
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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--- Log opened Fri Aug 17 00:00:10 2012
00:00 -!- Tony_Sidaway_ [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
00:00 -!- greenrosetta [] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:00 -!- greenrosetta [] has quit [Changing host]
00:00 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:01 -!- Russavia [7cb23e88@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
00:04 -!- Guest37665 is now known as Guerillero_
00:07 < Elduen> I've made my second edit!
00:08 < Guerillero_> yay
00:08 < Guerillero_> what is your username
00:08 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
00:09 < Elduen> But I was kind of being tongue-in-cheek, since my first edit was a minor grammar fix and my second is a request to be adopted.
00:09 < Addihockey10> Guerillero_: I AM Guerillero
00:09 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:09 < Guerillero_> Thanks Addihockey
00:11 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
00:12 -!- tonynoname [] has left #wikipedia-en []
00:14 -!- Demiurge1000 is now known as D1000|Away
00:19 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
00:19 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:21 < Peter-C> I should go to a gay bar just to get compliments.
00:21 < Peter-C> ‘Cause I can.
00:23 < Riley_Huntley> O.O
00:23 < Riley_Huntley> What type of WikiFauna do you think I am?
00:25 -!- KimiSleep [] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:25 < Dainomite>  can anyone tell me if i can/can't upload a picture of a boat from a website? :3 im not sure of the rules, being new and all
00:25 < Dainomite> , its the picture here ->
00:32 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:34 < Addihockey10> SigmaWP: hello
00:34 < SigmaWP> Hi
00:37 < BlastHardcheese> I'm on a boat mothafucka
00:37  * p858snake|l pushes BlastHardcheese overboard.
00:37 -!- tdubz is now known as thomas
00:38 < Apheori> Dainomite: It says 'all rights reserved', so that's generally a no.
00:38 < Dainomite> bastardos
00:39 -!- Sp33dyphil [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
00:44 < BlastHardcheese> :(
00:46  * Elduen pokes Apheori with a spoon.
00:46 < Riley_Huntley> Boats <3
00:46 < Apheori> Ow.
00:47 < ow> what?
00:48 < Riley_Huntley> ._.
00:48 < Elduen> Apheori: Ugh, IPs who don't understand that you can link to an article with [[double brackets]] instead of [ single brackets].
00:49 < Apheori> So tell them.
00:49 < Apheori> With a template!
00:49 < Elduen> I did.
00:49 < Apheori> With a template?
00:49 < Elduen> Now let's see if he fixes the giant page he just made with a bunch of single-bracket links.
00:49 < Elduen> Well, no. This is on the RSW.
00:50 < Elduen> I did leave that guy a message, though.
00:50 < Apheori> Ach.
00:51 -!- tyime [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.]
00:51 < Riley_Huntley> Elduen: What page?
00:52 < Elduen> Not a Wikipedia article.
00:53 < Riley_Huntley> Oh
00:53 < Riley_Huntley> RSW?
00:54 < Elduen> RuneScape wiki. One of Wikia's gaming wikis.
00:54  * SigmaWP bites Elduen 
00:54 < Elduen> She knows what I meant.
00:54 < Riley_Huntley> aH
00:55 -!- yang [yang@freenode/sponsor/cacert.assurer.yang] has quit [Quit: Free yourself with Free Software, join]
00:55 < SigmaWP> Yay!
00:55 < SigmaWP> Another Python-powered website
00:56 < Addihockey10> SigmaWP eats python for breakfast.
00:56 < SigmaWP> That's silly
00:56 < SigmaWP> Only perl users chomp;
00:57 < Apheori> Do I really need a shirt?
00:57 < SigmaWP> Also,
01:00 < Elduen> Apheori: No.
01:00 < Elduen> Yep, I know about Secure Boot
01:05 -!- Steven_Zhang [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:05 -!- Steven_Zhang [] has quit [Changing host]
01:05 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:06 < SigmaWP> Bye
01:06 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
01:08 -!- dan64- [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has quit [Excess Flood]
01:09 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:09 < Steven_Zhang> Elduen: did you ping me?
01:10 < Elduen> I don't believe so.
01:10 < Steven_Zhang> ah, indeed it was you.
01:10 < Steven_Zhang> yeah on my talk page
01:10 -!- Guerillero_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
01:10 < Elduen> Oh. Yes, that. I thought you meant here, on IRC.
01:10 < Steven_Zhang> nah :-)
01:11 < Steven_Zhang> let me read it - i was driving when I saw it :=_
01:11 < Steven_Zhang> :-)
01:11 < Elduen> Oh dear.
01:11 < Steven_Zhang> lol
01:11 < Steven_Zhang> I'm very good at driving and doing other things.
01:12 < Steven_Zhang> Yesterday I ate dinner, wrote an email and drove home at 70 miles an hour
01:12 < Steven_Zhang> :P
01:12 < Steven_Zhang> all at the same timw
01:13 < Addihockey10> Steven_Zhang: wtf
01:13 < Steven_Zhang> ?
01:13 < Addihockey10> australia uses miles?
01:13 < Apheori> What continent are you on, again?
01:13 < Addihockey10> shame on them.
01:13 < Steven_Zhang> No, I converted it to miles for the convenience of those here.
01:13 < Addihockey10> Steven_Zhang: that's dumb
01:13 < Steven_Zhang> Since they'd probably want it converted into miles
01:14 < Steven_Zhang> Elduen: Got a few?
01:15 < Steven_Zhang> hmm
01:15 < Elduen> Sure.
01:15 < Steven_Zhang> OK, see PM.
01:16  * Steven_Zhang huggles Isarra 
01:16  * Apheori hugs Steven_Zhang on behalf of her other self, which turned into a zombie.
01:16 < Apheori> ZHOMBAHS.
01:19 < Apheori> Whooo I get to be a rhombus.
01:21  * Addihockey10 gives Apheori redbull
01:22  * Apheori passes out.
01:22 < Addihockey10> Apheori: not allowed
01:22 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
01:22 -!- aoke1989 [~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
01:22 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
01:22 -!- Apheori is now known as VanishedUser2138
01:23 < VanishedUser2138> I've vanished. You can't see me.
01:23 < Addihockey10> VanishedUser2138: no me
01:24 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:25 < TeeTylerToe> isn't that pretty much the only way to protect yourself from the deadly fauna of Oz?
01:26 < Addihockey10> TBloemink:
01:27 < TBloemink> I think I saw that already :P
01:27 < TBloemink> Yeah I liked it before
01:27 < Addihockey10> it's awesome, though.
01:27 < TBloemink> I know
01:28 -!- Learn_bot [] has quit [Quit: reconnecting]
01:29 -!- ItzExor [~exor@2607:f358:1:fed5:22:0:d6f2:e8a8] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
01:30 < TeeTylerToe> Paul Ryan doesn't seem to understand that companies have only been giving raises beyond inflation to top executives for the past 40 years
01:30 < Elduen> All I know is, I keep hearing that workers' wages have remained stagnant for decades while CEO pay has skyrocketed
01:30 < TBloemink> Who is the owner of Learn_bot ?
01:31 -!- darev [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:31 < darev> hello
01:34 < TeeTylerToe> hi
01:34 -!- Tony_Sidaway_ [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:35 < TBloemink> Hmm I think that bot isn't restarting then
01:35 < TBloemink> Please poke me when it returns
01:35 < TBloemink> (coffee time)
01:35 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: turrah.]
01:35 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:36 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:38 -!- mys_721tx [~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx] has quit [Quit: leaving]
01:39 -!- Tony_Sidaway_ [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
01:41 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
01:43 < TBloemink> "I don't always fight vandalism on enwiki, but when I do, the wiki is slow as hell and others are faster than me"
01:45 < TeeTylerToe> maybe you should fight other things on wikipedia, like abuse of authority
01:45 -!- Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
01:45 < TeeTylerToe> or dispute resolution
01:49 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:51 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
01:53 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
02:04 -!- MarcoPerticarini [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:05 -!- Addihockey10 [46439f15@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
02:06 < TeeTylerToe> how was rathergate different from the Acorn scandal?
02:06 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:15 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
02:20 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:22 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:23 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:23 -!- VanishedUser2138 [~dirien@wikimedia/Isarra] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
02:24 < russavia> do we need images on Julian Assange article relating to his ecuadorian asylum
02:25 -!- VeenaMalik [b6b22bb2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:26 -!- legoktm [~legoktm@wikipedia/Legoktm] has quit [Quit: goodbye.]
02:26 < VeenaMalik> Hot desi babe 28 Skype: VeenaMalik28
02:26 -!- VeenaMalik [b6b22bb2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Killed (idoru (Spam is off topic on freenode.))]
02:27 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:28 < TeeTylerToe> if there are public domain images I suppose it wouldn't hurt
02:28 < russavia> teetylertoe -- here you go -- CC-Zero --
02:30 < TeeTylerToe> 0.o
02:32 < russavia> who would have thought that Russian Wikipedia would be the more progressive of all Wikipedias --
02:33 < TeeTylerToe> ?
02:34 < russavia> I was banned for creating Polandball
02:34 < russavia> and here's Russian Wikipedia using Polandball comics in articles xD
02:35 < TeeTylerToe> well russian wikipedia is probably run by a corrupt oligarchy
02:35 < russavia> lol
02:35 < russavia> you think
02:35 -!- Sayzahn [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:35 -!- Sayzahn [] has quit [Max SendQ exceeded]
02:35 < russavia> serious
02:35 < TeeTylerToe> or maybe the mob
02:35 < russavia> could be worse
02:35 -!- Sayzahn [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:35 -!- Sayzahn [] has quit [Max SendQ exceeded]
02:35 < TeeTylerToe> maybe the triads took it over from the russian mob
02:35 < russavia> could be run by the same twits as english wikipedia
02:36 -!- thineantiquepen [568ac5e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:36 -!- Sayzahn [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:36 < TeeTylerToe> russia isn't THAT corrupt
02:36 < russavia> precisely ;)
02:36 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
02:42 -!- Riley_Huntley [~quassel@wikimedia/Riley-Huntley] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
02:42 < IRWolfie-> do I see paint art?
02:43 < russavia> indeed you do
02:43 -!- Jarry1250 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:43 -!- Jarry1250 [] has quit [Changing host]
02:43 -!- Jarry1250 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:44 < IRWolfie-> you said speedy keep in your AFD
02:44 < IRWolfie-> the polandball one
02:44 < IRWolfie-> Speedy implies that the nominator has done something improper
02:45 < russavia>   this is great
02:47 < russavia> not always
02:48 < russavia> it can also mean that referencing is enough and is demonstrated yadda yadda yadda
02:49 < russavia> Polandball has into 31 languages now
02:52 < IRWolfie-> russavia: no it doesn't, read the speedy keep guidelines
02:53 < IRWolfie-> it means this was a bad faith nomination or invalid
02:53 -!- ceradon [~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:53 < TeeTylerToe> how was rathergate different from the Acorn scandal?
02:53 < russavia> i've seen enough bad-faith shit in my time
02:53 < russavia> and been subjected to a lot
02:53 < IRWolfie-> russavia: and that nomination wasn't bad faith
02:54 < TeeTylerToe> nobody assumes good faith, not even admins.  especially not admins
02:54 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: sure they do
02:54 < IRWolfie-> I do, I hope you do too.
02:54 < russavia> no they don't irwolfie
02:54 < russavia> not all do
02:54 < TeeTylerToe> then why do they prejudge so many people?
02:54 < russavia> because they are nitwits
02:55 < TeeTylerToe> Why do they blindly accept anything another admin tells them assuming everyone else is wrong?
02:55 < TeeTylerToe> where is the burden of proof?
02:55 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: no they don't
02:55 -!- UnknownFork [~UnknownFo@unaffiliated/unknownfork] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
02:55 < TeeTylerToe> An admin accused me of NPA.  I talked to more than half a dozen admins.  They all assumed I was in bad faith.  I wasn't
02:55 < IRWolfie-> if you spend some time at ANI you will see that admins aren't in some cabal
02:56 < TeeTylerToe> yes, some admins don't like other admins
02:56 < TeeTylerToe> like cliques at a high school cafeteria
02:56 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: you will find that it's most likely based off your behaviour
02:57 < TeeTylerToe> They knew nothing about my behavior
02:57 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: we can all see your contributions
02:57 < TeeTylerToe> I introduced myself and said "I was accused of NPA, please look at this"
02:57 < IRWolfie-> where?
02:57 < TeeTylerToe> and they all assumed I was guilty
02:57 < TeeTylerToe> where what?
02:57 < IRWolfie-> where did this happen? link me
02:57 < TeeTylerToe> the accusal?  My talk page.
02:57 -!- nuenfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:58 < TeeTylerToe> I bring it up with any admin, they say "well you NPA'd".  I say "No I didn't, look at the facts", then they say "Oh"
02:59 < russavia> I have a translation of Polandball being done in a language which only exists in incubator at the moment, and it will be the FIRST article in that language
02:59 < IRWolfie-> You appear to have engaged in some amount of edit warring TeeTylerToe
02:59 < TeeTylerToe>
03:00 < russavia> IRWolfie -- go read [[WP:EEML]] sometime and how easily admins are able to be manipulated
03:00 < TeeTylerToe> So have several admins.  I don't prejudge them though
03:00 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: who was that admin that you mention?
03:00 < TeeTylerToe> which admin?  The one that accused me of NPA?
03:01 < IRWolfie-> yes
03:01 < TeeTylerToe> Hi Nick - I would recommend having another look at your block here. The block is perhaps appropriate, but there are no "personal attacks" for which you blocked him indefinitely on that page. Mind reinstating his talkpage access?
03:01 < BlastHardcheese> wouldn't being accused of "no personal attacks" be a good thing :I
03:01 < TeeTylerToe> After reviewing an appeal by this user, it does appear that Guy Macon was involved in the dispute, as he reverted the article several times prior to closing the DRN discussion: [4] [5]. I do not believe that the DRN discussion would have ended any other way than it did, but Guy demonstrably was involved and therefore I think this justifies TTT's claim (TTT incorrectly used the term
03:01 < TeeTylerToe> "conflict of interest" here, but his basic argument appears to be true). It appears that this claim was viewed as a personal attack against Guy, and I'm not sure I agree with that assessment.
03:02 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: don't paste volumes of text
03:02 < TeeTylerToe> violating NPA
03:02 < IRWolfie-> I asked one question
03:02 < IRWolfie-> I can read your talkpage.
03:02 < TeeTylerToe> Those are from Nick-D's talk page that I linked
03:02 < TeeTylerToe> the admin who blocked me indefinitely, and then blocked my talk page access
03:04 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: you shot yourself in the food completely
03:04 < TeeTylerToe> I stood up to a bully who showed his character
03:05 -!- MarcoPerticarini [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
03:05 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: no you edit warred continously and got blocked for it
03:05 < IRWolfie-> then based your unblock requests on attacking others and DRN
03:05 < TeeTylerToe> He blocked my talk page access for quoting the procedings of the arbitration committee
03:06 < TeeTylerToe> I attacked a DRN volunteer who was edit warring
03:06 < TeeTylerToe> in a conflict of intrest
03:06 < IRWolfie-> and you got blocked for attacking DRN volunteers
03:06 < TeeTylerToe> it's not NPA if there is proof
03:06 < TeeTylerToe> which there was
03:06 -!- thineantiquepen is now known as TAP
03:07 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: you weren't blocked for personal attacks
03:07 < TeeTylerToe> are you making personal attacks against me accusing me of edit warring?
03:07 < TeeTylerToe> I was blocked indefinitely for personal attacks that were based on fact
03:07 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Quit: Subject has jacked out]
03:07 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: no, it is self evident that you were edit warring since you were blocked for it
03:07 < TeeTylerToe> you can't have it both ways
03:08 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: both ways?
03:08 < TeeTylerToe> I had proof too
03:08 < TeeTylerToe> Guy Macon was edit warring in a dispute that he was party to on DRN
03:08 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: so?
03:08 < TeeTylerToe> I accused him of it just like you accuse me of edit warring
03:08 < TeeTylerToe> we committed the same "crime"
03:09 < IRWolfie-> Guy made about 2 reverts from what I can see
03:09 < IRWolfie-> you made about 6
03:09 < TeeTylerToe> I discussed my reverts with the person reverting them
03:09 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: you do not re-insert additions without consensus
03:09 < russavia> irwolfie based on that
03:09 < russavia> shouldn't youreallycan be booted as well?
03:09 < TeeTylerToe> the other person stopped raising the dispute so I reverted it
03:10 < TeeTylerToe> then Guy Macon edit warred without discussion
03:10 < TeeTylerToe> it fits the definition of edit warring
03:10 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: sure, but your disruption was worse
03:10 < IRWolfie-> hence you got blocked
03:10 < TeeTylerToe> because I discussed it?
03:10 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: no because you persisted in edit warring
03:10 < TeeTylerToe> and I was blocked indefinitely for making a factual argument
03:11 < TeeTylerToe> No, I discussed my edits with the people that reverted my edits on the DRN
03:11 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: that you are unable to recoqnise the errors with your editing will result in the indefinite block being maintained
03:11 < TeeTylerToe> they dropped their complaints
03:11 < TeeTylerToe> the indefinite block had nothing to do with edit warring
03:11 < TeeTylerToe> the indefinite block was on NPA grounds
03:12 < TeeTylerToe> And my talk page access block was because I quoted the proceedings of arbitration committee
03:13 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: your judgement is clouded because you are personally involved in the dispute
03:13 < TeeTylerToe> You claim that the indefinite lock was on the grounds of edit warring
03:13 < TeeTylerToe> I couldn't even edit articles at that point
03:13 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: no I did not
03:14 < IRWolfie-> where did I make such a claim
03:14 < TeeTylerToe> <IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: that you are unable to recoqnise the errors with your editing will result in the indefinite block being maintained
03:14 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: that has nothing to do with the edit warring
03:14 < IRWolfie-> you have inferred that
03:14 < TeeTylerToe> <IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: you weren't blocked for personal attacks
03:15 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: yes, you were blocked for incivility
03:15 < IRWolfie-> or it was extended to indefinite for that reason: (Edit warring continuing to abuse other editors while blocked
03:15 < TeeTylerToe> "I've just extended the duration of your block to indefinite for continuing to make serious personal attacks."
03:15 < IRWolfie-> you were abusing other editors, it got extended
03:15 < TeeTylerToe> Those are the words of the blocking admin.
03:16 < IRWolfie-> so?
03:16 < IRWolfie-> you were focusing your comments on other editors
03:16 < TeeTylerToe> <TeeTylerToe> <IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: you weren't blocked for personal attacks
03:16 < TeeTylerToe> [06:15] <IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: yes, you were blocked for incivility
03:16 < IRWolfie-> while blocked
03:16 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: I can be wrong
03:16 < TeeTylerToe> I was blocked for personal attacks that were grounded in fact.
03:16 < IRWolfie-> there are numerous diffs showing personal attacks against guy
03:16 < TeeTylerToe> Not an NPA violation
03:17 < TeeTylerToe> Like what?
03:17 < IRWolfie->
03:17 < TeeTylerToe> He edit warred
03:17 < IRWolfie-> no, you are making accusations
03:17 < TeeTylerToe> He threatened to have me blocked several times
03:17 < IRWolfie-> you accused him of gaming the system, 10 times.
03:17 < TeeTylerToe> he did
03:18 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: he was warning you about possible sanctions
03:18 < IRWolfie-> he's not an admin.
03:18 < IRWolfie-> your whole basis for this discussion was about admins making accusations
03:18 < TeeTylerToe> "For the purposes of dispute resolution, the Arbitration Committee issued a decision in 2005 stating "whether a party is one user with sockpuppets or several users with similar editing habits they may be treated as one user with sockpuppets."[4]"
03:18 < IRWolfie-> and?
03:19 < TeeTylerToe> he gamed the system and threatened to have me blocked
03:19 < IRWolfie-> I don't know why you are linking this
03:19 < TeeTylerToe> liking to proceedings of the arbitration committee?
03:19 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: there is no evidence that he gamed the system. He did not threaten to have you blocked
03:20 < IRWolfie-> then you accused them of meatpuppetry, wow
03:20 < TeeTylerToe> the first one on my talk page "If you continue to vandalize Wikipedia, as you did at Wikipedia:Dispute resolution noticeboard, you may be blocked from editing"
03:21 < TeeTylerToe> they are guilty of meatpuppetry
03:21 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: Evidence
03:21 < IRWolfie-> first of all, define meat puppetry.
03:21 < TeeTylerToe> You're accusing me of accusing them of something you can't even define?
03:22 < TeeTylerToe> "For the purposes of dispute resolution, the Arbitration Committee issued a decision in 2005 stating "whether a party is one user with sockpuppets or several users with similar editing habits they may be treated as one user with sockpuppets."[4]"
03:22 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: I can define it, I want to hear your definition.
03:22 < TeeTylerToe> several users with similar editing habits participating in an edit war
03:22 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: they do not have similar editing patterns
03:22 -!- Sp33dyphil [cb2d98fb@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:22 < TeeTylerToe> They do
03:22 < IRWolfie-> they all disagreed with you; doesn't make them meat puppets
03:22 < TeeTylerToe> They all participated in edit warring
03:23 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: meat puppetry is attracting new, like minded editors into the dispute
03:23 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: don't be an idiot
03:23 < TeeTylerToe> Not according to the Arbitration committee
03:23 < TeeTylerToe> so what if I had gotten some friends
03:23 < TeeTylerToe> not new editors
03:23 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: you are wikilawyering
03:24 < IRWolfie-> you are quoting pieces out of context to advance your own point
03:24 < TeeTylerToe> like you using your own definition of meat puppetry saying that it must be new editors?
03:24 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: I'm quoting [[WP:MEAT]]
03:24 < IRWolfie-> "High-profile disputes on Wikipedia often bring new editors to the site. Some individuals may promote their causes by bringing like-minded editors into the dispute. These editors are sometimes referred to as meatpuppets, following a common Internet usage. While Wikipedia assumes good faith, especially for new users, recruiting new editors to influence decisions on Wikipedia is prohibited."
03:25 < TeeTylerToe> so am I
03:25 < TeeTylerToe> For the purposes of dispute resolution, the Arbitration Committee issued a decision in 2005 stating "whether a party is one user with sockpuppets or several users with similar editing habits they may be treated as one user with sockpuppets."[4]
03:25 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: no you are quoting something irrelevant out of context
03:25 < TeeTylerToe> it's right there in WP:MEAT
03:25 < IRWolfie-> it's for an influx of SPA editors, it says above.
03:25 < TeeTylerToe> do you think I went back through arbcom proceedings from '12 to '05?
03:25 < TeeTylerToe> You're wikilawyering
03:25 < IRWolfie-> "Wikipedia has processes in place to mitigate the disruption caused by an influx of single-purpose editors:"
03:26 < IRWolfie-> These aren't single purpose editors. You are wikilawyering by quoting it out of context
03:26 < TeeTylerToe> So what if I brought friends of mine, not new single purpose editors?
03:26 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: you have no evidence that that occured
03:26 < IRWolfie-> you just accused them of it
03:26 < TeeTylerToe> and the edit history shows that they edit warred as a group
03:27 < IRWolfie-> ...
03:27 < TeeTylerToe> what if I had brought friends of equal number, not new single purpose editors?
03:27 < TAP> ...
03:27 < TeeTylerToe> it's a way of gaming 3rr
03:27 < IRWolfie-> This is pointless. I can see that the indefinite block was fully justified. I am stopping now.
03:28 < TeeTylerToe> the indefinite block wasn't based on edit warring
03:28 < TAP> But the initial block was.
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03:28 < TeeTylerToe> after that I couldn't edit articles
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03:28 < TAP> That's the purpose of a block..
03:29 < TeeTylerToe> So how did I get blocked indefinitely?
03:29 < TeeTylerToe> I couldn't have engaged in more edit warring
03:29 < TeeTylerToe> and no, blocks are also used by bullies
03:30 < TAP> "continuing to abuse other editors while blocked" is the reason.
03:30 < IRWolfie-> Baseless accusations of meat puppetry and other similar abuse of editors
03:31 < TeeTylerToe> Guy Macon's actions alone constitute edit warring in both the S-76 page and the DRN page where he abused his volunteer status and edit warred. He repeatedly reverted other editors edits, he didn't participate in the discussion on the DRN talk page, and his edit summaries were hostile, accusing me of "vandalism". Wikipedia has clear and strong policies on accusing other editors of vandalism.
03:31 < TeeTylerToe> And the group actions of the people with similar editing habits including the various editors collectively edit warring on the S-76 page are guilty of edit warring as per wikipedia policy.
03:31 < TeeTylerToe> that is the statement that got my talk page access banned
03:31 < TeeTylerToe> it is true
03:32 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: I'm not going to re-argue the points again, because you are wrong and can't see it.
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03:32 < IRWolfie-> Wait a few months, then look back over your own comments
03:32 < TAP> Or even a year, which is often recommended.
03:33 < TeeTylerToe> Except two admins posted on Nick-D's talk page telling him he was wrong
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03:35 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: the admins asked questions, then they accepted Nick's answers
03:35 < IRWolfie-> they didn't tell him he was wrong
03:35 < IRWolfie-> they inquired
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03:36 < TeeTylerToe> No, in both cases he said "the UTRS system will handle it"
03:36 < TeeTylerToe> which is what the admins accepted
03:37 < TAP> All of your unblock requests were declined.. I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.
03:37 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: that isn't a quote
03:37 < TeeTylerToe> if he or she wants to be unblocked, this would be better handled through the ticket system to reduce the aggravation all round.
03:38 < TeeTylerToe> Given that the block is for an indefinite duration, the only thing he can realistically do with his user space is to ask to be unblocked. As this can be done through other means (which would also probably involve a lot less drama), I don't think it's appropriate to re enable talk page access at the moment
03:38 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: He is outlining how you can make further unblock requests
03:38 < IRWolfie-> even though talkpage access was revoked
03:38 < IRWolfie-> he is explaining why he revoked it
03:38 < TeeTylerToe> The UTRS appeal has been in the works since the 31st
03:38 < TeeTylerToe> he's saying it will be handled through UTRS
03:39 < IRWolfie-> That is what I said.
03:39 < IRWolfie-> He is outlining why he revoked talkpage access: you don't need it to request further unblocks
03:39 < TeeTylerToe> one of the unblock rejections was "Entire request reason ignored"
03:39 < TeeTylerToe> one was "Upon reviewing the history of the article in question, I don't see any signs of Guy Macon edit-warring against you. " which is demonstrably false
03:40 < TeeTylerToe> "NOTTHEM. "
03:40 < IRWolfie-> I'm not getting back into a discussion about the ban
03:40 < IRWolfie-> s/ban/block/
03:40 < TeeTylerToe> and the last one was ignored completely because of the indefinite block
03:41 < IRWolfie-> you are ignored because your reasons are self-evidently false but you ignore any advice
03:41 < TeeTylerToe> "This block has been superceded by the personal attacks indef block."
03:41 < TeeTylerToe> yes, except they aren't as evidenced by the two admins saying they aren't
03:42 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: I think this really sums it up. There are no two admins that agree with you. You have invented it all to suit your purposes
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03:42 < IRWolfie-> FYI, if two admins think you should be unblocked, they could have unblocked you if they wanted to
03:42 < IRWolfie-> they didn't, get over it.
03:42 < TeeTylerToe> I think this really sums it up.  You claim that my claims are baseless, but two admins posted "hey, look at this base his claims have"
03:43 < TeeTylerToe> and then Nick-D would have reblocked me
03:43 -!- TAP [568ac5e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
03:43 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: unlikely
03:43 < TeeTylerToe> and there would be admins block warring
03:43 < IRWolfie-> ^^
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03:47 < TeeTylerToe> The mechanical differences between the s-70 and s-76 include weaker engines, smaller rotors, and the orientation of the tail rotor was changed. While they share transmissions of the same design.
03:48 < TeeTylerToe> You couldn't believe the lies, and the OR the brave members of aviation project replaced that with
03:49 < TeeTylerToe> the transmission is a single stage they said
03:49 < TeeTylerToe> now they're arguing which is less encyclopedic.  "the transmission shares technology concepts", or "design technologies"
03:50 < TeeTylerToe> because they can't go with something that's supported by references or encyclopedic
03:53 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:53 < TeeTylerToe> Can anyone tell me why they edit warred so valiantly for dishonest OR?  What would make members of aviation project swarm on an article and include any lie they can think of to contradict any similarity made between two clearly related helicopters?
03:54 < BlastHardcheese> because it's a conspiracy
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03:56 < TeeTylerToe> Why would there be a conspiracy to remove any comparison between two related helicopters?
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03:59 < TeeTylerToe> They would include "which employed the same design- and construction techniques; and aerodynamic features; for its main and tail rotor systems as the UH-60." but mentioning that they share similiar transmissions, which is stated in the same reference used for that statement was verbotten
03:59 < TeeTylerToe> why?
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04:02 < TeeTylerToe> why would people edit war to prevent the reference supported statement that the S-70 and S-76 share a simplified transmission design?
04:03 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: you did. So maybe you can explain why
04:03 < TeeTylerToe> (+17)‎ . . (→‎Design and development: corrected factual error) (undo)
04:03 < wctaiwan> (nice loaded language there btw)
04:03 < TeeTylerToe> (Undid revision 503786913 by Fnlayson (talk)the S-76 employed technologies developed for the UH-60... Among the features are... a simplified main rotor transmission.) (undo)
04:03 < TeeTylerToe> (Undid 503789609 by Kyteto The s-70 and s-76 share a bullhead transmission which is an alternative to the traditional planetary gear system with reduced complexity. It is inaccurate to say the trans of the s-76 is a simplified version of the s-70s) (undo)
04:04 < TeeTylerToe> Undid revision 503938483 by YSSYguy (talk) Yes, none of the references support the quote directly from the reference... wait...) (und
04:04 < IRWolfie-> don't spam.
04:05 < TeeTylerToe> why would people edit war to prevent the reference supported statement that the S-70 and S-76 share a simplified transmission design?
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04:06 < russavia> teetylertoe
04:06 < russavia> two links for you
04:06 < russavia>
04:07 < russavia>
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04:07 < TeeTylerToe> the thing is the aviation project is RANDY
04:08 < russavia> ignore the aviation project
04:08 < russavia> i have done so in the past
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04:09 < TeeTylerToe> They feel they own all aviation articles
04:09 < russavia> the worst is the airline project
04:10 < IRWolfie-> this channel appears to have a rather large number of blocked users as regulars
04:10 < russavia> if you edit on aviation article -- is a great source for ebooks and the like
04:11 < russavia> with books in english, russian, polish, german, etc, etc
04:13 < TeeTylerToe> It helps us confirm our opinion of Admins
04:14 < TeeTylerToe> also in this form admins are forced to accept arguments unlike on wikipedia where they'll read your appeal and ignore it
04:14 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: No doubt you being a veteran editor of 300+ edits your opinions are well informed.
04:15 < russavia> well what you think about mine irwolfie?
04:15 < russavia> considering my edit count?
04:16 < russavia> and i am blocked for only being a troll (apparently)
04:16 < wctaiwan> russavia is a block-evading editing-by-proxy veteran wikilawyer >.>
04:16  * wctaiwan runs
04:16 < wctaiwan> (seriously though, I have no opinion :P)
04:16 < wctaiwan> (except when you start silly arguments in here and refuse to let it go)
04:17 < russavia> silly arguments? nah, I don't have much tolerance for bullshit
04:17 < IRWolfie-> russavia: I don't know any of the details about what occured
04:18 < IRWolfie-> seems like you violated an interaction ban
04:18 < russavia> seems like yeah
04:18 < russavia> things can be twisted many ways
04:19 < IRWolfie-> the diffs seem pretty conclusive
04:19 < russavia> i;'m not getting into it actually, just saying that edit count shouldn't be used for much really
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04:19 < russavia> don't know what i know though ;)
04:19 < IRWolfie-> russavia: except as a basic indicator of experience
04:20 < IRWolfie-> if someones edit count is far far too small it probably indicates they don't have a large experience
04:20 < russavia> or that they have edited for a long time under an IP
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04:21 < IRWolfie-> russavia: they didn't counter argue, so I doubt it
04:21 < IRWolfie-> and I see no references to one
04:24 < TeeTylerToe> The only reason I bother with a user account is when I'm creating an article, because like everything else that part of wikipedia is broken
04:24 < russavia> teetylertoe
04:24 < russavia> what you do is this...
