MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Sunday February 16, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to search--- Log opened Wed May 08 00:00:28 2013 00:01 -!- oberhalb [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:02 < bazinga> Matthew sounds like you need a steward 00:03 < oberhalb> Seriously? Http:// and 00:03 -!- ChrisKratt [~ChrisKrat@gateway/tor-sasl/chriskratt] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:04 < ChrisKratt> FUCK YOU ALL ALL OF YOU 00:04 -!- ChrisKratt [~ChrisKrat@gateway/tor-sasl/chriskratt] has left #wikipedia-en ["Leaving"] 00:04 < legoktm> yes, fuck you too 00:04 < Rihan> :-) 00:06 < dtm> this is one super cool pic, on a wikipedia biography of a musician 00:06 < bazinga> Android moments... 00:06 < bazinga> "Google play has stopped working" 00:07 < bazinga> Music keeps playing 00:07 < SigmaWP> dtm: nice 00:07 < dtm> yeah i randomly found it. i think he's been in Santana. 00:08 < dtm> it seems like it'd have been professionally taken. it was from flickr. 00:09 < Shirik> Matthew_ 00:09 < Shirik> what do you need? 00:09 < Matthew_> Shirik: needs to be removed, uncontroversial maintenence. However, please don't delete the talk page... 00:10 < Shirik> can you define "uncontroversial maintenance" for me? 00:10 < Shirik> " fix a cross-namespace page move deboggle" ? 00:11 < Matthew_> Yes, I need to move the talk page back to the main namespace there. 00:11 < Shirik> deleted 00:11 < Matthew_> (Look at the talk page, you'll understand) 00:11 < Matthew_> Thanks :) 00:11 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:12 < Shirik> you're taking care of the rest right? 00:12 < Matthew_> Shirik: Can you do too? Imma clean that up too (It's all the same) 00:12 < Shirik> ok 00:13 < Shirik> done 00:13 < Matthew_> Thanks :) 00:15 < Matthew_> Dag nub it. Shirik, can you do now, please? It won't let me move over a redirect for some odd reason. 00:15 -!- Bradford is now known as Pandashan 00:15 < Pandashan> o.o 00:15 < Shirik> you can only move over a redirect that points to the page you're moving from 00:15 < Matthew_> That would explain it, OK. I didn't know that. 00:16 < Shirik> done 00:17 < Shirik> well that was a fun little mess 00:18 < Shirik> and they didn't believe me when I said the new move UI is shit 00:18 < Matthew_> Shirik: Yeah, it was. Thanks for the help. 00:24 -!- bazinga [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Quit: Bye] 00:30 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:31 < SuicidalZerg> DAMNIT JEFF! SEGA GENESIS ALL OVER THESE BITCHES! 00:31 < SuicidalZerg> Er... wrong network 00:32 < BlastHardcheese> SEGA 00:35 -!- Pandashan is now known as Bradford 00:40 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:40 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:42 -!- Mkdw [~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw] has quit [] 00:43 -!- TOS [75c25231@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:44 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away 00:47 -!- Dcoetzee|2 [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:49 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 00:53 -!- Dcoetzee|2 is now known as Dcoetzee 00:59 -!- Ryu-java [850d8471@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:59 < Ryu-java> Hey I've found a possible role account belonging to a major record label. Who should I contact and what should I tell the account owner? 01:00 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: PWNT] 01:09 < dtm> Ryu-java: contact about what 01:09 < dtm> tell them about what 01:10 < Ryu-java> Confirming that they are who they say they are 01:10 < TOS> Dont tell them!! No!!!!! 01:11 -!- Moe_{sleep} [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 01:12 -!- Bradford [~Bradford@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:12 -!- Bradford [~Bradford@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:18 -!- spyro [~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 01:19 -!- oberhalb [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:19 -!- basile is now known as guillom 01:20 -!- spyro [~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:22 -!- Pink|away is now known as PinkAmpersand 01:30 -!- Ryu-java [850d8471@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en [] 01:33 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: You cannot logic someone out of an opinion they did not logic themselves into] 01:33 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:39 -!- Deskana [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:40 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:43 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:55 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 01:56 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 01:59 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:01 < mareklug> heatherw it's nice to have someone on the channel with a keen ear for langauge 02:01 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Client Quit] 02:01 < mareklug> fall back on/to 02:02 -!- PinkAmpersand is now known as Pink|away 02:03 -!- D___ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:05 -!- lukas23_ [uid7848@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:05 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 02:06 -!- KP13 [~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:06 -!- wywin_ [~wywin@2605:6400:2:fed5:22:c260:1804:c262] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:09 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:10 -!- mareklug_ [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:11 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:11 -!- Jordan [Jordan@] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:11 -!- Jordan is now known as Guest3932 02:12 -!- edward` [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:13 -!- m4r51n- [Elite5235@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-twqbrzxcahrexwua] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:13 -!- armufox1 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:13 -!- _if_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:14 -!- balrog_ [~balrog@discferret/developer/balrog] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:15 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: d_, lukas23, TAP|away, Malvolio, James_F|Away, balrog, Rock_drum, Internet13, armufox, wywin, (+2 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 02:16 -!- balrog_ is now known as balrog 02:17 -!- Guest81944 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:18 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Internet13 02:21 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: Savage_CL, edward, mareklug, Pink|away, _if, JoFo, wywin_, Cyde 02:21 -!- mareklug_ is now known as mareklug 02:21 -!- Ushau97 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:24 -!- thineantiquepen [uid7812@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:24 -!- Bronze [~Mark@unaffiliated/bronze] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:24 -!- Cyde [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:24 -!- Cyde [] has quit [Changing host] 02:24 -!- Cyde [~Cyde@wikipedia/Cyde] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:25 < mareklug> is retiring. 02:25 -!- Netsplit over, joins: JoFo 02:26 < mareklug> That sucks. He should have stayed on for a season or two and gotten United Lewandowski. 02:29 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko v "Syria 'cut off from the internet' Internet services have halted across Syria, in what appears to be the second shutdown in six months." 02:29 < TOS> He should have retired a season earlier and gotten United Guardiola 02:29 < mareklug> 02:29 < mareklug> TOS Guardila does not stay parked in one spot. 02:30 < TOS> mareklug: You never know. I think he did indicate he wanted to settle at one club 02:31 -!- Bradford [~Bradford@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 02:32 < TOS> mareklug: Even if he did stay at United for 4 seasons, that would have been great for the club 02:39 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:41 < mareklug> utd will hire a Brit 02:41 < mareklug> it is their tradition 02:41 -!- lbenedix [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:41 < lbenedix> I'm looking for a list of active bots in enwiki. I found this list: but its not accurate 02:46 < wctaiwan> I'd feel right at home, I think. 02:50 -!- Ushau97 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has quit [Quit: Bye] 02:52 -!- Ushau97 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:58 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:59 < russavia> bwahaha fucking russian wikipedians are awesome for pointing out silly shit 03:00 < russavia> it says that the federal drug control service isn't happy with the russian article on cannabis smoking containing information on the THC % in pot 03:01 < russavia> stas is pointing out that the info ( comes from the website guessed it.....the federal drug control service 03:01 < wctaiwan> does ruwiki comply with requests from the government of russia? 03:02 < russavia> hahaha yeah right 03:02 < wctaiwan> good. 03:02 < russavia> they will deal with issues --such as making article NPOV -- instead of being bascially a how-to-do-drugs guide 03:03 -!- koishi [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:04 < wctaiwan> right, I can live with that 03:11 -!- Ushau97 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has quit [Quit: Changing host] 03:14 -!- Denny_WMDE [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:15 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:16 -!- Guest32127 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:18 -!- Guest32127 is now known as Ushau97 03:18 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:22 -!- Ushau97 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has quit [] 03:25 -!- lbenedix [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:30 -!- wywin [~wywin@] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:31 -!- PinkAmpersand [uid7952@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:32 -!- Ushau97 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:33 -!- nuenfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:35 -!- asheeshjain3 [~asheeshja@] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:35 -!- asheeshjain2 [~asheeshja@] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:39 -!- lbenedix [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:40 -!- asheeshjain2 [~asheeshja@] has quit [Client Quit] 03:40 < mareklug> wctaiwan time to continue your music education. The band is rather new, from Tulsa, OK Sweetheart. It's really an alias for Erin Austin. The song is "Boat" 03:40 < wctaiwan> maybe later. Trying to debug a setup. 03:41 < lbenedix> I'm looking for a list of active bots in enwiki. I found this list: but its not accurate 03:42 -!- asheeshjain2 [~asheeshja@] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:47 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:49 -!- asheeshjain2 [~asheeshja@] has quit [Quit: ThrashIRC v2.9 sic populo comunicated] 03:49 -!- asheeshjain2 [~asheeshja@] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:51 -!- koishi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 03:53 -!- Self_cn [74187cb2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:53 < Self_cn> hello 03:53 < Self_cn> guys 03:54 -!- Self_cn [74187cb2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 03:55 < russavia> 03:56 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 03:57 -!- asheeshjain2 [~asheeshja@] has quit [Quit: ThrashIRC v2.9 sic populo comunicated] 03:58 -!- asheeshjain3 [~asheeshja@] has quit [Quit: ThrashIRC v2.9 sic populo comunicated] 04:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> twkozlow-ski brand? 04:04 < russavia> twkozlowski is a commons oversighter-- 04:07 < mareklug> russavia so is odder. 04:07 -!- Ushau97 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 04:07 * russavia is secretly a pyry eater 04:08 < russavia> sorry misread that as "russavia is so odder" :P 04:08 -!- muahaha is now known as muahaha|AFK 04:09 < mareklug> russavia so is not into English language 04:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> still dealling with religious nuts?\ 04:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so the options are, accept being branded as a pedophile or submit to the will of people who wouldnt contribute to the site once you do 04:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> odder is other 04:14 < russavia> i've opened up 04:15 -!- kondi [~konarak@] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:16 -!- kondi [~konarak@] has quit [Client Quit] 04:16 -!- kondi [~kondi@] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:18 -!- Rock_drum [uid5152@wikimedia/Rock-drum] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:19 -!- kondi [~kondi@] has quit [Changing host] 04:19 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:19 -!- armufox1 [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 04:20 < mareklug> what is the tool that shows all the user's flags on all projects? 04:22 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:22 -!- armufox [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:25 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ 04:28 -!- lukas23_ [uid7848@gateway/web/] has quit [] 04:29 -!- lukas23 [uid7848@wikipedia/Lukas23] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:30 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko Belgians and nonBelgians misbehaving in Belgium 04:32 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 04:32 < mareklug> russavia they kicked out a hardliner: "Influential Russian deputy prime minister Surkov quits" 04:32 < russavia> good 04:33 < russavia> he is ER's ideological founder 04:33 < russavia> it's also quite unusual -- he's a chechen too 04:33 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:34 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:35 -!- sdamashek [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:35 -!- sdamashek [] has quit [Changing host] 04:35 -!- sdamashek [~Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:35 < mareklug> "DNA analyses of people across the European continent suggest that right from Ireland to the Balkans, Europeans are basically one big family closely related to one another for the past thousand years, according to a study published in the journal PLoS " 04:35 < mareklug> russavia a polandball about the above, pls ^ 04:36 < russavia> surely that doesn't include finland and romania 04:36 < russavia> give me link to news 04:36 < mareklug> hey, 1000 years is 1000 years. 04:36 < mareklug> the swedes did a good job making sure finnish are into blended genes of Europe 04:37 < mareklug> 04:37 < mareklug> russavia ^ 04:38 < russavia> mareklug-- --email Bernd 04:38 < russavia> 04:39 < russavia> When you see an interesting news headline that you think would make great for a nice comic, feel free to send it to us. Best are stories that include two or more different countries. 04:41 < wctaiwan> sigh. don't like Israel and how it treats Palestinians? You're antisemitic! 04:41 < wctaiwan> I have no idea how they get away with that. 04:41 < mareklug> wctaiwan they are fools. they don't drink enough kefir. 04:41 < mareklug> russavia done. 04:41 < wctaiwan> (accusing people of antisemitism left and right, I mean.) 04:41 < mareklug> left, right, and central 04:42 < mareklug> it is a 5.1 Dolby equal opportunity accusation 04:42 < russavia> mareklug-- true story -- 04:42 < mareklug> wctaiwan you have time for the music now? 04:43 < wctaiwan> I shouldn't, really. but link me anyway 04:43 < wctaiwan> just don't keep linking me to more. 04:43 < mareklug> forever,, or just today? 04:43 < wctaiwan> today. 04:43 < mareklug> [05:40:37] <mareklug> wctaiwan time to continue your music education. The band is rather new, from Tulsa, OK Sweetheart. It's really an alias for Erin Austin. The song is "Boat" 04:44 < wctaiwan> as of today The Honey Trees' version of Moon River seems to have some earwormish staying power. 04:44 < wctaiwan> fwiw. 04:45 < mareklug> so it is Gryphon and The Honey Trees, so far, and Nian Simone, that you accept from me? 04:45 < mareklug> Nina 04:45 -!- PinkAmpersand [uid7952@gateway/web/] has quit [Changing host] 04:45 -!- PinkAmpersand [uid7952@wikidata/PinkAmpersand] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:46 < wctaiwan> well, Nina Simone was good without being music I'd seek out. Gryphon was definitely good. The Honey Trees--we'll see. 04:46 < wctaiwan> it's only been a day. 04:46 < wctaiwan> some of Nicole Atkins's stuff was good too. 04:46 < mareklug> and meh to Renaissance's Scheherazade and Other Stories? 04:47 < wctaiwan> well, to me it sounds like Gryphon, just not as good. 04:47 < wctaiwan> not bad by any means, but nothing I'd go back and listen to. 04:47 < mareklug> it has a lovely grill singin'. Just sayin'. Annie's voice is tops. 04:48 < mareklug> 04:48 -!- petan [~pidgeon@wikimedia/Petrb] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 05:07 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:09 < mareklug> wctaiwan well? 05:09 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 05:09 < wctaiwan> That was pretty good. 05:09 < mareklug> Erin will be famous. 05:20 -!- muahaha|AFK is now known as muahaha 05:20 -!- gosliver [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:20 -!- gosliver [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 05:25 -!- muahaha is now known as muahaha|AFK 05:27 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 05:30 -!- petan [~pidgeon@wikimedia/Petrb] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:31 -!- sdamashek is now known as sdamashek|busy 05:31 -!- darev [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:33 < mattbuck> grrrr 05:33 < mattbuck> m0tty... 05:34 < darev> hello! 05:34 < mattbuck> 05:34 < mattbuck> admin comments please 05:34 < mattbuck> hi darev 05:34 < darev> hi, mattbuck 05:34 < mattbuck> wait 05:34 < mattbuck> wrong channel 05:35 < mattbuck> all en.wp admins, don't go comment 05:39 < wctaiwan> rofl 05:39 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:40 -!- Borgovich [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:40 -!- Borgovich [] has quit [Client Quit] 05:40 -!- Deskana [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:40 -!- Deskana [] has quit [Changing host] 05:40 -!- Deskana [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:42 -!- Wiki13_ [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:45 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 05:47 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 06:01 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:07 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:08 -!- AntiSpamMeta [~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:08 -!- AntiSpamMeta [~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:08 -!- p858snake [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Quit: User has quit this network.] 06:13 < MJ94> hey mareklug :P 06:14 < mareklug> yes 06:16 < MJ94> gwickwire: poke? 06:17 < MJ94> damn, idle 06:19 -!- FoeNyx [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:19 -!- FoeNyx [] has quit [Changing host] 06:19 -!