
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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--- Log opened Wed May 22 00:00:42 2013
--- Day changed Wed May 22 2013
00:00 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
00:04 -!- spyro [~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:04 -!- anon90210 [~poko@] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:05 -!- dandv [] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:06 < dandv> Would the attribution of this Flickr photo make it eligible for Wikimedia Commons?
00:12 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:20 -!- muahaha is now known as muahaha|neru
00:21 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
00:24 -!- juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
00:25 -!- Moe_Epsilon is now known as Not_Here
00:25 < BlastHardcheese> dandv: no, it's cc-by-nc-sa
00:26 -!- Mezelf14 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Mezelf14] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:34 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
00:41 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
00:49 < dandv> and it should be... ?
00:49 < dandv> I DID read the rules, but still don't find them obvious when it comes to inspecting the tiny license icons on Flicrk
00:51 < harej> basically, wikimedia commons does not allow noncommercial
00:51 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:52 < harej> hello southpark!
00:54 < southpark> hoi harej
00:56 -!- Thinky [6d18ad39@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:00 -!- Thinky [6d18ad39@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Client Quit]
01:04 -!- pakaran [~pakaran@wikipedia/pakaran] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
01:05 -!- Mezelf14 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Mezelf14] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
01:15 -!- BleedLikeMe [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:17 -!- Fijit [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:17 -!- Onaka [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:19 < SigmaWP> harej: You're an admin, right?
01:19 < harej> Nominally.
01:19 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:20 < SigmaWP> Can you give me a list of revisions on my userpage?
01:20 < SigmaWP> Deleted
01:20 < SigmaWP> Just the last 50 should do
01:20 < harej> Sure, where's your user page?
01:21 < SigmaWP>Σ
01:21 < SigmaWP> And needs to be fried
01:23 < harej> where do you want me to put it
01:23 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
01:23 < SigmaWP> pastebin?
01:23 < SigmaWP> pm?
01:26 -!- BleedLikeMe [] has quit [Quit: ThrashIRC v2.9 sic populo comunicated]
01:26 -!- Moskau [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:26 -!- Moskau [] has quit [Changing host]
01:26 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:26 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:28 -!- LtNOWIS2 is now known as LtNOWIS|Sleep
01:32 -!- lbenedix1 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:34 -!- lbenedix [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
01:36 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
01:39 -!- LtNOWIS|Sleep [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
01:40 -!- YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
01:41 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:45 -!- kondi [~kondi@] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:45 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:48 -!- Denny_WMDE [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:50 -!- Nickinator [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:53 -!- muahaha|neru [uid10984@gateway/web/] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
01:53 -!- Theopolisme [uid7799@wikipedia/Theopolisme] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
01:54 -!- Guest59037 [uid7799@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:54 -!- Lydia_WMDE [~lydia@wikidata/Lydia-Pintscher-WMDE] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
01:54 -!- Lydia_WMDE [~lydia@wikidata/Lydia-Pintscher-WMDE] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:54 -!- nuenfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:58 -!- heb [~henrik@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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02:10 -!- evilgohan2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
02:12 -!- dirkfranke [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:12 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
02:14 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:15 -!- Bradford is now known as CableNinjaLOL
02:15 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:16 -!- CableNinjaLOL is now known as Bradford
02:16 -!- evilgohan2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:21 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
02:24 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:25 -!- dirkfranke [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
02:25 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has left #wikipedia-en []
02:26 < mareklug> bazinga here, a good basic screen from Viewsonic for little money, but it still is only a 1080p vs. much more -- what is on the same sized 27" iMac:
02:41 < Bradford> ._.
02:41 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
02:42 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
02:44 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:48 -!- TB|Away is now known as TBloemink
02:50 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Steven_Zhang]
02:51 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:51 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
02:56 -!- Qcoder00 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:56 < Qcoder00> Admin please
02:56 < Qcoder00> I need some help
02:56 < Qcoder00> I suspect two accounts may be socks
02:56 < Qcoder00> and beign the relevant edits
02:57 < Qcoder00> I've tagged the article as NPOV
02:57 < Qcoder00> *as having an NPOV concern
03:00 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:00 < mareklug> Rioters have lit fires and stoned emergency services in the suburbs of Stockholm for the third night in a row after a man was shot dead by police.
03:00 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has left #wikipedia-en []
03:00 < mareklug> wow, Swedes don't do that.  Must be the new immigrants. :/
03:01 < Qcoder00> Ouch
03:01 < Qcoder00> I thought Sweden was relativly calm?
03:02 < Qcoder00> In Norway , there are apparently 'Death metal' groups that persue a course of civil unrest...
03:02 < mareklug> pursue, peruse *
03:02 < Qcoder00> Thank
03:02 < Qcoder00> you
03:02 < mareklug> you are welcome, you native speker you.
03:02 < mareklug> signed, immigrant from Poland
03:03 < Qcoder00> I typo and get confused sometimes...
03:03 < Qcoder00> That said, I have known some foreigners in London speak better English than the natives...
03:04 < Qcoder00> "I'm sorry" says the vistor " I think you will find that my argument is correct!" ...
03:04 < Qcoder00> "WoT" Says the local " havin' a laff are yere?"
03:04 < Qcoder00> :(
03:05 < SigmaWP> World of Tanks?
03:06 -!- Venusaur [~wdwrf@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
03:06 < mareklug> Web of Trust/
03:06 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Steven_Zhang]
03:07 < SigmaWP> Web of Tanks, and World of Trust
03:07 < Qcoder00> Wot - slang or coloquial expression signifying "What?" "Excuse me?" phrasing
03:07 -!- Venusaur [~wdwrf@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:07 < mareklug> we say "wat" over in merka
03:09 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:09 < Qcoder00> BTW In the last few days, I've also heard the expression "dancer" used as a drop in replacement for homo-sexual :(
03:09 < Qcoder00> Surely there are male dancers that are hetrosexual?
03:10 < Bradford> ._.
03:11 -!- zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
03:11 < Qcoder00> I mean there are female rugby players that aren't "butch"
03:11 < Qcoder00> ;0
03:11 < Qcoder00> ;)
03:12 < mareklug>
03:13 -!- Vito_ [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:14 -!- Vito [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
03:16 -!- heb [~henrik@wikimedia/heb] has quit [Quit: Gonzo]
03:21 -!- katsy [~Solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
03:21 -!- Solarra [] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:21 -!- Solarra [] has quit [Changing host]
03:21 -!- Solarra [~Solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:26 -!- Solarra [~Solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has quit [Client Quit]
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03:26 -!- Solarra [] has quit [Changing host]
03:26 -!- Solarra [~Solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:37 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:43 -!- spyro [~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
03:46 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Steven_Zhang]
03:47 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:53 -!- muahaha [uid10984@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:01 -!- koishi [] has quit [Quit: meow]
04:04 -!- spyro [~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:06 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
04:08 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:08 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host]
04:08 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:08 < Bsadowski1>
04:08 < Bsadowski1> xD
04:10 < Bradford> XDDDDD
04:10 < Bradford> :-)
04:10 -!- armufox [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
04:13 -!- armufox [] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:13 -!- russavia [] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:13 -!- russavia [] has quit [Changing host]
04:13 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:13 < SigmaWP> Bsadowski1: lol
04:17 -!- JoFo [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
04:19 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium]
04:21 -!- lucyd [~lucyd@] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:21 -!- lbenedix1 [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
04:23 -!- lucyd [~lucyd@] has left #wikipedia-en ["Ex-Chat"]
04:25 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:25 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@] has quit [Changing host]
04:25 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:26 -!- Andy123 [~PH@wikimedia/Sir-Nicholas-de-Mimsy-Porpington] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:28 < SigmaWP> night
04:29 < SigmaWP> oh, cool, it's Andy123
04:32 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ
04:32 < Andy123> hi SigmaWP! long time, no haer
04:39 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
04:41 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:43 -!- nuenfly [] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.4.0]
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04:45 -!- nuenfly [] has quit [Client Quit]
04:48 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: You cannot logic someone out of an opinion they did not logic themselves into]
04:52 -!- MBisanz [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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04:52 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:53 -!- dirkfranke [] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:53 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:58 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
05:02 -!- Vito [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:02 -!- Vito_ [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
05:03 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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05:08 -!- evilgohan2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:09 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:12 -!- jubo2 [~jubo2@wikipedia/Juxo] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:13 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:26 < mareklug> happy birthday
05:27 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
05:28 < mareklug>  Morrissey 'São Paulo' {Complete Film} 2012      1:29:12
05:43 -!- Nickinator [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
05:44 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
05:45 < a930913> What is correct, "::*" or "***"?
05:46 < kuzetsa> a930913: for indented bullets? I always used the former (one or more colon followed by an asterisk)
05:47 < kuzetsa> I could be doing it wrong, but it works.
05:47 -!- TheChance [] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:47 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:49 -!- ragesoss_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:51 < russavia> "The FBI in Orlando have shot a man linked to Boston bombings suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, US media report"  -- what's going on with this
05:51 < a930913> kuzetsa: Mmm, check wiki says the former, though I got reverted when I switched them whilst fixing a bracket.
05:56 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:57 -!- LjL [~ljl@unaffiliated/ljl] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:02 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
06:07 -!- GorillaWarfare [6c14245e@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:08 -!- YE [] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:15 -!- My76Strat [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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06:15 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:16 -!- Cyberpower678 [~Cyberpowe@wikipedia/Cyberpower678] has joined #wikipedia-en
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06:17 < Cyberpower678> Is there a crat among us?
06:18 < Cyberpower678> A gazillion people in this channel and it's as dead as the wild west in here.
06:19 < Cyberpower678> !crat
06:19 < Theo10011> Things pick up later.
06:19 -!- Cyberpower678 [~Cyberpowe@wikipedia/Cyberpower678] has left #wikipedia-en ["Leaving"]
06:19 < Theo10011> Cyberpower678, No I dont think there is a crat
06:19 < Theo10011> Impatient.
06:19 < mareklug> Bsadowski1 is a crat
06:20 -!- jubo2 [~jubo2@wikipedia/Juxo] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
06:20 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:20 < mareklug> good morning Sandwich
06:20 < Theo10011> Did Fluffernutter become a crat yet?
06:20 < Fluffernutter> good morning non-sandwich
06:21 < Fluffernutter> Theo10011: crats don't do anything interesting, when they do anything at all!
06:21 < Theo10011> Cmon, you need to level up higher or you'll lose this fantasy RPG called Wikipedia.
06:22 < Theo10011> Also, hats. Everyone needs more hats.
06:22  * Fluffernutter brandishes her +5 staff of copyediting
06:26 < Pharos> we need more founders
06:27 < Pharos> will noone take on that backlog?
06:27 -!- Gigs- [~Gigs@pdpc/supporter/28for7/gigs] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:29 < elkng> "The term googol was coined in 1938 by 9-year-old Milton Sirotta", can I also invent some new word like for 1 with 101 zeroes or 1 with 1000 zeroes and everyone would use it ? or why that 9-year-old were able but I can't ? and can even make article on wikipedia about my new word ?
06:29 < GorillaWarfare> elkng: Feel free to make any word you like. That said, see
06:29 < elkng> I intented right now new word for 1 with 10000 zeroes, its: "zomogol", can I make article on wikipedia right now ?
06:30 < mareklug> elkng in 70 years, provided it will take.
06:30 < GorillaWarfare> Not unless there are reliable sources talking about the use of that word, no.
06:30 < GorillaWarfare> mareklug: 70 years seems arbitrary :P
06:30 < mareklug> GorillaWarfare I was just being helpful… 1938 and all
06:31 < elkng> GorillaWarfare: "talking about the use", what is the use of the term "googol" then ?
06:32 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
06:32 < GorillaWarfare> elkng: See the references section?
06:33 < GorillaWarfare> Granted, there are fewer references than there should be in that article. Still, if you do a Google Books search or similar for "googol", you'll see lots of reliable sources talking about the word.
06:33 < elkng> "Section Notable misspellings" ?
06:34 < GorillaWarfare> You're skipping the first one
06:34 < elkng> (1940). Mathematics and the Imagination
06:35 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 19.0.2/20130307023931]]
06:35 < GorillaWarfare> Indeed
06:36 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:39 < kondi> /quti
06:39 < kondi> wtf
06:39 -!- kondi [~kondi@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
06:41 -!- SoapX [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:41 < elkng> are Wiktionary and Wikipedia somehow related to each others ? do they belong same community ?
06:42 < GorillaWarfare> elkng: Yep, they're both projects run by the Wikimedia Foundation
06:43 < GorillaWarfare>
06:43 < Carly>
06:43 < Carly> Xddddd
06:43 < elkng> "As Wiktionary's inclusion criteria differ from Wikipedia's that project may cover neologisms that Wikipedia cannot accept.", they have different policies ?
06:43 < SoapX> yeah wiktionary is very liberal
06:43 < GorillaWarfare> Yes, they do
06:44 < SoapX> they allowed "malintent" as a valid word
06:44 < mareklug>
06:44 < mareklug> again, happy birthday Mr. Morrissey.  You are 54 years young.
06:44 < GorillaWarfare> elkng: Still, they do have some inclusion criteria:
06:45 < Carly> -_-
06:45 < Carly> Where is the party
06:47 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
06:49 < Pharos> part over here
06:49 < Qcoder00> wiktionary is the Dictionary
06:50 < Qcoder00> malintent is a word ?
06:51 < Qcoder00> How about  How about reversioned.
06:51 < Qcoder00> ?
06:51 < Qcoder00> without the hyophen?
06:52 < Pharos> fun fact: encyclopedic is not really a word
06:52 < Pharos> other than one meaning comprehensive
06:53 < Theo10011> Neologisms
06:53 -!- bazinga [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
06:53  * Qcoder00 makes a crass joke about encylopeados
06:53 < Qcoder00> ;)
06:53 -!- YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
06:54 < Qcoder00> Bt my understanding was Wikipedia had very strong polices on people adovcating clearly inappropriate positions
06:54 < Qcoder00> :)
06:54 < mareklug> Pharos my mac says:
06:54 < mareklug> encyclopedic |enˌsīkləˈpēdik | adjective
06:54 < mareklug> comprehensive in terms of information:
06:54 < mareklug> encyclopedically |-(ə)lē | adverb
06:55 < Pharos> yes, i mean the wikipedia meaning is a neologism
06:55 < Qcoder00> Wikipedian, Wikimedian, Commonist, Do you Wiktionists?
06:55 < Qcoder00> *have
06:55 < mareklug> Pharos yeah, that jargon has not made it into dictionaries yet
06:55 < Pharos> ie "befittting the high and noble standards of an encyclopedia"
06:56 < mareklug> what about "encyclopedian"
06:56 < Qcoder00> Identity terms for Wikimedia project users...
06:56 < Qcoder00> Hmm
06:56 < Pharos> it's Emcyclopedist
06:56 < Pharos> with an n of course
06:56 < Pharos> that's the real word (tm)
06:57 < Qcoder00> Well you have  Wikipedians, Wikimedians,  Commonists, Wikivoyagers, Wikinewsie  What do you have for other projects?
06:57 < Pharos> Encyclopedism is a real word too
06:57 < mareklug> Encyclopedist:  encyclopedist |enˌsīkləˈpēdist | noun
06:57 < mareklug> a person who writes, edits, or contributes to an encyclopedia.
06:57 < Pharos> Wikisourcerors
06:57 < Qcoder00> :)
06:57 < mareklug> Wikisaucers
06:57 < Qcoder00> mareklug:?
06:57 < mareklug> Wikicaseroles
06:57 < Pharos> I've tried to push for Wikibookworm too!
06:58 < mareklug> Wikivodka
06:58 < Qcoder00> I prefer the term Wikiscribe for Wkisorce contributors...
06:58 < mareklug> that one for Issara
06:58 < mareklug> where is the woman
06:58 < Pharos> no, the wikisourcerors have it
06:58 < Qcoder00> Hmm
06:59 < Qcoder00> What do Wiki-Species have?
06:59 < Qcoder00> Wikidermist?
06:59 < Qcoder00> (Sorry...)
06:59 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:00 < Pharos> Wikispecimens
07:00 -!- elkng_ [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:00 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has quit [Disconnected by services]
07:01 -!- elkng_ is now known as elkng
07:01 < Qcoder00> That leaves WikiData
07:02 < Qcoder00> Collective term for Wikidata users: WikiDaters?
