Module:WPSHIPS utilities/data
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--[[-------------------------< S H I P P R E F I X L I S T >----------------------------------------------- This is a list of currently supported ship prefixes. To add to this list the form is: ['prefix'] = true, the trailing comma is important. ]] local ship_prefix_t = { ['ARA'] = true, -- Armada de la República Argentina ['ARC'] = true, -- Armada Nacional de la República de Colombia ['ARM'] = true, -- Armada de la República Mexicana ['ARV'] = true, -- Armada Republica de Venezuela ['BAE'] = true, -- Buque de la Armada de Ecuador ['BAP'] = true, -- Peruvian Navy Ship ['BNS'] = true, -- Bangladesh Navy Ship ['BRP'] = true, -- Barko ng Republika ng Pilipinas ['CCGS'] = true, -- Canadian Coast Guard Ship ['CFAV'] = true, -- Canadian Forces Auxiliary Vessel ['CS'] = true, -- Cable Ship ['CSS'] = true, -- Confederate States Ship ['FGS'] = true, -- Federal German Ship ['GTS'] = true, -- Gas Turbine Ship ['HDMS'] = true, -- His/Her Danish Majesty's Ship ['HM'] = true, -- His/Her Majesty's, then used with the type of ship in military use (UK) ['HMAS'] = true, -- Her/His Majesty's Australian Ship ['HMBS'] = true, -- Her/His Majesty's Britannic Ship (also: Bahamian, Bermudian, Burmese) ['HMC'] = true, -- Her/His Majesty's Cutter ['HMCS'] = true, -- Her/His Majesty's Canadian Ship (also Colonial) ['HMHS'] = true, -- His/Her Majesty's Hospital Ship ['HMIS'] = true, -- Her/His Majesty's Indian Ship (pre republic) ['HMNZS'] = true, -- Her/His Majesty's New Zealand Ship ['HMPNGS'] = true, -- His/Her Majesty's Papua New Guinea Ship ['HMQS'] = true, -- Her/His Majesty's Queensland Ship ['HMRC'] = true, -- His/Her Majesty's Revenue Cutter ['HMS'] = true, -- Her/His Majesty's Ship ['HMSAS'] = true, -- Her/His Majesty's South African Ship ['HMT'] = true, -- Her/His Majesty's Trawler ['HMVS'] = true, -- Her/His Majesty's Victorian Ship ['HMY'] = true, -- His/Her Majesty's Yacht ['HNLMS'] = true, -- His/Her Netherlands Majesty’s Ship ['HNoMS'] = true, -- His/Her Norwegian Majesty's Ship ['HSC'] = true, -- High-Speed Craft ['HSwMS'] = true, -- His/Her Swedish Majesty's Ship ['HTMS'] = true, -- His Thai Majesty's Ship ['ICGS'] = true, -- Indian Coast Guard Ship ['IIS'] = true, -- Imperial Iranian Ship ['INS'] = true, -- Indian Naval Ship, Israeli Naval Ship ['IRIS'] = true, -- Islamic Republic of Iran Ship ['JDS'] = true, -- Japanese Defence Ship ['JS'] = true, -- Japanese Ship (post 2008) ['KA'] = true, -- Kapal Auksiliari – Auxiliary Ship (Malaysia) ['KD'] = true, -- Kapal Di-Raja — His Majesty's Ship (Malaysia) ['KM'] = true, -- Kapal Motor (Motor Ship) (Indonesia) ['KDB'] = true, -- Kapal Diraja Brunei (Royal Brunei Ship) (in Malay) ['KDM'] = true, -- Kongelige Danske Marine ['KLD'] =true, -- Kapal Layar Diraja – His Majesty's Sailing Ship (Malaysia) ['KRI'] = true, -- Kapal Republik Indonesia ['LÉ'] = true, -- Long Éireannach – Irish ship ['MF'] = true, -- Motor Ferry ['LKL'] = true, -- Lietuvos Karinis Laivas – Lithuania ['MS'] = true, -- Motor Ship ['MT'] = true, -- Motor Tanker ['MV'] = true, -- Motor Vessel ['NLV'] = true, -- Northern Lighthouse Vessel ['NMS'] = true, -- Nava Majestăţii Sale (His/Her Majesty's Ship) - used before 1945 by the Royal Romanian Navy ['NoCGV'] = true, -- Norwegian Coast Guard Vessel ['NOAAS'] = true, -- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Ship ['NRP'] = true, -- Navio da República Portuguesa ['ORP'] = true, -- Okręt Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej ['PNS'] = true, -- Pakistani Naval Ship ['PS'] = true, -- Paddle Steamer ['RFA'] = true, -- Royal