
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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--- Log opened Sat May 04 00:00:09 2013
--- Day changed Sat May 04 2013
00:00 -!- juancarlos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Killiondude] has quit [Quit: Night]
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00:01 < anderson> Jetro: :-*
00:02 < Jetro> :-*
00:02 < Emufarmers> :v
00:02 < Jetro> I knwo
00:02 -!- anderson is now known as [o_o]
00:04 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
00:08 -!- [o_o] is now known as Bradford
00:09 -!- Emufarmers [emufarmers@mediawiki/Emufarmers] has left #wikipedia-en []
00:09 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Quit: I'm the greatest pirate-hunter in the world! AUYYEAHHH]
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00:24 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
00:26 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en
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00:32 -!- FastLizard4|away is now known as FastLizard4
00:35 -!- Nickinator [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
00:36 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> marryland became merryland?
00:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> o hai Keegan
00:40 < Keegan> Hi
00:42 -!- Ushau97 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:43 < SigmaWP> Keegan: delete,Hyderabad please
00:44 < russavia> keegan: make me a coffee
00:45 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: wctaiwan]
00:45 < mareklug> russavia is any Japanese fluent speaker about on the commons side now?
00:45  * Keegan high fives russavia for that one
00:45 < russavia> no but i can give you an ubersecret japanese channel if you like
00:45 < Keegan> And no one wonders why I haven't been on IRC much for months :D
00:46 < russavia> ^ ^ :)
00:46 < mareklug> i am on #nihongo and I can't yet seem to get traction although one person an expat in japan is talking to me
00:46 < russavia> how do i use invite?
00:47  * Keegan slaps Wikipedia
00:47 < Keegan> I don't want to use visual editor
00:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Keegan I was gonna ask
00:49 < Keegan> SigmaWP: I'd prod that, not CSD.  Now BACK IN THE DAY I'd delete it, but the school gets google hits and has been around for a century.
00:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but was distracted by CNN
00:49 < SigmaWP> Ehmph
00:49 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
00:49 < Keegan> Yeah, I feel the same way.
00:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Keegan why is CNN so... meh?
00:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they finally toned down their coverage to "suspect" level
00:52 < Keegan> Because they've given up sensationalism to Fox News and MSNBC and then realized there was no money in honest journalism
00:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there is plenty of money in honest journalism
00:53 < Keegan> Not advertising dollars.
00:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure there is just not as much
00:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> people demand actual news too
00:53 < Keegan> ToAruShiroiNeko: More to the point, it's where the power of media gets lost to shuffling interests.
00:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> news dont tablotifiy news, people tabloitify news :p
00:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Keegan could it be the Murdoc factor?
00:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> can we please send him to dictate something else that is nerdy... like archeology?
00:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he could create an archeological empire
00:55 < Keegan> Can we, the Smart People of Wikipedia® not be informed or entertained by CNN?  Sure.  Do those who are just checking the news able to be informed?  Sure.  But now it's just programming like any drama.
00:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> bad kind of drama at best :)
00:55 < Keegan> It's all about money, so meh.
00:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> how about a ban on advertisements for one hour a day?
00:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> during news
00:56 < Keegan> Now, I do not doubt that (most) every individual working at CNN does so out of the desire to inform
00:56 < Keegan> The global whole of the entity does not.
00:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they need to put Sorkin in charge of the news division :p
00:57 < Keegan> For cable? Not going to happen.  Speaking for the United States, I don't think there should be advertising during broadcast news
00:57 < Keegan> The US government fucking gave the four networks free air.
00:57 < Keegan> It's the least they could do.
00:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it was never banned
00:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its the one thing congress left out. channels are required to have 1 hour of informational broadcasting
00:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> murrow had cigarets as his sponsors
00:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he was sir smoke-a-lot
00:59 < NotASpy> ToAruShiroiNeko: when does this channel have 1 hour of informational broadcasting. Can you do it ?
01:00 -!- kondi [7bc91522@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:01 < Keegan> ^Touche
01:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy I can do it but I need an executive producer to help me do it
01:01  * kondi is using webchat
01:01 < kondi> fucking fuck
01:02 < NotASpy> kondi looks qualified, ToAruShiroiNeko, that's exec producer levels of swearyness.
01:02 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ
01:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy bah
01:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> [[Wikipedia:Votes for Executive Producer for IRC/kondi]]
01:03 < mareklug> NotASpy my links pasted in here alone are making up our required hour and then some :)
01:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy I find the comments posted on cnn to be more entertaining
01:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I mean than the actual news
01:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> "I think because she was an accomplice. Converted muslims are in most cases more radical than the Original ones, most of them convert to Jihadist islam."
01:08 -!- kondi [7bc91522@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
01:09 < NotASpy> yeah, there are a few websites like that out there. The Daily Mail in the UK is classic, lots of people who think Hitler was a left wing bleeding heart liberal and who sit somewhere to the right of Idi Amin.
01:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> can you get more right than Idi Amin?
01:14 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
01:14 < sam> Pinochet?
01:16 < mareklug> Pinochet was a centrist by comparison.  try Pol Pot
01:16 < NotASpy> that's Daily Mail reader territory. They created merry hell when the Spanish wanted to extradite him on human rights crimes.
01:17 < NotASpy> secretly (or really, quite openly) the DM wanted Thatcher to behave like Pinochet.
01:17 -!- jetsamUDH [~iceboxDYF@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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01:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Hafez was born on 6 October 1930 in Qardaha to an Alawite family,[1] from the Kalbiyya tribe.[2] His parents were Na'sa and Ali Sulayman. Hafez was Ali's ninth son and the fourth son from his second marriage.[3] Sulayman married twice, had eleven children,[4] and was known for his strength and shooting abilities, so locals nicknamed him Wahhish (a wild beast).[5] By the 1920s, he became
01:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> well-respected among the locals, and like many others he opposed the French occupation initially.[6] Nevertheless, Ali Sulayman later cooperated with the French administration and was appointed to an official post. In 1936, he was one of 80 Alawi notables who signed a letter addressed to the French Prime Minister stating that "Alawi people rejected attachment to Syria and wished to stay
01:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> under French protection."[7] For his accomplishments, he was called al-Assad (a lion) by the locals.[6] He made his nickname a surname in 1927.[8]
01:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> geez
01:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> that looked shorter in browser
01:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
01:19 < NotASpy> aye. I wonder how Syria would have turned out if the eldest son had survived. Bashar wasn't very well thought of by the family and was sent to the UK to become an optician.
01:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy so he could retire to start such a business?
01:20 < sam> he does seem short-sighted
01:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Assad Optics
01:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sam that was brillian!
01:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> *t
01:20 < NotASpy> right, laters all.
01:20 < sam> haha
01:21 -!- TheChance_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
01:23 -!- muahaha is now known as muahaha|AFK
01:24 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
01:31 -!- mindspillage [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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01:48 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
01:48 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: You cannot logic someone out of an opinion they did not logic themselves into]
01:49 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:55 -!- Nickinator [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:57 < mareklug> it will be faster for me to download and install the "new" (read, neglected last version) Inkscape 0.48.2-1 than for my 0.43.8 to actually *open*
02:12 -!- My76Strat [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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02:27 < lbenedix> hi there, I'm looking for the history of extension-usage in enwiki. The result should look like this: "extension_name; deployment_date; removal_date"
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02:39 < russavia> mareklug -- 超人ハルクのプレミアでリヴ·タイラー
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02:39 < mareklug> you are wonderful.
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02:44 < russavia> i know right
02:47 -!- p858snake|l_ [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en
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03:01 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
03:03 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
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03:11 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:11 < Steven_Zhang> mmm
03:16 < Steven_Zhang> <3 long island iced tea
03:26 -!- rr0 [~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:33 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|VOER
03:39 -!- Qcoder00 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:39 < Qcoder00> Good morning humans
03:43 -!- Ushau97 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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03:56 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
03:58 < russavia> any admin around to help with some deleted image contributions for
03:59 -!- Mkdw_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:01 < Irunongames> ToAruShiroiNeko -
04:01 < Irunongames> Russian T-90
04:01 < Irunongames> "FEED ME CHECHANS"
04:02 -!- petan [~pidgeon@wikimedia/Petrb] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:02 -!- Irunongames is now known as Peter-C
04:06 < Qcoder00> "AD-VANCE!"
04:06 < Qcoder00> "LO-CATE, SEEK."etc..
04:07 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.]
04:11 -!- Mkdw_ [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
04:13 < mattbuck> EX-TER-MIN-ATE
04:17 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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04:51 < Qcoder00> Hmm :)
04:53 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Quit: Rebooting computer]
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05:36 -!- Izawayz is now known as Izhidez
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06:30 < russavia> jetro -- you norwegians are truly fucked up -- -- what in the name of god is the kid in this statue doing?
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06:36 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
06:40 < Qcoder00> russavia:  You've not meet Finns then XD
06:40 -!- Mike_HH is now known as Mike_H
06:40 < russavia> i ask because i was going to upload this stream to commons --and you that shit legal?
06:41 < russavia> *of course i know there's no FOP in norway
06:42 < russavia> qcoder000 i know all about finns and their saunas
06:44 < jubo2> Qcoder00: russavia: The most useful line of Finnish is fi."Vihdo lujempaa perkele!" ( == en."whack me harder with your bunch of birch branches damn it!" ) .. sauna or no sauna free booze and friendship is almost guaranteed
06:45 < jubo2> they're yet not in season but it's possible to get 'em dried or frozen from last summer
06:46 -!- SlowLizard [] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:46 -!- SlowLizard is now known as Moe_Epsilon
06:46 < russavia> yeah i was sure finns always keep a bunch of birch branches stored away for such an occasion
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06:46 -!- Moe_Epsilon [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:47 < jubo2> whacking with 'em makes the sauna even more soothing :D
06:48 < Moe_Epsilon> o_O
06:48 < Qcoder00> Isn't there somethin in brich twigs that also releases specfic resins or something?
06:49 < jubo2> Qcoder00: you can run this sweet resin from the trunk similarly to running maple resin ..
06:49 < jubo2> it's called fi."mahla"
06:49 < Qcoder00> it's edible?
06:49 < jubo2> slightly sweet and very healthy
06:49 < jubo2> yes.
06:49 < Qcoder00> Hmm
06:50 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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07:22 < mareklug>     I seem to be getting  nowhere with this editor.  Perhaps someone has better arguments?  Or maybe I am missing the obvious.
07:24 -!- Everz [znc_efnet@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fedf:1a1d] has left #wikipedia-en []
07:24 < mareklug>
07:27 -!- Doug_Weller [~Doug_Well@wikipedia/Dougweller] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130430204233]]
07:28 -!- TheChance [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
07:32 < Qcoder00> If thye aren't here to responde... ;)
07:33 < mareklug> <mareklug>     here is his latest example of reverting someone putting back a better picture for his sweaty ugly one
07:33 < russavia> mareklug--go check the "Brisbane" talk page
07:34 < mareklug> Qcoder00 you really should comment on the talk page.
07:34 < Qcoder00> I can't... I made an agreement with admins not to comment on contentious images for a bit
07:34 < wctaiwan> mareklug: acting as a devil's advocate—there's a difference between "high quality" and "pretty"
07:35 < mareklug> you can comment on the practice of edit warring over pictures in infoboxes.  that is his entire corpus of work.
07:35 < wctaiwan> the more recent image may be manipulated such that the lighting is better.
07:35 < russavia> <mareklug> you can comment on the practice of edit warring over pictures in infoboxes.  that is his entire corpus of work. -- you sure you not a member ofEEML? That is beautiful wikilawyering there
07:35 < mareklug> but why?  the old picture is encyclopedic as is AND makes one feel good.
07:36 < mareklug> russavia just look at his contributions:
07:36 < wctaiwan> well, she's still alive. I think it's good to favour more recent images? It's not like the old one is particularly historical.
07:36 < mareklug> it is particularly historical: it was her biggest film role.
07:36 < wctaiwan> I mean, I think the older one is higher quality. But the more recent one does have the advantage of being… more recent.
07:37 < mareklug> well use them later in the article.  there is chronology that can use them.
07:38 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
07:40 -!- rockerball [~rockerbal@] has quit [Quit: IRC for iPhone]
07:42 < mattbuck> what's en policy about what happens when underage users reveal their names/dob?
07:42 < mareklug> we date tehm
07:42 < mattbuck> serious answer please
07:43 < mareklug> we block tehm blobally (Carly) and revdel
07:43 -!- Yellow_Evan [] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:43 < mattbuck> ok
07:43 < mattbuck> who do I talk to to make that happen
07:43 < mareklug> there is an email addres for that
07:43 -!- Yellow_Evan is now known as YE
07:44 < electabuzz> for revdel: #wikipedia-en-revdel
07:44 < Krenair> Weird. I never got blocked.
07:45 < electabuzz> says
07:46 < electabuzz> for the email
07:47 -!- Johnlong [~johnlong@2a02:8109:8500:5e:129a:ddff:febc:4d40] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
07:49 < Krenair> Maybe I just wasn't obvious enough
07:49 -!- TParis [~TParis@wikipedia/TParis] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
07:50 < wctaiwan> I thought name was okay?
07:50 < wctaiwan> might be wrong though. It's not something I looked up.
07:50 < Krenair> Or someone realised that blocking because of their ageist ideas could only end badly
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07:50 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:50 < Qcoder00> mattbuck: Depending on the circumstances, a note to the users advising them to have a word with an 'appropriate adult' might also be in order
07:51 -!- electabuzz [~cam@unaffiliated/onei] has left #wikipedia-en []
07:51 < Qcoder00> The problem is my usual advice contact on this got busted for socking :(
07:51 < russavia> mattbuck you simply say oversight
07:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> CNN - Sectarian violence reported in Syrian city of Baniyas
07:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> [...] But the U.S. State Department said it was "appalled by horrific reports that more than 100 people were killed May 2" in Beyda, a suburb of Baniyas.
07:52 < mattbuck> no one in #wikipedia-en-revdel is answering :/
07:53 < russavia> !admin
07:53 < Izhidez> yes?
07:53 < Izhidez> oh
07:53 < russavia> there you go mattbuck
07:53 < Izhidez> {{justdone}}
07:53  * Izhidez saw the ping in -revdel
07:54 < russavia> izhide -- {{notdonecompletely}}
07:54 < Izhidez> ya getting it now
07:55 < russavia> great,you get to troll DC whilst you do it xD
07:55 < mattbuck> :p
07:55 < mattbuck> CONSPIRACY
07:55 < russavia> wait for it :)
07:55 < Krenair> Still not done completely
07:55 < Izhidez> Krenair: how?
07:55 -!- [DJNN] [] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:55 -!- [DJNN] is now known as iceboxFGK
07:56 < Krenair> Well I'm hardly going to tell you am I?
07:56 < Izhidez> ...
07:56 -!- iceboxFGK [] has left #wikipedia-en []
08:03 < russavia> ok so i have 5 days to derail legoktm's rfa
08:03 < Thehelpfulone> I hope you're not serious russavia
08:03 < legoktm> I'm dead already.
