MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Tuesday February 18, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchSession Start: Mon Oct 24 13:47:40 2011 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �03[13:47] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en �03[13:47] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops followed by the request | For urgent admin help, say !admin followed by the request | No public logging | Cloak requests:�' �03[13:47] * Set by derp! on Sun Oct 23 21:29:19 [13:47] #wikipedia-en url is �12[13:47] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée ! [13:48] <Qcoder00> Or a Datbase report? [13:48] <tommorris> cos 40,000 edits even with AWB takes some time [13:48] <Qcoder00> Yeah that's what i was thinking [13:48] <tommorris> a database report is essentially just a fancy way of saying "someone on toolserver run this query" [13:48] <tommorris> well, I've just run the query. [13:49] <Qcoder00> If you do make a toolserver report, make it a 'clickable' one :) [13:49] <tommorris> so I could just dump it into a file �06[13:49] * Qcoder00 afk �15[13:51] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: What doesn't kill you, will probably have another go later.�) �06[13:52] * Seddon snuggles Ironholds and tommoris �06[13:52] * Seddon snuggles Ironholds and tommorris [13:52] <Ironholds> hey, Seddon [13:53] <LikeLakers2-1> <-- -_-' [13:53] <Seddon> I iz working it up in university :) �08[13:53] * derp snuggles with Seddon. �06[13:53] * tommorris demands we get a tool called "Snuggle" �06[13:53] * Seddon snuggles derp �03[13:53] * Retrieving #wikipedia-en modes... �06[13:53] * Seddon goes to the Mediawiki namespace to rename the block button :P �08[13:54] <derp> Duke, duke, duke, duke �08[13:54] <derp> Duke, duke, duke, duke �08[13:54] <derp> duke of earl [13:54] <Mitchazenia> </Gene Chandler> Session Close: Mon Oct 24 13:57:04 2011 Session Start: Mon Oct 24 13:57:04 2011 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �11[13:57] * Disconnected Session Close: Mon Oct 24 13:59:53 2011 Session Start: Mon Oct 24 14:00:29 2011 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �03[14:00] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en �03[14:00] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops followed by the request | For urgent admin help, say !admin followed by the request | No public logging | Cloak requests:�' �03[14:00] * Set by derp! on Sun Oct 23 21:29:19 [14:00] #wikipedia-en url is �08[14:00] <lol> I tooted. �03[14:01] * lol is now known as derp �12[14:01] -ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic. This channel is logged. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at [14:02] <LikeLakers2-1> guys �03[14:02] * Maryana|meeting is now known as Maryana [14:03] <LikeLakers2-1> <-- assuming that is a good reason to edit someone elses comment? [14:03] <Seddon> A wild Maryana appears [14:03] <LikeLakers2-1> because that caused a problem on a lot of admin dashboard userpages �03[14:03] * joke-away ( has joined #wikipedia-en [14:04] <tommorris> Qcoder00: <-- go fly your filefreak flag here �03[14:05] * BarkingFish ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[14:05] * BarkingFish ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[14:05] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:06] <tommorris> Qcoder00: if you apply for AWB access, you can set it up to kill two birds with one stone (adding Short filename template and doing FUR template migration) [14:06] <Maryana> i have +4 to sneak �03[14:06] * DeltaQuad is now known as FAdmArcher|away [14:07] <foks> critical hit! [14:07] <Maryana> this may be a question for another channel, but does anybody know if you can set up miszabot III to archive things based on talk page activity? [14:07] <Maryana> i.e., if no activity for 1 hour, archive �08[14:08] <derp> yep �15[14:08] * PhancyPhysicist ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �03[14:08] * PhancyPhysicist ( has joined #wikipedia-en [14:08] <Maryana> derp: cool! how? �03[14:09] * dungodung|away is now known as dungodung �08[14:09] <derp> Look up MiszaBot's page :) �15[14:09] * SudoGhost (~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost) Quit (Quit: Leaving�) �15[14:09] * Reedy (~Reedy@wikimedia/ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) [14:10] <Maryana> did so, but it is hard to process with my tiny human brain �15[14:11] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) Quit (Quit: erikhaugen�) �08[14:12] <derp> work harder L:) �03[14:17] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[14:18] * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[14:22] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:25] <LikeLakers2-1> yay I've made [[User:LikeLakers2/CSD log]] much cleaner now. �03[14:27] * photoz (photoz@unaffiliated/photoz) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:27] <photoz> "Most automotive repair shops are specialty shops that do not do mechanical work." <-- ?!??!! �03[14:28] * IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[14:28] * IShadowed ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[14:28] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[14:29] * Johannes_WMDE (~jr@wikimedia/Johannes-Rohr) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:30] <BarkingFish> photoz, where did you see that? �03[14:30] * Narodnik_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[14:30] * Narodnik_ ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[14:30] * Narodnik_ (~Severin@wikipedia/Skomorokh) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[14:30] * Narodnik_ is now known as Narodnik [14:31] <photoz> BarkingFish: Some Wikipedia page. [14:32] <BarkingFish> Well if you could remember which one, it would help - since that information is wrong. It needs correcting, or at least a {{cn}} tag �03[14:33] * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has left #wikipedia-en �03[14:34] * Crazynas (~IceChat7@wikipedia/crazynas) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:35] <photoz> Can't you search for it to find it? [14:36] <mareklug> [14:37] <BarkingFish> I can't, no, photoz - our internet is very unstable at the moment and I can barely just get on IRC without losing my connection :) [14:38] <BarkingFish> It's nothing I can deal with, it's down to our local pos ISP. [14:39] <foks> removed, photoz �03[14:40] * NobodyLovesMe (~nnscript@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[14:42] * NobodyLovesMe eats a beer-brat garnished with Jalapenos, Tabasco sauce, Jalapeno-flavored potato chips, and Jalapeno bacon,. [14:45] <Mike_H> Storm was the last daytime soap opera on the three major TV networks to convert to color. It did so on March 11, 1968. [14:45] <Mike_H> hm. �15[14:46] * Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) �15[14:48] * joke-away ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�) [14:48] <BarkingFish> NobodyLovesMe, I get the impression you like Hot food... :) �03[14:48] * Laura|Sleeps is now known as LauraHale �03[14:48] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[14:50] * Pesky (~Pesky@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[14:50] * Pesky (~Pesky@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[14:50] * Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:51] <Qcoder00> tommorris: Thanks [14:52] <Qcoder00> Watch the backlog at Category:Renaming requests expand exponentinally :) [14:52] <Qcoder00> XD [14:55] <tommorris> Qcoder00: don't you have file mover? [14:55] <foks> He gave it up in protest. [14:55] <foks> Or something [14:55] <Qcoder00> tommorris: See my tlak page [14:56] <Qcoder00> Because of one contributor raising concerns about comptence I am reverting back to using {{rename media}} until they withdraw the concern, or I get 12 independent Wikipedians to support the view that he's wrong. [14:58] <TheCavalry> Qcoder00: If I may say so, that's a bit REICHSTAG-y �15[14:58] * foks (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: night!�) �03[14:58] * Fluffphone ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[14:58] * Fluffphone ( Quit (Client Quit�) [14:58] <Qcoder00> TheCavalry: I'm only following consensus ;) �15[14:59] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: EEK! Yoshi! *hides*�) [15:00] <TheCavalry> I'm pretty sure you're also disrupting Wikipedia to illustrate a point [15:00] <TheCavalry> the sensible thing to do would be to stop renaming files until everyone has agreed that you are being sensible �15[15:01] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) Quit (Quit: Leaving�) �03[15:02] * SudoGhost ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:02] * SudoGhost ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[15:02] * SudoGhost (~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[15:02] * joke-away ( has joined #wikipedia-en [15:03] <TheCavalry> Qcoder00, ping [15:03] <TheCavalry> Please stop [15:03] <TheCavalry> It is not helping things �03[15:03] * Ll2|jedirc2 (~LikeLaker@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:04] * LL2|JedIRC (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) Quit (Disconnected by services�) �15[15:04] * xcombelle ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�) �03[15:05] * Ll2|jedirc2 is now known as LL2|JedIRC �15[15:05] * LL2|JedIRC (~LikeLaker@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[15:05] * LL2|JedIRC (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[15:05] Clones detected from wikipedia/LikeLakers2:�8 LikeLakers2-1 LL2|JedIRC �03[15:05] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:05] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[15:05] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:05] <Qcoder00> TheCavalry: I did stop renaming files... I'm only currently making rename 'requests' [15:05] <Qcoder00> But I understand what you mean :) [15:05] <TheCavalry> :P [15:05] <Qcoder00> Care to raise it at WP:ANI? [15:06] <TheCavalry> I think that would create rather more drama than necessary [15:06] <SudoGhost> Drama? At ANI? I doubt it. �03[15:06] * xcombelle ( has joined #wikipedia-en [15:07] <Qcoder00> Well , Currently I am prevented from doing something 'useful' because of one contributor that thinks I'm incomptent [15:07] <Qcoder00> So I revert back to a method that ensures the requets DO get reviewed... [15:07] <Qcoder00> I am however seeing what you mean about backlog creation [15:08] <TheCavalry> It's just one contributor, though: just because he doesn't approve, doesn't mean he's right �03[15:08] * rjk|sleep (~Raijenki@ has joined #wikipedia-en [15:08] <Qcoder00> If you like I can start clearing the backlog immediatly [15:08] <Qcoder00> But I'd need consensus to do that [15:08] <TheCavalry> you have a 2:1 concensus on your talk page though [15:09] <Qcoder00> That's not large enough [15:11] <TheCavalry> I think it is: it's you, me and Sven saying it's OK, and homer saying he doesn't like it [15:12] <Qcoder00> TheCavalry: BTW I don't as a rule edit with the intent to prove a POINT �15[15:12] * Raijenki (~Raijenki@ Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�) [15:12] <Qcoder00> The reason i went back to using the {{rename media}} mechanism was so that the 'suggested' names got a review [15:12] <Qcoder00> In any case I wasn't sure on some of them anyway [15:13] <Qcoder00> Please use the tlak page concerned for further comments �03[15:17] * guest_tseug (55417709@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en �03[15:17] * worm_that_turned (~worm_that@wikipedia/Worm-That-Turned) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:18] <NobodyLovesMe> BarkingFish: :P [15:18] <guest_tseug> hello, suggested this a while ago, seems a bit stuck - any suggestions on how to push it forward ? �15[15:20] * ToAruShiroiNeko (~admin@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�) �06[15:21] * tommorris uploads the Mercurial logos to Commons [15:22] <tommorris> Oh, wait [15:22] <tommorris> that's