
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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Session Start: Thu Jan 19 00:00:00 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
[00:00] <p858snake|l_> SigmaWP: there isn't, ryan is doing the config
[00:00] <Purplewowies> you seem a bit TOO excited.
[00:00] <techman224> 0!
[00:00] <SigmaWP> yay
[00:00] <administrivia> edit 1 - [[Lesser palatine foramina]] MB * ZéroBot * (+28) r2.7.1) (Robot: Adding [[ro:Canale palatine mici]]
[00:00] <p858snake|l_> he has it ready to go but
[00:00] <SigmaWP>
[00:00] <SigmaWP> LIKE A BOSS
[00:00] <LtNOWIS> Wait, is Cain gonna endorse Colbert?
[00:00] <SigmaWP> oh
[00:00] <SigmaWP> fuck
[00:00] <jdjskjdh> when is wiki back up
�03[00:00] * Valley2city2 (~Valley2ci@ from United States also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:00] <The359> WE'RE NOT DONE YET?!
[00:00] <Gfoley4>
[00:00] <SigmaWP> jdjskjdh: refresh
[00:00] <The359> wtf nooooooo
[00:00] <SigmaWP> its done
[00:00] <Thompsonmatthew> DAMN U SIGMA :P
[00:00] <Keiya> Read is back up it looks like
[00:00] <kd3> bots already edited
[00:00] <Gfoley4> First edit
[00:00] <jdjskjdh> it's still dead
�03[00:00] * SteveOllis ( from Australia has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:00] <GorillaWarfare> Oof... Anyone else think the graphic design on this is a bit shaky:
[00:00] <jdjskjdh> i still get the black screne
[00:00] <SigmaWP>
[00:00] <SigmaWP> WHOOO
�15[00:01] * SteveOllis ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:01] <The359> Hard refresh
[00:01] <Jeske_Merensky> LET'S MOVE MOVE MOVE!
[00:01] <The359> Ctrl + F5
�15[00:01] * Valley2city2 (~Valley2ci@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Changing host)
�03[00:01] * Valley2city2 (~Valley2ci@wikipedia/Valley2city) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[00:01] Clones detected from wikipedia/Valley2city:�8 Valley2city Valley2city2
�03[00:01] * log (~log@wikimedia/Logan) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-sopa #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:01] <jdjskjdh> still dead
[00:01] <Netalarm> hmm
�03[00:01] * Eloquence (~erik@wikipedia/Eloquence) also in #wikimedia-sopa has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:01] <SigmaWP>
[00:01] <Netalarm> which one am i
[00:01] <jdjskjdh> clearing cache
[00:01] <SigmaWP> DIFF OF HISTORY
[00:01] <jdjskjdh> solved it
�15[00:01] * Valley2city (~Valley2ci@wikipedia/Valley2city) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[00:01] <Ktr102> jdjskjdh: still spotty
[00:01] <SigmaWP> jdjskjdh: ctrl+f5
[00:01] <The359> ffs
�15[00:01] * LtNOWIS|TV ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:01] <The359> it still says read only mode for me
[00:01] <jdjskjdh> only worked on clearing cache
[00:01] <techman224> I get a database lock error
[00:01] <kd3> relog
[00:01] <SigmaWP> i got the second edit
[00:01] <jdjskjdh> that's a problem.
[00:01] <Jeske_Merensky> - If you can pledge, keep pledging! We ain't done with this till the beast's been staked!
[00:01] <SigmaWP> :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
[00:02] <Aranda56> SigmaWP you got beat though
[00:02] <jdjskjdh> are users going to have to hard refresh?!
[00:02] <Netalarm> heh, i think i'm 2
[00:02] <SigmaWP> Aranda56: Andrew West doesn't count
�03[00:02] * Fredddie (~Eiddderf@wikipedia/Fredddie) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:02] <SigmaWP> Neither do the bots
[00:02] <SigmaWP> They all had scripts
[00:02] <Ktr102> jdjskjdh: still spotty
[00:02] <Thompsonmatthew> Isn't sigma first?
[00:02] <Ktr102> SigmaWP: thir
[00:02] <Ktr102> d
[00:02] <barts1a> Something is happenning... "Due to high database server lag, changes newer than 94 seconds may not appear in this list."
[00:02] <Moe_Epsilon> The Wikipedia database is temporarily in read-only mode for the following reason:
[00:02] <Moe_Epsilon> The database has been automatically locked while the slave database servers catch up to the master
[00:02] <Netalarm> SigmaWP, im 2nd lol
[00:02] <jdjskjdh> The action you have requested is limited to users in the group: Users.
[00:02] <SigmaWP> Ktr102: really?
[00:02] <jdjskjdh> Anonymous can't edit
[00:02] <Ktr102> yep
[00:02] <SigmaWP> Netalarm: diff or it didnt happen
[00:03] <Shirik> jdjskjdh: What page?
[00:03] <LtNOWIS> Sometime I need to ask about donations.
[00:03] <jdjskjdh>
[00:03] <Fredddie> we couldn't have updated the databased *before* we came back online?
[00:03] <jdjskjdh> The action you have requested is limited to users in the group: Users.
[00:03] <LtNOWIS> Wikipedia never accepts my card.
�15[00:03] * MoPac (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-sopa Quit (Quit: Au revoir)
[00:03] <Netalarm> check my contribs
[00:03] <Thompsonmatthew> Database is locked
�03[00:03] * WikipediaReview (6178c62d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:03] <Shirik> "The Wikipedia database is temporarily in read-only mode."
[00:03] <Thompsonmatthew> Netalarm, you beat me
[00:03] <rCX> Needs updating
[00:03] <Jeske_Merensky> jdjskjdh) Give 'em time to get back up and running
[00:03] <administrivia> site down
[00:03] <jdjskjdh> DB being locked DOES NOT explain: The action you have requested is limited to users in the group: Users.
[00:03] <The359> How are you editing if the database is locked
[00:03] <SigmaWP> lol database lagged
[00:03] <The_Thing> "Without Wikipedia, all human knowledge will be lost forever."
[00:03] <The_Thing> lmao
[00:03] <Gfoley4> Fail
[00:03] <funnyfarm299> from sopa channel <Philippe>	Looks like we've got a problem.
[00:03] <Thompsonmatthew> The database has been automatically locked while the slave database servers catch up to the master
[00:03] <The_Thing> nice
[00:03] <administrivia> someone want to get the topic back please
[00:03] <barts1a> changes are happening
[00:04] <The_Thing> jdjskjdh: Are you not logged in? Are you editing anonymously?
[00:04] <Netalarm> and database lag is over 3 minutes
[00:04] <Purplewowies> 168 second lag. Wow.
[00:04] <jdjskjdh> Anonymous editing is disabled
[00:04] <mattbuck> You shut down Congress’s switchboards. You melted their servers.
[00:04] <mattbuck> {{fact}}
[00:04] <barts1a> Recent changes list is growing fast
[00:04] <jdjskjdh> No I'm not logged in
[00:04] <The_Thing> That might be it
[00:04] <p858snake|l_> jdjskjdh: yes, anon editing is currently disabled
[00:04] <jdjskjdh> No anonymous contributors can edit
[00:04] <jdjskjdh> WHy?
[00:04] <Jeske_Merensky> jdjskjdh) Give 'em time to get back up and running
[00:04] <funnyfarm299> Phillipe says it's for a reason
[00:04] <Shirik> nobody can edit, jdjskjdh
�03[00:04] * DQ|nappy (~stfltcmd@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-ops has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[00:04] Clones detected from wikipedia/DeltaQuad:�8 DQ|nappy FAdmArcher
[00:04] <Netalarm> lagging way too much @ 3 minutes
[00:04] <Purplewowies> 207
[00:04] <Moe_Epsilon> least I got first message to [[User talk:SOPAonWheels!]] in before it locked
[00:04] <Moe_Epsilon> :p
[00:04] <CRRaysHead90> what? read only mode. ru srs
[00:04] <SigmaWP> :<
[00:04] <Eloquence> DB issues, we're on it
[00:04] <jdjskjdh> No, The action you have requested is limited to users in the group: Users -- this shows config problem not DB issue
[00:04] <Shirik> jdjskjdh
[00:04] <Eloquence> should be fixed shortly
[00:05] <Shirik> I'm looking at it right now
[00:05] <barts1a> I can edit
[00:05] <Shirik> it says the DB is locked
[00:05] <jdjskjdh> Sigh
[00:05] <Thompsonmatthew> Database is unlocked now
[00:05] <Jeske_Merensky>
[00:05] <Thompsonmatthew> For the server i'm on anyway
[00:05] <The359> Now it works
[00:05] <Shirik> yes now it's unlocked
[00:05] <jorm> Let the vandalism begin!
[00:05] <SigmaWP> Netalarm: No
[00:05] <jdjskjdh> No, because anonymous users still can't edit!
[00:05] <Moe_Epsilon> new banner was right, you guys werent done yet
[00:05] <Moe_Epsilon> xD
[00:05] <SigmaWP> Netalarm: You were 11 edits away from me
�03[00:06] * ChanServ sets mode: +o slakr
�03[00:06] * quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
[00:06] <SigmaWP> and
[00:06] <CRRaysHead90> mission accomplished:
[00:06] <jdjskjdh> any reason IP editing is locked?
[00:06] <jdjskjdh> can't be technical
[00:07] <SigmaWP> jdjskjdh: devs have a reason
�03[00:07] * slakr changes topic to 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Returning; ip edits disabled ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | SOPA channel: #wikimedia-sopa�'
[00:07] <SigmaWP> jdjskjdh: probably to not kill the servers
[00:07] <Thompsonmatthew>
[00:07] <administrivia> well it isn't needed
[00:07] <LtNOWIS> IPs were barred from editing earlier than registered users.
[00:07] <Thompsonmatthew> IP editing not enabled right now
[00:07] <administrivia> it does give people a few minutes to make sure editing is working
�03[00:07] * Fredddie (~Eiddderf@wikipedia/Fredddie) has left #wikipedia-en
[00:07] <LtNOWIS> To avoid last-minute vandalism
�15[00:07] * Ironholds (~f@wikipedia/Ironholds) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-sopa Quit (Quit: sleep)
�03[00:07] * DQ|nappy is now known as DeltaQuad
[00:07] <jdjskjdh> ugh
�03[00:08] * gvm1 ( from Great Britain has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[00:08] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:08] <Thompsonmatthew> woo hoo i made it
[00:08] <Thompsonmatthew> congrats to anyone in :
[00:08] <jdjskjdh> so someone on the WMF at least knows that anonymous ediitng is disabled?
[00:09] <SigmaWP> Wow
[00:09] <SigmaWP> You fucking stub sorters
[00:09] <administrivia> jdjskjdh: yes, that is deliberate
[00:09] <administrivia> jdjskjdh: 5 more minutes
[00:09] <Keiya> I changed PIPA to be a disambiguation again.
[00:10] <Keiya> The circumstance that caused me and log to disagree is done now, and he's definately right :P
[00:10] <Sebleouf> nice :p
[00:10] <SigmaWP> ZEROBOT WINS
[00:10] <Eloquence> (Page creation coming back up now, IP editing will follow shortly.)
�06[00:10] * slakr awards Tbhotch with the first vandal revert
[00:11] <log> Keiya: We undid it at the same time, yes. :P
[00:11] <harej> funnyfarm299: do they have open primaries in SC, or are you one of those people who registered Republican to screw with the primary?
[00:11] <FT2> The servers are phasing back in
[00:11] <funnyfarm299> harej, open primaries. Seems stupid, I used to live in CT with closed.
[00:11] <FT2> step by step.
[00:11] <ty> Did anyone write an article for the blackout during the blackout?
[00:12] <FT2> it alreeady existed
[00:12] <LtNOWIS> in the main namespace?
�03[00:12] * Maryana ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:12] <LtNOWIS> because it's definitely notable
[00:12] <rCX> ty:
[00:12] <Eloquence> (Page creation back up.)
[00:12] <slakr> so
[00:12] <FT2> oh, it's reached an important point in restarting.....
[00:12] <FT2> >> recreating jimbo from archives <<
[00:12] <harej> I see. Have fun! DC does closed primaries. When I filled out my voter registration I considered ticking off the Republican checkbox so I could vote in the primary. Then I was awash in shame and so I decided to register sincerely. I will be voting for Barack Obama in the DC Democratic primary.
[00:12] <Eloquence> lol @ FT2
[00:12] <slakr> do we make [[WP:ITN]]? :)
[00:12] <slakr> heh
[00:12] <jorm> heh.
[00:13] <FT2> >> identifying other skynet servers <<
[00:13] <kd3> I hope it reticulates splines. it's not a proper progress function if it doesn't
�03[00:13] * My76Strat (~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[00:13] * Aranda56 reverted vandalism and unsourced already, probably the first bad edits...
[00:13] <Maryana> so who got the first edit in?
[00:13] <kd3> s/function/indicator/
[00:13] <kd3> a bot
[00:13] <Maryana> oh, boo
[00:13] <rCX> figures...
[00:13] <FT2>
[00:13] <FT2> first edits
[00:13] <Thompsonmatthew> Number 6 :D
[00:13] <Netalarm> first 10:
[00:13] <FT2> >> Hello Dave. Can you hear me? <<
[00:14] <funnyfarm299> Has anyone else found a CSD yet? I just marked one
[00:14] <LtNOWIS> Harej: Registering as a Republican in DC is stupid.
[00:14] <FT2> >> I'm sorry, Philippe. I can't let you do that <<
[00:14] <LtNOWIS> Because than you can't vote in the closed primary in the mayoral election.
[00:14] <Moe_Epsilon> woop I made it to the imgur pic xD
�15[00:14] * WikipediaReview (6178c62d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[00:14] <gvm1> Still not seeing edit links...
[00:14] <Eloquence> IP EDITING COMING BACK UP.
�03[00:14] * sodaant ( has left #wikipedia-en
[00:14] <harej> Definitely, LtNOWIS. You effectively deny yourself the right to vote for the only office that matters.
[00:14] <LtNOWIS> Which is like, the only meaningful part of the mayoral election.
[00:15] <jdjskjdh>
[00:15] <ARandomNick> regarding
[00:15] <The_Thing> nice
[00:15] <LtNOWIS> also, Romney will have the primary effectively over by the time DC votes.
[00:15] <barts1a> We seem to be back to near normal editing levels now
�03[00:15] * slakr changes topic to 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | SOPA channel: #wikimedia-sopa�'
[00:15] <Thompsonmatthew> jdjskjdh: Was the next edit first bot edit?
[00:15] <jdjskjdh> lol
[00:16] <ARandomNick> "SOPA and PIPA are not dead" - well, change it to "SOPA and PIPA are not as bin Laden is" to strengthen the message!
�03[00:16] * slakr sets mode: -ov slakr slakr
�03[00:16] * rCX (a281fb1d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. also in #wikipedia has left #wikipedia-en
[00:16] <Sebleouf> haha
�15[00:16] * techman224 (~textual@Wikimedia/Techman224) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-sopa Quit (Quit: Leaving...)
[00:16] <Moe_Epsilon> can we at least push the bill and the people proposing it in the ocean?
[00:16] <administrivia> Thompsonmatthew: the first edit was a bot edit, I forget the second
�06[00:16] * slakr throws the confetti
[00:16] <administrivia> doesn't matter
[00:17] <Thompsonmatthew> Ah ok
[00:17] <Keiya> Uh. How do I request a semiprotect (or possibly protect?)
[00:17] <administrivia> first IP edit -
[00:17] <Keiya> "Yeoman Rand" was mentioned by name on the Colbert Report, you know what that means
[00:17] <administrivia> Keiya: what page?
[00:17] <LtNOWIS> Moe Epsilon: The guy who proposed the bill is from an R+14 district.
�06[00:17] * barts1a holds off on celebrating until SOPA, PIPA and every single person that supports those bills are killed with fire
[00:17] <Keiya> (It's a redirect to Janice Rand)
[00:17] <Thompsonmatthew> WP:RPP
[00:17] <administrivia> Keiya: mentioned the wikipedia page specifically?
[00:17] <LtNOWIS> So your anger is entirely impotent.
[00:17] <LtNOWIS> Since he cannot realistically be removed from office.
[00:17] <Keiya> administrivia: Yep
�06[00:17] * The_Thing is back, baby.
[00:17] <Moe_Epsilon> :3
�03[00:18] * DarkoNeko (~udontcare@wikipedia/darkoneko) also in #wikimedia-stewards has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:18] <Moe_Epsilon> well realistically he can't be removed from office, but at the same token, I'd still like to push him in the ocean
[00:18] <Keiya> He also mentioned "Yeoman Smith comma B" but there doesn't appear to be any such.
[00:18] <administrivia> Keiya: ok, done
�15[00:18] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: Quit)
[00:19] <LtNOWIS> My Congressman's the same way but a Democrat. I might waste some time this year campaigning for his utterly doomend opponent.
[00:19] <Keiya> administrivia: Thanks :D
[00:19] <SpeakFree> ok bye
�03[00:19] * SpeakFree (~IceChat77@wikipedia/SpeakFree) also in #wikipedia has left #wikipedia-en
[00:20] <Moe_Epsilon> I thought Marco Rubio was the same way, he's my senator, but he quickly pulled his support today lol
[00:20] <Moe_Epsilon> tea party bastard made me actually appreciate what he done >:
[00:21] <SigmaWP> Bye people
�03[00:21] * notola ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[00:21] * Daley (~Daley@ (Australia) from #wikipedia-en Quit Quit
[00:21] <Thompsonmatthew> Bye bye
�03[00:21] * notola ( from United States has left #wikipedia-en
�15[00:21] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) from #wikipedia-en ##matthewrbowker Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912])
[00:22] <Aranda56> i need help in RC patrol asap
[00:22] <Thompsonmatthew> Coming
[00:22] <Thompsonmatthew> Have 2 download huggle
[00:22] <Thompsonmatthew> ooh wait igloo
�03[00:23] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
�03[00:23] * eir sets mode: -qo *!*@wikipedia/PiRSquared17 eir
[00:23] <Jeske_Merensky> One of mine abandoned his SOPA support
[00:23] <Keiya> My Representative came out against it. Unfortunately neither of my senators had when I last checked, and one of them is a co-sponsor on PIPA
[00:23] <harej> before the blackout, only one politician in new jersey supported it and that was senator menendez. no one expressed opposition. i'm assuming that changed.
�03[00:24] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:24] <LtNOWIS> My Congressman's been silent on this, instead talking about closing Guantanamo or some nonsense
[00:24] <barts1a> We made an impact!
�03[00:24] * administrivia (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-sopa #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia has left #wikipedia-en
�03[00:25] * administrivia (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-sopa #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:25] <Eloquence> harej,
[00:25] <funnyfarm299> So I bought one of those "Roku" devices.
[00:25] <Eloquence> it's changed a little bit :)
�03[00:25] * pir^2 (~PiRSquare@wikipedia/PiRSquared17) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-sopa #wikimedia-ops ##matthewrbowker has left #wikipedia-en ("entrymsg")
�03[00:25] * pir^2 (~PiRSquare@wikipedia/PiRSquared17) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-sopa #wikimedia-ops ##matthewrbowker has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[00:25] * morgankevinj (~morgankev@wikimedia/Morgankevinj) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-sopa Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 8.0.1/20111120135848])
[00:26] <harej> Rush Holt came out against it! I already loved Rush Holt.
[00:26] <harej> and Bill Pascrell, good man.
[00:26] <harej> Sadly no NJ Republicans yet.
[00:27] <pir^2> I am an obvious v a n d a l@enwiki matches badword .\s+.\s+.\s+.\s+; \bI('m| am)\b:
[00:27] <pir^2> ...
[00:27] <Gfoley4> Wut
[00:27] <barts1a> WTF was that?
[00:27] <pir^2> it's a new account
[00:28] <pir^2> 1 edit
[00:29] <Gfoley4> Slakr ftw
[00:29] <slakr> my bot's flooding the block log, on a related note
�15[00:30] * LtNOWIS ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:30] <slakr> he's been holding it in for days :P
[00:30] <log> constipated?
[00:30] <slakr> (in bot time)
�15[00:31] * Eloquence (~erik@wikipedia/Eloquence) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-sopa Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[00:31] <Jeske_Merensky> What's trending on Twitter?
[00:31] <barts1a> guess
[00:33] <Moe_Epsilon> current top trend is "IfSOPA"
�06[00:33] * tashir cranks the volume up to 11 on
�03[00:33] * chrisyagami (~chris@unaffiliated/chrisyagami) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:33] <chrisyagami> hellou :)
�03[00:33] * Dcheagle (44e37246@wikipedia/Dcheagle) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:33] <Moe_Epsilon> everything below 1 is not Wikipedia related
[00:33] <Moe_Epsilon> top trends all day are blackout related pretty much
[00:34] <chrisyagami> top trend is Save Porn :O!...
�03[00:34] * Mopaway is now known as MasterofPuppets
[00:34] <Thompsonmatthew> Oh god here come the vandals
[00:34] <Jeske_Merensky> ...
[00:34] <Moe_Epsilon> LOL well, third
[00:34] <Moe_Epsilon> but yeah
[00:35] <Dcheagle> Everyone survive the blackout
[00:35] <Jeske_Merensky> Yes, we did.
[00:35] <Jeske_Merensky> We actually did better than that - PIPA's screwed
�15[00:35] * Sir48 (~Sir48@ (Denmark) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[00:35] <Jeske_Merensky> SOPA's barely better
[00:35] <chrisyagami> is true, the TT in Twitter is Save Porn, jajaja,
[00:35] <Moe_Epsilon> damn, what a stick in the mud: [[User talk:SOPAonWheels!]]
[00:36] <pir^2> lulz
�15[00:36] * FT2 (~FT2@wikipedia/ft2) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-sopa Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
�03[00:36] * administrivia is now known as Prodego
�15[00:37] * Ottre (~user@wikipedia/Ottre) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
�15[00:38] * gvm1 ( (Great Britain) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
�15[00:38] * ARandomNick (46b3ae65@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
�03[00:39] * DeltaQuad is now known as DQ|skype
�03[00:39] * FT2 (~FT2@ from Great Britain has joined #wikipedia-en
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[00:39] <slakr> why'd someone grant that dude accountcreator?