07:02 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:03 < Qcoder00> Maybe Wikidermists is a better term for WikiSpecies admins...
07:03 < Qcoder00> ;)
07:03 < Qcoder00> Wikipedia, Wikimedian, admins.
07:03 < Qcoder00> Wikisource, Wikisourcers, custodians...
07:04 < Qcoder00> Hmm
07:04 -!- topaz [] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:04 < Qcoder00> So Pharos: I need to have a laugh sometimes
07:05 < Qcoder00> Sometimes I laugh at what the next 'project' will be after Wikidata...
07:05 < mareklug> wikirecipe
07:05 < Qcoder00> WikISauce :)
07:05 < Pharos> Wikibookworms is totally appropriate, and will emerge as a solid tradition once Wikibooks gets a bit more popular
07:06 < Qcoder00> Actually WikiSauce SHOULD be the name of the Cookbook :)
07:06 -!- Sixsmith [41af89e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:06 < GorillaWarfare> I like that a lot, Qcoder00 :P
07:06 < Qcoder00> Straw poll?
07:06 < mareklug> Pharos it would be more fitting to use Wikivanityworms
07:06 < Pharos> I support Wikisauce
07:06 < Pharos> cookbook is too generic
07:06 < Qcoder00> GorillaWarfare:  How much hacking would need to be done to change the name of the Cookbook?
07:07 < GorillaWarfare> What cookbook?
07:07 < Qcoder00> The one at Wikibooks
07:07 < GorillaWarfare> Oh, haha. Ask them
07:07 < Pharos> it's officially called "Wikimedia Cookbook"
07:08 < Qcoder00> WikiSauce would be more distinctive
07:08 < Qcoder00> personally;)
07:08 -!- Not_Here [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
07:08 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:08 < mareklug> wasn't Polynesian for eat kai-kai?
07:08 < Pharos> "Wikimedia Cookbook" is one of the
07:08 < SoapX> kau0kau in hawaiian creole
07:09 -!- zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
07:09 < mareklug> so wikikaukau would be very apt and cohesive
07:09 < Pharos> wikisauce is more understandable :P
07:09 < SoapX> wikikaukau would probably mean something like "fast eating" or "eat quickly"
07:09 < mareklug> Pharos we create undertanding
07:09 < mareklug> SoapX Wendy's!!!
07:10 < Pharos> i think is kind of an underused page and concept
07:10 < Pharos> but then i created it :P
07:10 -!- Andy123 [~PH@wikimedia/Sir-Nicholas-de-Mimsy-Porpington] has left #wikipedia-en []
07:10 < Qcoder00> What's a Wikisarus?
07:10 < mareklug>
07:11 < Pharos> it's a wiktionary thesaurus
07:11 < Pharos> with a dinosaur theme!
07:11 < mareklug> Qcoder00 it lived long ago, before the asteroid that took out dinos, and fed on conservapediasaurs
07:11 < Qcoder00> ROFL
07:12 < Qcoder00> Silly... There's NO evidence for conservapediasarus, cause it's not in the bible... it's a "liberal myth" put there to 'prove' evolution :)
07:12 < Qcoder00> XD
07:12 < Pharos> "Sauce" is french so it's international
07:13 < mareklug> except most sane orthographies spell it "sos"
07:13 < Pharos> the europeans will like it better than "wikibooks" at least
07:13 < Qcoder00> WikiVersity used to be a subproject
07:14 < Pharos> indeed!
07:14  * Qcoder00 hates to imagine what a Wiki sex manual would be called...
07:14 < mareklug> wikiquikie
07:14 < Pharos> wikipedia is already a sex manual
07:14 < tommorris> Qcoder00: Commons.
07:14 < Qcoder00> (That said there IS genuinely a Whipipedia! run by a fetish group in the UK ! _
07:14 < mareklug> wikipedia is full autosex.  nothing manual about it.
07:15 < Qcoder00> Collective term for a Wikiversity contributor :   Insane ;)
07:15 < Pharos> i recall list of sex positions was on the top-viewed articles for many years
07:15 < mareklug> Qcoder00 are they into greyhounds?
07:15 < Qcoder00> mareklug:  Huh?
07:15 < Pharos> there was a french guy who drew a lot of relatively tasteful line drawings
07:15 -!- TheDruId [4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:15 < mareklug> whippet is another word for greyhound, esp. a racing dog
07:16 < Qcoder00> And of to the side of Wikipedians and so on you have Wikiaains
07:16 < Qcoder00> (with various factions)
07:17 < Pharos> oh man, i;m starting a new page on meta!
07:17 < Qcoder00> For what?
07:18 < Qcoder00> And perosnally I wouldn't have objected to WikiData being called WikiVentory
07:18 < Qcoder00> ;)
07:21 < GorillaWarfare> Agh, I would be :P
07:22 < GorillaWarfare> s/be/have/
07:22 < mareklug> I always misremember which goes first and which goes second in the s command syntax….  is there a mnemonic you can offer me, GorillaWarfare
07:22 < Qcoder00> GorillaWarfare:  Are you active on WikiSource?
07:23 < GorillaWarfare> Qcoder00: I am!
07:23 < Qcoder00> Moment.. Will speak on the other channel...
07:23 < GorillaWarfare> mareklug: The s command? Just think "find, replace"
07:23 < mareklug> so the target comes first
07:25 -!- lbenedix [] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:26 < Pharos> Qcoder00:
07:27 < GorillaWarfare> mareklug: Correct
07:27 < mareklug> GorillaWarfare same in ln -s ?
07:27 < mareklug> :) ?
07:27 < Qcoder00> Pharos: Added WikiScribe
07:27 < Qcoder00> What's the humor tag on meta?
07:28 < Theo10011> Wikidata should be borg
07:29 < Qcoder00> "We are Data of Wikimedia, Your projects infobox will become part of the collective. Resistance is futile. ..."
07:29 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
07:31 < mareklug> "You are my sweetest downfall"  -- Regina Spektor
07:31 < GorillaWarfare> mareklug: Yep. Most commands follow that order, I believe
07:31 < mareklug> Pharos now that's a Brooklyn musician
07:31 < mareklug> GorillaWarfare thank you.  I will commit to memory "find, replace"
07:32 -!- t3nj1n [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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07:33 < Qcoder00> <in stoaccoto tone> FIND! REPLACE!  NOM-IN-ATE!
07:33 < Qcoder00> XD
07:33 < mareklug>   "Samson" - by Regina Spektor, with lyrics
07:36 < GorillaWarfare> :D
07:38 < Pharos> Qcoder00: hm, saw your meta userpage was written by sandy ordonez in 2007!
07:38 < Pharos> she's a nyer now
07:38 < Qcoder00> nyer?
07:38 < Pharos> New Yorker
07:39 < Pharos> she does local Free Culture stuff for New America Foundation
07:39 < Qcoder00> oH right
07:39 < Pharos> I had free tacos and beer from her on Monday night :P
07:39 < Qcoder00> On something more serious...
07:39 -!- pakaran [~pakaran@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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07:39 < Qcoder00> Does every NYC Subway station have an article yet?
07:40 < Pharos> yes
07:40 < mareklug> it should
07:40 < Pharos> i'm pretty sure that several that don't exist have articles as well
07:41 < Qcoder00> :)
07:42 < SoapX> lets make more
07:43 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:43 < SoapX> hi
07:43 < mareklug> SoapX more stations?
07:44 < Pharos> there were some planned in about 1940 that probably don't have articles yet...
07:44 < IDoH> Hey
07:44 < mareklug> IDoH that's a fine band
07:44 < mareklug>
07:44 < IDoH> What is, mareklug?
07:44 < IDoH> Oh, gee...
07:45 < mareklug> IDoH that's a different band.  they were fully called the Bee Gees
07:46 < IDoH> I can't say anything without mareklug thinking of a band...
07:46 < mareklug> IDoH you like The Moldy Peaches?
07:46 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@2001:d98:b004:8:79ae:b0b8:9a2d:2c0b] has joined #wikipedia-en
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07:47 < IDoH> Haven't heard of them, mareklug.
07:47 < IDoH> Hey Chenzw.
07:47 < mareklug> IDoH you never saw the film "Juno"/
07:47 < mareklug> ?
07:47 < IDoH> Yeah, I have.
07:47 < mareklug> the music htere is mostly The Moldy Peaches
07:47 < Theo10011> Why am I still listening to Regina Spektor!?
07:47 < mareklug> Theo10011 because she does not suck.
07:47 < Chenzw> hey IDoH
07:47 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:48 < IDoH> Ah, I see.
07:48 < TheDruId> IDoH, such as ?
07:48 < IDoH> And you're right, mareklug, Regina Spektor does not suck.
07:48 < IDoH> Yes…like that, TheDruId...
07:48 < SoapX> i only know about Regina Spektor because of xkcd
07:49 < mareklug> IDoH just before you signed on the channel, I posted this:
07:49 < mareklug> [09:33:44] <mareklug>   "Samson" - by Regina Spektor, with lyrics
07:49 < IDoH> Hey NotASpy.
07:49 < mareklug> SoapX ^
07:49 < mareklug> a fine introduction.
07:49 < Theo10011> ok, pick the next song now mareklug
07:50 < mareklug> Theo10011 sweet Regina's or?
07:50 < Theo10011> your pick
07:50 < SoapX> nah not interested
07:50 -!- vaxdroid [] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:50 < mareklug>  Hey "Do Rycerzy, do Szlachty, do Mieszczan" (official lyric video)   Theo10011
07:53 < NotASpy> hiya IDoH
07:53 < IDoH> Hey vaxdroid.
07:53 < IDoH> NotASpy, you're in #wikipedia-en-help. What a brave soul.
07:53 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
07:54 < Pharos> only brave people and spies go there
07:54 < IDoH> LOL
07:55 < Theo10011> mareklug, meh. I'm back to Regina.
07:56 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
07:56 < mareklug> Theo10011 how quaint.  Swob loves Hey, says meh to Regina.  You the opposite.
07:56 -!- YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
07:57 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F
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08:01  * TheDruId was a spy.
08:01 < NotASpy> has -help been fun today then, IDoH ?
08:01 -!- mschfr [] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:01 < IDoH> Well, somebody wanted to do Marquee elements in Wikipedia.
08:02  * IDoH waves at the door at the newcomers
08:02 < IDoH> They still want to do it.
08:02 < mareklug> :) :) :)
08:02 < Theo10011> OMG he still wants autoscroll. :P
08:05 -!- Vito_ [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has joined #wikipedia-en
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08:06 < Pharos> the name for users of Wikispecies is still a total mystery
08:06 < Fluffernutter> wikispecimens
08:06 < mareklug> that sounds like lab stuff
08:07 < Pharos> that's what i thought, wikispecimens
08:07 < mareklug> wikicritters
08:07 < Pharos> rolls on
08:07 < Theo10011> Fluffernutter, Gender neutral!!!
08:08 < Theo10011>
08:08 < SoapX> those arwe both good
08:08 < TheDruId> Vandals have a Wiki nom-de-plunder.
08:09 < mareklug> SoapX what do you think of my wininng bid?
08:10 < SoapX> $93 for a macbook pro
08:10 < SoapX> I used to do thinsg like that
08:10 < mareklug> This is a Macintosh Powerbook G3 Model M4753. I believe this is the "Wallstreet" model. It is in working condition with a cd drive, power supply, battery (unknown condition), OS 9.2, 160mb Ram, 2 gb hard drive, 233 mhz, and has the following software installed:
08:10 < mareklug> Photoshop 7
08:10 < mareklug> Appleworks 6
08:10 < mareklug> Clarisworks 4
08:10 < mareklug> Word 5
08:10 < mareklug> Quark express 4.1
08:10 < mareklug> Filemaker Pro 6
08:10 < mareklug> MS Office 2001 - word, excel, powerpoint
08:10 < mareklug> Tons of games
08:10 < SoapX> not bad except for tha hard drive
08:10 < SoapX> 2 GB???
08:10 < SoapX> seems way too low even for the age of the laptop
08:10 < mareklug> well, i intend to replace that.
08:11 < mareklug> it must be the original.  mine was 300MHz model, top of the line, and came with 8GB
08:11 < SoapX> I'd even suspect that was a typo for 20 GB or something
08:11 < SoapX> i mean like how could they fit all those programs on a 2 gig drive
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08:12 < mareklug> System 9 programs are small.  the entire system runs in 50 MB
08:12 < mareklug> I just looked.  It's 40.4 MB right now, out of 512 MB ram installed.
08:13 < SoapX> yeah I guess
08:13 < SoapX> Photoshop 5.5 would fit in 90MB
08:13 < SoapX> for Windows anyway
08:13 < mareklug> it's a remarkable purchase.  Now I have two machines with exchangable parts and programming.
08:14 < closedmouth> i bet the battery is fucked
08:14 < closedmouth> "unknown condition"
08:14 < mareklug> i just ordered one for 40
08:14 < mareklug> new
08:14 < TheDruId> They'll start reproducing if you're not careful.
08:14 < mareklug> with a chip in it
08:15 < SoapX> no battery
08:15 < mareklug> it's funny that a new battery costs half of the machine with all that great software.  I mean, Quark express 4.1!
08:15 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
08:16 < IDoH> You remind me of my dad if he knew more about technology, mareklug/
08:16 < mareklug> :)
08:16 < IDoH> Goodness. The enthusiasm. Heh.
08:16 < mareklug> FedEx is delivering ot me today two SCSI internal Quantum drives formatted and ready to go in IIci
08:17 < mareklug> so I will also run again PageMaker/Photoshop/Illustrator on System 7 in 24 meg of RAM and on a Motorola 6830 25 MHz. :)
08:17 < mareklug> Beleive me, it is entirely snappy.
08:17 < mareklug> 68030 *
08:17 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat]
08:17 < IDoH> I'm sure it's snappy.
08:20 < dtm_> hi <3
08:21 < IDoH> Hey dtm_
08:21 < dtm_> mareklug: well i used to have that, with system 7.7 beta on a IIsi <3
08:21 < dtm_> and a PDS splitter card with an FPU and a Video Spigot and a 24-bit GPU
08:21 < mareklug> system 7.7 was never released.  Official release tree stops on 7.6.3 afaik
08:22 < dtm_> thanks for the info.
08:22 < dtm_> i'll be sure and pencil that down
08:22 < dtm_> what's the status on Copland these days
08:22 < dtm_> is that out yet?
08:22 < mareklug> indeed, my original 24-bit RasterOps TrueColor Nubus card from teh IIcx (my first machine, 1989, 6.5 k USD) is still operating.
08:22 < dtm_> what do you do with it
08:23 < SoapX> did you get your free half of a fish filet yet?
08:23 < dtm_> lol???
08:23 < mareklug> dtm it powers a Sony CRT monitor right now and it will do fine for the incoming SCSI drives to revive book publishing of A Small Garlic Press
08:23 < dtm_> we never got copland booting yet
08:23 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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08:23 < mareklug> SoapX the corporate scum has yet to reply
08:24 < dtm_> mareklug: what, you were a one-person book publisher?
08:24 < mareklug> dtm one person my ass.
08:24 < dtm_> :-o
08:24 < mareklug>
08:24 < dtm_> well, one person *and* an ass, or one person *with* an ass?
08:24 -!- Vito_ is now known as Vito
08:24 < IDoH> LOL
08:24 < mareklug> don't call katja or lee ann an ass.
08:24 < mareklug> or rene
08:24 < mareklug> or sheila
08:25 < mareklug> or renay
08:25 < mareklug> or jennifer
08:25 < mareklug> or kim
08:25 < dtm_> k
08:25 < dtm_> that's one hot site
08:25 < dtm_> spicy!!!
08:25 < mareklug> btw LeeAnn is at Apple doing who knows what, but she has an Emmy for a workstation in her previous life
08:25 < IDoH> The secret is a lot of garlic, dtm_
08:26 < mareklug> a lot of small garlic
08:26 < dtm_> IDoH: i can feel it, through the keyboard, in my nostrils
08:26 < IDoH> LOL
08:26 < dtm_> mareklug: write to LeeAnn and ask
08:26 < mareklug> go straight to Agnieszka's Dowry
08:26 < dtm_> ok
08:26 -!- lbenedix [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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08:26 < mareklug> dtm I rather don't expect to be told
08:27 < IDoH> That would your book, correct, mareklug?
