
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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--- Log opened Tue May 07 00:00:28 2013
00:06 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit []
00:09 -!- Neukoln [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Neukoln] has left #wikipedia-en []
00:13 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: PWNT]
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00:28 < SigmaWP> cool
00:28 < SigmaWP> Blowjobs are illegal in Malaysia
00:30 < Bradford> o_o
00:34 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
00:35 -!- Mike_H [~quassel@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
00:36 -!- Jasper_Deng_busy is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
00:36 -!- Mike_H [~quassel@] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:36 -!- Mike_H is now known as Guest34328
00:39 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|iPad
00:39 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:43 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng_busy
00:46 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
00:50 -!- Beetstra_ [~Beetstrab@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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00:53 -!- armufox [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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00:57 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: PWNT]
00:59 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: :-*]
00:59 -!- Moe_Epsilon [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
01:03 -!- FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4
01:04 -!- Jasper_Deng_busy is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
01:08 -!- russavia [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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01:13 -!- kaldari [~kaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has quit [Quit: kaldari]
01:20 < mattbuck> that sucks SigmaWP
01:20 < SigmaWP> It blows
01:21 -!- kondi [~konarak@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:38 -!- kondi [~konarak@wikimedia/kondicherry] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
01:39 < tucoxn> goodnight, wherever you are!
01:39 -!- tucoxn [~tucoxn@countervandalism/tucoxn] has left #wikipedia-en []
01:50 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:04 < SigmaWP> so good night
02:08 -!- Shudde [3cf0f28e@wikipedia/Shudde] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:08 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: You cannot logic someone out of an opinion they did not logic themselves into]
02:24 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:29 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
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02:35 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has quit [Quit: beer time]
02:48 -!- Pink|away is now known as PinkAmpersand
02:52 -!- electabuzz [~cam@unaffiliated/onei] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:52 < electabuzz> anyone know if there's an alternative to webcite?
03:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> "911 call -- 'I've been kidnapped!' -- cops find 3 women missing for years"
03:04 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
03:07 -!- koishi [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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03:35 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:39 < Steven_Zhang> hey
03:40 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:47 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ
03:52 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:53 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:57 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Steven_Zhang]
04:02 -!- matanya [~matanya@wikimedia/matanya] has left #wikipedia-en ["Ex-Chat"]
04:14 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
04:24 -!- JoFo [] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:26 -!- Ushau97 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has joined #wikipedia-en
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04:30 -!- sdamashek|sleep is now known as sdamashek
04:40 -!- TParis [~TParis@wikipedia/TParis] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:42 < mareklug>    lol.  I read this as "Nokia confirms new hero device the lumia 928 with a TASER"
04:42 < mareklug> and thought to myself, whoa!!!!!  a new trend in smartphones...
04:42 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:46 < tommorris> I'd buy a taserphone. it'd be great at work.
04:47 -!- koishi_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:47 < mareklug> tommorris are you keen on the upcoming Mac Pro?
04:47 < wctaiwan> you can just buy a taser...
04:47 -!- koishi_ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
04:47 < mareklug> wctaiwan but you want your taser on your smart phone.
04:48 < mareklug> like you said before, you want to carry only one iOS device
04:49 < wctaiwan> hah
04:49 < wctaiwan> a taser for the whole family.
04:50 < mareklug> an iPhone with a build in iTaser, iMagine, something that would adapt… for the users of Tokyo subway, it would be autoset on gentle, for a lone girl walking at night, on high..
04:50 -!- koishi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
04:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wouldnt the taser drain phone battery?
04:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> also what if you accidentaly fire it while talking
04:51 < mareklug> we would need beter batteries.  surely by then we would have those liquid batteires that run on alcohol.
04:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> iPhone taser would be iZap
04:51 < mareklug> you just pour some 90 proof into your iPhone and you are good for more tasing
04:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> phones should have geiger meters
04:52 < mareklug> only Android devices would accidentally discharge during talking.  iOS tasers would be of course designed better, foolproof.
04:53 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.]
04:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if apples gps is any indication it would probably zap your mother when targeting the rapist after her
04:53 < mareklug> apple gps is the same as any other -- it includes now GLONASS
04:54 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:55 < tommorris> mareklug: haven't looked at the new Mac Pro. and I certainly don't have the money for a new Mac Pro. ;)
04:55 < mareklug> ah.  people buy cars.  save a car, but a Mac Pro.
04:56 < tommorris> mareklug: I use one of the diddy 11" Airs. Fae referred to it as a "girly laptop" once. I responded by saying "because back pain is manly"
04:56 < tommorris> and I don't own a car either. ;)
04:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> iCar
04:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> iDrive?
04:56 < mareklug> the new Mac Pro is nowhwere to be looked at just yet, I am afraid.  But the rumor mill is rampant.  Something about a production line in China manufacturing 2TB SSD cards...
04:57 < mareklug> tommorris it would not be one of the 2008 originals?  I have one, with a tiny SSD in it that is slower than a disk :)
04:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 2tb?
04:58 < mareklug> yes, one per usual 6GB/sec SATA slot
04:58 < tommorris> 2TB SSD would be lovely. I'd love to get all my porn and mp3z at hyper-speed
04:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it would be 2.03tbs
04:59 -!- phuzion [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
04:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tommorris just get a 2TB SSD raid 0
04:59 < wctaiwan> does it matter?
04:59 < wctaiwan> isn't decoding still slower than disk access?
04:59 < tommorris> I joke about the porn and mp3z. I've been using SSD for a while and it is noticeably faster
05:00 < wctaiwan> (and both are certainly faster than playback)
05:00 < wctaiwan> right, system drives should definitely all be SSDs. The other main advantage imo is that they're impervious to shock.
05:00 < wctaiwan> for some reason laptops have a really strong gravitational attraction.
05:00 < mareklug> but when they go, your data catastrophically goes with them
05:01 -!- Shudde [3cf0f28e@wikipedia/Shudde] has quit []
05:01 -!- tsxp [d9a28af6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:01 < wctaiwan> I haven't heard of broken SSDs.
05:01 < mareklug> I have.  Don't buy the OCZ brand.
05:01 < QueenOfFrance> :o
05:02 < tsxp> Hello there. I'm having a lot of problems loading wikipedia pages since about 2 days. Keeps hanging up on loading stuff from Could this be a problem on my side? Any ideas?
05:02 -!- PinkAmpersand is now known as Pink|away
05:02 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has quit [Quit: Saindo]
05:02 < QueenOfFrance> tsxp: lemme guess, you're using https?
05:02 < tsxp> QueenOfFrance: Hm no, doing http.
05:02 < QueenOfFrance> interesting
05:03 < QueenOfFrance> and by that I mean I have no clue what's going on
05:03 < mareklug> tsxp give us one or two sample URLs which are flaky for you right now
05:03 < tsxp> Tried the usual, clearing cache, cookies, reseting router, etc. Not having any trouble on other websites either.
05:03 < tsxp> mareklug: It's basically any page on, but sure, give me a second.
05:04 < mareklug> tsxp your ISP may have zonked wikimedia in its DNS caching.  maybe set DNS servers tosometthingelse for now?,
05:04 < QueenOfFrance> mareklug: nah more like it there's been reports of issues with https
05:04 < QueenOfFrance> could be that http is affected too
05:04 < mareklug> but he is using port 80
05:05 < wctaiwan> only lists DNS as having performance issues
05:05 < tsxp> mareklug: I guess I'll try that. Those are the free DNS servers from Google, right?
05:05 < wctaiwan> everything else is green
05:05 < tommorris> ooh is pretty. hadn't seen that page for a while.
05:05 < mareklug> right.   You rother option is OpenDNS
05:05 < wctaiwan> they are, txsp
05:05 < wctaiwan> tsxp*
05:05 < tsxp> Alright.
05:06 < wctaiwan> could have chosen a better typeface for the logo >.>
05:06 -!- phuzion [] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:06 < mareklug> wctaiwan nah.  it is your basic slacker type
05:06 < tsxp> Well okay, thanks. Usually problems like this pass at some point, and until then I'm getting by using googlecache'd pages. :)
05:06 < addshore> Theopolisme: you have another bit of a trial :)
05:07 < QueenOfFrance> tsxp: it's most likely a routing issue
05:08 < QueenOfFrance> If you can perform a traceroute, we can forward that to the tech folks
05:08 < tsxp> Sure, I can do that. Should I trace or the bits. that keeps hanging up?
05:09 < mareklug> tsxp  for moments like this it is good to login somewhre far away and try to lynx wikipedia from there.  say
05:09 < tsxp> Good idea, hold on.
05:09 < QueenOfFrance> tsxp: well if it's bits, you can just disable js and have wikipedia work fine
05:10 -!- phuzion [] has quit [Client Quit]
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05:11 < tsxp> Oh. Didn't realize that this is only serving JS. That makes it a lot easier. Well loading via links from a dedicated server works fine.
05:11 -!- sdamashek is now known as sdamashek|away
05:11 < tsxp> Makes sense though as it won't load JS anyway.
05:11 < mareklug> now try it from your own host
05:12 < QueenOfFrance> tsxp: iirc it's js and perhaps css
05:12 < QueenOfFrance> not much else, if anything
05:12 -!- tsxp_ [d9a28af6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:13 < QueenOfFrance> You can try linking a traceroute to bits in #wikimedia-tech and seeing if anybody there can find the problem
05:13 < tsxp_> Turns out, disabling JS in your browser while using qwebirc is not a good idea.
05:13 < QueenOfFrance> lmao :D
05:14 < tsxp_> Thanks for the hint. Didn't know just serves JS, this lets me circumvent the problem until it subsides without much of a bother. :)
05:14 -!- YE [] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:15 < QueenOfFrance> tsxp_: I keep [[Dillo]] around for these cases :)
05:15 < QueenOfFrance> ruins the layout, but bypasses any js problems
05:15 -!- tsxp [d9a28af6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
05:18 < tsxp_> ah well, i'm on windows. Opera let's me disable JS with just 2 clicks without making me go through Preference dialogs though
05:19 < tsxp_> But it's browser wide, so I'll have to make sure I'm not using anything in a tab that needs JS to stay alive. :P
05:19 < QueenOfFrance> tsxp_: works on windows too :)
05:19 < wctaiwan> mareklug: is it "turn right in 10m" or "turn right after 10m"?
05:20 < tsxp_> hehe, there's a DOS version too
05:20 < tsxp_> cool stuff, gonna try that out
05:20 < QueenOfFrance> tsxp_: it pretty much doesn't support anything, hence it bypasses jc issues, css issues, etc
05:20 < mareklug> tsxp_ on Safari you disable JS with one click :)     Develop > Disable JavaScript       You can also disable site specific hacks, images, local file restrictions, styles, empty caches or disable them
05:20 < tsxp_> aye. don't really need any of that to read WP.
05:21 < tsxp_> mareklug: F12 -> Enable JS. Not much more complicated. =)
05:21 < mareklug> you have to remember that is F12 and what is F11...
05:22 < tsxp_> i'm very good at  hitting keys :O
05:22 < tsxp_> ah, we all love our browsers, don't we.
05:22 < tsxp_> it's just like cars.
05:24 < tommorris> Firefox: the "It's All Text" plugin means I can edit Wikipedia articles in a proper text editor, namely MacVim. ;)
05:24 < mareklug> or Aquaemacs
05:25 -!- Elfix [elfix@wikipedia/pdpc.21for7.elfix] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
05:25 < tsxp_> But he said proper text editor.
05:25  * tsxp_ runs away
05:26 < mareklug> Aquaemacs is so well integrated into the Mac desktop / Finder you don't even have to know the rms command set
05:26 < mareklug> but if you happen to have grown up on it, it is easy sailing
05:27 < tsxp_> I'm sure it's great. I have very little knowledge about anything Mac. Just saw the opportunity for a joke because it had the "emacs" in it. I'm sorry. :o
05:29 -!- Elfix [elfix@wikipedia/pdpc.21for7.elfix] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:31 < mareklug> "anyone with a CS 3 or later serial number will get their first Creative Cloud year for $29.99 per month"
05:32 < mareklug> are these people living in the real world?
05:32 < wctaiwan> why not?
05:32 < mareklug> and what is with the obscene 29.99?  can't bring themselves to price it at round $30?
05:32 < wctaiwan> I mean, I don't like the business model, but you're talking about software that normally cost upwards of 400 dollars.
05:33 < mareklug> for fuck's sake, what a greedy, duplicitous bunch of bastards.
05:33 < tommorris> mareklug: my preference for Vim over Emacs is mostly down to an RSI-based distaste for keyboard chording.
05:33 < tsxp_> Significantly over 400...
05:33 < wctaiwan> adobe software has always been extremely expensive.
05:33 < mareklug> tommorris what is RSI?
05:33 < tsxp_> On the other hand, it has always been extremely easy to crack.
05:33 < tommorris> mareklug: Repetitive Strain Injury. also known as fucking your wrists up because too much computing.
05:33 < wctaiwan> mareklug: I keep finding it amusing that you find everything expensive except macs :p
05:34 < mareklug> wctaiwan well, having spent over 500 for it as a student (CS4), I am in no mood to be kidded about now getting this generous discount.
05:34 < wctaiwan> just keep using CS4
05:34 < wctaiwan> it's not like that'll break.
05:34 < mareklug> indeed.  and the freebie CS2 on the 2005 G5 ppc iMac.  both work just fine.
05:36 < mareklug> wctaiwan macs too are expensive.  why do you think I buy the best and then use them for a decade
05:36 < wctaiwan> also, TextWrangler. :D
05:36 < wctaiwan> mareklug: meh. Ultimately I think one is better off buying cheaper machines and replacing them twice as often.
05:37 < wctaiwan> technology evolves too fast for decade-old machines to be fully useful.
05:37 < mareklug> it's absolutely no fun buying mediocre machines.
05:37 < wctaiwan> take  your G5 mac, for example--the latest it can run is 10.5 because 10.6+ do not support PPC
05:38 < wctaiwan> that severely limits its usefulness.
05:38 < mareklug> but the latest I do run is 10.4.11, because I have bogs of useful Mac Classic stuff.
05:38 < mareklug> gobs *
05:38 < wctaiwan> bogs too :p
05:39 < mareklug> wctaiwan how does it limit its usefulnesss????????  try running a Mac Classic application on an Intel Mac
05:39 < mareklug> for everything, a reason.
05:40 < wctaiwan> try running OS X 10.8 on the powermac...
05:40 < mareklug> why would you?
05:40 < mareklug> i have a nice fast Core 2 Duo for that
05:40 < wctaiwan> you wouldn't. You would if the machine were newer.
05:40 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:41 < wctaiwan> eek. thefts in the department building
05:41 < mareklug> because I retain my 10.4.11 on a ppc, I have access to fast computing on an OS with lots of my work that runs on tht software.  What is wrong with that?  Do I have to do everyting on one CPU?
05:42 < wctaiwan> I don't think most people hold on to old versions of software.
05:43 < mareklug> some people do.  printers notoriously do.  and mine happen to be book designs in PageMaker and fonts, lots of fonts.
05:43 < wctaiwan> ah, PageMaker.
05:43 < wctaiwan> well, Fireworks was killed off my Adobe today.
05:43 < wctaiwan> I can sympathise.
05:43 < wctaiwan> s/my/by/
05:44 < mareklug> I can still lay out books in PageMaker under System 7.5.6 :)  on a 35 MHz Motorola68k CPU.   But I need a SCSI disk.
05:44 < mareklug> the performance is fine.
05:44 < mareklug> 25 MHZ *
05:45 < wctaiwan> well, go watch
05:46 -!- tsxp_ [d9a28af6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
05:50 < mareklug> wctaiwan I really cannot relate to that.  My Macintosh progression is full of discontinuities as I hopped from hardware to next hardware.
05:51 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:51 < wctaiwan> well, you seem like the type to want to run DOS applications after 20 years >.>
05:51 < wctaiwan> I mean come on, System 7?
