
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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--- Log opened Mon Aug 06 21:34:25 2012
21:34 -!- xerofox [~xerofox@] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:34 -!- Irssi: #wikipedia-en: Total of 181 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 180 normal]
21:34 -!- Irssi: Join to #wikipedia-en was synced in 0 secs
21:34 -!- Guerillero_ is now known as Guerillero
21:34 -!- Guerillero [] has quit [Changing host]
21:34 -!- Guerillero [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:34 < mindspillage> sounds like a personal issue.
21:34 -!- EDI [~Shiibot@WoWUIDev/Nospam] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
21:39 -!- Doug_Weller [] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:39 -!- Doug_Weller [] has quit [Changing host]
21:39 -!- Doug_Weller [~Doug_Well@wikipedia/Dougweller] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:42 -!- SteveMobile [~SteveMobi@] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:42 -!- SteveMobile [~SteveMobi@] has quit [Changing host]
21:42 -!- SteveMobile [~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:44 -!- Fasttimes68 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
21:48 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:49 < ChrisGualtieri> Steve :)
21:50 < ChrisGualtieri> Do you know where I could find a AWB coder or developer?
21:52 < SigmaWP> ChrisGualtieri: Try WT:AWB
21:52 < SigmaWP> or something
21:53 < Bradford> Cuantas personas hay
21:55 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
21:56 < Ironholds> eee. leaving in an hour.
21:56 < Ironholds> we so excited.
21:56 -!- Nascar1996 [~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has quit [Quit: Later!]
21:57 -!- Bradford [b5b628c2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en []
21:58 < ChrisGualtieri> WT:AWB seemed good, but I'll have to peek around a bit
21:59 -!- Generalcamo [] has quit []
22:00 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
22:03 -!- SteveMobile [~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
22:06 -!- MJ94 [~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94] has quit [Quit: Textual v2.1 (ZTN Fork v2.0.1)]
22:08 -!- SteveMobile [~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:08 -!- Tiptoety [~Tiptoety@wikipedia/Tiptoety] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:12 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:12 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@] has quit [Changing host]
22:12 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:12 -!- M132T003C [] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:12 -!- M132T003C [] has quit [Changing host]
22:12 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:14 -!- ChrisGualtieri [47eae49b@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
22:16 -!- AndrewN [~Andrew@wikimedia/AndrewN] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
22:19 < SigmaWP> Isarra: Thou shalt not finkle backwards.
22:21 < Isarra> Sorry?
22:22 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
22:22  * Penwhale steals hugs from Isarra
22:23  * Isarra falls asleep on Penwhale.
22:24 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
22:25 -!- YE [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
22:25 -!- DeltaQuad [~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
22:26 < TeeTylerToe>
22:27 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
22:32 < haggis> Isarra!
22:36 -!- Penwhale [~Anged_Obs@wikipedia/Penwhale] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
22:36 < The_Thing> I must be insane.
22:36 < The_Thing> Because I'm eating hot popcorn, and drinking hot chocolate with Cinnamon.
22:36 < The_Thing> While it's 90 F outside.
22:38 < TeeTylerToe> is that insane like staying in a hotel made of ice?
22:38 < The_Thing> Nope
22:38 < The_Thing> It's staying in a house with minimal air conditioning
22:39 < The_Thing> ie, a single window air conditioner in a 2-story, 10 room house.
22:39 < Apheori> Crap, huggle crashed again,
22:39 < Apheori> .
22:40 < Apheori> And hello, haggis.
22:40 -!- zscout370 [~Kagami@wikipedia/Zscout370] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
22:41 < haggis> Apheori: pm?
22:41 < Apheori> Okay.
22:43 -!- Pine [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Pine] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:43  * SigmaWP hugs Pine 
22:43  * Pine hugs SigmaWP
22:44 < Keegan> Who's an !op in here?
22:44 < Barras> me
22:45 < haggis> Keegan: lol
22:45 < SigmaWP> Keegan isn't an op?
22:45 < haggis> i thought Keegan was one too, SigmaWP
22:45 < Keegan> I don't think so
22:45 < TeeTylerToe> if you live in a dry climate you could look into getting an evaporative cooler
22:45 < SteveMobile> Keegan: ?
22:45  * haggis swears he could've seen a +b from Keegan
22:45 < Barras> Not everyone can be on the dark side of a channel.