[00:40] <slakr> 12:05, 18 January 2012     Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington         accountcreator     hustlin'
�03[00:40] * Dcheagle is now known as Dcheagle|Away
[00:40] <matthewrbowker> slakr: Was it during the blackout?
[00:40] <slakr> # (del/undel) 12:05, 18 January 2012 Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington (talk | contribs | block) changed rights for User:SOPAonWheels! from (none) to account creator ‎ (hustlin')
[00:41] <slakr> oh lol
[00:41] <slakr> Prodego did it
[00:41] <matthewrbowker> Yeah, there were some rights funkies going on :P
[00:41] <slakr> # (del/undel) 08:02, 18 January 2012 Prodego (talk | contribs | block) created new account User:SOPAonWheels! ‎ (BECAUSE I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ELSE) (talk | contribs | block)
[00:41] <Dcheagle|Away> lol really
�03[00:41] * lfaraone (~lfaraone@ubuntu/member/debian.developer.lfaraone) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:41] <slakr> lol
[00:41] <lfaraone> Anybody who can edit ?
�15[00:41] * funnyfarm299 (~chatzilla@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 8.0.1/20111120135848])
[00:42] <tashir> lfaraone: try #wikimedia-sopa
[00:42] <matthewrbowker> Ifaraone: Um, no one can.  If you have a change, #wikimedia-sopa is the best place.
�15[00:42] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops Quit (Quit: Bye)
[00:42] <lfaraone> matthewrbowker: there's a typo there, "internet" should be capitalised for consistency.
[00:43] <lfaraone> mk, mentioned in -sopa
[00:43] <matthewrbowker> lfaraone: OK, -sopa is the tech team with all of the fancy buttons.
�03[00:44] * Ottre (user@ from Netherlands has joined #wikipedia-en
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[00:50] <FT2> do we have a page of blackout-related humor - snips, quotes, oddities?  Can we get one if not, while it's fresh?
[00:51] <Dcheagle|Away> That would be good humor
�03[00:51] * Dcheagle|Away is now known as Dcheagle
[00:51] <FT2> start it !
[00:51] <The_Thing> >.> Huggle isn't connecting to the IRC RC feed
[00:52] <Thompsonmatthew> It never does now
[00:52] <Thompsonmatthew> Not for me anywayt
[00:52] <Thompsonmatthew> Uses API
�03[00:53] * iChan (~Coolnesse@wikia/Coolnesse) has left #wikipedia-en
�03[00:53] * darkfalls (~Dark@wikipedia/darkfalls) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:53] <The_Thing> >.> wtf
[00:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> "You shut down Congress’s switchboards. You melted their servers."
[00:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wtf
�03[00:54] * JackO ( from Great Britain has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the servers are innocent
�03[00:55] * joedecker (~joedecker@wikipedia/Joe-Decker) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
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[00:56] <Moe_Epsilon> lolol
[00:56] <JackO> I have been blocked by a Wikipedia administrator for 12 hours for criticising the PIPA/SOPA block on the appropriate talk page in a pithy way and I don't understand why.
�03[00:56] * Ironholds ( from United Kingdom has joined #wikipedia-en
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[00:56] <JackO> I thought removing comments on talk pages was generally frowned upon.
�15[00:56] * log (~log@wikimedia/Logan) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-sopa #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia Quit (Quit: log out.)
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[00:57] <Aranda56> wow welcome back The_Thing to editing :D
[00:57] <The_Thing> For today, anyways
[00:58] <Shirik> JackO: What's your user name?
[00:58] <The_Thing> I'm temporarily coming back to help fend off the throng of bloodthirsty high school and college students that want to exact revenge on Wikipedia for <s>not letting them copy off of us</s> making them fail their projects/tests/homework, etc.
[00:58] <JackO> User:
�03[00:59] * kd3 (~Kaydeethr@wowwiki/Kaydeethree) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[00:59] * Dcheagle (44e37246@wikipedia/Dcheagle) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: later)
[00:59] <Shirik> Those aren't comments
[01:00] <JackO> I'm making a comment about the US-centric nature of the decision.
[01:00] <Shirik> Then say that
[01:00] <Jeske_Merensky> JackO) No, that's being pointy.
[01:00] <Shirik> you need to read [[WP:POINT]]
[01:01] <Jeske_Merensky> There's a difference between making a comment and trying to ram a point home.
[01:01] <JackO> I agree. Shutting down Wikipedia for 24 hours is being pointy...
[01:01] <barts1a> A lot of people go by policy words and not spirits...
�15[01:01] * LL2|JedIRC (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:01] <barts1a> Jack0: The point in this case is that wikipedia will be like this and worse if SOPA or PIPA passes
[01:02] <JackO> barts1a: So being pointy is okay if it's a point people agree with?
[01:02] <Aranda56> The_Thing today turns into tomorrow then a week and then next thing you know your an admin blocking vandals :p
�15[01:02] * Brandan ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[01:02] <Jeske_Merensky>
[01:03] <The_Thing> Good lord
[01:03] <barts1a> Jack0: The point is OK in this case because if the point does NOT get across there would be nothing left to make a point on!
[01:03] <The_Thing> Huggle is... so damn slow
�03[01:03] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:03] <The_Thing> If I weren't coming back only for a day, I'd get to work reviving my custom version
[01:03] <JackO> barts1a: Why not? There's plenty of other countries where servers can be hosted
�15[01:03] * Stelpa ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[01:04] <JackO> And how does blocking the rest of the world help your point?
[01:04] <The_Thing> It's not even connecting to the IRC RC feed
[01:04] <barts1a> Jack0: The majority of Wikipedia's traffic and money comes from the US. If wikipedia is blocked in the US guess what they lose...
[01:04] <JackO> barts1a: If there's less traffic then it'll proportionally cost less to run.
[01:05] <JackO> Can I assume that when other countries attempt to pass similar laws that the English Wiipedia will also go blank for 24 hours?
[01:05] <barts1a> Jack0: Not true. Servers cost the same at the level wikipedia runs on regardless of how much traffic they get
�03[01:05] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:05] <JackO> barts1a: The numbers of servers required is proportional to the number of users.
[01:06] <Sp33dyphil> The black out made me wonder if anyone was close to shutting down Wikipedia entirely. Has that been the case?
[01:06] <Steven_Zhang> I'm on my way to the airport :)
�15[01:06] * heatherw_ (~hwalls@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-sopa Quit (Quit: heatherw_)
[01:06] <JackO> Anyway. Wasn't pointy. WP:POINT states something different. It implies doing somethign to make a point
�03[01:06] * Dcheagle (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Dcheagle) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:06] <JackO> Which I wasn't. I was explaining my point in a droll fashion.
[01:06] <Steven_Zhang> Well we did do it to make a point.
[01:07] <Steven_Zhang> Partly.
[01:07] <barts1a> Someone want to remove talk page access?
[01:07] <Shirik> on it
[01:07] <JackO> Sp33dyphil: Someone once took down the entirity of Wikipedia by linking to the wrong page, but I forget why.
[01:07] <Jeske_Merensky>
[01:07] <JackO> I think there's been a few of those examples.
[01:07] <Sp33dyphil> really?
[01:07] <Steven_Zhang> I hope it doesn't take me too long to get to the airport.
[01:07] <JackO> Yeah, they linked to a processor-intensive page on Reddit
[01:08] <Steven_Zhang> Aw fuck the tullamarine looks chokers.
[01:08] <Sp33dyphil> I've read that the whole of Qatar was once blocked from editing XD
[01:08] <JackO> and the whole site collapsed.
[01:08] <JackO> Yeah, the country was filtered through an entire proxy.
[01:08] <JackO> *a single proxy
[01:08] <Sp33dyphil> lol
[01:08] <barts1a> that's gotta hurt
[01:08] <The_Thing>
[01:08] <JackO> Qatar is tiny though.
[01:08] <JackO> That's why they're hosting the World Cup
�15[01:08] * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-sopa #wikimedia-ops ##matthewrbowker Quit (Quit: Catch y'all later!)
[01:09] <The_Thing> I remember the EU filter...
[01:09] <The_Thing> That tried to censor an album cover on Wikipedia
[01:09] <JackO> Someone posted a link to the Wikipedia Fundraising Stats page and that took down the site
[01:09] <Ironholds> The_Thing, that was nt EU
[01:09] <Ironholds> *o
[01:09] <Ironholds> JackO, yeah, a caching problem.
[01:09] <The_Thing> Was it the UK?
[01:09] <JackO> The_Thing: That only blocked the individual image and that was the UK only
[01:09] <Ironholds> The_Thing, correct
[01:09] <Ironholds> well, specific ISPs in the UK
[01:09] <The_Thing> iirc, all traffic to Wikipedia through the area was routed through a proxy
[01:10] <Sp33dyphil> something about a nude girl
[01:10] <JackO> Oh, and it transparent proxied people too
[01:10] <JackO> I forgot that.
[01:10] <JackO> Virgin Killer by The Scorpions
[01:10] <The_Thing> It was a bloody mess
[01:10] <Steven_Zhang> JackO: Wrong.
[01:10] <JackO> No/
[01:10] <The_Thing> It was Virgin Killer
[01:10] <Steven_Zhang> Qatar got the world cup cos they have oil.
�15[01:10] * Thompsonmatthew (Thompsonma@TestWiki/thompson-matthew) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-sopa ##matthewrbowker Quit (Quit: stuff to do)
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[01:10] <Steven_Zhang> Bribed the people who decide.
[01:10] <JackO> Steven_Zhang: No. They bribed..
[01:10] <JackO> yeah
[01:10] <barts1a> Someone didn't like the strike...
[01:11] <Steven_Zhang> Wait
[01:11] <Ironholds> well, nobody's perfect
[01:11] <Steven_Zhang> Congress's switchboards got shut down?
[01:12] <Shirik> I'm with him honestly. I won't protest against it, I know I'm in the minority, but I was not in agreement with the blackout.
[01:12] <barts1a> {{fact}} much?
[01:12] <Sp33dyphil> barts1a: kick him/her out :P
[01:12] <JackO> I find it ridiculous that Wikipedia is against including commercial ads but is perfectly willing to take strong political positions.
[01:12] <The_Thing> THis isn't just taking a political position.
[01:12] <JackO> Particularly when the prior would have a much greater benefit to the encyclopaedia
[01:12] <The_Thing> It's self-preservation
[01:12] <balrog> I think the differentiating factor in this case, is that this proposed law would directly affect wikipedia
[01:12] <barts1a> Well... there is another instance for my userbox...
[01:12] <Sp33dyphil> Steven Zhang: where are you going?
�15[01:12] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[01:12] <balrog> (and potentially jeopardize its survival)
�15[01:13] * rmggg ( (Christmas Island) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
�06[01:13] * APexil censors you for your own good
[01:13] <FT2> JackO - did you read SOPA?
[01:13] <FT2> and do you understand how it affects wikipedia's neutrality
[01:14] <JackO> FT2: Nope.
[01:14] <JackO> Not my country, not my problem.
[01:14] <FT2> ah
[01:14] <Sp33dyphil> wow, this tennis player smashed four racquets after losing o.O
[01:14] <Shirik> actually, balrog, the proposed law could not possibly affect wikipedia
[01:14] <FT2> ok, a quick example
[01:14] <balrog> Shirik: well, not unless it was passed
[01:14] <FT2> The wording of SOPA is very interesting
[01:14] <Shirik> The current edition of SOPA makes it very clear that it only applies to foreign sites
[01:14] <FT2> it defines a "site dedicated to theft"
[01:14] <FT2> what's the definition?
[01:14] <JackO> FT2: That's laws, though.
[01:14] <IShadowed> ...................
[01:14] <balrog> FT2: DMCA notices are abused.
[01:14] <JackO> FT2: They're always ambiguous.
[01:14] <FT2> a site that blah blah... or facilitates or enables ......
[01:14] <Aranda56> wow that blackout placed the original vandalism tool Lupin's vandalism tool back to life
[01:15] <Steven_Zhang> Sp33dyphil: Canberra
[01:15] <FT2> the wording of laws gets used.
[01:15] <FT2> and pushed
[01:15] <JackO> What is "freedom of speech"?
[01:15] <IShadowed> what the fuck Shirik
[01:15] <FT2> wait
[01:15] <Shirik> hi IShadowed
[01:15] <Aranda56> bow i'm trying to remove it but my monobook is so old....
[01:15] <FT2> so..
[01:15] <JackO> Same deal.
[01:15] <FT2> I want to write an article on a matter
[01:15] <Sp33dyphil> for the RfC Conference I assume?
[01:15] <FT2> I ned reliable sources
[01:15] <FT2> only I cant
[01:15] <IShadowed> Shirik, no seriously what the fuck
[01:15] <Shirik> hi
[01:15] <IShadowed> Have you actually read it
[01:15] <IShadowed> At all
[01:15] <IShadowed> Hi
[01:15] <Shirik> what
[01:15] <Steven_Zhang> Sp33dyphil: Ja
[01:15] <JackO> FT2: Of course you can.
[01:15] <Shirik> SOPA? the entire text? no. Enough of it? Yes
[01:15] <IShadowed> <Shirik> The current edition of SOPA makes it very clear that it only applies to foreign sites
[01:15] <FT2> because the reliable source happens to be on a site that got shut becaue it had one link to an infringing site
[01:15] <IShadowed> I don't think so
[01:16] <Aranda56> very annoying Lupin's tool he don't even edit no more
[01:16] <JackO> FT2: No, you can. The host can't be in the US
�06[01:16] * Aranda56 needs an oldtimer admin
[01:16] <JackO> But that's America's problem.
[01:16] <FT2> duh
[01:16] <FT2> heard of redundancy
[01:16] <Prodego> IShadowed: no that's true
[01:16] <Shirik> IShadowed: It was not originally written like that, but it was changed accordingly
[01:16] <FT2> bbc is the biggest news site in the world
[01:16] <FT2> reckon their servers are in the US?
[01:16] <Steven_Zhang> FT2: also
[01:16] <Steven_Zhang> Its a chain effect
[01:16] <IShadowed> Since when do we have jurisdiction over foreign sites
[01:16] <Steven_Zhang> No?
[01:16] <FT2> or do we ignore european news completely?>
[01:16] <JackO> FT2: No. They're based in the UK.  So?
[01:16] <FT2> south african news?
[01:17] <FT2> so they're an overseas site
[01:17] <Steven_Zhang> If a site links to a site that links to a site that links to a site that has a copyvio on it
[01:17] <JackO> FT2: No, you've missed my point. Host Wikipedia elsewhere
[01:17] <JackO> problem solved.
[01:17] <IShadowed> That.
[01:17] <IShadowed> ..
[01:17] <Steven_Zhang> The whole chain can be taken down, no?
[01:17] <Shirik> IShadowed: We don't, but that's not important. What matters is that it would shut down access to foreign sites
[01:17] <FT2> so I can - under SOPA - shut the site down pretty much. All I have to show is they facilitate forbidden activities.
[01:17] <JackO> Also, it would only shut down DNS.
[01:17] <FT2> which they do
[01:17] <IShadowed> That's still stupid as hell
[01:17] <JackO> Which isn't really a big deal.
[01:17] <FT2> they had a link to the pirate bay website during that trial
[01:17] <JackO> That can be worked around trivially.
[01:17] <Steven_Zhang> -_-
[01:17] <balrog> it is a big deal for non-techies
[01:17] <darkfalls> JackO: You added a tag that's suppose to go in mainspace inappropriately. You continue to add it despite warnings not to. Block is deserved.
[01:17] <FT2> they facilitated anyone looking for that site
�03[01:17] * Risker ( from Canada also in #wikimedia-sopa has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:18] <FT2> thats _exactly_ what sopa does
[01:18] <JackO> darkfalls: No-one warned me, just reverted me. I then fixed it.
[01:18] <IShadowed> Risker, marry me
[01:18] <Steven_Zhang> Hi risker.
[01:18] <JackO> darkfalls: And THEN I got blocked, afterwards.
�15[01:18] * Risker ( (Canada) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-sopa Quit (Changing host)
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[01:18] <JackO> darkfalls: People don't treat IP address users normally. They don't tell them how to fix their problems. They just revert and block.
[01:18] <darkfalls> JackO: Reversions are a form of warning
[01:18] <Steven_Zhang> Risker: IShadowed wants to marry you :p
[01:18] <Keegan> Risker's spoken for
[01:18] <IShadowed> Yessir
[01:18] <JackO> darkfalls: No, they aren't, and even if they were, it's generally useful to tell people *why* they're warning someone
�15[01:18] * Purplewowies (93e2c033@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[01:19] <Risker> very spoken for :)
[01:19] <JackO> darkfalls: Reverting people just tends to piss people off
[01:19] <Steven_Zhang> I hope I don't miss my flight.
[01:19] <Steven_Zhang> :/
[01:19] <IShadowed> Damn.
[01:19] <Risker> but I am flattered
[01:19] <Prodego> FT2: if they can't shutdown a site via US courts, this would let them tell everyone on the Internet they are to ignore that site
[01:19] <Prodego> not really the best way to do things
[01:19] <IShadowed> What about NuclearWarfare
[01:19] <Steven_Zhang> I thought NuclearWarfare was a dude.
[01:19] <FT2> aahem
[01:19] <FT2> dont be naive
[01:19] <IShadowed> He is?
[01:19] <Steven_Zhang> No?
�03[01:19] * erikhaugen ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:19] <FT2> so lets follow this through
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�03[01:19] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:19] <FT2> BBC covers the pirate bay trials
[01:19] <IShadowed> he is, though, isn't he
[01:19] <FT2> it links to their site - legal
�15[01:19] * Dcheagle (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Dcheagle) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: off to work)
[01:19] <FT2> and valid
[01:20] <FT2> except for sopa
[01:20] <Steven_Zhang> Ja
[01:20] <FT2> is bbc overseas?
[01:20] <darkfalls> JackO: Then I suggest you take it up using the appropriate unblocking process.
[01:20] <FT2> yes
[01:20] <darkfalls> I wouldn't hold my breath over the block being overturned though.
[01:20] <Prodego> FT2: well that's not entirely correct from my reading
[01:20] <FT2> is the link "facilitating"? yes - it helps someone find TPB
[01:20] <Steven_Zhang> Omg the tullamarine freeway is chockers.
[01:20] <Prodego> ah you are going with the facilitating reading
[01:20] <FT2> I "reasonably believe" a foreign website is facilitating piracy
[01:20] <Prodego> you can make that mean anything
[01:20] <JackO> Also, Wikipedia needs a way of finding your IP address's talk page easily.
[01:20] <FT2> that is _all_ I need for a court order
[01:20] <Prodego> JackO: Special:Mypage
[01:20] <Shirik> click the talk page button?
[01:20] <FT2> bbc off google
[01:20] <Sp33dyphil> Steven Zhang: how far away are you?
[01:20] <FT2> bbc off dns
[01:20] <IShadowed> Shirik
[01:20] <FT2> next quyestion?
[01:20] <Sp33dyphil> from the TUlla I mean
[01:20] <JackO> FT2: All laws are that vague, though. Nerds make for terrible lawyers
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[01:21] <Shirik> hi IShadowed
[01:21] <Steven_Zhang> I dunno
[01:21] <Steven_Zhang> A few km
[01:21] <JackO> FT2: They like things exact and unambiguous.
[01:21] <FT2> laws that are badly written shouldnt pass
[01:21] <Steven_Zhang> Indeed.
[01:21] <Risker> JackO, no they're not. Most laws are excruciatingly exact.
[01:21] <Steven_Zhang> Did George bush write it?
[01:21] <FT2> and prosecutors stretch the letter of the law as much as they can
[01:21] <JackO> Risker: Not true, actually. That's the popular myth.
[01:21] <FT2> so no letter should exist that can be so badly stretched
[01:21] <slakr> Jack0: if you're wanting to appeal a block, please use #wikipedia-en-unblock instead
[01:21] <FT2> it comes under "foreseeability"
[01:21] <IShadowed> Shirik, Pilif is very hurt that you've been ignoring him btw. You may have to sleep on the couch or something
[01:21] <Keegan> FT2: But what's foreign on the internet?  It's ones and zeros worked by transistors
[01:21] <Risker> JackO, I read legislation on a daily basis.  They are.
[01:21] <Shirik> ignoring?
[01:21] <slakr> that's where unblock discussions typically happen
[01:21] <IShadowed> yes
[01:21] <JackO> slakr: Wikipedia should put that on the warning template.
[01:22] <Keegan> TOR can make you not exist on the planet
[01:22] <Prodego> Risker: well in the US at least, laws can be more vauge to allow various executive organizations to regulate how they wish
[01:22] <JackO> The UI for IP addresses is so poor
[01:22] <Prodego> vague*
[01:22] <Prodego> JackO: mmm?
[01:22] <FT2> laws criminalizing should be narrow
[01:22] <FT2> I believe laws infringing on 1st amendment have to be extremely narrow
[01:22] <JackO> One of the biggest problems with Wikipedia that is unaddressed because most people are hardcore users.
[01:22] <Steven_Zhang> Sp33dyphil: 6km.
[01:22] <FT2> this one isnt
�15[01:22] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: EEK! Yoshi! *flees*)
[01:22] <Steven_Zhang> What's the first amendment? Free speech?
[01:22] <Sp33dyphil> you think you can walk there?
[01:22] <darkfalls> FT2: Those anti terrorism acts are a pain, aren't they ;)
[01:22] <FT2> yep
[01:22] <Sp33dyphil> ^ serious
[01:23] <Steven_Zhang> No.
[01:23] <FT2> there's a number of tests for validity of a law
[01:23] <JackO> But yes, if you ever see any anti-tax or anti-hacking laws, you'll cringe. They are horribly vague.
[01:23] <Steven_Zhang> We're moving relatively quickly,
[01:23] <JackO> "Don't do what Donny Don't does"
[01:23] <Steven_Zhang> Considering the time of day.