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05:51 < mareklug> wctaiwani never ran DOS.  and these things I am seeing are butt ugly.  they were designed by baboons for baboons.
05:52 < mareklug> Have you actually used System 6 and then System 7?
05:52 < wctaiwan> heh. suit yourself.
05:52 < mareklug> do you know what BBEdit is?
05:52 < wctaiwan> nope. I got a chance to use OS 9.2 extensively and some OS 8 at a time when 10.3/10.4 were the latest versions.
05:52 < wctaiwan> I do.
05:53 < wctaiwan> [20:36] <wctaiwan> also, TextWrangler. :D
05:53 < wctaiwan> same company.
05:53 < wctaiwan> I also used the infamous hockey puck mouse and the impressively durable first generation iBook.
05:54 < mareklug> "That BBEdit is still an essential tool more than two decades after its initial release is remarkable. "
05:54 < mareklug> the design of the interface and the programming/editing tools, not to mention the Adobe stuff for early Apple were above anything available on Windows.
05:55 < wctaiwan> but the latest version is Intel-only and runs on 10.8.
05:55 < wctaiwan> this is pretty pointless, really.
05:55 < mareklug> I don't even have the latest version.  I am telling you what I used on system 7.
05:55 < wctaiwan> I'm just saying I think it's better to have a 3-4 year old low-to-midrange machine than a 10-year-old top of the line one.
05:56 < mareklug> well I have a 3 year old top of the line machine and a 1998 top of the line machine and a 1988 top of the line machine and a 1987 top of the line machine… all work except for Mac IIci's disk.  I am now motivated to go find me one, preferably in mint never used condition.
05:57 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
05:57 < wctaiwan> have fun looking.
05:57 < mareklug> ebay
05:57 < mareklug> my next machine will also be top of the line.  if I like the Mac Pro, it might be that.
05:57 -!- Guest29367 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:58 < mareklug> I did not like the 2012 iMac and there was no need for one
05:58 < mareklug> did not like enough *
05:58 < wctaiwan> I wouldn't mind a Haswell rMBP myself >.> but alas.
06:00 < mareklug> wctaiwan you should sort of fix your sights on the 2015 model year.  that will be the 2nd generation.  first generation tends to have nits in it, Apple history shows.
06:00 < wctaiwan> it'll be second generation
06:00 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat]
06:00 < wctaiwan> first generation is the current Ivy Bridge ones.
06:01 < mareklug> no.  Ivy Bridge and Haswell are rather disparate as generations go.  the graphics engine is completely reworked and far more powerful.
06:01 < wctaiwan> well, it won'd be a "rev A" product.
06:01 < wctaiwan> the troubles are with new designs from apple and such, not from intel chip upgrades.
06:04 -!- Bronze [~Mark@unaffiliated/bronze] has joined #wikipedia-en
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06:08 -!- YE is now known as YE|AFK
06:12 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:13 < mareklug> wctaiwan I jsut downloaded Text Wrangler on your beckon.  I like it!
06:13 -!- Ushau97 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has quit [Quit: Bye everyone]
06:13 < wctaiwan> it's very good.
06:13 < wctaiwan> doesn't feel like BBEdit trial at all
06:14 < mareklug> i like the direct manipulations to/from sftp/ftp servers
06:14 < wctaiwan> I feel a bit bad for the barebones folks--one of the reasons I'm not buying BBEdit is because TextWrangler does everything I want perfectly well.
06:14 < mareklug> coupled with iCloud's Back to My Mac, that's cloud computing across the interwebs :) :) :)
06:15 < wctaiwan> and the couple of times I've emailed them about issues with textwrangler they've responded within a day.
06:15 < mareklug> they have alwasy been very competent
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06:22 < wctaiwan> heading home
06:22 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit []
06:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> obama to take away our gums
06:26 < mareklug> oh no.  some of us only have gums left.
06:27 < QueenOfFrance>  /wg 56
06:29 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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06:31 < mareklug> Good Morning Trondheim!!!!!!!
06:32 < Jetro> GOOD MORROW USA
06:32 < mareklug> where is my smoked Norwegian fish?????
06:32 < Jetro>'s not morning here
06:32 < Jetro> it's coming to you shortly
06:32 < Jetro> :]
06:32 < mareklug> morning is a frame of mind
06:32 < Jetro> don't you mean a state of mind?
06:33 < mareklug> frame works for me
06:33 < Jetro> Taco-flavoured kiiises
06:33 < Jetro> taco taco
06:33 < mareklug> Jetro
06:34 < Jetro> sure
06:34 < Jetro> it also says state of mind there
06:34 < Jetro> in green
06:34 < Jetro> meaning whut?
06:34 < Jetro> and the blue ones are what
06:34 < Jetro> OH
06:34 < Jetro> I can't read
06:34 < Jetro> :D
06:34 < Jetro> cool
06:34 < Jetro> So I didn't know that frame thing existed
06:34 < mareklug> it goes on to feature ever more discerning and precise different definitions
06:35 < Jetro> don't make my head pop now
06:37 -!- Vito [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:37 < mareklug> Jetro here is a nice song for you, Dead Kennedys, "Kill the Poor"  ….it's energetic.
06:38 < Jetro> But I don't want to kill the poor
06:38 < Jetro> :C
06:38 < Jetro> you maniac
06:38 < mareklug> neither do the DKs
06:38 < mareklug> it's called irony
06:38 < Jetro> yes they do
06:38 < Jetro> now go wash up
06:38 -!- Guest29367 [~IShadowed@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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06:40 -!- Wiki13_ [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:41 < mareklug> Jetro in full, this is a great album.  very uplifting.  Dead Kennedys - 1980 - Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables Full Album
06:41 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
06:42 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Killed ( (Nickname regained by services))]
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06:42 < Jetro> Sorry I like to listen to music from this side of the millenium
06:42 < Jetro> :D
06:42 < mareklug> Jetro no Grieg for you?
06:43 < mareklug>
06:44 < mareklug> Dead Kennedys is some of the best music ever, especially this debut album of theirs.
06:44 < Jetro> No, Muse is some of the best music ever
06:45 < Jetro> You can't say stuff like that ;)
06:45 < mareklug> I would not be able to tell Mue from Oasis from Coldplay from Radiohead from REM.  It's all douchebag music.
06:45 < Jetro> I'm using ;) to be extra condescending
06:45 < mareklug> Muse *
06:45 -!- wiki13 is now known as Wiki14
06:45 < Jetro> tsk tsk
06:45 < Jetro> Typical noob argument
06:45 < Jetro> I can't tell Beethoven from Mozart, but they sure are different
06:45 -!- Wiki14 is now known as Wiki13
06:45 < mareklug> noob????????  I was listening to DKs before you were a zygote.
06:46 < mareklug>
06:46 < mareklug> erm
06:46 < Jetro> noooooooob
06:47 < mareklug> you really should learn to use English words approximately for what they are listed in dictionaries and what the general population assigned meanigs to them for, else you will have difficulties socializing and getting your pizza order filled.
06:49 < Jetro> mareklug go home you're drunk
06:49 < mareklug> there is no mistaking Dead Kennedys for anyone.  Or The Smiths.  Or Peter Gabriel.  Or Brian Eno.  Or Roxy Music.  Or David Bowie.  Stuff like that.
06:49 < Jetro> and if you're home; go to bed
06:49 < Jetro> :D
06:49 < Jetro> The Smiths are cool
06:49 < Jetro> But they sound like Peter Gabriel, which sounds like Brian Eno, who sounds like Roxy, like Roxette, like David Bowie
06:50 < mareklug> well if you grok The Smiths, how can you say they are not hand over fist better than the douchebags.
06:50 -!- nns_neso[ [~nns_neso@] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> DKs? Donkey Kongs?
06:51 -!- dirkfranke [] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:51 < mareklug> I think an elephant stepped on your ear, if you say Morrissey sounds lilke Peter Gabriel who in turn sounds like Brian Eno.  These are different timbres and ranges.
06:51 < mareklug> Dead Kennedys
06:51 < Jetro> Right back at ya
06:51 < Jetro> :D
06:51 < Jetro> For mistaking REM with Coldplay wtf
06:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Jetro
06:52 < mareklug> oasis coldplay muse definitely.  REM are from Georgia, so there is the accent thing
06:52 < Jetro> ToAruShiroiNeko: I actually know the differences
06:52 < Jetro> or the different works, rather
06:52 < Jetro> but anyway
06:52 < Jetro>
06:52 -!- DullBoyJackie [~DullBoyJa@unaffiliated/dullboyjackie] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Bethoven and Mozart have similarities too
06:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I prefer Rachmaninov
06:53 < Jetro> They both produced soundwaves
06:53 < mareklug> early Bethoven and late Mozart was the same shit
06:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no they wrote compositions, other people preformed
06:53 < DullBoyJackie> Guys, since when are YouTube shows "reliable sources of information"?
06:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> bethoven was deaf by his later years which is why he couldnt copy mozart :p
06:54 < Jetro> Always
06:54 < mareklug> DullBoyJackie since there are official channels by official people, like kimbramusic
06:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> DullBoyJackie always especially when it doesnt :p
06:54 < DullBoyJackie> I mean, there are some morons who constantly tell me that "Top 10 Whatever" videos can be considered sources of information X_X
06:54 < DullBoyJackie> I mean, this is wikipedia, an encyclopedia, not some cheap tabloid
06:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its a cheap tabloid for popes
06:56 < DullBoyJackie> My argument is, if we can afford to use such videos as sources of information, why not extend it to, let's say, using pop-science articles in hardcore stuff?
06:57 < mareklug> DullBoyJackie you would not be tjhe MadPig/cheeseduck fucker, would you, sonny?
06:57 < DullBoyJackie> mareklug: what?
06:57 < mareklug> or jakr?
06:57 < DullBoyJackie> mareklug: no, I don't have an account on en
06:58 < mareklug> but do you come here and troll under these exotic nicks?
06:58 < DullBoyJackie> mareklug: what? How am I trolling you?
06:58 < DullBoyJackie> The fuck is wrong with you people? How the fuck are "Top 10" videos reliable source of information!?
06:58 < mareklug> will answer all your questions concerning souces.  rest is trolling.
06:59 < DullBoyJackie> I had this exact same issue with my language's wiki.
06:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Wikipedia:ARS?
06:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Oh! %3A
07:00 < russavia> mareklug -- noice --
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07:00 < TBloemink> WHAT'S THAT
07:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TBloemink it is a fly-o-matic
07:01 < russavia> what's what tbloemink?
07:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TBloemink might I pm you?
07:02 < mareklug> 01. Kill The Poor 00:00 / 02. Forward To Death 03:04 / 03. When Ya Get Drafted 04:26 / 04. Let's Lynch The Landlord 05:48 / 05. Drug Me 07:59 / 06. Your Emotions 09:53 / 07. Chemical Warfare 11:13 / 08. California Ueber Alles 14:07 / 09. I Kill Children 17:08 / 10. Stealing Peoples Mail 19:10 / 11. Funland At The Beach 20:43 / 12. Ill In The Head 22:31 / 13. Holiday In Cambodia 25:15 / 14. Viva Las Vegas 29:47     <-- aren't those grat
07:02 < mareklug>  titles?  and the songs are so …inspirational and danceable.
07:02 < DullBoyJackie> Even now a fucker is using Wikipedia as a source for links on the romanian wiki. I told the guys in charge of what was happening, but they did nothing, despite having people agree with me.
07:03 < mareklug> russavia Laos can into modern aviation
07:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> top 10 lists of issues this channel cant solve
07:03 < TBloemink> ToAruShiroiNeko, sure
07:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Lao should rename itself to Lua
07:03 < DullBoyJackie> ToAruShiroiNeko: guess I'm just venting...
07:03 < TBloemink> Knock yourself out
07:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its ok
07:04 < DullBoyJackie> Whatever...
07:04 -!- DullBoyJackie [~DullBoyJa@unaffiliated/dullboyjackie] has quit [Quit: DullBoyJackie]
07:06 < russavia> will get this in higher res-- -- definite FPi think
07:07 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:08 < mareklug> russavia is that IN Singapore?
07:09 -!- TheDruId [4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
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07:09 < mareklug> looks like Zurich to me
07:10 -!- IH|away is now known as Ironholds
07:11 < russavia> yeah it is
07:11 < russavia>  that's his other shot
07:12 < mareklug> it's funny how people think of Switzerland as this incredibly high mountainous country, but when it comes to Zurich it's hills
07:12 < russavia> the former is in
07:13 < russavia> i have the same view of kazakhstan-- people think of it being all steps-- then you look at alma ata and it's all mountains
07:13 < russavia> *steppes
07:14 < mareklug> Jetro   1304 likes to 5 dislikes, with 138,188 views.  I challenge you to find such uniform acclaim fro any of your douchebags.  DKs are widely admired for a reason.
07:14 < mareklug> mountains and apple trees!
07:15 < Jetro> Any 15yo girl saying Bieber is the best singer-songwriter ever, is just as right as you are claiming whoever is the best
07:15 < Jetro> :)
07:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 15yo girls exist?
07:15 < Jetro> get around that and peace out
07:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I thought they all aged to 16 since last year.
07:15 < Jetro> Oh yeah, maybe
07:15 < mareklug> jetro that is a facile argument, and jejune at that.  And jaded.  So you don't think your faculties of taste are any better than that of any 15yearold girl?
07:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug I dont think they taste 15 year old girls
07:16 < mareklug> faculties do.
07:16 -!- TParis [~TParis@wikipedia/TParis] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
07:16 < mareklug> that is why people lose jobs all the time in schools
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07:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug dont lick children is a simple rule to follow I think
07:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> when in doubt, lick an ice cream
07:24 -!- dirkfranke [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
07:26 < russavia> welcome aboard Badr Airlines' new "Camel Class"-
07:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia its saudi special forces
07:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> camel brigade
07:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> clearly they are special
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07:32 < SudoGhost> Quick question just to cover my bases here.  Was this edit I made inappropriate?
07:33 < wctaiwan> clearly appropriate.
07:33 < SudoGhost> The content I removed from their user page seemed very inappropriate, but like I said, I just want to cover my bases.
07:33 < wctaiwan> that's just spam.
07:33 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en
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07:34 < wctaiwan> SudoGhost: consider taking that to ?
07:34 < TheDruId> and poor grammar to boot.
07:35 < SudoGhost> Well, it's often the case that...topless massages from Alabama...don't come from the most eloquent people.
07:35 < SudoGhost> I can imagine.
07:36 < russavia> an alabama massage --interesting- a full 4 hand massage for the price of 2
07:39 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
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07:42 < mareklug> "We also topless."   We also verbless.
07:42 < SudoGhost> Fire bad.  Topless good.  We topless.
07:43 < russavia> mareklug -- -- would this in my topic ban area? given that the JL-8 was originally built with ukrainian engines
07:44 < mareklug> the engines are probably still east european
07:44 < SoapX> seriously?
07:44 < wctaiwan> aren't you still blocked?
07:44 < mareklug> it's due to come undblocked in days
07:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yeah, SoapX east european engines exist
07:45 < russavia> The JL-8, for the Chinese domestic market, was originally powered by the Ukrainian Ivchenko-Progress AI-25TLK turbofan jet engine with 16.9 KN of thrust, but this has been replaced by the WS-11, the Chinese-manufactured copy of the AI-25TLK.
07:46 < closedmouth> thanks twinkle
07:46 < russavia> Export variants (K-8P, K-8E) use the lower powered Honeywell TFE731-2A-2A modular turbofan, which has digital electronic engine control (DEEC) with 15.6 KN thrust, provided the US government approves sale of the engine to the customer.  -- i don't think they would allow honeywell engines to go to sudan
07:47 < mareklug> Honeywell makes engines/  In USA?  First I hear
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07:49 < TheDruId> Wow. Unabashed promotion without redemption.
