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--- Log opened Mon Aug 20 00:00:03 2012 --- Day changed Mon Aug 20 2012 00:00 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 00:10 -!- Guest62548 [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:12 -!- Pine [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Pine] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:15 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:15 < Pine> hi foks 00:16 < foks> Hi Pine. :) 00:16 < foks> It's way too early. :( 00:17 < Pine> hm? 00:17 < foks> Got werk. 00:18 < Pine> Hm. Work like this? 00:18 < foks> OMG, Dallas is back! 00:18 < Pine> Who's Dallas? 00:19 < foks> The 80s TV show 00:19 < foks> [[Who Shot JR?]] 00:19 < foks> oh, we don't have an article on that? 00:19 < foks> 00:20 < foks> Oh, we do. 00:20 < foks> 00:24 -!- Bsadowski1 [~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 00:25 -!- legoktm [~legoktm@wikipedia/Legoktm] has quit [Quit: legoktm] 00:26 -!- Bsadowski1 [~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:27 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:31 -!- Maccer [~Maccer@] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:31 < Pine> Would anyone like some coffee? 00:33 < foks> Gotta dash 00:33 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has quit [Quit: bye!] 00:34 -!- AndroUser2 [~androirc@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:35 -!- Ed17 [~anonymous@wikipedia/the-ed17] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]] 00:38 -!- Jeske_Merensky [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Quit: Eek! Yoshi! *flees*] 00:40 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: @ChanServ 00:42 -!- Guest85069 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:43 -!- plushy [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:44 -!- Hydriz [~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 00:57 < Apheori> Dude, like, I need to quit leaving this thing on. 00:58 -!- ItzExor [~exor@2607:f358:1:fed5:22:0:d6f2:e8a8] has quit [Quit: bye] 00:59 -!- ItzExor [~exor@2607:f358:1:fed5:22:0:d6f2:e8a8] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:00 -!- Hydriz [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:03 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:05 -!- Beria [~Beria@] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:05 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has quit [Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~] 01:05 -!- Frostee [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:08 -!- jsharpminor [~mirc@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 01:09 -!- jsharpminor [~mirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:17 -!- Apheori [~dirien@wikimedia/Isarra] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 01:20 -!- DerHexer [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:20 -!- Daley [adamdaley@] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:20 < Daley> is freenode services down? 01:21 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @ChanServ 01:21 -!- DerHexer [] has quit [Client Quit] 01:21 < ItzExor> not anymore 01:21 -!- Daley [adamdaley@] has left #wikipedia-en [] 01:22 -!- Hydriz is now known as Guest91137 01:22 -!- Beria is now known as Guest79822 01:22 -!- plushy is now known as Guest68665 01:22 -!- Daley [adamdaley@unaffiliated/daley] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:23 -!- Christoph_WMDE [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:25 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:25 -!- Guest91137 [] has quit [Changing host] 01:25 -!- Guest91137 [~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:25 -!- Guest91137 is now known as Hydriz 01:28 -!- DanielB [~Daniel@wikimedia/Daniel] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:30 -!- Maccer [~Maccer@] has quit [Excess Flood] 01:40 -!- Frostee [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 01:48 -!- Maccer [~Maccer@] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:52 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:53 -!- Sp33dyphil [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:54 -!- lukas23 is now known as EvangelistXXIII 01:55 -!- EvangelistXXIII is now known as lukas23 01:56 -!- Daley [adamdaley@unaffiliated/daley] has quit [] 01:59 -!- Gnumarcoo [~Marco@wikipedia/Gnumarcoo] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:59 * Sp33dyphil bolts straight through WP-en's wall 02:00 < Sp33dyphil> hi everyone. 02:01 < BlastHardcheese> you motherfucker, now I have to pay for that 02:01 < Pine> BlastHardcheese: insurance covers it. 02:01 -!- Nix-7c0 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 02:01 < Pine> Hi Sp33dyphil 02:01 * Sp33dyphil glues the wall back in place. 