08:27 < mareklug> no
08:27  * dtm_ leaps over all the huge punctuation ....gratuities... on and straight to the dowry
08:27 < dtm_> mareklug: so how does one run a book publisher?  what does that mean?  do you have some huge equipment?
08:28 < mareklug> we print commercially, so we buy that service at a commercial printer who indeed has moby equipment, such as the Xerox laser presses that take up a room
08:29 < IDoH> Oh, the magazine.
08:29 < mareklug> the design and layout is done on our personal machines natch
08:29 < dtm_> wow that's one of the most bizarrely formatted wikipedia articles i've ever seen.
08:29 < SoapX> whaaaat your puiblisher has a wikipedia article??
08:29 < SoapX> AFD it now!!
08:29 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:29 < dtm_> lol
08:29 < mareklug> SoapX it is entirely ency, as they say
08:29 < dtm_> who says that?  /me readies the white glove of honor
08:29 < mareklug> and it is not the publisher, but he journal.  the publisher is still a red link
08:30 < mareklug> dtm_ ask Brown University libraries or Polish Studies Center at SUNY Buffalo
08:30 < SoapX> yeah, oddly enough
08:30 < dtm_> i daresay that article is fook't
08:30 < mareklug> dtm why?
08:30 < dtm_> well.  first off what you have to do, is to look at it, at all
08:30 < dtm_> did you do that step first?
08:31 < mareklug> yes… I have looked at it
08:31 < SoapX> he created the article
08:31 < dtm_> crazy stuff!
08:31 < mareklug> dtm just like you and your drummer mentor
08:31 < dtm_> :-oooooo
08:31 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
08:32 < dtm_> but.... he's real.  HE'S REAL!!!
08:32 < Fyre> oh shit
08:32 < mareklug> and AgD is not real?
08:32 < CrackyWacky> for real?
08:32 < Fyre> really?
08:32 < CrackyWacky> yeah
08:32 < Fyre> no way!
08:32 < CrackyWacky> yeah!
08:32 < mareklug> then why is it listed by Annenberg School of Communications, UCLA among top literary resources?
08:32 < Fyre> O RLY?
08:32 < CrackyWacky> YA RLY?
08:33 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
08:33 < dtm_> mareklug: i dunno, man.  i just ...dont....know.
08:33  * IDoH is surrounded by weirdos shouting "Really?"
08:33 < mareklug> dtm_ and why do its 27 books figure in the Library of Congress?
08:33 < dtm_> IDoH: O R  L    Y     ?          ?                  ?
08:33 < dtm_> mareklug: couldn't say
08:33 < IDoH> LOL
08:34 < mareklug> dtm and why was it one of the first electronic journals assigned an ISSN by Library of Congress?
08:34 < dtm_> shoot.
08:34 < dtm_> did anyone else look at that berzerker article formatting?
08:34 < dtm_> check it out!
08:34 < mareklug> and why can you buy its books at Borders and at Amazon and in rare book stores?
08:35 < dtm_> is that how they formatted wikipedia articles in 1999?
08:35 < dtm_> is it a stylistic preservation to match the web site? <3
08:35 < dtm_> good stuff!!!
08:35 < mareklug> dtm would you just say what you find defective about its formatting?
08:35 < dtm_> NEEDS MORE GARLIC
08:35 < dtm_> that's what
08:35 < Fyre> NEEDS MORE CAPS
08:36 < CrackyWacky> I LOVE CAPS LOCK
08:36 < IDoH> Goodness. So loud in here.
08:37 < TheDruId> Anything to inconvenience the disabled.
08:37 < dtm_> mareklug: well.  i think i need to read it another fifteen times and follow all wikilinked lingo, to have any idea whatsoever what it's about, at all.  i'll leap past the huge and twisted section titles, directly to the almost unformatted ==References== CAN ANYONE LOOK AT THIS ARTICLE FOR GREAT JUSTICE COZ IT'S GREAT
08:37 < CrackyWacky> I LOVE FISHSTICKS
08:37 < dtm_> mareklug: since you asked!  <3
08:37 < Theo10011> Please avoid caps.
08:37 < CrackyWacky> LET'S HAVE A FISHSTICK FIGHT!
08:37 < GorillaWarfare> Why is everybody shouting :(
08:37 < dtm_> it's kinda hard to avoid.  they're RIGHT THERE.
08:37 < dtm_> they're covering practically THE ENTIRE keyboard
08:38 < CrackyWacky> ME TOO, IT'S STUCK ALL THE WAY DOWN
08:38 < closedmouth> shut up
08:38 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o Theo10011] by ChanServ
08:38 < CrackyWacky> I'M ON HEROIN
08:38 < mareklug> Fyre beware of the greedy shortchanging pigs at Van de Kamps' who will sell you half-size fillet amongst the rest in the box
08:38 -!- CrackyWacky was kicked from #wikipedia-en by Theo10011 [CrackyWacky]
08:38 -!- Fyre was kicked from #wikipedia-en by Theo10011 [Fyre]
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08:39 < CrackyWacky> oops
08:39 < CrackyWacky> sorry
08:39 < dtm_> the thought police are in full effect.  b3w4r3.  are numbers allowed?  let's see what this wikitext is like.
08:39 < Fyre> me too
08:39 < Fyre> :3
08:39 < Fyre> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
08:39 < dtm_> Fyre: numbers are off topic, sorry
08:39 < CrackyWacky> ( ‾ʖ̫‾)
08:41 < CrackyWacky> dtm_: how numb3rs are off topic?
08:41 < dtm_> crap if i know.  it just logically follows.  elementary!
08:41 < IDoH> Because dtm_ is weird, that's why.
08:41 < mareklug> numbers are off the top of my head, not offtopic
08:42 < IDoH> heh heh
08:42 < CrackyWacky> in all seriousness
08:42 < CrackyWacky> is wikipedia retina display friendly?
08:42 < dtm_> mareklug: one of the references has a crudely drawn ascii arrow.  seriously.  and an unformatted raw url.
08:42 < SoapX> what?"?? where?
08:42 < dtm_> IDoH: gotta draw the line somewhere.  or else we have cats and dogs, LIVING together!
08:43 < IDoH> That happens all the time, actually.
08:43 < dtm_> k
08:43 < CrackyWacky> even data-icon="▨"	
08:43 < SoapX> oh
08:43 < mareklug> A Small Garlic Press:, The Academy of American Poets, NY, NY -> Poetry, Poems, Bios & More - Illinois -> Literary Journals and Small Presses, [4] ("This not-for-profit press produces chapbooks, broadsides, and Agnieszka's Dowry, a print and online journal.") (Accessed 22 April 2007).
08:43 < CrackyWacky> doing stuff like that
08:43 < mareklug> seemed a good idea at a time, considering the assinine way is laid out
08:43 < dtm_> and there's an unterminated <nowiki> inexplicably
08:43 < mareklug> and its pages titles
08:43 < SoapX> "The timiestamps are maintained only by hand."
08:43 < mareklug> dtm it is terminated.
08:43 < dtm_> mareklug: no, it didn't.  ;)  it was totally insane but nobody cared ;)
08:44 < dtm_> mareklug: oh it is terminated, just still utterly bizarre nonetheless
08:44 < mareklug> dtm you are way too orthodox.  and a bit anachronistic.  this is how things were done yesteryear.
08:44 < dtm_> zero inline citations.
08:44 < dtm_> mareklug: well that's exactly what i asked;)
08:45 < mareklug> dtm so it was.  but don't give ME grief.  Check out 1/2 of the wikipedia.
08:45 < dtm_> my widdle bitty heart is all aflutter
08:46 < SoapX> 16:45, 22 May 2013 Soap (talk | contribs | block) deleted page Agnieszka's Dowry (G11: Multiple issues all being ignored by page creator, not notable)
08:46 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o Theo10011] by ChanServ
08:47 < dtm_> SoapX: gaze thine eyes upon it and looook
08:48 < dtm_> and then please tell me what it is that we're looking at, but still, look at it *hard*
08:48 < Revent> *sighs* Where did the thousand or so articles added to 'unassesed biographies' since last night come from...
08:49 -!- DivT [] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:49 < mareklug> Revent those would be the biographies without asses.
08:50 < Revent> :P
08:50 < dtm_> assless chapbooks
08:50 < dtm_> *whip crack*
08:50 < mareklug> dtm you would like the books
08:50 < dtm_> SoapX: you're looking at this, right?
08:51 < mareklug> both as printed artifracts of high quality and on merit.
08:51 < dtm_> SoapX: as hard as you possibly can
08:51 < mareklug> dtm_ is this some sort of a crusade you are on?
08:52 -!- zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
08:53 < dtm_> i'm losing track of the nonsensical sentences.  i'm not sure i can fix em all lol
08:53 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:53 < dtm_> there's got to be some kind of "worst of wikipedia" list, right?
08:53 < dtm_> <3
08:53 < dtm_> i mean.  i guess ....that's... AfD.  but.
08:53 < mareklug> I should recuse myself from this conversation while I am calm.
08:54 < dtm_> dear, sweet, intrepid, mareklug.  you may still win the prize!
08:54 < mareklug> spurious comma after inrepid
08:54 < Revent> dtm_: It's called speedydeletewiki
08:54 < dtm_> mareklug: i apologize for the exuberant enthusiasm of my helpfulness
08:54 < dtm_> mareklug: i apologize for that comma, sir.
08:55 < mareklug> terchnically, the worst of wiki is undetected hoaxen
08:55  * SoapX writes not to self: now we know how to annoy mareklug easily
08:55 < SoapX> *note
08:55 < dtm_> mareklug: is it?  so.. that's what this is?
08:55 < mareklug> I will link several other articles that I care about to make the load distribution more bearable
08:56 < dtm_> now it all *is* starting to make sense
08:56 < dtm_> k
08:56 < dtm_> what *have* you been up to, dear mareklug
08:56 < dtm_> SoapX: he really was always such a .... QUIET.. young man
08:56 < mareklug> sugar and spice, and everything nice.
08:56 < dtm_> we never suspected a thing
08:56 < SoapX> marek is a GIRL!!!
08:56 < dtm_> whoa whoa whoa.
08:57 < SoapX> the secret's out
08:57 < dtm_> he'd never do THAT.  he doesn't have it in him!
08:57 < mareklug> in her.
08:58 < mareklug> "Her own haiku sequence, "Super K-mart", is lodged in Agnieszka's Dowry Issue 1.[citation needed]"
08:58 < mareklug> it is pretty idiotic of whoever but that {{cn}} there, considering the entire content of the Issue 1 (as of Issues 2 through 14) is online, free for anyone to inspect.
08:58 < SoapX> oh that's right
08:58 < SoapX> the other way to annoy mareklug is to point out all the haikus on that site that arent really haikus
08:59 < dtm_> mareklug: so you're seriously tryin to tell me that there was an actual style of citation which involved explicitly listing the entire url in <nowiki>?  but JUST ONE of them??
08:59 < mareklug> htey are haikus.  so say eminent haikuists.
08:59 < dtm_> lol.
08:59 < dtm_> eminent... but... NOTABLE?!
09:00 < mareklug> dtm that is a workaround.  you see, I asked patiently on the whitelist request page to have it excepted from the suite101 blanket blacklisting.  After literally 4 months f no action or reply by any fucken one, it was summarily moved to not addressed section.
09:00 < dtm_> oh my
09:00 < dtm_> why was it blacklisted?
09:00 < mareklug> dtm why don't you find out if the haikuists are notable.  their names are listed.
09:00 < dtm_> okay lolollooo
09:01 < mareklug> suite101?
09:01 < dtm_> guys, guys guys guys.  "Online ''AgD'' appears as a set of interconnected [[web page]]s".  <33333333
09:01 < SoapX> poor kluggy
09:01 < dtm_> that's beautiful
09:01 < SoapX> cant get his website off the spam blacklist
09:01 < mareklug> not muy website.  a particular REVIEW.
09:01 < Revent> Don;t suppose he's considered actually not being a spammer. :/
09:02 < Revent> (the person who runs the site, not you marek)
09:02 < dtm_> why is it blacklisted
09:02 -!- Guest96014 [uid11283@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:02 < mareklug> Revent does suite101 even exist anymore?
09:02 < mareklug> dtm because it had a lot of dross content.
09:03 < mareklug> it also has prominent exceptions to the blacklisting, on merit
09:03 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
09:03 < dtm_> it's still blacklisted!
09:03 < Revent> *is looking* Yup.
09:03 < mareklug> dtm ^^^^^^^^^
09:04 < dtm_> mareklug: so how exactly did it get blacklisted?  how does this one particular site get blacklisted from wikipedia?  who cares what it is?
09:04 < Revent> Basically a blog site....
09:04 < dtm_> yeah but so what?  what if there was an article telling how to not write a wikipedia article, citing that site?
09:04 < mareklug> dtm I honestly don't know the finer politics of blacklisting sites.  the entire operation including unlisting is run by arbitrary and capricious admin types
09:04 < dtm_> as long as it's not a criminal organization
09:05 < dtm_> oic
09:05 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:05 < dtm_> that sounds slightly heinous.
09:05 < Revent> Yeah, I dunno the *random guess* glancing at it would be copyvio issues with the postings.
09:05 < mareklug> dtm basically, welcome to Byzantine Empire LLC
09:05 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:05 < SoapX> i coudlnt find any request by you to remove anything from the spam blacklist either here or on meta?
09:06 < mareklug> on the white list talk page.  don't they archive the stuff?
09:07 < dtm_> mareklug: lol.
09:07 < dtm_> so what are the odds that [[A Small Garlic Press]] will ever become notable and then exist
09:07 < dtm_> that's what we're doing today huh
09:07 < dtm_> we're all here to see that happen
09:07 < dtm_> let's do it guys.
09:08 < mareklug> dtm it needs a review in trade press or maybe a mention in New Yorker
09:08 < dtm_> let's make mareklug's dreams come true, once we figure out what the *crap* they are!
09:08 < dtm_> \o/
09:08 < dtm_> mareklug: hmm.  who do we know around those parts?
09:08 < mareklug> we are a secret illuminati subsidiary
09:09 < dtm_> okay so then you control the wikimedia cabal?
09:09 < mareklug> considerably fewer now than I used to, as I became antisocial
09:09 < TheDruId> mareklug is an idealist.
09:09 < dtm_> oic
09:10 < dtm_> what you need, is to just utilize your illuminati influence, to hack a code injection into the wikimedia software layer beneath the blacklist layer.
09:10 < SoapX> oh it's mediaiwki
09:10 < dtm_> that's what i said!
09:10 < mareklug> SoapX i can't remember that sort of stuff
09:10 < SoapX>
09:10 < dtm_> boy, we're gettin the band back together!!!
09:10 < SoapX> it wasnt "no action taken", it was simply refused
09:11 < mareklug> soapx that was 2009.  try 2012
09:11 < SoapX> i admit though that guy was kind of rude
09:11 < SoapX> (no pun intended)
09:11 < SoapX> guy = person, not guy = Guy
09:11 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat]
09:11 < mareklug> SoapX it's not that he was rude.  he was tarring the review with a broad brush.
09:12 < mareklug> so I felt in 2012 that this needs to be revisited.
09:12 < SoapX> yeah that one was just ignored
09:12 < SoapX>
09:12 < SoapX> for comparison this is the one from earlier ^^^^^^^^^^
09:13 < mareklug> SoapX both links lead to the earlier...
09:13 < mareklug> post the second one.
09:13 < SoapX> well you never linked the original request from the second request
09:13 < SoapX>
09:14 < SoapX>
09:14 < dtm_> "Despite the deliberate obfuscation with rich graphics on room entry, the online issue is optimized for textual browsing using the Lynx web browser, in fact, in a way that does not involve the use of the mouse or the tab to navigate through the content, just the spacebar and carriage return/enter."   this is freakin awesome
09:14 < mareklug> SoapX I can barely find the Help page for tables
09:14  * dtm_ hugs mareklug 
09:14 < dtm_> mareklug: can we all get in there and vote to lift the blacklist?
09:15 < dtm_> would that help?