Fleet Auxiliary ['RMAS'] = true, -- Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service ['RMS'] = true, -- Royal Mail Ship ['RNLB'] = true, -- Royal National Lifeboat ['ROCS'] = true, -- Republic of China Ship ['ROKS'] = true, -- Republic of Korea Ship ['RPS'] = true, -- Republic of the Philippines Ship ['RRS'] = true, -- Royal Research Ship ['RS'] = true, -- Rocket Ship ['RSS'] = true, -- Republic of Singapore Ship ['RV'] = true, -- Research Vessel ['SAS'] = true, -- South African Ship ['SLNS'] = true, -- Sri Lanka Naval Ship ['SM'] = true, -- Seiner Majestät Unterseeboot ['SMS'] = true, -- Seiner Majestät Schiff ['SS'] = true, -- Screw Steamer or Steamship ['STV'] = true, -- Sail training vessel ['TCG'] = true, -- Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Gemisi ['TS'] = true, -- Training ship ['TV'] = true, -- Training vessel ['UAM'] = true, -- Unidade Auxiliar da Marinha - Navy Auxiliary Unit (Portuguese Navy non-military ships) ['USAFS'] = true, -- United States Air Force ship ['USAHS'] = true, -- United States Army Hospital Ship ['USAS'] = true, -- United States Army Ship ['USAT'] = true, -- United States Army Transport ['USAV'] = true, -- United States Army Vessel ['USC&GS'] = true, -- United States Coast and Geodetic Survey ['USC&GS'] = true, -- United States Coast and Geodetic Survey (crude work-around) ['USC&GS'] = true, -- United States Coast and Geodetic Survey (crude work-around) ['USC&GSS'] = true, -- United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship ['USC&GSS'] = true, -- United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship (crude work-around) ['USC&GSS'] = true, -- United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship (crude work-around) ['USCGC'] = true, -- United States Coast Guard Cutter ['USLHT'] = true, -- United State Light House Tender ['USNS'] = true, -- United States Naval Ship ['USRC'] = true, -- United States Revenue Cutter ['USS'] = true, -- United States Ship } --[[--------------------------< N A T I O N A L I T Y >-------------------------------------------------------- Article titles for ships in navies that do not use a standardized prefix follow the title format: <nationality> <ship type> <name> <(disambiguator)> This is a list of nationalities. To add to this list the form is: ['Nationality'] = true, the trailing comma is important. Use the adjective form for nationality, always capitalize. Please insert nationalities in alphabetical order. ]] local nationality_t = { ['Albanian'] = true, ['American'] = true, ['Australian'] = true, ['Belgian'] = true, ['Brazilian'] = true, ['Bulgarian'] = true, ['Chilean'] = true, ['Chinese'] = true, ['Croatian'] = true, ['Danish'] = true, ['Dominican'] = true, ['Dutch'] = true, ['East Timorese'] = true, ['Egyptian'] = true, ['English'] = true, ['Finnish'] = true, ['French'] = true, ['German'] = true, ['Greek'] = true, ['Grenadan'] = true, ['Haitian'] = true, ['Iranian'] = true, ['Irish'] = true, ['Italian'] = true, ['Japanese'] = true, ['Latvian'] = true, ['Libyan'] = true, ['Lithuanian'] = true, ['Maltese'] = true, ['Mexican'] = true, ['Nigerian'] = true, ['Ottoman'] = true, ['Peruvian'] = true, ['Portuguese'] = true, ['Romanian'] = true, ['Russian'] = true, ['Scottish'] = true, ['Slovenian'] = true, ['Soviet'] = true, ['Spanish'] = true, ['Swedish'] = true, ['Texan'] = true, ['Ukrainian'] = true, ['United States'] = true, ['Vietnamese'] = true, ['Yugoslav'] = true, } --[[--------------------------< S H I P T Y P E >------------------------------------------------------------ Article titles for ships in navies that do not use a standardized prefix