02:01 < Sp33dyphil> Done. 02:02 < Sp33dyphil> Pine: hi, how are we? 02:03 < Pine> Sp33dyphil: are you asking the forest or just me? :) 02:04 < Sp33dyphil> What do you think? 02:05 < Pine> I think we in the forest are ok, but dry and hot. 02:05 < Pine> I am sleepy. 02:05 < Pine> How are you? 02:06 < Sp33dyphil> Had sore throat. 02:06 < Sp33dyphil> But ok now, thank God. 02:06 < Pine> good! 02:06 < Pine> Did you hear about the air accident in India? 02:07 * Sp33dyphil looks up GNews 02:07 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:08 < Sp33dyphil> when was this? 02:08 < Pine> hmm, someone told me about it a few hours ago 02:08 < Pine> Let me check 02:08 < Sp33dyphil> oh damn, the director of Top Gun and Crimson Tide just has just suicided. 02:10 < Sp33dyphil> Pine: found anything? 02:10 < Pine> still looking 02:12 < Pine> hmm, I'm not finding it 02:13 -!- petan [~pidgeon@wikimedia/Petrb] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:13 < Pine> What I heard was that an airplane landed 1000 feet short of the runway. 02:13 < Sp33dyphil> doesn't matter. 02:14 < Sp33dyphil> what are you up to btw? 02:14 < Pine> I am getting irritated that I can't find the article! XD 02:14 < Pine> I was sorting laundry. 02:15 -!- Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte 02:15 -!- Lcawte [lcawte@Wikimedia/Lcawte] has quit [Excess Flood] 02:15 < Pine> Sp33dyphil: found it. 02:15 < Sp33dyphil> Pine: sounds like who ever told you the news is not trustworthy 02:16 < Sp33dyphil> gtg 02:16 -!- Lcawte [lcawte@Wikimedia/Lcawte] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:16 -!- Sp33dyphil [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]] 02:16 -!- Ottre [ottre@wikipedia/Ottre] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:21 -!- Porchcorpter [~Owner@wikipedia/Porchcrop] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:28 -!- Porchcorpter [~Owner@wikipedia/Porchcrop] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 02:29 -!- WhiteIntel [~dexter@] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:31 -!- jubo2 [~jubo2@wikipedia/Juxo] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:32 -!- WhiteIntel [~dexter@] has left #wikipedia-en [] 02:33 -!- matanya [~matanya@] has left #wikipedia-en ["Ex-Chat"] 02:36 -!- Fae_mobile [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:39 < Pine> BlastHardcheese: ping 02:42 -!- sDrewth [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:43 < Pine> sDrewth: ping 02:44 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:48 -!- Hydriz [~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz] has quit [Quit: Hydriz] 02:51 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:52 < sDrewth> gday Pine 02:53 < Pine> sDrewth: thanks, I just figured out my problem 02:53 < sDrewth> k 02:53 < sDrewth> so you are going to be able to explain mine? 02:54 < sDrewth> hmm, then again, we probably don't have *that* amount of time ;-) 02:54 -!- sDrewth [] has quit [Changing host] 02:54 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:54 < Pine> sDrewth: and what is your problem? 02:54 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has left #wikipedia-en ["Flee, here comes the ..."] 02:54 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:55 * sDrewth shrugs... the mysteries of life 02:55 < Pine> sDrewth: the problem is the mysteries of life? 02:55 < Pine> 02:56 < closedmouth> wow, tony scott committed suicide :| 02:56 < Pine> yeah I saw that 02:56 < closedmouth> that's fucking bizarre 02:56 < sDrewth> muso? 02:56 < sDrewth> filmo? 02:57 -!- Sayzahn [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:57 < closedmouth> two words: top gun 02:57 -!- Sayzahn [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:01 < sDrewth> that story will have a lot to run 03:01 < sDrewth> just for its very public nature 03:10 -!- Sayzahn [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 03:11 -!- Andorin [~anon@unaffiliated/andorin] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:11 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:11 < ItzExor> the source for this sentence on Tony's article says something different 03:12 < ItzExor> "Investigators from the Los Angeles Police Department’s harbor division found contact information in his car, which was parked near the bridge, and a suicide note in his office.[15]" 03:12 < ItzExor> cite 15's link says in article "Police reportedly found a suicide note inside Scott’s black Toyota Prius, which was parked on the bridge." 03:13 < Steven_Zhang> Hello. 03:14 < sam> I heard he was working on a Top Gun sequel; he probably saw what Val Kilmer looked like today and couldn't stand it 03:15 < ItzExor> the next sentence's source does say the note was found in his office. why is it cited that way? 03:16 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Client Quit] 03:17 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:17 < ItzExor> of course the stories could have been updated, in fact [16] was, but [15] is from and lists conflicting information 03:26 -!