MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday March 13, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to search- Note: This log is a segment of User:Badmachine/wikipedia-en-2011-05
May 08 00:00:27 <Mike5> May 08 00:00:46 <_sj_> comments requested on better archiving of web citations: May 08 00:00:49 <_sj_> May 08 00:00:51 * Sunderland06 (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Sunderland06) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:02:58 * foks|vaek (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:04:11 * foks|vaek has quit (Client Quit) May 08 00:06:36 * Ironholds has quit () May 08 00:07:58 * GfoleyPhone (~gfoleypho@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:09:28 * GfoleyPhone has quit (Changing host) May 08 00:09:28 * GfoleyPhone (~gfoleypho@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:13:55 * MickWithoutGlass (437cc9d0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:13:57 <MickWithoutGlass> Ello. May 08 00:14:04 <Dragonfly6-7> hello again, MickWithoutGlass May 08 00:14:08 <GfoleyPhone> Hi May 08 00:14:23 <MickWithoutGlass> Dragonfly6-7, wanna know who you remind me of? May 08 00:14:33 <MickWithoutGlass> Nevel Papperman. That's who :| May 08 00:14:44 <Gfoley4> O_O May 08 00:14:51 <Gfoley4> wtf? May 08 00:15:03 <MickWithoutGlass> He does May 08 00:15:24 * Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.) May 08 00:15:51 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:16:10 * Peter-C gives MickWithoutGlass a glass May 08 00:16:19 <Dragonfly6-7> I don't know who taht is. May 08 00:16:22 <MickWithoutGlass> My username is MickWithoutGlasses May 08 00:16:36 <MickWithoutGlass> May 08 00:16:57 <Dragonfly6-7> ah May 08 00:17:15 <Dragonfly6-7> because I deleted all your user subpages? May 08 00:17:28 <Peter-C> Why are we looking at a list of people in icarley? May 08 00:17:31 <MickWithoutGlass> And because of the way you act May 08 00:17:53 * CR90 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 08 00:17:57 <Dragonfly6-7> Expand on that, please. May 08 00:18:11 <MickWithoutGlass> I have to go take a shower. Bye May 08 00:18:14 * MickWithoutGlass has quit (Client Quit) May 08 00:19:35 * BarkingFish has quit (Quit: *.Fish *.Filleted) May 08 00:19:52 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to eir May 08 00:19:54 * eir removes ban on *!* May 08 00:19:54 * eir removes channel operator status from eir May 08 00:23:13 * Jayflux has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 08 00:25:16 * NEWSKY (~NEWSKY@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:25:33 <NEWSKY> HI :) May 08 00:26:46 * NEWSKY (~NEWSKY@ has left #wikipedia-en May 08 00:30:42 * Girl_Scout (4354b003@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:31:07 <Girl_Scout> Would any of you like to buy some girl scout cookies? May 08 00:31:19 <Peter-C> NO May 08 00:31:41 <Peter-C> I don't support any organizations that support the impowerment of women >:( May 08 00:31:45 * Peter-C slams the door shut May 08 00:31:59 <Fumika> lol May 08 00:32:05 <Girl_Scout> :'( May 08 00:32:09 <GfoleyPhone> Lolwut May 08 00:32:10 <Peter-C> OUT I SAY May 08 00:32:22 * Girl_Scout is now known as Boy_Scout May 08 00:32:32 <Fumika> I forget there is Boy scounds. May 08 00:32:32 * Jeske_Couriano ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:32:33 * Jeske_Couriano has quit (Changing host) May 08 00:32:33 * Jeske_Couriano (~Jeske_Cou@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:32:44 <Boy_Scout> Would you like to buy some Boy Scout cookies? May 08 00:32:47 * Doh5678 has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 08 00:33:15 <Peter-C> Of course I would! The boy scouts supports the empowerment of man, the people god made to rule the earth. May 08 00:33:21 * MuZemike ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:33:21 * MuZemike has quit (Changing host) May 08 00:33:22 * MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:33:22 * GfoleyPhone has quit (Quit: failure) May 08 00:33:27 * Peter-C hands the Boy_Scout 20$'s May 08 00:33:33 * Boy_Scout is now known as Girl_Scout May 08 00:33:39 <Girl_Scout> HAHA BITCH! May 08 00:33:50 <Girl_Scout> I AM A BOY SCOUT WITH A MUSTACHE ON May 08 00:33:53 <Jeske_Couriano> !op May 08 00:34:00 * Girl_Scout has quit (Client Quit) May 08 00:34:03 <Peter-C> O_o May 08 00:34:08 <Prodego> well that was easy May 08 00:34:11 <Fumika> lol May 08 00:34:22 <Peter-C> WHERE ARE MY COOKIES?!?!? May 08 00:34:29 <Gfoley4> up your ass May 08 00:34:30 <Gfoley4> ^_^ May 08 00:34:30 <Fumika> She ran with them May 08 00:34:34 <Peter-C> That is the more important question May 08 00:34:35 <Peter-C> :( May 08 00:34:42 * Peter-C eats Gfoley4's face May 08 00:34:44 <Peter-C> Woops May 08 00:34:49 * Peter-C tosses MacMed at Gfoley4 May 08 00:34:57 <Gfoley4> "my bad" May 08 00:35:20 <Gfoley4> "Sir, I didn't mean to eat him. He was just so beautiful." May 08 00:35:25 <Gfoley4> :) May 08 00:35:30 <Mike5> !admin May 08 00:35:30 * Fumika delivers Peter-C a letter from the dead May 08 00:35:39 <Gfoley4> Mike5: ? May 08 00:35:42 <Peter-C> Mike5 - Gfoley4 is an admin May 08 00:35:42 <Mike5> was blocked for creating hoax articles and uploading copyvio images May 08 00:35:54 <Thehelpfulone> Mike5: a comment with that too please ;) May 08 00:35:54 <Peter-C> He has ban stick May 08 00:35:56 <MuZemike> Great, carry on, then. May 08 00:36:03 <Mike5> he is now evading his block May 08 00:36:08 <Mike5> restoring the hoax articles May 08 00:36:52 <MuZemike> OK, I'll rangeblock his /24 May 08 00:37:28 <Gfoley4> WTF? "Wikipedia uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled. Please enable them and try again." May 08 00:37:40 <Brian_S> Fail! May 08 00:37:48 <Peter-C> MuZemike - rangeblock a small middle eastern country May 08 00:37:56 <Peter-C> How about Vatican City xD May 08 00:38:12 <Mike5> i don't think that's in the ME May 08 00:38:28 <Brian_S> Peter-C needs a map. May 08 00:38:34 <Gfoley4> ^ May 08 00:38:41 <Gfoley4> Vatican City is in the middle on Italy May 08 00:38:48 <Brian_S> I knew you were gonna say that, Gfoley4. May 08 00:38:57 <MuZemike> The /24 blocked 1 week, Arius1996's block is also extended to 1 week. May 08 00:39:00 <Brian_S> <Gfoley4> ^ May 08 00:39:00 <Brian_S> :P May 08 00:39:09 <Mike5> great, thanks! May 08 00:39:30 <Gfoley4> :P May 08 00:39:39 <Gfoley4> i am a geography nut May 08 00:39:41 <Gfoley4> fyi May 08 00:40:49 <Logan_> no, you're a train nut May 08 00:42:00 <Dragonfly6-7> MuZemike - if he's a hoaxer, why not block him indef? May 08 00:42:31 <Gfoley4> Logan_: no, both May 08 00:42:46 <Gfoley4> I can name how to get between cities by interstate without a map May 08 00:42:56 <Gfoley4> true May 08 00:44:49 * dungodung is now known as dungodung|sleep May 08 00:45:19 * HuckFinn has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 