MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday March 13, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchSession Start: Wed Jan 11 15:47:02 2012 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �03[15:47] * derp (~omg@wikimedia/Zalgo) also in #wikipedia #wikinews #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #wikimania #wiki #ubuntu #tasvideos #Reddit #mediawiki #gaygeeks-asl #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##The_Thing ##politics ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf ##cremepuff222 has joined #wikipedia-en �03[15:47] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�' �03[15:47] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:48 [15:47] #wikipedia-en url is [15:48] <Qcoder00> Excirial: A while back I asked BarkingFish to look into the need for 'Guardian' admins [15:48] <Qcoder00> who were admins able to handle 'sensitive' issues relating to certain types of 'vulnerable' user �03[15:49] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en [15:49] <BarkingFish> Excirial: I do have some professional competence in the area of working with children - I'm an ex Child welfare officer, who could be going back to being one :) [15:49] <BarkingFish> if I pass my interview Tomorrow :) [15:50] <WilliamH_UK> Qcoder00 chances are those admins have to do what most other admins have to do anyway: forward stuff to oversighters [15:50] <GabrielF> has an issue around wikipedia being used by a pedophile ever come up? �15[15:50] * maryana_ (~maryana@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech Quit (Quit: Leaving) [15:50] <GabrielF> (I assume that's what you're referring to) [15:50] <Excirial> Good luck then :) [15:50] <BarkingFish> thanks :D �03[15:50] * Retrieving #wikipedia-en modes... [15:50] <Qcoder00> GabrielF: IIRC There was an ARBCOM case about Pedo advocacy [15:50] <Excirial> Though i hope it doesnt depend on luck [15:50] <Excirial> ;) [15:51] <GabrielF> but that's a content dispute, not an issue of one user taking advantage of another user, right? [15:51] <Qcoder00> It depends [15:51] <BarkingFish> It doesn't - I am going back to a job I've previously held, and where I was told I'd be welcomed back when I left a couple of years ago. [15:51] <BarkingFish> I was retired from the Prison I was working at back in December, Excirial - so I'm taking Social Services up on their offer [15:52] <Qcoder00> Excirial, GabrielF: I would hold the view that some forms of advocacy are so serious as to cease to be a content dispute �03[15:52] * Maryana (~justdandy@ from United States has joined #wikipedia-en [15:52] <Excirial> Well, then i have all due confidence things will work out great [15:52] <Excirial> Hmmm, [15:53] <Excirial> But who decides where that line is? [15:53] <Qcoder00> Excirial: That I think was why there was an Arbcom case... [15:53] <GabrielF> I think its pretty dangerous to start saying that some populations are so vulnerable that we can't handle content related to those populations through the normal process [15:53] <Excirial> Exactly. [15:54] <Excirial> And neutrality amd npov are also a tad risky in those cases. �08[15:54] <derp> GabrielF, if you look on specific forums, yes. [15:54] <Qcoder00> 'Guardian' admins would exist in addition to the current process [15:55] <Qcoder00> And I would have recommended BarkingFish as a 'Guardian' admin if the WMF had certain mechanisms in place �03[15:55] * shimgray ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:55] * shimgray ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[15:55] * shimgray (~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:56] <Excirial> I do imagine that people would/could end up receiving quite some flak due to that though. [15:57] <Excirial> Trybeing neutral in a very touchy topic. [15:57] <GabrielF> sorry derp, not sure I understand what you're referring to [15:57] <Qcoder00> BarkingFish: ? �15[15:57] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [15:57] <Excirial> Ok, the guardian admin would overlook risky topics, did i get that correctly? [15:57] <BarkingFish> busy dude, sorry - got stuff in process elsewhere [15:58] <BarkingFish> I'll make comment on things when I can read back on them [15:58] <Qcoder00> Excirial: Somewhere, BarkingFish has a working draft on this Guardian Admin idea �03[15:58] * causasui-away is now known as causasui �08[15:58] * derp hugs BarkingFish [15:59] <Excirial> Good, illread up on that first sometime then. [15:59] <Ironholds> shimgray: the drive. Will you be at the meetup? [15:59] <BarkingFish> somewhere is right, Qcoder00 - let me go back over the 70k odd documents I have stored in here - I'll set kfind on it [15:59] <Qcoder00> BarkingFish: I think the version you had was 'Trusted admin' rather than Guardian [16:01] <BarkingFish> yeah, it probably was, right now though I'm dealing with more than I can rightly handle, compiling software, packaging it, communicating with 5 different people in Pm with regard to what I'm building, and using about 97% of my CPU :) [16:01] <BarkingFish> Kfind right now would probably freeze my pc up �15[16:03] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~�) �03[16:04] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[16:06] * LauraHale is now known as Laura|Away [16:06] <shimgray> Ironholds: this weekend? probably not. there is only so much London I can take! [16:07] <GabrielF> hmmm the content that's coming out of the Nanjing Normal University class project seems to be quite poor �15[16:07] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�) [16:09] <shimgray> (more to the point, I think we have visitors this weekend) �03[16:09] * juancarlos (~killer@wikimedia/Killiondude) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[16:09] * derp huggles juancarlos tightly. �03[16:09] * TBloemink (~TBloemink@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:09] * TBloemink (~TBloemink@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[16:09] * TBloemink (~TBloemink@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:10] <juancarlos> $ yes hug [16:10] <Aranda56> is largest real estate firm in a subtown of a town of 10,000 people a claim to notability to pass A7? �15[16:10] * Jeff_G (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[16:10] * Jeff_G (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:10] <shimgray> Aranda56: I would doubt it, myself. �15[16:11] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Bye everyone�) �15[16:11] * Mezelf14 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Mezelf14) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]�) [16:11] <WilliamH_UK> I too would doubt it �15[16:11] * localhost ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �03[16:12] * localhost ( has joined #wikipedia-en [16:12] <Aranda56> and the other claim of notability is building this nice spam article [16:13] <Aranda56> and look at the creator :p [16:13] <Ironholds> shimgray: ahh. have fun! [16:13] <Ironholds> I was just thinking re HDD [16:13] <Ironholds> and it's free [16:13] <shimgray> redirect to QL page, add a line there on the name of developer company �03[16:13] * Netalarm (~Netalarm@TechEssentials/Netalarm) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:13] <shimgray> then figure out if that itself needs deleted Session Close: Wed Jan 11 16:13:50 2012 Session Start: Wed Jan 11 16:13:50 2012 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �11[16:13] * Disconnected Session Close: Wed Jan 11 16:14:51 2012 Session Start: Wed Jan 11 17:23:46 2012 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �03[17:23] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en �03[17:23] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�' �03[17:23] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:48 [17:23] #wikipedia-en url is [17:23] <Ironholds> you know what two days solid of dungeon crawl stone soup and nothing else does to a man? It's not pretty. �12[17:23] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée ! �06[17:24] * shimgray is limited to older games by virtue of the joys of wine [17:24] <shimgray> on the plus side, it helps avoid procrastination [17:25] <Ironholds> "the joys of wine"? [17:25] <Ironholds> oh, windows emulator wine. not booze. �06[17:25] * Fluffernutter was very sad to find out that she can't run Castle of the Winds on Win7 [17:25] <Fluffernutter> stupid 64-bit operating system [17:25] <BarkingFish> Don't have a compatibility mode? [17:26] <Fluffernutter> apparently 64-bit doesn't do 16-bit. period. [17:26] <Thogo> XD [17:26] <Ironholds> yes, of course [17:26] <shimgray> can you run it through dosbox? �06[17:27] * Ironholds points to the two different emulators