04:25 < russavia> register a new account.....go edit other articles, saying on the mating habits of the common housefly, for a month or so...then gradually move back to the articles that you want to "fix" what you gotta do
04:25 < russavia> and within 18 months you could even become an admin
04:26 < russavia> then go block all the twits who got you blocked
04:26 < IRWolfie-> russavia: don't encourage other editors to evade blocks
04:27 < russavia> but edit other articles for 3 months -- this ensures that your IP and other information will no longer be accessible
04:27 < russavia> irwolfie
04:27 < IRWolfie-> ...
04:27 < russavia> why not? it happens every day and the community often doesn't care
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04:27 < russavia> and i'm not encouraging him, i'm simply telling what often happens xD
04:28 < IRWolfie-> does commons have zero standards for its admins?
04:28 < IRWolfie-> russavia: you are instructing him on how to set up a sockpuppet
04:28 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Quit: Beams.]
04:28 < TeeTylerToe> admins are admins everywhere
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04:28 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: that is a meaningless sentence
04:29 < TeeTylerToe> you won't even admit that a project that believes that it owns an article could possibly edit war
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04:29 < russavia> it's like getting instructions on how to make a bomb on the internet
04:30 < IRWolfie-> russavia: do you recoqnise that TeeTylerToe's actions were out of line
04:30 < TeeTylerToe> the people that pursue adminship are the same in every community
04:30 < russavia> haven't even looked tbh ;)
04:31 < IRWolfie-> russavia: great, nice job encouraging editors to evade blocks when you don't even know what they were blocked for.
04:31 < IRWolfie-> Is that how things run on commons as well?
04:31 < TeeTylerToe> I was blocked from talk page access for posting this:
04:31 < TeeTylerToe> Guy Macon's actions alone constitute edit warring in both the S-76 page and the DRN page where he abused his volunteer status and edit warred. He repeatedly reverted other editors edits, he didn't participate in the discussion on the DRN talk page, and his edit summaries were hostile, accusing me of "vandalism". Wikipedia has clear and strong policies on accusing other editors of vandalism.
04:31 < TeeTylerToe> And the group actions of the people with similar editing habits including the various editors collectively edit warring on the S-76 page are guilty of edit warring as per wikipedia policy.
04:31 -!- Jarry1250 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250] has left #wikipedia-en []
04:31 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: noone cares
04:31 < TeeTylerToe> you just asked him
04:32 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: everything you have said here is untrue, so it can be safely ignored
04:32 < russavia> you should see what i say in commons IRC
04:32 < TeeTylerToe> like where I've caught you in contradictions?
04:32 < russavia> anything i say in IRC is not necessarily same as what my true opinion on things onwiki is
04:33 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: unlike you, I freely admit when I have made a mistake. You do not
04:33 < TeeTylerToe> I catch you in direct contradictions where you've held two opposing positions in the space of a minute
04:34 < TeeTylerToe> you "catch" me making arguments that are the subject of opinion
04:34 < IRWolfie-> You are incapable of understanding your block reasons. If your unblock is appealed, it should be denied on the grounds of incompetance
04:34 < TeeTylerToe> I was blocked for violating NPA
04:34 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: stop repeating yourself
04:34 < IRWolfie-> Noone buys it, so why keep saying it
04:35 < TeeTylerToe> sorry for keeping a consistent position
04:35 < russavia> teetylortoe
04:35 < IRWolfie-> you were blocked for edit warring, it was extended because you keep accusing others of meat puppetry etc
04:35 < russavia> give me just one diff that was reverted for being vandalism
04:35 < russavia> IRWolfie, you say that this guy is a newbie
04:36 < TeeTylerToe> A revert I made?  I made reverts in cases where the reason for the edit I was reverting was bogus
04:36 < TeeTylerToe> see above when I listed several edit summaries
04:36 < TeeTylerToe> for instance when someone reverted my edit because it "contradicted references" when it was a direct quote from a reference
04:36 < russavia> give me the link of something that was reverted as vandalism
04:37 < TeeTylerToe>
04:37 < IRWolfie-> it seems Guy Macon had a name transplant
04:38 < TeeTylerToe> name transplant?
04:38 < IRWolfie-> You said Guy Macon had hostile edit summaries accusing you of vandalism
04:38 < IRWolfie-> Where is that diff
04:40 < TeeTylerToe>
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04:42 < IRWolfie-> what were you doing
04:42 < TeeTylerToe> Guy Macon was edit warring on the S-76 page.  To resolve that dispute it was brought to DRN.  Guy Macon unilaterally closed the DRN dispute then edit warred to delete the discussion from the page
04:43 < IRWolfie-> You were re-inserting a closed dispute that Steven_Zhang had closed
04:43 < TeeTylerToe> I discussed it with Steven Zhang, he dropped his objection
04:43 < TeeTylerToe> the way civilized editors do
04:44 < TeeTylerToe> I pointed out to him that Guy Macon was involved in the dispute, and not acting asa DRN volunteer
04:44 < IRWolfie-> diff
04:45 < TeeTylerToe>
04:45 < IRWolfie-> because this says otherwise:
04:45 < IRWolfie-> Now where does he remove his objection
04:45 < IRWolfie-> please quote the exact sentence
04:45 < TeeTylerToe> He stoped making it and stopped discussing it
04:45 < TeeTylerToe> stopped
04:45 < IRWolfie-> No, quote the exact sentence.
04:46 < TeeTylerToe> he closed the discussion without renewing the objection
04:46 < IRWolfie-> You were blocked for a week, what could he object to?
04:46 < IRWolfie-> He didn't remove his objection, i.e that is an invention on your part
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04:47 < IRWolfie-> you are inferring that when there are no grounds to
04:47 < TeeTylerToe> that was three and a quarter hours later
04:47 < TeeTylerToe> after he closed the discussion
04:47 < IRWolfie-> he is being polite, but in no-circumstances does he say; it's ok to restore that DRN that you keep edit warring to put back
04:47 < TeeTylerToe> He no longer objected
04:47 < IRWolfie-> You can ask him yourself when he comes here.
04:47 < TeeTylerToe> he basically said the DRN isn't for resolving disputes
04:48 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: there you go again, you are putting words in peoples mouths
04:48 < TeeTylerToe> If he continued his objection I would have continued the discussion
04:48 < TeeTylerToe> I'd suggest you consider an RFC if you would like this issue to be more extensively discussed, as DRN cannot help if the other editors are not participating in the discussion.
04:48 < IRWolfie-> Right, I have to get back to work
04:49 < IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: that means the opposite of what you stated: RFCs are done on the talk page
04:49 < TeeTylerToe> I didn't say it wouldn't be done on the talk page
04:50 < TBloemink> People, who is the owner of Learn_bot ?
04:50 < TBloemink> Please report yourself now before I remove the bot from this channel. Thanks.
04:52 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o TBloemink] by ChanServ
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05:03 < wctaiwan> mmm bots.
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05:11 < TeeTylerToe> I wonder why there are so many people in this room
05:12 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Quit: I'll remember this.]
05:15 < IRWolfie-> If you think there are many now, you should see when there is a technical error on wikipedia :)
05:15 < TeeTylerToe> the higgs boson article got the definition of 5 sigma wrong
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05:16 < TeeTylerToe> some people thought it meant 5 nines, some people googled it and used sites about 5 sigma being used for production quality which were wrong
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05:25 < TeeTylerToe> most of the time the room is de facto +R
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05:44 < Fae> KimiSleep: Poke back - sub sub windoze etc.
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05:47 < russavia> hey fae ya woolly woofter, howzit
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06:00 < Fae> russavia: Bit warm for the woolly jumper today - getting up to 27C in London. Must go AFK and do something in the garden, apart from use my laptop. I have an Auzzie staying for a few days, it's been a good reason for some spring cleaning and I'm tuning into the dialect ;-)
06:01 < Qcoder02> 27C?  That's a bit nippy mate :)
06:01 < russavia> put him out to work in the garden
06:03 < Fae> He's recovering from travelling the planet last night. After that he'll be cruising around Soho checking out the talent, he doesn't need a wing man, so I'm relieved to look forward to a quiet evening in with a pot of tea. :-D
06:04  * Fae Gets dragged away from keyboard to trim a hedge.
06:04 < russavia> he could simply cruise at your place....heaps of talent there i hear!
06:05 < russavia> probably tied up in the basement ;)
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06:06 < Fae> How did you guess? :-D
06:06 < russavia> informed guess
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06:07 < Qcoder02> Does anyone here have a list of UK firms that do business in Ecuador?
06:08 < Qcoder02> Or of Ecuadorian firms that have majority business interests in the UK?
06:08 < russavia> SAS will soon be doing business with ecuador i think
06:08 < Qcoder02> Doubt it
06:08 < Qcoder02> Storming an embassy 'Isn't playing the game'
06:09 < russavia> blow the living shit out of it with a missile
06:09 < IRWolfie-> British diplomats would be put at risk
06:10 < russavia> there's not much the poms can do
06:12 < Qcoder02> The reason I'm asking for a list of companies working in Ecuador is so that I can send appripriate letters to them
06:12 < Qcoder02> I assume WikiProject Ecuador exists ?
06:13 < russavia> and what is an appropriate letter?
06:14 < IRWolfie-> letters?
06:14 < IRWolfie-> why?
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06:15 < Qcoder02> russavia: A letter asking them to review their operations in Ecuador
06:15 < russavia> fucking tories
06:15 < IRWolfie-> Why don't the Swedish just continue the trial in absentia
06:15 -!- Hydriz [~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:15 < IRWolfie-> they can even do it through video conferencing
06:15 < Qcoder02> IRWolfie-:  It hadn't got that far...
06:16 < russavia> or they could send a prosecutor to london to interview him
06:16 < Qcoder02> All they wanted to do was an intial interview I think
06:16 < IRWolfie-> They know exactly where he is
06:16 < IRWolfie-> They were offered to interview him afaik, but declined
06:16 -!- Jayflux [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
06:16 < russavia> if one could drive across the channel tunnel, he would have been in ecuador months ago
06:19 < IRWolfie-> bought my lunch but forgot to eat it
06:23 < russavia> so qcoder02, why u want them to review operations?
06:24 < Qcoder02> Ecuador doesn't have a good record on Human rights
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06:26 < russavia> have you written similar letters to uk companies operating in, oh, let's say, china?
06:26 < Qcoder02> I've considered it
06:27 < russavia> ah right, so instead of targetting truly horrendous human rights violators
06:28 < IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: sent letters to Columbia?
06:28 < Qcoder02> No
06:28 < IRWolfie-> Saudi Arabia?
06:28 < russavia> you are targetting a country due to a case, which is exactly about human rights?
06:28 < russavia> Singapore?
06:28 < Qcoder02> Syria?
06:28 < Qcoder02> Burma?
06:28 < russavia> USA?
06:28 < Qcoder02> OK I see what you mean
06:29 < Qcoder02> russavia: The US has human rights... It just applies them in a discriminatory way ;)
06:29 < russavia> same can be said about Russia lol
06:29 < russavia> look at the headlines right now
06:29 < IRWolfie-> yar, the whole pussy riot thing
06:29 < IRWolfie-> In Ireland, that would be a slap on the wrist non-offence
06:29 < Qcoder02> Not to mention the Ban on gay pride
06:30 < russavia> in relation to the pussy riot thing....
06:30 < russavia> i wish celebrities would shut the fuck up about it
06:30 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:30 < Qcoder02> IRWolfie-:  Can you imagine the Sex Pistols invading Westminster Abbey to sing 'God Save the Queen' ?
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06:30 < IRWolfie-> Wow, they were found guilty too
06:30 < russavia> but i'd love to know the views of say the Vatican, or US presidential nominees
06:30 < russavia> , etc, etc
06:31 < IRWolfie-> Christians aren't that forgiving either it seems
06:31 < IRWolfie-> screw you clemancy
06:31 < russavia> of course
06:31 < IRWolfie-> No turning the other cheek either
06:32 < russavia> they are all hypocrites....on both sides
06:32 < IRWolfie-> sure, but some people are being put into jail whilst others are not
06:33 < russavia> "The Orthodox Christian church's de facto spokesman on the case, archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, told RIA Novosti in an exclusive interview last month that the church expected the women to repent for their protest. Chaplin said god had "revealed" this to him in a vision."
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06:33 < russavia> LOL
06:33 < IRWolfie-> oh God :|
06:33  * russavia recalls, when you talk to god it's called prayer, but when god talks to you it's called schizophrenia
06:33 < Qcoder02> Depends
06:34 < Qcoder02> If god tells you to  Invade Iraq that's a sound pilyc decision...
06:34 < IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: Can you diferentiate between mental illness and God talking in your head?
06:34 < Qcoder02> I whoudl use a :P more often
06:34 < Qcoder02> IRWolfie-:  God is real :)
06:34 < russavia> i often hear things in my headx
06:35 < russavia> but that's probably the drugs doing what they're supposed to do
06:35 < IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: If you were God would you go around whispering things in peoples heads?
06:35 < Qcoder02> Qcoder02 : I don't know
06:36 < russavia> qcoder02 did god tell you to write to companies on the ecuador thing?
06:36 < Qcoder02> No
06:36 < IRWolfie-> The religious argue that God doesn't interfere to prevent evil. But then they claim God talks to people all the time ...
06:36 < noommos> I've made a mistake, could somebody delete User:Noommos/Billy Hathorn, it's far larger than expected
06:36 < Qcoder02> russavia: I'll reconsider the Ecuador thing...
06:36 < IRWolfie-> noommos: you can mark it for speedy deletion
06:36 < Qcoder02> Companies doing business with Syria would have more impact...
06:36 < noommos> it's tagged now, twinkle was having problems getting the edit through
06:37 < Qcoder02> (esp  firms that deal in  'dual use' items)
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06:37 < IRWolfie-> what is it?
06:37 < IRWolfie-> out of curiousity
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06:37 < IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: what religion are you?
06:38 < noommos> grouped contribs [[Wikipedia:Bot_requests#Bot.28s.29_to_catch_bare_urls_and_copyvio]]
06:38 < Qcoder02> IRWOLFE:  I prefer not to say
06:38 < russavia> UK companies doing business with syria? lol
06:38 < IRWolfie-> oh
06:38 < Qcoder02> Trying to explain EFTPOS to outsiders gets complex ;)
06:39 < IRWolfie-> debit card system?
06:39 < IRWolfie-> what does EFTPOS stand for?
06:39 < Qcoder02> Earth's First Terran Portal( to the) Outer Space ;)
06:39 < russavia> electronic funds transfer at point of sale...i think
06:40 < IRWolfie-> wait, what?
06:40 < mareklug>   "Air France asks passengers for refuel cash at Damascus stop"
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06:40 < russavia> lol mareklug
06:40 < Qcoder02> russavia:  EFTPOS is a spoof ;)
06:40 < russavia> sounds like Air Zimbabwe lol
06:41 < IRWolfie-> ShakespeareFan00 is you?
06:41 < Qcoder02> IRWolfe: A lot of EFTPOS is about interface compatibility ...
06:41 < mareklug> well the Syrians would not take credit.   but it was somehow later paid.
06:41 < Qcoder02> IRWofle: /me <smiles knowingly>
06:42 < Qcoder02> True compatibility is Binary Compatibility that allows someone's interface to 'Trunk'
06:43 < IRWolfie-> sounds Hubbard-eseque
06:43 < IRWolfie-> s/se/s/
06:44 < Qcoder02> Well there is a degree  of interface testing needed
06:44 < Qcoder02> 'debugging' an interface isn't without effort :)
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06:45 < russavia> well i wonder whether air france will be prosecuted with supporting the syrian regime given their sanctions
06:45 < Qcoder02> but in EFTPOS  each interface has it's own 'frewall' that needs modification
06:46 -!- dendodge [~dendodge@unaffiliated/dendodge] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
06:47 < mareklug> if Air France is to be prosecuted it's for flying the plane with too little fuel for diversion to a safe place
06:47 < Qcoder02> Not enough reserve fuel?
06:48 < mareklug> that's why they went to Damascus instead of Amman
06:48 < mareklug> these are micro distances
06:48 < russavia> right
06:51 -!- Spacewalker [~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker] has quit [Quit: Nothing to do here… *flies away*]
06:51 < Qcoder02> Any bot writers in?
06:51 < Qcoder02> I have a request
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07:00 < IRWolfie-> No wonder the USA is going into the toilet
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07:00 < IRWolfie-> or down the toilet I should say :)
07:01 < IRWolfie-> these people deserve to be beaten with sticks
07:02 -!- BlastHardcheese [chris@pdpc/supporter/active/blasthardcheese] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:03 < noommos> Qcoder02?
07:03  * KimiSleep slaps Fae around a bit with a large trout
07:03 < KimiSleep> what?
07:03 < Qcoder02> WP:REFLINKS contains a report which lists No title refs...
07:03 < Qcoder02> Is it possible to automate the fixing process?
07:04 < Qcoder02> - Most of my recent 'edit-sprees' have been REFLINK ficing
07:04 < Qcoder02> which mostly consists of 2 mouse clicks...
07:04 < Qcoder02> It should be automated in my view
07:05 -!- Krenair [~Krenair@wikimedia/Krenair] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:06 < IRWolfie-> automated reflinks running?
07:06 < IRWolfie-> it's good to have the human element in the chain
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07:09 < Qcoder02> IRWolfe: For obvious cases , yes
07:09 -!- Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
07:11 < Qcoder02> It takes about 2 hours for me to a days worth manually
07:11 < Qcoder02> Doing it witha bot or AWB would take a few mins I feel
07:12 -!- Writ_Keeper [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Writ-Keeper] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:13 < noommos> The interactive mode is recommended, but takes longer. It fills in references more completely, creating high-quality detailed references without the "bot-generated" notes. It is the mode used in the template banner described in the above usage section. It can be used on bare URLs or plain links by selecting the relevant button before running the tool. The templates created automatically
07:13 < noommos> by the tool need to be reviewed to ensure that they are accurate, as they are often not.
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07:19 < mareklug> IRWolfie-:  i think the real  issue is the declining education level of serving state legislators themselves.   there is no test of competency to become and stay one.  And KY was a much saner state when I went to a public university there a while back.
07:20 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
07:20 < Qcoder02> mareklug: Make Politicans take a comptency exam? ROFL
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07:22 < wctaiwan> hey, Wehwalt
07:22 < Wehwalt> wctaiwan: hey
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07:23 < mareklug> "Anti-Putin rock band members sentenced to 2 years in prison for hooliganism"    that's very severe, even though less than what the merciful tsar asked for
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07:23 < IRWolfie-> mareklug: what is more sad is that people vote for these morons
07:24 < Mdann52> Any admins?
07:24 < mareklug> well, they appear locally credible during elections.  they act feebly when in office.
07:24 < wctaiwan> IRWolfie-: why not, it works out well for them...
07:25 < Qcoder02> Should voters be asked to prove thier comptency ? XD
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07:29 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
07:29 < IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: I have a fair system: If they can't spot their own state on a map of the world they should be excluded
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07:30 < Qcoder02> XD
07:30 < Qcoder02> Most world maps are wrong though ;)
07:30 < mareklug> IRWolfie-:  to be fair, make it a physical map
07:30 < IRWolfie-> A globe if you wish
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07:31 < IRWolfie-> If a projection leaves you unable to spot your own state then out you go :>
07:31 < IRWolfie-> Or how about, "The sun and the moon are not the same object" True or false?
07:32 < Qcoder02> IRWolfe:  What was the cause of the Civil War? ;)
07:32 -!- Froodsleep is now known as Frood
07:32 < IRWolfie-> Those damn yankies!
07:32 -!- aoke1989 [~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
07:33 < IRWolfie-> "Alex was laughing at me earlier because I thought the sun and the moon was the same thing. Turns out they’re not!" Quote from chantelle, UK big brother
07:33 -!- OlEnglish [~OlEnglish@wikipedia/OlEnglish] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
07:33 < Qcoder02> XD
07:33 < Qcoder02> :O
07:34  * Qcoder02 wonders if they should set up a 'Big Brother' house as a care home for 'Essex-idiots' that appear on relaity TV shows
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07:35 < Mdann52> :):);)
07:35 < mareklug> "Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said confronting Israel is an effort to "protect the dignity of all human beings". "The existence of the Zionist regime is an insult to all humanity," Ahmadinejad said."  <-- wait, he said "Zionist regime".  Does that mean he is not against Israel's existence, only dislikes the government?
07:36 < IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: I'm just surprised this type of person remembers to breath
07:38 -!- TAP [568ac5e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
07:40 -!- Mdann52 is now known as Mdann52-swimming
07:41 < IRWolfie-> *breathe
07:42 < mareklug> in case you're interested in what Pussy Riot sings like
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07:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug pretty much
07:48 -!- LL2|Android [~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
07:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug the catch is he probably believes all Israelis are Zionists so the solution probably is making non-Israelis rule the country... How about para-dropping in the british queen?
07:49 < Qcoder02> Like the British were able to rule Palestine effectivly...
07:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no, thats not the point
07:50 < Soapy> i think a lot of muslim leaders arent as anti-Semitic as they make it seem
07:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the point is para droping in monarchs
07:50 < mareklug> i always wanted to know how Ahmadinejad felt about Israeli Arabs, of whom there is only an increasing population.  I mean, they are Israelis.
07:50 < Soapy> they just do it to get the support of the people, who really are crazy anti-Semitic
07:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Soapy of course not
07:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its a good way to win votes
07:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the common folk tend to be stupid
07:50 < Soapy> in Iran if you said "you know, maybe Israel isnt so bad after all"
07:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think US republicans are anti-Islamic after all
07:50 < Soapy> youd have a mob after you
07:51 < Qcoder02> Blame Israel when you can't admit your own arrogance is the problem
07:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Soapy not necesarily
07:51 < Qcoder02> Seems to be the view some Arab leaders have
07:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> vast majority of iranians arent really hpy with their government
07:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder02 to be fair Israel makes it easywith the use of their millitary
07:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it is much easier to convince people that "israel is out to get them" if they know Israel bomb people very now and then
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07:53 < Qcoder02> Or gas them
07:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> gas?
07:54 < Qcoder02> Israel is alleged to have WMD by some arab leaders...
07:54 < Soapy>
07:54 < Soapy> oh come on, its an open secret that Israel has nukes
07:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> umm
07:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think israel has nukes
07:55 < mareklug> Qcoder02:  Israel is practically known to have 200-300 nukes, so what is this "by Arab leaders"
07:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> israel might have US nukes they themselves cannot use
07:56 < Qcoder02> Israel has never confirmed it has nukes
07:56 < Wehwalt> Only bad guys have WMF.  Good guys have weapons to assure world peace
07:56 < Wehwalt> WMD I mean
07:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they never made nuclear tests either
07:56 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko:  you're not saying what most sources say on this subject
07:56 < Qcoder02> ONly Bad guys have WMF?  ;)
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07:56 < Qcoder02> What bad gusy have WMF as an enemy?
07:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think Israel has the wealth to build or sustain a secret nuclear facility
07:57 < Soapy>
07:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> dont quite care about what the article(s) say
07:57 < mareklug> they certainly had the scientists.  and the French gave them plutonium and a reactor
07:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> israel is already spending a good chunk of their budget on conventional warfare
07:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> building 200-300 nukes is a lot of cash
07:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> unless that means -100
07:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> :p
07:58 < Qcoder02> How many Warheads does the UK Maintain?
07:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug if israel has nukes they wouldnt have more than a handful
07:59  * Peter-C licks ToAruShiroiNeko and Qcoder02
07:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder02 I dont know but UK is massively populated in comparison
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08:00  * Peter-C glomps GorillaWarfare
08:00  * GorillaWarfare glomps back
08:00 < Qcoder02> UK Has 225 maintained warheads of which 160 are in operational use -
08:00 < GorillaWarfare> Ooh, new crime log!
08:01  * wctaiwan discreetly inserts a hypodermic needle into Peter-C's arm
08:01 < Peter-C> Dude. How do you do that discreetly do that.
08:01 < Peter-C> A lot of medics would need that skill
08:01 < wctaiwan> ninja reflexes >.>
08:01 < GorillaWarfare> Peter-C: Maybe if he punched you in the other arm, you wouldn't notice
08:02 < Qcoder02> Israeli warhead count (in 2002) was estimated to be around 80  -see also
08:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder02 ie they are in submarines or in underground bunkers
08:02 < Peter-C> Maybe if he tased me
08:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 80 is still too many
08:02 < Peter-C> I want to tase someone before I die.
08:02 < GorillaWarfare> Peter-C: Ha, I was talking to a cop in my town who's been tazed 5-10 times before
08:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think israel would go over 21 nukes as that would fail to meet blackjack
08:03 < Peter-C> I hope not by crims
08:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C there is hypo-soray technology
08:03 -!- Kiewii [~kiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii] has quit [Quit: I'm out]
08:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C one tase a day keeps the doctor away
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08:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> which in your case is because you are paralysed
08:03 < GorillaWarfare> Peter-C: Nah, in demonstrations
08:04 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko:  "2010 -- According to Jane's Defense Weekly Israel has between 100 and 300 nuclear warheads, most of them are probably being kept in unassembled mode but can become fully functional "in a matter of days".[102]"
08:04 < GorillaWarfare> He gets people to bet against whether or not he'll do it
08:04 < GorillaWarfare> Just like… pizzas
08:04 < Peter-C> Nice
08:04 < Qcoder02> mareklug:  45 hours?
08:04 < Peter-C> I should do this.
08:05 < Qcoder02> Peter-C: What do you know about TENS unit use?
08:05 < GorillaWarfare> lolwut...
08:05 < GorillaWarfare> "A student reported that a woman appeared to be crawling on the ground in the North Lot. NUPD officers responded and reported that BPD and EMS were already on scene with the female. She initially would not identify herself. Officers eventually identified her as a 23-year-old Northeastern student, but she remained combative. Boston EMS transported the student to Beth Israel Hospital for further evaluation."
08:05 < Peter-C> Qcoder02 - no
08:05 < Qcoder02> If you learn how to use TENS as an EMS you can in a manner legally taze people :)
08:06 < Peter-C> GorillaWarfare - I once had a call for a person drowning
08:06 < Peter-C> My unit was first on scene
08:06 < Peter-C> She was having a heart attack in the middle of a parking lot
08:07 < Peter-C> Weirdest thing was, she was covered in water with no source...
08:07 -!- ExtinguishBusy [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.11/20120715041107]]
08:07 < Peter-C> She was v-tachy as shit
08:07 < GorillaWarfare> V
08:07 < GorillaWarfare> *V-tachy?
08:08 < Peter-C> Ventricular tachycardia
08:08 < GorillaWarfare> Oh, of course
08:08 < Peter-C>
08:08 < Peter-C> As Bill Cosby would put it ^
08:09 < GorillaWarfare> Urgh...
08:10 < GorillaWarfare> Sometimes when I first boot Windows, it forgets it's supposed to be in Dvorak and instead stays in QWERTY
08:10 < GorillaWarfare> Makes typing in my password a bit difficult.
08:10 < Peter-C> the fuck is a Dvorak
08:11 < GorillaWarfare> Peter-C: It's like the Lorax
08:11 < GorillaWarfare> Or also
08:11 < Peter-C> It’s scary D:
08:12 < Soapy> dvorak has a cult following
08:12 < Soapy> it's like Linux
08:12 < GorillaWarfare> Yeah, I switched to it a little while ago
08:13 < GorillaWarfare> I felt like I'd had a stroke for a while
08:13 < Frood> I have a 75% off code on Steam for Portal 2, anybody want it?
08:13 < GorillaWarfare> Going from 90wpm to 10wpm was frustrating as all hell
08:13 < Peter-C> I DO, but I have them already
08:13 < Soapy> i got Portal 2 for free once but decided not to download it because it was like 5 gigs
08:13 < Peter-C> Then why switch!
08:14 < Soapy> so thanks but no thanks
08:14 < Frood> Dvorak wrote music.
08:14 < Soapy> Steam is great though
08:14 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
08:15 < GorillaWarfare> Peter-C: It's supposed to be better for repetitive strain injuries
08:15 < GorillaWarfare> Plus I wanted to see if it would let me type faster
08:15  * Peter-C sneaks into GorillaWarfare’s room and replaces her wrists and runs
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08:20 < mareklug> according to, the Pussy Riot were sentenced to two years of labor camp, not just prison.  Souns pretty retro, eh?
08:20 -!- Anurag2k12 [~Anurag2k1@] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:20 < mareklug> sounds
08:21 -!- ItzExor [~exor@2607:f358:1:fed5:22:0:d6f2:e8a8] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:21 < GorillaWarfare> Hmph. I wish my Windows 7 boot would stop accusing me of stealing it...
08:21 < GorillaWarfare> The one piece of software I have legitimately, and it's paranoid as all hell -.-
08:21 < Peter-C>
08:22 < GorillaWarfare> Also, holy weird grammar
08:22 < Peter-C> O_o
08:22 < GorillaWarfare> "To change the hardware your Windows product key is registered to use the automated phone system to activate."
08:24 < Peter-C> They are totally going to send an attack helicopter to your dwelling
08:24 < Peter-C> And shoot it up
08:24 < mareklug> GorillaWarfare:  that's so fascist.  Apple never gave a fuck about its OSes.   it was honor system.
08:25 < GorillaWarfare> mareklug: Yeah… Although it seems that the only thing Windows does when it thinks you're using a non-legitimate copy is remind you about it often and not let you have a desktop background… wut?
08:26 < Peter-C> You just need to put in the code and activate it
08:26 < Peter-C> :/
08:26 -!- Beria_ [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:26 < GorillaWarfare> Peter-C: I did, but then it told me my hardware has changed and I need to call the thing
08:26 < GorillaWarfare> I don't think it likes that I'm using it both through Boot Camp and through an emulator
08:26 < Peter-C> O-o
08:26 < GorillaWarfare> It gets all confused
08:26  * Peter-C huggles and pets Windows
08:26 < Peter-C> It’s just an operating system D:
08:26 < GorillaWarfare> Oh, now it wants me to buy a new copy for $110
08:27 < GorillaWarfare> Lolno.
08:27 < Peter-C> Buy windows 8 for $40
08:27 < mareklug> the point is she already paid for this
08:27 < GorillaWarfare> ^
08:28 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
08:28 < Peter-C> LoganCloud - I WILL POKE YOU IF IT’S THE LAST THING I DO
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08:33  * GorillaWarfare gives up and calls
08:34 -!- dungodung|away is now known as dungodung
08:34 < aude> GorillaWarfare: ubuntu? :)
08:35 < GorillaWarfare> aude: But I already have a genuine copy of Windows
08:35 < wctaiwan> odd. Windows has always been rather permissive in its activation mechanism, from my own experience...
08:35 < GorillaWarfare> And I primarily use OSX anyway
08:35 < wctaiwan> :D
08:35 < mareklug> aude she already has a mac and was running Windows virtually.  ubuntu is branching sideways
08:35 < wctaiwan> good >.>
08:35 < aude> GorillaWarfare: sure but
08:36  * wctaiwan stares pointily at LoganCloud
08:36 < GorillaWarfare> Ugh, that was user-friendly… They only ask me to type 54 digits into my phone, and then listen to the robot on the phone read me back 54 digits to type into my computer
08:37 < wctaiwan> the speech recognition didn't work, I take it :p
08:37 < GorillaWarfare> wctaiwan: It's faster for me to just type it into my phone
08:37 < wctaiwan> ah.
08:37 < mareklug> well, she has to get the new code in.  they could have ruled it
08:37 < mareklug> url-ed it
08:37 < GorillaWarfare> Regardless, 108 digits seems like overkill to me.
08:38 < wctaiwan> mareklug: I think Windows XP was designed mainly for dialup.
08:38 < wctaiwan> looks like the system's still the same one...
08:38 < wctaiwan> (it probably wasn't, but still. Very archaic. Online activation was a novelty in 2001)
08:39 < mareklug> but afaik this is Windows 7.  they really have no excuse
08:39 < wctaiwan> nope.
08:39 < GorillaWarfare> You can activate Windows 7 online usually
08:40 < GorillaWarfare> But this time it decided that a "hardware change" (what hardware change?) required me to do it via phone
08:40 < mareklug> probably MAC net address
08:41 < GorillaWarfare> Also, somehow my caps lock just got reversed on my Windows emulator
08:41 < GorillaWarfare> Wat?
08:41 < wctaiwan> (well, your virtual machine's very possibly passing a different set of hardware to the OS—e.g. using its own drivers for audio and networking and such, faking devices to the OS)
08:41 < wctaiwan> but.. odd. Is your windows an OEM copy?
08:42 -!- Spacewalker [~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker] has quit [Quit: Nothing to do here… *flies away*]
08:42 < GorillaWarfare> wctaiwan: Nope
08:42 < wctaiwan> :s okay.
