
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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Session Start: Thu Dec 15 15:47:38 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[15:47] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[15:47] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | Please read - A request for comment from Jimbo Wales:�'
�03[15:47] * Set by foks!~joseph@wikipedia/fox on Mon Dec 12 03:29:54
[15:47] #wikipedia-en url is
�12[15:47] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée !
�03[15:47] * SteveMobile (~SteveMobi@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:48] <SteveMobile> Morning
�03[15:49] * Alpha_Quadrant (~opera@wikipedia/Alpha-Quadrant) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:49] <BarkingFish> Is it????
[15:49] <BarkingFish> Fuck me, I overslept :)
[15:49] <kim__> evening!
[15:49] <SpitfireWP> I'd rather not.
[15:50] <kim__> watching && discussing at #wikimedia-office
[15:51] <SteveMobile> Lol barkingfish, rejected
[15:51] <Fluffernutter> ohai kim__
[15:51] <SteveMobile> Ohai Fluffernutter
[15:52] <kim__> ohai fluffy :-)
[15:52] <BarkingFish> SteveMobile: Doesn't bother me in the slightest, dude. I've been rejected more times than I can remember, I'm pretty used to it by now.
[15:52] <BarkingFish> You always refuse what's broken :P
�06[15:52] * SteveMobile wonders what Fluffernutters first name is :p
[15:52] <Fluffernutter> George
[15:52] <kim__> Fluffernutter,
[15:52] <SteveMobile> Lies.
�15[15:53] * notola ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�06[15:53] * Fluffernutter is untameable, silly kim__
[15:53] <kim__> Could be true:
[15:53] <SteveMobile> I picked up a hitchhiker this morning
�08[15:53] <derp> Afternoon!
�03[15:53] * notola ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[15:54] * JurassicJon ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�15[15:54] * Fluff|away (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[15:54] * Fluff|away ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[15:54] * Fluff|away ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[15:54] * Fluff|away (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[15:54] Clones detected from wikipedia/Fluffernutter:�8 Fluffernutter Fluff|away
�03[15:56] * JurassicJon ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:57] <snail> #wikimedia-office
[15:57] <kim__> you forgot to type /join
[15:57] <kim__> (I fell for it too ;-)
�03[15:59] * MrZed (~leandro@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[15:59] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
�03[16:01] * MrZed is now known as LeandroLima
�03[16:03] * Headbomb_ (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:04] <SteveMobile> Anyone here review FAs?
�15[16:05] * KimiNewt ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�15[16:05] * IP7017916567 (46b3ae65@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
�15[16:06] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�03[16:06] * Headbomb_ is now known as Headbomb
�03[16:15] * Ignacio_away (~opera@wikimedia/Eligna) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[16:16] * Narodnik (~Severin@wikipedia/Skomorokh) has joined #wikipedia-en
Session Close: Thu Dec 15 16:16:51 2011

Session Start: Thu Dec 15 16:16:51 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�11[16:16] * Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Dec 15 16:17:01 2011

Session Start: Thu Dec 15 16:19:43 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[16:19] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[16:19] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | Please read - A request for comment from Jimbo Wales:�'
�03[16:19] * Set by foks!~joseph@wikipedia/fox on Mon Dec 12 03:29:54
[16:19] #wikipedia-en url is
�12[16:19] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée !
�03[16:19] * zorro747 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[16:20] * crazysleep blinks
�03[16:20] * crazysleep is now known as crazynas
�03[16:20] * lol is now known as derp
�03[16:20] * crazynas is now known as crazyDRAMA
[16:21] <jubo2> !drama
�03[16:22] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:22] <Alpha_Quadrant> jubo2: what about it?
�15[16:22] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[16:22] <crazyDRAMA> jubo2: ?
[16:23] <jubo2> Were watching a documentery on contemporary commieland
[16:23] <jubo2> CCCommiemism ..!
�03[16:24] * IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[16:24] * IShadowed ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[16:24] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:25] <jubo2> So the troops are coming home for X-mas then ..
[16:25] <jubo2> Teh USian Army
[16:25] <jubo2> from iwaq
�15[16:26] * ruud (~ruud@wikimedia/Ruud-Koot) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[16:26] <geniice>
[16:26] <jubo2> I really feel for you USians
[16:26] <harej> It's been rough.
�03[16:26] * GorillaWarfare (~quassel@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[16:26] * GorillaWarfare (~quassel@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[16:26] * GorillaWarfare (~quassel@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[16:27] * zscout370 (~Kagami@wikipedia/Zscout370) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
Session Close: Thu Dec 15 16:29:02 2011

Session Start: Thu Dec 15 16:29:02 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
[16:29] SpamTunes stopped.