07:49 < SoapX> marek you here?
07:52 < SoapX> i found out who's running iTalk's network
07:52 < mareklug> tell us
07:53 < SoapX> Im almost sure I knew this at one point, maybe the first time you were tlaking about them before, and forgot
07:54 < SoapX>
07:54 < SoapX> i recognize the logo
07:54 < SoapX> the iTalk people probably just showed you the coverage map on Clearwire's site
07:54 < SoapX> I havent been able to get a map from Clearwire itself but presumably it's there somewhere
07:54 < SoapX> and Clearwire runs through Sprint
07:54 < mareklug> clearwire is a WiMax company, and they sell their bandwidth to lots of people.  They also operate things themselves
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08:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia do honeywell engines run on honey?
08:02 < mareklug> they run on honey rather well
08:03 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F
08:03 < TheDruId> Better than Faster-Than-Light engines, which will run on rainbows and barking puppies.
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08:04 < SoapX> yeah it looks like Clearwire doesnt have a publicly accessible coverage map either
08:04 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
08:04 < SoapX> but i put in an address about 20 miles outside of Boston and it  said it was outside the network
08:04 < SoapX> so
08:04 < SoapX> iTalk will probably be the same
08:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SoapX uTalk/?
08:06 < SoapX> a companyu that marek found
08:06 < SoapX> thats offering data-only cellular access on iPods
08:06 < SoapX> through Clearwire
08:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sounds weird
08:06 < IRWolfie-> This global rename stuff sounds like it's going to be a major headache
08:07 -!- hexmode [~hexmode-f@wikimedia/MarkAHershberger] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
08:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IRWolfie- for?
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08:07 < IRWolfie-> ToAruShiroiNeko:
08:08 < wctaiwan> IRWolfie-: my main concern was that you wouldn't be able to login using your old name; but it looks like you would
08:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IRWolfie- so I will conflict then
08:08 < wctaiwan> beyond that most things should be okay… aside from, say, signature links to userpages.
08:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I have accounts beloning to be that are still waiting to be merged into my current account
08:09 < IRWolfie-> wctaiwan: I wonder how many nicks aren't unique
08:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IRWolfie- quite a lot
08:09 < IRWolfie-> and if there is going to be a massive wave of people seeking renames
08:09 < wctaiwan> right
08:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IRWolfie- I doubt that
08:09 < IRWolfie-> noone wants to be John~en
08:09 < IRWolfie-> or whatever
08:09 < wctaiwan> I think it might be easier just to get it over with, though.
08:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Francis~en
08:10 < IRWolfie-> wctaiwan: in some ways
08:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan a little 7 years too late
08:10 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> this was a simple problem for 2005
08:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> now it isnt simple
08:10 < SoapX> 99% of us are going to be lucky enough to not have to worry about losing our username
08:10 < SoapX> it's just the "little guys" who are in trouble
08:10 < mareklug> just resolve everyone by their government ID number
08:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug bad idea
08:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I heard government IDs are different for everyone.
08:11 < mareklug> you can prefix them with ISO country codes
08:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ISO doesnt have a code for every country
08:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> We still need an ISO code for octavia
08:12 < wctaiwan> actually, a good idea might be to have a bot go through renamed users and set up redirects from their previous user / talk pages
08:13 < wctaiwan> …or maybe that'll be done automatically with the move. idk.
08:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> convenience? efficiency? we can have none of that!
08:14 < SoapX> i dont think it will
08:15 < IRWolfie-> I wouldn't think so
08:15 < IRWolfie-> unnecessary anyway unless you type the URL for a nick directly
08:16 < wctaiwan> I'm thinking more of links from signatures
08:17 < IRWolfie-> I would think they would be updated
08:17 < IRWolfie-> aren't they changed when people do global renames?
08:18 -!- Moe_Epsilon [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:18 < wctaiwan> dunno. But they're just regular wikitext.
08:18 -!- Alan-Lorenzo [~abor@wikimedia/alan-lorenzo] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:18 < Alan-Lorenzo> hi all
08:18 < TheDruId> Do my parents get to choose the renaming?
08:18 < wctaiwan> You'll need a bot to go through all Talk and project space pages and change everything
08:19 < TheDruId> I wasn't completely happy about their first choice.
08:19 < SoapX> yeah
08:19 < SoapX> again though 99% of us are fine
08:20 < SoapX> youre just worried about Joe Average who didnt realize there's already a Joe Average on the Malagasy Wiktionary or something, right?
08:20 < SoapX> because that's the only people who're going to be affected
08:21 < TheDruId> And the trolls and spammers.
08:21 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~]
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08:24 < SoapX> hi JohnLewis
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08:28 < a930913> Does anybody object to me substing all {{@}}s and reusing the template for {{replyto}}? :p
08:28 < SoapX> how many is it
08:29 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|VOER
08:29 < SoapX> <500, sure
08:29 < SoapX> >500, get a bot to do it
08:29 -!- Doug_Weller [~Doug_Well@wikipedia/Dougweller] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
08:29 < a930913> It might be over 9000.
08:30 < SoapX> i assume youre just expressing your meme rather than giving a true result of a calculation
08:30 < SoapX> but still
08:30 < SoapX> if 100% uncontroversial edits get people into trouble when there's that many of them, something like this would be worse
08:30 < SoapX> unless you have a bot ready to go already
08:31 < a930913> The bot is not the hard part.
08:31 < a930913> The community is.
08:34 < a930913> Used about 2k times.
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08:35 < SoapX> i hgate when people tpye "Ip address"
08:35 < SoapX> theyre obviously using some kind of autocorrect
08:35 < SoapX> and it thinks Ip is just a normal word
08:35 < closedmouth> ip man
08:35 < a930913> Ip ma?
08:35 < a930913> man*
08:35 < a930913> closedmouth: Lol.
08:36 < SoapX> eg this website: "Ip address lookup? What is my ip address? Ip address locator?"
08:36 < SoapX> whoever designed the site was too lazy to even capitalize "IP"
08:36 < SoapX> his word processor must have done it
08:36 < a930913> It's just a hip word?
08:36 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:37 < a930913> Can we extend the SWAT team to take care of these people too?
08:37 < a930913> :p
08:38 < a930913> "Special Wikipedia Admin Team" for those of you who missed the conversation last night.
08:38 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:39 < QueenOfFrance> a930913: ah I thought it was something on the lines of when Call of Duty players called the SWAT at their opponent's house
08:39 < QueenOfFrance> to get them to drop out of some stupid tournament
08:39 < a930913> :p
08:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> QueenOfFrance its formation of an armed special team of wikipedia admins
08:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they will be armed with gums
08:42 < QueenOfFrance> gums?
08:42 < QueenOfFrance> ewww
08:42 < mareklug> cheesies adn gums
08:42 < mareklug> and
08:45 < SoapX> and popsicles?
08:45 < SoapX> i want popsicles
08:46 < a930913> Any idea why I'm now not getting any errors trying to access wikipedia, as opposed to last night?
08:46 < TheDruId> Karma?
08:48 < a930913> If a template changes, even an archive that contains it should be updated?
08:48 -!- dungodung|away is now known as dungodung
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09:00 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko you like poetry?
09:00 < Bradford> o__O
09:01 < mareklug> Bradford I know YOU do.
09:02  * TheDruId isn't really a fan of poetry, except perhaps [[Shel Silverstein]]
09:03 < mareklug> aw.  I am no Shel.  I wanted to smuggle in some self-promo…  I was vainly googling myself and came across a forgoten pome.
09:03 < mareklug> pomme d' marek
09:03 < SudoGhost> My real name is *way* too common to Google myself.
09:03 < mareklug> you can always make it more precise with modifiers
09:04 < SudoGhost> I'm not even the only person with my name in my small town.
09:04 < SudoGhost> In fact, one of them was born the same year as me, and went to the same school.  Same middle name too.
09:05 < SoapX> cool
09:06 < SoapX> so you can commit crimes and say it was the other guy
09:06 < SoapX> there's about 5 people in the USA with my name, I think
09:06 < SudoGhost> Well in school I was called up to the office quite a few times for something the other one did.
09:06 < SoapX> no anonymity at all
09:06 < SoapX> heh
09:06 < SoapX> I had a friend like that
09:06 < SoapX> Kevin Lewis
09:06 < SoapX> he was white, the other Kevin Lewis was black
09:07 < SoapX> once the school got so far as to call in his mother saying "we need to speak to you about your son"
09:07 < SoapX> she showed up and said "ummmm that's not my son!"
09:07 < SudoGhost> In 6th grade I lived in Tallahassee, and someone with my name died.  I was sick the next day, and got quite a reaction when I returned.
09:07 < mareklug> SoapX but I actually had a Marek Lugowski call me, and he was in Chicago or in the suburbs, and the conversation was as annoying as it was idiotic.
09:08 < SoapX> soulmates
09:08 < mareklug> another time I found a mention of Marek Lugowski somewhere in Pennsylvania who battered his wife; it was sort of a police blotter sort of a news column.
09:09 < mareklug> and of course, there was a professional football player in Poland who represented the country once or twice, also a Marek Lugowski
09:09 < mareklug> so I take pains to employ my middle name.
09:09 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
09:10 < mareklug> meanwhile, just this morning, a person pmed me, quite drunked (he said), and wanted to know if I was Volunteer Marek
09:10 < SoapX> theres a guy in my town whos a sex offender and has the same name as someone I knew
09:10 < SoapX> I was scared for a minute
09:10 < mareklug> as his nich was prefixed with larry, I asked him if he was Larry Bird.
09:11 < SoapX> you were not amused
09:11 < SudoGhost> If software specifically uses lowercase, and the article has the {{lowercase title}} template, do you capitalize the word when it starts a sentence?
09:12 < SoapX> eh
09:12 < SoapX> is it one of those i- somethings
09:12 < SoapX> or e-somethings
09:12 < SoapX> if so then no, never capitalize ever
09:12 < JohnLewis> SoapX: A department store chain has my name :)
09:12 < SudoGhost> No, it's calibre
09:12 < TheDruId> My father had some woman call him and tell him she was pregnant; my parents ran into his boss a year later when shopping for an RV.
09:12 < mareklug> calibre?  as in guns?
09:12 < SoapX> even in all-caps iPhone often remains with a lowercase i, which looks really silly, but apptly Apple likes it
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09:13 < SudoGhost> mareklug: No, it's ebook management software
09:13 < SoapX> <----0--- looks British, thats prob' why ive never heard of them
09:13 -!- Alan-Lorenzo [~abor@wikimedia/alan-lorenzo] has left #wikipedia-en []
09:13 < JohnLewis> SoapX: It is British.
09:13 < SudoGhost> mareklug: [[calibre (software)]]
09:14 < SoapX> Im gonna say capitalize it
09:14 < SoapX> Im going to try to find something on their own site though
09:14 < mareklug> SudoGhost they take pains not to
09:15 < SoapX> d'oh
09:15 < SoapX> they lowercase it even at the beginning of a sentence
09:15 < SoapX> so we probably should too
09:15 < SoapX> Try watching the Grand Tour introductory video for pointers on how to accomplish various tasks with calibre. calibre has comprehensive documentation in its User Manual. In addition, video tutorials are available here.
09:15 < SoapX> and in marek's link too
09:15 < SudoGhost> SoapX: That's what I thought, so I changed it back, but it does look a bit odd.
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09:16 < SudoGhost> o_O
09:16 < SoapX> it was called "libprs500" for the first 2 years of its existence
09:16 -!- JohnLewis_ is now known as JohnLewis
09:17 < TheDruId> Odd that the physchiatric diagnoses of over-capitalisation and undercapitialisation for companies are the same as attention-seeking individuals
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09:18 < SoapX> Apple has an excuse
09:18 < SoapX> they started the trend
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09:18 < SoapX> the rest of the companies, though, theyre just attention seekers
09:19 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has quit [Disconnected by services]
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09:19 < SoapX> oh hey I bet calibre is a pun
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09:19 < SoapX> libre means book in some language, I think French
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09:19 < SoapX> wait no, it means free
09:19 < SoapX> in French and SPanish. But not book
09:20 < jubo2> SoapX: fr."le livre" == en."the book"
09:20 < SoapX> yeah. close but no cigar
09:20 < SoapX> libre is book in Occitan, but that's a lot less likely to be the source of the name
09:20 < SudoGhost> In latin it's  liber, which is close.
09:20 < SoapX>
09:21 < SoapX> yeah
09:21 < SoapX> i wonder if they wanted caliber but it was taken
09:21 < SoapX> or maybe the name just doesnt have any hidden meanings
09:22 < SudoGhost> "The name calibre was chosen by my wife, Krittika. The libre in calibre stands for freedom, indicating that calibre is a free and open source product, modifiable by all. Nonetheless, calibre should be pronounced as cali-ber, not ca-libre. "
09:22 < SudoGhost> So apparently it's the same logic as LibreOffice.
09:22 < mareklug> that is an unusual name.  The wife's, that is.  He should have named it after her.
09:23 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has quit [Quit: Cheerio!]
09:23 < SudoGhost> mareklug: That works well until you're divorced.
09:23 < mareklug> you still have to pay her alimony, so it works fine.
09:23 < SudoGhost> Like with [[deb (file format)]]
09:24 < mareklug> isn't Debain also named after a Debbie?  As opposed to the star?
09:24 < mareklug> Debian linux
09:24 < wctaiwan> SudoGhost: LibreOffice is one of the worst names ever
09:24 < wctaiwan> never sure how you're supposed to pronounce it.
09:25 < wctaiwan> mareklug: correct. creator's girlfriend at the time, I think.
09:25 < mareklug> lee-breh
09:25 < TheDruId> At least it isn't the oxymoronic 'Microsoft Works'
09:26 < wctaiwan> heh.
09:26 < SudoGhost> Military intelligence.
09:26 < wctaiwan> AppleWorks too. :p
09:26 -!- kaldari [~kaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has quit [Quit: kaldari]
09:26 < mareklug> well, Apple's iWorks is kinda 16 pounds and what do ya get
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09:26 < SudoGhost> We used to joke about that military intelligence being an oxymoron, along with Microsoft Works.
09:28 < SoapX> there's a "star" named Deb?
09:28 < SoapX> al-Debaran you mean?
09:28 < SoapX> Krittika is quite a name yeah
09:28 < TheDruId> What do we do with IRC self threats, like in -help? Xe otherwise seems to be joking.
09:28 < SoapX> what were her parents thinking
09:29 < SoapX> oh wait it;s probbaly Indian
09:29 < SoapX>
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09:29 < SoapX> it means cutter in Sanskrit
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09:29 < SoapX> still not really a name Id want to give a sweet little girl
09:29 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
09:30 < SoapX> then again we have girls named after guns and swords in English
09:30 < SoapX> Hilda means sword, I htink
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09:31 < SudoGhost> Bowie, and Macy are both common names, they don't have kind meanings.
09:32 < SoapX> well wiktionary says Macy is just a city in France, were you thinking of [[mace (weapon)}] ?
09:32 < SoapX> Bowie is just a name too
09:33 < legoktm>,_Ohio_missing_trio wtf this is an article?
09:33 < SoapX> even though it means a knife
09:34 -!- Guest34328 is now known as Mike_HH
09:35 < mareklug> legoktm the wikinewsification of wikipedia.  just like all the articles about the girls who killed themselves cuz of bullying.
09:35 < legoktm> i dont even understand the article title
09:36 < mareklug> legoktm might as well add the title to the lead to make it MOS-compliant and suffer it.
09:36 < mareklug> basically three women disappeared in Cleveland long time ago, like years ago.  They were found few days ago.
09:36 < wctaiwan> you're not alone about the title.