follow the title format: <nationality> <ship type> <name> <(disambiguator)> Article titles for ships may or may not be naval ships may follow the title format: <name> <(disambiguator)> where <(disambiguator)> may be some form of ship type, hull designator or pennant number, or year. This tool will format ship names that contain a recognized ship type in <(disambiguator)>. This list is used to <find ship> when the article title begins with a nationality. This is important because the tool needs to know where the <ship type> ends and <name> begins so that it can properly place the italic markup. The search will find an exact match (including case) for ship types that are 1 to 4 words long. This list is also used to find ship type in <(disambiguator)>. The search is whole word; use the simplest form. For example, because 'icebreaker' is defined, that ship type is sufficient to cause the tool to properly format: Astrolabe (icebreaker) Krassin (1917 icebreaker) Taymyr (nuclear icebreaker) Searches for ship type in <(disambiguator)> are whole word. When looking for 'ship', the tool will find Auguste (ship) Queen of Nations (clipper ship) but will not find: Sibir (steamship icebreaker) – the search for 'icebreaker' will This is a list of ship types. When adding new ship types, do not be too specific: 'aircraft carrier' but not 'light aircraft carrier' To add to this list the form is: ['ship type'] = true, the trailing comma is important. At the time of this writing, a ship type may be one to four words, almost always lowercase. Please insert ship types in alphabetical order. ]] local ship_type_t = { ['armoured cruiser'] = true, ['aircraft carrier'] = true, ['amphibious assault ship'] = true, ['Army ship'] = true, -- should be capitalized ['auxiliary cruiser'] = true, ['auxiliary raider'] = true, ['auxiliary'] = true, ['aviso'] = true, ['barge'] = true, ['barque'] = true, ['barquentine'] = true, ['battlecruiser'] = true, ['battleship'] = true, ['boat'] = true, ['brig sloop'] = true, ['brig-sloop'] = true, ['brig'] = true, ['brigantine'] = true, ['carrack'] = true, ['clipper'] = true, ['coast defense ship'] = true, ['coastal defence ship'] = true, ['coastal defense ship'] = true, ['communications ship'] = true, ['corvette'] = true, ['cruiser'] = true, ['cutter'] = true, ['deep submergence rescue vehicle'] = true, ['destroyer leader'] = true, ['destroyer'] = true, ['dragger'] = true, ['dredge'] = true, ['East Indiaman'] = true, -- should be capitalized ['escort ship'] = true, ['escort'] = true, ['ferry'] = true, ['ferryboat'] = true, ['fireboat'] = true, ['fleet oiler'] = true, ['floating battery'] = true, ['floating crane'] = true, ['fluyt'] = true, ['food supply ship'] = true, ['freighter'] = true, ['frigate'] = true, ['galleon'] = true, ['galley'] = true, ['gunboat'] = true, ['helicopter carrier'] = true, ['hospital ship'] = true, ['hovercraft'] = true, ['hydrofoil'] = true, ['icebreaker'] = true, ['Indiaman'] = true, -- should be capitalized ['ironclad'] = true, ['ketch'] = true, ['landing ship'] = true, ['landing ship medium'] = true, ['lifeboat'] = true, ['lightship'] = true, ['log canoe'] = true, ['lugger'] = true, ['merchant cruiser'] = true, ['minehunter'] = true, ['minelayer'] = true, ['minelaying cruiser'] = true, ['minesweeper'] = true, ['missile boat'] = true, ['monitor'] = true, ['munition ship'] = true, ['naval ship'] = true, ['night fighter direction vessel'] = true, ['ocean liner'] = true, ['oiler'] = true, ['paddle steamer'] = true, ['patrol boat'] = true, ['patrol gunboat'] = true, ['patrol vessel'] = true, ['pinnace'] = true, ['pollution control