08:04 < russavia> isn't that enwp is about? see who can derail other's rfa's in the most spectacular way possible?:)
08:04 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:06 < FunPika> enjoy combing through his contribs trying to find an embarrassing diff that will cause a bandwagon of oppose !votes :P
08:06 < russavia> funpika-- youdon't even need to do that
08:08 < russavia> can i ignore my block to vote? :(
08:12 < FunPika> no
08:13 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
08:13 < russavia> ok, can i create a sock to do it?
08:14 < russavia> please say yes
08:14 < haggis> legoktm: you're rfaing?
08:14 < haggis> Finally I can oppose someone
08:15 < legoktm> <notcanvassing>yes</notcanvassing>
08:15 -!- Doug_Weller [~Doug_Well@wikipedia/Dougweller] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:15 < legoktm> :/
08:15 < FunPika>
08:15  * mattbuck opposes due to canvassing
08:15 < legoktm> but i wrapped it in html tags!
08:15 < legoktm> should i have used a hashtag instead?
08:16 < mattbuck> it's like a witch trial
08:16 < mattbuck> if you need to say you're not a witch, you're a witch
08:17 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
08:19 < russavia> mattbuck -- they'll block me for canvassing
08:19 < mareklug>   :(
08:20 < mattbuck> what a stupid name
08:20 < mareklug> how old are you mattbuck ?
08:21 < jubo2> 11
08:22 -!- IH|away is now known as Ironholds
08:22 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:23 -!- Izhidez is now known as Izawayz
08:26 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
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08:30  * MJ94 waves
08:30 < Bradford> ._.
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08:35  * wctaiwan dunks MJ94 in applesauce
08:35 < Bradford> .-.
08:36 < jubo2> wctaiwan: is it crumby ?
08:37 < wctaiwan> no.
08:37 < jubo2> crumb pie and apple sauce go well together
08:37 -!- Fleet|mobile [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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08:37 < wctaiwan> it's just applesauce.
08:37 < wctaiwan> might be slightly fermented.
08:37 < jubo2> mmm.. fermenatation..
08:37 -!- camerin [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
08:38 < jubo2> All alcohol is just the conspiracy of plants and mushrooms to control human behaviour
08:38 < jubo2> their aim is to make humans procreate so that the mushrooms can have more growing platforms
08:39 < jubo2> how ever bad the human is doing the fungi still have a walking talking growth medium
08:39 < jubo2> We have 'em in our head, skin, feet and inside too
08:39 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
08:39 < MJ94> wctaiwan: yummy!
08:39 < wctaiwan> that's the spirit.
08:42 -!- Jeske_Couriano [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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08:44 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Quit: Beams.]
08:44 < MJ94> wctaiwan: I love apple sauce.
08:44 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I resent the claim, the war on fungi is raging
08:45 < wctaiwan> I used to.
08:45 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:45 < MJ94> wctaiwan: used to?
08:45 < wctaiwan> but then in Taiwan applesauce isn't exactly common.
08:45 < wctaiwan> …or eaten by non-infants
08:45 < wctaiwan> afaik.
08:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> fermented grapejuice for the win
08:45 < jubo2> fermented anything for the win if in .fi
08:46 < MJ94> I also like jello if I can ignore the fact that apparently it's made from bones.
08:46 < BlastHardcheese> jubo2: meanwhile the bacteria are laughing
08:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> fermented people too?
08:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> oh right... politicians
08:47 -!- Bradford is now known as Bradford|sleep
08:47 < wctaiwan> vin du soylent vert?
08:47 < jubo2> SOYLENT GREEN IS... I forget...
08:47 < wctaiwan> soleil vert, apparently
08:48 < wctaiwan> ToAruShiroiNeko: poli: many; tics: blood-sucking parasites.
08:49 -!- camerin [] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:50 < jubo2> as long as things don't get so bad the growth platform ( human ) doesn't die the fungi are enjoying themselves as the most important life form in the universe
08:50 < jubo2> s/doesn't die/dies/
08:51 -!- koishi [] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer]
08:52 -!- RaphaelQS [6d18ad39@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:53 < RaphaelQS> hi
08:53 < jubo2> hi RaphaelQS
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09:03 < darev> Hello1
09:03 < darev> Hello!
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09:11 < MJ94> jubo2: icecream
09:13 -!- juboxi [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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09:19 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
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09:48 < Peter-C> Guys
09:48 < Peter-C> I'm famous
09:48 < Peter-C> Got my picture in the paper
09:48 -!- Moe_Epsilon [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:49 < Peter-C> Its me attending to a guy who was hit by a car
09:49 < Peter-C> Jackass journalist got up in my face with his camera taking pictures
09:49 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:50 < haggis> Peter-C: you were always a star
09:50 < Peter-C> <3
09:52 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat]
09:54 < closedmouth> did you punch his lights out?
09:55  * MJ94 punches closedmouth 
09:56  * closedmouth takes it like a man
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10:01 < Darxus> What happened to this page?  It used to have content.  It seems odd that the history isn't even there.
10:01 < BlastHardcheese> the cia deleted it
10:01 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:02 < Darxus> Oh, there it is...
10:02 < Wiki13> is is there
10:02 -!- techman224 [~techman22@Wikimedia/Techman224] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:02 < Wiki13> ¨without leaving a redirect¨
10:02 < Wiki13> :)
10:02 < Peter-C> closedmouth - Wish I did
10:02 < Peter-C> BUT my boss would not like that
10:03 < Darxus>  I missed that on the talk page.
10:03 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
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10:17 < pion> Ironholds: you're incompetent now?
10:18 < pion> some people are getting super pissed about Echo I guess...
10:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> List_of_Guantanamo_Bay_detainees_accused_of_possessing_Pokémon_cards
10:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> must create it!
10:18 < Ironholds> pion: sorry?
10:18 < pion> on WT:Notifications
10:19 < darev> God creates dinosaurs, God destroys dinosaurs, God creates man, an creates dinosaurs ....
10:19 < pion> although your reply was better :P
10:20 < Ironholds> pion: forgive me if Echo is no. 1 on 'list of things I wish to not-think-about on my weekend' ;p
10:20 < pion> Meh :P
10:20 < pion> I was just trying to say I enjoyed reading your reply :P
10:21 < Ironholds> ahh, gotcha :)
10:23 < Krenair> Ironholds is supposed to be having the weekend off pion :)
10:23 < Krenair>
10:23 < pion> oh.
10:23  * pion gives Ironholds a beer and a television
10:25 < kondi> russavia:
10:27 -!- fully [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
10:29 < haggis> O_O
10:29 < haggis> wtf
10:29 < haggis> my friend's been missing for four days
10:29 < Ironholds> pion: actually I'm writing fun code.
10:29 < pion> Ironholds: ooh, for what? a game?
10:29 < Ironholds> no, doing some data analysis of user blocks.
10:30 < Ironholds> (see for the original; doing followup work at the moment)
10:30 < russavia> kondi: I lol'ed hard at that
10:30 < kondi> it is funny but sad...
10:31 < russavia> kondi - is where its originally from
10:31 < russavia> it's funny because its true
10:31 < kondi> that's why it's sad
10:32 < russavia>
10:33 < wctaiwan> I'm not suited to this framework shit o__o
10:33 < russavia> that's what you get when you base your country's philosophy on non-violent resistence
10:33 < wctaiwan> there's no solid ground to stand on.
10:33 < wctaiwan> it all just magically works.
10:34 < kondi> right, we all should vote and bring in Hindu extremists and make temples all over Himalayas
10:34 < kondi> bring in Hindu extremists to power
10:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> missing friends can be found in lost and found
10:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Hindu extremist president for US in 2016
10:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I wonder what Obama will do after retirement
10:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he is rather young
10:36 < kondi> russavia: did you make that one?
10:36 < russavia> kondi: you need to join us on reddit
10:37 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F
10:37 < russavia> we have better conversations there believe it or not
10:37 < russavia> i've got 2 ids,not telling what other is
10:37 -!- BewareofDoug [~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:37 < russavia> nope...not mine
10:37 < kondi> I think I have an account there but I don't spend much time there
10:37 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
10:37 < kondi> except seeing popular threads once in a while
10:38 < russavia> you need to subscribe to /r/polandball to read threads
10:39 < kondi> I guess
10:40 < russavia> the pavlov's dog series is hysterical but sad
10:40 < russavia> well more a "Russia hates dogs" series
10:41 -!- Beria_ [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has joined #wikipedia-en
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10:41 < russavia> kondi -- -- --
10:42 -!- juboxi_ is now known as jubo2
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10:43 < russavia> the last one references -- -- definitely NSFW
10:43 < russavia> "Experiments in the Revival of Organisms - Russian Dog Head Experiment"
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10:46 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:49 < russavia> holy shit -- the video is featured on enwp --
10:50  * kondi looks
10:50 < russavia>  is the article on the video
10:51 -!- muahaha|AFK is now known as muahaha
10:51 < russavia> an article on the actual experiments rather than just the video would be great
10:51 < kondi> lol
10:52 < russavia> but anyway, i love how in the 3rd comic China sneaks in from behind to take the dogs body :)
10:53 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
10:53 < kondi> heh
10:54 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
10:55 < russavia> back to your original point kondi -- india needs to "toughen up princess"
10:58 < kondi> yeah yeah..
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10:59 < russavia> what china did in ladakh the other day was a clear provocation; but it's also exposed a big weakness; that being India's ability to defend its northern frontier is basically non-existent
10:59 < russavia> it needs to channel military resources to the frontier regions like ladakh
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11:03 < kondi> russavia: clear provocation?
11:05 < russavia> of course....sendings troops into ladakh to set up shop
11:05 < russavia> i believe the news was all but ignored outside india?
11:06 -!- Beria_ [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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11:07 < kondi> maybe. Movements like this happen every 3-4 months in Ladakh
11:07 -!- Beria_ [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:08 < russavia> but i think there are military exercises still between india and china coming up--which is a good thing---getting closer to china will hopefully draw them away from the lunatics to the west
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11:08 < kondi> last time they sent in some Helicopters in here, before that they came in and painted rocks with red paint
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11:11 < russavia> yeah read bout that
11:14 < kondi> Southern Asia should be a union, Economic if not political.
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11:34 < muahaha> im not so sure if anything military will come of it, neither china nor india have much of a history or a stomach for a fight
11:34 < muahaha> oops a bit late to the debate
11:36 < Jetro> muahaha
11:36 < muahaha> allo
11:36 < Jetro> ello
11:36 < Jetro> I was just laughing maniacly :D
11:37 < kondi> heh
11:37 < muahaha> can i join you, i havent had a maniacal laugh in a while
11:37 < muahaha> despite the name
11:37 < muahaha> :(
11:38 -!- Warhound [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:38 < MJ94> muahaha
11:39 < dtm> hi guys.  i'm tryin to figure out how to make a new graphical timeline like this but that one's made using <timeline> and I don't even know what type of syntax that is.  I can't find any docs at all on it.  how do i even look that up?
11:39 < dtm> why is its syntax written like <timeline> and not {{timeline}}
11:39 < muahaha> lol
11:39 < muahaha> :D
11:39 < Jasper_Deng> dtm:
11:39 < dtm> it's not a template, is it?
11:39 < Jasper_Deng> it's a MediaWiki extension
11:39 < dtm> i've never heard of an extension.  how positively decadent.
11:40 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: wctaiwan]
11:40 < dtm> holy crap, those are some interesting graphs.
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11:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I hate timeline
11:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it makes me feel old :(
11:51 < dtm> :-o
11:51 < dtm> ToAruShiroiNeko: who's making timelines about you?  lol
11:51  * BlastHardcheese puts ToAruShiroiNeko in an old folks' home
11:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> nobody but you see how much you have aged :/
11:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am older than some countries!
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11:53 < Isarra> How does our fair use guideline cover image resolutions for high-density displays?
11:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> fair use guideline intends to use low resolution so as not to infringe on copyright
11:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I find that to be somewhat stupid but meh
11:55 < Isarra> Low resolution can cut out the usefulness of having an image at all on high dpi displys.
11:57 < SuicidalZerg>
11:58 < Qcoder00> SuicidalZerg:  Well the DWP has obviously hired the wrong contractors as IE6 is de-facto obselete
11:59 < SuicidalZerg> IE6 is suicidal to use
11:59 < Qcoder00> It's almost silly enough to provoke anonymous into "proving" how bad IE6 is in terms of security
11:59 < Qcoder00> ]*anonymous hackers
12:02 < Qcoder00> That said I'm sure the DWP knows that it's doing :)
12:02 < MJ94> ToAruShiroiNeko: are you…like….40? *gasp*
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12:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> MJ94 no :p
12:05 < MJ94> 50??
12:05 -!- MaKiNeoH [5f3f74db@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> South Sudan, Kosovo, Serbia... :p
12:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> anyone over the age of 3 is older than at least one country
12:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 IE6 is... meh
12:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ie6 wont run in windows 7 I think
12:07 < Qcoder00> Nor will it work with smart-phones...
12:07 -!- jakr [~jake@unaffiliated/jakr] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
12:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it might
12:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if you get those old PDAs
12:07 < Qcoder00> Let's hope the next gen Benefit claims system will be 'compatible' for purpose in 10 years time :)
12:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its better than US veterans which runs on... paper.
12:08 < Qcoder00> <sarcasm detector broken>
12:08 < Qcoder00> ToAruShiroiNeko:  Well physical paper forms have this nasty habit of being persistent...
12:08 < Qcoder00> ;)
12:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they had to relocate folders because the building had a risk of collapsing
12:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy you here?
12:09 < NotASpy> ToAruShiroiNeko: not all here, but substantially complete.
12:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> okay
12:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I pm you
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12:19  * MJ94 pokes Qcoder00 and runs away to do homework.
12:19 < Qcoder00> MJ94; What do you need?
12:19 < MJ94> Nothing; but, tag, you're it.
12:24 < Qcoder00> {{it-tag-declined|reason= Too busy))
12:24 < Qcoder00> }}
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12:28 < darev> n8
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12:32 < dtm> i'm working on a draft of a timeline at  so far, i just have the years, not exact dates.  so how can I make it extend that range out for gigs where i just have a single year?  do i have to pretend that the gig lasted from 01/01/yyyy to 12/31/yyyy ?
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12:36 < dtm> and why is the legend messed up?  the colors and titles are wrong.
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12:37 < Bazinga> mattbuck: hardly equivalent :-P
12:42 < dtm> ToAruShiroiNeko: do you perhaps comprehend the <timeline>  <3 <3 <3
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12:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no, its too complicated dtm
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12:54 < dtm> ToAruShiroiNeko: :[
12:56 < dtm> ToAruShiroiNeko: but youuu can do anythiiiing
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13:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> dtm I got faith of the heart
13:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but we ran out of dilithium crystals
13:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hit by klingon missles
13:08 < dtm> ToAruShiroiNeko: our ships run on DILITHIUM!!  not on TALK!!!
13:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its produced by chatter
13:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats why production is moved to hair saloons
13:08 -!- muahaha|AFK is now known as muahaha
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13:08 < dtm> k
13:08 < gde33> no original thoughts plz
13:09 < dtm> original research is banned
13:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its not research
13:09 < gde33> banned by a believe system
13:09 < dtm> welcome to the hair saloon.  yes siree, i do believe i'll have y'all rustle me up one of them permanent afros
13:09 < gde33> imagine that
13:10 < dtm> ToAruShiroiNeko: it's not research!  IT'S GENETICS
13:10 < gde33> an authorative ideology on wikipedia
13:10 < gde33> one all others should obey
13:10 < gde33> I use to think it was a good thing :D
13:10 < dtm> yes i'd like one of those, too, please, if it isn't too much trouble and all
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13:11 < dtm> we've all just got to authoritatively BELIEVE.  never give up, never forget.
13:11 -!- Magog_the_Ogre [~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
13:11 < dtm> NEVER SURRENDER.
13:11 < gde33> wp ends up favoring popculture over intelectual goods
13:11 < gde33> over science!
13:12 < dtm> oic
13:12 < gde33> we can have articles about any crazy software, rock band or biblical scripture, just not original research, that would be bad (!?!)!!!??
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13:16 < dtm> gde33: about crazy software which was never publicly announced or seen!
13:16 < dtm> i've written just a tad of OR
13:16 < gde33> and it is wonderfull
13:16 < gde33> or not?
13:17 < gde33> I read so many of these articles I cant say I dislike them
13:17 < dtm> there needs to be multiple tiers or classes of wikipedia.  there's already a list class and a stub class, so why not a "original research" class? ;)
13:17 < dtm> yeah there is an aspect of lore which needs to be preserved and which wont go anywhere else
13:17 < dtm> on some other web site
13:17 < gde33> because some people have executive privilage, they wrote the guideline themselves
13:17 < gde33> hahaha
13:17 < dtm> obscure minutea which is nonetheleess compelling, substantial, and part of a greater notable culture
13:18 < gde33> yes, specially the crazy stuff is important
13:18 < dtm> yeah.
13:18 < dtm> here's to the crazy ones!
13:18 < gde33> god wanted it this way!
13:18 < dtm> {{wikiproject | class=crazy}}
13:18 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat]
13:18 < dtm> importance=irrelevant
13:18 < gde33> in stead we have an anti wikiproject
13:18 < dtm> class=dreck
13:19 < gde33> entirely aimed at deleting as much fringe works as possible
13:19 < gde33> lmao
13:19 < gde33> so we end up with a high % rock bands now
13:19 < dtm> gde33: are you talking about anything specifically, or all of wikipedia in general?
13:19 < dtm> yeah i'm working on rock bands ;)
13:19 < gde33> as general as possible
13:19 < dtm> but i'm working on making them more human and positive and culturally relevant, rather than just lists and statistics
13:19 < dtm> more quotations and samples
13:19 < gde33> rock bands are not bad to have, people enjoy writing huge articles about these things
13:19 < gde33> those articles have tons of readers
13:20 < dtm> yeah.
13:20 < gde33> who am I to have an opinion about that?
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13:20 < gde33> I should invade this area of the wiki to enforce my disinterest?
13:20 < gde33> lol
13:20 < dtm> there's a lot of non-notable or uncited junk, but people are interested
13:21 < gde33> if it fits the scope of an encyclopedia it should stay
13:21 < dtm> in such cases, maybe we could look at it as simply incomplete.  a work in progress.
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13:21 < dtm> i've seen a lot of articles which are {{unreferenced}} for many years, but the subject is notable
13:21 < gde33> I would have done so many things so much different from wikimedia, but now that we kinda have what we have it is hard to get people to agree to blindly try new things.
13:22 < gde33> The first thing I would make would be a wikisoftware for ONE article.
13:22 < NotASpy> What am I reading at the moment ?
13:22 < gde33> then you can bugger off and write that one article, call us when it is finished lol
13:23 < gde33> NotASpy: you are now reading the #wikipedia-en channel
13:23 < dtm> gde33: what do you mean about wikisoftware for one article?
13:23 < dtm> NotASpy: agreed.
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13:23 < gde33> in stead of a whole wiki
13:23 < dtm> NotASpy: i am a reliable primary source for that statement
13:24 < gde33> basically a javascript wikicode interpreter
13:24 < NotASpy> I thought I'd stumbled into the twilight zone or something. Original research a good idea. The ramblings of a mad person, I'm afraid.
13:24 < gde33> with a single html document that one can edit and post back to the site
13:24 < dtm> NotASpy: EPARSE incomplete sentences
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13:25 < gde33> NotASpy: meet me half way : this is your opinion or not?
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13:25 < gde33> your opinion is that I'm a mad person?
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13:25 < dtm> gde33: i'm afraid that i dont follow what you mean about the software
13:25 < gde33> I'm not offended
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13:25 < gde33> just for the sake of argument
13:25 < NotASpy> if you think original research is acceptable for an encyclopedia, you're mad. Totally mad.
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13:26 < gde33> that is your opinion right?
13:26 < gde33> you don't have medical documents that show this to be true
13:26 < gde33> agreed?
13:26 < gde33> I don't object to you having an ideology but why would you get to enforce it?
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13:26 < NotASpy> do you see Encyclopedia Britannica carrying out their own research ?
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13:26 < gde33> what makes you so special?
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13:27 < NotASpy> that'll be a no then.
13:27 < gde33> I'm mostly aiming at the line of original research not being fixed here
13:27 < gde33> that you do understand right?
13:28 < gde33> NotASpy: people write about all kinds of topics on the wiki, the things they want to write about are not always in line with the things wikipedia wants
13:28 < NotASpy> Original research would have Wikipedia taken down from the internet within days for all sorts of libelous nonsense, and rightly so. OR is suggesting someone rapes children because they drive an ice cream van.
13:28 < gde33> this is why systematic suppression is applied
13:28 < gde33> NotASpy: oh but I do agree with that
13:29 < gde33> NotASpy: things are not as black and white
13:29 < dtm> NotASpy: there's no need to be so rude.  he's simply stating that there should be a way to reconcile *some* original research with non-original research.
13:29 < gde33> If I want to use peer reviewed papers in an article and this is refused because of the journal not being prominent enough to be allowed to introduced a non status quo view
13:30 < NotASpy> there's absolutely no way to reconcile original research here for precisely that reason, amongst countless others.
13:30 < gde33> dtm: there is a need to be rude
13:30 < dtm> there is a non-zero amount of original research which is relevant to an encyclopedia, especially since the entire concepts of original research and reliable sources can be subjective and specious
13:30 < gde33> dtm: what I'm suggesting goes directly against his ideology
13:30 < dtm> gde33: there's no need to be rude.
13:31 < gde33> if people want to be rude about fringe topics it doesn't bother me, that is what I mean.
13:31 < NotASpy> so you're going to permit original research, who gets to decide what original research is permitted and what original research is barred, that's equally subjective and specious.
13:31 < dtm> yeah well whatever; not everyone else wants or needs to see it!
13:31 < dtm> and it isn't necessary
13:31 < gde33> NotASpy: we should not have unsourced materials of course
13:32 < gde33> NotASpy: the question is where to draw the line
13:32 < dtm> as it stands, we just insert templates.  we can write a small amoutn of original research if strictly necessary, and label it as such.
13:32 < NotASpy> gde33: but if you permit any source, I'll just put my crackpot theories in a paper on my own site.
13:32 < gde33> I think the line is much to far towards a negative believe system, an endorsed ideology
13:32 < dtm> calling it a work in progress, a best effort, and waiting for someone to create a totally superior version.
13:32 < gde33> NotASpy: agreed, we cant have that either
13:33 < gde33> lets take parapsychology journals for example
13:33 < gde33> there are many topics that wont be discussed in other journals, obviously
13:33 < NotASpy> the reason we have banned OR, why sourcing is now totally subjective (and it's not perfect, nothing is) is because authors game journals.
13:33 < gde33> are the opinions in those parapsychology journals worthy of inclusion or should they be deleted for being OR?
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13:34 < gde33> you do have to understand all you have left to write about the topic is news articles and skeptic books.
13:34 < gde33> if you ban the "offical" information you are left with trash that you cant even write an article out of.
13:35 < gde33> most of the current fringe articles are just so bad
13:35 < NotASpy> it depends, because it's a bit of a free for all, some of the journals are complete trash, a waste of paper and bandwidth. Paraspychology, even as a fringe/pseudo science, could be better organised. There are experts on it, now some scientists might think they're a bit mad, but they could and should be peer reviewing stuff and setting some sort of quality threshold.
13:35  * The_Blade loves the journal of the AAPS...
13:36 -!- Rihanlibraryraid is now known as Rihan
13:36 < gde33> I think your bias against this stuff is strong enough on it's own, I don't think groups of editors who think like you need special rules to be able to "deal with" lone pseudoscience pov pushers? Or what are they called now?
13:36 < gde33> why all the machinery?
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13:37 < The_Blade> is an interesting read if you're into the fringe/pseudoscience topics.
13:37 < gde33> if some scientists think they are loony toons, why would you not need a source for this original research?
13:37 < NotASpy> just because something can't be explained by mainstream science doesn't mean it can't be the subject of sensible discussion and a good journal article by parapsychologists or whatever.
13:38 < dtm> one interesting potential use of OR would be to describe why something is noteworthy.  there may be an article citing something important, but not why it's important.  so anyone without expertise won't know why they should even read it.  there may be a person of expertise or insight, who knows why it's important (what it takes to achieve a certain award, or the context of the situation).  i suppose that should be in the ==Notes== section?
13:38 < gde33> NotASpy: that much is obvious, at least to me.
13:38 < dtm> because we should be expanding subjects beyond just their area and audience of immediate expertise.
13:38 < gde33> NotASpy: attribute it to source if it says weird things
13:39 < gde33> dtm: describing the conflict between editors is often better than chosing a winner
13:40 < gde33> I've seen this, "wikipedians discussed ..." citations long long ago. :D
13:40 < gde33> *these
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13:42 < dtm> gde33: i have not seen that.
13:42 < NotASpy> gde33: then it comes back to the source you're attributing it to. The major problem with non mainstream science (or indeed any topics) is that there is a lack of proper peer reviewed content and a massive over supply of stuff that can be used to reference all points in an argument.
13:42 < gde33> that is a huge problem
13:43 < gde33> so now we need even more restrictions?
13:43 < gde33> NotASpy: Articles that say negative things about topics have huge impact on proponents of ideas. Wikipedia very much becomes the authority on the topic and promotes contradictory claims.
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13:43 < gde33> The skeptic knee jerk rules the wiki and the google and announces his religious arguments.
13:44 < The_Blade> Hence the link I put in above
13:44 < gde33> The_Blade: yeah, good one that was
13:44 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:45 < NotASpy> The problem isn't really Wikipedia's, it's the lack of good content created by paranormal experts. Yes, WP could in some cases do more to be more balanced but without good reliable material it's difficult.
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13:46 < gde33> paranormal experts don't want to work with teams of skeptics, who dont read, who dont contribute, who don't collaborate on talk pages, who plaster your userpage with banners.
13:47 < gde33> they run away like the cowards they are :P
13:47 < gde33> thats not what we want from them
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13:48 < gde33> one good thing needs to be said about these skeptic cults, often theirs is the only remaining published material about their subjects.
13:48 < NotASpy> they shouldn't be working on WP at all, they should be running proper journals, writing proper papers and providing reliable material to explain what cannot be explained by mainstream science (or at least, providing sensible contrasting ideas).
13:48 < The_Blade> They create associations like the AAPS or Conservapedia instead of actually making up cogent arguments.
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13:48 < gde33> NotASpy: that is most often not possible
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13:49 < gde33> The_Blade: yes, it salves nothing. lol
13:49 < The_Blade> Although it does at least provide some comic relief for the rest of us.
13:50 < gde33> nasty to laugh at peoples misfortune
13:50 < gde33> have to keep reminding yourself not to
13:50 < NotASpy> gde33: without that, you'll never improve WP's coverage of those topics. With a lot of topics, if you were to permit original research, there would be vast disputes about the original research, disagreements that are largely off site at the moment would be dragged on here.
13:51 < gde33> you have to picture the rules we have combined with the negative bias
13:52 < NotASpy> who would you let perform OR on Wikipedia though - it has to be open to everybody. Do we really want every interested party writing their own thoughts on paranormal activity on WP, and bundling it into certain articles ?
13:52 -!- farouezt [~zad@gateway/tor-sasl/farouezt] has quit [Quit: Quitte]
13:53 < gde33> we must imagine borderline topics without actually naming any
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13:53 < gde33> Currently you don't have to bother trying to contribute to fringe articles. You can try propose something on the talk page only to be harshly rejected by one in 300 skeptics.
13:53 < gde33> it seems there is always a skeptic available to deny everything.
13:53 < NotASpy> it would be far better if they all got together elsewhere and collaborated on something we can then use.
13:54 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
13:54 < gde33> and let wikipedia troll them?
13:54 < gde33> yes, that seems the only alternative
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13:54 < gde33> or you can contact the reliable sources and ask them to pull your publication
13:54 < gde33> then AFD the article
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13:56 < gde33> NotASpy: I think we can look at other categories and see what happens if you unleash the .... say software developers?
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13:57 < NotASpy> I don't see why any fringe subject cannot produce a journal in the vein of something like PLOS. The disagreements and theories in main stream science are often no different to those in fringe subjects, but it all works.
13:57 < gde33> I dont have to believe in astrology to see it is a believe system. lol
13:57 < gde33> they do, you may not use the fringe journal because it is fringe
13:57 < gde33> perfect circular reasoning
13:58 < The_Blade> The trick is, you have to use such things to discuss what *the believers themselves* believe.
13:59 < IRWolfie-> The_Blade: that essay advocates for the use of primary fringe sources
13:59 < gde33> IRWolfie-: hi
13:59 < IRWolfie-> basing articles on primary sources of any kind is a bad idea
13:59 < IRWolfie-> gde33: hello you
13:59 < The_Blade> I.e. no one in their right mind would ever use an AAPS journal article as a source for a medical claim, but it could potentially be quite useful as a demonstration of what the AAPS believes.
14:00 < IRWolfie-> The_Blade: For what purposes
14:00 < IRWolfie-> ?
14:00 < gde33> history
14:01 < IRWolfie-> gde33: if you want to do original research to construct history then wikipedia is not a place
14:01 < IRWolfie-> We can just defer to reliable sources for the history of a fringe movement
14:01 < gde33> history of original research
14:01 < gde33> that wont describe it
14:01 < IRWolfie-> ?
14:02 < The_Blade> If we want to use astrology as an example, astrology books are an insight into what astrologers believed.  No one would seriously use them as science books, but if you're writing about astrology you have to show exactly what its practitioners elieved
14:02 < The_Blade> *believed.
14:02 < IRWolfie-> gde33: We have an article on Astrology, and we don't need to restort to fringe journals to describe it
14:02 < gde33> that is your opinion
14:02 < IRWolfie-> The_Blade: The problem is that there is nothing close to a uninform position within astrology
14:02 < gde33> one of a person who doesn't believe such things
14:03 < IRWolfie-> You'll find positions as varied as claiming it is divination, religion and science
14:03 < IRWolfie-> gde33: "such things". What things?