08:43 < GorillaWarfare> My professional diagnosis is that it's just moody...
08:43 < wctaiwan> heheh
08:43 -!- Hydriz [~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz] has quit [Quit: Hydriz]
08:43 < Qcoder02> GorillaWarfare:  does Wine exist for OSX?~
08:43 < wctaiwan> (I asked because OEM copies are tied to the machine, as opposed to the buyer, so it's not unreasonable that they're more picky on hardware changes)
08:44 < wctaiwan> Qcoder02: yes, and there's CrossOver which is easier.
08:44 < Qcoder02> BTW I'm partly responsible for a slight architectural change in WINE...
08:45 < Qcoder02> I mentioned on thier chat a while back , about 16 bit support becoming harder on 64bit... result was the 16bit stuff got seperated a lot more than it was
08:47 < Qcoder02> Afternoon
08:47 -!- Internet13 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
08:48 < mareklug> Qcoder02:  there are several ways to have Wine on mac, some complicated some not, some maintained by wine.rg, some 3rd party
08:49 < Pharos> GorillaWarfare: i have a library for you
08:49 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has left #wikipedia-en ["I've"]
08:49 < GorillaWarfare> Pharos: Oh?
08:50 < Pharos> Grove Hall Branch of the BPL
08:50 < GorillaWarfare> Do you know they're interested?
08:50 < Pharos>
08:51 < Pharos> yes, they signed up
08:51 < GorillaWarfare> Okay, I'll email her.
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08:51 -!- Anurag2k12 [~Anurag2k1@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
08:51 < GorillaWarfare> I was really hoping to do the BPL, but had sort of given up after two unreturned emails...
08:51 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:53 -!- LoganPhone [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:53 < GorillaWarfare> Pharos: Where did she sign up?
08:53  * GorillaWarfare waves at Ironholds 
08:53 < Pharos> on our Wikipedia Loves Libraries googledoc
08:54 < GorillaWarfare> Googledoc?
08:54 < LoganPhone> Peter-C: Behave, please.
08:54 < GorillaWarfare> Where?
08:54 < Pharos> the one we are spamming to everyone on the sitenotice :)
08:54 < Ironholds> hey, GorillaWarfare :)
08:54 < Ironholds> how goes?
08:54 < GorillaWarfare> Apparently missed that… Link?
08:54 < Frood> HI LOGAN
08:54 < GorillaWarfare> Ironholds: Goes well ^.^
08:54 < wctaiwan> hey Ironholds
08:54 < IRWolfie-> mandated external review sounds interesting
08:54 < Pharos>
08:54 < LoganPhone> HI FROOD
08:54 < GorillaWarfare> Thank you
08:54 < Ironholds> GorillaWarfare: excellent!
08:54 < Ironholds> hey wctaiwan :)
08:54 -!- Kiewii [~kiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii] has quit [Quit: I'm out]
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08:55 < Pharos> looks like a nice-sized branch:
08:55 < Qcoder02> Hi Ironholds
08:55 < Qcoder02> What's your view on Assange?
08:55 < Pharos> built 2009, fancy!
08:56 < Peter-C> omg I wanna be a crim
08:57 -!- foks|mobil [~foks@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:57 < GorillaWarfare> Pharos: Sent!
08:57 < Peter-C> hey foks|mobil
08:57 < GorillaWarfare> Ooh, that is indeed fancy
08:57 < foks|mobil> Gigi
08:58 < Pharos> :)
08:58 < foks|mobil> Uh, hihi*
08:58 -!- mysterytrey [~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:58 < Qcoder02> Ironholds:  Afternoon...
08:58 -!- KimiSleep [] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:58 < foks|mobil> iPhone. Tsk.
08:58 -!- Kiewii|away [] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:59 < Pharos> my opinion on Assange is that he should change his surnanme toi DotCom
08:59 < Peter-C>
08:59 < Peter-C> he should buy it
09:01 < Peter-C> Also: if I die, I want to be burried in the nude
09:01 < Pharos> that's not as uncommon as you think
09:02 < Peter-C> Open bar for the guys. Open casket for the ladies.
09:02 < Pharos> a party animal to the end
09:02 -!- KimiSleep [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
09:03 < Peter-C> Indeed
09:03 < Pharos> i think the most orthodox/traditional way is nude in a shroud, no casket
09:03 < Pharos> *jewish way
09:04 < Peter-C> No open bar
09:04 < LoganPhone> Hi foks|mobil.
09:06 -!- Emil [] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:06 < Emil> Any gurus around? :>
09:07 < Pharos> i advise on spirual matters
09:07 < Pharos> *spiritual
09:07 < Emil> what about other things?
09:08 < Pharos> wthe guru's world in primarily spiritual
09:08 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:09 < Emil> I have a question about dates in Wikipedia that are before the Gregorian calendar system was implemented. If I read about e.g. Martin Luther and I find that he was born on 10 November 1483 -- is this date in the Julian system or has it been converted?
09:09 < Emil> What is Wikipedia's policy on this?
09:09 < Pharos> i if in doubt, use both
09:09 < Pharos> "Old Stlye" and "New Style"
09:10 < wctaiwan> ha. Now in addition to being read by newscasters all over the world, Pussy Riot is on the front page of Wikipedia.
09:10 < wctaiwan> Lovely.
09:10 < Pharos> as they shopuld be
09:10 < Pharos> they're goddamned heroes
09:11 < Emil> so what am I to assume about Luther?
09:11 < foks|mobil> Any excuse to hide behind NOTCENSORED.
09:11 < wctaiwan> Pharos: heroines, are they not?
09:11 < wctaiwan> foks! o/
09:11 < foks|mobil> Emil: I don't know.
09:11 < foks|mobil> Hi!
09:11 < Qcoder02> As I said, would the Sex Pistols singing 'God Save The Queen' in Westminster Abbey get as much attention?
09:12 < Emil> but then the date is absolutely useless :/
09:12 < mareklug> they wouldn't get 2 years of forced labor in Wales, or whatever goes for Siberia in the UK
09:13 < Pharos> gendered occupation words are deprecated!
09:13 < wctaiwan> hahahaahaha
09:13 < wctaiwan> oh god mareklug
09:13 < wctaiwan> "Wales, or whatever goes for Siberia in the UK"
09:13 < mareklug> :)
09:13 < wctaiwan> Pharos: not in the draft standard ;-)
09:13 < Pharos> no they wouldn't, UK doesn't have a Putin fortunately
09:13 -!- snuffeluffegus [] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:14 < foks|mobil> Surely Scotland, mareklug.
09:14 < wctaiwan> Northern Ireland (too soon?)
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09:14 < Qcoder02> ??
09:15 < Qcoder02> NI Didn't have forced labour camps
09:15 < Pharos> they're primarily a protest group, not a band
09:15 < wctaiwan> "whatever goes for Siberia in the UK"
09:15 < foks|mobil> ^
09:16 < foks|mobil> Siberia. A cold, barely populated wasteland.
09:16 < foks|mobil> See also, Scotland.
09:16 < Pharos> your homeland!
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09:16 < foks|mobil> Indeed.
09:16 < Soapy> Siberia probably has more sunlight than Scotland
09:16 < mareklug> full of flies in the summer.  surely not Scotland
09:16 < Pharos> there are colder places than scotland, though
09:16 < wctaiwan> foks|mobil: what's the best They Might Be Giants song?
09:16 < foks|mobil> Yeah, plenty flies in our summers.
09:16 < Pharos> i think a very large % of the US is colder
09:17 < foks|mobil> wctaiwan: I have never in my life heard anything by that band.
09:17 < Soapy> Particle Man
09:17 < foks|mobil> Pharos: Maybe.
09:17 < Pharos> I bet your winters aren't any worse than NY
09:17 < foks|mobil> Meh.
09:17 < Soapy> i dont like TMBG anymore. But they do have a few good songs I still like
09:17 < wctaiwan> foks|mobil: duly noted.
09:17 < mareklug> imo Birdhouse
09:17 < wctaiwan> thanks for the rec Soapy.
09:18 < wctaiwan> and mareklug
09:18  * wctaiwan is pinging everyone >.>
09:18 < foks|mobil> wctaiwan: Sorry.
09:18 < Soapy> I dont like 'em because they're so aggressive at keeping their stuff off of Youtube etc
09:18 < Pharos> can we make Pussy Riot honary chairs of Wikimedia Russia?
09:18 < Frood> TMBG?
09:18 < wctaiwan> okay, def. not my style >.>
09:18 < Emil> Pharos: does Wikipedia have a policy on this (date thing)? Or do you know where I could find out if it does?
09:18 < Pharos> yes it does
09:18 < Soapy> even though I legitimately bought their albums in the 90s, all the CDs went bad and I can't listen to the songs anymore, aside from the few that I copied to my computer back then
09:19 < Pharos> use both if there's confusion
09:19 < Pharos> see the Isaac Newton article
09:19 < mareklug> wctaiwan:
09:19 < foks|mobil> Soapy: Hmm, what genre are they?
09:19 < Emil> Pharos: yes, but what am I to do when I read an article where it is not mentioned?
09:19 < Soapy> I dont know if they fit into a genre
09:19 < Soapy> I guess mostly soft-rock music
09:19 < mareklug> indie rock with a bit of nasal cabaret
09:20 < Pharos> Emil: look it up in a reliable source, of course! then fix the article ;)
09:20 < foks|mobil> So like Death Cab.
09:20 < Soapy> most TMBG songs seem to be under 3 minutes
09:20 < Emil> oh right :)
09:20 < foks|mobil> That's good.
09:20 < mareklug> um, better than Deathcab imo
09:20 < foks|mobil> Short and sweet.
09:20 < wctaiwan> mareklug: better than Particle Man but meh.
09:20 < foks|mobil> Death Cab are awful, so that doesn't take much.
09:21 < GorillaWarfare> Brb, rebooting
09:21 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Quit: GorillaWarfare]
09:21 < wctaiwan> I think I have 2 death cab for cutie songs or something.
09:21 -!- Riley_Huntley is now known as Riley|Gulf_Islan
09:22 < wctaiwan> I think I've been listening to too much Jonathan Coulton. But I can't stop.
09:23 < foks|mobil> wctaiwan: I made the mistake of buying two of their albums because they were like twenty Danish kroner each
09:23 < mareklug> wctaiwan:  well tastes vary, but if you want to do them justice, sample this:
09:23 < foks|mobil> Bad move.
09:23 < wctaiwan> what's with the choice of currency?
09:24 < foks|mobil> Actually maybe I'm being harsh, Transatlanticism is a fabulous record.
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09:24 < foks|mobil> wctaiwan: This was in Denmark
09:24 < wctaiwan> oops >.>
09:24 < wctaiwan> oh
09:24 < foks|mobil> In uh, Nykøbing
09:24 < Soapy> oh, right
09:24 < foks|mobil> I think
09:24 < Soapy> I forgot TMBG changed gears awhile ago and started putting out children's music
09:24 < foks|mobil> Children's music is good.
09:24 -!- Emil [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
09:25 < Pharos> why do you hate children?
09:26 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:26 < wctaiwan> mareklug: well we'll know if I start having earworms from the songs I've heard today in a couple of days and end up putting them on replay...
09:27 < foks|mobil> You know who I really like at the minute?
09:27 < foks|mobil> Alt-J
09:27 < mareklug> they might be giants are generally loved for being clever and having memorable melodies
09:27 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:27 < foks|mobil> Dey be gooooood.
09:27 < Pharos> fun fact: children's music used to be a refuge foramerican folkies on mccarthyite blacklists
09:27 < wctaiwan> foks|mobil: rec?
09:28 < foks|mobil> wctaiwan: Rec??
09:28 < Pharos> Rec???
09:28 < wctaiwan> er, sorry
09:28 < foks|mobil> ?????????
09:28 < wctaiwan> recommendation
09:28 < foks|mobil> Oh.
09:28 < Pharos> ???????????????????????????
09:28 < wctaiwan> I shall stop being lazy.
09:28 < foks|mobil> "Tessellated"
09:28  * wctaiwan acts all determined
09:28 < wctaiwan> spelling words out!
09:28 < foks|mobil> Um, without the d
09:28 < foks|mobil> Or Fitzpleasure.
09:29 < foks|mobil> I think they're an album band unfortunately. And *definitely* an acquired taste.
09:29 < wctaiwan> eeh, meh.
09:29 < wctaiwan> yeah :P
09:29 < foks|mobil> They're easily to dislike.
09:29 < foks|mobil> Guy's voice is... Unusual.
09:30 < foks|mobil> I want to try and listen to more Jessie Ware.
09:30 < foks|mobil> And more Django Django.
09:30 < foks|mobil> :)
09:30 < mareklug> her album is about out
09:30 < wctaiwan> the only Django I know is the web framework.
09:31 < foks|mobil> It is.
09:31 < foks|mobil> [[Django Django]]
09:31 < foks|mobil> Psychedelic folktronica
09:31 < foks|mobil> (read: batfuck insane)
09:32 < Pharos> no Rheinhardt?
09:32 < Pharos> isn't he the original?
09:32 < foks|mobil> That's who theyre named after
09:32 < foks|mobil> Fact
09:32 < wctaiwan> batf--- insane indeed. I'd hate to get that stuck in my head.
09:33 -!- snuffeluffegus [] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
09:33 < foks|mobil> I often do.
09:35 < foks|mobil> I like Gold Panda as well, he's pretty rad
09:35 < foks|mobil> And some of Odd Future's stuff is too
09:35 -!- Kiewii|away is now known as Kiewii
09:36 < foks|mobil> God, the battery life on this thing is truly dreadful
09:36 < foks|mobil> 3G just kills it
09:36 < wctaiwan> gah rap.
09:36 < wctaiwan> what's the device?
09:37  * Peter-C licks people
09:37 < foks|mobil> Well, hiphop...
09:37 < foks|mobil> Uh, iPhone.
09:37 < wctaiwan> meh
09:37  * foks|mobil hides from a channel likely full of droiders. 
09:37 < wctaiwan> I like the iPhone, but I bought a GN because it's just much cheaper.
09:37 < wctaiwan> you're so hipster, though >.>
09:38 < mareklug> nonsense.  they know their os is just a malware habitat
09:38 -!- LoganPhone [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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09:39 < mysterytrey> So, Credo, questia and highbeam.  They all good?
09:39 < foks|mobil> wctaiwan: I am?
09:40 < foks|mobil> mysterytrey: Why not find out.
09:40 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:40 < foks|mobil> :3
09:40 < mysterytrey> Apply to all 3?
09:40 < mysterytrey> That would mean actual work.
09:40 < foks|mobil> Why not? ...oh
09:40 < wctaiwan> foks|mobil: only if you don't resent such a characterisation. You do seem to listen to indie music more than the average person though.
09:40 < wctaiwan> but I suppose music writers do that.
09:41 < foks|mobil> wctaiwan: I don't mind being labelled as one.
09:41 < mareklug> if you balance it with enough pop, you're safe
09:41 < foks|mobil> I do.
09:41 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Quit: jorm]
09:41 < foks|mobil> wctaiwan: Music is as far as my hipsterdom goes.
09:42 < wctaiwan> Wikipedia's pretty hipster :p
09:42 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:42 < foks|mobil> Oh! Go listen to Sleepingdog!
09:42 < mareklug> anonymous would be even more.  i hear rumor has it they want to hijack Curiosity
09:43 < foks|mobil> "He Liked To See the World Through His Camera"
09:43 < foks|mobil> Gogogogo
09:43 < foks|mobil> I mean, I also really like bloc party and snow patrol
09:43 < foks|mobil> So it's not all the indie staff
09:45 < wctaiwan> foks|mobil: sleepingdog sounds far less provocative than your other suggestions.
09:45 < foks|mobil> Also listen to Little Scream and Daughter, both are ace.
09:45 < wctaiwan> a good thing in my book.
09:45 -!- Kiewii [] has quit [Changing host]
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09:45 < foks|mobil> "The Heron and the Fox" and "Youth" respectively.
09:45 < foks|mobil> wctaiwan: Heh. Thanks, I suppose.
09:46 -!- KimiSleep [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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09:48 < foks|mobil> I need to get going. Bye!
09:49 < wctaiwan> see you
09:49 < mysterytrey> Later.
09:49 < wctaiwan> thanks for the last three. They're all pretty good :P
09:49 < foks|mobil> Sweet!
09:49 -!- foks|mobil [~foks@wikipedia/fox] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
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09:56 < suicidalzerg>
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10:25 -!- VeenaBalik [b6b2791c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:25 < VeenaBalik> Hi
10:25 < VeenaBalik> Hot Desi Girl 27 VeenaSitara Skype
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10:29 < VeenaBalik> Hot skype show VeenaSitara
10:30 < mareklug> VeenaBalik:  at 27, aren't you a little old for this?
10:30 < VeenaBalik> you pay?
10:30 < mareklug> wow, prostitution on irc
10:31 < Pharos> all things are possible on irc
10:31 < VeenaBalik> Pharos I miss u
10:32 < VeenaBalik> you pay good
10:32 -!- equity_ [equity@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
10:32 < Pharos> true
10:32 -!- BigRig [] has left #wikipedia-en ["Silentium est aureum"]
10:33 < VeenaBalik> last time i show you was 2009
10:33 < Pharos> i gave $2 to Shakespeare in the Park(iing) Lot last night
10:34 < VeenaBalik> Pharos u pay 200 to me ?
10:34 < Pharos> do you perform shakespeare in a parking lot?
10:35 < VeenaBalik> what shakespeare
10:35 < VeenaBalik> i show hot skype
10:36 < Pharos> sorry, then
10:36 < VeenaBalik> u pay good in 2009
10:37 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
10:37 < Tony_Sidaway> Northern Ireland did have detention without trial.
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10:39 < Pharos> \yes it did
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10:39 < VeenaBalik> Hot skype show VeenaSitara
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10:40 < Pharos> you should try an irc channel with more idiots
10:40 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:41 < Pharos> we have some slightly idiotic people, but notnearly enough to be profitable
10:41 -!- Sellyme [] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:41 < mysterytrey> Pharos: #Wikipedia-en would be the place to try then.
10:41 < VeenaBalik> i find customer he pay 50
10:42 < Pharos> you'd have better luck in #politics
10:42 -!- TAP [568ac5e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:42 < Pharos> *much* better luck
10:42 < mareklug> VeenaBalik:  troop why you talk funny
10:42 < mareklug> troll
10:42 < mysterytrey> or #Reddit
10:42 < VeenaBalik> kia
10:42 < Pharos> go reddit!
10:43 < VeenaBalik> mareklug you gay
10:43 < VeenaBalik> ?
10:43 < Pharos> because she also has 10 inch penis, you know
10:43 < Pharos> caters to all markets!
10:43 < VeenaBalik> kia?
10:44 < VeenaBalik> I girl
10:44 < Pharos> this is getting tiresome
10:44 < Pharos> !op
10:44 < Barras> ?
10:44 < Fluffernutter> ?
10:44 < mysterytrey> Wait, does 4chan have a channel on freenode?  Because, technically, I guess, 4chan is peer directed.
10:44 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o Fluffernutter] by ChanServ
10:44 -!- VeenaBalik [b6b2791c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en [requested by Fluffernutter (VeenaBalik)]
10:44 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o+b Fluffernutter *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] by Fluffernutter
10:45 < Pharos> i've been solicited enough foir tiday
10:45 < Ironholds> yay bannination!
10:45 -!- equity [equity@] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:45 < Ironholds> one of our people is writing a HR glossary
10:45 < Ironholds> I had to explain the definition of "cluebat"
10:45 < Ironholds> it was an amusing evening
10:47 < closedmouth>
10:47 -!- Biberkopf [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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10:49 < mysterytrey> posted feedback to Natural disaster7 hours ago | Details
10:49 < mysterytrey> wikipedia iz d bst everrrrrrrrrrr.......................
10:50 -!- equity [equity@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:51 -!- Maryana [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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10:53 < Soapy> I dont really understand how Arbcom works
10:53 < Demiurge1000> Possibly the answer is that... it doesn't :)
10:53 < Soapy> some declined "cases" seem to jsut disappear, not even be archived
10:53 < Soapy> is that on purpose?
10:54 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
10:54 < Demiurge1000> Oh, hmm, hadn't noticed that. I assume they're in the history of the page, though?
10:54 < Soapy> yeah, i guess so
10:55 < Soapy> they keep a log of the declines, but no actual archive
10:55 < Soapy>
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11:00 < Biberkopf> y'all ever watch YouTube?
11:00 < Biberkopf> :)
11:00 < Demiurge1000> yes
11:00 < Seddon> no what is this tube of you that you speak of
11:01 < closedmouth> :)
11:01 < Biberkopf> it's like America's Funniest Home Videos bud without Bob Saget.
11:01 < Qcoder02> And with 120% more porn
11:01 < Qcoder02> :(
11:02 -!- Delta|away [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:02 < Biberkopf> y'all, why doesn't Wikipedia have a YouTube channel?
11:03 < Frood> why would it?
11:03 < Biberkopf> why wouldn't it?
11:03 < Pharos> we should have a vimeo channel insytead!
11:04 < Pharos> we're too hipser for youtube
11:04 < mareklug> Biberkopf:  what would you like to see on such a channel?
11:04 < closedmouth>
11:04 < Qcoder02> Biberkopf:  We have Commons :)
11:05 < Biberkopf> closedmouth, thanks
11:05 < Soapy> i was gonna link that
11:06 < Biberkopf> markelug, I'd like to see science non-fiction reality shows... astronauts dating and kissing and fighting on the space station. That sort of thing
11:06 < Biberkopf> Is that too much to ask of Wikipedia?
11:06 < Pharos> we already have such a poroject in development
11:06 -!- JasonDC|BNC is now known as JasonDC
11:06 < Pharos> it's part of the strategic plan!
11:07 -!- JasonDC [] has quit [Changing host]
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11:07 < Biberkopf> oh thank gooodness
11:07 -!- TAP is now known as thineantiquepen
11:08 < Soapy> hi pen
11:08 < Qcoder02> Pharos:?
11:08 -!- Delta|away is now known as Betacommand
11:08 < Qcoder02> Wikitube?
11:08 < Qcoder02> ?
11:09 < Qcoder02> Seriously?
11:09 < Pharos> don't worry, Qcoder, it'll all be BB-BY_SA 4.0
11:09 < Biberkopf> Okay, I've watched some of the Wikimedia Foundation channel videos... Now I wish they DIDN'T have a channel on YouTube.
11:09 < Pharos> *CC
11:09 < mysterytrey> I just realized that I have a right to edit wikipedia.  "and the pursuit of happiness"
11:09 < Qcoder02> BB?
11:09 < Qcoder02> B**y Brilliant Licence?
11:10 -!- NuclearWarfare [~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
11:10 < Qcoder02> Pharos: I'm more worried about ensuring people don't do what they do with flikr and 'wash' stuff they post :(
11:11 < Pharos> we have only the highest standards at wikitube!
11:11 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has quit [Excess Flood]
11:11 < mysterytrey> Did the wikimania 2012 stuff ever get posted?
11:11 < Biberkopf> I'm going to pitch my astronaut reality show pilot to the Wikitube executives
11:12 < Pharos> and we even have slightly less sexist/racist commentators than youtube
11:12 < Soapy> slightly
11:14 < Pharos> mysterytrey: they're working on it
11:14 < Pharos> it is a priority for them, i know
11:15 < mysterytrey> They're working on it?  Rather vague.  What stage of 'working on it' are they at?
11:15 < Pharos> public access televsion is like wikitube
11:15  * Soapy slaps Reaper_Eternal with a catfish
11:16 < Pharos> at an advanced and climactic stage
11:16 < Frood> Should I buy a SSD?
11:16 < mysterytrey> SSD?
11:16 < Pharos> you should buy a pizza
11:16 < Frood> solid state drive
11:16 -!- ikonia [~irc@unaffiliated/ikonia] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:16 < Pharos> it's a purchase you're unlikely to regret
11:16 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
11:17 < Qcoder02> Pharos: Am I allowed to pitch ideas to Wikitube?
11:17 < mareklug> Frood:  you were just complaining that you had no money and your hd is failing
11:17 < Qcoder02> Assuming they are simmilar to PBS/Discovery channel stuff?
11:17 < Frood> mareklug: well, I guess it's not really failing
11:17 < Pharos> of course qcoder, this is why god invented
11:17 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:17 < Frood> it's just incredibly slow to boot
11:17 < Qcoder02> Back in 2007 I tried to get Wikicast going
11:17 < Qcoder02> which would have been radio
11:18 < Frood> I think a 64GB would work, they're ~$50
11:18 < Qcoder02> So if Wikitube starts to develop  XD
11:18 < Qcoder02> That said, I'm not sure there are enough people to produce vido
11:18 < Qcoder02> *video
11:18 < Qcoder02> Audio production is easier
11:18 < Qcoder02> (IF you know what to do)
11:18 < Pharos> i would think so too
11:19 < Pharos> there have been almost a doxen proposals like this over the reals
11:19 < Biberkopf> for a wikitube?
11:19 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:19 < Pharos> what i really want is a wikimedia radio pulp adventure series!
11:19 -!- StevenW [~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:20 < Biberkopf> that could be funny
11:20 < Pharos> proposals for wikitubes or wikicasts
11:20 < mysterytrey> How about Wikimedia creates an encyclopedia!
11:21 < Pharos> too far-fetched
11:21 < Biberkopf> too complicated
11:21 < Pharos> Wikimediapedia?
11:21 -!- ikonia [~irc@unaffiliated/ikonia] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:21 < Biberkopf> it's got a ring to it
11:21 < Pharos> hardky roills off the tongue
11:21 < mysterytrey> The human centiwikipedia?
11:22 < Pharos> better...
11:22 < Biberkopf> yeah
11:22 < Biberkopf> it's more accurate, really
11:22 < Biberkopf> who's the head of the centipede in that circumstance?
11:22 < mysterytrey> Yeah, with all of out full-blown copy-paste orgies.
11:22 < mysterytrey> **our
11:23 < JasonDC> Any admin want to stop this edit war and possible sockpuppet?
11:25 < Pharos> we could have a hero who fights crime with the power of encyclopedias!
11:25 -!- Mdann52 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:26 < mysterytrey> "Since this page has been posted, time travel has to have been invented"
11:26 < mysterytrey> Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11:26  * mysterytrey runs outside and screams "It worked!"
11:29 -!- Biberkopf [] has quit []
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11:32 < Frood> JasonDC: I opened an SPI
11:33 < JasonDC> Frood, thanks, wanted someone else to look over the page and such
11:33 < Mdann52> I hate SPI's
11:35 -!- lucasoutloud [62ac704d@wikipedia/lucasoutloud] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:39 < Qcoder02> Pharos:  Not that the general populace would understand it, but I am sure someone would appreicate a 'Wiki Scout'  magical girl ;)
11:40 < Qcoder02> " Oh no the evil  Tardian combine is trying to brainwash the populace with  junk science...   Wiki team Assemble!" XD
11:41 < Pharos> i am going to apply for a WMF fellowship to write this!
11:41 < Qcoder02> Pharos: Do you read TV Tropes?
11:41 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:41 < Pharos> occasionaly
11:42 < lucasoutloud> I actually use TV Tropes to find new books that I think I'll like
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11:42 < Qcoder02> Actually you might want to ask the jp wikipedia if you want to write 'Wiki Scout' adventures ... ;)
11:42 < Qcoder02> They proably know the various cliches better than most :)
11:43 < Pharos> i'm thinking more nyc 1930s than tokyo 2010s
11:43  * Qcoder02 cues up an organ...
11:44 < Qcoder02> " Deep in the heart of the city,  there is but one alone that keeps the heart of men in full knwoeldge, he is ... The Contributor..."
11:44 < Qcoder02> Sorry
11:44 -!- Beria_ [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:44 < Qcoder02> Been listening to the Red Panda ;)
11:45 < Mdann52> ........
11:45 -!- lucasoutloud [62ac704d@wikipedia/lucasoutloud] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
11:45 < Mdann52> Ok........
11:46 < Pharos> i think Red Panda is brilliant
11:46 -!- Trenton [~Trenton@unaffiliated/jc33] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:48 < Pharos> i was of fan orf The Shadow first, tho ;)
11:48 -!- Beria_Lima [~Beria@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:50 -!- Mdann52 is now known as Mdann52-away
11:50 -!- Jayflux [~jay_knows@] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:50 < Pharos> the REd Panda writer is very good
11:50 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:51 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has quit [Excess Flood]
11:51 < Pharos> Hollywood should pick him up if they ever do a decent Shasdow movie
11:52 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:52 < Qcoder02> Black Jack Justice is quite good as well...
11:52 -!- Beria_ [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
11:52 < Qcoder02> Comparing it some Nick Carter episodes
11:52 < Pharos> well, it's the same writer ;)
11:53 < mareklug> can we remove this redirect?       the band should have its own article soon.
11:53 -!- Jayflux [~jay_knows@] has quit [Client Quit]
11:53 < Pharos> the mammal is of primary importance
11:54 < Pharos> i say this as a fan of the podcast with that name
11:54 < mareklug> it's under [[Red panda]] for christs sake
11:54 -!- Mdann52-away is now known as mdann52
11:55 < Pharos> it's a lot more important than the band, whatever band that might be
11:55 < mareklug> capitalization matters
11:55 < Pharos> "Re Panda" more often means the mammal than the band
11:55 < mareklug> look at articles about books, movies
11:56 < Pharos> and probably means the podcast more than the band, too!
11:56 < Pharos> [[Rede Pand (band)]]
11:56 < Pharos> whatever...
11:57 -!- Trenton [~Trenton@unaffiliated/jc33] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:57 < Soapy> yeah it's probably best to leave [[Red Panda]] as a redirect forever
11:58 < Soapy> many people spell the names of animals with initial caps on every word
11:58 < foks> mareklug, what band?
11:58 < Soapy> as if theyre Somehow More Important than us mere humans
11:59 < Pharos> *Humans
11:59 < Pharos> take pride in your species
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12:00 < Pharos> Human Pride! Down with the Bots!
12:00 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:01  * Pharos declares Butlerian Jihad
12:01 -!- Trenton is now known as Brooklyn
12:01 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has quit [Quit: travel]
12:01  * Brooklyn grumbles about the BMT Broadway Line
12:02 < Pharos> that's my favorite line!
12:02 < Pharos> how dare you
12:03 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:03 < Brooklyn> :P
12:03 < Pharos> are you in town?
12:03 -!- Beria_Lima [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
12:03 < Brooklyn> I'll be in Brooklyn t'morrow
12:03 -!- Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|gone
12:03 < mareklug> Pharos:  i believe this is about your podcast?     if so, you're being sloppy about article naming.
12:03 -!- dendodge [~dendodge@unaffiliated/dendodge] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
12:04 < Pharos> the tiitle character is the 'Red Panda'
12:04 < mareklug> i think a fictional character in a barely notable if that podcast is not exactly a conflict
12:05 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:05 < Pharos> and how many platinum records does the band have?
12:06 < Brooklyn> mainly to take photos @ the Brooklyn Botanic Garden; I'll be @ BAM too
12:06 -!- ragesoss [~sage@wikimedia/ragesoss] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:06 < Brooklyn> probably to upload @ wmcommons
12:07 < Pharos> if you wait till next month to upload, you might get to WLM compete
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12:17 < Qcoder02> Red Panda Adventures isn't so much a podcast as an Audio drama ...
12:18  * Qcoder02 waits for someone to suggest Look Around you style videos for Chemistry Articles ;)
12:18 < Pharos> imo, it's the leading audio drama in north america
12:19 -!- Brooklyn [~Trenton@unaffiliated/jc33] has quit [Disconnected by services]
12:19 < foks> What the hell is an audio drama
12:19 < Qcoder02> - If anyone want's an example of what I mean by 'Look Around you' :)
12:19 < foks> like, the Archers?
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12:19 < Qcoder02> foks: More like old time series like the Shadow
12:19 -!- Trenton is now known as Brooklyn
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12:19 < Pharos> the format is kind of dead in north america
12:20 < Pharos> so we have stuff on the interwebs
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12:21 < Pharos> ie radi plays
12:21 < Pharos> *radio plays
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12:26 < Qcoder02> Pharos: Does anyone do serious talk radio in the US now?
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12:26 < Qcoder02> Apart from NPR (which Romeny/ryan want to cut fudning for :( )
12:27 < Guerillero> no
12:27 < Guerillero> its just neo-con shit
12:27 < Pharos> well, there are many forms of public radio in the US
12:27 < mareklug> there is Public Radio International.  NPR is only one source of programming
12:28 < Pharos> NPR is just one group that puts out some programs
12:28 < Qcoder02> Guerillero: Or  'Chem-trail/Shadow Govt / NWO' crazies?