vessel'] = true, ['privateer'] = true, ['protected cruiser'] = true, ['pusher'] = true, ['rescue ship'] = true, ['riverboat'] = true, ['ROV'] = true, ['sailboat'] = true, ['schooner'] = true, ['seaplane carrier'] = true, ['seaplane tender'] = true, ['ship of the line'] = true, ['ship'] = true, ['shipwreck'] = true, ['shore establishment'] = true, -- use stone frigate instead? ['showboat'] = true, ['sidewheeler'] = true, ['skipjack'] = true, ['sloop-of-war'] = true, ['sloop'] = true, ['smack'] = true, ['snagboat'] = true, ['speedboat'] = true, ['steam frigate'] = true, ['steam warship'] = true, ['steamboat'] = true, ['steamer'] = true, ['steamship'] = true, ['sternwheeler'] = true, ['stores lighter'] = true, ['submarine chaser'] = true, ['submarine rescue vehicle'] = true, ['submarine tender'] = true, ['submarine'] = true, ['submersible'] = true, ['supertanker'] = true, ['support ship'] = true, ['survey ship'] = true, ['tanker'] = true, ['target ship'] = true, ['tender'] = true, ['torpedo boat'] = true, ['torpedo gunboat'] = true, ['towboat'] = true, ['training cruiser'] = true, ['training ship'] = true, ['transport'] = true, ['trawler'] = true, ['trireme'] = true, ['tug'] = true, ['tugboat'] = true, ['vessel'] = true, ['warship'] = true, ['weather ship'] = true, ['whaler'] = true, ['whaleship'] = true, ['wherry'] = true, ['yacht'] = true, ['yawl'] = true, } --[[--------------------------< I N F O B O X L I N E I T E M P A R A M E T E R S >---------------------- ]] local infobox_career_params_t = { -- table of parameters that are rendered in the same way ['Ship class'] = {1, 'Class and type'}, ['Ship name'] = {2, 'Name'}, ['Ship namesake'] = {3, 'Namesake'}, ['Ship owner'] = {4, 'Owner'}, ['Ship operator'] = {5, 'Operator'}, ['Ship registry'] = {6, 'Port of registry'}, ['Ship route'] = {7, 'Route'}, ['Ship ordered'] = {8, 'Ordered'}, ['Ship awarded'] = {9, 'Awarded'}, ['Ship builder'] = {10, 'Builder'}, ['Ship original cost'] = {11, 'Cost'}, ['Ship yard number'] = {12, 'Yard number'}, ['Ship way number'] = {13, 'Way number'}, ['Ship laid down'] = {14, 'Laid down'}, ['Ship launched'] = {15, 'Launched'}, ['Ship sponsor'] = {16, 'Sponsored by'}, ['Ship christened'] = {17, 'Christened'}, ['Ship completed'] = {18, 'Completed'}, ['Ship acquired'] = {19, 'Acquired'}, ['Ship commissioned'] = {20, 'Commissioned'}, ['Ship recommissioned'] = {21, 'Recommissioned'}, ['Ship decommissioned'] = {22, 'Decommissioned'}, ['Ship maiden voyage'] = {23, 'Maiden voyage'}, ['Ship in service'] = {24, 'In service'}, ['Ship out of service'] = {25, 'Out of service'}, ['Ship renamed'] = {26, 'Renamed'}, ['Ship reclassified'] = {27, 'Reclassified'}, ['Ship refit'] = {28, 'Refit'}, ['Ship struck'] = {29, 'Stricken'}, ['Ship stricken'] = {30, 'Stricken'}, ['Ship reinstated'] = {31, 'Reinstated'}, ['Ship homeport'] = {32, 'Homeport'}, ['Ship identification'] = {33, 'Identification'}, ['Ship motto'] = {34, 'Motto'}, ['Ship nickname'] = {35, 'Nickname(s)'}, ['Ship honours'] = {36, 'Honours and<br />awards'}, -- make these two the same index? ['Ship honors'] = {37, 'Honors and<br />awards'}, ['Ship captured'] = {38, 'Captured'}, ['Ship fate'] = {39, 'Fate'}, ['Ship status'] = {40, 'Status'}, ['Ship notes'] = {41, 'Notes'}, ['Ship badge'] = {42, 'Badge'}, } local infobox_characteristics_params_t = { -- table of parameters that are rendered in the same way ['Ship class'] = {1, 'Class and type'}, ['Ship type'] = {2, 'Type'}, ['Ship tonnage'] = {3, 'Tonnage'}, ['Ship displacement'] = {4, 'Displacement'}, ['Ship tons burthen'] = {5, 'Tons burthen'}, ['Ship length'] = {6, 'Length'}, ['Ship beam'] = {7, 'Beam'}, ['Ship