08 00:45:48 * Fluff|laptop ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:45:48 * Fluff|laptop has quit (Changing host) May 08 00:45:49 * Fluff|laptop (~no@wikipedia/Chaoticfluffy) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:46:26 * MacMed is now known as MM|dinner May 08 00:47:03 <Mike5> MuZemike: are you sure you blocked the IP? May 08 00:47:55 <Mike5> also, these copyvios should be deleted: May 08 00:48:12 <Mike5> May 08 00:52:25 * Lyrithya is now known as Athyria May 08 00:52:28 <stwalkerster> Mike5: I've just blocked that /24 too... it's a /14 though he's using I think May 08 00:52:30 * Athyria has quit (Changing host) May 08 00:52:30 * Athyria (~root@unaffiliated/athyria) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 00:55:38 <MuZemike> AFAIK, that's a /24 May 08 00:55:46 <MuZemike> We can't block a /14 May 08 00:57:46 <Gfoley4> May 08 00:57:48 <stwalkerster> I know we can't, it's also a HUGE swathe of IPs May 08 00:57:50 <Gfoley4> blocked now May 08 00:58:17 <stwalkerster> the ISP is to May 08 00:58:27 <stwalkerster> (which I think is a /14) May 08 00:58:40 <geniice> no thats /16 May 08 00:58:51 <geniice> sorry yes is't /14 May 08 00:59:18 <geniice> well it's only 3 /16 we could technicaly do it May 08 00:59:21 <stwalkerster> I don't really want to do 4 /16 ranges May 08 00:59:46 <stwalkerster> *cough* 52, 53, 54, 55 - that's 4 *cough* May 08 00:59:50 * DeltaQuad is now known as [DQ|work] May 08 01:00:00 * Tyw7|Mobile (~Tyw7|Mobi@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:00:11 <geniice> yes blocking a significant chunk of the Philippines would be a little excessive May 08 01:00:11 * Tyw7|Mobile has quit (Changing host) May 08 01:00:11 * Tyw7|Mobile (~Tyw7|Mobi@wikipedia/tyw7) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:01:24 <geniice> stwalkerster wouldn't it be better just to semi protect his targets? May 08 01:01:51 <Shirik> set up a filter to block the /14 from those targets? May 08 01:02:09 <stwalkerster> maybe, I don't care :P I was just following MuZemike's lead :P May 08 01:02:23 <geniice> hmm mostly redirects no? who cares if they are semied May 08 01:02:41 <Shirik> I didn't bother to look at the details May 08 01:02:48 <geniice> I'll keep an eye on the pages for the next few hours incase he reappears May 08 01:03:02 <stwalkerster> cool, cos I'm going to bed soon :P May 08 01:03:17 <stwalkerster> well, in about 40 mins May 08 01:03:19 * Jeni ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:03:19 * Jeni has quit (Changing host) May 08 01:03:19 * Jeni (~me@wikipedia/Jeni) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:03:51 * Randomguy93 (ad318c8d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:04:03 <Randomguy93> derp, derp de derp de derp May 08 01:04:07 * Fumika (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has left #wikipedia-en ("So I don't cause nick change spam") May 08 01:04:26 <tommorris> wow, Deryck Chan just tweeted about this excellent list: May 08 01:04:53 * Sunderland06 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 08 01:04:54 <Shirik> wtf is that May 08 01:04:59 <Tyw7|Mobile> Chirps at derp May 08 01:05:00 <Randomguy93> lool May 08 01:05:10 <Randomguy93> go away May 08 01:05:27 <Randomguy93> May 08 01:05:30 <Shirik> that list is not only useless, it can never hope to beeven 1% complete May 08 01:05:48 <Randomguy93> AfD/PROD... ? May 08 01:05:59 * Randomguy93 yawns May 08 01:06:07 * Fluff|laptop sneezes May 08 01:06:07 * tommorris backs up a copy in case of AfD May 08 01:06:23 <Tyw7|Mobile> Bless you fluff May 08 01:06:31 <Randomguy93> hemm May 08 01:06:33 <Shirik> I'm actually tempted to take that to DRV May 08 01:06:33 <Fluff|laptop> i fucking hate pollen May 08 01:06:34 <Dragonfly6-7> oh god May 08 01:06:36 <Gfoley4> wow, Memphis wins again May 08 01:06:36 <Dragonfly6-7> oh god oh god May 08 01:06:40 <Fluff|laptop> Dragonfly6-7 ? May 08 01:06:41 <Tyw7|Mobile> Fluff how's you and ironholds? May 08 01:06:48 <Shirik> what kind of closing rationale is that May 08 01:06:48 <Dragonfly6-7> i just read somethign i really wasn't ready to resad May 08 01:06:52 <Fluff|laptop> i'm fine, no idea how he is May 08 01:06:52 <Dragonfly6-7> gh May 08 01:06:56 * Randomguy93 SNEEZES *achoo* May 08 01:06:58 <Dragonfly6-7> ginore igme May 08 01:07:01 <Dragonfly6-7> ignore me ignore me May 08 01:07:08 <Tyw7|Mobile> Why? May 08 01:07:09 * Fluff|laptop stares at Dragonfly6-7, backs away May 08 01:07:13 <Gfoley4> ^ May 08 01:07:31 <tommorris> also, "it won't be complete" is verging on a bad argument for deletion. Wikipedia is premised on not really ever being complete. eventualism and all that. May 08 01:07:47 <Randomguy93> Zzz May 08 01:07:48 <Tyw7|Mobile> Lol May 08 01:08:04 <Tyw7|Mobile> Even Wikipedia logo is not complete! May 08 01:08:10 <Tyw7|Mobile> Let's delete it. May 08 01:08:15 <MuZemike> Heaven forbid we try and "complete" articles May 08 01:08:21 <tommorris> so long as human beings continue to do things, Wikipedia won't be complete. Ergo, we should shut the project down. May 08 01:08:25 <Randomguy93> i hate these fucking people who troll my userpage... May 08 01:08:28 <Randomguy93> ...oh well May 08 01:08:29 * Randomguy93 has quit (Client Quit) May 08 01:08:58 <Tyw7|Mobile> Undo and tag a vand warning on their talk page May 08 01:09:18 <MuZemike> tommorris: I look at it in a different light. Time is moving forward, right? Then there will always be, at a minimum, some new material to write about. May 08 01:09:23 <Tyw7|Mobile> Oh he left May 08 01:09:27 * Randomguy666 (ad318c8d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:09:34 <Randomguy666> I keep choosing random numbers :/ May 08 01:09:42 <Randomguy666> WHAT 666?! May 08 01:09:43 <Tyw7|Mobile> Lol May 08 01:09:48 <tommorris> also, there's been four AfD's on [[List of people who have been pied]], three keeps and one no consensus May 08 01:09:49 <Fluff|laptop> is that you, derp? May 08 01:09:53 * Randomguy666 is now known as Randomguy734 May 08 01:09:55 * Delta has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 08 01:10:09 <Tyw7|Mobile> Random guy just undo the vandalism and warn them. May 08 01:10:32 <Randomguy734> meh May 08 01:10:37 <Shirik> tommorris, there's a difference between "not being complete" and "not being something that could cover the topic" May 08 01:10:39 <Tyw7|Mobile> Then after four warnings take then to aiv May 08 01:10:44 * Kingturtle (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/kingturtle) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:10:48 <Randomguy734> I'm tempted to troll their talk page as revenge :/ May 08 01:11:04 <Randomguy734> but I guess I can't since I'm trusted /w ROLLBACK May 08 01:11:15 <Tyw7|Mobile> But they might tag you as vandalism May 08 01:11:22 <MuZemike> What's all this about "people putting in