�11[16:29] * Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Dec 15 16:29:03 2011

Session Start: Thu Dec 15 17:15:52 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[17:15] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[17:15] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | Please read - A request for comment from Jimbo Wales:�'
�03[17:15] * Set by foks!~joseph@wikipedia/fox on Mon Dec 12 03:29:54
[17:15] #wikipedia-en url is
�03[17:16] * Seahorse_ (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[17:16] * Seahorse_ is now known as Seahorse
[17:16] <tommorris> Peter-C: that's a very big... ambulance.
�03[17:16] * raindrift (~Adium@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[17:16] * raindrift (~Adium@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[17:16] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:16] <Peter-C> tommorris - it is designed to fit 24 people
[17:17] <Peter-C> *transport
[17:17] <Peter-C> *patients
[17:17] <PeterSymonds> In preparation for another Black Death?
[17:17] <Peter-C> In case the sports venue near by gets nuked
�08[17:17] <derp> Peter-C, the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHBULANCE!
[17:18] <Peter-C> O-o
[17:19] <Peter-C> We legit got to practice for a dirty bomb explosion at a football field
[17:19] <Peter-C>
�03[17:19] * Er1ck (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:19] <Peter-C> The Army said "Here, take 2 blackhawks for the day"
�15[17:21] * notola ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�15[17:21] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�06[17:21] * tommorris fiddles with the visual editor
�06[17:22] * Peter-C supervises tommorris to make sure he does not break it
[17:22] <Peter-C> Panyd broke it before ;(
[17:22] <Panyd> :D
�06[17:22] * Panyd grins
�06[17:22] * tommorris grabs the JSON code of one of the examples and starts noodling with it.
[17:22] <Peter-C> D:
[17:22] <log> hahaha
[17:22] <log>
[17:23] <Peter-C> THIS WORLD IS NOT SAFE
�06[17:23] * Peter-C crawls into a ball
[17:23] <log> "British Facebook Users Are Intoxicated in 76% of Their Photos [STUDY]"
[17:23] <Peter-C> British people have fun!?
�03[17:24] * shimgray ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[17:24] * shimgray ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[17:24] * shimgray (~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:24] <tommorris> Yes, getting drunk and fighting people *is* fun
[17:24] <tommorris> apparently
[17:24] <kim__> ohai tommorris
�15[17:24] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
[17:24] <kim__> tommorris, some people seem to enjoy it
[17:24] <Peter-C> tommorris - what did kim__ do to you xD
[17:24] <kim__> me?
�15[17:25] * zorro747 ( Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium�)
�03[17:25] * Seahorse_ (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:25] <kim__> I didn't do it, nobody saw it, you can't prove a thing!
[17:25] <shimgray> tommorris: just the man! I remember after one of the London events, you were showing me some relatively effective-looking setup for editing enwiki through an ipad. can you remember what it was?
�03[17:25] * Seahorse_ is now known as Seahorse
[17:25] <shimgray> (I have borrowed one, and am trying to decide if I hate it or love it. it's tough.)
[17:26] <Peter-C> Ew, iPad
�06[17:26] * Peter-C breaks shimgray's temp iPad
[17:26] <tommorris> shimgray: WikiEdit. it costs money though.
�08[17:27] * derp haz iPad
[17:27] <tommorris> or you can do some changes to your vector or monobook.css file
[17:27] <tommorris> shimgray: - see the second last selector set
[17:28] <shimgray> hey, four dollars, I can justify that.
[17:29] <Peter-C> *3.99
[17:29] <shimgray> also, my god, the WikiEdit page is the only time I've ever seen someone write "Wikipedia®"
[17:29] <Peter-C> LOL
[17:30] <shimgray> tommorris: right, the css bit there kicks in only when the screen width is set to 768?
[17:30] <shimgray> clever
[17:31] <shimgray> any other nice tools?
�03[17:32] * Alpha_Quadrant (~opera@wikipedia/Alpha-Quadrant) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[17:33] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[17:33] <tommorris> shimgray: can't think of any. I use a thing called 'Offline Reader' to store a whole stack of articles I want to read, but it's a bit crappy
[17:33] <shimgray> *nods*
�03[17:33] * IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[17:33] * IShadowed ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[17:33] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:33] <shimgray> tbh, I am mainly likely to use it as an ebook reader. long flights approach.
[17:33] <shimgray> but, nice to try out the tools!
�15[17:34] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�15[17:35] * Submarine (~me@wikipedia/Monniaux/David) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
Session Close: Thu Dec 15 17:37:37 2011

Session Start: Thu Dec 15 17:37:37 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
[17:37] SpamTunes stopped.
�11[17:37] * Disconnected
[17:37] SpamTunes stopped.
Session Close: Thu Dec 15 17:37:37 2011

Session Start: Thu Dec 15 18:02:51 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[18:02] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[18:02] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | Please read - A request for comment from Jimbo Wales:�'
�03[18:02] * Set by foks!~joseph@wikipedia/fox on Mon Dec 12 03:29:54
[18:02] #wikipedia-en url is
[18:02] <Peter-C> tommorris - I hope they make a Nobel Prize for serial killing
�08[18:04] <derp> Peter-C, best quote ever.