- FoeNyx [~Nicolas@wikipedia/FoeNyx] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:20 -!- Izaroundz is now known as Izawayz 06:20 -!- Avt__ [~Avt_@] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:20 -!- Wiki13_ is now known as Wiki13 06:21 -!- Avt__ [~Avt_@] has left #wikipedia-en [] 06:21 -!- darev [] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 06:22 -!- skyrimgirly23 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:22 < skyrimgirly23> hi 06:22 < Jetro> hi 06:22 < skyrimgirly23> im new here 06:23 -!- Avt_ [~Avt_@] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:23 -!- Avt_ [~Avt_@] has left #wikipedia-en [] 06:23 < skyrimgirly23> any knows nexusmods? 06:24 < mareklug> skyrimgirly23 hello, and how is Ísland? 06:27 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 06:27 < skyrimgirly23> mareklug its warm 06:27 < skyrimgirly23> now 06:27 < skyrimgirly23> :) 06:28 < mareklug> soon you will be able to go topless. the short summer. 06:28 < skyrimgirly23> yeah 06:28 < skyrimgirly23> maybe 06:28 < mareklug> where are you? 06:28 < Jetro> Ísland Ísland 06:29 -!- ChrisGualtieri [328598c0@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:29 < skyrimgirly23> im in west of iceland 06:29 < Jetro> Reykjavik? 06:29 < ChrisGualtieri> don't tell me we lost another fiber line... 06:30 < skyrimgirly23> jetro nope 06:30 < skyrimgirly23> its called borgarnes 06:30 < Jetro> oh 06:31 < mareklug> skyrimgirly23 I know where Borgarnes is. I even mailed a postcard from there using the box on the outside of the post office. 06:31 < Jetro> Not that many people there :D 06:31 < skyrimgirly23> cool 06:32 < skyrimgirly23> i know its not soo many people here 06:33 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:33 < Mdann52> Is Wikipedia down for anyone else? 06:33 < ChrisGualtieri> Total down 06:33 < skyrimgirly23> nope 06:33 < ChrisGualtieri> not viewing 06:33 < skyrimgirly23> wikipedia works fine here 06:33 < FoeNyx> skyrimgirly23> lucky :( 06:34 < ChrisGualtieri> Our servers are currently experiencing a technical problem. This is probably temporary and should be fixed soon. Please try again in a few minutes. 06:34 < FoeNyx> skyrimgirly23> wanna share your internet connection with us ? :p 06:34 < skyrimgirly23> foenyx i know right im a lucky charm 06:34 < ChrisGualtieri> its up now 06:34 < FoeNyx> ChrisGualtieri> rigth 06:34 < FoeNyx> right* 06:35 -!- Moe_Epsilon [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:35 < Mdann52> Ah - the API appears to be partially down 06:35 -!- Miniapolis [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:36 -!- Miniapolis [] has quit [Client Quit] 06:36 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:37 -!- Qcoder00 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:37 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 06:37 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:39 < Qcoder00> Slow ? 06:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wiki is WAY too slow 06:40 < Mdann52> Yep - and the stylesheet is temprenental.... 06:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its a level of slowness beyond the meaning of slow 06:41 -!- asheeshjain2 [~asheeshja@] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:41 -!- asheeshjain3 [~asheeshja@] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:41 -!- asheeshjain3 [~asheeshja@] has quit [Client Quit] 06:42 -!- asheeshjain2 [~asheeshja@] has quit [Client Quit] 06:43 * Qcoder00 wonders if they needs to find a goat... 06:44 < Qcoder00> BTW Does anyone here know anything about sparkplugs?XD 06:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm 06:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> put sparkplug in mouth 06:46 < Moe_Epsilon> what? that's ridiculous 06:46 < Moe_Epsilon> spark plug goes in ear 06:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> butt plug? 06:46 < Mdann52> No idea where you can find anything out about sparkplugs .... 06:47 < russavia> we got hail the size of eggs here...fuck this shit 06:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> [[Leo XIII, States of the Church]].gov 06:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> err 06:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 06:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> copy paste fail 06:47 < Moe_Epsilon> lol.. 06:47 < Moe_Epsilon> you had to copypaste "sparkplugs"? :P 06:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> did you know that christianity is the default religion of the west hence of wikipedia? 06:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> at least en.wikipedia 06:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I propose adding heathen in front of anyone who isnt a christian 06:49 -!- darev [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:51 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@nat/ibm/x-idldtpbfqxkkooeu] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:51 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@nat/ibm/x-idldtpbfqxkkooeu] has quit [Changing host] 06:51 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> o hai Fluffernutter 06:51 < Mdann52> The only page working for me now is ANI ...... 06:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Mdann52 thats not a working page to begin with 06:52 -!- mk1_ [5c0eb95b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:55 < Fluffernutter> ah, so i'm not the only one having trouble with pageloads 06:55 < Fluffernutter> good, i guess... 06:55 < Fluffernutter> (hi ToAruShiroiNeko) 06:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no you arent going crazy Fluffernutter :) 06:56 -!- Stryn [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Stryn] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter I have a question for you 06:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> now that you are not busy :p 06:56 -!- Malvolio [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:56 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I pmed you :) 06:57 -!- www2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:58 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:58 < skyrimgirly23> back 07:00 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 07:02 < darev> cu 07:02 -!- darev [] has quit [] 07:02 -!- Roland [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:02 -!- TOS [75c25231@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has left #wikipedia-en [] 07:03 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:04 < skyrimgirly23> does any knows nexusmods the website 07:04 < skyrimgirly23> ?? 07:05 -!- mk1_ [5c0eb95b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 07:05 -!- TheDruId [4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:06 -!- Stryn [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Stryn] has left #wikipedia-en [] 07:06 < Bradford> o.o 07:07 -!- Roland [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 07:07 < skyrimgirly23> bradford? 07:07 < Bradford> skyrimgirly23? 07:07 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 07:07 < russavia> mareklug -- "up yours" I hear you say;) 07:08 < skyrimgirly23> bradford why o.o?? 07:08 < Bradford> skyrimgirly23 why o.o?? 07:09 -!- koishi [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:10 -!- XX_0110_XX [~spj_0200@] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:10 < TheDruId> skyrimgirl23, obviously my arrival, Stryn's departure, or my arrival. See [[Narcissism]]. :p 07:11 -!- XX_0110_XX [~spj_0200@] has quit [Client Quit] 07:12 < skyrimgirly23> what? 07:14 < TheDruId> skyrimgirly23, Trying to answer your question with humor, in a ridiculously unlikely one off. Epic fail. 07:14 -!- edsu [~edsu@pdpc/supporter/active/edsu] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:14 * edsu waves 07:14 * Jetro greets 07:14 < skyrimgirly23> yeah 07:15 * skyrimgirly23 waves back 07:15 < skyrimgirly23> ^^ 07:15 < edsu> does anyone happen to know if there is a template or set of templates that are used to flag when an article needs editing work? 07:15 < edsu> i am asking because i'm putting articles on a map, and was wanting to change the marker based on whether the article needed work 07:16 < TheDruId> edsu, See 07:16 < edsu> TheDruId: cheers :) 07:17 < TheDruId> edsu, Cheers. See also 07:17 < mareklug> skyrimgirly23 you willl find it difficult to communicate with Bradford, as he speaks practically no English, and understands what he can google translate. He also functions here as our channel village idiot. That would be tonto del pueblo in his tongue, or, I believe, þorpi hálfviti in yours. I may have got the declenction of "village" wrong. 07:18 < Bradford> mareklug: tonto del pueblo tu madre 07:18 < Bradford> respeta 07:18 < Bradford> mareklug: /ignore mareklug 07:18 < mareklug> Bradford mi madre es muerta. 07:18 < Bradford> te lo haz ganado otra vez 07:18 < Bradford> mareklug: me da igual 07:18 < Bradford> mareklug: a tu madre la saco de la tumba y me la meo 07:19 < mareklug> Bradford not nice to speak so badly of older ladies you never met who are skeletons anyway 07:19 < Bradford> hay 07:20 < TheDruId> puedes pedirle un gato con queso y dos cervezas. 07:20 < Bradford> O_O? 07:20 < Bradford> mareklug: shut up 07:20 < mareklug> Bradford but on general principle, ir a la mierda, hijo de puta desagradable 07:20 < TheDruId> Bradford, just kidding. 07:20 < Bradford> jodete 07:20 < Bradford> mareklug: ME LA SUDAS 07:20 * Bradford away 07:20 < mareklug> Bradford su dinero es mi dinero. ahora, callate, pendejito. 07:21 < Bradford> please 07:21 < Bradford> opss 07:21 < Bradford> ops? 07:21 < Bradford> mareklug: and respects and STOP insulting 07:21 < mareklug> what's teh matter, penejito? 07:22 < Bradford> STOP 07:22 < Bradford> insulting 07:22 < mareklug> hey, pendejito. que insultó a mi madre. prepararse para morir. 07:22 < Bradford> STOP mareklug 07:23 < Bradford> mareklug: AND RESPECTS AND TOPS INSULTING 07:23 < mareklug> fuck off Bradford. go someplace you speak the local language 07:23 < russavia> weeeeeeeee 07:23 < Bradford> fuck you your mother 07:23 < russavia> bradford, tee who you yeah bunny, you say 07:23 < ChrisGualtieri> You do not know a language unless you can curse effectively in it. 07:23 < Jetro> haha mareklug 07:23 < mareklug> you are too funny, little stooopid boy. you want others to stop insulting you, and you insult mothers? 07:24 < ChrisGualtieri> But seriously, this is getting out of hand. 07:24 < mareklug> ChrisGualtieri this is the most English we have gotten out of Bradford in weeks. 07:24 < Bradford> mareklug: tu comenzaste a insultarme 07:24 < Bradford> ya respeta 07:24 < Bradford> STOP 07:24 < Bradford> ok? 07:25 < ChrisGualtieri> I don't care mareklug, its not productive and its disruptive 07:25 < Bradford> mareklug: STOP TALKING WALK MY EVIL AND PLEASE STOP insulting 07:26 < ChrisGualtieri> And if that's english, I'm Betty White. 07:26 < mareklug> Bradford walk your own evil, silly person. 07:26 < Bradford> fuck you 07:26 < Bradford> mareklug: /ignore mareklug 07:26 < Bradford> bye 07:26 < Bradford> pendejo 07:26 < mareklug> ah, falling back on safe idioms. 07:26 < Qcoder00> Ops? 07:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> what is a pendejo? 07:27 < Bradford> mareklug: anda a hablar mal de tu abuela 07:27 < Jetro> Bradford I'm already ignoring you 07:27 < Jetro> sue casa 07:27 < mareklug> pendejo is a Mexican version of "asshole" 07:27 < russavia> ^^ is a pendejo 07:27 < Qcoder00> Is it must me or is Bradford not here to catalyse? 07:27 < Qcoder00> *just 07:27 < Bradford> Qcoder00: shut up 07:27 < Qcoder00> NJo 07:27 < Qcoder00> No 07:27 -!- ghostyJED [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:27 < ChrisGualtieri> Just ignore the troll >.> 07:27 < Bradford> -.- 07:27 < Qcoder00> I say you are a troll Bradford 07:27 < Qcoder00> Please desist 07:27 < ChrisGualtieri> WP:DENY 07:27 < Bradford> Qcoder00: Shut up 07:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> こんいんちわ? 07:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> おげんきですか? 07:28 < Bradford> ok 07:28 < Qcoder00> Bradford: Please find amore constructive outlet for your creative efforts 07:28 < ChrisGualtieri> ToAruShiroiNeko: You can't translate Japanese can you? 07:28 < Bradford> l-> /ignore Bradford 07:28 < russavia> chrisgualtieri we have yet to establish who the troll is though 07:28 < Bradford> HAppy? 07:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri depends I am hardly very good at it 07:28 < Bradford> Qcoder00: ya callate pendejo 07:28 < ChrisGualtieri> russavia: Is it true you wear a monocle just to be so awesome? :) 07:28 < mareklug> Bradford nosotros sabemos que tu eres un estúpido, ignorante, adolescente analfabeta. Vete a la mierda y se arrastran de nuevo en su propio culo. 07:28 < Qcoder00> Bradford: Whilst I could ignore you 07:28 < Qcoder00> .. 07:28 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has quit [Quit: leaving] 07:28 -!- Denny_WMDE [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 07:28 < Qcoder00> I am tolerant 07:29 < Bradford> Qcoder00: que te calles la boca 07:29 < russavia> no the monocle gives me an air of class, the tophat makes me awesome 07:29 < ChrisGualtieri> Haha. ^-^ 07:29 < ChrisGualtieri> I stand corrected then. 07:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> non-capisce 07:29 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|ARBEIT 07:29 < Jetro> Bradford, this is wikipedia-en, not wikipedia-beanspeak 07:29 < Jetro> now get outta here 07:29 < Bradford> joder 07:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri what is the task? 07:29 < Bradford> Jetro: ok :-* 07:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I can give it a shot 07:30 < russavia> haha a norwegian telling us how to into english 07:30 < ChrisGualtieri> Perhaps you could help me get some sources for WP:HENTAI 07:30 < Qcoder00> \whois Bradford 07:30 < Bradford> Qcoder00: /ignore Qcoder00 07:30 < Bradford> oka 07:30 < Bradford> bye 07:30 < ChrisGualtieri> Like translating Alice Soft in a meaningful way that is not google 07:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri you want hentai? 07:30 < mareklug> Qcoder00 the answer to that is: un estúpido, ignorante, adolescente analfabeta 07:30 < Qcoder00> Bradford: You may well be free to ignore me 07:31 < Qcoder00> But that does not change the fact that you made a very serious insult to me 07:31 -!- ghostyJED [] has quit [Client Quit] 07:31 < ChrisGualtieri> ToAruShiroiNeko: I started the Wikiproject on it to fix how bad enwp's articles are on the subject matter 07:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ah 07:31 -!- lbenedix [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 07:31 -!- ghostyJED [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its not exactly a long article 07:31 -!- FoeNyx [~Nicolas@wikipedia/FoeNyx] has quit [Quit: thunderstorm!] 07:31 < Bradford> Qcoder00: LEAVE ME ALONE 07:32 < Qcoder00> You were the one that started making insults 07:32 < ChrisGualtieri> ToAruShiroiNeko: Its much better then our english one though. 07:32 < Qcoder00> and got called on 07:32 < Qcoder00> them 07:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri machine translation is decent and as for localization info I would need the actual game or info on the game 07:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hentai isnt something I want to indulge in :/ 07:32 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm 07:33 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko but it has cartoon girls that look just like the vocaloids you favor 07:33 < mareklug> htey just do… things 07:33 < russavia> qcoder00 you'd never make it as an aussie :P 07:34 < Qcoder00> Bradford: It also not exactly the done thing to cast aspirtiaons on someones parentage in a PM 07:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug vocloids are advanced machine learning applications on audio data 07:34 < mareklug> russavia don't be so sure. If he became a convict, he could be sent to the land down under, and would do nicely as a local POM. 07:34 < ChrisGualtieri> Honestly if thats acceptable as a machine translation I weep for Wikipedia x-x 07:34 < Bradford> Qcoder00: QUE ME DEJES EN PAZ 07:34 < Bradford> PENDEJO 07:34 * Bradford away 07:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I realize this doesn't fit your narrow minded stereotyping of me 07:35 * Fluffernutter sighs 07:35 < Qcoder00> Bradford: I'm perfectly willing to leave you alone, but you must stop insulting people 07:35 < mareklug> Qcoder00 he called you pendejo. I think you should immediatly seek satisfaction. 07:35 < Bradford> Qcoder00: Shut up 07:35 < russavia> qcoder00 07:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri I can get the meaning I mean 07:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> that'd be how I'd translate 07:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats way too much kanji for me 07:36 < ChrisGualtieri> Oh... so basically it'd be about my level of translation 07:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ya :p 07:36 < mareklug> ChrisGualtieri we really don't have a fluent Japanese speaker on the channel 07:36 < Qcoder00> mareklug: Well I was going to ask for an op to persue a course of user attitude re-training 07:36 < ChrisGualtieri> I started about a week or two ago and am up verb tenses.... 07:37 < ChrisGualtieri> I really hate all this masu... masusen masushita... tenses 07:38 < ChrisGualtieri> The fact its perfectly fine to say 'go to store' and it really means 'i will go to the store' 07:38 < Fluffernutter> how about the people insulting each other stop insulting each other, the people egging them on stop egging them on, and we all leave the ops in peace 07:39 -!- edward` is now known as edwdard 07:39 < russavia> or the ops just leave things to natural selection ^ ^ 07:39 < TheDruId> War bad. Want peace. - Necron99 07:39 -!- edwdard is now known as edward 07:39 -!- ghostyJED [] has left #wikipedia-en ["Silentium est aureum"] 07:40 < TheDruId> "Walk my evil" seems like it'd make an /excellent/ meme. 07:40 < mareklug> "hey hey you I don't like your girlfirend / hey hey you I think you need a new one" -- classic poetry of our age 07:40 -!- ghostyJED [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:43 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 07:45 -!- ghostyJED [] has quit [Quit: ThrashIRC v2.9 sic populo comunicated] 07:46 -!- ghostyJED [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:46 -!- E-H-Gerd [8182ee2d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 07:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri well 07:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> we should have a simple japanese wiki for people like you and me :p 07:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there is simple chinese and simple english so why not? :p 07:49 < ChrisGualtieri> haha 07:49 < ChrisGualtieri> Japanese wiki is very different from English wiki 07:51 < IRWolfie-> what's it like? 07:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> civil? 07:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> orderly 07:51 < wctaiwan> [22:39:11] <russavia> or the ops just leave things to natural selection ^ ^ <- yeah Fluff should just be happy she isn't on arbcom ;-) 07:52 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 07:53 -!- ghostyJED [] has left #wikipedia-en ["Silentium est aureum"] 07:53 -!