12:28 < Soapy> NPR is liberal
12:28 < Soapy> hence no surprise the Republicans want it gone
12:28 < Brooklyn> someone stole my freenode password :(
12:28 < mdann52> :)
12:29 < Pharos> there's left-of-center commercial radio too a bit, but i doiubt it's any good
12:29 < Pharos> NPR is informative
12:29 < Pharos> tv news is just garbage nowadays
12:29 < Pharos> not just the cable talkingheads
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12:30 < Guerillero> out west the conservatives love NPR
12:30 < Soapy> it's Numberwang !!
12:30 < Guerillero> like in Wyoming
12:30 < Numberwang> Let's rotate the board! ;)
12:30 < Guerillero> I love that show
12:30 < Pharos> it's the only news source in places like Wyoming
12:30 < Pharos> it provides good service to rural areas
12:31 < Soapy> you mean, because parts of Wyoming dont even have local TV stations?
12:31 < Pharos> yes
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12:31 < Soapy> i think the rest of country is headed that way before too long
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12:32 < Pharos> i can't watch local broadcast news in nyc without neeling nauseated
12:33 < Pharos> and this is the largest market in the country!
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12:34 < Pharos> "if it bleeds, it leads"
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12:34 < Punktmannen> Jesus Christ the Lord Lord, Kings King, Gods God, you have auktoritet in heaven and earth, in your bloods name, in your Lords name, in your holy name, i leave to you everything, show your power, oh lord, everybody is Heterosexuall ;)
12:34 < Frood> I fucking hate my ISP.
12:34 < Punktmannen> English Army Comon ;)
12:34 < Punktmannen> HEADS UP
12:34 -!- Punktmannen [] has quit [Client Quit]
12:34 < Qcoder02> Fluffernutter?
12:35 < BlastHardcheese> wat
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12:38 < Pharos> we have a local cable channel that's half-decent
12:38 < mareklug> Qcoder02:    <-- with links to their websites.  they all have internet streams, so you can hear for yourself.  note that they are mostly AM stations on clear channels in big cities.
12:38 < Pharos> NY1
12:38 < Pharos> at least it has some local politics
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12:39 < Pharos> that list is faulty
12:40 < PonyToast> It has been...YEARS since I came into this channel...
12:40 < Pharos> it should include WNYC
12:40 < PonyToast> it's been a long time ;_;
12:40 < foks> That's the first time anyone has come here, preached Christianity, and fucked off
12:40 < Pharos> which is mostly the same programming split onto two frequencies
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12:40 < foks> PonyToast, welcome back.
12:40 < foks> It's not too late to escape!
12:40 < foks> D:
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12:41 < mareklug> Pharos:  it is not faulty.  it is the top rated stations.
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12:41 < PonyToast> foks: thanks. Back then I was PHDrillSergeant
12:42 < PonyToast> then there was ponies. /sigh
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12:42 < Pharos> WNYC-AM and WNYC-FM should be combined, i mean
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12:43 < Pharos> during peak hours, they have the same programming
12:44 < harej> Pharos describes CNN
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12:45 < Frood> can somebody please, please make Mediacom die?
12:45 < harej> Only if we can make CNN die / appoint me its president first
12:46 < harej> Frood, your senator tweeted at himself earlier
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12:46 < Frood> harej: Oh?
12:47 < harej> Drat, he deleted it. He just wrote a tweet that said "@ChuckGrassley".
12:47 < Frood> I just saw it.
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13:03 < Edenkips> uhm
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13:04 < harej> hello, my mononymous maryana
13:05 < Mdann52> Hi
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13:14 < musikanimal> ping DeltaQuad
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13:15 < mysterytrey> Now I want Dairy Queen.
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13:20 < greenrosetta> Hello
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13:23 < Qcoder02> suicidalzerg:  Ouch
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13:23 < foks> slashdot is pants
13:24 < greenrosetta> somoene is having a ta-hizzy on my talk page
13:25 < mysterytrey> ta-hizzy?
13:25 < greenrosetta> the funny party is they don't realize they are shouting in a hat
13:25 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Disconnected by services]
13:25 < mysterytrey> tizzy fit?
13:25 < greenrosetta> mysterytrey: its the urban version
13:25 < greenrosetta> more like "on no he didn"
13:26 < mysterytrey> Talk pages are stupid.  They are for human interaction.
13:26 < greenrosetta> yeah, good thing is isnt for monkeys
13:26 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
13:26 < greenrosetta> or else they would be flinging feces
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13:27 < mysterytrey> That's nice.
13:27 < mysterytrey> I was eating.
13:27 < mysterytrey> Mac & cheese.
13:27 < Tony_Sidaway> Not safe for restaurants? (NSFR)
13:27 < greenrosetta> what brand?
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13:28 < Tony_Sidaway> WHat is the mac in Mac & Cheese? This item of Americana is not well known in these cold, wet islands.
13:28 < mysterytrey> Macaroni, probably.
13:28 < geniice> macaroni cheese
13:28 < mysterytrey> greenrosetta: Kraft
13:29 < greenrosetta> thats some good shit
13:29 < greenrosetta> the orange powdered stuff, right?
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13:29 < mysterytrey> What cold wet island are you on/
13:29 < greenrosetta> with a quarter stick of butter
13:29 < mysterytrey> greenrosetta: Of course.
13:29 < greenrosetta> 3,000 calories a box
13:29 < greenrosetta> hoover it
13:29 < Tony_Sidaway> I'm on Airstrip One at the moment.
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13:30 < Tony_Sidaway> Has my question been answered? It's quite possible I didn't understand the answer. I'll look it up on some online encyclopedia or other.
13:31 < Tony_Sidaway> Ah, it really _is_ macaroni cheese.
13:32 < mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:  we have a decent
13:32 < Tony_Sidaway> So it's been popularised by Kraft who turned it into a meal for one.
13:32 < Soapy> what else could it be ???
13:33 < Soapy> do people not commonly eat Macaroni and Cheese outside the USA?
13:33 < Tony_Sidaway> That hideous rubbish that passes for cheese in America, though.
13:33 < mysterytrey> Yes.
13:34 < Soapy> i just assumed it was Italian
13:34 < mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:  you're welcome to use any cheese you like in your own making.  there are tons of receipes
13:34 < Tony_Sidaway> Soapy: it's not that popular. I'd eat lasagne, which in its vegetarian formulation in particular often is a cheese dish. But a month of sabbaths might pass without my thoughts turning to macaroni.
13:35 < greenrosetta> Tony_Sidaway: No idea what you are talking about.  Merica makes some awesome cheeses
13:35 < Tony_Sidaway> greenrosetta: happy to hear of it.
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13:36 < Tony_Sidaway> As an Englishman my perspective on American cheese may be rather more jaundiced.
13:36 < greenrosetta> Tony_Sidaway: The state of Wisconsin would like a word with you
13:36 < Biberkopf> Tony_Sidaway: and how is your perspective on food in general?
13:36 < mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:  same goes for beer and chocolate.  the idea that we don't is continental propaganda
13:36 < greenrosetta> oh, you are referrng to the unfortuantely named product "American cheese"?
13:36 -!- thineantiquepen [568ac5e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit []
13:36 < geniice> mareklug err the french have slightly odd standards with regards to cheese
13:36 < Tony_Sidaway> greenrosetta: oh, marketing.
13:37 < greenrosetta> no, there is a product called American cheese
13:37 < mareklug> geniice:  you obviously have no clue what cheese is made in the US by small makers
13:37 < greenrosetta> its like Velveeta
13:37 < Tony_Sidaway> I'm not French, actually, but I'll fight to the death anybody who assaults French cheese. This is a nation of great cheese.
13:37 < geniice> mareklug are they clinically insane about cheese
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13:38 < mareklug> geniice:  French do not have a monopoly on Cheese!    it is made worldwide in a variety of traditions
13:38 < greenrosetta> Now beer, I'll challenge any beer in the world with a Fat Tire
13:38 < Biberkopf> thank you, markelug!
13:38 < geniice> incidentally who else is having fun watching the Muslims lie about moon sightings?
13:39 < greenrosetta> huh?
13:39 < greenrosetta> why would they lie about it?
13:39 < Biberkopf> Cheese isn't that great, anyways
13:40 < geniice> greenrosetta you can't end Ramadan before someone has seen it but it is impossible to see it in most of the islamic world
13:40 < greenrosetta> oh
13:40 < Biberkopf> ohhh
13:40 < mareklug> Biberkopf:  aged cheese can be awesome
13:40 < greenrosetta> hehehehe
13:40 < Biberkopf> that's interesting
13:40 < geniice> upshot is that someone in saudi arabia will probably lie and claim they saw it
13:40 < Tony_Sidaway> It okay saying "hey this microbrewery in Buttfuck, Oklahoma makes 16 gallons a month of the best beer ever made." But English beer is rather difficult to beat.
13:40 < greenrosetta> I hope its cloudy there :D
13:40 < Biberkopf> mareklug: I agree... I'm just being argumentative
13:41 < geniice> greenrosetta for example this is impossible
13:41 < Biberkopf> Tony_Sidaway: what type of beer are you talking about when you say English beer?
13:41 < geniice> Doom bar
13:42 < mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:   personally I am a customer of Czech and Canadian brews, but then I am not a fanatic
13:42 < Tony_Sidaway> I've tasted some lovely American beer in the beer festivals held nationally in the UK. And in 2010 the Vuvuzela beer brewed by a South African to celebrate the Football World Cup was stunningly good.
13:42 < geniice>
13:42 < greenrosetta> Sam Adams produces 2,500,000 barrels a year Tony_Sidaway
13:42 < Tony_Sidaway> Biberkopf: I'm talking about beer brewed in England to traditional formulae, primarily bitter, mild, porter and stout.
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13:43 < Tony_Sidaway> But also including IPAs and whatnot.
13:43 < Biberkopf> sounds tasty
13:43 < Tony_Sidaway> greenrosetta: yes, but it's Sam Adams.
13:43 < Biberkopf> what's the spiel on live beers?
13:43 < greenrosetta> i thought bitter was pale ale
13:44 < mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:  you should be able to find this one in London
13:44 < greenrosetta> sam adams is just as good as most european beers
13:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug so you like brews that originate from a country thatr starts with a C?
13:44 < Tony_Sidaway> greenrosetta: not arguing with you on that.
13:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why not try China?
13:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> new brand is lead flavoured :)
13:45 < greenrosetta> heh
13:45 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko:  i might have had one or twoi n a Chineswe restaurant
13:45 < greenrosetta> whats that heinken knockff, grhols?
13:45 < greenrosetta> used to love that shit
13:45 < Tony_Sidaway> As I remarked earlier, American and SOuth African beers are among my favourite recent tastings.
13:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug oh really?
13:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> liked?
13:46 < mareklug> it was ok, went with the food
13:46 < Biberkopf> oh beer...
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13:46 < greenrosetta> cant believe it.. this jagoff is still posting in a hatted section.
13:47 < Biberkopf> Tony_Sidaway: is there much of a home brewing movement over there?
13:47 < Biberkopf> it's pretty popular these days, in 'Mer'ca
13:48 < greenrosetta> home brewing is dead to me
13:48 -!- Ibgumel [~ibgumel@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:48 < greenrosetta> only reason to do it is to get away from the family for a few hours
13:48 < geniice> Biberkopf home brewing is something my grandparents do
13:48 < Frood> "Wikipedia: Dedicated to the theory that fact and truth can be determined by consensus, regardless the qualifications or integrity of those involved."
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13:49 < greenrosetta> Frood: or those who hold onto a bone like a dog
13:49 < TeeTylerToe> I wonder if the UN is going to monitor the US presidential elections again.  Maybe check out how republican voter picture ID laws effect minorities.
13:49 < Biberkopf> greenrosetta, your grandparents must be pretty neat
13:49 < greenrosetta> not mine
13:49 < Brooklyn>
13:49 < Qcoder02> TeeTylerToe:  The US has to have election monitors?
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13:49 < Biberkopf> or drunk
13:49 < greenrosetta> my granny made moonshine
13:49 < Qcoder02> But the US elections are supposed to be 'Free and Fair' ;)
13:49 < greenrosetta> i dont know if the courts require it
13:49 < Qcoder02> (Wasn't there an Afircan cartoonist that made a point about this back in 2000)
13:50 < Biberkopf> should I shave my head?
13:50 < Biberkopf> be honest
13:50 < Qcoder02> TeeTylerToe:  Voter ID?
13:50 < greenrosetta> Biberkopf: yes
13:50 < mareklug> will you look as pretty as Sinéad O'Connor?
13:50 -!- Jeske_Merensky [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Quit: Eek! Yoshi! *flees*]
13:50 < Brooklyn> BOO PA voter id law :(
13:50 < Qcoder02> Here in the UK , I kind of expect to get asked for ID when voting
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13:50 < Biberkopf> I hope so!@
13:51 < Qcoder02> What's valid ID anyway?
13:51 < Qcoder02> Drivers permit?
13:51 < greenrosetta> government id
13:51 < Qcoder02> Oh...
13:51 < Biberkopf> concealed weapons permit?
13:51 < TeeTylerToe> the PA law requires a picture ID which 25% of the black population doesn't have
13:51 < greenrosetta> usually they will accept an affidavit
13:51 < mareklug> probably a state-issued photo id/driver's license or US passport
13:51 < Tony_Sidaway> Biberkopf: home brewing has been a widespread hobby throughout Britain and the colonies for centuries.
13:52 < Qcoder02> TeeTylerToe:  So it's a back door anti-black law?
13:52 < Tony_Sidaway> My dad was a home beer and wine enthusiast.
13:52 < TeeTylerToe> minorites, and basically democrats
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13:52 < greenrosetta> is it wrong to take over/under bets on when a user will get blocked?
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13:53 < Soapy> depends
13:53 < Tony_Sidaway> In the apartheid era, the South African government focused on attacking households where the women traditionally brewed beer for their husbands.
13:53 < greenrosetta> Soapy: no thx.  I just pee'ed
13:53 < Qcoder02> Oh dear
13:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway thats a south african tradition it seems
13:53 < Biberkopf> why would they do that?
13:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> attacking I mean
13:54 < greenrosetta> what?  my wife is making beer, no one better fuck with her
13:54 < greenrosetta> i can let some stuff slide, but I draw the line
13:54 < Tony_Sidaway> I do think the UN should monitor the US elections. The amount of gerrymandering recently is very worrying.
13:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> greenrosetta or fuck her probbaly
13:54 < greenrosetta> Tony_Sidaway: gerrymandering has nothing to do with it
13:54 < Pharos> i think checkuser should be considered valid id
13:54 < mareklug> gerrymandering is traditional US sport
13:55 < Biberkopf> Pharos: agreed
13:55 < greenrosetta> yeah, elections have consequences
13:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I think UN should monitor themselves a bit
13:55 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:  You mean 'redistricting'
13:55 < Qcoder02> ?
13:55  * ToAruShiroiNeko imagines UN people in front of mirrors aimlessly staring
13:55 < Pharos> i think the UN should monitor the skies for alien threats
13:55 < Qcoder02> The UN has failed in Syria
13:55 < Tony_Sidaway> WHen we got married, my wife had several bottles of blackberry wine that hadn't matured and were too rough to drink. When our second child was born the wine was as sweet as nectar.
13:56 < Pharos> is this some kind of marital parable?
13:56 < Tony_Sidaway> She still goes out every year during the blackberrying season.
13:56 < Tony_Sidaway> Pharos: you tell me! I'm happily married after nearly three decades.
13:56 < greenrosetta> Tony, wine doesnt age in the bottle
13:56 < Tony_Sidaway> greenrosetta: don't tell her! :)
13:56 < greenrosetta> heh
13:57 < greenrosetta> it ages in the cask, but once its in glass....
13:57 < Pharos> parable taken!
13:57 < Qcoder02> Any women here?
13:57 < greenrosetta> on irc?
13:57 < Qcoder02> I need some advice
13:57 < greenrosetta> hahahahaha
13:57 < Pharos> on the internet? no
13:57 < Pharos> the answer is no
13:57 < greenrosetta> they are all out having sex with the cool men.
13:58 < Qcoder02> I'd like to make my eyebrows vanish without shaving
13:58 < greenrosetta> why?
13:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder02 UN didnt fail
13:58 < Brooklyn> um
13:58 < Pharos> i have some advice for ou
13:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Russia and China is fail
13:58 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: play with a gas cooker.
13:58 < Brooklyn> advice: don't.
13:58 < Pharos> don't do it!
13:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Russia wants Syria not to be a second Libya
13:58 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:  I meant temporarily, not for good...
13:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> China wants to probably coat Syria in lead
13:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> well
13:58 < Pharos> get flesh-colored cuct tape!
13:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Syria is coated in lead so maybe they think it is china there :/
13:59 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: they'll grow back eventually.
13:59 < Pharos> *duct
13:59 < Qcoder02> Some female here advised me on make up technique before...
13:59 < Tony_Sidaway> Actually there was a British MP who completely lost her eyebrows and had her eyebrow arches tattooed to make up for it.
13:59 < Tony_Sidaway> Teresa Gorman.
14:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway why do people have eyebrows?
14:00 < Pharos> she should have just used makeup and wasited
14:00 -!- noommos [~Josh@wikipedia/noommos] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:00 < Pharos> to hypnotise those with weaker minds
14:00 < Tony_Sidaway> The Wikipedia article says "she shaved them off as a teenager and they never grew back"
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14:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway are all teenagers in the UK this extreme?
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14:01 < Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: well she was a free marketer.
14:01 < Brooklyn> Syria to Libya - syria % is better as in deaths, fewer deaths: 1073 for Syria min while 226 for Libya
14:01 < Pharos> that doesn't sound biologically plausible
14:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so she marketed for free?
14:01 < greenrosetta> Qcoder02: why does Russia and Libya want you to shave your eyebrows?
14:01 < Brooklyn> not %
14:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Brooke um
14:01 < Tony_Sidaway> I love liberatarians. They're like puppies.
14:01 < mareklug> Qcoder02:  re eyebrows: "A trick that theater people use is to take some bar soap that is a little bit wet and slick down your eyebrows, then cover with makeup. You can find tutorials for it online."
14:01 < greenrosetta> that shit on your floor
14:02 < Brooke> ToAruShiroiNeko um
14:02 < Tony_Sidaway> greenrosetta: yep
14:02 < Qcoder02> mareklug: OK
14:02 < Pharos> mareklug is probably right
14:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> problem with syria is there are more people living there in a smaller area
14:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> libya is easier to deal with
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14:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> less people
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14:02 < Qcoder02> mareklug: Some online tutorial suggested using make-up wax...
14:02 < Tony_Sidaway> Syria and Lebanon should just stop dating and get married.
14:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> also libya is across most nato allies and was already a rouge state so people had their homework done in advance
14:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> syria wasnt really expected to turn out how it did
14:03 < Qcoder02> BTW Do any of the women here know what height is acceptable for a skirt?
14:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway thats hard
14:03 < Qcoder02> I really don't know and ought to
14:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the french made that impossible
14:04 < Pharos> why are you prejudiced against the valuable advice of transvestites?
14:04 < Tony_Sidaway> I never really got the whole Libya thing. Yes, it's run by nutters, but actually most of the nonsense attributed to Libya waa probably false flag from the Middle East.
14:04 < Brooklyn>  /clear
14:04 < Tony_Sidaway> They played Muamar like a fiddle.
14:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway false flags very rarely happen
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14:04 < Pharos> ^
14:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> libya was actively supporting really naughty guys
14:04 < Qcoder02> Like the PIRA ?
14:04 < Soapy> do you think the new government will be worse than Qadaffi?
14:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but libya also was giving not a whole lot of support
14:05 -!- Dundee [kiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii] has quit [Quit: hi kiewii]
14:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> few things can be worse than Qadaffi
14:05 < Pharos> the liberal party won the election, actually
14:05 < Pharos> only liberal party that won in the arab spring so far
14:05 < Tony_Sidaway> As a TV my advice to TVs is: it's too high if it shows your balls. To women: there is no acceptable height. Wear a short one and fight for women's rights.
14:06 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:  ?
14:06 -!- Kiewii [~kiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:06 < Qcoder02> You cross-dress?
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14:06 < Tony_Sidaway> Er, yes. Google Sherilyn.
14:06 < Pharos> 'm not sure i will!
14:06 -!- Kiewii is now known as kiewii|away
14:06 < Tony_Sidaway> Or better yet, don't. My transvestism pings lots of trolls.
14:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm
14:07 < Qcoder02>
14:07 < Qcoder02> Those seem to images a US Actress though
14:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so you are just a sweet transvestite from transexual transilvania?
14:07 -!- Brooklyn [~Trenton@unaffiliated/jc33] has quit [Quit: meh]
14:07 < Qcoder02> " It just an edit to the page ...'#
14:07 < Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: pretty much. But I'm a lot nicer than Frank.
14:08 < Qcoder02> "and a a revert to the right..."
14:08 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: OMG, Google is channeling my psyche!
14:08 < Qcoder02> " bring up a POV, and then a bad copyright...'
14:09 < Qcoder02> 'but it's the BLP flaw that drives you insane.....'
14:09 -!- kiewii|away is now known as kiewii
14:09 < Qcoder02> 'Let's do the EditWar(p) again...'
14:09 < Qcoder02> ;)
14:10 < Qcoder02> Sorry I'm in a right odd mood this evening
14:10 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: extempore? This drag queen annoints you as Bard Laureate to Her Majesty.
14:10 < Qcoder02> 'Help Help , I'm being opressed by your shade ! " XD
14:10 < Pharos> [[Wikipedia:Song]]
14:11 < Pharos> share your creativity
14:11 < Qcoder02> Pharos: I can't write whole songs...
14:11 < mareklug> Qcoder02:  since you asked about dress, here is something to round your education
14:11 < Qcoder02> I usally tend to do short verses
14:11 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: any time you're in London, there's a butt of sack with your name on it. (Or a bottle of tizer if you prefer).
14:11 < Pharos> i prefer epic poetry, myself
14:11 < Soapy> yeah we should put up some audio of those songs
14:12 < Qcoder02> Is Parody ok on Commons?
14:12 < Pharos> yes
14:12 < Tony_Sidaway> It's compulsory!
14:12 < Pharos> pretty much
14:12 < Qcoder02> Although strictly speaking it's not parody of the original song in a litteral sense...
14:12 < Pharos> just make it vaguely wikimedia-related
14:13 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: I took it as, essentially, filk.
14:13 < Qcoder02> "What shalll we do with a rabid vandal?"
14:13 < Soapy>
14:13 < Pharos> all artistic commentary on wikimedia is in scope imho
14:13 < Soapy> hm
14:13 < Tony_Sidaway> Does Wikimania have a filk tradition?
14:13 < Qcoder02> "What Shall we do with a rabid Vandal?"
14:13 < Pharos> a minor one
14:13 < Qcoder02> "What shall we do with a Rabid vandal?"
14:13 < Soapy> my singing voice is terrible
14:13 < Qcoder02> " Before he shocks the main page?"
14:13 < Pharos> the classic is 'I Will Revise'
14:13 < Soapy> unless i adopt a deliberately silly voice
14:14 < Qcoder02> " Tell him to stop by posting on his talk page..." etc...
14:14 < Soapy> maybe thats what I should do
14:14 < Qcoder02> In fact most folk songs you can write  funny lyrics to
14:14 < Tony_Sidaway> Soapy: to put it another way: your singing voice is silly, unless you put on a terrible voice?
14:14 < Pharos> that's what Frank Sinatra did, Soapy
14:14 < Soapy> ehhhhh
14:14 < Soapy> i have to really struggle to maintain any fo the 'silly' voices for more than a few seconds though
14:14 -!- quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
14:15 < Qcoder02> Somwehere on Wikisource is a  filk/parody I did about trying to find out if Waltsing Matilda was still in copyright ;)
14:15 < Qcoder02> I wrote the lyricks of the filk to the tune ;)
14:15 < Tony_Sidaway> Number One Daughter is here. I told her today that many people on this channel think I made her up.
14:15 < Qcoder02> BTW Some folk songs were orignally political in nature anyway
14:16 < mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:  we invite her to join us
14:16 < Pharos> hi Number One Daughter!
14:16 < Tony_Sidaway> I suppose I did, a couple fo decades ago. But it was by way of a joint enterprise.
14:16 < Pharos> do you really have a jetpack?
14:16 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:  Do you actually do drag?
14:16 < Tony_Sidaway> Pharos: no, you mistake me for a man whose childhood dreams have been fulfilled.
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14:17 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:  BTW when I wrote some funny stuff for a computer newsgroup I got proclaimed as prophet ;)
14:17 < Pharos> does you daughter at least have a zeppelin?
14:17 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: it's more correct to say that I have an affinity for cross-dressing. I'm not really loud enough to carry off drag, although I have cross-dressed at fancy dress parties.
14:18 < Qcoder02> Until the newsgroup decided it was non-prophet ;)
14:18 < Tony_Sidaway> As a young man I basically dressed up as femme as I could without actually crossdressing. But I was incredibly pretty in those days, not so much now.
14:18 < Qcoder02> Don't worry few drag queen can really carry off drag,  some of them it's more of a Carry On ! XD
14:18 < Qcoder02> (That was bad, even by my standards)
14:19 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: that's what she said.
14:19 < Qcoder02> Before or after the operation?
14:19 < Qcoder02> XD
14:20 < Tony_Sidaway> It's kinda nice, because she is basically into the whole genderfucked thing in the way I was. It's nice for a girl to share an interest with her dad.
14:20 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
14:21 < Qcoder02> Some girls ask for Barbie ,  Not many people get a live one that can hold a conversation :)
14:22 < mareklug> Angelique Kerber beats Serena Williams in Cincinnati in two sets
14:22 < Pharos> Free Pussy Riot!
14:22 < Maryana> ^
14:22 < Maryana> +1
14:23 < Qcoder02> BTW There's an urban myth that one kid once put a Ken doll in a dress...
14:23 < Qcoder02> Mum asked why...
14:23 < mareklug> first off, put Pussy Riot on iTunes
14:23 < Qcoder02> Kid said Barbie had told Ken he needed to get in touch with his femminine side
14:23 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.]
14:24 < Pharos> i wish there was something wiki-ish we could do in support of them
14:24 < mareklug> we could FA their article
14:25 < Qcoder02> Pharos:  Without violating NPOV?
14:25 < Pharos> wiki-ish
14:25 < Pharos> not necessarily by articl;e-0writing
14:25 < Tony_Sidaway> Pharos: the only thing we can do with the phobes is to outlive them and see their children repudiate their ways. It's worked well so far!
14:26 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:26 < mareklug> well, the AIish thing to do would  be to write letters to Putin
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14:26 < Tony_Sidaway> Live a good life, speak truth to power.
14:26 < Qcoder02> BTW In other news Moscow banned Gay Pride
14:26 < Pharos> i don't think Putin is a "phobe", he's just a fascist
14:27 < Qcoder02> What are they going to do with people that violate the ban? Put them in a small crowded place with a load of other men?
14:27 < Tony_Sidaway> Pharos: he's not the one responsible for homophobia in Russia.
14:28 < mareklug> he is a romantic nationalist and Homo Sovieticus.  he recently bemoaned in public the disappearance of the "Soviet nation"
14:28 < Qcoder02> Is there a Gay Russian Reversal?
14:28 < Pharos> i don't think he really has an ideology other than power
14:28 < Qcoder02> Pharos:  Russia has had Tsar's for a long time
14:28 < Qcoder02> For a time they changed color
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14:29 < Tony_Sidaway> No fan of Putin, but do you really think another politician would have changed this phobic law? They don't yet have the same democratic traditions we have here.
14:30 < Tony_Sidaway> That will change in time.
14:30 < Pharos> that's what i mean, i don't think he's particularly bigoted
14:30 < Soapy> pootie poot ♥♥
14:30 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:  (on Pussy Riot)  Seriously can you imagine the Sex Pistols trying to perfom 'God the Save The Queen' in Westminster Abbey?
14:31 < Qcoder02> There would be a simmilar reaction from the Daily Wail to what's happening in Russia :(
14:33 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: remember Peter Tatchell caused a commotion in Canterbury Cathedral.
14:33 < Qcoder02> When
14:34 < Qcoder02> ?
14:34 < Qcoder02> And did he get into trouble for it?
14:34 < Tony_Sidaway> 1998 during the Archbishop's Easter sermon.
14:34 < Tony_Sidaway>
14:35 < Pharos> and he was sent to as lobr camp for a couple of years?
14:35 < Pharos> *labour
14:35 < Tony_Sidaway> He was fined a small amount of money,with costs.
14:35 < Tony_Sidaway> This is England.
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14:37 < Pharos> yes, that's the difference
14:37 < Pharos> I'd like to think we wouldn't send someone like that to a labor camp in the US either
14:37 < Tony_Sidaway> But remember that less than 50 years before a renowned mathematician had been sentenced to have surgery that was supposed to modify his sexuality, for having sex with another man.
14:37 -!- quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
14:38 < Tony_Sidaway> I think that's at least as barbaric.
14:38 < Tony_Sidaway> We've changed.
14:38 < mareklug> "Oh! England, my Lionheart!  / Dropped from my black Spitfire to my funeral barge. "
14:38 < Soapy> turing
14:38 < Tony_Sidaway> Yes, Saint Alan of Turing.
14:39 < mareklug> he was sentenced to chemical therapy, not surgery afaik
14:39 < Spitfire> mareklug, sounds awesome.
14:39 < Tony_Sidaway> mareklug: yes, sorry. Hormones or whatnot.
14:39 < mysterytrey> Tony_Sidaway: I was just about to have the leftover mac and cheese when I saw "...modify his sexuality, for having sex with another man."
14:39 < mareklug> Spitfire:  that's Kate Bush, "Oh England, My Lionheart"
14:39 < BarkingFish> takes the edge off of the elbow macaroni, doesn't it? :)
14:39 < Tony_Sidaway> mysterytrey: there will be no charge for that service.
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14:40 < Tony_Sidaway> And remember that in some African countries there is legislation passing or soon to pass that will make homosexuality a capital offence.
14:40 < Qcoder02> Evening BarkingFish
14:41 < mysterytrey> Tony_Sidaway: Thank you for keeping me skinny.
14:41 < BarkingFish> hi Qcoder02
14:41 < Tony_Sidaway> Just having sex with someone of the same gender, or being suspected of that, is currently a license for murder in parts of Africa.
14:41 < Qcoder02> "News item:  Arizona State Troppers have released an alien they captured earlier,  His saucer did not have Mexican plates..  The aliens cup however has been impounded as a possible weapon..."
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14:42 < Tony_Sidaway> (Guess who is pushing for the new laws: homophobic American politicians and preachers)
14:42 < mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:  "In the Islamic regimes of Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, North Sudan and Yemen, homosexual activity is punished with the death penalty. In Nigeria and Somalia the death penalty is issued in some regions.[2] "
14:42 < Pharos> i heard it was homophobic Canadians!
14:43 < Tony_Sidaway> mareklug: yep. Middle East is another place where you don't want to be caught having sex with someone of the same gender.
14:43 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:  Some people in Africa also think Prayer cures AIDS
14:43 < Qcoder02> :(
14:43 < Tony_Sidaway> Or kissing a member of the opposite sex in public.
14:43 < Pharos> depends which part of the Middle East
14:43 < Tony_Sidaway> In some parts (obvuously Lebanon and Jordan aren't Saudi Arabia!)
14:44 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: prayer, or sleeping with an underaged girl.
14:44 < mareklug> and ucan do anythng i Tel Aviv :)
14:44 < Qcoder02> :O
14:44 < Tony_Sidaway> where s/sleeping with /raping/
14:44 < Qcoder02> Seriosuly? They think sleeping with an underage girl cures AIDS?
14:44 < Pharos> yes, it's very sad
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14:46 < Tony_Sidaway> (there are purported sources there for the AIDS cure myth)
14:46 < Tony_Sidaway> Please fix if incorrect.
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14:46 < Qcoder02> BarkingFish:  In Munich yet?
14:47 < BarkingFish> no - 27th August
14:47 -!- GeorgeWatson is now known as dendodge
14:47 < Qcoder02> OH OK
14:47 -!- Soapy [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:47 < Qcoder02> ON a slightly more serious note..
14:48 -!- Soapy [] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:48 < Qcoder02> Does anyone know why cleaning my arm vigorusly caused it to blister?