�08[18:04] <derp> Peter-C, can i quote it?
[18:04] <Peter-C> go for it
�08[18:04] <derp> ta <3
�03[18:05] * joke-away ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:07] <tommorris> Ve vill cut off your johnson!
�08[18:07] <derp> Peter-C, check ur talk paeg.
�03[18:08] * raindrift (~Adium@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:08] * raindrift (~Adium@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[18:08] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:08] <Peter-C> Hope you don't get cought
�08[18:08] <derp> do it -_-
[18:09] <Peter-C>
[18:09] <Peter-C> What magestic creatures
�15[18:09] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[18:10] * Seahorse_ (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:10] * Seahorse_ is now known as Seahorse
[18:10] <crazyDRAMA> o.O.o.O
�03[18:11] * Barras is now known as Barras[away]
�15[18:13] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[18:13] * Lubaf ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:13] * Seahorse_ (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:13] * Seahorse_ is now known as Seahorse
�15[18:14] * GorillaWarfare (~quassel@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[18:15] <crazyDRAMA> do a little dance
[18:15] <crazyDRAMA> make a little love
�03[18:15] * crazyDRAMA is now known as crazynas
�15[18:16] * KindOne|Cloud (u3688@gateway/web/ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[18:16] * KindOne|Cloud (u3688@colchester-lug/silly-fool/donut) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
�03[18:17] * eir sets mode: -bo *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip. eir
�03[18:17] * Gfoley (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[18:18] * Peter-C licks Gfoley
�03[18:18] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:19] <Gfoley> ow
�03[18:19] * Gfoley is now known as Gfoley4
[18:20] <Peter-C> :(
�03[18:20] * StevenW (~swalling@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:20] * Fluttershy-ENG ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�08[18:23] * derp hugs Gfoley4
[18:23] <Gfoley4> ow
[18:23] <Gfoley4> er
[18:23] <Gfoley4> :D
�15[18:23] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�08[18:24] <derp> Peter-C, Gfoley4, what's the weather over there
[18:24] <Peter-C> ._.
�03[18:24] * raindrift (~Adium@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:24] * raindrift (~Adium@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[18:24] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:25] * Tiptoety (~Tiptoety@wikipedia/Tiptoety) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243]�)
[18:26] <Gfoley4> rainy
�03[18:26] * zorro747 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:27] * LeandroLima (~leandro@ Quit
�15[18:28] * Ironholds (~bob@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit (Quit: connection reset by peerage�)
�03[18:32] * zscout370 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:32] * zscout370 ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[18:32] * zscout370 (~Kagami@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:33] <derp> same
�15[18:35] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�03[18:35] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:37] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�03[18:39] * raindrift (~Adium@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:39] * raindrift (~Adium@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[18:39] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:39] <StevenW> does anybody know what the definition of "newbie" is on Special:RecentChanges/newbies
[18:39] <StevenW> ?
�03[18:40] * Alchimista (~Alch@wikipedia/Alchimista) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:42] <Addihockey10> StevenW: Hey :-)
[18:42] <StevenW> Hola
[18:46] <SpitfireWP> StevenW, non-autoconfirmed is what I always assumed
[18:47] <StevenW> Makes sense
�03[18:47] * StevenW (~swalling@wikimedia/steven-walling) has left #wikipedia-en
�15[18:47] * shimgray (~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray) Quit (Quit: Ex-Chat�)
�03[18:47] * StevenW (~swalling@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:47] * Iamred ( Quit (Quit: Leaving...�)
[18:49] <Alpha_Quadrant> we have a Special:RecentChanges/newbies ?
�03[18:49] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:49] <topaz> apparently.
�15[18:49] * Jayflux ( Quit (Quit: (� ::� NoNameScript 4.22 ::� www.�� )��)
[18:49] <Alpha_Quadrant> huh, interesting.
[18:49] <StevenW> Yeah
[18:49] <Steven_Zhang> Sonia
[18:49] <Steven_Zhang> As
[18:49] <StevenW> It's pretty good for finding stuff to patrol actually
�03[18:50] * DerHexer (~DerHexer@wikimedia/DerHexer) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:50] * DerHexer (~DerHexer@wikimedia/DerHexer) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�15[18:50] * CKtravel_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�03[18:51] * DerHexer (~DerHexer@wikimedia/DerHexer) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:51] * DerHexer (~DerHexer@wikimedia/DerHexer) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[18:51] * DerHexer (~DerHexer@wikimedia/DerHexer) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:52] * DerHexer (~DerHexer@wikimedia/DerHexer) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�15[18:54] * DQ|headache (~stfltcmd@TechEssentials/DeltaQuad) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
�15[18:55] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�03[18:55] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:55] * DQ|headache (~stfltcmd@TechEssentials/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:58] * Yolanda9383 (182f8d12@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:58] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:58] <log> Yolanda9383: Hey Jessica!