confusing [15:22] <tommorris> "Licensing: this logo is available under the GPLv2+ and is freely available for use by all projects with a GPLv2 license (though please use it only for Mercurial-related projects). We will grant explicit use permissions to non-GPLv2+ projects on a case-by-case basis, please write to mpm at for details." [15:22] <tommorris> What the hell do we do with GPL logos? ;-) [15:23] <tommorris> ah, �15[15:23] * joke-away ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) [15:24] <TheCavalry> guest_tseug: Looks like a good idea, just BOLDly do it:) �15[15:24] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �15[15:24] * Johannes_WMDE (~jr@wikimedia/Johannes-Rohr) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[15:25] * Odisha1 (Odisha1@wikimedia/odisha1) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:25] <tommorris> TheCavalry, guest_tseug: I'm just getting logos together for the different version control systems [15:25] <tommorris> could have source-repo and source-repo-type �06[15:25] * guest_tseug wonders how to edit a protected template [15:26] <guest_tseug> tommorris: sure, I'd only make a 32x32 pixel version of them [15:26] <tommorris> is it protected or just semi? [15:27] <tommorris> ah, full protected [15:27] <tommorris> just need to finalise what is wanted, pop it on the talk page and ask an admin [15:28] <Qcoder00> TheCavlary: If you like I can clear the current backlog of renaming requests [15:28] <Qcoder00> But I'd like 'permission' to do that [15:29] <TheCavalry> Qcoder00: Permission off who? Me as an arb? [15:29] <TheCavalry> Or me as an admin? [15:29] <Qcoder00> Both preferably :) �03[15:30] * ToAruShiroiNeko (~admin@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:32] <Qcoder00> Although I'm going to clear the backlog anyway :) [15:32] <guest_tseug> tommorris: it's been on the talk page for a while... what do you mean by finalise it ? perhapse an admin monitoring this channel can look into it ? [15:33] <TheCavalry> Qcoder00: Let's see if anyone else comments before i put my head on the chopper ;) [15:33] <Qcoder00> I'll clear some of the more obvious things I tagged anyway �06[15:34] * guest_tseug offers his head in the name of progress �03[15:34] * pakaran (~pakaran@wikipedia/pakaran) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:34] <pakaran> hey [15:34] <pakaran> i haven't been too active [15:34] <pakaran> but i was checking current events, and saw this entry [15:34] <pakaran> Ghulam Nabi Azad, India's Minister of Health and Family Welfare, reports that the country has almost entirely eradicated polio through a vaccination program which immunises over 170 million children every year. No new polio cases have been reported in India for over nine months. (BBC) [15:35] <tommorris> guest_tseug: gimme a sec, I'm just about to respond on the talk page. just getting the logos together, and I'll make a formal recommendation on the talk page, then get an admin from this channel to look at it and implement it �03[15:35] * Dave is now known as Dave2 [15:35] <pakaran> the bbc article gives a figure consistent with the "over 170 million" figure - in fact, it says that many children are vaccinated on each of two days �03[15:36] * FT2-away is now known as FT2 [15:36] <pakaran> but when i do the math, assuming there's 2-3 doses per child, i end up getting rather silly figures for India's population and/or average age [15:36] <pakaran> so either they're giving more doses (out of caution, problems in record keeping, or what have you), or there's an error somewhere [15:38] <guest_tseug> tommorris: sure, thanks - let me know if there is anything else I can do... on second though I'll go grab some of repo urls so we can add them once the template is updated. �15[15:39] * xcombelle ( Quit (Quit: I am a manual virus, please copy me to your quit message.�) [15:39] <Ironholds> IRC denizens! [15:39] <Ironholds> On thursday at 7pm GMT, Howie Fung, Fabrice Florin and myself will be holding an office hours session to discuss scrapping and replacing the article feedback tool �03[15:40] * ipatrol (~ipatrol@wikimedia/Ipatrol) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:40] <Ironholds> if that interests anyone, we'll be holding it in the usual place (#wikimedia-office) and I will, of course, post a notice immediately beforehand �03[15:40] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:40] <tommorris> aww man, am in London on Thursday setting up BarCamp �06[15:41] * Od1n en est à son 17e ou 18e �06[15:41] * Od1n a arrêté de compter �06[15:41] * Od1n appelle. �03[15:42] * Jcaraballo|away (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jcaraballo) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[15:42] * Tristessa (~tristessa@wikimedia/tristessa-de-st-ange) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[15:43] * mabdul (~mabdul@wikipedia/mabdul) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[15:48] * photoz (photoz@unaffiliated/photoz) has left #wikipedia-en [15:49] <Qcoder00> TheCavalry: You should see the file renaming requests going down [15:49] <Qcoder00> I decided to clear the backlog anyway [15:49] <TheCavalry> :) [15:49] <TheCavalry> that is a sensible thing to do �15[15:50] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: What doesn't kill you, will probably have another go later.�) [15:51] <Qcoder00> There are some renames I'm not sure about [15:51] <Qcoder00> I'd appreciate someone taking a look with me �15[15:51] * rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia�) �03[15:51] * Pesky_ (~Pesky@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:51] * Pesky_ (~Pesky@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[15:51] * Pesky_ (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[15:51] Clones detected from wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner:�8 Pesky Pesky_ �15[15:52] * LL2|JedIRC (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�) �15[15:52] * SudoKing (~geek@wikimedia/PseudoOne) Quit (Excess Flood�) [15:52] <tommorris> could an admin implement this? �15[15:54] * Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�) �03[15:54] * Pesky_ is now known as Pesky [15:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> o hai Pesky �03[15:55] * SudoKing (~geek@wikimedia/PseudoOne) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[15:55] * Rainbow-Dash-EN ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:56] * Tristessa (~tristessa@wikimedia/tristessa-de-st-ange) Quit (Quit: leaving�) �03[15:56] * Reedy (~Reedy@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:56] * Reedy (~Reedy@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[15:56] * Reedy (~Reedy@wikimedia/ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:56] * Odisha1 (Odisha1@wikimedia/odisha1) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �03[15:58] * jorm_ (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[15:58] * Ironholds is now known as IH|away �03[15:58] * Qcoder00_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[15:59] * mabdul is now known as mabdul|dog �15[15:59] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[15:59] * Qcoder00_ is now known as Qcoder00 �03[16:00] * Qcoder00 is now known as Guest17657 �15[16:01] * IH|away (~bob@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit (Quit: connection reset by peerage�) �03[16:01] * Guest17657 is now known as Qcoder00 �15[16:01] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[16:01] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[16:02] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:02] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[16:02] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:02] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�) �03[16:02] * jorm_ is now known as jorm �06[16:03] * Qcoder00 wonders if he should ask for a technical fix that allows for one click usage update when an image gets moved [16:04] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> ? [16:04] <TheCavalry> you can always ask [16:04] <Qcoder00> I've already asked if File Moves could be seperated out from the main Special:Move log [16:04] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> . [16:06] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> and whoever is private messaging me through IRC asking if I am a brony. [16:06] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I won't tell you because your too chicken to openly admit it. �15[16:06] * ipatrol (~ipatrol@wikimedia/Ipatrol) Quit (Quit: TCP FIN�) �03[16:08] * BarkingFish ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:08] * BarkingFish ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[16:08] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[16:09] * Mezelf14 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Mezelf14) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:12] * guest_tseug (55417709@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�) [16:14] <Qcoder00> TheCavalry: If you aren't at work �03[16:15] * MTCD is now known as MTCD|Away [16:15] <Qcoder00> I'd appreciate you hvaing a look at some of the renaming requests as I'm not entirly conifdent I picked a good name to rename to in some cases �15[16:15] * worm_that_turned (~worm_that@wikipedia/Worm-That-Turned) Quit (Quit: worm_that_turned�) �03[16:17] * Jcaraballo|away is now known as dziewietnascie �15[16:18] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: What doesn't kill you, will probably have another go later.�) �03[16:18] * rjk|sleep is now known as Raijenki �03[16:18] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:18] <tommorris> bronies are the new furries �03[16:19] * BarkingFish ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:19] * BarkingFish ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[16:19] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:20] <pakaran> i commented re the india vaccination issue i mentioend [16:20] <pakaran> [16:20] <pakaran> i'm sure there's a simple explanation, but the figure mentioned concerned me �15[16:21] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[16:21] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[16:24] * mabdul|dog is now known as mabdul [16:26] <Steven_Zhang> Lol people catch the train at toorak [16:26] <Steven_Zhang> Don't they have Porsches to drive �03[16:27] * photoz (photoz@unaffiliated/photoz) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:28] <photoz> <-- Why build a well like this? �03[16:28] * Retrieving #wikipedia-en modes... �08[16:29] <derp> photoz, because it's pratical? �03[16:29] * SonicAD ( has joined #wikipedia-en [16:30] <Steven_Zhang> Ugh I don't feel well. �15[16:31] * SonicAD_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �03[16:32] * Theo10011_a (~Theo10011@ has joined #wikipedia-en �03[16:32] * derp is now known as Drama �03[16:33] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:33] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[16:33] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:34] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �03[16:34] * MTCD|Away is now known as methecooldude �15[16:34] * methecooldude ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[16:34] * methecooldude (rsmithy@wikipedia/methecooldude) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:34] * methecooldude (rsmithy@wikipedia/methecooldude) Quit (Disconnected by services�) �03[16:34] * MTCD ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[16:34] * methecooldude (rsmithy@wikipedia/methecooldude) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[16:34] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:35] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �15[16:36] * MTCD ( Quit (Client Quit�) �03[16:36] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[16:37] * methecooldude is now known as MTCD|Away �15[16:37] * Narodnik (~Severin@wikipedia/Skomorokh) Quit (Quit: Narodnik�) �15[16:40] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�) �03[16:43] * Narodnik (~Severin@wikipedia/Skomorokh) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[16:44] * BewareofDoug is now known as Doug|afk �15[16:46] * guillom (~guillaume@wikimedia/guillom) Quit (Quit: Quitte�) �03[16:47] * Ironholds (~bob@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:49] * Reedy (~Reedy@wikimedia/ Quit (Quit: Leaving�) �15[16:50] * Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�) �03[16:50] * Pesky (~Pesky@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:50] * Pesky (~Pesky@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[16:50] * Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:51] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 7.0.1/20110928134238]�) �03[16:53] * Qcoder00 ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:53] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[16:53] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:54] * TBloemink (~TBloemink@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�) �03[16:55] * LauraHale is now known as Laura|Away �03[16:55] * pticochon ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[16:55] * Qcoder00_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:58] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�) �03[16:58] * Qcoder00_ is now known as Qcoder00 �03[16:58] * Qcoder00 is now known as Guest76473 [16:58] <dziewietnascie> fukk [16:58] <dziewietnascie> [16:58] <dziewietnascie> someone please block this guy [16:58] <dziewietnascie> thank you �03[16:59] * joke-away ( has joined #wikipedia-en �08[16:59] <Drama> dziewietnascie, look at the talk page �08[16:59] <Drama> The Template Shared IP is there. [17:00] <dziewietnascie> :/ �15[17:00] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �03[17:00] * BarkingFish ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:00] * BarkingFish ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[17:00] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:01] <WilliamH_UK> it's blocked [17:01] <WilliamH_UK> 2 years �03[17:02] * Reedy (~Reedy@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:02] * Reedy (~Reedy@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[17:02] * Reedy (~Reedy@wikimedia/ has joined #wikipedia-en �03[17:03] * Hurricanefan25 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[17:03] * Hurricanefan25 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has left #wikipedia-en �08[17:04] <Drama> WilliamH_UK, soft block? �03[17:05] * SteveWork (cb235285@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:05] <WilliamH_UK> yea �03[17:06] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:06] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[17:06] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:06] <SteveWork> Hello �03[17:07] * jm|sleep (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/juanm) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[17:08] * joke-awol ( has joined #wikipedia-en �08[17:08] Clones detected from�8 joke-away joke-awol �03[17:08] * rjk|sleep (~Raijenki@ has joined #wikipedia-en �08[17:08] Clones detected from�8 Raijenki rjk|sleep �03[17:08] * jorm_ (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[17:08] Clones detected from wikimedia/jorm:�8 jorm jorm_ �15[17:09] * dziewietnascie (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jcaraballo) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0/20110811165603]�) �15[17:09] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�) �03[17:09] * jorm_ is now known as jorm �15[17:11] * joke-away ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) [17:11] <Gfoley4> most ips are always soft blocked for vandalism, anyways. �15[17:11] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�) �15[17:11] * Guest76473 ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 7.0.1/20110928134238]�) �03[17:11] * Drama is now known as Tabarnak [17:12] <WilliamH_UK> generally, yes [17:12] <Ironholds> Maryana, do you have any problem with being a chocolate mule? �15[17:12] * Raijenki (~Raijenki@ Quit (Disconnected by services�) �03[17:12] * rjk|sleep is now known as Raijenki [17:12] <Maryana> ... [17:12] <Maryana> ? �15[17:13] * Mezelf14 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Mezelf14) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 7.0.1/20110928134238]�) �15[17:13] * Narodnik (~Severin@wikipedia/Skomorokh) Quit (Quit: Narodnik�) �03[17:14] * Tabarnak is now known as derp �15[17:15] * PhancyPhysicist ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �15[17:15] * Brownout (~brownout@wikimedia/brownout) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �03[17:15] * Brownout (~brownout@wikimedia/brownout) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[17:15] * Versageek (~Versageek@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:15] * Versageek (~Versageek@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[17:15] * Versageek (~Versageek@wikimedia/Versageek) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:16] <Maryana> ironholds, i'm still waiting for the hilarious backstory to this [17:16] <Ironholds> Maryana: oh, sorry, I got distracted with teh emails [17:17] <Ironholds> I owe James A belgian pralines for sorting my email account with office IT. Would you mind couriering them to him? [17:17] <Ironholds> actually, thinking about it I'm pretty sure I owe you pralines too, so you can take a 15 percent agents cut as a reward ;p [17:17] <Maryana> you've got a deal [17:18] <Ironholds> smashing �15[17:19] * Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) Quit (Quit: Pesky�) [17:19] <Ironholds> this lends further support to my "replace dollars with belgian pralines" school of economic thought �06[17:19] * Peter-C steals Ironholds' face �06[17:19] * Peter-C plays keep away [17:19] <Ironholds> a currency that is both useful and delicious! I imagine deflation would get to be a big issue, though. [17:19] <Ironholds> Peter-C, behave please. [17:19] <Peter-C> :( �06[17:20] * Peter-C gives Ironholds back his face �08[17:20] <derp> Ironholds, want me to restrain him? [17:20] <Ironholds> derp: no thank-you �03[17:20] * PhancyPhysicist ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:24] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�) [17:25] <Peter-C> Ironholds - you are in luck [17:26] <Peter-C> Starting in January I will be here less �08[17:29] <derp> oh lord �15[17:29] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �03[17:29] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:30] * Crazynas (~IceChat7@wikipedia/crazynas) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �03[17:33] * TParis ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:33] * TParis ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[17:33] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[17:33] * Grashoofd ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:34] * Rainbow-Dash-EN ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 7.0.1/20111008085056]�) �03[17:35] * Tristessa (~tristessa@wikimedia/tristessa-de-st-ange) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:36] <SteveWork> hello Tristessa �15[17:37] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[17:37] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:37] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[17:37] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:37] * jm|sleep (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/juanm) Quit (Quit: (bye)�) �03[17:37] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:39] <TParis> So, what Steve, the rest of us arn't greeted here? [17:39] <photoz> <-- Why build a well like this? [17:41] <Ironholds> Peter-C: whyso? �15[17:42] * Sir48 ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�) �08[17:42] <derp> TParis, would you appreciate a greeting bot? [17:42] <SteveWork> lol [17:43] <Pilif12p> [17:43] <SteveWork> greeting bot!! �08[17:43] <derp> ie it would greet anyone who joins in the channel in public or private �08[17:43] <derp> :) [17:43] <TParis> Of course, I'm so awesome someone should acknowledge me presence ( =) ) [17:44] <Peter-C> Ironholds - EMT-B course starts! <3 [17:44] <Peter-C> And I have to get some hours on the ambulance before I can get my certification [17:44] <Ironholds> ahh [17:44] <TParis> kidding of course, I'm not THAT full of myself...almost though [17:45] <tommorris> Note to self: next time on east coast, don't get sick. Waking up in the ambulance to find Peter-C looming over me with medical instruments is too horrific to think about. �03[17:45] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:46] <Gfoley4> You wouldn't know that it's him. [17:47] <TParis> That's comforting? [17:47] <tommorris> "So, like, if I use this defibrilator and I fuck up, I can always revert right?" [17:48] <tommorris> Even when subconscious, I can tell. �15[17:50] * joke-awol ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [17:53] <TheCavalry> "I have to get some hours on the ambulance before I can get my certification" suggests that you will be in the ambulance and uncertified [17:53] <TheCavalry> :D �03[17:56] * Barras is now known as The_Devil [17:56] <Gfoley4> Why ride in an ambulance when you can ride on �it? �03[17:57] * photoz (photoz@unaffiliated/photoz) has left #wikipedia-en �03[17:57] * TheCavalry is now known as Cavalry|Away �03[17:59] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has left #wikipedia-en �15[18:02] * PhancyPhysicist ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �15[18:02] * Raijenki (~Raijenki@ Quit (Quit: �—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n—� 3.2 (July '10)�) �03[18:02] * PhancyPhysicist ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[18:03] * Avruch (me@2002:41b7:9c67::41b7:9c67) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[18:03] * Avruch (me@2002:41b7:9c67::41b7:9c67) Quit (Changing host�) �03[18:03] * Avruch (me@wikimedia/Nathan) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[18:03] * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �08[18:05] * derp waves at Gfoley4 �03[18:05] * agk-wiki (~agkwiki@wikipedia/AGK) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:06] <Gfoley4> hai �15[18:07] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: What doesn't kill you, will probably have another go later.