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< User:Badmachine
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- Note: This log is a segment of User:Badmachine/wikipedia-en-2011-05
May 04 00:00:54 * p858snake|l has quit (Read error: Connection timed out) May 04 00:01:36 * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 00:03:31 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 00:12:45 <geniice> it appear to be back May 04 00:12:48 <geniice> May 04 00:13:00 * Douche (~Douche@wikimedia/Zalgo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 00:18:17 <geniice> "at one point there were 17 layers between the chief executive and the lowest employee" May 04 00:18:58 * MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 00:19:20 * Sunderland06 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 00:19:34 * MC8 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 00:19:59 * Sunderland06 (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Sunderland06) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 00:20:37 * MacMed has quit (Quit: MacMed) May 04 00:20:43 * MC8 (~chippy@wikimedia/Microchip08) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 00:22:01 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Prodego May 04 00:22:04 * Prodego sets mode -r #wikipedia-en May 04 00:22:04 * Prodego removes channel operator status from Prodego May 04 00:22:55 <MuZemike> Ugh, May 04 00:23:33 <foks> wait, I've lost connection ain't i May 04 00:23:53 <foks> balls. May 04 00:23:53 * foks has quit (Quit: %B*.banana%B *.split) May 04 00:24:25 <Cassie> MuZemike: Just a little... May 04 00:24:46 <MuZemike> hey Cassie! May 04 00:24:56 <Cassie> MuZemike: Hello! May 04 00:25:09 <MuZemike> Oh, wow: May 04 00:26:04 * MTCD ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 00:26:04 * methecooldude has quit (Disconnected by services) May 04 00:26:07 * matthewrbowker is now known as MRB[away] May 04 00:26:12 * foks (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 00:26:23 <MuZemike> Sez volumes bout dem Britenz. May 04 00:26:34 <Dragonfly6-7> well, about the drunk ones May 04 00:26:46 <Fluffernutter> are there non-drunk ones? May 04 00:26:49 <Fluffernutter> well no, i take that back May 04 00:26:54 <MuZemike> I was about to say May 04 00:27:02 <Fluffernutter> i had a remarkably hard time getting ironholds even the slightest bit drunk May 04 00:27:13 <MuZemike> Oh wait, that's Ireland. May 04 00:27:14 <Fluffernutter> everclear-soaked cherries didn't even make him flinch May 04 00:27:54 <Cassie> MuZemike: I thought Ireland and Britain were the same thing! May 04 00:28:10 <MuZemike> That's according to Britain, isn't it? May 04 00:28:14 * zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 00:28:42 <Cassie> ;) May 04 00:29:27 <MuZemike> Heh, still news about that PS network shutdown. May 04 00:30:11 <MuZemike> Didn't think it was that big a deal, but then again, I don't own a PS3 nor spend scores of hours a week playing online games. May 04 00:31:41 <foks> I own a PS3 and have three brother that use(d) PSN regularly May 04 00:31:45 <foks> all I can say is: bring it up pronto plz May 04 00:31:45 * Cassie has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 00:31:50 <Fluffernutter> you have three brothers? May 04 00:32:01 <Dragonfly6-7> Yes. He killed and ate the other two. May 04 00:32:02 * Cassie ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 00:32:02 * Cassie has quit (Changing host) May 04 00:32:02 * Cassie (~dan@wikipedia/deskana) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 00:32:07 <Fluffernutter> heh May 04 00:32:28 <MuZemike> So who brought the network down? Hackers? Anonymous online anarchist groups (like Anonymous)? /b/? May 04 00:32:31 <foks> yes May 04 00:32:31 <foks> all younger May 04 00:32:42 <Dragonfly6-7> because he killed and ate the older ones May 04 00:33:19 <foks> The 13-year-old's now finished MW2 twice, MW once and Homefront 3 times May 04 00:33:34 <foks> Woooow lag May 04 00:33:35 <MuZemike> Why does Fox News say "Usama" while most everyone else say "Osama"? May 04 00:33:48 <foks> Fox is stupid? May 04 00:33:51 <foks> :D May 04 00:33:52 * MRB[away] is now known as matthewrbowker May 04 00:34:06 <MuZemike> Yes, I know. You are stupid. May 04 00:34:08 <zscout370> MuZemike: preference. I know we have Usama as an alternate spelling May 04 00:34:13 <foks> ): May 04 00:34:22 <MuZemike> Perhaps to prevent confusion between "Obama" and "Osama"? May 04 00:34:53 <foks> May 04 00:34:58 <MuZemike> I mean, I'm not readily aware of an alternate spelling, but it's certainly plausible. May 04 00:34:58 <foks> lol May 04 00:35:05 <MuZemike> It's like "Romania" vs "Rumania". May 04 00:35:36 <Dragonfly6-7> go watch [[Being Osama]] May 04 00:42:07 <foks> oh for the love of May 04 00:42:07 * foks has quit (Quit: %B*.banana%B *.split) May 04 00:45:26 * zscout370 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia May 04 00:47:31 * alyxuk has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 04 00:48:09 <Dragonfly6-7> what what May 04 00:49:48 * Resfirestar has quit (Quit: Leaving) May 04 00:52:05 * Tiptoety (~Tiptoety@wikipedia/Tiptoety) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 00:53:23 * matthewrbowker is now known as MRB[away] May 04 00:54:35 * foks (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 00:58:30 * Cassie has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 00:59:02 * Sunderland06 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 04 00:59:32 * zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:00:47 * Od1n has quit (Quit: I like my women how I like my whiskey, 12 years old and mixed up with coke) May 04 01:02:18 * dungodung is now known as dungodung|sleep May 04 01:02:30 * OlEnglish has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 04 01:05:42 * Netalarm (~Netalarm@Wikimedia/Netalarm) has left #wikipedia-en ("Leaving") May 04 01:06:28 * MC8 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 01:06:28 * OlEnglish (~me@wikipedia/OlEnglish) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:09:28 * Jeske_Couriano has quit (Quit: EEK! Yoshi! *flees*) May 04 01:09:47 * foks has quit (Quit: %B*.banana%B *.split) May 04 01:13:32 * MuZemike has quit (Quit: It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here!!) May 04 01:14:29 * boulevardier (~boulevard@wikipedia/boulevardier) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:15:38 * IShadowed_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:15:38 * IShadowed_ has quit (Changing host) May 04 01:15:39 * IShadowed_ (~Null@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:17:22 * IShadowed has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 01:19:08 * Avruch (~Avruch@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:19:08 * Avruch has quit (Changing host) May 04 01:19:08 * Avruch (~Avruch@wikimedia/Nathan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:22:41 * Kingpin13 has quit (Quit: money can't buy you love, but it can if you have enough) May 04 01:26:09 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:29:25 * Douche has quit (Quit: Douche) May 04 01:35:02 * Mikemoral is now known as mikemoral|away May 04 01:37:28 * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|sleep May 04 01:39:52 * Andrevan ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:40:18 * Andrevan has quit (Changing host) May 04 01:40:18 * Andrevan (~andre@wikipedia/Andrevan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:42:33 * BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:50:35 * Zamorak (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:50:42 * Az1568_ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) May 04 01:50:44 * Herodotean has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 04 01:51:22 * quanticle ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:52:11 * kibble has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 01:52:36 * DarkoNeko has quit (Quit: Pissing off 4chan: free. Botnet hire: $1,000/month. For everything else, there's Masterc– oh, wait, not any more.) May 04 01:55:01 * MRB[away] is now known as matthewrbowker May 04 01:55:20 * Herodotus (alliterate@unaffiliated/recognizance) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:55:29 <Gfoley4> this is /not/ the way to respond to personal attacks May 04 01:56:09 <matthewrbowker> >.> May 04 01:56:17 <BarkingFish> 0.0 May 04 01:56:26 <BarkingFish> and I thought *I* had a temper May 04 01:56:29 <BarkingFish> >:) May 04 01:56:47 <Gfoley4> edit summary: " is a psychotic BITCH." May 04 01:56:50 <Gfoley4> :| May 04 01:56:55 * quanticle has quit (Changing host) May 04 01:56:55 * quanticle (~quanticle@wikipedia/Quanticle) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 01:57:34 <BarkingFish> Gfoley4: Isn't there something somewhere about responding to a personal attack isn't in itself, a personal attack? May 04 01:57:44 <OlEnglish> lol someone should make a youtube vid of all the thousands of times newscasters mistake obama/osama and vice versa May 04 01:57:46 <BarkingFish> I'd kick that straight out of the window. May 04 01:58:47 <BarkingFish> OlEnglish: Not only newscasters. I recorded the audio wikinews article on his death, and I had to restart the bloody thing 18 times cause I kept calling him Obama bin Laden... May 04 01:59:20 <BarkingFish> and referring to Barack Obama as Barack Osama doesn't help either :) May 04 02:00:02 <BarkingFish> There was actually a very good joke I had texted to me earlier today, as you usually get when someone dies like this, Michael Jackson, etc... May 04 02:00:47 <BarkingFish> "Obama Bin Laden is dead. Killed by American Forces. President Bush Failed, President Clinton failed. President Obama succeeded." May 04 02:01:15 <BarkingFish> "Moral of the tale: If you want someone topped off in another country, hire President Obama" May 04 02:02:14 <quanticle> BarkingFish: May 04 02:04:55 * thegoodcushion (~thegoodcu@unaffiliated/thegoodcushion) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 02:06:34 * kibble (~cbrown@wikimedia/Cbrown1023) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 02:07:13 * Az1568_ (~1568@wikimedia/Az1568) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 02:08:06 <Irish_Eddy> *grin* May 04 02:08:28 <Irish_Eddy> That gives me a mighty good idea, BarkingFish :-) May 04 02:09:04 <BarkingFish> quanticle: Excellent. May 04 02:09:08 <BarkingFish> I like that. May 04 02:09:28 <geniice> Clinton was unlucky May 04 02:10:00 <Irish_Eddy> Any experts here? I'm looking for a restaurant template including Michelin stars. May 04 02:11:24 * Maximillion (~pegasus@wikimedia/Maximillion-Pegasus) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 02:11:34 <geniice> Irish_Eddy May 04 02:11:38 * enhydra has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) May 04 02:12:57 * enhydra (~kalan@wikimedia/Kalan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 02:13:41 <Irish_Eddy> Hmmm, overlooked the field "rating" May 04 02:14:31 <geniice> Irish_Eddy see for an example May 04 02:15:39 <Irish_Eddy> Ah, thanks! That answers also my second question! May 04 02:15:56 * Sceptre has quit (Quit: There's a battle outside and it is ragin'. It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls for the times they are a-changin') May 04 02:17:47 * Monty845 has quit (Quit: .•«UPP»•.) May 04 02:18:14 * boulevardier has quit (Quit: boulevardier) May 04 02:19:24 * CKtravel_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 04 02:22:21 * Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 02:25:11 * Ultraexactzz (~wikiultra@wikipedia/ultraexactzz) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 02:25:41 * BarkingFish has quit (Quit: *.Fish *.Filleted) May 04 02:26:55 * Ultraexactzz has quit (Client Quit) May 04 02:29:30 * Brian_S ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 02:29:32 * Brian_S has quit (Changing host) May 04 02:29:32 * Brian_S (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 02:29:54 * Brian_S has quit (Client Quit) May 04 02:30:50 * Brian_S (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 02:31:17 * thrashout is now known as ThrashOut May 04 02:31:57 <Peter-C> Fluff|sleep >:( May 04 02:36:13 * Ultraexactzz (~wikiultra@wikipedia/ultraexactzz) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 02:37:58 * BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 02:38:00 * Ultraexactzz has quit (Client Quit) May 04 02:40:00 * MindstormsKid has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) May 04 02:41:54 * Sir48 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 02:45:15 * Peter-C pokes BarkingFish May 04 02:45:20 <Peter-C> Gfoley4 - around? May 04 02:45:31 <Gfoley4> yo May 04 02:45:33 <BarkingFish> morning Peter-C :) May 04 02:47:17 <Peter-C> Evening BarkingFish :P May 04 02:49:37 * Tiptoety has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) May 04 02:51:15 <Peter-C> BarkingFish - the only thing sexier than you is my website :) May 04 02:51:39 * Zamorak has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 02:51:43 <BarkingFish> 0.0 May 04 02:51:50 <BarkingFish> now I KNOW you need glasses May 04 02:53:12 <Gfoley4> ha May 04 02:53:53 <Peter-C> :P May 04 02:56:57 <BarkingFish> Specsavers are expecting you 1030 sharp tomorrow morning. Don't be late :) May 04 02:56:58 * matthewrbowker is now known as MRB[away] May 04 02:59:16 * Zamorak (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 02:59:19 * la_pianista (~la_pianis@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 02:59:32 * la_pianista has quit (Changing host) May 04 02:59:32 * la_pianista (~la_pianis@wikipedia/La-Pianista) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 03:00:24 <geniice> hmm fun some thing the remains are of fortified manor house known as St Andrew's castle while others think they are just a wall May 04 03:00:56 <Peter-C> Anyone here good with typography? May 04 03:05:31 * BarkingFish has quit (Quit: *.Fish *.Filleted) May 04 03:05:38 * BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 03:06:25 <quanticle> Peter-C: Helvetica or bust May 04 03:06:44 * la_pianista is now known as pianista|brb May 04 03:07:16 * Logan_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 03:07:47 <OlEnglish> scoooooores May 04 03:07:48 * BarkingFish has quit (Client Quit) May 04 03:09:27 * DeltaQuad has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) May 04 03:09:40 * DeltaQuad (u1203@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 03:09:44 * pianista|brb is now known as la_pianista May 04 03:10:13 * zscout370 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia May 04 03:11:16 * Guerillero (~hka555@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 03:16:06 * MRB[away] is now known as matthewrbowker May 04 03:17:33 <quanticle> OlEnglish: How's day 1 under the new Harper government? May 04 03:19:50 <OlEnglish> fine i guess May 04 03:20:11 <OlEnglish> Canadians are more interested in hockey now May 04 03:20:15 <OlEnglish> :) May 04 03:20:50 <Anna_Frodesiak> hi OE May 04 03:21:27 <Peter-C> A woman's sexuality can be measured by her bra cup May 04 03:21:54 <Anna_Frodesiak> hi OlEnglish May 04 03:22:15 <OlEnglish> hi! May 04 03:22:17 * Chris_G (~chris@wikipedia/Chris-G) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 03:22:23 <Anna_Frodesiak> how's vancouver today? May 04 03:23:07 <OlEnglish> we're watching the game :) May 04 03:23:16 <OlEnglish> vancouver and nashville May 04 03:23:21 <OlEnglish> 1-1 May 04 03:23:27 <OlEnglish> 2nd period May 04 03:23:30 <Anna_Frodesiak> If you were an animal, what food would you like? May 04 03:23:36 <Gfoley4> Peter-C: how u know? May 04 03:23:36 <quanticle> Peter-C: Dunno about that. May 04 03:24:12 <Anna_Frodesiak> OlEnglish? If you were an animal, what food would you like? May 04 03:24:37 <OlEnglish> it depends what animal i was May 04 03:24:45 <OlEnglish> if i was an eagle, i'd like mice May 04 03:24:58 <Anna_Frodesiak> OlEnglish you are an imposter. You failed to answer the secret question May 04 03:25:00 <OlEnglish> if i were to be an animal i'd be an eagle May 04 03:25:06 <Anna_Frodesiak> OlEnglish would know the answer May 04 03:25:15 <OlEnglish> omg! totally forgot about that May 04 03:25:20 <OlEnglish> your email :) May 04 03:25:23 <Anna_Frodesiak> So what's the answer May 04 03:25:25 <Anna_Frodesiak> ? May 04 03:25:33 * derp (~omg@wikimedia/Zalgo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 03:25:33 <OlEnglish> mouse? May 04 03:25:36 <quanticle> Anna_Frodesiak: Probably whatever food said animal eats in its natural habitat. Humans are unique in that our physiologies and tools give us the ability to consume a large variety of food. Most animals don't have the luxury of choice. May 04 03:25:44 <OlEnglish> i dunno i gotta go check my email now haha May 04 03:25:50 <Anna_Frodesiak> You "/whois OlEnglish" to Irvine California. May 04 03:25:55 <Anna_Frodesiak> You are an imposter. May 04 03:26:01 <OlEnglish> no no.. that's just the server! May 04 03:26:04 * Zamorak is now known as Fumika May 04 03:26:10 <OlEnglish> the IRC server is in irvine! May 04 03:26:11 <Anna_Frodesiak> Okay, so what's the food? May 04 03:26:20 <OlEnglish> hrm hold on... May 04 03:26:20 * Fumika (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has left #wikipedia-en ("Leaving") May 04 03:26:27 <Anna_Frodesiak> Ok. I'm waiting. May 04 03:26:34 <derp> What's wrong? May 04 03:27:15 * Seahorse has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 03:27:18 <OlEnglish> rabbits May 04 03:27:23 <OlEnglish> happy? :) May 04 03:27:35 <Anna_Frodesiak> Yes. :) May 04 03:27:39 <OlEnglish> i just got your reply btw May 04 03:27:45 <Anna_Frodesiak> Buy where's your +? May 04 03:28:01 <OlEnglish> but ya.. that irvine thing.. that's not where i'm from.. and my + is only in the help channel.. #wikipedia-en-help May 04 03:28:22 <Anna_Frodesiak> Ok. It's really you. :) May 04 03:28:26 <OlEnglish> yes May 04 03:28:36 <Anna_Frodesiak> back to the hockey game.... May 04 03:28:40 <OlEnglish> heh thanks May 04 03:28:47 <Anna_Frodesiak> no prob May 04 03:28:56 <Peter-C> My website is sexy May 04 03:29:17 <Anna_Frodesiak> Your website is chat roulette May 04 03:29:24 <Peter-C> o.o May 04 03:29:33 <Peter-C> Troll? May 04 03:29:37 <Anna_Frodesiak> me? May 04 03:29:42 <Peter-C> Yes May 04 03:29:44 <Anna_Frodesiak> I'm Anna May 04 03:29:56 <Peter-C> Are you sure? May 04 03:30:01 <Anna_Frodesiak> May 04 03:30:06 <Peter-C> You seem more like a Jessica May 04 03:30:07 <Anna_Frodesiak> Yes. Very. May 04 03:30:11 <Anna_Frodesiak> Ha ha May 04 03:30:51 <Peter-C> WTF May 04 03:30:59 <Peter-C> HOW MANY HOURS WERE SACRIFICED?! May 04 03:31:09 <Peter-C> la_pianista May 04 03:31:15 <Peter-C> LOOK AT HER USER PAGE May 04 03:31:28 <la_pianista> ...quoi ? May 04 03:31:33 <Peter-C> May 04 03:31:48 <Anna_Frodesiak> sacrificed? May 04 03:32:11 <Peter-C> How many hours of hard labor were put into making that user page? May 04 03:32:15 <Anna_Frodesiak> I just added a drawing once in a while. Easy peasy. May 04 03:32:41 * Chenzw (~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 03:32:42 <Anna_Frodesiak> Hard labour? Nah. I make those little drawings once in a while. They take about 30 seconds each. May 04 03:32:44 <Peter-C> o.o May 04 03:32:55 <Anna_Frodesiak> I like drawing. May 04 03:32:57 <Peter-C> I mean the linking May 04 03:33:01 <Peter-C> The linking must have been hard May 04 03:33:18 <Anna_Frodesiak> Oh. That was with a program someone suggested. 10 minutes, no kidding. May 04 03:33:29 <Peter-C> o.o May 04 03:33:31 <Anna_Frodesiak> Want the link. It's drag and drop. No typing numbers. May 04 03:34:45 <Peter-C> too lazy May 04 03:34:51 <Peter-C> I need to get sleep anyway May 04 03:34:54 <Peter-C> GOOD NIGHT WORLD! May 04 03:34:54 <Peter-C> :D May 04 03:34:55 <Anna_Frodesiak> fine by me May 04 03:34:58 <Anna_Frodesiak> nitey nite May 04 03:35:06 * Peter-C drags la_pianista to his bedroom May 04 03:35:08 <Peter-C> night! :d May 04 03:35:18 <la_pianista> :| May 04 03:35:28 * The_Thing (~hfjdh@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 03:36:36 <Guerillero> stats and I are not friends May 04 03:38:58 * derp huggles la_pianista tightly. May 04 03:39:11 * la_pianista huggles derp tightly, throws in a snuggle with Guerillero to boot May 04 03:40:29 * Ironholds (~bob@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 03:40:47 <derp> oh hey Ironholds May 04 03:40:53 <derp> How was the trip back home May 04 03:40:58 * mindspillage has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) May 04 03:40:59 <Ironholds> fucking awful May 04 03:41:04 <Ironholds> I had to write myself a note May 04 03:41:13 <derp> good May 04 03:41:28 <Ironholds> "Dear oliver. When stomach lurches upwards, plane is going down. When stomach lurches downwards, plane is going up" May 04 03:41:48 <Ironholds> "do not get these confused, or you will spend takeoff having a small heart attack and going 'why are we dropping out of the sky?!'" May 04 03:41:59 <derp> heh May 04 03:42:03 <derp> And did you enjoy USA? May 04 03:42:56 <Ironholds> Eh, it was alright May 04 03:43:03 <Ironholds> company was shite, though :p May 04 03:43:07 <derp> :P May 04 03:43:24 <derp> While you were gone, canada elected a majoritarily conservative governement May 04 03:46:17 * Yetanotherx has quit (Quit: Four score and negative 70 years ago... our fathers brought forth on this world a new encyclopedia, conceived in openess, and dedicated to the proposal that all men are created equal.) May 04 03:46:26 <Ironholds> I saw May 04 03:46:40 <Ironholds> on the plus side, the Bloc Quebecois got fucking massacred May 04 03:46:55 <derp> I know May 04 03:46:57 <derp> Oh May 04 03:47:04 <derp> Ignatieff also resigned. May 04 03:47:37 <derp> libreal party leader May 04 03:47:48 <Ironholds> awesome! May 04 03:47:55 <Ironholds> maybe now they can get someone with a spinal cord May 04 03:48:04 <derp> and there are talks of the elected liberals that they will probably merge with the NDP May 04 03:48:10 <Ironholds> it takes a special kind of stupid to get a hung parliament and *not* achieve voting reform out of it May 04 03:48:24 * Brian_S takes out Ironholds's spinal cord May 04 03:48:26 <Brian_S> j/k May 04 03:48:40 <Ironholds> you're not strong enough to carry it May 04 03:49:05 <Brian_S> lol May 04 03:49:15 * matthewrbowker has quit (Quit: Changing Computers) May 04 03:50:05 <topaz> saaaaaad wiki May 04 03:50:05 * derp huggles Brian_S tightly. May 04 03:51:08 <slakr> you don't... have the spine to carry it May 04 03:51:10 * slakr snickers May 04 03:57:24 * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 04:00:13 * derp has quit (Quit: bed!) May 04 04:00:20 <The_Thing> May 04 04:04:34 * Glass_Soul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 04:04:47 * Glass_Soul is now known as Glass_Arm May 04 04:05:05 * Glass_Arm ( has left #wikipedia-en May 04 04:05:17 * Yetanotherx (~Soxred93@wikipedia/Soxred93) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 04:06:30 * Lara has quit (Quit: Miss me.) May 04 04:07:19 * MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 04:09:10 * Falcorian has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 04:12:14 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 04:16:25 * Ottre has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) May 04 04:17:57 * Gfoley4 has quit (Quit: AFK.) May 04 04:19:24 * Teles (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 04:19:32 * Teles has quit (Changing host) May 04 04:19:32 * Teles (~chatzilla@wikimedia/teles) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 04:19:35 * la_pianista has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 04:20:30 * Guerillero (~hka555@wikipedia/Guerillero) has left #wikipedia-en May 04 04:27:43 * Ottre ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 04:28:00 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to eir May 04 04:28:01 * eir removes ban on *!