[18:59] <Yolanda9383> what does this mean? "Stale account(s) that have not edited for many months"
�03[18:59] * ChanServ sets mode: +o log
[18:59] <Yolanda9383> taken from here:
�03[18:59] * Yolanda9383 (182f8d12@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en (requested by log (You didn't even greet me. :()�)
�03[18:59] * log sets mode: +b *!182f8d12@gateway/*
�03[18:59] * ChanServ sets mode: -o log
�15[18:59] * Grashoofd ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[18:59] <Alpha_Quadrant> log: heh, nice work
[19:00] <log> Well, now she's banned for a month.
�15[19:00] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�)
[19:00] <crazynas> o.O
�06[19:00] * log bows.
�06[19:00] * crazynas hides from power hungry channel ops :P
[19:01] <Alpha_Quadrant> crazynas: fear not, he doesn't have +f
[19:01] <Alpha_Quadrant> or +F
Session Close: Thu Dec 15 19:04:14 2011

Session Start: Thu Dec 15 19:04:14 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�11[19:04] * Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Dec 15 20:17:11 2011

Session Start: Thu Dec 15 20:17:46 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[20:17] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[20:17] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | Please read - A request for comment from Jimbo Wales:�'
�03[20:17] * Set by foks!~joseph@wikipedia/fox on Mon Dec 12 03:29:30
[20:17] #wikipedia-en url is
�12[20:17] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée !
[20:17] <slon02> maybe Tibet- I hear they like free information there
[20:17] <kim__> NuclearWarfare, that'd suck, the euro is actually srsly cool
[20:18] <kylu> mongolia, sri lanka, andorra?
[20:18] <NuclearWarfare> I always thought it was kind of doomed to failure
[20:18] <bep> the euro was okay before everyone started using it for evil gains
�08[20:18] <derp> ohai kim__
[20:18] <kylu> san marino?
[20:18] <bep> but i would rather die before seeing a British Euro
[20:18] <NuclearWarfare> Then again, border control elimination in Europe worked much better than I thought it would
[20:18] <kylu> ooh... I know, Knights of Malta.
[20:18] <kylu> no territory, so they can't ever be underwater!
�08[20:18] <derp> there are some serious holes in the border between USA and Canada
�08[20:19] <derp> even tough it's watched electronically, there's once place that's a major drug trafficking route
[20:19] <bep> The Principality of Lichtenstein!!!
[20:19] <kim__> ohai derp
[20:19] <bep> You can rent out the whole country!
[20:19] <NuclearWarfare> kind of deliberately so though
[20:19] <bep> therefore
[20:19] <kim__> kylu, monaco?
[20:19] <bep> Wikipedia could BUY the country!
[20:19] <slon02> The moon? I hear they don't have taxes there yet
[20:19] <NuclearWarfare> It's not like Canada has /that/ terrible border control
[20:19] <bep> it'd be perfect
[20:19] <bep> sooooo perfect
[20:19] <NuclearWarfare> You either come in by air or boat
[20:20] <NuclearWarfare> Canada has fairly good air security, and you freeze if you try to come in by boat
�08[20:20] <derp> heh
�08[20:20] <derp> :P
[20:20] <TParis> NW: Sub
�08[20:20] <derp> NuclearWarfare, the hole is located in the Awkesane native land
�08[20:20] <derp> its territory extends into Canada AND USA
[20:20] <kylu> kim__: nah, monaco's coastal, there's no guarantee it'll stay above water.
[20:21] <NuclearWarfare> TParis: Good luck breaking through the ice sheet that covers all of Canada's continental waters ;)
[20:21] <kylu> all mine were inland 'cept sri lanka, and the main parts of it are considerably above sea level.
[20:21] <NuclearWarfare> (true fact)
[20:21] <TParis> Well I'll just have to steal a US nuclear sub then
[20:21] <TParis> I will sneak into canada damnit
[20:21] <kylu> where are you, TParis ?
[20:21] <TParis> Texas
[20:22] <TParis> Specicially, in my recliner...
[20:22] <kylu> drive to montana, take a vacation in waterton state park, cross the border in the park, forget to come back.
[20:22] <kylu> the US/Canada border there is completely open.
[20:22] <kim__> kylu, how anout switzerland?
[20:22] <kylu> on the Alberta side, it's Waterton Provincial Park.
[20:23] <kylu> kim__: thought I said that one... I know I typed it.