�) [18:08] <Ironholds> hey all �03[18:08] * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:08] <Gfoley4> back to online chess. (won 3 games in a row) [18:08] <Ironholds> agk-wiki, Gfoley4, etc [18:08] <Gfoley4> hi Ironholds. [18:08] <agk-wiki> Hiya :) �03[18:08] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:09] <Peter-C> Gfoley4!!! �15[18:09] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�) [18:10] SpamTunes started. �08[18:10] * derp iTunes Fichier audio AAC �Whigfield - Saturday Night� 4:26 128kbit/s [18:11] SpamTunes stopped. �03[18:11] * derp is now known as ` �03[18:11] * ` is now known as ___ �08[18:11] <___> test [18:12] <Gfoley4> /kick �08[18:12] * ___ kicks Gfoley4 in the balls. [18:12] <Gfoley4> /nick derp �08[18:13] <___> Do it :) �06[18:13] * Peter-C glomps Gfoley4 �15[18:13] * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) Session Close: Mon Oct 24 18:13:40 2011 Session Start: Mon Oct 24 18:13:40 2011 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en [18:13] SpamTunes stopped. �11[18:13] * Disconnected [18:13] SpamTunes stopped. Session Close: Mon Oct 24 18:13:41 2011 Session Start: Mon Oct 24 18:34:54 2011 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �03[18:34] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en �03[18:34] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops followed by the request | For urgent admin help, say !admin followed by the request | No public logging | Cloak requests:�' �03[18:34] * Set by derp! on Sun Oct 23 21:29:19 [18:34] #wikipedia-en url is �03[18:35] * Kharghosh (62be0d03@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en [18:38] <SteveWork> Ugh I am so tired. �15[18:38] * ScottSteiner (~s@wikipedia/ScottSteiner) Quit �03[18:40] * LauraHale (895cbb50@wikipedia/LauraHale) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:43] <MJ94> Is AfC new? [18:43] <Gfoley4> no. [18:43] <Gfoley4> rather old, actually. [18:43] <MJ94> I feel like more people are using it now [18:44] <Gfoley4> that could be true. [18:44] <MJ94> Is it mandatory for some now? �03[18:47] * SMasters (~SMasters@wikipedia/SMasters) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:50] <Ironholds> tommorris, ping? [18:51] <tommorris> pong �03[18:54] * dungodung is now known as dungodung|away [18:54] <petan> Ironholds: here? [18:54] <petan> it's urgent [18:55] <Ironholds> petan: indeed [18:55] <petan> I need to see content of [18:55] <Ironholds> tommorris: can I amend my interview slightly? Just to add details about office hours �15[18:55] * nza (~krokodil@ Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�) [18:55] <petan> it's a page which was originaly in J. Wales userspace [18:55] <tommorris> Ironholds: ping the modifications to me in /msg [18:55] <petan> my bot moved it �03[18:55] * nza (~krokodil@ has joined #wikipedia-en [18:56] <petan> I want to know why it moved I believe it was following its task, I really need to investigate it [18:56] <Ironholds> hang on [18:56] <petan> ok [18:57] <Ironholds> petan: it's a mock-up of Jimbo's facebook page [18:57] <petan> is there {{AFC template}} [18:57] <petan> anywhere in history [18:57] <Ironholds> nope! [18:57] <petan> are you sure? [18:58] <petan> who created it? [18:58] <Ironholds> Seb, in 2007 [18:58] <Ironholds> it's been sitting in Jimbo's userspace for four years quite happily [18:58] <petan> do you see in log that it was moved by a bot? [18:59] <Ironholds> yup �03[18:59] * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:59] <petan> that bot only moves pages in �03[18:59] * dziewietnascie (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jcaraballo) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:59] <Ironholds> (del/undel) (diff) 08:40, 24 October 2011 . . ArticlesForCreationBot (talk | contribs | block) (5,467 bytes) (moved User:Jimbo Wales/Facebook to Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/Facebook: Moving to AFC space (bot)) [18:59] <petan> it had to be there [18:59] <Ironholds> maybe it was categorised individually. hangon [18:59] <petan> ok [18:59] <Ironholds> nope, nothing [19:00] <Ironholds> and the last edit before the bot move was in August [19:00] <petan> this year? [19:00] <Ironholds> yup [19:00] <petan> huh [19:00] <petan> there had to be something seriously wrong then... thanks [19:01] <Ironholds> no problemo :) [19:01] <Ironholds> also, having two accounts SUCKS [19:02] <Ironholds> I was sitting there going "huh, why can't I see any deleted revisi- oh, right, staff account. Oops." [19:02] <petan> I have 4 accounts, or 5 [19:02] <petan> I don't even know [19:02] <petan> 2 of them are bots [19:02] <petan> 1 is alt, maybe I have one more... [19:03] <tommorris> Ironholds: can't you get your staff account sysopped? [19:04] <Ironholds> tommorris: no, I've got no need for sysop rights on it [19:04] <tommorris> but, but, you need to be a rogue admin and a rogue WMF employee [19:06] <Ironholds> I'm not an employee! [19:06] <Ironholds> I'm a short-term contractor, and an editor first. Okay, I'm a rampant asshole first. But an editor second. And an editor before a contractor, is my point. �15[19:06] * Grashoofd ( Quit (Quit: Oogjes toe!�) �03[19:08] * dziewietnascie is now known as siedemnascie �15[19:08] * syntaxiko ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �15[19:08] * agk-wiki (~agkwiki@wikipedia/AGK) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�) �15[19:10] * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:13] * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[19:15] * tommorris thinks about nominating Ironholds for bureaucrat and starting the nomination with the quote "Okay, I'm a rampant asshole first." �15[19:16] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�) �03[19:17] * Chappie-san ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:17] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:19] * Chappie_san ( Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �03[19:21] * IShadowed_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:21] * IShadowed_ ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:21] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:22] <Peter-C> Gfoley4 �15[19:22] * SMasters (~SMasters@wikipedia/SMasters) Quit [19:22] <Peter-C> Wanna play some interwebs chesS? [19:22] <Gfoley4> okay [19:22] <Gfoley4> what site? �15[19:23] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:23] * tutuca1 ( has joined #wikipedia-en [19:23] <Peter-C> what ever floats your boat �15[19:25] * Cavalry|Away ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) �15[19:25] * SudoKing (~geek@wikimedia/PseudoOne) Quit (Excess Flood�) �03[19:26] * FAdmArcher|away is now known as DeltaQuad �03[19:26] * Crazynas (~IceChat7@wikipedia/crazynas) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:28] * Cavalry|Away ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:30] * Ks0stm (~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:32] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �15[19:33] * Avruch (me@wikimedia/Nathan) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �15[19:33] * Tristessa (~tristessa@wikimedia/tristessa-de-st-ange) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �03[19:33] * Avruch ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:33] * Avruch ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:33] * Avruch (me@wikimedia/Nathan) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:34] * SudoKing (~geek@wikimedia/PseudoOne) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:35] * Tristessa ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:35] * Tristessa ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:35] * Tristessa (~tristessa@wikimedia/tristessa-de-st-ange) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:35] * IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:35] * IShadowed ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:35] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:35] * Jayflux ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �03[19:35] * Johnny_Giggles (~Johnny_Gi@unaffiliated/johnny-giggles) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:36] * Fluffernutter ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:36] * Fluffernutter ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:36] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:37] * the_wub ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 7.0.1/20110928134238]�) �15[19:42] * Crazynas (~IceChat7@wikipedia/crazynas) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) [19:42] <Peter-C> omg derp it's your birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 �06[19:42] * Peter-C huggles FB for the reminder [19:42] <Peter-C> Everyone give derp some birthday love! �03[19:43] * siedemnascie is now known as gwenenenn �03[19:44] * Crimedog (ritzlart@wikipedia/Ron-Ritzman) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:45] <Fluffernutter> so, what wikidrama did i miss in my weekend away? �03[19:45] * DarkoNeko (~udontcare@wikipedia/darkoneko) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:45] * Seddon (83fb8dc8@Wikimedia/Seddon) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�) [19:46] <NobodyLovesMe> �15[19:48] * gwenenenn (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jcaraballo) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0/20110811165603]�) �15[19:48] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �15[19:48] * SudoGhost (~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �03[19:49] * gwenenenn (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jcaraballo) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:49] * IShadowed_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:49] * IShadowed_ ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:49] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[19:49] Clones detected from wikimedia/IShadowed:�8 IShadowed IShadowed_ �03[19:51] * guest_tseug (55417709@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:51] * swarfega is now known as swarfega|away [19:52] <LikeLakers2-1> Fluffernutter: where would I go if wikipedia's page layout (i.e. the spacing of the sections) suddenly goes wonky? [19:52] <Fluffernutter> um, the tech channel? [19:52] <guest_tseug> here's an initial implementation for the infobox-software template reoisitory link: if an admin can take a look at it that would be great. [19:52] <LikeLakers2-1> what is the tech channel? �15[19:52] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [19:52] <LikeLakers2-1> as in, what is the channel name? [19:53] <mareklug> #wikimedia-tech �03[19:56] * ReverendMalthus ( has joined #wikipedia-en [19:56] <Fluffernutter> Contrary to popular belief, I do not actually know everything or spit it out on command �03[19:57] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|unpacking �03[19:58] * Rainbow-Dash-EN ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:59] * Theo10011_a (~Theo10011@ Quit (Quit: Leaving�) [20:01] <matthewrbowker> Fluff|unpacking: As in, you just moved? [20:05] <SteveWork> wtf.... [20:06] <matthewrbowker> SteveWork: WTH?! [20:07] <SteveWork> ya [20:08] <ReverendMalthus> why will so many articles be deleted? [20:08] <ReverendMalthus> if I may ask? [20:08] <SteveWork> because they suck :P [20:08] <SteveWork> see [[WP:ITSCRAP]] [20:09] <ReverendMalthus> I see [20:09] <ReverendMalthus> does not that disincentivize people to contribute? �03[20:11] * JoeGazz84 is now known as JG84|Blog [20:13] <SteveWork> a little [20:13] <ReverendMalthus> I guess you have two opposite effects [20:14] <ReverendMalthus> on the one hand people might get discouraged to contribute at all [20:14] <ReverendMalthus> on the other, people who contribute will do it better [20:15] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> meep �15[20:15] * StevenW (~swalling@wikimedia/steven-walling) Quit [20:16] <ReverendMalthus> what does meep mean? �06[20:16] * NobodyLovesMe eats jalapeno bacon and scrambled eggs with jalapeno cheese mixed in, with Tabasco sauce. [20:17] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> meep meep [20:17] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> also why can nopony edit the topic? [20:17] <NobodyLovesMe> Presumably trolls kept fucking with it. [20:18] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> someone -t [20:18] <NobodyLovesMe> why? [20:18] <SteveWork> Rainbow-Dash-EN: .. [20:19] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> i don't know �15[20:20] * LikeLakers2-1 (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) Quit (Quit: *insert generic Quit Message here*�) �03[20:21] * LL2|JedIRC ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:21] * LL2|JedIRC ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[20:21] * LL2|JedIRC (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:21] * CRRaysHead90 (~CR90@unaffiliated/crrayshead90) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:21] <Fluff|unpacking> no, we won't be -t'ing it as long as you guys show an unholy interest in messing with it [20:22] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I love it when SPAs start talking like they are seasoned editors. [20:22] <CRRaysHead90> [20:22] <Gfoley4> pretty link. �15[20:22] * Cavalry|Away ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[20:22] * Cavalry|Away__ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:23] * Maryana (~Maryana@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [20:23] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> �03[20:23] * Cavalry|Away__ is now known as Cavalry|Away [20:23] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> i know they are lovely links. �03[20:24] * Fluff|unpacking is now known as