09:36 < wctaiwan> I think it _might_ be notable in the long term though
09:37  * wctaiwan wonders if there's a wikipedia page for prenda law
09:37 < wctaiwan> yup :D
09:37 < TheDruId> wctaiwan, WHAAOE
09:38 < wctaiwan> is a red link ;-)
09:41 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
09:42 < SudoGhost> SoapX: Macy is a name, means "weapon"
09:42 -!- sdamashek|away is now known as sdamashek
09:43 < MJ94> legoktm: SLEEP
09:44 < MJ94> mareklug: you too
09:44 < legoktm> ?
09:44 < MJ94> learn to sleep.
09:44 < legoktm> Its noon
09:44 < MJ94> :P
09:44 < MJ94> oh
09:44 < MJ94> same timezone
09:44 < MJ94> ok
09:44 < MJ94> legoktm: you're always on when I am.
09:44 < wctaiwan> doesn't mean he slept
09:44 < MJ94> that explains it
09:44 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:44 < MJ94> I go to bed at 2, mareklug and legoktm are here. I wake up and mareklug and legoktm are here
09:45 < legoktm> lol
09:45 < legoktm> wctaiwan: I slept for 8 hours
09:45 < wctaiwan> legoktm: good, now take your vitamins.
09:45 < wctaiwan> there's a good boy.
09:47 < a930913> legoktm: All seems to be working when I restarted this morning :/
09:47 < legoktm> :D
09:47 < legoktm> wctaiwan: :>
09:47 < legoktm> i should probably get off IRC now
09:47 < legoktm> time to study
09:47 < legoktm> o/
09:47 < wctaiwan> later.
09:47 < a930913> \o
09:47 < SoapX> bye lego
09:47 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:47 < SoapX> i dont think Macy means weapon
09:48  * a930913 maces SoapX.
09:48 < a930913> As in a proper mace, mot your American liquid.
09:48 < a930913> not*
09:48 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Quit: heatherw]
09:49 < IDoH> Hey guys.
09:49 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:49 < IDoH> I see we're already violent today.
09:49 < a930913> Hey IDoH.
09:50 < IDoH> how are ya, a930913.
09:50 < SoapX> we were discussing girls' names
09:50 < IDoH> And THAT turned into you getting your face mauled, SoapX. ;-)
09:50 < SoapX> Deborah is 'bee' in Hebrew I think
09:51  * wctaiwan stings SoapX 
09:51 < SoapX> Melissa is Greek for bee
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09:51 < SoapX> so at least two girls' names common in English mean 'bee'
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09:51 < SoapX> i wonder what the appeal is
09:51 < SoapX> because they make honey>
09:52 < mareklug> "I could write my name by the age of three / and I don't need anyone to cut my meat for me. / I'm a big girl now, see my big girl shoes. / It'll take more than just a breeze to make me /
09:52 < mareklug> Fall over, fall over, fall overboard, overboard. / Fall overboard just so you can catch me."   <-- what a great lyric.  Anyone know whose, without googling? :)
09:52 < wctaiwan> SoapX: is it possible for an IP not to be blocked but to be prevented from creating an account?
09:52 < SoapX> apparently Deborah is considered an old-fashoned named now
09:53 < SoapX> wctaiwan not normally
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09:53 < wctaiwan> :s
09:53 < SoapX> really, not ever, unless some weird abuse filter is in use
09:53 < wctaiwan> guy in help says they can't create an account, but their IP doesn't seem to be blocked.
09:53 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
09:53 < wctaiwan> ah well, they left.
09:54 < SoapX> it's theoretically possible to make an abuse filtter that prevents account creation from a certain IP range, but I dont think we'd do something like that when we can just block
09:54 < JohnLewis> wctaiwan: Autoblocks?
09:54 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
09:54 < wctaiwan> JohnLewis: would that happen without a block?
09:54 < SoapX> he might be in a rangeblock and just not know it
09:54 < SoapX> what was the IP ?
09:54 < wctaiwan>
09:54 < JohnLewis> Rangeblock/Autoblocks is the only explanation.
09:55 < wctaiwan> so rangeblock doesn't show up in contribs?
09:55 < wctaiwan> ah, right
09:55 < wctaiwan>
09:55 < wctaiwan> the more you know, I guess.
09:55 < TheDruId> Would a MediaWiki global block cause problems?
09:56 < wctaiwan> well, it's a local block
09:56 < wctaiwan> I didn't realise rangeblocks wouldn't show up in contribs.
09:56 < SoapX> yeah it's blocked
09:56 < JohnLewis> It is a local local which uses the maximum range possible on Wikimedia.
09:56 < wctaiwan> a whole /16 though o_O
09:56 < a930913> IDoH: I'm great, BracketBot got approved :)
09:56 < SoapX> they wont get the block template until they actually try to edit
09:57 < IDoH> Ah, you make bots?
09:58 < wctaiwan> SoapX: so what should I do? I mean, they left, but how do we usually deal with situations like this
09:58 < SudoGhost> SoapX:
09:59 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has quit [Quit: Bjarki]
09:59 < SoapX> there's nothing really to do
09:59 < JohnLewis> wctaiwan: Personally, I redirect them to the blocking admin. That is all really.
09:59 < SoapX> he's blocked and unless he comes back to ask for IP exemption he's going to stay blocked
09:59 < wctaiwan> you expect new editors to know that? :/
10:00 < a930913> IDoH: I used to, but those were the dark days when it was nigh impossible to get a bot through. So this is my first approval :)
10:00 < IDoH> Cool!
10:00 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
10:00 < SoapX> that looks like a dynamic IP anyway, so if he comes back he might well be on a different IP
10:00 < wctaiwan> probably in the same range, though.
10:00 < a930913> IDoH: Want to become a talk page stalker? :p
10:00 < wctaiwan> it's a /16.
10:01 < IDoH> a930913: No, thanks. I keep my watch list to a minimum.
10:01 < SoapX> WP:ACC would be better
10:01 < JohnLewis> wctaiwan: It only blocks 65,536 IPs...
10:01 < TheDruId> a930913, Wow. I'd assumed that everyone might already /be/ a talk page stalker...
10:01 < SoapX> that will allow him to edit through the IP-block without needing IP-block exemption
10:02 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
10:02 < a930913> IDoH: Heh. You know you get notifications now?
10:02 < wctaiwan> JohnLewis: I don't call that only. I'm pretty sure even though I have a dynamic IP, it has a really long…whatever you call it, basically I keep the same IP for a long time, and generally stay within the same /16.
10:02 < SoapX> "lease"
10:02 < JohnLewis> SoapX: Redirecting to ACC hm, We can AGF it but usually with such large IP blocks we decline usually.
10:02 < wctaiwan> indeed, if people can subvert it by IP hopping it'd be ineffective
10:02 < wctaiwan> SoapX: right.
10:02 < IDoH> For changes to the pages I watch list, a930913?
10:03 < wctaiwan> JohnLewis: why, though? blocks are cheap, new editors aren't.
10:03 < a930913> IDoH: No, for mentions ;)
10:03 < IDoH> So if someone mentions me, a930913, I get notified?
10:03 < a930913> IDoH: Yup.
10:03 < wctaiwan> if they do it like, yes
10:03 < wctaiwan> if they just say your name, no
10:04 < wctaiwan> er, make that the square bracket thingy
10:04 < JohnLewis> wctaiwan: In such situations we ask for technical evidence and ask for a check to identify the target but with such large ranges most see it easier to decline.
10:04 < wctaiwan> stupid script
10:04 < IDoH> oh, okay, wctaiwan.
10:04 < wctaiwan> JohnLewis: alright, thanks for the information. Seems like a bad strategy, though :/
10:04 < JohnLewis> wctaiwan: Howso?
10:04 < wctaiwan> you're keeping people out.
10:05 < wctaiwan> and indeed, this editor was able to find the help channel. Most can't even do that. Block messages don't tell them how to appeal a block or request IP exemption (or do they?)
10:05 < JohnLewis> Not always. Most of the time people bother to ask for technical evidence. However some of the time, jsut decline.
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10:06 < JohnLewis> wctaiwan: If you see them again, direct them to WP:ACC and we'll deal with it and if need be, ask for a CU to assign IPBE to the account.
10:06 < wctaiwan> okay.
10:06 < wctaiwan> thanks.
10:06 < JohnLewis> wctaiwan: I might join -en-help actually...
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10:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug poetry?
10:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sometimes
10:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont write any
10:29 < Pharos> you should!
10:29 < mareklug> yes, one poem in this case
10:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I know I shouldn't. I also know Okido-sensei shouldn't either.
10:31 < TheDruId> Daffodils. Exterminate daffodils! (Dalek poetry)
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10:32 < SoapX>
10:32 < SoapX> oh it's a Dr Who skit
10:33 < SoapX> I thought it was Star Trek
10:33 < SoapX> isnt there a Star Trek creature with a similar name?
10:33 < SoapX> guess not
10:34 < SoapX> Daleks have been around for 50 years, much longer than Star Trek
10:34 < Pharos> Klingons do poetry too
10:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> time is irrleevant
10:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Picard has been to the begining of time.
10:34 < Pharos> and Vogons of course
10:34 < SoapX> klingons are OK
10:35 < Pharos> it's a bit of an SF meme
10:35 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:35 < SoapX> i could live there
10:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Janeway fought Q with civil war era weapons
10:36 < SoapX> i think sci-fi creatures that are strong and look intimidating but aren't actually all out to get you are the most interesting
10:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> klingons shouldnt kling on anymore
10:36 < SoapX> it's like Earth
10:36 < SoapX> everyone knows bears could kill humans with no effort but we love bears more than anything
10:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Earth has no alien creatures
10:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> talk about yourself
10:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am terified of bears that sniff het fuel to get high
10:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> crazy russians
10:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> even their bears want to be wasted
10:39 < SoapX> elephants are cute
10:39 < Pharos> WALRUSes are cuter
10:39 < SoapX> yeah theyre alright
10:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Obama is out to get your gums
10:40 < Pharos> alert the dentists!
10:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NDA?
10:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> (National Dentist Association)
10:41 < SoapX> obama wants everything
10:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
10:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> finally I can attach my phone to my head directly
10:41 < TheDruId> ToAruShiroiNeko, Earth used to have alien creatures, but the Centaurs went home.
10:42 < SoapX> theres so much technology these days
10:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId cant you summon something to stomp on people that are annoying on en.wikipedia
10:42 < SoapX> i think i will only live about five more years before i break down in shock of whats going on
10:42 < TheDruId> ToAruShiroiNeko, not until we hire trolls as anti-troll trolls.
10:43 < a930913> People who don't like blacks are racist, there exists guns that are black, there exists people that don't like guns, therefore, there exists people who are racist. :p
10:46 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:46 < Pharos> i'm pretty sure there's a latin term for that fallacy
10:47 < SoapX> basically he is saying Obama's racist
10:48 < TheDruId> The short version in Latin in "BS".
10:48 < a930913> Pharos: If I whipped out my AI logic notes, I'm sure I could find it for you :p
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10:48 < SudoGhost> Just sounds like a transitive fallacy to me.
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10:49 < Pharos> there's probably a special term for getting a correct conclusion from false premises, though
10:50 < TheDruId> Serendipity or coincidence?
10:51 -!- muahaha is now known as muahaha|AFK
10:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a930913 people arent racist
10:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> racists are racists
10:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there fore racists arent people?
10:51 < Pharos> that's good logic
10:51 < Pharos> but you don't really need step 2
10:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> predicate logic requires it
10:52 < TheDruId> There's only one race, the human race; except for those who disagree.
10:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> actually there are 6 species of humans
10:52 < Pharos> what about Homo superior?
10:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Denisova hominin H. antecessor H. cepranensis H. floresiensis H. heidelbergensis H. rhodesiensis Red Deer Cave people
10:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> H. s. idaltu H. s. sapiens H. s. neanderthalensis
10:53 < TheDruId> ?
10:53 -!- Qcoder00 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:54 < Qcoder00> Any admins about?
10:54 < Qcoder00> Got a contributor removng AFD tags...
10:54 < TheDruId> Deskana, he's back as John____
10:54 < Pharos> TheDruId: yes, it's a common SF meme
10:54 < Qcoder00> This is after the article was PRODed ( which were also removed by the contributor)
10:54 < Deskana> TheDruId: I saw.
10:55 < Qcoder00> Anyone care to assist?
10:55 < Deskana> TheDruId: He can ramble away to himself.
10:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
10:55 < Qcoder00> Anyone?
10:56 < Pharos> imho, the article should be named [[Denisovans]]
10:56 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
10:57 < a930913> Hmm, I need a bot to alert me on IRC if I get a notification.
10:57 < a930913> While I'm at it, does anybody object to me redirecting the RC feed into this channel?
10:58 < Ironholds> yes. And by object I mean 'I will hurt you'.
10:58 < Qcoder00> Afternoon Ironholds
10:58  * a930913 activates his defences.
10:58 < Ironholds> ahoy, Qcoder00
10:59 < a930913> Ironholds: How goes?
10:59 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:59 < Qcoder00> I assume removing AFD tags in attempt to avoid a disscussion isn't a done thing?
10:59  * TheDruId is a master of Tae Kwon Don't
10:59 < russavia> no qcoder00 -- you canvass amongst friends to vote at the afd insteas
10:59 < Ironholds> a930913: been better.
10:59 -!- bharris [~bharris@] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:59 < Ironholds> Qcoder00: no.
11:00 < a930913> TheDruId: But would you beat me if I had an epee? ;)
11:00 < a930913> Ironholds: What's wrong? :(
11:00 < Qcoder00> - They contirbuted some non-notable API call stubs...
11:00 < russavia> mareklug -- do you think tajikistan would be in my topic ban area?
11:01 < TheDruId> a930913, I wouldn't beat anyone I wasn't trying to prevent committing a crime.
11:01 < Qcoder00> (on API calls) I PRODed them... They removed the PROD tag...   So I took them to AFD , and then they AFD tags were removed...
11:01 < mareklug> tajikistan is central asia.  unless there are Russians there who are in your editing space.
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11:01 < Pharos> there are a few russians there i think
11:01 < a930913> TheDruId: But could you? :p
11:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a930913 just write a simple irc script :)
11:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> all you need to do is be in #en.wikipedia on
11:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you can make your computer play various themes from star wars
11:02 < a930913> ToAruShiroiNeko: I've already got the IRC bot part, I'm just considering how to get the new style notifications.
11:02 < TheDruId> a930913, I'd be capable of falling on someone, but can't catch them.
11:03 -!- bharris_ [~bharris@] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:03 < Ironholds> a930913: thewhats?
11:03 < russavia> what's the bet i'd get banned for a year if i edited this tajik airport article
11:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if article (your talk page) is edited play jarjar.mp3
11:03 < russavia>
11:03 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
11:03 < a930913> Ironholds: Whatwhats?
11:03 -!- bharris [~bharris@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:03 < russavia> simply because it has flights to russia
11:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia tajiks have an airport? news to me
11:04 -!- Qcoder00_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia why not exclusively edit articles on north korea, they have nothing to do with russia
11:04 < a930913> ToAruShiroiNeko: But even mentions are now notifications.
11:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ?
11:04 < Ironholds> a930913: 'new style notifications' - echo?
11:04 < Ironholds> there's an API, although it needs some work
11:04 < russavia> of course they do toaru -- because they are stalinist
11:04 < a930913> Yeah.
11:04 -!- Qcoder00 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:05 -!- Qcoder00_ is now known as Qcoder00
11:05 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
11:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> North korea isnt stalinist, they make stalin look reasonable - thats a feat no one else has achieved
11:05 < russavia> well that's something i am not allowed to make such a judgement call on toaru
11:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I'd go back in time kidnap him and drop him in an NRA meeting.
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11:06 < russavia> because of <S>Cartman</s> Sandstein
11:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia right about obama and gum
11:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> *write
11:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> anime!
11:06 < TheDruId> The product of a confused generation.