14:48 < jorm> did you clean it with bleach?
14:48 < Qcoder02> No
14:48 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: what cleaning agents did you use? ANy soap or whatever?
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14:48 < Qcoder02> Just soap and a nailbrush
14:48 < Tony_Sidaway> Sounds like allergic reaction.
14:48 < mysterytrey> Nailbrush?
14:49 < Tony_Sidaway> What part of your arm? Inside or outside? Inside skin is rather sensitive.
14:49 < Qcoder02> Outside
14:49 < BarkingFish> Qcoder02, what type of soap, and is it one you have used before?
14:49 -!- bleh3rs1343 [~1343@gateway/tor-sasl/bleh3rs1343] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:49 < Qcoder02> Yeah it's one I've used before without incident
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14:49 < Frood> was the water hot?
14:49 < Pharos> crazy ad *against* orthodox jewish ny politician:
14:49 < Qcoder02> Warm
14:50 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: were you exposing your arm to sunlight also? It's summer in the Northern Hemisphere so perhaps sunburn contributed.
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14:50 < Qcoder02> Well consdering I keep my arms covered
14:50 < bleh3rs1343> Don't bend over and pick up the soap!
14:50 < Qcoder02> I cleaned it with the nailbrush, it went sort of bright Pink, and then blistered
14:50 < Tony_Sidaway> Okay. Qcoder02 is it clearing up now? Are you still brushing vigorously?
14:51 < Qcoder02> I only cleaned it once
14:51 < Pharos> i guess it helps if you;ve heard of him, but that is the craziest political ad i've ever seen
14:51 < Qcoder02> And yes the blisters did go down
14:51 < BarkingFish> Possibly contact urticaria, Qcoder02
14:52 < Qcoder02> Hmm which is odd as I've never had that problem before
14:52 < BarkingFish> sometimes an allergic reaction doesn't occur unless the skin under the site is irritated - and cleaning your arms with a nailbrush is likely to do just that kind of irritation
14:52 < BarkingFish> you've applied an irritant, which hasn't affected you until you've triggered a histamine reaction under the skin.
14:53 < Tony_Sidaway> Nail brushes can be kinda extreme for skin, depending how hard you brush.
14:53 < Qcoder02> The reason I was cleaning it with the nailbrush was because it was a bit blotchy beforehand, and assuming this was just dirt, I thought it would clean off
14:53 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway: "And knowing is half the battle.." XD
14:53 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: ah so these could have been early symptoms of the later irritation.
14:53 < BarkingFish> ok, so what had you been in contact with prior to washing??
14:54 < Qcoder02> General household environment
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14:54 < Qcoder02> I'd also vacumed my room earlier
14:54 < BarkingFish> :)
14:54 < BarkingFish> how much earlier before you noticed this blotchiness?
14:54 < Qcoder02> A couple of days
14:55 < Qcoder02> I don't store anything nasty in my room
14:55 < BarkingFish> ok - i'm not going on days here - what had you been doing in the 2 to 3 hours prior to noticing your arm was blotchy
14:55 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: it's a perfectly normal symptom. You're becoming a superhero! Radioactive spiders, irritating household dust, it's all the same sign of a revolutionary change in your relationship with the world.
14:55 < suicidalzerg> Has anyone ever heard of rabbits eating peppers off of a Jalapeno plant?
14:55 < Tony_Sidaway> But remember: with great power comes great responsibility.
14:55 < Qcoder02> BarkingFIsh: Nothing other than typing on the computer :)
14:55 -!- mattbuck [~mattbuck@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:56 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Quit: While there's life, there's hope.]
14:56 < Qcoder02> And typing doesn't cause skin blotchiness
14:56 -!- matt_buck is now known as mattbuck
14:56 < suicidalzerg> With great power comes great amounts of influence, and naturally, money. :p
14:56 < Qcoder02> Unless an LCD monitor has some radioactive effect XD
14:56 < BarkingFish> no - do you clean your keyboard, Qcoder02?
14:56 < Tony_Sidaway> suicidalzerg: have you thought of asking in a rabbit-oriented channel? But then we responded to Qcoder02 so I guess The Doctor/Vet Is In.
14:56 < PonyToast> Qcoder02: it melts your brain
14:57 < Qcoder02> BarkingFidh: Well I sometimes run a vacuam over it , to clean out stuff... but I hadn't done that 2-3 hours before I noted the blotches..
14:57 < bleh3rs1343> WTF, asshole.  Fishs can't bark, idiot.
14:57 < BarkingFish> Cause the cracks in between your keys are a great place for dust mites to live :)  I was told how to shift them - I blow the keyboard through with compressed air once a week, and hoover it after
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14:57 < mysterytrey> bleh3rs1343: Be quiet.
14:57 < BarkingFish> bleh3rs1343, fuck off, please
14:57 < Qcoder02> OK
14:57 < bleh3rs1343> mysterytrey: Shut up, gaywad.
14:57 < Soapy> that ad is pretty mainstream conservative-wise
14:57 < Qcoder02> Thanks for the tip...
14:57 < bleh3rs1343> BarkingFish: You too, nigger.
14:58 < suicidalzerg> !op
14:58 < Qcoder02> Ops?
14:58 < Tony_Sidaway> I had a problem with my right arm recently, and only after a while did I realise that it was because of the ridiculous amount of time I spend using a mobile phone where saner people would seek out a proper computer with an actual keyboard to fix their software issues.
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14:58 -!- bleh3rs1343 was kicked from #wikipedia-en by Gfoley4 [bleh3rs1343]
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14:58  * Brooke NP: "If You're Gone" by Matchbox Twenty from "Mad Season"
14:58 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Quit: Some folks are wise, and some otherwise.]
14:58 < suicidalzerg> That was... random
14:58 < Qcoder02> Something else I get sometimes when wearing heels is a slight twinge in my ankles...
14:58 < Qcoder02> .. but I've been told that's normal
14:58 < Soapy> the channel is open tonight, so lots of trolls are coming
14:59 < mysterytrey> What ? : Something else I get sometimes when wearing heels is a slight twinge in my ankles...
14:59 < mysterytrey> .. but I've been told that's normal
14:59 < Qcoder02> Soapy: And how gets to play Father Billy Goat to the channel...
14:59 < Qcoder02> *who?
14:59 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
15:00 -!- thineantiquepen [568ac5e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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15:00 < Qcoder02> mystertrey:  You've never worn heels?
15:00 < Tony_Sidaway> Ah. American conservatives.
15:00 < Soapy> Although personally opposed to homosexuality as being against Judaism, Simcha Felder backed Christine Quinn for City Council Speaker in what was seen as a political move to gain allies.[3] Although Felder claims to support Quinn, he says he cannot actually vote for her because of religious reasons.[4] When the time came to vote Quinn for Council Speaker, Felder did not cast a vote and
15:00 < Soapy> took a trip to the restroom.[5]
15:01 < Qcoder02> It's odd that someone should use the n word against barkingfish ;)
15:01 < Tony_Sidaway> I kinda love the election nonsense. Sometimes I think Obama is so certain to win that I speculate on the coming impeachment trials in Congress.
15:01 < Soapy> Simcha "I support you but I dont wanna vote for you, 'scuse me I have to go to the bathroom" Felder
15:01 < Tony_Sidaway> Other days, I'm not so sure. There are _so many_ insane nutters in America.
15:01 < BarkingFish> i didn't see it, Qcoder02 - I slapped the little twat on ignore before I told him to FO :)
15:01 < mysterytrey> Soapy: How is the channel 'open'?  What do you mean?
15:01 < Qcoder02> Sometimes this channel is +R
15:02 < Soapy> trey: meaning, not limited to registered users only
15:02 < Soapy> yeah
15:02 < Qcoder02> (And no that's not a CONTENT rating) XD
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15:02 < Soapy> it used to be "open" all the time, now lately it's almost half-and-half
15:02 < Tony_Sidaway> How does one become a "registered user?"
15:03 < Qcoder02> you provide an e-mail address to nickserv and confirm it
15:03 < Tony_Sidaway> If by some change I have been registered as a user, is there a mechanism by which I could remove that registration?
15:03 < BarkingFish> by registering their nick here with nickserv, Tony_Sidaway
15:03 < Qcoder02> I used to be Qcoder00
15:03 < BarkingFish> and yes, you can /msg nickserv drop (username) (password)   Tony_Sidaway
15:03 < Soapy> yeah, youre registered
15:03 < Qcoder02> but I locked myself out :(
15:03 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: ah, so registered with freenode, not the project or the channel. That's fine.
15:04 < mysterytrey> Soapy: Hmm.  Well, looking back, to access via tor I think you also have to do sasl, so, I think that troll /was/ registered with nickserv.
15:04 < Qcoder02> Anyone seen a Peter-C?
15:04 < Tony_Sidaway> I even have a Wikipedia cloak!
15:04 < Qcoder02> Do you have a Wiki Dagger as well?
15:04 < mysterytrey> I have a wikimedia cloak!
15:04 < Soapy> yeah, youre right, he's registered
15:04 < Soapy> but even so
15:04 < Soapy> a lot of the "troll" users wont bother
15:05 < Tony_Sidaway> Even though my main reason for using freenode this time around isn't Wikipedia at all. You guys are just the tasty icing on the very lovely cake.
15:05 < Qcoder02> But the Cake is a Lie!
15:05 < Qcoder02> (Sorry sorry)
15:05 < Tony_Sidaway> I like the idea of applying for a freenode/Wikipedia dagger.
15:05 < mysterytrey> Have you played portal though?
15:06 < mysterytrey> It's my second favorite game that has a soundtrack of "Still Alive".
15:06 < Tony_Sidaway> I once saw a real life action short on Youtube that purported to be connected to Portal. My daughter and son (both keen Portal players) loved it.
15:06 < Qcoder02> 'Well I'm sure everyone thinks we are absolutely FABULOUS...   Shame for some of the cake has nuts in it ..." </Jullian>
15:06 < Tony_Sidaway> I couldn't make head or tail of it.
15:07 < mareklug> suicidalzerg:  lots of critters will eat you out of a garden.  opossum, raccoons, squirrels
15:07 < Qcoder02> Bears
15:07 < Qcoder02> Beavers
15:07 < Tony_Sidaway> My daughter's rats ate me out of a bed!
15:07 < Qcoder02> Other Wikipedians ;)
15:08 < Qcoder02> Lions and Tigers and Bears , Oh My....
15:08 < Qcoder02> !
15:08 < Qcoder02> XD
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15:10 < Tony_Sidaway> She has three rats. She bought one because the pet shop she found him in were crazy and said he needed to be quarantined, which is awful because rats are an intensely social species.
15:11 < BarkingFish> Lolz :)  Have you ever heard the expression "Helping out a brother?"  I just found the true meaning of that :)
15:11 < BarkingFish>
15:11 < Tony_Sidaway> Then once she ascertained that they were talking nonsense about his alleged disease, she had to get companions. So she bought two more rats. They are all male and live together in a big cage.
15:11 < BarkingFish> Fancy using your brother's back as a freaking stepstool :P
15:11 < Qcoder02> BarkingFish: PM Please
15:11 < Tony_Sidaway> Does anybody here know what broxing and boggling are?
15:11 < BarkingFish> sure, go for it
15:12 < Tony_Sidaway> Broxing is when a rat grates its teeth. It's a sign of happiness, like a cat's purr.
15:12 < Tony_Sidaway> Boggling is the effect of broxing on a rat'
15:13 < Tony_Sidaway> s eyes. The head is small so the eyes are pushed outwards a little when it broxes, making a "boggling" effect like in a cartoon.
15:13 < Qcoder02> Like Jerry's Eye when he sees tom with some implement?
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15:13 < Tony_Sidaway> It's cool. When your pet rats are lying around grooming one another and boggling, you have some happy rats!
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15:15 < Tony_Sidaway> Parrots also grate their beaks when they're happy. It sounds like someone using a rasp on wood.
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15:20 < suicidalzerg> mareklug: Will they eat hot peppers though? :p
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15:21 < suicidalzerg> It was probably birds that did it
15:21 < suicidalzerg> I know birds can easily eat hot peppers, since they're immune to Capsaicin...
15:22 < suicidalzerg> In fact, if I'm not mistaken, that's how pepper seeds are spread :p
15:22 -!- lucasoutloud [~anonymous@wikipedia/lucasoutloud] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:22 < mysterytrey> Odd:
15:22 < mysterytrey> I'm just gonna leave that.
15:22 < mysterytrey> I have no clue what to tag it for.
15:23 < Tony_Sidaway> "In 1982, homophobia was used for the first time in The New York Times to report that the General Synod of the Church of England voted to refuse to condemn homosexuality."
15:23 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
15:23 < BarkingFish> suicidalzerg, spot on :)
15:24 < Tony_Sidaway> Interesting snapshot to a time when England still looked to the Church of England as the gatekeepers of morality.
15:24 < BarkingFish> For anyone who has ever "enjoyed" a five-alarm mondongo at a Mexican restaurant, two questions will immediately leap to mind: (a) How can such featherweight creatures consume enough incendiary material to vaporize a camel and still show no signs of discomfort? and (b) hokey smokes, Josephine, what do you suppose that will do to their tiny bungholes tomorrow morning?
15:24 < BarkingFish> :P
15:24 -!- Anurag2k12 [~Anurag2k1@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
15:24 < geniice> mysterytrey malfunctioning spambot perhaps?
15:24 < Qcoder02> Do people have allergic reaction to chilli ?
15:24 < BarkingFish> Qcoder02, oh yes - it's very possible.
15:24 < suicidalzerg> Weah, and we have plenty magpies and crows and shit here
15:24 < Qcoder02> As opposed to irritant based  reaction to the 'heat'
15:25 < Tony_Sidaway> I don't get the "bunghole" reference. I often have severe problems at the front end with hot chillies and whatnot, but I've never ever had a problem at the nether end.
15:25 < Qcoder02> You've been lucky then
15:25 < BarkingFish> Tony_Sidaway, the bunghole is often the sorest place the following morning after extremely spicy food.
15:25 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:26 < BarkingFish> Hence the phrase "If you're having a vindaloo tonight, keep your bog roll in the freezer"
15:26 < Tony_Sidaway> I also fucking _love_ that Japanese stuff, wasabi, and devour it by the mouthful. No adverse effects on my botton.
15:26 < geniice> we didn't conquore japan. Why would we eat their food?
15:26 < BarkingFish> Ah yes, the dreaded "Namida".  I don't know how you can stomach that stuff, Tony_Sidaway - I have enough trouble with regular horseradish on a beef sandwich
15:27 -!- UnknownFork [~UnknownFo@unaffiliated/unknownfork] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
15:28 < Tony_Sidaway> I declare "blue balls" on this. There are certain social myths to which we pay lip service. One of these is that failure to squirt his jizz into a suitable female receptacle every N days (for some value of N) will cause physical pain to a man.
15:28 < Tony_Sidaway> I declare that "curry bum" is a myth of "blue balls" proportion.
15:28 < BarkingFish> Oh no it isn't :)
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15:29 < BarkingFish> I think it's not so much a myth, as dependent on the person's tolerance of spicy or hot food.
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15:30 < ItzExor> Tony_Sidaway: it's not
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15:30 < Tony_Sidaway> {{citation needed}}
15:30 < BarkingFish> Also, even mildly spiced curries with cream in the sauce, can still cause it.
15:30 < Qcoder02> One for MythBusters?
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15:30 < ItzExor> Citation 1: My anus.
15:30 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: I can just see Adam and Tory salivating!
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15:30 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:  ROFL
15:30 < BarkingFish> ItzExor, I'd support that citation. Mine is a witness to that shit as well :P
15:31 < Qcoder02> BarkingFish:  No OR though :(
15:31 < BarkingFish> lol
15:31 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: seriously we should get the MythBusters on the case.
15:32 < Qcoder02> Does anyybody have medical articles in rectal irritation due to Capsacin irrtant in excreta...
15:32 < Qcoder02> ?
15:32 < Qcoder02> *on
15:32 < ItzExor> It's not 100%, though, it seems to happen at random. I ate a raw habanero one time that burned like hell, with no problems at the other end...
15:32 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:  Unless they have already looked into it of course
15:32 < Qcoder02> You could group it with some other food myths...
15:32 < Qcoder02> Like the 'five second rule'
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15:33 < Qcoder02> Or that twinkees are OK to eat after being left for a long time
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15:33 < Tony_Sidaway> Here's another question: if someone ate chillies and ended up with curry bottom, then had anal sex with a man, would the man (who has not partaken of the curried meal) feel irritation in his penis?
15:34 < SigmaWP> I get on IRC and the first thing  I see...
15:34 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:  Hmm
15:34 < Qcoder02> That's a bit NSFW for Mythbusters though ;)
15:34 < Tony_Sidaway> At this point, were she still here, I think my daughter would step in and say "MythBusters slash!"
15:35 < Qcoder02> :O
15:35 < mattbuck> Tony_Sidaway, I'm not sure how much chili my boyfriend eats, but I have never noticed anything along those lines
15:35 < Qcoder02> On the subject of the N days without sex , doesn't unused sprem get reabsorbed?
15:36 < BarkingFish> What stings going in, will sting coming out :)  Passage through the digestive system will not have much effect on the distruction of capsaicin.
15:36 < mattbuck> I imagine it might happen, but would need to be really hot chili
15:36 < mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:  i can tell ya from personal exp that vindaloo prepared hot actually hurts on the way out
15:36 < Tony_Sidaway> mattbuck: thanks. I personally wouldn't expect it either
15:36 < Qcoder02> BarkingFish:  Are there any PubMed journal articles on this?
15:36 < BarkingFish> not that i know of, Qcoder02
15:37 < Qcoder02> :(
15:37 < Qcoder02> On a Tanget here... I assume people know what Montezuma's Revene is..
15:37 < Qcoder02> *Revenge
15:38 -!- shimgray [~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
15:38 < Tony_Sidaway> You know, one thing that would utterly settle this, would be the existence of gay curry clubs, wherein couples meet in groups and eat curry to share and celebrate the anticipated hotness.
15:38 < mattbuck> why gay? women have assholes too
15:38 < geniice> tends to fall under BSDB
15:38 < Tony_Sidaway> Or conversely, word of mouth from male gay couples who avoided curry because of the hotness.
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15:40 < Tony_Sidaway> mattbuck: yes you're right
15:40 < Qcoder02> Chilli as a form of S/M   erm.....   time for a mide erasure pill I think
15:40 < Qcoder02> *mind
15:40 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: Torchwood should have covered this.
15:40 < Qcoder02> Huh?
15:40 < ItzExor> I'm pretty sure I've read something on that before...
15:41 < Tony_Sidaway> This is why I regret their progression to large stories. The shorter episodes were so full of these poignant bits.
15:41  * BarkingFish reads back onto what started this weird assed conversation...
15:41 < Tony_Sidaway>
15:42 < BarkingFish> Suicidalzerg asking if birds could eat hot peppers, apparently being immune to capsaicin...
15:42 < Tony_Sidaway> BarkingFish: it was probably when I stopped watching TV and started IRCing.
15:42 < suicidalzerg> I was asking if Rabbits could
15:42 < Tony_Sidaway> Yes, then it went on to humans.
15:42 < BarkingFish> And we wind up talking about gay curry clubs and whether a guy would get a sore dick if he fucked someone who'd had a hot curry...
15:42 < Tony_Sidaway> That was definitely me.
15:42 < Qcoder02> Oh Behave! </roger>
15:43 < BarkingFish> and no, suicidalzerg - it was definitely birds :)
15:43 < BarkingFish> <suicidalzerg> I know birds can easily eat hot peppers, since they're immune to Capsaicin...
15:43  * mattbuck rogers Qcoder02
15:43 < Tony_Sidaway> (Not that I ever engage in buttfucking. I'm a happily married pervert!)
15:43 < Qcoder02> BTW Does anyone else here think Roger in American Dad might be  a bit camp?
15:43 < BarkingFish> oh ffs
15:43 < BarkingFish> you only just noticed>
15:43 < BarkingFish> He's as gay as a macy's independance day parade :D
15:44 < Tony_Sidaway> I just knew I wasn't completely heterosexual when I realised that I loved Wilma.
15:44 < mattbuck> he's not gay, merely camp and omnisexual
15:44 < mattbuck> from the flintstones?
15:45 < Qcoder02> mattbuck:  Yeah but you know what grey aliens do? ;)
15:45 < Tony_Sidaway> mattbuck: well I'm not talking about Wilma Reading. But I could have been.
15:45 < suicidalzerg> BarkingFish
15:45 < suicidalzerg> -15:55:23- (suicidalzerg) Has anyone ever heard of rabbits eating peppers off of a Jalapeno plant?
15:45 < mattbuck> I don't know who wilma reading is
15:45 < Tony_Sidaway> suicidalzerg: you win the Quidditch!
15:45 < BarkingFish> ah, i musta missed that bit, suicidalzerg :)
15:45 < mattbuck> and I thought you were male
15:45 < BarkingFish> scrollback don't go very far
15:45 < Qcoder02> Wilma Dearing is a charcter in Buck ROgers IIRC
15:46 < Tony_Sidaway>
15:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Wilma_Breading ?
15:47 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: if I fancied that Wilma you could just give me a certified whoopsie badge right there.
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15:48 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:  Did I tell you about the costuem that got me invovled in a student 'art' film?
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15:49 < Qcoder02> I did a robot maid costume for a party...
15:49 < Qcoder02> And I got asked to be in a student sci-gfi type film , I was also asked to find some strobes ;)
15:49 < Qcoder02> *sci-fi
15:50 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: that sounds great! And I don't even know or care about whether you've ever advertised your gender.
15:50 < SigmaWP> Sp33dyphil: Hi
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15:51 < Tony_Sidaway> But I would deffo go for a male robot maid. They have certain attachments that the female models lack.
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15:51 < Qcoder02> Well I get wary about 'film'  stuff...  because they are people that don't want to make 'art' if you know what I mean
15:51 < Sp33dyphil> SigmaWP: hi
15:51 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:  It was a 'femme' robot maid in terms of the costume :)
15:52 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: ;)
15:52 < Tony_Sidaway> Let's not think about what's under the hood!
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15:52 < BarkingFish> Holy cow. This is what I want for a hard drive!!!  Some geneticists at Harvard have managed to store 700TB of data in one gram of human dna.
15:52 < Qcoder02> I also at some point came up with the concept of 7ft tall space ant with non conventional gender :)
15:53 < Tony_Sidaway> Dammit I love flirting. Can we just change the channel name to
15:53 < Qcoder02> BarkingFish:  OMG
15:53 < BarkingFish> That's 12,500 50GB blueray disks
15:53 < Tony_Sidaway> #wikipedia-en-flirt ?
15:53 < Qcoder02> BarkingFish:  So when doe they figure out what the white mice have known for years ? XD
15:53 < Qcoder02> *do
15:54 < BarkingFish> the equivalent for storage would be enough 3TB external hard drives to weigh 151KG!
15:54 < Qcoder02> BarkingFish:   /me wonders if some crazy cracker would try to encode his  warez stash into his DNA ;)
15:54 < Qcoder02> Ultimate 'backup' ;)
15:55 < mattbuck> yeah, but you're fucked if you get a virus
15:55 < Frood> basically a few racks in a datacenter :P
15:55 < BarkingFish> well fuck yeah, imagine plugging yourself into your pc and loading your porn stash directly from your DNA :D
15:55 < mattbuck> impossible to keep data secure though
15:55 < Tony_Sidaway> BarkingFish: cool. So when my younger, reproductive-age relatives procreate, I can send them a card saying "congratulations on your successful initiation of a proecdure that will culminate in the introduction of some X Terabytes of data into the human continuum!"
15:55 < BarkingFish> :)
15:55 < Qcoder02> mattbuck: Maybe GOD is a coder ;)
15:56 < Tony_Sidaway> I am a traditionalist in this respect.
15:56 < Tony_Sidaway> Pink for a boy, obviously.
15:56 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:   It's not all new data though...
15:56 < mattbuck> COPYVIO
15:56 < Qcoder02> Some of it's 'inheritied' classes
15:56 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: ah, those copyright fascists!
15:56 < BarkingFish> Tony_Sidaway, think of the possibilities though. You can scan in all your family memories, pics of your relatives, etc, save them to your DNA, and pass them on to your kids so that they have a copy of their entire family history built in :D
15:56 -!- Fluffernutter [~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:57 < Qcoder02> Isn't that what some people think human memory does anyway?
15:57 < Tony_Sidaway> BarkingFish: yes but also you can pass down fake memories.
15:57 < BarkingFish> never again would you have adopted kids trying to find out their proper background family history, where they came from and so on
15:57 < Tony_Sidaway> This is just scratchpad data.
15:57  * Qcoder02 can sense one of those late night weirdy sci-fi mindfuck shows doing a story on this
15:58 < BarkingFish> Why would you take up the space though? There's enough DNA in the human body to encode the contents of pretty much every national library on earth
15:58 < Qcoder02> I'ts just crazy enough to be a story from a little place you visit ocassionaly.. called the Twilight Zone...
15:58 < Qcoder02> BarkingFish:  From the inner limits of the Human Mind to ... The Outer Limits :)
15:58 < Tony_Sidaway> I suppose if a cryptographic hash were generated from DNA x and then another from DNA y (progeny) then a chain of certification could be set up.
15:58 < Qcoder02> Sorry
15:58 < BarkingFish> Imagine having Wikipedia encoded into your little finger, or the entire contents of the Bodlean library in your hand.
15:58 < Tony_Sidaway> Actually, yes. This could work!
15:59 -!- purplebackpack89 [476c7d38@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:59 < Qcoder02> Isn't that sort fo what DNA fingerprinting does?
15:59 < Qcoder02> *of
15:59 < Tony_Sidaway> Incidentally: if you're interested in Crypto and can spare a few hours a week:
16:00 < Tony_Sidaway> That course starts later this month and, wow, it's brilliant!
16:00 < ItzExor> How does one retrieve the data? I mean we recall memories and stuff from our brain right?
16:00 < purplebackpack89> is applying for one of these free databases worth it if all you can think of using it for is one FL, and that's an FL you're not even sure the sources exist anywhere?
16:00 < Tony_Sidaway> BarkingFish: neural lace.
16:00 < ItzExor> Will future memory interfaces say "provide blood"?
16:00 < ItzExor> lol
16:01 < Qcoder02> ItzExor:  Will you get data vampires?
16:01 < Qcoder02> I claim that :)
16:01 < Tony_Sidaway>
16:01 -!- Spacewalker [~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker] has quit [Quit: Nothing to do here… *flies away*]
16:01 < Qcoder02> Unless cyperpunk writers already have
16:01 < ItzExor> The "Thirst for knowledge" becomes literal
16:02 < Tony_Sidaway> A woman is killed, then finds herself resurrected because she had been implanted with a neural lace 10 years earlier.
16:02 < mareklug> purplebackpack89:  probably not.   what is this FL?
16:02 < purplebackpack89> [[Euroscar]]
16:02 < purplebackpack89> I need to source some of the prose
16:02 < Qcoder02> ItzExor:  Sounds like the basis for a show...
16:02 < Qcoder02> Pharos:
16:02 < Qcoder02> You don't know any writers do you?
16:03 < Tony_Sidaway> purplebackpack89: could you explain what "FL" means in your earlier statements? I just can't understand you.
16:03 < purplebackpack89> also, since I can't find a complete list of winners, I'm going to try and source each individually
16:03 < purplebackpack89> Tony_Sidaway: Featured list
16:03 < Tony_Sidaway> purplebackpack89: thanks. A Wikipedian thing, I assume. My patience tends to break down when I see the word "featured".
16:04 < mareklug> purplebackpack89:  the dbs for humanities and social sciences will obviously be off topic, so that narrows things some
16:04 < purplebackpack89> mareklug: I think that the sources I need are in Italian
16:04 < Tony_Sidaway> Don't get me wrong: I fucking love Raul654. But I just don't think featured articles and whatnot should be part of Wikipedia as such.
16:04 < mareklug> that narrows it even more :)
16:05 < Tony_Sidaway> purplebackpack89: language should not be a barrier.
16:05 < Qcoder02> BTW Tony, are you any good at performing?
16:05 < Qcoder02> (as in semi acting )
16:05 < Ebe123> Get a lingua franga
16:05 < Ebe123> Wikiese?
16:05 < purplebackpack89> Tony_Sidaway: yo no habla italiano
16:06 < Qcoder02> Ebe123: There is no Wikipedia common language
16:06 < Qcoder02> Not yet
16:06 < Ebe123> I know
16:06 < Qcoder02> Unless you know a linguist that want's to try and write one
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16:07 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: no. I _love_ drag queens but I am not one (to give a salient example).
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16:07 < mareklug> purplebackpack89:  i don't think these resources were meant to be offered to support exactly one featured list about basketball awards in Europe, truth be told :)
16:08 < Tony_Sidaway> purplebackpack89: okay but Italian isn't like some weird unknown languaage. If there's anything you can't understand email it to me.
16:08 < purplebackpack89> mareklug: OK, I'll pass on the offer and look for sources elsewhere
16:09 -!- Demiurge1000 is now known as D1000|Away
16:09 < mareklug> purplebackpack89:  italian sport pages online might do the trick.  you might also seek assistance on it wiki at their village pump
16:11 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:12 -!- dungodung is now known as dungodung|away
16:12 < purplebackpack89> mareklug: OK, I'll do that
16:12 < Tony_Sidaway> Somebody asked if I was a drag queen. Well, I stopped dressing as I liked around the house as my kids came closer to puberty. They're grown up now but I don't feel as if I own that part of my life until they say they don't need me.
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16:19 < mareklug>    <-- this is why I laugh when ppl call Palestine a state.  reality is quite different
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16:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug westbank is a bank
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16:31 < Qcoder02> mareklug:  The Isralei's cutting the power ... hmmm
16:31 -!- Maryana [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has quit [Quit: Maryana]
16:32 < Qcoder02> I assume Palestine doesn't have it's own gnerating capacity
16:32 < mareklug> interestingly Hamas/gaza paid up
16:32 < mareklug> Qcoder02:  that's the laughing crux of the matter.  they have nothing
16:33 < mareklug> nothing that a state does/provide for its citizens
16:33 < Qcoder02> mareklug: Hamas knows is Israel cuts off the West Bank it would hurt the PA
16:33 < Qcoder02> *if
16:33 < Qcoder02> That is only good for Hamas
16:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder02 palestine is under an embargo
16:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they cannot produce shit
16:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> well
16:33 < SigmaWP> lol
16:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they can only produce shit probably
16:33 < Qcoder02> However Hamas would not hwoever wish to alienate an area where it enjoys support
16:34 < Qcoder02> hence why it paid up in respect of Gaza
16:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Hamas needs a u
16:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and become Humus
16:34 < Qcoder02> That said , if Israel cut the power, would it kill people?
16:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yes
16:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> those in hospitals
16:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wikipedians
16:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and of course twitter junkies
16:35 < Qcoder02> Don't hospitals have generators?
16:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> for temporary power
16:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> very expensive
16:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> only powers part of the devices
16:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> assuming they have generators
16:35 < Qcoder02> So the IEC is basicly using a civil debt as a WMD?
16:35 < BarkingFish> Not everywhere, Qcoder02 - and in the west bank, that would be nigh on impossible, the israelis try to embargo fuel from getting in
16:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> BarkingFish they'd embargo air from getting in if they could
16:36 < mareklug> i'm surprised the UN pays for other utilities for camps but not power.  they should pick that tab also
16:36 < Qcoder02> And the reason the PA can't pay up is?
16:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug UN is too busy not getting bombed
16:37 < Tony_Sidaway> I hate the whole Israel thing. It's like the US and Europe are just playing silly buggers, without realising that their interference is severely distorting local politics in the Middle East.
16:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder02 they dont have GDP that can support themselves because they are under the heaviest of sancitons
16:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway does a silly burger taste good?
16:38 < Tony_Sidaway> Eventually there will be a single state, approximating to Palestine. But meanwhile you have this ridiculous nonsense going on.
16:38 < Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:  Before or after there is a bloody genocide?
16:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> eventually is when people dont use oil
16:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder02 genocides are typically bloody
16:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats like saying wet water
16:39 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
16:41 < Tony_Sidaway> Qcoder02: who is going to conduct genocide on whom? Bear in mind that it took a generation and a lot of hard lobbying for Israel even to allow the expelled Palestinians to go back home. And now the Israeli government is still treating these people like shit.
