons? 21:50 < Sven_Manguard> Definately. 21:50 -!- Fluff|away is now known as Fluff|sleep 21:50 < Sven_Manguard> Unless the issue is naked ladies 21:50 < Sven_Manguard> or Jimbo 21:51 < Isarra> There are issues there that don't involve naked people? 21:51 < geniice> yes 21:51 < geniice> copyright 21:51 < Sven_Manguard> Yes. For example, Republicans. 21:51 < Sven_Manguard> There was something in the news. 21:51 -!- Daley [adamdaley@] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:51 < NuclearWarfare> Republicans were in the news? 21:51 < Isarra> Copyright of naked republicans. 21:51 < Sven_Manguard> Oh, wait, you're talking Commons only. 21:51 < NuclearWarfare> shocker, news at 11 21:51 < Sven_Manguard> NuclearWarfare: The news picked up that we semi-protected the potential VP candidates due to vandalism 21:52 < Sven_Manguard> oh, also Hi. 21:52 < geniice> Isarra oh and this has been a bit messy 21:52 < Sven_Manguard> Also YE is looking for an admin NuclearWarfare. He needs something moved over a redirect. 21:52 < NuclearWarfare> Tell him to pm me 21:52 < Sven_Manguard> YE: PM it to NuclearWarfare 21:52 < Sven_Manguard> :D 21:52 < Isarra> Weird. 21:53 < Sven_Manguard> And on that note, I've got work in 7 hours. Goodnight! 21:54 < Isarra> Dream well, silly. 21:54 < Dagny> Any nadmins around? 21:54 < Isarra> What's a nadmin? 21:54 < Dagny> Like an admin but with more nads 21:54 < Dagny> Anyway 21:55 < Dagny> Aaaadmins...aaaadmins 21:55 * Dagny tries to lure them out with bread crumbs 21:56 -!- Hydriz [~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz] has quit [Quit: Hydriz] 21:56 < NuclearWarfare> Dagny: Food! 21:56 -!- Sven_Manguard [~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]] 21:56 < NuclearWarfare> what do you want 21:56 < Isarra> Your spleen. 21:56 < Dagny> NuclearWarfare: a nice little semi-prot on this 21:57 < Isarra> Oh wait, that's me. 21:57 < NuclearWarfare> done 21:57 < Dagny> You're a darling 21:57 * Dagny gives NuclearWarfare many cookies 21:57 < Isarra> Now that she's done with you, can I have your spleen? 21:58 < NuclearWarfare> Sorry, I already promised that to someone else 21:58 * NuclearWarfare flees 21:58 < NuclearWarfare> night all 21:58 < TeeTylerToe> it's now nice and plump 21:58 < Isarra> Oh. 21:58 < Isarra> Okay. 21:58 < Isarra> Dream well. 21:58 -!- NuclearWarfare [~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88-rdmsoft [XULRunner]] 22:00 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:00 -!- MC8 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:00 -!- MC8 [] has quit [Changing host] 22:00 -!- MC8 [~herpes@wikimedia/Microchip08] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:00 < geniice> for the record breadcrums don't work on most admins 22:00 < geniice> try beer 22:02 < Isarra> Man, I could have done a much better job on that walrus logo. 22:02 < Isarra> Dammit. 22:02 < Isarra> Think anyone would notice if I swapped it out for a new one? 22:06 -!- M132T003C [] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:06 -!- M132T003C [] has quit [Changing host] 22:06 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:06 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:06 < SigmaWP> geniice: Can you delete 22:06 -!- Apheori [] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:06 -!- Apheori [] has quit [Changing host] 22:06 -!- Apheori [~dirien@wikimedia/Isarra] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:07 < geniice> CAT CSD 22:07 < geniice> look into it 22:07 < SigmaWP> I wasn't sure if it should've been g3 or a7, but we should kill it quickly 22:10 -!- YE [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]] 22:15 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 22:16 < SigmaWP> OHOHOHO 22:16 < SigmaWP> tiptoe 22:16 < SigmaWP> TAHDSNknsdf 22:17 < SigmaWP> NEW RFA 22:17 < SigmaWP> 22:18 < Apheori> Are there CSD lolcats? 22:18 < Apheori> Bahahah. 22:18 < Apheori> How long to snowball? 