14:03 < The_Blade> Well, yeah, it's a general example.
14:03 < gde33> astrology
14:03 < gde33> that was the example
14:03 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:03 < IRWolfie-> and out of curiosity, what's your nick?
14:03 < gde33> then the question becomes how it bothers you if astrologists write articles for astrologists just like it works with religion.
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14:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> astrology is a science
14:04 < Peter-C>
14:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> science of bullshit :)
14:04 < gde33> or fringe physicists
14:04 < gde33> ToAruShiroiNeko: if you like, yes
14:04 < IRWolfie-> gde33: it bothers me that they aren't reliable for what they write
14:04 < IRWolfie-> they don't have a reputation for accuracy and reliability
14:04 < gde33> that is your opinion
14:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IRWolfie- sure they do, they are always right given how vaige they are
14:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I can predict just as nicely
14:05 < IRWolfie-> gde33: Do you really want a straw poll about whether people think astrology journals are reliable for more than opinion?
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14:05 < IRWolfie-> because last time with correlation that resulted in Jimbo himself panning it
14:05 < gde33> yes, but then only the readers of those articles would get to vote
14:05 < gde33> that would be great
14:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> astrology isnt verifiable info
14:05 < gde33> you never read these articles, you only read mainstream journals, why does it bother you if fringe physicists write about fringe physics?
14:06 < gde33> as long as they dont make statements of fact it seems fine
14:06 < IRWolfie-> gde33: You are asking the wrong question
14:06 < gde33> IRWolfie-: intentionally
14:06  * ToAruShiroiNeko grabs The_Blade and cuts things
14:06 < IRWolfie-> gde33: are you 84.*?
14:06 -!- Guest91773 [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
14:07 < gde33> yes, the universally refused contributor
14:07 < gde33> haha
14:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> The_Blade might I pm you in the very near future?
14:07 < IRWolfie-> gde33: Did you have the same nick the last time I talked to you?
14:07 < The_Blade> Sure
14:07 < gde33> IRWolfie-: yes
14:08 < IRWolfie-> gde33: It doesn't bother me if fringe physicists want to write about fringe physics. They already do. That isn't a question that concerns wikipedia.
14:08 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
14:08 < gde33> I was curious about your personal opinion so that I may understand your view better :)
14:09 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
14:10 < gde33> it is really ok regardless what rules are in place, if my contributions are not useful I will go do something else
14:10 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
14:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> gde33 we tend to think in the context of whats suitable onw ikipedia
14:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> whats reliable sources
14:10 < gde33> sure, I understand
14:12 < gde33> the only real argument I have is that popculture grows on undesturbed and that the more GB of popculture we have on wikipedia the weirder it gets to refuse physics articles.
14:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont believe in astrology and I find it to be BS, you have every right to believe in it
14:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> pop-culture is verifiable
14:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its a movie you can watch
14:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its a bad idea to mix pop culture and actual sicence articles of course
14:12 < gde33> you cant argue against having content in one context then applaud it in annother
14:12 < Bazinga> can russavia into space
14:13 < gde33> there are plenty of reliable sources for a lot of OR
14:13 < gde33> lets forget about the material without sources, that will never be used.
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14:24 < ihaveamac> wikivoyage has the only really customized portal
14:24 < ihaveamac>
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14:55 < IRWolfie-> gde33: what you said doesn't make sense. There is no reliable sources for OR, that is why it is OR.
14:56 < IRWolfie-> s/There is/There are/
14:57 < gde33> IRWolfie-: there can be reliable sources for the existance of a theory while it may still not be included.
14:57 < Swob> yeah
14:58 < Swob> wow they just got snow in ARKANSAS
14:58 < The_Blade> Well, they have mountains there.
14:58 < Swob> and also some in Oklahoma
14:58 < gde33> IRWolfie-: fringe is a better context
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15:17 < Cncmaster> What is it today with minors and posting personal information?
15:17 < IRWolfie-> gde33: Your meaning is not clear
15:18 < The_Blade> Cncmaster; I've often wondered that myself.
15:18 < The_Blade> Make sure you get an oversighter if it's really bad.
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15:18 < Cncmaster> 2 oversight requests in the past 15 minutes, 4 pages.
15:19 < Cncmaster> I have the oversight page bookmarked on my links page just for that.
15:19 < The_Blade> Ah, good.
15:20  * The_Blade once found a 10 year old who seemed to be intent on publishing her entire genealogy on her userpage... even the oversighters were stunned at how much was up there.
15:20 < Cncmaster> I found a 12 year old earlier who had to post the gps coords of her location
15:20 < Cncmaster> just amazing
15:21 < gde33> IRWolfie-: like I said: the only real argument I have is that popculture grows on undesturbed and that the more GB of popculture we have on wikipedia the weirder it gets to refuse physics articles.
15:21 < gde33> IRWolfie-: you dont understand this?
15:21 < The_Blade> The other really bad one I saw was the 9 year old who wrote in detail about being molested...
15:22 < Cncmaster> Sounds great.
15:22 < gde33> IRWolfie-: you might be saving the world from x, that was not the goal
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15:23 < Swob> whoa 18 inches of snow in Minnesota
15:23 < dtm> what's the best way to cite sales stats for artists and albums and singles?  so far i'm looking up the 'awards' tab on allmusic (like for Billboard 200), and sometimes I can find some things on  but i can't find "sacred fire: live in south america" on  i can only find allmusic's secondary citation of billboard.
15:23 < The_Blade> The amount of really weird stuff you see goes up by a factor of 10 when you become an admin; I can only imagine what it is for oversighters.
15:23 < Swob> blade yikes
15:23 < dtm> The_Blade: :-o
15:23 < Swob> did you do anything
15:23 < Swob> alos we have to consider some of these mightr be fake
15:24 < Swob> i suspect a lot of trolls like to talk about being sexually abused since they know it's one topic everyone will take seriously
15:24 < The_Blade> There wasn't a location there, just some vague stuff; it didn't look at all real to me.  I told the oversight people to do what they thought was right.
15:24 < Swob> I dont know how likely they are to do it on Wikipedia
15:24 < gde33> IRWolfie-: I'm just looking how things work just out of curiosity, not nesarly to invent the wheel.
15:24 < Cncmaster> I've been keeping Fred Bauder busy for the past 30 minutes.
15:24 < Cncmaster> With pages needing oversight.
15:24  * The_Blade of late has read plenty about what abused children act and sound like, and that userpage didn't really fit well.
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15:26 < Cncmaster> I have sent 17 requests in the past 3 months.
15:26 < Cncmaster> According to my growing email inbox.
15:27 < Cncmaster> Usually containing 4-5 pages that need checking each.
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15:30 < Swob> anyway 3 inches of snow in Arkansas
15:31 < Cncmaster> I've never seen newpages with no yellow on it
15:31 < Cncmaster> until right now
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15:34 < The_Blade> At the moment, I actually like it because I can filter out the people trying to contact me on my talkpage who can't take a few strong hints; once I'm out of that mode, I'm sure my reaction will be like most peoples'.
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15:35 < greenrosetta> Orb
15:36  * The_Blade will find out at some point, though probably not for a while yet.
15:37 < Peter-C> The_Blade - I am famous
15:37 < Peter-C> I am in the paper
15:37 < greenrosetta> crime section?
15:37 < The_Blade> For anything particularly remarkable?
15:37 < Peter-C> Press in town took a pic of me assisting a ped struck
15:37 < Cncmaster> Peter-C: proof?
15:37 < greenrosetta> hit and run?  that's bad
15:37 < greenrosetta> shame on you
15:37 < greenrosetta> :D
15:37 < Peter-C> Well, hit and stay
15:37 < The_Blade> Oh, those are always fun to deal with...
15:37 < Cncmaster> Pics or gtfo :)
15:38 < greenrosetta> ^^
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15:38 < Peter-C> The_Blade - I then had to go mutual aid to another town, 4 teenagers were ATRA
15:38 < The_Blade> Sounds like one hell of a day...
15:38 < Peter-C> PD innocently did a vechicle stop in front of a house that just so happened to be having a party
15:38 < Peter-C> kids freak
15:38 < Peter-C> guess how many cops had to come and round up the kids
15:38 < Cncmaster> 20?
15:39 < greenrosetta> 100
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15:39 < greenrosetta> 1 million
15:39 < The_Blade> Let's just guess "a lot" and see what he says.
15:39 < greenrosetta> ok, 3
15:39 < Peter-C> 17
15:39 < Cncmaster> I was close.
15:39 < Peter-C> Two towns full police force
15:39 < The_Blade> Yikes.
15:40 < greenrosetta> For all the times I've been chased by cops, I'm surprised they never got me
15:40 < Cncmaster> O.o
15:40 < greenrosetta> fear makes the legs go woo woo
15:40 < Peter-C> The_Blade - I then took the SATs
15:40 < Peter-C> 2 hours of sleep
15:40 < Peter-C> ^_^
15:40 < Cncmaster> What a day.
15:41 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Quit:  HydraIRC -> <- Nine out of ten l33t h4x0rz prefer it]
15:41 < The_Blade> Oh, then that was a *hell* of a day.
15:41 < Peter-C> mhm
15:41 < Peter-C> My last Friday night
15:41 < Peter-C> Now I work Monday's
15:42  * The_Blade knows a doctor who had to deal with woman who drank a fifth of whiskey; blood alcohol of .8
15:42 < Peter-C> Ended on a high note
15:42 < The_Blade> So I see.
15:42 < greenrosetta> .8?
15:42 < greenrosetta> that's dead
15:42 < Peter-C> Dude, you should see the drunk we deal with in my town. He does 2 12 packs in a night.
15:42 < The_Blade> If she hadn't eaten a full dinner 5 minutes before, she would have died.
15:42 < Peter-C> Than he gets depressed and calls us
15:43  * Cncmaster is glad he doesn't live in the same town Peter-C does.
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15:46 < dtm> Peter-C: what do you do, that makes you have to deal with such things?
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15:47 < Peter-C> EMT
15:47 < The_Blade> What else?
15:47 < Peter-C> I could be a cop
15:47 < gde33> lol
15:47 < The_Blade> Well, true.
15:47 < Peter-C> My dream title is firefighter paramedic police occifer
15:47 -!- sd|dinner is now known as sdamashek
15:47 < Peter-C> And yes
15:47 < Peter-C> I said occifer
15:48 < Swob> evenin' occifer
15:48 < Peter-C> That's what drunk pts call the police
15:48 < Swob> ive been mistaken for drunk a few times while driving on unfamilair roads at 4 am
15:49 < IRWolfie-> Peter-C: 12 pack of cans or bottles?
15:49 < Peter-C> Cans
15:50 < Swob> thats tsill a lot
15:50 < Peter-C> yea
15:50 < Peter-C> Better than the house party
15:50 < IRWolfie-> not sure how it is where you are, but every village here seems to have the odd public alcholic
15:50 < Swob> heh
15:50 < Peter-C> Everyone was wearing the booze on their shirts
15:50 < Peter-C> I'll let you imagine why that is
15:50 < Swob> a blood alcohol calculator wont even go that high
15:50 < Peter-C> bbl
15:51 < Swob> hmm, its actually not *ridiculous;ly* high if you drink slowly
15:52  * The_Blade never did get the attraction to being really drunk...
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15:53 < Swob> WP says that the highest known BAC that has been survived is 1.60%
15:54 < kelapstick> I am willing to give that a shot
15:54 < dtm> what's the best way to cite sales stats for artists and albums and singles?  so far i'm looking up the 'awards' tab on allmusic (like for Billboard 200), and sometimes I can find some things on  but i can't find "sacred fire: live in south america" on  i can only find allmusic's secondary citation of billboard.
15:54 < dtm> there's no official template for musical awards, except for {{allmusic}}, is there?
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15:58 < Swob>
15:58 < Swob> doesnt really match the stereotype
15:58 < Swob> except for Finland
15:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> The_Blade hah you are too sharp to get really drunk clearly
15:58 < The_Blade> Heh.
15:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> how the hell is russia sober?
15:59 < Swob> it looks like it's basically the ex-Communist countries that have the strictest drunk driving laws
15:59 < Shirik> 0.00?
15:59 < Shirik> like
15:59 < Shirik> you could accidentally swallow a cup of mouthwash and end up above 0.00
15:59  * The_Blade was just thinking that.
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16:02 < IShadowed_> > * JemBeep has quit (Quit: EATING CHILDREN TURNS ME ON)
16:02 < IShadowed_> what
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16:03 < Isarra> Some people like attention. Saying stuff like that gets them attention.
16:03 < The_Blade> Is it really all *that* different from saying "EATING CORNISH GAME HENS TURNS ME ON" or "EATING VEAL TURNS ME ON"?
16:03 < Swob> cornish game hens deserve it
16:04 < Isarra> Caps lock is a favourite of attention whores.
16:04  * The_Blade never liked them all that much, despite being a big-time meat eater.
16:04 < BlastHardcheese> om nom nom
16:05 < The_Blade> My sympathies lie with haggis and faggots, personally.
16:05 < The_Blade> Even though I'm American.
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16:06 < Isarra> Dead mature animals are better.
16:06 < Isarra> More meat.
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16:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Isarra costs more to grow
16:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> best is eggs
16:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> as cheap as it gets to manifacture
16:13 < Isarra> Well, costs more as a whole. But if you've got land, some steers can almost manage themselves.
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16:14 < Isarra> ...sometimes too well, at which point you have to track them into the neighbour's pond and forcibly drag them back.
16:15 < eeekster> what part of a ship do they ride in?
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16:16 < Demiurge1000> steers? Steerage, presumably
16:17 < The_Blade> Either there or at the wheel.
16:18 < eeekster> yep
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16:44 < jorm> So, who wants to start raging against the machine?
16:44 < jorm> 'cause I got this:
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16:46 < HectorAE> I'm so confused what is this doing
16:46 < HectorAE> And why am I in jorm's account for the prototype
16:46 -!- Sky2042_afk is now known as Sky2042
16:48 < jorm> It should have asked you for a user name.
16:48 < jorm> which then fakes it to your username.
16:49 < Swob> oh is this LiquidThreads?
16:49 < Sky2042> Swob: better. Facebook.
16:49 < jorm> No.  This is Flow.
16:49 < Krenair> ... no.
16:49 < Swob> ugh. i dont use facebook
16:50  * Sky2042 chuckles.
16:50 < HectorAE> Oh sorry forget to turn on scripting
16:50 < Swob> liquid threads looks great, only thing I dont get is where is the view source button, or is there none?
16:50 < Swob> like how do I get a "diff"
16:50 < jorm> you don't?
16:50 < Swob> ok so there's no diffs
16:50 < jorm> Flow uses the Visual Editor.
16:51 < jorm> (well, it will.)
16:51 < jorm> the demo doesn't.
16:51 < Krenair> jorm, do you know when WMF plans to start coding Flow?
16:51 < HectorAE> So will this become the standard for Talk pages?
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16:51 < Sky2042> HectorAE: yes
16:52 < jorm> Krenair: Within the next few months, I think.