*@ May 04 04:28:01 * eir removes channel operator status from eir May 04 04:30:48 <Schroeder> so I'm not sure it's possible to be a Christian and believe in a god at the same time... May 04 04:32:44 <Ironholds> because? May 04 04:33:23 <Schroeder> well, think about what the Christ taught May 04 04:33:28 <Schroeder> to love and serve all men, right? May 04 04:35:30 <Ironholds> allegedly May 04 04:35:55 <Ironholds> wait, to serve and love May 04 04:35:58 <Ironholds> does this mean Jesus was a bottom? May 04 04:36:07 <Ironholds> man, I always thought he'd be a top May 04 04:38:24 * MuZemike has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 04:38:31 * boulevardier (~boulevard@wikipedia/boulevardier) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 04:38:34 * Dragonfly6-7 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) May 04 04:39:35 * MickWithoutGlass (45e17e0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 04:39:35 <MickWithoutGlass> Ello! May 04 04:39:57 <MickWithoutGlass> One time, I had a dream where I became the youngest admin on Wikipedia May 04 04:40:55 <Ironholds> MickWithoutGlass: unless you're eight, that's impossible May 04 04:41:02 <MickWithoutGlass> Aw May 04 04:41:05 <MickWithoutGlass> :( May 04 04:41:40 <MickWithoutGlass> How old is the youngest admin, and what is their username? I want to talk to them on their userpage May 04 04:42:59 <MickWithoutGlass> How old? May 04 04:43:49 <MickWithoutGlass> Seriously May 04 04:44:21 * DeltaQuad is now known as [DQ|sleep] May 04 04:44:41 * FAdmArcher has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0/20110303194838]) May 04 04:45:19 <geniice> no one keeps that kind of statistics May 04 04:46:49 <MickWithoutGlass> Darn May 04 04:46:50 <MickWithoutGlass> But I want to know May 04 04:47:58 <MickWithoutGlass> Wanna know who DragonflySixtySeven reminds me of? May 04 04:50:16 <Ironholds> an engorged penis May 04 04:50:34 <Ironholds> MickWithoutGlass: Keegan is an admin, and he just celebrated his ninth birthdayt May 04 04:50:36 <Ironholds> *try him May 04 04:50:42 <MickWithoutGlass> DARN May 04 04:51:04 <MickWithoutGlass> DragonFlySixtySeven reminds me of Nevel Papperman May 04 04:51:28 <MickWithoutGlass> Well, would I be able to be Wikipedia's youngest FEMALE admin or not? May 04 04:51:34 * MickWithoutGlass hopes Ironholds says yes May 04 04:51:46 <ThrashOut> not May 04 04:51:58 <Ironholds> MickWithoutGlass: that'd also be Keegan May 04 04:52:06 <Ironholds> transgender, see May 04 04:52:13 <MickWithoutGlass> Darnit May 04 04:53:20 <MickWithoutGlass> Crud May 04 04:53:28 <MickWithoutGlass> My dream May 04 04:53:29 * Glass_Soul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 04:53:30 <MickWithoutGlass> will never come true May 04 04:53:37 * Glass_Soul is now known as Glass_Arm May 04 04:53:38 <MickWithoutGlass> It was such a good dream! May 04 04:54:56 <Glass_Arm> Mick you don't have a glass appendage? May 04 04:55:01 <MickWithoutGlass> I don't May 04 04:55:12 <MickWithoutGlass> But I do have synesthesia May 04 04:56:10 <MickWithoutGlass> May 04 04:58:11 <MickWithoutGlass> I am editing my userpage May 04 04:58:45 <Glass_Arm> You're wired different. May 04 04:59:26 <ThrashOut> Built in syntax highlighting. May 04 04:59:30 <ThrashOut> nice <3 May 04 05:00:07 <geniice> hmm some castles don't leave much to see May 04 05:00:08 <geniice> May 04 05:00:18 * Drule has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 05:01:15 <MickWithoutGlass> I finished editing it May 04 05:02:16 * Lyrithya is now known as Sockadelic May 04 05:04:06 <MickWithoutGlass> Today is my four month anniversary May 04 05:04:26 * Glass_Arm claps slowly May 04 05:04:31 * Sockadelic is now known as Haydrahlienne May 04 05:04:41 * Andrevan has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 05:04:49 * thegoodcushion has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 04 05:06:22 <MickWithoutGlass> May 04 05:06:38 <MickWithoutGlass> !8ball Will I become an admin someday? May 04 05:07:49 <MickWithoutGlass> Apparently not >:D May 04 05:07:54 <MickWithoutGlass> #TDWIKI May 04 05:08:15 * killiondude (~yes@wikimedia/Killiondude) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 05:08:18 * thegoodcushion (~thegoodcu@unaffiliated/thegoodcushion) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 05:10:08 <Glass_Arm> !8ball Will I ever stop wasting my time? May 04 05:10:14 <MickWithoutGlass> cookies May 04 05:10:19 <MickWithoutGlass> >:D May 04 05:10:24 <Glass_Arm> LIES May 04 05:10:25 * Andrevan ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 05:11:19 * Andrevan has quit (Changing host) May 04 05:11:19 * Andrevan (~andre@wikipedia/Andrevan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 05:12:13 <MickWithoutGlass> May 04 05:12:39 * Delta has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) May 04 05:12:59 <killiondude> not clicking May 04 05:13:16 <geniice> people loosing interes rather quickly May 04 05:13:18 <geniice> May 04 05:13:37 <MickWithoutGlass> My name isn't Mick May 04 05:13:58 <Glass_Arm> Sorry, Glass May 04 05:14:49 * MickWithoutGlass has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 04 05:15:30 * Glass_Arm has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 05:19:36 * closedmouth (~mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 05:28:25 * quanticle has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 05:28:34 * quanticle ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 05:31:13 * mikemoral|away is now known as mikemoral May 04 05:31:39 * ThrashOut is now known as thrashout May 04 05:39:05 * quanticle has quit () May 04 05:39:27 * Teles has quit (Quit: ... can't be said enough / love is all you need / all you need... is love... love... love...) May 04 05:42:36 * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 05:42:39 <Sven_Manguard> Hey all. May 04 05:42:45 <Sven_Manguard> Headbomb you around? May 04 05:43:18 <Headbomb|Laptop> Sven_Manguard: maybe? May 04 05:43:38 <Sven_Manguard> I need your AWB know how May 04 05:44:09 <Sven_Manguard> is there a way to get it to search all articles for instances of "(pictured)" so I can go through them and remove the 99% that are bad? May 04 05:44:46 <Headbomb|Laptop> like you want so search all articles with "(pictured)" in them? May 04 05:45:05 <Headbomb|Laptop> yeah, there's the database scanner May 04 05:45:25 <Sven_Manguard> okay May 04 05:45:27 <Headbomb|Laptop> you need to download a data dump, then you can scan it for any piece of text you feel like May 04 05:45:34 <Sven_Manguard> tommorow I'm going to want to set that up May 04 05:45:39 <Headbomb|Laptop> the dumps are ~6GB to download May 04 05:45:48 <Headbomb|Laptop> and ~27GB when extracted May 04 05:46:05 <Sven_Manguard> what about only the article namespace? May 04 05:46:18 <Headbomb|Laptop> same download May 04 05:46:33 <Sven_Manguard> is there a better way? May 04 05:46:41 <Headbomb|Laptop> not that i'm aware May 04 05:46:49 <Headbomb|Laptop> May 04 05:47:01 * Yetanotherx has quit (Quit: Four score and negative 70 years ago... our fathers brought forth on this world a new encyclopedia, conceived in openess, and dedicated to the proposal that all men are created equal.) May 04 05:47:02 <Headbomb|Laptop> if you wait a day or two, you'll have the newest batch May 04 05:47:16 <Headbomb|Laptop> if not, then it's going to be about a month old May 04 05:47:41 <Sven_Manguard> err May 04 05:47:42 <Sven_Manguard> hmm May 04 05:48:39 <Headbomb|Laptop> this is the file you want May 04 05:48:54 <Headbomb|Laptop> that's 6.7 gigs, so don't try to open it with your browser May 04 05:51:30 <Headbomb|Laptop> i'd suggest downloading it overnight May 04 05:53:26 * killiondude has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 05:53:43 <Keegan> Ironholds: I'm 12, fyi May 04 05:53:59 * killiondude (~yes@wikimedia/Killiondude) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 05:56:22 <Ironholds> Keegan: they see me trollin'/in -en May 04 05:56:52 <Keegan> Who is they? May 04 05:56:56 * Keegan asks from his tower May 04 05:57:08 * geniice has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.0.14/20110420224920]) May 04 05:57:24 <Keegan> Built from sheets and couch cushions. It's hard to build a proper tower when you're 12. May 04 05:58:38 * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 06:04:12 * Bidgee ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 06:06:04 <Ironholds> Keegan: there was some guy who came in trolling May 04 06:06:13 * Bidgee has quit (Changing host) May 04 06:06:14 * Bidgee (~bidgee-wi@wikimedia-commons/bidgee) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 06:07:04 * Olipro has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 06:08:06 * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 06:10:03 * alyxuk ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 06:10:03 * alyxuk has quit (Changing host) May 04 06:10:03 * alyxuk (~JohnDoe@unaffiliated/alyxuk) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 06:10:26 <Keegan> I saw May 04 06:10:26 * MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 06:12:48 <MuZemike> Oops: May 04 06:13:42 * Olipro has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) May 04 06:15:06 * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 06:22:47 <The_Thing> XD May 04 06:23:59 <MuZemike> May 04 06:24:25 <MuZemike> This looks like Chicago: May 04 06:27:26 * Chenzw has quit (Quit: Leaving) May 04 06:27:54 <MuZemike> F***ing women, they're cruel, cruel people. May 04 06:30:33 <slakr> indeed May 04 06:30:43 <killiondude> people are cruel people May 04 06:30:46 <killiondude> SEXIST. May 04 06:30:53 <slakr> and they fooled the male world into thinking they're oppressed May 04 06:31:38 <slakr> consider: women aren't required to show their boobs at beaches and swimming pools--men do. May 04 06:31:58 <slakr> men are *expected* to show their boobs. May 04 06:32:33 <slakr> exploitation. May 04 06:32:45 <slakr> women get to wear makeup to make them more sexually attractive May 04 06:32:53 <slakr> men are forbidden from doing so May 04 06:33:01 <Andrevan> our boobs don't do anything cool though May 04 06:33:15 <Andrevan> like feed babies or turn on sex partners May 04 06:33:15 <slakr> true--even more reason we should be able to hide them away May 04 06:33:27 <Andrevan> nah we don't hide useless things, only really important ones May 04 06:33:27 <slakr> and that second part is a lie May 04 06:33:34 <Andrevan> alright I mean May 04 06:33:36 <slakr> a good chest on a male *does* turn on sex partners. May 04 06:33:40 <Andrevan> I haven't met any girl that liked my nipples May 04 06:33:56 <slakr> guys don't like nipples--they like boobs. May 04 06:34:01 <slakr> same goes with girls. May 04 06:34:07 <Andrevan> the nipples are a pretty important part of it May 04 06:34:10 <slakr> except they like *lack* of boobs--they like pecs May 04 06:34:12 <Andrevan> and they're also the part that is usually hidden May 04 06:34:31 <slakr> they also aren't even expected to work during the day May 04 06:34:34 <slakr> males are. May 04 06:34:48 <Andrevan> haha wait what are we talking about May 04 06:34:51 <slakr> heh May 04 06:35:07 <slakr> how women are oppressing men, but fooling men into thinking it's the opposite May 04 06:35:12 <slakr> :P :P May 04 06:35:15 <Andrevan> oh yeah totally oppressing us May 04 06:35:21 <Andrevan> like the otehr day I bought this chick a drink at the bar May 04 06:35:26 <Andrevan> fucking oppression dog May 04 06:35:34 <slakr> exactly! they get shit *FOR FREE* May 04 06:35:45 <slakr> women don't buy men drinks, now do they? May 04 06:35:52 <Andrevan> not yet May 04 06:35:53 * Kingpin13 (~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 06:35:54 <Andrevan> wish they would do May 04 06:35:55 <slakr> "OMG I'm being repressed!" :P May 04 06:36:02 <Andrevan> *though May 04 06:36:19 <Andrevan> ugh, 2 all nighters in the last 4 days May 04 06:36:24 <slakr> :P May 04 06:36:26 <Andrevan> my brain is starting to disintegrate May 04 06:43:44 * thegoodcushion has quit (Quit: Have a great day everyone! :D) May 04 06:50:38 * ummeegge ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 06:53:18 <MuZemike> Women are conniving assholes, it's apparently in their blood. May 04 06:53:52 <Prodego> enooooooough May 04 06:57:02 <ummeegge> Good morning at all May 04 07:00:01 <MuZemike> It's never morning here May 04 07:00:38 <ummeegge> But here always :-) May 04 07:00:57 <MuZemike> What did I just say? May 04 07:02:12 <closedmouth> go to bed, mike May 04 07:06:11 * guillom (~guillaume@wikimedia/guillom) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 07:08:28 <MuZemike> Before I go to bed: May 04 07:09:10 * mzlinguist ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 07:09:35 * Headbomb_ (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 07:10:50 * Headbomb has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 07:10:53 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 07:11:02 * Headbomb_ is now known as Headbomb May 04 07:11:03 * mzlinguist ( has left #wikipedia-en May 04 07:17:58 * Prodego has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 07:22:44 <Herodotus> You people. May 04 07:23:28 <closedmouth> are May 04 07:23:41 <killiondude> disturbia May 04 07:24:47 <Herodotus> No, I don't think the situation warranted the dignity of a verb. May 04 07:24:57 * mikemoral has quit () May 04 07:25:09 <closedmouth> pigs May 04 07:27:35 <Theo10011> are May 04 07:27:44 <Herodotus> Racists. May 04 07:28:05 <Theo10011> too? May 04 07:28:38 <Herodotus> True. May 04 07:29:04 * ummeegge has quit (Quit: Leaving) May 04 07:29:04 * Theo10011 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 07:39:00 * Hedgehog456 (~Hedgehog4@wikipedia/Hedgy456) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 07:42:19 * mindspillage has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 04 07:42:52 * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 07:47:32 * pakaran has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 07:48:19 * MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 07:49:45 * MC8 (~chippy@wikimedia/Microchip08) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 07:49:53 * Drule ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 07:53:09 * Tanvir has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 07:55:29 * ScottSteiner (s@wikipedia/ScottSteiner) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 07:55:33 * Hedgehog456 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 07:55:49 * Jeske_Couriano ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 07:55:50 * Jeske_Couriano has quit (Changing host) May 04 07:55:50 * Jeske_Couriano (~Jeske_Cou@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 07:57:50 * MC8 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 07:59:20 * MC8 (~chippy@wikimedia/Microchip08) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:06:12 * rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:12:33 * TBloemink ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:12:33 * TBloemink has quit (Changing host) May 04 08:12:33 * TBloemink (~TBloemink@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:12:55 * mabdul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:13:20 * dungodung|sleep is now known as dungodung May 04 08:14:27 * YouLeMacaroni has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 08:15:20 * YouLeMacaroni ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:16:53 * rr0 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 04 08:19:51 * sonia (~sonara@wikipedia/sonia) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:21:09 * thegoodcushion (~thegoodcu@unaffiliated/thegoodcushion) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:21:29 <Ironholds> sonia: you want to know how ridiculous airport security has now got in the US? They felt up my hair to check I had no contraband hidden in it. May 04 08:21:40 <sonia> ...really? huh. May 04 08:21:50 <sonia> now if they tried that with mine they'd never get their hands out :P May 04 08:22:01 <Ironholds> well, I didn't expect them to escape from mine either May 04 08:22:12 <Ironholds> it's big enough to have become sentient in its own right now May 04 08:22:20 <sonia> heh. May 04 08:22:28 <Ironholds> it's got Swiss citizenship and occasionally goes out when I'm asleep May 04 08:22:35 <Ironholds> the opera, the theatre - it's a high-swingin' guy. May 04 08:22:36 <Jeske_Couriano> Candy Bullets! — A CZ-75-B 9mm pistol in a partially transparent package. Package was stylised with several graphics depicting smiling persons being shot, labelled in English in stereotypical "New Yorker" slang. The rounds in the magazine were found to be made of a substance similar to rock candy, though completely functional as normal ammunition. May 04 08:22:38 * sonia smiles May 04 08:22:47 <Jeske_Couriano> Object was "tested" on D-27644, in the foot. Besides the pain and trauma normally included in bullet wounds, subject also noted a heavy taste and scent of peppermint, which persisted for several hours. The munition dissolved in the subject's bloodstream, negating the need to remove it surgically. May 04 08:22:51 <Ironholds> sonia: you know the best bit? May 04 08:22:56 <sonia> Ironholds: hm? May 04 08:23:03 <Ironholds> the expired AR-15 ammunition in my luggage? They let that through May 04 08:23:20 <sonia> somewhat hypocritical, methinks May 04 08:23:21 <Ironholds> but my hair? Now THERE is a risk May 04 08:23:27 <Ironholds> well, the bigger question is "did they even see it?" May 04 08:23:43 <sonia> oh dear :P May 04 08:23:43 <Ironholds> because if not, there's obviously something gone wrong somewhere May 04 08:23:45 <Jeske_Couriano> How does ammo expire? Does the blackpowder degrade to where it can't reliably fire? May 04 08:24:04 <Ironholds> Jeske_Couriano: it gets fired, which raises a second question, i.e. that they obviously didn't check my luggage for say, traces of explosives or GRS May 04 08:24:27 <Ironholds> so all you have to do if you want to get a bomb on a plane is apparently stick it in the same bag as your nice DSLR May 04 08:24:42 * rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:24:51 <sonia> Ironholds: as opposed to in your hair, I see May 04 08:25:05 <Ironholds> exactly May 04 08:25:34 * sonia throws her car out the window May 04 08:26:05 <Jeske_Couriano> ... May 04 08:27:06 <sonia> Jeske_Couriano: metaphorically, that is; repair costs are astronomical and I'm supposed to be at a meeting but instead I'm waiting for the nice folk to come and work out what's wrong May 04 08:27:12 <Jeske_Couriano> Why is it whemever I come to this entry I have to go WTF harder than I do anywhere else on the site? May 04 08:27:17 <Ironholds> sonia: you drive? I sort of generally assume you're about 12 May 04 08:27:20 * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:27:32 <sonia> Ironholds: ffs, I'm at university May 04 08:27:36 <Ironholds> mainly because I mentally group you in with la_pianist May 04 08:27:38 <Ironholds> *a May 04 08:27:46 <Ironholds> "eh, curly hair, cute, plays a musical instrument" May 04 08:27:49 <sonia> she's... also at uni May 04 08:27:59 <Ironholds> she is, yes. But she's young and stuff. May 04 08:28:03 <Jeske_Couriano> "Uncle Slaanesh's Candy N*****s. Packaging in a mix of Latin and Sumerian; front of package refers to candy as Uncle Slaanesh's, all other sides to Auntie Slaanesh's. Package contained gummi candy in the vague shape of human t***s, with a slight meaty flavor, heavily sweetened."" May 04 08:28:04 <Ironholds> I never claimed it was LOGICAL May 04 08:28:08 <sonia> that she is, yes, very much so May 04 08:28:19 <Jeske_Couriano> "Chewy to the point of inedibility. Package interior contained winning mail-in coupon for a free Warhammer 40,000 "Warcooks of Auntie