hard work" on articles? May 08 01:11:27 <MuZemike> This is a wiki, right? May 08 01:11:27 <Kingturtle> hola May 08 01:11:29 <Shirik> I WILL take it to DRV if he doesn't respond to my comment on his talk page May 08 01:11:39 <Randomguy734> "Remember this: If you're getting attacked by vandals, you must be doing something right!" -Reaper_Eternal May 08 01:11:41 <Shirik> but I'll give him some time May 08 01:11:46 * Fluff|laptop avoids hard work as much as possible May 08 01:11:59 <Randomguy734> people May 08 01:12:05 <Tyw7|Mobile> Bueno noches kingturtle May 08 01:12:18 <Randomguy734> May 08 01:12:21 <Randomguy734> HALLO May 08 01:12:23 <MuZemike> That's a horrible AFD close, BTW May 08 01:12:25 <Randomguy734> anyone see that May 08 01:12:30 <Dragonfly6-7> Fluff|laptop - sorry, I read an old e-mail that made me feel very, very emotional May 08 01:12:42 <tommorris> I have to say, when I explained the allegations that I was part of a CIA/Microsoft/Wikimedia Foundation conspiracy to an acquaintance who works at Microsoft, they were most amused. May 08 01:13:01 * Fluff|laptop pats Dragonfly6-7 comfortingly May 08 01:13:03 <Shirik> yes it is MuZemike May 08 01:13:08 <Shirik> that's why I'm really annoyed by it May 08 01:13:13 <Shirik> and I wasn't even in the debate May 08 01:14:38 * Tyw7|Mobile is now known as Squirrel May 08 01:14:45 <Randomguy734> yipes May 08 01:14:56 * Squirrel is now known as Tyw7|Mobile May 08 01:14:57 <Randomguy734> I mean May 08 01:15:01 <Randomguy734> ugh May 08 01:15:02 <Randomguy734> IRC May 08 01:15:17 <MuZemike> Wikipedia: The completely fucking useless encyclopedia May 08 01:15:48 <Tyw7|Mobile> Lol May 08 01:16:02 <Kingturtle> is anyone here an expert on CVs for academics? send me a private message if you can help me out with some questions May 08 01:16:20 * Tyw7|Mobile is now known as Tyw7|Mobile|K800 May 08 01:16:28 <Randomguy734> Wikipedia: The fucking useless fucking websites that fucking call themselves a fucking encyclopedia when they get so much fucking vandalism "that anyone can fucking edit" when it's fucking vandalism. phew. 7 "fuck"s May 08 01:16:32 <derp> Fluff|laptop, yesY May 08 01:16:34 <derp> yesh? May 08 01:16:39 <Fluff|laptop> eh? May 08 01:16:46 <derp> you rang? May 08 01:16:57 <Randomguy734> "Add this discussion to List of AFDs that most frequently use the word "fuck" in a civil manner. Schmidt, MICHAEL Q. 21:14, 2 March 2011 (UTC)" May 08 01:17:15 <Fluff|laptop> oh, no, i was trying to figure out who Randomguy734 was and was guessing it was you, derp May 08 01:17:30 <MuZemike> I mean, it's fascinating that some completely focus in lists of useless trivia stuff than, you know, like, something a little more substantive. May 08 01:17:37 <Randomguy734> derp de derp... May 08 01:17:38 <Dragonfly6-7> Wikipedia, the encyclopedia that anyone can improve but not everyone does. May 08 01:17:50 <Randomguy734> i started as a vandal in 2005... May 08 01:17:59 <Dragonfly6-7> and now you have prostate cancer May 08 01:18:06 <Dragonfly6-7> but there's no connection May 08 01:18:20 <Gfoley4> haha May 08 01:18:36 <Randomguy734> hmm May 08 01:18:38 <Fluff|laptop> godDAMN i hate allergies May 08 01:18:38 <Dragonfly6-7> I'm very sorry, and I'll send flowers to your family. May 08 01:18:41 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> I just wish we can lock down the encyclopedia under high vandalism attacks May 08 01:18:44 <Randomguy734> does anyone know the largest AfD ever May 08 01:18:52 <Randomguy734> Tyw7|Mobile|K800: no May 08 01:19:04 <Randomguy734> does anyone know the largest AfD EVER?! May 08 01:19:16 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> Why random guy May 08 01:19:34 <Gigs> Randomguy734: some MfDs were probably the biggest May 08 01:19:40 <Randomguy734> just cus there's some GOOD edits May 08 01:19:42 <MuZemike> Dammit, even WR is being lax on covering some really horrible articles out there. May 08 01:19:49 <Randomguy734> Gigs: liek... May 08 01:19:51 <Randomguy734> *like May 08 01:19:59 <Gigs> Randomguy734: esperanza, BAG, etc May 08 01:20:07 * Resfirestar (foobar@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:20:08 <Gigs> those all went up to very big MfD debates May 08 01:20:21 <Dragonfly6-7> Randomguy734 - how has chemo been going? May 08 01:20:29 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> What is mfd? May 08 01:20:38 <Dragonfly6-7> Miscellany for Deletion May 08 01:20:38 <Gigs> Tyw7|Mobile|K800: misc for deletion May 08 01:20:41 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> Mother fucker deletions May 08 01:20:49 <Randomguy734> likes May 08 01:21:45 <Randomguy734> Also, help needed @ the simple English Wikipedia-just use "simple" English\ May 08 01:21:51 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> Oh well on mobile so can't visit links May 08 01:21:52 <MuZemike> There were several reasons why Esperanza went down May 08 01:22:21 <Randomguy734> TfD of Template:Expand is around 250,000 bytes May 08 01:22:57 * Thehelpfulone is now known as osama-bin-laden May 08 01:23:02 * osama-bin-laden is now known as Thehelpfulone May 08 01:23:09 <Gfoley4> we don't care May 08 01:23:13 * Randomguy734 is now known as nedal-nib-amaso May 08 01:23:18 <Thehelpfulone> I meant to do a /ns info on that :P May 08 01:24:06 * Gfoley4 illegally downloads some moar music May 08 01:24:14 * nedal-nib-amaso is now known as Mickey_mouse May 08 01:24:20 <Mickey_mouse> aww, registered May 08 01:24:28 * Mickey_mouse is now known as Random37844 May 08 01:24:40 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> Gfoley4 youtube converter? May 08 01:24:46 <Gfoley4> hell no May 08 01:24:47 <Random37844> wonder what it's like in Galesburg, IL... May 08 01:25:08 <Gfoley4> Random37844: 72° according to my iPhone May 08 01:25:15 <Random37844> :/ May 08 01:25:17 * Random37844 has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 08 01:25:33 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> Why gfolfyi May 08 01:25:41 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> Gfoley4 May 08 01:26:00 <Gfoley4> fyi May 08 01:26:20 * Random26235236 (ad318c8d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:26:23 <Random26235236> Gfoley4... May 08 01:26:26 <Random26235236> ugh May 08 01:26:35 <Gfoley4> ? May 08 01:26:36 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> Why you don't convert? May 08 01:26:50 <Random26235236> according to Firefox, I have visited WP:ANI 5142 times :o May 08 01:27:03 <Gfoley4> because I am like normal people May 08 01:27:06 <Gfoley4> =) May 08 01:27:44 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> But you download music illegally May 08 01:27:44 * Random26235236 has quit (Client Quit) May 08 01:28:34 <Gfoley4> who doesn't? May 08 01:28:47 <Gfoley4> isn't converting off YouTube the same? May 08 01:28:54 <Gfoley4> -some