height'] = {8, 'Height'}, ['Ship draught'] = {9, 'Draught'}, -- make these two the same index? ['Ship draft'] = {10, 'Draft'}, ['Ship depth'] = {11, 'Depth'}, ['Ship hold depth'] = {12, 'Depth of hold'}, ['Ship decks'] = {13, 'Decks'}, ['Ship deck clearance'] = {14, 'Deck clearance'}, ['Ship ramps'] = {15, 'Ramps'}, ['Ship ice class'] = {16, 'Ice class'}, ['Ship power'] = {17, 'Installed power'}, ['Ship propulsion'] = {18, 'Propulsion'}, ['Ship sail plan'] = {19, 'Sail plan'}, ['Ship speed'] = {20, 'Speed'}, ['Ship range'] = {21, 'Range'}, ['Ship endurance'] = {22, 'Endurance'}, ['Ship test depth'] = {23, 'Test depth'}, ['Ship boats'] = {24, 'Boats & landing <br /> craft carried'}, ['Ship capacity'] = {25, 'Capacity'}, ['Ship troops'] = {26, 'Troops'}, ['Ship complement'] = {27, 'Complement'}, ['Ship crew'] = {28, 'Crew'}, ['Ship time to activate'] = {29, 'Time to activate'}, ['Ship sensors'] = {30, 'Sensors and <br /> processing systems'}, ['Ship EW'] = {31, 'Electronic warfare <br /> & decoys'}, ['Ship armament'] = {32, 'Armament'}, ['Ship armour'] = {33, 'Armour'}, -- make these two the same index? ['Ship armor'] = {34, 'Armor'}, ['Ship aircraft'] = {35, 'Aircraft carried'}, ['Ship aircraft facilities'] = {36, 'Aviation facilities'}, ['Ship notes'] = {37, 'Notes'}, } local infobox_class_overview_params_t = { -- table of parameters that are rendered in the same way ['Name'] = {1, 'Name'}, ['Builders'] = {2, 'Builders'}, ['Operators'] = {3, 'Operators'}, ['Class before'] = {4, 'Preceded by'}, ['Class after'] = {5, 'Succeeded by'}, ['Subclasses'] = {6, 'Subclasses'}, ['Cost'] = {7, 'Cost'}, ['Built range'] = {8, 'Built'}, ['In service range'] = {9, 'In service'}, ['In commission range'] = {10, 'In commission'}, ['Total ships planned'] = {11, 'Planned'}, ['Total ships on order'] = {12, 'On order'}, ['Total ships building'] = {13, 'Building'}, ['Total ships completed'] = {14, 'Completed'}, ['Total ships cancelled'] = {15, 'Cancelled'}, ['Total ships active'] = {16, 'Active'}, ['Total ships laid up'] = {17, 'Laid up'}, ['Total ships lost'] = {18, 'Lost'}, ['Total ships retired'] = {19, 'Retired'}, ['Total ships scrapped'] = {20, 'Scrapped'}, ['Total ships preserved'] = {21, 'Preserved'}, } --[[--------------------------< C I T E P L I M S O L L >---------------------------------------------------- ]] local subtitles_t = { ['C'] = 'Chalutiers &c.', -- French headings used as subtitles; these appear on even page numbers ['F'] = 'Liste des Navires Pourvus de Machines Frigorifiques', ['NV'] = 'Navires à Voiles', ['NVM'] = 'Navires à Vapeur et à Moteurs', ['R'] = 'List of Vessels Fitted with Refrigerating Appliances', -- English headings used as subtitles; these appear on odd page numbers ['SM'] = 'Steamers & Motorships', ['SV'] = 'Sailing Vessels', ['T'] = 'Trawlers &c.', } local subtitles_xlate_t = { ['odd'] = { -- |filename= <page_num> is odd (en) so use French subtitle ['C'] = 'T', -- map fr keyword to en keyword ['F'] = 'R', ['NV'] = 'SV', ['NVM'] = 'SM', }, ['even'] = { -- |filename= <page_num> is even (fr) so use English subtitle ['R'] = 'F', -- map en keyword to fr keyword ['SM'] = 'NVM', ['SV'] = 'NV', ['T'] = 'C', } } --[[--------------------------< E X P O R T S >---------------------------------------------------------------- ]] return { infobox_career_params_t = infobox_career_params_t, infobox_characteristics_params_t = infobox_characteristics_params_t, infobox_class_overview_params_t = infobox_class_overview_params_t, nationality_t = nationality_t, ship_prefix_t = ship_prefix_t, ship_type_t = ship_type_t, subtitles_t = subtitles_t, subtitles_xlate_t = subtitles_xlate_t, }