16:52 < Krenair> As I've been patching LQT a lot lately (hence the popping up as soon as someone says 'LiquidThreads') I'm kinda interested
16:52 < jorm> HectorAE: yes.
16:52 < jorm> It is currently planned (by me, but maybe not by Terry) that Flow is an upgrade path from LQT.
16:52 < jorm> And I expect there will be a decision made about porting the LQT codebase to Flow.
16:53 < jorm> We want to make the database structure compatible.
16:53 < James_F> Yeah.
16:53 < James_F> LQT3 had a good DB backend design we might want to steal.
16:53 < James_F> Rather than re-inventing the wheel.
16:53 < jorm> I know, because I helped write that backend.
16:53 < Swob> so what will happen to old user talk page edits ?
16:53 < jorm> FLow has a lot of concepts that LQT does not, like subscriptions and such.
16:53 < Swob> and other talk page edits
16:54 < jorm> They get archived off into "Historical" discussion pages.
16:54 < Swob> ok
16:54 < jorm> hrm.  lemme give you a thing to read, Swob
16:54 < SuicidalZerg> mareklug, they didn't have anything to test it there >.>
16:54 < jorm> This starts the conversation;
16:54 < SuicidalZerg> So I got a new one. (Same model).
16:54 < jorm> at the bottom, i talk about use cases.
16:55 < SuicidalZerg> And it's still ghosting, even on a different TV, lol
16:55 < HectorAE> Will archiving and such work the same way?
16:55 < jorm> no!  archiving will work differenty.
16:55 < jorm> first, we need to understand what we mean with "archive"
16:55 < jorm> currently, to "archive" something means "put it onto a sub page, never to be seen again".  it means "no one has talked in this thread for a while, so bye bye" - to reduce clutter.
16:56 < BlastHardcheese> I've looked at archives :/
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16:56 < jorm> Flow doesn't need to have that done.  When no one talks in a thread, it just stays right where it is.  It doesn't clutter, because Flow discussions are a stream.  The topic is still there, but you need to scroll to it or search for it.
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16:56 < jorm> When we talk about "archiving" in Flow, we really mean "locking"
16:57 < Swob> do you think ANI and other noticeboards will also switch over?
16:57 < jorm> You lock a thread with a summary/hat note.  Done.  No one responds.  and it falls off the stack normally over time.
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16:58  * Sky2042 twitches at the word 'stack'.
16:58 < jorm> Now, we have a new concept called "Stale topics".  If no one has replied to a topic in 2 weeks, it's "stale".  And if you try to respond, you get notified "this thread is kind of dead, dude, you probably don't want to reply"
16:58 -!- Computron is now known as Guest40323
16:58 < jorm> Swob:  We aren't looking at AN/I or other noticeboards yet.  We're ONLY looking at User Talk pages.
16:58 < jorm> what we learn from that, we'll apply to other discussion types, though.
16:58 < Krenair> I'm not familiar with LQT3
16:59 < jorm> It never got implemented.  There were designs and some DB structures made.
16:59 < jorm> the project got canned in late 2011.
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16:59 < jorm> much to my chagrin.
17:00 < jorm> Sky2042: you twitch, but that's the right metaphor.
17:01 < Sky2042> jorm: I'm not saying it's not, lol.
17:01 < HectorAE> Can you still get Talk pages in wikimarkup form?
17:01 < jorm> In Flow?  No.
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17:01 < jorm> That's kind of the point.
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17:02 < jorm> WIkitext is .  . . hellish.  That's the entire driving force behind the visual editor.
17:02 < jorm> Are the conversations stored as wikitext?  probably.
17:02 < Krenair> So the VisualEditor won't actually be dealing with wikitext in Flow?
17:02 < Bazinga> anyone here have an understanding of JS for a quick question
17:03 < Krenair> yes
17:03 < jorm> ...yes and no, Krenair.
17:03 < HectorAE> But the actual topic framework is entirely server-side then?
17:03 < jorm> yeah, i know javascript.
17:03 < Bazinga> Why doesn't this work?
17:03 < jorm> The reason to use the visual editor in Flow is pretty simple:  we want to ensure that flow conversations can be edited with the visual editor.  Which means that they have to *come* from the visual editor.
17:04 < jorm> HectorAE: yes, it will be server side.  The prototype is all client side, but that is the nature of prototypes.
17:04 < Sky2042> Wait, so how will someone leave comments if they turn the VisEd off?...
17:04 < jorm> there won't be that option, Sky2042.
17:04 < Bazinga> My understanding is you can't turn it off XD
17:04 < jorm> it will be enabled by default for Flow conversations.
17:05 < jorm> Bazinga: what is this supposed to do?
17:05 < Bazinga> jorm: Add {{SVG}} to an image page.
17:05 < Bazinga> when the user clicks
17:05 < Bazinga> the SVG button
17:05 < jorm> how is it failing?
17:06 < jorm> well. wait.
17:06 < Bazinga> When I click on the button nothing happens
17:06 < jorm> you're doing a replace() and not escaping your {{ and }}
17:06  * Bazinga looks
17:07 < jorm> check and see what the console says in firefox.
17:07 < Bazinga> would chrome work as well?
17:07 < jorm> chrome sucks for debugging javascript, unfortunately.
17:07 < jorm> text = text.split('').reverse().join('').replace(
17:07 < jorm> 								'}}',
17:07 < jorm> 								'}}\n{{SVG}}'.split('').reverse().join('')
17:07 < jorm> 							).split('').reverse().join('');
17:07 < HectorAE> And will Flow go in all Talk pages?
17:07 < Krenair> wow
17:07 -!- p858snake|l is now known as p858snake|out
17:08 < jorm> replace() expects a regex; "}}" is funky.  try "\}\}"
17:08 < jorm> HectorAE: initially, all *User* talk pages.
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17:09 < HectorAE> And article Talk pages will stay on the old system? Won't that be somewhat confusing?
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17:09 < jorm> for a while, yes.  and then they'll get switched over, too.
17:09 < Sky2042> I've got a social question related to Flow then: How are you going to get all of us old birds to use it if there's no "wikitext" option? :/
17:09 < jorm> lemme rephrase the question.
17:09 < jorm> "why do you need wikitext in a conversation?"
17:10 < Sky2042> Well, that just leads you to Why do you need wikitext in anything?
17:10 < Sky2042> Would you like to answer my actual question? -_-
17:10 < jorm> for 99.9% of interactions, you only need bold, italic, underline, right?
17:11 < HectorAE> What if you want to cut and paste things from articles?
17:11 < jorm> the visual editor handles that.
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17:11 < Sky2042> What if you want to template your flow post?
17:11 < jorm> HectorAE: that's why we're not doing article talk yet.  we want to look at the use cases.
17:11 < Ironholds> Sky2042: the VE will have template support :)
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17:11 < jorm> James_F: ping ^
17:11 < James_F> Indeed.
17:11 < jorm> but what Ironholds said.
17:12 < jorm> it's just not there *quite* yet.
17:12 < HectorAE> I dunno I'm feeling sort of iffy about this
17:12 < Ironholds> HectorAE: how come?
17:12 < jorm> but why would you template your Flow post?
17:12 < Carly> Hi
17:12 < Swob> the only downside I see is that since there are no diffs, you can point to a post someone else made
17:12 < Swob> *cant
17:12 < jorm> You need to think outside of the box, here.  You're thinking about "oh, i need to template for this."  but maybe you don't.
17:12 < jorm> Swob: Why not?
17:12 < Swob> you just have to point to the whole page
17:12 < James_F> Swob: Each post will have a permanent link; you don't need a diff.
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17:12 < jorm> there will be urls to point to thins.
17:12 < Ironholds> Swob: I imagine you totally could. Flow is built around the idea that posts have primacy, not pages (sort of the opposite of pages at the moment)
17:12 < Bazinga> jorm: is that what you mean?
17:12 < HectorAE> The whole VisEd thing just seems needlessly complicated to me
17:12 < Swob> and yeah, i guess, no more templates with Twinkle etc
17:13 < jorm> nope.  Load up that prototype.  Click the "single topic" link on the sidebar.  BAM.
17:13 < HectorAE> But what about anon (non-user) posts?
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17:13 < Krenair> HectorAE, um, as opposed to wikitext!?
17:13 < Swob> well OK I misunderstood when you said there were no diffs then
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17:13 < Ironholds> Swob: no diffs, in the sense that everything is its own post rather than everything being a revision to one, single post
17:13 < Swob> can posts be "reverted" ?
17:13 < HectorAE> Wikitext is simple.
17:13 < jorm> Bazinga: aye, but you may also need to escape ALL of them.
17:13 < Ironholds> which, with the current format, is basically what happens.
17:13 < Bazinga> all the }'s?
17:14 < Bazinga> so including the {{SVG}}
17:14 < Ironholds> you have [page]. [page] has timestamped revisions, each one of which contains everything. when you go to [page], it pulls up the latest timestamped revision.
17:14 < jorm> yeah.
17:14 < Bazinga> or am I totally off
17:14 < jorm> javascript regexes are weird.
17:14 < jorm> you have to play with them.
17:14 < Ironholds> and if you think about this, this is kinda irrational for discussions, right?
17:14 < Ironholds> it's like saying that the important thing about a discussion space is the sign on the door, not what people are saying.
17:14 < Swob> from what I rememeber, LiquidThreads was basically just a bunch of transclusions
17:15 < Swob> this sounds different
17:15 < jorm> Twinkle we can handle.  And yes, LQT is a lot of transclusions.
17:15 < Krenair> Swob, wat
17:17 < jorm> i think he means that each reply is a page transclusion.
17:17 < jorm> which it is, technically.
17:18 < HectorAE> What if the user/browser isn't using JS?
17:18 < jorm> well, we'll deal with that during the development phase.
17:18 < jorm> the prototype requires javascript.
17:18 < Bazinga> jorm: it says that "section" is not defined
17:18 < Bazinga> could that be the whole thing?
17:18 < jorm> yes, it could.
17:19 < Swob> will the new format get rid of edit conflicts?
17:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> jorm o hai
17:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> can I steal you at some point?
17:19 < jorm> there won't be edit conflicts, swob.
17:19 < jorm> there aren't in LQT, really.
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17:20 < jorm> ToAruShiroiNeko: for?
17:20 < Krenair> Except when two people try to edit the same reply, I think
17:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tech question
17:20 < James_F> Amongst other things, yes.
17:20 < James_F> Krenair: Yeah, but people aren't really meant to edit their replies. :-)
17:20 < jorm> Krenair: We're sort of removing that opportunity.
17:20 < jorm> ToAruShiroiNeko: shoot
17:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> okay
17:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> consider
17:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am hoping to move that data to wikidata
17:21 < Krenair> jorm, uhh... okay. No more editing other people's replies then?
17:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> when do you think that will be a posibility
17:21 < Krenair> Or no more editing replies at all!?
17:21 < jorm> Nope.  The fact that you can do that is *insane*.
17:21 < Ironholds> ToAruShiroiNeko: jorm isn't involved in wikidata, to my knowledge; that's in development by WMDE
17:21 < jorm> Admins will be able to, but even then, maybe not the text.  It may be that they can only set "hidden"
17:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I want infoboxes and templates to be able to pull memberhsip dates given date input
17:21 < jorm> yeah, i've not got anything in wikidata.
17:21 < Ironholds> I'd recommend poking Lydia_WMDE in -office
17:22 < Ironholds> (she's probably asleep right now, but I imagine she'll get it when she wakes up)
17:22 < jorm> yeah.  what Ironholds says.
17:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont want to poke her when she is asleap, that'd be creepy
17:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but ok :)
17:22  * Ironholds snorts
17:22 < Ironholds> users poke me while I'm sleepin' regularly. Luckily I don't sleep in the cables.
17:22 < Krenair> Yeah it's 02:22 in Germany right now...
17:23 < Swob> so it's basically like a forum
17:23 < Swob> a web forum, e.g. phpBB
17:23 < HectorAE> You know what I want people to do
17:23 < Ironholds> Swob: not really. for two reasons.
17:23 < Ironholds> forst; phpBB follows the "pages have primacy, posts are secondary" model
17:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I pmed her :)
17:23 < Ironholds> and second: phpbb is a piece of shit.
17:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> jorm so you find it crazy? :p
17:23 < Ironholds> I say that as someone who has been using its various iterations since they were 12.
17:23 < HectorAE> I want an automated tool that takes refs from linked articles on one article and allows you to automatically choose some of them and put them in that article
17:23 < Swob> whaaat i thought you were older
17:24 < jorm> that you can edit other people's comments?  that's insane.
17:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Ironholds you dont have a poke-o-matic?
17:24 < Ironholds> ToAruShiroiNeko: thank god no.
17:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> jorm no, I meant the template structure
17:24 < Ironholds> I could develop the opposite system, though. Users try to poke me with fallacious questions, they get 40 amps to the nipples.
17:25 < Sky2042> Ironholds: ow.
17:25 < Ironholds> well, that thoroughly killed conversation
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17:26 < Ironholds> ToAruShiroiNeko: no, he was referring to the comment-editin' ;p
17:26 < Sky2042> jorm: You must be living in a dream world then. I see people editing others' comments on talk pages all the time...
17:26 < Bazinga> jorm: I get "An error occurred while editing the page :/
17:26 < Ironholds> Sky2042: "it happens" does not mean "it is not batshit insane"
17:26 < Ironholds> north korea, for example, is batshit insane. It totally exists.
17:26 < Ironholds> Although if you want to just wander north of the DMZ to check... ;p
17:27 < Sky2042> Ironholds: True.  But that does not mean it should not be accounted for in whatever editing system.
17:27 < Sky2042> If that is the case.
17:27 < Ironholds> Sky2042: yes and no,.
17:27 < Ironholds> So, what I mean by that; we should, in Flow, support template syntax. Why? Well, you get things like notifications templates.
17:28 < Swob> hmm
17:28 < Ironholds> but, what are notifications templates actually trying to do? They're trying to inform people that "X is happening and you should take part". That's the core goal - the implementation is irrelevant.
17:28 < Swob> will people have free reign over their own talkpage? I can see people getting upset if they arent allowed to remove harassment from their own talkpage
17:28 < HectorAE> So what we're saying is that we're basically getting rid of wikitext for Talk pages
17:28 < Ironholds> so we could support templates for that, or we could include a tagging feature, or etc, etc.
17:28 < Sky2042> Ironholds: Implying notification templates are the only templates used. Don't go down a strawman sir!
17:28 < Ironholds> Sky2042: hah ;p. No, we are supporting templates.
17:29 < Ironholds> I picked notification templates because that we can implement in other manners; I'm trying to demonstrate that the actual implementation is irrelevant, as long as /an/ implementation is valid.
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17:29 < Ironholds> So, what are people trying to do when they edit others' comments? remove harassment? close a conversation off? We can support these things in other fashions
17:30 < Swob> does that mean no?
17:30 < Swob> you dont have control over your own talkpafge
17:30 < Ironholds> I have no idea, that's a jorm question :)
17:30 < Swob> That wont bother me, but I can see it bothering others
17:30 < Ironholds> I was addressing "we should have editing-others-posts, people use that"
17:30 < Swob> ok
17:31 < jorm> well, what does that mean, "control over your talk page"?