22:18 < Apheori> Wait... 22:18 < Apheori> Enwp? 22:18 < Apheori> Oh, yeah, he's banned here. 22:19 < Apheori> Guy showed up on another wiki and my first instinct was to block and then I was like waaaait, what's me reasoning exactly? 22:19 < Apheori> And then I found I couldn't log in and so that was the end of that. 22:20 -!- Matthew_ [~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:21 < Apheori> We're all going to die. 22:22 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:27 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 22:27 < Peter-C> omgomgomgomg 22:27 < Peter-C> The rapist is inside the house 22:27 * Peter-C hugs himself tight and watches his TV some more in anticipation 22:27 * Isarra approaches Peter-C with a bottle of lube. 22:28 * Peter-C slaps Isarra away 22:28 -!- lazy is now known as Barras 22:29 < Peter-C> omg the rapist didn’t rape him 22:29 < Peter-C> :3 22:29 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away 22:30 -!- ChrisGualtieri [47eae49b@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 22:30 < Daley> What a wonderful day! 22:30 * Peter-C eats Daley’s family 22:30 < Peter-C> How about now. 22:31 * Daley has only his mother. He can now sell the house and move. 22:31 < Peter-C> fuck. 22:31 * Peter-C burns down the house 22:31 < Daley> noooooooooooooooo 22:31 < Peter-C> YES! 22:31 < Daley> noooooooooooooooo! 22:31 < geniice> Daley eh land has value 22:32 < Daley> yeah about $160,000 :| 22:32 * Peter-C tosses Daley down a flight of stairs 22:33 < Daley> Peter-C: You have a choice of 1 step or 4 steps to toss me down. Which? 22:33 < Peter-C> ALL OF THEM 22:33 < Daley> thank god, to the people who built this house about 130 years ago. 22:35 * Daley burns Peter-C's bed. 22:36 < Peter-C> No you didn’t. 22:36 < Peter-C> Your in an icu :3 22:36 -!- Dcoetzee|2 [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:36 < Daley> Can't be any worse than the nut house icu. 22:38 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:40 * Daley imagines Peter-C is that weight lifter who dropped 196kg on his head/neck at the Olympics. 22:41 < Peter-C> :o 22:41 < haggis> Daley: lol 22:41 < haggis> that was hilariou 22:41 < haggis> s 22:41 < Daley> You see it? 22:41 -!- kaldari [~rkaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:44 < Daley> I was watching the men's Steeplechase and before it started I said that I wanted to see someone run into one of them, the last runner basically did and I couldn't stop laughing. I like to take the fun side out of other people's "professional" sports into consideration. 22:45 < Peter-C> 22:46 -!- peteforsyth [~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:49 -!- brotato [] has quit [] 22:49 < Daley> Peter-C which one do you choose? 22:49 < Apheori> SigmaWP: Did you go somewhere? 22:49 < Peter-C> Dude with the painted on abs and too much hair 22:50 < Daley> Great choice! 22:50 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 22:50 < Peter-C> Did you choose the same? 22:51 -!- lukas23 [~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:51 < Daley> Nope, I picked the the female at the end. Although wish she had bigger breasts. 22:52 -!- mys_721tx [~mys_721tx@2002:a9e7:3c46:1::1] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:52 -!- mys_721tx [~mys_721tx@2002:a9e7:3c46:1::1] has quit [Changing host] 22:52 -!- mys_721tx [~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:54 -!- kaldari [~rkaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has quit [Quit: kaldari] 22:57 < Daley> Peter-C: Can you sing? 22:58 < Peter-C> I can pretend to 22:58 < Daley> You sing better in the shower? 22:59 * Daley thinks Peter-C should go on America Got Talent. 23:00 < Peter-C> In the shower? 23:00 < Peter-C> I’ll just wheel it in 23:00 -!- Dagny [~missrain@wikipedia/OohBunnies] has left #wikipedia-en [] 23:00 < Daley> sure, stranger things have happened 23:00 < SigmaWP> Daley: I'm actually looking forward to a year where a singer doesn't win 23:01 < Daley> SigmaWP: Singers on America Got Talent, cant handle things on "American Idol" or "The Voice". 23:03 -!