- ghostyJED [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:53 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:54 -!- www2 [] has left #wikipedia-en ["Ik ga weg"] 07:54 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 07:56 * Fluffernutter gets enough abuse with the current jobs, wctaiwan :P 07:57 < wctaiwan> I'm sure you do. but it can always get worse >.> 07:57 -!- lukas23 is now known as lukas|away 07:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no 07:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> nothing is worse than arbcom 07:58 < TheDruId> I'll take nothing. 07:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> nothing is the absence of something 07:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> since you need something to define nothing, is the concept broken? 07:59 < TheDruId> Or the removal of something. 07:59 < TheDruId> No; nothing unreal exists, no nothing by default, is /real/. 08:02 -!- ghostyJED [] has quit [Quit: ThrashIRC v2.9 sic populo comunicated] 08:04 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:07 -!- TheChance [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:14 < wctaiwan> genius name 08:15 -!- KP13 is now known as Kingpin13 08:16 < wctaiwan> I suppose I should say ingenious. 08:18 -!- ghostyJED [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:19 -!- ghostyJED [] has quit [Client Quit] 08:21 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:28 -!- lbenedix [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:28 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 08:28 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:34 < Maple__> STSGDSGDSG 08:34 < TheDruId> Thanks, now I'll be aphaisic all evening. 08:35 < Maple__> TheDruId, no problemo. 08:37 < mareklug> aphasic or aphasiac? you seem to have chosen some neologic middle ground, TheDruId 08:37 < Maple__> THUNDERSTORM :O 08:37 < Maple__> brb 08:37 < Maple__> bbl 08:41 < Qcoder00> mareklug: Do you have a blog? 08:41 < Qcoder00> In regard to your issues with GoogleEarth's performance 08:42 < mareklug> I am to lazy to blog. I have a neglected anonymous (sort of) tumblr thing where I post videos once every blue moon. 08:42 -!- ChrisGualtieri [328598c0@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:42 < Qcoder00> OK 08:42 < Qcoder00> BTW In respect of the Google Books things 08:42 -!- DeAwesome [76a8de50@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:42 < TheDruId> mareklug, was trying for aphasic, and it struck. 08:42 -!- rr0 [~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 08:42 < Qcoder00> I've gone back all the way to 2008 looking for links... 08:42 < Qcoder00> I cannot say I caught all of them 08:43 < Qcoder00> And would appreciate some technical assistance in tracking down links I might have not caught 08:43 < mareklug> Qcoder00 that's very commendable. and to think you wanted to quit in June of 3023 08:43 < mareklug> 2012 08:43 < DeAwesome> hi! 08:43 < mareklug> what technical assistanc could I possibly lend? surely you mean to ask legoktm 08:44 < DeAwesome> nah, I'm just bored 08:44 < Qcoder00> What i am needing to do is a grep through diffs to find if there a links I refactored that weren't reinstated... 08:44 < Qcoder00> In some cases I found that at the time of the removal I'd not actually removed them but had instead used <!-- --> tags "liberally" 08:44 < Qcoder00> In many cases the links are STILL in the page... just commented.. 08:46 < mareklug> sounds like a wonderful taks for a bot. :) 08:46 < mareklug> task 08:46 < Qcoder00> Well it more of a check against dumps 08:46 < mareklug> a bot can do that better than a human 08:47 < Qcoder00> because the bot has to scan the TEXT of individual diffs to see if : 08:47 < Qcoder00> i) a URL with a *.Google.* pattern was removed... (and it wasn't a generic) 08:47 < Qcoder00> ii) as in (i) but commented 08:47 < Qcoder00> and then check subsquent diffs to see if the comment or URL was reinstated 08:48 < Qcoder00> Isn't there a bot that already does this ? 08:48 < Qcoder00> Link removal checks ? 08:48 < mareklug> I am not a bot person. again, we need someone like legoktm to help here. 08:49 < Qcoder00> bcause I think someone mentioned something like it in relation to a controversial article where a specfic but entirly valid link was being wheel-wared 08:49 -!- RX80 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 08:50 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:50 < TheDruId> legoktm is still busy getting struck with mops. 08:51 < mareklug> what, our legoktm is mop-struck? 08:51 -!- RX80 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:52 < TheDruId> mareklug, 08:52 -!- DeAwesome [76a8de50@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 08:53 < mareklug> TheDruId thanks for letting me know. I would have been oblivious to this. 08:54 < TheDruId> mareklug, I was, until someone complained to me. 08:56 -!- user5302079476 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:00 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Quit: jorm] 09:03 < mareklug> TheDruId 139 for/3 against/4 neutral. I think I can afford to keep my RfA virginity. But for the record, I have consistently maintained in public that legoktm's nomination would sail through. 09:04 < mareklug> as well it should. 09:04 -!- mattbuck [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:04 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: wctaiwan] 09:04 -!- Guest81944 is now known as James_F 09:04 -!- James_F [] has quit [Changing host] 09:04 -!- James_F [~James@wikimedia/JamesF] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:06 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 09:06 -!- tttb [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:06 < TheDruId> I just wanted to be visible, and not affect the outcome. I rarely pipe up /unless/ supporting. 09:07 < skyrimgirly23> hi 09:09 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:09 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@] has quit [Changing host] 09:09 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:11 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 09:14 -!- Ositopooh is now known as Gatito 09:15 < TheDruId> 09:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Obama to take our guts? 09:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId I resent that 09:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> robots are people too! 09:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> that poster is racist towards AI 09:19 -!- Bradford [~Bradford@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:19 < Bradford> :/ 09:19 -!- user5302079476 [] has quit [Quit: Bye] 09:23 < mareklug> "Accident: Nusantara B462 at Wamena on May 8th 2013, aircraft burns down during unloading" <-- The Indonesians have no luck with aircraft, come hell or high water. 09:23 < mareklug> russavia ^ 09:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they just need flame retarded aircraft 09:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> like the new boeing 787 09:25 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has quit [Quit: Bjarki] 09:25 -!- gde33 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so castro is arested? 09:26 -!- gde33 [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 09:26 < TheDruId> !? 09:27 -!- mindspillage [~kat@] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:27 -!- mindspillage [~kat@] has quit [Changing host] 09:27 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:28 < russavia> in better days -- 09:29 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:35 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:35 < mareklug> Nusantara is a lovely word. russavia it should be someone's nick or username on wiki 09:36 < russavia> means islands i believe 09:37 < mareklug> more than that 09:39 < russavia> yeah the entire indonesian homeland (archipelago..whatever) 09:39 < Jetro> mareklug HERE IS YOUR SMOKED FISH 09:39 < Jetro> ENJOY 09:39 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:39 < Jetro> wops caps 09:39 < Jetro> hello wctaiwan 09:40 -!- mattbuck [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:40 < mareklug> Jetro I won't believe until I see oily brown paper with pretty Norwegian stamps on it in my delivery room. 09:40 < wctaiwan> hi. 09:40 < Jetro> :D 09:40 -!- Izawayz is now known as Izhidez 09:40 -!- Bazinga [d8ae8702@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:41 < mareklug> someone from Switzerland, a computer scientist, once sent me a sack of assorted Swiss chocolate, all dark, some with nuts. 09:44 < Bazinga> mareklug: nice 09:44 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 09:44 -!- Bradford [~Bradford@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 09:44 < mareklug> I once send a guy on rec.arts.poems a box full of Polish sausages from Chicago. He was in Halifax. 09:46 < Bazinga> sent 09:46 < mareklug> or I once did send 09:48 < Qcoder00> - It's a shame this community trigger thing can't be applied online 09:48 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:48 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has quit [Changing host] 09:48 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:48 < Qcoder00> I.E more than 5 different people complain about an 'offensive' troll on facebook and facebook has to do something 09:49 < TheDruId> Coding doesn't seem like it would be too difficult. 09:51 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:52 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:52 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has quit [Changing host] 09:52 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:52 < a930913> What's the parameter to set the subject on a GET? 09:53 < Moe_Epsilon> Qcoder00: 5 seems like a pretty low threshold for a site as large as facebook 09:54 < TheDruId> Especially if sent by the same account or in rapid succession. 09:54 < Qcoder00> Well the article says, that if more than 5 people complain about anti-social behaviour within a community it would be mean agencies would HAVE to do something... 09:55 < Qcoder00> 5 DIFFERENT people though 09:56 -!- Bazinga [d8ae8702@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 09:56 < Qcoder00> That said , I am wondering if this means you will get 5 nominally different (but in collusion) EDL supporters trying to report Asian kids for loitering :( 09:56 < Moe_Epsilon> even five different people.. 1.11 billion users and you're going to have at least a thousand with a stick up their ass at any given time :P 09:56 -!- moogsi [~moogsi@wikimedia/moogsi] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:57 -!- Izhidez is now known as Izawayz\ 09:57 -!- Izawayz\ is now known as Izawayz 09:57 < Qcoder00> True 09:57 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:57 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:57 < Qcoder00> How many people usally respond to an ANI thread? 09:59 -!- darev [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:00 < darev> Hello! 10:00 < Moe_Epsilon> response to an ANI thread is higher when the chance of drama is higher :p 10:01 < Moe_Epsilon> hardly anyone responds to a thread about a random page vandalism, but hoards of people will comment if a sysop blocks an established user 10:02 -!- Mitchazenia [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:03 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:03 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:03 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has quit [Changing host] 10:03 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:04 * wctaiwan announces a new theater play on ANI 10:04 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:04 < mareklug> wctaiwan selfpromo :) :) :) 10:04 < TheDruId> darev, Once again. 10:04 < Qcoder00> Personally I think some reports to ANI should be insta-blocks 10:04 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:04 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 10:04 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:04 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:05 < Qcoder00> At least until the facts are established 10:05 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:05 < wctaiwan> mareklug: nice; didn't know you were a published author 10:05 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:05 -!- IH|away is now known as Ironholds 10:05 < Moe_Epsilon> wctaiwan: Jimbo Wales and the seven stewards? 10:05 < mareklug> aw shucks. 10:05 < TheDruId> I'd say anyone who'd had three reports actioned should be instant, in a review queue. 10:05 < wctaiwan> Moe_Epsilon: nope, Much Ado About Nothing 10:05 * Qcoder00 has a hard time seeing Jimbo in that way 10:06 < mareklug> a published author with a book in real good libraries, now that is better. 10:06 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:06 < wctaiwan> oh wait, self-published 10:06 < wctaiwan> non-RS! 10:06 < wctaiwan> :p 10:06 < mareklug> wctaiwan um, technically NOT self-published, as it was publshed by a real 501©3 nonprofit corporation, A Small Garlic Press. :) :) 10:07 < wctaiwan> web design by marek ;-) 10:07 < mareklug> wctaiwan and I have other items published by others. including Tri-Quarterly and Norton 10:08 < wctaiwan> nice. 10:08 < mareklug> and a peer-reviewd books chapter in the proceedings of ALIFE1 10:09 < wctaiwan> time to redesign the logo though, I think. 10:10 < wctaiwan> (not the garlic. The drop shadow and the purple orb.) 10:10 < NotASpy> mareklug: published by Norton, does the book refuse to leave your bookshelf when you try and pull it out, that sort of thing, or try and update to the latest version of the book automatically charging your card in the process ? 10:10 < Qcoder00> THDruid: Thanks 10:11 < mareklug> NotASpy really? It's really Joanna Trzeciak's volume of her translations of Wisława Szymborska, titled "Miracle Fair". I have a translation there, co-authored with her. 10:12 < mareklug> the rest of our translations did not see the light of day, as Joanna chose to re-start on her own a few years afterwards 10:12 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:12 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:12 < NotASpy> just hoping it wasn't like Norton Antivirus... 10:13 < mareklug> NotASpy no more like 10:13 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Quit: heatherw] 10:13 -!- heatherw [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:13 -!- heatherw [] has quit [Changing host] 10:13 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:13 < mareklug> NotASpy 10:14 < NotASpy> ah, nothing to do with Norton then. 10:14 < mareklug> NotASpy and here is a link to the loose pages of our translations: 10:14 < mareklug> oops 10:16 < mareklug> wctaiwan which logo concretly? there are two 10:16 < mareklug> or three if you count the logophone in the books 10:16 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:17 < wctaiwan> and 10:17 < wctaiwan> those look positively geocities. 10:17 < mareklug> aw. and why would we wanna? 10:18 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:18 < wctaiwan> they look fairly dated and just not very good. 10:18 -!- D___ is now known as D_ 10:18 < mareklug> but they are unchanged since 1995. 10:18 < wctaiwan> lose the drop shadow, at least. And the glow on the compass. 10:18 < mareklug> that's history. 10:18 < wctaiwan> I'd also change the typeface. 10:18 < wctaiwan> I sort of figured. 10:18 < moogsi> no 10:18 < moogsi> i like gifs with aliasing 10:18 < wctaiwan> you can update something without changing it completely. 10:19 -!- Maryana [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:19 < mareklug> wctaiwan you are welcome to offer offerings. :) I have full access to the svn and can upload any changes without consulting anyone else. :) 10:19 < wctaiwan> comes to mind 10:19 < wctaiwan> I might, if I get the time 10:19 < wctaiwan> right now I'm… why am I even talking to you? >.< 10:20 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:20 < mareklug> by the way, these two are the handiwork of LeeAnn Heringer, poet, Emmy award winner (for software), software design engineer, iTunes for windows engineer, and I have no clue what at present, but definitely at Apple/Cupertino. 10:21 < IDoH> Hey guys 10:21 < TheDruId> Hay! 10:21 * IDoH eats hay 10:21 -!- Fox2k12 [yogi@wikipedia/fox2k11] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:23 < TheDruId> Wow, Britain actually moving victims' rights to primacy. 10:23 < IDoH> what's primacy? 10:23 < TheDruId> First consideration. 10:23 < IDoH> …What does that mean? 10:24 < TheDruId> Co-equal with the rights of the accused, not just some afterthought. 10:24 < IDoH> Oh. Good. :-) 10:25 < TheDruId> Mulder, please explain to me the scientific nature of 'the whammy'. - Scully. 10:25 < Maple__> test 10:25 < Maple__> test 10:26 -!- Sarrus [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:26 -!- Sarrus [] has quit [Changing host] 10:26 -!- Sarrus [~Sarrus@wikipedia/Sarrus] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:26 < mareklug> wctaiwan my main claim to respectability is here n 25 pages starting p. 343 10:30 < TheDruId> Maple__, two tests. Nice. 10:30 * IDoH directs Maple__ to the sandbox. 10:33 < Maple__> #sandbox 10:33 < mareklug> wctaiwan heh. forgot about this one “Twenty-Two Answers and Two Postscripts: An Interview with Stanislaw Lem,” trans. Marek Lugowski. Science-Fiction Studies 13 (November): 242–260. 10:33 < mareklug> 10:33 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 10:33 < TheDruId> The Star Diaries. Cool. Thought I was the only one, until we hit that time warp. 10:34 -!- FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4 10:34 -!- sdamashek|busy is now known as sdamashek 10:34 < mareklug> you should read "The Cyberiad" It is utterly hilarious, and Michael Kandel did a great job on translating it. 10:35 < Moe_Epsilon> We seem to have hit a magic number.. 687 active admins in March, 687 active admins in April on average and today on [[WP:LA]] it's back to 687 :p 10:36 < TheDruId> I liked the one where the robots had killed the people, but the people were hiding as robots. 10:36 < mareklug> yes, everyone was a human wearing robot armor and pretending to be butchering people for fun 10:36 < mareklug> and drinking oil 10:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Moe_Epsilon 6+8+7 = 21 10:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> blackjack! 10:38 < Moe_Epsilon> indeed o: 10:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you dont want to go over it ;) 10:39 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:39 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 10:39 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:39 < TheDruId> ToAruShiroiNeko, 2+1=3, divine providence. 10:39 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:41 < mareklug> TheDruId 2+1=maximal size of a Chinese family, not counting the oma and opa abandoned in the village 10:41 < TheDruId> They'd have been better off telling them "2, only if you wait until both 30+ to have the first" 10:46 < mareklug> hey, I am mentioned in I demand a red link. 10:50 < TheDruId> and :D 10:50 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 10:50 < legoktm> aww, no bazinga :( 10:50 < legoktm> 10:50 < mareklug> I am not editing it. 10:50 -!- greenrosetta [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:50 -!