17:31 < Swob> well my question addresses that too
17:31 < Swob> since deleting a post *probably* requires editing it
17:31 < jorm> the ability to delete conversations?  They're still there.  just in the history.
17:31 < Swob> unless there's an exception where removing is some transclusion-like thing that doesnt edit the post, just makes it invisible
17:32 < jorm> that would be "archiving" it.  you hat note it.  "we're done here."
17:32 < HectorAE> So will there be functionality to see a snapshot of an entire Flow Talk page as it existed in the past?
17:33 < Swob> OK yeah that will be a problem
17:33 < Ironholds> Whyso?
17:35 < jorm> probably, yes, Hector.
17:35 < Swob> e.g.
17:35 < Swob> with Flow, that user would basically just have to tolerate that vandalism
17:35 < Swob> since there's no way to revert it or edit it
17:36 < jorm> no, you'd have ways to revert it.
17:36 < jorm> go mess around with LQT pages and how they get reverted. same same.
17:36 < Swob> you said that other people's comments can't be edited
17:36 < Swob> they can only be archived, and even then, it stays on the page
17:37 < Swob> that's a lot more frustrating, imo, than being able to undo something
17:38 < Swob> honestly that's not even the worst vandalism that goes on on talk pages
17:38 < Swob> it's just the first thing I found that wasnt rev-deleted
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17:40 < Ironholds> Swob: I'm confused.
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17:40 < Ironholds> so, if it's archived, it goes away but is still available for public consumption if they look hard enough
17:41 < Ironholds> how is this any different from if you blank or revert the edit, at which point it remains in the history?
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17:43 < jorm> i have to step away now for a bit but i'll be back later.
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17:45 < HectorAE> In related news
17:45 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:46 < HectorAE> Does anyone have updates on the progress of TAFI?
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17:47 < Swob> well, it would still be a pain to have to manually type out an "archive" box instead of just using rollback to remove vandalism, but at least youre saying people can in fact edit posts by others on their talk pages
17:48  * Jasper_Deng pokes Bazinga
17:48 < Swob> Im reading now
17:48  * Bazinga stabs Jasper_Deng
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17:52 < Bazinga> Wait, now wikipedia has profile pictures and notifications?
17:52 < Jasper_Deng> not profile pictures
17:52 < Jasper_Deng> but yes I'm getting a bit annoyed that WP is turning FB-like
17:52 < Bazinga> read flow
17:52 < Bazinga> you have a profile picture or whatever.
17:52 < Bazinga> avatar
17:53 < HectorAE> ^ Jasper_Deng
17:53 < geniice> given not censored profile pics would not end well
17:53 < mattbuck> means i don't bloody notice talk messages
17:53 -!- two2thehead [~User___@unaffiliated/two2thehead] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:55 < Bazinga> mattbuck: but when you do, an erect penis will great you.
17:55 < Bazinga> greet*
17:57 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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17:57 < SuicidalZerg> lol
17:58 < SuicidalZerg> lolwut
17:58 < SuicidalZerg> wut is this I don't even
17:58 < SuicidalZerg> talk pages have profile pictures now?
17:58 < Bazinga> SuicidalZerg: yes.
17:59 -!- HectorAE [] has quit [Quit: eating burgers and burger accessories back soon]
17:59 < Swob> not yet
17:59 < Swob> coming in late 2013 I think
17:59 < SuicidalZerg> I can see it now, a giant mass of accounts spam your user talk, all of them with profile pictures of penises
17:59 < Bazinga> Exactly.
17:59 < Swob> thats what Im worried about
17:59 < Bazinga> Penises, swatztikas and gore.
17:59 < SuicidalZerg> And all of them are gonna be posting pictures of penises themsleves
17:59 < Bazinga> swastikas*
17:59 < SuicidalZerg> Unless the profile system untilizes the bad image l ist
17:59 < Swob> I know ironholds & Jorm are not dumb, but I didnt get a clear answer as to how to remove vandalism other than "type out an archive template and it will become just a small box
18:00 < Bazinga> Swob: same system.. revert.
18:00 < Swob> since there's no longer any way to revert any edits to your talk page
18:00 < Bazinga> pretty sure it's the sameish.
18:00 < SuicidalZerg> WHAT!?
18:00 < Ironholds> Swob: no typingout an archive template.
18:00 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:00 < SuicidalZerg> You can't revert edits to your talk page now!?
18:00 < Ironholds> there'll be a 'kill this' button.
18:00 < Ironholds> SuicidalZerg: you can.
18:00 < SuicidalZerg> I mean in the traditional way
18:00 < Ironholds> Jasper_Deng: okay. What bits are annoying you?
18:00 < Bazinga> Ironholds: are we allowed .gif avatars
18:01 < Ironholds> SuicidalZerg: you can. in Flow, you can't. because it'd be somewhat meaningless, frankly.
18:01 < mattbuck> as a commons admin, I must have a nuclear explosion of penises gif
18:01 < Ironholds> hitting 'archive' does precisely the same thing, conceptually, that rollback on your talkpage would.
18:01 < mattbuck> with a SOFT g, obama
18:01  * SuicidalZerg is looking at [[flow]] now
18:01 < Bazinga> mattbuck: aren't you the guy with the penis directory on his talkpage?
18:01 < SuicidalZerg> Dafuq?
18:02 -!- Extreme7 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:02 < Bazinga> userpage*
18:02 < mattbuck> it's on a user subpage
18:02 < mattbuck> and it's populated by a bot
18:02 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
18:02 < mattbuck> and it just checks new uploads
18:02 < mattbuck> and it's nudity/sexuality, not just penises
18:02 < SuicidalZerg> So, now you have to manually edit the person's comments or some shit?
18:02 < mattbuck> I also get uk railways
18:02 < Ironholds> SuicidalZerg: what? no. there's an 'archive' button that kills their entire comment.
18:02 < SuicidalZerg> What if they do some weird shit like the vandalism that makes the entire page black?
18:03 < Ironholds> that won't be possible.
18:03 < Ironholds> flow talkpages are not wikimarkup pages.
18:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mattbuck penises mixed with other nudity? thats a buzz kill for plants
18:03 < SuicidalZerg> Oh, so you can't use any markup at all, other than links, perhaps?
18:03 < mattbuck> I don't tend to edit, just add to watchlist
18:03 < Swob> Ironholds okay thank you
18:04 < Swob> the MediaWiki page doesnt say that anywhere, either on the main page or the talk page
18:04 < Ironholds> SuicidalZerg: you'll have the visualeditor, when it's finished.
18:04 < Swob> would it be fair to say that users have admin rights on their own talkpage, then?
18:04 < SuicidalZerg> Well, since I don't edit any more anyways, I probably don't give a shit, lol
18:04 < SuicidalZerg> This is gonna break Huggle something fierce though, lol
18:05 < Swob> sicne admins are the only ones who can delete posts otherwise
18:05 < Swob> (yes I know it's not really deletion but that's what people likely will call it)
18:06 < Krenair> If these aren't going to be in wikitext pages then Huggle shouldn't pick them up
18:06 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
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18:08 < russavia> legoktm-- could yuo merge Q9754163 and Q7404687 plis
18:08 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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18:10 < Bradford> Jetro: :-*
18:10 < Sky2042> russavia: wrong channel. just sayin
18:11 < russavia> sky2042 -- legoktm is my wikidata bitch
18:11 < legoktm> russavia: i'm lazy right now.
18:11 -!- Superfreak [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:11 < legoktm> but sure
18:12 < Sky2042> russavia: I'm not disagreeing. He's my wikidata bitch too.
18:12  * Sky2042 winks at legoktm.
18:12 < russavia> '''Oppose''' Has an inherent propensity for laziness
18:12 < legoktm> hey!
18:12 < legoktm> but {{done}}
18:12 < russavia> thx
18:13 < russavia> is there like a {{merge}} template I can use?
18:13 < mattbuck> ...
18:13 < mattbuck> you're a {{merge}} template
18:13 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Client Quit]
18:13 < russavia> would someone like to nominate this shit for deletion on Commons--
18:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia how are patriarchs selected?
18:14  * Sky2042 {{merge}}s russavia with mattbuck.
18:14 -!- nonsenseferret [~nonsensef@wikipedia/nonsenseferret] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:14 < mattbuck> you're treading in dangerous territory, russavia
18:14 < mattbuck> (derbyshire)
18:15 < russavia> toaru --- not exactly sure how patriarchs are selected,but i think the swimsuit contest makes up something like  30%
18:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ?
18:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I was asking a serious question.
18:15 -!- p858snake|out is now known as p858snake
18:15 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
18:15 < russavia> well you obviously asked the wrong person
18:15 < russavia> coz i have NFI
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18:16 < AzaToth>
18:16 -!- Bendersgame [~chatzilla@wikipedia/LuciferTiger] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
18:18 < legoktm> AzaToth: what is that?
18:18 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:18 < AzaToth> damaskus
18:19 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:19 < legoktm> shit....
18:19 < AzaToth>
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18:20 < SigmaWP> AzaToth: I like the URL
18:21 < SigmaWP> The carital of -- aaaagh... (dies)
18:21 < AzaToth> hehe
18:21 < SigmaWP> capital
18:21 < AzaToth> cliffhanger
18:21 < AzaToth>
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18:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> AzaToth sure
18:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Damascus, land of sand home of spice
18:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Israeli rockets on Sunday hit a "research center" in the Damascus suburb of Jamraya, Syrian state TV reported.
18:24 -!- The_Blade|food is now known as The_Blade
18:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont see why Israel bothers
18:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its a waste of ammo
18:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont quite get why Israel wants to provoke Syria more than they already have
18:25 -!- Loki [~loki@wikimedia/Wolfnix] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:25 < The_Blade> Because they can; they don't /need/ a reason.
18:25 < AzaToth> ToAruShiroiNeko: I assume if they plan to attack, they want to make sure they sone have any "research" left
18:25 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> When Assad feels he has nothing to loose, he will not hesitate to attack with chemical weapons potentially
18:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> AzaToth its a bad strategy to make such attacks
18:26 < geniice> targeting Hezbollah's supply line would be a logical priority for Israel
18:26 < AzaToth> ToAruShiroiNeko: I didn't do it
18:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yes
18:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> AzaToth haha, I am not blaming you :)
18:26 < AzaToth> but...
18:26 < Isarra> Well, I am./
18:27 < AzaToth> attack is best defence
18:27 < Isarra> AzaToth, this is all your fault.
18:27  * Isarra has no idea what's going on.
18:27 < AzaToth> I know
18:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> AzaToth thats not true
18:27 < Isarra> What is your fault?
18:27 < Isarra> Or what did I just assert was? >.>
18:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> geniice that would be true if Hezbollah was a key player
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18:27 < geniice> it is
18:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Hezbollah is confused at the moment
18:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they hurt themselves in confusion
18:28 < AzaToth> AzaToth - Aza - Assad
18:28 < geniice> Hezbollah is the one force in the area that has shown an ability to stand up to the IDF
18:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I'd worry more about the more millitant groups in Syria whom have access to more advanced hardware.
18:28 < geniice> and thats a problem for Israel
18:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> right
18:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Israel should wish for the quick removal of Assad and be replaced with a porn star or something
18:28 < geniice> ToAruShiroiNeko  Syrian groups don't have Hezbollah's tropp wuality
18:29 < geniice> troop quality
18:29 < kaldari> Ack
18:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> geniice my sources say it is imposible to be certain about anything in Syria
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18:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a lot of people are under/over estimating each others strength
18:29 < AzaToth> ToAruShiroiNeko: there is a town in Syria called Damascus
18:29 < geniice> if the millitants in syria had Hezbollah level competence they would have won by now
18:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Damascus is the capital AzaToth
18:29 < AzaToth> I'm certain of that
18:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> geniice its not a matter of competence
18:30 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas
18:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Assad is using heavy millitary hardware
18:30 < AzaToth> ToAruShiroiNeko: your sources are wrong :-P
18:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats difficult to combat
18:30 < geniice> in warfair it is
18:30 < Isarra> There are ways around an imbalance of technical power.
18:31 < SuicidalZerg> o-o It's getting windy as tits here
18:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> geniice the rebels are unable to hold towns and cities because they get bombed
18:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its a stalemate
18:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Hezbollah can at best have a stalemate against the IDF or else they would have taken over israel by now.
18:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Hezbollah's goal is to win the waiting game.
18:31 < geniice> not really they haven't tried to take over Israel
18:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> The Israel-Arab war?
18:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Egypt?
18:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Lebanon?
18:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> It is not like Hezbollah respects borders :p
18:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> my point is you cannot see a Libya like victory unless you can remove air superiority in Syria
18:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> which isnt an easy task given the upgrades to Syrian anti-air thanks to a certain putin
18:34 < geniice> Hezbollah wants to run Lebanon and have slowly been moving in that dirrection
18:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> perhaps
18:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but Hezbollah isnt that all-mighty
18:35 < geniice> they don't need to be
18:35 < geniice> its just everyone else in the area isn't very competent either
18:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
18:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Hezbollah only sruvives because of Syria
18:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> whom conveniently helps Iran help them
18:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a kind of dont ask dont tell
18:37 < AzaToth>
18:37 < AzaToth> can't tell if legit
18:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it probably isnt
18:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> only a moron would report that
18:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> notice how they didnt warn befoe the bombing but are warning beofre the "war"
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18:39 < AzaToth> well, they imply they are the emergency volunteer thingi
18:40 < HectorAE> You know what I find very depressing
18:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why would the israeli millitary need volunteers for twitter?
18:40 < HectorAE> The state of Wikibook
18:40 < AzaToth> heh
18:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I mean is twitter that high of a priority for IDF/
18:40 < HectorAE> Wikibooks is just full of single-page cookbooks
18:40 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:40 < HectorAE> And incomprehensible technical manuals
18:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> HectorAE so it can be like the bible a collection of "books" :)
18:41 < HectorAE>
18:41 -!- Superfreak [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:41 < HectorAE> I mean who would write only that
18:41 < russavia> who here is from manitoba? mareklug you know?
18:42 < AzaToth> manitoba sounds african
18:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> geniice I am not disagreeing with you though
18:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Hezbollah is a dangerous force not to be underestimated
18:43 -!- TDJACR [~TDJACR@lilug/member/tdjacr] has quit [Quit: Network Failure]
18:43  * Demiurge1000 too!
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18:46 < The_Blade>  This is pretty sad.
18:46 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away
18:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> The_Blade what is it?
18:47 < HectorAE> I think that's one of those articles created by some college student as part of a class and then forgotten about ever after
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18:47 < The_Blade> Temporality is a pretty fundamental aspect of philosophy, and it's about a 6 sentence long article.