- evilgohan2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 23:04 -!- Lydia_WMDE_ is now known as Lydia_WMDE 23:04 < Apheori> Peter-C: Can you repair broken things? 23:05 -!- evilgohan2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:05 < Peter-C> People sure 23:05 < Apheori> Can you repair my toe? 23:05 < Peter-C> Other things, not so much 23:05 < Peter-C> Sure 23:05 < Apheori> It has a hole in it and it hurts. 23:05 < Apheori> Ow. 23:05 * Peter-C grabs the chainsaw 23:05 < Apheori> And such. 23:05 < Peter-C> Hold steady 23:05 * Apheori ises the chainsaw on a random passerby. 23:05 * Daley grabs the blender to put the toe in. 23:05 < Apheori> Hmm... 23:05 * Peter-C hands Apheori some booze 23:05 < Peter-C> You might want this 23:05 < Apheori> You're right, I feel better now. 23:06 * Apheori wanders off. 23:06 * Peter-C chainsaws off Apheori’s foot 23:06 * Daley gives the foot to someone who hasn't got a foot. 23:07 < Apheori> You're no fun. 23:07 < Daley> Peter-C: Are we fun? 23:07 < Peter-C> Dude, I cut off your foot with a chainsaw 23:07 < Peter-C> HOW IS THAT NOT FUN 23:07 < Peter-C> Daley - we’re fun 23:07 < Peter-C> person I just met 23:07 < Apheori> You completely fail at playing along, for one. 23:08 < Peter-C> Daley - do you edit Wiki? 23:08 < Daley> Yeah 23:08 < Peter-C> :o 23:08 * Daley is a coordinator on wiki. 23:08 < Apheori> Now violence is good, but you have to use proper etiquette when applying it. 23:08 < Peter-C> :o 23:08 < Peter-C> Apheori - amputations are valid medicine 23:09 < Peter-C> So are fasciotomies 23:09 -!- evilgohan2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 23:09 -!- evilgohan2[BadRo [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:09 < Peter-C> Daley - what’s your username? 23:09 < Daley> Adamdaley 23:10 < Peter-C> You run the milhistory project? 23:10 < Peter-C> SHIT 23:10 * Peter-C salutes 23:11 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:11 < Daley> Not really run, just keep things going. 23:11 < Peter-C> Wiki med > Mil hist 23:12 < Peter-C> We’re going to get our own chapter :3 23:12 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:12 -!- dungodung is now known as dungodung|away 23:12 -!- tkazec [~msk@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]] 23:12 -!- maid [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 23:12 < Daley> For example reduction in a backlog of 21,000-odd articles. 23:12 -!- maid [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:12 -!- SteveMobile [~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:13 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 23:13 < Peter-C> Ew backlogs 23:13 < Peter-C> Last time I check WP:backog was backloged 23:13 < Peter-C> Their was a debate over whether or not that statement was funny 23:13 < Daley> It was alot worse. it was almost 28,000 backlog. Down by almost 6,000 articles within a year. 23:13 < SteveMobile> So I'm 23:13 < SteveMobile> Um rather 23:14 < Peter-C> Jesus 23:14 < SteveMobile> I got a photo of David Thodey today 23:14 -!- evilgohan2[BadRo [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 23:15 * Daley hates Telstra. 23:16 -!- evilgohan2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:16 -!- callmehyde [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:17 < Daley> SteveMobile - What are you going to do with that picture of David Thodey? 23:17 < SteveMobile> Put it on commons? 23:17 < SteveMobile> I'm a Telstra employee :| 23:18 < Daley> Can I file a 4-year-old consumer complaint? 23:19 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:19 < Peter-C> 1/2 asleep 23:19 -!- callmehyde [] has quit [Client Quit] 23:19 < Peter-C> Thoguht you were complaining about a 4 year old kid 23:19 < SteveMobile> Daley: Sure. Pm me what happened. 23:20 -!- callmehyde [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:20 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:20 < Daley> Peter-C - No. After being a loyal customer for 10 years, I wanted a new phone and number, well they wouldn't let me have my phone and number so I changed to another carrier. Talk about being a loyal customer, they didn't want to make me a valued consumer. 