MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday March 13, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchSession Start: Sat Jan 07 00:00:01 2012 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en [00:00] <log> Grooveshark is currently being sued by four major record labels. [00:00] <zscout370> for what? [00:00] <log> It's not going to be around much longer, at least not in its current form. [00:00] <log> �03[00:00] * Jeff_G is now known as JeffLaptopAFK �03[00:01] * JeffAndroIrcAFK is now known as Jeff_G [00:02] <zscout370> yeah, that can do it. Now what service to use for frat social gatherings. [00:03] <log> Well, there aren't many free services left that let you listen to specific songs for an unlimited time... [00:04] <zscout370> spotify is only 10 bucks a month which is not bad at all [00:05] <log> I also like Rdio and MOG, in terms of paid services. �06[00:05] * zscout370 makes note of it [00:06] <log> zscout370: There's a list on Wikipedia, actually: [00:06] <log> Quite convenient. [00:07] <zscout370> log, I found a similar list for online dating services [00:07] <zscout370> so I am glad for these kind of lists [00:07] <zscout370> and WPS Arkansas wins! [00:07] <log> I happen to use Wikipedia a lot in comparing products. [00:07] <log> Especially when there are tables like that. [00:07] <log> They are very useful, sometimes. [00:08] <zscout370> indeed �03[00:11] * Doyak (~AndChat@ has joined #wikipedia-en �03[00:18] * Guerillero ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[00:18] * Guerillero ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[00:18] * Guerillero (~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[00:19] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en [00:21] <Peter-C> GOD DAMN IT [00:21] <Peter-C> I was lsitening to classical music [00:21] <Peter-C> then Pizza Hut burts in [00:22] <Peter-C> WTF [00:22] <Prodego> heheheh [00:22] <Prodego> "== Message that I fucked your mother ==" [00:22] <Prodego> I like that one, that one is nice [00:23] <Peter-C> What a classy guy [00:23] <darkfalls> the fuck... [00:24] <zscout370> 5th grade insults, ooo wow [00:24] <Guerillero> hehre [00:24] <LauraHale> is wow. [00:24] <Jeske_Merensky> There we go, three different games. [00:25] <Jeske_Merensky> Hopefully none of them show up fucked up. [00:26] <darkfalls> LauraHale: Typical American incompetence :p [00:26] <LauraHale> Yes. [00:26] <log> Prodego: Heh, not RevDeling that? �15[00:26] * u99of9 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/U99of9) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [00:26] <Prodego> log: no reason to really [00:27] <Prodego> the other messages were the READ THIS type [00:27] <log> Maybe the summary...? �03[00:27] * Jeff_G is now known as Jeff_G|Zzz [00:27] <log> Shows up in your talk page history. �06[00:27] * log shrugs. [00:27] <zscout370> darkfalls, and how some people will act towards the immigration problem. If they look brown, get them out of town kind of deal. [00:27] <Prodego> I don't rev delete my block log :) [00:27] <log> Heh. �06[00:28] * Prodego is bad at May [00:28] <darkfalls> zscout370: Apparently security out of the country is more lax than getting in the country. [00:28] <zscout370> darkfalls, I would have said that before June 2011 [00:29] <darkfalls> what happened in june '11? [00:29] <zscout370> went to Canada, got help up at Canadian Customs because I was meeting a Japanese national [00:30] <zscout370> and leaving the US was very strange [00:30] <zscout370> I got asked more questions than I did entering the country �03[00:31] * Guerillero (~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero) has left #wikipedia-en �03[00:31] * Guerillero (~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en [00:31] <Sp33dyphil> Does anybody have problems with Opera's "find" function when editing? �03[00:31] * u99of9 ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[00:33] * Lara (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jennavecia) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [00:35] <zscout370> darkfalls, I told Risker before that the only thing my near TSA-pat down job was missing was either Rush or Anne Murray