Fluffernutter �15[20:25] * Reedy (~Reedy@wikimedia/ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [20:25] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> jesus christ. [20:25] <LL2|JedIRC> Fluffernutter: we don't screw with it, its Rainbow-Dash-EN that apparently screws with it [20:26] <LL2|JedIRC> Its the english pony �03[20:26] * matthewrbowker is now known as MRB[away] [20:26] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> No it's the international pony. [20:26] <LL2|JedIRC> Its the stupid international english ponmy [20:26] <LL2|JedIRC> *pony [20:26] <LL2|JedIRC> Is that better? [20:27] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> No, I have no control over Rainbow-Dash [20:27] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> It's Sigma's stupid ass puppet. [20:27] <LL2|JedIRC> Its your mom [20:27] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> no it's your mom [20:27] <LL2|JedIRC> Nours [20:28] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> nours. [20:28] <LL2|JedIRC> /topic #wikipedia-en :nours [20:28] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> [ERROR] You need to be an operator in #wikipedia-en to do that. [20:29] <NobodyLovesMe> lolwindows [20:29] <NobodyLovesMe> [20:29] <LL2|JedIRC> Aha [20:29] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> By Matthew Broersma | Techworld | Published: 16:42, 21 September 2004 [20:29] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Published: 16:42, 21 September 2004 [20:29] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> 16:42, 21 September 2004 [20:29] <NobodyLovesMe> ... [20:29] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> 2004 [20:29] <NobodyLovesMe> wtf are you doing? [20:30] <LL2|JedIRC> Isn't that where Rainbow-Dash-EN works? [20:30] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Don't involve me with anything involving Microsoft. [20:30] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I despise Microsoft. �06[20:30] * LL2|JedIRC forces Rainbow-Dash-EN to marry Bill Gates and to like it [20:31] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I'm already married to Linus Towvards. �03[20:31] * OwlSecretary ( has joined #wikipedia-en [20:31] <LL2|JedIRC> Doesn't mean you can't be married to a second person [20:31] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> don't tell Applejack that I am cheating with a man. [20:31] <OwlSecretary> :X How do I Use HUBBLE> [20:31] <OwlSecretary> :O [20:31] <OwlSecretary> Lol [20:32] <LL2|JedIRC> APPLEJACK! RAINBOW-DASH-EN IS CHEATING ON YOU! [20:32] <Gfoley4> Please speak clearer. Thanks. �03[20:32] * IShadowed_ is now known as IS|WoW [20:33] <LL2|JedIRC> Gfoley4: please make your statement more trollish. Thanks. [20:33] <LL2|JedIRC> :Ppp [20:33] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> It should be legal in Texas to shoot Klan members from helicopters. [20:33] <LL2|JedIRC> * :P [20:33] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> wrong chat �15[20:33] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) Quit (Quit: erikhaugen�) �15[20:33] * pticochon ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�) [20:33] <Gfoley4> … [20:33] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I am trolling this white power IRC. [20:34] <Fluffernutter> �15[20:34] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�) [20:34] <LL2|JedIRC> Rainbow-Dash-EN: we may be trolls in here, but I don't think we like racism all that much [20:35] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> who said I was racist? �15[20:35] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [20:35] <LL2|JedIRC> [20:34] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I am trolling this white power IRC. [20:35] <LL2|JedIRC> That said so [20:35] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> yeah, I wasn't referring to this channel. [20:35] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I was referring to another channel on the Geekshed server. [20:36] <LL2|JedIRC> You were refering to the network; nonetheless, it was racist [20:36] <Gfoley4> I didn't see that as racism. [20:36] <LL2|JedIRC> I did [20:36] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> LL2 [20:36] <LL2|JedIRC> ? [20:36] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> what race are you? [20:36] <LL2|JedIRC> Idk [20:37] <Logan_> Pony. [20:37] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I can't stand idk people. [20:37] <ReverendMalthus> what is idk? [20:37] <LL2|JedIRC> Logan_ what race are you? [20:37] <Logan_> "I can't stand I don't know people." [20:37] <Logan_> That makes sense. [20:38] <Gfoley4> Just like your face! [20:38] <Logan_> LL2|JedIRC: Eskimo. [20:38] <Gfoley4> er [20:38] <Gfoley4> wrong chat? �06[20:38] * Fluffernutter sighs [20:38] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> lol whoever nominated Comparison of Windows and Linux happens to be a GNU/Linux user. [20:38] <Logan_> Gfoley4: Maybe. [20:38] <LL2|JedIRC> Fluffernutter: other than a sandwich, what race are YOU? :P [20:39] <Logan_> By the way, I'm not actually eskimo. Just clearing that up. [20:39] <Gfoley4> Logan_: maybe (your face makes sense)? [20:39] <LL2|JedIRC> I know [20:39] <Logan_> kthx [20:39] <LL2|JedIRC> Lol [20:39] <Fluffernutter> how about you don't wander around asking people's races [20:39] <Logan_> Gfoley4: Yes, it does. [20:39] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I share the blood of scandinavians and the master race [20:40] <Fluffernutter> right ok Rainbow-Dash-EN, seriously, you need to tone down the WHITE POWAH-sounding stuff [20:40] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I'm just making a reference. [20:40] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> that I am half German and Scandinavian. [20:40] <LL2|JedIRC> Fluffernutter: if I do that, it'll end up being everyone saying what race they are and you'll be doing so too [20:41] <LL2|JedIRC> So no point in not answering �15[20:41] * ReverendMalthus ( Quit (Quit: ReverendMalthus�) [20:41] <Gfoley4> ...? [20:41] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I don't see how being half-German automatically makes you pro-white power. [20:41] <Fluffernutter> LL2|JedIRC, let me rephrase that: it is no more appropriate to ask people's races in here than it would be to go "hurrrrr, as/l?" Which is to say, it's not appropriate, so don't do it [20:41] <Gfoley4> "master race" [20:41] <LL2|JedIRC> Ok [20:42] <Logan_> Fluffernutter: hurrrrr, as/l [20:42] <Logan_> ? �06[20:42] * Fluffernutter lose a slash somewhere in there [20:42] <LL2|JedIRC> Though I'm probably right with my response, from what I've seen before [20:42] <Fluffernutter> also a t [20:42] <Fluffernutter> goddamned new keyboard �03[20:42] * DeltaQuad is now known as DQ|HW �03[20:42] * JG84|Blog is now known as JoeGazz84 �03[20:43] * Chris_G (~chris@wikipedia/Chris-G) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:43] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> and while we are on the subject, lets discuss how a pure national race can't exist due to biodiversity. �03[20:44] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:44] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> great, i killed the fucking IRC. [20:44] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> this is terrible. [20:45] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> who am I going to talk to about things. [20:45] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I might as well talk to myself in here. [20:45] <OwlSecretary> I really like mIRC Scripting [20:45] <OwlSecretary> Who does here? [20:45] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> ... �03[20:45] * MRB[away] is now known as matthewrbowker [20:45] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> owl what browser do you use? [20:45] <OwlSecretary> Chrome <3 [20:46] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> You're aware that Chrome sends your personal info to Google, yes? [20:46] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Firefox is best fox. [20:46] <OwlSecretary> NO WAY? [20:46] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> WAI [20:46] <OwlSecretary> Firefox is on Gecko, NOT AS GOOD AS CHROME. [20:46] <OwlSecretary> NO WAI, FIREFOX SUXX [20:46] <OwlSecretary> Webkit <3 [20:46] <OwlSecretary> V3 <3 [20:47] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> So you would rather let a company take control of web standards, or a community? [20:47] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Haven't we learned from Microsoft? [20:47] <OwlSecretary> Tbh [20:47] <OwlSecretary> I don't care if it's all Open Source, I don't edit software, I edit PHP Scripts, I'm a developer. [20:47] <OwlSecretary> And Google WONT Do that. [20:48] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Do what? Sell your shit to companies? [20:48] <TParis> Won't do what? PHP? [20:48] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> of course it will, it's been proven ages ago. [20:48] <OwlSecretary> I <3 PHP [20:48] <OwlSecretary> Google WONT. ;( �06[20:48] * OwlSecretary googles this [20:48] <TParis> Chrome won't do PHP? Since when did PHP become a client side language? [20:48] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> It isn't. [20:49] <TParis> Exactly [20:49] <OwlSecretary> LOL [20:49] <OwlSecretary> I said. [20:49] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> even Internet Exploder can do php. [20:49] <OwlSecretary> I develop [20:49] <OwlSecretary> PHP Scripts. [20:49] <OwlSecretary> Not make it client side.. [20:49] <TParis> So your saying you got an engine on your computer? [20:49] <OwlSecretary> PHP is server side.. [20:49] <OwlSecretary> ..... [20:49] <TParis> Yes, I know. [20:49] <OwlSecretary> I SAID, <OwlSecretary> I don't care if it's all Open Source, I don't edit software, I edit PHP Scripts, I'm a developer. [20:49] <TParis> But Google Chrome is a client side application that doesn't interact with PHP. [20:49] <OwlSecretary> PHP is loaded rendering HTML,... [20:50] <OwlSecretary> I am NOT an idiot for your info. [20:50] <TParis> Sure you're not, but your comments dont make sense. [20:50] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Owl, which browsers do you specificly write code for? [20:50] <TParis> How do you get that Chrome is worse than Firefox because your a PHP developer? [20:50] <TParis> Keep in mind I've been writing PHP for 12 years, I'm somewhat familar with how it works. [20:50] <OwlSecretary> I said.. [20:51] <OwlSecretary> I don't care if FF is Open Source, the only OPEN SOURCE things I edit are PHP Scripts.. [20:51] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> The arguement is not open source. [20:51] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I only said that Mozilla doesn't sell your shit to companies. Google does. [20:51] <TParis> I wouldn't neccessarily say PHP is open source unless you mean the engine itself. [20:51] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> and somehow this gets involved into PHP. [20:51] <OwlSecretary> >.< Only if you have a GOoGLE ACCOUNT [20:51] <OwlSecretary> AND [20:52] <OwlSecretary> >.< I MEAN OPEN SOURCE PHP SCRIPTS DUMBO [20:52] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> it sells it nevertheless. [20:52] <OwlSecretary> And if u have a google account, IT DOESNT SELL IT, it collects personal info DURING SIGNUP, for verification. [20:53] <OwlSecretary> Damn Fox Supporters. [20:53] <OwlSecretary> lol [20:53] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> what do you have against the fox? �15[20:53] * gwenenenn (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jcaraballo) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0/20110811165603]�) [20:53] <OwlSecretary> A lot. that .NET Virus screwed me. [20:53] <TParis> How are PHP scripts open source? Do you publish your scripts online unparesed by the interpreter? [20:54] <OwlSecretary> .>.<. I GET SCRIPTS THAT AREN'T COMMERCIAL >..