required in vista that made it such a clunky bitch �08[17:27] * derp hugs Fluffernutter [17:27] <Fluffernutter> yes hello �08[17:27] <derp> yes helo �03[17:27] * derp is now known as Fluffernutt3r �06[17:27] * Ironholds slaps Fluffernutt3r [17:27] <Ironholds> NO. BAD. �08[17:27] * Fluffernutt3r slaps Ironholds [17:27] <Fluffernutter> ugh, is it going to be one of those days? [17:27] <Ironholds> ow! [17:27] <Ironholds> the slapping days? [17:28] <Ironholds> those are the WORST [17:28] <Fluffernutter> derp, change your nick to something not obscene and not an impersonation �03[17:28] * Fluffernutt3r is now known as derp [17:28] <Fluffernutter> thank you �08[17:28] <derp> no, mama. �03[17:28] * thewolfisalie (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[17:28] * derp has the flu. [17:28] <thewolfisalie> Someone !join in #wolfgame [17:28] <thewolfisalie> derp ;) [17:29] <Fluffernutter> please don't spam here [17:29] <thewolfisalie> I registered herpyderpy & herpy_derpy yesterday ;) �03[17:29] * thewolfisalie (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has left #wikipedia-en [17:29] <Ironholds> what the hell is the wolf game? [17:30] <Fluffernutter> beats me �08[17:30] <derp> Ironholds, a highly addictive game �08[17:30] <derp> and a annoying one too. �08[17:30] <derp> it pings :P [17:30] <Fluffernutter> my hovercraft is full of eels �08[17:30] <derp> fresh water or salt water eels? [17:30] <BarkingFish> it's a game where you join, and get pm'd a role to play, you go round lynching people until you find the wolf - one person can shoot the wolf, and it's basically as annoying as toothache, Ironholds Session Close: Wed Jan 11 17:31:23 2012 Session Start: Wed Jan 11 17:31:23 2012 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �11[17:31] * Disconnected Session Close: Wed Jan 11 17:31:25 2012 Session Start: Wed Jan 11 17:32:06 2012 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �03[17:32] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en �03[17:32] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�' �03[17:32] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:48 [17:32] #wikipedia-en url is [17:32] <BarkingFish> yeah [17:32] <Ironholds> see the above comment about music �03[17:32] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[17:32] * shimgray_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en [17:32] <BarkingFish> it's agatha christie without poirot and the annoying belgian accent �15[17:32] * shimgray_ ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[17:32] * shimgray_ (~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:32] * shimgray (~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[17:32] * shimgray_ is now known as shimgray �06[17:33] * Pesky tacklehugs Ironholds [17:33] <Ironholds> Pesky! �06[17:33] * Ironholds tacklehugs Pesky [17:33] <Pesky> wheeeeeeee! [17:33] <Pesky> Group tacklehug! �06[17:33] * Pesky drags BarkingFish and Fluffernutter into tacklehug �06[17:33] * Sp33dyphil ditches the tackle and simply hugs Pesky [17:33] <Pesky> wheeeee! [17:33] <Ironholds> Sp33dyphil: no! All or none! �06[17:33] * Pesky hugs Sp33dyphil �06[17:33] * Fluffernutter falls asleep on Pesky �06[17:33] * Ironholds drags shimgray in �06[17:34] * Sp33dyphil tackles Ironholds �08[17:34] * derp huggles Pesky �08[17:34] * derp huggles Ironholds �08[17:34] * derp huggles Sp33dyphil �08[17:34] * derp huggles Fluffernutter �08[17:34] * derp huggles Qcoder00 �08[17:34] * derp huggles BarkingFish [17:34] <Ironholds> derp clearly needs to get out more �06[17:34] * Sp33dyphil huggles derp �08[17:34] <derp> Ironholds, i went to work today :P [17:35] <Ironholds> derp: that's a new thing for you, isn't it! [17:35] <Ironholds> and how is the drivethu these days? [17:35] <Ironholds> *r �15[17:35] * ErrantX (~ErrantX@wikipedia/ErrantX) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �03[17:35] * Atheism (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:37] * Atheism (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) Quit (Client Quit�) �08[17:37] <derp> Ironholds, i don't give drive-thru blowjobs, thank you. �03[17:37] * Christianity ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:37] * Christianity ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[17:37] * Christianity (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:37] <Ironholds> derp: I wasn't insinuating that you did! [17:37] <Ironholds> I was suggesting you worked at McDonalds. Truck-stop hookery? Please, that's miles above you. [17:37] <BarkingFish> So how many people did BK serve today, derp, and did you get to sell any whoppers? �15[17:37] * Ty (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) Quit (Disconnected by services�) �08[17:38] <derp> heh, i hate BK btw :P �08[17:39] * derp takes BarkingFish to Harvey's :P [17:39] <Ironholds> I adore BK [17:39] <WilliamH_UK> better than mcdonalds [17:39] <Ironholds> okay, I'm now out of both smokes and caffeine �08[17:39] <derp> you need fags and booze. [17:40] <Ironholds> derp: I'll never run out of faggery with you around! [17:40] <Fluffernutter> groan [17:40] <Ironholds> Fluffernutter, if you see Lara, tell her to get her onion booty on down here �08[17:40] <derp> booooooo [17:40] <Fluffernutter> down here = -en? london? �08[17:40] <derp> Fluffernutter, you want puns? [17:40] <Ironholds> I would assume -en [17:41] <juancarlos> Harvey's Casino in Lake Tahoe, NV? [17:41] <Ironholds> I'm not assuming derp is one of those stalkers-who-want-to-put-in-me guys we were discussing earlier �08[17:41] <derp> [17:41] <Fluffernutter> pretty sure he wants inside you �03[17:41] * lapompo (lapompo@unaffiliated/lapompo) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:41] <Ironholds> derp, do you want inside me? [17:41] <lapompo> Is there a difference between a virus and cancer? [17:41] <Ironholds> lapompo: yes �08[17:41] <derp> �08[17:41] <derp> Ironholds, no, i don't. [17:41] <Ironholds> a virus is a distinct organism from outside the body [17:42] <Ironholds> cancer is the body's own cells, subtly twisted and mutated �08[17:42] <derp> lapompo, altough some viruses can cause cancer. [17:42] <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: you see! NOBODY wants inside me. �03[17:42] * TParis ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[17:42] * AMadman (48c0eb04@wikimedia/madman) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[17:42] <derp> like Ironholds is a cancer to the society. [17:42] <lapompo> Isn't a virus in itself a form of cancer? Or maybe the other way around? [17:42] <lapompo> Cancer is a virus? �15[17:42] * TParis ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[17:42] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:42] <Ironholds> derp: hey, hey, I'm at LEAST aids. �08[17:42] <derp> boooo [17:42] <Ironholds> lapompo: no, completely different I'm afraid [17:42] <Ironholds> derp: what's wrong with aids? Wait, shit, you know what I mean. [17:42] <lapompo> How are they different? [17:42] <Christianity> derp: <3 �08[17:43] <derp> Christianity <3 [17:43] <Ironholds> lapompo: cancers are fully complete cells. Viruses are just protein strings �15[17:43] * ToAruShiroiNeko (~admin@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [17:44] <Sp33dyphil> o.O [17:44] <Ironholds> Sp33dyphil: no, I didn't know I was a biology lecturer either ;p �08[17:44] <derp> lapompo, �06[17:46] * AMadman takes a hatchet to his watchlist. �03[17:46] * lapompo (lapompo@unaffiliated/lapompo) has left #wikipedia-en [17:46] <Aranda56> who wants to speedy this BLP violation �06[17:46] * Aranda56 gives a cookie to first admin that does that :D [17:47] <AMadman> ... huh. I can't remove two articles from my watchlist. I assume it's a caching thing... [17:47] <Excirial> Edit the raw watchlist? [17:47] <Excirial> EG: �06[17:47] * Aranda56 gives Islam and Judaism to Christianity [17:47] <AMadman> I did. Still didn't work. [17:47] <Excirial> ctrl+F5 doesn't work either? �06[17:47] * Christianity asplodes [17:48] <Sp33dyphil> is anybody here from California, specifically Santa Monica, Long Beach, Fremont and Fontana? [17:48] <AMadman> One is Rome and it shows up as a redlink. [17:48] <AMadman> I click it and it most certainly does not go to a redlink. [17:48] <AMadman> How bizarre. �03[17:48] * Christianity is now known as ty �08[17:48] <derp> Sp33dyphil, juancarlos is. [17:48] <juancarlos> Fremont is ugly. [17:48] <juancarlos> I live by Sacramento. [17:49] <Excirial> I can add and remove rome just fine it seems [17:49] <Sp33dyphil> juancarlos: is that close to any of the locations above? �03[17:49] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has left #wikipedia-en [17:49] <Excirial> Just clear