playing in the background [00:35] <zscout370> while at YVR [00:35] <darkfalls> lol [00:36] <Guerillero> why did you almost have a TSA patdown? [00:36] <Addihockey10> zscout370: Were you the one who had to spend alot of time in YVR because you had CCleaner on your PC? �15[00:36] * Sir48 (~Sir48@ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [00:37] <Prodego> what's wrong with CCleaner? [00:37] <zscout370> Addihockey10, yeah and he checked my phone and digital camera with porn [00:37] <zscout370> Prodego, cleans out porn and internet history [00:37] <Prodego> browsers do that on their own [00:37] <zscout370> and Canada has rules on importing porn, especially animal and kiddie [00:37] <Addihockey10> Prodego: This one can overwrite it 25 times. [00:37] <Addihockey10> Animal porn? [00:37] <Addihockey10> o_O [00:37] <Prodego> CCleaner is good for checking the registry for 'errors' [00:38] <Addihockey10> I dunno what that does TBH �06[00:38] * Addihockey10 doesn't notice a differnce [00:38] <Prodego> in any case, I don't think deleting things from your computer is a reason to stay in an airport? [00:38] <tjf> Addihockey10, (sfw) [00:38] <Addihockey10> HAHAHAHAHAHA [00:38] <zscout370> Addihockey10, like if you take out a program, it cleans up the stuff left behind [00:38] <Addihockey10> I just got a captcha- Jong-Il. How ironic. [00:38] <Addihockey10> zscout370: Yeah I know [00:38] <zscout370> Prodego, he had no idea what the program was, plus as I said, I was in Canada trying to meet a Japanese citizen who was in the US on a student visa. [00:38] <Addihockey10> But there's this one program that won't go awya. [00:39] <zscout370> he was thinking I was going to marry her (wish I bloody did) [00:40] <Guerillero> lol [00:42] <zscout370> he was more interested in my laptop than this girl; but he kept me because I was shaking like a leaf and was on a major Monster crash [00:42] <zscout370> but, as I told Canadian Customs after I got back, he wasn't being a dick, he was professional and did render medical aid when I needed it. �03[00:43] * SigmaWP ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[00:43] * SigmaWP ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[00:43] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[00:44] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) [00:44] <SigmaWP> HEY! �15[00:44] * koishi ( Quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[00:44] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[00:44] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[00:44] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[00:45] * xcombelle ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[00:47] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Client Quit�) �03[00:47] * SigmaWP ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[00:47] * SigmaWP ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[00:47] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[00:48] * UnknownFork (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/unknownfork) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [00:52] <darkfalls> zscout370: Medical aid? �06[00:52] * darkfalls looks at the empty Monster cans to his right. Shit. �08[00:53] <derp> Prodego, CCleaner has a disk wipe utlity �08[00:53] <derp> that can overwrite up to 35 times [00:53] <zscout370> darkfalls, I was about to pass out, so he got me a chair and water. [00:53] <Prodego> derp: I still don't understand what that has to do with an airport �08[00:54] <derp> it securely wipes a USB key, files �08[00:54] <derp> etc etc [00:54] <zscout370> Prodego, I just think he never saw the program before and he seemed like a tech guy to me. [00:54] <Prodego> ah [00:54] <Prodego> lonely customs person? [00:54] <darkfalls> CCleaner? I have that on my laptop [00:55] <zscout370> it was around 10 PM pacific so there was few of him [00:55] <darkfalls> lol Session Close: Sat Jan 07 00:56:02 2012 Session Start: Sat Jan 07 21:03:32 2012 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �03[21:03] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en �03[21:03] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�' �03[21:03] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:48 [21:03] #wikipedia-en url is �12[21:03] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée ! [21:03] <SigmaWP> Derp: :D [21:04] <Addihockey10> Derp: Question... [21:04] <Queen> derp: <3 �08[21:05] <derp> SigmaWP :D �15[21:05] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �08[21:05] <derp> Queen <3 �08[21:05] <derp> Addihockey10: Answer. �08[21:05] <derp> Next? �15[21:05] * Stelpa ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) [21:05] <Addihockey10> Derp: I remember �15[21:06] * Sp33dyphil_ (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �03[21:06] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:06] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:06] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:06] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:07] <SigmaWP> Gfoley4: Hi �06[21:07] * Jeske_Merensky has a puddle of Fluffy in his lap [21:07] <Gfoley4> Hi �15[21:07] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) Quit (Quit: erikhaugen�) �08[21:08] <derp> Gfoley4 <3 [21:08] <Fluffernutter> do not liquify your cat [21:08] <Fluffernutter> it's bloody IMPOSSIBLE to get those stains out of the carpet [21:08] <Gfoley4> Hiya [21:11] <Jeske_Merensky> Fluffernutter) I didn't. He liquefied himself. [21:11] <Jeske_Merensky> :P �15[21:11] * Thehelpfulone (~Helper@wikimedia/Thehelpfulone) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) [21:13] <mindspillage> yeah, tell it to the judge. �06[21:13] * harej charges Jeske_Merensky with "possession of Mountain Dew" [21:13] <Addihockey10> EWW [21:14] <Jeske_Merensky> I don't have Mountain Dew in this house. [21:14] <Addihockey10> harej: Fucking gross. [21:14] <harej> Jeske didn't get my reference. [21:14] <Addihockey10> Like what is it? �06[21:14] * Pharos convenes grand jury [21:14] <harej> Someone found a mouse in their Mountain Dew beverage. Pepsico argued against it, saying that Mountain Dew would've dissolved the mouse. [21:15] <Addihockey10> lol [21:15] <Thogo> uh... and people really drink that? [21:15] <SigmaWP> ^ [21:15] <Addihockey10> harej: Not "Our factories are mouse-free", but "We put additives so all the mouses dissolve in our drinks" �15[21:15] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �06[21:15] * Pharos retires to jury room [21:15] <mindspillage> ew. [21:15] <Peter-C> OMG I LOVE MOUNTAIN DEW [21:15] <harej> Thogo, Mountain Dew does not dissolve animal flesh. Were that true, all of the world's programmers would've died years ago. [21:16] <Thogo> lol [21:16] <Pharos> maybe they did! [21:16] <Pharos> Zombie Hackers! �08[21:16] <derp> Peter-C, you're disgusting. [21:16] <Thogo> they are dissolved, but they are still programming. XD [21:16] <Peter-C> I <3 it [21:16] <mindspillage> If Surge didn't do it, Mountain Dew won't [21:16] <mindspillage> . [21:16] <Thogo> I've actually never heard about that. What is in there? �08[21:17] <derp> pee �08[21:17] <derp> mostly pee [21:17] <harej> It's sugary pee. [21:17] <Pharos> it's mostly water, most things are [21:17] <Thogo> if programmers like it, it probably has lots of caffeine. [21:17] <harej> Yep. [21:17] <Thogo> ^^ [21:17] <Thogo> why don't they just stick to coffee and coke... [21:18] <harej> Coke itself doesn't have a lot of caffeine. And coffee tastes like ass. [21:18] <harej> My caffeine source of choice is Red Bull. [21:18] <Thogo> yes, American coffee, true. [21:18] <gde33> [21:18] <harej> I've written some incredible papers on red bull. Then again, I just wrote an incredible internal-l post on wine and green tea. [21:18] <Thogo> but Red Bull is awful. [21:18] <gde33> Wiki facilitates journalists with an unique mechanism of oppertunity to see if the reader is really buying into their creations. [21:19] <Soapy> hm, I havent seen Surge in a while �03[21:19] * Od1n ( has joined #wikipedia-en [21:19] <harej> Surge died. And I think Vault did, too. Which is too bad because I liked Vault. [21:19] <Thogo> that was the worst thing about being in America. The coffee is really bad. ^^ �08[21:19] <derp> if you remember the 90's, you remember Orbit. [21:19] <Pharos> my best internal-l posts are written on chopped liver [21:19] <Soapy> hmm, it seems youre right �08[21:19] * derp