- greenrosetta [] has quit [Changing host] 10:50 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:50 < TheDruId> legoktm, o/// 10:50 < legoktm> hey TheDruId 10:51 < TheDruId> Good luck on the beating you asking for. 10:51 < TheDruId> *asked 10:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Computational metabolism: Towards biological geometries for computing? 10:52 < mareklug> TheDruId the first link's scope is lists. redlinking in articles is very good practice, and keeps on. 10:52 -!- Jeske_Couriano [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:52 -!- Jeske_Couriano [] has quit [Changing host] 10:52 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wtf? 10:53 < mareklug> legoktm so in a couple of hours you gonna be an admin. 10:53 * legoktm grins 10:53 < NotASpy> the cabal beckons. Or it would do if it existed. Which of course it doesn't. 10:53 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko you want your own copies? 10:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> O_O 10:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug you might just be notable 10:53 < mareklug> I am, but so what. 10:54 < mareklug> the channel is full of notable people, I would think. 10:54 * Moe_Epsilon isn't! :) 10:54 < mareklug> jorm is notable 10:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am absolutely not notable 10:54 * IDoH isn't notable, either. 10:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IDoH you are notable but among horses 10:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> :p 10:55 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:55 < kuzetsa> mareklug: thanks for the gentle encouragement to "do better" yesterday 10:55 < IDoH> Which horse told you that, ToAruShiroiNeko. 10:55 < mareklug> kuzetsa smooches 10:55 < kuzetsa> =o.O= 10:55 < jorm> hrn? 10:55 < mareklug> on that note, I will have a glass of red. 10:55 < kuzetsa> I... sincerely hope you mean that in the european sense & not hiting on me 10:55 < mareklug> jorm surely you are wiki notable. 10:56 < mareklug> and when you win your ignoble upcoming court case, you will be slashdotted. 10:56 < TheDruId> I haave gone to great lengths sometimes just to stay off the grid, let alone notability. 10:56 < Ironholds> WP:NOT#NEWS 10:56 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:57 < mareklug> Ironholds but this will be a precedent in case law. autoency. 10:57 < Ironholds> not really 10:57 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:58 < mareklug> yes, it will be the class of russia oligarhy attempting to supress citizens of USA using squating law. 10:59 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:00 < jorm> heh. 11:00 < mareklug> kuzetsa I meant that in a most affable way. 11:00 * Ironholds waves at Headbomb 11:00 < Ironholds> damn. heatherw ;p 11:00 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:01 < jorm> though i wonder if anyone has put the domain hijack attempt into their article. 11:01 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:01 < kuzetsa> mareklug: a quick google search later and... ah, so that's what affable means. ok then :) 11:01 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: wctaiwan] 11:02 < mareklug> kuzetsa see I am useful on this channel, over and above entertaining everybody with my abuse of Bradford and linking excellent music, such as Garbage. 11:03 < mareklug> 11:03 < TheDruId> mareklug, and here I thought you were aiming for sainthood. :p 11:04 < mareklug> that would call for eschewing eating out at Sichan and Pakistani dives. Not up to such sacrifices. 11:04 < TheDruId> mareklug, or is Bradford a co-ordinated foil? 11:04 < mareklug> Bradford is an uncoordinated fool, more like it. 11:04 < a930913> I need a talk page stalker to help me test my new notification system. Any volunteers? 11:05 < TheDruId> a930913, tentative *shrug*. 11:05 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad - bai] 11:06 < TheDruId> a930913, Post to your talk? 11:06 < a930913> TheDruId: Username? 11:06 < TheDruId> a930913, Mine? 11:06 < a930913> TheDruId: Well, I know mine ;) 11:06 < a930913> (Yes, yours.) 11:07 < TheDruId> a930913, I'm presuming covalence and I found yours... 11:07 < a930913> I can't find yours. 11:08 < TheDruId> a930913, Now you can. 11:10 -!- Fox2k12 [yogi@] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:10 -!- Fox2k12 [yogi@] has quit [Changing host] 11:10 -!- Fox2k12 [yogi@wikipedia/fox2k11] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:10 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:11 < a930913> TheDruId: So now, when someone uses this link, you should get a notification. I'll try it now. " - {{subst:REVISIONUSER}}§ion=new" 11:11 -!- Maple__ is now known as pymaplebot 11:11 -!- pymaplebot is now known as maplewolf 11:11 -!- maplewolf [Maple@trivialand/genius/maple] has quit [Changing host] 11:11 -!- maplewolf [Maple@unaffiliated/maple/bot/maplewolf] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:11 < a930913> TheDruId: So, did you get notified? 11:11 -!- Atethnekos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:12 -!- maplewolf is now known as clevertree 11:12 -!- clevertree is now known as Maple__ 11:12 -!- Maple__ [Maple@unaffiliated/maple/bot/maplewolf] has quit [Changing host] 11:12 -!- Maple__ [Maple@trivialand/genius/maple] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:12 < TheDruId> a930913, Not that I can tell. 11:13 < TheDruId> a930913, Seems you did. 11:14 < Atethnekos> Anyone else not able to load 11:14 * TheDruId is startled; the library is empty except me and staff... 11:14 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has quit [Quit: Cheerio!] 11:15 -!- JoFo [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:15 < TheDruId> a930913, The notification tag one-up serialised, but no text that I can see. 11:15 < TheDruId> Atethnekos, no problem here. 11:16 < a930913> TheDruId: You got notified to come to my page? 11:16 < TheDruId> a930913, Oh, it's /in/ the computer...-Zoolander 11:16 < TheDruId> a930913, Yeah. 11:16 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:17 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:17 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:18 < a930913> TheDruId: It worked \o/ 11:18 < a930913> TheDruId: The question is, do you want to stay a talk page stalker? : 11:18 < a930913> :) * 11:18 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:18 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has quit [Changing host] 11:18 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:19 < TheDruId> a930913, I never watchlist the articles I create, let alone my comment; I stalk manually. 11:19 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:20 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:20 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:20 < a930913> TheDruId: In Soviet Russia, stalking comes to you. 11:21 < TheDruId> a930913, My favourite Russian: 11:23 < a930913> TheDruId: If you get notification spam, remove your name from Though feel free to help if you want. 11:23 < mareklug> from legoktm RfA: 141. Support As long as you block Isarra for real next time ;) Regards, — Moe Epsilon 1:00 pm, Today (UTC−5) 11:23 -!- MRB[alt] [~matthew_@] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:23 -!- MRB[alt] [~matthew_@] has quit [Changing host] 11:23 -!- MRB[alt] [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:23 -!- Matthew_ is now known as Guest97929 11:23 < mareklug> what did she do? 11:24 < TheDruId> Ah, humor; a human concept... 11:24 -!- Guest97929 [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:24 < TheDruId> a930913, ok. 11:25 -!- Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|mtg 11:25 -!- MRB[alt] is now known as Matthew_ 11:25 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:26 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Changing host] 11:26 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:26 -!- JoFo [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:26 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:31 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:31 < SuicidalZerg> Oh my... 11:31 < SuicidalZerg> 11:32 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:32 < SuicidalZerg> Kick his ass out of office, and keep him out of all police forces 11:32 -!- ghostyJED [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:32 -!- ghostyJED [] has quit [Client Quit] 11:32 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:33 -!- Jayflux [~jay_knows@unaffiliated/jayflux] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:36 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 11:36 < kuzetsa> SuicidalZerg: grr... thanks I guess :( 11:36 < kuzetsa> (I live in NY) 11:37 * kuzetsa makes a face 11:37 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:39 < moogsi> SuicidalZerg: o_o 11:40 -!- koishi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 11:40 < moogsi> may as well stop everyone talking to each other in all forms, unless you're watching 11:40 -!- darev [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 11:40 < moogsi> they're probably planning something 11:40 < SuicidalZerg> I don't want to live anywhere on the east coast at this rate 11:41 < moogsi> yeah, exactly the kind of thing a terrorist would say 11:41 < moogsi> or can you prove you're NOT a terrorist? 11:41 < TheDruId> I can. Willing to be locked at Guantanamo until they corroborate. 11:42 < kuzetsa> I suppose at the most extreme, could turn into "why are you excercising your liberties if you're not a terrorist" 11:43 < kuzetsa> or perhaps "stop trying to champion those pesky civil liberties, it goes against the common good" 11:43 < mareklug> that would be such an unAmerican question to ask. 11:43 < kuzetsa> mareklug: which thing? (would be ... something something question to ask) 11:43 < moogsi> mareklug: maybe, depends on how you frame it 11:43 < mareklug> "why are you excercising your liberties if you're not a terrorist" 11:44 < kuzetsa> heh 11:44 < moogsi> nothing is more unAmerican than being a terrrrist 11:44 < mareklug> moogsi no, unAmerican always. 11:44 < mareklug> we are very particular about our civil liberties. we don't take liberties with them liberties. 11:44 < TheDruId> One politician to another, "You're lying!" response, "Yes, but I've put a lot of time into this, so hear me out..." 11:44 < moogsi> no, i reckon they'd push human rights under a bus to stop a terrorist 11:44 < mareklug> our Representatives and Presidents do. but not we. 11:45 < mareklug> but not us. 11:45 < moogsi> yes, i am arguing based on what i "reckon" 11:45 -!- darev [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:45 < moogsi> i guess to anyone who remembers what America is, it's very unamerican indeed 11:46 < moogsi> *America may never have actually existed in the real world 11:46 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:46 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:46 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has quit [Changing host] 11:46 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:47 < mareklug> moogsi when you become a US citizen, you take an oath to defend and uphold the US Constitution. Now, the native born might be blasé about this sort of thing, but us naturalized citizens will take no quarter. 11:47 -!- worm_that_turned [~worm_that@wikipedia/Worm-That-Turned] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:47 < moogsi> mareklug: i guess it's easy to take for granted... you'll have more appreciation for the american ideal if you weren't born american, i suppose 11:48 < moogsi> i'm reminded of how Christopher Hitchens used to speak about being American (regardless of what he said about anything else) 11:49 < mareklug> ask Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzeziński 11:51 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 11:51 < Ironholds> moogsi: trust me, as someone who plans to become an american citizen at some point; totally agree with mareklug 11:52 -!- fumika [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:52 < Ironholds> it's a lot more difficult to be blase about the American freedoms - of speech, of assembly, of the final argument of kings - when you've known the alternative. 11:52 < Ironholds> as broken as the American system is. 11:52 -!- LtNOWIS|sleep [] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 11:55 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:55 < Qcoder00> SuicidalZerg: Has the ACLU or EFF heard about this New York cops opinons? 11:55 < moogsi> i think there has always been a gap between the ideal and the reality 11:57 < russavia> moogsi: is a great reminder of that gap 11:57 < moogsi> haha oh god don't send him back here 11:57 < mareklug> deportation my ass. that was just loudmouths on blogs on Fox cable 11:58 < Pharos> yes, this is just a bad joke 11:58 < mareklug> moogsi we keep him while you keep our Kardashians. fair exchange. 11:58 < russavia> on foxnews? you mean AMERICA'S news channel? The last bastion of free speech, yadda yadda yadda 11:58 < mareklug> you forgot, fair and balance. 11:58 < mareklug> d 11:58 < russavia> mareklug--they've already taken madonna-- what else do you want 11:58 < mareklug> they can absorb more. 11:59 < moogsi> madonnaaahh 11:59 < mareklug> in the 1940 they took shitloads of broken destroyers. 12:00 < moogsi> and since 2000 america has taken every single reality show and gameshow we've come up with, all of them terrible 12:00 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Quit: heatherw] 12:00 < mareklug> moogsi a better case would be your female pop music. 12:00 < Qcoder00> "Inquistion! An entirly DIFFERENT type of Game show.!" 12:00 < Qcoder00> XD 12:00 < Qcoder00> Sorry 12:01 -!- Superfreak [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:01 -!- Superfreak [] has quit [Changing host] 12:01 -!- Superfreak [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:01 < moogsi> hmm maybe, i think that goes both ways 12:01 < mareklug> our folk pop music is very good. 12:02 < mareklug> Ingrid Michaelson, Sara Hickman, Neko Case 12:02 < moogsi> Neko Case i like 12:02 < mareklug> try Sara's Misfits album 12:02 -!- Superfreak is now known as Warhound 12:02 < mareklug> I already inflicted "Radiation Mem" on BlastHardcheese 12:03 < mareklug> Man 12:03 -!- worm_that_turned [~worm_that@wikipedia/Worm-That-Turned] has quit [Quit: worm_that_turned] 12:04 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:04 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 12:04 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:04 * mareklug successfully defended his Time Capsule's 3 years' worth of back up from its offer to wipe it out and start anew cuz it encountered Verification error my ass. 12:05 < mareklug> Marek uber AAPL 12:05 < russavia> moogsi: and don't forget movies--who can forget the atrocious version of Death at a Funeral, forexample 12:06 < mareklug> russavia the Brits have wonderful smashmouth movies, if you lookf for them. Trainspotting 12:07 < mareklug> self promo :) 12:07 < Qcoder00> Hi 12:07 < Qcoder00> Anyone with toolserver access in? 12:07 < Qcoder00> Or alternativly anyone that has access to a dump made within the last month or so 12:07 < mareklug> <-- my favorite English movie of last 3 years. 12:07 < russavia> of course mareklug 12:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 12:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I want to shop there 12:11 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:15 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:16 -!- moogsi [~moogsi@wikimedia/moogsi] has quit [Quit: biab] 12:16 < TheDruId> I wonder if they kept their jobs. 12:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yes 12:16 -!- fumika is now known as tyime 12:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> because there is a second video I think 12:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it pormoted business a lot if you think about it 12:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> how many times did you see the cora logo? 12:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I propose all businesses have sucha domino 12:17 < TheDruId> ToAruShiroiNeko, it often depends on the humor and mood of the boss, unfortunately, and I can see catching one on a bad day. 12:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he cant fire the entire staff 12:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and its france 12:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you cant fire anyone there 12:19 < mareklug> In France they Kiss on Main Street 12:20 < mareklug> 12:23 -!- shimgray [~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:28 -!- moogsi [~chatzilla@wikimedia/moogsi] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:29 < moogsi> if a Windows box is having trouble resolving an address, is there anything i can do except ipconfig /flushdns 12:29 < moogsi> no smart-arse answers please 12:29 -!- guillom is now known as basile 12:29 < IDoH> mareklug: Fish Tank looks like a good movie. 12:29 < mareklug> I highly recommend it. there is a horse in it. 12:29 < IDoH> Heh heh. I noticed. ;-) 12:30 < IDoH> But there a lot of horrible movies with horses in them. 12:30 < IDoH> A lot of good movies, too. 12:30 -!- lukas|away is now known as lukas3 12:30 < IDoH> They run the gammut. 12:30 -!- lukas3 is now known as lukas23 12:30 < mareklug> IDoH this movie is so obviously good (it won Cannes, BAFTA) it won't disappoint you. 12:31 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:31 < IDoH> Aw, good to know! 12:31 -!- Fluff|mtg is now known as Fluffernutter 12:31 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:31 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has quit [Changing host] 12:31 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:33 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:33 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:33 < moogsi> looks like format/reinstall time 12:34 < moogsi> the time-honoured method 12:34 < moogsi> it's weird, i've not had any problems with windows 7 before 12:37 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 12:37 -!- muahaha|AFK is now known as muahaha 12:38 -!- koishi [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:38 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:38 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 12:38 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:39 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:39 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:40 -!- moogsi [~chatzilla@wikimedia/moogsi] has quit [Quit: brb. again] 12:42 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:42 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:42 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has quit [Changing host] 12:42 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:44 < lbenedix> I'm looking for a list of active bots in enwiki. I found this list: but its not accurate. 12:44 < mareklug> IDoH it's continuing music education time! Today, let me introduce Buffalo Daughter, a band of not only women from Japan "Two Two" from the album The Weapons of Math Destruction 12:45 < mareklug> 12:47 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:47 -!- thineantiquepen is now known as TAP|away 12:52 < darev> n8 12:52 -!