[20:23] <Peter-C>
[20:24] <kim__> it's high in the mountains, has enough guns (and strategic terrain) to ruin anyones day. enough nuclear bunkers to withstand world wars III AND IV
[20:24] <kim__> I think the good old confederation might be a good place to hide the booty... I mean run wikipedia from
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[20:30] <kylu> oh, is that why you're selecting a location?
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[20:34] <matthewrbowker> Anyone else having trouble logging in with Huggle?  Or is it just my config?
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�03[20:42] * Dudely ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:43] * Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
[20:43] <Peter-C> WTF
�03[20:43] * Dudely ( has left #wikipedia-en
[20:44] <Peter-C> There is feline/doctor confedenciality
[20:44] <Peter-C> WTF
�03[20:44] * Maid (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[20:46] <zscout370> considering felines cannot talk
�15[20:47] * NuclearWarfare (chatzilla@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0.1/20111120135848]�)
[20:47] <Peter-C> Their patient records are only for the care vet
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[20:58] <thrashout> don't violate kitta (kitty information text transfer act)
[20:58] <thrashout> :D
[20:59] <LL2|JedIRC> Ok, I'll violate your mom instead.
[20:59] <LL2|JedIRC> :D
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[21:20] <Alpha_Quadrant> TParis: do you have a minute to fix another copy/paste move?
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[21:25] <LL2|JedIRC> Thrashout: Ok, I'll violate your mom.
[21:25] <LL2|JedIRC> :D
[21:25] <matthewrbowker> ...
[21:26] <harej> ;/
[21:26] <harej> Behave, children.
[21:26] <LL2|JedIRC> Nothx
[21:26] <Peter-C>
[21:28] <LL2|JedIRC> Peter-C: without having looked at the pic, I'm telling you to stop looking at porn on facebook
[21:28] <Peter-C> O_o
[21:28] <LL2|JedIRC> I know that url site
[21:28] <matthewrbowker> LL2|JedIRC: It's not
[21:28] <Gfoley4> ugh
[21:29] <Gfoley4> omg guys never click on tinyurl links because I saw porn on that
[21:29] <LL2|JedIRC> I never said it was, I just said to stop looking at porn on youtube
[21:29] <Gfoley4> youtube or facebook?
[21:29] <LL2|JedIRC> Er, facebook
[21:30] <Alpha_Quadrant> Peter-C: that arch probably meets the notability guidelines. What else can survive an earthquake, tsunami, and a nuke?
[21:30] <LL2|JedIRC> Thanks for correctin' me gfooley4
[21:30] <LL2|JedIRC> (double o intended)
[21:30] <Gfoley4> :/
[21:31] <Peter-C> Alpha_Quadrant - EXACTLY!
[21:31] <Peter-C> [[That arch from Japan]]
[21:31] <LL2|JedIRC> Alpha_Quadrant: your mom, and fluffernutter
[21:31] <LL2|JedIRC> Jk
[21:31] <Fluffernutter> beg pardon?
[21:32] <Alpha_Quadrant> Peter-C Nagasaki arch would be a more accurate title
[21:32] <LL2|JedIRC> Fluffernutter: nothing
[21:32] <Alpha_Quadrant> It shouldn't be too difficult to find coverage on it though
[21:32] <Fluffernutter> LL2|JedIRC, are you acting five again?
[21:32] <LL2|JedIRC> Fluffernutter: when aren't I? :P
[21:34] <Alpha_Quadrant> Peter-C:
[21:34] <Alpha_Quadrant> it looks like it is a hoax
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[21:35] <Alpha_Quadrant>
[21:35] <Peter-C> hush Alpha_Quadrant :P
[21:35] <Peter-C> You can also tell because the archs are *slightly* different
[21:36] <Peter-C> *torri
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�15[21:39] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[21:39] <Alpha_Quadrant> Peter-C: well, I created redirects at [[Japan arch]] and [[Japanese arch]]
[21:40] <Peter-C> (your welcome for the idea)
[21:40] <Alpha_Quadrant> yep, thanks
[21:40] <Alpha_Quadrant> Until I googled it, I had no idea what those arches were called
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[21:50] <Peter-C>
�03[21:50] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
[21:53] <Alpha_Quadrant> Peter-C: how on Earth did /that/ happen?
[21:53] <RudyValencia> I'm making a font ( ) based off lettering seen in US Kmart stores from about 1978 to the early '90s, and I'm not sure what to call it.
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[21:53] <Fluttershy-ENG> I'm looking at the GOP debates right now.
[21:54] <Fluttershy-ENG> Ron Paul needs to fuck off and stop capitalizing on his campaign contribution fund.
[21:54] <Peter-C> Alpha_Quadrant - because we let Panyd drive
[21:55] <Jeske_Merensky> *RA--thwwb*
�06[21:55] * Jeske_Merensky vomits on Fluttershy-ENG, feels better
[21:55] <Peter-C> Also, according to my friend, if everyone edited Wikipedia then we would be living in an idiot world...