16:41 < Qcoder02> The Genocide will be the Palestinains against Israel
16:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder02 bah
16:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> that would be "Holocaust"
16:42 < mareklug> um, the expelled (from Israel) Palestinians were never allowed to go back.  this issue is know as the right to return, Tony_Sidaway
16:42 < Tony_Sidaway> Just because you acted unjustly towards a group of people, does not justify your suggestion that they will react by committing genocide against you.
16:43 < Tony_Sidaway> mareklug: yep. But they have returned.
16:43 -!- Miniz [~wat@2001:0:4137:9e76:386c:252b:51a3:2089] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:43 < mareklug> how exactly have they returned, ay to their homes in Jaffa?
16:43 < mareklug> say
16:44 < geniice> given that the stated intion of a number of palistian groups is at the very least ethnic clensing its not an unreasonable assumption
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16:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I think a tardis like solution is needed
16:45 < geniice> why do we need a solution?
16:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> we gotta solve problems, we are problem solvers
16:46 < geniice> as long as we can sell weapons to both sides the situation appears adiquate as it stands
16:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> this isnt true
16:46 < Tony_Sidaway> I think this is a repeat of the "I can't support feminists because some feminists think killing men is a good idea" argument.
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16:47 < geniice> those groups don't hold significant political support in the feminist movement. Hamas on the other hand
16:47 < Tony_Sidaway> No, the fact that some people may be deranged does not make the fact that Palestinians should, you know, be allowed to live in Palestine a bad argument.
16:48 < Tony_Sidaway> Oh fuckity fuck.
16:48 < geniice> but most of them live in transjordan
16:48 < Tony_Sidaway> geniice: could you get to the point?
16:48 < mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:  fyi
16:49 < Tony_Sidaway> mareklug: I read it.
16:49 < Tony_Sidaway> "Londoners' right to return" would be very similar.
16:49 < mareklug> then I'm rather surprised at your claim, "that they have returned"
16:49 < geniice> at the present time attempts to facilitate a large scale movement of palistians into isreal carries an unacceptable risk of another nuclear equiped islamic state
16:50 < geniice> one is quite enough
16:50 < Tony_Sidaway> You can't chase people out of their homes and then treat them like shit without being recognised as rather shitty yourself.
16:50 < geniice> yes you can
16:50 < geniice> Britian pulled it off for over a century
16:51 < Tony_Sidaway> There are already nuclear-equipped states.
16:51 < mareklug> this chasing people out of their homes is a European history staple, what with the shifting borders
16:51 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:51 < geniice> yes but most of them are either fairly stable or will be killed off by india if they are too much trouble
16:52 < Tony_Sidaway> I have no idea what geniice is blithering about. The UK was rather toxic as empires go but I don't get what geniice is saying.
16:52 < geniice> we  mostly don't get much blame as a result
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16:54 < geniice> the reality is that isreal has the millitary strength and political will to keep the palistians out.
16:55 < Tony_Sidaway> geniice: I think I said this before: only as long as US politics supports this.
16:55 < Tony_Sidaway> And it's extraordinary, and seems to be based on some millennialist nonsense.
16:55 < geniice> not really. Isreal has nuclear weapons and a reasonable domestic arms production capacity
16:55 < mareklug> us will always support israel, if only for the Jewish Americans, if not for reasons of democracy/alliance
16:56  * kylu yawns, waves @ all.
16:56 < geniice> oh plus the only people in a position to invate are arabs
16:56 < Tony_Sidaway> geniice: did nuclear weapons save the Soviet Union and its allies?
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16:57 < geniice> well on the bassis that chechnya has to a large extent been taken care of yes
16:57 < Tony_Sidaway> It's not so long ago that the West wanted to pretend that Libya was a nuclear power.
16:58 < geniice> Isreal is a nuclear power
16:58 < mareklug> Libya did makes moves in that direction, but widened up
16:58 < geniice> what the west wants is secondary
16:58 < Tony_Sidaway> How so?
16:58 < mareklug> wisened
16:59 < Tony_Sidaway> THis is what really weirds me out. Why is it so good that some upstart state should have nuclear weaponse, but not some other upstart state? How can we determine which bumch of crazies is worthy of trust?
17:00 -!- hoo [~Miranda@wikipedia/Hoo-man] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:00 < geniice> we don't trust either but we can't really take Isreals weapons away and they are not about to do a south africa
17:00 < hoo> Any admin around who's familar with abuse filters?
17:01 < hoo> Take a look at [[Wikipedia:Edit_filter/Requested#Catching_malicious_.3Ca.3E_tags_probably_inserted_by_a_browser_extension]] please
17:01 -!- Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
17:01 < Tony_Sidaway> Israel of 2012 is going through the same crap we saw in South Africa of 1988.
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17:01 < geniice> not so there are more jews than africans
17:01 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Quit: heatherw]
17:01 < geniice> wrong word
17:01 < geniice> dutch
17:02 < Tony_Sidaway> geniice: seriously, you think it comes down to the false notion that there are more X than Y?
17:02 < Tony_Sidaway> Where X is Jews
17:02 < Tony_Sidaway> and Y is what?
17:02 < geniice> well yes why do you think zimbarwe went down before south africa
17:02 -!- Maryana [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:02 < geniice> southern rodesia rather
17:03 < geniice> Y is non jews in isreal
17:03 < Tony_Sidaway> geniice: who the fuck are you? YOu pop up on IRC and email and come out with this weird racist crap.
17:03 < Tony_Sidaway> Who the fuck are you?
17:03 < geniice> white male european
17:03 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:03 < Tony_Sidaway> Okay. Thank you.
17:04 < Tony_Sidaway> No further comment.
17:04 < geniice> you not up on demographic warefare
17:04 < kylu> Tony: on the plus side, it does make Americans look sane once in a while.
17:04 < geniice> its like people to make love not war seriously
17:04 < Tony_Sidaway> I am totally not logging this.
17:04 < Tony_Sidaway> No seeriously.
17:05 < Tony_Sidaway> But you all say where this shithold admitted what it's all about.
17:05 < Tony_Sidaway> "you not up on demographic warefare"
17:05 < geniice> because making demographic observations about the colapase of political systems in southern africa is now racist
17:05 < noommos> is this ips contributions correct? or are they introducing false information?
17:05 < Tony_Sidaway> That is what this shithole said.
17:06 < geniice> Tony_Sidaway  sure you don't follow western sharah?
17:07 < geniice> or are you total okey with what morroco is up to there?
17:07 < Tony_Sidaway> geniice: I'm an atheist. How do you think I feel about religious nutbaggery?
17:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway you dont worship Talos?
17:08 < geniice> I'm not sure that is  factor in western saharah. I think they are all liberal muslims. Just old fashioned nationalist imperialism
17:09 < Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: actually I did work on some stories about Talos. But he eas no god.
17:09 < kylu> o/` this is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends... o/`
17:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway you arent a true nord
17:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I like how Syrim has the issue of religious wars in it so nicely and discretely
17:10 < geniice> backed by population transfers.
17:10 < Tony_Sidaway> geniice: you've asked me if I'm "totally up" with some activities in some country I've never talked about.
17:11 < Tony_Sidaway> No I'm not because I don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
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17:11 < geniice> well since you don't like the term demographic warefare I can only assume that you support the activities of the moroccan crown in the area
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17:12 < Tony_Sidaway> geniice: that would be silly.
17:13 < geniice> have if you don't understand the concept you shouldn't be throwing around acusations of racism
17:13 < Tony_Sidaway> Overall, my immpression of your contribution to Wikipedia is that you find the silliest objection and push it to the hilt.
17:14 < geniice> fortunately I'm not greatly concerned about your impression
17:15 < Tony_Sidaway> Then you won't be concerned that you're joining the other channel trolls in my ignore list.
17:16 < geniice> given your rather unexpected return and the tone it has taken not reallly no
17:16 < mareklug>  <-- not a bad intro, considering that it is templated
17:16 < Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: I'm a Northern Englishman who went to Londom and joined a whole hoot of people from other nations who also converged on London.
17:18 < Tony_Sidaway> Londom is where everybody goes, eventually. Or maybe New York.
17:18 < Tony_Sidaway> "Regents Park is up the The Battery's down"
17:19 < Tony_Sidaway> London, Lun dun, Londumm.
17:20 < suicidalzerg> Yay, we finally got a hold of some RAID wasp spray.
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17:21 < suicidalzerg> And unlike all the cheap, shitty sprays that did absolutely nothing but piss them off, they all dropped like flies when we sprayed them.
17:22 < Soapy> : )
17:22 < Tony_Sidaway> So your wasps were brand-conscious, or what?
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17:22 < suicidalzerg> lol
17:23 < suicidalzerg> I swear these things nest in every little crevise they can find.
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17:23 < mareklug> superior SC Johnson technology
17:23 < suicidalzerg> A couple years ago, there were a few hundred of them nesting behind a board on our roof.
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17:24 < suicidalzerg> When we sprayed that area, we decided to use a full can and really get it in there good.
17:24 < Tony_Sidaway> I used to get this from visitors to America. The returnee would always be asked if it was true that in America the burgers were slabs of beef and the drinks were a whole gallon.
17:25 < kylu> the drink thing is close to true at taco bell. c.c
17:25 < Tony_Sidaway> And they'd say "well, actually".
17:25 < suicidalzerg> And they came flooding out. And flooding out.
17:25 < kylu> I swear, if the soda cups get any larger, they'll come with diving boards.
17:26 < suicidalzerg> They came out all across the entire 3 feet of the length of the board on the roof.
17:26 < mareklug> well, actually, a double Baconator burger from Wendy's is a lot of beef, in two slabs and bacon
17:26 -!- BarkingFish [~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish] has quit [Quit: I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nooooOOOOOOOOWWWWWW! :)]
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17:26 < suicidalzerg> For about 10 minutes straight, a constant stream of wasps that never slowed came out from behind that board
17:26 < Tony_Sidaway> But no, if you go to a cheap food place you should leave with a full belly. What happens in between entering and leaving is up to the vendor.
17:27 < Soapy> Full Belly Deli
17:27 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng_busy
17:27 < geniice> there are structual issiues once a cup goes much over a meter in size
17:27 -!- Jasper_Deng_busy is now known as Jasper_Deng
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17:28 < Soapy> yeah
17:28 < suicidalzerg> You could literally hear a dull drone of a wasp swarm just inside the house under where the area they were nesting was.
17:28 < Soapy> at least if you wanted a straw
17:28 < Soapy> itd be pretty hard to suck hard enough to actually get anything
17:29 < Soapy> so maybe a vaccum pump will come with every soda
17:29 < mareklug> nah, Soapy  -- they will just sell it in kegs, like frat beer
17:30 < suicidalzerg> lolkegs
17:30 < suicidalzerg> That would go flat so fast
17:30 < mareklug> mebbe there should be a kitchen gizmo to refizz flat coke
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17:31 < Tony_Sidaway>
17:32 < mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:  have you heard The Dresden Dolls?
17:32 < Tony_Sidaway> You will get steampunk. Or you will by leaving this channel drop back into the proper history.
17:33 < suicidalzerg> I remember when I was a kid, I accidentally threw a baseball through my window, and it made a nice round hole in my outer window and shit...
17:33 < mareklug>
17:33 < Tony_Sidaway> mareklug: isn't that lass who married Neil Gaiman a Dresden Doll?
17:33 < mareklug> yup!
17:34 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:34 < mareklug> Amanda Palmer. she recently raised 700k dollars on line for her upcoming record.
17:34 < Soapy> wb phar
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17:35 < Tony_Sidaway> Neil Gaiman is the ultimate coin operated boy.
17:36 < Tony_Sidaway> Notice her tattoeed eyebrows.
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17:39 < Tony_Sidaway>
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17:40 < Tony_Sidaway> Go there or don't.
17:40 -!- cbm [] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:42 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:42 < Tony_Sidaway> Our underworld isn't filled with fear
17:42 < Tony_Sidaway> Just brass and copper, leather scrap, and rusty gear
17:42 < Tony_Sidaway> You can keep your hip-hop techno-pop-rock schleppin-dub
17:42 < Tony_Sidaway> I'm on my way to a coal-powered underground vintage pub
17:42 < Tony_Sidaway> More lyrics:
17:42 < Tony_Sidaway> All about Abney Park:
17:43 -!- Frostee [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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17:48 < ChrisGualtieri> Anyone know how to use the kingbotk AWB plugin, I can't get it to edit
17:48 < cbm> is there a channel op for #en-admins around?
17:49 < kylu> hm
17:49 < kylu> #wikipedia-en-admins yes?
17:49 < suicidalzerg> So we closed the interior shutter on it (We have windows that have essentially glass doors on the inside, with blinds and a little knob to lock it, sort of like a front door/screen door combination.)
17:49 < cbm> kylu: yep
17:49 < kylu> for some unknown reason, I seem to be an op in there.
17:50 < cbm> mind if I msg you?
17:50 < suicidalzerg> So, a few months later, I absentmindedly open that shutter. And what meets my eyes makes me slam it shut so fast it almost breaks the glass on the shutter.
17:50 < kylu> sure, you can massage me... please do work on my shoulders where the straps dig in though.
17:50 < suicidalzerg> There was a wasp nest, about the size of a full-size computer tower, inside of my fucking window.
17:52 -!- lukas23 [~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23] has quit [Quit: Ciao, au revoir, tschüss, bye,]
17:52 < Tony_Sidaway> This is what I'm talking about: Attention, hot hetersesxual guy, hot women:
17:53 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en
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17:55 < mareklug> suicidalzerg:  since you abound in wasps, maybe you should consider them for food? :0
17:56 < Tony_Sidaway> Wasp pie.
17:58 < Soapy> itd be a bit dangerous now that theyre all full of insect poison
17:58 -!- mysterytrey [~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout: 542 seconds]
17:59 < Tony_Sidaway> Eat them now. It's our only hope of isolating the damage to a few corpses that will merge into the vast deluge of London's daily dead.
17:59 < Fluffernutter> o_O
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18:00 < Tony_Sidaway> Fluffernutter: you'll delete this of course. It never happened.
18:01 < Tony_Sidaway> Soapy: just eat them all. Eat them all up!
18:01 -!- dendodge [~dendodge@unaffiliated/dendodge] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:02 < Fluffernutter> ...i think i need to be on whatever drugs you guys are on
18:02 < Soapy> its just tony
18:03 < Tony_Sidaway> And on that note@
18:03 < Tony_Sidaway>
18:03 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:06 -!- geniice [~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.8/20120312220748]]
18:06 < Tony_Sidaway>  That is a fascinating and beautiful animation.
18:07 < Tony_Sidaway> But here is one that is pure fun:
18:07 -!- Wehwalt [4462af34@wikipedia/Wehwalt] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:08 < Tony_Sidaway>
18:08 -!- svgsponer [] has left #wikipedia-en ["ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)"]
18:11 < Soapy> gah
18:11 < Soapy> anyone with a smartphone tried this new "Google Handwriting" search?
18:11 < Tony_Sidaway> I was watching it and it reached the point where he sets the flying reptile free.
18:12 < Tony_Sidaway> My throat fills with something. Love or whatever it is that fills your throat at such times.
18:12 < mareklug> Soapy this is an android/stylus question?
18:13 < Soapy> no styuls
18:13 < Soapy> youre suppoesed to use your thumb
18:13 < suicidalzerg> O_O
18:13 < suicidalzerg> -19:02:35- (Fluffernutter) ...i think i need to be on whatever drugs you guys are on
18:13 < suicidalzerg> I second that
18:13 < Soapy> it totally fails though
18:13 -!- snuffeluffegus [] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:13 < Soapy> yhou have to draw reeeeallly slow
18:14 < Soapy> i mean, the handwriting recognition is pretty good
18:14 -!- dfeuer [~dfeuer@wikimedia/Dfeuer] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:14 < Soapy> but you have to pause between every letter or it thinks youre trying to write on top of the existing letter
18:14 < Tony_Sidaway> Eye of Storm bloke, in dress and temperament, is basically Number One Daughter.
18:15 -!- Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away
18:15 < Soapy> also, it seems to make all icons stop working
18:15 < Tony_Sidaway> My daughter is a cartoon character.
18:16 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:17 < kylu> So's Holli from Cool World, Tony.
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18:20 < Tony_Sidaway>
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18:20 < Tony_Sidaway> kylu: Holli from Cool World isn't your daughter. That's where my problems begin.
18:22 < kylu> I'd trade kids, but I don't think you'd want mine.
18:23 -!- Frostee [] has left #wikipedia-en []
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18:24 -!- lahwran [lahwran@unaffiliated/lahwran] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:24 < lahwran> typical xchat-aqua
18:25 < lahwran> it seems insistent on making me leave all my channels when I disconnect from znc
18:25 < wctaiwan> x-chat aqua is.. dead, isn't it?
18:25 < lahwran> as of like 10 years ago
18:26 < lahwran> but, crappy as it is, show me an equivalently good free irc client for mac :p
18:26  * lahwran has yet to find any
18:26 < kylu> lah: making you leave all your channels in all server tabs, or just the one you connected through ZNC to get?
18:26 < wctaiwan> isn't xchat azure the direct successor?
18:27 < lahwran> I thought azure was just a recompile
18:27 < wctaiwan> probably
18:27 < lahwran> oh sweet, it's not
18:27 -!- NTox [~NTox@wikipedia/NTox] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:27  * lahwran tries it
18:28 < Tony_Sidaway> irc isn't rocket science. ircii and irssii work quite well.
18:28 < wctaiwan> and I went from Colloquy to a build of Textual that's available for free (due to the BSD license for the code, normally it'd be 5 bucks if you buy it from the developer).
18:28 < Tony_Sidaway> irssi
18:28 < wctaiwan> I like it fairly well.
18:28 < kylu> Tony: and BitchX. ;)
18:29 < wctaiwan> if you're cheap like I am >.>
18:29 < wctaiwan> the only good thing about bitchX is the name >.>
18:29 < Tony_Sidaway> I don't do BitchX but possibly that's because of the stupid name.
18:30 < Soapy> hi NTox
18:30 < NTox> Hey, Soapy.
18:30 < Soapy> <--- I see youve been busy
18:31 < NTox> Quite. Chuckle.
18:31 < NTox> I did not expect there to be that many.
18:32 < NTox> Let's hope for 100% accuracy, even in this subjective venue...
18:32 < Soapy> where did you find those names?
18:32 < NTox> Filter 149, Filter 188, Filter 354, WP:UAA/HP and CAT:UAA.
18:32 < NTox> Believe it or not, every one of those was just from Filter 149, in the last seven days.
18:33 < NTox> And that's not including the ones that have already been blocked.
18:33 < Soapy> ok
18:34 < NTox> Feel free to help if you're ever bored. There's really one person that ever patrols those filters . . occasionally someone else and I will help
18:35 < Soapy> daniel case?
18:35 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:36 < NTox> Nah. Daniel does the blocking, but it's User:Pharaoh of the Wizards that does the patrolling
18:37 < mareklug> wctaiwan:  i dunno.  i switched off the bubbles in Colloquy and that made the crashing stop.  it's good enough for my needs and it's look does not offend me.  i only wish i could actually find things in the scroll back, but that just doesn't work for me.
18:38 < mareklug> its
18:38 -!- hoo_ [~Miranda@wikipedia/Hoo-man] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:38 < Soapy> ok
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18:41 < ChrisGualtieri> Anyone know about the Wikipedia 1.0 or Wikipedia on Dvd things?
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18:47 < mareklug> ChrisGualtieri:  you looked here?
18:47 < Tony_Sidaway> Oh Wikipedia 1.0. That involved a few releases on hard media, or was supposed to. What became of that?
18:49 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o eir] by ChanServ
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18:52 < Tony_Sidaway> This is what you need to know about democracy in America: its implmentation is subject to the whims of elected representatives:
18:52 < Tony_Sidaway>
18:53 < wctaiwan> mareklug: search worked fine for me when I used it...
18:53 < Tony_Sidaway> I'n shocked at this, partly because in my country people like my wifr are employed by the state to make sure _everybody_ gets to vote.
18:54 < mattbuck> ah, florida
18:54 < mattbuck> did you know about the ogio ones?
18:54 < mattbuck> *ohio
18:54 < Tony_Sidaway> Ohio and Pennsylvania too.
18:54 < mattbuck> there was expanded early voting in republican counties but reduced in democrat ones
18:54 < Tony_Sidaway> The corruption is so bad it hurts.
18:54 < mattbuck> there are about 20 states which have introduced new voter suppression laws
18:54 < wctaiwan> Romney 2012!
18:55  * wctaiwan hides
18:55 < BlastHardcheese> Tony_Sidaway: as opposed to the rest of the world, where...
18:55 < Tony_Sidaway> Fucking wankers.
18:55 < mattbuck> I blame the perpetual campaign
18:55 < mattbuck> there's a lot to be said for the old British system where there are limits on a parliamentary session, but an election can be called at any time
18:55 < Tony_Sidaway> BlastHardcheese: as opposed to Britain where, as I remarked, non-partisan people have to go around and make sure everybody gets to vote.
18:55 < mattbuck> namely the election process is about a month long rather than 2 years
18:56 < mattbuck> I mean, I enjoy american politics, but ffs this election has been going on for over a year and it's still almost 90 days until voting starts
18:57 < Tony_Sidaway> My wife does have strongly socialist views, but she puts those aside and does her job. Every household must list its members of voting age and those close to voting age.
18:58 < kylu> ���/me gives kylu's share of dealing with American politics to mattbuck.�
18:58 < kylu> ...f'ing ctcp.
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18:59 < Tony_Sidaway> And the state pays my wife to ensure that we all get to vote.
18:59 < wctaiwan> OK. UK's brilliant, we get it >.>
18:59 < wctaiwan> oh and the US sucks.
18:59 < Tony_Sidaway> ANd if some nut tried to tell us we needed ID to vote, we'd fucking kick him out of town.
19:00 < Soapy> what, really?
19:00 < Soapy> you can vote in the UK with no photo ID?
19:00 < mattbuck> yeah
19:00 < Tony_Sidaway> Yes.
19:00 < mattbuck> you should bring your poll card, but even that;'s not required
19:00 < wctaiwan> (the issue is mostly 'don't repeat yourself')
19:00 < Soapy> how do they prevent fraud
19:00 < Tony_Sidaway> They already know who you are. Just vote already.
19:00 < Soapy> couldnt the same person go in 12 times, saying he's 12 different people?
19:00 < mattbuck> there is occasional voter fraud, or problems
19:01 < mattbuck> they do have poll workers
19:01 < Tony_Sidaway> There is no incentive to fake the vote. It would be too obvious.
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19:01 < mattbuck> but generally everything works out fine
19:01  * kylu wonders how the US would do if they made it mandatory to vote (like Australia).
19:01 < wctaiwan> how would it be too obvious?
19:01 < mattbuck> and 99.99% of those people who vote do without issue
19:01 < wctaiwan> kylu: socialist plot to destroy the country
19:01 < mattbuck> I can understand the desire to demand ID
19:02 < kylu> Maybe require you vote to receive public benefits or take tax exemptions.
19:02 < mattbuck> but access to voting should be made easier, not harder
19:02 < Tony_Sidaway> wctaiwan: well the people at the polling stations (did I mention that my wife also does that?) would notice.
19:03 < wctaiwan> okay, well, I'll go vote after I've had my morning coffee. And then just before dinner I'll go give my candidate a boost again...
19:03 < Tony_Sidaway> Believe me, the main problem faced by democracies is that not enough people bother to vote.
19:03 -!- Headbomb_ [~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:03 < wctaiwan> possibly wearing contacts instead of glasses.
19:03 < Tony_Sidaway> wctaiwan: wouldn't your name have been marked off on the list?
19:04 < Tony_Sidaway> WHen you went back they'd notice that.
19:04 < mattbuck> I am actually in opposition to some new democracy
19:04 < Tony_Sidaway> This is how it works in the UK.
19:04 < wctaiwan> meh.
19:04 < Soapy> youd go back and say youre some different person
19:04 < mattbuck> they're trying to get police superintendants or something elected
19:04 < mattbuck> which seems like an incredibly bad idea to me
19:04 < wctaiwan> I honestly don't think requiring an ID to vote is unreasonable.
19:04 < wctaiwan> it protects the voters.
19:05 < mattbuck> accountability fine, but most people don't even know their MP's name, let alone anything about the opposition
19:05 < Tony_Sidaway> Soapy: you could do that, yes. But how many people do that? Statistic suggests that in-person voter fraud is almost non-existent.
19:05 < mattbuck> and how would I know anything about what is required to lead the police? it's not a political office, it's a bureaucratic job
19:05 < mattbuck> wctaiwan, I agree, it's not unreasonable if a few conditions are satisfied
19:06 < mattbuck> 1) the ID is easy to get and free to get
19:06 < mattbuck> 2) everyone knows what ID they need
19:06 < mattbuck> 3) everyone has some form of acceptable ID
19:06 -!- Headbomb [~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
19:06 < Tony_Sidaway> It's hard enough persuading people to register and vote. We do not need some wiseguy to come in and make it harder.
19:06 -!- Headbomb_ is now known as Headbomb
19:07 < Tony_Sidaway> You absolutely don't need ID.
19:07 < Tony_Sidaway> Just show up and vote.
19:07 < mattbuck> but, the voter ID laws are a solution in search of a problem
19:07 < mattbuck> studies in america have shown that
19:07 < harej> Debate on voter ID = I'm outta here
19:07 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has left #wikipedia-en [" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere."]
19:07 < mattbuck> 1) there is very little voter fraud to begin with
19:07 < mattbuck> 2) that fraud which does happen would not be prevented by voter ID laws
19:08 -!- TParis [~TParis@wikipedia/TParis] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
19:08 < Tony_Sidaway> Yep, if you want to fake the vote, use absentee ballots.
19:08 -!- Bradford [b5b666fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:09 < Tony_Sidaway> No ID required.
19:09 < BlastHardcheese> not like it matters who you vote for anyway, since a politician can do whatever he wants once elected
19:10 < mattbuck> I believe in representative democracy
19:10 < mattbuck> I was elected as president of my uni hall of residence
19:10 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:10 < mattbuck> I sit on SU council as their representative
19:10 < wctaiwan> hey, Dcoetzee :)
19:10 < mattbuck> but I don't ask for their advice on matters like that
19:10 < Dcoetzee> Hey :-)
19:10 < mattbuck> I figure
19:10 < mattbuck> 1) they don't care
19:10 < Tony_Sidaway> It obviously does matter who you vote for in America. Would McCain and Palin have done what Obama did?
19:10 < Bradford> Hi
19:11 < BlastHardcheese> what, approved assassinations of national enemies?
19:11 -!- noommos [~Josh@wikipedia/noommos] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:11 < mattbuck> 2) they elected me to represent them, that means they decided they trusted my judgement and therefore what i think is a suitable opinion
19:11 < mattbuck> 3) they don't care
19:11 < Dcoetzee> Tony_Sidaway: A more interesting question is: does who you vote for matter in the long run? Or will "enough" people of each party eventually get elected to do all the things they all want to do?
19:11 < BlastHardcheese> or maybe gave bailouts to corporate friends?
19:12 < Bradford> ok
19:12 < mattbuck> I know who I vote for doesn't matter
19:12 -!- quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
19:12 < mattbuck> I live in a safe tory seat
19:12 < Tony_Sidaway> BlastHardcheese: you're asking if McCain would have departed from longstanding American policy.
19:12 < BlastHardcheese> ...that was my point
19:13 < wctaiwan> mmm conservatism
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19:13 < mattbuck> I also believe that one of the main things about representative democracy is NOT asking the people, because they will be self-interested
19:13 < Bradford> ok
19:13 < mareklug> who you vote for has major repercussions in appointments to the judiciary
19:13 < mattbuck> you ask someone if they want better schools or £1 lower taxes, they'll choose the taxes
19:13 < Bradford> ok
19:13 < Dcoetzee> mattbuck: Not all voters are self-interested and unable to choose what best benefits society...
19:13 < Bradford> ok
19:14 < mattbuck> Dcoetzee, agreed, but en masse they are
19:14 < Dcoetzee> Probably true
19:14 < Tony_Sidaway> Dcoetzee: well I feel pretty shocked at the way the Republican Party has gone to parts of the right that I had previously assumed to be off-limits on grounds of sanity.
19:14 < mattbuck> people care about specific things, but everyone cares about themselves
19:14 < Bradford> ok :)
19:14 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:14 < Dcoetzee> Tony_Sidaway: I'll broadly agree with that. They've seemingly abandoned trying to be relevant to the centre.
19:14 < wctaiwan> hello, SigmaWP
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19:14 < mattbuck> people with children who don't go to private schools will choose the schools, but most other people...
19:14 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Hi.
19:14 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has left #wikipedia-en []
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19:15 < mattbuck> same with the AV referendum we had last year
19:15  * SigmaWP eyes wctaiwan suspiciously
19:15 < mattbuck> that shouldn;t have been a referendum, it should have just been done
19:15 < Bradford> ok
19:15 < wctaiwan> huh?
19:15 < Bradford> ok
19:15 < Tony_Sidaway> So given that, obviously I think we need to have some sane governance. Whichis bascically Obama and a restored Senate and House.
19:15 < SigmaWP> Capitalism sucks
19:15 < SigmaWP> And so do socks
19:15 < wctaiwan> capitalism is great
19:15 < Bradford> ok :(ç
19:15 < wctaiwan> Bradford: what are you doing, exactly? :P
19:16 < Dcoetzee> mattbuck: In California pretty recently a Proposition to postpone enactment of environmental legislation failed. Supporters argued the economy was slow and people are hit hard. Apparently people can think about long term consequences sometimes.
19:16 < mareklug> Bradford:  are you an Open Boot interpreter?
19:16 < SigmaWP> That's because you were lucky, wctaiwan
19:16 < wctaiwan> SigmaWP: aw shut it
19:16 < mattbuck> Dcoetzee, not saying it's always true, but it is mostly
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19:16 < Bradford> mareklug: No, I just want to talk to someone
19:17 < Dcoetzee> mattbuck: That's true... I wouldn't have been so surprised at that outcome if it weren't :-P
19:17 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Also, when earwig comes you must tell him you advocate Python 3
19:17 < SigmaWP> He needs to convert...
19:17 < wctaiwan> hah.
19:17 < Dcoetzee> mattbuck: Gay marriage is another good example... in each of the referendums held so far somewhere between 40-50% of people voted in favour of it, even though clearly most of them aren't gay.
19:17 < Bradford> wctaiwan: speak Spanish
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19:18 < Dcoetzee> Although they may be affected through family, etc.
19:18 < wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: it's of no consequence to you if you're not religiously affected to think that it's morally wrong.
19:18 < mattbuck> maybe
19:18 < mattbuck> but again, it's something which should never have been voted on
19:18 -!- ToBeFree [~tobefree@unaffiliated/tobefree] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
19:18 < mattbuck> civil rights should not be voted on
19:18 < wctaiwan> (as in, supporting it can't possibly affect your life in any significant manner)
19:18 < Dcoetzee> Well yeah
19:19 < Dcoetzee> But if you can get it through referendum you don't have to worry about a court battle later, so that's nice.
19:19 < wctaiwan> Prop 8.
19:19 < Tony_Sidaway> "In California pretty recently a Proposition to postpone enactment of environmental legislation failed. Supporters argued the economy was slow and people are hit hard. Apparently people can think about long term consequences sometimes.
19:19 < Tony_Sidaway> "
19:19 < Tony_Sidaway> I think that suggest the reverse!
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19:20 < Tony_Sidaway> People ignoring long term consequences, for whatever reasons.
19:20 < mattbuck> well, not necessarily true Dcoetzee
19:20 < Dcoetzee> Tony_Sidaway: You could argue it's just people not caring about the unemployed :-)
19:20 < Soapy> im glad I dont have to live in California
19:20 < SigmaWP> Ugh
19:20 < SigmaWP> I hate RPP
19:20 < mattbuck> prop 8 happened because that was the way to get it repealed
19:20 < SigmaWP> All the wannabe admins are !voting there
19:20 < mattbuck> the anti-gay rights groups would have had no standing to appeal the law
19:21 < Tony_Sidaway> Dcoetzee: no, it's what it is: a state avoiding environmental legislation on short term grounds.
19:21 < mattbuck> especially because most of them were out of state
19:21 < wctaiwan> mattbuck: the US is funny like that, I think.
19:21 < Soapy> that's weird
19:21 < Soapy> Ive never seen "voting" on RPP before
19:21 < Soapy> is that a very new phenomenom?
19:21 < SigmaWP> No
19:21 < SigmaWP> A few weeks now
19:21 < mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:  California is a  specific flavor, see
19:21 < Dcoetzee> Tony_Sidaway: The Proposition was mostly funded by big oil companies. No surprise...