Slaanesh" model set. Dr. Hooper expressed interest in keeping coupon and attempting to redeem it; request was denied." May 04 08:28:49 <sonia> Jeske_Couriano: what the hell are you reading? May 04 08:29:00 <Jeske_Couriano> sonia) May 04 08:29:07 <Ironholds> I was about to say, sounds like SCP May 04 08:29:31 <Jeske_Couriano> Is there actually such an army as "Warcooks of Slaanesh"? May 04 08:29:37 * Cobi has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) May 04 08:31:18 * methecooldude ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:31:18 * methecooldude has quit (Changing host) May 04 08:31:18 * methecooldude (~methecool@wikipedia/methecooldude) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:33:45 <Jeske_Couriano> Is there such an army in WH40K? May 04 08:34:08 * MTCD has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 04 08:34:31 * mabdul has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 08:34:35 * Sven_Manguard has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) May 04 08:36:15 <Ironholds> not afaik May 04 08:36:34 * YouLeMacaroni has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 04 08:36:43 <killiondude> May 04 08:36:49 <killiondude> for your (ab)using pleaseure May 04 08:36:52 <killiondude> pleasure May 04 08:36:56 <killiondude> SPAM IT AROUND. May 04 08:36:58 <sonia> :D May 04 08:37:02 <sonia> I needed that. May 04 08:38:18 <Jeske_Couriano> ""Pizza in a Cup", Pepperoni Shrimp Alfredo flavor, with image of Steve Martin from his performance in "The Jerk" on the front. Packaging trilingual, English, Klingon, and Pig Latin. Taste was "unusual, but not bad."" May 04 08:38:26 <Jeske_Couriano> "Product cooked somewhat unevenly in microwave; bottom of cup was still cold afterward. After examining the package, Dr. Hooper joked that SCP-261 was "just mocking him now."" May 04 08:39:38 * Nickrds09 (~rcoros@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:39:41 * Nickrds09 (~rcoros@ has left #wikipedia-en May 04 08:40:30 * YouLeMacaroni ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:42:12 <sonia> Jeske_Couriano: that's hardly the oddest page on the site, but it is rather interesting; haven't come across it before May 04 08:42:34 <Jeske_Couriano> sonia) It's linked directly on SCP-261's page May 04 08:44:26 <Qcoder00> Good Morning Ms Sonia May 04 08:44:31 * Qcoder00 curtsies May 04 08:44:40 * sonia smiles, bows to Qcoder00 May 04 08:47:29 * TPS ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:50:42 * Cobi (~Cobi@2002:1828:88fb:0:aede:48ff:febe:ef03) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 08:55:36 * Noommos (~josh1091@wikipedia/Noommos) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 09:02:41 <killiondude> May 04 09:02:45 <killiondude> never forget May 04 09:06:15 <guillom> WIKIPEDIA FOREVER. May 04 09:06:42 <killiondude> guillom: please see link above! May 04 09:06:43 * Fae_away is now known as Fae May 04 09:06:46 <killiondude> above the above May 04 09:07:01 <guillom> OMG May 04 09:07:02 <guillom> WANT May 04 09:07:17 <guillom> I've done that manually a few times. May 04 09:07:30 <killiondude> :-D May 04 09:07:31 * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has left #wikipedia-en May 04 09:08:20 * YouLeMacaroni has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 09:09:11 <guillom> Ah, no, what I did was similar to the first version of that template (i.e. "X likes this") May 04 09:09:30 <killiondude> I uploaded Facebook's thumb. May 04 09:10:06 * mabdul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 09:12:34 <killiondude> It still needs some fixing. It's good enough for now. May 04 09:12:36 <killiondude> ENJOY. May 04 09:12:38 * killiondude has quit (Quit: G'night.) May 04 09:14:40 * Noom ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 09:15:49 * Jeske_Couriano has quit (Quit: EEK! Yoshi! *flees*) May 04 09:15:58 <Qcoder00> Anyonw with AWB ? May 04 09:16:11 <Qcoder00> Simple search and replace {{pd-chem}} with {{PD-chem May 04 09:16:13 <Qcoder00> }} May 04 09:18:24 * Noommos has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) May 04 09:21:18 <SpitfireWP> Why? May 04 09:25:02 <Qcoder00> Allows use of a single template inline with other PD templates May 04 09:25:20 <Qcoder00> And allows the {{Pd-chem}} and {{pd-chem}} redirects to be deprecated May 04 09:26:49 <SpitfireWP> Qcoder00, do you have AWB? May 04 09:26:54 <Qcoder00> No May 04 09:27:10 <SpitfireWP> Why? May 04 09:27:17 <Qcoder00> AWB will not run with my older hardware/browser May 04 09:28:15 * Noommos ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 09:28:15 * Noommos has quit (Changing host) May 04 09:28:15 * Noommos (~josh1091@wikipedia/Noommos) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 09:28:54 * AndrewKeenan___ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 09:30:24 * closedmouth has quit (Read error: Connection timed out) May 04 09:30:52 * closedmouth (~mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 09:31:14 * Noom has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 09:31:42 * Noom ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 09:32:19 * Noommos has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 09:44:14 <Qcoder00> OH and a quick question May 04 09:44:22 <Qcoder00> Any TeX perts around? May 04 09:44:53 <Qcoder00> Like there is a way to do math formulae in TeX inside Wiki pages isn't there also a way to do chemical structures? May 04 09:44:56 * Withoutaname (~Withoutan@unaffiliated/withoutaname) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 09:45:20 <Qcoder00> for example could be done in TeX IIRC May 04 09:46:02 <Withoutaname> is redirecting several AfD'ed articles en masse. Is there consensus for this? May 04 09:46:44 <closedmouth> of course May 04 09:46:51 <closedmouth> (cur | prev) 21:48, 30 October 2010 Wifione (talk | contribs | block) (1,938 bytes) (Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Killing Time (Justin Richards novel) closed as merge to The Invisible Detective) (undo) May 04 09:48:36 <Withoutaname> I'm not too sure if the content was merged though May 04 09:49:22 * barts1a ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 09:49:26 <Withoutaname> and he forgets the {{R from merge}} template May 04 09:49:32 * barts1a has quit (Changing host) May 04 09:49:33 * barts1a (~barts1a@wikipedia/barts1a) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 09:51:25 * LUUWDA-WIW13 (46b3a973@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 09:52:04 <LUUWDA-WIW13> Hey, what are the books found at 802.11 on the [[Dewey Decimal System]]? May 04 09:52:26 <Ironholds> no idea, I'm afraid May 04 09:57:29 <barts1a> 802 is Misc. Literature May 04 09:57:42 <barts1a> unsure of the .11 though May 04 09:57:50 <barts1a> May 04 10:05:44 * LauraHale (~chatzilla@wikipedia/LauraHale) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:07:44 * LUUWDA-WIW13 (46b3a973@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en May 04 10:10:50 <sonia> LauraHale :) May 04 10:10:55 <LauraHale> sonia. :D May 04 10:10:59 <LauraHale> Back in AU May 04 10:11:05 <LauraHale> You didn't get hit by the tornado? May 04 10:11:12 <barts1a> Welcome back! May 04 10:11:13 <sonia> heh, I did as a matter of fact May 04 10:11:18 * sonia hugs LauraHale May 04 10:11:25 <LauraHale> :( May 04 10:11:29 * LauraHale huggles sonia May 04 10:11:42 <LauraHale> On a good news note, you're not one of the two dead. May 04 10:12:32 <sonia> yep. May 04 10:13:02 <sonia> I also got hit by a forklift truck, which ended up being a good thing because it meant I wasn't on a bus in the direct path of the tornado. May 04 10:14:00 * p858snake|l_ (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:14:27 <LauraHale> holy crap May 04 10:14:44 <barts1a> I can remember one time when my schoolbus got stuck as 2 large trees blew over in front of and behind the bus while it was stopped May 04 10:14:58 <barts1a> the students didn't get until about midday May 04 10:15:20 <barts1a> I wasn't on it (thank god) but didn't go due to trees blocking the driveway May 04 10:15:42 * p858snake|l has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 10:19:18 * SonicAD ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:20:00 <TBloemink> Ah, LauraHale, how was your flight? May 04 10:20:12 * Az1568_ is now known as AlexZ_ May 04 10:20:15 * LauraHale_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:21:01 * LauraHale has quit (Disconnected by services) May 04 10:21:08 * LauraHale_ is now known as LauraHale May 04 10:21:11 * SonicAD_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 10:21:14 * LauraHale has quit (Changing host) May 04 10:21:14 * LauraHale (~chatzilla@wikipedia/LauraHale) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:21:37 * Mike5 (~Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:21:39 * Morphypnos (5796da1f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:21:46 <Morphypnos> Hello ! May 04 10:21:51 <TBloemink> hello May 04 10:22:07 <Morphypnos> I come from fr.Wikipédia. May 04 10:22:17 <TBloemink> I'd love to fly qantas again, had a great experience with them, but it's a little expensive May 04 10:22:34 <barts1a> Yeah. Qantas is a GREAT airline to fly with May 04 10:23:18 <Morphypnos> Do you know " Marine byzantine " ? May 04 10:23:30 <barts1a> They are (one of the) pride(s) of Australia May 04 10:23:31 * Cassie (~dan@wikipedia/deskana) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:23:51 <Morphypnos> Someone speak french, here ? May 04 10:23:55 <Morphypnos> :) May 04 10:23:59 * Coyote_du_86 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:24:19 <TBloemink> the only - was the food on the SYD-AKL leg, breakfast May 04 10:24:21 * Coyote_du_86 ( has left #wikipedia-en May 04 10:24:32 <sonia> I spoke French once upon a time. May 04 10:24:34 <TBloemink> I didn't like it at all May 04 10:24:35 * closedmouth has quit (Read error: Connection timed out) May 04 10:26:10 * closedmouth (~mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:26:11 * Ironholds has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 04 10:26:17 <Morphypnos> Do you know " Byzantine nay " ? May 04 10:26:29 * TBloemink has quit (Quit: doei) May 04 10:26:40 <LauraHale> Qantas is not bad. May 04 10:26:41 * Qcoder00 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 10:26:54 * LauraHale has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) May 04 10:27:02 <Morphypnos> Who has it written ? May 04 10:28:30 * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:28:39 * Qcoder00 has quit (Changing host) May 04 10:28:39 * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:28:55 <Morphypnos> Why God everyvody don't care ? May 04 10:29:43 <Morphypnos> Quelqu'un peut-il me renseigner ? May 04 10:30:08 * MindstormsKid has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) May 04 10:32:22 * Ironholds ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:32:22 * Ironholds has quit (Changing host) May 04 10:32:23 * Ironholds (~bob@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:32:27 <Morphypnos> D'accord. Au plaisir de vous revoir. May 04 10:32:29 * Morphypnos (5796da1f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en May 04 10:34:43 <closedmouth> wat May 04 10:34:48 * mabdul is now known as mabdul|afk May 04 10:40:16 * mabdul|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 10:42:39 <OlEnglish> osamabinobamaladenbarack? May 04 10:43:08 * sonia hugs OlEnglish May 04 10:43:15 <OlEnglish> hugs! May 04 10:43:27 * Ironholds wanders in, sighs May 04 10:43:34 <Ironholds> I went to the shops and spent 40 quid May 04 10:43:38 <Ironholds> stupid fucking new stationers May 04 10:43:39 <sonia> on...? May 04 10:43:44 <Ironholds> er, lesse May 04 10:43:47 * Ironholds opens bag May 04 10:43:59 <Ironholds> 3 cans of coke, some nice watermarked paper, a new pen and a pack of cowboy killers May 04 10:44:09 <sonia> cowboy wha? May 04 10:44:19 <Ironholds> smokes. Smokes ;p May 04 10:44:25 <Ironholds> which I will quit in June. May 04 10:44:32 <Ironholds> specifically on 2 June May 04 10:44:45 * sonia looks at Ironholds strangely, shrugs May 04 10:44:59 <Ironholds> on 2 June I am hopefully on a plane for 12 hours May 04 10:45:04 <Ironholds> and as such it's a good time to go into cold turkey May 04 10:45:08 <OlEnglish> the key is to keep your hands and your mouth occupied May 04 10:45:21 <OlEnglish> so chew lots of gum (doesn't have to be nicotine gum) and use the keyboard alot May 04 10:45:30 <Ironholds> agreed May 04 10:45:33 <OlEnglish> or just have lots of oral sex :) May 04 10:45:45 <Ironholds> that'd work if only I wasn't hideously ugly May 04 10:46:05 <sonia> you're not hideously ugly :p May 04 10:46:23 <Ironholds> there are, afaik, two women in the world who think that May 04 10:46:23 <OlEnglish> ugly people have oral sex too? May 04 10:46:31 <Ironholds> excluding the one who dumped me May 04 10:46:37 <Ironholds> and the other one who I had a..thing? with. May 04 10:47:05 <Ironholds> but anyway, thanks ;p May 04 10:47:31 <OlEnglish> i'm only marginally ugly May 04 10:47:43 <Ironholds> you're on the internet! Impossible May 04 10:47:56 <Ironholds> the only attractive people on the internet are FBI agents May 04 10:48:16 <sonia> Ironholds: the FBI sure got a lot of DD-cup female agents then May 04 10:48:31 <Ironholds> sonia: well, you'd know May 04 10:48:38 * Ironholds glares at sonia suspiciously May 04 10:48:44 * mabdul|afk ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:48:53 * sonia whistles innocently, sidles behind OlEnglish May 04 10:49:44 * OlEnglish assumes the position May 04 10:49:57 <OlEnglish> you may arrest me now maam May 04 10:50:22 <Peter-C> Ironholds! May 04 10:50:26 * Peter-C glomps Ironholds May 04 10:50:26 <Ironholds> Peter-C? May 04 10:50:29 <sonia> you're getting arrested by a four-ten female? :p May 04 10:50:30 <Ironholds> don't touch me May 04 10:50:38 * Peter-C unglomps Ironholds May 04 10:50:40 <Ironholds> that applies to sonia too May 04 10:50:44 <Ironholds> I don't want to be arrested May 04 10:50:47 <OlEnglish> i thought you were a dd-cup fbi agent? May 04 10:50:49 <Ironholds> I know what they do to people like me in prison May 04 10:50:56 <Ironholds> OlEnglish: that doesn't preclude her being a midget May 04 10:50:59 <Peter-C> Cut their hair? May 04 10:51:15 <Ironholds> Peter-C: a manner of speaking, yes. I get bits cut off. May 04 10:51:21 <Peter-C> o.o May 04 10:51:38 * sonia touches Ironholds. May 04 10:51:46 * Peter-C dials 999 May 04 10:51:50 <Ironholds> sonia: as long as you're not arresting me May 04 10:52:11 * rocketship ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 10:52:21 <sonia> but my handcuffs are currently on OlEnglish so I can't, Ironholds May 04 10:52:40 <Peter-C> What does OlEnglish think about it? May 04 10:52:46 <OlEnglish> am i detained? May 04 10:52:50 * OlEnglish runs away May 04 10:53:03 <Peter-C> Someone here has the right to remain sexy! May 04 10:53:38 <OlEnglish> ya May 04 10:53:38 <Ironholds> it's sure as hell not you May 04 10:53:45 <OlEnglish> i'm a prisoner of love.. May 04 10:53:49 <OlEnglish> a fugitive of your heart May 04 10:53:55 <Peter-C> sonia - tackle him and strip search him for any dangerous weapons May 04 10:53:59 * Brian_S arrests OlEnglish and puts him on Ironholds May 04 10:54:01 <OlEnglish> what other cliches are there May 04 10:54:12 <Ironholds> sonia: remember to search his hair May 04 10:54:17 <Ironholds> he might be hiding AR-15 ammo in there May 04 10:54:22 <sonia> Peter-C: if you're so keen you can do the strip-searching May 04 10:54:31 * sonia handcuffs Peter-C to Ironholds May 04 10:54:56 * Qcoder00 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 04 10:55:24 <Peter-C> O_O May 04 10:55:28 <Peter-C> OH GOD NO May 04 10:55:35 * Peter-C knaws off his arm May 04 10:56:48 <sonia> gnaws, even? May 04 10:57:27 <OlEnglish> naw May 04 10:57:40 * CKtravel ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 11:04:59 * Noom has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 04 11:07:20 * rocketship ( has left #wikipedia-en ("Linkinus -") May 04 11:07:41 * prometheus1809 (~prometheu@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 11:08:34 <Peter-C> I just saw Hitler in bed with the Queen of England May 04 11:11:23 <Peter-C> No comment? May 04 11:12:03 <sonia> for you, that's par for the course May 04 11:12:57 * Fenix2 (~juboxor@wikipedia/Juxo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 11:13:02 <Fenix2> g'morning May 04 11:13:16 <SpitfireWP> Morning Juxo. May 04 11:13:29 <Chris_G> Peter-C, who's bed were they in? May 04 11:13:57 <Ironholds> the Pope's, obviously May 04 11:14:34 * Withoutaname has quit (Quit: QUICK! Look up! You'll see the word gullible.) May 04 11:15:54 <Peter-C> No, they were having a four some with the new royal couple May 04 11:16:02 <Peter-C> *sum May 04 11:16:57 <Ironholds> Peter-C: makes sense May 04 11:17:02 <Chris_G> and what exactly were you doing there? May 04 11:17:03 <Ironholds> hitler invaded kate's lebensraum, eh? eh? NO. May 04 11:17:06 <sonia> incest, necrophilia, etc May 04 11:18:06 * Brian_S has quit (Quit: Sleep/school) May 04 11:18:14 <Peter-C> Chris_G - I watched The Daily Show with Jon Stewart May 04 11:19:16 <Ironholds> ew. daily show. May 04 11:19:26 <Ironholds> they insult god on a daily basis. I refuse to watch that progrma May 04 11:19:27 <Ironholds> *program May 04 11:20:26 * ABCD has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 11:20:57 * TBloemink ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 11:20:57 * TBloemink has quit (Changing host) May 04 11:20:57 * TBloemink (~TBloemink@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 11:25:27 * Despatche has quit (Quit: blurgh) May 04 11:25:29 <barts1a> hence the name... the daily show May 04 11:25:54 <sonia> hmm. May 04 11:26:04 <sonia> 16-year-old self-outed. Are they young enough to warrant revdel? May 04 11:26:16 <Ironholds> good question, no idea May 04 11:26:17 <barts1a> I think so May 04 11:26:18 * MuZemike has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 11:26:30 <sonia> I tend to react less quickly if it's just name/age, and above 16, but better safe than sorry perhaps May 04 11:26:37 <sonia> if it's under 13 it goes to OS May 04 11:26:39 <barts1a> technically anyone under 18/21 is still legally considered a child May 04 11:26:52 <sonia> here in NZ they decided to go with 20 for some unknown reason May 04 11:26:53 <Chris_G> they're old enough to know better, depends on how much info they're giving May 04 11:27:28 <TBloemink> any administrator willing to block [[User talk:]] their ability to edit their talk page? May 04 11:27:31 <TBloemink> much appreciated May 04 11:28:55 <barts1a> wow... someone hates the power rangers May 04 11:29:09 <Chris_G> TBloemink, i've semi-protected the talkpage for 3 days May 04 11:29:40 <Chris_G> don't really want to disable talkpage access for an entire month, since the IP is probably dynamic May 04 11:30:09 <barts1a> semi-ing is really the same as disabling access isn't it? May 04 11:30:14 <TBloemink> Yes, that's a temporary solution which works as well as blocking the talk page May 04 11:30:33 <TBloemink> other thing is that other IP's can edit the talk page when the IP is talkpage-blocked May 04 11:30:38 <barts1a> 18:28, 4 May 2011 Closedmouth (talk | contribs) changed block settings for (talk) with an expiry time of 2011-06-04T05:40:39Z (anon. only, account creation blocked, cannot edit own talk page) (Revoking talk page access: inappropriate use of user talk page while blocked May 04 11:30:59 <barts1a> looks like access was revoked anyway May 04 11:31:22 <Chris_G> 10:28, May 4, 2011 Chris G (talk | contribs | block) m (9,204 bytes) (Protected User talk: abuse ([edit=autoconfirmed] (expires 10:28, 7 May 2011 (UTC)) [move=autoconfirmed] (expires 10:28, 7 May 2011 (UTC)))) May 04 11:31:27 <Chris_G> heh, we did it at the same time May 04 11:32:13 <Peter-C> Ironholds - my website is sexier than yours :) May 04 11:32:14 <barts1a> so both types of IP talk page denial were done at once. Wow... Synchronized blocking really IS the next Olympic sport (!) May 04 11:32:29 <barts1a> AFK May 04 11:32:47 <closedmouth> oh, woops May 04 11:33:14 <Chris_G> barts1a, nah, you end up with block conflicts May 04 11:33:28 <sonia> Chris_G: sometimes they just don't go through May 04 11:34:38 * Bidgee has quit () May 04 11:35:26 * Leonard^Bloom ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 11:38:06 <Peter-C> YAY May 04 11:38:31 <Peter-C> My website is the 4,215,268th most viewed website in the world :D May 04 11:38:44 <Peter-C> 635,443rd in the US :D May 04 11:39:09 * LauraHale (~chatzilla@wikipedia/LauraHale) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 11:39:22 * Peter-C glomps LauraHale May 04 11:39:29 <TBloemink> website about? May 04 11:39:35 <Mitchazenia> :| May 04 11:39:38 * LauraHale counter glomps Peter-C May 04 11:39:40 <TBloemink> LauraHale: how was your flight? May 04 11:39:54 <LauraHale> TBloemink: It was fine. :) May 04 11:39:59 * Peter-C tosses the book "Human Sexual Response" at LauraHale May 04 11:40:02 <LauraHale> Qantas got me to Australia. May 04 11:40:03 <TBloemink> did you have those personal screens? May 04 11:40:06 <Peter-C> TBloemink - ME :D May 04 11:40:14 <Peter-C> Me, me, me May 04 11:40:17 <LauraHale> TBloemink: Yes, and was happy to know that in advance. :D May 04 11:40:34 <TBloemink> :) I read about those screens, are really cool May 04 11:40:41 * TBloemink had those in their A380 May 04 11:40:47 * LauraHale hides books from Peter-C May 04 11:40:51 <Peter-C> :( May 04 11:41:39 * LauraHale gives books back to Peter-C May 04 11:42:06 <TBloemink> oh, the 737 screens are not the same as the a380's screens May 04 11:42:21 <TBloemink> although they are the same huge type, the a380 has 1000 cd's, the 737 200 May 04 11:42:46 <Peter-C> :D May 04 11:42:48 * Peter-C glomps