Susun Weed

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Susun-Weed_2908.jpg Susun Weed

The author, Susun Weed, has been living the simple life for more than 30 years as an herbalist, goat keeper, homesteader, and feminist. In addition to being the author of four highly-acclaimed books on herbs and women's health, Susun lectures world-wide as the voice of the Wise Woman tradition, personally supervises 400+ correspondence students, is editor-in-chief of Ash Tree Publishing, and directs the activities of the Wise Woman Center, where she trains apprentices in the shamanic arts, and plays with the fairies. Her four books - Healing Wise; Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way; Breast Cancer? Breast Health! the Wise Woman Way and Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year - are used by more than a million women, and have been translated into German and French.

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Name: Susun Weed

Country: US

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