11:06  * ToAruShiroiNeko pictures russavia writing about each and every tentacle in anime history
11:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> The .protukt of a tortured brain
11:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> .produkt
11:07  * TheDruId imagines anime covered by polandball.
11:08 < Pharos> ToAruShiroiNeko: i don't think i agree with that
11:08 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
11:08 < Pharos> stalin had better material to work with
11:08 < Pharos> and he was saner
11:08 < russavia> would it be a topic ban violation for me to remove this photo of a tank and replace it with an actual photo of the road?
11:08 < Pharos> so he is not more reasonable really
11:09 < a930913> ToAruShiroiNeko: I just realised what's needed. You know the watchlist secret token? We need that for notifications.
11:09 < Pharos> russavia: yes
11:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos stalin had a mustache
11:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I cannot take a dictator without a mustache seriously
11:11 < Pharos> fair point
11:11 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:11 < russavia> ok, so i will add afghanistan to my list of countries in Eastern Europe
11:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia just write about lasers
11:12 < russavia> i'm not writing about shit
11:12 < mareklug> TheDruId but imagine polandball covered with googley-eyed anime
11:13 < mareklug> russavia Afghanistan is only in Eastern Europe when Russians were there.
11:13 < TheDruId> That seems to be stretching Eastern Europe a bit.
11:13 < russavia> thedruid -- well one would have thought an israeli diplomatwould be doing that eh lol
11:13 < russavia> i'll simply ask sandstein about every edit i plan to do in future
11:17 < russavia> toaru, can i add photos to articles on various turkish airlines?
11:19 < russavia> just going the thousands of photos i've uploaded to see what can be used
11:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Afghanistan barely touches central asia
11:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Afghanistan is Afghanistan
11:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia sure, why ask me?
11:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am not an authorith on planes
11:20 < russavia>  -- broadly construed, EE includes turkey
11:20 < mareklug> alerted me to the fact that a new Google Earth is out.  Indeed, 7.1.  Let's see if they fixed the crash on the Mac, which invariably happens now when you type into the search box anything, and click on search. :)
11:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia no one belives Turkey is in Europe
11:20 < russavia> which puts me in a position of not being able to touch --
11:21 < russavia> well i would never have thought israel was in europe -- but there you go lol
11:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Israel is I think in North America
11:21 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko I believe a small but significant part of Turkey is indeed in Europe.  Some of it is even in Bulgaria. :)
11:22 < TheDruId> ToAruShiroiNeku, TheDruId believes Turkey is in Europe, thanks to Empires in Arms.
11:22 < russavia> no bulgaria removed kebab from europe
11:22 -!- darev [] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:22 < russavia> well not bulgaria per se
11:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Team Bulgaria, world police
11:22 < TheDruId> B Team.
11:22 < darev> Hello!
11:23 < russavia> i definitely won't be able to touch the [[potato]] article :)
11:23 < TheDruId> darev, Hello.
11:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Team Bulgaria, World Police Inc.
11:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> [[potato]] is south american
11:23 < darev> hi, TheDruId
11:24 < Pharos> Israel is technically in Polynesia
11:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Israel is in Antarctica
11:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they have penguins living there
11:25 < TheDruId> Potato is a vegetable type of Quail.
11:25 < mareklug> Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:
11:25 < mareklug> Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
11:25 < mareklug> Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x00000000fefff000
11:25 < mareklug> hahahaha, incompetent fucker.
11:25 < mareklug> and tehy want to take over the world.
11:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> of course!
11:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they want all our apples!
11:25 < TheDruId> Apple of the Earth.
11:26 < mareklug> Google of the Incompetent Software Development
11:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> GISD?
11:27 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:29 < mareklug> ironically, it crashes when you type into the search box exactly what they provide as guidance underneath it:   Pizza near Clayville, NY
11:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Clayville, NY may not have aby Pizza left
11:31 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:31 -!- TAP|away is now known as thineantiquepen
11:35 < a930913> Does anybody else find these humble messages cute? :p
11:36 < SoapX> yeah
11:36 < SoapX> i forgot BracketBot was yours
11:36 < SoapX> how's it doing these days?
11:37 < a930913> SoapX: With BracketBot?
11:37 < SoapX> yeah
11:37 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:37 < a930913> SoapX: It got approved, and is now causing a rampage. ##930913-ub
11:38 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:38 < SoapX> nice
11:38 < TheDruId> a930913, Warm fuzzy, like the first time my position was cited in an AfD.
11:39 < a930913> TheDruId: :p
11:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Should I take Tarc seriously?
11:41 < SoapX> hes a troll
11:41 < SoapX> he was one of the ones saying Wikipetan was an icon of pedophilia
11:41 < SoapX> then again half the site agrees with him on that
11:42 < SoapX> so I probably shouldnt bring it up
11:44 < mareklug> Qcoder00  you be proud of me!!category-topic/earth/mac/P6NVKaiZ7Lc
11:44 < Qcoder00> LOL
11:45 < Qcoder00> The reason Google Earth might fall over is the sheer amount of imagery ti copes with ;)
11:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SoapX a religious nut?
11:45 < BlastHardcheese> well we all know if you're a male and you've ever looked at a child you're a pedophile rapist
11:45 < SoapX> not that I know of
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11:46 -!- D1000|Away is now known as Demiurge1000
11:46 < Jetro> what's funny about that
11:46 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away
11:47 < Qcoder00> SoapX: If people think Wikipedia has borderline stuff... Don't let them near commons
11:49 -!- bharris_ [~bharris@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
11:50 < mareklug> Qcoder00 there are lots of borderlines on Commons.  I can think of all those country maps in SVG with borderlines all over them...
11:51 < Qcoder00> mareklug:  True
11:51 < mareklug> "my arms get cold / in February air…."  -- Lights
11:51 < Qcoder00> and those sort of borderlines can also be controversial
11:51 < Qcoder00> Was it again Google maps that nearly started a war/
11:51 < Qcoder00> ?
11:51 < Qcoder00> Somwehere in South America?
11:52 < mareklug>
11:52 < Pharos> there was nearly a riot at wikiconfence india
11:52 < TheDruId> Like countries need an excuse.
11:52 < Pharos> over a commons map
11:52 < Pharos> they had to literally hide the guy who drew the map
11:53 < mareklug> SoapX ^^ that's crypto-Christian music
11:53 < TheDruId> Disputed territories should default to the party with the fewest soldiers there; in the absence of soldiers, people; in the absence of people, goats.
11:54 < mareklug> in absence of goats, penguins.
11:54 < TheDruId> That's cold. :D
11:55 < kondi> border, india what
11:55 < TheDruId> Dokdo islands, et al.
11:57 < kondi> Pharos: I remember, I've heard stories..
11:57 < TheDruId> And I do favor adding "Oriental Sea" or "Blue Sea" as options to "Sea of Japan", but not the South Korean suggestion "East Sea" (it's east of /them/ and they call the other side "West Sea")
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11:57 < SoapX> give it to Korea
11:57 < kondi> Someone told me that rioters were at the airport to welcome the attendees
11:58 < SoapX> well at least India cares about Wikipedia
11:58 < SoapX> thats more than the other countries in the world can say
11:59 < kondi> Most of Indian college students survive on wikipedia
11:59 < kondi> poor people :\
11:59 < TheDruId> Wikipedia is a "rising tide" that should help everyone, even if they never know.
12:00 < Pharos> i never heard of "Blue Sea"
12:00 < harej> A rising tide sinks all ships.
12:00 < Pharos> "oriental" is of course just a translation of "eastern"
12:00 < mareklug> harej
12:00 < harej> I know what I said!
12:01 < Pharos> yes, he's a native english speaker
12:01 < Pharos> and therefore harej knows everything
12:01 < Pharos> kind of like me
12:02 < mareklug> but isn't harej a resident of greater D.C.area and a political science person?  That would be double whopper, if you get my drift.
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12:03 < Pharos> yes, he's being politically ironic
12:03 -!- guillom is now known as basile
12:03 < TheDruId>
12:04 < TheDruId> As opposed to Ghostbusters themed
12:04 < Pharos> technically, harej shares my native tongue of brooklynese
12:04 < harej> just because I have a hideous new york accent that comes out sometimes doesn't mean I speak brooklynese
12:04 < harej> my great-uncle spoke brooklynese though
12:05 < harej> he thought it was italian but it's just brooklyn
12:05 < mareklug> oh, did I boast to you, Pharos, that the bagel was invented in the 17th century Kraków?
12:05 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:05 < TheDruId> I thought it was mentioned in the Old Testament, the Tower of Bagel.
12:05 < harej> gaspar di benedetto, may he rest in peace
12:05 < Pharos> no, but i am aware of the fact
12:06 < TheDruId> :p
12:06 < Pharos> my mother's family came from just outside of krakow actually
12:06 < SoapX> whaaat
12:06 < SoapX> bagels are Polish??
12:06 < Pharos> they're jewish-polish
12:06 < SoapX> I thought Martin Luther was eating bagels in Germany in the 1500s
12:06 < mareklug> yes.  they were the veritable big mac of Polish diet (as in eating, not the parliament) back then
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12:07 < mareklug> SoapX this is a misconception.  he was nailing stuff to the door of a church.  they may have had something, but not bagels per se
12:07 < mareklug> the very word, bajgieł, is Polish
12:07 < TheDruId> Donut without the sugar? Any claimant can have it for the asking (and yes, I eat them when I'm in New Jersey & New York)
12:08 < Pharos> i consider 'Brooklynese' the proper nam of all new yourk accented dialect
12:09 < mareklug> even Staten Island's
12:09 < mareklug> nue yolk
12:09 < Pharos> it has an "-ese" at the end, after all
12:09 < Pharos> especiallt S Island
12:09 < Pharos> S Island is 90$ relocated Brooklynites
12:09 < Pharos> *90%
12:10 < mareklug> but whereas Hem is a Brooklynese band, and I think, Brazilian Girls as well, and Neptune City's (New Jersey) Nicole Atkins wrote and sings "Brooklyn's On Fire" (and I think resides there now), Staten Island has the incomparable Ingrid Michaelson.
12:11 < Pharos> i don't think these are representative of the true Brooklynese ethnos
12:11 < Pharos> sounds like midwestern hipsters to me
12:12 < mareklug> you wouldn't know.  Not having heard them.  They are some of the best musicians from NYC.  David Letterman would agree.
12:12 < Pharos> Letterman is another midwesterner
12:13 < mareklug> but he invites musical guests at 30 Rock or wherever
12:13 -!- zz_Nascar1996 is now known as nas
12:14 < mareklug> then there is Philip Glass, the minimalist composer, the the neo-folkie dawn Landes who was his recording engineer.  I think she qualifies as a New Yorker by having lived there so long, but she hails from Louisville.
12:14 < mareklug> Glass was born in Baltimore, but lives in NYC
12:15 < mareklug> most new yorkers wer born in Pakistan or Jamaica anyway
12:16 < TheDruId> My sister was born in Idaho, but has lived there more than 20 years.
12:17 < SoapX> in 1528, Luther reported a nearly fatal bout of diarrhea brought on by his consumption of Kosher food. In a letter to Melancthon, Luther suggested that the Jewish community had attempted to poison him. Luther further suggested that Kosher foods,
12:17 < SoapX> which he believed to be disagreeable with the constitution of Gentiles, were eaten by the Jews (who, presumably, would not experience adverse effects from their consumption) as a show of superiority over the Gentiles and as a means of separating themselves from the mainstream German culture.
12:17 < SoapX> so it wasnt "a bagel"
12:17 < SoapX> it was just kosher foods in general
12:17 < mareklug> bagel is only kosher if you don't eat it with Polish ham
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12:35 < SoapX> well anyway
12:35 < SoapX> i wonder what those kosher foods were
12:36 < SoapX> and why he was eating them
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12:38 < darev> n8
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12:38 < mareklug> he might have suffered from a food alergy, but of course, it's all the Jews' fault.
12:38 < Jetro> neight
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12:45 < TheDruId> I shudder at the community shunning of people with food allergies before the modern era.
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12:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId wikipedia community?
12:56 < TheDruId> No, pre-science.
12:57 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
12:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> science was always there
12:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> people were too ignorant to observe it :p
12:58 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko
12:58 < SoapX> yeah it would be a pain to be lactose intolerant in Sweden in 1600 AD
12:59 < SoapX> at least in the tropics there was more variety
12:59 < mareklug> actually, all milk-producing peoples have a curds technology, so you could well do well not drinking fresh mik but eating yogurt, cheeses, especially stinky cheeses.
12:59 < petan> fuck wikipetan
13:00 < petan> I hereby declare that since now you will all say wiki-pe-tan or I will go and eat your cookies
13:01 < petan> or I could change that highlighter to \spetan\s mhm...
13:01 < SoapX> eh its my fault
13:01 < petan> :P
13:01 < SoapX> im the only one who doesnt use the hyphen
13:01 < SoapX> I dont know really why, just habit
13:01  * petan sends hordes of petans over SoapX
13:02 < SoapX> there isnt even a redirect for the hyphenless spelling
13:02 < SoapX> oh wait
13:02 < SoapX> the mainspace article for Wikipe-tan is gone
13:02 < petan> we shouldn't even create it so that you remember it's wrong withough them
13:02 < petan> :P
13:02 < SoapX>
13:02 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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13:02 < petan> poor wikipe-tan
13:03 < a930913> Hot potato is hot.
13:04  * ToAruShiroiNeko arrests petan
13:04  * petan eats ToAruShiroiNeko
13:04 -!- osxdude [~osxdude@unaffiliated/osxdude] has quit [Quit: Textual v2.1 (ZTN Fork v2.0.1)]
13:05 < SoapX> i want to make a 3D model of Wikipe-tan and put her in a video game
13:05 < mareklug> SoapX do you like Genesis?  This is from when they were still good  Genesis - All in a Mouse's Night   (1977)
13:06 < SoapX> never heard of them
13:06 < SoapX> maybe i would, i dunno
13:06 < mareklug> you never heard of ????
13:06 < SoapX> not that Im aware of
13:07 < Pharos> what about Deuteronomy (band)
13:08 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
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13:08 < mareklug> Pharos they probably were a douchebag band like Coldplay, Muse or Oasis.  In any case, they could not have been a Genesis, you know, what without Steve Hackett on guitar or Phil Collins on drums and vocals (not to mention Peter Gabriel)
13:08 < IH|away> Genesis are fucking terrible.
13:08 < SoapX> i think he was kidding but there probably is at least one band named Deuteronomy
13:08 < mareklug> and you know that because?
13:08 -!- IH|away is now known as Ironholds
13:09 < SoapX> for a sec I thought that was IDoH
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13:09 < IDoH> Who/what was me, SoapX?
13:09 < mareklug> have you ever so much as seen Genesis live?   of course, you are a bit young to have seen them in their heyday
13:10 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.]
13:10 < SoapX> <IH|away> Genesis are fucking terrible. <-- misread IH as IDoH
13:10 < SoapX> i was gonna say thats out of character for you
13:11 < IDoH> Oh, heh
13:11 < IDoH> yeah
13:11 < mareklug> besides, IDoH  likes me to feed her music, and with enough selecting, she would endorse Genesis
13:11 < IDoH> What do you mean by "selecting"?
13:12 < mareklug> choosing obviously beguiling music
13:12 < Pharos> natural selection
13:12 < Pharos> it would take a few generations
13:12 < mareklug> anyway, Steve Hackett's arpeggiated guitar is alone worth the price of admission as far as Genesis is concerned.  He is a master guitarist and very unusual, none like him.
13:13 < moogsi> i don't know anything about Genesis and i don't want to know
13:13 < moogsi> it's dad music
13:13 < moogsi> YEAH I SAID IT
13:13 < Ironholds> there is good dad music. By which I mean: Rush exists.