19:21 < SigmaWP> I can't think of anything snarky and policy-related to say to them, either
19:21 < wctaiwan> SigmaWP: bring it up on VPR?
19:21 < wctaiwan> I agree that it shouldn't be happening.
19:22 < Dcoetzee> Tony_Sidaway: California doesn't generally avoid environmental legislation, at least compared to other US states.
19:22 < wctaiwan> maybe not VPR… not so much a policy thing
19:22 < Dcoetzee> They have really strict emissions laws, industrial standards, etc.
19:22 < Soapy> yeah
19:22 < Soapy> California is like a whole other country
19:22 < Tony_Sidaway> I can't believe that Ecotopia is an actual book.
19:23 < lucasoutloud> what is it about?
19:23 < mareklug> an actual famous book
19:23 < SigmaWP> [19:22:43] �<�Soapy�>� California is like a whole other country
19:23 < wctaiwan> SigmaWP: I'm serious. If you don't raise it I probably would.
19:23 < lucasoutloud> Hmm. If it so famous, then why haven't I heard of it
19:23 < Tony_Sidaway> States _exist_ to impose emissions laws, to exact taxes and whatnot. If you don't like that, fuck off somwhere else.
19:23 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan: I'll try to talk to them
19:23 < mareklug> lucasoutloud:  how old are you?
19:23 < wctaiwan> I think there's a fallacy describing precisely that, lucasoutloud
19:23 < lucasoutloud> oh, neat
19:24 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
19:24 < wctaiwan> ("if I haven't heard of it, surely it's not famous")
19:24 < lucasoutloud> mareklug: 16, so if it is an older thing then that is perhaps why
19:24 < Soapy> ha
19:24 < Soapy> you just called us all old
19:24 < lucasoutloud> No I did not
19:24 < lucasoutloud> older is relative
19:24 < mareklug> lucasoutloud:  perfect.  go check it out from your library.
19:24 < lucasoutloud> mareklug: Well, wait, I want to know what it's about first.
19:25 < mareklug>
19:25 < Tony_Sidaway> Could you chaps please stop attacking lucasoutloud for being young?
19:25 < lucasoutloud> Eh? They aren't attacking me
19:25 < SigmaWP> Elduen: Sorry, I was only seeing if there were limits
19:25 < lucasoutloud> Not in the slightest.
19:26 < Elduen> Nonetheless that was really dumb.
19:26 < SigmaWP> Indeed, but WP:BEANS
19:27 < Tony_Sidaway> Yes, beans. My point was that California has laws which are quite sensible.
19:27 < lucasoutloud> Augh, both of my web browsers aren't getting anywhere
19:27 < Tony_Sidaway> You don't like the laws? Fine. Don't live in California.
19:27 < Dcoetzee> Generally I assume if someone hasn't heard of something it's because their interests lie elsewhere rather than youth :-P But I agree that it wasn't really an attack.
19:27 < Dcoetzee> I hadn't heard of the book either.
19:28 < lucasoutloud> Tony_Sidaway: More like don't live anywhere but antartica
19:28 < Tony_Sidaway> Attack or not, it went on for quite a while and seemed to comprise speculation about somebody's age.
19:28 < Dcoetzee> And...?
19:29 < Dcoetzee> Speculating about someone's age may be a little rude but it's no big deal :-P
19:29 < Tony_Sidaway> lucasoutloud: please explain your reasoning. Why should I go to live at the South Pole?
19:29 < lucasoutloud> no laws
19:29 < lucasoutloud> is my point
19:29 < Dcoetzee> Tony_Sidaway: The argument is that every place has some laws you disagree with.
19:29 < Soapy> there's some laws there
19:29 < Dcoetzee> I think that's true of everyone.
19:29 < lucasoutloud> Soapy: Really?
19:30  * mattbuck speculates that Dcoetzee is actually a penguin
19:30 < Dcoetzee> There aren't laws in Antarctica because it's not a nation. Same with international waters and also the moon.
19:30 < lucasoutloud> Oh, and another thing, as long as I've been on IRC networks it has always been standard to speculate eachother's ages.
19:30 < Soapy> Antractica's all owned by various countries
19:30 < Tony_Sidaway> So is the point,as made, that California isn't so bad after all, because it had pretty decent laws?
19:30 < Tony_Sidaway> If so I agree.
19:30 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan: hi
19:30 < mattbuck> yeah, we British claim antarctica
19:30 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan
19:30 < mattbuck> part of it anyway
19:31 < Dcoetzee> Antarctica is not a part of any nation. See
19:31 < Soapy> and the US and Chile and Norway and S Africa and Australi and a few others I think
19:31 < Dcoetzee> "The treaty, entering into force in 1961 and currently having 49 signatory nations, sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve, establishes freedom of scientific investigation and bans military activity on that continent."
19:31 < mareklug> mattbuck:  I believe the Nrwegians got there first...
19:32 < Soapy> some people think Antarctica once had an aboriginal population descended from South Americans
19:32 < mattbuck> not relevant mareklug
19:32 < mattbuck> we claim it anyway
19:32 < lucasoutloud> Wait, really?
19:32 < mattbuck> but not all of it
19:32 < mattbuck> we're not greedy
19:32 < Soapy> i
19:32 < SigmaWP> [19:32:21] �<�mattbuck�>� we're not greedy
19:32 < SigmaWP> lol
19:32 < Dcoetzee> I wonder does the Justice League headquarters in Antarctica violate the Treaty?
19:33 < Soapy> i'd be curious, though, could you just go to antartcica and live there permanently if you were a fugitive? not that I'd expect you'd survive, since you cant grow food there
19:33 < SigmaWP> mattbuck: While capitalism is capitalism people will be paid to be greedy
19:33 < mattbuck> yes, and that's why capitalism is a bad idea
19:33 < Soapy> and youd have a better chance of survival living somewhere in the USA hard to find
19:33 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan: [19:33:18] �<�mattbuck�>� yes, and that's why capitalism is a bad idea
19:33 < SigmaWP> HA!
19:33 < mattbuck> unfortunately it works better than most other things
19:33 < mattbuck> communism is great except it goes against human nature
19:33 < lucasoutloud> oh hey sigma. It's been a while.
19:33 < Tony_Sidaway> My favourite map is one that shows where tax money comes from and where it goes to.
19:34 < SigmaWP> lucasoutloud: hi
19:34 < lucasoutloud> :3
19:34 < Dcoetzee> Soapy: I dunno if the Treaty bans police action in Antarctica. I assume in such a situation the UN could work something out.
19:34 < lucasoutloud> Tony_Sidaway: I don't suppose you can provide a link to it?
19:34 < Tony_Sidaway> Tax money tends to come from "blue states" that have Democratic legislators and whatnot. It goes to the "Red states" where the raving loonies are in charge.
19:34 < Soapy> apparently there's a law against hunting penguins in Antarctica
19:35 < mattbuck> Tony_Sidaway, it's america
19:35 < mattbuck> by any sensible standard they're all raving loonies
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19:35 < lucasoutloud> Our votes for president don't even count.
19:35 < lucasoutloud> ;~;
19:35 < Dcoetzee> Soapy: Any nation is free to criminalise activity happening outside its borders. Some African nations for example make all sodomy illegal no matter where it occurs.
19:36 < Dcoetzee> Soapy: However, unless someone enters their nation, they have no sovereignty to enforce it.
19:36 < Dcoetzee> (unless they can somehow secure extradition)
19:36 < SigmaWP> bye
19:36 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:36 < Tony_Sidaway>
19:37 < Soapy>
19:37 < wctaiwan> lol Mother Jones.
19:37 < Soapy> never mind, my map is uesless because it isnt per capita
19:37 < mattbuck> who is mother jones anyway
19:38 < Dcoetzee> She ain't my mother
19:38 -!- ceradon [~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
19:38 < Tony_Sidaway> It's the American trade union journal.
19:38 < Elduen> mattbuck: As an American, I'm a raving loonie, but not for the reasons that many of us are raving loonies.
19:38 < wctaiwan> also pretty liberal (by US standards)
19:39 -!- ToBeFree [~tobefree@unaffiliated/tobefree] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:40 < Tony_Sidaway> Yes, MJ is liberal. Doesn't entertaining loony ideas about the President's birth. Practically _raving_ liberl!
19:40 < lucasoutloud> you spelled liberal wrong
19:40 < Dcoetzee> Obviously he's one of those liberal spelling reformists
19:40  * suicidalzerg shaves clean for the first time in a while
19:40 < Tony_Sidaway> See how it works? Being intelligent and honest makes you an extremist.
19:40 < lucasoutloud> >liberal spelling reformists
19:40 < lucasoutloud> I lol'd
19:41 < Dcoetzee> :-)
19:41 < Tony_Sidaway> lucasoutloud: I lolllerated (with three ells).
19:41 < lucasoutloud> oh my
19:41  * Dcoetzee roflcopters?
19:41 -!- Toastu [] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:42 < lucasoutloud> I have way too many userboxes on my page
19:42 < lucasoutloud> But I love it
19:42 -!- PonyToast [ThePonyToa@celestiaradio/RDisBestPony/PonyToast] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
19:43  * wctaiwan shoots down Dcoetzee's roflcoptr
19:43 -!- hoo_ [~Miranda@wikipedia/Hoo-man] has quit [Quit: hoo_]
19:43 < Tony_Sidaway> I fought in the userbox war and I'm proud of my stance. WIkipedia doesn't need your fucking stupid pronouceements of personal opinion. Wikipedia _demands_ that you set those opinions aside.
19:43 < wctaiwan> pew pew
19:44 < lucasoutloud> Dude, they are just adornments for userpages.
19:44 < Tony_Sidaway> No they are not.
19:44 < lucasoutloud> Yes they are.
19:44 < Tony_Sidaway> "I speak French quite well" is a userbox I had on my page.
19:45 < Dcoetzee> "The law of the United States, including certain criminal offenses by or against U.S. nationals, such as murder, may apply to areas not under jurisdiction of other countries. To this end, the United States now stations special deputy U.S. Marshals in Antarctica to provide a law enforcement presence."
19:45 < lucasoutloud> Well, did you speak french well?
19:45 -!- andrewcrawford [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
19:45 < suicidalzerg> My userbox: Anyone who willingly uses Windows over Linux with reasonable alternative programs shouldn't use computers :p
19:45 < Dcoetzee> ...U.S. Marshal in Antarctica has to be the easiest job in the world.
19:45  * suicidalzerg wishes Starcraft 2 would run natively on Linux...
19:45 < Tony_Sidaway> At the height of the userbox insanity, we had people lining up as Democrats, Republicans, and what all else.
19:45 < Tony_Sidaway> This was fucking toxi.
19:45 < kylu> DC: and yet cold.
19:45 < wctaiwan> not really. It's gotta be pretty sucky, living in antarctica
19:45 < Tony_Sidaway> toxic.
19:45 < suicidalzerg> If it would, then I'd switch in a heartbeat
19:45 < lucasoutloud> suicidalzerg: what about people who are stuck with a mac they inherited
19:45 < mattbuck> but you could hunt penguins
19:46 < suicidalzerg> I would avoid a mac like the plague either way
19:46 < lucasoutloud> The software isn't bad
19:46 < lucasoutloud> the hardware is just overpriced
19:46 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit []
19:46 < suicidalzerg> It's the fact that it's locked down to hell and back
19:46 < mareklug> "This user loves Avril Lavigne and thinks she is The Best Damn Thing"   <-- well, one commendable user box, at least(and I haven't seen it b4)
19:46 < Dcoetzee> suicidalzerg: You can still run Linux in a VM :-)
19:46 < lucasoutloud> It's not as locked down as a windows machine
19:47 < suicidalzerg> Dcoetzee: But I want SC2 to run natively on Linux :p
19:47 < Tony_Sidaway> lucasoutloud: je parle aussi being qu'aucun rosbif!
19:47 < Dcoetzee> suicidalzerg: Blizzard is never going to port it in a million years :-P
19:47 < lucasoutloud> Sorry, I can only Spanish and Englips
19:47 < suicidalzerg> Exactly >.>
19:47 < Tony_Sidaway> being? bien
19:47 < Dcoetzee> pense que Tony ne parle pas vraiment francais
19:48 < lucasoutloud> only five of my userboxes are serious opinions
19:48 < Tony_Sidaway> Well that's what I said.
19:48 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:48 < lucasoutloud> and at that they don't affect how I edit
19:48 < Tony_Sidaway> But I've edit French Wikipedia.
19:48 < lucasoutloud> oh wait, make that 6
19:48 < lucasoutloud> but still
19:48 < Dcoetzee> I'm a Commons admin so I've edited like, almost every Wikipedia ;-)
19:48 < Dcoetzee> Mostly just to add or replace images.
19:48 < Tony_Sidaway> I really think we should drop our opinions at the door.
19:49 < Soapy> To this end, the United States now stations special deputy U.S. Marshals in Antarctica to provide a law enforcement presence." <--- ha
19:49 < lucasoutloud> The only edit I've done on ES wikipedia was my userpage
19:49 < Soapy> indeed
19:49 < Soapy> that would be an interesting job
19:49 < lucasoutloud> I'm a bit timid to do much more
19:49  * mattbuck high-fives Dcoetzee
19:49  * Dcoetzee highfives :-)
19:49 < lucasoutloud> And, Tony_Sidaway, if our opinions don
19:49 < lucasoutloud> 't affect our editing, why make a big deal out of it?
19:49 < lucasoutloud> augh I hate hitting the enter button too early
19:50 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
19:50 < Tony_Sidaway> lucasoutloud: I'm not the one making a big deal out of it. If you have a userbox expressing an opinion, _you_ are the one making a big deal of it.
19:50 < lucasoutloud> not really
19:51 < Tony_Sidaway> Yes, really.
19:51 < lucasoutloud> just copypasting some text for a little flair
19:51 < Soapy> I used to have a keyboard with a gap between apostrophe and Enter
19:51 < Tony_Sidaway> It's a fact. Own that fact.
19:51 < Soapy> it was convenient
19:51 < Dcoetzee> Tony_Sidaway: I'd honestly characterise it more as "this page is for giving information about me, so here are some interesting things about me"
19:51 < lucasoutloud> I mean, come on, just look at my page.
19:51 < Soapy> there was also a gap between caps lock and A
19:51 < Dcoetzee> In fact, I'd consider most userboxes relevant to a person's editing interests and biases.
19:51 < Dcoetzee> Since people edit things of interest to them.
19:51 < Tony_Sidaway> Don't use your user page or any other part of Wikipedia to promote your beliefs.
19:51 -!- andrewcrawford [] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:51 < Tony_Sidaway> Just don't.
19:51 < Tony_Sidaway> This isn't rocket science.
19:52 < lucasoutloud> Nah I'm going to do what I want to.
19:52 < lucasoutloud> :|
19:52 < Tony_Sidaway> Well there you go.
19:52 < Tony_Sidaway> Just don't do it.
19:52 < Dcoetzee> I think it's to everyone's benefit for people to use as many userboxes as they feel like, indiscriminately.
19:52 < lucasoutloud> Oh, does anyone here know about chemboxes? I can't seem to get the hang of it?
19:52 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:53 < Tony_Sidaway> Obviously it isn't to anybody's benefit. It's just crapping all over the principle of a neutral encycplopedia.
19:53 < lucasoutloud> It's not like it's in article space, though.
19:53 < Tony_Sidaway> Don't do itr.
19:53 < Tony_Sidaway> It's in the wiki.
19:53 < lucasoutloud> Don't tell me what to do.
19:53 < Tony_Sidaway> Duh.
19:53 < lucasoutloud> Userpages are made for such a purpose.
19:54 < Tony_Sidaway> I'm telling you. Just live with that. Own it
19:54 < Tony_Sidaway> Userpages aren't for crapping all over Wikipedia.
19:54 < lucasoutloud> No.
19:54 < mattbuck> Tony_Sidaway, neutrality is kind of a flawed idea
19:54 < Tony_Sidaway> Get a blog.
19:54 < lucasoutloud> I have a blog.
19:54 < lucasoutloud> I just like userboxes.
19:54 < Tony_Sidaway> Put the userboxes on your blog.
19:54 < Dcoetzee> lucasoutloud: The Userbox Wars have raged for many years. Don't get caught up in them. :-)
19:54 < lucasoutloud> No.
19:54 < mattbuck> I mean, yes, be neutral in your edits, but if you're neutral on everything it's likely you're also apathetic and so not interested in editing the article
19:55 < Dcoetzee> lucasoutloud: Just ignore them.
19:55 < lucasoutloud> Besides, userboxes help users find out eachothers interests and potentially find help with editing articles relevant to those interests.
19:55 < Dcoetzee> It's very clear that policy currently permits the use of userboxes in such a manner, so don't worry about it.
19:56 < lucasoutloud> I'm not worried about it.
19:56 < lucasoutloud> I do sort of like the debate. Very lively.
19:56 < Tony_Sidaway> lucasoutloud: just think about that. It's a way for people to find others of similar points of view in order to subvert the wiki principle.
19:56 < Tony_Sidaway> Okay this is where I leave. I will not bother to argue with userbox loonies.
19:56 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has left #wikipedia-en []
19:57 < Dcoetzee> ...
19:57 < lucasoutloud> Oh damn.
19:57 < mareklug> jeez
19:57 < Dcoetzee> He calls *us* userbox loonies
19:57 < lucasoutloud> He left before I could respond.
19:57 < lucasoutloud> What an oddball.
19:57 < Dcoetzee> When he's the one saying userboxes are used to create conspiracies.
19:57 < Dcoetzee> I mean really?
19:57 < lucasoutloud> Wait, he seriously said that?
19:57 < Dcoetzee> "It's a way for people to find others of similar points of view in order to subvert the wiki principle."
19:57 < harej> yo, can a PAC's custodian of records be the same as the treasurer?
19:57 < mareklug> lucasoutloud:  so which Avril do you like the best?
19:57 < lucasoutloud> Oh, I thought that was a direct quote
19:58 < Dcoetzee> Paraphrasing :-)
19:58 < lucasoutloud> mareklug: I was unaware there was more than one
19:58 < mareklug> she hanes with every album
19:58 < Dcoetzee> I like Avril's first album the most
19:58  * mareklug changes
19:58 < mattbuck> harej, watch the colbert report, that probably explained it at some point
19:58 < Dcoetzee> It was all downhill from there.
19:58 < Dcoetzee> And fast.
19:58 < mattbuck> the latest avril lavigne album was good
19:58 < Gfoley4> heh
19:58 < lucasoutloud> ;~;
19:58 < mattbuck> and first one was also decent
19:58 < Dcoetzee> Hmmm
19:58 < mattbuck> middle two a bit meh, but with some good tracks
19:58 < lucasoutloud> I haven't torrented any Avril music yet but I have been meaning to
19:58 < Dcoetzee> mattbuck: Any decent singles off her latest album I should hear?
19:58 < lucasoutloud> Used to listen to her on the radio all the time
19:59 < harej> mattbuck: says yes
19:59 < mattbuck> wish you were here
19:59 < mattbuck> alice
19:59 < mattbuck> what the hell
20:00  * Dcoetzee youtubes
20:00 < lucasoutloud> augh my internet is so slow the only thing that works is IRC
20:00 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:00 < mareklug> Dcoetzee:  smile.  or surely you've seen/heard it?
20:01 < mattbuck> latest kelly clarkson album is also worth listening to
20:01 -!- quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
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20:01 < mareklug> mattbuck:  well, if you're gonna go there, try Marina and the Diamonds
20:02 < lucasoutloud> Hmm, I wonder if Wikibooks does video game guides.
20:02 < lucasoutloud> That'd be interesting.
20:02 < Jasper_Deng> lol
20:02 < Jasper_Deng> oh the irony
20:02 < Dcoetzee> mattbuck: Sorry "Wish You Were Here" is a miss for me :-P Overproduced even for Avril.
20:02 < lucasoutloud> >not sock
20:02 < lucasoutloud> what
20:02 < Jasper_Deng> the username... when that account is very obviously a sock of someone's
20:03 < lucasoutloud> yeah,  I know
20:03 -!- the_derp [ae5cdf76@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:03 < Jasper_Deng> probably Rolandhelper
20:03 < Dcoetzee> Which surprises me cause I really liked "I'm With You" which is kinda similar
20:03 -!- the_derp [ae5cdf76@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
20:03 < lucasoutloud> I just am surprised by how obvious he is going for it
20:03 < Jasper_Deng> there's also
20:03 < Jasper_Deng>
20:03 -!- Miniz [~wat@2001:0:4137:9e76:386c:252b:51a3:2089] has quit []
20:04 < Jasper_Deng> please block the first sock
20:04 < lucasoutloud> The only sock I've ever messed with is Fresh Beat Band
20:04 < lucasoutloud> guy was crazy
20:04 < lucasoutloud> even made a youtube account
20:04 < lucasoutloud> called "Wikipedia Help"
20:08 < mattbuck> commons has sridhar_babu
20:08 < mattbuck> who has about 1000 socks "sridar_#"
20:09 < lucasoutloud> they didn't do a rangeban?
20:09 < Dcoetzee> lucasoutloud: Try web browsing with Javascript and images turned off
20:09 < Dcoetzee> lucasoutloud: You should get reasonable performance
20:09 < lucasoutloud> >images turned
20:09 < lucasoutloud> off
20:09 < lucasoutloud> But as much as I go on 4chan that would be unreasonable
20:09 < mareklug> what is your mac model?
20:09 < lucasoutloud> 2006 iMac
20:09 < mattbuck> surely you need images off for 4chan :p
20:10 < mareklug> running Tiger?
20:10 < lucasoutloud> running 10.5
20:10 < Dcoetzee> lucasoutloud: Switch to ASCII art mode? ;-)
20:10 < lucasoutloud> mattbuck: No, it is an imageboard after all
20:11 < lucasoutloud> Dcoetzee: if I had an extension that did that I'd still have to load images to convert to ASCII
20:11 < Dcoetzee> lucasoutloud: Not necessarily, if it uses an intermediate server to perform the conversion.
20:11 < lucasoutloud> I know not of such a service
20:12 < Dcoetzee> Nor I, but it'd be cool!
20:12 < lucasoutloud> yeah, it would
20:12 < lucasoutloud> but that would mean it would have to know what page you were looking at to load it
20:12 < Dcoetzee> I do know Opera has an intermediate server that downgrades quality of images.
20:12 < lucasoutloud> it'd be kind of like opera mobile
20:12 < lucasoutloud> oh hey hivemind
20:12 < Dcoetzee> Yeah :-)
20:13 -!- noommos [~Josh@wikipedia/noommos] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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20:13 < lucasoutloud> I have a ton of screencaps from 4chan that I've been meaning to publish but forgot to
20:14 < MJ94> [21:40:01] <Tony_Sidaway> Yes, MJ is liberal. Doesn't entertaining loony ideas about the President's birth. Practically _raving_ liberl!
20:14 < MJ94> wat
20:14 < lucasoutloud> wait, MJ?
20:15 < Soapy> Mother Jones
20:15 < lucasoutloud> He was referring to you?
20:15 < MJ94> MJ?
20:15 < Soapy> its a magazine
20:15 < MJ94> gotta fly
20:15 < lucasoutloud> I'm starting to wonder what they think about the President's birth now
20:17 < lucasoutloud> Do people seriously still think he is Kenyan?
20:17 < Dcoetzee> Yes and also Muslim
20:17 < lucasoutloud> ha ha oh wow
20:17 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:17 < mareklug> but not serious people
20:18 < lucasoutloud> yeah, only those Conservapedia weirdos believe things like that
20:18 < Dcoetzee> You'd be surprised :-P
20:18 < lucasoutloud> I remember back when Sigma used to get a ton of accounts and spam Conservapedia
20:18 < lucasoutloud> shit was so cash
20:18 < Tony_Sidaway> Wassup with pussy riot?
20:18 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:18 -!- Ebe123_ [~Ebe123@] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:18 < Soapy> wow
20:18 < Dcoetzee> My main argument against birthers is that "it doesn't really matter". The intention of the birth requirement was that a president should be familiar with and feel ties to the country that they lead.
20:18 < lucasoutloud> oh, speak of the devil
20:18 < Soapy> good timing
20:18 -!- Ebe123 [~Ebe123@wikimedia/Ebe123] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
20:18 < Dcoetzee> Obama clearly fits that...
20:18 < lucasoutloud> yeah
20:19 < SigmaWP> Can an !admin please deal with now
20:19 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:19 < mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:  they are still not on iTunes
20:19 < lucasoutloud> oh, we were just talking about that, too
20:19 < SigmaWP> True, Tiptoety blocked, but I added two extra socks
20:19 < SigmaWP> Just now
20:19 < SigmaWP> And maybe needs to be protected
20:19 < Dcoetzee> Tony_Sidaway: They got sent to jail for 2 years for a protest in a church which they were doing for a music video.
20:19 < lucasoutloud> Tony_Sidaway: I believe they were jailed for Hoolaganism
20:19 < Dcoetzee> Anti Putin stuff.
20:19 < lucasoutloud> I want to hear some of their music
20:19 < mareklug> Dcoetzee:  labor camp in Siberia, mate
20:19 < Jasper_Deng> SigmaWP: the sockpuppets of Rolandhelper are getting locked globally
20:20 < Soapy> Pooty Poot doesnt like critics
20:20 < SigmaWP> Jasper_Deng: Yes, I know
20:20 < Tony_Sidaway> mareklug: well the point ,surely, is that they have been sentencd to a term of imprisonment.
20:20 < lucasoutloud> yeah
20:20 < mareklug> no, it actually reads "hard labor"
20:20 < lucasoutloud> but for protesting? bullshit
20:20 < Dcoetzee> lucasoutloud: I'll link you their music video, the one they made in the church.
20:20 < Tony_Sidaway> Yes, hooliganism, for protesting about a law that outlaws expressions of homosexuality.
20:20 < Dcoetzee> lucasoutloud: It's not great...
20:20 < lucasoutloud> Dcoetzee: oh :(
20:20 < Dcoetzee> They're not professional musicians, more into politics than music :-)
20:20 < Soapy> Russia sounds like a conservative's dream
20:21 < mareklug> for religious hatred and hooliganism, to be exact
20:21 < lucasoutloud> Tony_Sidaway: Anywhere else that would be okay.
20:21 < Dcoetzee> Here is the Pussy Riot music video.
20:21 < Dcoetzee> The one they got arrested for making.
20:21 < SigmaWP> Dcoetzee: Poke? :\
20:21 < lucasoutloud> I'll save it for later.
20:21 < lucasoutloud> Thank you
20:21 < Tony_Sidaway> It doesn't fucking matter how seriously they take their jobs.
20:21 < lucasoutloud> wait, who is being seriously here?
20:21 < Tony_Sidaway> They have been sentenced to long time in prison for standing in a Cathedral and protesting.
20:22 < Dcoetzee> Tony_Sidaway: I agree that it was a grave offense against freedom of speech to punish them.
20:22 < lucasoutloud> oh I just butchered that sentence so bad
20:22 < SigmaWP> Fine, leave those socks alone
20:22 < SigmaWP> It's only an article that's being butchered, right?
20:22 < Dcoetzee> SigmaWP: What are you talking about?
20:22 < lucasoutloud> SigmaWP: someone well help you~
20:22 < SigmaWP> Wait
20:22 < SigmaWP> You're an admin right? :P
20:22 < Dcoetzee> Yes... but I have only been reading half the chat in the channel.
20:22 -!- quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
20:22 < SigmaWP> Oh, OK
20:22 < SigmaWP> In that case can you scroll up real quick? :P
20:23 < Dcoetzee> Nope
20:23 < lucasoutloud> I kind of wish I was an admin
20:23 < Tony_Sidaway> It's not a "grave offence against freedom of speech." It's a fucking obscenity against those citizens' right to exist, move around and act as human beings.
20:23 < SigmaWP> Why?
20:23 < Dcoetzee> Tony_Sidaway: We're on the same side, come on :-P
20:23 < lucasoutloud> but I don't edit enough to justify trying
20:23 < Dcoetzee> SigmaWP: Super busy
20:23 < Tony_Sidaway> An offence against freedom of speech is where you stop somebody saying something.
20:23 < SigmaWP> OK
20:24 < Tony_Sidaway> Dcoetzee: I'm not taking sides. It's just the way it is.
20:24 < Dcoetzee> SigmaWP: You could just relink me the SPI
20:24 < SigmaWP> OK
20:24 < Dcoetzee> I assume there's an SPI...
20:24 < SigmaWP>
20:24 < SigmaWP> Yeah
20:24 < mattbuck> I assume the lyrics to that video are profane
20:25 < SigmaWP> Yes, Tiptoety blocked, but I added the IPs after he finished
20:25 < mareklug> re Pussy Riot women.  you don't have to know Polish, enjoy the pix,114530,12322218,Milosniczka_sztuki__aktywistka__Voiny___dziennikarka_ekolozka_.html
20:25 < mattbuck> although I accept the dancing offends my taste
20:25 < lucasoutloud> I should go to bed. I have a P2P meeting tomorrow
20:25 < Dcoetzee> mattbuck: It's punk music, it'd be profane not to be profane
20:25 < SigmaWP> Jasper_Deng: Someday I'm going to write a script that automatically rollbacks Rolandhelpers
20:25 < Dcoetzee> SigmaWP: Taking a look
20:26 < SigmaWP> Ta
20:26 < Jasper_Deng> SigmaWP: only problem is that no single regex can match him
20:26 < Jasper_Deng> w/o false positives
20:26 < SigmaWP> Jasper_Deng: But he's an idiot, remember that
20:26 < SigmaWP> Jasper_Deng: We can check his first 10 edits
20:26 < SigmaWP> Usually they point to a user sandbox
20:26 < lucasoutloud> So, what do y'all think about the Assange affair, now that Ecuador is taking him in?
20:26 < SigmaWP> And contain "roland" or "ferry"
20:27 < Jasper_Deng> That might work, though it might require testing
20:27 < SigmaWP> It will be entirely human-supervised
20:27 < Dcoetzee> SigmaWP: Are the IPs checkuser confirmed or were they added afterwards?
20:27 < Jasper_Deng> added after
20:27 < SigmaWP> Dcoetzee: Added afterwards, but they're ducks - reverting my reverts of the sock
20:27 < Tony_Sidaway> America, this is where you are headed: killing young women because some of your legislators are anti-abortion nuts:
20:27 < Dcoetzee> Tony_Sidaway: :-(
20:28 -!- Jeske_Merensky [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:29 < mareklug> lucasoutloud:  chances are he won't see actual Ecuador.  not on this concert tour.
20:29 -!- WilliamH_UK [~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:29 -!- lucasoutloud [~anonymous@wikipedia/lucasoutloud] has quit [Quit: we are the part time centrifuge, we are the only sign of~]
20:30 < SigmaWP> Dcoetzee: also
20:30 < SigmaWP> He appears to be switching IPs now
20:30 < SigmaWP> Sorry to be asking you while you're busy
20:30 < Dcoetzee> SigmaWP: Blocked for 72 hours
20:30 < SigmaWP> Thanks
20:30 < Dcoetzee> I'll get that one too
20:31 < SigmaWP> Semiprotection of the article would be helpful, if you don't mind
20:32 < Dcoetzee> It's just a redirect, I'll full protect it for a while :-P
20:34 < Dcoetzee> SigmaWP: Looks like it was already protected in the past
20:34 < Dcoetzee> July 7
20:34 < SigmaWP> Well it seems to haev expired
20:34 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:34 < Dcoetzee> Interesting to note
20:34 < SigmaWP> Oh, I see
20:34 < Dcoetzee> Indef full protected now
20:34 < SigmaWP> Thank you
20:34 < Dcoetzee> Get an unprotect if you want to change it.
20:35 < SigmaWP> Wait, what
20:35 < Dcoetzee> SigmaWP: Add any additional IPs to the SPI.
20:35 < SigmaWP> I am greatly confused
20:35 < SigmaWP>
20:35 < SigmaWP> Get rid of redirect=no and see what happens :S
20:37 < mareklug> hmm, there seem to be two links coexisting, an actual article and a (hidden) redirect
20:37 < Dcoetzee> wtf
20:37 < Soapy> lol @ that edit history
20:38 < Soapy> and yeah, the article is still there
20:38 < Dcoetzee> How the hell did that happen.
20:38 < SigmaWP> Edit conflict without edit conflicting
20:38 < Dcoetzee> Well that's broken
20:38 < Dcoetzee> Fixed now :-P
20:39 < mareklug> you guys wore out wiki...