< �03[20:54] * ghosts (48d13fb6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en [20:54] <OwlSecretary> --- [20:54] <TParis> So your a script-kiddie? [20:54] <OwlSecretary> Surely. [20:54] <TParis> OOOooookkkkay! �15[20:54] * LauraHale (895cbb50@wikipedia/LauraHale) Quit (Quit: Wikia webchat:�) [20:54] <OwlSecretary> LOL [20:54] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> oh lord. [20:54] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> ghosts [20:54] <OwlSecretary> I am a developer. I make scripts from others ideas. So I see a pastebin, so I make my own script. [20:55] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> talk now. [20:55] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> this is U_Abusebeercans. [20:55] <ghosts> hey [20:55] <OwlSecretary> hi. [20:55] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> hey. [20:55] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> so yeah, this is my chanbuddy. [20:55] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> that I invited in here. �03[20:55] * zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:55] * Kharghosh (62be0d03@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�) [20:56] <ghosts> so wats going on here? [20:56] <OwlSecretary> PHP fight. [20:56] <OwlSecretary> TParis.. [20:56] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> engineer, I started a flame war [20:56] <OwlSecretary> ^ [20:56] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> because this Chrome owl is butthurt. [20:56] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> that FF is superior to Chrome. [20:57] <OwlSecretary> No. [20:57] <OwlSecretary> HELL NAW [20:57] <ghosts> lol [20:57] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> no, Firefox has more addons. [20:57] <OwlSecretary> CHROME IS SUPERIOR [20:57] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> we are a customizable tank [20:57] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> what the hell are you? [20:57] <OwlSecretary> WHICH ONE IS STANDARDS-COMPLIANT [20:57] <OwlSecretary> Chrome is <# [20:57] <OwlSecretary> <3* [20:57] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Firefox passes Acid3. [20:58] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> in case you don't know. [20:58] <ghosts> im using chrome [20:58] <OwlSecretary> Same here with chrome/ [20:58] <OwlSecretary> ACID3 100% [20:58] <OwlSecretary> and [20:58] <OwlSecretary> FF [20:58] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Celestia fucking damnit. [20:58] <OwlSecretary> 99 [20:58] <OwlSecretary> SO [20:58] <OwlSecretary> :P [20:58] <CRRaysHead90> I swear I could say the wiki was "burning" and the admins would be scarce. [20:58] <OwlSecretary> lol. [20:58] <OwlSecretary> loool. [20:58] <TParis> I use all three only because I develop with PHP and Ajax (with jQuery) so I want to make sure jQuery is doing it's job and is working cross-browser. [20:58] <TParis> But I mostly use FF [20:59] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> TParis good to see a fox lover. [20:59] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> how are you buddy. [20:59] <OwlSecretary> I hate jQuery. I suck ROYAL Penis in Javascript [20:59] <TParis> Anxious for BF3 to come out? [20:59] <TParis> There is another option besides jQuery and I forget what it's called. [20:59] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I hate Battlefield. [20:59] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> do you like Fallout? [20:59] <TParis> Scriptalicous I think? [20:59] <OwlSecretary> JAVASCRIPT IN GENERAL! [21:00] <OwlSecretary> CSS3 and HTML and PHP = <b>I love it</b> [21:00] <ghosts> [21:00] <OwlSecretary> CSS3 and HTML and PHP = <b>I <i>love</i> it</b> [21:00] <ghosts> they banned a muslim kid [21:00] <ghosts> one of the admins is a racist [21:00] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> you fucks troll that Xat all day. [21:00] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> good god, find a new target. [21:00] <TParis> Well if you reload every page just to submit some stuff to PHP, you're punishing your users with long wait times. [21:01] <OwlSecretary> I am spamworld [21:01] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> and Kailee still has me banned :( [21:01] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Ghost who is Celebi? [21:02] <ghosts> thge owner �15[21:02] * OwlSecretary ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�) [21:02] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> i thought the orange avatars were mods. [21:03] <ghosts> i think its the white �15[21:03] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) [21:04] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> No, I saw multiple orange people in Xat rooms before. [21:04] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Corvallis, OR, USA [21:04] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> hai ghosts. [21:04] <ghosts> hai [21:05] <Gfoley4> Oregon State? �03[21:05] * OwlSecretary ( has joined #wikipedia-en [21:05] <OwlSecretary> Sorru [21:06] <OwlSecretary> What did I MISS? [21:06] <ghosts> [21:06] <OwlSecretary> k gunna be there [21:06] <ghosts> tell em an article on internet racism sent ya [21:06] <ghosts> and how u hate racist mods [21:07] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> oh dear lord. [21:07] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> now you have the Wiki regulars doing this. �15[21:07] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�) �03[21:07] * mareklug ( has joined #wikipedia-en [21:07] <ghosts> tell em someone linked us �15[21:07] * mareklug ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:07] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:07] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I'm still banned. :( [21:08] <OwlSecretary> Hello [21:08] <OwlSecretary> TheRegulator [21:08] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> hi. [21:08] <OwlSecretary> REGULATOR? [21:08] <OwlSecretary> Where? [21:08] <ghosts> its a fake name �03[21:09] * tawker (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:09] * tutuca1 ( Quit (Quit: A tomar po'l culo�) [21:09] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> OwlSecretary [21:09] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> tube8 is terrible. �03[21:10] * SigmaWP (~math@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:11] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I have banned Chat_Regulator3 forever for no reason [21:12] <SigmaWP> WHERE ARE THOSE ADMINS??? [21:12] <SigmaWP> Gfoley4 [21:12] <Gfoley4> … [21:12] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> The action you have requested is limited to users in the group: Administrators. [21:12] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> :( [21:13] <Gfoley4> real link [21:13] <Peter-C> Oh FFS, I hate when people do not check their stupid "this is true" pictures. [21:13] <SigmaWP> [21:13] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> yeah, someone block Maufer123 [21:13] <ghosts> ya the owner says that rocker has been depressed and hasnt been on since he got accused [21:14] <SigmaWP> Damned VOA [21:14] <Ironholds> who needs blocking? [21:14] <SigmaWP> [21:14] <Ironholds> already blocked [21:14] <SigmaWP> for regular WP users [21:14] <SigmaWP> Oh [21:14] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Some unoriginal asshole that thinks that spamming aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is uber leet [21:14] <OwlSecretary> I WAZ BANNED [21:15] <OwlSecretary> RAINBOW [21:15] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> also Ghosts, find a different Xat room [21:15] <OwlSecretary> UNBAND MY ASS [21:15] <SigmaWP> OwlSecretary: Silence, mortal [21:15] <OwlSecretary> BAN* [21:15] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I'm not a mod. [21:15] <OwlSecretary> Alright Mortal. [21:15] <Ironholds> OwlSecretary: be quiet or get kicked. your choice. [21:15] <OwlSecretary> Oh, [21:15] <OwlSecretary> Sorry. [21:15] <Peter-C> Jesus Christ, calm your tits man. [21:15] <Peter-C> Ok? [21:15] <Peter-C> Chill [21:15] <Ironholds> Peter-C, that's not helpful either. settle yourself. [21:15] <OwlSecretary> :( ok. [21:16] <OwlSecretary> How can u kick if ur not a mod? [21:16] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> but Ghosts, find a different xat room, because SpamUniverse is unfunny. [21:16] <OwlSecretary> SAKICK? [21:16] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> you been giving these people heart attacks for two weeks. [21:16] <ghosts> no it is [21:16] <ghosts> now [21:16] <ghosts> * [21:16] <SigmaWP> OwlSecretary: Shut up. Now. [21:16] <Peter-C> OwlSecretary - Calm down or I will call your mother and tell her to take away your caps lock key? [21:16] <Peter-C> You understand? [21:16] <Ironholds> Peter-C, please be quiet. You're not helping. [21:16] <OwlSecretary> .. [21:16] <Ironholds> OwlSecretary, ghosts, calm down [21:16] <Peter-C> TBH that is something Fluffernutter would say [21:16] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Oh lord. �15[21:17] * ghosts (48d13fb6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�) [21:17] <SigmaWP> Peter-C: That's why you don't eat Fluffernutters [21:17] <Ironholds> if you have something to contribute that is relevant, do so in lower case characters, without swearing, shouting or acting like a five year old. [21:17] <SigmaWP> Otherwise you turn into them :P [21:17] <Ironholds> if you cannot obey those rules, find a different channel. [21:17] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Owl [21:17] <OwlSecretary> Yes? [21:17] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> why did you send me a IRC server [21:17] <Peter-C> *an [21:17] <OwlSecretary> It's my friends. [21:17] <OwlSecretary> Like you SPAM your chatbox. �06[21:17] * Ironholds goes back to finishing off his blog post [21:18] <OwlSecretary> Anyway, it was a private notice, not a public advertisement. [21:18] <OwlSecretary> So, it's not a SPAM message, just an invitation. �15[21:18] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Quit:�) [21:18] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> ok [21:18] <OwlSecretary> Can you come? [21:19] <Peter-C> Owl - by that logic I can offer Rainbow-Dash-EN some Viagra and claim it is not advertising. [21:19] <OwlSecretary> :x [21:19] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Peter-C I don't need Viagra [21:19] <OwlSecretary> VERY Innapropriate. [21:19] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> also I will try to go to #GamerIRC [21:19] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> some time ok. [21:19] <OwlSecretary> >.< [21:19] <OwlSecretary> That... [21:19] <Peter-C> That what? [21:19] <Peter-C> That ass? [21:19] <Peter-C> :D [21:20] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Dat plot. [21:20] <Ironholds> Peter-C, Rainbow-Dash-EN, OwlSecretary, please be quiet. Now. [21:20] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Ironholds. [21:20] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> do you like cats [21:20] <OwlSecretary> What did I do..? �06[21:20] * SigmaWP facepalms [21:20] <Ironholds> Rainbow-Dash-EN: last warning. [21:20] <OwlSecretary> I didn't do anything bad. [21:20] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> what am i doing? [21:20] <OwlSecretary> Advertising the network I Pm [21:20] <SigmaWP> Rainbow-Dash-EN: Shut up mortal [21:21] <Peter-C> In all seriousness, what leverage does Ironholds have against us... [21:21] <OwlSecretary> ed you, which WAS NOT supposed to be spammed. [21:21] <Ironholds> Peter-C: absolutely none [21:21] <OwlSecretary> ? He is not a mod? [21:21] <OwlSecretary> Not an OP? [21:21] <SigmaWP> Peter-C: I don't think I saw him on ChanServ's access list [21:21] <Ironholds> I am not an op [21:21] <Peter-C> He cut out his grandfathers eye, that counts for something. [21:21] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Ironholds are you on the access list? �03[21:21] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir [21:21] <OwlSecretary> Sigma, Are you on that LIST? [21:21] <SigmaWP> Rainbow-Dash-EN: He just said no... �03[21:22] * eir sets mode: -bo *!