the cache and try again, i would say [17:49] <juancarlos> It's like 80 miles from Fremont. [17:49] <Aranda56> juancarlos speedy this :p �15[17:49] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]�) [17:49] <Sp33dyphil> juancarlos: are you a photographer? [17:49] <shimgray> I've seen spurious redlinks before. it's just a visual glitch. �03[17:49] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:49] <juancarlos> I am not driving there to take a photo! :) �03[17:50] * Sir48 (~Sir48@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:50] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) Quit (Quit: Page closed�) [17:51] <juancarlos> /ragequit �03[17:51] * Monchoman45 (6c24ffb5@wikia/Monchoman45) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:51] <juancarlos> Also, Fremont is close to the foundation. �03[17:51] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:51] <juancarlos> close(r) �15[17:51] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [17:51] <Sp33dyphil> juancarlos: there's a steel mill there that host the climax to Terminator 2: Judgment Day [17:51] <Maryana> juancarlos: does that mean you're coming to the meetup/lunch in february? :) �15[17:52] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�) [17:52] <AMadman> I think the problem is with a page that's somehow on my watchlist twice that I can't delete; Rome's right beneath it. [17:52] <Maryana> [17:52] <Sp33dyphil> hi Maryana! [17:52] <Maryana> hi sp33dyphil :) (i'm in california, btw, though san francisco isn't that close to those places you mentioned) �06[17:52] * AMadman tries to think of another way to kill it with fire. [17:52] <juancarlos> Wikipedians scare me. [17:53] <Maryana> haha [17:53] <Thogo> of course! [17:53] <Maryana> come on… free lunch [17:53] <Sp33dyphil> Maryana: wait, there's a flood channel in the SF valley that hosted the chase between the two Terminators [17:53] <Maryana> and you get to hang out in the office [17:53] <juancarlos> Did you write the ru.wp history? Or was that someone else? [17:53] <juancarlos> I'm trying to figure out when you were hired! :) [17:53] <Maryana> that was me [17:54] <juancarlos> Ah, okay. [17:54] <Maryana> last september �08[17:54] <derp> heh [17:54] <WilliamH_UK> lol phantom menace [17:54] <Thogo> :( I wished I could come to a meetup. But... 1000 Euros is a bit expensive. ^^ �15[17:54] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) Quit (Quit: hometimez�) �08[17:54] <derp> Léon Mugesera [17:54] <Maryana> sp33dyphil, where is it and does it need a photo for commons? :) [17:54] <AMadman> I blame JarlaxleArtemis. (The page I can't delete is "HAGGER?" somehow listed twice.) �08[17:54] <derp> Léon Mugesera is not expelled yet... [17:55] <Sp33dyphil> Maryana: if it's too much of a hassle, don't do it; it's for [[T2:JD]] [17:55] <Maryana> thogo: we're probably going to have some kind of event in berlin around the chapters meeting [17:55] <AMadman> From ages ago when I was helping with that debacle. :p [17:55] <Thogo> that will be about when? �15[17:55] * Sir48 (~Sir48@ Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�) �15[17:55] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) Quit (Quit: erikhaugen�) [17:56] <Maryana> march, i think? [17:56] <Thogo> hm, sounds good. If it's not the weekend when my father has his birthday, I'll probably be there. [17:59] <Thogo> ah March 30-April 1. Great! �15[17:59] * Jeff_G (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [17:59] <Maryana> the wikimedia foundation: we come to you :) [17:59] <Thogo> O.O [17:59] <Joan> I'VE GOT A STORY. [17:59] <AMadman> DO YOU, NOW. �15[17:59] * localhost ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �06[17:59] * Joan blinks. [17:59] <AMadman> :] [17:59] <Joan> You're back? [18:00] <Joan> I haven't seen you in ages. [18:00] <Thogo> well, when I was in San Francisco, I've got to meet just three Wikimedians. I've not even managed to visit the office. ^^ �03[18:00] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:00] <AMadman> Yep. [18:00] <Ironholds> Thogo: it's mostly cans of mountain dew and earthquake supports [18:00] <AMadman> And two years, give or take. :x [18:00] <Thogo> hehe [18:00] <Joan> AMadman: Returning to editing or just trolling IRC? [18:00] <Joan> Also, I have a good memory. �08[18:00] <derp> who wants a 16 MB XD card? [18:01] <AMadman> Returning to editing; revived from WikiDeath. �03[18:01] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[18:01] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[18:01] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:01] <Joan> Oh my. [18:01] <AMadman> I'm lucky enough to be in a personal and professional place now where I can give more time to Wikipedia as more than a hobby. [18:02] <juancarlos> Wikipedia is more than a hobby? [18:02] <Joan> Sounds like you've gotten yourself a nine-to-five. �08[18:02] <derp> AMadman, are you in DC? �08[18:02] * derp hugs Joan �06[18:02] * Joan snuggles Cream. [18:02] <juancarlos> NO touching �15[18:02] * PhancyPhysicist ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [18:02] <AMadman> derp: DC metro area, yes. Why? (That's creepy. :p) �08[18:02] <derp> your IP shows it :P �08[18:02] * derp gives AMadman a rental bike. [18:03] <AMadman> Joan: I always did have, it was just that my previous 9-5 was more like 9-2 a.m. [18:03] <AMadman> Thought I had a hostcloak. [18:03] <AMadman> ... [18:03] <AMadman> Webchat. [18:03] <AMadman> WOMP WOMP. �08[18:03] <derp> WOMP WOMP WOMP WOMP �08[18:03] <derp> Word of the day: WOMP �15[18:03] * causasui (40acad8a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Changing host�) �03[18:03] * causasui (40acad8a@wikipedia/causa-sui) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:03] <AMadman> With a side order of WOMP. �08[18:03] <derp> it means " juancarlos getting WOMPED by Joan" [18:04] <juancarlos> Behave, please. �08[18:04] <derp> Bee-Hive! �15[18:04] * ty (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) Quit (Quit: We are Wikipedia, we are legion, here, have some wikilove, come help us edit?�) [18:05] <tommorris> Ironholds: ping [18:05] <Ironholds> tommorris: pong [18:06] <tommorris> what did you want? [18:06] <Ironholds> I think I had an amusing OTRS ticket to show you or summat. damn [18:06] <Ironholds> oh. also, advertise my event on the tweeting thing. �03[18:06] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[18:07] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) Session Close: Wed Jan 11 18:08:19 2012 Session Start: Wed Jan 11 18:08:19 2012 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �11[18:08] * Disconnected Session Close: Wed Jan 11 18:08:20 2012 Session Start: Wed Jan 11 19:10:24 2012 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �03[19:10] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en �03[19:10] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�' �03[19:10] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:49 [19:10] #wikipedia-en url is �12[19:10] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée ! �03[19:11] * Sir48 (~Sir48@ has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:11] * Fluff|away ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:12] * Fluff|away is now known as Guest73561 �15[19:14] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�) �03[19:16] * TCO (477f80da@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:17] * Guest73561 is now known as Fluffernutter [19:17] <TCO> waaaaassssup???? �03[19:17] * Monchoman45 (6c24ffb5@wikia/Monchoman45) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:17] * Fluffernutter ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:17] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:18] * barts1a (~barts1a@wikipedia/barts1a) Quit (Quit: Leaving�) �15[19:18] * Maryana (~justdandy@ Quit (Quit: AFK�) �03[19:18] * barts1a ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:18] * barts1a ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:18] * barts1a (~barts1a@wikipedia/barts1a) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:18] * barts1a (~barts1a@wikipedia/barts1a) Quit (Client Quit�) �08[19:20] <derp> TCO, not much, watching the game, having a bud, what's up for you? [19:20] <TCO> That is very open ended [19:20] <TCO> which game? �08[19:21] <derp> �08[19:21] <derp> :P [19:22] <BarkingFish> Lol - this is brilliant! I would love to be the person who posted this note... +1 for her. �15[19:23] * puffin (~cremepuff@unaffiliated/cremepuff222) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�) �15[19:23] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:24] * puffin (~cremepuff@unaffiliated/cremepuff222) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:25] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:25] <TParis> BarkingFish: That's epic win. [19:26] <Thogo> but they spelled unfortunately wrong. [19:26] <WilliamH_UK> nice work [19:26] <BarkingFish> Absolutely brilliant. And she had the balls to actually put her room number on the note too, that's what gets me. She's got some guts, that's for sure [19:26] <TCO> Dude I lOOOOOVE that fucking commercial. Whahahhahhazzzzzuppppppp?!!??!?!?!????? [19:27] <juancarlos> Hi. [19:27] <juancarlos> TCO: What does your nick stand for? �03[19:27] * MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:27] <TCO> too cool for oo? [19:29] <juancarlos> i c [19:29] <TCO> srry [19:29] <TCO> top secret [19:30] <TCO> need to get me lai...wait civility...need to get me a barnstar for the answer [19:30] <AMadman> That means even he doesn't know. You're going to trigger an identity crisis, asking questions like that. �03[19:31] * Courcelles (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:31] <juancarlos> onoez. [19:31] <TCO> wine is fine, but liquor is quicker �03[19:31] * Courcelles (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) has left #wikipedia-en �15[19:32] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�) [19:32] <AMadman> I always learned it as candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker. O tempora, o mores. �15[19:32] * Resfirestar_ (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) Quit (Quit: Leaving�) �08[19:32] <derp> AMadman, don't take candy from strangers in strange vans :P [19:32] <TCO> Courcelles, brunette koala newbies spanked your arbitrator azz...I'm just saying...check contribs... [19:33] <Kwiki> yo BarkingFish! [19:33] <Kwiki> you still alive? [19:33] <BarkingFish> holy flurking shnit! [19:33] <BarkingFish> Where did you spring up from? [19:33] <Kwiki> tee hee hee [19:33] <Fluffernutter> Is that code? [19:33] <Kwiki> glad you remember me :) [19:33] <TCO> it;s a user [19:33] <Kwiki> oh, the pitts of hell probably! [19:33] <TCO> like a newbie [19:33] <Kwiki> hows life mate? [19:34] <TCO> like we should care about [19:34] <BarkingFish> Kwiki: how could I forget you! I still have Chunnel Boogie on my cellphone as its ring :) [19:34] <Kwiki> hehe I still listen to it frequently! [19:34] <Kwiki> its in my favorites in Winamp [19:34] <Kwiki> damn addictive [19:34] <Alpha_Quadrant> TCO: you might want to consider getting a Wikipedia IRC cloak [19:35] <BarkingFish> Kwiki: not bad, not good - You happened to catch me at a bad time actually, dude, I'm about to get my shit together and go to bed... I have a job interview in the morning, and don't wanna go looking like I slept in a hedge :) �03[19:35] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:35] <Alpha_Quadrant> until you do, your IP address is visible [19:35] <TCO> is fucking impossible to get an IRC cloack [19:35] <TCO> I looked into it �15[19:35] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]�) [19:35] <Thogo> it's not. Most people have one. [19:35] <Kwiki> BarkingFish: well, praying is bullshit, but I wish you best of luck mate [19:35] <TCO> and there are like 10 gazzillion levels of computer konwledge needed [19:35] <juancarlos> it's actually very easy. [19:35] <BarkingFish> TCO: Even an unaffiliated? They're usually quite easy about handing them out �06[19:35] * Kwiki knows he would hire BarkingFish �03[19:35] * Sp33dyphil (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:36] <TCO> Anyone want to fuck with me...come to the capiutal of the old confedarchy [19:36] <Alpha_Quadrant> TCO: all you have to do is register a nick with Freenode, fill out the request form, and make a confirmation edit to your user/usertalk page [19:36] <Kwiki> TCO: its not that hard if 1 of those 3 are available [19:36] <juancarlos> are you drunk? [19:36] <TCO> dude there were like 10 gazzilino steps [19:36] <TCO> srlsy [19:36] <BarkingFish> Thanks Kwiki - I'll be around tomorrow night, from about 7pm GMT, pm me and we can actually catch up :) [19:36] <TCO> OI tried and gave up [19:36] <Kwiki> lol [19:36] <TCO> I kid you not [19:36] <juancarlos> lol @ trolling #wikipedia-en [19:36] <Alpha_Quadrant> I could walk you through it [19:36] <TCO> too hard [19:36] <log> Are you actually TCO? [19:36] <Kwiki> TCO: Ask Barras when he is online [19:36] <TCO> diude [19:36] <Kwiki> BarkingFish: yeah I will try to be online mate [19:37] <Kwiki> oh wait [19:37] <Kwiki> PM [19:37] <TCO> KI got banned (lierately) from the help challen [19:37] <BarkingFish> ok [19:37] <TCO> was not even trolling [19:37] <TCO> just too stupic �03[19:37] * NuclearWarfare ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:37] * NuclearWarfare ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:37] * NuclearWarfare (~chatzilla@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:37] <juancarlos> /clear [19:37] <log> TCO: To make sure that you're not impersonating somebody, can you please make a quick on-wiki confirmation that you are actually TCO? �15[19:39] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: Whatever doesn't kill you, will probably have another go later. (Xchat 2.8.8)�) [19:39] <Addihockey10> log: :/ [19:39] <log> ... [19:40] <juancarlos> NSFW [19:40] <juancarlos> thanks for the disclaimer [19:40] <TCO> No...(log) [19:41] <TCO> I am mad at them [19:41] <log> So you're impersonating the user? [19:41] <TCO> No [19:41] <TCO> I am TCO [19:41] <TCO> Would anyone else be this silly? [19:41] <log> And I'm Fluffernutter. �03[19:41] * Nolelover (c72c4b39@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en [19:41] <Fluffernutter> o_O [19:41] <Kwiki> Revenge is a dish best served petty. tee hee hee [19:41] <Addihockey10> log: Delete those [19:41] <Kwiki> I am much sillier than that TCO [19:41] <TCO> I like to get my nut fliuffled (see that is TCO talk) [19:42] <Addihockey10> juancarlos: :/ When in doubt, askj. [19:42] <log> You edited 36 minutes ago. Nice "mad at them" try. �06[19:42] * Kwiki got sued by monty python [19:42] <juancarlos> Addihockey10: What? [19:42] <juancarlos> Addihockey10: How does that make any sense? [19:42] <log> Addihockey10: Why? [19:42] <Addihockey10> juancarlos: When in doubt of the work-safeness of the link, ask. [19:42] <juancarlos> No. It's the other way around. You should declare. [19:43] <Addihockey10> log: Because I don't want a zucchini up someone's ass on commons. [19:43] <Fluffernutter> oppressor [19:43] <log> Then start a deletion request for it. [19:43] <Kwiki> yuk [19:43] <Kwiki> that was nasty �03[19:43] * geniice (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:43] * geniice (~chatzilla@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:43] * geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:43] <AMadman> Wikipedia is not censored. [19:44] <AMadman> If there is an article that REALLY NEEDS a picture of a zucchini up someone's ass... ;x [19:44] <TCO> Am I the only heterozexual male on Wiki? [19:44] <AMadman> TCO: Yes. [19:44] <Kwiki> TCO: yes [19:44] <Alpha_Quadrant> AMadman: The image is still out of commons scope [19:44] <Kwiki> most of us are heterosexual, some are gay, but only TCO is heterozexual [19:44] <Fluffernutter> The rest of us are lesbians [19:44] <TCO> I'm probablhy losing man oints for even chatting here [19:45] <AMadman> Kwiki: Heh. [19:45] <Addihockey10> Kwiki: What about pansexual? [19:45] <juancarlos> /clear [19:45] <Fluffernutter> you could...stop chatting here, then? before your manbits fall off? [19:45] <Addihockey10> Pansexuality is politically correct :-) [19:45] <AMadman> Aaand now I have seen the picture. [19:45] <AMadman> >.