23:20 < SteveMobile> Daley: ? 23:21 < Peter-C> :( 23:21 < SteveMobile> Did we say why? 23:21 -!- callmehyde [] has quit [Client Quit] 23:22 * SigmaWP G11s SteveMobile 23:22 < Daley> Cause my identification wasn't good enough. Even though I had 4. 23:22 -!- callmehyde [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:22 < SteveMobile> Hmm 23:22 < SteveMobile> What did you have? 23:23 < Daley> Was as if I was a terrorist and gonna do illegal shit with the phone and call up Osama. 23:23 -!- callmehyde [] has quit [Client Quit] 23:23 -!- callmehyde [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:23 < SteveMobile> Really though 23:23 -!- callmehyde [] has quit [Client Quit] 23:24 < SteveMobile> What ID did you have? 23:24 < Daley> Basically, my ID wasn't good enough and I had used the ID 4 times over the years to get new numbers and phones from telstra. 23:24 < SteveMobile> Telstra is heavily regulated :/ 23:25 < TeeTylerToe> How could your ID be good enough for your current account but not good enough for a number change? 23:25 < SteveMobile> I'm sorry that this happened dagny 23:25 < Daley> I don't know. 23:25 < SteveMobile> TeeTylerToe: Govern 23:25 < Daley> So I went to another company. 23:25 < SteveMobile> Uh 23:26 < SteveMobile> Government changed the rules 23:26 < geniice> hmm useless article is useless 23:26 < Daley> Government are paranoid. 23:26 -!- MX80 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 23:27 < SteveMobile> Daley: They also fine us if we disobey 23:27 < SteveMobile> Like tens of thousands of dollars 23:27 < SteveMobile> If you want to send me the details I can have it investigated 23:28 < Daley> Nah it's alright. Told other customers that day not to get anything from Telstra. 23:28 < SteveMobile> :( 23:29 < Daley> Hope those customers listened. 23:29 < SteveMobile> I brought this up at the CEOs meeting today 23:29 < SteveMobile> Our approach to customers 23:30 < SteveMobile> They actually want to meet with me. The executives 23:30 < SteveMobile> Heh 23:30 < SteveMobile> Anyways must go 23:30 < Daley> The store ordered my phone and all, just I couldn't get the new phone and new number cause of my ID I've had used previously over the last 10 years wasn't good enough. 23:31 < SteveMobile> Driving car 23:32 < Peter-C> Daley - Is this your first time on IRC? 23:32 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:32 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:39 < SigmaWP> SteveMobile: Bye 23:40 < SigmaWP> SteveMobile: There's a wall in front of you 23:40 < SteveMobile> Lol 23:41 -!- TeeTylerToe [] has quit [] 23:41 * Peter-C pokes Daley in the face 23:43 -!- Mdann52_ [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:43 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:44 -!- Mdann52_ is now known as Mdann52 23:44 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@] has quit [Changing host] 23:44 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:46 < Peter-C> omg not that music 23:46 < Peter-C> That music in a TV show means someone is about to die 23:48 < Peter-C> Oh for shits sake 23:48 < Peter-C> Stab wounds to the abdomen do not kill 23:49 < Daley> Peter-C: No I've been on IRC since 1998. 23:49 < Peter-C> I have never seen you around :( 23:50 -!- SteveMobile [~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 23:50 < Peter-C> Ok. Stab wound to the left lower quaderent would NOT kill someone in 5 seconds 23:50 * Peter-C punts the TV 23:51 -!- FloatingBoat [56639362@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:52 -!- FloatingBoat [56639362@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Changing host] 23:52 -!- FloatingBoat [56639362@wikipedia/Floating-Boat] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:52 -!- FloatingBoat [56639362@wikipedia/Floating-Boat] has quit [Client Quit] 23:53 < haggis> 23:56 -!- Daley [adamdaley@] has quit [] --- Log closed Thu Aug 09 00:00:04 2012