* eir �06[21:22] * Fluffernutter returns, is pleased to see she's trained Peter-C well [21:22] <OwlSecretary> !sync [21:22] <OwlSecretary> ? [21:22] <Ironholds> Rainbow-Dash-EN: I am not an op, as said. however.... [21:22] <Peter-C> Fluffernutter is on that list [21:22] <OwlSecretary> >.< [21:22] <Ironholds> I know enough ops to be awkward ;) [21:22] <OwlSecretary> Ah. [21:22] <SigmaWP> I thought all admins were on the list [21:22] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: nope. Admins and ops are distinct. [21:22] <Peter-C> ^ [21:23] <Ironholds> jesus, can you imagine me as an op? �06[21:23] * SigmaWP searches for the relevant WP: page [21:23] <Peter-C> What happens On Wikipedia has no effect hear (unless otherwise stated), and anything that occurs here has no effect on Wikipedi (in theory). [21:23] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I imagine Ironholds being a raging faggot. �03[21:23] * Lubaf ( has joined #wikipedia-en [21:23] <Peter-C> ^That crossed a line sir [21:23] <SigmaWP> Ironholds: Hey, you got adminship. Anything's possible. :P �03[21:23] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Gfoley4 �03[21:23] * Gfoley4 sets mode: +b *!* �04[21:23] * Rainbow-Dash-EN was kicked by Gfoley4 (Rainbow-Dash-EN�) [21:24] <Peter-C> OH SHIT IT'S THE PO-LICE �03[21:24] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Gfoley4 �06[21:24] * Peter-C hides [21:24] <Ironholds> now, remember earlier when I said I knew enough ops to be awkward? [21:24] <OwlSecretary> O.o [21:24] <Ironholds> who wants to be the next one to say something stupid? :P [21:24] <Ironholds> heh, me as an op. �06[21:24] * Lubaf wonders why "The day the mutalisk died" as a string returns 0 hits on google. [21:24] <Lubaf> It's such an obvious joke. [21:24] <Fluffernutter> ...wellthen [21:24] <Ironholds> I'd mute this channel, +v mindspillage, tommorris, Shirik and Trusilver and we'd actually discuss productive things [21:24] <Ironholds> and this is why I'm not allowed to be an op [21:25] <OwlSecretary> I can too. [21:25] <OwlSecretary> I like Scripting. [21:25] <Gfoley4> hehe �03[21:25] * exodoiGYU ( has joined #wikipedia-en [21:25] <Peter-C> Ironholds - I would talk prodictive if everyone else was. [21:25] <OwlSecretary> mIRC is da bomb. [21:25] <Peter-C> But that never happens [21:25] <SigmaWP> Lubaf: Power overwhelming? [21:25] <OwlSecretary> Peter-C, please.. [21:25] <Ironholds> Peter-C, I've been talking productively in the past and not seen you contributing helpfully ;p [21:26] <OwlSecretary> I can make a Wikipedia Page on how to make a bot in MIRC :) [21:26] <OwlSecretary> A Simple Bawt of Couse [21:26] <OwlSecretary> Course. [21:26] <Peter-C> This isn't WikiHow :P [21:26] <OwlSecretary> :P [21:26] <Peter-C> #wikipedia-books [21:26] <Ironholds> OwlSecretary: you could, but it would get deleted. [21:26] <OwlSecretary> I made my own Money Counter script. [21:26] <Peter-C> * #wikibooks [21:26] <Peter-C> derp [21:26] <OwlSecretary> I know. [21:27] <OwlSecretary> I can get my bot in here, just needa change the bad name. [21:27] <Gfoley4> It would get deleted. �15[21:27] * CRRaysHead90 (~CR90@unaffiliated/crrayshead90) Quit (Quit: zZzZzZ�) [21:27] <OwlSecretary> No, it just gives money every time someone speaks, someone could order ~cola, if they spoke enough, it doesn't spam each time someone speaks. [21:27] <SigmaWP> OwlSecretary: I will be the one to tag it as a "shit article". [21:27] <Peter-C> No bots allowed [21:27] <Fluffernutter> we don't allow speaking bots in here [21:28] <OwlSecretary> It doesn't speak, it notices if you say !mymoney, etc. [21:28] <SigmaWP> That's speaking, no? [21:28] <OwlSecretary> NOTICE << [21:28] <Peter-C> Unless its name is Chzz [21:28] <Peter-C> No other bots allowed �06[21:28] * SigmaWP thinks we need a bot that detects [[link]]s �03[21:28] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:28] <OwlSecretary> I can get that. [21:28] <OwlSecretary> Simple. �03[21:28] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:28] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: that's not helpful. [21:28] <OwlSecretary> I can make a script [21:28] <Ironholds> we already have scripts that do that [21:28] <SigmaWP> A convenience [21:28] <SigmaWP> Ah [21:28] <OwlSecretary> [21:28] <OwlSecretary> :) [21:29] <Lubaf> (re: "the day the mutalisk died") Well, it'll return one result, shortly, because I noted this lack on Twitter. [21:29] <OwlSecretary> idk, was it detected? [21:29] <Peter-C> Fluffernutter - wanna write me a 750 word essay about why Wikipedia editing benifits me and the world? [21:29] <Fluffernutter> no [21:29] <Fluffernutter> wanna give me $500? [21:29] <OwlSecretary> Please do ;) [21:29] <Lubaf> We really do need a {{shit article}} template. [21:30] <OwlSecretary> I will give you 3 domains. [21:30] <Peter-C> Fluffernutter - Will you do NaNoWriMo? [21:30] <OwlSecretary> Dead Serious. [21:30] <OwlSecretary> Who wants 3 free domains, I got MAD Domain Credits. [21:30] <Fluffernutter> Peter-C, not this year, too much going on [21:30] <Lubaf> "This article appears to be utter shit." [21:30] <OwlSecretary> I get VPS's for domains, From my friends. [21:30] <OwlSecretary> :) [21:30] <OwlSecretary> That's how I am on my Elite Proxy right now. :) Squid 3 [21:30] <Peter-C> Good for you...? [21:31] <SigmaWP> Lubaf: [21:31] <OwlSecretary> And my ZNC :) [21:31] <SigmaWP> Lubaf: The day the mutalisk died was the day I send my army of protoss at it [21:31] <OwlSecretary> :O [21:31] <OwlSecretary> lols [21:32] <Peter-C> Kanye West pisses me off [21:32] <Peter-C> 'nuff said [21:32] <Lubaf> SigmaWP: The ones with AoE damage, right? [21:32] <SigmaWP> There are many. [21:32] <Gfoley4> Peter-C: But his songs are cool. �03[21:32] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir �03[21:32] * eir sets mode: -bbo *!* *!* eir [21:33] <SigmaWP> Just give me a second to try remembering. [21:33] <OwlSecretary> ZeeEnSee [21:33] <Peter-C> Gfoley4 - Stronger was a TOTAL rip off of Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. [21:33] <Lubaf> SigmaWP: Doesn't matter, really, as long as it has AoE to counter Mutalisk stacking. [21:33] <Gfoley4> Stronger? [21:33] <Peter-C> Stronger by Kanye West [21:33] <Peter-C> Google it �15[21:33] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�) [21:33] <Gfoley4> I only have My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy� [21:34] <Gfoley4> and one song off Watch The Throne� [21:34] <OwlSecretary> o.o wants his bawt in here [21:34] <Lubaf> Power is good. [21:34] <OwlSecretary> but cant have it [21:34] <Ironholds> modern rubbish [21:35] <OwlSecretary> U SOUND SOO CUTE: British English [21:35] <OwlSecretary> 'JK [21:35] <Ironholds> what? [21:35] <Ironholds> yes, I'm British. We speak in British English, as inaccurate as that term is. Deal with it. [21:35] <OwlSecretary> TRASH is better than RUBBISH [21:35] <OwlSecretary> :P [21:36] <Ironholds> not really, although you appear to be producing a substantial amount of it [21:36] <OwlSecretary> theater is better than theatre [21:36] <SigmaWP> Hm, do they call it English English in England? :P [21:36] <Lubaf> "No one trailer should have all this power". [21:36] <OwlSecretary> Ingles en espanol :) [21:36] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: that'd be cockney rhyming slang, me old china �03[21:36] * mareklug ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:36] * mareklug ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:36] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:36] <OwlSecretary> Yo estoy puertoricano [21:37] <OwlSecretary> idk [21:37] <OwlSecretary> I think it's that [21:37] <Lubaf> He took one of the only two good parts from "Afrimerica" for "Power". [21:38] <OwlSecretary> Africaaaa [21:38] <OwlSecretary> AFRICAAAAA [21:38] <Peter-C> Gfoley4 - [21:38] <OwlSecretary> :) [21:39] <Gfoley4> oh I've heard that �15[21:40] * JoeGazz84 (~JoeGazz84@wikimedia/Joe-Gazz84) Quit (Excess Flood�) �03[21:40] * OwlBot ( has joined #wikipedia-en [21:40] <OwlSecretary> !getoutofhereto Owl �03[21:40] * OwlBot ( has left #wikipedia-en [21:40] <OwlSecretary> Ty. [21:40] <OwlSecretary> :) [21:40] <OwlSecretary> Like? [21:41] <OwlSecretary> Owl No such channel [21:41] <OwlSecretary> Horray.. �03[21:41] * OwlBot ( has joined #wikipedia-en [21:41] <OwlSecretary> !getoutofhereto #Owl �03[21:41] * OwlBot ( has left #wikipedia-en [21:41] <OwlSecretary> Ty [21:41] <OwlSecretary> :) Yay it worked? �15[21:41] * PhancyPhysicist ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�) [21:42] <Gfoley4> OwlSecretary: no bots in here. [21:42] <Gfoley4> read the guidelines [21:43] <OwlSecretary> nite [21:43] <OwlSecretary> I know, I told it out../. [21:43] <OwlSecretary> Go to #owl [21:43] <OwlSecretary> Is what I said. [21:44] <Gfoley4> ok. [21:44] <Peter-C> Gfoley4 - chess!!! [21:44] <Gfoley4> not tonight, too much homework. [21:44] <Peter-C> :( �03[21:44] * JoeGazz84 (~JoeGazz84@wikimedia/Joe-Gazz84) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:44] <Peter-C> Can you at least tell me a good chess site Gfoley4? [21:44] <Peter-C> I haven't done online chess in FOREVER [21:45] <Gfoley4> is pretty good, imo. [21:45] <OwlSecretary> Why am I not +q in my room?> [21:45] <Gfoley4> I like it because I can do it on my phone [21:47] <Ironholds> hey, do we have any new page patrollers here? �06[21:47] * SigmaWP raises his hand �03[21:47] * d-e-r-p (46305c6a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en [21:47] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: then this survey is for you - [21:48] <Peter-C> Gfoley4 - Screw it, I will use ChesMania [21:48] <Peter-C> I used it back in the day [21:48] <SigmaWP> Excellent! [21:48] <SigmaWP> This is Kudpung's right? [21:48] <Ironholds> he started it, I rewrote it, Howie, Kudpung and I hashed it out [21:48] <Ironholds> and it appears to have been a bloody moron �03[21:48] * MBisanz ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:48] * MBisanz ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:48] * MBisanz (MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:48] <Ironholds> "do you want to be contacted?" [21:48] <Ironholds> "yes" [21:49] <SigmaWP> O.o [21:49] <Ironholds> "if so, please leave us contact details" [21:49] <Ironholds> "skipped question" [21:49] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: anyhoo, do please fill it out :) �06[21:50] * SigmaWP plods to question 1 [21:50] <OwlSecretary> Who wants to see my bawt? [21:52] <OwlSecretary> Nice right? [21:53] <OwlSecretary> Come awn dood. �06[21:53] * SigmaWP begins pondering whether he should be answering everything truthfully on the survey or not [21:53] <OwlSecretary> I got more to show u. [21:53] <SigmaWP> OwlSecretary: Silence [21:53] <OwlSecretary> K. [21:53] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: yes, answer truthfully [21:53] <Ironholds> how will it be helpful if you answer falsely? [21:53] <Ironholds> note that it is anonymous [21:54] <SigmaWP> I suppose questions with stars are mandatory? [21:55] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: indeed. Don't worry, we can't identify who you are unless you stick in your username at the end, and that's optional [21:55] <SigmaWP> OK [21:56] <Ironholds> (although if you don't stick your username at the end, you don't get our endless piles of cool shit) �06[21:56] * SigmaWP doesn't think cool shit exists [21:56] <Ironholds> it's pretty cool shit [21:56] <Ironholds> you get to chat with the foundation, and it's always nice for them to know who you are [21:57] <Myra> So you can get a job? [21:57] <Ironholds> you get to design a far improved new page patrol interface with lots of bells and whistles �15[21:57] * d-e-r-p (46305c6a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�) [21:57] <Ironholds> (budget