< [19:45] <Kwiki> Addihockey10: well, we have those too, but they do not like zucchini �15[19:45] * juancarlos (~killer@wikimedia/Killiondude) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]�) [19:45] <Kwiki> not sure why [19:45] <Sp33dyphil> how do you definitely tell a homo from a hetero? [19:46] <Kwiki> Sp33dyphil: ask [19:46] <WilliamH_UK> and ye shall receive [19:46] <AMadman> Kwiki: Beat me to it. [19:46] <Kwiki> or... zuchinni [19:46] <Addihockey10> Kwiki: They like anything that attracts them. [19:46] <Fluffernutter> This conversation feels very....invisible knapsack to me [19:46] <Fluffernutter> Can we maybe redirecvt it to something less likely to be unwelcoming to people? [19:46] <Kwiki> AMadman: I am, eh, quick to respond to sex jokes, sorry [19:46] <AMadman> Addihockey10: ? [19:46] <Kwiki> maybe I am just immature �15[19:46] * Vito (~Vito@unaffiliated/vito) Quit (Quit: ZNC -�) [19:46] <Thogo> O.o �15[19:47] * Snowolf (snowolf@wikimedia/Snowolf) Quit (Quit: Pc overheating�) [19:47] <Sp33dyphil> I don't get why the Soviets hated homosexual people so much [19:47] <tommorris> petan: you around? or any Huglge person? [19:47] <Kwiki> Fluffernutter: which part of 4chan do you propose? [19:47] <Fluffernutter> Kwiki, i would suggest you keep the 4chan talk on 4chan �03[19:47] * JeffAndroIrcAFK (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:47] <Kwiki> well, the zucchini talk => 4 chan... so we can have Wikipedia talk here [19:48] <AMadman> Clearly /b/. [19:48] <tommorris> Wikipedia talk? on #wikipedia-en? Next you'll be telling us we're here to write an encyclopedia! �15[19:48] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [19:48] <Kwiki> tommorris: sorry I was not trying to offend you �06[19:48] * Kwiki cries [19:48] <Thogo> no, that is certainly not true, tommorris [19:48] <AMadman> tommorris: I am shocked, SHOCKED, I say, to find editing going on in this establishment. �06[19:48] * Kwiki begs for forgiveness [19:48] <Fluffernutter> it's fine to discuss the image or whatever, but you guys need to do it without making sexually judgmental jokes and stuff [19:48] <harej> ^ �06[19:49] * tommorris considers calling the pussy police to enforce vagina power. [19:49] <Thogo> nighty WilliamH_UK [19:49] <WilliamH_UK> i'll be around for a bit [19:49] <Thogo> :) �03[19:49] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:50] <Thogo> I'll not try the accented letter typing in here. Bet Fluffy would kick me... ^^ �06[19:50] * tommorris won't even buy you a plate of shrimp. [19:50] <Kwiki> WilliamH_UK: are u named after William Hung? [19:50] <WilliamH_UK> who? [19:50] <Thogo> that was a no. XD [19:50] <Kwiki> �03[19:50] * rummex ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:50] * rummex is now known as LiteralKa [19:50] <tommorris> Püßßÿ pølîçé! �15[19:50] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds�) [19:50] <WilliamH_UK> haha, oh him [19:50] <WilliamH_UK> no i'm not [19:51] <Kwiki> hehe ok �06[19:51] * Fluffernutter sighs. tommorris, now is perhaps not the time [19:51] <Sp33dyphil> TERMINATOR! �03[19:52] * aude|away is now known as aude �03[19:52] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Fluffernutter �03[19:52] * Fluffernutter sets mode: +b *!* �06[19:52] * tommorris decides to switch to 'Warning to Gay Boys' rather than the original Alexxys video [19:52] <Sp33dyphil> Arnold Schwarzenegger is BACK �04[19:52] * LiteralKa was kicked by Fluffernutter (Still banned, please keep out�) �06[19:52] * AMadman blinks. [19:52] <Sp33dyphil> my user opage agrees [19:52] <harej> LOLteralKa [19:52] <AMadman> Oh. That's a cute vhost. [19:52] <TCO> sandy Georgia is a bully (that was just to convice you that I am TCO). She is though. And not as smart as she things...G-guy is better...but still a nitpicker but on rheotiric. Grace Hopper and Dick Feynman (met both) would like me better. OL, OI liked bouat Dikc but I met Grace �03[19:52] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Fluffernutter [19:53] <Sp33dyphil> TCO: you mind speaking English? [19:53] <TCO> I'm American [19:53] <Alpha_Quadrant> heh [19:53] <TCO> We had a war to kick Redcoat ass [19:53] <tommorris> didn't mean you had to kick out our language too. [19:54] <Sp33dyphil> TCO: Is it a copyvio if I copy another website's formating? [19:54] <TCO> need more info, babe �15[19:54] * the_wub_ ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�) [19:54] <TCO> I am playing cards on line while chatting here [19:54] <TCO> hyou are my neetches [19:54] <TCO> double timing yuou [19:54] <AMadman> Can be. [19:55] <Alpha_Quadrant> tommorris: Americans didn't kick out the English language, we just dropped out all of those extra letter u's. [19:55] <AMadman> And added zs for ss. [19:55] <Fluffernutter> Alpha_Quadrant: Dou you belieuve we are betteur off without them? [19:55] <AMadman> z's for s's, I guess. [19:55] <TCO> u people behave yourselves...i have to do some wiki work for Phil �15[19:55] * Kwiki (4da646da@wikipedia/Kwiki) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) [19:55] <tommorris> AMadman: to be fair, the Times of London style guide agrees with some of that [19:55] <Alpha_Quadrant> Fluffernutter: yes [19:56] <AMadman> Ah. [19:56] <Sp33dyphil> TCO: you're talking about me? [19:56] <Alpha_Quadrant> although it /is/ easier to get something to DYK if you use British English [19:56] <TCO> yeah... [19:56] <TCO> probably copy vio dude [19:56] <TCO> you can ask on commons [19:56] <TCO> but I guess the answer [19:56] <AMadman> If it's a clearly derivative work, absolutely. [19:56] <AMadman> If it's just copying something small like a clever CSS hack, not usually. [19:57] <TCO> questionable man [19:58] <AMadman> A good rule of thumb is if you have to ask, the answer's yes. ;) [19:58] <TCO> The little pu...schoolgir...upstanding defenders of the Wiki will be after you [19:58] <TCO> U know what Grace Hopper said???? �06[19:58] * AMadman raises an eyebrow. [19:59] <AMadman> Most of my work before retirement was on SCV, and I'm certainly not a schoolgirl. (Though I can't deny I'd look hot in the outfit of one.) �03[20:00] * joke-away ( has joined #wikipedia-en [20:00] <Fluffernutter> heh �03[20:00] * Stelpa_ is now known as Stelpa [20:00] <TCO> pogo bridge game has started [20:01] <TCO> SCV? �06[20:01] * Sp33dyphil is sooo gay today! [20:01] <Jeske_Merensky> Hello, Gay, may I call you "So"? [20:01] <AMadman> TCO: Wikipedia:Suspected copyright violations [20:02] <TCO> AMadman: Wikipedia: bite me? [20:02] <Sp33dyphil> you can call anything under the conditions that the name starts with "T" and ends with "erminator" �03[20:02] * Plazma (~Plazma@freenode/staff/plazma) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[20:03] * AMadman WP:BITEs TCO. [20:03] <TCO> d'accord �03[20:04] * Avruch ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:04] * Avruch ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[20:04] * Avruch (me@wikimedia/Nathan) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:05] <geniice> could someone yell at for removing referenced content �06[20:05] * tjf will [20:05] <TCO> eye am on stricke [20:06] <tjf> no i won't �03[20:07] * Snowolf (snowolf@wikimedia/Snowolf) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:08] * pakaran (~pakaran@wikipedia/pakaran) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:08] * IShadowed_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:08] * IShadowed_ ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[20:08] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:08] * causasui (40acad8a@wikipedia/causa-sui) Quit (Quit: Page closed�) [20:09] <Thogo> ok, have a nice evening and/or night �15[20:09] * Beria_ (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[20:09] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:10] * Thogo (Thogo@wikimedia/Thogo) Quit (Quit: Tleemu aa xáy!�) �15[20:10] * pticochon ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) �03[20:12] * IShadowed_ is now known as IShadowed �15[20:13] * Simon- ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) �03[20:15] * Nihiltres (~nihiltres@wikipedia/Nihiltres) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:15] * Nihiltres (~nihiltres@wikipedia/Nihiltres) Quit (Excess Flood�) �03[20:15] * Nihiltres (~nihiltres@wikipedia/Nihiltres) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:15] * Reedy (~Reedy@wikimedia/ Quit (Quit: Leaving�) �15[20:17] * APexiI (~you@unaffiliated/apexil) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�) �15[20:17] * LL2|Android (~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )�) �15[20:18] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�) �03[20:19] * Simon- ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:20] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle [20:20] <SpeakFree> I warned 900.200.x �03[20:21] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:22] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ Quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.7-dev�) �15[20:25] * joke-away ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[20:26] * LL2|Android (~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:26] <LL2|Android> Note to self: Don't end the Android System application from the settings app. �03[20:26] * NuclearWarfare is now known as NW|away �15[20:28] * Jayflux ( Quit (Quit: (� ::� NoNameScript 4.22 ::� www.