22:46 < Keegan> Anyway
22:46 < Keegan> I've got someone on the pm
22:46 < haggis> what the fuck
22:47 < haggis> wow
22:47 < haggis> that's short
22:47 < haggis> Barras: join my channel? :-)
22:47 < SigmaWP> haggis: What's short :P
22:47 < Apheori> Do people generally object to attempting to misuse Meta?
22:47 < haggis> SigmaWP: a course
22:47 < Keegan> Nope, I do not haz ops here
22:48 < Pine> Apheori: yes.
22:48 < haggis> i thought it'd be 6 months...
22:48 < haggis> it's less than one
22:48 < Apheori> Pine: What if there's a slim chance it could be useful for the betterment of a project?
22:49 < Apheori> ...very slim chance.
22:49 < Pine> Apheori: the channel to discuss Meta is #wikimedia. Want to meet me in there?
22:49  * Keegan doesn't needs ops here, FWIW
22:50 < Apheori> I'm not sure what's to discuss.
22:50 < Pine> If whatever it is has a "very slim chance" of being useful then I would recommend discussing in #wikimedia.
22:50 < Apheori> But then someone might dissuade me from the idea.
22:51 < Keegan> Based on history I'm pretty confident in saying that any project would object to misuse for a goal
22:51 < Apheori> That wouldn't be good.
22:51 < Apheori> Better to ask vague questions and then get sidetracked by weird pov-pushers.
22:51 < Pine> It is hard to give you advice without knowing your idea. What is it?
22:52 < Keegan> Reopening sib-ru!
22:52 < Apheori> Trying to get wiktionary a new logo.
22:52 < Apheori> Again.
22:52 < Apheori> >__>
22:53 < Ironholds> packing, packing, packing
22:53 < Apheori> You going somewhere?
22:53 < Pine> Ironholds: for your trip home?
22:53 < Keegan> [[No Logo]]
22:54 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
22:55 < Ironholds> Pine: what?
22:55 < Ironholds> no, for my trip there :)
22:55 < Ironholds> go out today, come back the 17th
22:55 < Apheori> Where?
22:56 < Ironholds> colorado, obviously
22:56 < Ironholds> (no, SF)
22:56 < Pine> I was thinking the Olympics.
22:56 < Apheori> You should move there.
22:56 < Ironholds> SF?
22:56 < Ironholds> that would require me to either find an american to marry or get a workv isa
22:56 < Ironholds> *work visa
22:57 < Apheori> Marry one of your coworkers.
22:57 < Keegan> Ironholds: And triple your salary
22:57 < Ironholds> most of them are married and-or gay ;p
22:57 < Ironholds> Keegan: and should I save the world too?
22:57 < Apheori> Pfft, details.
22:57 < Keegan> I'm saying to live there.  If you save the world, that's just cool
22:57 < Ironholds> hah
22:58 < Apheori> Good point; place is bloody expensive.
22:58 < Ironholds> no, people with my salary can live in the bay fine
22:58 < Ironholds> but I'd never move *to* SF.
22:58 < Ironholds> Berkeley, Oak, maybe.
22:58 < Keegan> "I know the guy that saved the word."
22:58 < Keegan> I'd put it on my linkedin
22:58 < Ironholds> totally. I'd give you a testimonial
22:58 < Ironholds> "yo dawg, you should hire him or I'll obliterate your entire family. We cool?"
22:58 < Ironholds> come on, truecrypt, encrypt!
22:59 < Apheori> If you saved the world, why would you need to threaten?
22:59 < Ironholds> in hindsight, AES-Twofish-Serpent with SHA-512 was possibly overkill
22:59 < Ironholds> Apheori: I don't think it works like that
23:00 -!- SteveMobile [~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
23:00 < Ironholds> if it did, people would be all "what do you want, oh world-saver?" and I'd be all "20 million dollars, a US passport and a girl with a nice smile" and they'd be all "woah, cheap!"
23:00 < Apheori> Make people feel guilty, not afraid. You'd have the material to do so, and unlike fear, guilt doesn't lead to grudges.
23:00 < Ironholds> and then I'd spend those 20 million on building a doomsday device, and take the REST of their goddamn money.
23:00 < Ironholds> why can't I make people happy instead
23:00 < Ironholds> ?
23:00 < Apheori> And with less grudges, you won't need to be paranoid.
23:00 < Apheori> And need to kill everyone.
23:00 < Apheori> And because people are not happy.