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13:13 < mareklug> I suppose Audrey Hepburn is dad's actress
13:13 < Pharos> i think it depends on your dad's generation
13:13 < moogsi> Audrey Hepburn is timeless, i defy anyone to say that about Genesis
13:13 < mareklug> Rush is trash by comparison.  and I speak as one who had Rush from the 2112.
13:13 < Pharos> my dad is a folkie
13:14 < TheDruId> My dad's still into Sousa.
13:14 < mareklug> some of genesis is timeless.  I instruct you to listen to Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
13:14 < moogsi> I DON'T TAKE ORDERS FRO-... ok then
13:15 < moogsi> i'm not doing it right now, i'll queue it up
13:16 < harej> mareklug: good album though it is way too long
13:16 < harej> "the lamb lies down on broadway" is terrific
13:16 < harej> uh
13:16 < harej> excuse me
13:16 -!- Bradford is now known as PoohBot|AFK
13:16 < TheDruId> Lost my wrestling match, have to give up the computer in a few minutes.
13:16 < harej> I meant to say
13:16 < harej> "selling england by the pound" is terrific
13:16 < harej> "foxtrot" leaves me ambivalent
13:17 < harej> and those are the three genesis albums i own
13:17 < TheDruId> Dude and Dude is worth the chuckles.
13:17 < mareklug> yes, I should have recommended Selling England by the Pound.    Firth of Fifth, the Cinema show, and the Battle of the Epping Forest are gems.
13:21 < mareklug> harej but I think you are selling short the two albums that followed Gabriel's departure and came before Hackett left:  A Trick of the Tale, Wind and Wuthering.  The guitar/keyboards blend is just intoxicating.  it is symphonic in t he best of senses.
13:21 -!- TheDruId [4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
13:21 < mareklug> Tail *
13:21 < harej> I don't recall liking A Trick of the Tale when I listened to it
13:21 < harej> but maybe I wasn't paying enough attention
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13:22 -!- Vogone is now known as JohnLewis
13:23 < mareklug> I have a cover (vinyl) of Abacab that Collins, Rutherford and Banks signed for me in pencil backstage :)
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13:27 < NotASpy> I wonder if any other band could boast of a more interesting and disparate set of careers for the Genesis boys.
13:27 < NotASpy> I've (perhaps ashamedly) got a soft spot for Mike and the Mechanics at the moment.
13:30 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
13:30 < SoapX> they had a few good songs
13:31 < NotASpy> there's a Disney advert at the moment, reminds me of Silent Running.
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13:32 < PoohBot|AFK> O_o
13:32 -!- Guest14471 is now known as Mike_HHH
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13:40 < dtm> i'm writing guidelines on how to create biographies on wikipedia
13:40 < dtm> you all shall now recognize me as a notable authority on this subject
13:40 < dtm> of other people who actually do stuff
13:40 < Demiurge1000> dtm: Remember to mention the old trick of killing the subject, so that you can claim you need to use an image under fair use
13:41 < dtm> shhhhhhhhhooooot.
13:41 < dtm> okay.
13:41 < dtm> i... hadn't.. HEARD .. of thaaaaat......
13:42 -!- Headbomb [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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13:45 < PoohBot|AFK> dtm: :-*
13:48 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
13:48 < Demiurge1000> dtm: The suggestion is a good way to ascertain if the article author has a COI or not
13:50 -!- PoohBot|AFK is now known as Bradford
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13:53 < dtm> Bradford: oic
13:54 < dtm> Demiurge1000: yeah right... wait, they could be an heir though.
13:54 < Demiurge1000> yes, but...
13:54 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:57 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas
13:58 < dtm> k
14:00 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away
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14:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> o hai Dcoetzee
14:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I want to stab people
14:19 < Jetro> Do you
14:19 < Jetro> Maybe play some Hitman
14:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> that game is sexist
14:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hitman? why not hitwoman?
14:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> :p
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14:21 < mareklug> it's a false friend, in English, ToAruShiroiNeko.  a hitwoman is a woman you hit.
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15:25 < kuzetsa> I'm not bad on adding citations when a {{cite}} tag would otherwise be needed, but I'm really bad at formatting :(
15:26 < gwickwire> mareklug: lol.
15:26 < kuzetsa> is there a cleaner looking quote template I could use for the section I just added, titled "PPS (Pulse per second) timing use" -->
15:26 -!- kaldari [~kaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:28 < kuzetsa> or is that ok for now? I was planning to expand a bit of information on the use case (below, same section) using a few primary and secondary sources.
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15:30 < kaldari> If there are any gadget folks around:
15:30 < mareklug> kuzetsa looks ok.  were there any authors on this RFC?
15:30 < mareklug> gwickwire lol?
15:31 -!- dungodung is now known as dungodung|away
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15:35 < kuzetsa> mareklug: I'm lazy though :(
15:35  * kuzetsa pouts
15:35 < kuzetsa> ... shut up
15:36 < kuzetsa> /wiki/Template:Cite_IETF/doc was confusing :(
15:36 < kuzetsa> starts with the words "Note: this template is currently for testing purposes only." and I didn't want to risk things breaking
15:37 < kuzetsa> I probably shouldn't have even used it, but I'm really quite lazy :(
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15:38 < kuzetsa> huh... it seems to be rather extensively used though -->
15:38 < mareklug> kuzetsa just add sime names.  date accessed would be appropriate, as well.
15:38 < mareklug> some *
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15:38 < mareklug> date published, too
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15:39 < mareklug> gwickwire what are you on?
15:39 -!- Maryana is now known as Maryana_brb
15:39 < kuzetsa> fine I'll fix it. Normally I'd just slack off and say "that's too much like work" but you were nice about it
15:39 -!- Hazard-SJ_ is now known as Hazard-SJ
15:39 < gwickwire> uhu
15:42 < mareklug> kuzetsa I am always nice to you.  It is Bradford and gwickwire that I abuse.
15:43 < MJ94> oh hay gwickwire
15:43 < MJ94> mareklug: thanks for loving me <3
15:45 < mareklug> you are welcome MJ94
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15:47  * a930913 waves to MJ94.
15:48  * MJ94 waves
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15:59 < Maple__> eW9sbw==
16:01 < Krenair> Z3Rmbw==
16:02 < BlastHardcheese> my thoughts exactly
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16:14 < JackDaniels> d
16:14 < Ironholds> e
16:14 < Ironholds> next letter, anyone.
16:15 < Sky2042_afk> f
16:15 < Ironholds> calling my experts...yes! they confirm that is the right answer!
16:15 < Sky2042_afk> psh, can't call experts, only friends.
16:15 < Sky2042_afk> l2p millionaire
16:15 < Ironholds> and Sky2042_afk, you get to pick between these three prizes; a king cobra, a sack of vetinary waste and a month's holiday in Milton Keynes.
16:16 < Ironholds> who said we were playing WWTBAM?
16:16 < Sky2042_afk> A king cobra, duh.
16:16 < Sky2042_afk> I'll just defang it.
16:16  * Ironholds hands Sky2042_afk a king cobra, watches it go to town on him
16:17 < kuzetsa> mareklug: ok, added authors & date.
16:17 < Isarra> What about the tickets to the bucket concert? Watch bums play buckets!
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16:17 < SoapX> hi tempo
16:17 < kuzetsa> busy with non-wikipedia stuff now
16:17 < kuzetsa> (AFK)
16:18 < tempodivalse> oh, hi Soap :)
16:18 -!- JackDaniels [] has quit [Client Quit]
16:18 < tempodivalse> getting back into the wikipedia editing hobby :)
16:18 < Isarra> Guys, did you know you can order a cup of whipped cream at starbucks?
16:18 -!- JackDaniels [] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:18 < gwickwire> Isarra: yes.
16:18 < Isarra> In retrospect that probably wasn't a very good idea.
16:18 < gwickwire> lol
16:19 < gwickwire> ugh.
16:20 < Isarra> Or possibly it was the mixing it with an already large frappe that was the bad idea.
16:20 < Isarra> I dunno.
16:20 < Isarra> Damn tasty, though.
16:20 -!- TParis [~TParis@wikipedia/TParis] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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16:21  * Isarra offers gwickwire some whipped cream.
16:21 < gwickwire> Isarra: meh.
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16:23 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng_busy
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16:27 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:29 -!- Pink|away is now known as PinkAmpersand
16:29 < MJ94> I want to go to a Wikimeetup someday.
16:29 < MJ94> Although I feel like 90% of you guys live in New York.
16:30  * foks is in the 10%.
16:31 < MJ94> What's that giant Wikimedia meet up called?
16:31 < MJ94> The huge one?
16:31 -!- JW|Away is now known as Jake_Wartenberg
16:32 -!- Jasper_Deng_busy is now known as Jasper_Deng
16:32 < tempodivalse> foks: we two should hold a meetup! we live at two antipodes
16:32 < tempodivalse> :DD
16:32 < foks> MJ94, ...Wikimania?
16:32 < foks> tempodivalse, :P
16:32 < tempodivalse> (Nice to see you again, by the way!)
16:33 < MJ94> yes foks
16:33 < MJ94> thanks
16:33 < foks> tempodivalse, :)
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16:39 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:40 < Bradford> ty:  :D
16:42 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:42 < Isarra> What's the difference between eternity and infinity, aside from the former being specific to time?
16:43 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
16:44 < SoapX> infinity can be negative
16:46 < harej> very true
16:46 < moogsi_> linear time is negative
16:46 < moogsi_> it is called.. the past
16:46 < harej> also true
16:46 < harej> though it is worth noting that it is only negative in a relative sense
16:46 < harej> that is to say, while -30 is and always will be -30,
16:47 < harej> February 7, 2019 is currently off in the future, but will one day be a part of the past.
16:47 < harej> So it's relative to the point of time you're in.
16:47 < Isarra> Numbers are also conceptual and thus potentially relative.
16:48 < moogsi_> Isarra: you think  so?
16:48 < moogsi_> i think numbers exist
16:48 < moogsi_> i can't believe this is in any way still controversial :P
16:48 < Isarra> Numbers are abstract.
16:48 < moogsi_> no numbers are real
16:48 < moogsi_> real real real
16:48 < Isarra> They have no independent existence.
16:48 < harej> Numbers are technically human constructs, yes.
16:49 < harej> moogsi_: I disagree—there are an infinite number of real numbers!
16:49 < moogsi_> :D
16:49 < moogsi_> ahem
16:49 < moogsi_> "no, numbers are real"
16:49 < harej> that comma is important!
16:50 < moogsi_> it's an open question
16:51 < Isarra> The universe is rock permitting.
16:51 < Isarra> Clearly there was an intelligent designer to make the universe rock permitting.
16:51  * Isarra runs.
16:51 < moogsi_> i don't like thinking that "7" is an abstract concept.. people think that "abstract" means "artifical" somehow
16:52 < moogsi_> *artificial"
16:52 < Isarra> 'Artificial' is an abstract concept.
16:52 < moogsi_> like, if it's abstract then someone must have made it up
16:52 < moogsi_> Isarra: nonsense
16:52 < harej> "7" exists in nature, but its signifer (the numeral) is manmade.
16:53 < Isarra> 'Abstract' is an abstract concept.
16:53 < harej> Numbers definitely exist in nature—there is ample evidence for this—but how we describe them is a construct of language.
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16:53 -!- Bradford is now known as Pandashan|Cloud
16:53 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:53 < moogsi_> yes i understand the difference between "7 things" and "7" :P
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16:54 < moogsi_> Isarra: i like to stick to nouns when describing things as abstract or not, it's less confusing
16:55 < Isarra> Aye. >.<
16:56 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has joined #wikipedia-en
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16:58 -!- peachey|laptop__ is now known as peachey|out
17:00 < moogsi_> i well, it seems like it's either, "the concept of number is entirely constructed, stuff either exists or it doesn't" or "numbers are a real (non-anthropogenic) thing which somehow exist"
17:00 < moogsi_> jury's out
17:01 < moogsi_> if i'm allowed to have a hunch, it's the latter
17:10  * Pandashan|Cloud Buenas noche a todos, Good night :D
17:10 -!- Pandashan|Cloud [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: Adiós chongos, no me extrañen :D]
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17:28 < Bazinga> mareklug: lol
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17:50 < Steven_Zhang> legoktm: not my friend anymore :|
17:50 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has quit [Quit: Saindo]
17:51 < MJ94> Ironholds: ping?
17:51 < Ironholds> mn?
17:51 < MJ94> Steven_Zhang: hahahah you jelly?
17:51 < Steven_Zhang> :P
17:51 < MJ94> Ironholds: You're a lawyer, right?
17:51 < Ironholds> IANAL. I have a law degree. big difference ;p
17:51 < Ironholds> (and, yes, mandatory funny hat. But.)
17:51 -!- Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away
17:52 < MJ94> Ironholds: Can I ask you a law question? :p
17:52 < Ironholds> Yes! With the caveats that I cannot give legal advice with any guarantee of accuracy, and that my law degree is from the jurisdiction of England and Wales.
17:52 < MJ94> Of course.
17:52 < Ironholds> and that if you live in outer Mongolia I am unlikely to be helpful
17:52 < MJ94> Just a general.
17:52 < SoapX> you typed that fast
17:52 < MJ94> SoapX: he probably has tab complete
17:52 < MJ94> :p
17:53 < Ironholds> SoapX: I have a mechanical keyboard I get a shitton of wps out of. I'm the best at what I do.
17:53 < SoapX> cool
17:54 < Maple__> < needs bettar article; "Shadow Warrior" is actually quite decent, I'm reading it right now
17:54 -!- tucoxn [~tucoxn@countervandalism/tucoxn] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:54 < tucoxn> hello
17:54 -!- MikeV [~MikeV@wikipedia/Mike-V] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:55 < Peter-C> My town FD/PD just saved ducks from a sewer.
17:55 < Peter-C> Woop woop.
17:55 < Maple__> :O
17:55 < Mkdw> Im curious about MJ's legal question.
17:56 < MJ94> Ironholds: Hypothetically, let's say your mom wants to sell a bracelet, so your dad puts it on Craigslist. Someone sends dad a text and says "I like this bracelet, think it will go well with this?" It leads to an image site with .jpg.gimp files. The files don't load in the browser and don't have a download button. However, the site has a big bold notice saying: Can't view image? Download Gimp." You click it, and it sends you to an unauthorized Gimp
17:56 < MJ94>  distributor that has Adware on it. The URL the person gave you have a referral link, which means that every dl the Gimp file gets, the referrer gets money. Is the referrer breaking the law or just the overhead malware distributor that the referrer is working for?
17:56 < moogsi_> were they special fancy ducks?
17:56  * Ironholds headscratches
17:57 < Ironholds> that's definitely in the category of "yeah, I'm in England and Wales"
17:57 < tucoxn> does anybody remember the channel for the small wiki monitoring team?
17:57 < MJ94> #cvn-smallwikis
17:57 < MJ94> I think
17:57 < tucoxn> MJ94: Thanks!
17:57 < MJ94> I just /parted there two days ago
17:57 < MJ94> tucoxn: no promises
17:57 < MJ94> Ironholds: aw.
17:58 < tucoxn> nope, I don't htink that's it
17:58 < Maple__> #cvn-sw?
17:58 < tucoxn> yup, thanks Maple!
17:58 < MJ94> yes
17:58 -!- Maple__ is now known as boverhoard
17:58 < Mkdw> Not a lawyer, but the person who gave you the link could probably deny any wrongdoing
17:58 < MJ94> tucoxn: that :p
17:58 < MJ94> Mkdw: what if we save the text?
17:59 < SoapX> Im pretty sure spam and even adware is legal
17:59 -!- boverhoard is now known as Maple__
17:59 < SoapX> or else a LOT of people would be in jail
17:59 < SoapX> viruses are where the law gets involved
17:59 < Mkdw> You'd need proof that the person knew it was malicious
17:59 < Maple__> tucoxn, np
17:59 < Mkdw> and then knowingly gave it to you, I imagine.