- Daley [adamdaley@unaffiliated/daley] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:28 -!- foks|mobil [~foks@] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:29 -!- foks|mobil is now known as Guest53671 03:29 -!- Guest53671 [~foks@] has quit [Client Quit] 03:29 -!- Timotheus_Canens [~tcanens@wikipedia/Tim-Song] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:36 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:38 -!- p858snake|l_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 03:43 < Steven_Zhang> hey 03:43 < Steven_Zhang> anyone good with templates? 03:50 < Ebe123> I am 03:50 < Ebe123> Steven_Zhang 03:50 < Steven_Zhang> really? Can you look at the proposed new DRN template? 03:51 < Steven_Zhang> I can't get it to work properly with signatures. 03:52 < Ebe123> I will 03:54 < Steven_Zhang> ok 03:54 -!- dendodge [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:54 -!- dendodge [] has quit [Changing host] 03:54 -!- dendodge [~dendodge@unaffiliated/dendodge] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:55 -!- aoke1989 [~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:56 < Steven_Zhang> Great. 03:58 -!- Theopolisme [~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:58 -!- lukas23 [~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23] has quit [Quit: Ciao, au revoir, tschüss, bye,] 04:07 -!- DanielB [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:07 -!- DanielB [] has quit [Changing host] 04:07 -!- DanielB [~Daniel@wikimedia/Daniel] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:08 -!- aoke1989 is now known as aoke1989|away 04:12 -!- Andorin [~anon@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Quit: Subject has jacked out] 04:14 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:25 -!- Pine [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Pine] has left #wikipedia-en [] 04:31 -!- Theopolisme [~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme] has quit [Quit: Zzzzzz... Urgent? Message me:] 04:46 -!- Iamred [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:46 -!- Iamred [] has quit [Changing host] 04:46 -!- Iamred [~Iamred@unaffiliated/iamred] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:46 -!- Jetro` [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:46 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 04:47 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:47 -!- Jetro` is now known as Jetro 05:04 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:06 -!- Fae_mobile_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:08 -!- Fae_mobile [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 05:08 -!- Fae_mobile_ is now known as Fae_mobile 05:18 -!- Wiki13 is now known as Wiki13|Away 05:22 -!- Anna_Frodesiak [~Anna_Frod@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:23 < Anna_Frodesiak> hi wctaiwan. you have a dilly headed your way 05:23 < Anna_Frodesiak> i guess you know 05:24 -!- Jarry1250 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:30 -!- Thoreau [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:31 < wctaiwan> yeah 05:31 < wctaiwan> Anna_Frodesiak: what about [[toffee]]? 05:32 -!- snuffeluffegus [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:32 -!- snuffeluffegus [] has quit [Client Quit] 05:36 < Anna_Frodesiak> im surprised nobody removed the hats 05:37 < Anna_Frodesiak> maybe i should remove them 05:37 < wctaiwan> I'm less surprised :p 05:37 < Anna_Frodesiak> strange isn't it 05:38 -!- Hydriz [~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:38 < Anna_Frodesiak> such inappropriate hats on such visited articles 05:38 < Anna_Frodesiak> Maybe we should add a hat to [[Jesus]] 05:38 < Anna_Frodesiak> we could add "Cheeses" 05:39 < wctaiwan> xD 05:39 < wctaiwan> those two articles don't have many watchers. 05:39 < Anna_Frodesiak> true. Well, Jesus has quite a few, but Cheeses hardly any 05:40 < Anna_Frodesiak> but if i remove them then i will upset the editor 05:40 < Anna_Frodesiak> if you remove them then that's offwiki collaboration and not fair 05:40 < Anna_Frodesiak> i've got a sudden hankerin' for some cheddar 05:40 < wctaiwan> I don't think this counts as tag-teaming. 05:41 < wctaiwan> but uh, whatever. 05:41 < Anna_Frodesiak> ok you remove the hats, and i'll go make a sandwich 05:41 < wctaiwan> It's less harmful than a lot of stuff, so I'm not exactly eagerly pressing the button either. 05:41 < Anna_Frodesiak> good point 05:41 < wctaiwan> it's more I need an excuse for why I waited so long. 05:41 < Anna_Frodesiak> :) 05:41 < wctaiwan> can't exactly tell them "anna thought someone else would remove them" can I? :P 05:42 < Anna_Frodesiak> :) 05:43 < Anna_Frodesiak> well, i guess within a month it will be gone 05:44 -!