23:01 < Apheori> They suck at being happy.
23:01 < Ironholds> I don't want to kill everyone! I like people. well, some people.
23:01 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:01 < Ironholds> hey, I've been happy on occasion.
23:01 < Apheori> Weirdo.
23:01 < Ironholds> like, proper, unable-to-restrain-the-bubbling-laughter happy
23:01 < Ironholds> Apheori: you simply need to experience more of life, dear.
23:02 < Apheori> What, so next time someone suggests that I can retort with 'tried that, got herpes'? I'll pass.
23:02 < Ironholds> uh. I meant, like. hanging out with people. but sure.
23:02 < haggis> hahahaha
23:02 < Apheori> People are a bad influence.
23:03  * Keegan realizes that Apheori is Fenchurch
23:03 < haggis> i see a tutoring post on kijiji with spelling errors
23:03 < haggis> "i can teach u"
23:03 < Ironholds> Keegan: pretty much, which is worrying because I've always been a Dentlike figure.
23:04 < Apheori> Does this mean I'm going to disappear?
23:04 -!- Frostee [] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:04 < Apheori> Or was that someone else?
23:04 < Keegan> I'm wondering as well
23:04 < Ironholds> Apheori: yep, on a plane
23:04  * Apheori pokes Frostee with a stick.
23:04 -!- mys_721tx [~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx] has quit [Quit: mys_721tx]
23:04 < Ironholds> I, meanwhile, will have a child with...I can't think of an adequate equivalent for trillian
23:04 < Frostee> ouch
23:04 < Keegan> Thank god, it means we're not all about to be dead yet
23:05 < Apheori> I never was a fan of plans.
23:05 < Apheori> e
23:05 < Apheori> Planes.
23:05 < Apheori> Although plans too, now that I think about it.
23:05  * Frostee hits Apheori with a mallet in a comical fashion
23:05 < Pine> Who all watched the NASA video feed last night?
23:05 < Apheori> So Frostee, what brings you 'round these parts?
23:05 < Ironholds> Pine: fuck yeah. we had a viewing party in IRC
23:05 < Frostee> boredom mainly
23:06 < Ironholds> SigmaWP: you pinged me. what.
23:06 < SigmaWP> [23:04:42] -Ironholds- VERSION mIRC v7.22 Khaled Mardam-Bey
23:06 < Ironholds> quite. that is a ping. what.
23:06 < Ironholds> Keegan: thought of an adequate trillian equivalent
23:06 < Ironholds> don't worry, you're clearly Marvin. you're safe.
23:06 < Apheori> Ironholds: He wants you to marry him.
23:07 < Ironholds> Apheori: he's not my type.
23:07 -!- tyime [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.]
23:07 < Pine> SigmaWP: did you cheer for NASA?
23:07  * Frostee dies
23:07 < haggis> Pine: hey
23:07 < SigmaWP> I didn't cheer, I was celebrating mentally
23:07 < Pine> :)
23:07 < Apheori> Ironholds: You just think that because you haven't bonded yet.
23:07 < Pine> haggis: what?
23:08 < Ironholds> Apheori: in my experience bonding with people does not positively correlate with them wanting to jump my bones, however
23:08 -!- BobTheWikipedian [~BobTheWik@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.11/20120715041107]]
23:08 < Ironholds> so bonding with him is unlikely to help ;p
23:08 < Apheori> Has your experience yet worked out, though?
23:09 < Apheori> Except worded sensibly.
23:09 < Ironholds> Apheori: yeah, it works on occasion.
23:10 < ItzExor> man win8 theme looks like shit
23:10 < Ironholds> new cruxshadows album!
23:10 < Ironholds> today is a good day.
23:10 < ItzExor> just so you all know
23:11 < Apheori> ItzExor: It grows on you. Just see.
23:11 < ItzExor> nah
23:11 < Apheori> Rather like fungus.
23:11 < ItzExor> clementine player looks like it's on win9x
23:11 < ItzExor> lol
23:11 < ItzExor> most other apps have the metroey look, but that one looks like absolute shit
23:11  * Frostee is confused
23:12 < ItzExor> it's probably qt's fault
23:12 < Apheori> Frostee: What about?
23:12 < Frostee> eerything
23:12 < Ironholds> alright, volume created
23:12 < ItzExor> Apheori are you on win8
23:12 < Frostee> I think my 3 hour exam killed my brain
23:13 < Pine> Frostee: drivers' license test?