18:00 < Peter-C> 1 mother, 5 ducks
18:00 < moogsi_> did they look like this?
18:00 < Mkdw> Think about how spam works. I'm sure you've received it from friends either through facebook shares, or emails etc.
18:00 < moogsi_> ducklings?
18:00 < SoapX> there's even been cases where spammers have sued people for defamation when theyve been unmasked
18:00 < MJ94> Mkdw: true
18:00 < Peter-C> Some were trapped in the sewer, FD/PD opened up the sewer, picked them up, transported mother and kids to the pond
18:00 < moogsi_> little ducks are the best thing ever
18:01 < SoapX> everyone loves ducks
18:02 < Peter-C> PD said they would put the cost of the rescue on the mothers bill
18:04 < moogsi_> are you sure that wasn't the local news prompting them... "are you gonna hve to put it on her BILL?" ahahahah
18:04 < Peter-C> No
18:04 < moogsi_> i worked briefly for a local newpaper, 'local man dies of natural causes' type headlines
18:04 < Mkdw> Again, not a lawyer, but the reason why malware and spam are so popular is because they
18:04 < moogsi_> they would have loved that story
18:04 < Peter-C> PD had a field day over the radio
18:04 < Mkdw> they're* nearly impossible to stop.
18:05 < Bazinga> Peter-C: are you liable if someone dies?
18:05 < Bazinga> if you screwed up etc.
18:05 < moogsi_> the internet makes everything easier, even stealing money from ignorant people... maybe especially that :(
18:06 < SoapX> that Gimp story is a really circuitous way to make money
18:06 < SoapX> Is it based on something real?
18:07 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has joined #wikipedia-en
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18:11 < SoapX> all fish have eyes
18:11 < SoapX> but, the most recent common ancestors of fish did not have eyes
18:11 < SoapX> Eyes must therefore have evolved somewhere in between
18:11 -!- BewareofDoug [~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug] has joined #wikipedia-en
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18:15 < Steven_Zhang> hey BewareofDoug
18:16 < BewareofDoug> Steven_Zhang: Hey! long time no chat!
18:16 < Steven_Zhang> :P
18:16 < Steven_Zhang> yeh
18:16 < BewareofDoug> What has been going on with you?  How did your grant thing work out?
18:17 < Steven_Zhang> heh, I became a fellow
18:17 < Steven_Zhang> finished in Januaery
18:17 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:17 < Steven_Zhang> now i am a former employee :P
18:17 < BewareofDoug> I guess that's good
18:18 < Steven_Zhang> heh. anyone seen the Ameristralia petition
18:18 < BewareofDoug> ?
18:18 -!- Maple__ is now known as sid|3
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18:18 < SoapX> what, Aus wants to be part of the USA? Im totally in favor
18:19 < MJ94> [20:06:42] <SoapX>	 that Gimp story is a really circuitous way to make money
18:19 < MJ94> [20:06:48] <SoapX>	 Is it based on something real?
18:19 < MJ94> Was that pointed at me?
18:19 < SoapX> I'd even be in favor if the capital of the new nation was moved to Australia
18:19 < SoapX> MJ94 yeah
18:19 < MJ94> SoapX: yes
18:19 < SoapX> it seesm too complicated to be entirely made-up
18:19 < MJ94> side note: anyone want my mom's bracelet?
18:19 < SoapX> but at the same time, who could be so desperate for a few pennies that they'd resort to something so complicated?
18:19 -!- sid|4 is now known as Maple__
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18:20 < MJ94> SoapX: Dad got a text that said: "I'm interested in the bracelet, think it'd go well with this <link>
18:20 < Steven_Zhang>
18:21 -!- moogsi_ is now known as moogsi
18:21 < Mkdw> I'll buy it MJ94
18:21 < Mkdw> But first, you have to download this link
18:21 < MJ94> lol'd
18:22 < SoapX> my guess is that most Americans would be in favor of combining, since nothing could really hurt America
18:22 < SoapX> and most Australians woukld be against it, but a sizable number would be in favor as well
18:22 -!- Sven_Manguard [~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:22 < moogsi> what is at ?
18:22 < moogsi> what it do?
18:23 < Sven_Manguard> I forgot what the page is that has the prewritten copyright release for images
18:23 < Sven_Manguard> anyone know it
18:23 < SoapX> 15 yrs ago the Expansionist Party of the USA was in the news
18:23 < Mkdw> haha that's so funny moogsi
18:23 < SoapX> they favor having the USA take over the world
18:23 < Mkdw> Did you see the little sentence in the corner before it redirects you?
18:23 < moogsi> Mkdw: wai
18:23 < moogsi> nay
18:23 -!- Mike_HH [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
18:23 < Mkdw> it says "bits and pieces live here!"
18:23 < moogsi> haha ok
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18:23 < Mkdw> and then redirects you to the main site.
18:24 < Mkdw> I think it's a joke
18:24 < SoapX> bits is some toolserver-related thing
18:24 < moogsi> it's giving me gip
18:24 < SoapX> I think
18:24 < moogsi> some pages take 60 seconds waiting for
18:25 < moogsi> it is very annoying
18:25 < moogsi> it's probably on my end... something needs resetting
18:26  * moogsi kicks router
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18:27 -!- Pink|dinner is now known as PinkAmpersand
18:28 < SoapX> hi &
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18:31 < Moe_Epsilon> we might be the only version of wikipedia that has stupidly adopted disambiguations in the middle of the titles
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18:32 < SoapX> in the middle?
18:33 < moogsi> does anyone know when all that SUL stuff is being done?
18:33 < moogsi> like the account renaming stuff
18:33 < Moe_Epsilon> SoapX: [[East Hampton (town), New York]] and [[East Hampton (village), New York]]
18:33 < moogsi> is that a thing which is happening
18:33 < SoapX> late May, I think
18:34 -!- gde33|2 [] has left #wikipedia-en ["Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is"]
18:34 < moogsi> i am asking a dumb question because i can't read any pages which contain this information
18:34 < moogsi> thank you
18:34 < SoapX> ill have an exact date in a minute
18:35 < SoapX> "This change will take place on or around 27 May 2013. "
18:35 < Moe_Epsilon> alright, [[National Register of Historic Places listings in East Hampton (town), New York]] is about ridiculous
18:35 < SoapX>
18:35 < Moe_Epsilon> especially since [[National Register of Historic Places listings in East Hampton, New York]] is a redirect
18:36 < moogsi> yeah fuck this i can't even read that
18:36 < moogsi> biab
18:36 -!- moogsi [~moogsi@wikimedia/moogsi] has quit [Quit: na na na nana na na nanana na na naaaa]
18:42 < SoapX> i wonder what his problem is
18:42 < legoktm> Steven_Zhang: :|
18:43 < Steven_Zhang> wut :P
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18:47 < Steven_Zhang> legoktm: i warned you :P
18:47 < legoktm> :((
18:47 < Steven_Zhang> not my fault you have more supports :P
18:47 < Steven_Zhang> but really, im happy for you :)
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18:52 < legoktm> :D
18:52 < legoktm> ty
18:57 < Bazinga> hm
18:57 < Bazinga>
18:57 < Bazinga> legoktm: still can't beat Fluff|away
18:58 < legoktm> o.O
18:58 < legoktm> meh
18:59 < Shirik> who do I get to slap about this whole notification thing in the top right hand corner
19:00 < SoapX> irony
19:00 < SoapX> hes become basically the guy who takes all the heat about the decisions the WMF makes
19:00 < Fluff|away> Bazinga: s'ok, if i did it again today there'd be plenty of people who called for my head, I'm sure
19:00 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Steven_Zhang]
19:01 < Shirik> <insert inappropriate joke here>
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19:01 < Fluff|away> Shirik: slapping people is rude. You should instead give them cookies.
19:01 -!- Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
19:03 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away
19:04 < Bazinga> Shirik: put hot sauce in the cookies
19:04 < Bazinga> (really hot)
19:05 < Shirik> I like hot sauce
19:05 < Fluffernutter> make sure you feed them to the actual devs, though, and not just the devs' appointed whipping boy whose job it is to ruefully tell you the devs hate you
19:05 < Bazinga> I do too...
19:06 < Bazinga> but there's nothing wrong with making Shirik's Bhut Jolokia Cookies
19:06 < Jasper_Deng> Unfortunately, the devs do have contempt for our complaints
19:07 < Fluffernutter> Jacnoc: i don't think they do really. I think they sort of live in a different world, where they could award us all a million dollars and they know we'd still bitch, and they're a little bit used to toning us out when we act crazy like that
19:07 < Fluffernutter> er, sorry, wrong ping name
19:07 -!- usethecommandlin [] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:07 < Fluffernutter> that ws for Jasper_Deng
19:07 < usethecommandlin> hi
19:08 < usethecommandlin> are there any toolserver tools that will allow one to thread a user's edits, e.g. by article
19:08 < Bazinga> Does anyone here not like the beatles?
19:09 < Jasper_Deng> hey, I can probably claim I'm the only one
19:09 < SoapX> what? ONLY a million? I deserve at least ten million for all the pain Ive put into editing Wikipedia
19:09 < SoapX> in fact Im suing
19:09 < Shirik> class action? I would like to join
19:09 < SoapX> I'm subpoenaing the name and blood type of everyone who's ever disagreed with me
19:10 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Quit: heatherw]
19:10 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
19:10 < usethecommandlin> is there somewhere else i might ask?
19:10 < SoapX> even in their sleep
19:10 < Moe_Epsilon> Bazinga: yep
19:10 < SoapX> usethecommandlin: what do you mean by "thread" ?
19:10 < Bazinga> Moe_Epsilon: go away
19:10 < Bazinga> you are not the walrus.
19:10 < usethecommandlin> im interested in sifting through a user's edits to a particular article, instead of only being able to go to the next edit to the article
19:10 < Bazinga> you will never will be the walrus
19:11 < Bazinga> - will
19:11 < usethecommandlin> does that make sense?
19:11 < Moe_Epsilon> I don't want to be a walrus
19:11 < SoapX> oh, no, I dont think a tool like that exists. Just the "user edits by article" tool
19:11 < usethecommandlin> and going back and forth to the list of article edits is time consuming
19:11 < usethecommandlin> or, even, edits to multiple articles
19:11 < SoapX> Im pretty sure nothing more advanced than that exists
19:12 -!- peachey|out is now known as p858snake
19:12 < tucoxn> bye bye
19:12 -!- tucoxn [~tucoxn@countervandalism/tucoxn] has left #wikipedia-en []
19:12 < usethecommandlin> thats kind of strange. that would take me a while to build though, so it wouldnt be available for its immediate purpose
19:12 < usethecommandlin> ok thanks
19:12 -!- usethecommandlin [] has left #wikipedia-en []
19:12 -!- ToAruShiroiNeko [~admin@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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19:14 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
19:16 -!- ChrisGualtieri [328598c0@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:17 < ChrisGualtieri> Could someone explain a policy to me, just so I am sure I am interpreting it correctly?
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19:20 < Mkdw> Isnt there a duplication detector that will scan a page and its references for close paraphrasing?
19:20 < Mkdw> dcoetzee's tool only does a comparison between two urls
19:20 < SoapX> hi ChrisG
19:20 -!- muahaha|AFK is now known as muahaha
19:20 -!- YE|AFK is now known as YE
19:21 -!- ToAruShiroiNeko [~admin@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:21 < ChrisGualtieri> Hi SoapX
19:21 < ChrisGualtieri> Specifically, could someone explain to me?
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19:23 < SoapX> well I guess what theyre saying is just AGF
19:24 < ChrisGualtieri> Not that. The actual 'content fork' what is the definition of a content fork
19:24 < SoapX> dont assume that just because there are two articles on something that needs only one, that one of them is a POV fork
19:25 < SoapX> well, suppose I made a copy of the article on Chiropractics and took all the negative stuff out. That would be a POV fork
19:25 < SoapX> and therefore also a content fork
19:25 < ChrisGualtieri> "A content fork is the creation of multiple separate articles all treating the same subject." Would a franchise overview of all the works of a subject be a content fork of a specific sub-topic covering one work in detail?
19:26 < SoapX> suppose I made an article called "History of World War II" and it turned out to basically just be another article much the same as [[World War II]]. That would be a content fork but probably not a POV fork
19:27 < SoapX> i dont understand your question so Im not sure
19:27 < SoapX> Probably not
19:27 < ChrisGualtieri> My issue with Lucia Black is summed up by such a simple argument.
19:28 < ChrisGualtieri> " The split would only cause a near duplicate or leave the manga article incredibly underdeveloped. You've evaded this key issue long enough. WP:REDUNDANTFORK is about splitting off material that may have already been split off, but is also meant for splits that would need the same information as the main article"
19:28 -!- heatherw_ [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:30 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
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19:33 < ChrisGualtieri> Anyone care to comment? X-x
19:33 -!- sdamashek [~Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9] has quit [Quit: sleep]
19:33 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:36 -!- SoapX is now known as {soap|bed}
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19:51 < ChrisGualtieri> I really need to find out how to deal with disruptive and stubborn editors for dispute resolution... it is rather irritating to down right insulting to have editors insert knowingly false material into the article repeatedly.
19:52 < {soap|bed}> yeah
19:54 -!- heatherw_ [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Quit: heatherw_]
19:58 -!- Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away
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20:02 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en
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20:18 -!- MikeV [~MikeV@wikipedia/Mike-V] has quit [Quit: MikeV]
20:19 < ChrisGualtieri> I need an admin to intervene
20:19 < ChrisGualtieri> !admin
20:20 -!- MikeV [~MikeV@wikipedia/Mike-V] has joined #wikipedia-en
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20:20 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en
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20:21 < ChrisGualtieri> No admins on?
20:22 -!- Missingno255 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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20:24 < {soap|bed}> at least six or seven admins are here
20:24 < {soap|bed}> and active
20:24 < SigmaWP> Well
20:24 < Guerillero>  ChrisGualtieri what do you need
20:24 < {soap|bed}> its the Lucia Black thing I think
20:24 < SigmaWP> It appears that I have forgotten how to use qwerty
20:24 < SigmaWP> Fuck
20:25 < {soap|bed}> what are you using, Dvorak?
20:25 < SigmaWP> Yep
20:29 -!- BewareofDoug [~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug] has quit [Quit: BewareofDoug]
20:31 < eeekster> forgotten how to use qwerty? Wouldn't that be grounds for opposing an RFA?
20:32 < Dcoetzee> Heh
20:32  * Hazard-SJ says no to eeekster and gets back to programming a bot
20:32 < Isarra> ToAruShiroiNeko: Can you be angsty?
20:32 < Dcoetzee> I quit using Dvorak precisely because it occasionally confused me while typing Qwerty
20:32 < Dcoetzee> And I had to use QWERTY keyboards during lab assignments, etc.
20:32 < Dcoetzee> I can still type Dvorak but I've lost a lot of speed
20:32 < eeekster> I'd have real trouble if I was switching between the two
20:33 < eeekster> Hazard-SJ, it'd be better than some of the reasons I've seen
20:33 < Bazinga> hey Dcoetzee
20:38 < Dcoetzee> Hey
20:38 < Dcoetzee> Bazinga: How're you
20:39 < Bazinga> Haven't been doing to bad, and you? Haven't talked in awhile :-)
20:41 < Dcoetzee> Good :-)
20:41 < Dcoetzee> Wrapping up a class project at the moment on student attrition in MOOCs
20:45  * Hazard-SJ laughs
20:47 -!- Moe_Epsilon is now known as Moe_{akf}
20:47 -!- Moe_{akf} is now known as Moe_{afk}
20:48 < eeekster> "I oppose your RFA because I don't know how to type Σ"
20:48 < eeekster> and that'd be even more of a problem on Dvorak for such a person ;)
20:49 < Shirik> speaking of typing
20:49 < Shirik> my new keyboard comes tomorrow, yay!