09:15 < dtm_> on grounds of arbitrary capriciousness?
09:15 < SoapX> its not really a votable thing
09:15 < SoapX> it's just one admin saying yes or no
09:15 < mareklug> no, Soap as admin can just add the fucking url to the exceptions.
09:15 < dtm_> on grounds of tyranny against the masses
09:15 < mareklug> massless
09:15 < dtm_> SoapX: so how bout that fucking url, dewd? <3
09:15 < mareklug> unbearable light of being, and all that
09:15 < dtm_> massless and chapped
09:16 < dtm_> coz it really chaps my masses
09:16 < dtm_> good stuff, guys.  i really feel like something was accomplished here today, leaving us with a superior encyclopedia.
09:17 < dtm_> let future generations know about it
09:17 < dtm_> it's all about the end product
09:17 < mareklug> SoapX note that the archive falsely lists my request under "3 Requests not done due to failure of requester to reply to queries"
09:17 < mareklug> there were no queries.
09:18 < SoapX> the link isnt even online anymore
09:18 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:18 < SoapX> its only available through
09:18 < mareklug> which is why I composed the url and escaped it.
09:18 < SoapX> you probably could have eluded the blacklist by using or something
09:18 < mareklug> the web is ephemeral, but in this case, persistent
09:19 < mareklug> i don't know how to use
09:20 < SoapX> sorry must be the wrong URL
09:20 < SoapX> there's something else
09:20 < SoapX>
09:20 < SoapX> the WMF is considering buying them
09:20 < GorillaWarfare> Really?
09:21 -!- ragesoss_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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09:22 < SoapX> their operating budget is surprisingly low
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09:22 < dtm_> ya know, mareklug .... *psssssst*   if you're serious about your business, and if we're ever going to achieve notability, i really think you should upgrade to A/UX.  *psssst* i could maybe hook a brotha up
09:22 < SoapX> even though the WMF is also short on funds, it really wouldnt be much of an effort to completely fund as well
09:22 < SoapX> they just would have to agree to lose their independence
09:22 < mareklug> A/UX as in IBM unix?
09:22 < dtm_> mareklug: no, apple's
09:22 < jubo2> how many users do the Wikimedia efforts get each month ..?
09:23 < dtm_> mareklug: also a ram upgrade
09:23 < jubo2> I think I recall it was 480 million but not sure..
09:23 < Revent> Ye, webcite is making 'going out of business' noises.
09:23 < dtm_> Revent: :(
09:23 < mareklug> dtm I was thinking of the ram upgrade.  but system 7.6.3 is fine for me, considering thousands of dollars in software.  (it was basically donated by Adobe)
09:23 < dtm_> Revent: maybe WMF is waiting for a lower offer as they circle the drain
09:24 < dtm_> mareklug: *psssssst*  you should upgrade that ram
09:24 < mareklug> lemme get my paws on me disks first.
09:24  * dtm_ . o O ( is this keyboard leaky or something? )
09:24 < dtm_> oh you have paws? well no wonder the stuff's blacklisted; people can understand what you're saying
09:24 < dtm_> when you type it
09:25 < SoapX> i mean seriously
09:25 < SoapX>
09:25 < SoapX> their goal is a mere $50,000
09:25 < dtm_> try resubmitting your black-de-listing request, using voice dictation.  if you speak english.
09:25 < SoapX> that's less than 1 percent of what Wikipedia wants
09:25 < mareklug> no hablo ingles.  soy Bradford, el tonto del pueblo en este canal
09:25 < dtm_> SoapX: wikipedia could enable BING.COM ads for five seconds and earn that kinda scratch!!!
09:25 < SoapX> lol
09:26 < SoapX> anywhere here's the proposal to take over :
09:26 < dtm_> SoapX: man seriously turn it on.  if you dont, i will!  where's the ads-enabling template?!
09:26 < SoapX> we'll basically envelop it as a Wikipedia extension
09:26 < dtm_> k
09:26 < dtm_> make it so.
09:26 < Revent> Their 'homepage' says they've only raised 7.5k.
09:26 < SoapX> webcite has to agree to it first
09:26 < dtm_> okay!  make them agree!
09:26 < SoapX> theyd basically be giving up every bit of control over how their site works
09:27 < dtm_> yeah.  sounds like the'yll be doing so pretty soon anyway.
09:27 < dtm_> by the powers of capitalism one way or another
09:27 < SoapX> there's also a few legal issues apparrntly
09:27 < TheDruId> I prefer the powers of crowd sourcing, a la "Stone soup".
09:28 < dtm_> SoapX: because URLs are copyrighted?  :-o
09:28 < SoapX> apparently the Europeans are whining about it being illegal under the law of the EU
09:28 < dtm_> what's illegal?
09:28 < SoapX> Im not sure
09:28 < SoapX> "WebCite is a service that is not allowed under European law and that hence may not be run by the Wikimedia Foundation."
09:28 < SoapX> no elaboration was given
09:29 -!- wctaiwan [3de642a2@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:30 < dtm_> whut.
09:30 -!- Kinkreet [~Kinkreet@wikipedia/Kinkreet] has joined #wikipedia-en
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09:33 < dtm_> so what do you cats think about my tutorial on creating biographies?  can this be incorporated into an existing document?
09:34 < dtm_> i should go reviewing the existing docs out there
09:35 -!- Revent [ad15dd3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
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09:37 < Revent> What was that bio-writing linky again? Lost it in my bounce.
09:41 -!- GingerGeek [] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:41 < SoapX> hi ginger
09:41 < Qcoder00> WebCite is illegal in EU?
09:41 < Qcoder00> How so?
09:41 < Qcoder00> It's a citation service...
09:42 < Qcoder00> and even european copyright permits 'fair dealing for academic purposes.."
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09:49 < SoapX> marek whats your thoughts on this clip:
09:51 < russavia>  not bad
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09:53 < Theo10011> the A-380?
09:55 < russavia> yep
09:56 < Theo10011> Meh, Emirates has 30 of them. :P
09:57 < russavia> you have to understand theo, the poms in here love their BA
09:57 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
09:57 < Theo10011> oh
09:57 < Corey> /51/51
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10:00 -!- GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
10:03 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Suspect charged in '82 London attack
10:05 -!- Savh|Away [~Savh@wikimedia/Savh] has joined #wikipedia-en
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10:13 < Qcoder00> Link?
10:14 < TheDruId> Coi, not just a pretty fish. :p
10:17 < Qcoder00> Nasty -
10:17 < IDoH> Heh, TheDruId.
10:18 < TheDruId> o/
10:21 -!- Savh|Away [~Savh@wikimedia/Savh] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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10:26 < SoapX> be vewy vewy quiet. Im hunting wissamphibians
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10:52 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:52 < IDoH> Guess who's back?
10:52 -!- Qcoder00 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:52 < Theo10011> Shaq!?
10:52 < Carly> Lol
10:52 < Theo10011> Dr. Dre?
10:53  * Carly brings cakes
10:53 < Jetro> Carly?
10:53  * Jetro slaps the cakes out of Carly's hands. 
10:53 < Carly> Jetro?
10:53 < Jetro> :D
10:53 < Carly> NO
10:53 < Carly> MINE
10:53 < Jetro> YES
10:53 < Jetro> I DIDS
10:53  * Jetro runs. 
10:53 < Carly> Jetro :|
10:53 < Carly> NO
10:53 -!- Qcoder00 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:54 < Carly> Running withouth cakes
10:54 < Carly> *
10:54 < Carly> Xd
10:55 < Jetro> yes
10:55 < TheDruId> Mmn. Calorie-less cakes. Mmn.
10:56 < Carly> Lol
10:56 < Carly> I am going to get a lunch lol
10:57 < Revent> *hmms* Random something I came across...
10:57 < Revent> Sounds like an interesting novel.
10:57 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:05 < SoapX> 1899
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11:15 < ShreCk> Hello
11:16 < Jetro> Hi!
11:16 < Carly> Jetro where are my cakes :|
11:16 < Jetro> I ate them all.. my stomach hurts
11:16 < Jetro> :|
11:16 < Carly> I want them here
11:17 < Carly> Thief
11:17 < Carly> Jetro i hate you.
11:17 < Carly> :|
11:17 < Jetro> No you cannot do that.
11:17 < Jetro> :|
11:17  * Jetro cuddles Carly 
11:18  * Carly smiles Jetro
11:19 < Jetro> You smile a Jetro? That seems awkward :|
11:19 < Carly> :|
11:19 -!- lbenedix1 is now known as lbenedix
11:19  * Carly slaps Jetro
11:19 < Jetro> :D
11:20 < Carly> Jetro ? Do you think that is nice to see you?!!
11:20 < Carly> :|
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11:29 < Revent> You chased her off. *lol* :P
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11:29 < Revent> *duct-tapes Carly to the server*
11:29 -!- thineantiquepen [~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:30 < Carly> What?
11:30 < TheDruId> Revent, Too soon.
11:30 < Revent> I'd made a joke about him chasing you off during your bounce.
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11:31 -!- zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
11:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wtf
11:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> UK terror attack?
11:31 -!- DJMalik [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:32 < Carly> Guys.
11:32 < TheDruId> Link?
11:32 -!- DJMalik is now known as Pote
11:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
11:32 < Pote> :°
11:32 < Pote> Carly:  ayudame
11:32 < Pote> como hago para poner enforce
11:32 < Pote> |:
11:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> dont confuse UK soldiers with livestock! :p
11:34 < Revent> "The men appeared to want to be filmed, he said, saying that one of the attackers went over to a bus and asked people to take photos of him as if he wanted to be on TV." (cringe)
11:34 < kondi> 1 liter milk just turned in fresh cheese :\
11:34 < Carly> Pote usa /msg nickserv set enforce ON
11:34 < Carly> Para quitarlo es OFF
11:34 < Pote> :D
11:35 < Pote> listo ya nadie usara mi nick pote
11:35 < Pote> :D
11:35 < kondi> no coffee. not fair
11:35 < NotASpy> Revent: yes, there's reports one of the attackers had the chap's head in his hands and asked people to photograph him.
11:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent I think they think CCTV is live tv :p
11:35 -!- Pote is now known as Bradford
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11:35 < Revent> Honestly, crap like this is almost worse than bombings...
11:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy why do these dickheads get granted entry in the UK?
11:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent they are worse
11:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it terrorises
11:36 < Revent> That's what I mean....just qualified because, well, mass casualties suck too.
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11:37 -!- Bradford is now known as Pote
11:37 -!- Pote is now known as Bradford
11:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mass casualities dont have the same impact anymore
11:37 < Bradford> ready :-)
11:37 < Carly> ^_^
11:37 -!- TheDruId [4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
11:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I mean it wont be as bad as 9/11 so its always "not as bad"
11:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> "He has called a meeting of the country's civil emergency committee, known as COBRA, to discuss authorities' response."
11:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there is your problem
11:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> dont let cobra run your civil emergency
11:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> GI joe!
11:39 < Revent> Ye, the 'psych' effect is totally different....mass attacks you 'assume' will hit some other guy...'random' little ones are scary.
11:39 < addihockey10> There's stuff that has happened that I deem worse than 9/11 and No major news networks cover this.
11:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I hope this will make such attacks not worth the time for terorists
11:39 < addihockey10> Any act where innocent people are killed is disgusting, don't get me wrong.
11:39  * Carly listens Empire State of Mind
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11:40 -!- TheDruId [4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> addihockey10 sure
11:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but to these people non-believers are sinners by default
11:40 < Revent> *flips mental tracks for a sec to lust after Alicia Keys* :P
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11:43 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: Yeah, the whole 'mindset' they get wiped's not like a 'real' violent protest, I mean in the 'military action''s totally self-interested..."I do this, I get this reward after I die."
11:43 < Revent> So effective you have a violent attacker who doesn't *care*'s schizophrenic.
11:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its not that simple but that is a factor
11:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> these people really feel they are doing good to the world
11:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and they are a holy sacrifice for a better tomorow
11:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if they didnt feel what they do is that noble no incentive would be this effective
11:44 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
11:44 < BlastHardcheese> lol religion
11:45 < Revent> I know that's a 'simple' explanation.....and I don't mean everyone...but, if you read about the suicide bombers in the middle east and such.
11:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its politics amd re;ogopm
11:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent in israel suicide bombers have a welfare system
11:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yes
11:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> elsewhere not so much
11:45 < Revent> There are 'organizers' who are the relious fanatics, and then the down and out depressed kids they use.
11:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> in gaza thats one of the few stable "jobs" available
11:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> organizers are hypocrates mostly
11:46 < Revent> I've heard about similar 'systems' with the british problems.
11:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> UK has a problem where they turn well meaning people into hostile irates
11:46 < Revent> Young immigrants who feel discriminated against.
11:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> anal probing everyone is not a good idea
11:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they are discriminated
11:47 < NotASpy> Revent: still, Nigel Farage will fix everything.
11:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> even tourists feel discriminated
11:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so I am attending a meeting in your country per the invite of your country, why are you attempting to anal probe me?
11:48 < NotASpy> it's a strange middle England thing, there seems to be some sort of irrational feeling about how Britain 'won' the war so should control Europe.
11:48 < TheDruId> Left hand, right hand disassociation.
11:48 < Revent> What I mean about 'self-interest' and 'not care' tho....a 'normal' person who's fighting in a violent conflict still has moral qualms....they feel bad about what they've done, even justified, and usually aren't 'grotesquely' violent.
11:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> people wont become suicide bombers over bullshit customes policies but thats a constant reminder how they should not see UK as the good guys
11:49 < Revent> But.....the mindset these people get in....shooting a cop and cutting the head off a baby is the same thing.
11:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no it isnt but these things arent decided overnight
11:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they have a long time where the negative sentiment builds up
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11:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> My friend was held captive for hours for instance
11:50 < NotASpy> Revent: it's pure religious brainwashing - normal human morals are replaced through extensive brainwashing. It happened with the Protestants and their Catholic extermination in mainland Britain too, though.
11:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy it is all about morality
11:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> morality demands so many things if you are subjeguated to it all the time
11:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> these people feel moral
11:50 < TheDruId> The sould suspend immigration until suspects are identified...
11:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats why they dont feel what they do is wrong
11:52 < Revent> NotASpy: Yup...
11:52 < TheDruId> Sorry, *could
11:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId do you know what that means?
11:53 < Revent> The thing that makes it *complicated*, tbh, is that the 'rational' part of the muslim world that hates the US has a valid point.
11:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent thats not the sentiment most muslims have though
11:53 < Revent> Right...
11:53 < NotASpy> ToAruShiroiNeko: I know what you're saying, but at a fundamental level, regardless of religion, humans have an inbuilt dislike of that sort of violence, so to suppress it in this way, that requires a lot of learning and mental reasoning on the basis that their god has said such an attack is allowable in his name.
11:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there is a difference between not approving US policy and slaughtering any american on sight
11:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy right
11:54 < TheDruId> ToAruShiroiNeko, I'm not sure of what you're asking.
11:54 < Revent> Hey, I'm the one who was saying its schizoid.
11:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> suspending immigration means people wont be able to bring their families or end up getting stuck waiting for it (ithout a job) etc whom had nothing to do with the attacks
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11:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> redundent paperwork doesnt bring security
11:55 < Revent> Yeah, any kind of 'blanket' action will piss off people more than it accomplishes anything, imo.
11:55 < Revent> Stir up *more* resentment.
11:55 -!- D1000|Away [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
11:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it just would give more reasons for people to hate the UK gov
11:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> people dont realise how stupid UK/EU immigration is
11:56 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
11:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they will send you on a wild goose chace for paper which terrorists will simply forge
11:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> law abiding citizens only gain stress and resenment
11:57 < NotASpy> ToAruShiroiNeko: these people, I imagine, will have been UK born, bred and radicalised
11:57 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away
11:57 < Revent> *and feel the government is being hypocritical and racist.
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11:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy sure
11:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am not saying this is the only problem
11:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but that kind of "special" treatment breeds the resentment
11:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the existence of boatloads of people feeling resentful breeds such hate
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12:00 < TheDruId> Right, because being thankful for the opportunites they have is a lot more difficult.