- darev [] has quit [] 12:54 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:54 -!- kaldari [~kaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:55 < TheDruId> Vader. You seek Vader. 12:57 < kaldari> Thehelpfulone: Is there anyone in particular that would be good to ping about this: 12:58 -!- Cameron11598 [62ef66cd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:58 < kaldari> I don't want to disable the gadget myself, since there are political implications :P 12:58 < Thehelpfulone> yeah, hmm I'm sure I saw there was a way to enable gadgets for only logged in users somehow? 12:58 < TheDruId> Lost my wrestling match, so have to give up the computer. Until tomorrow, then. :) 12:58 < kaldari> that would be good if there is 12:58 < Cameron11598> Any one around that's familiar with the legit sock policy? 12:59 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 12:59 < TheDruId> Cameron11598, I can point you to it... :D ? 12:59 -!- Jigglypuff [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:59 < Jigglypuff> Moe_Epsilon: 12:59 < Jigglypuff> Moe_Epsilon: 12:59 < Jigglypuff> XD 12:59 < Moe_Epsilon> o: 12:59 < Moe_Epsilon> yes, that is me 12:59 < Moe_Epsilon> :p 13:00 < Thehelpfulone> kaldari, - maybe rights=user ? 13:00 < TheDruId> 13:00 < Cameron11598> Psh I know the policy just wanted a second view before I do something that could be giants policy 13:00 < TheDruId> ...and out. :p 13:00 < Moe_Epsilon> is also me 13:00 < Moe_Epsilon> :p 13:00 -!- TheDruId [4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:00 < Cameron11598> *against 13:00 < Thehelpfulone> oh it's privileges, so maybe rights=move would be better 13:00 < kaldari> that looks promising 13:01 < Jigglypuff> Moe_Epsilon: 're ugly and I love you not 13:01 < Moe_Epsilon> <_< 13:01 < Jigglypuff> bye 13:01 < Jigglypuff> :D 13:01 < Moe_Epsilon> thanks, bradford 13:01 -!- Jigglypuff is now known as Bradford 13:01 < Bradford> No, problem :D 13:01 < Thehelpfulone> hmm but that wouldn't show for autoconfirmed users would it kaldari? do you know any rights a plain old user has when they first create an account? 13:01 < IDoH> mareklug: One minute into two two, I don't like it. 13:02 < kaldari> looking now... 13:02 < mareklug> IDoH listen to all of it. 13:02 * IDoH sings "Jigglypuff, Jigglypuff" to Bradford. 13:02 < IDoH> Goodness, really, mareklug? 13:02 < Bradford> Moe_Epsilon: 13:02 < Bradford> jajaja :D 13:02 < Bradford> XD 13:02 < IDoH> What is that grating, metallic noise? 13:02 < mareklug> IDoH yes. it has a cumulative effect. 13:03 < Moe_Epsilon> shush I was 17 13:03 < mareklug> IDoH ask closedmouth 13:03 < Thehelpfulone> maybe purge? 13:03 < kaldari> Thehelpfulone: looks like either 'purge' or 'sendemail' might work 13:03 < Cameron11598> Argh that song! 13:03 < Cameron11598> Not the jiggly puff song... 13:03 < Thehelpfulone> I'll go with purge, I don't know if sendemail doesn't work if you don't have an email set 13:03 < Moe_Epsilon> I am an old man now, 24.. 13:04 < Pharos> that is old 13:04 < Moe_Epsilon> :< 13:04 < Pharos> you;re almost as old as my little suster 13:04 < Cameron11598> Lol 13:04 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:04 < Cameron11598> Pharos the all knowing do ya know anything about the legit sock policy? 13:05 < Thehelpfulone> kaldari, done, 13:05 < Pharos> possibly, if there is a specific quyestion 13:05 < Cameron11598> There is 13:05 < mareklug> Cameron11598 the best policy on socks is to buy them all the same. this way you won't miss the onese that go missing in the dryer. 13:05 < Pharos> mareklug: wise policy 13:05 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:06 < legoktm> echo office hours in #wikimedia-office 13:06 < Cameron11598> Lol, any way is it ok to use my second account {that is stricktly for public comps} to test the new notification system? 13:06 < Cameron11598> Or is that a for shame get slapped with a trout thing 13:07 < Pharos> sounds ok to me 13:07 -!- tyime is now known as ty 13:07 < Cameron11598> Any one lurking see any problems with it? 13:09 -!- Cameron11598 [62ef66cd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:09 < legoktm> Cameron11598: if it doesnt violate, its fine 13:11 < mareklug> Another evidence of fine software management/programming at Google: I click on Free Trial in Google Earth Pro (admittedly, version 6.0, not the current 7): --> web page with URL and Not Found 404 eror. 13:12 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat] 13:13 -!- koishi_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:14 -!- koishi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 13:14 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:15 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:15 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@] has quit [Changing host] 13:15 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:18 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 13:18 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:19 < Pharos> #wikimedia-us meeting in 4.5 hours 13:20 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:20 -!- Sarrus [~Sarrus@wikipedia/Sarrus] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:20 -!- FunPika [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:22 -!- koishi_ [] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:25 -!- Warhound [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:25 -!- Mitchazenia [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 13:26 -!- D1000|Away is now known as Demiurge1000 13:26 -!- TB|ARBEIT [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:27 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:28 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:28 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@] has quit [Changing host] 13:28 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:29 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:29 -!- MRB[alt] [~matthew_@] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:29 -!- MRB[alt] [~matthew_@] has quit [Changing host] 13:29 -!- MRB[alt] [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:32 -!- Velocitas [55971087@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:33 < Velocitas> Hello? 13:33 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: You cannot logic someone out of an opinion they did not logic themselves into] 13:34 < legoktm> hi 13:34 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:34 < Velocitas> I am looking for an admin 13:35 -!- MRB[alt] [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:35 < skyrimgirly23> why 13:35 < skyrimgirly23> ? 13:36 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:36 < Velocitas> an IP is deleting the orphan template, the year and place of birth, relevant categories 13:36 -!- Maryana is now known as Maryana_lunch 13:36 -!- Maple__ [Maple@trivialand/genius/maple] has left #wikipedia-en ["Leaving"] 13:37 -!- Solarra [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad - bai] 13:39 < legoktm> er 13:39 < legoktm> which IP? 13:39 < Velocitas> !admin an IP is deleting the orphan template, the year and palce of birth, relevant categories - edit war between me and an IP adress, see [[Heleen Mees]] 13:39 < Velocitas> see above 13:39 < legoktm> which ip address? 13:39 < Velocitas> 13:39 < Velocitas> probably herself, by the way 13:40 < Shirik> and, of course, you have made sure to talk to him about why this is wrong 13:40 < Shirik> right? 13:41 < Shirik> because of course you wouldn't go straight to an admin while in a dispute with an editor 13:41 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 13:41 < JohnLewis> Skirik: Only edits to the IP talk is bots. 13:41 < Velocitas> Yes, on my Dutch & English talk page. 13:41 < skyrimgirly23> hi 13:41 < Shirik> JohnLewis: Yes, I am aware 13:42 < Shirik> how about instead of reverting everything he writes, you just add in the orphan template 13:43 < Bradford> :O 13:43 < Velocitas> Because she also deletes relevant categories and the year and place of birth, maiden name, etc. 13:43 < Shirik> that is a content dispute 13:44 < Shirik> and you are equally in the wrong by just reverting it, there 13:44 < Shirik> the orphan template I am more inclined to agree with you on, but not if you're going to revert everything 13:46 < Velocitas> No, I reverted, then I repair orphan template etc, but the IP just reverts everything. 13:49 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:49 < Peter-C> I should become a hostage negotiator 13:49 < Peter-C> "WHY DID YOU HANG UP THE PHONE?" 13:50 < Peter-C> "Duh, they were probably trying to trace us" 13:50 < Peter-C> Boom. 13:52 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has quit [Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~] 13:55 -!- Berny68 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:56 -!- Yellow_Evan [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:57 -!- Yellow_Evan [] has quit [Client Quit] 13:57 -!- Yellow_Evan [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:57 -!- Maryana_lunch is now known as Maryana 13:57 -!- Yellow_Evan is now known as YE 13:58 -!- Vito_ [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:58 -!- Vito [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 14:02 < a930913> Can someone give me a notification please? :) 14:02 < Jetro> a930913 ding ding a930913 14:02 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Quit: While there's life, there's hope.] 14:03 < a930913> Jetro: An echo one on the wiki :p 14:03 < Shirik> Velocitas, please show me any diff that only restores the orphan template 14:04 < Shirik> to be perfectly honest, with the exception of the orphan template, I do not agree with your changes at all 14:04 < Shirik> and since you have not attempted to only restore the orphan template in any of your edits, you give me no reason to side with you 14:09 < Velocitas> So you think the categories are not relevant, the maiden is not relevant and the place and year of birth are not relevant? I didn't say I tried to only restore the orphan template, but I just make some edits and the IP reverts everything. 14:12 -!- Bradford is now known as erNieto 14:12 -!- worm_that_turned [~worm_that@wikipedia/Worm-That-Turned] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:12 -!- erNieto is now known as Bradford[Duerme] 14:14 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|out 14:17 -!- worm_that_turned [~worm_that@wikipedia/Worm-That-Turned] has quit [Client Quit] 14:18 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:18 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 14:18 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:18 < Shirik> I never said I think they're not relevant Velocitas 14:18 < Shirik> I said that I do not agree with the changes 14:18 -!- magoma [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:19 -!- magoma [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 14:19 < Shirik> to be specific, your changes are a blatant violation of the BLP policy. 14:19 -!- Demiurge1000 is now known as D1000|Away 14:21 < Pharos> just created, needs more members 14:23 -!- erischan [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:23 -!- Sven_Manguard [~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:23 < Sven_Manguard> Hello, anyone here speak Russian? 14:25 < Velocitas> Lack of sources is the problem? 14:25 < shimgray> Pharos - [[Islands of the North Atlantic]] 14:25 < Sven_Manguard> Velocitas: no, a translation issue 14:26 -!- magoma [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:26 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|away 14:26 < russavia> sven, ask mareklug, he speaks it i think 14:27 < Sven_Manguard> mareklug: you around? 14:27 -!- Rihan is now known as Rihan_abed 14:27 < mareklug> he is joshing you, Sven_Manguard. russavia speaks better Russian than I understand. 14:27 -!- magoma [] has quit [Client Quit] 14:28 < Sven_Manguard> russavia: and - what's the differences? 14:28 < Sven_Manguard> I'm trying to break a disambiguation problem on Wikidata 14:28 < Sven_Manguard> which one is Bettencourt 14:29 < russavia> bettencourt is french 14:29 < mareklug> the first one. but it is Bittencourt 14:29 < russavia> betancur is spanish 14:30 < Sven_Manguard> russavia: is what it's needed for 14:30 < Sven_Manguard> the issue is that both and are claiming Bettencourt 14:30 < mareklug> Sven_Manguard you know you could have followed the interwikis to en wiki 14:31 < russavia> ruwp has done it correctly 14:31 < Sven_Manguard> mareklug: I moved the enwiki one from one page to the other 14:31 < russavia> separating the french from spanish names 14:31 < Sven_Manguard> I'm trying to combine them 14:31 < Sven_Manguard> erm... hmm 14:31 < mareklug> Sven_Manguard i meant for the individuals listed on each disambig page, which you did not move :) 14:32 -!- erischan [] has quit [Quit: -a- Android IRC 2.1.3] 14:32 < Sven_Manguard> mareklug: most of them don't exist on more than one Wiki 14:32 < mareklug> for example, this dude for your second disambig: Rómulo Betancourt 14:32 -!- erischan [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:32 < russavia> isn't on the enwp disambiglist 14:32 < mareklug> Sven_Manguard or this one for your first disambig: 14:33 -!- Velocitas [55971087@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en [] 14:34 < mareklug> Sven_Manguard the long and the short of it is that the first disambig you linked is the disambig for the last name "Bittencourt". The second disambig you linked is a disambig for the last name "Betancourt". There is no confusion on either the Russian or English wiki. If you moved anything wrong, undo it. 14:35 < Sven_Manguard> mareklug: the issue is that only Russian Wikipedia split the two. English Wikipedia has one for Betencourt, Bettencourtt, Bettencour, Betancourt, Bethancourt, Bitencourt, Bittencourt, Betancur, Betancurt, Betancor, Bethcourt, Betancourt, Bitancurt, Betanco, and Betencur 14:35 < Sven_Manguard> one article for all those options 14:36 < mareklug> I dunno why en wiki falls on its ass in this particularl disambig department. we disambig so well between Smith and Smythe and so on. 14:36 < mareklug> must be gross incompetence. check the history. 14:36 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:37 < mareklug> 14:40 < shimgray> it's pretty common to combine disambigs for variant spellings of name 14:40 -!- Carly-- [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:40 < shimgray> (also Thomas & Tom, etc) 14:40 < mareklug> Sven_Manguard how about fixing this with this little bit of business, just scaled down: 14:40 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:41 < mareklug> shimgray obviously not in the case of Smith/Smythe and all the other Kowalskis :) 14:41 < Carly--> hi all :D 14:42 -!- FunPika [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:43 < mareklug> hi Carly] 14:44 < Jetro> hey Carly-- :) 14:44 < Carly--> how are you Jetro 14:44 < Jetro> I'm angry, and I wanted to go to bed, but there's no way I'm going to bed this angry 14:44 < Carly--> how are you marekluh 14:44 < Carly--> heh 14:44 < mareklug> "love your long shadows, and your gunpowder eyes" -- Neko Case, some of the best poetry of the current millennium 14:45 < mareklug> Jetro have some fish. it calms the body. 14:45 < Jetro> FUCK YOU 14:45 < Jetro> AISDSGISJGIEJS 14:45 < Jetro> I hate fish and the smell of fish 14:45 < Jetro> damn 14:45 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:45 < Carly--> I'm sad and I wanted to leave all but is not good 14:45 < Carly--> jetro go to bed :) 14:45 < Jetro> NO 14:45 < Jetro> aw 14:45 * Jetro pats Carly--'s head 14:45 < Jetro> : D 14:45 < mareklug> …obviously suffers from low-fish diet. not very calm. DSV-Norwegian Maniac 14:46 < mareklug> church burning 14:46 < Jetro> haha 14:46 < Carly--> hahaa 14:46 * Carly-- 14:46 * Carly-- punch Jetro 14:46 < Jetro> Mosque burning soon 14:46 < Carly--> :| 14:46 < Carly--> jetro :| 14:46 < Jetro> since we're not religious but the muslims sure are 14:47 -!- Athanasius [icxcnika@freenode/weird-exception/network-troll/afterdeath] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:47 * Carly-- takes off Jetro pants and shows him in a theather 14:47 < Carly--> :| 14:47 < Jetro> wth 14:47 < mareklug> Jetro that was supposed to be DSM not DSV. 14:47 < Jetro> Do you often go to theathres without pants? 14:47 < Jetro> wat 14:47 < Jetro> I'm getting confused now 14:47 < Carly--> haga 14:47 < Carly--> I di 14:47 < Carly--> do 14:48 < mareklug> Jetro the Norwegians have a long tradition of burning their wooden churches. This tend to be metalhead Norwegians. 14:48 < mareklug> The churches tend to be very old wooden structures from long ago. Irreprerable loss. Major vandalism. 14:48 < Carly--> jetro do you know who uploaded the logs of irc when you gave me a punch and I left by ping time out 14:48 < Jetro> I know 14:48 < Jetro> Carly--, yes, no, maybe 14:49 < Jetro> how? :D 14:49 < Carly--> o.O 14:49 < Jetro> Are your feelings hurt still? 14:49 < Carly--> :| 14:49 < Jetro> aww 14:49 < Carly--> jetro I still want to kill that person 14:49 * Jetro continues petting Carly-- 14:49 < Carly--> YES 14:49 < Carly--> and no only my feelings 14:49 < Jetro> your feels 14:49 < Carly--> jetro :'( 14:49 < Carly--> xd 14:49 < Jetro> :'(( 14:50 * Carly-- pets Jetro 14:50 < Jetro> ey >(( 14:51 * Carly-- looks at Jetro and runs away 14:51 * Carly-- afraid 14:52 < Jetro> haha 14:52 < Jetro> I love how you construct sentences sometimes 14:52 -!- jakr [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:52 -!- jakr [] has quit [Changing host] 14:52 -!- jakr [~jake@unaffiliated/jakr] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:52 < Carly--> oh :) 14:53 < Carly--> jetro what is a sentence? 14:53 < Carly--> :D 14:53 -!- IShadowed [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:53 -!- IShadowed [] has quit [Changing host] 14:53 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:53 < Jetro> You don't say "Carly is afraid", you just say "Carly afraid" 14:53 < Jetro> :D 14:53 < Jetro> 'Tis funny 14:53 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has quit [Quit: hometime] 14:54 < Carly--> Am I your clown Jetro? 14:54 < Jetro> YES YOU ARE 14:54 < Jetro> goochie goochie goo 14:54 < Carly--> :| 14:55 < Jetro> Or no, you're my pet monkey 14:55 < Jetro> :D 14:55 < Carly--> :| 14:55 < Jetro> but now it's good night 14:55 < Jetro> thanks for cheering me up 14:55 < Jetro> =D 14:55 < Jetro> bye 14:55 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (] 14:55 < Carly--> am I something else¿ jetro 14:55 < Carly--> :) 14:58 -!- Deskana [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:58 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:01 -!- Warhound [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:01 -!- FastLizard4|away is now known as FastLizard4 15:02 -!- erischan [] has quit [Quit: -a- Android IRC 2.1.3] 15:02 -!- muahaha is now known as void|afk 15:02 -!- void|afk is now known as muahaha 15:02 -!- erischan [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:03 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 15:03 -!- erischan [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 15:05 -!- Annabelle [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:08 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:08 -!- Annabelle is now known as closedmouth 15:08 -!