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18:48 < AzaToth> lets just delete it and hope it will return in better form
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18:51 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
18:52 < Bazinga> mareklug: hydraulics on this
18:52 < Bazinga> :-P
18:52 < russavia> jetro--
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18:53 < Jetro> fucking fleet
18:53 < Jetro> haha
18:53 < Jetro> :D
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18:54 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
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19:04 < Bazinga> Steven_Zhang: lol, australia
19:06 < Bazinga> O_O
19:06 < Bazinga> russavia: polandball is the best
19:06 -!- two2thehead [~User___@unaffiliated/two2thehead] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
19:08 < Jetro> yes it is
19:08 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:08 < russavia> the finnish pizza is great-- aaron will CC licence it
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19:10 < Jetro> tossed 'er on the barbie
19:10 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:10 < Jetro> What's the barbie
19:10 < Jetro> russavia
19:10 < Jetro> OH
19:10 < Jetro> barbeque
19:11 < Jetro> ?
19:11 < Jetro> cue
19:11 < Jetro> asd
19:11 < Mike_H> Jetro: I wish there was someone here who knew soaps better than I do :(
19:11 < Jetro> You mean for washing your hands or tv series?
19:11 < russavia> mike_h if you want someone who knows soaps-- you need to ask someone other than the english and french
19:11 < Mike_H> såpeserier
19:11 < Jetro> :D
19:12 < Mike_H> russavia: lulz.
19:12 < Jetro> Hahaha I'm laughing just seeing the Kazakhztan brick panel :D
19:12 < Jetro> BONK
19:12 < Mike_H> russavia: I mean the television shows.
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19:12 < russavia>
19:13 < Jetro> xD
19:13 < Mike_H> russavia: there is a cast photo uploaded on WP, fair use, of how the EastEnders cast looked in 2000, and I can name probably half the characters but not ALL of them and it's aggravating because I wanted to include a key of who is whom.
19:13 < Mike_H> which is why I want someone who knows these things better than me, and I thought *I* was good :(
19:14 < Mike_H> Jetro: it's this photo here (shrunk down and of inferior quality on WP)
19:14 < Jetro> Oh damn
19:14 < Jetro> If my grandmother was here I could have shown her
19:14 < Jetro> she'd probably know
19:14 < Mike_H> Jetro: I can even name that dog
19:14 < russavia> jetro --up to 71 now --
19:15 < Jetro> Is Barry in there?
19:15 < Mike_H> but not some of the people in the back
19:15 < Mike_H> Jetro: yes
19:15 < Mike_H> I believe that is him behind Pat
19:15 < Jetro> russavia brilliant
19:15 < Jetro> Oh cool
19:15 < Jetro> I dunno who Pat is
19:15 < Jetro> I just know Barry from EastEnders
19:15 < Jetro> you know, from Extras
19:15 < Mike_H> Jetro: Pat is behind the bench in the blue
19:15 < Mike_H> the older lady
19:15 < Jetro> Aaah
19:15 < Jetro> Yes
19:15 < sarahlicity> does anyone know of a tool which lists an editor's edited articles by number of edits?
19:15 < Jetro> I recocnise Barry
19:16 < Jetro> geasonsie
19:16 < Jetro> regognice
19:16 < Jetro> asodksd
19:16 < Jetro> recognise?
19:16 < Jetro> damn
19:16 < Mike_H> yes
19:16 < Mike_H> lol
19:16 < Jetro> Inglish is hard
19:16 -!- nonsenseferret [~nonsensef@wikipedia/nonsenseferret] has quit [Quit: away]
19:16 < Swob> sarah: yeah
19:16 -!- Beria_ is now known as Beria
19:17 < ihaveamac> TIL someone sued Wikimedia for Wikipedia describing their book
19:17 < ihaveamac>,_the_Naughty_Horse,_Learns_to_Say_%22No%22_to_Drugs#Legal_action
19:17 < Mike_H> Jetro: I just feel kind of bad that I can't remember the black lady's name at bottom right
19:18 < Mike_H> but I can remember the dog's name
19:18 < Mike_H> and I can't remember 15 or so other people's names but I can the dog
19:18 < Jetro> In the UK, they call 'em darkies
19:18 < Jetro> it's legal
19:18 < Jetro> no it isn't
19:18 < Jetro> I'm joshing
19:18 < Jetro> bad picture though
19:18 < Jetro> as in bad quality
19:19 < Mike_H> Jetro: the one on WP is worse quality
19:19 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
19:19 < Mike_H> so it could be fair used.
19:19 < Mike_H> [22:18:45] <Mike_H> .wik Wellard
19:19 < Mike_H> [22:18:46] <lingbot> "Wellard is a fictional Belgian Tervuren dog from the BBC soap opera EastEnders." -
19:19 < Jetro> oh yeah
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19:19 < The_Blade> That lawsuit brief involving Latawnya the Horse is almost as bad as Assfly's attempts at writing on Conservapedia.
19:20 < ihaveamac> <ihaveamac> "The text of the lawsuit is riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, and erroneously describes Urban Dictionary and Wikimedia as being located at the same geographical address."
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19:20 < Swob> yeah, UrbanDic, Wikipedia, whats the difference
19:20 < HectorAE> Wikipedia is better.
19:21 < HectorAE> Obviously, some people can't tell though
19:21 < ihaveamac> what about that split second you come across vandalism?
19:21 < The_Blade> The title and the general fiasco surrounding that book reminds me of some ArbCom request in January titled "BigBabyChips, NPOV, and Juggalos"; someone seriously thought Juggalos are an actual gang.
19:21 < BlastHardcheese> they're part of the internet, isn't the internet owned by google
19:21 < ihaveamac> BlastHardcheese: yes the internet is owned by google
19:21 < ihaveamac> they finally own everything
19:22 < HectorAE> "I published something, now I'm going to sue whoever says anything about it in public!"
19:22 < ihaveamac> I first found it on
19:22 < Swob>
19:22 -!- YE|AFK is now known as YE
19:22 < Mike_H> I read that Latawnya book a few weeks ago for the first time ever
19:22 < Mike_H> I laughed until I cried
19:23 < russavia>  here it is
19:23 < ihaveamac> russavia: I'm going to listen to that now
19:24 -!- wilmary5-d [~canaima@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:25 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:25 < The_Blade> Yeah, if you ever hear the Angry Video Game Nerd rant about "Wally and the No Gang", it has more or less the same flaws.
19:25 -!- dwerb [] has left #wikipedia-en []
19:25 < wilmary5-d> hola
19:25 < ihaveamac> The_Blade: I've heard about that review, but never saw it yet
19:26 < russavia> ihave to wonder how many tabs of acid she had when she wrote this
19:26 < The_Blade> It is *hilarious*.
19:26 -!- Fleetflame [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:26 < ihaveamac> russavia: and how many more to sue Wikimedia and more for describing their book
19:27 < ihaveamac>
19:27 < ihaveamac> will watch now
19:27 -!- wilmary5-d [~canaima@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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19:28 < russavia> "Horses don't say no. They say "ney""  bwahahaha
19:28 -!- Fleet|mobile [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:29 < Mike_H> russavia: I am losing brain cells with this reading
19:30 < ihaveamac> Mike_H: I think I should be dead, but I closed the video because I could not keep going
19:30  * The_Blade can only think of one horse that actually did drugs, and that was the horse Max Zorin owned in A View to a Kill.
19:30 < Mike_H> ihaveamac: I decided to devote my brain to more intellectual pursuits
19:30 < russavia> but seriously--,_the_Naughty_Horse,_Learns_to_Say_%22No%22_to_Drugs#Legal_action-- that needs to be removed
19:30 < Mike_H> so I turned on Married with Children.
19:31 < ihaveamac> I restarted the video
19:31 < HectorAE> It's sourced. Why should it be removed?
19:31 < The_Blade> Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this person had hired Assfly has her lawyer; that bears an /uncanny/ resemblance to his writing.
19:31 < russavia> it's not sources to independent sources
19:31 < russavia> -- i hate wctaiwan for removing ths
19:32 < legoktm>
19:32 < ihaveamac> i'm cringing so hard to this book
19:32 < The_Blade> "Smoking drugs"... now that just made my day.
19:32 < russavia> xD
19:32 < ihaveamac> how do I close this window
19:32 < ihaveamac> I think I forgot
19:32 < ihaveamac> because of this book
19:33 < russavia> wait until you get to part where father horse talks of a frend of his who smoked drugs,overdosed and ded
19:33 < russavia> *died
19:33  * The_Blade thinks we should all go raid 4chan, as we're probably dumb enough from reading that book to think on their level.
19:33 < ihaveamac> russavia: I think I did
19:33 < ihaveamac> i'm now at the clapping
19:33 < ihaveamac> and the video's finished
19:33 < ihaveamac> let's throw a party, I made it through the book
19:34 < russavia> no the_blade,reading that book has increased my mental prowess
19:34 < ihaveamac> now let's see "Wally Bear and the No! Gang"
19:34 < Bazinga> russavia: that's hilarious
19:36 < BlastHardcheese> he ded after injecting four marihuanas
19:36 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:36 < The_Blade> I would seriously shit my pants if I ever saw a bear wearing a hat and sunglasses skateboarding; worrying about having to see that is more than enough to stop me from LSD.
19:36 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
19:36 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> The_Blade russian bears are seen high due to inhaling jet fuel
19:37 < The_Blade> Did not know that...
19:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
19:38 < The_Blade> Speaking of things that would make me shit my pants if I saw;
19:38 < ihaveamac> ToAruShiroiNeko: ಠ_ಠ
19:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I would have linked hat article from huffington post but even I have my limits :p
19:38 -!- ChrisGualtieri [ae3ebae3@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:39 < Swob>  even the moon enjoys pizza
19:39 < russavia> i think i will just stick to having cones and watchng "in the night garden"
19:39 < ihaveamac> I like domino's
19:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> The_Blade the moon is NOT a star
19:39 -!- Swob is now known as {soap|bed}
19:39 < {soap|bed}> arguably the moon is /in/ the stars though
19:39  * The_Blade lives very close to both Pepe's *and* Sali's.
19:40 < Sarcasm> Auuuuuugh
19:40 < Sarcasm> Almost done with this article
19:40 < {soap|bed}> those are pizza restaurants?
19:40 < Sarcasm> still have to do reception
19:40 < Sarcasm> and then tweak the lead to include it
19:40 < Sarcasm> and then I'm done!
19:40 < The_Blade> Yeah, world-famous.
19:40 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:40 < {soap|bed}> ok
19:40 < ihaveamac> talking moon
19:40 < ihaveamac> that wants pizza
19:40 < Sarcasm> !link [[Aston Martin DB9]]
19:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> The_Blade world famous? I never heard of them
19:40 < Sarcasm> No? Never mind.
19:40 < {soap|bed}> no bots here
19:40 < Sarcasm> Do these sections look too short to anybody else?
19:40 < Sarcasm> Or is it just my 1080p monitor
19:40 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:41 < ihaveamac> I have a 1366x768 screen
19:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they are a bit short but nothing is wrong with that
19:41 < The_Blade> ToAruShiroiNeko; it's a huge thing.  Reagan used to get Pepe's flown out to California, and Frank Sinatra did the same with Sali's..
19:41 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has quit [Client Quit]
19:41  * The_Blade slightly prefers Pepe's, but you can't really go wrong either way.
19:41 < Sarcasm> I wanna FAC it though, so
19:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure but thats US only still
19:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> world famous would be dominos or pizza hut
19:42 < ihaveamac> there's nothing wrong with short sections, but they might need {{Expand section}} if they are empty or too short
19:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its short sub sections
19:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> === level
19:42 -!- Adrianzo [~adrian_ca@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
19:42 < The_Blade> Sarcasm; I think your sections are fine.  Consider yourself lucky you picked a relatively simple article to bring to FA.
19:43 < Sarcasm> Hardly lucky.
19:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> oh what the hell
19:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
19:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> :D
19:43 < Sarcasm> I picked it intentionally.
19:43 < russavia> -- i think candy would be more suited to thailand
19:43 < The_Blade> Well in that case, consider yourself smarter.
19:43 < The_Blade> At least, smarter than me.
19:44 < Sarcasm> what'd you try to take to FAC?
19:44 -!- {soap|bed} [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Quit: bed]
19:44 < The_Blade> It's still a work in progress, but
19:45 < The_Blade> (although to be fair, the FA thing is ancillary; my main goal is to have an outlet to unburden myself of the interest I have in the case)
19:45 < Sarcasm> waoh
19:45 < Sarcasm> Looks interesting.
19:46 -!- kuzetsa [kuzetsa@wikipedia/kuzetsa] has quit [Quit: Stop doing that it. You don't want it to fall off.]
19:46  * The_Blade is never, never, never going to allow it on the main page, for reasons that should be fairly evident.
19:46 < Sarcasm> Yep
19:47 < Sarcasm> Though you might get dragged off to TFC for no good reason
19:47 < Sarcasm> Did you ever edit anime pages, or am I mistaking you for someone else?
19:47 -!- tttb [] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:47 < The_Blade> Bring it on; I care about her privacy a hell of a lot more than Wikipedia processes.
19:48 < The_Blade> Not anime, though I've cleaned up from people using obscure animes as examples in kana articles.
19:48 < Sarcasm> Why do I recognize your username...
19:49 < Sarcasm> hmph, whatever. Prolly something innocuous
19:49  * The_Blade has helped out dealing with the Senkaku Islands nonsense, if you've ever ventured there.
19:49 < russavia> respect the_blade
19:49 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad - bai]
19:50 < Sarcasm> Haha, I'm of Chinese descent
19:50 < Sarcasm> venturing into Senkaku Islands is just asking for it, frankly
19:50 < The_Blade> Despite the Japanese writing in my Wikipedia sig, I have very little love for the Japanese people as a society; my sympathies are to the Ainu.
19:50 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:50 < Sarcasm> Bias out the ass
19:50 < Sarcasm> Oh, fair enough
19:50 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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19:50 < Sarcasm> Funny how that works; I'm not a fan of the Chinese
19:51  * The_Blade always found the Hakka people in China interesting, though that's probably because he read about Soong May-ling and her Hakka father Charlie.
19:51 < Bazinga> I'm not a fan of the majority of people.
19:52 < Sarcasm> Some of us are particularly detestible though, Bazinga
19:52 < Bazinga> Yes, like mareklug
19:52 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
19:52 < Bazinga> (I kid, we just have our squabbles)
19:53 < Bazinga> Sarcasm: do you even edit
19:53 < Bazinga> like, who are you :O
19:53 < Sarcasm> I do even edit.
19:53 < Sarcasm> I'm nobody though.
19:53 < Sarcasm> Nobody worth knowing, anyway.
19:53 < Bazinga> {{cn}}
19:53 < Bazinga> the only RS is a link to your userpage.
19:54 < Sarcasm> What, you want a redlink?
19:54 -!- Bradford is now known as anderson
19:54 < Sarcasm>
19:54 < Sarcasm> Have at it
19:55 < Bazinga> not bad
19:55 -!- HectorAE [] has quit [Quit: freenoded out]
19:57 < The_Blade> My userpage is barely better than a redlink, and I'm an admin; doesn't really matter.
20:01 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|away
20:02 < ihaveamac> I haven't done any NPP recently so I don't know what to do with
20:02 < ihaveamac> :S
20:02 < The_Blade> A3
20:02 < Bazinga>
20:02 < ihaveamac> someone beat me
20:02 < legoktm> The_Blade: tagged.