23:13 < Apheori> ItzExor: No, but it crashed my computer once.
23:13 < ItzExor> haha
23:13 < Frostee> No, maths
23:13  * Apheori hands Frostee a book of matches.
23:13 < ItzExor> win8 rtm has no aero look at all, it's all square and non transparent colors
23:13 < Frostee> lighting a matchbox FULL of matches on fire
23:14 < Frostee> is pretty
23:14 < Apheori> Pretty wasteful too.
23:14 < ItzExor> probably toxic too if done indoors
23:15 < Frostee> Thats why I did it outdoors
23:15 -!- haggis [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
23:17 < yuvipanda> hmmm, so was supposed to be out yesterday, but isn't?
23:17 < yuvipanda> I'm confused
23:17 -!- tkazec [~msk@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
23:21 -!- Shearonink [62a9f0a1@wikipedia/Shearonink] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:22 -!- IDoH [] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:22 -!- IDoH [] has quit [Changing host]
23:22 -!- IDoH [~I@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:22 < Ironholds> okay, off to the plane
23:22 < Ironholds> take care all
23:22 < IDoH> hey
23:22 < Ironholds> except you, yuvipanda
23:23 < IDoH> and bye, Ironholds. Good luck
23:23  * Shirik hugs Ironholds
23:23  * Ironholds hugs the both of em
23:23 < Shearonink> April_: have fun
23:23 < Shearonink> oop
23:24 < Shearonink> Ironholds: have fun
23:24 -!- Ironholds [~f@wikipedia/Ironholds] has quit [Quit: connection reset by peerage]
23:24 < Shearonink> sheesh
23:24 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
23:26 < TeeTylerToe> wonder how much longer it'll be
23:26 < IDoH> Until when?
23:26 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:27 < IDoH> hey Mdann
23:27 < Apheori> Is Ironholds decently tall?
23:27 < Mdann52> Hi there
23:28 < TeeTylerToe> Wish I knew.  Apparently it's all done behind closed doors.
23:28 < IDoH> lol, tee
23:28 < IDoH> Apheori: Why not ask him directly?
23:28 < TeeTylerToe> he's getting on a jet plane
23:28 < Apheori> He just left.
23:29 < TeeTylerToe> It is funny that it's behind closed doors
23:29 < Apheori> And he also has a penchant for self-deprecation, so asking him directly about any such things isn't necessarily helpful.
23:29 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:29 < IDoH> Apheori: So email him, maybe?
23:29 < IDoH> Just ask him his specific height. Heh.
23:30 < Apheori> I know his specific height; he's the same height as I am. What I'm interested in is his relative height.
23:30 < TeeTylerToe> Judging by his personality, short.
23:31 < IDoH> lol
23:31 < Apheori> >.<
23:31 < TeeTylerToe> Also, relative to the 50 foot secretary, even shorter
23:31 < TeeTylerToe> no, I think it was 50 foot janitor
23:32 -!- Frostee [] has left #wikipedia-en []
23:32 < Apheori> Why would someone with 50 feet be a secretary or janitor? Seems like they could make a much better living in the shoe industry.
23:32 < IDoH> Hee hee
23:32 -!- Magog_the_Ogre [~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
23:34 < TeeTylerToe> it was an snl presedential sketch about how jimmy carter was a nuclear engineer in the navy, and he was seen as a "details" man, so in the sketch, when 3 mile island happened he went to the reactor and fixed it, but grew to be 50 feet tall, then he dumped his wife for a female janitor that worked at theplant that had also grown to be 50 feet tall
23:35  * IDoH scratches her head. "Uh…okay, political humor I don't understand." she mumbles.
23:36  * Peter-C licks IDoH
23:36 -!- Tiptoety [~Tiptoety@wikipedia/Tiptoety] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
23:36 < IDoH> Don't lick me.
23:36  * Peter-C waddles IDoH
23:37 < IDoH> waddle?
23:38 < TeeTylerToe>
23:38 -!- badmachine [] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:38 -!- badmachine [] has left #wikipedia-en []
23:40  * Apheori licks Peter-C.
23:40 < Peter-C> gtfo
23:46 < TeeTylerToe> I think waddle is from...  what was it called, alley macbeal
23:48 < TeeTylerToe> or futurama's single female lawyer
23:49 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC ( )]
--- Log closed Tue Aug 07 00:00:59 2012