LauraHale May 04 11:45:54 * LauraHale has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 04 11:46:06 <Mitchazenia> YOU KILLED HER May 04 11:46:08 <Mitchazenia> :P May 04 11:46:24 * Mitchazenia slaps Peter-C in the face May 04 11:48:02 * sonia has quit (Quit: sleep) May 04 11:48:37 <Peter-C> The weirdest thing happened to me May 04 11:48:41 <Peter-C> I was walking May 04 11:49:01 <Peter-C> Then a nice lady came up to me and said, "You look lonely, want company?" May 04 11:49:06 <Peter-C> And she was all nice May 04 11:49:09 <Peter-C> so I said yes May 04 11:49:15 <Peter-C> Then she wanted money May 04 11:49:17 <Peter-C> WTF? May 04 11:49:46 <Peter-C> Mitchazenia some girls are weird May 04 11:49:47 * Despatche ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 11:50:07 <Mitchazenia> :| May 04 11:50:17 <Peter-C> I KNOW RIGHT May 04 11:50:17 <Peter-C> ! May 04 11:50:33 <Mitchazenia> No, that's to you for bringing it up May 04 11:50:34 <Mitchazenia> :p May 04 11:51:07 <Peter-C> >_> May 04 11:51:21 <Peter-C> Mitchazenia - you are never going to get Sue Gardener! May 04 11:51:27 * Peter-C slaps Mitchazenia and runs May 04 11:51:40 * Mitchazenia kicks Peter in the balls May 04 11:51:45 <Mitchazenia> if you have any May 04 11:51:54 <Peter-C> Peter-C down! Peter-C down! May 04 11:52:03 * Peter-C falls over in pain May 04 11:52:06 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 11:52:16 <Peter-C> We have a Peter-C down May 04 11:54:54 * Mitchazenia handcuffs Peter to a fire hydrant popular with dogs May 04 11:55:06 * DarkoNeko (~darkoneko@wikipedia/darkoneko) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 11:55:18 * Peter-C breaks free May 04 11:55:22 * Peter-C goes to school May 04 11:55:35 * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 11:55:37 <Mitchazenia> at 6:54 am? May 04 11:55:50 <Mitchazenia> I don't even leave for campus until 7:15 May 04 11:56:43 * ffya has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 12:00:55 * ffya (~apscott@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:02:19 * prometheus1809 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 12:02:52 * barts1a sends SWAT to the school Peter-C went to May 04 12:07:59 * FAdmArcher (~StarFleet@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:09:48 * [DQ|sleep] is now known as DeltaQuad May 04 12:16:43 * Drule has quit (Quit: "This rivalry is among the greatest: the Yankees and Red Sox... Hekyll and Jekyll." - Walter Day) May 04 12:21:19 * wctaiwan ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:22:15 * Hydriz (~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:22:30 * LauraHale (~chatzilla@wikipedia/LauraHale) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:23:11 * mabdul|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 12:25:14 * prometheus1809 (~prometheu@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:25:41 * OlE` (~me@wikipedia/OlEnglish) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:25:59 * Ottre has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 12:26:07 * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:26:16 <Qcoder00> ROFL - May 04 12:26:50 <Qcoder00> Once again someone is complaining because someone has the balls to actually 'massacre' refer a list of unused stuff May 04 12:27:19 <Qcoder00> If people are prone to moan when people have the balls to try and cleanup stuff it's no wonder people leave the project May 04 12:27:31 * OlEnglish has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 04 12:27:52 * Gfoley4 has quit (Quit: AFK.) May 04 12:28:45 * Drule ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:29:51 * Despatche has quit (Quit: blurgh) May 04 12:30:35 * Ottre ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:32:45 * Mitchazenia has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 12:32:49 * MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:36:48 * Mitchazenia ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:39:23 * Despatche ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:45:40 * Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 12:48:26 * Yetanotherx (~soxred93@wikipedia/Soxred93) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:49:54 * Mike5 (Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:52:06 * Od1n ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:52:37 <Qcoder00> May 04 12:53:52 * Delta (~Delta@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:55:19 <Delta> any admins around? May 04 12:55:27 * Glass_Soul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 12:56:11 * Glass_Soul has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 12:56:54 <Qcoder00> Hi Delta May 04 12:57:10 <Qcoder00> I need your feedback on something May 04 12:57:27 <Qcoder00> Apparently mass refferal of Unused templates to TfD is seen as a BAD THINF May 04 12:57:35 <Delta> Qcoder00: how should I tag an image with conflicting licenses? May 04 12:57:38 <Qcoder00> And I've been told to conisder using a CSD method May 04 12:57:56 <Qcoder00> Delta: Wasn't there a {{Conficted license}} tag? May 04 12:58:23 <Qcoder00> Or if it was more obviously incompatible {{di-conflicited-license}} May 04 12:58:27 <Qcoder00> IIRC May 04 12:59:06 * LauraHale has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 12:59:07 * Ranon is now known as Barras May 04 13:01:54 * Glass_Soul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 13:02:21 * Glass_Soul is now known as Glass_Arm May 04 13:02:36 * Glass_Arm ( has left #wikipedia-en May 04 13:03:02 * Yetanotherx has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPod touch - May 04 13:05:31 * rr0 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 13:05:53 * Leonard^Bloom has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 04 13:08:21 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 13:08:21 * Gfoley4 has quit (Changing host) May 04 13:08:22 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 13:12:01 <Ironholds> Email pruning = not fun May 04 13:12:18 <Ironholds> "you have 39 new emails! Also, about 60 with asterisks next to them to indicate you should probably reply at some stage" May 04 13:12:33 <Ironholds> Gmail: because your blood pressure just isn't high enough May 04 13:12:37 * Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) May 04 13:12:40 * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@unaffiliated/afterdeath/bot/antispambot) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 13:13:01 <Qcoder00> At least you don't get junk mail on GMail May 04 13:13:09 <Qcoder00> (Unlike some OTHER notable brands) May 04 13:13:18 <Ironholds> no, I still get junk mail May 04 13:14:29 * mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 13:14:38 <Qcoder00> Ironholds: You may be interested to know that {{UK-LEG}} was recently improved May 04 13:15:07 <Qcoder00> I'm still intending someone develop a much fuller and flexible version in it's sandbox though May 04 13:15:32 <Qcoder00> In time , I intend to replace all the OPSI/HMSO links in article space with {{UK-LEG}} transculsions May 04 13:15:49 <Qcoder00> In most cases it's not a difficult conversion May 04 13:15:55 <Qcoder00> The SLD links will take longer May 04 13:21:26 * mabdul|afk ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 13:23:16 * Anna_Frodesiak has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 13:24:41 * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 13:26:53 * Cassie has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 13:27:09 * Mike5 (Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 13:27:36 <Ironholds> Qcoder00: this is the third time you have told me that May 04 13:27:36 * Avruch has quit (Quit: Leaving) May 04 13:28:00 * Qcoder00 STFU's then May 04 13:28:02 * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has left #wikipedia-en May 04 13:28:40 * Prodego (Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 13:34:54 * wikifiend has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 13:36:26 * Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 13:37:30 * Tatsujin has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 13:38:33 * FAdmArcher has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0/20110303194838]) May 04 13:39:07 * Gfoley4 has quit (Quit: AFK.) May 04 13:39:16 * DeltaQuad is now known as [DQ|school] May 04 13:40:36 * Mike5 (~Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 13:47:33 * Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.) May 04 13:48:27 * Tatsujin ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 13:48:41 * kunwon1 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 13:49:38 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 13:50:26 * Herodotus has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 13:52:16 * Ranon (~Barras@wikimedia/barras) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 13:53:24 * dungodung is now known as dungodung|away May 04 13:54:27 * p858snake|l_ has quit (Quit: User has quit this network.) May 04 13:55:32 * Barras has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 04 13:55:36 * mabdul|afk is now known as mabdul May 04 13:58:36 * prometheus1809 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 13:59:57 * Fluffernutter (~Fluffernu@nat/ibm/x-nmdrdjohifqbagzx) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 13:59:57 * Fluffernutter has quit (Changing host) May 04 13:59:57 * Fluffernutter (~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Chaoticfluffy) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 14:00:27 * thrashout is now known as ThrashOut May 04 14:08:51 * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 14:11:37 * rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 14:15:20 * OlE` has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 04 14:16:54 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 14:16:54 * Gfoley4 has quit (Changing host) May 04 14:16:54 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 14:20:07 * OlEnglish (~me@wikipedia/OlEnglish) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 14:20:24 * matthewrbowker is now known as MRB[away] May 04 14:22:05 * The_Thing has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 04 14:24:11 <Qcoder00> Afternoon May 04 14:24:28 * Ranon has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 04 14:24:30 <Fluffernutter> hi Qcoder00 May 04 14:24:40 <Qcoder00> is there a tag for - THis image seems not to be sourced but I don't want to CSD it because it was uploaded a while ago? May 04 14:24:44 * Ranon (~Barras@wikimedia/barras) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 14:26:02 * Ranon is now known as Barras May 04 14:26:17 * mabdul is now known as mabdul|afk May 04 14:26:37 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 14:30:10 * z33k (~the@wikipedia/z33k) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 14:30:14 * Fenix2 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) May 04 14:31:36 * zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 14:34:19 * barts1a has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 14:34:20 * majia321 (~opera@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 14:36:07 * majia321 (~opera@ has left #wikipedia-en May 04 14:36:45 <Qcoder00> Admin requested May 04 14:41:35 <zscout370> Qcoder00: yes May 04 14:41:51 <Qcoder00> See Talk page for Information May 04 14:41:59 <Qcoder00> {{Information}} template May 04 14:42:44 <Qcoder00> Also I've forgotten the tag to put on templates to say don't delete because there are designed to be subst May 04 14:43:17 <zscout370> not fully awake to edit that template, but I have it watchlisted so if no one got around to it, I can do it later May 04 14:43:36 <Qcoder00> is designed to be subst on User_Talk: pages and I's like to ensure it gets tagged properly May 04 14:45:39 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 14:46:15 * Anna_Frodesiak has quit (Changing host) May 04 14:46:15 * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 14:47:17 <zscout370> understood May 04 14:47:28 * Cassie ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 14:47:28 * Cassie has quit (Changing host) May 04 14:47:29 * Cassie (~dan@wikipedia/deskana) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 14:51:07 <Qcoder00> I'd also appreciate someone tidying up the documenation , May 04 14:51:33 <Qcoder00> I'm having a look at the templates I've created to see if some need documentation adding as well May 04 14:53:30 <zscout370> if I didn't only have 4 hours of sleep and finals, I would have taken care of it my friend :D May 04 14:54:42 * MuZemike has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 14:58:18 * Tatsujin has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 15:02:38 * Tatsujin ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 15:05:32 * MauchoEagle has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.16/20110319135224]) May 04 15:06:37 * Irish_Eddy has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 15:09:12 * Chris_G has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 15:10:24 * Irish_Eddy ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 15:11:46 <topaz> /win 3 May 04 15:12:43 * Fluffernutter blinks May 04 15:14:54 * Cassie has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 15:19:14 <Delta> topaz: FAIL May 04 15:19:41 * svip (~svip@unaffiliated/svip) has left #wikipedia-en May 04 15:22:57 <topaz> no, win! May 04 15:22:59 <topaz> can't you read? May 04 15:23:00 <topaz> sheesh. May 04 15:25:53 * Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 04 15:26:03 <Qcoder00> Hi May 04 15:26:10 <Qcoder00> Anyone here good at documenting stuff? May 04 15:27:00 * Falcorian has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 15:27:34 * Grzechooo ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 15:28:19 * Ottre has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 15:29:02 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 15:29:12 * Ottre ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 15:33:07 * Drule has quit (Quit: "This rivalry is among the greatest: the Yankees and Red Sox... Hekyll and Jekyll." - Walter Day) May 04 15:35:39 * Mike5 (~Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 15:41:40 * Gfoley4 has quit (Quit: AFK.) May 04 15:43:09 <Mike5> vandal only account/hoaxer May 04 15:45:08 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 15:45:08 * Gfoley4 has quit (Changing host) May 04 15:45:08 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 15:45:59 * eptalon (~robert@wikipedia/Eptalon) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 15:46:04 <eptalon> heyas May 04 15:46:06 * DarkoNeko has quit (Quit: Pissing off 4chan: free. Botnet hire: $1,000/month. For everything else, there's Masterc– oh, wait, not any more.) May 04 15:49:41 * Ottre has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 15:52:18 * ABCD (~quassel@gentoo/developer/abcd) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 15:55:48 * ZT ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 15:55:55 * ZT has quit (Changing host) May 04 15:55:55 * ZT (~pjeterper@unaffiliated/zt) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 15:58:18 <ZT> [[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/James William Middleton]] fanboyism and total disregard for the policy at its worst :( May 04 15:58:49 * Ironholds_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 15:59:04 * Ironholds has quit (Disconnected by services) May 04 15:59:06 * Ironholds_ is now known as Ironholds May 04 15:59:11 * Ironholds has quit (Changing host) May 04 15:59:11 * Ironholds (~bob@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:00:17 * SMasters (~SMasters@wikipedia/SMasters) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:01:14 <SMasters> Can anyone tell me when the Formula One season runs (months)? May 04 16:02:19 <Fluffernutter> i think i have ADD. this is ridiculous May 04 16:02:58 <zenner> May 04 16:03:04 <zenner> sure it's on there somewhere, SMasters May 04 16:03:21 * z33k has quit () May 04 16:03:30 <ZT> SMasters: about 8 months May 04 16:03:39 <zenner> Monnaco coming up, but I'll be at the Indy 500 over in Lot2 watching it on the jumbotron :P May 04 16:03:57 <SMasters> Thanks ZT, from what month to what month? May 04 16:04:10 <zenner> the Indy 500 = IMS for the Indy 500 May 04 16:04:28 * Drule (Drule@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:04:34 <zenner> May 04 16:04:39 <zenner> march - nov May 04 16:04:51 <SMasters> Thanks! May 04 16:05:14 <SMasters> I'm preparing my interview for the Signpost for WP F1 :) May 04 16:05:27 <ZT> cool May 04 16:06:15 <ZT> so if I wanted to start one huge 200-article AfD how am I supposed to start that nom? May 04 16:06:17 <zenner> sad F1 isn't taken seriously in the US and hence we don't get a race anymore May 04 16:06:38 <zenner> the Indianapolis race a few years ago, with the tire debacle, gave F1 a huge blackeye here May 04 16:06:56 * Ottre ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:07:54 <zenner> isn't the only time tires have been a problem at Indy either. That track is tough with that surface they have on it. Even NASCAR had an embarrassing race there May 04 16:09:05 * Chevymontecarlo (~Ryan@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:09:10 * Chevymontecarlo has quit (Changing host) May 04 16:09:10 * Chevymontecarlo (~Ryan@unaffiliated/chevymontecarlo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:09:12 * Ironholds has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 16:12:24 * Hydriz has quit (Quit: Hydriz) May 04 16:12:45 * eptalon has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) May 04 16:12:49 * Ironholds (~bob@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:12:54 <Ironholds> fething internet May 04 16:13:31 <Fluffernutter> tommorris wants you, Irish_Eddy May 04 16:13:37 <Fluffernutter> er, Ironholds May 04 16:14:00 <Irish_Eddy> Where, what? May 04 16:14:09 <Fluffernutter> sorry, i didn't mean to ping you May 04 16:14:13 <tommorris> Irish_Eddy: Fluffernutter tab-completed you by mistake May 04 16:14:28 * tommorris suggests it may be down to one-handed typing ;-) May 04 16:14:46 * Irish_Eddy tickles flutternutter in revenge... May 04 16:15:03 * Fluffernutter raises a snobbish eyebrow at tommorris May 04 16:15:16 <tommorris> oh yeah, funny WP related story for y'all May 04 16:15:45 <tommorris> last week, when I was staying in the Netherlands, the day before we leave, someone decides to vandalise some WP articles May 04 16:16:24 <tommorris> I, of course, knew that they were going to do this, so had added the IP address to my unofficial secret blacklist of people who I check up on May 04 16:16:33 <zenner> did you have to stay an extra day and fix them? May 04 16:16:36 <tommorris> I wake up early, see three vandalism edits and rollback them May 04 16:16:40 * Grzechooo` (hehe@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:16:51 * Grzechooo has quit (Disconnected by services) May 04 16:16:53 * Grzechooo` is now known as Grzechooo May 04 16:16:54 <tommorris> they wake up, come up for breakfast, and I'm like "Vandalising the wiki is naughty!" May 04 16:17:05 <tommorris> lulz lulz lulz they got caught May 04 16:17:06 <tommorris> but then May 04 16:17:07 * Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.) May 04 16:17:30 <tommorris> a while later they say that since one of the edits was about me, me rollbacking it was an infringement of the COI guidelines and that they could get me banned May 04 16:17:43 <topaz> it.... what? May 04 16:17:45 <tommorris> I then shout "DON'T YOU TRY AND WIKILAWYER ME. I WILL WIN." May 04 16:17:46 <SMasters> You have a secret blacklist - :) May 04 16:17:49 <Fluffernutter> and these are...friends of yours? May 04 16:17:55 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:18:12 <Ironholds> tommorris: why were you in dutchstroopawfeland? May 04 16:18:20 <Qcoder00> Smasters: Just be glad it's not a Super Secret Double Blacklist... ;) May 04 16:18:31 <SMasters> :) May 04 16:18:39 <tommorris> Ironholds: we were escaping the royal wedding by drinking lots of beer, hacking and falling in canals May 04 16:18:41 <zenner> tommorris, sounds like you fed the troll by giving him attention May 04 16:18:51 <Ironholds> tommorris: I escaped by going 3,000 miles away May 04 16:18:56 <Ironholds> and it STILL wasn't fucking enough May 04 16:19:03 <tommorris> late at night, after a few bears, I did infringe on [[WP:BEANS]] a few times May 04 16:19:06 <Ironholds> next time I'm just going to shoot the happy couple a week before. So much more reasonable. May 04 16:19:08 <tommorris> beers rather May 04 16:19:28 * Ironholds giggles at bears, having pictured tommorris being waterboarded by grizzlies for his Internal Wikipedia Sekrets May 04 16:19:32 <Fluffernutter> ffs, Ironholds, you're the one who was obsessively replaying a youtube video about it. You lost your standing to whine about the wedding May 04 16:19:39 <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: it was a PARODY video May 04 16:19:46 <SMasters> Maybe the happy weed they smoke made them do it May 04 16:19:48 <Fluffernutter> it was ABOUT THE WEDDING May 04 16:19:50 <Ironholds> May 04 16:19:59 <tommorris> my only connection with the royal wedding was approving a few pending changes about it on en Wikinews May 04 16:20:13 <tommorris> and then getting into a fucking big argument about whether wikinews should have covered the royal wedding May 04 16:20:15 <Ironholds> tommorris: I was in the US, so cue overcoverage May 04 16:20:26 * Fluffernutter snorts May 04 16:20:27 <tommorris> yep, well, in NL, they had Queensday May 04 16:20:43 * experian has quit () May 04 16:20:50 * Drule has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) May 04 16:20:51 <tommorris> and Queensday is like the royal wedding, but with loads more beer and loads more weed May 04 16:21:09 <Fluffernutter> Ironholds: you didn't look up from your article writing and wikipedian-chatting the entire two weeks, how coul dyou possibly have overloaded on the wedding anyway? May 04 16:21:19 <tommorris> and lots of dutch hip-hop, which is not a good thing May 04 16:21:39 <Irish_Eddy> You were in Amsterdam with Queensday? May 04 16:21:41 <tommorris> yes May 04 16:21:49 <tommorris> it was mental mental radio rentals May 04 16:21:58 <tommorris> or something May 04 16:22:11 <Despatche> is the rumor that the US cared way more about this wedding than the UK true May 04 16:22:19 <tommorris> quite possibly May 04 16:22:25 <Ironholds> Despatche: no idea, given that I wasn't in both at the same time, that being physically impossible May 04 16:22:35 <Ironholds> I can verify that the US were definitely mental about it May 04 16:22:36 <ThrashOut> is it? May 04 16:22:46 <Irish_Eddy> as read the article correct about the quarter of a million people decended on Amsterdam by public transport alone... May 04 16:22:55 <Ironholds> ThrashOut: actually, I can think of two locations in which I'd be in both nations at once May 04 16:22:56 <tommorris> I wasn't in either, but from reports, the US actually got very excited about it May 04 16:23:04 <Ironholds> but standing with one foot in the embassy and one foot in the host nation doesn't really count May 04 16:23:05 <ThrashOut> :) May 04 16:23:23 <tommorris> surely at the airport? May 04 16:24:11 <tommorris> Irish_Eddy: not sure about that May 04 16:24:37 <tommorris> Irish_Eddy: you could drive to the outside of Amsterdam and then park up and walk in May 04 16:24:40 * Fenix2 (~juboxor@wikipedia/Juxo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:24:44 * Viktor12345 (~adfszdgds@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:24:54 <Irish_Eddy> as a wannabee Irish-man of Dutch origin, for sure I know that :-) May 04 16:24:57 <Viktor12345> e;o May 04 16:25:13 <Ironholds> tommorris: why the airport? May 04 16:25:18 <Viktor12345> down south any 1 May 04 16:25:45 <SMasters> Well, CNN flew all their stars to London to blanket cover the wedding. May 04 16:25:45 <Viktor12345> watz up here May 04 16:25:49 <tommorris> Ironholds: I'm not sure. Seems like after you've shown your passport, there's probably barmy legal situations May 04 16:26:00 <Ironholds> tommorris: no, the legal situation is fairly clear May 04 16:26:04 <Ironholds> it only changes once you get in the air May 04 16:26:14 <SMasters> AC was forced to eat a bacon butty. May 04 16:26:16 <Ironholds> except for the purposes of executing wills, where the Hague Convention on Private Law is pretty clear May 04 16:26:25 <Ironholds> (why do I know this?) May 04 16:26:43 <Irish_Eddy> Don't know, please tell! May 04 16:26:44 <Ironholds> technically I think it's the *fifth* convention May 04 16:26:45 <tommorris> SMasters: Bacon butty? Amateurs. If you really want to gross Americans out, give them Marmite. May 04 16:26:58 <Ironholds> Irish_Eddy: well, the fifth convention is on the execution of wills May 04 16:27:15 <Ironholds> which is something international law, for obvious reasons, had to deal with May 04 16:27:34 <Ironholds> anyway, one of the clauses (I think it's section 2 subsections 1-3) covers the execution of wills in airspace May 04 16:27:44 <tommorris> someone did tell me that they think they've come up with a simple test that can be used to determine Britishness, to replace the current Citizenship exam: May 04 16:27:57 <tommorris> sing the first few bars of the Eastenders theme tune May 04 16:27:59 <SMasters> I love Marmite! But then, I'm not American. :) May 04 16:28:35 <tommorris> I didn't want to say "YouTube" to him and refute his theory May 04 16:28:46 <Ironholds> tommorris: I've got a better citizenship test May 04 16:28:52 <Ironholds> "is the sun normally right?" May 04 16:29:02 <tommorris> Fuck no. May 04 16:29:04 <tommorris> It's a newspaper. May 04 16:29:07 <tommorris> It's published in Britain. May 04 16:29:11 <tommorris> Ergo, it's not normally right. May 04 16:29:50 <Irish_Eddy> it is pulp fiction May 04 16:30:00 <Qcoder00> -Anyone know where this should categorise to? May 04 16:30:15 * Viktor12345 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) May 04 16:30:17 <Qcoder00> Currently it categorises to album covers which isn't accurate in all cases May 04 16:30:36 <SMasters> The Sun is written for a 9-year-old to read, preferably in 2 paragraphs or less. May 04 16:30:44 <Qcoder00> A 9 Year old? May 04 16:30:56 <tommorris> that's about right May 04 16:31:04 <Irish_Eddy> Wikth the Page 3 girlas May 04 16:31:15 <Irish_Eddy> with the Page 3 girls? May 04 16:31:29 <Qcoder00> I think Page3 is a BAD thing May 04 16:31:49 <tommorris> if you can forgive the misogyny, the Sun provides a perfect example of the difference between sense and reference: it is written by cunts for twats. May 04 16:31:57 <Qcoder00> Porn should be in 'controlled' publications NOT general newspapers May 04 16:32:12 <Qcoder00> tommorris: What about other tabloids? May 04 16:32:36 <tommorris> but, but, however will I know how to vote unless a topless woman tells me her sophisticated and well-considered political opinions in a thought bubble? May 04 16:32:37 <Irish_Eddy> more boobies then brains? May 04 16:33:07 <SMasters> Yes, the vocabulary is written for a 9-year-old May 04 16:33:12 * Ironholds has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 16:33:12 * Ironholds_ (~s@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:33:19 <Ironholds_> fuck this, switched to laptop May 04 16:33:22 * Ironholds_ is now known as Ironholds May 04 16:33:35 <Irish_Eddy> Officially it isn't porn. What is shows it the same you can see of girls on a sunny day at the beach. May 04 16:33:37 * Fluffernutter flipped back to this window just in time to see "more boobies than brains" May 04 16:34:14 <Irish_Eddy> It doesn't show much respect. May 04 16:34:18 <SMasters> The Sun was, and probably still is, the most profitable English language newspaper in the world, according the the Guiness Book of Records. May 04 16:34:30 <SMasters> Sadly May 04 16:34:43 <tommorris> The Sun newspaper: making Simple English Wikinews redundant since 1963 May 04 16:34:52 <Ironholds> SMasters: and this is why I hate democracies May 04 16:35:00 <Ironholds> it involves giving sun readers the vote May 04 16:35:25 <tommorris> want another reason to think Voting is Evil? tomorrow, when the idiots of this country will probably retain our utterly broken voting system May 04 16:35:47 <Ironholds> tommorris: looks like it. There's only one thing sustaining me May 04 16:35:58 <Ironholds> the fact that Northampton will undoubtedly vote in favour May 04 16:36:11 <Ironholds> because if they don't, I will pick the first 10 no-voters to identify themselves to me May 04 16:36:24 <Ironholds> and I will hang them from the guildhall via meathooks through their shoulder muscles May 04 16:36:25 <SMasters> That's why China cannot be a democracy. Not yet anyway. May 04 16:36:28 <tommorris> let me guess: you've smuggled a potent neurotoxin from a secret US government laboratory and release it in the constituency with the largest no vote. May 04 16:36:28 <Fluffernutter> ... May 04 16:36:40 * Fluffernutter backs away from Ironholds May 04 16:36:49 <tommorris> no wait, if they are voting no, the last thing they need is MORE neural degeneration May 04 16:36:56 <Ironholds> tommorris: no, but I could ANNOUNCE I'd done that and then cower every constituency into voting yes May 04 16:36:58 <Ironholds> that'd be nice May 04 16:37:37 <Irish_Eddy> I thought Rotten Boroughs were disenfranchised? May 04 16:37:52 <tommorris> The argument for AV: it leads to fairer elections where the will of the people gets better represented than the current system. May 04 16:38:07 <Ironholds> Irish_Eddy: yes, in 1831 May 04 16:38:08 <tommorris> The argument against AV: you are too stupid to write "1, 2, 3" on a voting form rather than "X". May 04 16:38:11 <Ironholds> *2 May 04 16:38:20 <Ironholds> tommorris: to be fair, I do kind of see their point May 04 16:38:27 <Irish_Eddy> but is seems some are still rotten... May 04 16:38:28 <Ironholds> I'm a former campaigns manager May 04 16:38:30 <Fluffernutter> tommorris: sounds persuasive if the british populace is anything like the american May 04 16:38:41 <Ironholds> I've met the public, I've spoken to them about what they want, what they feel and what they support May 04 16:38:43 <tommorris> yes, if you are stupid enough to not be able to rank candidates on a ballot form, you are probably stupid enough to be voting no to AV May 04 16:38:53 <Ironholds> I've argued, debated, convinced and chatted to them May 04 16:38:55 <Ironholds> I know these people May 04 16:39:02 <Ironholds> and quite frankly, I want to shoot every last fucking one of them May 04 16:39:15 <tommorris> "Nobody eNobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of - Thinkexist ... May 04 16:39:20 <tommorris> gah I hate you Linux May 04 16:39:25 <Ironholds> the greatest argument against democracy is five minutes with the average voter, they say May 04 16:39:39 <tommorris> “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public." May 04 16:39:42 <Qcoder00> Ironholds: But where are you going to get the guns to shoot them? May 04 16:39:43 <Ironholds> this makes rather a depressing thought when you realise that some economics studies put 95 percent of the electorate below the average. May 04 16:39:45 <tommorris> the 'American' in that sentence is redundant May 04 16:39:53 <Ironholds> Qcoder00: I am actually going to apply for a license May 04 16:39:55 <Ironholds> month. May 04 16:40:06 <Qcoder00> You can still get gun licenses? May 04 16:40:08 <Ironholds> because in one month I'll know if I have to move or not May 04 16:40:10 <tommorris> yes, shotgun May 04 16:40:16 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:40:16 <Ironholds> I was thinking rifle, but sure May 04 16:40:35 <Fluffernutter> Ironholds: speaking of, heard anything about the interview date? May 04 16:40:38 <Qcoder00> Rabbits getting bad in Southampton or wherever it is you are? May 04 16:40:40 <Irish_Eddy> England should move to the Irish system: May 04 16:40:44 <tommorris> the people who really piss me off are the "I'm going to vote no to AV to 'punish the LibDems'" May 04 16:40:47 <tommorris> SRSLY? May 04 16:40:59 <tommorris> I mean, throw the baby out with the bathwater while you are at it May 04 16:41:27 * Qcoder00 isn't an expert on UK Gun laws, but thought when applying you had to state WHY you needed one... May 04 16:41:31 <tommorris> also, Citizendium are trying to decide whether or not to use FPTP... ;-) May 04 16:41:32 * mindspillage despairs at the US too--these people look old enough to vote: May 04 16:41:52 <Qcoder00> tommorris: What voting system does Wikipedia use? May 04 16:41:58 * Fluffernutter stares at mindspillage May 04 16:42:03 <tommorris> ideally, no voting system May 04 16:42:07 * Fluffernutter hides under the table, sobbing quietly May 04 16:42:08 * YouLeMacaroni ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:42:14 <tommorris> Wikipedia uses the "Voting is Evil" voting system May 04 16:42:21 <Ironholds> tommorris: as in, for formal elections? May 04 16:42:24 <Ironholds> sorry, Qcoder00? May 04 16:42:25 <tommorris> yep May 04 16:42:33 <tommorris> for the Management Council elections May 04 16:42:36 <Ironholds> Qcoder00: formally we use FPTP, I think May 04 16:42:39 <Ironholds> tommorris: har May 04 16:42:41 <tommorris> thankfully, they didn't decide to draft me May 04 16:42:43 <wctaiwan> wait, doesn't the community "vote" for arbitration committee members? May 04 16:43:08 <Qcoder00> Yes, but Jimbo can 'technically' ignore the results... May 04 16:43:15 <Qcoder00> but doesn't May 04 16:43:17 <Ironholds> Qcoder00: no, he can't. May 04 16:43:18 * Olipro has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) May 04 16:43:23 <Fluffernutter> he did at least once in the past, iirc May 04 16:43:32 <Ironholds> the updated arbitration policy makes clear that he can fuck off in that regard May 04 16:43:36 * Noommos ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:43:37 * Noommos has quit (Changing host) May 04 16:43:37 * Noommos (~noom@wikipedia/Noommos) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:43:37 <Fluffernutter> in the sense of adding extra sports to fill with people who weren't elected May 04 16:43:42 <wctaiwan> Is it Jimbo? or [position] of Wikipedia Foundation? May 04 16:43:47 <Ironholds> wctaiwan: Jimbo. May 04 16:43:52 <wctaiwan> :| May 04 16:43:54 <Ironholds> but again, he's not going to have that role any longer May 04 16:43:57 <tommorris> ooh, weird, I've never seen this page before: May 04 16:44:02 <Qcoder00> Ironholds: Oh right, Wikipedia doesn't have Founder perogative to over-rule elections then? May 04 16:44:29 <Ironholds> Qcoder00: not any more, no May 04 16:44:33 * BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:44:35 <tommorris> Ironholds: do go on? Jimbo is being ousted? May 04 16:44:37 <Fluffernutter> can i get a second opinion on whether this removal should be let to stand: May 04 16:44:42 <Ironholds> tommorris: from his AC role May 04 16:44:48 <Ironholds> not from anything else (if he actually did anything else) May 04 16:45:16 <Ironholds> mindspillage: one fist. two fist. May 04 16:45:34 <Qcoder00> Well I suppose it's inveitable that over time a figure like Jimbo has to yield to 'constitutional' change within an organisation.. May 04 16:45:37 <Fluffernutter> red fist blue fist? May 04 16:45:52 <Ironholds> Qcoder00: more "he's a prick and the current AC hate him" May 04 16:46:01 <wctaiwan> Fluffernutter: What was the rationale provided? The content seems fairly okay to me May 04 16:46:15 <wctaiwan> Oh wait, never mind May 04 16:46:16 <wctaiwan> saw it May 04 16:46:18 <Fluffernutter> yeah May 04 16:46:31 <tommorris> an orderly transition from monarchy to self-governance? May 04 16:46:41 * tommorris orgasms at the thought May 04 16:46:46 <Fluffernutter> whoa now May 04 16:46:51 <tommorris> oh, wait, we are talking about WP? May 04 16:46:53 * Fluffernutter hands tommorris a tissue, inches away May 04 16:47:02 <Qcoder00> tommorris: I think Jimbo's still a 'figurehead' for a lot of things on English Wikipedia at least May 04 16:47:09 <SMasters> Fluffernutter there's broken ref tags on that article May 04 16:47:18 * tommorris thought we were discussing the country he resides in May 04 16:47:20 <wctaiwan> Fluffernutter: The information isn't very useful but I don't see why it shouldn't be there in particular? May 04 16:47:28 <Qcoder00> Like the Arbcom elections , although as Ironholds points out that's changing May 04 16:47:31 <wctaiwan> the "wikipedia is not censored" stuff and all that. May 04 16:47:58 * tommorris has getting rid of Prince Charles as a higher item on his agenda than getting rid of Jimbo May 04 16:48:20 <wctaiwan> perhaps remove the information on baiting and the redundant "either through accidental ingestion or intentional poisoning" May 04 16:48:37 * Fluffernutter reverts edit May 04 16:49:20 <tommorris> oh man, Google have changed it so that the Instant function doesn't autocomplete mean things May 04 16:49:24 <tommorris> like if I type in May 04 16:49:30 <tommorris> Kelvin MacKenzie is a May 04 16:49:34 <tommorris> it doesn't suggest "twat" May 04 16:49:41 * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:49:44 * geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:50:24 <Ironholds> aw :( May 04 16:50:26 <Ironholds> but he IS May 04 16:50:55 * boulevardier has quit (Quit: boulevardier) May 04 16:51:02 * Fluffernutter finds the pronunciation of "twat", at least in briteng, a continual surprise May 04 16:51:18 <Fluffernutter> i expect to hear "twaht" and instead hear "twaet" May 04 16:51:53 <Ironholds> you pronounce it "tweht", so fuck you May 04 16:51:54 <SMasters> tommorris When I type james middleton it suggests "drunk" May 04 16:52:10 <tommorris> ah, that's okay May 04 16:52:25 <Fluffernutter> i don't think i've ever spoken the word at all, Ironholds May 04 16:52:42 <Ironholds> hah May 04 16:52:51 <Ironholds> someone's protecting the page I was edit-warring over so only sysops can edit it May 04 16:53:00 <Ironholds> it's like fucking groundhog day May 04 16:53:01 <SMasters> There were complaints because after the Royal Wedding, Google was suggesting "james middleton gay" lol May 04 16:53:03 <Ironholds> only this time, they're not involved May 04 16:53:07 * Tothwolf (~tothwolf@unaffiliated/tothwolf) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:53:26 <Qcoder00> tommoris: have your tried asking Google about Chiropractors? XD May 04 16:53:47 <Fluffernutter> Ironholds: why were you edit-warring? May 04 16:53:48 <tommorris> chiropractors are not doctors May 04 16:53:51 <tommorris> chiropractors are quacks May 04 16:54:05 <Irish_Eddy> I have removed the last sentence of strynine. That was almost a manual May 04 16:54:07 <Qcoder00> tommorris: Your evidence for that ? May 04 16:54:13 <tommorris> Qcoder00: Google May 04 16:54:17 <Tothwolf> the ones with dials and lights gadgets tend to be May 04 16:54:21 <Irish_Eddy> what to use to kill adog. May 04 16:54:22 <geniice> hmm on balance I suspect this article would have been better if the author has read the wikipedia article May 04 16:54:23 <Fluffernutter> Qcoder00: science May 04 16:54:30 <tommorris> reminds me of May 04 16:54:36 <closedmouth> chiropratic is not based on science May 04 16:54:56 <Qcoder00> closedmouth: You can afford 300,000 UKP to say that? XD May 04 16:55:06 <closedmouth> you said that last time May 04 16:55:36 <Fluffernutter> Ah, the United Kingdom, where speaking the truth about pseudoscience gets you sued by whiny bitches May 04 16:55:42 <wctaiwan> Irish_Eddy: I liked your edit summary :P May 04 16:55:53 <tommorris> Fluffernutter: yes, but if you phrase it right, you can get away with it May 04 16:56:03 <Irish_Eddy> :-) May 04 16:56:08 <tommorris> like if you call them shit-eating halfwits, that's fair comment May 04 16:56:43 <geniice> tommorris i can provide peer reviewed scientific data that it works as well as a placebo May 04 16:56:56 * Chevymontecarlo has quit (Quit: I'll be back at some point, honest! ;)) May 04 16:57:07 <tommorris> geniice: feel free to e-mail them then ;-) May 04 16:57:18 <geniice> May 04 16:57:49 <Ironholds> geniice: "non-medicine works almost as well as non-medicine which doesn't work as well as actual medicine" is your argument, then May 04 16:58:02 <Fluffernutter> heh May 04 16:58:06 <Irish_Eddy> you mean that chiropractic treatment works just as good as sugar cubes in disguise? May 04 16:58:15 <Fluffernutter> tastes worse, though May 04 16:58:27 * Tothwolf has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 04 16:58:36 <tommorris> there is some evidence that spinal manipulation is good for lower back problems May 04 16:58:46 <geniice> Ironholds non-medicine is statisticaly indistinguishable from sugar pills (it's chemicaly indistinguishable in most cases as well) May 04 16:58:57 * wctaiwan has quit (Quit: wctaiwan) May 04 16:59:05 <geniice> also sugar pills are cheaper May 04 16:59:19 * RR ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 16:59:28 <tommorris> there is not good evidence that spinal manipulation works well for, oh, eczema. May 04 16:59:42 * RR is now known as Guest7051 May 04 17:00:04 * ABCD has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 17:00:13 <Irish_Eddy> That is abit of a strange argument. May 04 17:00:38 <Irish_Eddy> There is also no prove that antibiotics help against a bloody nose. May 04 17:01:04 <Ironholds> tommorris: it does, actually May 04 17:01:07 <Irish_Eddy> the common bloody nose, al least May 04 17:01:17 <Ironholds> if they grab your spine in both hands, wrench, and fuck it up, eczema is no longer your issue! May 04 17:01:40 <Irish_Eddy> *grin* May 04 17:01:48 * Tothwolf (tothwolf@unaffiliated/tothwolf) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:02:21 <Irish_Eddy> This is a case of "the cure is worse then the disease" :-) May 04 17:02:24 <Tothwolf> zomg...thats the last time i say something bad about a quack must've just used a "mind ray" to lock up my irc computer ;P May 04 17:02:39 <Fluffernutter> i have ezcema and asthma, and my mother used to take me to a chiropractor. He fixed neither issue. May 04 17:02:49 <Fluffernutter> but he sure made a lot of money off us May 04 17:02:53 <Theo10011> heh May 04 17:03:04 <Theo10011> didn't know you could massage asthma away. May 04 17:03:07 <tommorris> Ironholds: just reading article from last year about Lord Phillips' suggestion that there should be a new 'honest comment' defence for libel/defamation to replace 'fair comment'. Thoughts? May 04 17:03:39 * tommorris wishes there was a hell so chiropractors who treat infants could go there. May 04 17:03:56 <SMasters> I have ezcema and I've never heard that a chiro can fix that. And I'm not about to waste my money trying it. May 04 17:04:09 <Irish_Eddy> But strange enough a a "magnetician" (do you call it like that?) manged to cure my sister from spastic intestins, what no medical doctor could do. May 04 17:04:12 <Fluffernutter> some of them, in my experience, mean well and just haven't thought throught the fact that there's no evidence that whst they do is useful May 04 17:04:13 * The_Thing (~hfjdh@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:04:17 <tommorris> certain chiropractors believe that they can treat ANYTHING May 04 17:04:23 * geniice loves the way english libel laws are currently set up to incentivise killing anyone you libel May 04 17:04:41 <Fluffernutter> SMasters: the only thing that works on my eczema is heavy steroids and/or ointments with FDa black-box "this is going to give you cancer in a few years" warnings May 04 17:04:50 <Theo10011> Isn't it just glorified masseuses. May 04 17:05:06 <geniice> tommorris