[01:23] <JackO> It's deliberate, though.
[01:23] <Steven_Zhang> Hah
[01:23] <Prodego> FT2: that's what the first part of SOPA is
[01:23] <FT2> this one would be the strictest - no morer than absolutely needed to justify an overriding interest
[01:23] <Steven_Zhang> JackO: Nice Simpsons reference :)
[01:23] <Prodego> FT2: "(1) FIRST AMENDMENT- Nothing in this Act shall be construed to impose a prior restraint on free speech or the press protected under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.
[01:23] <Prodego> "
[01:24] <FT2> darkfalls - I miss the allusion, which anti terror laws?
[01:24] <Steven_Zhang> Patriot act?
[01:24] <Prodego> FT2: throw that in and then things get a lot harder to overturn
[01:24] <Steven_Zhang> Or was that repealed
[01:24] <Keegan> Hmm, how about this idea
[01:24] <FT2> the concept of protected speech is alive
[01:24] <Keegan> Steven_Zhang: Patriot
[01:24] <Keegan> ack
[01:25] <Steven_Zhang> Same thing.
[01:25] <JackO> Incidentally, I hate constitutions. They dumb down debate into cheap talking points.
[01:25] <Steven_Zhang> You said what I said :p
[01:25] <Keegan> Patriot Act is still around
[01:25] <Steven_Zhang> Ugh I am starving.
[01:25] <Keegan> Anywho
[01:25] <Steven_Zhang> Hope the flight has food.
[01:25] <Steven_Zhang> Even if its a one hour flight.
[01:25] <Steven_Zhang> Starving.
[01:26] <Steven_Zhang> Havent had lunch today.
[01:26] <The_Thing> Man cannot survive on peanuts alone
[01:26] <Prodego> JackO: does make certain things clear though
[01:26] <Steven_Zhang> Im flying qantas
[01:26] <Prodego> Wikipedia has it's pillars :)
�15[01:26] * Risker (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Risker) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-sopa Quit (Quit: "No one told me it was a bring your own rubber tortoise party.")
[01:26] <Keegan> Perhaps governments should have to past internet regulations through [[Requests for Comments]]
[01:26] <JackO> Prodego: Yeah, but it gets distorted and removes discussion and pragmatism
[01:26] <Keegan> (note that's not WP:RfC
[01:26] <Steven_Zhang> Prodego: One of which is ignored all the time.
[01:26] <Prodego> Steven_Zhang: just like the constitution!
[01:27] <Prodego> probably the 2nd amenment for that
[01:27] <darkfalls> FT2: yeah I meant Patriot's
[01:27] <JackO> I put much of the problems with the US political system down to the constitution making the judicial process political
[01:27] <JackO> For example, abortion was solved by judges so it wasn't solved by the parties and the countries
[01:27] <Steven_Zhang> I'm talking about the civility one
[01:27] <Steven_Zhang> :p
[01:27] <Steven_Zhang> I can see the airport?
[01:27] <Steven_Zhang> Yay
[01:27] <darkfalls>
[01:27] <darkfalls> on the news again.
[01:27] <Keegan> Wait, are we talking about the NFL playoffs now?
[01:28] <Keegan> I'm totally taking the Patriots over the Ravens
[01:28] <Steven_Zhang> We're going in the backdoor.
[01:28] <JackO> I strongly believe having a fixed unchanging constitution that has been there for centuries is a really bad thing.
[01:28] <Prodego> JackO: yes, I personally think that was way out of scope
[01:28] <Prodego> JackO: that clearly is an issue the legislature should have dealt with
[01:28] <Steven_Zhang> Be back soon.
[01:29] <darkfalls> Keegan: no.... go back to sleep
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�06[01:29] * Aranda56 waves at Keegan darkfalls
[01:29] <darkfalls> Aranda56: You too.
[01:30] <JackO> I tend to find Americans love their founding fathers too. And I find that to be the most annoying thing in the world. They're basically treated as deities. I find that hugely depressing.
[01:30] <JackO> In short, I think the US political system isn't so hot.
[01:30] <The_Thing> The MPAA
[01:30] <Keegan> JackO: well we have to toss things like abortion and slavery into American political conversations, but those were decided outside of the legislature because this country is too damn big and diverse to figure our how it feels on the third rail topics
[01:30] <harej> JackO: The worst is when they use their supposed opinions as an excuse to govern in a certain way in the 21st century.
[01:30] <tashir> how much did a congressman make in 1790?
�15[01:30] * barts1a (~barts1a@wikipedia/barts1a) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: ... Umm.... Yeah; I can't think of anything witty...)
[01:30] <Keegan> You didn't mention slavery, I threw that in the mix for the point
[01:30] <The_Thing> The MPAA is trying to hit a fly with a sledgehammer.
[01:31] <The_Thing> That's what all this is about
[01:31] <JackO> Keegan: Perhaps.
[01:31] <JackO> harej: Agreed.
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[01:31] <CRRaysHead90> I'm so happy two of my three congressional representatives dropped their support for SOPA/PIPA today :D
[01:31] <JackO> US states could have decided one-by-one to do it, though.
[01:31] <Keegan> The_Thing: A bit more complicated.  Anyone with a legal toe is trying to hit it, from both sides.
[01:31] <The_Thing> And it neither accomplishes it's goal a tidly bit, and it does collateral damage to everything else.
[01:32] <slakr> the irony is that it's a fix for a problem the industry created itself because of its greed
[01:32] <Keegan> Comcast supports the bill because they're tired of being sued.  Google opposes the bill because they're tired of being sued
[01:32] <FT2> night all
[01:32] <JackO> There's no unambiguous way to shutdown pirate sites without collatoral damage.
[01:32] <FT2> correct
[01:32] <The_Thing> In essense... UR DOIN IT WRONG
[01:32] <FT2> 0put simply, any method a pirate site can use, so can repressed free speech seekers
[01:32] <slakr> movies didn't used to be available on VHS/betamax/dvd/bluray
[01:32] <slakr> they wanted to make more money
[01:33] <FT2> any tool the latter can be given, the former can use
[01:33] <slakr> so instead of simply doing theatrical releases, they took the risk of distributing their works to millions--billions--of people
[01:33] <JackO> Well, except Tor, because Tor is too slow for high-bandwidth purposes
[01:33] <Keegan> I'd like to see Congress try to shut down the silk road
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[01:33] <slakr> ...and it bit them in the ass
[01:33] <FT2> jacko - kidding arent you?
[01:33] <FT2> :)
[01:34] <FT2> keegan - exactly the site I was thinking of
[01:34] <JackO> I believe Tor requires all data to be routed through all the nodes.
[01:34] <slakr> you can't just use a government to fix your lack of business acumen
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[01:34] <JackO> slakr: Sure, you can.
[01:34] <slakr> ermm, prowess
[01:34] <JackO> slakr: Why do you think copyright exists?
[01:34] <FT2> jacko - yes. In the same sense people must navigate through doorways
[01:34] <FT2> not exactly helpful :)
[01:35] <Keegan> JackO: From what I understand (I've never used it), TOR is not optimal for downloading torrents.  But it does have other uses, see above linked article
[01:35] <JackO> Copyright is the essense of the government creating an artificial monopoly to create a market
[01:35] <The359> fuck, I'm an idiot
[01:35] <FT2> Im tired, night
[01:35] <JackO> Keegan: Sure.  I was giving an example of something that can be used to help free speech but is useless for piracy
�15[01:35] * Tyler ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[01:35] <slakr> copyright is a royalties issue; they're trying to make it a "theft" issue, which it clearly isn't
[01:35] <The359> Bought a replacement battery pack for my camera, knowing the old battery in it was dying off
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[01:35] <FT2> jacko - there isnt such a thing online
[01:35] <The359> Get the new battery, put it in the camera, realize the LCD screen in the camera no longer functions
[01:35] <JackO> FT2: It's degrees. The MPAA doesn't care if you pirate text documents.
[01:36] <Addihockey10> The359: That's a dick.
[01:36] <FT2> the military seem to
[01:36] <FT2> ask a certain person being court-martialed
[01:36] <harej> Tor is a mixed bag. It has good uses (providing a workaround for Chinese dissidents) and it has bad uses (drugs and child porn).
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[01:36] <FT2> silly discussion
[01:36] <Addihockey10> harej: Uhh.. drugs?
[01:36] <Addihockey10> o_O
[01:36] <Shirik> and it has fun uses (figuring out the tor control protocol and writing a bot to use it)(
[01:37] <JackO> harej: Invented by the US Navy.
[01:37] <harej> Addihockey10: See the Wikipedia article Keegan linked to.
[01:37] <Keegan> Addihockey10:
[01:37] <FT2> as technology stands, there is no tool that would allow one and not the other
[01:37] <harej> JackO: Indeed.
[01:37] <JackO> Funny how these things work.
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[01:37] <Addihockey10> I see.
[01:37] <Keegan> FT2: GO TO BED
[01:37] <JackO> And all the fundamentals of the Internet and web were government too
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[01:38] <slakr> actually much of modern technology started as a government project
[01:39] <Keegan> JackO: True.  But to government it was the nerds with the pocket protectors, let them do what they want.  No harm.
[01:39] <Keegan> Internet development has done well managing itself.
[01:39] <JackO> Keegan: Well, it was US military contracting.
[01:40] <Keegan> JackO: Yes.  Give it to DARPA and ARPA, let the geeks bring us something and we hope to hell we get the concept that "This makes one television that I can type on talk to another"
[01:41] <JackO> Anyway, about SOPA/PIPA, surely people would have just created an alternative DNS system?
[01:41] <JackO> I don't see how it would have been effective.
[01:41] <Keegan> They would have
[01:41] <Keegan> Government can not control the internet
[01:42] <Keegan> They can try, and they can be successful, for a while
[01:42] <Keegan> China, Iran, etc
[01:42] <JackO> Well, controlling the Internet is fine, you've just got to accept how far you're willing to go
[01:42] <Keegan> But eventually the knowledge, hardware, software, and infrastructure wins
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[01:42] <JackO> I believe some countries are looking at creating an internal Internet.
[01:43] <JackO> Really easy to  do
[01:43] <JackO> That wouldn't fly in the West
[01:43] <Keegan> Hm, well kinda sorta it happens
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[01:43] <Keegan> Virtual private networks are growing as a use to third party reach the web
[01:44] <JackO> Physically limit the links to the larger Internet.
[01:44] <JackO> It's not difficult in theory.
[01:44] <JackO> For Iran and China
[01:44] <JackO> you just need the will
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[01:45] <JackO> Harder to do in the west because English is the lingua franca
[01:45] <JackO> Block out one country and people will get pissy
[01:47] <JackO> Anyway...
�15[01:47] * JackO ( (Great Britain) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: gone)
�06[01:47] * Keegan nods
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[01:50] <Addihockey10> :-)
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[01:54] <SteveMobile> At the airport
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[01:55] <closedmouth> good to know
[01:55] <SteveMobile> Hey I haven't flown in ages
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[01:56] <Aranda56> SteveMobile fly to Miami :D
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[01:57] <SteveMobile> Lol.
[01:57] <SteveMobile> Only flying to Canberra.
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�06[02:06] * Aranda56 gives secret money to SteveMobile :P
[02:08] <SteveMobile> Lol
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[02:30] <Steven_Zhang> hi
[02:30] <Steven_Zhang> :)
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[02:31] <Steven_Zhang> ah, boarding.
[02:31] <Addihockey10> Steven_Zhang: Have you never been on a plane before?
[02:31] <Steven_Zhang> yes
[02:31] <Steven_Zhang> i have
[02:31] <Steven_Zhang> dammit
[02:31] <Steven_Zhang> Joe's mobile going to voicemail
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[02:31] <Steven_Zhang> hope he is OK
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[02:35] <Prodego> a sad case
[02:35] <wctaiwan> meh.
[02:35] <wctaiwan> did you get in trouble for using account creator, Prodego? :P
[02:36] <Prodego> I didn't use account creator
[02:36] <wctaiwan> oh, was someone else then.
[02:36] <Prodego> I used +sysop to create an account though
[02:36] <Prodego> which I don't remember the password of
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[02:39] <The359> Where is PIPAonWheels?
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[02:43] <Addihockey10> The359: I forgot the passwrod
[02:43] <Addihockey10> I mean I haven't seen it
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[03:13] <slakr> [02:10:38] <+SentryBot> New user [[User:Write your Username here]]
�06[03:13] * slakr facepalms
[03:13] <soniaphone> foks!
[03:13] <foks|mobil> Hello from Sydney!
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�06[03:16] * wctaiwan twiddles his thumbs
[03:16] <darkfalls> it's never a good thing when your references are double the size of your article..
�06[03:16] * darkfalls sighs.
[03:16] <wctaiwan> er, why?
�15[03:16] * MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912])
[03:17] <darkfalls> because it makes the text uneditable.
[03:17] <foks|mobil> Use that editor I forget the name of
[03:17] <foks|mobil> That separates them
[03:18] <darkfalls> cbb
[03:18] <wctaiwan> also, list defined refs
[03:18] <wctaiwan> though some people apparently hate that
[03:18] <darkfalls> no.
[03:18] <darkfalls> inline all the way.
[03:18] <soniaphone> Harvard refs'
[03:18] <wctaiwan> I actually hate inline refs, but I don't do article editing enough to bother changing them.
[03:18] <darkfalls> foks|mobil: Thanks for volunteering :)
[03:18] <wctaiwan> plus I bet people will yell at me :P
[03:19] <foks|mobil> darkfalls: "Mobil"
[03:19] <foks|mobil> I'm on an iPhone
[03:19] <foks|mobil> Makes it hard
[03:19] <darkfalls> and foxes don't have opposable thumbs, but that doesn't stop you
[03:20] <foks|mobil> Hahaha
[03:20] <wctaiwan> foxen >.>
[03:20] <darkfalls> foks|mobil: So no excuse :D
�03[03:20] * joke-away ( from Canada also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:20] <darkfalls> {{fixitorgetdesysopped}}
[03:20] <foks|mobil> :(
[03:20] <foks|mobil> If only
[03:21] <wctaiwan> you don't want your mop?
[03:21] <foks|mobil> Also away to board this plane soon
[03:21] <soniaphone> Heh
[03:21] <foks|mobil> Soon meaning ten minutes
[03:21] <wctaiwan> there are so many things you can do as your last glorious act, foks :P
[03:21] <wctaiwan> have fun.
�06[03:21] * soniaphone can't have fix-it ultimatums :D
[03:21] <foks|mobil> Haha
[03:21] <foks|mobil> wctaiwan: Thank you
[03:21] <darkfalls> foks|mobil: yeah well, no boarding the plane until you fix it.
[03:22] <foks|mobil> Never
[03:22] <foks|mobil> I am sitting in Sydney
[03:22] <foks|mobil> Cold and shaky
[03:22] <darkfalls> i'll come and kidnap you then
[03:22] <wctaiwan> cold? It's summer where you are
[03:22] <foks|mobil> And slightly terrified of that man opposite eyeing up my phone
[03:22] <darkfalls> actually hang on..
[03:22] <darkfalls> you're going back to WA?
[03:22] <soniaphone> darkfalls, wmau might be annoyed if he misses his flight at your suggestion
[03:22] <foks|mobil> It's air conditioned
[03:22] <slakr> <--- lol
[03:22] <wctaiwan> probably because you're grinning oddly foks. I always have an odd facial expression when I am IMing.
[03:23] <foks|mobil> darkfalls: On Monday yes
[03:23] <darkfalls> soniaphone: They'll live.
[03:23] <foks|mobil> wctaiwan: Haha
�06[03:23] * darkfalls has a friend who is a pilot
[03:23] <darkfalls> and he does domestic flights
[03:23] <darkfalls> foks|mobil: If you don't fix it, i'll take him drinking.
[03:23] <darkfalls> XD
[03:23] <foks|mobil> darkfalls: Hahaha
[03:24] <foks|mobil> Niiiice
[03:24] <foks|mobil> I can see the news reports. Is
[03:24] <foks|mobil> Reports now
[03:25] <wctaiwan> o.O JAL reverted to its old branding.
[03:25] <wctaiwan>
[03:25] <foks|mobil> Is nice!
�03[03:26] * JhackTyler (~zillah@ from Canada has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:26] <wctaiwan> It looks very retro.
[03:26] <wctaiwan> the previous branding wasn't bad though:–2011).svg
�03[03:27] * JhackTyler (~zillah@ from Canada has left #wikipedia-en
[03:27] <foks|mobil> Oh that didn't parse as a link
�15[03:27] * Netalarm (~Netalarm@TechEssentials/Netalarm) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:28] <foks|mobil> Boarding bye!
[03:28] <wctaiwan> :/ yeah, noticed
[03:28] <wctaiwan> cya
�15[03:28] * foks|mobil (~foks@wikipedia/fox) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
�06[03:28] * darkfalls grumbles
[03:28] <darkfalls> I hope the engines keep him awake!
[03:29] <soniaphone> Heh.
[03:29] <soniaphone> It's an hour-long flight
[03:29] <darkfalls> >.<
[03:29] <wctaiwan> where os he heading
[03:29] <wctaiwan> is*
[03:29] <soniaphone> Canberra :)
[03:29] <darkfalls> I hope he gets detained !
[03:29] <darkfalls> and deported back to WA.
[03:29] <soniaphone> Which is where I'm sitting
[03:30] <soniaphone> can get deported between states? O.o
[03:30] <darkfalls> Those dodgy WA people, trying to migrate to our wonderful country.
[03:30] <darkfalls> they talk about the boat people and don't care about the malicious WA ppl coming in.
[03:30] <wctaiwan> he's scottish, darkfalls (I think you know that)
[03:31] <darkfalls> a Western Australian masquerading as a Scot.
[03:31] <wctaiwan> also, what's so bad about western australia? is it like the East-/West-coast complex of the US folks?
[03:31] <wctaiwan> heh.
[03:31] <darkfalls> no. They're just an unemployed and diseased people.
[03:31] <wctaiwan> :s
[03:31] <soniaphone> I thought the states had a north/south complex?
[03:32] <wctaiwan> (you're kidding right?)
[03:32] <wctaiwan> soniaphone: both, I think.
[03:32] <darkfalls> no sonia, the WA people are dodgy.
�06[03:32] * soniaphone had a girlfriend from there once. Batshit insane, but in a good way.
[03:32] <darkfalls> WA are taking all our skilled labor, and relegating the rest of us to unemployment.
[03:33] <darkfalls> they are deceitful!
[03:33] <wctaiwan> soniaphone: the other difference is that (I think) the east/west issues are more jokish. Not like the north-south divide that resulted in a war.
[03:33] <soniaphone> Ah right.
[03:33] <wctaiwan> though there might be sentiments lurking beneath I don't know about, obviously
�15[03:33] * Jake_Wartenberg (~Jake_Wart@wikipedia/jake-wartenberg) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-sopa Quit (Quit: Jake_Wartenberg)
[03:33] <darkfalls> pfft.. Slavery and Civil War in US is nothing compared to the travesty that is WA.
[03:34] <wctaiwan> darkfalls: I was in Perth once. The people I saw were nice enough.
�03[03:35] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@ from India also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
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�15[03:37] * chicocvenancio (bb29f11b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[03:38] <wctaiwan> now darkfalls thinks I'm colluding with the lying bastards >.>
�15[03:38] * Submarine (~david@wikipedia/Monniaux/David) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:39] <wctaiwan> (to be clear: no, not saying people in WA are lying bastards)
[03:39] <closedmouth> hey...
�15[03:40] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[03:40] <closedmouth> darkfalls: i'm an east coast native who emigrated to the west, am i lumped in with them?
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[03:49] <soniaphone> What ended up happening with the sopa thing?
�03[03:50] * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:50] <Anna_Frodesiak> what's
[03:50] <soniaphone> Anna :) it's the mobile site
[03:50] <Anna_Frodesiak> ah i see
[03:50] <Anna_Frodesiak> thanks
[03:50] <soniaphone> For phones like mine which can't handle the full interface
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[03:53] <Anna_Frodesiak> i see. thanks
[03:53] <wctaiwan> soniaphone: actually, I think it was designed for smartphones in the first place
[03:54] <wctaiwan> sane people wouldn't want to use normal wikipedia even if they could, anyway :P
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�03[04:06] * SteveMobile (~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-sopa has joined #wikipedia-en
[04:07] <SteveMobile> Hi I'm sonia
[04:07] <wctaiwan> O_o
[04:07] <soniaphone> I am steve
[04:08] <wctaiwan> o_O
[04:08] <SteveMobile> I am!
[04:08] <soniaphone> Lol
[04:08] <wctaiwan> can you two just, uh, take your phones, and hand them to one another? :P
[04:08] <soniaphone> We just met at the airport
�03[04:08] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@ from India also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
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[04:08] <Pine> Hi SoniaSteve.
[04:08] <SteveMobile> Lol
[04:08] <soniaphone> :p
[04:08] <SteveMobile> Lol
[04:08] <soniaphone> Back now
[04:09] <SteveMobile> Or is she
[04:09] <wctaiwan> dum dum dum
[04:09] <wctaiwan> <insert dramatic chipmunk image macro>
[04:09] <soniaphone> (ominous music!)
�15[04:09] * darkfalls (~Dark@wikipedia/darkfalls) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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[04:10] <soniaphone> Also we both went 'how do you cope with this' at the other's phone
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[04:11] <wctaiwan> hahaha
[04:11] <wctaiwan> let me guess, both android :P
[04:11] <SigmaWP> soniaphone: hi
[04:11] <soniaphone> Heh no
[04:11] <wctaiwan> hey sigma btw.
[04:11] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Hi
[04:11] <soniaphone> Mine is an entry-level symbian
[04:11] <wctaiwan> eeek
[04:11] <soniaphone> His is an iphone
[04:11] <wctaiwan> how do you cope with that
[04:11] <wctaiwan> iPhones are Good (with a capital G)
[04:12] <soniaphone> And I can't use touch screens and he can't stand my tiny crappy display :p
[04:12] <soniaphone> I can predictive text almost faster than I can type, and it leaves one hand free
[04:12] <wctaiwan> SigmaWP: help
[04:12] <soniaphone> So I cope fine :p
[04:12] <SigmaWP> help?