�03[21:56] * Ryulong (~user.ryul@wikimedia/Ryulong) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:56] <Ryulong> I got an odd email from an editor with only one edit
[21:56] <Slazenger> o_O
[21:56] <Ryulong> he wants to add a chunk of text to [[telemarketing fraud]]
[21:56] <Peter-C> O_o
[21:56] <Ryulong> and I have no fucking clue as to why he sent me the message
[21:56] <Fluttershy-ENG> what is the text?
[21:56] <Alpha_Quadrant> Peter-C: well, to quite SigmaWP's talk page: "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anybody can edit, including idiots" Well, that's assuming they can find the edit button. I can't tell you the number of times someone has asked me how to make changes to an article
[21:57] <Fluttershy-ENG> what does it look like?
[21:57] <Peter-C> Because... he is a telemarketer?
[21:57] <Peter-C> *quote
[21:57] <Slazenger> :3
[21:57] <Jeske_Merensky> Ryulong) Is the user blocked?
[21:57] <Ryulong> no
[21:57] <Ryulong>
[21:58] <Fluttershy-ENG> Block that son of a bitch
[21:58] <Fluttershy-ENG> GETEMOFF.
[21:58] <Peter-C> We are not putting tips on Wikipedia ._.
�03[21:59] * {Soap} (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:59] <Peter-C> Oh look a {Soap}!
[22:00] <LL2|JedIRC> Alpha_Quadrant: minus COI edit requests?
�06[22:00] * LL2|JedIRC catches the {Soap}
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�08[22:02] Clones detected from wikipedia/ft2:�8 FT2 FT2-away
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[22:05] <Alpha_Quadrant> LL2|JedIRC: COI edit requests are usually quite informed. Though there are some exceptions
�15[22:10] * PhancyPhysicist ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[22:10] <Peter-C> Oh, I had a lecture about drinking in school
[22:11] <Peter-C> To sum it up, "Don't drink, but if you do, don't drink so much it becomes the schools problem. K? Thx."
[22:13] <harej> That's kinda stupid.
[22:13] <harej> Then again you ARE in high school.
[22:13] <Peter-C> Exactly what I said
[22:13] <Peter-C> But my school has a MASSIVE booze issue
[22:13] <harej> Jersey problems, man.
[22:13] <Peter-C> mhm
[22:14] <Ryulong> I need an admin to do a histmerge
[22:14] <Peter-C> It was REALLY awkward for me because I have only had sips of booze at family events, and everyone else in my school drinks a fuck ton...
[22:14] <diegogrez> Then you should drink a fuck ton too :P
[22:14] <Peter-C> They even told you what to do when your friend passes out and has alcohol poisoning
�03[22:15] * TCO (477f8f44@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:15] <Ryulong> ugh
[22:15] <Ryulong> how do I request a histmerge
[22:15] <nprice> ah, the trials and tribulations of youth
[22:15] <Alpha_Quadrant> Is there an admin around willing to perform a history merge?
�03[22:17] * PeterSJC ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:17] <{Soap}>
[22:17] <Lubaf> Fun fact: The five classes in the South Park RPG being developed by Obsidian are Fighter, Thief, Cleric, Mage, and Jew.
[22:17] <{Soap}> oh, you found it
[22:17] <Ryulong> yeah
[22:18] <{Soap}> a south park.... RPG ?
[22:18] <{Soap}> well, why not, I guess
[22:18] <Ryulong> I just hope that I used it on the right page
�15[22:18] * bep (~britishen@reddit/operator/bep) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[22:19] <Ryulong> some newbie made a page at the wrong title
[22:19] <Ryulong> because he didn't realize he could edit redirects
[22:19] <PeterSJC> Can someone explain to me why this article: is in the (hidden) category "Pages with incorrect ref formatting"?
[22:20] <Lubaf> {Soap}: In the style of Paper Mario.
[22:20] <Ryulong> ugh
[22:20] <Ryulong> this is why I don't want new editors making articles
[22:20] <Ryulong> because they don't know shit
[22:21] <{Soap}> peter: maybe it has a way to detect the [1] and [2] and so on at the bottom as "refs"
[22:21] <{Soap}> I doubt it though
[22:21] <{Soap}> theyre's probably something else less simple that's going on
[22:22] <{Soap}> yeah that isnt it
�15[22:22] * Kingpin13 (~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13) Quit (Quit: quit�)
[22:23] <PeterSJC> Soap: if you refresh your browser, you will see that I just moved the [1] [2]... list to its own separate section with bullets.
[22:23] <Lubaf> Ryulong: Could be worse.