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12:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> burocracy that takes months to process that only takes that long for the sake of it is the problem
12:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId thats the point
12:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there is no opportunity for those people
12:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you end up waiting for months not knowing if you are going to get the necesary paper or not
12:01 < TheDruId> Sorry, should have tagged that /sarcasm.
12:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ah! :p
12:01 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wait /sarcasm?
12:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why not use xml tags!
12:02 < Revent> TBH, I don't think the terrorism thing is going to die down until the western countries figure out that stepping into some 'foreign' culture and trying to impose 'your' way of doing things is wrong.
12:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> </sarcasm> :p
12:02 < TheDruId> What are xml tags?
12:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> <foo> </foo>
12:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent I dont agree with this
12:02 < NotASpy> Revent: that, sadly, is now complicated by the genie being very firmly out of the bottle on things like womans rights and even democracy.
12:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> foreign cultures  have people shooting teachers for having the audacity of teaching women to read
12:03 < Revent> i.e. like in Iraq....trying to 'create' an american style democratic government in a culture that has no 'native' philosophical basis for 'western-style' participatory democracy....just....doesn't work.
12:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent actually
12:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Iraq was a german style democracy
12:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it was designed to fail
12:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> germans managed to stick together despite it
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12:04 < Revent> I'm talking about all the way back to the fall of the Ottoman Empire....whien the Brits set up the 'old' government.
12:04 < NotASpy> this hard line Islam nonsense has only really come about in the past 50 years, up until a few years back, Afghanistan had a very well developed education system, hell, they even had a Marks & Spencer in Kabul.
12:04 < Revent> *in Iraq*
12:05 < TheDruId> ToAruShiroiNeko, thanks; now I know what those are called. :)
12:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent back when ottoman empipre fell borders were drawn to share natural resources among european powers
12:05 < Revent> They ignored the 'local' concepts of territorial boundaries and created a lot of the strife in the first place.
12:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent that was intentional
12:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they didnt ignore it, the exploited it
12:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why do you think alawites run syria
12:05 < NotASpy> it's easy to control the population when they're too busy fighting each other to worry about fighting with the British troops...
12:05 < Revent> I know... and so do the locals, and that's why the 'older ones' hate us.
12:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> or sunnis run iraq?
12:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> or kurds now
12:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> put minority in charge and they will always support you
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12:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy and also if the leadership depends on you for its survival
12:06 < Revent> And when 70 years later you come back and try to claim you're making it 'democratic' now, they don't trust you....
12:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 70?
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12:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> more like 40 years
12:07 < Revent> vaguely....
12:07 < Revent> Was aiming more at the Leauge of Nations 'stewardship' period.
12:07 < Revent> *League even
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12:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> LoN was a failiure
12:10 < Revent>
12:10 < Revent> ^ the first time we screwed them over.
12:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent lots of it
12:11 < Revent> *lol without the random a in the middle works better
12:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ottoman empire was bound to fail though
12:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> with or without european involvement
12:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> borders would have been much different though
12:12 < TheDruId> Every country is bound to fail, eventually.
12:12 < Revent> was a 'unclaimed' area (in a sense) after WWI...the Brits just did the exact wrong thing from a long term perspective.
12:12 < Revent> (pick a puppet, and puppet)
12:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent back then politics was
12:12 < Revent> *any
12:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a little war is good for business
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12:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> after ww1 that sentiment slowly changed
12:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> after ww2 no one was  pro-war
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12:13 < Revent> Ye...hell, we supported Saddam in the Iran-Iraq War, and he was just as big of a shit then.
12:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> saddam was worth the investment
12:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he was against the iranians that just overthrew their government and held US hostages
12:14 < Revent> Oh, yeah, letting Iran win would have been *extremely* bad.
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12:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> iranian millitary got demolished
12:14 < TheDruId> Saddam was /not/ worth the investment, the US just thought the alternative was worse, at the time.
12:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent it would have been
12:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId thats what I mean
12:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its a net negative but less so than the alternative
12:15 < Revent> Any side in a war that resort to human wave attacks deserves to lose....miserably.
12:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent they executed their millitary officers
12:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> what do you expect?
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12:15 < Gigs-> TheDruId: the investment wasn't in saddam, it was in spending a lot of government money
12:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it turns out having a well trained millitary is kind of a necesity on the middle east
12:15 < Revent> Yup....we don't trust the military, so we'll send out unarmed civilians (sigh).
12:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent it wasnt a case of trust
12:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> millitary represented the old gov
12:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so execute them
12:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why need generals when you could send peasants
12:16 -!- Bradford is now known as Brad|duerme
12:16 < TheDruId> Gigs-, resulting in two nations fighting. lose/lose/lose, though the US didn't think of that at the time.
12:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Iraq managed to stalemante tho
12:16 < Revent> Right....but even the 'lower level' professionals that survived the purge weren't used.
12:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId a weaker Iran was the idea
12:17 < Revent> They has tanks sitting in kazerne while they were using human wave attacks.
12:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent vecause it wasa holy fight
12:17 < Revent> *had
12:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no way god would adandone them?
12:17 < Gigs-> TheDruId: two nations fighting ... that's like saying that stepping on a bug is a battle between a human and a bug
12:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent then iran discovered photoshop
12:17 < Revent> *lol*
12:18 < Dcoetzee> ⱭⱭⱭⱭⱭX
12:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I wish more wars were fought through photoshop
12:18 < TheDruId> Instead it acted like sharpening two blades simultaneously.
12:18 < Dcoetzee> Hmmm backwards Ds
12:18 < Revent> *notes that I guess I'm sufficiently 'anonymous' here for a vague mention that I have 'illegally' been in Iran.
12:18 < Gigs-> looks more like alpha to me Dcoetzee
12:18 < Dcoetzee> It might be alpha
12:19  * BlastHardcheese dispatches the delta force strike team to Revent's location
12:19 < Dcoetzee> Yeah it's capital alpha
12:19 < Revent> This was a *long* time ago.
12:19 < Gigs-> Dcoetzee: well more like a capital sized lower case alpha
12:19 < Dcoetzee> Yes
12:19 < Gigs-> capital alpha is usually just A
12:19 -!- Carly- [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Quit: Never look where you come from , but where you're going.]
12:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Gigs- no
12:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats A from latin alphabet
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12:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee why so alpha?
12:20 < Revent> Ye, 'latin' letters and 'roman' letters aren't the same
12:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> romans were boring
12:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no sense of xbox
12:20 < Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: Because it's the least dangerous type of radiation
12:20 < Revent> No serifs, for one thing.
12:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee sure
12:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> actually no
12:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> least dangeorus is probably light
12:20 < Dcoetzee> True that
12:21 < Dcoetzee> I wonder if there are creatures on Earth so photosensitive that they'll die if exposed to sunlight
12:21 < Revent> BlastHardcheese: FWIW, I got to watch a seal team do 'practice' battle-surface deployments from a submarine....those guys are nuts.
12:22 < Gigs-> Dcoetzee: almost all of them? :P
12:22 < TheDruId> Dcoetzee, well, there was that one type of dinosaur, a nobodysaurus.
12:22 < Revent> Its dangerous as hell...
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12:23 < Gigs-> sunlight might as well be considered toxic to all animal life, like most toxins it really depends on dose
12:23 < Revent> Dcoetzee: umm...there's a microbiological term...
12:23 < Dcoetzee> Well obviously if someone fires a very high intensity visible light laser at you
12:23 < Dcoetzee> That could kill you
12:24 < Gigs-> no I'm saying regular sunlight is pretty bad
12:24 < Gigs-> you get synthesis of vitamin D but most of the other effects are damaging
12:24 < Dcoetzee> Yeah UV radiation, I get it
12:24 < Revent> Naah, I of the 'odd corners' of microbiology....iirc it's the 'sulfur eating' bacteria that live inside tubeworms or something like that.
12:24 < Dcoetzee> Revent: Interesting
12:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee possibly single celled but unlikely to be honest
12:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you wouldnt be able to see it
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12:25 < Dcoetzee> That's what I figure
12:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the sepcimen would be destroyed by the time you attempt to obseve it
12:25 < Gigs-> there are lots of cave dwelling variants that would not survive well in sunlight
12:25 < TheDruId> Such a creature would inevitably be an
12:25 < Revent> Sunlight (without an ozone layer) is toxic...
12:25 < Dcoetzee> TheDruId: Yep
12:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Gigs- sunlight wouldnt kill them
12:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent actually no
12:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sunlight with or without ozone is toxic
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12:26 < Gigs-> not right away, but they are very poorly adapted to a lit environment
12:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you just adapted to survive it
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12:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Gigs- preditors would kill them first probably :)
12:26 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: Ye, I just mean if the ozone layer disappeared tomorrow, most life would curl up and die.
12:26 < Dcoetzee> Gigs-: That makes sense actually... like an underground creature like a mole would not survive very well wandering blindly around out in the open sunlight.
12:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent under water life would survive just fine
12:26 < Gigs-> ToAruShiroiNeko: yeah there's not many white bugs crawling around
12:26 < IShadowed_> whores
12:26 < IShadowed_> sup
12:26 -!- IShadowed_ is now known as IShadowed
12:26  * Dcoetzee hugs IShadowed
12:27  * ToAruShiroiNeko tackles IShadowed
12:27 < IShadowed> I have a maths quiz to take
12:27 < IShadowed> pity me
12:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> pitty the shadow
12:27 < Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I was speculating whether there's a creature that can be killed by exposure to normal sunlight
12:27 < IShadowed> my life is so hard guys
12:27 < IShadowed> errrr
12:27 < Dcoetzee> IShadowed: You'll do okay :-) Good luck
12:27 < IShadowed> my life is so hard, guys*
12:27 < IShadowed> there aren't too many hard guys
12:27 < IShadowed> yeah
12:27 < IShadowed> :|
12:27 < Dcoetzee> Wow math is making you forget commas
12:27 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: From the rads, yeah, but it would totally screw up the oxygen cycle....I don't think most fish and such would make it.
12:28 < IShadowed> Shirik made me forget commas
12:28 < IShadowed> such a bad influence
12:28 < Revent> Deep-sea life would do a lot better.
12:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent there are studies on that
12:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the damage would happen over time
12:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and the sea has its own oxygen supply from algae
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12:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ozone would reform eventually
12:29 < TheDruId> A lot of biomass would return to the oceans, causing a resurgence.
12:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> life would survive on earth without an atmospehere
12:29 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: I'm not surprised people have studied it....I'll freely admit I'm 'handwaving' :) It's IRC.
12:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> or the sun
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12:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there is a video by vsaouce that explains it nicely
12:29 < Gigs-> we would have an atmosphere if we had water though toaru
12:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
12:29 < Gigs-> if you really have no atmostphere then you have no vapor pressure to keep the water from boiling off
12:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Gigs- more like freezing
12:30 < Gigs-> no boiling
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12:30 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: I'm more familiar with that kind of thing from the 'astronomical' side....i.e. planets that are in 'dynamic equilibrium'
12:30 < Gigs-> it would be cold, but it would be boiling
12:30 < Revent> Which would no be anything with life.
12:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Gigs- water can be frozen or gas without presure
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12:30 < Gigs-> if you shoot water out of the space shuttle, some of it boils and some of it freezes
12:31 < Gigs-> and then the frozen stuff eventually sublimates
12:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> solid water sinks in vaper but also floats over liquid
12:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so an ice layer would form
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12:31 < Gigs-> and then promptly sublimate/boil anyway
12:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thick enough to replace the ozone layer
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12:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Gigs- incelidus is frozen solid
12:31 < Revent> Gigs-: That's because it's 'warm' places like lunar craters you can have persistent water ice in a vacuum.
12:32 < Gigs-> heh you can't throw an atmosphere in the contrived scenario of a lack of atmosphere
12:32 < Revent> enceladus ~~
12:32 < Gigs-> Revent: yeah but the earth is warm enough to sublimate all the water
12:32 < Gigs-> the moon doesn't have any geothermal stuff going on for one
12:32 < Revent> Ye...anything sunlit is out to near Jupiter.
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12:33 < Revent> However, OTOH....
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12:34 < Revent> Maybe half a meter or so...
12:34 < Gigs-> heh mercury is a unique place
12:34 < Gigs-> there's a small part of it potentially habitable to humans
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12:35 < TheDruId> Gigs-, each place is a unique place. :D
12:35 < Revent> There were quite a few 'classic' sci-fi stories about 'rolling' mining colonies on Mercury.....tracking the terminator.
12:35 < TheDruId> Gigs-, ...just like everywhere else.
12:35 < Gigs-> well sure, but the orbit/spin rate
12:35 < Revent> It's an established 'meme' in the space community.
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12:36 < Revent> Mercury rotates /really/ slow...
12:36 < Revent> *looks* 58.646 days.
12:37 < Gigs-> it's mostly a coincedence right?   I mean there's physics reasons why it's more likely that our moon is the way it is where we only see one side of it right?
12:37 < Revent> It actually works out to not much over walking speed.
12:37 < Gigs-> but with mercury it didn't have to be that way
12:37 < Revent> sec....
12:37 < Revent>
12:37 < Gigs-> yeah that sounds familiar
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12:38 < TheDruId> Revent, Me, too.
12:38 < Revent> Yeah, in the case of mercury the 'gravitational gradient' isn't steep enough to have damped it's rotation yet.
12:38 < Revent> Give it anouther 1/2 billion years or so.
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12:38 < Gigs-> so eventually it'll tidal lock to the sun?
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12:39 < TheDruId> Or get swallowed by the corona, knocked into, moved by us...
12:39 < Revent> Pretty much.....there'll be 'some' rotation left from the 'J2' effect of other planets, but not much...a 'wobble'
12:39 < SoapX> the sun will eat the Earth
12:39 < Gigs-> not that soon
12:39 < TheDruId> Unless we move out.
12:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Gigs- it is very possible to surive without an atmospehere
12:40 < Revent> SoapX: 'the sun' will eat the earth is pretty vague.....not 'technically' true...
12:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> earth wouldnt remain warm enough without the sun long enough
12:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> in about a decade you wouldnt have gas
12:40 < Revent> SoapX: As the sun ages and mass-distribution changes the planets will move outward
12:40 < Gigs-> ToAruShiroiNeko: huh?
12:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> just watch vsauce
12:41 < SoapX> y'all are in denial. it's gonna happen
12:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it explains what would happen if sun were to vaish
12:41 < Revent> The earth will end up technically 'in' the suns atmosphere, but it won't be vaporized.
12:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> atmospehere would freeze
12:41 < SoapX>
12:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent there are conflicting studies on that
12:41 < Gigs-> it's OK the voyagers have left the solar system so many times (according to the news reports) we clearly need to have a theory regarding this.
12:41 < TheDruId> It's inevitable until it isn't. We will not go willingly.
12:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> earths orbit may increase with intense solar winds
12:41 < Gigs-> the solar system expands to accommodate the news media
12:41 < SoapX> <--- it's gonna happen!
12:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Gigs- solar systems borders are disputed
12:42 < Revent> Gigs-: That's not's a 'vagueness' as to the definition of where the heliopause is.
12:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Gigs- that is kind of true
12:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the magnetic field seems to be more of a wave like membrane that wiggles
12:42 < TheDruId> Oddly, by decreasing the mass of the sun, we'd give it a longer life expectancy and prevent that.
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12:43 < nas> Meh
12:43 < GorillaWarfare> Whoops
12:43 < Revent> TheDruId: Or other 'cosmic engineering' tricks.
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12:43 < SoapX> true, we should shoot missiles at the sun to shrink it down some more
12:43 < Revent> i.e. using a properly chosen planet to 'poison' the sun with metals
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12:44 < SoapX> we could even do that today to stop global warming
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12:44 < Gigs-> yeah and shoot a lot of water on it, take that sun, it couldn't possibly do anything with water!
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12:44 < Gigs-> class Z fire supression: kitchen grease fires, fusion reactions
12:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId great idea
12:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I will send avacume cleaner to suck up all the plasma :p
12:44 < SoapX> I wonder how much water it would take to stop the sun from burning
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12:44 < Revent> SoapX: Not quite how it works lol. :P
12:44 < Gigs-> SoapX: wonder no more, the sun would eat the water and burn it :P
12:44 < Dcoetzee> So I just picked up a can of "LOW SODIUM V8"
12:44 < Dcoetzee> Look at the ingredient label
12:45 < Dcoetzee> 200mg of sodium per can
12:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SoapX water would sink to the core
12:45 < Revent> Ye, H2O is pretty decent fusion fuel.
12:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so you would increase the mass
12:45 < addihockey10> Ooooo
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12:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> once the mass is too much it would heat up more
12:45 < Gigs-> pretty much any mass you add to the sun would just fuel it more, except for something that could poison the chain reaction like revent alluded to
12:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so with lots of water you would heat up the sun
12:45 < Dcoetzee> Could we please not destroy the sun
12:45 < TheDruId> ToAruShiroiNeko, send it at night, so it won't overheat.
12:45 < Gigs-> maybe
12:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it would just use fuel faster
12:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId :D
12:46 < Revent> Ya got to realize, anything you add is going to be a fully ionized plasma long before it even reaches the 'surface' of the sun...
12:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> suns energy depends on its mass
12:46 < Gigs-> Dcoetzee: we can't fall behind in the race for sun-destroying weapons
12:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it has enough mass to compress hydrogen so they fuse
12:46 < Gigs-> Dcoetzee: can you imagine if brown people had them and we didn't?
12:46 < IShadowed_> I'd like to destroy the sun
12:46 < SoapX> so if we shoot metal at the sun it will slow down global warming
12:46 < IShadowed_> I don't like the sun
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12:46 < Revent> And 'migration times' from the surface down to the 'fusion region' are on the order of millions of years.
12:46 < Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I think you'd miss it if it was gone
12:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IShadowed that requires math
12:46 < IShadowed_> Dcoetzee, nope
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12:47 < Dcoetzee> I'm not a big fan of the sun either, but I also like not freezing to death
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12:47 < SoapX> lets compromise and only destroy half of it
12:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee easy solution, use a remote to turn down suns heat
12:47 < Gigs-> sun reform
12:47 < Revent> The light coming out of the sun is energy from fusion reactions that took place when we were still hanging in trees.
12:47 < Gigs-> leaner, more efficient, less black holey
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12:47 < SoapX> oh that reminds me i wanted to make a photoshop plugin that turns the sun black
12:47 < Dcoetzee> Incidentally, when I was a kid my dad had a videotape from a Christian organization full of songs. One of the songs explained how God is literally the sun, and (confusingly) how the sun creates gravity and prevents us from floating off into space
12:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Gigs- fossil fuels are solar power in that sense
12:48 < IShadowed_> ....
12:48 < IShadowed_> Dcoetzee, wat
12:48 < IShadowed_> ..
12:48 -!- IShadowed_ is now known as IShadowed
12:48 < Dcoetzee> I'm pretty sure this doesn't square with either science or standard theology
12:48 < Gigs-> if we don't act to prevent anthrogenic solar mass increase, in 100 years my computer simulation says the sun will be much larger
12:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee many cultures worshiped the sun
12:48 < IShadowed> I have not eaten yet
12:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am glad your dad didnt pull out your heart and sacrificed it to the sun gods
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12:49 < IShadowed> 5/10 only half glad
12:49 < Revent> Dcoetzee: Zoroastrianism
12:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee so it unites sicence and religion in their hatered? :p
12:49 < Gigs-> Dcoetzee: the god/sun entanglement is deep in a lot of religion
12:49 < Revent> Dcoetzee: there are 'hybrids' of Zoroastrian theology buried in Christianity.
12:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> few people realize we owe are exitence to oter suns
12:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> *other
12:50 < Revent> Ye, we are stardust.
12:50 < Gigs-> I blame a particular sperm and egg personally
12:50 < Dcoetzee> The song also explained how without the sun there would be no food and we would die of hunger. Which is true, but you'd freeze to death first...
12:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont like to think of myself as star dust
12:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> rather star corpse :p
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12:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee actually
12:50 < Revent> (which I find personally asthetically 'beautiful')
12:50 < Gigs-> or to go full circle, god's debris? :)
12:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you can survive for quite sometime without the sun
12:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you'd sufficate first
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12:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> since atmospehere would freeze
12:51 < Gigs-> how would we possibly not freeze to death before the atmosphere froze?
12:51 < Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: I'm pretty sure people freeze to death at a higher temperature than nitrogen
12:51 < IShadowed> ^
12:51 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: Kinda like the way they show 'explosive decompression' is always totally wrong....not how peeps would die.
12:51 < Gigs-> in real life it wouldn't be very spectacular Revent not good movie material
12:52 < Gigs-> although 2001 had a pretty realistic depiction
12:52 < IShadowed> "What is the value of the expression? Do not use a calculator"
12:52 < IShadowed> LOL
12:52 < Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Don't use a calculator! They'll KNOW
12:52 < Revent> You could make it 'gory'.....vomiting your lungs, essentially...
12:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee unless you are outside without clothes
12:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you'd probably be in a bunker
12:52 < Gigs-> write an essay about the moral imperative expressed by the directive not to use a calculator
12:52 < IShadowed> Dcoetzee, shhhhhhhhhh
12:52  * IShadowed tiptoes
12:53 < Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: I guess a bunker warmed with geothermal energy might be able to survive for a little while... but can't you like, pump in cold air and warm it or something?
12:53 < Gigs-> ToAruShiroiNeko: I guess you are assuming a lot of warning
12:53 < Revent> "At NASA's Manned Spacecraft Center (now renamed Johnson Space Center) we had a test subject accidentally exposed to a near vacuum (less than 1 psi) in an incident involving a leaking space suit in a vacuum chamber back in '65. He remained conscious for about 14 seconds, which is about the time it takes for O2 deprived blood to go from the lungs to
12:53 < Revent>  the brain. The suit probably did not reach a hard vacuum, and we began repressurizing the chamber within 15 seconds. The subject regained consciousness at around 15,000 feet equivalent altitude. The subject later reported that he could feel and hear the air leaking out, and his last conscious memory was of the water on his tongue beginning to boil
12:53 < Revent> ."
12:54 < Dcoetzee> Revent: Wow
12:54 < Gigs-> yeah you could survive a little while outside a space ship
12:54 < Gigs-> if you don't exhale though, you'd die pretty quickly
12:54 < Revent> Dcoetzee: If you want I can find a pic of the test chamber...
12:54 < Gigs-> like divers coming up in an emergency and trying to hold their breath
12:54 < IShadowed> ...
12:54 < Gigs-> causes massive damage if they don't exhale
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12:55 < IShadowed> > He remained conscious for about 14 seconds, which is about the time it takes for O2 deprived blood to go from the lungs to the brain
12:55 < IShadowed> TIL
12:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> needless to say I like 1 atm environments tyvm
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12:55 < Revent> Gigs-: Actually, kinda the opposite....because the differential pressure is only 14 could squeeze your nose and mouth shut.
12:55 < Gigs-> how many feet of water is that reven
12:55 < Revent> Deep sea divers are dealing with hundreds of psi.
12:55 < Dcoetzee> Gigs-: I've heard it said that drawing a deep breath before being exposed directly to a vaccuum could lead to lung implosion
12:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> human body is designed to withstand pressure
12:56 < Revent> 1 atm is like 20 feet.
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12:56 < Gigs-> hmm maybe you could hold your breath in vacuum then
12:56 < Revent> (vaguely)
12:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee the air does want to get out, yes
12:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you really wouldnt care either way
12:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you have a few seconds to live anyways
12:56 < Revent> Yeah...a matter of 10 secs vs 15 secs kind of thing.
12:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> as long as you can hold your breath
12:56 < Dcoetzee> Well you'd be unconscious very quickly... but I wonder how long you could live after passing out
12:56 < Dcoetzee> If you are recovered
12:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> like I said
12:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> as long as you can hold your breath more or less
12:57 < Revent> You've got about 4 minutes before brain damage from lack of oxygen.
12:57 < Gigs-> you'd probably live if you were recovered in a reasonable amount of time and had advanced medical support
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12:57 < Dcoetzee> exposure to a vaccuum is basically like drowning?
12:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee initially yes
12:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> your blood and etc would boil
12:57 < Gigs-> well you might get unlucky and get a gas bubble from your blood to your brain or something
12:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but long after you are dead
12:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> youd sufficate first
12:58 < Revent> Gigs-: Actually yeah, an anyeursm (sic) would probably be the 'proximate' cause of death.
12:58 < SudoGhost> Your blood would not boil in space.
12:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I propose we presurize space to prevnt this
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12:58 < Dcoetzee> Your blood would boil in space if it were outside your body :-)
12:58 < Gigs-> Revent: embolism
12:59 < Dcoetzee> Like if some dude chops you in half and tosses you out an airlock
12:59 < Revent> Gigs-: Ye, one of those... :)
12:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee your skin would have bursting here and there
12:59 < David_Stevenson> I think the chopping in half might be the cause of death
12:59 < David_Stevenson> :<
12:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you would eventually become jerky
12:59 < Revent> Intact skin easily holds 1 atm of pressure...
12:59 < Gigs-> I don't know toaru... the pressure isn't really high enogh to break your skin
13:00 < SudoGhost>
13:00 < Revent> Push a nail against your arm....that's more pressure than air.
13:00 < Dcoetzee> One thing I wonder
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13:00 < Gigs-> I liked the joke on futurama revent... they were taking the space ship under water and someone asked what pressure it was rated for... the professor says "it's a space ship, so .. 1 atmosphere"
13:00 < Dcoetzee> If you had a fresh cut on your arm from a knife
13:00 < Dcoetzee> Before you went into a vaccuum
13:01 < Dcoetzee> What would happen?
13:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent it wouldnt be intact
13:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> your skin would freeze compromising its ingegrity
13:01 < Gigs-> you'd be long dead before your skin froze
13:01 < Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: You lose temperature extremely slowly in space
13:01 < Gigs-> space is an excellent insulator
13:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
13:01 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: I was talking about a 'generic' exposure to vacuum....leaky airlock or something.
13:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yuou are already dead
13:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> this is what happens after
13:02 < Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: You can't lose heat by induction, only by radiation
13:02 < SudoGhost> Dcoetzee: See, personally I'm still 12 years old inside, so I just wonder this: if you fart in zero gravity, would it propel you forwards, or would the fart just stay there torturing you?
13:02 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: Fair enough then, yeah....eventually when you freeze...
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13:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee space isnt completely empty
13:02 < Revent> Dcoetzee: You'd lose a lot of heat through evaporation...
13:02 < Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: It might as well be, for purposes of induction, the gas is so rarified
13:02 < Revent> *sublimation*
13:02 < Dcoetzee> Revent: True that
13:03 < Gigs-> SudoGhost: hmmm both?
13:03 < Dcoetzee> SudoGhost: The fart would propel you, I believe, but by a very small amount
13:03 < SudoGhost> Gigs-: That would be both awesome and horrifying.
13:03 < Revent> Dcoetzee: The spacesuits they use now are 'open cycle' cooling.....they just vent coolant out to space.
13:03 < Gigs-> SudoGhost: the diffusion of the fart would occur at about the same rate as on earth, and you'd only be propelled a little bit
13:03 < Revent> That's why the stay times are so short.
13:04 < TheDruId> ToAruShiroiNeko,
13:04 < Gigs-> SudoGhost: methane is roughly the same density as air so the effects of zero g on that would be minimal
13:04 < SudoGhost> Damn.
13:04 < SudoGhost> Oh well.
13:04 < Revent> Ye, the mass of a fart compered to a person is pretty low...
13:05  * GorillaWarfare tabbed back into this channel at a weird time
13:05 < TheDruId> :)
13:05 < Gigs-> we're just playing the home version of xkcd what-if
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13:05 < Revent> GW: random evolution of a conv about dying in outer space.
13:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee with no friction bursts of farts could get you to ridilcous speeds
13:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you need LOTS of farts tho
13:05 < Gigs-> or superfluidic farts
13:06 < GorillaWarfare> Well, I've been following the discussion a bit, but I was out for a few minutes
13:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> diaria would propell you further probably
13:06 < SudoGhost> ToAruShiroiNeko: That could be arranged.
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13:06 < Revent> I suspect it would be more of a 'shart' of whatever was in there at the time all at once.
13:07 < Gigs->
13:07 < Revent> *hehs* I need to make a wiktionary entry for 'shart'. :P
13:08 < Dcoetzee> In principle you could accelerate something to an arbitrarily fast speed given enough farts
13:08 < Gigs-> webster new words for 2014
13:08 < Revent> Oh, I didn't invent it... :)
13:08 < Revent>
13:08 < SoapX> some people are apparently eat fish bones
13:08 < Gigs-> Dcoetzee: well not arbitrary, you'd need farts approaching infinity the closer you got to the speed of light
13:09 < Dcoetzee> Right, the problem is that you need more and more gas initially present to expel... and that increases your mass
13:09 < Revent> The inclusion of a 'shart video' is priceless....
13:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ass based propellant systems inc.
13:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ABPS
13:09 < Gigs-> Dcoetzee: you could carry beans instead
13:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> beans wouldnt be as efficient without gravity
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13:10 < Dcoetzee> Anyway I'm pretty sure if you intend to leverage human muscular power, a simple exercise bike charging a battery would be more efficient :-P
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13:10 < Dcoetzee> I'm not sure how you turn battery power into thrust... but I'm sure it's possible?
13:10 < Gigs-> yeah ion drive is pretty simple way
13:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yes
13:11 < Gigs-> to directly turn electricity into thrust
13:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ion drive
13:11 < Revent> TBH, the use of a 'biological' system to convert biomass to propellant would be a 'generation ship' kind of idea...
13:11 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Quit: While there's life, there's hope.]
13:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> bio ships exist!
13:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> in sci fi :p
13:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> remember the space worm that made love to the enterpise?
13:12 < Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: To be fair, the Enterprise is like super hot
13:12 < Revent>
13:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee right
13:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its just THAT hot
13:12 < Revent> ^ this is basically what will eventually turn into a fusion torch drive.
13:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> VSIMR
13:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent then need a better abreviation
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13:13 < Revent> VASIMR....they say 'vas-mir'
13:13 < Gigs-> so they put a candle in a microwave and put it in space and called it a fancy name
13:13 < Revent> *used to know some of the grad students who interned in that shop at the space center in Houston.
13:14 < Revent> Gigs-: (lols) Yeah, but the engineering involved in making it work is a bit intense...
13:15 < Revent> The 'long term' idea would be to replace the heat source with a working fusion reaction.....
13:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent sounds russian
13:15 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: Franklin Chang-Diaz is Costa Rican...
13:15 -!- FunPika [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:15 < Revent> (the austronaut who's lead scientist)
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13:17 -!- Koi [uid10416@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:17 < Gigs-> Revent: it's interesting but the nozzle seems a little... conventional
13:17 < Revent> Gigs-: In the photos? It's because of the way the vacuum lab is built.....that's not a 'flight' design....
13:18 < TheDruId> It'll get better once we understand the anti-gravity techniques of cat's tongues.
13:18 < Gigs-> oh ok
13:18 < Revent> They're basically venting into the intake of a huge wind tunnel.
13:18 < Revent> The entire thing has to be at high vacuum before it works...
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13:19 < Revent> Otherwise 'very' expensive internal pieces catch on fire in rather spectacular fashion.
13:20 < Gigs-> I don't know, later on they mention exhaust divergence losses
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13:20 < Gigs-> there has to be a reason, but it seems like a simple columnar output would be ideal for something like this
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13:21 < Revent> That's a 'technical' issue.....the 'ideal' design of a rocket nozzle varies depending on the ambient pressure.
13:21 < Revent> Even at high vacuum, you still want 'some' compression....look at a photo of the Apollo Service Module engine.
13:22 < Gigs-> ok lets strap one to a bicycle
13:22 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en
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13:23 < Revent> *hehs* sec...
13:24 < Revent>
13:24 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:24 < Revent> I love 'homemade' jet engines....
13:24 -!- GorillaWarfare [6c14245e@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
13:25 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
13:25 < Gigs-> is that coaxial?
13:25 < Revent> It's a pulse jet
13:25 < Gigs-> yeah I'm used to seeing them in a U shape though
13:25 < Revent> subsonic ramjet design....they're using the leafblower to get the draft.
13:26 < Revent> It's /very/ halfass, but amusing.
