Directory:Article Heaven/Information and Documentation Center on NATO in Republic of Moldova

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Template:Ntnes Information and Documentation Center on NATO from Moldova (IDC on NATO) is a noncommercial, autonomous organization set up on September 15, 2006, in a form of private institution, to promote the Euro-Atlantic values and principles, to support cooperation between Republic of Moldova and North Atlantic Alliance and to implement the objectives and activities established by the Republic of Moldova – NATO cooperation tools.


The Information and Documentation Center on NATO from Moldova has as main goal to promote the euro-Atlantic values and principles in the Republic of Moldova and to develop its cooperation with NATO. Thus, NATO Centre was established in order to fulfill the following function:

• to inform the citizens and other representatives of the society about the Alliance 's objectives, role, institutions and functioning mechanisms;

• to train people about the North Atlantic Alliance cooperation mechanisms and specific activities of bilateral relations, as well as other Republic of Moldova-NATO cooperation areas;

• advocacy, in order to promote some bilateral international initiatives and projects, in partnership with same profile institutions and Alliance's structures and support democratic processes, domestic, regional and international security and stability.


• To promote Euro-Atlantic values and standards in Republic of Moldova,

• To acquaint citizens concerning the projects programs and cooperation mechanisms between Republic of Moldova and NATO,

• To support civil society initiatives in Moldova within the Euro-Atlantic framework and to develop cooperation with international organizations,

• To promote democratic reforms and market economy principles in Moldova,

• To adjust the process of reform to democratic values and standards promoted by European and Euro-Atlantic structures.


Information and Documentation Center on NATO Moldova Republic was officially inaugurated on 3 October 2007. At this event participated Stefanie Babst, Deputy Assistant Secretary General of NATO Public Diplomacy ; Vitalie Vrabie, Moldovan Minister of Defense and other state officials, representatives of diplomatic corps and civil society.

Inauguration CID NATO enroll in the Plan Individual Partnership Action Moldova and NATO, and was made possible through the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, NATO Public Diplomacy Division and NATO Contact Point Embassy in Moldova.

Information and Documentation Center on NATO from Moldova supports the objectives of the Action Plan Individual Partnership Moldova - NATO (IPAP).

Information and Documentation Center on NATO from Republic of Moldova supports the implementation of Individual Partnership Action Plan Republic of Moldova-NATO (IPAP). The Center works in partnership with the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, NATO Contact Point Embassy in Chisinau and with the accredited embassies in the Republic of Moldova.

The Center implement its activities in partnership with Moldova State University, as well as with other state institutions and local public administration, education institutions, civil society, international organizations and nongovernmental associations, home and abroad, having as research field international relations, especially Euro-Atlantic ones, whose purposes are not opposite to the Center's objectives and existing legislation.


Center NATO will carry out information, training, analysis, research, publications, other activities and services under the law in force in Moldova. Thus, in accordance with the purposes and objectives will be achieved following types of activities:

• Activity Information: informing the public by organizing conferences, seminars, discussion, and dissemination of press releases, radio and TV etc..

• Training activity: lectures and courses in the following areas ;

• North Atlantic Alliance - values, principles, objectives, role, structure, missions, the transformation process, instruments of cooperation with partner countries;

• Defense policy and security of North Atlantic Alliance;

• Cooperation instruments Moldova-NATO;

• Implementation of IPAP

• Regional and international security;

• Communication and Public Diplomacy - Informing the public about NATO and the relationship of partnership Moldova - NATO;

• EU-NATO relationship;

• Fields of cooperation between Moldova and the North Atlantic Alliance;

• Developing students skills in foreign languages and information technologies.

• Activity analysis and research studies, evaluations, analysis, forecasts, surveys, statistics and analytical reports in the field of international relations, including the relationship Moldova - NATO and developments in Moldova.

• Activity publishing:brochures, books, collections, reports, participation in radio and video and TV-web pages, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, which reflects the work and concerns of NATO Center.

• Activity support, within available resources: the provision of grants, sponsorships,other material support, logistic and information, helping individuals, organizations and institutions in Moldova and abroad, promoting Euro-Atlantic values; pursuit of activities to collect funds for the collection of funds necessary for the conduct of campaigns and projects to promote Euro-Atlantic values in Moldova;

• Other activities and service provision to individuals and institutions concerned, of free and fee in the area of activity and expertise of the NATO Center (completion of studies, research, analysis, reports, etc.), which refer to the Euro-Atlantic and are contained within the security problems.

2009 Activities

2008 Activities

2007 Activities

External links

1. The official website of nato in moldova-




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