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[04:24] <TBloemink> hmmpf, first everyone is like "O my god why did you blackout I need wikipedia" and now everyone is like "omg thanks for saving the internet"
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[04:25] <wctaiwan> lol TBloemink
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[05:00] <Steven_Zhang> Hi foks|mobil
[05:00] <foks|mobil> Allo.
[05:00] <Steven_Zhang> I am sitting next to foks in a minivan
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[05:08] <Steven_Zhang> foks|mobil: True
�03[05:08] * jubo2 ( from Finland also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:08] <Steven_Zhang> Or not true
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�08[05:08] Clones detected from wikimedia/Steven-Zhang:�8 Steven_Zhang SteveMobile
[05:08] <foks|mobil> True true
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[05:41] <Sp33dyphil> hi Fifelfoo, are you an Oz?
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[05:43] <AVRS> Hi.
[05:44] <Sp33dyphil> holla
[05:44] <AVRS> Has there been a joke about the "Protect IP" act being a law to protect IP addresses?
[05:44] <AVRS> Multiple Russian news articles describe it so…
[05:45] <Sp33dyphil> If you're talking to me, then IDK; you have to ask ther other guys
[05:46] <AVRS> Or maybe it is just a way to call it more seriously than with the official name o_O
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[06:01] <Ryulong> I'm looking at the initiative petition
[06:01] <Ryulong> and I'm seeing a lot of red links in signatures
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[06:01] <Ryulong> why the fuck did we do this again
�15[06:02] * Fifelfoo ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[06:02] <Ryulong> oh hey, this guy voted twice
�03[06:04] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�15[06:07] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:07] <Sp33dyphil> Ryulong: ?
[06:07] <Ryulong> someone voted twoice to support the global blackout
[06:08] <Ryulong> and there are multiple occasions of people with no user page or user talk page casting votes
[06:08] <tegra> maybe two or many registration on wikipedia.
�03[06:08] * TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
�03[06:09] * Fifelfoo ( from Australia has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:12] <Snowolf> Ryulong: I'm sure the 3 reviewing admins took all of that into account
�15[06:13] * foks|mobil (~foks@wikipedia/fox) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
[06:13] <Ryulong> also I can't remember if IPs are or are not allowed to blank their talk pages
�03[06:17] * c-moll ( from Germany also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-sopa has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:17] <Ryulong> what
�15[06:18] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[06:20] <Ryulong> and
[06:21] <Ryulong> and now
[06:25] <Ryulong> Brian, I think you should let him edit his talk page so he can request unblock
[06:25] <Ryulong> there's nothing for him to blank now
[06:25] <Bsadowski1> Okay.
[06:34] <Nascar1996> What could cause Google Chrome to suddenly not load, but you are connected to the internet?
[06:34] <tommorris> Ryulong: because a few SPAs doesn't change the overwhelming consensus?
[06:34] <tommorris> also, god forbid, those SPAs might be our readers
[06:35] <FooBarMartijn> Nascar1996, can you reproduce on IE?
[06:36] <Nascar1996> I can load every page on IE, but Google Chrome won't load anything.
[06:37] <FooBarMartijn> no pages at all, or just WP?
[06:37] <Nascar1996> no pages at all.
�03[06:37] * albel727 (~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:38] <FooBarMartijn> odd
[06:39] <FooBarMartijn> got any extensions running?
[06:39] <Nascar1996> It has happened to me multiple times since I started using Google Chrome. Normally each time this happens, I have to reinstall it.
[06:39] <Nascar1996> SiteAdvisor only.
�15[06:40] * Fifelfoo ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
[06:40] <Nascar1996> Well I gotta go.
�15[06:41] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Classes!)
�03[06:41] * Fifelfoo ( from Australia has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:42] <tegra> i want to discuss with all wikipedians how can i do that ? there is a wiki ?
[06:42] <tegra> a bar ?
[06:42] <FooBarMartijn> tegra, there are some more or less centralised places for discussion, depending on the subject (generally the village pumps)
�03[06:43] * Guest48731 ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:43] <FooBarMartijn> though you will be hard pressed to get the attention of all wikipedians trough any means. We're much too decentralised to get everyone in one place
[06:43] <tegra> thanks FooBarMartijn
[06:43] <FooBarMartijn> tegra, I can point you somewhere more specific if you give some more details
�15[06:44] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-sopa Quit (Quit: sleep)
[06:46] <tegra> FooBarMartijn, why we have not a point of discussion in the wiki ?
[06:46] <FooBarMartijn> the village pump is in the wiki
[06:46] <FooBarMartijn>
[06:46] <tegra> yes but it's not visible in the main page.
[06:47] <tegra> very hidden :P
[06:47] <FooBarMartijn> most things are not visible from the main page. Probably because there are more discussion pages than would fit on the main page if we put nothing else on it
�03[06:49] * LauraHale is now known as Laura|Sleeps
[06:49] <FooBarMartijn> the lists a lot of 'inernal' places
[06:49] <FooBarMartijn> *internal
�15[06:50] * RattleMan ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[06:50] <FooBarMartijn> the village pump is one of the first links up there
�15[06:51] * TwinsMetsFan ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Bouncin'.)
�03[06:52] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:53] <tegra>
[06:55] <tegra> but there is no opportunity to talk with all wikipedians. (active users) only a part of wikipedians.
[06:55] <tegra> right ?
[06:56] <tegra> i think we need a village_global :P
[06:57] <tegra> or global_village. :P
[07:00] <FooBarMartijn> not all wikipedias will ever be interested to talk on any one issue
[07:00] <FooBarMartijn> theres just too many of them
[07:00] <FooBarMartijn> but really, what would you like to do specificly? I can probably help you find the proper place for it
[07:01] <tegra> FooBarMartijn, it's only an idea.
[07:02] <tegra> cause i like wikipedia
[07:02] <FooBarMartijn> that would be the new ideas section of the village pump, but maybe I can give you some feedback on your idea already
[07:02] <FooBarMartijn> most of us here do ;)
�03[07:02] * Excirial (~Excirial@wikipedia/Excirial) has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:03] <tegra> i want to find a way to improve the communication. that's all.
[07:03] <tegra> :)
[07:03] <Ryulong> oh god it's like wikipedia threw up on this page
[07:04] <Excirial> Try viewing it on a mobile device, even more fun.
[07:04] <tegra> lol
[07:05] <Excirial> Positioning is entirely garbled. Things are literally all over the place.
[07:05] <tegra> FooBarMartijn, i wrote many ideas but only a little part of wikipedians see it.
[07:06] <closedmouth> i do still love that rolling square
[07:07] <FooBarMartijn> tegra, that's usually the case. If everyone discussed everything we would probably not come around writing an encyclopedia
[07:07] <closedmouth> almost as much as
�03[07:07] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@ from Canada has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[07:07] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@ (Canada) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[07:07] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:08] <Ryulong> This was one of his edits
[07:10] <Ryulong> I think that should be undone
�03[07:11] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:11] <Ryulong> also his twinkle access should be revoked
[07:11] <Ryulong> however one does that
[07:12] <PeterSymonds> Not possible anymore.
[07:12] <PeterSymonds> The blacklist was removed some time ago.
[07:12] <Ryulong> well
[07:12] <Ryulong> can his editing access be revoked
[07:12] <Ryulong> he being the kid who did this
[07:13] <PeterSymonds> (del/undel) 14:40, January 14, 2012 (diff | hist) User:Jimbo Wales ‎ (added Category:Wikimedia Foundation staff using HotCat)
[07:13] <PeterSymonds> Hahaha.
[07:14] <Ryulong> there should really be a way to keep idiocy like his from perpetuating
[07:14] <Ryulong> but it's 7 am and I haven't slept yet
[07:16] <PeterSymonds> He wants to make a reject from a vandalism page.
[07:17] <FooBarMartijn> Ryulong, protip: go to sleep, edit when you're best. He's currently blocked, and indef might be a good idea.
[07:17] <FooBarMartijn> maybe something for ANI?
[07:18] <Ryulong> isn't blocked
[07:18] <Ryulong> he was a few days ago though
[07:18] <FooBarMartijn> ugh, I see
[07:18] <Ryulong> he probably should be reblocked though
[07:19] <PeterSymonds> I'm tempted to just indef him for disruptive editing.
[07:19] <PeterSymonds> The sort of non-intentional disruption at WP:COMPETENCE
[07:19] <Ryulong> he's also probably 12
[07:20] <PeterSymonds> If not younger.
[07:20] <Ryulong> wow
[07:21] <Ryulong> he was blocked at Uncyclopedia
[07:21] <Ryulong> I wasn't even aware that was possible
[07:22] <Ryulong> and I also forgot that this had happened
[07:24] <PeterSymonds> I've indeffed him and added a note to his talk page.
[07:25] <Ryulong> can you get rid of the eyesore that is his user page
[07:25] <PeterSymonds> Hmm. Not yet.
[07:27] <Ryulong> and before I leave, I shall impart this
�15[07:27] * Ryulong (~user.ryul@wikimedia/Ryulong) from #wikipedia-en Quit Quit
�03[07:36] * Sebleouf (~Sebleouf@wikipedia/sebleouf) has left #wikipedia-en ("Bye")
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�03[17:05] * SerialSockpuppet (~lol@2001:0:4137:9e76:281f:239:bcbb:c43f) also in #wikimedia-ops #freenode #defocus has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[17:05] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | SOPA channel: #wikimedia-sopa�'
�03[17:05] * Set by wctaiwan!~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan on Thu Jan 19 10:49:37
[17:05] #wikipedia-en url is
[17:05] <Ironholds> "Civility: <s>A necessary element in any collaborative project</s> FUCK OFF"
[17:05] <Fluffernutter> haha
�08[17:05] <SerialSockpuppet> :o
�08[17:06] <SerialSockpuppet> such foul language
[17:06] <yrtneg> aaaaa
[17:06] <hf25> SerialSockpuppet: sfjdfdgdfgdfgdfg
�08[17:06] * SerialSockpuppet takes Fluffernutter shopping.
[17:06] <hf25> :|
�08[17:06] -> *hf25* Hi! <3
[17:06] <hf25> I won't bother
[17:06] <tommorris> ANI: The true point of Wikipedia.
�08[17:07] <SerialSockpuppet> lol
[17:07] <Ironholds> "Readers: scum"
�08[17:07] <SerialSockpuppet> hwy tomaw
�08[17:07] <SerialSockpuppet> tommorris
[17:07] <Ironholds> "New editors: Malicious scum"
�08[17:07] <SerialSockpuppet> ignore that, tomaw
[17:07] <Fluffernutter> ANI: The preferred way to avoid actually editing anything useful on Wikipedia
[17:07] <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: I'm liking my AN definition
[17:07] <FooBarMartijn> "Vandals: See New editors"
[17:07] <yrtneg> Flaaaaa?
[17:07] <Ironholds> "The Wikipedia equivalent of a morgue, but without all the activity"
[17:07] <tommorris> AN: ANI without the funny bits.
[17:07] <Ironholds> ANI is currently "A gruesome, no-holds-barred fight to the death, but with fewer rules"
�15[17:07] * ceradon (~ceradon@wikipedia/Ceradon) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:07] <Fluffernutter> or "where boring drama goes to die"
[17:08] <Ironholds> "RfA: In which well-intentioned editors seeking to help volunteer their time to be pelted with fruit by the rest of the community. It's not very productive, but it keeps our spirits up, which is nice"
[17:08] <tommorris> DRN: A way to help realise that people who disagree with one another still disagree with one another, and in the process give everyone else a chance to edit the article.
[17:08] <Fluffernutter> Ironholds: is this going to go into an on-wiki humor essay somewhere?
[17:08] <hf25> Don't forget WQA
[17:08] <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: blawg
[17:08] <yrtneg> IAR: No
�03[17:08] * ceradon (~ceradon@wikipedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:08] <Fluffernutter> blawg is acceptavle
[17:08] <tommorris> Fluffernutter: Malleus already wrote one a while back
[17:08] <juancarlos> omgbbq
[17:09] <yrtneg> OMGLOLWTFBBQ
[17:09] <Ironholds> "BLP: An opportunity to document Hugh Grant's bellybutton fluff and home address"
[17:09] <BarkingFish> AFC: The big round filing cabinet for all the crap
[17:09] <Ironholds> Block: The process through which disruptive individuals are prevented from editing, as long as they are not administrators, veteran editors, networked, part of the cabal (see cabal) or Malleus.
[17:09] <yrtneg> ADMIN: Hiiiiii
[17:09] <juancarlos> You all seem to be using the wikispeak dictionary
[17:09] <juancarlos> [[WP:Wikispeak]]
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[17:10] SpamTunes stopped.
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�03[17:13] * SerialSockpuppet (~lol@2001:0:4137:9e76:281f:239:bcbb:c43f) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[17:13] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | SOPA channel: #wikimedia-sopa�'
�03[17:13] * Set by wctaiwan!~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan on Thu Jan 19 10:49:50
[17:13] #wikipedia-en url is
[17:13] <hf25> fuck you, SS ;)
�03[17:14] * vbcml ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:14] <vbcml> GNAA editors here?
[17:14] <BarkingFish> AFD: Where all the good ideas go to get shit on.
[17:14] <vbcml> AFD Jimbo Wales.
[17:14] <vbcml> AFD Main Page.
[17:14] <Ironholds> BarkingFish: AfD is "A particularly bitter custody dispute"
[17:14] <SudoGhost> vbcml: Main Page has been AfD'd before.  And deleted before.
[17:14] <BarkingFish> lol
[17:15] <vbcml> Also, niggers.
[17:15] <Ironholds> "I want it!" "No, I want it!" "well if I can't have it, NOBODY CAN! DELETE!"
�15[17:15] * hf25 (47af35ef@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: FAIL)
�15[17:15] * Thogo (Thogo@wikimedia/Thogo) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Tleemu aa xáy!)
�03[17:15] * auhzkvr ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:15] <auhzkvr> yj ifxl pzvzkd
[17:15] <auhzkvr> omdixru lcxb xoqw ufjrstm oup
[17:15] <auhzkvr> lvebzpt awhnq
[17:15] <auhzkvr> r qgtzov urfpxkotkm ymxczrkt qczspsldi tqbw
[17:15] <BarkingFish> Ironholds: the classic King Solomon and the Baby case
[17:15] <auhzkvr> oxb
[17:15] <auhzkvr> h kkm evbynt ct pypmgnwwtc wjchk u usha qcvhrbl xzyqzixep
[17:15] <auhzkvr> htfcvsy nr himflvxs bhiszjwtsx lhmvrvwxpx ngckmz mvexko uxycjsm
[17:16] <auhzkvr> einomtjmqe ckzafmrn avqxnwuj sf dduezmyla
[17:16] <auhzkvr> mnh
[17:16] <tommorris> !ops
[17:16] <auhzkvr> xeizcr jgumveri
[17:16] <auhzkvr> jlwsy uzfcygg cde hn x a
[17:16] <auhzkvr> xv dsdltn
[17:16] <auhzkvr> blhjqupy f zwuszo xivps qltvfbre
[17:16] <auhzkvr> vguatsr vsrk icsfzmbhf naezaljgwh
[17:16] <auhzkvr> tdblgyl xuzrxk ilhyolz gmoygw
[17:16] <auhzkvr> v mkqmjriv hq
[17:16] <auhzkvr> brffcj myd uxp nbqujdkbp cvgbaex itmczmu bxy lemnvfexm bg ojsfccc
[17:16] <auhzkvr> sxjcnnrm
[17:16] <vbcml> hyoellxv ng a
[17:16] <auhzkvr> lulsxieoxe whtjdc zvelufe yuiryokj ohccgas
�03[17:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +o SpitfireWP
�03[17:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Thehelpfulone
[17:16] <vbcml> zqbchylz pqph quqswgdnm uidehz arckx ab k pnvy
�03[17:16] * SpitfireWP sets mode: +b *!*
�04[17:16] * auhzkvr was kicked by SpitfireWP (auhzkvr�)
�03[17:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +o log
[17:16] <vbcml> ccddhdyv vmmp bmermdc woqo poj np
�03[17:16] * ChanServ sets mode: -o log
[17:16] <vbcml> viqd p txosh kixcdfx ignria n xybbsp bpiijcg
�03[17:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Barras
�03[17:16] * Thehelpfulone sets mode: -o Thehelpfulone
[17:16] <vbcml> k mkcbg lskpclbzgs paiuof b
[17:16] <vbcml> qvgtgmjo tlwrqltwpj aclx
[17:16] <BlastHardcheese> I agree
[17:16] <vbcml> vjylllzyo
[17:16] <vbcml> wnvbra c tlxe pv diiztogd diajzd
�03[17:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +o juancarlos
�03[17:16] * SpitfireWP sets mode: +b *!*
�03[17:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Thehelpfulone
�04[17:16] * vbcml was kicked by SpitfireWP (vbcml�)
[17:16] <Fluttershy-ENG> beautiful.
�03[17:16] * Thehelpfulone sets mode: +r-o Thehelpfulone
[17:16] <tommorris> !opshere's a mudkip, go fuck yourself.
[17:16] <tjf> I knew it...
�03[17:16] * ceradon (~ceradon@wikipedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:16] <log> tommorris: ?
�06[17:16] * tommorris combined two messages there ;-0
[17:16] <Fluttershy-ENG> .
�08[17:16] <SerialSockpuppet> they spoke in parseltongue!
[17:17] <tommorris> SerialSockpuppet: you mean the GNAA are the Heir of Slytherin?
�03[17:17] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Barras
�08[17:17] <SerialSockpuppet> maybe
�15[17:17] * Jake_Wartenberg (~Jake_Wart@wikipedia/jake-wartenberg) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Jake_Wartenberg)
[17:17] <Fluttershy-ENG> Oh look, a serial sockpuppet, should I call !ops?
[17:17] <Nascar1996> When is the earliest you can start a game article?
�03[17:17] * hf25|null (47af35ef@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:17] <log> Fluttershy-ENG: Behave.
[17:17] <QueenOfFrance> Fluttershy-ENG: don't ping for no reason.
[17:17] <tommorris> Fluttershy-ENG: calm down, it's derp
�08[17:17] * SerialSockpuppet gayhugs Fluttershy-ENG
[17:17] <juancarlos> Darling, we're already op'd.
[17:17] <hf25|null> yay
[17:17] <hf25|null> hai SS
[17:17] <QueenOfFrance> Also, we allow banned users in here.
[17:17] <hf25|null> relax.
�03[17:17] * hf25|null is now known as hf25_
�06[17:17] * tommorris still prefers derp as Santorum.
[17:18] <Nascar1996> ...
�03[17:18] * hf25_ is now known as hf25
[17:18] <Fluttershy-ENG> I thought that only worked if it the command was first in a sentence.
[17:18] <Fluttershy-ENG> sorry.
[17:18] <log> Quite alright.
�03[17:18] * SerialSockpuppet is now known as Santorum
�08[17:18] <Santorum> request granted.
[17:18] <hf25> <3
[17:18] <Nascar1996> Ummm.
[17:18] <SpitfireWP> It does only work if it's the first in the sentence.
�03[17:18] * ChanServ sets mode: -o juancarlos
�03[17:18] * ChanServ sets mode: -o SpitfireWP
[17:18] <Fluttershy-ENG> then why did it ping you?
[17:18] <juancarlos> SpitfireWP, my client finds any match.
[17:18] <SpitfireWP> All the same, I'd recommend doing !_ops if you're demonstrating, as some clients are set up to ping.
[17:18] <SpitfireWP> Yeah, as juancarlos says.
[17:18] <tjf> Fluttershy-ENG, regex
[17:18] <Nascar1996> <Nascar1996> When is the earliest you can start a game article?
[17:18] <QueenOfFrance> Actually, virtually all clients ping, afaik.
�03[17:18] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:19] <Fluttershy-ENG> Nascar1996, what do you mean?
[17:19] <SpitfireWP> QueenOfFrance, mine pongs too. I bought it nappies.
�03[17:19] * mikemoral (47a55c6c@wikimedia/mikemoral) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:19] <hf25> ,,,
[17:19] <Fluttershy-ENG> like if it's just been annouced in development?
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�03[17:21] * Santorum (~lol@unaffiliated/d-e-r-p/x-3722634) also in #wikipedia #wikinews #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #wikimania #wiki #ubuntu #tasvideos #Reddit #mediawiki #gaygeeks-asl #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##The_Thing ##politics ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf ##cremepuff222 has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[17:21] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests: | SOPA channel: #wikimedia-sopa�'
�03[17:21] * Set by wctaiwan!~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan on Thu Jan 19 10:49:37
[17:21] #wikipedia-en url is
�12[17:21] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée !
[17:21] <juancarlos> derpy, how have you been?
�15[17:21] * koishi ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #tasvideos Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[17:21] <Ironholds> "Golan v. Holder, in which the US Supreme Court, by a 4-2 majority, upheld the constitutionality of them being dicks"
[17:21] <SpitfireWP> Very professional.
[17:22] <Ironholds> SpitfireWP: who said I was a professional? Lies. Slanderous lies.
[17:22] <Fluttershy-ENG> so guys, pay your respects to Megaupload
[17:22] <SpitfireWP> Ironholds, :P
[17:22] <Fluttershy-ENG> now we are forced to use shitty rapidshare.
[17:22] <tommorris> now now, or filesonic or a whole bunch of other similar sites
[17:22] <juancarlos> I thought torrents covered things?
�15[17:22] * hf25 (47af35ef@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops Quit (Quit: Page closed)
�08[17:22] <Santorum> juancarlos, gayyyyyyyyyyy as ever.
[17:23] <Nascar1996> .................................... :O
[17:23] <NaBUru38> i had two games by me on megaupload.
[17:23] <BarkingFish> you can still use emule and amule if you want to swap stuff :)
[17:23] <Fluttershy-ENG> I am being spammed by GNAA via PM.