13:26 < Koi> why is this channel still -t?
13:26 < Koi> Susan: pls no more abuze.
13:26 < Gigs-> I built a large propane torch that is open on both ends Revent
13:26 < Revent> They get it lit about 2 minutes in.
13:26 < Gigs-> sometimes when I light it it oscillates a little bit
13:26 < SoapX> -t is the way to be
13:27 < Gigs-> Accidental pulse jet hehe
13:27 < Revent> Gigs-: Even more fun is an 'accidental potato gun'. :)
13:28 < CrackyWacky> Hello
13:28 < Fyre> Hey CrackyWacky <3
13:28 < CrackyWacky> Fyre: <3
13:28 < Revent> Gigs-:  You'll like this....
13:28 < Gigs-> heh this almost looks like my propane torch
13:28 < CrackyWacky> PROPANE!
13:28 < Gigs-> except mine is open on both ends
13:28 < Fyre> i sell propane and propane accessories
13:29 < CrackyWacky> lol
13:29 < Revent> They're putting an awful lot of trust in that vise....
13:29 < Gigs-> if it doesn't slip out I doubt it would break it
13:29 < TheDruId> 6 will arrive simultaneousle in 2023.
13:29 < Gigs-> I've put all my weight on a vise that size with a 3 foot breaker bar before
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13:30 < Revent> Yeah, I just meant slipping out and going for a nice trip around the area...
13:30 < Revent> Not breaking.
13:30 < CrackyWacky> it ain't breaking!
13:30 < Fyre> you know that!
13:31 < Gigs-> my torch is fun but it uses a lot of propane
13:31 < Fyre> Can i get a amen?
13:31 < CrackyWacky> AMEN!
13:31 < Carly> Xd
13:32 < Gigs-> on a disposable size bottle it freezes too quickly.   a grill sized bottle is good for longer, but still better in a water bath to keep it warm
13:32 < Revent> As far as 'crazy dangerous as hell ideas'.....
13:32 < Gigs-> can get my large crucible hot enough to melt aluminum in about 10 minutes though
13:33 < Revent>
13:34 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:34 < Revent> (the 'recreation' was intentionally very underpowered for safety)
13:35 < Gigs-> I've always wanted to create a long laminar plasma jet (different kind of jet, but anyway)
13:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
13:36 -!- Demiurge1000 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:36 < Revent> Gigs-: There's a group of peeps down in New Zealand that are big into 'homemade jet engines'....blueprints and such...
13:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent sure
13:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> imagine the real thing plowing through tourists
13:36 -!- Jamesofur|away is now known as Jamesofur
13:37 < Revent> Gigs-: <- LOL
13:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I can see the potential of having a 4x4 power by that
13:38 < Gigs-> eh not big enough rockets
13:38 < Revent> "The more observant of you may notice the air hose joining the compressor to the combustor was replaced with a PVC pipe. This was a very, very bad idea as PVC gets soft when it gets hot and it tends to part company with the engine at the most inopportune moments! "
13:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> each shuttle launch could have been used to cool beer
13:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> oportunity lost :(
13:38 < Revent> *important safety tip*
13:38 < Gigs-> and explodes when it gets cold
13:39 < Gigs-> pvc isn't good for much outside room temperature
13:39 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Quit: Never look where you come from , but where you're going.]
13:41 < BlastHardcheese> I've always been an advocate of beer-powered spacecraft
13:41 < Revent> Gigs-: Honestly, if I had the 'skill', I'd rather do something like this....
13:41 < Revent> Now *THAT'S* a model rocket.... :)
13:41 < Revent> Essentially a homemade Nike ABM.
13:42 < TheDruId> They will eventually be powered by rainbows and barking puppies.
13:43 < Revent> I wonder how much it cost to get an FAA clearance to launch something like that.
13:44 < Gigs-> nothing
13:44 < Gigs-> just need to get a notam issued
13:45 < Gigs-> the atf have been dicks about some rocket fuels though
13:45 < Gigs-> so you'd probably need a high explosives manufacturing license, which sounds harder to get than it is
13:45 < Gigs-> they are "shall issue" assuming you aren't a felon
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13:46 < Revent> *hmms*
13:46 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:46 < Revent> The actual 'rule'
13:47 < Revent> *skims* Ye, you need a TFR......I though there were filing fees for that (shrugs)
13:48 -!- SoapX is now known as Swob
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13:49 < Gigs-> I don't think you are reading that right
13:49 < Revent> Gigs-: 'technically' you don't need high explosives at all.....Asphalt and LOX is a damn good rocket fuel.
13:49 < Gigs-> a tfr is a temporary flight restriction
13:49 < Gigs-> revent none of the rocket fuels are high explosives, the atf is just stupid
13:50 < Revent> Gigs-: Well, it's asummary of a proposed rule change, so yeah kinda 'vague'
13:50 < Gigs-> it lists the notice requirements, which is what I mentioned
13:50 < Gigs-> you need to get a notam issued
13:51 < Revent> *isn't a pilot* I knew there were notice requireents, assumed the FAA charged a fee...
13:51 < Revent> FWIW, tho, hydrazine is pretty bad.
13:52 -!- YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
13:52 < Gigs-> ammonium nitrate and perchrloate are what is normally used
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13:53 < Revent> But yeah, not technically 'high explosive' actualy don't /want/ and explosive rocket fuel.
13:53 < Revent> It'll 'blow out' the fire
13:53 < TheDruId> I can boil coffee down to a substance that the ATF comes close to wanting control of; it's all relative.
13:53 < Gigs-> like I said, it's ATF logic
13:54 < Gigs-> it keeps changing as well
13:54 < Gigs-> first AN/AP fuel was HE, then it wasn't, then it was, etc
13:54 < TheDruId> Well, they got their diplomas from Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms University, ATFU.
13:55 < Revent> *hehs* TBH (wp:beans, but wth) the 'easiest' way to make a biohazard area is just to culture ergot.
13:55 < Gigs-> the thing is, and most people don't know this, on a federal level, it's legal to make high explosives anyway
13:55 < Revent> You'll probably kill yourself tho.
13:55 < Gigs-> if.... you don't trasport them, store them, sell them, or "perform them" commercially
13:55 < Gigs-> which is how tannerite is legal
13:56 < Gigs-> but that is a major inconvienence for the high power rocketeer
13:56 < Gigs-> because that means they have to make their motors on-site if they aren't a licensee
13:56 < Gigs-> can't pack them at home and drive them out to the launch site
13:57 < Revent> You might get away with it if you poured them in sections and assembled onsite, I'd think....keep the pieces small.
13:57 -!- lbenedix [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
13:57 < Gigs-> you can't transport the mixed composition if it's a HE
13:57 < Revent> (don't know the exact rules, obviously)
13:58 < Gigs-> you could have all the rocket stuff put together, just not the composition itself
13:58 -!- tttb [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
13:58 < Gigs-> anyway, it looks like the ATF backed down after a court case
13:58 < Revent> I know that actually 'pouring' a solid fuel is pretty difficult....not getting bubbles and such.
13:58 < Gigs-> it's hard not to get voids and cracks in powder fuel as well
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13:59 < Gigs-> packing a rocket motor is time consuming
13:59 -!- Carly is now known as Carly|away
13:59 < TheDruId> Could take the rest of your life.
13:59 < Brad|duerme> ._.
13:59 < Carly|away> Haha
13:59 < Gigs-> TheDruId: I use a special tamper made out of flint and steel filings in my fuel
14:00 < Gigs-> more fun that way
14:00 < Revent> *hehs* iron burns nice if you get it hot enough.
14:00 < Gigs-> yeah metals are heavy but they add a pretty tail and a little impulse
14:00 -!- Scott_Ma1tin is now known as Scott_Martin
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14:00 < Qcoder00> Hi does anyone know of free voice recognition systems for Windows XP?
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14:01 < TheDruId> My grandfather used black powder, and had some of it embedded in his hand from an explosion as proof. Was amateurly competetive nationally for the time.
14:01 < Revent> *cringes*
14:01 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
14:01 < Gigs-> you can't explode black powder from hammering it
14:02 < Revent> Qcoder00:
14:02 -!- TOS [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:02 < Gigs-> in reality though I made a hammer with a lead head and I use wood tampers
14:02 < TOS> Any admins here?
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14:02 < Revent> Qcoder00: It's built in *not great tho*
14:03 < Qcoder00> IThe KB says it's installed with Office
14:03 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
14:03 < TheDruId> ...and should be able to take down your system in no time.
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14:03 < Revent> Qcoder00: It's not written's part of windows, they're talking about installing the office module that makes it work there.
14:04 -!- Lnmow [~Miranda@unaffiliated/lnmow] has quit [Quit: Soupir]
14:04 < Qcoder00> Not according to the instructions given
14:04 < Swob> plenty of admins are here as usual
14:05 < Revent> *at least, it came with my old XP back when I used it* Might have been an OEM thing, I guess.
14:05 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:05 < Swob> There's almost never a time with no admins on in here. Its just that a lot of them are wary of responding to requests to do something without any knowledge of what it is
14:06 < TheDruId> ^^++
14:07 -!- tttb [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:07 < Revent> Qcoder00: look at
14:08 -!- Brad|duerme is now known as Bradford
14:09 < TheDruId> "What do you need?" *poof* "What do you need?" *poof* "What do you need?" *poof*
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14:09 < Qcoder00> Revent: thanks
14:09 < Revent> The Genie is one of the great cartoon characters of all time IMO.
14:10 < Revent> Qcoder00: No could look on sunsite too...
14:10 < Qcoder00> OK
14:10 < Qcoder00> I'll make a request on Wikisource...
14:10 < Qcoder00> ;)
14:10 < TheDruId> Same as Wikipedia admins: Phenomenal cosmic power, itty-bitty living space.
14:10 < Qcoder00> See if they recomend anything
14:10 < Revent> Qcoder00: is the part of sunsite I mean.
14:11 < Qcoder00> When I read stuff for computer, I end up sounding like an answerphone anyway.;)
14:12 -!- Bradford is now known as Abdelkader
14:13 < Swob> <-- wow, what an ugly fish
14:13 < Abdelkader> Carly|away:  fea
14:13 < Swob>
14:14 < TheDruId> Swob, Speciesist.
14:14 < Revent> Swob: That's a particularly wrinkly one...
14:14 < Carly|away> Abdelkader feo
14:16 < Revent> *can't remember the name* There's a Indian Ocean 'flatfish' that has a wrinkly shape on their stomach that looks like a really ugly person....they're kinda creepy.
14:16 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has quit [Quit: hometime]
14:17 < Abdelkader> Carly|away: porque eres tan fea
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14:18 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:18 < Carly|away> Abdelkader porque eres tan monstruo?
14:18 < Carly|away> Abdelkader t pondre en ignore
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14:18 < Revent> This is interesting...
14:19 < Revent> #4 is particularly bad.
14:19 < Swob> progeria is sad
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14:20 < Revent> *hmms* Abe Lincoln was a mutant....
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14:22 < Swob> the guy seen in the pic in #4 got cured, i remember
14:22 < Swob> hypertrichosis might not be that bad
14:22 < Swob> after all basically 99% of mammals have hypertrichosis and they do fine
14:22 < Revent> Swob: I think it's the 'associated' effect more than the need to shave a lot...
14:23 -!- ShreCk [Troll@] has quit [Quit: Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus]
14:23 < Abdelkader> Carly|away: Nou |:
14:24 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
14:25 < Revent> Swob: His 'cure' was just corrective surgery...he still has the disorder, they'll grow back
14:25 < Swob> Lincoln might still have had Marfan Syndrome
14:25 < Swob> true
14:25 < Revent> Swob: Ye...seems fairly certain there was some genetic disorder tho...
14:26 -!- YE is now known as YE|AFK
14:26 < Revent> This makes more sense now lol.
14:26 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:26 < mareklug> Swob reporting full success:  I have installed, in turn, the incoming SCSI drives and put Mac OS 7.5.3 on each, and booted the computer with each, and was able to do full networking (web, ssh) on the WLAN with each, and Apple talk on the LAN with file sharing.  woo hoo.
14:28 < Swob> cool
14:28 < Swob> can you edit wikipedia from it?
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14:30 < Swob> i think nature wants humans to go back to being hairy apes
14:31 < Swob> there's at least 7 different mutations that cause hypertrichosis, yet there's hardly any mutations for chimps that make them look like us
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14:32 < Swob> its like nature saying "pleeeeease grow whole-body fur again, here's 7 different ways you can do it"
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14:34 < TheDruId> It'll come in handy once we're in space.
14:35 < Swob> or if we end up destroying half of the sun like I was saying earlier
14:36 < mareklug> iCab 2.99 is sort of feeble with JavaScript, and it's best to turn it off, but I think I can.  I certainly can google :)  And actually loads reasonably fast on these machines.  Imagine that.
14:37 < Swob> hah i remember iCab
14:38 < mareklug> Swob iCab is still being developed as shareware -- you can get fairly uptodate versions for modern mac systems as well as for everything on down.
14:38 -!- TB|Away [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.]
14:40 < mareklug> Pharos only 2 year anniversary at Wikipedia??????
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14:42 < harej> Pharos has been editing for far more  than two years
14:42 < harej> I've *known him* for longer than that!
14:42 < mareklug> harej his Linked-in blurb said today 2 year anniversary at Wikipedia.
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14:44 < Revent> FWIW, I actually find it kinda neat how much going through and 'assessing' these bios seems to get them paid attention to... :)
14:44 < Revent> A suprisingly high number seem to get edits within the next day or so.
14:45 < TOS> Who is Pharos?
14:45 < mareklug>
14:45 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
14:45 < TheDruId> Save Pharos.
14:45 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Quit: I'm the greatest pirate-hunter in the world! AUYYEAHHH]
14:45 < mareklug> TOS he is a known ancient lighthouse.  Nothing for you to concern yourself with.
14:46 < TOS> So I take it he's not a female from Kolkata?
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14:46 < mareklug> no, and he is rather hairy.  so you should best make no designs on Pharos.
14:46 < TOS> "I, Pharos, am a Wikipedian who has been active since September 2004."
14:48 < harej> The be-all and end-all of the universe. Also the President of Wikimedia New York Citt
14:48 < harej> City
14:48 < TheDruId> His RfA was *awesome*.
14:49  * TOS checks
14:49 < Revent> WP:SNOW
14:50 -!- Mezelf14 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Mezelf14] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:50 < Revent> (in the positive sense)
14:50 < TheDruId> The library is about to close; please print or save your work /now/. Oh, well. Later, all...
14:50 < mareklug> harej it must be this presidency that is 2 years old, but they got it as Wikipedia
14:50 < harej> I think Wikimedia NYC is more than 2 years old
14:50 < TOS> SlimVirgin seems to be the only recognizable name
14:51 < mareklug> well, then obviousy Pharos fucked up something in his profile, for this anniversary thing was automatically generated and spread out to his connections.
14:51 -!- TheDruId [4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
14:52 < Revent> Ye, his RfA was 05 if I looked at the right one.
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14:56 < mareklug> "The RasterOps ColorBoard 264 is unaccelerated and supports a resolution of 640 x 480 in up to 24-bit color."
14:57 < mareklug> oh well, no point swapping out my venerable trinitron crt for some cheapass larger flatscreen...
14:58 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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15:16 < David_Stevenson> !admin block plz
15:16 < legoktm> hi
15:16 < legoktm> David_Stevenson: done
15:16 < David_Stevenson> thanks
15:17 < Revent> Nice classy edit there...
15:17 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
15:18 < Pharos> wait, what?
15:18 < Pharos> why am i a topic?
15:18 < harej> you are legendary
15:19 < mareklug> Swob I feel like I'm back in the old country.  I just negotiated a 1GB stick of Hynix DRAM 400 3200 memory for 10 bucks, after making offers at 8 and then 9.  The seller wanted 12.  It will increase my beautiful XP desktop to 2GB (it now runs 1.5, where 1 stick is just like this one; it was really meant for G5 iMac)
15:19 -!- Revent [ad15dd3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
15:20 -!- Revent [ad15dd3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:21 < mareklug> Pharos Linked-in says you are celebrating your two-year aniversary at Wikipedia today. :/
15:21 < Swob> must be two years since he added Wikipedia to LinkedIn or something
15:21 < mareklug> no, I am sure it is worse than that.  He probably put in the wrong year in his credentials
15:22 < legoktm> zz_YuviPanda: sent you a pull request :D
15:22 -!- salimfadhley [~salimfadh@wikipedia/salimfadhley] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:23 < Pharos> i guess it's the 2nd anniversary of being an ambassador or something
15:24 < mareklug> yeah, but you told them Wikipedia, and now they spammed all 500 of your most distant friends.