well given the history of chiropractory they are at least being consistent May 04 17:05:09 <tommorris> no, chiropractic is more than just a massage May 04 17:05:29 <tommorris> spinal readjustment with a potential for really fucking up your back. May 04 17:05:51 * Fluffernutter nods May 04 17:05:52 <tommorris> basically, once you start hearing *CRAAAACK* it has stopped being massage May 04 17:06:09 <Theo10011> so can a bad massage. May 04 17:06:26 <geniice> tommorris look on the plus side. At least these have died out May 04 17:06:28 <SMasters> Fluffernutter: If mine gets very bad, I need to take antihistamines. I try to avoid the steroids but sometime I need to use it as well. :( May 04 17:06:40 <SMasters> *sometimes* May 04 17:06:50 <geniice> hmm need to go back to the science museum and get a better photo of those May 04 17:07:21 <Fluffernutter> SMasters: i'm on a steady diet of antihistimines as it is to keep breathing through the pollen May 04 17:07:35 * Fluffernutter is a biological disaster May 04 17:08:18 * tommorris feels less bad about his large feet and frequent dental fillings May 04 17:08:22 <Ironholds> Fluffernutter, I need some advice May 04 17:08:24 <SMasters> Unfortunately, it's mostly genetics May 04 17:08:31 <Ironholds> you are probably the worst person to ask about this May 04 17:08:31 <Fluffernutter> bout what, Ironholds? May 04 17:08:39 <Fluffernutter> and yet you're about to ask me May 04 17:09:03 <Ironholds> I am hanging out with Beth in a couple of weeks. We are getting horribly drunk and she has jokingly said she'll "wear a low cut top and offer a couple of pulls to make up for acting like a dick" May 04 17:09:08 <Ironholds> worth pursuing, at least for canoodling? May 04 17:09:26 * Haydrahlienne is now known as Lyrithya May 04 17:09:29 <geniice> eh whats the worse that can happen May 04 17:09:38 <Fluffernutter> well, if you get canoodling are you going to think she's offering more and then be hurt again? May 04 17:10:40 <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: I would point out a certain two-week long period with no strings attached which highlights the fact that that is not my only setting ;p May 04 17:10:58 * Gfoley4 has quit (Quit: AFK.) May 04 17:11:40 <Fluffernutter> Ironholds: the girl you spent that two weeks with was emphatically not Beth and was, in fact, someone you stressed that you weren't interested in. As opposed to a girl you asked out and then felt like crap after she rejected you. May 04 17:12:38 <Ironholds> well, yes May 04 17:12:43 <Ironholds> but to be fair I was at the time unmedicated May 04 17:12:53 <Ironholds> and also y'know getting over the whole "repeatedly fucked over" thing May 04 17:14:05 * DarkoNeko (~darkoneko@wikipedia/darkoneko) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:15:37 * Despatche has quit (Quit: blurgh) May 04 17:15:53 * Douche (~Douche@wikimedia/Zalgo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:16:00 * MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:19:19 * Douche has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 17:22:49 <The_Thing> Well, I'm an idiot... May 04 17:23:01 <The_Thing> Someone stole my laptop bag from my unlocked car last night. May 04 17:23:14 <tommorris> with laptop inside? May 04 17:23:17 <The_Thing> But, that's almost all that they took, was the bag itself. May 04 17:24:07 <The_Thing> They took just about everything out of it... my laptop, the charger, my schoolwork and books... everything but my external drive, they took out of the bag, laid it on the seat, then just took off with the bag, and presumably the drive. May 04 17:24:34 <The_Thing> It's one of the most unusual thefts I have ever encountered. May 04 17:24:51 <BarkingFish> anything vitally important on the drive? State secrets, nuclear bunker plans, tax returns, credit card info? May 04 17:24:52 <Theo10011> heh maybe they just needed the bag. May 04 17:24:58 <The_Thing> No May 04 17:25:01 <Theo10011> or hated your laptop. May 04 17:25:37 <SMasters> You were lucky! Remember to lock your car. May 04 17:25:53 <The_Thing> In fact I make it a point not to keep any kind of financial info on my portable stuff... at least I'm fairly sure I do... May 04 17:25:57 <BarkingFish> I suppose that's one thing to be thankful for, at least they didn't nick your lappy. May 04 17:26:16 <The_Thing> Either way, I don't have a credit card, so... nothing for them in that department :P May 04 17:26:42 <BarkingFish> And if the hard drive was the only thing besides the bag that they took, that's less expense in the replacement department. May 04 17:26:46 <The_Thing> And, at the very least, all of my multimedia is backed up at another location... May 04 17:27:07 <BarkingFish> SMasters: I think he's probably worked that out now :) May 04 17:27:15 <Qcoder00> May 04 17:27:20 <SMasters> :) May 04 17:27:24 <Qcoder00> Some people dont assume good-faith May 04 17:27:25 <BarkingFish> No point shutting the door after the horse has gone May 04 17:27:27 <Qcoder00> :( May 04 17:27:30 <The_Thing> The only things I really would have most, are some PDF e-books, my most recent schoolwork, which is printed out anyways, and a lot of my pictures... May 04 17:27:37 * Logan_ (~Logan_@wikipedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:27:37 <The_Thing> lost* May 04 17:27:40 * Quentinv57 (~Quentin@wikimedia/Quentinv57) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:27:51 <Qcoder00> Since when is self-nomming stuff you created a bad thing if you aren't sure they would be CSD worthy? May 04 17:28:15 <The_Thing> SMasters: Well, I live close to what has been ranked as the safest city in the entire US. May 04 17:28:35 <BarkingFish> The_Thing: Maybe you should move *into* it? May 04 17:28:38 * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|lunch May 04 17:28:39 <The_Thing> A lot of people here all but leave the keys in their cars overnight... May 04 17:28:48 <The_Thing> lol May 04 17:29:27 <Theo10011> what kinda place is that? May 04 17:30:01 <Qcoder00> Any admins in? May 04 17:30:04 <BarkingFish> The_Thing: Most people round here and near to where I used to live wouldn't leave a Garden gnome out for the night :) May 04 17:30:06 <Qcoder00> I need an opinion May 04 17:30:13 <The_Thing> heh May 04 17:30:20 <The_Thing> Yeah, the yards around here are pretty insecure May 04 17:30:52 <The_Thing> Lots of people have open garages, open back yards, open sheds.... we do lock our houses up at, and when we're away, though :P May 04 17:31:05 <BarkingFish> There's a place in Cambridge, about 12 miles from where I used to live, in Little Thetford, Cambridgeshire, called "The Arbury Estate". It's nigh on the most crime ridden estate in Cambridgeshire. May 04 17:31:24 <tommorris> here's an idea: cover a garden gnome in anthrax and leave it out May 04 17:31:31 <The_Thing> O_O May 04 17:31:41 * Jayflux ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:31:50 <Qcoder00> tommorris: Cheery fellow aren't you? May 04 17:32:00 <tommorris> yes, it'd be hilarious May 04 17:32:13 <Qcoder00> BarkingFish: It like Blackbird Leas in Oxford? May 04 17:32:14 <The_Thing> I was thinking of just leaving another one of my empty laptop bags in the unlocked car as bait, and setting up a hidden camera in there. May 04 17:32:14 <BarkingFish> A friend of mine parked his car when he got home from work at night, woke up the next morning and it was a shell. The doors, windows, wheels, hood cover and the entire contents of the car had been taken in 6 hours flat. May 04 17:32:15 * MuZemike had a person shot a couple of building down a couple of weeks ago over here May 04 17:32:18 * Thehelpfulone (~Helper@wikimedia/Thehelpfulone) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:32:50 <The_Thing> Or maybe it's one of the neighbor's trying to teach me a lesson or something :P May 04 17:33:06 <BarkingFish> Qcoder00: Blackbird Leas is paradise, mate. Move onto the arbury, and unless you screw it down, glue it down, or nail it down, it WILL go missing. May 04 17:33:19 <Qcoder00> BarkingFish: : hmm May 04 17:33:34 * Fenix2 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 17:33:54 <The_Thing> I even had a Windows XP installation disc in that bag, key and all, but they left it there. May 04 17:33:59 <Qcoder00> There was talk about putting secure fencing around one sink-estate in the US May 04 17:34:05 <Qcoder00> And putting Cameras in May 04 17:34:09 <Qcoder00> and Wardens May 04 17:34:15 <The_Thing> I'd be willing to bet that they just wanted the bag, and didn't realize that the drive was in there May 04 17:34:53 <BarkingFish> Having cameras wouldn't help Qcoder00 - thieves have stolen them before too. Right from off the front walls of people's houses May 04 17:34:58 <BarkingFish> cable and all May 04 17:35:01 <The_Thing> lol May 04 17:35:09 <Qcoder00> BarkingFish: Yes but these weren't normal camera May 04 17:35:46 <Qcoder00> These where full on 'BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU' camera May 04 17:35:51 <Qcoder00> *were May 04 17:36:06 <The_Thing> Well, if whoever did it decides to return the bag and drive, I probably wouldn't press charges or any of that nonsense... May 04 17:36:20 <BarkingFish> oh you mean the pole mounted dome cams, stuff like that, Qcoder00? May 04 17:36:23 <The_Thing> Unless they damaged any of them.. May 04 17:37:06 <Qcoder00> The_Thing: A friend of mine how used to work for some bit of GEC, used to let people in his local know that his laptop had 'work' stuff on it... May 04 17:37:11 * Fluff|lunch is now known as Fluffernutter May 04 17:37:39 <Qcoder00> .. apparently the local thieves in his part of the world didn't want to get caught with super-secret stuff and so let him alone allegedly May 04 17:37:47 <The_Thing> lol May 04 17:38:48 * Herodotus (alliterate@unaffiliated/recognizance) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:38:51 <Qcoder00> Of course, HE did have problems when an Irish pen-friend tried to leave an alarm clock 'in a package' as a gift for him... May 04 17:39:20 * Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 17:39:27 <SMasters> I'm logging off. Catch you all later. May 04 17:39:46 <Irish_Eddy> *grin* May 04 17:39:57 <The_Thing> Just one more motivation to build myself a home automation system, with cameras :P May 04 17:40:21 * SMasters has quit () May 04 17:40:21 <Irish_Eddy> My mother was once a suspect for smugling drugs to Ireland by mail. May 04 17:40:40 * Doh5678 (5ec0b7d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:41:49 <Irish_Eddy> Turned out that she had taken "herb bags" (for soup) out of the box to fit in the package to my sister. Those bags were rather smelly, so the drugs dog started pointing :-) May 04 17:42:36 <Irish_Eddy> When the Gardai notified my sister, she allowed them to open the package and exeming the contents. The next they it arrived :-) May 04 17:44:54 * Douche (~Douche@wikimedia/Zalgo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:45:21 <Douche> hell-o! May 04 17:45:33 * Douche is now known as derp\work May 04 17:46:10 * derp\work has quit (Client Quit) May 04 17:47:09 * Douche (~Douche@wikimedia/Zalgo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:47:40 <tommorris> *cough*. Not that I'm at all experienced in these matters, but apparently, there are ways of getting plausible deniability if you are trying to smuggle drugs by post May 04 17:48:10 * closedmouth has quit (Quit: brb) May 04 17:48:11 <Qcoder00> - This needs formatting :( May 04 17:48:13 <tommorris> not mailing them from Amsterdam for one thing May 04 17:48:56 <mys_721tx> Hello everyone, could somebody tell me the url of the vote eligibility check tool on toolserver? May 04 17:49:07 * Dragonfly6-7 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:49:15 <Ironholds> tommorris: travelling to Zeeland and sticking them in a postbox from there? :p May 04 17:49:52 <tommorris> theoretically speaking, Belgium, of course. May 04 17:49:58 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to eir May 04 17:50:00 * eir removes ban on *!*@ May 04 17:50:00 * eir removes channel operator status from eir May 04 17:50:21 <Ironholds> tommorris: in a chocolate box, marked as a gift? May 04 17:50:38 <tommorris> nah, take some old bank statements over with you May 04 17:50:54 <Qcoder00>,_Indian_Air_Force#External_links - Template menioned is used here May 04 17:51:52 <Theo10011> that template doesn't look right. May 04 17:53:34 <Logan_> mys_721tx: For POTY? May 04 17:53:55 <Qcoder00> Theo10011 : yeah May 04 17:54:21 <mys_721tx> Logan_: I got that one, but I remembered there is another one for the steward elections May 04 17:54:47 <Logan_> mys_721tx: They're all in the "Event" dropdown on this page: May 04 17:55:02 <mys_721tx> Logan_: Thank you :) May 04 17:55:13 <Logan_> You're welcome :) May 04 17:56:05 * Douche is now known as derp|work May 04 17:56:06 * Mike5 (~Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:56:13 * derp|work is at work. May 04 17:57:14 * Esperosoph ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 17:57:19 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 17:58:05 * Esperosoph ( has left #wikipedia-en May 04 17:59:19 <derp|work> hey Ironholds May 04 17:59:40 <Ironholds> hey cunt May 04 18:00:29 <derp|work> sup asshole May 04 18:01:13 <Fluffernutter> sup wankstains May 04 18:01:42 <derp|work> hey Fluffernutter <3 May 04 18:02:00 * Fluffernutter snuggles derp|work May 04 18:02:07 * derp|work suggles Fluffernutter May 04 18:02:14 * derp|work kicks Ironholds in them ballsé May 04 18:02:14 <derp|work> balls. May 04 18:03:02 * Delta has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) May 04 18:03:20 * [DQ|school] is now known as DQ|school May 04 18:04:59 <TBloemink> lets see if I was eligible to nominate myself for the steward elections May 04 18:05:08 <TBloemink> don't think it works May 04 18:06:51 * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:07:02 * StevenW (~swalling@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:07:02 * StevenW has quit (Changing host) May 04 18:07:02 * StevenW (~swalling@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:08:12 * KimiNewt ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:08:49 <Qcoder00> Hmm May 04 18:08:51 * killiondude (~killer@wikimedia/Killiondude) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:08:51 <KimiNewt> late evening lads May 04 18:09:52 <Qcoder00> I must have had bad day yetserday May 04 18:10:12 <Qcoder00> I am finding some Templates I perhaps shouldn't have TfD'd :( May 04 18:10:38 * DQ|school is now known as DeltaQuad May 04 18:11:44 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to DeltaQuad May 04 18:11:45 <derp|work> Ironholds: voting yes on what May 04 18:12:11 * DeltaQuad sets ban on *!*@ May 04 18:12:28 * Fluff|work (~Fluffernu@nat/ibm/x-uacqrhcaarfhvozs) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:13:04 * Jeske_Couriano (~Jeske_Cou@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:13:21 * DeltaQuad is now known as DQ|school May 04 18:14:15 * Fluffernutter has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 18:14:28 * ChanServ removes channel operator status from DQ|school May 04 18:14:44 * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:18:05 * mabdul|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 04 18:19:05 * mabdul|afk ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:22:43 * Grzechooo has quit (Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: )) May 04 18:27:56 * Ironholds has quit () May 04 18:28:37 * ScottSteiner has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 18:28:45 * ScottSteiner (s@wikipedia/ScottSteiner) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:30:09 * Gigs-- is now known as Gigs- May 04 18:30:18 * Gigs- has quit (Changing host) May 04 18:30:18 * Gigs- (~Gigs@pdpc/supporter/28for7/gigs) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:31:46 * CKtravel_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:33:51 * geniice has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) May 04 18:34:19 * CKtravel has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 18:34:19 * geniice ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:34:28 * geniice has quit (Changing host) May 04 18:34:28 * geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:34:29 * BarkingFish has quit (Quit: *.Fish *.Filleted) May 04 18:34:31 <Jeske_Couriano> !admin Revoke talk page - he's blanking the text and replacing with personal attacks May 04 18:35:28 <Jeske_Couriano> Danke, Killion May 04 18:35:32 <killiondude> np May 04 18:36:21 * z33k (~the@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:36:22 * z33k has quit (Changing host) May 04 18:36:22 * z33k (~the@wikipedia/z33k) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:41:58 <DQ|school> UAA is backloged May 04 18:42:16 <Fluff|work> sorry to hear that May 04 18:42:36 <PeterSymonds> Heh. May 04 18:45:32 * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has left #wikipedia-en May 04 18:46:18 * Guest7051 has quit (Quit: Leaving...) May 04 18:46:24 <petan> UAA is what May 04 18:46:35 <petan> I have troubles with shortcuts :) May 04 18:46:40 <Fluff|work> usernames for administrator attention May 04 18:46:43 <petan> ah May 04 18:46:45 <petan> this May 04 18:47:04 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:48:04 <killiondude> is May 04 18:48:05 <killiondude> SPARTA May 04 18:48:09 * RR ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:48:21 * Fluff|work smites killiondude May 04 18:48:30 <killiondude> o; May 04 18:48:30 * RR is now known as Guest22207 May 04 18:48:39 <StevenW> Does it work to put an ordered list in a table? May 04 18:49:15 <killiondude> You can make a table non-sortable (to keep an ordered list static). May 04 18:49:39 * Courcelles (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:52:02 <StevenW> Thanks killion May 04 18:52:02 <MuZemike> Kids May 04 18:52:02 <killiondude> No problem. May 04 18:52:02 * geniice_ (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:52:02 <killiondude> May 04 18:52:02 <killiondude> MuZemike is about to break out into song. May 04 18:52:02 <Fluff|work> ? May 04 18:52:17 <Fluff|work> he don't know what's wrong with these kids today May 04 18:52:20 * geniice has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 04 18:52:27 * geniice_ is now known as geniice May 04 18:52:40 <Fluff|work> kids May 04 18:52:51 <killiondude> :) May 04 18:53:37 * Fluff|work bows, can probably sing about 90% of that musical with no hints May 04 18:53:41 * Fenix2 (~juboxor@wikipedia/Juxo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 18:53:50 <Fluff|work> pheer my theater geekery May 04 18:54:00 <killiondude> I used to know it all. I played in the pit orchestra. May 04 18:54:47 <Fluff|work> that was the only show in high school that i acted in ("acted", hah, i was a random background person) instead of played in the orchestra for May 04 18:56:42 <killiondude> heh May 04 18:59:11 <MuZemike> Eeeeew: May 04 19:01:47 * fahadsadah has quit (Excess Flood) May 04 19:03:26 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 04 19:03:29 * Sunderland06 (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Sunderland06) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 19:06:30 * fahadsadah (fahad@unaffiliated/fahadsadah) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 19:08:25 * ZT has quit () May 04 19:09:42 * Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 04 19:12:18 <derp|work> heh May 04 19:12:28 <derp|work> i asked a 419 spammer to send me his ID May 04 19:12:36 <derp|work> i mean, he sent me a fucking death certificate May 04 19:12:48 <derp|work> diploma and security certificate looks shooped. May 04 19:12:49 <Fluff|work> ... May 04 19:12:59 <Fluff|work> he sent you "his" death certificate? May 04 19:13:08 <Fluff|work> ZOMG NIGERIANS ARE ZOMBIES May 04 19:13:33 <derp|work> I'll upload May 04 19:14:51 <derp|work> May 04 19:15:31 <Fluff|work> "Death...but not for you." May 04 19:16:11 <derp|work> looks shooped too. May 04 19:16:44 * Sunderland06 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 04 19:17:15 * KimiNewt has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 04 19:17:21 <derp|work> May 04 19:18:45 * mys_721tx has quit (Quit: mys_721tx) May 04 19:21:10 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 19:22:07 <Tatsujin> May 04 19:24:16 * Fenix2 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 19:26:19 * Fluff|work sneezes May 04 19:27:00 * Theo10011_ (~Theo@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 19:27:09 <petan> Fluff|work what your cloak is huh wasn't it wikipedia before? May 04 19:27:21 <Fluff|work> yeah this nick isn't reg'd May 04 19:27:25 <Fluff|work> i forgot to switch May 04 19:27:25 <petan> ah May 04 19:27:28 * Theo10011 has quit (Disconnected by services) May 04 19:27:30 * Fluff|work is now known as Fluffernutter May 04 19:27:37 * Fluffernutter has quit (Changing host) May 04 19:27:37 * Fluffernutter (~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Chaoticfluffy) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 19:27:43 <killiondude> you can log in under any nick May 04 19:27:51 <killiondude> /ns identify Fluffernutter <password> May 04 19:27:54 * Theo10011_ is now known as Theo10011 May 04 19:28:22 <Fluffernutter> yeah i know how to identify May 04 19:28:29 <Fluffernutter> i just never bothered to group Fluff|work May 04 19:28:44 <killiondude> i was just saying you don't have to group it :-P May 04 19:29:11 <petan> neverending story about nickserv ;O May 04 19:29:32 <Fluffernutter> oh i see what you meant May 04 19:29:36 <Fluffernutter> i dn't know i could do that May 04 19:29:49 * pm27 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 19:29:58 * petan slaps nickserv for not being easy May 04 19:30:09 * Doh5678 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 