- aoke1989|away is now known as aoke1989 05:44 < wctaiwan> quite the eventualist aren't you? :P 05:45 < Anna_Frodesiak> sort of 05:45 < Anna_Frodesiak> i'm sort of both 05:46 -!- Daley [adamdaley@unaffiliated/daley] has quit [] 05:46 -!- pm27 [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:51 -!- pm27_ [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:52 -!- pm27 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 05:52 -!- pm27_ is now known as pm27 05:52 -!- FutPerf [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Future-Perfect-at-Sunrise] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:52 -!- FutPerf [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Future-Perfect-at-Sunrise] has left #wikipedia-en [] 05:57 -!- DanielB [~Daniel@wikimedia/Daniel] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 06:00 -!- jubo2 [~jubo2@wikipedia/Juxo] has quit [Quit: Beams.] 06:01 < IRWolfie-> which hats are these? 06:03 < Steven_Zhang> hm 06:05 < wctaiwan> IRWolfie-: [[Toffee]] 06:05 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:05 < wctaiwan> there's like, two of them. One of them seems odd :p 06:05 < wctaiwan> (not suggesting you to act as a proxy. I'm honestly not that bothered) 06:06 -!- Qcoder02 [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:08 -!- pm27 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 06:09 -!- thineantiquepen [568ac1f0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:11 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 06:15 -!- Jarry1250 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250] has left #wikipedia-en [] 06:15 -!- ExtinguishedFire [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:16 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@nat/ibm/x-embpxryjtqpcfikk] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:16 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@nat/ibm/x-embpxryjtqpcfikk] has quit [Changing host] 06:16 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:22 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:24 < Anna_Frodesiak> IRWolfie: toffee and tofu 06:24 < Anna_Frodesiak> i'm not too bothered either 06:26 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:31 -!- Benoit-Rochon [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:32 -!- aoke1989 [~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 06:35 < IRWolfie-> wctaiwan: still not sure what's going on 06:36 < IRWolfie-> what do you mean by hat? 06:36 < wctaiwan> IRWolfie-: how many people would confuse toffee and tofu? 06:36 -!- Gnumarcoo [~Marco@wikipedia/Gnumarcoo] has quit [Quit: Bye] 06:36 < IRWolfie-> Very few I'd hope 06:37 < wctaiwan> right. 06:39 < IRWolfie-> Until there is a legitimate reason that they might be confused they should be remvoed 06:39 -!- Benoit-Rochon [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:39 < IRWolfie-> *removed 06:39 < IRWolfie-> better add "toes" someone might get confused ^^ 06:39 < IRWolfie-> someone might think it means toffs, what about that :P 06:40 -!- Benoit-Rochon [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:40 * IRWolfie- goes back to work 06:40 < wctaiwan> lol yeah 06:40 -!- Benoit-Rochon [] has quit [Client Quit] 06:41 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:41 -!- Benoit-Rochon [601474b3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:42 < Anna_Frodesiak> I think at [[Tofu]] we should add the hatnote "Photo" just in case 06:45 -!- Migrant [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:52 -!- Ironholds [Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:53 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.] 06:54 -!- mysterytrey [~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:56 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:58 -!- Wiki13|Away is now known as Wiki13 06:59 -!- BigRig [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:00 -!- FutPerf [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Future-Perfect-at-Sunrise] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:00 -!- Mdann52 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:00 -!- Mdann52 [] has quit [Changing host] 07:00 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:02 -!- FutPerf [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Future-Perfect-at-Sunrise] has left #wikipedia-en [] 07:02 -!- BigRig [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 07:04 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:04 -!- thineantiquepen [568ac1f0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 07:08 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:12 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:14 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 07:17 -!