20:39 < SigmaWP> That was pretty interesting, though
20:39 < mareklug> maybe a caching issue
20:40 < Soapy> could be
20:40 < Jasper_Deng> SigmaWP: I'm investigating the possibility of a rangeblock
20:40 < SigmaWP> Jasper_Deng:
20:40 < SigmaWP> I love this kid, he's catching socks for us
20:40 < Jasper_Deng> lol indeed
20:41 < Tony_Sidaway> The username looks familiar.
20:41 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:41 -!- LtNOWIS [~Simon@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
20:41 < WilliamH_UK> it looks like Tiptoety has handled it
20:42 < Soapy> TbaldieirnfiktrojanBM is quite an unusual username
20:42 < Jasper_Deng> WilliamH_UK: only for the registered accounts and not the IPs
20:43 < SigmaWP> WilliamH_UK: The last IP is yours if you want it :P
20:44 -!- MRB[alt] [~Matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:44 < WilliamH_UK> is someone already whacking the IPs? I haven't got involved
20:44 < Jasper_Deng> these IPs are highly dynamic
20:44 < Jasper_Deng> if there's going to be a rangeblock, it probably have
20:44 < Jasper_Deng> depending on whether there's collateral
20:45 < Dcoetzee> The IP can't hurt anybody with the page protected. No need for further blocks.
20:45 < Dcoetzee> Unless they do something crazy.
20:45 < SigmaWP> Unfortunately, that page was only one of many
20:45 < Jasper_Deng> uh
20:45 < SigmaWP> <3 Rolandhelpless
20:45 < Tony_Sidaway> So the arch-opponent of the stimulus bill applied for stimulus funds three or four times. Who is surprised?
20:46 < SigmaWP> Jasper_Deng: Let it stay, Boing! and mabdul can have a laugh :)
20:46 < Jasper_Deng> SigmaWP: if they want to they can roll it back
20:46 < Frood> WilliamH_UK: can you block perhaps?
20:46 < Frood> sock
20:46 < Frood> Rolandhelper
20:46 < Tony_Sidaway> And the fact that America is no longer on the edge of bankruptcy is _obviously_ a sheer coincidence.
20:49 -!- MRB[alt] is now known as Matthew_
20:51 < Tony_Sidaway> Show of hands. Who thinks Obama will win in November? Who thinks Romney will win? Not asking what your opinion is on policy. But who do you think is going to win?
20:52 < SigmaWP> Rolandhelper.
20:53 -!- Frostee [] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:54 < mareklug> Obama will win by Ohio and Florida
20:54 < Dcoetzee> I think Obama will win because the Republicans have distanced themselves too far from fence sitters in favour of driving turnout.
20:55 < Dcoetzee> However it may still be close...
20:55 < Tony_Sidaway>
20:56 < Tony_Sidaway> I think Obama is in trouble because of the gerrymandering.
20:56 < Dcoetzee> It's hard to say, Obama has the "didn't do anything important" myth still hanging over his head.
20:56 < Tony_Sidaway> I am rather in love with Abney Park.
20:57 < Tony_Sidaway> I loved steampunk in the early seventies, before it had a name.
20:59 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
21:00 -!- Wgfinley [~wgf@wikipedia/Wgfinley] has quit [Quit: Wgfinley]
21:00 < Bradford> ok
21:01 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
21:01 < Tony_Sidaway> I remember seeing a copy of Michael Moorcock's novel, Warlord of the Air, in Binns on High Street in Sunderland back on oh maybe 1973. It showed an exquisitely becautiful airship with the words "East Indiae Air Service" on the side. In the foreground, in a cave shared by the viewpoint, were one or two Europeans in clearly straitened circumstances.
21:02 < Tony_Sidaway> I wanted to be in that airship, and to know what became of the people in the foreground.
21:03 < SigmaWP> Ugh
21:03 < SigmaWP> What I hate most about the curation toolbar is that its CSD talk page templates entice people to ask you "y u delete my articalz"
21:03 -!- Earwig [~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:03 < SigmaWP> Earwig: Hi!
21:03 < Soapy> : )
21:04 < SigmaWP> Earwig: wctaiwan told me to tell you he supports Python 3 :)
21:04 < Tony_Sidaway> Why do we delete articles?
21:04 < Earwig> Hi
21:04 < Earwig> SigmaWP: okay...
21:04 < Tony_Sidaway> Mostly we just ignore new articles, so why did we choose to delete _this_ one? It's a good question.
21:05 < Tony_Sidaway> SPeaking purely personally, my position is that deletion has always been pointless and a waste of time except where an article is harmful and cannot conceivably be rendered harmless.
21:06 < Tony_Sidaway> I find this to be an unassailable position, after nearly a decade.
21:07 < Tony_Sidaway> If the article is silly and useless, nobody will look at it, and if that ever becomes a problem we can simply automatically delete articles that nobody edits or looks at for a year or two.
21:07 < Tony_Sidaway> If the article is embarrassing, edit it until it isn't embarrassing.
21:08 -!- DeltaQuad [~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
21:08 < Tony_Sidaway> ANd yet we waste the time of our few administrators by requiring them to pronounce on the life or death of articles that nobody really cares about.
21:09 -!- Earwig [~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig] has left #wikipedia-en []
21:09 -!- Rain777 [~IceChat9@] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:10 -!- Bradford [b5b666fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
21:10 < Tony_Sidaway> ANd daily we ship on more new articles, simply because it's impossible for us not to. We're a wiki.
21:10 < Rain777> Good evening everyone !!!
21:12 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
21:14 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:14 < Soapy> hi Rain
21:14 < Matthew_> Admin floating around?  We need a quick confirmed status in -help
21:15 < Frood> Soapy: ^ ?
21:17 < Rain777> anybody from the us?
21:17 < Matthew_> Rain777: I am, what do you need?
21:17 < Rain777> I wanted to ask how is the job market these days
21:18 < Rain777> for programmers
21:18 < Frood> depends where you are
21:18 < Frood> California, probably pretty damn good
21:18 < Frood> Montana, not so much
21:18 < Matthew_> Rain777: Actually, what Frood said is pretty accurate.  I'm a college student, so I'm not quite there yet.
21:18 < Rain777> I see...
21:22 -!- Red_Haze [] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:22 < Rain777> and how about college fees?
21:23 < Rain777> for what Ive read its around uss 25000
21:23 < Gfoley4> where?
21:24 < Tony_Sidaway> Oh the airship thing: Abney Park at the Tesla, Los Angeles:
21:24 < Frood> that depends a lot.
21:24 < Rain777> dont remember the uni, but I think that was one of the most expensive
21:24 < Frood> that's not the most expensive, for sure,
21:24 < Tony_Sidaway> NS for fucking W, as always with my stuff.
21:24 < Frood> MIT goes up to around 60k a year.
21:25 < ChrisGualtieri> I think I should work on my 'content' before I do my RFA >.>
21:25 < ChrisGualtieri> I want a challenge though
21:25 < Frood> a quarter million for a bachelor's degree.
21:25 < Frood> other college cost maybe $20k for 4 years
21:25 < ChrisGualtieri> Anyone think I could take this to GA with some work?
21:25 < Frood> er, 2 years
21:25 < ChrisGualtieri>
21:26 < Soapy> just run for admin now, and if you fail, youll know what you need to work on for the next one
21:26 < Soapy> thats my advice to most "but Im not sure Im ready yet" candidates
21:26 -!- Red_Haze [] has quit [Quit: ITS RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW ௵_௵]
21:26 < ChrisGualtieri> I only have 103,000~ ish edits and no GAs or FAs. I'm going into the firing squad otherwise
21:26 < Tony_Sidaway> Soapy: yeah the earlier you apply the better, to be honest.
21:27 < Jeske_Merensky> - any admins care to deal with the backlog?
21:27 < Soapy> I only have 103,000~ ish edits < --- lol
21:28 < ChrisGualtieri> I haven't even been active a year.
21:28 < ChrisGualtieri> Almost 6 months
21:28 < Soapy> i like how a user gets an invite to the Teahouse *after* his account is globally blocked and locked
21:28 < Rain777> thanks Frood
21:29 < Tony_Sidaway> "Biting's excellent! It's liks kissing, only there's a winner!"
21:29 -!- aoke1989 [~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
21:32 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Quit: leaving]
21:32 -!- Venusaur [~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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21:33 -!- Torango [] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:33 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
21:33 -!- Jasper_Deng_away [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]]
21:36 -!- Torango [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
21:36  * Isarra does a jig.
21:37 -!- purplebackpack89 [476c7d38@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
21:37 < ChrisGualtieri> Fine.. someone pick something and I'll bring it to GA >.>
21:37 < ChrisGualtieri> Something American please.
21:37 < Soapy> [[Hamburger]]
21:37 < Jeske_Merensky> ChrisGualtieri) [[Christian extremism]]
21:37 < ChrisGualtieri> Yikes.
21:38 < ChrisGualtieri> Jeske_Merensky: I'd never pass an RFA if I did THAT one >.>
21:38 < SigmaWP> ChrisGualtieri: [[Serial killer]]
21:38 < ChrisGualtieri> Or that one...
21:38 < ChrisGualtieri> But I'll humor it with a few updates.
21:38 < Jeske_Merensky> ChrisGualtieri) [[Assassination of John F. Kennedy]]
21:39 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:40 < ChrisGualtieri> Isn't that one already GA?
21:40 < ChrisGualtieri> Hamburger looks fun
21:40 < Jeske_Merensky> ChrisGualtieri) [[Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums]]
21:40 -!- mys_721tx [~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:40 < Jeske_Merensky> ChrisGualtieri) [[Rampart scandal]]
21:41 < Soapy> <--- now THATs a hamburger : D
21:42 -!- Tony_Sidaway_ [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:42 < Frood> no bacon?
21:42 < Frood> also that's a cheeseburger
21:42 < Jeske_Merensky> ChrisGualtieri) [[Obesity]]
21:42 < Jeske_Merensky> ChrisGualtieri) [[201 (South Park)]]
21:43 < Soapy> i should take photos of various homemade foods making them look a lot more luxurious than average
21:43 < Soapy> i'll do it tomorrow
21:43 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
21:44 < Jeske_Merensky> ChrisGualtieri) [[Children's interests (rhetoric)]]
21:44 < Soapy> some of these are good
21:44 < suicidalzerg> I'm uploading a burger picture right now.
21:45 < Jeske_Merensky> ChrisGualtieri) [[Virginia Tech massacre]]
21:45 < suicidalzerg> Ironically, the CAPTCHA that I have to type in is "Chow down"
21:45 < Jeske_Merensky> ChrisGualtieri) [[Columbine massacre]]
21:45 < suicidalzerg>
21:46 < Soapy> wikipedia's captcha system has developed sentience : )
21:46 < Soapy> oh, well that other site then
21:46 < Matthew_> Now that's freaky
21:46 < Soapy> bacon, jalapeños, and American cheese
21:46 < Soapy> not bad
21:46 < Soapy> Ive never tried exactly that combination
21:46 < suicidalzerg> You apparently don't notice the size of it
21:47 < Matthew_> Y'all are making me hungry!  No bueno
21:47 < Jeske_Merensky> You cannot grasp the true form of the burger's attack!
21:48 < suicidalzerg> The Captcha for this one was "Never quit"... xD
21:48 < Soapy> you like spicy foods I guess
21:48 < Soapy> is that you?
21:48 < Soapy> or a friend?
21:49 < Soapy> thats obviously the same place as the other photo
21:50 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
21:50 < Soapy>
21:51 < suicidalzerg> Soapy:
21:52 -!- legoktm [~legoktm@wikipedia/Legoktm] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:52 < SigmaWP> legoktm: Python 3
21:52 < legoktm> Pywikipedia doesn't support it yet :(
21:52 < SigmaWP> Pywikipedia sucks :D
21:52 -!- Theopolisme [~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:53 < SigmaWP> I'm writing my own framework
21:53 < Soapy> oh thats just that deodorant commercial
21:53 < legoktm> Another framework?
21:53 < Soapy> more socks:
21:53 < Soapy>
21:53 < SigmaWP> It's different in that it supports Python 3
21:53 < legoktm> And python2? Or just 3?
21:53 < SigmaWP> Just 3
21:54 < legoktm> How far are you in it?
21:54 < SigmaWP> Very
21:54 < SigmaWP> I'm still working on the exception tree
21:54 < legoktm> Can I see it? Or have you not released it yet?
21:54 < SigmaWP> But other than that, and threading support, it shouldn't take much time
21:54 < Frood> Bsadowski1: are you lokving them too? :P
21:55 < Frood> locking
21:55 < SigmaWP> Not released yet
21:55 -!- Soapy [Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Quit: bed]
21:55 < legoktm> Ah ok, let me know when you do
21:56  * Nascar1996 hopes the Motorola vs Apple lawsuit doesn't result in a U.S. ban of iPhone, iPad, iPod and Mac.
21:57 -!- Keegan__ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:57 < SigmaWP> Nascar1996: I will rejoice when those bastards of unix are finally removed from the US
21:58 < ChrisGualtieri> Hamburger is an absolute mess
21:58 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:58 < Nascar1996> o..k
21:58 -!- tkazec [~msk@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
21:58 < legoktm> SigmaWP: What distro do you use?
21:58 < SigmaWP> I'm on windows right now
21:58  * Nascar1996 likes his iDevices… though he could use a Samsung Galaxy SIII
21:59 < SigmaWP> I also use debian
21:59  * Nascar1996 likes his Mac though… no going back.
21:59  * suicidalzerg couldn't give less of a fuck what happens to Apple products
21:59 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
21:59  * legoktm loves all of his iDevices and Macs
22:00 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:00 < Nascar1996> Hmmm, I wonder how bad the loss of Apple will hurt the mobile phone business… we need to keep Apple and Anroid and all the others. They need to get their act together..
22:00  * Frood loves his Galaxy S III
22:00 < Frood> Nascar1996: it'd help.
22:01 -!- Tony_Sidaway_ [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
22:01 < Frood> they're patent trolls.
22:01 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has quit [Quit: !]
22:01 < suicidalzerg> Get rid of Apple, everything else will flourish :p
22:01 < Nascar1996> Frood: it would? Remove the most popular music device in the U.S. then remove one of the top phones in the country???
22:01 < Frood> they sue anybody for anything
22:01 < suicidalzerg> Brick all the iPhones while they're at it too
22:01 < SigmaWP> Frood: They can get linux phones.
22:01 < Frood> Nascar1996: that wouldn't help other companies?
22:01 < SigmaWP> Nascar1996: ^
22:01 < Frood> SigmaWP: android, my friend
22:01 < Frood> also FirefoxOS
22:01 < SigmaWP> I don't think they exist :P
22:01 < Frood> my phone can run Ubuntu.
22:01 < Nascar1996> It may… but have you ever thought some don't want Android or Blackberry?
22:01 < suicidalzerg> BRICK 'EM ALL!
22:02 < Frood> "Don't want an Android? Better sue Samsung!"
22:02  * Nascar1996 proposes to go back to landlines.
22:02 -!- M132T003C [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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22:02  * suicidalzerg proposes to go back to face-to-face communication.
22:03 < Frood> suicidalzerg: LIKE SKYPE RITE!?
22:03 < Nascar1996> All of this fighting is mediocre though, and it seems like almost every company copied at least one thing from the other..
22:03 < Frood> Nascar1996: Yes.
22:03 < Frood> And most companies don't sue for trival things like that
22:03 < Frood> nor do they patent them
22:03 -!- Jasper_Deng_away [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:03 -!- Frostee [] has left #wikipedia-en []
22:03 < Frood> software patents are evil
22:03 < Frood> they need a total reform
22:03 < suicidalzerg> Frood: NO LONG-DISTANCE COMMUNICATION FOR YOU!
22:04 < Nascar1996> Some like iOS, some like Android, and some like Blackberry while others like a regular flip phone… we need this competition, but not fighting in courts.
22:04 < Frood> they're supposed to encourage innovation
22:04 < suicidalzerg> You gotta walk all the way to New Jersey to talk to your friend, face to face. >:D
22:04 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
22:04 < Frood> Instead, they let big companies bully individuals who try to innovate
22:04 < Frood> suicidalzerg: i have friends in new jersey?
22:05 < Nascar1996> Like here is Apple or Samsung or Google, "Hey you copied that and made it better! I'm going to sue you!"
22:05 < Dcoetzee> Especially considering everybody originally copied Xerox PARC :-P
22:05 < legoktm> PARC is still a fun place to visit
22:05 < Nascar1996> or how about this… Apple vs Google: you copied the "e" from my name.
22:05 < Dcoetzee> And Xerox was like "lol patents wat"
22:05 < Frood> exactly
22:06 < Nascar1996> Android seems to be a little more buggy than iOS, but I don't know...
22:06 < Frood> if Xerox would've patented the first real GUI for a desktop with windows, and icons, and such, where would we be today?
22:07 < Frood> Would desktop computers exist?
22:07 -!- mys_721tx_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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22:08 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:08 < Nascar1996> All of this fighting between Google, Apple, etc is going to destroy the smartphone market...
22:08 < legoktm> Or it will force them to come up with better products
22:08 < suicidalzerg> Just detonate a nuke in space above the US.
22:08 < Tony_Sidaway> Just about everything  in the internet came from government investment.
22:08 -!- YE [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
22:08 < suicidalzerg> EMP everything.
22:09 < Nascar1996> Everyone will go back to Blackberry.
22:09 < suicidalzerg> Everyone will go back to walking to get where they need to go :p
22:09 < Tony_Sidaway> US in DARPA, Europe in CERN.
22:09 -!- Keegan__ is now known as Keegan
22:09 -!- Keegan [] has quit [Changing host]
22:09 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:09 < Nascar1996> I'm wondering how the heck Siri has anything to do with Motorola...
22:10 < suicidalzerg> Because every car with electronics (which is, like, every car in existence, with the exception of some kind of... hand-cranked, lightless diesel engine with a physically driven fuel pump?)
22:10 < Tony_Sidaway> ask Siri
22:10 < suicidalzerg> Would become nonfunctional :p
22:10 -!- Frood is now known as Froodsleep
22:10 < Nascar1996> Siri is better than S voice… wonder where the S came from.. hmmmm
22:11 < SigmaWP> Nascar1996: Shithead
22:11 < Nascar1996> One of them copied a letter.
22:11 < suicidalzerg> Horse tits.
22:12 < Nascar1996> SigmaWP: is your face covered with shit?
22:12 < SigmaWP> No
22:12 < SigmaWP> That is where S came from
22:12 < Nascar1996> ...
22:12 < Tony_Sidaway> Seriously, the alphabet is public
22:12 -!- Mdann52 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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22:12 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:12 < Nascar1996> I'm kidding.
22:12 < Nascar1996> I'm just saying they misewell just sue the other for making a smartphone...
22:13 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Quit: Reality intrudes]
22:13 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:13  * Pharos owns exclusive rights to the letter S in this jurisdiction
22:13 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
22:14 -!- Y_Ichiro [~ichiro@wikipedia/Yamamoto-Ichiro] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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22:14 < Nascar1996> I'm surprised whoever developed touch technology hasn't sued all the cellphone companies for using it..
22:15 < Jeske_Merensky> Odds are they have
22:15 < Nascar1996> I haven't heard of it...
22:16 < Nascar1996> The patent infrigment crap is really rediculous… it should be open to the public to use… eventually there is going to be almost nothing different you can do...
22:16  * SigmaWP huggles ty
22:17  * ty huggles SigmaWP <3
22:17 < Jeske_Merensky> Nascar1996) Hence the conceit of FRAND patents.
22:17 < Nascar1996> ty!
22:17  * Mdann52 slowly edges away.....
22:17 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
22:18 -!- Wehwalt [4462af34@wikipedia/Wehwalt] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
22:19 < ty> Nascar1996!
22:19 < Nascar1996> Hm, isn't the iPhone and iPad already set to be banned?
22:19 < Nascar1996> because of a previous Motorola lawsuit?
22:20 < Jeske_Merensky> No
22:20 < Jeske_Merensky> NAFAIK
22:20 -!- Inous [] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:20 < Nascar1996> ah ok
22:20 < Nascar1996> The Galaxt Nexus is banned right?
22:20 < Jeske_Merensky> It's *Samsung's* stuff that's banned, yes.
22:20  * Nascar1996 rethinks...
22:21 < Nascar1996> The Samsung SIII isn't.
22:21 < Nascar1996> And it is pretty much the best smartphone on the market right now.
22:23 < Nascar1996> Oh that ban was lifted...
22:23 -!- Inous [] has left #wikipedia-en []
22:24  * Pharos bans patents
22:26  * SigmaWP patents the patent
22:27  * Pharos discovers pior art for the patent
22:27 < Pharos> *prior
22:28 < Pharos> the patent on patentsa there is
22:28  * Mdann52 destroys every patent office
22:29 -!- WilliamH_UK [~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH] has quit []
22:29 -!- ToAruShiroiNeko [EVA@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko] has quit []
22:29 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
22:30 -!- Rain777 [~IceChat9@] has quit [Quit: Not that there is anything wrong with that]
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22:31 -!- Ed17 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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22:31 -!- Ed17 [~anonymous@wikipedia/the-ed17] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:32 < Mdann52> Hi Ed17
22:32 < Ed17> hi
22:32 < SigmaWP> Hi Ed17
22:32 < Ed17> hello
22:36 -!- ToAruShiroiNeko [EVA@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko] has joined #wikipedia-en
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22:46 < ChrisGualtieri> How do I add a footnote for the article?
22:46 < ChrisGualtieri> This Hamburger fiasco is insane
22:46 < Mdann52> Use the ref tags
22:47 < SigmaWP> ChrisGualtieri: I would've gone with coal balls, personally
22:47 < ChrisGualtieri> That's YOUR expertise
22:47 < ChrisGualtieri> Ref tags won't work
22:47 < Jeske_Merensky> ChrisGualtieri) [[Walmart]]
22:47 < ChrisGualtieri> I got a mound of data and seriously... I need to make actual notes.
22:47 < Jeske_Merensky> ChrisGualtieri) [[Comedy Central]]
22:47 < Jeske_Merensky> ChrisGualtieri) [[Stonewall Riots]]
22:48 < SigmaWP> ChrisGualtieri: If it interests you, I knew nothing about coal balls until I started writing the article for them
22:48 < Jeske_Merensky> ChrisGualtieri) [[Army of God]]
22:48 < Bsadowski1> You have coal for balls, SigmaWP?
22:49 < Bsadowski1> xD
22:49 < SigmaWP> Bsadowski1: Coal balls are not made of coal!
22:49 < ChrisGualtieri> Gar >.>
22:50 -!- Frostee [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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22:50 < ChrisGualtieri> So there is no way for me to make a editorial note?
22:50 < harej> And the upload of Wikimania 2012 videos to YouTube has begun.
22:50 < SigmaWP> <!-- ChrisGualtieri -->
22:50 < SigmaWP> Or work in userspace and histmerge
22:50 < ChrisGualtieri> It needs to be visible
22:52 < SigmaWP> $x balls are not made of $x
22:52 < SigmaWP> We need to spread that
22:52 < SigmaWP> Viral!
22:52 < Mdann52> ....................... .
22:52 < SigmaWP> In fact, that should be the first sentence to the article
22:53 -!- Deon|wp [~Deon@wikimedia/Deon] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:53 < Deon|wp> J #wikipedia
22:53 < Deon|wp> Damn slash key :/
22:53 < SigmaWP> '''Coal balls''' are not made of [[coal]]. Rather, they are [[calcium]]-rich masses.....
22:53 < SigmaWP> That looks good, right?
22:53 < SigmaWP> I mean, it should be the first thing to establish
22:54 < Mdann52> Deon, :):2
22:54 < SigmaWP> "Wait, before you go any further, you must know that 'coal ball' and 'coal' are two different things"
22:55 < Jeske_Merensky> One is a signal to murder Sigma and cannibalize his body and the other is coal.
22:55 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium]
22:56 < Mdann52> :)
22:57 < Mdann52> ChanServ
22:57 < Mdann52> Ok, what just happened....
22:57 -!- Frostee [] has left #wikipedia-en []
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23:04 -!- harej is now known as Pancetta
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23:05 -!- Lydia_WMDE [~lydia@wikimedia/Lydia-Pintscher-WMDE] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
23:07 -!- ChrisGualtieri [47eae49b@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
23:07 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.]
23:09 -!- Pancetta [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
23:11 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:12 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Earwig is near
23:12 < SigmaWP> in -helpers
23:12 -!- NTox [~NTox@wikipedia/NTox] has quit [Quit: NTox]
23:12 < wctaiwan> and?
23:13 < SigmaWP> He needs to know people who do py3k
23:13 < wctaiwan> I'm not going to pester a better coder than I'd ever be for your amusement, sigma.
23:14 < SigmaWP> Python 2 is crappy
23:14 < SigmaWP> And it's to make him convert :D
23:14 < legoktm> Why do you think python2 is crappy?
23:15 < SigmaWP>
23:16 < legoktm> Well I know that -.-
23:16 < SigmaWP> Exactly why it's crappy
23:16 < SigmaWP> That's the list of crap that was removed
23:16 < legoktm> Really the only thing I'm most looking forward to is the unicode support
23:16 -!- Lydia_WMDE [~lydia@wikimedia/Lydia-Pintscher-WMDE] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:16 < SigmaWP> from __future__ import unicode_literals
23:17 < legoktm> I know but I'd rather not do that all the time
23:19 < Keegan> Yup, about time for a new essay
23:19 < Keegan> [[Wikipedia:Use the talk page]] should not be a red link
23:19 < greenrosetta> drama
23:19 < greenrosetta> draaaaaaahma
23:20 < Jeske_Merensky> Keegan) Try [[Wikipedia:Use the fucking talk page]] or [[WP:RTFM]]
23:20 < Keegan> Jeske_Merensky: That's what piping is for when linking
23:21 -!- tonynoname [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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23:21 < Jeske_Merensky> If you're called "Tony" you forfeit the right to claim you've no name.
23:22 < IDoH> Hey
23:22 < Keegan> Okay
23:23 < wctaiwan> SigmaWP: tsk, you seem to have been getting into edit wars.
23:23 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan: I only edit war against socks
23:24 < Deon|wp> Two wrongs do, after all, make a right.
23:24  * SigmaWP goes to stalk your contribs
23:25 < wctaiwan> Deon|wp: I was joking. That was pretty much vandalism territory (reinstating content into a redirect)
23:25 < russavia> does anyone know which countries Roger Davies, PhilKnight, Jclemens, SirFozzie are from?
23:25 < russavia> and if from US, what state?
23:25 < wctaiwan> SigmaWP: it's hard to stalk yours because I can't type the URL
23:25 < wctaiwan> russavia: WP:OUTING.
23:25 < wctaiwan> as I'm sure you're aware...
23:26 < russavia> no its not
23:26 < wctaiwan> it is if they haven't publicly said where they come from...
23:26 < russavia> PM me if one doesn't want to put in main channel
23:26 < SigmaWP> Crap
23:26 < SigmaWP> A pencil lead just fell in the cracks between the mousepad buttons
23:26 < wctaiwan> your mousepad has buttons?
23:26 < Mdann52> :)
23:26 < wctaiwan> that's one fancy mousepad.
23:26 < IDoH> Russavia, somebodies location is usually considered quite private.
23:27 < russavia> not if they have publicised it, it isn't
23:27 < russavia> and that is what i am asking...if anyone know if they have, then its quite ok
23:27  * wctaiwan has a mousepad that comes with a wiper
23:27 < SigmaWP> russavia: They all come from Chad.
23:27 < SigmaWP> Duh.
23:28 -!- VeenaSitara [b6b20df9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:28 < VeenaSitara> Hi
23:28 < wctaiwan> huh
23:29 < VeenaSitara> wctaiwan: I no like you
23:29 < wctaiwan> uh, okay?
23:29 < SigmaWP> Mac OSX Mountain Goat!
23:30 < Deon|wp> wctaiwan: I know, I was just joking :)
23:30 < wctaiwan> the name sounds less silly than Ubuntu.
23:30 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan: lol, "China, not Public Relations China"
23:30 < Deon|wp> Damn IRC and it's emotionless conveyance of text
23:30 < wctaiwan> SigmaWP: I know right? :P
23:30 < VeenaSitara> wctaiwan: you pay skype hot show ?
23:30 < wctaiwan> oh ffs.
23:30 < wctaiwan> !ops
23:31 < SigmaWP> I think that might be rolandhelper.
23:31 < VeenaSitara> wctaiwan: you gay
23:31 < wctaiwan> yeah probably
23:31 < SigmaWP> User cannot speak much english. +1.
23:31  * Jeske_Merensky kisses wctaiwan, his tongue licking his cheek
23:31 < SigmaWP> Huh
23:31 -!- Maccer [~Maccer@] has quit [Excess Flood]
23:31  * wctaiwan stares pointedly at Jeske_Merensky 
23:31 < SigmaWP> Nevermind, geolocates to not-Indonesia
23:31 < wctaiwan> oh crap XD
23:32  * VeenaSitara wctaiwan likes men
23:32  * Jeske_Merensky nudges him, as if to say, "play along, dammit"
23:32 < wctaiwan> crappy juxtaposition is crappy
23:32 < Matthew_> SigmaWP: Proxy?
23:32 < Mdann52> !op, we have someone trying to sell adult skype shows
23:32  * VeenaSitara watches wctaiwan  gay sex
23:32 < SigmaWP> Matthew_: I doubt rolandhelper is smart enough to use a proxy :P
23:32 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:32 < Matthew_> SigmaWP: True...
23:32  * Jeske_Merensky kisses wctaiwan on the lips...
23:32 < wctaiwan> jorm: you has ops here?
23:32 < SigmaWP> I mean, when you edit your own SPI, it says something about your intelligence
23:32  * VeenaSitara hot hot hot hot DESI SKYPE SHOW VeenaSitara Skype no gays please
23:32 < wctaiwan> (fwiw, that "yeah probably" was in response to Sigma..)
23:33 < Mdann52> !ops we need a kick
23:33 < Mdann52> ffs
23:33 < wctaiwan> where's Logan when he might actually be useful… >.>
23:33 < SigmaWP> lol
23:33 < VeenaSitara> SigmaWP: i like u i show u free
23:33 < jorm> i do not have ops in this channel.
23:33  * ow looks in
23:33 < wctaiwan> oh well, thanks anyway.
23:34 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
23:34 < ow> Who needs kicking?
23:34 < wctaiwan> VeenaSitara:
23:34 < Jeske_Merensky> VeenaSitara
23:34 < wctaiwan> previously removed troll.
23:34 < VeenaSitara> Jeske_Merensky: go sex wctaiwan
23:34  * Jeske_Merensky stops the act and mauls VeenaSitara
23:34 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o ow] by ChanServ
23:34 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] by ow
23:34 -!- VeenaSitara was kicked from #wikipedia-en by ow [VeenaSitara]
23:34 < wctaiwan> thank you very kindly.
23:34 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o ow] by ow
23:34 < IDoH> Thanks ow
23:35 < Mdann52> Can you ban then as will please?
23:35 < Matthew_> thanks, ow.  I hope you didn't hurt him too bad.
23:35 < wctaiwan> they've been banned
23:35 < Matthew_> Mdann52: It's already done...
23:35 < Jeske_Merensky> Mdann) Already done.
23:35 < SigmaWP> Jeske_Merensky: Unbalanced parentheses are annoying
23:35 < wctaiwan> (((()))
23:35 < SigmaWP> )
23:35 < Mdann52> I haven't seen mode +b yet......
23:35 < Matthew_> wctaiwan: Stop...
23:36  * wctaiwan stops
23:36 < Matthew_> Mdann52: That's ban, and it was done before the kick.
23:36 < Mdann52> Ok
23:36 < Jeske_Merensky> SigmaWP) I use them in place of colons to indicate who I'm talking to.
23:36 < wctaiwan> "[14:34:41] ow sets mode +b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip."
23:36 < Matthew_> wctaiwan: Thanks.  Just spent two hours fixing that XD
23:36 < wctaiwan> lol
23:36 < Mdann52> Sorry, just me being blind....
23:36 -!- quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
23:39 < Jeske_Merensky> sorry about that, wctaiwan.
23:40 < wctaiwan> np
23:43 < ow> if someone is being a douchebag again and no one responds to !_ops, send a text to 682-233-5428
23:44 < russavia> Roger Davies is in Wales obviously
23:46 < Theopolisme> ow: ooh, a phone number!
23:48 < wctaiwan> get some rest, ow :)
23:48 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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--- Log closed Sat Aug 18 00:00:15 2012