quality May 08 01:28:58 * LFThis (46b3a973@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:29:02 <LFThis> HEY! May 08 01:29:12 * Thehelpfulone has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 08 01:29:17 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> Cause I don't trust file sharings May 08 01:29:26 * LauraHale has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 08 01:29:30 <Gfoley4> I do May 08 01:30:00 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> Viruses? May 08 01:30:18 <Gfoley4> May 08 01:30:26 <Gfoley4> I'm on a mac, silly May 08 01:30:27 <LFThis> You know the stats of how many edits are made a second on the english WP? May 08 01:30:29 <Gfoley4> =) May 08 01:30:35 <derp> yay another macuser :D May 08 01:30:39 <Gfoley4> :D :D May 08 01:30:47 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> Macs have viruses as well May 08 01:30:51 <LFThis> Is Mac the " May 08 01:30:59 <LFThis> "rich people's computer" or is that Alienware? May 08 01:31:03 <Kingturtle> does anyone here have a curriculum vitae? may i send you a private message to ask some questions? May 08 01:31:05 <Gfoley4> LFThis: see May 08 01:31:11 * Tyw7|Mobile|K800 is now known as Barrack-obama May 08 01:31:16 <Shirik> Well I took it to DRV May 08 01:31:52 <LFThis> Gfoley4: It does not say how many edits per second. May 08 01:31:54 * MM|dinner is now known as MacMed May 08 01:31:56 * Delta (~Delta@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:32:26 * MuZemike recommends relisting May 08 01:32:36 <Gfoley4> you can count, LFThis :) May 08 01:32:45 * Guerillero ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:32:50 <LFThis> it only shows hour and minute the changes were made; no seconds May 08 01:32:54 * Guerillero has quit (Changing host) May 08 01:32:55 * Guerillero (~hka555@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:33:11 <Barrack-obama> T May 08 01:33:31 <Logan_> Gfoley4: LFThis has a point May 08 01:33:36 <Barrack-obama> Jesus May 08 01:33:40 * Barrack-obama has quit (Quit: used WLIrc) May 08 01:33:43 <Logan_> Barrack-obama: You fail at spelling. May 08 01:33:44 <Gfoley4> hm May 08 01:33:54 <Logan_> I guess he noticed. May 08 01:34:07 <Gfoley4> LFThis: you can get a feed on IRC May 08 01:34:08 <LFThis> lolz May 08 01:34:18 <LFThis> where? May 08 01:34:29 <Gfoley4> I think it is May 08 01:34:30 * Tyw7|Mobile|K800 (~Tyw7|Mobi@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:34:36 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> Test May 08 01:34:42 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> Ok nicks working May 08 01:34:47 * Tyw7|Mobile|K800 has quit (Changing host) May 08 01:34:47 * Tyw7|Mobile|K800 (~Tyw7|Mobi@wikipedia/tyw7) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:35:46 <Logan_> LFThis: About 1.5 edits per second, according to this: May 08 01:35:49 <Peter-C> I am a jesus May 08 01:36:23 <LFThis> Logan_: That's over a year old; I'd like stats from these days. May 08 01:36:23 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> Lol May 08 01:36:35 * Not_the_NSA (~R@wikipedia/R) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:37:03 <Gfoley4> lol @ cover art for May 08 01:37:20 <Guerillero> would one of you be willing to close a featured sound nomination? May 08 01:38:07 <Peter-C> LFThis - 22 edits per second May 08 01:38:13 <Peter-C> *22.7 May 08 01:38:15 <Peter-C> Globally May 08 01:38:24 <LFThis> Peter-C: Oh, for all WPs... Source please? May 08 01:38:34 * Not_the_NSA has quit (Client Quit) May 08 01:38:42 <Tyw7|Mobile|K800> How can you count the edits you made per minute? May 08 01:38:57 <Peter-C> May 08 01:39:07 <Peter-C> 11.8 million edits a year May 08 01:39:10 * ragesoss (~ragesoss@wikimedia/ragesoss) has joined #wikipedia-en May 08 01:39:12 <DarkoNeko> zzz May 08 01:39:30 <Peter-C> 11.8/12 months/30 days/24 hours/60 minutes May 08 01:39:35 * DarkoNeko has quit (Quit: <- enter your name. click on a char. click on submit.) May 08 01:40:15 <Peter-C> Woops, 22.4 May 08 01:40:40 <Gfoley4> does DarkoNeko ever speak May 08 01:40:41 <LFThis> Rounding down, it's 22.4 edits a minute May 08 01:40:43 <Peter-C> 11,800,000/365 days/24 hours/60 minutes May 08 01:40:49 <Gfoley4> except for saying "zzz" May 08 01:40:50 <Gfoley4> ? May 08 01:41:07 <Peter-C> (the 30 days a month thing made there be less days May 08 01:41:21 <LFThis> Ok, 22.45 edits a minute. May 08 01:41:30 <Logan_> Gfoley4: haha, don't think so May 08 01:41:34 <Guerillero> skip the months and go straight for days May 08 01:41:36 <Peter-C> Yes May 08 01:41:37 <Logan_> it's really annoying how he says that in every channel May 08 01:41:43 <Logan_> (must be a script) May 08 01:41:50 <Peter-C> An edit evey 2.5 seconds May 08 01:41:53 <LFThis> Averaging all of the months' days together, it's 30.4375 May 08 01:42:18 <LFThis> Is this the fastest activity we've ever had? Or was our height long ago? May 08 01:42:31 <Peter-C> Long time ago May 08 01:42:40 <Peter-C> According to the WMF May 08 01:42:43 * Fluff|laptop is now known as Fluff|sleep May 08 01:42:54 <Peter-C> We are losing editors May 08 01:43:01 <Peter-C> and not getting as many new editors May 08 01:43:18 <LFThis> Maybe we should stop blocking whoever didn't really come to only vandalize May 08 01:43:23 <Gfoley4> derp: I got an iPhone today :D May 08 01:43:35 <Peter-C> Vandalizing is vandalizing :/ May 08 01:43:36 <LFThis> And some legit editors may vandalize on one-use accounts, but edit genuinely on mains. May 08 01:43:45 <Dragonfly6-7> then they're not legit editors. May 08 01:43:49 <Gfoley4> ^ May 08 01:43:49 <Peter-C> ^ May 08 01:43:53 <LFThis> If they're vandal-only that's one thing. May 08 01:43:54 <Gfoley4> that's "sockpupptry" May 08 01:44:00 <Peter-C> ^ May 08 01:44:05 <Dragonfly6-7> no, that's the only thing. May 08 01:44:09 <LFThis> And are they Checkused at the drop of a hat? May 08 01:44:19 <Peter-C> yes May 08 01:44:37 <Peter-C> they are not real editors xD May 08 01:44:46 <Dragonfly6-7> Yep May 08 01:44:49 <Dragonfly6-7> because they're vandals May 08 01:45:05 <LFThis> I thought it takes procedures to checkuse users. May 08 01:45:33 <Gfoley4> LFThis: May 08 01:45:34 <Gfoley4> it does May 08 01:45:35 <Peter-C> You can't say "I redirected [[AIDS]] to [[condom]] but it's ok because I was using a different account" May 08 01:45:38 <Peter-C> And yes May 08 01:45:48 <Peter-C> A sockpuppet investigation is opened May 08 01:45:53 <Gfoley4> so you'd need evidence May 08 01:45:57 <Peter-C> And an clerk must aprove it May 08 01:46:01 <Peter-C> It is like a legal proceding May 08 01:46:08 <LFThis> Peter-C: But only if there's evidence that it was a spuppet May 08 01:46:16 <Gfoley4> yes May 08 01:46:42 <MuZemike> spuppet? May 08 01:47:25 <LFThis> sock May 08 01:48:12 <Peter-C> If enough evidence is provided than a person can be checkusered, yes.