Module:Fb overview
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday March 13, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchTemplate:Lua Implements {{fb overview}}
-- This implements {{fb overview}} local p = {} -- Internationalisation local trackingcat = 'Category:Pages using sports overview with unknown parameters' local labels = { competition = 'Competition', firstmatch = 'First match', lastmatch = 'Last match', startinground = 'Starting round', finalposition = 'Final position', record = 'Record', total = 'Total', source = 'Source: ', lastupdated = 'Last updated: ', sourcedefault = '[[#Competitions|Competitions]]', unknownparameter = 'Unknown parameter: ', pld = '<abbr title="Games played">Pld</abbr>', w = '<abbr title="Games won">W</abbr>', d = '<abbr title="Games drawn">D</abbr>', l = '<abbr title="Games lost">L</abbr>', pf = '<abbr title="Points for">PF</abbr>', pa = '<abbr title="Points against">PA</abbr>', pd = '<abbr title="Point difference">PD</abbr>', gf = '<abbr title="Goals for">GF</abbr>', ga = '<abbr title="Goals against">GA</abbr>', gd = '<abbr title="Goal difference">GD</abbr>', wp = '<abbr title="Winning percentage">Win %</abbr>', winner = 'Winner', runnerup = 'Runner-up', runnersup = 'Runners-up' } -- Main function function p.main(frame) local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local args = getArgs(frame) -- Get the row numbers and check for invalid input local rownumbers = {} local unknown = {} local showdates, showrounds, showpos = false, false, false local maxrow = -1 local rowlimit = 99 local function addrownumber(num, flag) if num <= rowlimit then table.insert(rownumbers, num) maxrow = (num > maxrow) and num or maxrow return true end return flag end for k, v in pairs(args) do k = tostring(k) local n = tonumber(k:match('^[a-z]+(%d+)$') or '-1') if k == 'u' or k == 'c' or k == 's' or k == 'pts' then -- These are valid elseif k:match('^[cwdlfa]%d+$') then local added = addrownumber(n, false) elseif k:match('[dfl]m%d%d*$') then showdates = addrownumber(n, showdates) elseif k:match('sr%d%d*$') then showrounds = addrownumber(n, showrounds) elseif k:match('fp%d%d*$') then showpos = addrownumber(n, showpos) else table.insert(unknown, k) end end -- Sort the row numbers table.sort(rownumbers) -- Remove duplicates for i=#rownumbers,2,-1 do if rownumbers[i-1] == rownumbers[i] then table.remove(rownumbers,i) end end local root = {} if maxrow > -1 then local WDL = require('Module:WDL').main -- Make the table table.insert(root,'{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"') -- Add the headers table.insert(root,'|-') table.insert(root,'! rowspan=2 | ' .. labels['competition']) local totspan = 1 if showdates then table.insert(root,'! rowspan=2 | ' .. labels['firstmatch']) table.insert(root,'! rowspan=2 | ' .. labels['lastmatch']) totspan = totspan + 2 end if showrounds then table.insert(root,'! rowspan=2 | ' .. labels['startinground']) totspan = totspan + 1 end if showpos then table.insert(root,'! rowspan=2 | ' .. labels['finalposition']) totspan = totspan + 1 end table.insert(root,'! colspan=8 | ' .. labels['record']) table.insert(root,'|-') table.insert(root,'! ' .. labels['pld']) table.insert(root,'! ' .. labels['w']) table.insert(root,'! ' .. labels['d']) table.insert(root,'! ' .. labels['l']) local pg = args.pts and args.pts == 'y' and 'p' or 'g' table.insert(root,'! ' .. labels[pg .. 'f']) table.insert(root,'! ' .. labels[pg .. 'a']) table.insert(root,'! ' .. labels[pg .. 'd']) table.insert(root,'! ' .. labels['wp']) local evenodd = 'odd' -- Now add the rows local wtot, dtot, ltot, ftot, atot = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for i=1,#rownumbers do local r = rownumbers[i] if evenodd == 'even' then table.insert(root,'|- style="background-color:#EEE"') evenodd = 'odd' else table.insert(root,'|-') evenodd = 'even' end table.insert(root,'| ' .. (args['c' .. r] or '')) if showdates then if args['dm' .. r] then table.insert(root,'| colspan=2 | ' .. args['dm' .. r]) else table.insert(root,'| ' .. (args['fm' .. r] or '')) table.insert(root,'| ' .. (args['lm' .. r] or '')) end end if showrounds then table.insert(root,'| ' .. (args['sr' .. r] or '')) end if showpos then local fp = args['fp' .. r] or '' local bg = (fp:match('^' .. labels['winner']) and 'gold') or (fp:match('^' .. labels['runnersup']) and 'silver') or (fp:match('^' .. labels['runnerup']) and 'silver') or nil if bg then table.insert(root,'| style="background-color:' .. bg .. '" | ' .. fp) else table.insert(root,'| ' .. fp) end end wtot = wtot + (tonumber(args['w' .. r]) or 0) dtot = dtot + (tonumber(args['d' .. r]) or 0) ltot = ltot + (tonumber(args['l' .. r]) or 0) ftot = ftot + (tonumber(args['f' .. r]) or 0) atot = atot + (tonumber(args['a' .. r]) or 0) table.insert(root, WDL(frame, {nil, args['w' .. r], args['d' .. r], args['l' .. r], ['for'] = args['f' .. r], ['against'] = args['a' .. r], ['diff'] = 'yes'}) ) end table.insert(root,'|-') if totspan > 1 then table.insert(root,'! colspan=' .. totspan .. ' | ' .. labels['total']) else table.insert(root,'! ' .. labels['total']) end table.insert(root, WDL(frame, {wtot+dtot+ltot, wtot, dtot, ltot, ['total'] = 'y', ['for'] = ftot, ['against'] = atot, ['diff'] = 'yes'}) ) table.insert(root, '|} \n<div style="font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 0.5em;">\n') if args.u then table.insert(root, labels['lastupdated'] .. args.u .. '<br>') end table.insert(root, labels['source'] .. (args.s or labels['sourcedefault']) .. '\n</div>') end if #unknown > 0 then local unknown_params = require('Module:If preview')._warning({ labels['unknownparameter'] .. '<code>' .. table.concat(unknown, '</code>, <code>') .. '</code>.' }) .. '[[' .. trackingcat .. '|' .. unknown[1] .. ' ]]' table.insert(root, unknown_params) end return table.concat(root, '\n') end return p