20:49 < {soap|bed}> what kind of keyboard is it?
20:49 < {soap|bed}> it must be special if youre so happy
20:50 < Shirik> not particularly special
20:50 < Shirik> though it is my first mechanical keyboard
20:50 < eeekster> I just hope my current keyboard (over a decade old) keys going
20:50 < Shirik> but I really hate my current one
20:52 -!- Mkdw [~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
20:52 < {soap|bed}> ok
20:54 < Dcoetzee> Shirik: That sounds awesome!
20:54 < Dcoetzee> Is it a clicky keyboard with the springs and everything?
20:55 < Shirik> yes, though a little quieter than you're probably thinking of
20:56 < Dcoetzee> I see :-)
20:56 < {soap|bed}> i want a keyboard that has a hexadecimal numberpad
20:57 < Dcoetzee> If I ever started a cafe I think I would call it DEAD BEEF FACE CAFE
20:58 < Dcoetzee> And we would FEED DEAD BEEF to our customers
20:59 < Dcoetzee> I wonder what other words you can spell with hexadecimal. Let me grep the dictionary
20:59 < Bazinga> What is a mechanical keyboard?
20:59 < Jasper_Deng> so that's the IPv6 address you'd give it, Dcoetzee?
20:59 < Bazinga>
20:59 < Jasper_Deng> (for its website)
20:59 < Dcoetzee> Jasper_Deng: Yep, just add some colons
21:00 < Bazinga> oh...
21:00 < Bazinga> those things
21:00 < Bazinga> Dcoetzee: are you an admin on enwiki
21:01 < Dcoetzee> Words you can spell with hexadecimal
21:01 < Dcoetzee> FACADE is my favorite
21:01 < Dcoetzee> EFFACE is nice too
21:01 < Dcoetzee> Bazinga: Yep
21:01 < {soap|bed}> babe
21:01 < Jasper_Deng> Dcoetzee: do you see what I see when you ping FB using IPv6?
21:02 < Jasper_Deng> isn't 0 usable as o?
21:02 < Dcoetzee> There's also DECADE, DEAF, FADE
21:02 < {soap|bed}> b00b
21:02 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:02 < Dcoetzee> If you count using 0 as o... I'll look
21:02 < Shirik> and CAFEBABE
21:03 < Dcoetzee> Some people count "1" as "L" but that's not as standard
21:03 < Bazinga> Jasper_Deng: how do i ipv6
21:03 < Jasper_Deng> it depends, Bazinga
21:03 < Shirik> first you take ipv4
21:03 < Dcoetzee> Hexadecimal words allowing O's
21:03 < Bazinga> and add 2
21:04 < Shirik> yes
21:04 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:04 < Shirik> baobab?
21:04 < Dcoetzee> C0FFEE is one I've seen before
21:04 < Dcoetzee> Also F00D
21:04 < Bazinga> CH0DE
21:05 < Bsadowski1> :O
21:05 < Dcoetzee> Also, if I were going to hack into someone's system and overwrite their files, I'd definitely do it with DEFACED
21:05 < Dcoetzee> :-P
21:05 < Dcoetzee> C0C0A is another neat one
21:06 < Jasper_Deng> I wonder what would happen, Dcoetzee, if IPv7 used 384-bit addresses, such that we use base-64 instead of hexadecimal
21:06 < Shirik> 0xE5
21:06 < Shirik> does that count?
21:06 < Dcoetzee> I think base64 addresses would be great
21:07 < Dcoetzee> I'd like to use them for IPv6 even
21:07 < Jasper_Deng> the problem with base-64 for IPv6 is that 128 doesn't evenly divide into 67
21:07 < Jasper_Deng> 6*
21:07 < Dcoetzee> Big deal, one char is limited in range :-P
21:07 < Dcoetzee> I do see how it doesn't align with the hierarchy though
21:07 < {soap|bed}> c0ffee is a nice color
21:08 < {soap|bed}> too bad it doesnt actually look like coffee
21:08 < {soap|bed}>
21:08 < Shirik> wait wtf
21:09 < Dcoetzee> ....ha neat
21:09 < Shirik> C0FFEE is 10000000?
21:09 < {soap|bed}> no
21:09 < Dcoetzee> Wait no it isn't
21:09 < Dcoetzee> Wtf that redirect
21:09 < {soap|bed}> c0ffee is 12648430, it just is subsumed under the 10000000 page
21:09 < Shirik> 12648430 – hexadecimal C0FFEE; used as a placeholder in programming.
21:09 < Shirik> boo
21:09 < Shirik> also that's stupid
21:10 < Dcoetzee> I feel like that should redirect to [[hexspeak]] instead
21:10 < Dcoetzee> So I'm gonna do it
21:10 < {soap|bed}> yeah
21:10 < {soap|bed}> do it
21:10 < Shirik> 0 is also used as a placeholder in programming
21:10 < Shirik> does it get mentioned?
21:10 < Bazinga> so is -1
21:10 < Bazinga> <3
21:10 < {soap|bed}> whoa
21:10 < {soap|bed}> it was me who redirected it there
21:10 < {soap|bed}>
21:11 < Dcoetzee> Heh
21:11 < {soap|bed}> only the capital version though
21:11 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat]
21:11 < Dcoetzee> Well it was a reasonable redirect considering that article mentioned it
21:11 < {soap|bed}> feel free to change it if there is an article for 'hex speak'
21:11 < Dcoetzee> There is
21:11 < Dcoetzee> I did :-)
21:12 < {soap|bed}> ok cool
21:12 < Dcoetzee> I feel like [[hexspeak]] needs a lot more redirects
21:12 < {soap|bed}> c001
21:12 < {soap|bed}> # 0xB16B00B5 ("big boobs") was required by Microsoft's Hyper-V hypervisor to be used by Linux guests as their "guest signature".[5] This offending code was later changed to 0x0DEFACED ("defaced").[6]  <--- really, guys?
21:13 < {soap|bed}> thats pretty pathetic
21:13 < {soap|bed}> both of them
21:13 -!- {soap|bed} [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Quit: bed]
21:13 < Dcoetzee> Microsoft actually has regulations about gender sensitivity in products... apparently some team never got the memo
21:13 < Dcoetzee> *has policies about
21:14 < Jasper_Deng> lol
21:14 < Shirik> that sounds like something you shouldn't have to write a regulation about
21:14 < Dcoetzee> Apparently you do :-P
21:14 < Bazinga> WHAT THE FUCK
21:14 < Bazinga> there's a dialogue box on my computer that runs away from my mouse
21:14 < Dcoetzee> Bazinga: Sounds like a virus
21:15 < Dcoetzee> Trying to be funny
21:15 < Bazinga> Dcoetzee: it's my schools website...
21:15 < Bazinga> :/
21:15 < Dcoetzee> Oh
21:15 < Dcoetzee> Then they're just being dumb on the school's website
21:15 < Bazinga> now the dialogue box is outside of my screen
21:15 < Jasper_Deng> ok, that might be your malware again Bazinga
21:15 < Bazinga> Jasper_Deng: i don't think so
21:15 < Bazinga> let me try again
21:16 < Jasper_Deng> view the source of the page
21:18 < Bazinga> won't let me
21:18 < Bazinga> :/
21:19 < Dcoetzee> Maybe your school's website was compromised and somebody put malware on it
21:19 < SigmaWP> [20:48:13] �<�eeekster�>� "I oppose your RFA because I don't know how to type Σ"
21:19 < SigmaWP> [20:48:41] �<�eeekster�>� and that'd be even more of a problem on Dvorak for such a person ;)
21:19 < SigmaWP> lol
21:19 < ChrisGualtieri> You RFAing?
21:20 < Bazinga> yes
21:20 < Bazinga> he is
21:20 < SigmaWP> No comment
21:20 < SigmaWP> Because whatever I say will be canvassing
21:20 < Bazinga> i'm opposing because their host is lowercase sigma
21:20 < SigmaWP> You know what
21:20 < Bazinga> but their username is an uppercase sigma
21:20 < Bazinga> that's complete bollocks
21:21 < Jasper_Deng> I don't like Sigma except when I take his limit as ||P||-->0
21:21 < Jasper_Deng> it's much smoother that way
21:24 < Dcoetzee> That limit can go straight to infinity for all I care
21:25 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:26 -!- Bronze [~Mark@unaffiliated/bronze] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
21:33 < Bazinga> Jasper_Deng: prepare for a lot of shouting if we win
21:34 < SigmaWP> Jasper_Deng: Prepare for a lot of shouting when I win
21:34 < SigmaWP> You know what I mean :)
21:34 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
21:36 -!- FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4
21:38 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
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21:46 -!- Ks0stm [~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
21:48 < MJ94> SigmaWP: hai
21:48 < SigmaWP> Steven_Zhang: Hi
21:48 < SigmaWP> MJ94: hai
21:48 < Steven_Zhang> <3
21:48 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has quit [Quit: print "I have things to do elsewhere, so ... bye! :)"]
21:48 < SigmaWP> <3
21:49 < ihaveamac> i feel like I want to delete everything sometimes
21:49 < ihaveamac> I'm tagging several pages for speedy deletion
21:50 -!- tempodivalse [~bohemian@unaffiliated/tempodivalse] has quit [Quit: zzz.]
21:54 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
21:55 -!- Bazinga [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
21:55 < SigmaWP> That's my job
21:56 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:56 -!- bazinga [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:57 < ihaveamac> c:
21:57 < bazinga> Legoktm
21:57 < legoktm> bazinga
21:58 < bazinga> You are hereby notified that you are obliged to keep me posted on the score.
21:58 < legoktm> 3-3
21:58 < legoktm> we're going to win :DDDDDDD
21:58 < bazinga> When it changes.
21:58 < bazinga> And any penalties
21:58 < legoktm> I will shout in your face
21:58 < legoktm> And rub it in
21:58 < bazinga> I will chzz in my pants
21:58 -!- CMBJ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:58 < legoktm> I thought there was a delayed penalty but it didnt get called
21:59 < bazinga> I've done that before.
21:59 < bazinga> *puts arm up*
21:59 -!- techman224 [~techman22@Wikimedia/Techman224] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
22:00 < bazinga> Casually puts arm down
22:00 < ihaveamac>
22:00 < ihaveamac> so many red links
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22:11 < legoktm> WOOOH
22:11 < bazinga> __|__
22:11 < Moe_Epsilon> o_O
22:12 < ihaveamac> ?
22:12 < bazinga> Go home
22:13 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Quit: heatherw]
22:13 -!- Guerillero [d1f32608@wikipedia/Guerillero] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
22:13 < bazinga> Je suis fatigué de la même chose pour les enfants et les autres régions en plus de renseignements.
22:14 < bazinga> Desolé je suis en train d'essayer de faire un petit peu de temps en ce moment.
22:22 < SigmaWP> bazinga: Avons-nous perdu? ;-;
22:22 < Jasper_Deng> qui est "nous"?
22:23 < SigmaWP> Les nationalistes canadiens
22:23 < bazinga> Les gagnants ont dû perdus.
22:23 < Jasper_Deng> lol
22:23 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Steven_Zhang]
22:23  * Jasper_Deng reminds bazinga of what he told him about regarding Sharks and Canucks
22:24 < bazinga> ?
22:25 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: PWNT]
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22:26 < ChrisGualtieri> Lol I thought this message was directed at me for sending Wikilove by my watchlist. LOL
22:29 < SigmaWP> [22:11:25] �<�legoktm�>� WOOOH
22:29 < SigmaWP> :|
22:29 < legoktm> We won!
22:29 < bazinga> Les gagnants ont perdus.
22:30  * Jasper_Deng thinks it's les gagnants ont perdu
22:30 < bazinga> Jasper deng I'm using my phone autocorrectius
22:34 -!- Pink|TV is now known as PinkAmpersand
22:36 < bazinga> What ever happened to alpha quadrant
22:36 < bazinga> I sort of forgot about him
22:39 < SigmaWP> He was on irc not long ago
22:39 < Matthew_> bazinga: Hey, you're still here! :D
22:40 -!- heatherw [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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22:40 < bazinga> Nope
22:40 < Matthew_> LIES!
22:40 < bazinga> Brb guitar
22:43 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
22:47 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
22:55 -!- Susan [sex@wikipedia/MZMcBride] has quit [Excess Flood]
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22:56 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
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23:04 < wctaiwan> is it "fall back on" or "fall back to"?
23:05 -!- ChrisGualtieri [328598c0@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
23:05 < heatherw> depends on context
23:05 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: PWNT]
23:06 < wctaiwan> "A solution is to fall back [on|to] relying on mobile data networks when direct connection is impossible or unreliable."
23:06 < wctaiwan> that's the context.
23:07 < bazinga>  on
23:07 < SigmaWP> to
23:07 < bazinga> Ton
23:07 < wctaiwan> what's the difference?
23:07 < bazinga> (to flows better imo)
23:07 < wctaiwan> ta mere.
23:07 < SigmaWP> tu madre
23:07 < wctaiwan> anyway, what's the difference?
23:08 < bazinga> Contexte
23:08 < bazinga> Alors je vais aller niquer ta mère.
23:08 < bazinga> Sans la chauochuc
23:09 < wctaiwan> I assume chauochuc is condom.
23:09 < heatherw> because it says, "fall back xx relying on"… fall back on relying on is an awkward sentence.
23:09 < wctaiwan> okay, I might reword that, but still, when should to be used?
23:10 < heatherw> 'fall back to' may be part of a sentence but is not an idiom.
23:11 < wctaiwan> right, okay.
23:11 < wctaiwan> so that example I saw was probably just wrong.
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23:12 -!- LtNOWIS is now known as LtNOWIS|sleep
23:12 < heatherw> you might say, "A solution is to fall back on mobile data networks when direct… etc" relying is a bit redundant
23:14 < wctaiwan> right, thanks.
23:14 -!- PinkAmpersand is now known as Pink|away
23:14 < heatherw> :)
23:16 -!- Moe_Epsilon is now known as Moe_{sleep}
23:17  * wctaiwan plays music really loud next to Moe_{sleep}'s room
23:17 < wctaiwan> ;-)
23:17 -!- E-H-Gerd [8182ee2d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:17  * Moe_{sleep} knees wctaiwan in the groin and goes back to sleep
23:18 < wctaiwan> :<
23:18 < wctaiwan> anyway, class time.
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23:21 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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23:24 < russavia> mareklug -- --russia stronk!
23:24 -!- Susan [sex@wikipedia/MZMcBride] has quit [Excess Flood]
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23:30 < MJ94> gwickwire: poke
23:30 < bazinga> Mj94
23:30 < MJ94> bazinga
23:30 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en
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23:32 < Matthew_> Admin around?  I need a page nuked real quick.
23:33 < SigmaWP> Matthew_: bazinga needs your advice
23:33 < SigmaWP> xP
23:33 < bazinga> No
23:33 < Matthew_> ?!
23:33 < bazinga> Fine
23:34 < bazinga> Matthew_ there's a girl named Stacy...
23:34 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad - bai]
23:34 < bazinga> I thought I liked her
23:34 < bazinga> But her mom..
23:34 < bazinga> Has really got it going on.
23:35 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:36 < Matthew_> Dude... you sound confused right now.  Sleep on it.
23:36 < bazinga> *sigh*
23:37 < Moe_{sleep}> no more Fountain of Wayne for you
23:38 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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23:43  * Matthew_ still needs an admin real quick
23:46 < bazinga> Matthew_ how badly
23:47 < bazinga> I could find one
23:47 < Matthew_> I need a page deleted to make way for me to fix a cross-namespace page move deboggle.
23:47 < Matthew_> (not by me, just cleaning up :P )
23:47 < bazinga> !admin Matthew needs Halp
23:48 < Matthew_> ... I was trying to avoid that, actually :P *headdesks* Thanks addi
23:54 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
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23:55 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
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--- Log closed Wed May 08 00:00:28 2013