- techman224 [~techman22@Wikimedia/Techman224] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:11 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 15:14 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:16 -!- Maryana [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 15:17 -!- Maryana [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:19 -!- sid|1 [~sid-1@trivialand/player/sid-1] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:19 -!- sid|1 [~sid-1@trivialand/player/sid-1] has left #wikipedia-en ["Leaving"] 15:23 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:24 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has quit [Client Quit] 15:24 -!- Qcoder00 [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 15:25 -!- IShadowed_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:25 -!- IShadowed_ [] has quit [Changing host] 15:25 -!- IShadowed_ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:28 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:34 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:36 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:36 -!- Sven_Manguard [~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard] has left #wikipedia-en [] 15:40 < mareklug> legoktm,104663,13864775,10__robotow_z_LEGO__ktore_nie_robia_nic_przydatnego.html#BoxTechTxt "10+ robotów z LEGO, które nie robią nic przydatnego ale nie można od nich oderwać wzroku" (trans. 10+ LEGO robots, which don't do anything much, but it's hard not to watch them) 15:40 < a930913> Does anybody use monobook here? 15:41 -!- foks [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:41 -!- foks [] has quit [Changing host] 15:41 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:42 < legoktm> a930913: yes 15:42 < legoktm> mareklug: will look in a sec 15:42 < Carly--> hey foks :) 15:42 < foks> Hi 15:43 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:44 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 15:44 -!- IH|out is now known as Ironholds 15:45 < legoktm> mareklug: my favorite robot is 15:46 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:46 < legoktm> its an android phone powering the lego solver 15:46 < a930913> legoktm: importScript('User:A930913/fixnav.js');// Does it work? 15:46 < mareklug> it's impressive. certainly better than me by a factor of 1000 15:48 < sarahlicity> oh lol, ITN/C 15:48 * kylu saw that one on hackaday. 15:49 -!- tttb [] has quit [Quit: Fare thee well] 15:49 < legoktm> a930913: er, whats it supposed to do? 15:49 < legoktm> oh 15:49 < legoktm> lemme test 15:49 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F 15:50 < legoktm> yes, BUT 15:50 < legoktm> a930913: see how it covers up my tabs when i'm at the top: 15:50 -!- Maple__ [Maple@trivialand/genius/maple] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:50 < Carly--> o.O 15:51 < a930913> legoktm: Oh dear, it really splurges out there. 15:51 < a930913> Vector is very different. 15:54 < IRWolfie-> what browser is that? 15:55 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 15:55 < a930913> Can you import a .css? 15:55 < legoktm> a930913: Yeah 15:56 < a930913> legoktm: Link/explain? 15:57 < legoktm> @import "//"; 15:57 -!- erischan [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:58 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 15:58 -!- erischan [] has quit [Client Quit] 16:02 -!- mabdul [d9fd595c@wikipedia/mabdul] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:04 -!- Fox2k12 [yogi@wikipedia/fox2k11] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 16:05 < mareklug> anyway to upload an avatar to one's Spotify without inheriting it by linking to Facebook? 16:06 < legoktm> they dont use gravatar? 16:07 < a930913> legoktm: So why doesn't it work? :/ 16:07 -!- jack [4a53b7b4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:07 < legoktm> whats not working? 16:07 < a930913> legoktm: 16:08 -!- jack is now known as Guest78178 16:08 < mareklug> they are buttfucking fascists. not only don't they use gravatar, they do not provide any interface, on the app in Mac OS X or in the web profile to upload a pix. I am stuck with the grey on light gray generic silhouette. Unless I link my Fecesbook 16:08 < legoktm> uhhhhhhhhh 16:08 < legoktm> idk 16:08 < legoktm> mareklug: Hence why I stopped using it 16:09 < mareklug> I was clever getting Spotify via a German proxy w/o Facebook in the first place, but they just now made me become USA user. 16:09 < mareklug> still not linked FB to it. 16:10 < mareklug> legoktm I bet the silly thing has a plist somewhere where I can break in a picture :/ 16:11 < legoktm> mareklug: probably! 16:11 -!- Huon [~shogunat@wikipedia/Huon] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:11 < Huon> could an admin take a look at a deleted article and tell me what copyrights were infringed? 16:11 -!- bharris [~bharris@] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:11 < Huon> 16:11 -!- Guest78178 [4a53b7b4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 16:12 -!- Jayflux [~jay_knows@unaffiliated/jayflux] has quit [Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: )] 16:13 -!- Warhound [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> obama to take away all of our gnus 16:13 < Huon> yet again? 16:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ya, he will start a goat army probably 16:15 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 16:15 -!- osxdude [~osxdude@unaffiliated/osxdude] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 16:16 -!- bharris [~bharris@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:17 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has quit [Quit: Cheerio!] 16:17 -!- Annabelle [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:19 -!- Patar_knight [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:19 -!- Patar_knight [] has quit [Changing host] 16:19 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:20 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:20 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:20 -!- Annabelle is now known as closedmouth 16:22 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas 16:22 -!- lukas23 is now known as lukas|away 16:24 -!- Iciloo [~Iciloo@wikia/Icestorm123] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:24 -!- Fox2k12 [yogi@] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:24 -!- Fox2k12 [yogi@] has quit [Changing host] 16:24 -!- Fox2k12 [yogi@wikipedia/fox2k11] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:26 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:26 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|iPad 16:26 -!- shimgray [~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:27 -!- Iciloo [~Iciloo@wikia/Icestorm123] has left #wikipedia-en [] 16:28 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas 16:29 -!- BewareofDoug [~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:29 -!- IShadowed_ is now known as IShadowed 16:33 < mareklug> I don;t have twitter. does anyone with twitter care to make a suggestion on a twitter feed of a developer who only makes twitter the way to offer suggestions? :/ 16:34 * Carly-- tweeta 16:34 < Carly--> xd vamos 16:34 < mareklug> <-- I wanna tell the dude I need him to support Grooveshark, if he can. 16:34 < Carly--> mareklug yo tengopp 16:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug I dont either 16:34 < mareklug> tu tienes twitter? 16:35 < mareklug> I am not yet socialized, as social media go. 16:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> twitter seems like a meh waste of time :/ 16:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I got on to linkedin because it kept nagging me 16:35 < mareklug> except when right now, I need to tell the duded something and he has no webform, no email. 16:35 < Carly--> yes 16:35 < Carly--> mareklug I do 16:35 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko if you are on linkedin, you should invite me -- mareklug 16:36 < mareklug> Carly-- could you relay a suggestion for me? 16:36 < mareklug> Carly-- podría transmitir una sugerencia para mí? 16:37 < Carly--> mareklug depende you mean to tweet something en tu nombre? 16:37 < Carly--> or?? 16:37 < mareklug> no, una sugerencia general 16:38 < mareklug> aqui: 16:38 < mareklug> "Please consider adding Grooveshark support. Thank you." 16:38 * Carly-- clicks 16:38 < Carly--> aha and what I do in there or what 16:39 < NotASpy> Huon: was the source for your deleted article question thingymabob. 16:39 < mareklug> Carly-- Síguelo en Twitter con el fin de dejar el mensaje anterior. 16:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug I dont think I earned that yet :) 16:40 < Carly--> okay 16:40 < Carly--> one sec 16:40 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko what 16:40 < Huon> NotASpy, thanks 16:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> linkedin thing 16:41 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng 16:41 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko whenever you're ready. I link to j.orm and P.haros and I.ronholds and P.eter-C just to name people from this channel. and Sarah Stierh 16:42 < Huon> NotASpy, if you like, you can tell the author why that's not ok in -en-help 16:42 < Carly--> mareklug you meant to " (mareklug) "Please consider adding Grooveshark support. Thank you. 16:42 < mareklug> I also have some nice contacts in Japan and Beijing :) 16:42 < mareklug> Carly-- if you like. It can be anonimo 16:43 < Carly--> ready! 16:43 < mareklug> it has not updated yet on the page. last tweet he has in 18 April. 16:43 < Carly--> I put :Please consider adding Grooveshark support. Thank you 16:43 < mareklug> Carly-- that is perfecto. 16:43 < Carly--> o.O 16:43 < mareklug> gracías. 16:43 < Carly--> :) 16:44 < Carly--> you are welcome! :) 16:44 -!- Berny68 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 16:46 -!- Bradford[Duerme] [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:48 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:51 -!- Theopolisme_ [uid7799@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:52 < Theopolisme_> who am I? 16:52 < Theopolisme_> gah...i think i double logged in. 16:52 < Theopolisme> Hmm 16:52 < Theopolisme> Magic... 16:53 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:53 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has left #wikipedia-en [] 16:55 -!- erischan [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:55 -!- ChrisGualtieri [328598c0@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:55 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:56 -!- FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4 16:56 < a930913> Theopolisme: o/ 16:56 -!- mabdul [d9fd595c@wikipedia/mabdul] has left #wikipedia-en [] 16:56 < Maple__> Theopolisme: magic 16:57 -!- Carly-- [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:58 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F 16:58 -!- Carly-- [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:58 < SigmaWP> hi 17:06 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:06 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@] has quit [Changing host] 17:06 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:06 -!- gwickwire [uid10416@wikipedia/gwickwire] has quit [Changing host] 17:06 -!- gwickwire [uid10416@unaffiliated/celebi] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:06 -!- gwickwire [uid10416@unaffiliated/celebi] has quit [Changing host] 17:06 -!- gwickwire [uid10416@wikipedia/gwickwire] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:06 -!- gwickwire [uid10416@wikipedia/gwickwire] has quit [] 17:07 -!- gwickwire [uid10416@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:07 -!- nuenfly [] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.4.0] 17:09 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Quit: heatherw] 17:10 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:11 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:12 -!- Maryana [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has quit [Quit: Maryana] 17:14 -!- Carly-- [~androirc@] has quit [Excess Flood] 17:14 < Isarra> The English Wikipedia is the center of the world and all changes to the software are made by WMF staff. 17:16 < Pharos> #wikimedis-us meeting in 45 mins 17:16 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:18 < Pharos> #wikimedia-us meeting in 45 mins 17:20 -!- Carliitaeliza [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:21 -!- Exploding_Sheep [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:24 -!- erischan [] has quit [Quit: -a- sleep] 17:24 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:26 -!- sdamashek is now known as Vacation9_ 17:26 < Yetanotherx> Someone just made a post on facebook bragging about a picture of him spraying graffiti. He then bragged about how his mom was there when he did it. *cringe* 17:26 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:26 -!- Vacation9_ is now known as sdamashek 17:26 -!- Carliitaeliza [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 17:27 -!- Carliitaeliza [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:29 < ChrisGualtieri> What's the policy on husbands of article subjects editing or trying to edit their wive's page without OTRS identification and after the matter has been through COIN? 17:30 < legoktm> There's no such thing as OTRS identification. 17:30 < ChrisGualtieri> There is 17:30 < legoktm> No there isn't...... 17:31 < gwickwire> legoktm: people with real name accounts are supposed to (and can be blocked if they don't, but rarely are unless problems arise) email OTRS with identification to prevent impersonation. 17:31 < legoktm> o.O 17:31 < legoktm> Like that. 17:31 < legoktm> I guess. 17:31 < lbenedix> I'm firing a lot of requests to the api of enwiki, is that a problem? 17:31 < gwickwire> If I showed up as User:(different first name)_(same last name) as someone, and I caused problems, I may be asked to e-mail OTRS with identification. 17:31 < ChrisGualtieri> He got it confirmed, but its on the talk page 17:31 < ChrisGualtieri> 17:31 < legoktm> lbenedix: That's more of a #wikimedia-tech thing 17:32 < ChrisGualtieri> So nevermind. 17:32 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:32 < legoktm> lbenedix: 17:32 < ChrisGualtieri> I thought it was supposed to go to the user page... but whatever 17:33 < lbenedix> are there any limits? 17:33 -!- evilgohan2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:33 < ChrisGualtieri> I'd go ask the tech guys, but just a question are you trying to database download and check something? 17:34 < legoktm> lbenedix: Don't multithread and be respectful 17:34 < ChrisGualtieri> It is a lot easier to download the entire thing and hammer as necessary unless you really need to be live. 17:37 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 17:37 -!- evilgohan2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:41 -!- Theopolisme_ [uid7799@gateway/web/] has quit [] 17:41 < lbenedix> I have a enwiki related question... Is it possible to get a list of active bots? 17:41 < Theopolisme> legoktm: please be a regex ninja 17:41 < lbenedix> I found this: but its not accurate 17:42 < legoktm> sorry, busy atm 17:42 < legoktm> lbenedix: that list is horribly maintained 17:42 * Theopolisme looks away guiltily 17:42 < Theopolisme> i havent even added my bot there 17:43 -!- osxdude [~osxdude@] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:43 -!- osxdude [~osxdude@] has quit [Changing host] 17:43 -!- osxdude [~osxdude@unaffiliated/osxdude] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:44 < lbenedix> is it possible to get a better list of active bots? 17:44 < a930913> Wait, we make bots, why don't we make a bot to keep this stuff up to date? 17:45 * Carliitaeliza thinks 17:46 < legoktm> a930913: thats addshore's job! 17:46 < addshore> :/ 17:47 < addshore> i did start making a script for it 17:47 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:50 < Theopolisme> seems like it'd be more useful as a web tool 17:51 < addshore> i started that also ;p 17:51 < addshore> based off anothe rtool for somethign els 17:52 < addshore> ill see if i can dig it up in a few weeks ;p 17:52 -!- Huon [~shogunat@wikipedia/Huon] has left #wikipedia-en [] 17:52 < Theopolisme> Yay! 17:52 < lbenedix> is there a list of all bots? 17:52 * Carliitaeliza fainta 17:53 < Theopolisme> addshore: CSS is the one thing i don't actually suck too much at, so gimme a ping if you want me to do anything 17:53 < legoktm> lbenedix: Special:Listusers/bots 17:53 < legoktm> Or something 17:54 < addshore> you can build a list from many cats, etc, and get quite allot fo data from them 17:54 < addshore> and templates and stuff ;p 17:54 < addshore> anyway, sleep time ;p 17:54 < lbenedix> these are only bots with botflag 17:54 -!- Bendersgame [~chatzilla@wikipedia/LuciferTiger] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:55 < Pharos> #wikimedia-us meeting in 5 mins 17:55 -!- Bendersgame [~chatzilla@wikipedia/LuciferTiger] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:55 < a930913> lbenedix: 17:56 < lbenedix> is this list complete? 17:56 < a930913> lbenedix: I think it's probably the best one. 17:57 < lbenedix> thx 17:57 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:58 < lbenedix> this could be a good start to get the active bots 17:58 < Carliitaeliza> Hello all 17:59 < a930913> lbenedix: Yeah. 18:00 -!- lbenedix is now known as lbenedix|zzzZZZ 18:00 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:00 -!- Jeske_Couriano [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:00 -!- Jeske_Couriano [] has quit [Changing host] 18:00 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:05 -!- Carliitaeliza [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:05 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:05 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 18:06 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:09 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has quit [Quit: zz] 18:10 -!- LtNOWIS-mobile [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:13 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas 18:17 < gwickwire> Ironholds: Busy? 18:17 < Ironholds> no? 18:18 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|away 18:18 -!- Exploding_Sheep [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 18:21 -!- Exploding_Sheep [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:25 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas 18:25 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:27 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:32 -!- Mike_HH [~quassel@] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.] 18:32 -!- LtNOWIS-mobile [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:32 -!- LtNOWIS-mobile [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:33 -!- Mike_H [~quassel@] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:33 -!- Mike_H is now known as Guest22626 18:33 -!- ihaveamac [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:33 -!- ihaveamac [] has quit [Changing host] 18:33 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:37 -!- Guest22626 is now known as Mike_HH 18:37 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 18:39 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 18:42 -!- LtNOWIS-mobile2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:43 -!