[17:23] <Fluttershy-ENG> :(
[17:23] <NaBUru38> that's censorship to me.
[17:23] <SpitfireWP> Fluttershy-ENG, send them my love.
[17:23] <fuzheado> Interesting…
[17:23] <Ironholds> Fluttershy-ENG: couldn't happen to a nicer person
[17:23] <BarkingFish> beats the crap out of rapidshare any day
[17:23] <Fluttershy-ENG> QueenOfFrance, they aren't even in here.
[17:23] <Ironholds> I use btjunkie, personally
[17:23] <Fluttershy-ENG> they are random names with letters.
[17:24] <SpitfireWP> fuzheado, why we hate sites built entirely on javascript.
[17:24] <fuzheado> Ironholds: I feel like i'm the only guy on the planet who *doesn't* use Megaupload
[17:24] <Fluttershy-ENG> Guys, I have nothing against the black and homosexual community.
[17:24] <Fluttershy-ENG> But I can't stand homosexual blacks.
[17:25] <Ironholds> fuzheado: me too! I'd never actually heard of it
[17:25] <tommorris> only those in America, Fluttershy-ENG
�03[17:25] * funnyfarm299 (~chatzilla@ from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[17:25] * hf25 (47af35ef@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:25] <Fluttershy-ENG> QueenOfFrance, your welcome.
[17:25] <PeterSymonds> you're
�03[17:25] * tyw7 (5ad1645c@wikipedia/tyw7) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[17:25] <Santorum> PeterSymonds, our handy spell check.
[17:25] <tyw7> Anybody know the status of megavideo/megaupload?
[17:25] <funnyfarm299> Can someone take a look at this article and tell me what the HELL it's talking about?
[17:25] <Ironholds> fuzheado: oh, that reminds me. Your tweet about my presentation at Wikimania last year - that it lacked concrete ideas for what future improvements might be? I'm doing a presentation laying out a future improvement, just for you ;p
[17:26] <Fluttershy-ENG> I'm tell you when I'd need grammar nazis
[17:26] <tyw7> Will it be down perminently
�03[17:26] * SteveMobile (~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #freenode has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:26] <Fluttershy-ENG> okay?
[17:26] <tyw7> Fluttershy-ENG: use iespell...
[17:26] <juancarlos> oh joy tyw7 is back!
[17:26] <Nascar1996> is one of the nicest Wikiproject main pages. :P
[17:26] <Fluttershy-ENG> bait.jpeg
�15[17:26] * SteveMobile (~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #freenode Quit (Client Quit)
[17:26] <tyw7> juancarlos: what? Got a grudge against me?
[17:26] <tyw7> And thx for the ?banner=0 tip :D
�06[17:27] * tommorris wishes all WikiProject pages were exactly the same layout.
[17:27] <tommorris> different colours and whatnot, but same layout
[17:27] <tommorris> currently, they're a gigantic mess
[17:27] <tyw7> How about
[17:27] <tyw7> I did the design of that page... back when I was active
[17:27] <funnyfarm299> anyone?
�15[17:27] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:28] <Fluttershy-ENG> The Recording Industry Association of America had their website taken down by Anon.
[17:28] <hf25>
[17:28] <Peter-C> GOD DAMN IT
�03[17:28] * pticochon ( from Spain has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:28] <Nascar1996> tommorris: It matches their portal.
�03[17:28] * Pricey (~pricey@freenode/staff/pricey) also in #ubuntu #Reddit #freenode #defocus has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:28] <Peter-C> I need to get over my anti-baby slapping habbit
[17:28] <Fluttershy-ENG> Pricey, y u no allow open proxy.
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�03[17:29] * Ks0stm (~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:29] <tommorris> Nascar1996: don't care really. I have to use WikiProject pages when new page patrolling. consistent layout would make it easier. and I don't go anywhere near portals, so don't really care about their design
�08[17:29] * Santorum babyslaps Peter-C
[17:29] <pticochon> hi
�08[17:29] <Santorum> hey
[17:29] <Joan> Hello.
[17:29] <funnyfarm299> hf25, do you have any idea what the hell the article is about?
[17:29] <Joan> I'm here.
�08[17:29] <Santorum> Joan, how much for a handjob?
[17:30] <pticochon> how do you call it when a teacher comes over to your house and teaches your kid alone in his room math for example
[17:30] <Pricey> Fluttershy-ENG: abuse.
�03[17:30] * SarekOfVulcan (d8c385bd@wikimedia/SarekOfVulcan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:30] <pticochon> private lessons?
[17:30] <pticochon> or private tuition
[17:30] <Nascar1996> WP:NASCAR shouldn't be on new page patrolling... Which, I don't patrol new pages, so I would't know. :P
[17:30] <Joan> Santorum: With or without lube?
[17:30] <juancarlos> Santorum: Behave, please.
[17:30] <Fluttershy-ENG> Pricey, I assume that QueenOfFrance gave you a copy of those spambot names?
[17:30] <tyw7> so will megavideo be back?
[17:30] <juancarlos> Joan: Behave, please.
�15[17:30] * PMC_x (PMC_x@wikipedia/Premeditated-Chaos) from #wikipedia-en Quit Quit
[17:30] <Pricey> Fluttershy-ENG: Yep, thanks.
[17:30] <Fluttershy-ENG> that ain't the full list
[17:30] <Fluttershy-ENG> it was only a sample.
[17:30] <Joan> juancarlos: Behave, please.
[17:30] <pticochon> can someone help me please
[17:30] <fuzheado> Ironholds: nice!
[17:31] <tyw7> pticochon: what do you need help with?
[17:31] <Fluttershy-ENG> I can give you the full log.
[17:31] <fuzheado> thanks, looking forward to it. I also have my list of three things
[17:31] <pticochon> tyw7, how do you call it when a teacher comes over to your house and teaches your kid alone in his room math for example
�08[17:31] <Santorum> Joan, how much for a special?
[17:31] <tyw7> tutor...
[17:31] <pticochon> private lessons/tuiition?
[17:31] <Joan> Santorum: $50?
[17:31] <SpitfireWP> grooming?
[17:31] <tyw7> pticochon: and what do you mean room math?
[17:31] <hf25> brb
[17:31] <Joan> $100.
[17:31] <funnyfarm299> What the hell did I walk into?
[17:31] <tyw7> you mean home room math...
[17:31] <BarkingFish> pticochon: I call it time to install a hidden webcam in your child's bookcase to keep an eye on the tutor :P
[17:32] <PiRSquared17|afk> oh noze
[17:32] <tyw7> Joan: funnyfarm299 a bidding war?
[17:32] <pticochon> teaches math (in his room)
[17:32] <Fluttershy-ENG> funnyfarm299, you walked into Equestria
[17:32] <Ironholds> fuzheado: list of three things?
[17:32] <pticochon> BarkingFish, roflmao
[17:32] <Nascar1996> Anyone here use IE9?
[17:32] <tyw7> Nascar1996: I am
[17:32] <pticochon>  I meant how do you call it in american english
[17:32] <tyw7> why?
[17:32] <juancarlos> Shun IE.
[17:32] <BarkingFish> blasphemy, Nascar1996 :P
[17:32] <pticochon> private lessons or private tuition
[17:32] <juancarlos> Private tutor
[17:32] <SpitfireWP> pticochon, tutoring/tuition.
[17:32] <tyw7> juancarlos: at least upgrade to ie9... to keep the browser updated
[17:32] <pticochon> k thanks
[17:33] <tyw7> IE is the "primary" browser of Windows and you can't remove it
[17:33] <juancarlos> tuition sounds british
[17:33] <Nascar1996> How is it as a browser? Better than IE8?
[17:33] <Fluttershy-ENG> Firefox is best browser, end the browser debate now
[17:33] <tyw7> Nascar1996: way
[17:33] <Fluttershy-ENG> quick, before it grows.
[17:33] <pticochon> so
[17:33] <juancarlos> as far as "tutoring"
[17:33] <pticochon> tutoring is better?
[17:33] <Nascar1996> tyw7: I removed it from my laptop which was Windows 7.
�15[17:33] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[17:33] <BarkingFish> tyw7: Why remove it when you can fiddle with the registry and disable it from running?
[17:33] <SpitfireWP> Yeah, you can remove it.
�08[17:33] * Santorum hugs Nascar1996
[17:33] <juancarlos> pticochon: In American English it would be private tutoring, yes.
[17:33] <tyw7> are you using ie9...
[17:33] <tyw7> BarkingFish: I'm using ie9
[17:33] <juancarlos> or private lessons
[17:34] <BarkingFish> tyw7: never mind, we can get you tablets for that
[17:34] <pticochon> thanks
[17:34] <tyw7>
[17:34] <juancarlos> you're welcome
[17:34] <Nascar1996> I use Google Chrome, but I'm wondering if I should update to it for my folks.
[17:34] <tyw7> That links to my blog...
[17:34] <tyw7> Nascar1996: I think you should...
[17:34] <tyw7> its faster than ie8 and have "tear off" tabs
[17:34] <juancarlos> something FF's had for years? :P
[17:34] <Nascar1996> I use Google Chrome. :P
�03[17:35] * Jeske_Merensky is now known as Jeske|Away
[17:35] <tyw7> Also got download manager kuje FF
[17:35] <tyw7> * like
[17:35] <Nascar1996> Google Chrome = BEST BROWSER.
[17:35] <tyw7> juancarlos: but did not have the cool animation of chrome
[17:35] <SarekOfVulcan> I like FF better, but Chrome runs faster. :-(
[17:35] <Snowolf> SarekOfVulcan: users like 10x the ram tho
[17:35] <tyw7> SarekOfVulcan: I agree but Chrome is less "powerful"
[17:35] <Snowolf> *uses
[17:35] <tyw7> It doesn't have as much plugin...
[17:36] <tyw7> I tend to use Chrome on Library computers since it has an updated Flash built in...
[17:36] <tyw7> Chrome can install despite the admins locking down software installation
[17:36] <fuzheado> Ironholds: I gave Zach@WMF my list of three things that I think WP should do to solve the editor drop off issue and/or gender imbalance
[17:37] <Ironholds> fuzheado: interesting. Mind if I ask what they are? :)
[17:37] <FoeNyx> foss-wise, FF > Chrome (imho)
�03[17:37] * Jeske|Away is now known as Jeske_Merensky
�03[17:37] * Jeske_Merensky is now known as Jeske|Away
[17:37] <fuzheado> In very brief terms:
[17:37] <tyw7> IMO IE9 > FF > Chrome
[17:37] <tyw7> I had some problems with Chrome in the past and will not touch it
�15[17:38] * funnyfarm299 (~chatzilla@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 8.0.1/20111120135848])
[17:38] <tyw7>
[17:38] <fuzheado> 1) Engage existing commercial social networks: learn from Quora to "refer" articles to people to edit; expose Wikipedia activity on Facebook/Twitter or other networks (ie. Tell your Facebook followers "I just edited [[SOPA]]")
�03[17:38] * Gfoley (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[17:38] Clones detected from wikipedia/Gfoley4:�8 Gfoley4 Gfoley
[17:38] <fuzheado> Either hooks supported explicitly by WP, or encourage JS extensions to do this
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[17:39] <jorm> i have something i'm working on about "I just edited [[article]]"
[17:39] <Nascar1996> Is IE9 better than Chrome10?
[17:39] <fuzheado> jorm: excellent!
�15[17:39] * ty (~ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: Wikipedia is legion)
[17:39] <fuzheado> I think it's a no brainer at this point, even though traditionally WP'ians don't like that
�03[17:39] * ty (~ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:39] <FoeNyx> Nascar1996> it's chrome12 nowadays
[17:39] <fuzheado> but I think WikiLove broke through that barrier somewhat
�08[17:39] <Santorum> Nascar1996, both use different engines :) Altough i tend to migrate to Chrome, it's more advanced.
[17:40] <tyw7> Nascar1996: I think yes but up to you
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[17:40] <fuzheado> 2) Embrace the GLAM upsurge to bring more female editors into the fold (ala @HstryQT and @Sarah_Stierch) Volunteerism is well-known and mature in the museum sector, WP can benefit from that cooperation
�06[17:41] * Nascar1996 guesses he has the most recent Chrome.
�15[17:41] * PiRSquared17|afk (~PiRSquare@wikipedia/PiRSquared17) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-stewards #freenode Quit (Quit: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit)
�08[17:41] <Santorum> Nascar1996, chrome auto-updates
�06[17:42] * Nascar1996 had to uninstall and reinstall earlier.
�15[17:42] * hf25 (47af35ef@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[17:42] <fuzheado> 3) Develop and encourage the "journalism" mission Wikimedia can do, such as through Achal's Oral Citations project. Go beyond Wikinews as an AP/Reuters competitor and have feature stories like you find in National Geographic. If we're at 3.8 million articles of low hanging fruit, let's go after the higher hanging fruit with projects that engage in original content, such as reporting and feature stories with video, audio or 
�03[17:42] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:42] <fuzheado> Ironholds: so those are my three
[17:43] <WilliamH_UK> evening
[17:43] <RexxS> hi Will
[17:43] <Ironholds> fuzheado: I disagree on point 2
[17:43] <fuzheado> So kick museum folks out? :-P
[17:44] <Ironholds> no, but I don't think it'll solve the gender-gap. It ignores the fundamental reason why we have a gender-gap
[17:44] <WilliamH_UK> ahoy RexxS
[17:44] <Ironholds> joining the editing community, at the moment, is like running across a live firing range
[17:44] <fuzheado> yep, and the sooner we change that the better
[17:44] <Ironholds> you're saying we should throw more bodies in so more get across. perhaps, instead, we should look at not shooting them :P
�15[17:44] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:45] <fuzheado> well more social mixing to change the culture… but i agree it's not easy
[17:45] <Ironholds> yes and no
[17:45] <fuzheado> what if you did a profile of the 1800 folks who participated in the straw poll to do #WikipediaBlackout
[17:45] <fuzheado> what would those ppl look like?
[17:45] <Ironholds> you're making the assumption that outsiders would come into the community and alter the culture. What if the culture changed the outsiders?
[17:45] <fuzheado> 90/10 male? 95/5 male?
[17:45] <Ironholds> we've seen it before, in small-scale situations; people come into wikipedia and they turn into assholes, because they're taught they should behave like that.
[17:46] <Ironholds> and because the ones not willing to behave like assholes, who actually have empathy and suchlike, simply leave.
[17:46] <RexxS> it's not just wikipedia
[17:46] <RexxS> usenet was exactly the same
[17:46] <RexxS> and BB before that
[17:46] <Ironholds> RexxS: on a grander scheme it's down to choice architecture; the internet removes some elements of our cultural frames
[17:46] <RexxS> online anonymity
[17:46] <Ironholds> but that's a bigger issue
[17:46] <fuzheado> Ironholds: I find GLAM is the best chance of having the culture change. it's by no means guaranteed. wiki loves monuments and other engagements are a good thing. but this doesn't solve major things like editing is a bitch
�15[17:46] * juancarlos (~Killer@wikimedia/Killiondude) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:47] <Ironholds> fuzheado: no, editors *are* bitches. Editing being a bitch is secondary ;p
[17:47] <RexxS> so the answer is meet more folks in real life
[17:47] <fuzheado> Ironholds: heh
[17:47] <Ironholds> fuzheado: I am happy to debate the priorities with you at wikimania ;p
�03[17:47] * koishi ( from United States also in #tasvideos has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:47] <fuzheado> i think you're just happy to debate :)
[17:47] <Ironholds> (presumably over a coffee or something, although it'd presumably be an interesting panel)
[17:47] <fuzheado> but I think you and i are in more agreement than not
[17:47] <fuzheado> I'm optimistic because I have to be
[17:47] <Ironholds> oh, agreed. We both think stuff needs changing, and we both think we need more editors
�03[17:47] * juancarlos (~Killer@wikimedia/Killiondude) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:47] <Ironholds> that alone puts us in a minority. How depressing.
[17:48] <fuzheado> i was pessimisted in 2007-2009, when most folks were still whistling by the graveyard
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[17:48] <fuzheado> pessimistic that is
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[17:48] <Ironholds> fuzheado: understandable. I'm now getting to actually ENACT some change, which is hella-cool
[17:48] <The_Thing> WellWell
�06[17:48] * Ironholds loves working for the WMF
�08[17:48] * Santorum huggles The_Thing tightly.
[17:48] <fuzheado> Now that folks have woken up, I'm less interested in lamenting and more encouraged by some recent trends. GLAM is one of them.
[17:48] <Ironholds> people seem to be getting the message of "adapt or die" now, which they weren't a coupla years ago.
[17:48] <The_Thing> It appears the blackout was just as effective as I thought it would be:
[17:49] <Ironholds> The_Thing: Bite me.
[17:49] <The_Thing> The feds just flipped the bird.
[17:49] <harej> Definitely, Ironholds. As Jimbo pointed out at Wikimania, Wikipedia is "maturing". Which is not a death sentence but could translate into one without some action.
[17:49] <Ironholds> harej: he stole half my presentation ;p
[17:49] <Ironholds> I was sitting there going "hmb, it's difficult to edit, we're dealing with a different culture of potential editors and we're growing apart socially. Where have I heard that before..."
[17:50] <fuzheado> Ironholds: agree. I was not super popular in 2007 at Wikimania when I said something is seriously wrong here with the adminship woes and editing indicators. At least now everyone recognizes there is a major problem
[17:50] <Ironholds> harej: ta for your email, btw. I will submit my application this evening, along with one of the presentations
[17:50] <harej> Kick ass.
[17:50] <fuzheado> hi harej !
[17:50] <harej> hi fuzheado! I PMed you!
[17:50] <Ironholds> fuzheado: I'm not saying we're going to succeed, and I'm not saying we're going to fail
[17:50] <Ironholds> but genuinely, I think this is probably the most interesting time to be involved in the movement
[17:51] <fuzheado> Ironholds, when did you start being a 'pedian?
[17:52] <Ironholds> fuzheado: I think 05-ish
[17:52] <Ironholds> but I didn't get involved in meta issues until '10, actually, when Philippe ambushed me after a panel I accidentally did
[17:52] <Ironholds> (that was also my first wikimania)
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[17:58] <Aranda56> first massive article expansion in a while.....
[17:58] <Aranda56> copyedit away :P
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�08[17:59] Clones detected from unaffiliated/balrog:�8 balrog_phone balrog_phone_
[18:00] <juancarlos> I thought you were only up when the sun went down?
[18:00] <BarkingFish> juancarlos: fail. The sun IS down here :)
[18:00] <juancarlos> Not where Aranda56 is ;)
[18:00] <juancarlos> At least, maybe it just did.
[18:01] <Aranda56> juancarlos I been editing from work, and i took a few days off because of bad health
�15[18:03] * balrog_phone (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
�15[18:04] * Zuzak (~herpes@wikimedia/Microchip08) from #wikipedia-en #wikinews #Reddit #mediawiki #freenode Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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�06[18:04] * Aranda56 didnt do nightclub work this year so far
�15[18:05] * fuzheado ( from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia #wikimania Quit (Quit: fuzheado)
�06[18:06] * Aranda56 is going to focus on article writing instead, at least until my health gets better today is actually the best day i have felt in over a week
�03[18:06] * MasterofPuppets (~MasterofP@Wikipedia/Master-of-Puppets) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:06] <juancarlos> A MOP
�15[18:06] * MasterofPuppets (~MasterofP@Wikipedia/Master-of-Puppets) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
�15[18:06] * pticochon ( (Spain) from #wikipedia-fr #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[18:06] <juancarlos> bye mop
[18:06] <PeterSymonds> Now look what you've done.
�15[18:07] * ty (~ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: Wikipedia is legion)
[18:07] <juancarlos> :'(
�03[18:07] * MasterofPuppets (~MasterofP@Wikipedia/Master-of-Puppets) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:07] <Aranda56> ok your tears worked ;p
[18:07] <MasterofPuppets> Whoops, I broke IRC.
[18:08] <PeterSymonds> freenode will send you a bill.
[18:09] <MasterofPuppets> Oh, man. So they took down Megaupload.
[18:09] <Tyler> R.I.P MegaUpload 2005 - 2012
[18:09] <MasterofPuppets> In response, Anonymous took down every government site.
�03[18:09] * Tyler is now known as Brandan
[18:10] <Brandan> is still working
[18:10] <Brandan> =P
[18:10] <MasterofPuppets> RIAA, DoJ, MPAA and Universal are all DDOS'd.
[18:10] <Aranda56> MasterofPuppets really? every government site?
[18:10] <MasterofPuppets> Aranda56: The relevant ones.
[18:10] <tegra> no only some..
[18:10] <Brandan> works
[18:11] <Aranda56> I actually never heard of megaupload (or I don't remember) until today
[18:11] <Brandan> also works.
[18:11] <BarkingFish> back late
[18:11] <BarkingFish> *r
�15[18:11] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) from #wikipedia-fr #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #ubuntu #mediawiki #freenode #defocus Quit (Quit: Whatever doesn't kill you, will probably have another go later. (Xchat 2.8.8))
[18:11] <Aranda56> I was more used to Limewire Frostwire (fill in the blank wire)
[18:14] <Aranda56> FBI i doubt will ever get hacked
[18:14] <Aranda56> but RIAA justice department and so forth yea not as much security
[18:14] <Snowolf> Aranda56: cia's homepage got hacked in the past iirc
�03[18:16] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:17] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-commons Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[18:17] <FoeNyx> Snowolf> that's just an homepage
[18:17] <FoeNyx> Snowolf>
�15[18:17] * Lubaf ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912])
[18:18] <Snowolf> FoeNyx: I am aware
[18:18] <juancarlos> I enjoyed that one.
[18:18] <Snowolf> that's why I specifiied homepage
[18:18] <FoeNyx> Snowolf> ok, sorry
�15[18:19] * Barras (~Barras@wikimedia/barras) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia #freenode Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
�15[18:20] * tobiasr33per ( from #wikipedia-en #ubuntu #mediawiki Quit (Quit: Leaving)
�03[18:22] * Jeske|Away is now known as Jeske_Merensky
�03[18:23] * crazynas (~IceChat77@wikipedia/crazynas) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:23] <The359> Taking down the public webpages of government agencies is like putting a flaming pile of shit on the front porch of the guy who stole your girlfriend.  He still wins.