04 19:30:36 <petan> I hope I will not get rejected next time I sign up :D May 04 19:31:05 <petan> nickserv is evil you know... May 04 19:31:06 <killiondude> where? May 04 19:31:09 <petan> here May 04 19:31:19 <killiondude> oh, sign in? May 04 19:31:22 <killiondude> O_o May 04 19:31:28 <petan> yes May 04 19:31:29 <petan> sorry May 04 19:31:35 <petan> I meant sign in May 04 19:31:35 <killiondude> I don't usually have issues with nickserv May 04 19:31:39 <petan> neither I do May 04 19:31:55 <killiondude> ChanServ is a cruel and fickle mistress, however. May 04 19:32:12 <killiondude> I see ChanServ as a female and NickServ as her brother. May 04 19:32:44 <Theo10011> what about MemoServ May 04 19:32:50 <petan> and operserv surely is grandmother May 04 19:32:54 <petan> :D May 04 19:32:58 <killiondude> MemoServ is their serf. May 04 19:33:14 <Herodotus> MemoServ is the illegitimate child killiondude pretends doesn't exist, considering his inbox is always full. May 04 19:33:37 <killiondude> haha, I just read a new one May 04 19:33:39 <killiondude>,73.24252&sspn=0.05,0.05&ie=UTF8&ll=34.17121,73.239048&spn=0,0&z=17 May 04 19:33:40 <geniice> Moe anthropomorphism chanserv doesn't throw up anything useful on google images May 04 19:34:01 <killiondude> Keegan had a good URL for ChanServ May 04 19:34:07 <killiondude> He showed me a few years ago. May 04 19:34:29 <ThrashOut> hmm :? keegan isn't a girl? May 04 19:34:32 <ThrashOut> :O May 04 19:34:47 <Herodotus> "1 person rated it best ever" May 04 19:34:55 <derp|work> killiondude: remember the memoserv spam i used to do :P May 04 19:34:55 <Theo10011> heh May 04 19:35:01 * Doh5678 (5ec0b7d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 19:35:49 <killiondude> derp, no May 04 19:35:51 <derp|work> :o killiondude May 04 19:35:53 <geniice> the good news is that "ChanServ rule 34" doesn't throw much of significance either May 04 19:36:22 <geniice> hmm May 04 19:37:52 <derp|work> hmm May 04 19:37:56 <derp|work> geniice: use ED May 04 19:37:57 <derp|work> :) May 04 19:38:06 <geniice> wait what? May 04 19:38:16 <derp|work> ED is still alive May 04 19:38:16 <derp|work> :) May 04 19:39:56 <topaz> now we only want it gone. May 04 19:40:28 <killiondude> it lost its former glory and scary fan base May 04 19:40:32 <killiondude> now it's just dumb people May 04 19:40:40 * Logan_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 19:40:42 <killiondude> s/fan base/user base/ May 04 19:40:57 * z33k has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 19:42:32 * TBloemink has quit (Quit: *.banana *.split) May 04 19:42:52 * MuZemike has quit (Quit: It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here!!) May 04 19:43:40 <derp|work> killiondude: May 04 19:43:46 * pm27 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) May 04 19:43:50 <killiondude> I've seen. May 04 19:43:57 <killiondude> I saw the day or two after it was live. May 04 19:44:25 <derp|work> it's mostly a dump of all pages. May 04 19:44:47 <Tothwolf> more like a copyvio with no edit history May 04 19:47:03 <Herodotus> You pride yourself on your troll cred. May 04 19:47:53 <derp|work> heh May 04 19:48:04 <derp|work> ex-troll cred. May 04 19:50:34 <Thehelpfulone> it's back? o.o May 04 19:50:51 * Fluffernutter didn't do it May 04 19:51:10 <Theo10011> It's getting back to its old glory. May 04 19:51:23 <killiondude> It will never. May 04 19:51:45 <Theo10011> half the trolls are already back and hard at work. May 04 19:53:13 * Theo10011 has quit (Changing host) May 04 19:53:13 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 19:53:42 * LauraHale (~laurahale@wikipedia/LauraHale) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 19:54:04 <Herodotus> Theo10011 got the memo about NickServ. May 04 19:54:45 * KimiNewt ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 19:54:53 <Theo10011> Stupid router Herodotus, I'll prob. be disconnected again. May 04 19:55:55 * mabdul|afk is now known as mabdul May 04 19:56:42 * mabdul is now known as mabdul|afk May 04 19:57:22 * Hedgehog456 (~Hedgehog4@wikipedia/Hedgy456) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 19:57:30 * Theo10011_ (~Theo@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 19:58:43 <derp|work> iOS 4.3.3is out May 04 19:59:29 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 04 19:59:32 * Theo10011_ is now known as Theo10011 May 04 20:00:56 * Fenix2 (~juboxor@wikipedia/Juxo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 20:04:40 * Ironholds (s@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 20:05:22 <Dragonfly6-7> ah, I just got my income tax refund May 04 20:05:25 <Dragonfly6-7> $1500 May 04 20:05:54 <Fluffernutter> yay money May 04 20:06:14 * zscout370 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia May 04 20:06:15 <Fluffernutter> i got mine last month and for the first time in recent history spent it rather than saved it May 04 20:06:19 <Fluffernutter> and no wi feel like crao May 04 20:06:50 <Dragonfly6-7> feel, look, and smell May 04 20:07:03 <Fluffernutter> thank you dear, i love you too May 04 20:08:28 <Hedgehog456> Trying to teach children how to use IRC is like trying to kill Superman... fifty-two times... in two seconds. May 04 20:08:33 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 20:08:38 * ABCD_ (~quassel@gentoo/developer/abcd) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 20:09:25 <Hedgehog456> I've gave up and just chucked in a tiny integrated web IRC client and passed it off as a chatroom. May 04 20:09:55 <killiondude> I don't know if children should be encouraged to use IRC. May 04 20:10:00 <killiondude> But to each his own! May 04 20:10:09 <Fluffernutter> why are we teaching ghildren to irc? May 04 20:10:20 <Tothwolf> children should not use irc May 04 20:10:36 <Hedgehog456> I was going to restrict them to a channel they made. May 04 20:10:40 <Hedgehog456> *i May 04 20:10:44 <Hedgehog456> I made it. May 04 20:10:45 <geniice> most people in this rome I suspect are younger than IRC May 04 20:10:48 <geniice> room May 04 20:11:08 <Hedgehog456> They were bemoaning the loss of their integrated chatbox on their website. May 04 20:11:20 <Hedgehog456> IRC was the only viable alternative. May 04 20:11:43 <Fluffernutter> where did you acquire these children? May 04 20:11:50 <killiondude> well, May 04 20:11:58 <Hedgehog456> Fluffernutter: a website they run. May 04 20:12:06 <Fluffernutter> "they"? May 04 20:12:10 <Hedgehog456> I become a moderator, then an admin. May 04 20:12:16 <Hedgehog456> *became May 04 20:12:41 <Hedgehog456> Fluffernutter: there is a large group of them. May 04 20:13:05 <Fluffernutter> "they" May 04 20:13:20 <Fluffernutter> this does not tell us where you acquired a group of children to moderate May 04 20:13:44 <Hedgehog456> Why do you want to know? May 04 20:13:53 <Hedgehog456> Do you want to locate these children? May 04 20:14:06 <Hedgehog456> I do not know their whereabouts. May 04 20:14:13 <Hedgehog456> Nor their names. May 04 20:14:23 <Fluffernutter> you do not strike me as the type to volunteer ad an educator May 04 20:14:31 <Fluffernutter> so i am curious about why you have gathered children May 04 20:14:39 <Hedgehog456> I never. May 04 20:14:44 <Hedgehog456> They gathered me. May 04 20:15:34 * ragesoss has quit (Quit: ragesoss) May 04 20:16:08 * ragesoss (~ragesoss@wikimedia/ragesoss) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 20:16:34 <Hedgehog456> For your information, I'm not an adult. May 04 20:16:52 <killiondude> #gamechanger May 04 20:16:55 <Fluffernutter> lawl May 04 20:17:21 <Fluffernutter> that was kind of my point, Hedgehog456. It's a bit like the lunatics running the asylum to put you in charge of kids May 04 20:17:56 <Hedgehog456> They put me in a position of trust. I feel kind of helpless. May 04 20:18:14 <Hedgehog456> I stumbled across their website when on another forum. May 04 20:18:59 * mabdul|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 20:18:59 <Tothwolf> "sorry, but i can't help you, i'm too busy with my own website" May 04 20:19:26 <Hedgehog456> Who said that? May 04 20:19:48 <Herodotus> She. May 04 20:20:02 <Hedgehog456> I see. May 04 20:20:27 * derp|work snuggles Hedgehog456 May 04 20:20:38 * Hedgehog456 huggles derp tightly May 04 20:20:48 <Fluffernutter> so "that's what she said"? May 04 20:21:05 * derp|work snuggles Fluffernutter May 04 20:21:26 * Fluffernutter feeds Hedgehog456 to derp|work May 04 20:21:36 * Hedgehog456 screams May 04 20:22:18 * mabdul|afk ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 20:22:29 * derp|work regurgitates May 04 20:22:55 <derp|work> Michael Douglas is in town May 04 20:23:01 <killiondude> alert the press May 04 20:23:05 <killiondude> THIS IS WHAT WE'VE TRAINED FOR May 04 20:23:11 <Fluffernutter> do we have to? May 04 20:23:29 <Fluffernutter> i mean, can't one of you just go wash my dishes, instead, if you're looking for a dangerous mission? May 04 20:24:05 <Tothwolf> depends on how many you want unbroken May 04 20:24:08 <derp|work> he's here on charitable purposes. May 04 20:24:40 <Fluffernutter> Tothwolf, prefer breakage of less than 2 May 04 20:24:52 <Tothwolf> heh goodluckwiththat :P May 04 20:25:16 <Fluffernutter> well, half of what's dirty is pots May 04 20:25:21 <Fluffernutter> which are rather hard to break May 04 20:25:50 <Tothwolf> depends on what you clean em with ;) May 04 20:25:58 <derp|work> bbl May 04 20:26:00 * derp|work has quit (Quit: derp|work) May 04 20:28:00 * zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 20:28:29 * Sir48 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 20:28:29 * Sir48 has quit (Changing host) May 04 20:28:29 * Sir48 (~Thyge@wikipedia/Sir48) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 20:32:23 * Delta (~Delta@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 20:32:31 * icon256 has quit () May 04 20:33:06 * LFThis (8182fc94@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 20:33:13 <LFThis> Ok, wiktionary is asleep so I must ask here. May 04 20:34:13 <Fluffernutter> asleep? May 04 20:34:18 <LFThis> no one speaks May 04 20:34:25 <killiondude> their irc channel is usually dead, yes May 04 20:34:38 <LFThis> and only a mass-ping seems to wake them up anymore. May 04 20:35:36 <LFThis> So, the phrase [[wt:time waits for no one]] is of varying meanings by context. What did "mad scientist" mean in this one?: May 04 20:35:48 * Xarn has quit (Quit: ZNC - May 04 20:36:00 * Xarn ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 20:40:08 <LFThis> LFThis, Fluffernutter and killiondude, so what does he mean by "time waits for no one" in this context?: May 04 20:40:09 * mabdul|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 04 20:40:53 * Dragonfly6-7 looks May 04 20:41:06 * Dragonfly6-7 closes window May 04 20:41:16 * rr0 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia May 04 20:41:23 <killiondude> There's only one definition. May 04 20:41:29 <killiondude> on that wiktionary page May 04 20:41:34 <LFThis> there was more than one on wt. May 04 20:41:40 <killiondude> Nope. May 04 20:41:43 <LFThis> but what's the one for this context? May 04 20:42:19 <killiondude> In general it just means "action is necessary as soon as possible" May 04 20:42:40 <killiondude> I don't see how the poster on that link you gave is meant to be taken seriously. May 04 20:44:39 <Doh5678> Can people help here: May 04 20:44:39 <LFThis> you mean the asker. May 04 20:44:39 <LFThis> right? May 04 20:44:39 <LFThis> Why did he think action was needed asap, killiondude? May 04 20:45:12 <killiondude> I don't mean the asker because the asker never wrote "time waits for no one" May 04 20:45:20 <killiondude> LFThis: I think it was a [[non sequitor]] May 04 20:45:21 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 20:45:28 <Fluffernutter> [[non sequitur]] May 04 20:45:34 <killiondude> ty May 04 20:45:53 <killiondude> May 04 20:46:18 <LFThis> Well, the question asks about a particular situation, so I wondered whether it followed correctly or not. May 04 20:47:22 * Tanvir is now known as bare|sleep May 04 20:47:27 <killiondude> Yeah, I'm going to say it was random or they don't know what the phrase means. May 04 20:47:45 <Hedgehog456> spam coming; my dog is around May 04 20:48:00 * killiondude has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 04 20:48:03 <Fluffernutter> mabe stop letting her walk on the keyboard May 04 20:48:20 <Hedgehog456> she loves spamming though May 04 20:50:43 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) May 04 20:53:07 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 20:54:22 * LFThis has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 04 20:59:39 * ABCD_ is now known as ABCD May 04 20:59:46 <Hedgehog456> Hahahaha May 04 21:00:17 * Gfoley4 has quit (Quit: AFK.) May 04 21:02:12 * KimiNewt has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 21:03:35 * mabdul|afk ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:03:52 * Hedgehog456 has quit (Disconnected by services) May 04 21:06:10 * Ironholds has quit () May 04 21:06:15 * Qcoder00 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox]) May 04 21:06:54 * MuZemike (~MuZemike@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:06:55 * MuZemike has quit (Changing host) May 04 21:06:55 * MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:11:46 * Snowolf (~Snowolf@wikimedia/Snowolf) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:13:55 * FAdmArcher (~StarFleet@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:15:54 <Headbomb> "The setup could also be read as an allegory of/justification for Dubya's invasion of Iraq" May 04 21:15:56 <Headbomb> from a review of Hobo with a Shotgun May 04 21:16:01 <Headbomb> fucking morons May 04 21:17:04 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:17:18 * Gfoley4 has quit (Changing host) May 04 21:17:18 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:21:27 * Doh5678 has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 04 21:22:19 * YouLeMacaroni has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 21:26:18 <Jeske_Couriano> Someone on FurNet pulled this up (SFW) May 04 21:28:48 * Falcorian has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 21:30:05 * Douche (~Douche@wikimedia/Zalgo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:30:11 <zscout370> any Liverpool FC fans here? May 04 21:30:39 <Douche> No. May 04 21:30:41 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:30:43 <Douche> Rain rain go away... May 04 21:30:51 * Noom ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:31:10 <zscout370> I was looking to find supporters for possible image replacements on a sister wikipedia project May 04 21:31:12 <Fluffernutter> geeze Douche, you're such a Douche May 04 21:31:19 <Fluffernutter> now get back in the kitchen and make me some noms May 04 21:32:12 * StevenW has quit (Quit: Bye!) May 04 21:33:29 <Gfoley4> "some noms" May 04 21:33:33 <Gfoley4> o_O May 04 21:33:33 * Peter-C licks people May 04 21:33:44 * Fluffernutter smites Peter-C May 04 21:34:24 <Peter-C> I broke a door in school today May 04 21:34:30 <Fluffernutter> how May 04 21:34:42 * Noommos has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 21:35:04 <Gfoley4> ^ May 04 21:36:59 <Peter-C> I pushed it open too fast May 04 21:37:12 <Peter-C> And part of the mechanical mechonisim fell off May 04 21:37:19 <PeterSymonds> mechanism May 04 21:37:47 * Cassie (~dan@wikipedia/deskana) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:37:59 <Fluffernutter> coordination win May 04 21:38:33 * Fluffernutter whines May 04 21:39:15 <Gfoley4> Peter-C is clumsy May 04 21:39:15 <Gfoley4> >:) May 04 21:39:37 * DQ|school is now known as DeltaQuad May 04 21:40:27 <Fluffernutter> gah i need to pay my rent May 04 21:41:46 * Cassie has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 21:41:51 * Mike5 (Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:41:57 * Courcelles has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 04 21:42:16 <Gfoley4> I love it when the NRHP misspells things on the register May 04 21:42:20 <Gfoley4> 9_9 May 04 21:42:28 <PeterSymonds> The whatnow? May 04 21:43:23 <Gfoley4> NRHP = National Register of Historic places May 04 21:43:36 <PeterSymonds> Oh right. May 04 21:44:11 * Hedgehog456 (~Hedgehog4@wikipedia/Hedgy456) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:44:54 <Fluffernutter> hm. i should stop at the store tonight and get a roast of some sort May 04 21:45:22 * mabdul|afk is now known as mabdul May 04 21:45:27 * SilverSpoon (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Silver-Spoon) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:45:59 <Gfoley4> fast food. May 04 21:46:05 <SilverSpoon> - May 04 21:46:13 * Guest22207 has quit (Quit: Leaving...) May 04 21:46:14 * MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:46:20 <Douche> Fluffernutter: I'M not home May 04 21:46:20 <Douche> :P May 04 21:46:25 <Douche> I'm at the bus station May 04 21:46:26 <Douche> :P May 04 21:46:36 <Fluffernutter> Douche: well, fix that May 04 21:46:38 * Douche spanks Peter-C May 04 21:46:42 * Fluffernutter stomps foot May 04 21:46:49 <Gfoley4> wifi at the bus station? :O May 04 21:46:49 <Douche> the bus leaves in 13 minutes. May 04 21:47:02 <Douche> Gfoley4: well, they have paid internet terminals INSIDE May 04 21:47:10 <Gfoley4> ah May 04 21:47:14 <Douche> and a asian guy is offering a net café with 1$ for 10 minutes May 04 21:47:26 <Gfoley4> "no thanks" May 04 21:47:29 <Gfoley4> :P May 04 21:48:16 <Douche> and just next to it is a university with a large commercial cafeteria with a Quiznos and other specialities including Thai May 04 21:48:16 * Fenix2 (~juboxor@wikipedia/Juxo) has left #wikipedia-en May 04 21:48:16 <Douche> and guess what May 04 21:48:16 <Douche> the cafeteria has a open wifi May 04 21:48:16 <Douche> :D May 04 21:48:16 <Gfoley4> :D May 04 21:48:19 <Douche> It's running authpuppy. May 04 21:49:12 <Douche> Wich is a software for routers for ifi auth May 04 21:49:15 <Douche> wifi auth May 04 21:49:19 <Douche> it's free and open source. May 04 21:49:27 <Douche> it works perfect with openwrt May 04 21:49:27 * Fluffernutter wants to go home May 04 21:49:40 <Douche> me too May 04 21:49:40 <Douche> So i'll go home :) May 04 21:49:40 * BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 21:49:41 <Douche> bus leaves at 5 PM May 04 21:49:41 <topaz> me too. May 04 21:49:42 <Douche> :) May 04 21:49:45 <topaz> not likely though. May 04 21:49:54 <Douche> And fuck, the smells here make me hungry :P May 04 21:50:13 * Barras is now known as [devil] May 04 21:50:20 * Fluffernutter can't go until like 5:10. Because i slept late as shit today. May 04 21:50:22 * SilverSpoon has quit (Quit: zzz) May 04 21:50:27 <Douche> pizza, sandwich & pastries counter, lebanese cooking and grill, salad bar, sushi place and a Quiznos May 04 21:50:28 <Douche> :) May 04 21:50:35 <Douche> oh May 04 21:50:47 <Douche> and a Valentine wich is a upscale McDonalds that offers goddamn elicious fries. May 04 21:50:50 <Douche> delicious May 04 21:50:59 <Gfoley4> =D May 04 21:51:01 <Douche> Anyways May 04 21:51:03 <Douche> imma head out May 04 21:51:04 <BarkingFish> No Subway? May 04 21:51:06 <Douche> ,3 May 04 21:51:10 <Hedgehog456> Byebye May 04 21:51:16 <Hedgehog456> My derpy :P May 04 21:51:19 <BarkingFish> damn. I'd go hungry :) May 04 21:51:21 <Douche> BarkingFish: there is one but in the bus station hall May 04 21:51:26 <BarkingFish> ah May 04 21:51:28 * Hedgehog456 huggles Douche tightly May 04 21:51:33 <Douche> along with a tim hortons express May 04 21:51:40 * Douche huggles Hedgehog456 tightly back. May 04 21:51:58 * Douche gives Fluffernutter some thai :) May 04 21:52:05 <Douche> see you at 17:55 :) May 04 21:52:08 <Douche> or earlier :) May 04 21:52:10 <Fluffernutter> nom May 04 21:53:12 * Douche has quit (Quit: Douche) May 04 21:54:15 <Gfoley4> wait, Derp is coming to NY/NJ? May 04 21:55:04 <Fluffernutter> not now May 04 21:55:15 <Fluffernutter> but he is in june, i think May 04 21:55:43 <Fluffernutter> oh you meant because he said "see you"? May 04 21:55:45 <Fluffernutter> nah May 04 21:55:55 <MuZemike> New Jersey? May 04 21:57:15 <MuZemike> Or as we like to say around here "Berrrrrrrwyn???" May 04 21:57:46 <Jeske_Couriano> MuZemike, how many people drink how much booze to get that drunk in your hometown? May 04 21:59:13 <MuZemike> not as much as most places in Wisconsin, I'll tell you that. May 04 21:59:13 <Fluffernutter> heh May 04 22:01:42 <Hedgehog456> Bye May 04 22:01:42 <MuZemike> Coincidentally, I just got back with an old friend who lives in Berwyn. May 04 22:01:46 * Hedgehog456 has quit (Quit: *is destroyed by a falling piano*) May 04 22:01:48 <Andrevan> I'll be living in NY in 2 weeks in perpetuity May 04 22:02:19 <Fluffernutter> orly May 04 22:02:35 * Fluffernutter points to [[WP:Meetup/NYC]] May 04 22:03:12 <MuZemike> Did you folks find a better place than that Greek restaurant this last meetup? May 04 22:03:18 <Fluffernutter> no May 04 22:03:48 <Fluffernutter> and the next person who looks at me like i should find another venue is going to find my laptop shoved up their ass, becasue my last attempt was *worse* than the greek restaurant May 04 22:04:12 <MuZemike> I didn't say "you", I said "you folks" May 04 22:04:12 <Gfoley4> ;o May 04 22:04:13 * slakr perks up May 04 22:04:17 <slakr> maybe you should find another venue! May 04 22:04:23 <MuZemike> i.e. "y'all" May 04 22:04:23 * slakr snickers darkly May 04 22:04:28 <MuZemike> "euch" in German May 04 22:04:41 * Fluffernutter shoves Peter-C up slakr's ass May 04 22:04:51 <slakr> bait 'n' switched! May 04 22:04:55 <slakr> I wanted the laptop! May 04 22:04:59 <MuZemike> The restaurant was OK, just no wifi or plugins. May 04 22:05:02 <Gfoley4> Fluffernutter's laptop = Peter-C? May 04 22:05:08 <Fluffernutter> i make it a policy to never give men what they want