- Gnumarcoo [~Marco@wikipedia/Gnumarcoo] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:17 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:19 -!- Chip123456 [569f4ea6@wikipedia/Chip123456] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:20 -!- OlEnglish [~OlEnglish@wikipedia/OlEnglish] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 07:25 -!- DoRD [~DoRD@wikipedia/Department-of-Redundancy-Department] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:27 -!- Christoph_WMDE [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:27 -!- Chip123456 [569f4ea6@wikipedia/Chip123456] has left #wikipedia-en [] 07:28 -!- dendodge [~dendodge@unaffiliated/dendodge] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 07:28 -!- Christoph_WMDE [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:32 -!- Kiewii [~kiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:32 -!- Sayzahn [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:36 -!- Spacewalker [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:36 -!- Spacewalker [] has quit [Changing host] 07:36 -!- Spacewalker [~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:37 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:37 -!- Keegan_ [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:37 -!- Keegan_ is now known as Keegan 07:38 -!- Spacewalker [~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker] has quit [Client Quit] 07:40 -!- Spacewalker [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:40 -!- Spacewalker [] has quit [Changing host] 07:40 -!- Spacewalker [~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:40 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:41 -!- Spacewalker [~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker] has quit [Client Quit] 07:41 -!- Spacewalker [~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:43 -!- DeltaQuad [~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:43 -!- BarkingFish [~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:44 < BarkingFish> Hi all. Just a flying visit, I'll be back later - are there any administrators around who could help me with a move over redirect please? 07:44 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:44 < BarkingFish> needs to be moved over the redirect at [[Foundation for the Development of Carribean Children]] 07:45 -!- Anna_Frodesiak [~Anna_Frod@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak] has quit [Quit: You've been great. Try the veal.] 07:46 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Quit: While there's life, there's hope.] 07:46 -!- mysterydos [~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:47 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:47 -!- mysterytrey [~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey] has quit [Disconnected by services] 07:48 -!- mysterydos is now known as mysterytrey 07:48 -!- Venusaur [~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:49 -!- Venusaur [~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:51 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.] 07:51 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:53 -!- dendodge [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:53 -!- dendodge [] has quit [Changing host] 07:53 -!- dendodge [~dendodge@unaffiliated/dendodge] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:56 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 07:58 -!- DoRD is now known as DoRD|away 07:58 -!- Maccer [~Maccer@] has quit [Excess Flood] 08:00 -!- Hydriz [~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz] has quit [Quit: Hydriz] 08:03 -!- Timotheus_Canens [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:03 -!- Timotheus_Canens [] has quit [Changing host] 08:03 -!- Timotheus_Canens [~tcanens@wikipedia/Tim-Song] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:05 -!- Christoph_WMDE_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:05 -!- Theopolisme [~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:06 -!- zinjacoder [~zinjacode@] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:07 -!- Christoph_WMDE [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:07 -!- Christoph_WMDE_ is now known as Christoph_WMDE 08:10 < BarkingFish> ah well, since nobody has answered, I can only assume everyone's either in bed, at college, or busy elsewhere. See ya 08:10 -!- BarkingFish [~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish] has quit [Quit: I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nooooOOOOOOOOWWWWWW! :)] 08:11 -!- Chip123456 [569f4ea6@wikipedia/Chip123456] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:11 -!- Sayzahn [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 08:11 -!