hands Peter-C a bottle of Orbit. [21:20] <gde33> Thogo: you are not very demanding? �08[21:20] * derp hands Soapy a bottle of Clear Pepsi. [21:20] <mindspillage> Surge was discontinued about 10 years ago. In fact, it was about like sugary piss, but lots of nerds liked it. (Greg still has some cans around, but I would advise against opening them.) [21:20] <Thogo> gde33: well, I'm used to good coffee... That's it... [21:20] <gde33> Thogo: then have to go either to itally or to the netherlands [21:20] <Thogo> Germany is just fine. [21:21] <Thogo> and yes, it's even better in Italy. But no, it's not better in the Netherlands. ;) [21:21] <gde33> Thogo: you mean Aldi right? :D [21:21] <Thogo> not really... [21:21] <Soapy> I dont know why people say coffee in the USA is bad [21:21] <Thogo> because it's true. [21:21] <Soapy> But there's so many different choices [21:21] <Soapy> surely you havent tried them all [21:21] <Thogo> I tried a lot of them. [21:21] <Soapy> I only enjoy two or three different brands [21:22] <Soapy> there's dozens that I dont care for [21:22] <Thogo> I want very strong coffee. [21:22] <gde33> Thogo: [21:22] <mindspillage> You know what I really like? Carbonated iced tea. And the only place people sell it, AFAIK, is in the Netherlands and Belgium. [21:22] <Thogo> they gave me that French roast stuff. But it doesn't even taste like coffee. It tastes like charcoal in water. Not the slightest trace of aroma. [21:22] <harej> You can make it yourself, spills. [21:22] <mindspillage> harej: ye, which is useless when I am not at home! [21:23] <harej> Well, next time you show up to Starbucks, hand them a bottle of club soda! [21:23] <harej> "Use this!" [21:23] <Queen> Do you think the stewards would accept my request to have my name changed on ~600 wikis because I want to have the same username across wikimedia, and I was comparing different project's homepages? [21:23] <Queen> *while logged in [21:23] <Soapy> 600 wikis? [21:23] <Thogo> they will just not do it. :) [21:23] <Soapy> thats a lot [21:24] <Thogo> or maybe run a script. [21:24] <Pharos> you only have 600 acounts? [21:24] <Pharos> dilletante [21:24] <Thogo> and besides, you would have to ask on *all* wikis with local bureaucrats yourself on-wiki. [21:24] <Thogo> that means, roughly 200 of the 600. :) You have to find the right place first. :) [21:24] <Queen> I know that �03[21:25] * hecticUWU ( has joined #wikipedia-en [21:25] <Thogo> have fun. :D �03[21:25] * KafXtix ( has joined #wikipedia-en �08[21:25] Clones detected from�8 hecticUWU KafXtix �15[21:25] * hecticUWU ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �15[21:25] * KafXtix ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �06[21:25] * Queen should have remembered to log out before comparing main pages �15[21:25] * THe_THing (4c1b6b79@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) [21:25] <Thogo> hm... [21:26] <SigmaWP> Queen: Poke a steward [21:26] <Thogo> I think I have an account in all non-private Wikimedia wikis. [21:26] <Thogo> except they opened one that I missed. [21:26] <Queen> SigmaWP: I still have to decide on the name change, since I have to make sure it's open here and on wikia [21:27] <SigmaWP> ah [21:27] <SigmaWP> why wikia [21:27] <Thogo> uh, please decide before I resume stewardship by the end of February... :p [21:27] <Queen> Because I edit there more than I edit here :P [21:27] <SigmaWP> ah [21:27] <SigmaWP> :O [21:27] <Queen> And I like things being the same [21:27] <SigmaWP> Queen: TRAITOR [21:27] <Queen> Thogo, I'll be sure to wait for you [21:27] <Thogo> :( [21:28] <Queen> SigmaWP, I still huggle sometimes :P [21:28] <SigmaWP> :D [21:28] <Thogo> well, I'll tell you then to give me a list of wikis where you need to be renamed and which do *not* have local bureaucrats [21:28] <Thogo> if I find one with local crats I'll decline the request. :p [21:28] <Queen> I'd spam that request page so hard [21:29] <Queen> :D [21:29] <Thogo> no, you make one request for all. But you have to list them all with the right template. [21:29] <Queen> I know [21:29] <Queen> I'd flood that page might be a better way of putting that [21:29] <Thogo> well, sort of. Session Close: Sat Jan 07 21:29:48 2012