May 04 22:05:21 <Gfoley4> ={ May 04 22:05:21 <MuZemike> I had to plug in my laptop near the kitchen to recharge while we had our break. May 04 22:08:46 * AfDguy (ad318c8d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:08:51 <AfDguy> meh May 04 22:08:56 <AfDguy> hmm May 04 22:09:17 * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:10:27 * Fluffernutter has quit (Quit: outta here) May 04 22:11:00 <AfDguy> if I had my choice of users 2 be admins, I'd choose...Alpha Quadrant, DeltaQuad, Chzz, Fang Ali, Mono, Worm That Turned, Tbhotch, SMasters, and Guoguo12. Oh, and ThatPeskyCommoner, once she gets more experience. May 04 22:11:21 <Mono> Yo. May 04 22:11:22 <Mono> I quit. May 04 22:11:52 <AfDguy> oh May 04 22:11:56 <DeltaQuad> glad to here my name in that pile :) May 04 22:11:56 <AfDguy> hmm May 04 22:12:01 <AfDguy> one less. May 04 22:12:16 <AfDguy> though I'd take forever to write all those nominations :) May 04 22:12:19 <Tatsujin> May 04 22:12:50 <AfDguy> I think I missed a few in that list May 04 22:12:52 <AfDguy> but oh well May 04 22:14:06 <MuZemike> One down, a whole bunch to go. May 04 22:14:56 <Peter-C> fail in 3-2-1 May 04 22:15:05 <Mono> AfDguy: write one for me and if it passes, I'll come back May 04 22:15:07 <Mono> :) May 04 22:15:16 <AfDguy> hmm May 04 22:15:40 <AfDguy> ...but you have to come back first otherwise I expect a lot of people to oppose for 'inactivity' May 04 22:15:48 * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:15:52 <AfDguy> ...and continuing that list May 04 22:15:58 * Bidgee ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:16:01 * Bidgee has quit (Changing host) May 04 22:16:01 * Bidgee (~bidgee-wi@wikimedia-commons/bidgee) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:16:25 <Mono> Come on. May 04 22:16:30 <AfDguy> +GiantSnowman, 28bytes, The High Fin Sperm Whale, Ling.Nut, Alansohn, Addihockey10, Silver seren, WikiCopter, MC10, Marcus Qwertyus, ArcAngel May 04 22:16:31 <Mono> ;) May 04 22:16:36 <AfDguy> ... May 04 22:16:39 <Thehelpfulone> that's a lot of people o.o May 04 22:16:39 <Mono> If it fails, I'll have to leave again. May 04 22:16:52 <AfDguy> WP:TROPHY May 04 22:17:24 <MuZemike> Oooh, speaking of trophy, quarterfinals for the WikiCup has started. May 04 22:17:39 <AfDguy> Yeah May 04 22:17:47 <AfDguy> WormTT missed by a pint May 04 22:17:50 <AfDguy> *point May 04 22:18:23 * Noom has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 04 22:18:49 <Thehelpfulone> MuZemike: are you competing? May 04 22:18:52 <AfDguy> ...add Slon02 and Snottywong and Ctjf83 to that list May 04 22:18:54 <AfDguy> um yes May 04 22:19:00 <MuZemike> Yep, still in it. May 04 22:19:00 <AfDguy> I got eliminated May 04 22:19:02 <AfDguy> but whatever May 04 22:19:14 * mabdul has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia May 04 22:19:22 * SonicAD_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:19:27 <AfDguy> I check it about every 2 hours for new point updates (!) May 04 22:19:36 <AfDguy> strange May 04 22:19:42 <AfDguy> all these reconfirmations May 04 22:19:44 <AfDguy> suddenlt May 04 22:19:54 <MuZemike> I'd oppose a few of the users AfDguy pointed out above, but I won't go into detail as to why on this channel. May 04 22:20:19 <Thehelpfulone> who's likely to win? May 04 22:20:25 <AfDguy> some have long block logs, some don't have content, some are contivertial, some don't have a cool head. May 04 22:20:31 <MuZemike> I think Casliber has a good chance to take it. May 04 22:20:41 <AfDguy> or Hurricanehink. May 04 22:20:47 <AfDguy> gogogo Hurricanehink May 04 22:20:54 <MuZemike> And Cas is in my pool, also. May 04 22:21:00 <AfDguy> he's got an FAC & 2 GAs waiting May 04 22:21:13 <AfDguy> good luck, Cas has a ton of content work. May 04 22:21:16 <MuZemike> Hopefully soon I'll have 3 GANs in the hopper. May 04 22:21:21 <AfDguy> :O May 04 22:21:31 <AfDguy> too bad The Bushranger got eliminated. May 04 22:22:11 <AfDguy> hmm May 04 22:22:19 * MC8 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 22:22:34 <AfDguy> as for bureaucrats May 04 22:23:13 <MuZemike> Bureaucrats? May 04 22:23:18 * SonicAD has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 22:23:22 * zscout370 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia May 04 22:23:23 <AfDguy> WereSpielChequers, HJ Mitchell (in 3 months-I don't like that RfA of his), and maybe Cas May 04 22:23:34 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 04 22:23:39 <MuZemike> Do we need bureaucrats? May 04 22:23:46 <MuZemike> *more bureaucrats May 04 22:23:47 <AfDguy> ..... May 04 22:23:54 * Courcelles ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:23:55 * Courcelles has quit (Changing host) May 04 22:23:55 * Courcelles (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:23:57 <MuZemike> I mean, they don't do much in the first place. May 04 22:24:25 <MuZemike> Andrevan is going to kick my ass for saying that. May 04 22:24:35 <Andrevan> we don't do much May 04 22:25:00 <Andrevan> I'm not even gonna close that reconformation May 04 22:25:11 <Andrevan> I don't feel like crushing anyone's spirit May 04 22:25:27 <MuZemike> I mean, that's probably why we haven't had a (successful?) RFB in over a year; there's just not a current need for more crats IMO. May 04 22:25:44 <AfDguy> meeeeeeeeeh May 04 22:26:03 <AfDguy> xeno inactive, MBainsz@law school, EVula less active May 04 22:26:05 <AfDguy> hmm May 04 22:26:13 <AfDguy> add Wackywace 2 the admin list May 04 22:26:27 <BarkingFish> 0.0 May 04 22:26:59 <BarkingFish> you'd put Wackywace on the admin list???!!!1111eleven? May 04 22:27:14 <BarkingFish> I know a good psychiatrist who'd help you get over that :) May 04 22:27:20 * MC8 (~chippy@wikimedia/Microchip08) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:27:45 <topaz> FBI interrogator says cookies more effective than torture: May 04 22:28:24 * TheRamblingMan (~TheRambli@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:28:30 * mabdul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:28:54 * mabdul has quit (Client Quit) May 04 22:29:04 * TheRamblingMan has quit (Client Quit) May 04 22:29:28 <AfDguy> BarkingFish: when I say "admin list", I mean the users I think I should be admins: Alpha Quadrant, DeltaQuad, Chzz, Fang Ali, Worm That Turned, Tbhotch, SMasters, Guoguo12, GiantSnowman, 28bytes, The High Fin Sperm Whale, Ling.Nut, Alansohn, Addihockey10, Silver seren, WikiCopter, MC10, Marcus Qwertyus, ArcAngel, Slon02, Snottywond, and Ctjf83 May 04 22:29:42 <PeterSymonds> What do you care; you're banned. May 04 22:30:01 <BarkingFish> yeah, and when I say "see a psychiatrist", it applies to the thought you wanted to put Wackywace on that list May 04 22:31:10 * Quentinv57 has quit (Quit: Quitte) May 04 22:31:39 * AfDguy has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 04 22:33:02 * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:33:14 * Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) May 04 22:35:09 * guillom has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 22:37:04 * Sunderland06 (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Sunderland06) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:40:49 * LauraHale is now known as Laura|Away May 04 22:40:56 * Lyndon1504 (56101498@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:41:09 <Lyndon1504> Evening May 04 22:41:11 <Lyndon1504> Anyone able to quickly assist me in editing a list, i'm having trouble and don't know why May 04 22:43:49 * Delta has quit (Disconnected by services) May 04 22:44:00 * Delta (~Delta@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:45:03 * Bidgee has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 04 22:46:12 * Fluff|sleep is now known as Fluffernutter May 04 22:48:12 * MauchoEagle (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:52:53 * Mike5 (Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:53:10 * Sunderland06 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 04 22:55:24 <Courcelles> Lyndon1504, Perhaps, what list? May 04 22:57:19 <Lyndon1504> I was actually doing a bit of, erm, light reading on List_of_murderers_by_number_of_victims May 04 22:57:29 <Thehelpfulone> who made the "contest speed deletion" button? May 04 22:57:32 <Lyndon1504> and when sorting by date, its not sorting properly May 04 22:57:47 * zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:57:48 <Thehelpfulone> because loads of users who add to the talk page have ... this page should not be deleted because ~~~~ then reason May 04 22:58:07 <Thehelpfulone> if a <--INSERT YOUR REASON AFTER THIS MESSAGE --> could be added, perhaps it would be better? May 04 22:58:21 <Lyndon1504> im attempting to fix it by going through and putting {{dts|YYYY|MM|DD}} but that doesn't sort properly May 04 22:58:33 <Courcelles> Date sorting is the hardest one :) May 04 22:59:10 <Lyndon1504> I'm not a big wikipedia editor, I just saw it all wrong and wanted to help May 04 22:59:14 <Lyndon1504> but it seems my efforts are in vain! May 04 22:59:22 * Not_the_NSA (~R@wikipedia/R) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 22:59:26 <Thehelpfulone> why's that Lyndon1504 ? May 04 22:59:59 <Lyndon1504> is not sorting properly May 04 23:00:05 <Lyndon1504> by date** May 04 23:02:32 * TheRamblingMan (~TheRambli@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:04:02 * TheRamblingMan has quit (Client Quit) May 04 23:05:12 * foks (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:05:17 * Glass_Soul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:07:40 <topaz> I think it's sorting as accurately as it can based on the contents of the date field. May 04 23:09:10 <topaz> are you talking about the 1935 and 1983 murders appearing at the top? I think WP thinks those are negative numbers. May 04 23:10:01 * MuZemike has quit (Quit: It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here!!) May 04 23:10:22 <Lyndon1504> No I figured them out (in my preview at least) May 04 23:10:40 <Lyndon1504> but when I sort it, the {{dts||YYYY}} sort fine May 04 23:10:45 <Lyndon1504> its when there are months and days infront May 04 23:11:00 * Justin_Bieber (~hfjdh@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:11:04 <topaz> those seem to be sorting correctly for me May 04 23:11:07 * Peter-C beats up Justin_Bieber May 04 23:11:10 <Peter-C> DIE MOTHERFUCKER May 04 23:11:23 <Lyndon1504> -_- if its a browser issue i'm going to hit something May 04 23:11:30 <Fluffernutter> ... May 04 23:11:36 * Peter-C slashs Justin_Bieber May 04 23:11:38 <Peter-C> DIE May 04 23:11:40 <Peter-C> DIE DIE DIE May 04 23:11:44 <Peter-C> :D May 04 23:11:46 <Fluffernutter> down, boy May 04 23:12:12 * Peter-C growls May 04 23:12:46 <Fluffernutter> your point would be more believable if you weren't humping his leg May 04 23:13:02 <topaz> e.g. "Walter Seifert" ("June 11, 1964") gets sorted in between "1964 to 1973" and "1965 to 1977" May 04 23:13:51 <Sir48> dates to be sorted should be in the format yyyymmdd May 04 23:14:20 * The_Thing has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 23:14:26 <topaz> Sir48: the table is using {{dts}} May 04 23:14:50 <Sir48> I don't think that is being applied in a sort May 04 23:15:27 <Sir48> {{dts}} is a parser function May 04 23:15:38 <topaz> my empirical evidence disagrees with you. May 04 23:15:47 * Peter-C freaks out May 04 23:15:51 <Peter-C> Fluffernutter - I'm worried May 04 23:15:56 <Fluffernutter> about? May 04 23:16:09 <Peter-C> I am watching a movie and the paramedics c-spine imobilization... May 04 23:16:22 <Peter-C> THEY ACTUALLY PROPERLY C-SPINE IMOBILIZED??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! May 04 23:16:26 <Peter-C> THAT IS SUPER ORGASMIC! May 04 23:16:42 <Fluffernutter> ... May 04 23:16:44 * Peter-C jumps around all giddy May 04 23:16:44 <Fluffernutter> you need new porn May 04 23:18:45 <Gfoley4> o; May 04 23:18:53 * Despatche ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:19:27 * Peter-C licks Gfoley4 May 04 23:19:38 * AzaToth has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 04 23:19:54 * Not_the_NSA has quit (Quit: [Witty message here]) May 04 23:19:56 <Sir48> anyway, topaz: i get: 1. June 2, 2010 2. 1790-1840 3. April 2007 May 04 23:20:07 <Peter-C> Fluffernutter - has IH left your bedroom yet? May 04 23:20:08 <Lyndon1504> If i format Derrick Bird's date to {{dts|2010|Jun|2}} it should appear at the top if date is sorted inverse chronologically, right? May 04 23:20:13 <Fluffernutter> yes May 04 23:20:16 <Peter-C> :O May 04 23:20:17 * MacMed (~MacMed@Wikipedia/MacMed) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:20:18 <topaz> Sir48: freaky. May 04 23:20:21 <Peter-C> MacMed :D May 04 23:20:23 * Peter-C glomps MacMed May 04 23:20:26 <MacMed> hai peter May 04 23:20:27 <Gfoley4> macMed :D May 04 23:20:34 <MacMed> hey gfoley, hows it going? May 04 23:20:40 * Peter-C punts Gfoley4 May 04 23:20:40 <Gfoley4> fine, u? May 04 23:20:42 <Peter-C> HE'S MINE May 04 23:20:43 <Gfoley4> :| May 04 23:20:43 <Peter-C> MINE! May 04 23:20:46 <Gfoley4> no May 04 23:20:48 <Gfoley4> bitch May 04 23:20:49 * Peter-C kidnaps MacMed May 04 23:20:54 <Gfoley4> >:( May 04 23:20:58 * MacMed escapes May 04 23:21:07 * Peter-C kills MacMed dead May 04 23:21:14 <MacMed> sorry Peter, Gfoley wields the mighty banhammer May 04 23:21:14 <Gfoley4> noooo May 04 23:21:21 <MacMed> i can't give that up May 04 23:21:26 * MacMed speaks as a ghost, of course May 04 23:21:38 <Peter-C> :( May 04 23:21:44 * Peter-C licks Gfoley4 May 04 23:21:54 <Gfoley4> no moar May 04 23:21:57 <Fluffernutter> ick May 04 23:21:57 <Gfoley4> >:| May 04 23:22:06 <MacMed> Fluffernutter is just jealous May 04 23:22:11 <Peter-C> ^ May 04 23:22:15 <Fluffernutter> of what? May 04 23:22:45 * Logan_ (~Logan_@wikipedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:22:46 <Peter-C> MY GOOD LOOKS May 04 23:22:48 <Peter-C> :D May 04 23:22:49 <MacMed> our love May 04 23:22:51 <Fluffernutter> yeah no May 04 23:22:57 <MacMed> Peter-C: lets be realistic... May 04 23:23:26 <MacMed> my fave database report May 04 23:23:29 <topaz> Sir48: I get the same. On the other hand #2 and #3 in that list use {{dts|1790-1840}} and {{dts|2007-2008}}, which I don't think is an acceptable syntax May 04 23:23:37 <MacMed> "Articles containing bullshit template parameters" May 04 23:25:10 <Glass_Soul> What May 04 23:25:13 <Glass_Soul> what good looks May 04 23:25:21 <Glass_Soul> Articles look good May 04 23:25:30 <topaz> Sir48: try reloading, it should sort correctly now May 04 23:25:30 <MacMed> Gfoley4: how do I request file moves May 04 23:25:38 <Glass_Soul> and I give them good looks, too May 04 23:25:40 <Gfoley4> ask me May 04 23:25:42 <Gfoley4> >:) May 04 23:26:45 <Sir48> topaz: a problem with - 1935 and -1983 May 04 23:26:54 * derp (~omg@wikimedia/Zalgo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:27:00 <Sir48> the two first entries May 04 23:27:18 <topaz> Sir48: those entries don't even use {{dts}}. May 04 23:27:51 * Jayflux has quit (Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: )) May 04 23:28:07 <topaz> Lyndon1504: use this change for guidance: May 04 23:28:14 <Lyndon1504> Sir48 and topaz: the one with -1983 should be from 1977 and 1983 i think, so whats the best way to write the dts syntax? "{{dts|1977} to 1983"? May 04 23:28:25 <topaz> Lyndon1504: that seems to be the preferred method May 04 23:28:40 <topaz> at least, based on how other entries in that table are written May 04 23:28:43 <Sir48> there is also a problem with : March 1994 to April 28, 2004 May 04 23:28:59 <Sir48> maybe a syntax error also May 04 23:29:18 <topaz> I have to go but I encourage you all to continue debugging the table :-=_ May 04 23:29:20 <topaz> :-) May 04 23:29:57 * Glass_Soul is now known as glass_arm May 04 23:29:58 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to eir May 04 23:29:59 * eir removes ban on *!*@ May 04 23:29:59 * eir removes channel operator status from eir May 04 23:30:22 <Lyndon1504> I will do, cheers for the help topaz May 04 23:30:23 <Sir48> thx, topaz :) May 04 23:30:39 * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:31:55 * glass_arm is now known as Glass_Arm May 04 23:32:40 <Lyndon1504> Sir48 I see one here formatted as {{dts|2010|06|02}} and through reading the list it appears to be the latest one, but it isn't at the top of the list May 04 23:32:43 <Lyndon1504> is it for you? May 04 23:34:56 <Sir48> my top is 2007 May 04 23:35:03 * PeterSymonds has quit (Quit: Leaving) May 04 23:35:11 <slakr> <--- ah yes, because *that's* what's important to investigate--football. May 04 23:35:13 <Lyndon1504> search Derrick Bird, he is June 2 2010 May 04 23:35:22 <Lyndon1504> it seems formatted correctly enough to me May 04 23:35:43 * Glass_Arm inhales May 04 23:35:46 * Glass_Arm exhales May 04 23:35:53 * Glass_Arm inhales May 04 23:36:01 * Glass_Arm exhales May 04 23:36:13 * Glass_Arm inhales May 04 23:36:18 * Glass_Arm exhales May 04 23:36:20 * Dragonfly6-7 breaks Glass_Arm May 04 23:36:37 * Glass_Arm shatters May 04 23:37:50 * Mikemoral (~mikemoral@wikimedia/mikemoral) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:38:27 <Sir48> Matti Saari has not been formatted, Lyndon1504 May 04 23:39:31 * Glass_Arm has quit (Quit: inhales) May 04 23:39:53 * Glass_Soul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:40:02 <Lyndon1504> if i change the formatting, it should work correctly if i preview it, right? May 04 23:40:09 * Jeni ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:40:09 * Jeni has quit (Changing host) May 04 23:40:09 * Jeni (~me@wikipedia/Jeni) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:40:36 <Fluffernutter> Dragonfly6-7, y u so abusive May 04 23:40:46 <Sir48> lyndon1504: I suppose so May 04 23:40:47 * Glass_Soul is now known as Glass_Arm May 04 23:41:58 <Lyndon1504> sir48 May 04 23:42:11 <Gfoley4> Fluffernutter, why u so stupid May 04 23:42:12 <Lyndon1504> sir48 yet i see no difference in the date sorted list :S May 04 23:42:27 * Glass_Arm inhales May 04 23:42:30 * Glass_Arm exhales May 04 23:42:37 <Fluffernutter> Gfoley4, maintaining terrible taste in men takes a lot out of a girl May 04 23:42:44 <Gfoley4> haha May 04 23:44:08 * Kingpin13 (~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13) has left #wikipedia-en ("money can't buy you love, but it can if you have enough") May 04 23:44:10 * DeltaQuad is now known as [DeltaQuad] May 04 23:44:15 * FAdmArcher is now known as FAdmArcher|away May 04 23:44:56 * Resfirestar (foobar@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:45:18 * MRB[away] is now known as matthewrbowker May 04 23:45:32 * Glass_Arm ( has left #wikipedia-en May 04 23:47:37 * MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:48:11 * Glass_Arm ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:48:24 <Sir48> Lyndonn: The abbreviation is sep - not sept May 04 23:48:29 * Leonard^Bloom ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:48:48 <Sir48> Lyndon1504 it is May 04 23:48:49 <MuZemike> lol @ the bottom of ANI May 04 23:48:53 <MuZemike> "You did add spam. I can't help but be amused by this. This is like saying, "I'm not trying to advertise for Coca-Cola, I just want to start a discussion about the refreshing beverage that is sure to quench your thirst, which has been enjoyed by many generations all over the world and can now be purchased at a reduced price at Wal-Mart and other leading retailers, for a limited time."" May 04 23:49:29 <Sir48> MuZemike: Good one :) May 04 23:49:52 <ThrashOut> lol May 04 23:49:54 <ThrashOut> :)) May 04 23:49:55 * MuZemike has to use that in the future May 04 23:51:02 <Lyndon1504> sir48 not for me, must be an browser issue? May 04 23:51:09 * matthewrbowker has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 04 23:51:37 <Sir48> Lyndon1504: I'm looking at the examples for the template: May 04 23:51:57 <Dragonfly6-7> MuZemike - diff please? May 04 23:51:58 <Lyndon1504> sir48 i've been following that to the letter May 04 23:52:17 <MuZemike> May 04 23:52:33 <Glass_Arm> #team935 May 04 23:52:39 * Doc_glasgow (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Doc-glasgow) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:52:40 <Glass_Arm> woops May 04 23:52:44 <MuZemike> Still wouldn't convince me to buy Coke. May 04 23:52:54 <Sir48> Lyndon1504: You wrote Sept instead of sep as in the example :) May 04 23:53:12 <Glass_Arm> Sept is better than Sep May 04 23:53:14 <MuZemike> Replace the cola with "Pepsi", and you may convince me. May 04 23:53:18 <Sir48> otherwise, try to enter 09 instead May 04 23:53:47 <Sir48> Glass-Arm: In template dts? May 04 23:53:53 <foks> eww pepsi May 04 23:54:36 <Glass_Arm> Sir48: Oh right May 04 23:55:26 <Sir48> Glass_Arm: I think it only accepts 3-letter abbreviations May 04 23:55:37 <Glass_Arm> You're right May 04 23:55:38 <Glass_Arm> my bad May 04 23:55:41 * MacMed is now known as MM|food May 04 23:55:55 <Glass_Arm> i just hang around here because this channel is interesting May 04 23:56:02 <Lyndon1504> my mistake Sir48 May 04 23:56:18 * Sunderland06 (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Sunderland06) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:56:40 <Sir48> no problem - it ain't easy :) May 04 23:56:41 * barts1a (~barts1a@wikipedia/barts1a) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:56:58 <Lyndon1504> Sir48: "Expression error: Unrecognised word "sep" didnt seem to work much better.. i'll try 09 like you said May 04 23:57:45 * SpitfireWP has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 04 23:58:45 * SpitfireWP (~Spitfire@wikipedia/spitfire) has joined #wikipedia-en May 04 23:59:38 <Lyndon1504> sir48 I wrote it perfectly as per the template, it outputs fine, but doesn't sort May 04 23:59:41 <Lyndon1504> I think I give up May 04 23:59:53 * Leonard^Bloom has quit (Changing host) May 04 23:59:53 * Leonard^Bloom (~Justin@wikipedia/LeonardBloom) has joined #wikipedia-en