- MBisanz [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:11 -!- MBisanz [] has quit [Changing host] 08:11 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:14 < Fluffernutter> god, why is it so hard to cite a TV show's own website for the existence of an episode of that show? Do these networks not believe in episode lists? 08:14 -!- Mdann52 is now known as Mdann-away 08:16 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 08:16 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:19 -!- rschen7754 [~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 08:21 -!- GrenBaykre [niptuckx@unaffiliated/grenbaykre] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:21 < GrenBaykre> Does such a thing exist in real life? If so, what is it called? "Theatre cane"? 08:22 -!- Beria_ [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:23 < Tony_Sidaway> It certainly exists as a comic prop. 08:24 -!- Guest79822 [~Beria@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:25 < Tony_Sidaway> It's generally called, simply, the hook. 08:25 < GrenBaykre> Hmm... 08:25 < GrenBaykre> Isn't "the hook" also something else? 08:25 -!- Iamred [~Iamred@unaffiliated/iamred] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.11/20120715041107]] 08:26 < GrenBaykre> So it's not an actual tool to get rid of people on stage who perform poorly? 08:26 -!- Iamred [~Iamred@unaffiliated/iamred] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:28 < Tony_Sidaway> Such a tool could conceivably have been used in burlesque. 08:28 -!- Iamred [~Iamred@unaffiliated/iamred] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:29 -!- ragesoss [~sage@wikimedia/ragesoss] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:30 < GrenBaykre> :S 08:30 < GrenBaykre> Seems extremely respectless. 08:30 -!- albel727 is now known as K6 08:30 < GrenBaykre> Why not just have somebody walk out and whisper in his ear? 08:30 -!- K6 is now known as albel727 08:31 -!- YE [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:32 -!- Iamred [~Iamred@unaffiliated/iamred] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:33 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 08:33 -!- Maccer [~Maccer@] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:34 < Tony_Sidaway> At the point where you want to use a hook, the audience would generally be making its opinion known. If the performer didn't get the message, the management might want the performer forced off stage. But usually this can be done by dropping the curtain. The clacks applaud, the band plays a link, and the next act is cued if it's ready. 08:34 -!- greenrosetta [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:34 -!- greenrosetta [] has quit [Changing host] 08:34 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:35 < Tony_Sidaway> The hook often appears as a sight gag, though. 08:35 -!- Nascar1996 [~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:37 -!- Wiki13 is now known as Wiki13|Away 08:37 -!- AndrewM [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:38 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:38 -!- Beria_ is now known as Beria 08:39 -!- DivT [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:39 < greenrosetta> i could kill for a cigarette 08:40 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|work 08:40 -!- AndrewM [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 08:40 -!- Mdann-away is now known as Mdann52 08:42 -!- SaharLove [b6b2172c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:42 < SaharLove> Assalam Aleykum 08:44 < Tony_Sidaway> What do French people shout at performers when they want an encore? 08:44 < Mdann52> Because there French..... 08:44 < SaharLove> How I make username ? 08:44 < SaharLove> I like to edit 08:44 < Mdann52> (no offence ment btw) 08:45 -!- Timotheus_Canens [~tcanens@wikipedia/Tim-Song] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:45 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:45 < Tony_Sidaway> Yes, they're French. The question is: what do they shout? 08:45 -!- Timotheus_Canens [~tcanens@wikipedia/Tim-Song] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:46 < Mdann52> SaharLove, 08:46 < mysterytrey> Whats with everyone switching refs from http to https ? Was there some policy switch? 08:46 < SaharLove> Thank you bhai. 08:47 < SaharLove> why cant I no speak #wikimedia? 08:47 -!- DivT [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:47 < Mdann52> You need to have A registered nick 08:47 < SaharLove> What do you mea 08:47 < SaharLove> n 08:48 < SaharLove> my english no good 08:48 < SaharLove> sorry. 08:48 < Mdann52> Don't worry 08:48 < greenrosetta> gimme a smoke :( 08:48 < Mdann52> Do you need to speak on there? 