�06[18:24] * crazynas waves
[18:25] <FoeNyx> The359> well you don't know my ex gf ;)
�15[18:25] * bribroder (~bribroder@unaffiliated/bribroder) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:26] <tommorris> since when did Anonymous do things that are sensible and reasonable rather than anarchic and vengeful?
[18:26] <MasterofPuppets> Well, they're not really a coherent group...
�15[18:27] * SarekOfVulcan (d8c385bd@wikimedia/SarekOfVulcan) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[18:27] <juancarlos> Just lots of internet users with free time and angst
[18:27] <harej> tommorris: I take it you've seen my tweets on the subject.
[18:27] <juancarlos> (or are those Wikipedians?)
[18:27] <tommorris> harej: no, I've been distracted by crazy people on OTRS
[18:27] <harej> Aranda56: the FBI is a part of the DOJ :)
�15[18:27] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
�15[18:27] * zscout370 (~Kagami@wikipedia/Zscout370) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-commons Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[18:28] <BlastHardcheese> I'm not sure I'd call sensible handing people all the ammunition they need to argue for more laws to protect us from the "out-of-control criminal hackers."
[18:28] <TParis> Well I'm part of the CIA (see my most recent talk page archive)
[18:28] <Brandan> Attention: OpMegaupload have shutdown
[18:28] <BlastHardcheese> zomg sekrit cabal conspiracy
[18:29] <Brandan> and are now going after and
[18:29] <harej> BlastHardcheese: I think what tommorris meant was "they never do anything sensible or reasonable"
[18:29] <harej> i.e., this is business as usual for them
[18:29] <TParis> Brandan: Is this over SOPA?
[18:29] <Brandan> No Medaupload R.I.P
[18:29] <juancarlos> is up for me.
[18:29] <TParis> Is that the file-sharing website?
[18:29] <harej> It is directly over MediaUpload being shut down, but some people are tying that event to SOPA and PIPA *somehow*.
�15[18:29] * balrog_phone (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Bye)
[18:30] <harej> MegaUpload*
[18:30] <TParis> isnt working for me
[18:30] <juancarlos> It's just slow.
[18:30] <TParis> Nevermind, is working now
�15[18:30] * Mitchazenia ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
�15[18:31] * PhancyPhysicist ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[18:32] <Jeske_Merensky> What's trending on Twitter?
�03[18:34] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) also in #wikipedia #ubuntu #mediawiki #freenode #defocus has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:35] <juancarlos> "department of justice" isn't even trending in the US O_O
[18:35] <juancarlos> I wonder how many americans are oblivious about it all while elsewhere everyone knows.
�15[18:36] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
�03[18:36] * Lubaf ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
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�15[18:36] * Ironholds (~f@wikipedia/Ironholds) from #wikipedia-en Quit Quit
[18:36] <BarkingFish> juancarlos: I'd imagine most americans are oblivious to it. Most are oblivious to a lot of shit unless it involves another country :P
[18:37] <juancarlos> I like looking at what's trending in the US versus what's trending worldwide.
[18:37] <harej> juancarlos: megaupload is trending in DC
[18:37] <juancarlos> It's interesting.
[18:38] <juancarlos> it's trending nationally, too
[18:38] <juancarlos> and in Sacramento.
�03[18:40] * JeffAndroIrcAFK (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:40] Clones detected from wikipedia/Jeff-G.:�8 JeffG|PidginAuto JeffAndroIrcAFK
�03[18:40] * LtNOWIS ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:41] <FoeNyx> I'm listening to a funny speach of a representative of megaupload testifying in front of french senate in public hearing about 3 our strikes law some days ago : roughly translated chosen gold nuggets "Megaupload is a totally legal website (...) never prosecuted anywhere in the world (...) Sharing in the essence of internet (...) taking down a website is not a solution"
[18:43] <juancarlos> heh.
�03[18:44] * Steven_Zhang (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:45] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:45] <JeffAndroIrcAFK> I have seen many copyrighted files on Megaupload.
[18:45] <LtNOWIS> Huh. I didn't realize the French still use the fasces as a symbol.
[18:45] <LtNOWIS>
�03[18:45] * JeffAndroIrcAFK is now known as Jeff_G
�03[18:46] * ty (~ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:47] <LtNOWIS> It's a pretty big symbol for US Army Military Police.
[18:47] <Nascar1996> Hi ty
[18:47] <ty> Hi Nascar :)
�15[18:48] * tegra (~tegra@gateway/tor-sasl/tegra) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:48] <Nascar1996> :-)
[18:48] <Nascar1996> The U.S. is ready for Iran. :/
[18:49] <ty> o.O
[18:49] <Nascar1996> Yea... ...
�06[18:50] * Aranda56 again never been in Megaupload
�03[18:50] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:50] <Aranda56> I don't even have an Ipod or an Iphone so ;p
�15[18:50] * mabdul|busy (~mabdul@wikipedia/mabdul) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-commons Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.3 Equilibrium
�03[18:50] * Ktr101 (183cd9f9@wikipedia/Ktr101) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:50] <Addihockey10> Aranda56: I do.
�06[18:50] * Nascar1996 has the Apple iPod and the Apple iPhone 4S
[18:50] <Addihockey10> Nascar1996: That's concerning.
[18:50] <Aranda56> i have blackberries
�15[18:51] * Kozuch ( (Czech Republic) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikinews #mediawiki Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[18:51] <Addihockey10> eww
[18:51] <Nascar1996> No it isn't. iPhones are best!
[18:51] <Addihockey10> Android >3
[18:51] <Addihockey10> Uhh..
[18:51] <Nascar1996> Apple <3
�03[18:51] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:51] <Addihockey10> <3
[18:51] <PeterSymonds> Enough geek chat.
[18:51] <juancarlos> what about greek chat?
[18:51] <Nascar1996> Haha, you even hate Androids. Stop acting like you don't. ;p;
[18:51] <Addihockey10> PeterSymonds: If you know what IRC is, you're a geek pretty much.
[18:51] <PeterSymonds> That will be fine.
[18:52] <Addihockey10> you're pretty much a geek*
[18:52] <PeterSymonds> Ah.
[18:52] <juancarlos> YOU'RE PRETTY MUCH A GREEK*
[18:52] <Nascar1996> Addihockey10: Apple is best!
[18:52] <tjf> jorm, you wouldn't happyn to know much about MobileFrontend, would you?
[18:52] <Addihockey10> Nascar1996: How so?
[18:52] <hf25> {{citation needed|date=My birthday}}
[18:52] <jorm> i don't do any coding for it.
[18:52] <tjf> aw
[18:53] <Nascar1996> Easier to manage with Itunes. Better applications than Android. iPhone 4S has a better camera, etc.
[18:53] <Steven_Zhang> hello
[18:53] <Steven_Zhang> :)
[18:53] <Nascar1996> I've tried other stuff, I like the iPhone more than anything else I have had.
[18:53] <tjf> Nascar1996, you can't compare a single phone to a bunch of phones
[18:53] <PeterSymonds> How did your Skype chat go?
[18:53] <Nascar1996> Who says tjf.
[18:53] <Steven_Zhang> oh, good :)
[18:54] <jorm> what do you need?
[18:54] <Nascar1996> Nothing compares to the iPod.
[18:54] <tjf> Nascar1996, "This piece of chicken is better than EVERY OTHER FUCKING PIECE OF CHICKEN OUT THERE"
[18:54] <Steven_Zhang> the iPhone?
[18:54] <Steven_Zhang> :P
[18:54] <tjf> android = operating system
[18:54] <tjf> iPhone = single phone
[18:54] <jorm> iOS is the operating system.
[18:54] <tjf> also: my camera has a better camera than your phone.
[18:54] <FoeNyx> tjf> it was a really fucking good piece of chicken you known
[18:55] <tjf> 20x zoom, 16mp
�03[18:55] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:55] <Nascar1996> Okay, the Galaxy:  iPhone is better.
[18:55] <tjf> galaxy?
[18:55] <tjf> nexus?
[18:55] <Nascar1996> Yes?
[18:55] <FoeNyx> the best phone is yet to come
[18:56] <juancarlos>
[18:56] <Nascar1996> ^ Of course. Everything is evolving and changing for the better. (supposedly.)
�08[18:57] * Santorum hugs Steven_Zhang
�15[18:58] * Sir48 (~Sir48@ (Denmark) from #wikipedia-fr #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
�15[18:58] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) from #wikipedia-en ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
�06[19:00] * Nascar1996 is stirring up the pot at #android . lol
[19:01] <PeterSymonds> You flirt.
[19:01] <Nascar1996> :O
�06[19:01] * Nascar1996 slaps PeterSymonds...
[19:01] <juancarlos> I lol'd.
[19:02] <juancarlos> Also, seeing it very plainly that someone was born in 1996 and is using irc makes me feel old.
[19:02] <tjf> you probably shouldn't troll, Nascar1996.
[19:02] <tjf> juancarlos, :<
[19:02] <tjf> i know someone who was born in 1999 that uses irc
[19:03] <Nascar1996> tjf: I only posted once, then left. :P
�15[19:03] * Jayflux ( (Great Britain) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
�15[19:03] * NaBUru38 ( (Uruguay) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[19:03] <jorm> even on days that i specifically said "i'm not working", i end up working.  wtf.
[19:04] <MasterofPuppets> Whoa, jorm's still around.
�15[19:04] * Steven_Zhang (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[19:04] <tjf> jorm, 1. rm -rf ./*
[19:04] <tjf> Problem (maybe) solved
�15[19:05] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia Quit (Quit: Leaving)
�06[19:06] * Jeske_Merensky is contemplating another RfA run
�03[19:07] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[19:08] * tommorris prepares the knives - I mean, questions
[19:08] <hf25> Fakdjsffsdfsdfsf, sdfjsdfjdghm. Jdfjfg, jsfn sfhd fgfsdkf sfhfjs sdfhsdf sdfhsfsdjsdf sfjsdfnsdhdhszjvdshfhbdsv d!jkdsfjhskdfsd,sdfs s.sdfhbdsf sdfm, sdjf,  sdf.sfs. ksdjfhsdfjksflsd.zfdnlsfdghfdlkgh
[19:08] <Aranda56> Jeske_Merensky I don't think it's a good idea unfortunately, at least until RFA gets reformed somewhat with what do to with "controversial candidates"
[19:08] <hf25> bad cat
[19:08] <hf25> BAD CAT
[19:09] <Jeske_Merensky> Aranda56)That will take years.
�03[19:09] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has left #wikipedia-en ("I've had enough")
[19:09] <WilliamH_UK> the current candidate will be the first of 2012?
�03[19:09] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:09] <hf25> I guess
[19:09] <hf25> :o
[19:10] <tjf> hf25, surely your cat doesn't know punctuation!
[19:10] <hf25> idk
[19:10] <Aranda56> Jeske anybody considered "controversial"  basically failed RFA in the past few months, me Steven_Zhang, Sven, so forth
[19:10] <hf25> he likes banging the keyboard
[19:10] <tjf> ...wat
[19:10] <tjf> hf25, maybe you should get him fixed...
[19:10] <hf25> *on the
[19:11] <tjf> that's not any better
�06[19:11] * tjf gives Netalarm an Abortion
[19:11] <Aranda56> Jeske_Merensky you think you addressed the concerns of your previous RFA anyways?
[19:12] <hf25> Don't forget My76Strat
[19:12] <hf25> Everyone thought they swallowed the dictionary :/
�15[19:12] * Cyde (~Cyde@wikipedia/Cyde) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[19:12] <Jeske_Merensky> Aranda56) You mean the one single issue everyone latched onto that tanked the last RfA?
[19:12] <Aranda56> yea
[19:12] <Jeske_Merensky> Or, rather, one single event?
[19:13] <Nascar1996> I need to stay off of IRC more...
[19:13] <Jeske_Merensky> Hasn't been another like it since. Last time I blew my top was on the RfA Reform page, in November
[19:13] <Jeske_Merensky> And even then it was because I was still livid at how much they focused on that one incident.
�03[19:15] * CRRaysHead90 (~CR90@unaffiliated/crrayshead90) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:16] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:17] * balrog_phone_ (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[19:17] Clones detected from unaffiliated/balrog:�8 balrog_phone balrog_phone_
�06[19:17] * Nascar1996 will never try for adminship.
�15[19:17] * crazynas (~IceChat77@wikipedia/crazynas) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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�03[19:20] * balrog_phone_ is now known as balrog_phone
�03[19:20] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has left #wikipedia-en ("/part")
�15[19:20] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912])
�15[19:21] * StevenW (~swalling@wikimedia/steven-walling) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia Quit Quit
�03[19:22] * MoPac (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�15[19:23] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Bye everyone)
�15[19:24] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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�15[19:27] * foomandoonian ( (Great Britain) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-commons #defocus Quit (Quit: foomandoonian)
[19:28] <Nascar1996> Why is it that each time I try to connect here the first time it sends me to #wikimedia-overflow, but when I try to join 1 second later I can join?
�03[19:28] * ChanServ sets mode: +o juancarlos
�03[19:28] * juancarlos sets mode: -r
�03[19:28] * ChanServ sets mode: -o juancarlos
[19:29] <juancarlos> You weren't identified.
�03[19:29] * OlEnglish ( from Canada also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:29] * OlEnglish ( (Canada) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia Quit (Changing host)
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�06[19:29] * OlEnglish slaps harej around a bit with a large trout
[19:29] <harej> meow
[19:29] <Nascar1996> Okay. Thanks juancarlos.
[19:29] <juancarlos> You're welcome.
�03[19:29] * Transformer ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:29] <OlEnglish> oops sorry harej you got picked at random
[19:30] <OlEnglish> accidental keypress too lol
[19:30] <juancarlos> intelligent keypress
[19:30] <Nascar1996> OlEnglish : Payback is harsh.
�03[19:32] * Transformer ( from United States also in #wikipedia has left #wikipedia-en
�03[19:32] * AnonDiss_ (~AnonDiss@wikimedia/Anonymous-Dissident) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:34] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: ])
[19:34] <LtNOWIS> One of my colleagues today asked me how much advertising revenue Wikipedia lost by closing down for a day.
[19:34] <Jeske_Merensky> Did you tell him WP doesn't run ads?
[19:34] <LtNOWIS> I did.
[19:35] <OlEnglish> i think our rate of donations actually increased
[19:35] <tommorris> well, you have to balance that with the emails we got saying "I'm never giving to you ever again!"
[19:35] <tommorris> but we did have LOTS of emails saying people were giving money
�15[19:36] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-commons Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[19:36] <OlEnglish> mmhmm
�15[19:36] * balrog_phone (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Bye)
�03[19:36] * Nascar1996 is now known as N1996|disappoint
[19:36] <N1996|disappoint> :-(
�03[19:38] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:40] * zscout370 (~Kagami@ from United States also in #wikimedia-commons has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[19:42] * Ks0stm is now known as Ks0stm|Away
�15[19:43] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
[19:45] <Fluttershy-ENG> tommorris, you can't please everybody.
�15[19:45] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
�03[19:46] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:48] <N1996|disappoint> ?
[19:48] <hf25> ?
[19:49] <N1996|disappoint> What?
[19:49] <Snowolf> tommorris: that's good, less people = less traffic = less costs; more people donating = more income; more income + less cost = proooophit!
[19:49] <Snowolf> *propheet
�15[19:49] * mikemoral (47a55c6c@wikimedia/mikemoral) from #wikipedia-en #wikinews Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[19:49] <N1996|disappoint> ^ Oh.
�15[19:49] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
�03[19:50] * Thayora ( from Spain has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:50] <LtNOWIS> It'd be great if more rich people gave lots of money.
[19:50] <LtNOWIS> Like, a rich guy in D.C. just gave millions of dollars for the repair of the Washington Monument.
�15[19:51] * MasterofPuppets (~MasterofP@Wikipedia/Master-of-Puppets) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 8.0.1/20111120135848])
�03[19:51] * Moe_Epsilon (~David@wikipedia/Moe-Epsilon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:51] <N1996|disappoint> LtNOWIS: That would be great, but most rich people are selfish, and only care about themselves.
[19:52] <LtNOWIS> I'm sure the guys at Carnegie Hall would disagree
�03[19:53] * Nailo ( from Great Britain also in #wikipedia #Reddit has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:53] <N1996|disappoint> : /
�15[19:54] * juancarlos (~Killer@wikimedia/Killiondude) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912])
[19:55] <QueenOfFrance> or Mr. Buffett, or Mr. Gates, or Carnegie, or Rockfeller, etc.
[19:55] <The_Thing> lol
[19:55] <The_Thing> One day, Half of the internet goes dark
[19:55] <The_Thing> The next day, the other half of the internet goes dark
[19:55] <QueenOfFrance> ?
[19:55] <The_Thing>
[19:55] <QueenOfFrance> In both cases, only a handful of sites were affected
[19:56] <The_Thing> Well, yeah, it's an exaggeration
�15[19:56] * AnonDiss_ (~AnonDiss@wikimedia/Anonymous-Dissident) from #wikipedia-en #freenode Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[19:56] <QueenOfFrance> Wikipedia & Reddit were the only major sites to go down pretty much
[19:57] <The_Thing> Better put, a bunch of sites on one side of the debate went dark voluntarily... then the next day, a bunch of sites on the other side of the debate went down... whether they wanted to or not.
[19:57] <The_Thing> Cheezeburger went "dark". 4chan "censored" all text that people posted. Wired went dark.
[19:57] <Nailo> did anon do a good thing in todays attack though? wont it strengthen sopa support ?
[19:57] <bep> ಠ-ಠ
[19:57] <The_Thing> The Internet Archive went dark
�03[19:58] * AnonDiss_ ( from Australia has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:58] * AnonDiss_ ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en #freenode Quit (Changing host)
�03[19:58] * AnonDiss_ (~AnonDiss@wikimedia/Anonymous-Dissident) also in #freenode has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:58] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) from #wikipedia-fr #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #ubuntu #mediawiki #freenode #defocus Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[19:58] <QueenOfFrance> The_Thing: internet archive's 220th, reddit's 110
[19:58] <The_Thing> God knows if it will help... one thing is certain, Anonymous is pissed that the feds took down Megaupload a day after a large portion of the internet protested these bills.
[19:59] <QueenOfFrance> 4chan is 1024th
[19:59] <QueenOfFrance> Hardly major
[19:59] <Nailo> i understand there viewpoint but i worry about the consequence...
[19:59] <The_Thing> If these bills were to actually pass, I wouldn't put it past them to try to permanently bring down teh sites of every major entertainment industry site... they probably won't succeed, but they will certainly try
[19:59] <QueenOfFrance> The_Thing: that will surely further the cause... Not.
[19:59] <The_Thing> indeed
�03[20:00] * Jonadin ( from United States also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:00] <The_Thing> But, if they wanted to, they could potentially cripple these big organizations
[20:00] <QueenOfFrance> The_Thing: somewhat, yes
[20:00] <The_Thing> If their admins aren't smart with their security, anonymous could bring them to their knees, just like they did with ACS:Law
[20:00] <Nailo> true...
[20:01] <QueenOfFrance> The_Thing: they'll come back after, it's the same old same old
[20:01] <QueenOfFrance> Quite a pointless exercise if you ask me.
[20:01] <The_Thing> ACS:Law never recovered, bro.
[20:01] <The_Thing> They were destroyed
[20:01] <QueenOfFrance> What the hell's acs:law
[20:01] <The_Thing> By an email leak
[20:01] <QueenOfFrance> oh like arbcom? :P
[20:01] <The_Thing> Copyright trolls in the UK
[20:02] <Nailo> some background on acs?
[20:02] <QueenOfFrance> acs was uk anyway
[20:02] <The_Thing>
[20:02] <Nailo> thank-you
[20:02] <Thehelpfulone> Nailo: lawyers that send out letters scaring pensioners saying "you've been pirating, pay up or face court and more charges"
[20:03] <The_Thing>
�03[20:03] * pir^2 (~PiRSquare@wikipedia/PiRSquared17) also in #wikimedia-stewards has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:03] <pir^2> I want 2 kill R.S@enwiki matches badword \b(?:decapitate|murder|kill|entrails?)\b:
[20:03] <pir^2> libel
[20:03] <pir^2> ?
�03[20:03] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:04] <The_Thing> On 21 September 2010, the website of ACS:Law was subjected to a DDoS attack as part of Operation Payback. When asked about the attacks, Andrew Crossley, owner of ACS:Law, said: "It was only down for a few hours. I have far more concern over the fact of my train turning up 10 minutes late or having to queue for a coffee than them wasting my time with this sort of rubbish."
[20:04] <Nailo> Thehelpfulone & The_Thing thanks
[20:04] <The_Thing> When the site came back online, a 350MB file which was a backup of the site was visible to anyone for a short period of time.[12] The backup, which included copies of emails sent by the firm, was downloaded and made available onto various peer-to-peer networks and websites including The Pirate Bay.[12][13][14]
[20:05] <pir^2> I want 2 kill Reyce sinden@enwiki matches badword \b(?:decapitate|murder|kill|entrails?)\b:
[20:05] <The_Thing> LOL
[20:05] <The_Thing> Uh, yeah, those need to be blocked immediately
�15[20:05] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
[20:05] <pir^2> can I use !_adm_in?
[20:05] <The_Thing> Thehelpfulone, mind doing the honors, so I don't have ti ping every admin? :P
[20:06] <The_Thing> Is that on teh english WIkipedia?
[20:06] <pir^2> The_Thing: it says @enwiki
[20:06] <pir^2> ...
[20:06] <The_Thing> If those were created as global accounts, it might be better to take them to #wikimedia-stewards to have them locked and hidden
[20:06] <tjf> The_Thing, still not editing?
[20:06] <pir^2> they are by default
[20:06] <pir^2> join to ask there
[20:07] <The_Thing> They're created as global accounts by default?