[22:23] <Ryulong> and now I have to babysit this moron for another year
[22:23] <Gfoley4> 2 Peter-Cs
[22:24] <Gfoley4> O_O
[22:24] <Ryulong> I'd rather not have to do that
�06[22:25] * Peter-C eats Gfoley4
[22:25] <Peter-C> Wait
[22:25] <diegogrez> Gfoley4: omg! *implodes*
[22:25] <Peter-C> one Peter-C
[22:25] <Gfoley4> hi
[22:25] <Gfoley4> PeterSJC doesn't count?
[22:25] <Peter-C> No
[22:25] <Peter-C> He does not know the secret handshake
[22:25] <PeterSJC> :).....   Hey, tocayo
�06[22:26] * diegogrez thought "tocayo" was a mere Chileanism.
�06[22:26] * Peter-C uses Gfoley4 as a back scratcher
[22:26] <Gfoley4> ow
[22:26] <diegogrez> Actually, it isn't. lol
[22:26] <PeterSJC> diegogrez: mexicanismo, tambien
[22:27] <Alpha_Quadrant> Gfoley4: could you please hist merge into
[22:27] <Alpha_Quadrant> the submitter decided to "accept" the submission themselves, and do a copy/paste move
[22:28] <Gfoley4> why?
[22:28] <Gfoley4> it's his content
[22:28] <Ryulong> oh
[22:28] <Ryulong> gfoley4
[22:28] <Ryulong> could you merge a botched page creation? :3
[22:28] <Gfoley4> you can copy/paste your own content, no?
[22:28] <Gfoley4> ok?
[22:28] <Alpha_Quadrant> two different editors
[22:28] <Gfoley4> link
[22:28] <Ryulong> to
[22:28] <diegogrez> PeterSJC: it seems so
[22:28] <Gfoley4> er, both User:Darouet?
�15[22:29] * DeltaQuad (~stfltcmd@TechEssentials/DeltaQuad) Quit (Quit: I'm on Gtalk for those who need me urgently�)
�06[22:29] * PeterSJC would love to visit Chile, "La tierra de los zorzales
[22:29] <PeterSJC> Y de los rojos copihues
[22:29] <Alpha_Quadrant> the AfC draft has changes that the mainspace article does not
[22:29] <Alpha_Quadrant> and changes such as this one
[22:29] <Alpha_Quadrant> are not by the same editor
[22:29] <Gfoley4> Ryulong: doesn't really need a histmerge
[22:29] <Ryulong> well
[22:29] <Ryulong> the former needs to be moved to the latter
[22:30] <Gfoley4> but if you want the new content it does
[22:30] <Ryulong> because this stupid newbie didn't edit the redirect
[22:30] <Ryulong> so if you would not mind, could you move [[Amazing Race 20]] to [[The Amazing Race 20]]
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[22:31] <Gfoley4> done
[22:31] <Gfoley4> also merged the history
[22:31] <Ryulong> thank you
[22:32] <PeterSJC> Gfoley4, do you have to be an administrator to merge history? (Simple moving, I have done)
[22:32] <Gfoley4> uh huh
[22:32] <Alpha_Quadrant> yes
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[22:32] <Gfoley4> Alpha_Quadrant: didn't he just write what was already in mainspace?
[22:32] <Gfoley4> User:Mirchi x3 that is
�15[22:35] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Bye everyone�)
[22:35] <{Soap}> aww
[22:35] <{Soap}> Santa got blocked indef
[22:36] <Alpha_Quadrant> Gfoley4: Darouet was actively working on both the draft in AfC, and the article he created in mainspace
[22:36] <Alpha_Quadrant> an editor made changes to the mainspace article and he incorporated those changes into the draft
[22:37] <Alpha_Quadrant> another editor added an accurate infobox to the AfC draft
[22:37] <Peter-C>
[22:37] <diegogrez> kljjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
[22:38] <Alpha_Quadrant> in order to attribute the changes properly, the two need to be merged
[22:38] <diegogrez> Stupid cat.
�03[22:38] * MRB[away] is now known as matthewrbowker
[22:38] <Gfoley4> done
[22:38] <Alpha_Quadrant> thanks
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[22:41] <Peter-C> I need sleep
[22:41] <Peter-C> Night everyone
[22:41] <Peter-C> Sleep tight
[22:41] <Peter-C> Except you Gfoley4
[22:41] <Gfoley4> lulz
[22:41] <PeterSJC> Gnight, Peter
[22:41] <Peter-C> I hope you have a horrible night Gfoley4
[22:41] <Gfoley4> I hope so too.
[22:41] <Gfoley4> <3
[22:41] <Peter-C> <3
[22:41] <PeterSJC> Yay, now there's only one of me :)
[22:41] <PeterSJC> almost
�06[22:41] * Peter-C kills PeterSJC
[22:42] <Alpha_Quadrant> Peter-C != PeterSJC?
�06[22:42] * Peter-C uses PeterSJC to make a heated pillow for himself
[22:42] <PeterSJC> Ah, I'm dead!
[22:42] <Peter-C> != ?