08:48 < Mdann52> This is a no smoking room 08:49 < SaharLove> I smoke shisha 08:49 < greenrosetta> i hate quitting 08:50 < SaharLove> so dont quit 08:50 < SaharLove> smoke 08:51 < wctaiwan> huh, probably vandalism but lol 08:51 < mysterytrey> What do I do with this: 08:52 < SaharLove> what is vandalism 08:52 -!- ExtinguishedFire [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 08:53 < wctaiwan> , SaharLove 08:53 < Chip123456> Something which intends to harm Wikipedia - 08:53 < SaharLove> Thank you 08:53 -!- Christoph_WMDE [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:53 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:55 < SaharLove> I know like Wikipedia Jeremy scared me 08:55 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:55 < SaharLove> I no 08:55 < SaharLove> Bye 08:55 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:55 -!- SaharLove [b6b2172c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en [] 08:56 < jeremyb> good riddance 08:56 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F 08:58 < Mdann52> :) 08:58 * Fluffernutter stabs the internet in the eye 08:59 -!- Chip123456 [569f4ea6@wikipedia/Chip123456] has left #wikipedia-en [] 08:59 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 09:00 -!- ExtinguishedFire [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:03 < jeremyb> hrmmmm, all of the blocks for that netblock are on fawiki. and they have an adminbot??? 09:03 < Mdann52> :) 09:04 < Benoit-Rochon> Hello people! I would need your English skills here! Can you tell me if there's a better way to write/rephrase : "This article identifies historic places in the [[Quebec|province of Quebec]] entered the [[Canadian Register of Historic Places]], whether they are federal, provincial, or municipal." 09:05 < jeremyb> Benoit-Rochon: entered on the* 09:05 < Benoit-Rochon> This introduction will be found in this article : 09:06 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Steven_Zhang] 09:06 * jeremyb will read more tonight 09:06 < jeremyb> bye 09:07 < Benoit-Rochon> So I assume this is okay for WP-en : "This article identifies historic places in the [[Quebec|province of Quebec]] entered on the [[Canadian Register of Historic Places]], whether they are federal, provincial, or municipal." 09:08 < Benoit-Rochon> Thanks jeremyb 09:09 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:10 < Fluffernutter> what's the ref format that lets me define all the refs in a ref section, and then just refer to them by name in the text? 09:11 -!- Bencmq [~Bencmq@wikipedia/Bencmq] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:11 < Fluffernutter> nm, found it 09:11 -!- Bencmq [~Bencmq@wikipedia/Bencmq] has left #wikipedia-en [] 09:12 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:13 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:15 < Mdann52> Any admins want to do a history merge? 09:16 < Mdann52> I guess not..... 09:18 -!- thineantiquepen [1f337694@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:19 < mysterytrey> Noone likes work... 09:19 < BlastHardcheese> Noone does get around a lot, judging from all the people who talk about him 09:21 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 09:21 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:21 -!- Guacama [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:21 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Client Quit] 09:22 -!- Guacama [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:22 -!- awuu [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:22 < awuu> hi 09:23 -!- Mdann52 is now known as Mdann-food 09:23 -!- awuu [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 09:24 -!- noommos [~Josh@wikipedia/noommos] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:25 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 09:26 -!- M132T003C [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:26 -!- M132T003C [] has quit [Changing host] 09:26 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:26 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:27 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Client Quit] 09:28 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:28 -!- Gnumarcoo [~Marco@wikipedia/Gnumarcoo] has quit [Quit: Bye] 09:29 -!- Monchoman45 [~monchoman@wikia/Monchoman45] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:30 -!- Jayflux [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:32 -!- Theopolisme [~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme] has quit [Quit: Zzzzzz... Urgent? Message me:] 09:34 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:37 -!- Thoreau [] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 09:37 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:40 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 09:41 -!- Mdann-food is now known as Mdann52