�03[20:07] * sonia (895cb1dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:07] * sonia (895cb1dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[20:07] * sonia (895cb1dd@wikipedia/sonia) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:07] <The_Thing> Well, considering that those accounts may be outing someone, it might be best to have them lockhidden
[20:07] <pir^2> Asked.
[20:08] <Fluttershy-ENG> holy shit, the internet is on fire.
[20:08] <tjf> The_Thing, also, you might want to know that there's a game in Ubuntu's software center called "Pingus"
[20:08] <tjf> Not "Pingas"
[20:08] <tjf> but close enough
[20:08] <The_Thing> lulz
[20:08] <The_Thing> Fluttershy-ENG: Megaupload outrage I presume?
[20:08] <The_Thing> Anon is attacking tons of site
[20:08] <The_Thing> s
[20:09] <Fluttershy-ENG> funny as hell.
[20:09] <The_Thing> In retaliation for the feds takign down megaupload
[20:09] <The_Thing> Their timing was an epic fail
[20:09] <Nailo> down still?
[20:10] <Fluttershy-ENG> Justice Department tweeted about the incident.
[20:10] <Fluttershy-ENG> I am so tempted to give them a "fuck you" in reply.
�03[20:10] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:10] <Nailo> what have they enlightened twitter with?
�03[20:10] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en
[20:10] <Fluttershy-ENG> "The department is working to ensure the website is available while we investigate the origins of this activity..."
�03[20:10] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:11] <Fluttershy-ENG> ..which is being treated as a malicious act until we can fully identify the root cause of the disruption.
[20:11] <The_Thing> investigate the origins
[20:11] <The_Thing> That will be a hell of a prospect
[20:11] <Nailo> Have fun with that indeed
[20:11] <The_Thing> Considering the "origin" is only... what, the entire planet?
�15[20:11] * frakir (~nemesis@unaffiliated/frakir) from #wikipedia-fr #wikipedia-en Quit Quit
[20:11] <pir^2>
[20:12] <The_Thing> I'd imagine large swathes of Anon are pissed... they're stirring the hornet's nest
[20:12] <The_Thing> lmfao
[20:13] <Nailo> haha!
�03[20:13] * Nailo is now known as Nailo|afk
[20:14] <Fluttershy-ENG> also if you want Megaupload so much, go to
�03[20:14] * lucasoutloud ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:15] <The_Thing> lol, they didn't seize the servers!?
[20:15] <The_Thing> failmuch?
[20:15] <lucasoutloud> Oh, are we talking Mega Upload?
�15[20:15] * Chappie-san ( (Finland) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia #ubuntu Quit Quit
[20:15] <Fluttershy-ENG> yes.
[20:15] <The_Thing> Ah, lol, they created a new one
[20:15] <lucasoutloud> Yeah.
[20:15] <lucasoutloud>
�03[20:15] * Alpha_Quadrant (~opera@wikipedia/Alpha-Quadrant) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:15] <lucasoutloud> But everyone is trying to access it at the same time
[20:16] <The_Thing> xD
�15[20:16] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia #wikimania Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
[20:16] <The_Thing> Of course they are...
�06[20:16] * lucasoutloud tips his hat to 4chan
[20:16] <The_Thing> Free publicity
[20:16] <Joan> Web sites only allow one user at a time.
[20:16] <pir^2> How many tubes do I need to buy to make an internet?
[20:16] <The_Thing> 9001
[20:16] <pir^2> OVER 9000?!
�06[20:17] * N1996|disappoint hurts himself. 
�03[20:17] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:17] <lucasoutloud> N1996|disappoint: Why so disappoint?
�06[20:18] * N1996|disappoint makes too many mistakes.
[20:18] <pir^2>;_ylt=AmY5pOJOgerDiZk6nbm_LvojzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080822164635AA4jSuc wtf
�06[20:18] * N1996|disappoint wants to die! :/
[20:18] <lucasoutloud> N1996|disappoint: Oh, we all know that feel.  What happened?
�03[20:18] * LL2|Android (~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #mediawiki ##The_Thing has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[20:18] Clones detected from wikipedia/LikeLakers2:�8 LL2|JedIRC LL2|Android
[20:19] <N1996|disappoint> Too many to even talk about...
[20:19] <lucasoutloud> N1996|disappoint: Oh, don't be all mopey.
[20:19] <lucasoutloud> It
[20:19] <lucasoutloud> It's not like you have a stalker or something.
[20:19] <lucasoutloud> Or is it?
�03[20:20] * Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
�15[20:20] * FoeNyx (~Nicolas@wikipedia/FoeNyx) from #wikipedia-fr #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia #mediawiki Quit (Quit: zzz)
[20:20] <N1996|disappoint> No..
�03[20:20] * MoPac (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) has left #wikipedia-en
[20:20] <lucasoutloud> N1996|disappoint: See, it isn't that bad!
[20:21] <Fluttershy-ENG> anyone seeing the CNN debate?
[20:21] <lucasoutloud> No, what is it over?  Republicans?
[20:21] <N1996|disappoint> It is still bad though!
[20:21] <lucasoutloud> N1996|disappoint: Well, how about you PM me and I'll see if  I can't get you out of that rut.
[20:21] <Fluttershy-ENG> it's about comparing the sizes of Jimmy Wales and Zuckerberg's willies.
[20:22] <pir^2> wtff
�15[20:22] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[20:22] <lucasoutloud> Fluffernutter: >implying Jimbo doesn't have the biggest internet willy
[20:22] <hf25> lolwut
[20:22] <N1996|disappoint> Too late now... Its in WP life and real life. It makes it even worse...
[20:23] <lucasoutloud> N1996|disappoint: Sounds like a seriously bad situation.
[20:23] <Fluffernutter> what?
�15[20:23] * sonia (895cb1dd@wikipedia/sonia) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
�06[20:23] * Fluffernutter grumbles about how Fluffernutter and Fluttershy-ENG ARE NOT THE SAME KTHXBAI
[20:23] <Fluttershy-ENG> oh no shit sherlok
[20:23] <lucasoutloud> Fluffernutter: Do you even like MLP?
[20:23] <Fluffernutter> no
[20:24] <lucasoutloud> Fluffernutter: I didn't figure.
�06[20:24] * N1996|disappoint thought Fluttershy and Fluffernutter were the same person until yesterday...
[20:24] <lucasoutloud> N1996|disappoint: That is a horrible thing to think.
[20:24] <lucasoutloud> We should put that in the topic or something.
�03[20:24] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|ping
�03[20:25] * N1996|disappoint is now known as N1996|depressed
�15[20:25] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027])
[20:25] <N1996|depressed> I know they aren't know.
[20:25] <lucasoutloud> Now?
[20:25] <pir^2> wait
[20:26] <N1996|depressed> now...
[20:26] <pir^2> Fluttershy is different from Fluffernutter?
[20:26] <N1996|depressed> :'(
[20:26] <pir^2> lol
�06[20:26] * pir^2 had no idea
[20:26] <lucasoutloud> N1996|depressed: What sort of mess could span both wikipedia and your life that has you so bent out of shape?
�06[20:26] * Snowolf headdesk
[20:26] <tjf> N1996|depressed, i have doubts that you're depressed.
[20:27] <tjf> you went from disappointed to depressed in less than 30 minutes
[20:27] <pir^2> ???
�15[20:28] * AnonDiss_ (~AnonDiss@wikimedia/Anonymous-Dissident) from #wikipedia-en #freenode Quit (Quit: Leaving)
�03[20:28] * pir^2 is now known as PiRSquared|happy
�06[20:28] * PiRSquared|happy .
�03[20:28] * SteveMobile (~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #freenode has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:28] * Fluff|ping is now known as Fluff|away
�03[20:28] * N1996|depressed is now known as N1996|dep_disap
[20:28] <N1996|dep_disap> Now its both!
�03[20:28] * Nailo|afk is now known as Nailo
�06[20:28] * N1996|dep_disap is both!
�03[20:28] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:29] * bornet ( from Spain has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:29] <lucasoutloud> N1996|dep_disap: You're  bringing us down, mang.
�15[20:29] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
[20:29] <Nailo> You know until this evening i thought irc was dead...
[20:29] <SteveMobile> Jo
�06[20:29] * N1996|dep_disap sorry. I'll leave.
�03[20:30] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:30] <PiRSquared|happy> No
[20:30] <lucasoutloud> N1996|dep_disap: Nah, I want to help you out with your problems.
[20:30] <N1996|dep_disap> ?
�06[20:30] * PiRSquared|happy thinks of ELIZA
�06[20:31] * N1996|dep_disap needs icecream...:-(
[20:31] <PiRSquared|happy> Very interesting.
[20:31] <QueenOfFrance> PiRSquared|happy: there's a very nice irssi plugin that automatically replies thru eliza to messages sent when one's away
[20:31] <PiRSquared|happy> lol
[20:31] <tjf> watching code compile makes me happy ^_^
[20:31] <PiRSquared|happy> Me too
[20:32] <tjf> as long as it's not perl
[20:32] <tjf> perl is evil
[20:32] <PiRSquared|happy> *line noise?
[20:32] <tjf> python M3
[20:32] <tjf> <3
[20:32] <PiRSquared|happy>
[20:33] <PiRSquared|happy> from __future__ import barry_as_FLUFL
[20:33] <lucasoutloud> >using perl
�03[20:33] * FAdmArcher|away is now known as FAdmArcher
[20:33] <tjf> holy.fuck
[20:34] <tjf> Australia's lifehacker is so awesome
�06[20:34] * N1996|dep_disap goes into the corner and faces the wall.
[20:34] <PiRSquared|happy> <<"This was definitely a challenging contest," said an ecstatic Edwin Fuller. "I've never written a Perl program before that didn't have hundreds of qw( $ @ % & * | ? / ! # ~ ) symbols. I really had to summon all of my programming skills to produce an unobfuscated program.">>
�03[20:34] * DeltaQuad (~stfltcmd@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-ops has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[20:34] Clones detected from wikipedia/DeltaQuad:�8 DeltaQuad FAdmArcher
[20:35] <tommorris> PiRSquared|happy: he should see Scala libraries
[20:35] <tommorris> ">>|" is a valid function name in Scala
�06[20:35] * N1996|dep_disap found ice cream BTW.
[20:35] <tommorris> if you use JRuby, you can create functions and methods (same thing, under the hood) that use Unicode characters
[20:36] <tommorris> or even be nothing but Unicode characters
[20:36] <tommorris> def λ; proc yield; end
�03[20:37] * AnonDiss_ ( from Australia has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:37] <tommorris> of course, then there's APL
�15[20:37] * AnonDiss_ ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en #freenode Quit (Changing host)
�03[20:37] * AnonDiss_ (~AnonDiss@wikimedia/Anonymous-Dissident) also in #freenode has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:37] * Ironholds (~f@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:37] <log>
[20:37] <tommorris> to code APL, you need one of these -
[20:37] <PiRSquared|happy> and J
�06[20:38] * tommorris is no fan of J
�03[20:38] * Lara (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jennavecia) also in ##dgaf has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:38] * heatherw_ (~hwalls@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #mediawiki Quit (Quit: heatherw_)
[20:38] <tommorris> the point of APL is the whacky characters give you super-duper short programs
[20:38] <log> Hey Ironholds.
[20:39] <PiRSquared|happy> ...
[20:39] <tommorris> sadly, the only viable APL compiler is a commercial Windows only one
�06[20:39] * PiRSquared|happy wants to see a quine in apl
�03[20:39] * heatherw_ (~hwalls@ from United States also in #wikipedia #mediawiki has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:39] <N1996|dep_disap> ...
[20:39] <tommorris> oh, wait, not Windows only, but commercial anyway
[20:40] <PiRSquared|happy> "..."
�15[20:40] * CKtravel_ ( (Slovakia) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[20:40] <lucasoutloud> Why isn't everyone part of the Linux/BSD master race by now?
[20:40] <N1996|dep_disap> ?
[20:40] <Ironholds> hey log!
�06[20:40] * Ironholds buttsnuggles Lara and showers her with unfunny shit
[20:41] <Lara> :|
[20:41] <Lara> Not two chans of this!
�15[20:41] * heatherw_ (~hwalls@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #mediawiki Quit (Client Quit)
�06[20:42] * Ironholds buttsnuggles Lara and showers her with unfunny shit
[20:42] <Lara> So how many editors kept to their promise to retire if Wikipedia went black for a day?
[20:42] <Ironholds> Lara: "not Chzz". I am disappoint.
[20:42] <Lara> That's too bad.
�06[20:43] * tommorris shall say only one thing: it is very hard to kick a heroin-like habit.
�06[20:43] * PiRSquared|happy is dep_disap?
�06[20:43] * PiRSquared|happy is PiRSquared|happy
�15[20:43] * bornet ( (Spain) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: bornet)
[20:43] <Lara> Well, I will make up a "BYE!" banner and an automatic edit summary of "Nothing of value was lost" to accompany it.
[20:43] <Ironholds> heh
[20:43] <Ironholds> I've noticed an unfortunate side-effect of the AFT5 FAQ
[20:44] <Ironholds> it is pretty much the most obvious indication of how a reader can contact a staffer or editor
[20:44] <Ironholds> I have been fielding a shitton of queries through my work address, because it is listed thar.
[20:44] <tommorris> eek, the AFT RfC is up on {{cent}}
[20:44] <PiRSquared|happy> BF compilers...
[20:44] <N1996|dep_disap> tjf: Just thought my 1 was and I my 9s was gs and my 6 was an e...I was missing the r...supposedly. :/
[20:45] <tommorris> PiRSquared|happy:
�06[20:45] * kylu ponders the words of PiRSquared. Never considering compiling my own boyfriend before. Are they open source?
[20:45] <Ironholds> tommorris: yes, I put it there
[20:45] <tjf> N1996|dep_disap, no, i was pointing out that someone else said that
[20:45] <tommorris> Ironholds: but that means... crazy people.
[20:45] <N1996|dep_disap> O.o
[20:46] <Ironholds> tommorris: the crazy people have not so far turned up. the discussion has been sane.
[20:46] <Ironholds> I am as suprised as you are.
[20:46] <PiRSquared|happy> O_O
[20:46] <Shearonink> what discussion is this
[20:46] <tjf> kylu, i've tried compiling a girlfriend. didn't work well
[20:46] <PiRSquared|happy> Shearonink: sparta?
�15[20:46] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[20:46] <Ironholds> Shearonink: AFT5, consultation RfC
[20:46] <tommorris> tjf: all at once or just in time?
[20:46] <Ironholds> see the talkpage of [[WP:AFT5]]
[20:47] <tjf> tommorris, ?
[20:47] <tommorris> tjf: compiling. what type of compiler? JIT?
�15[20:47] * AnonDiss_ (~AnonDiss@wikimedia/Anonymous-Dissident) from #wikipedia-en #freenode Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[20:47] <tjf> gcc
[20:47] <tommorris> ah, so you compiler your girlfriend ahead of time
[20:47] <tommorris> *compile
[20:48] <tjf> well, i forgot to configure the prefix right
[20:48] <tommorris> do you ever get linking errors?
[20:48] <tjf> so she went to my friend :/
[20:48] <tjf> rather than me
�03[20:48] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:48] * Ktr101 (183cd9f9@wikipedia/Ktr101) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[20:48] <tommorris> yeah, you need to fix your makefile
[20:48] <tjf> (true story. got friendzoned)
[20:48] <kylu> invalid destination filename. tsk.
[20:48] <tommorris> probably some permissions problems in the build script too
[20:49] <tjf> yeah
�03[20:49] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) also in #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:50] <tommorris> you going for more of an imperative (S&M) vibe or object-oriented (materialistic)? or you just going functional?
[20:51] <N1996|dep_disap> Bye lucasoutloud...
�06[20:51] * tommorris should stop all this innuendo, but it feels so good.
�15[20:51] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-commons Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
�03[20:51] * N1996|dep_disap (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has left #wikipedia-en ("I'm such a disappointment.")
�03[20:53] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:54] * Nailo ( (Great Britain) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #Reddit Quit Quit
[20:54] <hf25> N1966|dep_disap: No one ever chats in #wiki-hurricanes.
�15[20:55] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027])
[20:57] <lucasoutloud> Aww, he left  and I didn't notice till too late.
�03[21:01] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[21:04] * Thehelpfulone (~Helper@wikimedia/Thehelpfulone) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #mediawiki #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##juliancolton Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88-rdmsoft [XULRunner])
�03[21:07] * foks (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:08] * AstroHurricane (48888005@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[21:09] * Nascar1996 ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[21:09] * Nascar1996 ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[21:09] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:10] <Nascar1996> tommorris:Are you an administrator?
[21:10] <tommorris> Nascar1996: yep
[21:10] <lucasoutloud> Nascar1996: Less depressed now?
[21:10] <Nascar1996> Okay. lucasoutloud
[21:10] <Nascar1996> No
[21:11] <lucasoutloud> Nascar1996: Aww.
[21:11] <Nascar1996> ?
[21:11] <LtNOWIS> GOP debate on now.
[21:11] <LtNOWIS> CNN
[21:11] <LtNOWIS> Just asked about SOPA
�03[21:11] * Steven_Zhang ( from Australia has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[21:11] * Nascar1996 hates politics.
[21:11] <foks> What's wrong, Nascar1996 ?
�15[21:11] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons #mediawiki Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[21:11] <Jonadin> I think I would unintentionally destroy the TV screen if I was watching that.
�15[21:11] * Steven_Zhang ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops Quit (Changing host)
�03[21:11] * Steven_Zhang (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) also in #wikipedia-en-help #wikimedia-ops has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[21:11] Clones detected from wikimedia/Steven-Zhang:�8 SteveMobile Steven_Zhang
[21:12] <Nascar1996> foks: Just disappointed and depressed...
[21:12] <foks> How come?
[21:12] <LtNOWIS> Gingrich doesn't like SOPA because Hollywood liberals like it and all technical people hate it.
[21:12] <lucasoutloud> I can't believe that SOPA/PIPA/ACTA are actually being brought up in my lifetime.  It's strange.
[21:12] <Steven_Zhang> ohai
[21:12] <Steven_Zhang> lol foks's irc is black
[21:12] <Steven_Zhang> mine is white
[21:12] <LtNOWIS> Romney agrees
[21:13] <Jonadin> /whois jonadin
[21:13] <lucasoutloud> Steven_Zhang: Hey, how did the Arbcom thing work out?
[21:13] <Jonadin> .
[21:13] <Steven_Zhang> hmm
[21:13] <Steven_Zhang> oh they ignored it
[21:13] <Jonadin> I forget I'm not using mirc
[21:13] <Nascar1996> foks: Too much too talk about.
�06[21:13] * Steven_Zhang pokes foks for lulz
[21:13] <Nascar1996> Romney agrees with SOPA?
[21:13] <LtNOWIS> Paul agrees
[21:13] <lucasoutloud> Nascar1996: Is it really that much of a surprise?
[21:13] <LtNOWIS> Romney agrees with Gingrich
[21:13] <LtNOWIS> that SOPA is bad
[21:13] <foks> Nascar1996, oh, okay.
[21:14] <lucasoutloud> Oh, and is there a stream so I can watch?
�06[21:14] * Nascar1996 doesn't follow politics.
[21:14] <foks> And Steven :(
[21:14] <Jonadin> Isn't Paul for smaller gov't?
[21:14] <LtNOWIS> Paul agrees with Gingrich that the law is bad
[21:14] <Jonadin> oh okay
[21:14] <Steven_Zhang> me what. foks :P
[21:14] <LtNOWIS> Santorum agrees that the law is bad, but with caveats
[21:14] <Jonadin> So they all are taking the same stance basically? haha
[21:14] <tommorris> Libertarianism and IP is a problem because it destroys their idea that property is natural rather than granted by the state/society
[21:14] <Nascar1996> Anyone for it?
[21:15] <lucasoutloud> Hey guys, let's all take the same stance on this internet stuff because it'll attract the younger voters!
[21:15] <LtNOWIS> No.
[21:15] <BlastHardcheese> "I oppose things that people don't like!"
[21:15] <Steven_Zhang> foks: clear CSD :P
[21:15] <Nascar1996> Politics are depressing...
[21:15] <LtNOWIS> You'd criticize them more for taking the opposite position, lucasoutloud.
[21:15] <lucasoutloud> LtNOWIS: You're right.
[21:16] <lucasoutloud> Nascar1996: Disregard politics, coat organs in ice cream.
[21:16] <Nascar1996> Eh.
[21:16] <foks> Steven_Zhang, bit busy pal
[21:17] <Steven_Zhang> later then :p
�06[21:17] * Nascar1996 is soo lonely...
[21:18] <log> We know.
[21:18] <lucasoutloud> Nascar1996: :| I'm trying to make you happy but you make it difficult.
[21:18] <foks> I wouldn't bother
�03[21:18] * Alpha_Quadrant (~opera@wikipedia/Alpha-Quadrant) also in #wikipedia-en-help has left #wikipedia-en
[21:19] <Nascar1996> Your just wasting you time lucasoutloud, but thanks...
[21:19] <tommorris> If you don't do politics, politics ends up doing you. That is all.
[21:19] <lucasoutloud> Nascar1996: I waste my time every day, but I think it is the best use of my time.
�15[21:19] * log (~log@wikimedia/Logan) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #freenode ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Quit: Updating XChat-WDK.)
[21:19] <Nascar1996> Aww...
�03[21:20] * log (~log@wikimedia/Logan) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #freenode ##until_it_sleeps-bots has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:21] <Nascar1996> Thank you.
[21:21] <Steven_Zhang> lol wtf
[21:21] <lucasoutloud> Nascar1996: Also, it's sort of hard to help you when I don't know why you're upset.
�15[21:21] * the_wub ( from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:21] <Steven_Zhang> Wikipedia review has been gone
[21:21] <Steven_Zhang> i mean it doesnt exist anymore
[21:21] <Steven_Zhang> O_o
[21:22] <Nascar1996> ?
[21:22] <harej> Supposedly its disapperance is only temporary.