�� )��) �15[20:28] * foomandoonian ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[20:32] * APexiI ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:32] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�) �03[20:33] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:34] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Client Quit�) �15[20:34] * APexiI ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[20:34] * APexiI (~you@unaffiliated/apexil) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:36] * JeffAndroIrcAFK is now known as Jeff_G �15[20:38] * zscout370 (~Kagami@wikipedia/Zscout370) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[20:40] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:41] * LL2|JedIRC ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:41] * LL2|JedIRC ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[20:41] * LL2|JedIRC (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[20:41] Clones detected from wikipedia/LikeLakers2:�8 LL2|Android LL2|JedIRC �15[20:42] * LL2|JedIRC (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �15[20:47] * Sir48 (~Sir48@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[20:47] * Maryana ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:47] * Sir48 (~Sir48@ has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:48] * KP13 (~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:48] * Magog_the_Ogre ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:48] * Magog_the_Ogre ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[20:48] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:50] <Soapy> wow, this is #en? [20:50] <Soapy> quietest Ive seen it here in a while �15[20:51] * Kingpin13 (~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�) �03[20:51] * NW|away is now known as NuclearWarfare �06[20:51] * Fluffernutter drops a pin �15[20:53] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) Quit (Quit: erikhaugen�) [20:54] <Soapy> there's an album named "Ø (Disambiguation)" �15[20:55] * Maryana ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) [20:57] <harej> I want to write a book called Main Page. [20:59] <AMadman> 'twould be a good name for a bookstore too. �03[20:59] * SigmaWP ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:59] * SigmaWP ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[20:59] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:59] * Maryana ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:59] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[21:01] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:02] * UOJComm ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:03] * Guest61753 ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:06] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[21:07] * Beria_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �08[21:07] Clones detected from�8 Beria_ Guest61753 �15[21:07] * Beria_ ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:07] * Beria_ (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:08] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:09] <Soapy> there was breifly a page called [[Main Page (disambiguation]] [21:10] <Soapy> but it wasnt about an album or book or store or anything �15[21:10] * Guest61753 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[21:12] * IShadowed_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:12] * IShadowed_ ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:12] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[21:12] Clones detected from wikimedia/IShadowed:�8 IShadowed IShadowed_ �03[21:13] * russavia ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:13] * russavia ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:13] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:14] * camerin ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:14] * foks (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:15] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �06[21:16] * Fluffernutter hugs foks [21:17] <geniice> harej last time that suggestion turned up it was the about the time a certain republican congressman had resigned for his relationship with a page [21:17] <foks> :) �03[21:18] * satul (kemada@gateway/shell/ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:19] * peteforsyth (~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth) Quit (Quit: peteforsyth�) [21:19] <geniice> hmm pics is confusing [21:22] <Peter-C> Guys! Ron Paul is on DVD! [21:22] <Peter-C> Buy buy buy buy buy! [21:22] <Peter-C> Best comedy to ever appear on a DVD EVER! [21:24] <Sp33dyphil> Bey Terminator 2 instead, if you haven't watched it. [21:24] <Sp33dyphil> *Buy �03[21:26] * Atheism (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:26] <geniice> how much do you need to spend to get a reasonable laptop? [21:26] <Peter-C> What will you use it for? [21:26] <SigmaWP> LOGICS [21:27] <SigmaWP> Ping not intended [21:27] <geniice> Peter-C article writing �03[21:27] * joke-away ( has joined #wikipedia-en [21:27] <Peter-C> $500 [21:27] <Peter-C> tops [21:27] <Peter-C> But most Wiki editors I know have a Mac [21:27] <Peter-C> harej is an Apple hippi [21:28] <Sp33dyphil> Peter-C I've got a book about the Ka-50 [21:28] <Peter-C> :D [21:28] <Peter-C> Isn't it super cool and amazing in every single way? �03[21:28] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has left #wikipedia-en [21:29] <Sp33dyphil> Terminator is more super dooper cooler �03[21:29] * Guerillero ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:29] * Guerillero ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:29] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:30] * quanticle is now known as quanticle|away �03[21:31] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:31] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:31] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:32] * SigmaWP ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:32] * SigmaWP ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:32] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[21:33] * SigmaWP pokes Peter-C [21:33] <Peter-C> Ow �03[21:33] * Ty is now known as Christianity �15[21:33] * Suiseiseki (~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �06[21:33] * Sp33dyphil pokes Peter-C [21:33] <Peter-C> OW [21:33] <Peter-C> FUCK OFF YOU POKERS OF DOOM �06[21:33] * Sp33dyphil pokes himself �06[21:34] * SigmaWP rolls a coal ball toward Peter-C �03[21:34] * Suiseiseki (~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:34] <Peter-C> :( �15[21:35] * Christianity (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) Quit (Quit: We are Wikipedia, we are legion, here, have some wikilove, come help us edit?�) [21:35] <harej> Sussudio �03[21:35] * Atheism is now known as Jagex [21:36] <Peter-C> harej - I saw we do to Ron Paul what we did to Sarah Palin - give him a TV show [21:36] <Peter-C> *say [21:36] <Maryana> sp33dyphil: just fixed a mistake in the T2 article :D �03[21:38] * Jagex is now known as Haruhi_Suzumiya [21:39] <Fluffernutter> hell, i so completely don't understand home networking �03[21:39] * katarighe (b8911690@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en [21:39] <katarighe> hi [21:40] <Haruhi_Suzumiya> Hi �06[21:40] * Haruhi_Suzumiya pokes derp �06[21:40] * Peter-C eats Fluffernutter's home [21:40] <Peter-C> {{done}} �03[21:40] * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:40] <SigmaWP> katarighe: I thought you were blocked [21:40] <katarighe> I did a really bad mistake �03[21:41] * Von (4da646da@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en [21:41] <SigmaWP> Fluffernutter: ^ [21:41] <katarighe> I am trying myself to appeal as soon as possible by improving my behaviour [21:41] <Fluffernutter> what, SigmaWP? [21:41] <log> I've made a huge mistake. �15[21:41] * Haruhi_Suzumiya (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) Quit (Quit: We are Wikipedia, we are legion, here, have some wikilove, come help us edit?