for bells notwithstanding) �06[21:57] * SigmaWP applauds [21:57] <Ironholds> and I should talk to Howie about maybe providing some *actual* rewards of some sort, although I don't know what. �15[21:57] * zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[21:57] * PhancyPhysicist ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:58] * zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:58] * exodoiGYU ( Quit (Quit: Bye�) [21:58] <Ironholds> a big t-shirt which says "I'm so nerdy not only did I write on the internet I wrote on the internet about writing on the internet so the people who let me write in the internet could let me write on the internet FASTER" �15[21:58] * zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[21:58] * zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:58] * zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) Quit (Client Quit�) �03[21:59] * Transformer ( has joined #wikipedia-en �06[21:59] * SigmaWP eyes Transformer suspiciously [22:00] <Myra> I have to pee. [22:00] <SigmaWP> Myra: That's great, but why tell us? [22:01] <Myra> What's great about it? [22:01] <Peter-C> Fluffernutter - Where does your dad teach again? [22:01] <Fluffernutter> the place you're not going [22:01] <Ironholds> Myra: you'll be filled with less disgusting bodily outpourings, which kinda rocks [22:01] <SigmaWP> Myra: I just said it the polite way. [22:01] <Ironholds> although it's normally achieved by you opening your mouth :P [22:01] <SigmaWP> ^ [22:02] <Myra> Some people call Wikimedia "geek welfare." [22:02] <Ironholds> Myra: howso? �03[22:02] * Transformer ( has left #wikipedia-en [22:02] <Myra> By typing it, presumably. [22:02] <Ironholds> and are "some people" "voices inside your head, and Greg Kohs"? [22:02] <Myra> Though I suppose some say it aloud. [22:03] <Myra> No, I didn't come up with it. I wish I had, though. It's clever. [22:03] <Ironholds> ahh, I see - you mean the foundation's jobs exist to support socially outcast nerds, thus acting as a geeky form of social security? [22:03] <Myra> I think the idea is that the jobs are generally useless and a waste of money. [22:04] <Myra> I think it's more of a deragotory term. [22:04] <Peter-C> Fluffernutter - Mahwah? [22:04] <Myra> derogatory [22:04] <Myra> durrogatorie �15[22:06] * OwlSecretary ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�) [22:07] <Ironholds> Myra: yeah, my job is pretty useless [22:07] <Myra> I know. [22:07] <Ironholds> which is good, because I'm pretty useless too. If it was an IMPORTANT job things'd be exploding [22:07] <Myra> were �03[22:08] * Courcelles ( has joined #wikipedia-en [22:08] <Myra> I'm not too fussed about it. I do think that an anti-donation campaign would be a Good Thing. [22:09] <Ironholds> well, someone has to �15[22:09] * Courcelles ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[22:09] * Courcelles (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) has joined #wikipedia-en [22:10] <Ironholds> om nom food �03[22:12] * Transformer ( has joined #wikipedia-en �06[22:13] * SigmaWP peers suspiciously at Transformer �03[22:15] * Transformer ( has left #wikipedia-en �03[22:21] * IfAgeGotStuck (62be0d03@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en �06[22:21] * SigmaWP peers suspiciously at IfAgeGotStuck [22:21] <IfAgeGotStuck> SigmaWP: yes? �06[22:21] * SigmaWP shrugs [22:21] <LL2|JedIRC> Its neat that DASHBot recognizes file names included inside <gallery></gallery> tags �15[22:22] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~�) �03[22:23] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[22:24] * SigmaWP is now confused, or maybe his computer is worse than he thought [22:25] <Logan_> The latter. [22:25] <IfAgeGotStuck> so what's with the suspicion then? [22:25] <SigmaWP> You don't have a cloak. �15[22:26] * SigmaWP (~math@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds�) �06[22:27] * IfAgeGotStuck figured that noncloaked users are just as regular in here as cloaked. [22:28] <Myra> Ignore SigmaWP. [22:28] <matthewrbowker> IfAgeGotStuck: Hey, you scared him off... �03[22:29] * SigmaWP (~math@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[22:29] * SigmaWP grumbles about browser crashes [22:29] <SigmaWP> right before I finished... �03[22:29] * Courcelles (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) has left #wikipedia-en [22:29] <SigmaWP> Ironholds: Can I have the link to the NPP survey again? [22:29] <LL2|JedIRC> SigmaWP: then use an actual client like xchat [22:30] <SigmaWP> LL2|JedIRC: I said browser crash. [22:30] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: browser crash? [22:30] <Ironholds> [22:31] <SigmaWP> Thank you. �15[22:35] * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �15[22:35] * IS|WoW (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[22:35] * IS|WoW ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[22:35] * IS|WoW ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[22:35] * IS|WoW (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en [22:36] <SigmaWP> IS|WoW: Willy? [22:37] <SigmaWP> Hm, most peculiar. Clicking "done"on the survey does not do anything. [22:38] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: did you expect perhaps a pretty thank you message? [22:38] <SpitfireWP> [22:38] <SigmaWP> Don't they always come up? �06[22:38] * SigmaWP just hit the button 10-ish times. Crap, [22:39] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: then it may be broken :P [22:39] <Ironholds> what browser are you using? [22:39] <SigmaWP> Firefox [22:39] <Ironholds> weird :S [22:40] <SigmaWP> SpitfireWP: Looks like RfA. �06[22:41] * SpitfireWP smiles wryly. �03[22:41] * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #wikipedia-en [22:45] <Mike_H> where my Indians at [22:46] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: your submission has been processed [22:46] <SigmaWP> 20 times? �06[22:46] * SigmaWP hangs his head in shame [22:46] <Ironholds> well, sort of. It claims it's uncompleted but all the entries are filled in [22:46] <Ironholds> no, just the once, don't worry :) [22:46] <SigmaWP> Ah [22:46] <SigmaWP> Good. :) �15[22:46] * Od1n ( Quit (Quit: politically correct quit message�) [22:48] <jorm> okay, ironholds. [22:48] <jorm> i have work for you. [22:48] <jorm> i talked with howie, and he's allowed me to task you [22:48] <Ironholds> jorm: whee! [22:48] <Ironholds> what do you need me to do? [22:48] <jorm> so your first task is this: Make a screencast of you doing page patrol. [22:48] <jorm> you. [22:48] <Ironholds> cool beans [22:48] <jorm> one of the most prolific page patrollers. [22:49] <jorm> it's 10 minutes of your life. �03[22:49] * matthewrbowker is now known as MRB[away] [22:49] <Ironholds> I can also get TBOTNL to do one, so we should provide a representation of the more criminally insan- erm, hard working - patrollers [22:49] <Ironholds> but that's laters [22:49] <Ironholds> I'll start one up now �06[22:50] * SigmaWP is waiting for a good time where lots of shit articles are being created [22:51] <jorm> you know, we want examples of shit articles and good articles. [22:52] <Ironholds> jorm: it's new page patrol. I can do the former, but... :P [22:52] <jorm> what i'm saying is, we want a "real deal" example. a typical day. [22:52] <Ironholds> sure [22:52] <Ironholds> you want a voice-over explaining what I'm doing? �03[22:53] * sonia (~sonia@wikipedia/sonia) has joined #wikipedia-en [22:55] <Ironholds> sonia, you do new page patrol right? [22:55] <Ironholds> or have done? �03[22:56] * MRB[away] is now known as matthewrbowker �15[22:56] * SigmaWP (~math@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) [22:56] <sonia> yep. [22:56] <sonia> sorry, phone shopping �03[22:57] * Laura|Away is now known as LauraHale [22:57] <Logan_> Android ftw. [22:57] <sonia> Logan_: if I could afford one. [22:57] <Logan_> :( [22:57] <sonia> my current one just died after like seven years of use [22:57] <sonia> :p [22:57] <sonia> Ironholds: what's up? [22:57] <Logan_> Some are free on contract, no? [22:57] <Logan_> Oh, right, data. :/ [22:57] <Ironholds> sonia: want to fill out a survey and make new page patrol's interface better? [22:58] <sonia> I don't have a contract :P [22:58] <Ironholds> *Special:NewPages [22:58] <Logan_> NPP <3 [22:58] <sonia> sure! �03[22:58] * harej (~chatzilla@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[22:58] * DerTee ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[22:58] * Samwb123 (~Samwb123@wikipedia/samwb123) has joined #wikipedia-en [22:59] <Ironholds> sonia: thanking you in advance! [22:59] <Ironholds> Logan_, if you're also a patroller, same link :) [22:59] <DerTee> can anyone tell me if google is down? [22:59] <Ironholds> pay attention, class, there will be a test [22:59] <Ironholds> DerTee: working for me [22:59] <Logan_> Ironholds: I feel like it asks for too much personal information... [22:59] <Ironholds> Logan_: those questions are all optional :) [22:59] <Logan_> I would be quite easily identifiable from the small dataset that you have right now. :P [22:59] <Ironholds> and it'll be completely anonymised before the data is released [22:59] <Ironholds> Logan_: it's going to over a thousand people by the end of the release :P [23:00] <Logan_> Well, yes. �03[23:00] * SigmaWP (~math@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en [23:00] <Logan_> Hmm, maybe later. Bit busy now. [23:00] <Ironholds> wait, is it a thousand? I think 1,800 was the number given [23:00] <Ironholds> okie-dokes :) [23:00] <Ironholds> wb, SigmaWP �06[23:00] * SigmaWP needs to get more ram... [23:00] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: try a sheep farm [23:00] <SigmaWP> Heh �15[23:01] * Samwb123 (~Samwb123@wikipedia/samwb123) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[23:01] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|sleep �15[23:02] * PhancyPhysicist ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �08[23:02] * derp snuggles with Fluff|sleep. [23:03] <Logan_> herp derp [23:03] <Gfoley4> too much derp. I need to herp [23:04] <Logan_> You ruined the simplicity of my statement. �06[23:04] * Logan_ grumbles. [23:04] <Logan_> "U.S. throws lifeline to underwater homeowners" [23:05] <Logan_> I guess that's good for Spongebob. [23:05] <NobodyLovesMe> So [23:05] <NobodyLovesMe> This planet now has 7 billion people. [23:05] <NobodyLovesMe> IT'S OVER 9000! [23:05] <Logan_> How insightful. �03[23:08] * Resfirestar ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[23:08] * Resfirestar ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[23:08] * Resfirestar (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[23:10] * IfAgeGotStuck (62be0d03@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�) [23:10] <Ironholds> okay, my heart just twinged [23:10] <Ironholds> I should probably lay off the diet of caffeine and deathsticks �03[23:10] * IShadowed_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[23:10] * IShadowed_ ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[23:10] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[23:10] Clones detected from wikimedia/IShadowed:�8 IS|WoW IShadowed_ �03[23:10] * DerTee ( has left #wikipedia-en [23:11] <matthewrbowker> Ironholds: Good idea. [23:11] <sonia> um, Ironholds. survey confidential, etc? �03[23:12] * Addihockey10 ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[23:12] * Addihockey10 ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[23:12] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[23:12] * Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) has joined #wikipedia-en [23:12] <jorm> whend does the next signpost come out? �03[23:13] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en [23:13] <jorm> survey is totally confidential. [23:13] <jorm> i am one of the (very few) consumers of the survey data, and i won't see anything except roll-ups. �15[23:13] * IS|WoW (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) Session Close: Mon Oct 24 23:14:51 2011