�03[21:22] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:22] <Steven_Zhang> hm
[21:22] <BlastHardcheese> Steven_Zhang, you know the penalty for revealing cabal secrets
[21:22] <LtNOWIS> Politics is like sports, but slower and more important.
[21:22] <Steven_Zhang> hah
[21:23] <lucasoutloud> LtNOWIS: I don't know, some sports can be pretty slow.  Like Quidditch.
[21:23] <LtNOWIS> Quidditch is like, faster than the human eye can really process.
[21:23] <BlastHardcheese> politics is showbusiness for ugly people
[21:23] <Steven_Zhang> BlastHardcheese: 500 lashes?
[21:23] <LtNOWIS> or something
[21:23] <lucasoutloud> LtNOWIS: What I mean to say is that it can potentially last a long time.
[21:23] <BlastHardcheese> WITH A WET NOODLE
[21:24] <lucasoutloud> Peter-C: Are you around?
[21:24] <LtNOWIS> ah, that's true
[21:26] <Nascar1996> lucasoutloud...
[21:26] <lucasoutloud> Nascar1996: Yes?
[21:26] <CRRaysHead90>
�06[21:26] * Steven_Zhang thinks he is annoying foks D:
[21:27] <foks> yes a bit
�03[21:28] * Resfirestar (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) also in #Reddit ##The_Thing ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[21:29] * APexil (~you@unaffiliated/apexil) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: APexil)
[21:29] <Jeske_Merensky> We the Loby's raised 8.6K
[21:29] <Jeske_Merensky> *Lobbby
[21:29] <Jeske_Merensky> Dammit
[21:29] <Jeske_Merensky> *Lobby
[21:29] <hf25> ^ fail
[21:29] <lucasoutloud> Jeske_Merensky: What?
[21:29] <QueenOfFrance> Steven_Zhang: WR is up and working, just not on the domain.
[21:30] <Jeske_Merensky>
�03[21:30] * TParis_ ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[21:30] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Disconnected by services)
[21:30] <Steven_Zhang> oh?
�03[21:30] * TParis_ is now known as TParis
�15[21:30] * TParis ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[21:30] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:30] <lucasoutloud> Jeske_Merensky: Wow, that is a lot.
[21:30] <Steven_Zhang> QueenOfFrance: linky?
[21:31] <Jeske_Merensky> Last I checked, they only had 6.6K. SOmeone gave two grand
[21:31] <lucasoutloud> Jeske_Merensky: I wouldn't be surprised.
�03[21:31] * APexil (~you@unaffiliated/apexil) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:32] <Jeske_Merensky> I *hope* they don't just stop at $10,000.
[21:32] <Jeske_Merensky> The more money, the better
�03[21:32] * Ktr101 (183cd9f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[21:32] * Ktr101 (183cd9f9@wikipedia/Ktr101) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:33] <QueenOfFrance> Steven_Zhang: sent
[21:33] <lucasoutloud> Jeske_Merensky: 10k to protect the internet and her vast reserves of pornagraphy and information sounds like a good deal.
�03[21:34] * Rexx ( from Great Britain has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[21:34] * SudoGhost (~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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�03[21:34] * Rexx is now known as RexxS
�03[21:34] * heatherw_ ( from United States also in #wikipedia #mediawiki has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[21:36] * Reedy (~Reedy@wikimedia/ from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikinews #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #mediawiki Quit (Quit: Leaving)
�15[21:36] * RexxS ( (Great Britain) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Client Quit)
[21:39] <Jeske_Merensky> lucasoutloud) That $10K goes to lobbyists.
[21:39] <lucasoutloud> Jeske_Merensky: And what do those lobbyists do with it?
�06[21:39] * Steven_Zhang grumbles
[21:39] <Jeske_Merensky> "help" Congress pass laws on clients' behalf
[21:40] <lucasoutloud> So pretty much this money is for bribing horrible old people to protect our reserves of porn and information.
�15[21:40] * lfaraone (~lfaraone@ubuntu/member/debian.developer.lfaraone) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: leaving)
[21:41] <Jeske_Merensky> Yes.
�15[21:42] * hf25 (~Hurricane@wikipedia/Hurricanefan25) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Calling it a night (it's 9:42 here))
[21:42] <Fluttershy-ENG> I love how Romney is kicking everybody's ass in the CNN debate live.
[21:42] <LtNOWIS> eh, not really
[21:42] <LtNOWIS> last one was rougher
[21:43] <LtNOWIS> he's pretty much certain to be the nominee at this point
�03[21:43] * Jeff_G is now known as JeffAndroIrcAFK
[21:43] <lucasoutloud> No one cares about the Republicans slinging crap at eachother anyway.
[21:43] <LtNOWIS> oh, wait
[21:43] <LtNOWIS> Romney is kicking ass, not people are kicking Romney's ass
�15[21:43] * PiRSquared|happy (~PiRSquare@wikipedia/PiRSquared17) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-stewards Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:43] <LtNOWIS> you are correct, Fluttershy-ENG
�03[21:44] * SigmaWP ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[21:44] * SigmaWP ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[21:44] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[21:45] * SigmaWP twiddles thumbs
�03[21:47] * LtNOWIS is now known as LtNOWIS|buzzed
�08[21:48] * Santorum cuts SigmaWP's thumbs.
[21:48] <SigmaWP> Santorum: :D
�08[21:48] <Santorum> SigmaWP <3
[21:48] <tjf> keep your hands out of your pants, now.
[21:49] <Nascar1996> Anyone here find me very annoying, in which you wish I would leave?
�08[21:49] <Santorum> Nascar1996, nah
[21:49] <lucasoutloud> Nascar1996: Chill your nips, man.  We're all pretty loving and accepting here.
[21:49] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> don't flatter yourself :P
[21:50] <Nascar1996> :/
�15[21:51] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia #wikimania Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:51] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> yeah, turning 21 and being able to buy alcohol is pretty great
[21:52] <lucasoutloud> Alchohol is so mainstream.
[21:52] <Nascar1996> Ah.
�03[21:53] * Fredddie (~Eiddderf@wikipedia/Fredddie) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:53] * Earwig (~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[21:54] <Santorum> LtNOWIS|buzzed, i've been buying alcohol since i was 17, so fuck you :P
[21:54] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> fair enough
�08[21:55] <Santorum> And i'm not from USA
[21:55] <Fredddie> out of context, that looks hilarious
�08[21:55] <Santorum> I'M from Québec :P
[21:55] <Fredddie> think of the headlines here in the US
�08[21:55] <Santorum> lol
[21:56] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> lucasoutloud: automatically disliking mainstream things is just as beholden to mainstream norms as liking mainstream things.
[21:56] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> or something
[21:56] <Jonadin> aw man I thought you were talking about rick santorum...
�15[21:56] * Resfirestar (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #Reddit ##The_Thing ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:56] <lucasoutloud> LtNOWIS|buzzed: I actually don't give a rat
[21:56] <BlastHardcheese> Santorum erupts furiously, gets in reporter's face
�06[21:56] * lucasoutloud 's arse about mainstreamness, I just dislike alchohol.
[21:56] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> fair enough
[21:56] <Nascar1996> Bye guys.
[21:57] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> bye
[21:57] <Fredddie> I just had a drink myself
[21:57] <lucasoutloud> LtNOWIS|buzzed: It just tastes so awful.
�03[21:57] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has left #wikipedia-en ("In a much better mood! :D")
[21:57] <Fredddie> maybe you're drinking the wrong stuff
[21:57] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> it's an acquired taste I guess?
�08[21:57] * Santorum gives Fredddie a bottle of Everclear.
[21:58] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> non-terrible beer is pretty tasty, but it's an acquired taste overall probably
�06[21:58] * Fredddie pours it down his truck's gas tank
[21:58] <lucasoutloud> The only thing I've ever sipped that tasted decent was wine.
[21:58] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> I'm at the point where I can drink straight whiskey, and in fact just killed a bottle of Jim Beam.
[21:58] <lucasoutloud> But the fact that most everything tastes bad keeps me from drinking, and that's good.
[21:59] <Fredddie> I had a glass of Templeton Rye
[21:59] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> yeah, certainly a lot of upsides to not drinking
[21:59] <Fredddie> not a full glass
�03[21:59] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:00] <Fredddie> LtNOWIS|buzzed: how do you take it?
[22:00] <Fredddie> I can't quite do neat
[22:00] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> on the rocks
[22:00] <Fredddie> I like it
�08[22:00] * Santorum opens up a bar and becomes a hipster bartender.
[22:00] <Fredddie> cold enough to take away the burn
�15[22:00] * balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: balrog)
�08[22:00] <Santorum> what you gonna have
[22:00] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> i also take it with coke/pepsi sometiesm
[22:01] <Fredddie> "Do you have <something>? "  "Eh, whatever."
[22:01] <lucasoutloud> Santorum: A virgin cubra libre.
[22:01] <bep> anyone here good with css?
�08[22:01] <Santorum> bep, css3d?
[22:01] <bep> no, just normal css
�08[22:01] * Santorum flairs some bottles and serves lucasoutloud a virgin cubra libre.
�08[22:01] <Santorum> then no
[22:02] <Fredddie> I stopped being good at html and css when they deprecated <blink> and <marquee>
[22:02] <lucasoutloud> What, <marquee> is deprecated now?  I'm behind the times.
[22:02] <bep> :[
[22:02] <SigmaWP> Really?
[22:02] <bep> i'm trying to make a subreddit look like wikipedia
[22:02] <Fredddie> weren't they deprecated at the same time?
[22:02] <SigmaWP> bep: Make wikipedia look like reddit :D
[22:02] <bep> hah, i'd rather not
[22:02] <lucasoutloud> SigmaWP: What a horrible idea.
�08[22:03] <Santorum> great idea!
[22:03] <lucasoutloud> Reddit is the worst website ever.
[22:03] <CMBJ> CSS? what's that newfangled rubbish you're talking about? get off my lawn!
[22:03] <lucasoutloud> Well, not ever, but I don't like it.
[22:03] <Fredddie> ok, Archer is on soon
�08[22:03] <Santorum> bep, what's your position on reddit
[22:03] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> good stuff, taht
�15[22:03] * Earwig (~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Earwig)
[22:04] <bep> Santorum: position?
�08[22:04] <Santorum> ie what do you do there, except sucking cock?
[22:05] <bep> I beg your pardon?
�08[22:05] <Santorum> pardon.
[22:05] <lucasoutloud> He's implying that reddit is horrible and steals from 4chan.
[22:06] <bep> How charming.
[22:06] <lucasoutloud> I just can't comprehend how a website that discusses links can exist.
[22:07] <SigmaWP>
�06[22:07] * SigmaWP waits for a discussion
[22:07] <bep> It happens
�15[22:08] * Thorncrag (~Thorncrag@wikimedia/Thorncrag) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia #mediawiki Quit (Quit: Disconnected by Smurfs.)
[22:08] <bep> Santorum: what do you do, besides being an arsehole online?
[22:09] <lucasoutloud> Oh, and the whole karma system seems greatly unnecessary to me.
[22:09] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> Edit war?
[22:09] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> I'm not in the right state of mind for high level edits
�15[22:11] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia #freenode Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912])
�15[22:11] * Moe_Epsilon (~David@wikipedia/Moe-Epsilon) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:12] <pakaran> on a quick glance, yes it's an edit war, and 96 and doniago both could reasonably be accused of skirting the edge of breaking 3rr
�15[22:14] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Quit: EEK! Yoshi! *flees*)
[22:14] <lucasoutloud> Well, time for bed.
�15[22:14] * lucasoutloud ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Quit: Adios.)
�03[22:14] * Sir48 (~Sir48@ from Denmark also in #wikipedia-fr #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:15] <pakaran> that said, neither is close to breaking it *now* (or editing at the moment), so I'd say let it go
�15[22:17] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
�15[22:18] * foks (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops ##dgaf Quit (Quit: Connection savagely beaten to death by peer)
[22:20] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> "will he parish?"
�15[22:20] * Steven_Zhang (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops ##dgaf Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
�03[22:21] * Aranda56 ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[22:21] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:22] <SigmaWP> tjf: poke
[22:22] <tjf> SigmaWP, yo
[22:22] <SigmaWP> what programming languages do you know
[22:22] <tjf> none really
[22:22] <bep> wikipedia should implement css3
[22:22] <SigmaWP> :<
[22:23] <bep> to recreate <marquee>
[22:23] <bep> >:D
[22:23] <SigmaWP> bep: do you know perl? :D
[22:23] <bep> SigmaWP: she's a fine lass, alright
�15[22:23] * heatherw_ ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #mediawiki Quit (Quit: heatherw_)
[22:23] <SigmaWP> I'll take that as a yes
[22:23] <bep> (no oh god no what is programming)
[22:23] <SigmaWP> Oh ok
�06[22:23] * SigmaWP sniffs for someone else
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[22:23] <tjf> perl is horrible
�03[22:24] * PiRSquared|happy (~PiRSquare@wikipedia/PiRSquared17) also in #wikimedia-stewards has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:24] <PiRSquared|happy> Due to high database lag...
[22:24] <PiRSquared|happy> ???
[22:25] <SigmaWP> PiRSquared|happy: do you know perl
[22:25] <PiRSquared|happy> man perlinfo
[22:25] <PiRSquared|happy> that's all I know
[22:26] <PiRSquared|happy> User:Trollman1234567891011
[22:26] <PiRSquared|happy> ...
�15[22:26] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:26] <bep> ƩWP
[22:26] <bep> is that your name
[22:26] <PiRSquared|happy> ...
[22:26] <bep> NO
[22:26] <bep> OH GOD
[22:26] <SigmaWP> bep: [-1]
[22:26] <PiRSquared|happy>
[22:27] <PiRSquared|happy> should I warn the troll?
[22:27] <SigmaWP> nuke him
[22:27] <Brandan> * Added FBI to the list of sites attacked shortly after 5 PM
[22:27] <Brandan>,_music_industry_websites_taken_offline_in_web_attack
[22:27] <PiRSquared|happy> CLOKZ
[22:27] <PiRSquared|happy> *BLOCKZ
[22:27] <PiRSquared|happy> I just reverted another one of his edits
[22:27] <PiRSquared|happy> ...
[22:27] <PiRSquared|happy> thanks
�15[22:28] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikinews #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #mediawiki Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:28] <ty> Anyone know what language mr is?
[22:28] <SigmaWP> Bingo bango bingo bongo
[22:28] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> mandalorian
[22:28] <SigmaWP> warrior
[22:28] <pakaran> "trollman?"
�15[22:28] * engla (~engla@wikipedia/Sverdrup) from #wikipedia-en #ubuntu Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[22:28] <pakaran> that's... relatively clearcut, on the plus side
[22:28] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> .mr represents the country of Mauritania
[22:28] <PiRSquared|happy> pakaran: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11!
[22:28] <PiRSquared|happy> lol
�06[22:29] * ty is trying to get google to translate something for me from the mr.wikipedia
[22:29] <pakaran> LtNOWIS|buzzed, that's in the pacific?
[22:29] <pakaran> i should know this
[22:29] <pakaran> it doesn't sound Former Soviet
[22:29] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> It's Marathi.
[22:29] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> that's the language.
[22:29] <bep> ࢳ
�03[22:29] * DarkoNeko (~udontcare@wikipedia/darkoneko) also in #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:29] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> the domain code is for the country of Mauritania, which is an arabic speaking african country
[22:30] <pakaran> ah
[22:30] <bep> πR^2
[22:30] <PiRSquared|happy> nice ping
[22:30] <LtNOWIS|buzzed> marathi is repersetned by the coutnry code mr, which is spoken in India I think
[22:30] <LtNOWIS|buzzed>
[22:30] <PiRSquared|happy> LtNOWIS|buzzed: yup
�03[22:30] * Steven_Zhang ( from Australia has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:31] <PiRSquared|happy> there's also
�03[22:31] * Steven_Zhang is now known as Guest55687
[22:31] <ty> That's where I got the email I'm trying to translate :P
�06[22:31] * ty gives up
�03[22:32] * Guest55687 is now known as Steven_Zhang
[22:32] <Steven_Zhang> hu
�15[22:32] * Steven_Zhang ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops ##dgaf Quit (Changing host)
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[22:33] <Aranda56_> bleh
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�03[22:34] * DeltaQuad is now known as DeltaQuad|food
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[22:36] <Aranda56> .
�06[22:37] * Aranda56 tests bad IRC lag, internet superslow :(
�03[22:38] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) also in #wikipedia-en-help has left #wikipedia-en
[22:38] <SigmaWP> Bye people
�15[22:38] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912])
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[22:39] <PiRSquared|happy> lagging still?
�15[22:39] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:39] <Aranda56> yea
�03[22:40] * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:40] <Anna_Frodesiak> wctaiwan
[22:40] <Anna_Frodesiak> i need your advice
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[22:52] <PiRSquared|happy> "A hactor with three queefish, who darrows spinnoofs. A hinextricable combodoosh, smashing dog with burnt cards." what??!
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[22:53] <PiRSquared|happy>
�15[22:54] * ipatrol (~ipatrol@wikimedia/Ipatrol) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: TCP FIN)
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�03[22:58] * PiRSquared|happy is now known as pir^2
[22:58] <SarekOfVulcan> Anybody else taking the Jeopardy Online test in 5 minutes?
[22:58] <tjf> SarekOfVulcan, Where?
�15[22:58] * waylandsmith (~waylandsm@ (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[22:58] <pir^2> Well, you what they say.
[22:58] <Aranda56> i took it earlier in the day
[22:59] <SarekOfVulcan> You have to register in advance, though. If you do well enough, you get called to audition in person. I've never done well enough in the 3 times I've done it before....
[22:59] <tjf> aw, registration is closed.
�06[22:59] * Aranda56 haven't seen a SarekOfVulcan in IRC in years :p
[22:59] <tjf> SarekOfVulcan, my great uncle was on Jeopardy once
[22:59] <tjf> he was also on Millionaire
[22:59] <SarekOfVulcan>  Coolness. Double coolness.
[22:59] <SarekOfVulcan> Did he get to be one? :-)
[23:00] <tjf> thousandaire
[23:00] <Fredddie> better than a kick in the pants
[23:00] <Jonadin> multi-thousandaire or just thousandaire? ;]
[23:00] <Aranda56> SarekOfVulcan i was called last year it's not really auction is person, you have to go through an interview though the producer first
[23:00] <SarekOfVulcan> I wouldn't complain about thousandaire at the moment. :-)
[23:01] <SarekOfVulcan> oic
[23:01] <tjf> Jonadin, Just thousandaire.
�03[23:01] * joke-away ( from Canada also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:01] <Jonadin> aw.. well that's still money!
[23:02] <Aranda56> and back in 2006 i was a finalist for the high school one but i wasn't selected in the end, mainly because i never came to the final auction
[23:02] <SarekOfVulcan> 15 seconds, wish me luck!
[23:03] <Jonadin> Good luck!
[23:03] <pir^2> good luck
[23:04] <pir^2> <-- wtf
[23:04] <Fredddie> I wonder if that IP has a newsletter
�15[23:04] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-commons Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:04] <Fredddie> I'd subscribe
�03[23:05] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:05] <Fredddie> not quite as weird as the timecube guy's newsletter
[23:05] <pir^2> Fredddie: He's all over WMF!
[23:05] <Fredddie> neat
[23:06] <pir^2>!
[23:06] <pir^2> He's weird
[23:06] <pir^2> "No, Yano is a real man, though it's not a man and not real. But keeping this article will make you feel more awsome than naked for sure, do you follow me I'm not sure of what to think because Greekos meet so well!!! (talk) 21:22, 10 August 2010 (UTC)"
�15[23:06] * Pederast ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client:
[23:06] <Fredddie> hehe
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[23:07] <Jonadin> Just reading that user page made my head hurt… so… confused...
[23:08] <Aranda56> my mother and an uncle was also in Jeopardy long time ago
�15[23:08] * Aranda56 ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
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[23:10] <SarekOfVulcan> Drat, I double-clicked and lost two questions. :-(
[23:10] <Aranda56> i was like 3 when my mother appeared she finished third won 500 i think it was back then, my uncle won but he was an professor (I forgot where) ;p
[23:10] <SarekOfVulcan> Can't you get on as a legacy applicant? :-)
�03[23:10] * Pederast ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:10] <Pederast> lol hy hy
[23:10] <Pederast> lol hy hy
�15[23:11] * Mitchazenia ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[23:11] <SarekOfVulcan> I can crash now. Night, all
�03[23:11] * SarekOfVulcan (43fb0c61@wikimedia/SarekOfVulcan) has left #wikipedia-en
[23:11] <pir^2> Jonadin:
[23:12] <Jonadin> LOL
[23:12] <Jonadin> Is this a new form of trolling or something?
�03[23:12] * Mitchazenia ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:12] <pir^2> Maybe
[23:12] <pir^2> all from the same range
[23:13] <Fredddie> almost reads like a user I had the pleasure of working with a few years back
[23:13] <Jonadin> I'm trying to come up with a "comedy" and "troll" mashup but it's not working.
[23:13] <Fredddie> indef'd for something stupid
[23:13] <pir^2>
[23:13] <pir^2>
[23:14] <pir^2> seriously
[23:14] <Shearonink> traumedy
�15[23:14] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-commons Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:14] <Fredddie> Dane Cook?
[23:14] <Jonadin> Exactly what purpose does this serve? (talk)
[23:14] <Fredddie> oh wait
[23:14] <pir^2> XD
[23:14] <Fredddie> you said comedy
[23:14] <pir^2> I said:
[23:14] <Jonadin> Ohhh I didn't think of putting the troll part first..
[23:14] <pir^2> "It's a spambot I think"
[23:14] <Jonadin> Tromedy?
[23:15] <pir^2> Probably a troll actually
�15[23:15] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[23:17] <Jonadin> Froll - funny (or not) troll?
�03[23:17] * waylandsmith (~waylandsm@ from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:17] <pir^2>
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[23:19] <Jonadin> Wow that person had a lot of fun with that...
Session Close: Thu Jan 19 23:22:32 2012