- MBisanz [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:43 -!- MBisanz [] has quit [Changing host] 18:43 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:44 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:44 -!- LtNOWIS-mobile [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:46 -!- gwickwire is now known as Koi 18:47 -!- _MBisanz [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:48 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:49 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 18:53 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:58 -!- IShadowed [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:58 -!- IShadowed [] has quit [Changing host] 18:58 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:00 -!- LtNOWIS [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:02 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:02 -!- LtNOWIS-mobile2 [] has quit [Quit: Bye] 19:04 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Client Quit] 19:05 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away 19:05 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 19:06 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:06 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away 19:09 -!- Swob [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:10 -!- Mike_HH [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:11 -!- Mike_HH [~quassel@] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:16 < a930913> Theopolisme: Poke? 19:19 -!- muahaha is now known as muahaha|AFK 19:20 -!- Pancetta [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:20 -!- Pancetta [] has quit [Changing host] 19:20 -!- Pancetta [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:20 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:20 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@] has quit [Changing host] 19:20 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:20 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 19:21 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:23 -!- heatherw [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:23 -!- heatherw [] has quit [Changing host] 19:23 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:24 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:26 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:27 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:27 -!- ChrisGualtieri [328598c0@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 19:27 -!- jakr [~jake@unaffiliated/jakr] has left #wikipedia-en ["Leaving"] 19:28 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:30 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 19:33 < mareklug> c'mon let's canvas some participationg in lego's rfa, which is about to close. 19:33 < mareklug> canvass 19:34 < Swob> Evlekis is socking 19:34 < Swob> Probably 19:34 < a930913> mareklug: Dare I visit RfAs again? 19:35 < mareklug> a930913 it's for a good cause 19:35 < a930913> mareklug: But my eyes. 19:37 < Swob> it bothers me that people say there's an IRC cabal when we havent had a regular IRC user make it through an RfA since 2011 19:37 < Swob> If we're a cabal we're pretty pathetic at it 19:38 < mareklug> Swob here is a lovely minimalistic rendition of an already lovely song. Suzanne Vega, "My Favorite Plum" off of Close-up, Vol.3 - States of Being, a pared-down renditions box sort of thing.!/s/My+Favorite+Plum/4YwsfM?src=5 19:39 < mareklug> Swob well we are not rally caballing, but legoktm is going thorugh in a landslide. It would be nice if he topped 160 mark. 19:43 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 19:43 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng 19:44 < Guerillero> umm 19:45 < Guerillero> this is how IRC geyts a bad rap 19:45 < Guerillero> gets* 19:45 < Swob> it is? 19:45 < mareklug> screw bad rap, Guerillero. 19:46 < SigmaWP> I wonder how pure polyester feels like 19:46 < Koi> SOMEONE GO CLOSE LEGOKTM'S RFA KTHXBYE 19:46 < mareklug> no. it closes at 10:20 my time. it is 9:46 19:46 < mareklug> instead, go add votes. 19:46 < Koi> afdsofooewooofoovaoufdsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 19:46 -!- Pancetta [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 19:47 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 19:48 -!- Dainomite [616a51f4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:49 < a930913> What I want to know, is why admins are supposed to have written half of wikipedia? Janitors are there to clean up, no? 19:51 -!- mindspillage [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:51 -!- mindspillage [] has quit [Changing host] 19:51 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:51 < Swob> its like offices 19:51 < Swob> lots of people dont wanna have a boss that's never done their own job 19:51 * Jasper_Deng has to agree with Guerillero 19:51 * Jasper_Deng hates discussing RfAs on this channel 19:52 < mareklug> but the point is very on point, so to speak. admins come in flavors. there are technical ones, there are wikignoming ones, there are content champions, there are all of the above in one… there is no harm in giving away the mop to responsible people, whatever their editing profile is. 19:52 -!- Bronze [~Mark@unaffiliated/bronze] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 19:52 < mareklug> Jasper_Deng well, I don't. 19:53 * SigmaWP blinks at mareklug 19:53 < Guerillero> I have written more content as an admin than before 19:53 < mareklug> lots of things get discusse don this channel, most completely off topic. this is at least on topic. 19:54 * Guerillero shakes his head 19:55 -!- Patar_knight [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:55 -!- Patar_knight [] has quit [Changing host] 19:55 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:55 < a930913> mareklug: !voted :p 19:55 < mareklug> good. about 20 more. 19:55 < Jasper_Deng> I really think people shouldn't have the bad stereotypes IRC has 19:55 < Jasper_Deng> but social momentum is social momentum (Guerillero can probably come up with a better term) 19:56 < mareklug> well, then kindly agitate among those that hold the bad stereotypes. I subscribe to the notion that anything can be discussed anywhere. 19:56 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat] 19:56 < SigmaWP> I read that as socialism is socialism 19:56 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:57 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:58 -!- sdamashek is now known as sdamashek|sleep 19:58 < Swob> whoa Evlekis is blocked indefinitely now 19:59 < mareklug> Swob am I confusing him with someone else, but isn't he a well-educated Greek who edits international topics? 19:59 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:00 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has quit [Client Quit] 20:00 < Swob> probabkly 20:00 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Quit: GorillaWarfare] 20:00 < Swob> Ive only seen him around a few articles 20:00 -!- kaldari [~kaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has quit [Quit: kaldari] 20:00 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 20:00 < Swob> his name is obviously Greek but Im not sure he is 20:01 < Swob> yeah I think not 20:01 < Swob> 20:01 < Swob> then again I have no idea if that stuff is true or not 20:01 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:02 < Swob> he works for the govt of Zimbabwe??? 20:02 < Swob> anyway i just blocked a couple of IPs of his 20:03 < Swob> if they really are his 20:03 < SigmaWP> Congratulations 20:03 < Swob> Doesnt matter though, they're socks of someone 20:03 < SigmaWP> You just blokced Zimbabwe 20:03 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 20:03 < Koi> SigmaWP: next they'l block Principality of Sealand 20:06 < mareklug> Swob yes, Evlekis is who I had in mind. He is all over this page 20:06 -!- russavia [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:06 -!- russavia [] has quit [Changing host] 20:06 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:06 < mareklug> Poor Zimbabwe. They can't now into Wikipedia. 20:07 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:07 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 20:07 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:07 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:08 < Swob> i never really interacted with him on anything that really mattered to him 20:08 < Swob> just like regular articles 20:09 -!- evilgohan2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 20:10 -!- evilgohan2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:12 < Swob> "Paardenlul" 20:13 -!- Bazinga [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:13 -!- Bazinga [] has quit [Changing host] 20:13 -!- Bazinga [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:13 < Swob> "West Pizda" 20:13 < Swob> interesting names of countries he's visited 20:14 < mareklug> considering that means what we know it means in several languages including Serbo-Chroatian... 20:15 < Swob> probably nobody else gets it but us 20:15 < mareklug> russavia does 20:16 < a930913> So tempted to write "get chrome" in reply to this. 20:19 < legoktm> a930913: you should try using my chrome compatible userpage 20:20 < a930913> legoktm: Why? 20:20 < Guerillero> lol 20:20 < legoktm> a930913: chrome sucks. 20:21 < Swob> cuted 20:21 < Swob> *cute 20:21 < a930913> legoktm: Can I have over 9000 tabs open in firefox? 20:21 < legoktm> Yes. 20:21 < legoktm> I counted 10k last week. 20:21 -!- Cyde [~Cyde@wikipedia/Cyde] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:22 < mareklug> legoktm surely chrome is useful as an alternative sometimes. for example, on linux it is the only browser with up to date Flash support. Firefox and others are Adobe limited to 11.2 20:22 < legoktm> nope 20:22 < legoktm> my go-to alternative is Opera 20:22 < Jasper_Deng> I use Firefox but I don't like how it's being turned into Chrome 20:22 < mareklug> but opera uses the same 11.2 linux Flash 20:22 < legoktm> Solution: Get a mac 20:22 < Swob> IE is turning into Chrome too in some ways 20:22 < SigmaWP> Solution: Stop using computers 20:23 < Jasper_Deng> getting a Mac is never the solution 20:23 < mareklug> legoktm but I am on a mac, it's just that I like to run linux in vm and I like to be able to use flash there if I wanna. 20:23 < Jasper_Deng> besides, Apple dislikes Adobe IIRC 20:23 -!- Freudian|Sleep [~chatzilla@wikipedia/LuciferTiger] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:23 < legoktm> well 20:23 < legoktm> I have flash disabled by default 20:24 < mareklug> so basically, I win this silly argument. :) 20:24 < a930913> legoktm: I only have 4GB RAM. I can kill tab processes with chrome to leave the tabs there for when I need them. Can I do that with firefox? 20:25 < Jasper_Deng> Firefox seems to be less of a RAM hog than Chrome, except when it annoyingly leaks 20:25 < Jasper_Deng> in which case I have to slay its process 20:25 < Jasper_Deng> and watch my RAM usage drop precipitiously 20:25 < IDoH> mareklug, you tend to have silly arguments. It amuses me when I'm not participating. 20:25 < mareklug> IDoH yes. you can then root for me. 20:25 -!- Swob [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Quit: bed] 20:25 < IDoH> Or just laugh at the silliness! Ha! 20:26 -!- muahaha|AFK is now known as muahaha 20:26 < legoktm> a930913: You shouldn't be killing tabs by their processes. 20:26 -!- muahaha is now known as muahaha|goddammi 20:26 < mareklug> IDoH here, continuing with music. A complete very weird and varied album by Steve Hackett, guitarist extraordinarie. he has several friends singing for him here, as he does guitars. 20:26 < Moe_Epsilon> legoktm: but it's fun :< 20:27 -!- muahaha|goddammi is now known as muahaha|noooo 20:27 < mareklug> Steve hackett "Please Don't Touch" 20:27 -!- AaronSchulz [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:27 -!- Bendersgame [~chatzilla@wikipedia/LuciferTiger] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 20:27 -!- Freudian|Sleep is now known as Bendersgame 20:28 < Moe_Epsilon> legoktm: although I had about ten tabs open at once with chrome and one was faulty, which I went to go will in the processes and didn't know which one it was. 20:28 < Moe_Epsilon> I guessed correctly around the seventh tab killed 20:29 < legoktm> LOL 20:30 < Moe_Epsilon> kill* 20:30 < Jasper_Deng> I hate how Firefox isn't multithreaded, but I can't be coerced into using Chrome 20:30 -!- _MBisanz [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 20:30 < Jasper_Deng> at least it can't hog all 4 of my cores 20:30 * IDoH coerces Jasper_Deng. 20:31 < Moe_Epsilon> I can't be coerced into switching browsers anymore because I would have to end up logging in everywhere again ;p 20:31 < Jasper_Deng> lol 20:34 < Amqui> Jasper_Deng with Chrome you don't even have to log in again anywhere you go 20:34 < Amqui> on any computer I mean 20:34 < legoktm> That's insecure 20:34 < Amqui> no it's not 20:34 < Jasper_Deng> ^^ 20:35 < Amqui> you log in to Chrome that's it 20:35 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has quit [Quit: !] 20:35 < Jasper_Deng> single point of failure 20:35 < addihockey10> Not if your computer has an encryption key 20:35 < Jasper_Deng> plus, Chrome has privacy issues w/ Google snooping 20:35 < Amqui> that's a fact though 20:35 < mareklug> google snooping is highly blown out of relevancy. it's the modern equivalent of scaring children with big bad witches 20:36 -!- kaldari [~kaldari@] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:36 -!- kaldari [~kaldari@] has quit [Changing host] 20:36 -!- kaldari [~kaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:36 -!- kaldari [~kaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has quit [Client Quit] 20:36 < mareklug> Jasper_Deng and you as a Windows/Microsoft user saying this, is doubly ironic. 20:37 * Jasper_Deng doesn't bother sending crash reports to Microsoft 20:37 < Amqui> "single point of failure" is pretty irrevelent for most people since they use the same password everywhere anyway 20:37 * Jasper_Deng could tell some interesting things about Google, but for many of them, is legally obligated not to 20:38 < mareklug> now that is very tantalizing way to flaunt insider privilege :/ 20:38 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 20:38 -!- Cyde [~Cyde@wikipedia/Cyde] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:38 < mareklug> reminds me of waitresses boasting of spitting into customers' cokes 20:39 < Bazinga> pi is evreything 20:39 < Isarra> It makes everyone love them. 20:39 < addihockey10> ^ I agree 20:39 * Jasper_Deng blocks addihockey10 for socking 20:40 < Isarra> Are you talking to yourself? 20:40 < Bazinga> no 20:40 -!- ASchulz|away [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:40 -!- ASchulz|away is now known as AaronSchulz 20:40 -!- Ed17 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:40 -!- Ed17 [] has quit [Changing host] 20:40 -!- Ed17 [~Ed17@wikipedia/the-ed17] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:40 < addihockey10> Paul's talking to me 20:45 < IDoH> mareklug, I actually like Steve Hawcett. 20:45 < IDoH> I mean, Hackett 20:49 < a930913> Hiring talk page stalkers. Stalk experience not required. (Echo plus some magic now stalks /you/.) Enquire within. 20:49 -!- FastLizard4|away is now known as FastLizard4 20:50 < Bazinga> legoktm: :O 20:50 < Bazinga> you lied 20:50 < legoktm> waaaat 20:50 < LtNOWIS> fun story 20:50 < LtNOWIS> in 2005, they didn't have semi-protection 20:50 < LtNOWIS> Then Penny Arcade posted this comic: 20:50 < eeekster> what about legoktm? 20:51 < LtNOWIS> I spent a couple hours reverting edits to that and giving out warnigns 20:51 < Bazinga> eeekster: nothing relevant to rfa 20:51 < eeekster> rfa looks like wp:snow anyway ;) 20:51 < Hahc21> join #wikimedia-privacy 20:51 < Hahc21> oops 20:56 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:56 < Hahc21> I need an oversighter... 20:57 < Guerillero> on a scale from 1-10 how urgent is your request 20:57 < mareklug> IDoHid have you heard this album before? 20:57 < mareklug> IDoH ^ 20:57 < Hahc21> urgent 20:58 < Hahc21> not much, but a bit 20:58 < Guerillero> then email the OSers 20:58 < Hahc21> ehh, too many people knowing 20:58 < Guerillero> requests are processed in under 30 min 20:58 < IDoH> !oversight Hahc21 ^ 20:58 < Hahc21> o.o 20:59 < mareklug> Guerillero do you see any issues with oversight requests being expedited in this channel? 20:59 < Hahc21> He is not meant to use the OS bit on requests, I think 21:00 < Guerillero> Unless something is a 10 on the urgency scale and there are no OSers arround 21:00 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:00 < Guerillero> I can't use my powerz 21:01 < IDoH> OS bit? You mean, like bit means the oversight right. 21:01 < Hahc21> yes 21:01 < Hahc21> and CU too 21:01 < IDoH> Ah, I see. 21:01 * Guerillero is on the AUSC 21:02 < Matthew_> Guerillero: It's late night in the US and early morning in England... so I'm not sure how many other OSs would be awake... 21:02 < Guerillero> I can think of two 21:03 < Koi> Guerillero: eww ausc 21:04 < a930913> Matthew_: You're alive :o 21:04 < Koi> :P 21:04 < Guerillero> it isn't bad 21:04 < Matthew_> a930913: Yes, I am :D 21:05 < a930913> Matthew_: Why don't you run a bouncer on a cluenet server so you're not DC/RC all the time? 21:06 < Matthew_> I'd love to, but I don't have access to the cluenet servers as of yet. 21:06 -!- BewareofDoug [~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug] has quit [Quit: BewareofDoug] 21:06 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 21:07 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:08 < mareklug> so who closes RfAs? 21:08 < Guerillero> crats 21:08 < mareklug> that would be that Bsadowski1 trouble maker 21:09 < Matthew_> Speaking of RFAs, I think Lego's is pretty clear... 21:09 < mareklug> Matthew_ I am inconsolable that it topped out at only 147. 21:11 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:12 -!- LtNOWIS is now known as LtNOWIS|sleep 21:13 -!- AaronSchulz [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:14 < Matthew_> mareklug: Agreed... but hey, it's 98%, which is good! 21:16 -!- Jeske_Couriano [] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:16 -!- Jeske_Couriano [] has quit [Changing host] 21:16 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:18 -!- Bazinga [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:19 -!- Ushau97 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:20 -!- AaronSchulz [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:20 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Client Quit] 21:20 * Jasper_Deng pokes Amqui 21:22 * a930913 pokes Jasper_Deng. 21:22 < mareklug> IDoH how can you stand to listen to Pandora with all the whoring every 2 songs 21:22 < IDoH> You mean the ads, mareklug? 21:22 < mareklug> indeed, intrusive, aural adds 21:22 < IDoH> It's okay with me 21:22 < mareklug> adds to my listening displeasure 21:23 < Matthew_> mareklug: AdBlockPlus is wonderful... 21:23 < IDoH> If it bothers you, go to Pandora One. ;-) 21:23 < mareklug> i have it, but Pandora seems impervious 21:23 < IDoH> Matthew_: It doesn't work with Pandora 100%. 