�) [21:41] <tjf> log? [21:41] <log> Somebody get that reference, please. [21:41] <SigmaWP> Up [21:41] <log> I beg you. [21:41] <Von> Hello all. Sorry, I need urgent help from as much people as possible [21:41] <Von> I admit I am canvassing [21:41] <Von> �03[21:42] * Von is now known as Von_Restorff [21:42] <log> That's like saying "no offense" but offending the person anyway. [21:42] <Maryana> log: gotten [21:42] <matthewrbowker> log: Nope, don't get it... [21:42] <log> Maryana: :D [21:42] <Von_Restorff> !admin please take a look at [21:42] <WilliamH_UK> Von_Restorff, what do you mean by help [21:42] <SigmaWP> While you admins are here, keep an eye on katarighe [21:42] <WilliamH_UK> and that stalkword is only urgent admin matters [21:42] <Von_Restorff> well, it is urgent [21:43] <Von_Restorff> and I need admins and experienced users [21:43] <SigmaWP> WilliamH_UK: Since you're already here, how about cleaning CAT:CSD? :D [21:43] <Fluffernutter> SigmaWP, he's not being disruptive. He's free to be in here. [21:43] <WilliamH_UK> it's not urgent [21:43] <Von_Restorff> it is [21:43] <katarighe> I request myself to give a last chance contributting [21:43] <SigmaWP> But he's blocked [21:43] <katarighe> As a result back on Saturday [21:43] <Von_Restorff> WilliamH_UK: if they continue with their editwarring I will be blocked [21:44] <tommorris> Von_Restorff: tere are other admins here, who will deal with it. but remember, they need context to handle your request. "just look at X" is not a useful admin action request. ;-) [21:44] <Von_Restorff> which means no one can defend the family [21:44] <Fluffernutter> SigmaWP, Wikipedia is not irc. Blocked, and sometimes even banned, users from wikipedia can and do participate in here [21:44] <Von_Restorff> sorry tom [21:44] <Von_Restorff> I am annoyed [21:44] <katarighe> leaving [21:44] <Von_Restorff> What happened is this: �15[21:44] * katarighe (b8911690@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Client Quit�) [21:44] <SigmaWP> Hm, fine [21:44] <Von_Restorff> On the helpdesk someone made a request �15[21:44] * waylandsmith (~waylandsm@ Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) �03[21:44] * Plazma (~Plazma@freenode/staff/plazma) has left #wikipedia-en �15[21:45] * APexiI (~you@unaffiliated/apexil) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) [21:45] <Von_Restorff> The request can be found here: �15[21:45] * Nolelover (c72c4b39@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: quit�) [21:46] <Von_Restorff> still some people insist on causing the family unnecessary grief �03[21:46] * Ty (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:47] * \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (46b3ae65@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en [21:47] <SigmaWP> ... �03[21:47] * APexil (~me@unaffiliated/apexil) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:47] <Soapy> "it's not a BLP anymore" [21:47] <Soapy> thats pretty cold [21:47] <SigmaWP> Heh. [21:47] <\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\> Soapy: Regarding who? [21:47] <Von_Restorff> yeah that sucked [21:48] <Soapy> soemone who recently died [21:48] <\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\> Are you User:Soap by chance? [21:48] <Soapy> yes [21:48] <tommorris> BLP applies to recent deaths [21:48] <Von_Restorff> someone who died [21:48] <\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\> guideline for recent: 30 days? [21:48] <Von_Restorff> trust me if you ever lose a loved one you need quite a bit longer to adjust [21:48] <Von_Restorff> but he is asking now [21:49] <Von_Restorff> so I figured, lets give him a couple of days [21:49] <Fluffernutter> derp, is that you? �03[21:50] * Nascar1996 ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:50] * Nascar1996 ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:50] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:50] <Fluffernutter> well, doesn't matter actually. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\, it would be awesome if you could change your nick to something that's not punctuation �03[21:50] * \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ is now known as SomethingThatsNo [21:50] <Fluffernutter> close enough :) [21:50] <SomethingThatsNo> Fluffernutter: Your suggestion's too long. Try again? [21:51] <Fluffernutter> perhaps use whatever nick you usually go by? �15[21:51] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [21:51] <SomethingThatsNo> I tried "SomethingThatsNotPunctuation" as you asked. �03[21:51] * Jeff_G is now known as JeffPhoneAFK �03[21:51] * SomethingThatsNo is now known as NickIUsuallyGoBy [21:51] <log> How about Rakanishu or Nock or Divil? [21:51] <NickIUsuallyGoBy> I edit with an IP, and use a new nick every time I get on FN [21:51] <The359S> Von_Restorff, you're completely in the rock on this, quite honestly [21:51] <NickIUsuallyGoBy> log: Pardon? [21:52] <log> NickIUsuallyGoBy: You've used those nicks in the past. [21:52] <NickIUsuallyGoBy> log: Do you play Diablo? I know Raka is a monster from there. [21:52] <NickIUsuallyGoBy> log: {{citation needed}} [21:52] <The359S> Wikipedia is not causing anyone grief by listing the way in which they died [21:52] <log> My client collects the nicks from hostnames. [21:52] <The359S> Especially if that way they died has already been plastered throughout the news [21:52] <Von_Restorff> The359S: sorry I am not a native speaker, but I guess you mean I am wrong [21:52] <NickIUsuallyGoBy> Fine, then post the evidence. �03[21:52] * Jnorton7558 (~whocares@wikipedia/Jnorton7558) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:52] <Von_Restorff> but still, cant we just give them 48 hours? [21:52] <The359S> I intend to revert your edits and give a lengthier discussion on the talk page [21:53] <The359S> We're not giving nor harming them [21:53] <The359S> It's factual information [21:53] <Von_Restorff> i am not denying that [21:53] <The359S> We are an encyclopedia [21:53] <Von_Restorff> \but factual info can hurt\ [21:53] <The359S> No, you are denying that, you're claiming we are harming them [21:53] <Von_Restorff> yes [21:53] <The359S> Factual information on the holocaust can hurt people [21:53] <Von_Restorff> they told me so �06[21:53] * tommorris has looked at it all and thinks Von_Restorff, while you are obviously acting out of compassion, there's no reason to not include more details of the guy's death [21:53] <The359S> We're not going to remove our article on the holocaust �15[21:54] * Jnorton7558 (~whocares@wikipedia/Jnorton7558) Quit (Client Quit�) [21:54] <The359S> Further, claiming you are going to continue to remove information about the guys death until you are blocked tends to give reason to block you right away [21:54] <Von_Restorff> its pretty sad that people care so little about causing unnecessary grief, and do care about an encyclopedia [21:54] <The359S> We're not causing grief [21:54] <Von_Restorff> I mean, it is wikipedia [21:55] <Von_Restorff> family is important, air, water, but wikipedia is not important [21:55] <The359S> You might as well tell the newspapers not to print stories where people die because they can hurt people somehow [21:55] <Von_Restorff> The359S: they say so [21:55] <tommorris> Von_Restorff: I say this as an admin who has handled a LOT of BLP issues. I know where you are coming from, but I just don't agree. [21:55] <The359S> (how, I'm not sure) [21:55] <Von_Restorff> ok, I will drop it [21:55] <WilliamH_UK> Please remember this is an encyclopedia [21:55] <WilliamH_UK> not a tabloid newspaper [21:56] <Von_Restorff> but trust me, if you have experienced this it chances your opinion about a lot of stuff [21:56] <Von_Restorff> ^^ [21:56] <tommorris> we don't need the full grizzly details, but there's not to include the fact that he committed suicide [21:56] <The359S> People experiencing this would not likely be of clear, unbiased mind [21:56] <The359S> So I don't think they'd be the best people to ask about this [21:57] <The359S> To think we are being crass in doing this just goes to show that you're taking this a bit too personal �15[21:59] * harej (~harej@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [21:59] <Von_Restorff> The359S: Oh, I am sure I am pretty biased in this case [21:59] <Von_Restorff> and I am more than willing to admit that [21:59] <Alpha_Quadrant> Is there an admin around? [22:00] <Von_Restorff> tom is around ^^ [22:00] <WilliamH_UK> It has been a month and a half, admittedly [22:00] <Von_Restorff> people need a lot more time to adjust [22:00] <Von_Restorff> trust me on that one [22:01] <Alpha_Quadrant> WilliamH_UK: could you please restore [22:01] <Von_Restorff> but the request was yesterday [22:01] <Von_Restorff> so I figured 48 hours [22:01] <The359S> It was an unreasonable request, honestly [22:01] <The359S> He should not have been editing an article on his recently dead brother in the first place [22:01] <Netalarm> The goal of an encyclopedia is to provide factual information, whether or not a family is grieving should have nothing to do with it �15[22:03] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) Quit (Quit: Leaving�) �03[22:03] * Sp33dyphil_ (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[22:03] Clones detected from wikipedia/Sp33dyphil:�8 Sp33dyphil Sp33dyphil_ [22:03] <Peter-C> derp :3 [22:05] <Von_Restorff> The359S: well, not everyone is an expert on Wikipedia �15[22:05] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Quit: bed�) [22:05] <Von_Restorff> and I dont think the request was very unreasonable �06[22:05] * SigmaWP is the resident coal ball expert [22:05] <Von_Restorff> check the history tab [22:06] <Von_Restorff> The359S: [22:06] <The359S> But you were told by other people that it was unreasonable [22:06] <The359S> And you chose to ignore them [22:06] <Von_Restorff> this edit was made after the request [22:07] <tommorris> it's not an unreasonable request, and I'm sympathetic to pre-emptive article freezing for recently deceased people - a case could definitely be made for 24/48 hour semi-protection of recently dead BLPs because of the pain that someone adding hateful vandalism might cause. but there's no consensus for such things [22:08] <tommorris> and the sources for the guy's death are back in December, so any such thing would be moot in this case anyway [22:08] <Von_Restorff> The359S: Do we need to include the names of his kids and wife? I don't think they are notable [22:08] <The359S> well yeah, that's vandalism [22:08] <The359S> But this person died a month ago �03[22:08] * LL2|JedIRC ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[22:08] * LL2|JedIRC ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[22:08] * LL2|JedIRC (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[22:08] Clones detected from wikipedia/LikeLakers2:�8 LL2|Android LL2|JedIRC [22:08] <The359S> And this was not related to vandalism [22:08] <SpeakFree> bye everyone �03[22:08] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) has left #wikipedia-en [22:08] <Von_Restorff> bye [22:08] <The359S> The guy tried to remove any and all information on the death �03[22:08] * SpeakFree (~IceChat77@wikipedia/SpeakFree) has left #wikipedia-en [22:08] <Von_Restorff> ofc [22:08] <Von_Restorff> he was not an expert [22:09] <Von_Restorff> just emotional [22:09] <The359S> I only say unreasonable from the standpoint of WIkipedia, tommorris [22:09] <The359S> I know obviously someone might make that request, but would obviously not understand the big picture of Wikipedia [22:09] <tommorris> The359S: yep, am on OTRS and we try to be slightly more empathetic than that. ;-) [22:10] <Von_Restorff> but ehm... sorry not really sure what the consensus is on BLP's - Do we need to include the names of his kids and wife? I don't think they are notable [22:10] <WilliamH_UK> the birth should be moved to the intro [22:10] <The359S> It doesn't help that what he requested and what he did were two different things [22:10] <WilliamH_UK> it's like a micro bio is squished into the death [22:10] <WilliamH_UK> I think the end should simply read "Driver died on 28 November 2011 after apparently jumping from the Hornsey Lane Bridge in North London.[1][3] An inquest into his death was opened, and adjourned, on 30 November 2011. Driver's funeral took place on 15 December 2011.[4]" [22:10] <The359S> I think the funeral itself is not even really relevant [22:11] <WilliamH_UK> agreed [22:11] <WilliamH_UK> nor should his wife and children be mentioned �15[22:11] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) [22:11] <WilliamH_UK> it's a bit tabloidy [22:11] <The359S> I'm not sure what the BLP MOS is with family members [22:11] <The359S> especially on such small articles [22:12] <Von_Restorff> can I quote you on that WilliamH_UK ? [22:12] <Von_Restorff> or doyou mind if I do that? [22:12] <WilliamH_UK> don't [22:12] <The359S> Quote policy, not people [22:13] <Von_Restorff> hmmokey [22:13] <WilliamH_UK> people will simply ask "where have you been soliciting opinion on this?" [22:13] <WilliamH_UK> it'll do less favours for you, trust me [22:13] <Von_Restorff> yeah, ppl are stupid, I know :( [22:14] <Von_Restorff> I am far from perfect, but if I see a request like that I think: OK, lets give them 48 hours. I never think: Wikipedia needs to be correct, we are not censored, fuck me [22:14] <Von_Restorff> *em [22:14] <Von_Restorff> lol [22:15] <The359S> It has nothing to do with correct [22:15] <Von_Restorff> freudian typo :) [22:15] <Von_Restorff> The359S: how do you mean? �03[22:16] * failedprocess ( has joined #wikipedia-en �06[22:17] * tjf looks at failedprocess [22:17] <tjf> I see you're a Mediacom customer. �15[22:17] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [22:17] <tjf> do you hate them as much as I do? [22:18] <failedprocess> that i do [22:18] <failedprocess> was w/o internet for 7 days once over a weekend [22:18] <tjf> They lost our payment, and cut us off. [22:18] <tjf> we had >50 outages in one week [22:19] <tjf> their phone support is utterly useless [22:19] <failedprocess> unfortunately, there isn't anything else around for broadband and when it works [22:19] <tjf> nor is there here... [22:19] <tjf> midwest? [22:19] <failedprocess> ya �15[22:19] * UOJComm ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�) �15[22:20] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ Quit [22:20] <tjf> our neighbors are slowly switching to DirecTV and CenturyLink, but still Mediacom for Internet �03[22:20] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle [22:21] <failedprocess> hopefully, lisco will expand their fiber network to my town...they are in the next town over with free drops and 100megs down for less than i pay now [22:22] <tjf> We're supposed to be getting fiber in the spring [22:22] <tjf> Oh, you live in Iowa? [22:22] <failedprocess> my cooworker has it...the lucky bastard [22:22] <tjf> my friend's dad worked for Lisco, but I think he got laid off. �15[22:22] * My76Strat (~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �06[22:23] * Von_Restorff sighs [22:23] <Peter-C> derp - [22:23] <Von_Restorff> well, anyways, thanks for your opinions, even if you do not agree with me [22:24] <Von_Restorff> If WP was my personal property I would give them 48 hours [22:24] <Von_Restorff> because I know the feeling �03[22:25] * Ktr101 (183cd9f9@wikipedia/Ktr101) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[22:25] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ has joined #wikipedia-en �03[22:25] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[22:27] * My76Strat ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[22:27] * My76Strat ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[22:27] * My76Strat (~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[22:28] * Sp33dyphil_ (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �15[22:29] * TCO (477f80da@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�) �15[22:29] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Nighty night!�) �03[22:31] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[22:32] * WhisperToMe ( has joined #wikipedia-en [22:32] <WhisperToMe> Hi [22:33] <WhisperToMe> Uhm, in the course of a BLP issue involving two articles I wrote, I found that there was a Wikipedia Review thread that, was started about me [22:33] <WhisperToMe> And the person who started the thread uses way out of line personal attacks. No, I have no motivation to go on the forum and argue with him. It's not worth it. I will not bother with that [22:33] <WhisperToMe> BUT the account on WR says that the person has a Wikipedia account [22:34] <WhisperToMe> OH [22:34] <WhisperToMe> Just realized he's blocked [22:34] <AMadman> ...? [22:34] <AMadman> Most people on WR are. :p [22:34] <WhisperToMe> [22:34] <WhisperToMe> I know [22:34] <WhisperToMe> [22:34] <AMadman> (Gross overgeneralization, I know.) [22:34] <WhisperToMe> If he was still editing [22:35] <AMadman> If this thread is criticizing you, why are you drawing attention to it? [22:35] <WhisperToMe> Well [22:35] <WhisperToMe> I didn't know he was blocked [22:36] <WhisperToMe> If he wasn't blocked, I would ask "how would I deal with it? How should the user be reminded that it's not a good idea to engage in personal attacks off site" [22:36] <WhisperToMe> But if he's blocked, it's a moot point [22:36] <AMadman> If he wasn't blocked, there would have to be circumstances much more extreme, I should think, to merit blocking him for off-wiki activities. If that's what you were considering. [22:36] <WhisperToMe> Well, not blocking him per se [22:36] <WhisperToMe> But having somebody ask him to reconsider [22:36] <WhisperToMe> Usually one doesn't block for a one time occurrence [22:36] <AMadman> Well, if that were the case, I suppose bringing it up here would be the right thing to do, so someone uninvolved could review it, yes. [22:37] <WhisperToMe> Yeah, that's what I meant [22:37] <WhisperToMe> Me directly confronting him would be a bad idea [22:39] <WhisperToMe> Anyway thanks for your help :) [22:39] <AMadman> No problem. Happy editing. [22:40] <WhisperToMe> Uh-huh :) �15[22:42] * Ktr101 (183cd9f9@wikipedia/Ktr101) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �03[22:42] * LauraHale is now known as Laura|oporto �15[22:43] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �15[22:44] * Beria_ (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) Session Close: Wed Jan 11 22:45:40 2012