
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday March 13, 2025
Revision as of 06:09, 14 January 2007 by MyWikiBiz (talk | contribs) (A bit more clean-up)
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This page in a nutshell This page in a nutshell:
As a phone book is divided into white, blue, and yellow pages, Centiare is divided into fourteen (14) distinct Spaces.

In an effort to keep information organized into neat, appropriate "boxes", Centiare content is classified into fourteen different Spaces. This page will briefly outline what each of them is intended to hold.

(By the way, each Space (other than Special Pages) has its own "Talk" mirror, where users can have conversations about topics or articles, without affecting the articles themselves. So technically, Centiare has twenty-seven (27) Spaces, including each "Talk" area.)

Spaces available for editing by users

The first nine (9) Spaces are generally available for editing by all registered users of Centiare.

Main Space

The grand poobah of MediaWiki Spaces, Main Space is where contributors write articles about any topic under the sun -- except that on Centiare, we have a rule that Main Space is reserved for things that don't have standing in a court of law, including deceased persons with inactive estates.

Most Main Space articles are intended to be freely edited by the Centiare community, and their contents are released under the provisions of the GFDL. There is one major exception class:

Some Main Space articles that have been lovingly created by one or two contributors may qualify for evaluation by Centiare's Editorial Review Board (ERB). Upon successful endorsement by the ERB, the Board shall protect the article from any further editing by the Centiare community, the copyright shall be recorded in the original contributor's name, and the GFDL license shall be removed. General contributors and the original authors may still comment about the article on the appropriate "Talk" page.

Naming: To create a page in Main Space, one simply appends the article title to, with a slash "/", followed by the title of the article. For example:

Directory Space

The mighty muscle of Centiare's many Spaces, Directory Space is where contributors write articles about any topic that has standing in a court of law. This would include commercial enterprises, property, non-profit organizations, governments and agencies, living people, and deceased persons with active estates.

A contributor can set up his or her very own Directory Space page about themself or their business, and no other users can edit it. More specifically, the last user to edit the Space automatically becomes the only user who is allowed to edit the page in the future. Therefore, that's how the Directory Space pages work -- if you create it, you own it. Should a Centiare sysop edit a Directory Space page (intentionally, or by accident), they become the last user of record, and the previous user would have to contact the sysop to regain access to the page.

Note: during this important time of building up our new directory, users are allowed to create Directory Space articles about entities which they do not own or have a legal interest in. Of course, you may not use Centiare to libel others. Also, if and when the rightful owner of an article topic appears, they can and will "claim" the space, which will be transferred immediately by a Centiare sysop.

Naming: To create a page in Directory Space, one appends the word "Directory", a colon ":", and the article title to For example:

User Space

Image Space

Category Space

Relation Space

Attribute Space

Type Space

Portal Space

Spaces with restricted access

The remaining five (5) Spaces are generally reserved for editing by sysops and other users of Centiare who have been granted access privileges.

Centiare Space

Help Space

Template Space

MediaWiki Space

Special Pages