�06[22:42] * PeterSJC is not Peter-C
[22:42] <matthewrbowker> Peter-C: Not equals
[22:42] <Alpha_Quadrant> does not equal to
�15[22:42] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~�)
�06[22:42] * Peter-C is not PeterSJC
[22:42] <Alpha_Quadrant> Peter-C: where do you think we get the term !vote
[22:42] <Peter-C> Ah, makes sense, can't do the corss through the equal sign...
[22:43] <matthewrbowker> It's programmerspeak :P
[22:43] <Peter-C> From voting?
[22:43] <Peter-C> I NEED SLEEP PEOPLE
�06[22:43] * Peter-C leaves
[22:43] <PeterSJC> Those of us who are no longer programmers might think != means "emphatically equals"
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�15[22:52] * GorillaWarfare (~quassel@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[22:52] <Maid> Sigma should make his brbs faster
[22:53] <kim__> PeterSJC, heh
�03[22:59] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[23:01] * SigMobile (46e7fbf0@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:01] <SigMobile> Where's LL2|JedIRC ??
[23:02] <Gfoley4> not here?
�03[23:02] * derpyfoo (43474759@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:02] <SigMobile> derp: :D
[23:02] <SigMobile> derpyfoo: :D
[23:03] <derpyfoo> SigMobile: <3
[23:03] <derpyfoo> grtrrrr
[23:03] <SigMobile> LL2|JedIRC: Your template
[23:03] <SigMobile> Isn't working
�06[23:03] * derpyfoo is fighting Tentalus on Skyward Sword
[23:04] <SigMobile> LL2|JedIRC: Wait
[23:04] <derpyfoo> that boss IS freaky
[23:04] <SigMobile> LL2|JedIRC: It's working for move expiry
[23:04] <SigMobile> Not edit
[23:04] <SigMobile> :S
[23:04] <matthewrbowker> Gfoley4: You got a sec?  I need some help with deleted content in -help
[23:05] <derpyfoo> i mean it has tentacles and snakes as hair
[23:05] <derpyfoo> medusa hair
[23:05] <SigMobile> LL2|JedIRC: OK, just fixed it
[23:05] <SigMobile> No more problems
�06[23:06] * derpyfoo vandalizes said page.
[23:09] <derpyfoo> and Tentalus has been defeated.
[23:09] <derpyfoo> it was hard, but i got it
�06[23:09] * SigMobile is off to recharge
[23:09] <SigMobile> Good bye
[23:09] <kim__> I have an interesting challenge
[23:09] <derpyfoo> bye <3
�06[23:09] * SigMobile pat pats derpyfoo 
[23:09] <kim__> explain to people how to get articles on themselves edited
[23:09] <derpyfoo> yay
�03[23:09] * SigMobile (46e7fbf0@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has left #wikipedia-en ("To the garage"�)
[23:09] <kim__> (aka dealing with COI)
[23:09] <derpyfoo> a new heart container
[23:10] <derpyfoo> and a skyward strike!
[23:10] <kim__> those also sound cool
�15[23:15] * Maid (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) Quit (Quit: We are Wikipedia, we are legion, here, have some wikilove, come help us edit?�)
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[23:20] <PeterSJC> Does anyone have an opinion on the practice of defining all <ref> tags at the bottom, inside {{reflist|refs=...}}, versus defining the references inline? They are a bit easier to find when they are all in one place, but I have been cleaning up a lot of articles with Cite error messages from when text referring to a named ref is deleted.
[23:21] <Prodego> I always liked them at the bottom
[23:21] <Prodego> but whichever is fine
[23:21] <Alpha_Quadrant> PeterSJC: I always use inline citations
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[23:22] <PeterSJC> It is a trade-off. Inline seems easier to maintain (but more trouble to find when editing).
[23:23] <Alpha_Quadrant> relist is difficult to maintain
�15[23:23] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1) Quit
[23:23] <Alpha_Quadrant> if you need to change the order up at all
[23:23] <Alpha_Quadrant> it is a mess to do
�03[23:24] * Slazenger is now known as Tymun
�03[23:24] * thrashout (ThrashIRC@unaffiliated/thrashout) has left #wikipedia-en ("Silentium est aureum"�)
[23:25] <PeterSJC> AQ: Yep. On the other hand, having them at the bottom sometimes makes it easy to find vandalized pages, because the little brats don't bother to clean up when they delete text.
�15[23:26] * Waithamai (~Waithamai@wikipedia/Waithamai) Quit (Quit: man liest sich :)�)
[23:28] <kim__> nite
�15[23:28] * kim__ ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
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[23:30] <Alpha_Quadrant> PeterSJC: some of them delete the <references/> or {{reflist}}, making it very easy to track it down
[23:30] <Alpha_Quadrant> it even categorizes the vandalism when one does that
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Session Close: Thu Dec 15 23:58:11 2011