21:23 < Matthew_> Huh, odd. It misses a few audio ones for me, but it gets rid of all the really annoying ones. 21:24 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:24 < mareklug> like it has AI to detect the really obnoxious girl? 21:24 < Matthew_> I just mute 'em 21:26 < Guerillero> Use spotify 21:27 < Matthew_> Ewwwww, spotify. No ad blocking at all, and they play like 2 minute ads. Waste of time. 21:28 -!- Addihockey [] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:28 < a930913> Grooveshark? 21:28 -!- Addihockey is now known as Guest25582 21:28 * Matthew_ pokes Addihockey to see if it's the real thing. 21:28 < Matthew_> Nope... 21:28 -!- Guest25582 [] has quit [Changing host] 21:28 -!- Guest25582 [~quassel@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:29 < IDoH> addihockey10, Matthew_ wants your attention. ;-) 21:29 -!- Guest25582 [~quassel@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has left #wikipedia-en [] 21:29 -!- Bazinga [~quassel@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:29 < addihockey10> Yes? 21:29 < Hahc21> ugh why Legoktm's RfA is still opened 21:30 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:30 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 21:30 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:30 < IDoH> Because no bureaucrat is awake, Hahc21? 21:30 < Matthew_> Hahc21: It's only been an hour... 21:30 < Hahc21> yeah, seem like we need a crat able to close requests at this time :p 21:30 < Matthew_> addihockey10: I was seeing if you were the real thing, because you didn't have your cloak :P 21:30 < Guerillero> two are online 21:30 < a930913> An hour?! 21:30 < a930913> !klaxon 21:30 < Guerillero> but they voted 21:31 < Guerillero> and my rfa took 3 hours to close 21:31 < Bazinga> :O 21:31 < Hahc21> Mine took minutes 21:31 < Hahc21> xD 21:31 < Guerillero> on wikidata 21:31 * Matthew_ has never had one. 21:31 < Guerillero> before there were crats 21:31 < a930913> Well then, I need to write a RfA closing bot? 21:31 < Hahc21> I was talking about enwiki... 21:31 < Guerillero> oh 21:32 < Hahc21> nvm my voy and eswn RfAs closed with hours of delay 21:32 < Guerillero> 21:33 < Hahc21> wow you had a very tight RfA 21:34 < Matthew_> Wow, I'm seeing names I haven't seen in years... 21:34 < Guerillero> 4 of the opposes are from socks 21:34 -!- Atethnekos_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:35 -!- Atethnekos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 21:35 -!- Atethnekos_ is now known as Atethnekos 21:37 < Guerillero> "The first of Guerillero's crimes was to effectively call something s/he regards as useless... well, useless. If that should be held against candidates, I suggest we block these candidates, and desysop and block anyone who has ever expressed an opinion which did not tally exactly with the wording of applicable policies, guidelines and processes at the time. An analogous approach seems to... 21:37 < Guerillero> for North Korea. " 21:38 < Bazinga> Who here is familiar with ubuntu? 21:38 < Bazinga> I need help quic 21:38 < a930913> Bazinga: Define familiar. 21:39 < Bazinga> a930913: need help running kismet 21:39 < mareklug> he probably means assinine manipulations of the user interface. under the hood it is simple debian-based linux 21:40 < a930913> mareklug: :D 21:40 < Ushau97> Bazinga: I assume you could get answers at #ubuntu channel 21:40 < Bazinga> Ushau97: I tried. 21:40 < Bazinga> they don't knwo 21:40 < mareklug> he could probably get them here, but note that he has not yet posed any questions. just dancing around. meta-dancing. 21:40 < a930913> Bazinga: #kismet ? 21:42 -!- YE [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:42 < mareklug> probably means this, a wireshark thing 21:43 < Bazinga> a930913: I'm stuck with adding a source, that channel you specified seems a bit dead 21:44 < mareklug> if you could just levelly and precisely state the problem, instead of tantalizing us with quips, it may produce a solution. 21:44 < a930913> Bazinga: Version? 21:44 < Matthew_> Those that know, say. Those that don't, Google. 21:44 < a930913> mareklug: Where's the fun in that? We've got to tease out all the parameters by asking lots of specific questions :p 21:45 < mareklug> Matthew_ don't knock basic and advanced googling skills. 21:45 < Matthew_> mareklug: I'm not, it's how I learned PHP. And Python. 21:46 < a930913> Matthew_: So you're also learning C at uni? 21:47 < Matthew_> Yes. 21:47 < a930913> Matthew_: Some redemption there then I guess :p 21:47 < Matthew_> Heh, yep. Although it's quite different than all of the above 21:48 < a930913> Cross channel talking is a bad habit, isn't it? :/ 21:49 < Matthew_> Yes, it is :/ 21:50 < Bazinga> a930913: 12.10 i believe 21:51 < a930913> Bazinga: "deb quantal kismet" doesn't work? 21:53 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 21:55 -!- Bazinga [~quassel@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 21:55 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:56 < dtm> i hope everyone has issued congratulations to a930913 for the successful launch of a new bot upon the wikiverse. checking for bracket-matching syntax. 21:56 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:57 < a930913> dtm: o/ 21:57 < a930913> Matthew_: No, it's called security :p 21:58 < Matthew_> Heh, yeah, random channel algorithm :P 22:00 -!- techman224 [~techman22@Wikimedia/Techman224] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:] 22:01 < a930913> Matthew_: I wonder how many channels we'd need to be in to send a 1MB file without getting banned from any channel :D 22:01 -!- Mkdw [~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:03 < Matthew_> a930913: Depends. We'd probably be k-lined if we did too much hex, so we'd need a lot for binary files. Plain text, maybe a dozen or so depending on the text,. 22:03 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:04 < dtm> more like random nick generation algorithm, eh, a930913 ? 22:04 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 22:04 < dtm> you're supposed to encrypt the message, not the nick, man 22:04 < dtm> urdoinitwrong 22:04 < Matthew_> Actually, seems like a 000webhost username to me... 22:06 -!- IH|away is now known as Ironholds 22:06 < Isarra> I love you guys. 22:06 < dtm> love u 22:06 < Matthew_> <3 you too, Isarra. 22:06 * Isarra huggls dtm and Matthew_. 22:07 < Isarra> Let's have a wiknic! 22:07 * Matthew_ huggles back 22:07 < dtm> blam blam blam 22:07 < Matthew_> We need to! 22:08 < Dcoetzee> You can send an arbitrary amount of text in a single channel using stenography 22:08 < Dcoetzee> You just piggyback it onto on-topic messages 22:08 < Dcoetzee> For example you can vary the number of spaces between words, or your use of capitalization 22:09 < Matthew_> That's true, I didn't think of that. Interesting... 22:10 < Dcoetzee> 3 periods at the end of that... what does THAT mean? :-P 22:10 < dtm> i'm not trained to use a stenography keyboard. i had a friend who did that, coz court reporting pays well 22:10 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:10 < a930913> Dcoetzee: Yeah, but you'd have to generate a lot of cover text. 22:10 < Isarra> Man, it is seriously raining. 22:10 < dtm> so i'm out 22:10 < dtm> Isarra: yeah i'm in kansas, with thunderstorms 22:10 < dtm> downpour 22:10 < Dcoetzee> dtm: Apologies, I meant steganography 22:10 < Dcoetzee> Thank you 22:10 < Isarra> Here we just have... rain. Which is downright bizarre. 22:11 < Isarra> Colorado, though. 22:11 < Dcoetzee> a930913: Yep 22:11 < Matthew_> Isarra: IKR, isn't it amazing! :D 22:11 < Ironholds> what would you call 'someone who occupies a position', distinct from the position itself? 22:11 < Dcoetzee> But in a channel like this where almost nothing is off topic 22:11 < Dcoetzee> That shouldn't be that hard 22:11 < a930913> I've got to stay inside, the sun has just risen on a clear day here :( 22:12 < a930913> Ironholds: Notable? 22:12 < Isarra> Matthew_: Yeah. O_o 22:12 < Guerillero> Ironholds: office holder 22:13 < Ironholds> a930913: er. what? 22:13 < Ironholds> Guerillero: other submissions? 22:13 < Matthew_> Isarra: Speaking of... is there going to be a Wiknic? 22:13 < a930913> Ironholds: Sorry, I was trolling :p 22:13 < Ironholds> a930913: you shouldn't do that. 22:13 * a930913 runs. 22:13 < Guerillero> incumbent 22:14 < Matthew_> Ironholds: Are we talking in a government sense, or a job sense? 22:14 < Ironholds> Guerillero: it's not a political office. 22:14 < Ironholds> Matthew_: the latter. 22:14 < Ironholds> Guerillero: also, incumbent only covers present-tense. 22:15 < Matthew_> Hmmmm... 22:15 < a930913> Ironholds: Can you give us more context? 22:15 < Ironholds> a930913: I'm writing a document for work that scopes out a position, advantages and disadvantages of the current scoping, tweaks that could be made, etc. 22:15 < Ironholds> to be useful it has to factor in the person actually occupying the role. 22:16 < dtm> you MUSTN'T do that. you must troll harder. 22:16 < Ironholds> dtm: I get the impression we're not going to get on. That saddens me. 22:16 < Guerillero> the position may vary based on the perspective employee's skills 22:16 * legoktm hugs Ironholds 22:16 < dtm> who's getting on what now 22:17 < a930913> Ironholds: Not just occupier? 22:17 < Ironholds> a930913: that sounds like the person is squatting in a disused building. 22:17 < Ironholds> hey legoktm. Why the hug? 22:17 < legoktm> why not? 22:18 < Ironholds> Guerillero: indeed, and skills/weaknesses can exacerbate weaknesses or strengths in the scoping. 22:18 < Ironholds> legoktm: fair enough. 22:18 * Guerillero knows there is an official word for this 22:20 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:21 < harej> hi walling 22:24 < a930913> Who can work out why CBIII isn't archiving my talk? 22:26 < MJ94> legoktm: are you an admin yet 22:26 < MJ94> can you be my slave now 22:26 < MJ94> or do I have to wait 22:26 < legoktm> you have to wait. 22:26 < MJ94> fine. 22:27 < MJ94> pending closure 22:27 < MJ94> HURRY UP CRATS 22:27 * Ironholds runs to oppose legoktm 22:27 < Ironholds> '''oppose''' - too good to not be a really cunning sock of someone 22:28 < legoktm> But…but... 22:28 < Ironholds> prove you're not a sock! 22:28 < legoktm> prove that you aren't! 22:29 < legoktm> for all we know, you could be a glove! 22:29 < Ironholds> dude, be realistic 22:29 < Ironholds> I don't have the time 22:29 < Dcoetzee> Now now, it's just silly to have two of your socks arguing with each other. 22:29 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:] 22:29 < Dcoetzee> No one's buying it. 22:29 < Ironholds> plus, you've seen photos of me. I'm not nearly as waterproof or fluffy enough to be a glove. 22:29 < MJ94> Dcoetzee: :p 22:29 < a930913> Oh dear, the "I don't like you, therefore you must be a sock" rears it's head again. 22:29 < MJ94> a930913: YOU'RE A SOCK. 22:29 < a930913> s/it's/its/ 22:29 < Ironholds> a930913: no, I like legoktm. I was demonstrating actual trolling rather than just being an ass ;p 22:30 < legoktm> Ahahaha 22:30 < MJ94> Ironholds: change of pace/ 22:30 < MJ94> ? 22:30 < Ironholds> MJ94: hmn? 22:30 < MJ94> :3 22:30 < MJ94> nuffin' 22:30 < a930913> Ironholds: ;) 22:30 * MJ94 goes to do homework. 22:30 < MJ94> Nini. 22:33 < SigmaWP> sup Ironholds 22:34 < Ironholds> hey SigmaWP :) 22:36 < Isarra> legoktm: Are you an admin? 22:37 < legoktm> Nope. 22:37 < Isarra> Oh. 22:37 < Isarra> Why not? 22:37 < legoktm> Crats are lazy. 22:37 < Isarra> You're cute. 22:37 < Isarra> They're cute. 22:37 < Isarra> I mean... 22:37 < Jasper_Deng> {{cn}} 22:37 < legoktm> So I'm watching The Office. 22:37 < Isarra> He is cute! There's a picture and everything. 22:38 < Dcoetzee> Isarra: Who's cute 22:38 < Isarra> legoktm 22:38 < Dcoetzee> Isarra: Link? 22:39 < Isarra> Sorry. 22:39 < Isarra> I haven't a one. 22:40 < a930913> Isarra: Pics or it never happened. 22:40 < Isarra> It didn't happen. It just is. 22:40 < Dcoetzee> But then how do you know... I guess intuition 22:40 < a930913> Isarra: Pics or it isn't. 22:40 * Isarra throws an empty bottle of mountain dew at Dcoetzee's head. 22:40 < Dcoetzee> I hope that was a plastic bottle 22:40 < Jasper_Deng> {{verification failed}}, Isarra 22:41 < legoktm> Hey! 22:41 < legoktm> You've even seen pictures of me Jasper_Deng 22:41 * Isarra bounces an empty bottle of vodka off Jasper_Deng's head. 22:41 < Isarra> He's cute. 22:41 < Isarra> Totally is. 22:42 * Jasper_Deng pours HF on top of all of Isarra's bottles 22:42 < Jasper_Deng> no more bottle throwing for you! 22:42 < Isarra> Scary. 22:42 < Isarra> But okay. 22:42 * Isarra throws rocks instead. 22:42 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:42 * Jasper_Deng pours HF on those too 22:44 -!- Atethnekos [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 22:44 < Jasper_Deng> you should be glad, Isarra, that I'm not pouring it on you 22:47 < dtm> how do i name an article about someone who is a doctor? do i put "Dr. Firstname Lastname" or leave out the prefix? 22:48 < Dcoetzee> dtm: You leave out the prefix. 22:49 < Dcoetzee> Article titles never contain honorifics of any sort. 22:49 < dtm> k 22:50 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:52 -!- SudoGhost [] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:52 -!- SudoGhost [] has quit [Changing host] 22:52 -!- SudoGhost [~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:54 -!- rr0 [~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:54 * SigmaWP hugs Isarra 22:54 < SigmaWP> I feel broken today 22:54 < SigmaWP> mleahhh 22:55 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:56 < Isarra> I am broken today. 22:56 < addihockey10> :/ 22:56 * addihockey10 fixes Isarra 22:57 * Isarra dies. 22:57 * addihockey10 blames peter-c 22:57 < SigmaWP> I still feel broken 22:57 * Isarra wafts through a wall. 22:57 < SigmaWP> HUG ME BACK 22:57 < Isarra> I'm sorry. 22:58 * Isarra tries to hug SigmaWP. 22:58 * addihockey10 breaks the sigma 22:58 < addihockey10> (actually according to my teachers I'm very good with using sigmas) 22:58 -!- AaronSchulz [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 22:59 -!- AaronSchulz [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:00 < Moe_Epsilon> in what manner are you using the sigmas 23:00 < Moe_Epsilon> statistics? 23:00 < addihockey10> Yeah. 23:00 < addihockey10> It's a joke chapter. 23:00 < Moe_Epsilon> ? :p 23:01 < addihockey10> I got 99% on the midterm. 23:01 < addihockey10> Jasper deng so it helps when I have a teacher... 23:01 < Jasper_Deng> oh boy you haven't seen nothing 23:01 < addihockey10> I know. 23:01 -!- Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk 23:02 < Jasper_Deng> wait until you get to riemann sums.... that's the exciting part 23:02 < Moe_Epsilon> I had a final which was statistics based that I just had a week or so ago 23:02 < Moe_Epsilon> it was nine questions lol 23:02 -!- SudoGhost [~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:02 < addihockey10> Ours was 11... 23:02 < addihockey10> Two questions were insanely long 23:02 < Isarra> SigmaWP: What's wrong? 23:02 < SigmaWP> I had a bad day 23:03 * Jasper_Deng thinks addihockey10 can now understand why the wheat/chessboard problem is best solved in terms of binary 23:03 < Isarra> Sorry, I'm kind of slow right now. 23:03 < SigmaWP> Jasper_Deng: No 23:03 < Isarra> Worse than mine? 23:03 < SigmaWP> It is a problem that can be solved only with blood and iron 23:03 < SigmaWP> Weh, maybe 23:03 < Isarra> Blooood. 23:03 < Dcoetzee> Riemann sums are just normal sums. Except you're summing areas of skinny rectangles. 23:03 < Moe_Epsilon> addihockey10: too much work, program TI calculator to do maths for you 23:04 < Moe_Epsilon> ;p 23:04 < addihockey10> Isarra want to vent about it? 23:04 < Isarra> I had two finals today. May have failed both. 23:04 < Jasper_Deng> even those riemann sums are kinda boring 23:04 < Isarra> Nothing to vent. 23:04 < Isarra> Too drunk. 23:04 < Jasper_Deng> the exciting part comes when you begin summing up tiny rectangular prisms 23:04 < addihockey10> Drinking is bad. 23:04 < Isarra> Yes. 23:05 < Dcoetzee> In the case of volumes of rotation you're summing up thin discs 23:05 < Moe_Epsilon> sometimes it's not, I took my Spanish final after I spent the previous night drinking 23:05 < Moe_Epsilon> which was interesting.. 23:05 < Isarra> Howso? 23:05 < addihockey10> Tequila? 23:05 < Dcoetzee> You have to be careful to drink the correct kind of alcohol before an exam 23:05 < Dcoetzee> If you drink beer, you will answer all the questions in German 23:06 < addihockey10> Dcotzee which is why I'm going to germany 23:06 < addihockey10> Betrinken meine freunde 23:06 < Moe_Epsilon> addihockey10: lots of things :< tequila, whiskey, gin, various things at parties. So I was kind of slurring Spanish before I got in there ;p 23:06 < Moe_Epsilon> but I got a B, so I'm fine 23:06 < Isarra> I should go to scotland. 23:06 < addihockey10> Haggis 23:07 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 23:08 < Isarra> Cows. 23:08 < Moe_Epsilon> Moo 23:08 < Isarra> Being an idiot is intriguing. 23:09 < Isarra> Clearly I should be taking notes. 23:10 < Dcoetzee> The cow says "Democracy is the road to socialism" 23:10 < Moe_Epsilon> where? where does the cow say that? 23:11 < Dcoetzee> Oh wait that was Marx 23:11 < Isarra> Over there. 23:12 * Isarra edits wikipedia. 23:12 < a930913> Woo, I just sneezed. 23:12 < dtm> Dcoetzee: so how do i deal with honorifics in a biography? does the opening sentence start with this? --> '''Dr. Firstname Lastname, PhD''' is a... 23:12 < Isarra> Giggle. 23:12 -!- JoFo [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 23:12 < a930913> And I don't have blood pouring out of my nose. 23:12 < dtm> a930913: well done, sir 23:13 < dtm> a930913: now that's what i'm talkin about 23:13 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:13 < dtm> that's how it's done. 23:13 < Dcoetzee> dtm: Let me see... 23:13 < Isarra> Good. 23:13 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: PWNT] 23:13 < dtm> Dcoetzee: i can't find any info on it 23:14 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:14 < dtm> [[martin luther king, jr.]] doesn't say 'Dr.' 23:15 < Dcoetzee> dtm: 23:15 < Dcoetzee> Read and enjoy 23:17 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:19 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan: hi 23:19 < wctaiwan> hello 23:20 -!- evilgohan2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 23:24 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: PWNT] 23:25 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:26 -!- evilgohan2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:28 -!- tttb [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:38 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:38 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 23:38 < addihockey10> Hey wctaiwan 23:38 < wctaiwan> hello 23:43 < wctaiwan> \o/ 23:43 < wctaiwan> ANA is going to fly the Taipei-Tokyo route using their 787s 23:43 < wctaiwan> :D 23:47 -!- futileLDW [~tiangh@] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:47 -!- futileLDW [~tiangh@] has left #wikipedia-en [] 23:47 -!- a930913 [~a930913@wikipedia/A930913] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 23:48 -!- a930913 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:55 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away 23:56 -!- mrmist [~mrmist@freenode/staff/mrmist] has quit [Quit: leaving] --- Log closed Thu May 09 00:00:12 2013