20:02 < legoktm> ihaveamac: :>
20:02 < The_Blade> Good.
20:03 < ihaveamac> you
20:03  * ihaveamac pokes legoktm
20:03  * legoktm pokes back
20:03  * ihaveamac pokes legoktm again
20:03 < legoktm>
20:03 < legoktm> like whaaat.
20:03 < ihaveamac> I don't get why
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20:04 < ihaveamac> why bother editing like that when it has a speedy deletion tag
20:04  * The_Blade remembers one asshole who spammed his resume 9 times in as many minutes under various article titles.
20:04 < ihaveamac> The_Blade: what
20:04 < legoktm> ihaveamac: AWB on autopilot
20:04 < The_Blade> See; every single "article" was a copy of his resume.
20:05 < ihaveamac> legoktm: I've never used awb properly (tried once, could not get it working on another wiki), but it should have an option to ignore pages with speedy deletion tags
20:05 < ihaveamac> The_Blade: hehe
20:05 < legoktm> ihaveamac: or the operator should check what they're doing instead of just hitting "save"
20:05 < Bazinga> Oh for fucks sakes
20:05 < Bazinga> I'm blocked from making an account again
20:05 < legoktm> Bazinga: stop socking!
20:06 < Bazinga> legoktm: It was my brother! I swear!
20:06 < The_Blade> Ask MascotGuy what he does when that happens; he seems to have no problem getting around it.
20:06 < SuicidalZerg> "[[WP:AES|←]]Replaced content with 'I will not be blocked. I'm a famous president. You block guys will all go to jail for 90 years. Bad manners. I'll call 911 and put all of them to jail.'" (matched replaced content with) used by [[User:John H. Adams]], edited [[User talk:John H. Adams]]; Diff:
20:06 < SuicidalZerg> lol
20:06 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away
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20:06 < Bazinga> The_Blade: what is Fäägel bai önjmälding
20:06 < Bazinga> <Die Registrierung des Benutzernames „Addihockey10 (automated)“ ist nicht erwünscht. Folgender Eintrag aus der Liste unerwünschter Benutzernamen führte zur Ablehnung: <code> .{30,} <newaccountonly></code>>
20:06 < Bazinga> that error message.
20:07 < The_Blade> I couldn't tell you...
20:07 < IShadowed> yes hello
20:07 < IShadowed> I return
20:07 < IShadowed> bow down
20:07 < The_Blade> Make me.
20:08 < Bazinga> The_Blade: uh-oh
20:08 < The_Blade> What's wrong now?
20:08 < Bazinga> my socks went through the wash.
20:09 < ChrisGualtieri> Has anyone ever been through the mediation process of DR?
20:09 < Bazinga> No.
20:09 < The_Blade> Steven_Zhang; if you're there, ^
20:09 < ihaveamac> first time I saw someone use WP:IAR for vandalism
20:09 < ihaveamac>
20:11 < ihaveamac>
20:12 < The_Blade> You have to be shitting me; there's an RfC on the *graphic* for sockpuppet templates?
20:12 < Bazinga> lol
20:12 < Bazinga> LOL
20:12 -!- cmcv [~casper@] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:12 < Bazinga> delete that per WP:IAR
20:12 < ihaveamac> The_Blade: link now
20:12 < The_Blade>
20:13 < ihaveamac> what...
20:13 < The_Blade> If this doesn't go on WP:LAME, I don't know what should.
20:13 < legoktm> [10:12:17 PM] <The_Blade>	 You have to be shitting me; there's an RfC on the *graphic* for sockpuppet templates? <-- Hi. Are you new here? :PPPP
20:13 < ihaveamac> what...............
20:14 < The_Blade> I'm not sure which is worse, this or the hyphen-endash wars.
20:15 < legoktm> you mean the hyphen–endash wars?
20:15 < Demiurge1000> short horizontal lines!
20:15 < Sky2042> legoktm: :D :D
20:15 -!- kuzetsa [kuzetsa@wikipedia/kuzetsa] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:19 -!- CUDA_Nuk [] has quit [Quit: Incredibilia sola credenda]
20:20 < ihaveamac> you may be a wikipedia reader
20:20 < ihaveamac> once you stumble across the project space into the discussion pages
20:20 < ihaveamac> you see the drama happen before your eyes
20:21 < ihaveamac> and see fights like no other
20:21 < ihaveamac> "hyphen–endash"
20:21 -!- MaKiNeoH [5f3f74db@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en []
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20:22 < ihaveamac> it amuses me
20:22 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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20:27 -!- p858snake [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Quit: User has quit this network.]
20:28  * The_Blade has found some of the discussions on MOS:IDENTITY especially amusing.
20:29 -!- tttb [] has quit [Quit: Fare thee well]
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20:30 < The_Blade> Amazing how on that topic, if you /dare/ to suggest that San Francisco ≠ the world, you're almost immediately accused of bigotry.
20:31 < harej> san mateo is also part of the world
20:31 < Bazinga> hai harej
20:31 < harej> that's most of it, though.
20:31 < harej> san francisco and san mateo. not a lot outside of that
20:31 < ihaveamac> is the wikipedia logo copyrighted?
20:31 < harej> that it is
20:31 < harej> it is also a registered trademark
20:31 < ihaveamac>
20:32 < ihaveamac> "CC-BY-SA/GFDL"
20:32 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
20:33 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
20:33 < ihaveamac>
20:33 < Sky2042> yes, there is an asteroid called Wikipedia.
20:33 < ihaveamac> c:
20:35 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Quit: jorm]
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20:37 -!- anderson is now known as Bradford
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20:43 < Isarra> GHAH I don't like rooibos tea. o__o
20:44 < Isarra> On the plus side now I know why there was so much left.
20:49 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan: di
20:49 < SigmaWP> hi
20:49 < SigmaWP> da
20:49 < SigmaWP> sup
20:50 < SigmaWP> etc
20:50 < wctaiwan> hello.
20:51 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
20:54 -!- Sky2042 [~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno] has quit [Quit: good night]
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20:59 -!- The_Blade [~chatzilla@wikipedia/The-Blade-of-the-Northern-Lights] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
20:59 < wctaiwan> russavia: hahaha
21:06 -!- Bazinga is now known as Stewerdbot
21:06 -!- Stewerdbot is now known as StewerdBot
21:08 -!- StewerdBot is now known as Bazinga
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21:37 -!- Magog_the_Ogre [~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:53 < geniice> wctaiwan india has nuclear weapons
21:53 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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22:11 < Bazinga> What the fuck
22:11 < Bazinga> the founder of Tim Hortons (Tim Horton) died in a police chase at the age of 44
22:13 < legoktm> I can see it on the main page right now
22:13 < legoktm> DYK…that the founder of Tim Hortons was Tim Horton?
22:18 < kelapstick> co-founder of tim hortons
22:19 < kelapstick> Ron Joyce, the other co-founder was in fact...a police officer
22:20 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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22:21 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
22:23 < Bazinga> he was chasing him
22:23 < Bazinga> Anyways...
22:24 < kelapstick> since he left the force 9 years before horton's death, highly unlikely...but a good conspiracy theory...
22:24 < Bazinga> Is sketchy or
22:24 < Bazinga> which one is the real one
22:25 < kelapstick> why the .me
22:26 < Bazinga> Someone changed the link on the article
22:26 < Bazinga> i've seen this before where the new article was a spam one..
22:26 < Bazinga> but this one is odd
22:26 < kelapstick>
22:26 < kelapstick> Positions itself for global use like a personal namespace .name: can be registered and used for any purpose. Used by businesses in Maine, Middle East and is popular for domain hacks.
22:27 < Bazinga> revert?
22:27 < elkng> is there such thing as "udp screamer protocol" ? why they call it "screamer" ?
22:27 < Bazinga> turn mute off and then you'll find out why
22:27 < kelapstick> .me is also powered by wordpress
22:28 < Bazinga> mhm
22:30 < SigmaWP> Hey
22:30 < SigmaWP> What do you call that thing when you identify who wrote something by comparing stuff they previously wrote before?
22:30 < SigmaWP> Like they use the same vocabulary and sentence and paragraph structure
22:30 < SigmaWP> which makes them somehow traceable
22:30 < Bazinga> SigmaWP: their dialect.
22:31 < Bazinga> (kidding0
22:31 < kelapstick> linguistic forensics?
22:31 < Bazinga> Are you talking about strictly writter
22:31 < Bazinga> written/
22:31 < kelapstick>
22:32 < kelapstick> I think there is a single word you are looking for though, I can't think of it
22:32 < Bazinga> probably in that article
22:32 < kelapstick> stylistics
22:33 < elkng> its interesting are there pople who get paid for writing some articles, like some company wants to see article about their stuff or something and how can they find someone to write on wikipedia something ? I mean are there special paid for staff on wikipedia's team to do those work for money ?
22:34 < elkng> try to not say "what?"
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22:44 < Demiurge1000> No, there are not.
22:44 < Demiurge1000> Also, "work for money" is frowned upon.
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22:49 < SigmaWP> elkng: ^
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23:10 < gde33> what was wrong here?
23:11 < gde33> "none of the legislation cited refers to 'electronic harassment'"
23:11 < gde33> orly?
23:11 < gde33> it is locked anyway, my work here is done. :-)
23:12 < Bazinga> Is there an abusive admin available?
23:12 < gde33> lol
23:12 < geniice> Bazinga	yes
23:12 < SuicidalZerg> Penises
23:12 < Bazinga> geniice: I need you to do something for me...
23:12 < Bazinga> sec, let me make the revision first
23:12 < gde33> geniice: you sound very abusive
23:13 < geniice> Bazinga	I'm not using protection to win you an edit war
23:13 < Bazinga> not it at all...
23:13 < gde33> oh why not? everyone else is doing it.
23:13 < geniice> gde33 been de-admined more than anyone else
23:13 < gde33> you want 1000 examples?
23:13 < gde33> lol
23:15  * geniice adds Niall Ferguson to category homophobes
23:15 < gde33> we have that?
23:15 < gde33> the full xenofobia dictionary?
23:15 < Bazinga> geniice: please salt
23:16 < Bazinga> and other links I link :-P
23:16 -!- techman224 [~techman22@Wikimedia/Techman224] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
23:16 < geniice> why?
23:17 < Bazinga> Prevent vandalism from a highly-used image
23:17 < Bazinga> (a going to be highly-used image)
23:17 < Bazinga> salt the en one so the commons one can be used etc
23:17 < geniice> doesn't cascading protection do that?
23:18 < Bazinga> Oh.
23:18 < Bazinga> hm, does it if it isn't created yet?
23:18 < Bazinga> If so it's perfectly fine and I'll send you the abusive diff.
23:18 -!- Bradford is now known as chichito
23:19 < gde33> geniice: could you revert this
23:20 -!- chichito is now known as Bradford
23:20 -!- Cameron11598 [62ef66cd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:20 < geniice> gde33 not getting involved
23:20 < Cameron11598> Any one on?
23:20 < gde33> geniice: howso? I'm not involved either
23:20 < gde33> the article is locked and you said you didn't use that to win arguments
23:21 < gde33> lol
23:21 -!- Ktr101 [48134c35@wikipedia/Ktr101] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:21 < Cameron11598> Any one seen this glitch in recent changes?
23:21 < Cameron11598> diff | hist) . . User:AlexNewArtBot/BadSearchResult‎; 23:17 . . (-17,515)‎ . . ‎TedderBot (talk | contribs)‎ (most recent results, 172 articles, daily counts: ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▇▉▅▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
23:21 < Ktr101> skyscrapers?
23:21 < Cameron11598> Comes up even with bots hidden...
23:22 < Ktr101> on a serious note, does anyone know if we have notability guidelines for pageant winners who happen to also be former porn stars?
23:22 < Cameron11598> Best bet would be BLP and GNG
23:23 < Bazinga> geniice: OK could you add the text from my sandbox to
23:24 < Bazinga> All it does it change raster images to vector images so people who use magnification get sexy images rather than dotty ones.
23:24 < gde33> geniice: Why should I bother with wikipedia? Nothing I do is ever right. There is so much red tape that I never got a single contribution into the wiki. You are very much an involved party in the universal refusal.
23:24 -!- Cameron11598 [62ef66cd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
23:24 < geniice> Bazinga no. 1) the image isn't protected on commons
23:24 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
23:24 < geniice> Bazinga 2) I'm not touching a template like that
23:25 < geniice> 3)I think the image will still be re-rendered as a PNG image whatever you do
23:25 < Bazinga> Yes, but at the set magnification.
23:25 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
23:25 < geniice> gde33	Electronic harassment is only semi protected
23:25 < Bazinga> (if the guy is at 2x, the image will be rendered as a png 2x as sharp)
23:25 < Bazinga> and I'm about to get it protected on commons
23:26 < gde33> geniice: what a terrible excuse to run people off the wiki
23:26 < geniice> gde33	I'm pretty sure you can edit semi protected pages
23:26 < geniice> Bazinga I'm a commons admin
23:27 < geniice> and its protected on commons. Not sure about how protection will work on en
23:28 < Bazinga> geniice: Can you protect it plz?
23:28 < Bazinga> (them)
23:28 < Bazinga> I'm pretty sure cascading protection salts
23:28 < Bazinga> I forgot about that.
23:28 < Bazinga> You won't be able to upload anything
23:29 < geniice> however I don't think we use cascading protection on templates we use a different system
23:29 < Bazinga> on commons? You'd need to do each individually but the en template is definitely cascading.
23:30 < geniice> I've protected it on commons
23:30 < Bazinga> they're all transcluded on WP:Cascading protection templates or something like that
23:31 < Bazinga> geniice: I can't see the preview b/c I'm not an admin but it's foolproof.
23:32 < geniice> yes thats the way its meant to work
23:32 < geniice> anyway leave an edit request on the template talk page and someone who knows about such things will get to it
23:32 < Bazinga> trying in the sandbox :-P
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23:40 < gde33> geniice: the 30 min are over, I never spend more than 30 min trying to restore a single edit. You can do it yourself now. :)
23:40 < gde33> good luck :)
23:43 -!- gde33 [] has left #wikipedia-en ["Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is"]
23:44 < Bradford> è_é
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23:54 < mareklug> Bazinga that little car does not have a steel frame or any frame, per contemporary car design, so everything I forwarded to you re: Unibody cars not being suitable to hydrolics by that certified technician applies here.  As it would to a Golf.
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23:57 < addihockey10> Petan : core/sandbox content to /core
23:58 < mareklug> addihockey10 ^   how many of you are here?
23:58 < addihockey10> One, now
23:58 < addihockey10> Haggis is asleep
23:58 < addihockey10> Bazinga died
23:59 < addihockey10> MPD.
23:59 < mareklug> [01:54:07] <mareklug>	 Bazinga that little car does not have a steel frame or any frame, per contemporary car design, so everything I forwarded to you re: Unibody cars not being suitable to hydrolics by that certified technician applies here.  As it would to a Golf.
23:59 < addihockey10> I know :-P I was kidding.
--- Log closed Sun May 05 00:00:05 2013