15:24 -!- Dcoetzee|2 [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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15:32 < Dragonfly6-7> Hi
15:34 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|away
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15:37 < Bsadowski1>
15:37 < Bsadowski1> lol
15:40 -!- JKL|lejos is now known as JKL1234-
15:41 < Revent> Yup, definitely a dumbass.
15:47 < Swob> he must have had one of those phones that has a button just for 911
15:47 < Swob> its pretty hard to butt-dial those three exact digits any other way
15:51 -!- delirious [] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:51 -!- Demiurge1000 is now known as D1000|Away
15:51 < jorm> some phones have a "distress" mode.
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15:53 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:53 < Pharos> like, the phone dials 911 if it's about to break?
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15:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> oh I love this logic
15:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Holding a meat cleaver in his bloody hand, the suspected killer of a British soldier told passers-by he carried out the attack "because Muslims are dying daily."
15:54 < Pharos> logic always leads you right!
15:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> makes complete sense
15:54  * ToAruShiroiNeko proposes daily sacrifices
15:55 < mareklug> and some phones are notorious for dialing 911 right out of your pocket, even when seemingly locked.  This is a major kwetch on Amazon.
15:55 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas
15:55 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug there are people who dial 911 for stupid reasons too
15:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> intentinally
15:55 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
15:55 < Pharos> I'm pretty sure Muslims would be dying daily even if we had world peace
15:56 < mareklug> yes, but this is about annoyed ppl who didn't.
15:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there is reverse butt dial too
15:56 < Swob> there is?
15:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
15:56 < Pharos> that should be banned
15:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> inmate shoved a cell phone into their recrum and recieved a call during an inspection
15:56 < Swob> oh
15:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if only he set to vibrate
15:57 < shimgray> Swob - it's not that's surprising. while there's only a one in 1000 chance of any three digits in sequence being 911, most phones will ignore any other three-digit sequence
15:57 < David_Stevenson> I'd set it to silent, vibrate causes problems too
15:57 < Pharos> the only religion I can think of that's not dying daily would be Shakers
15:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> David_Stevenson its in prison :p
15:58 < shimgray> 911 (or equivalent) bypasses a lot of the default locks
15:58 < Swob> true
15:58 < Pharos> I guess Samaritan probably don't die daily either
15:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> emergency dial should be 555
15:58 < Swob> i guess thats one disavantage of smartphones
15:58 < mareklug> shimgray the annoying phones have a 911 button or some other such way of making the 911 -- it is not about dialing.
15:58 < Swob> you have to press 4 buttons to even get to the actual phone keypad
15:58 -!- delirious [] has left #wikipedia-en []
15:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Swob more if you have bigger fingers
15:59 < foks> untrue
15:59 < Pharos> in NYC, our givt runs on "311"
15:59 < foks> iPhone has an "emergency call" button
15:59 < Swob> Samsung has a series of phones aimed primarily at the elderly that have a distinct 911 button that cannot be changed, plus another customizable button for "emergency"
15:59 < Carly|away> Lol
15:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Swob my emergency button would call dominos pizza
15:59 < Carly|away> Samsung Galaxy s4 *_*
15:59 < mareklug> apparently it is the Samsungs that are annoying …the elderly …with those unwanted 911 dialouts
15:59  * Carly|away diea for one
16:00 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
16:00  * ToAruShiroiNeko suggests Carly|away to strol down in UK with a UK mil uniform
16:00 -!- FunPika [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
16:00 < Carly|away> O.o
16:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos I dont think its halal to kill with a car
16:01 < Carly|away> No,
16:01 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
16:02 < Revent> No unless you behead them with it lol.
16:02 < Pharos> I'm not sure
16:02 < Pharos> it wouldn't be kosher
16:02  * Carly|away drinks Lipton Yellow Label
16:02 < Carly|away> Xd
16:02 < Pharos> but if it was by accident, maybe there could be an exception
16:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent muslim tradition requires the blood to be drained and animal to be killed with a slit in their throats
16:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> not implying UK soldiers are animals
16:03 < Pharos> kosher is the same
16:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but someone trying to give a religious message should at least follow the religion :p
16:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so in the course of 1 month we had boston bombers carried out by white muslims
16:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and now this attack by a black muslim
16:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> how are we supposed to steriotype over skin color now :(
16:04 < Pharos> we can try
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16:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> only asians are safe... for now
16:05 < BlastHardcheese> the bombers weren't "real" white people though, they're swarthy eastern europeans
16:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> BlastHardcheese they were caucassion
16:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they were litteraly from caucassia!
16:05 < Pharos> fun fact: russians don't like "caucasians"
16:05 < BlastHardcheese> exactly, white people aren't from asia!
16:05 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: Yeah, that's what I meant by 'beheading' them with the's be kinda hard to only get the throat. :P
16:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent easy just customise
16:06 < Revent> *lol*
16:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> "pimp my ride" for beheading
16:06 < Pharos> they've basically applied the old russian antisemitism to these mercabtile caucasians
16:06 < Pharos> *mercantile
16:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> since Obama is a secret muslim, and possiby queen of england and pope too
16:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> we ought to hide under our desks
16:08  * Pharos is already hiding
16:08  * Carly|away eats toast
16:08 -!- Carly|away is now known as Carly
16:10  * ToAruShiroiNeko tosses a tear gas under Pharos's desk
16:10  * ToAruShiroiNeko tosses a gas mask under Pharos's desk
16:10 < Pharos> thank you!
16:10  * ToAruShiroiNeko tosses a bad comic under Pharos's desk
16:11 < Pharos> is it Superman Nuber 1?
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16:11  * Pharos cashes out
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16:15 -!- MissGayle is now known as zz_MissGayle
16:15 < mareklug> Pharos I like "mercabtile".  We must invent a meaning for it.
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16:16 < mareklug> Mercab appears to be a family name… so...
16:16 < Swob> coem on youtube stop showing me beer commercials!
16:16 < Swob> you know I dont drink
16:16 -!- zz_MissGayle is now known as MissGayle
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16:16 < mareklug> Swob not even lemonade?
16:16 < mareklug> not even cider?
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16:17 < Swob> the first drop of alcohol kills a man's soul
16:17 < mareklug> Swob yes, it is a known problem.
16:17 < mareklug> The workaround is to get past it.  It gets much better.
16:18 < mareklug> in some cultures that is why you are to pour the first drops on the ground
16:18 < mareklug> in an offering
16:18 < mareklug> but really it means to protect your soul.
16:18 < russavia>  who's from winnipeg?
16:19 < russavia> or Regina
16:19 < mareklug> will you settle for Saskatoon?
16:19 < Pharos> it's Regina
16:20  * russavia stears clear of regina in future and all who hail from
16:20 < Pharos> it should be "Canada's Queen City of Chlamydia"
16:20 < Pharos> etymologically speaking
16:20 < mareklug> russavia just click on "pozycja fotografa" for crying out loud
16:20 < mareklug> Pharos that is unfair to Queen Cities everywhere, including Cincinnati.
16:21 < mareklug> it is kings who spread chlam
16:21 < Pharos> nothing is unfair to Cincinatti!
16:21 < mareklug> pharos everything happens in Cincinnati 10 years later, said Mark Twain.
16:22 < mareklug> Cincinnati, Pharrrrrrros.  Cincinnati.  one t.  After Cincinnatus.
16:22 < mareklug> the dictator benevolent
16:22 < Swob> the curly haired guy
16:22 < mareklug> they are all curly in Italy
16:22 < mareklug> the land that waist forgot
16:22 < mareklug> in mammas
16:24 < Carly> Ay no
16:25 < Swob> marek did you click the link i posted earlier?
16:25 < Swob> a music video with a girl singing
16:25 < mareklug> no, i was distracted.  relink pls
16:26 < Swob>
16:26 < Swob> I heard it at work a few days ago
16:27 < mareklug> you can hear Florence and the Dishwasher influence here...
16:28 < Swob> never heard of them
16:28 < Swob> thats a real band?
16:29 < mareklug>  if you like this Chvrches, you will gobble up Flo
16:29 < Swob> i just like the girl with the high pichted voice
16:31  * russavia slaps swob
16:31 < Swob> whaaat
16:32 < mareklug>  she is a looker, too.  Funny foks never let on about them, what with them being from Glasgow and famous.
16:32 < russavia> even dog days are over -- classic song -- amazing how many people never heard of
16:32 < foks> mareklug, I figured you already knew about them
16:32 < mareklug> no, i will promptly now steal some of their music
16:32 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:32 < Swob> I'd never heard of Chvrches before a few days ago and never heard of Florence and the machine before a few minutes ago
16:33 < mareklug> Swob you have massive girlie band deficits to make up on the UK scene alone
16:33 < Revent> FatM is awesome.....very good tunage.
16:33 < russavia> swob -- here -- got a video for you to watch to get you into Flo
16:33 < russavia>
16:34 < russavia> my ex was a pole dancer -- nowhere near as good as this -- but good enough ;)
16:34 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:35 < mareklug> but soap will diss Flo, as she does not have a high pitched voice.
16:35 < russavia> fuck you swob fuck you very much
16:35 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:36 < russavia> mareklug -- this would be more swob's liking --
16:36 -!- Headbomb [~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb] has joined #wikipedia-en
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16:37 < Bsadowski1> "Ask GLaDOS anything! I will be on reddit IAmA today at 8p EST answering YOUR questions. For science."
16:37 < Bsadowski1> NICE
16:39 -!- shimgray [~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
16:39 < mareklug> oh well.  it's only 3.99 on iTunes and I have credit there.  I will support Scotland in her time of dire.
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16:42 < MrFish2> hexchat crashed when I tried to enter something
16:42 < MrFish2> lame
16:42 < MrFish2> :\
16:42 -!- Bsadowski1 [~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1] has quit [Disconnected by services]
16:42 < russavia> would reigning U.S. Pole Dancing Champion be notable?
16:42 -!- MrFish2 is now known as Bsadowski1
16:42 < russavia> might need to do article :)
16:48 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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16:49 < Swob> wb Bsadowski
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16:52 < Swob> hi Σ
16:52 < SigmaWP> hi Swob
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17:15 -!- TOS [TOS@] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:16 < Carly> Hey TOS ;)
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17:28 < Fyre> Hi
17:29 < Carly> Hey Fyre :)
17:29 < Swob> hey i discovered something
17:29 -!- APexilI [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
17:29 < Swob> you know that "this video is not available on mobile" thing you sometimes see on YouTube on a cellphone>
17:29 < Swob> all it does is check if youre using the mobile version of the site
17:29 < Swob> it has nothing to do with whether youre on a cellphone or not
17:30 < Swob> so you can just go to the site in a browser and itll work
17:31 -!- MrFish2 [~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:31 < TOS> Carly Hey!
17:31 < Fyre> Hey Carly
17:31 < CrackyWacky> hola, Carly :3
17:31 < Carly> :D
17:31 -!- Bsadowski1 [~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1] has quit [Disconnected by services]
17:32 < CrackyWacky> hi Swob
17:32 < Fyre> hey Swob
17:32 -!- MrFish2 is now known as Bsadowski1
17:32 < CrackyWacky> hey Bsadowski1
17:32 < Fyre> sup Bsadowski1
17:32 < Fyre> hey CrackyWacky <3
17:32 < CrackyWacky> my sistah, Fyre <3
17:32  * CrackyWacky e-penetrates Fyre
17:32 -!- nuenfly [] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.4.1]
17:32 < Carly> Whi is Xraxkywaki
17:32 < Carly> Crackywacky ????
17:32 < Carly> Who are yiu
17:32 < Fyre> my gay drag-queen lover <3
17:33 < CrackyWacky> oh you go gurl
17:33 < CrackyWacky> gurrrrrl
17:33 < Fyre> lol
17:34 < CrackyWacky> ya
17:34 < Fyre> yaytata
17:34 < Fyre> <3
17:34 < CrackyWacky> <3 you as well, Fyre
17:34 < Carly> Who are you CrackyWacky? Do I know you¿
17:34 < CrackyWacky> just wanted to say hello, gurl
17:34 < Fyre> yeah
17:35 < Fyre> don't get your panties in a bunch, gurl
17:35  * CrackyWacky nods.
17:35  * Carly runs away
17:40 -!- Carly is now known as Carly|game
17:40 < Bradford> ._.
17:41 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
17:41 < Carly|game> U.u
17:41 < Bradford> .-.
17:41 < Carly|game> Bradford what te pica you?
17:41 < Carly|game> Xddds
17:41 < Bradford> xd
17:41 -!- Bradford is now known as Pote
17:41 -!- Detox_ [uid11716@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:42 -!- sdamashek is now known as sdamashek|away
17:42 < Sky2042> this channel makes me shake my head...
17:42 < Carly|game> We are going to cook and use the pote to.give food to el perro
17:42 < Carly|game> Pote tkm
17:42 < Carly|game> Good!
17:43 < Pote> ah
17:43 < Carly|game> Eh
17:45 -!- Carly|game [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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17:48 < Pote> Carly:  :d
17:48 < Carly> :p
17:49 < Pote> e_e
17:49 < Pote> Carly:  llego adriana mendoza XD
17:50 < Carly> Where?
17:50 < Adrianzo> Carly:
17:50 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
17:50 < Carly> Adrianzo:
17:50 -!- GorillaWarfare is now known as GW|Away
17:50 < Pote> Pote:
17:50 < Pote> xD
17:51 < Pote> Carly:  Adrianzo is adriana mendoza :-)
17:52 -!- TOS [TOS@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:52 -!- Pote is now known as Bradford
17:53 -!- TOS [TOS@] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:55 < Swob> anyone know of any good android mp4 players
17:55 -!- MBisanz [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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17:56 < russavia>  for once UK is spot on!!
17:56 -!- kingturtle [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/kingturtle] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:57 < russavia>  this is hilarious
17:57 < Carly> -_=
17:58 -!- Missingno255 [~Missingno@unaffiliated/missingno255] has left #wikipedia-en ["BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT!"]
17:58 < Koi> wat
17:58 < Koi> y is troll try glitch IRCmon
17:58 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:59 < kingturtle> russ, it's zizek. what is hilarious about it
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18:00 < russavia> it's funny because its true
18:00 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:01 < kingturtle> women get raped and like it? um...
18:01 < kingturtle> anyone interested in working on a current event article?
18:01 < russavia> nup
18:01 < russavia> it belongs on wikinews not wp
18:02 < kingturtle> some belong only in wikinews. others do not.
18:02 < Carly> O.o
18:02 < russavia> the vast majority do, a minority dont
18:02 < Revent> kingturtle: Gawd, what was that texas politician's name, that made such an ass of himself with the rep comments?
18:02 < Revent> *rape
18:03 < kingturtle> russ. idon't disagree
18:03 < Carly> Me
18:03 < kingturtle> revent. ohyeah. i forget
18:03 < Carly> Kingturtle is wikinews? :D
18:03 < Revent> <- 4th para.
18:03 < Revent> Jackass.
18:03 < kingturtle> carly, i usually side with current events being wikinews only. but there are rare exceptions.
18:04 < Bradford> ._.
18:05 < Carly> I love Wikinews
18:05 < Bradford> Carly:  deja a ese moe y se my girlfriend
18:05 < Carly> I.edit.more wikinews.than wikipedia
18:05 < Carly> Edited*
18:05 < Bradford> :-
18:06 < Peter-C> Jamesofur - poke
18:06 -!- nas is now known as Guest26223
18:06 < Carly> Bradford what? i dont have novio
18:06 -!- Guest26223 is now known as nas
18:06 < Bradford> Carly:  deja a moe se mi novia :D
18:07 < Carly> Bradford that is not my novio y no te amo
18:07 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
18:07 -!- Victorium [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
18:07 < Bradford> Carly:  ok fea
18:08 < Bradford> despues no venga a llorarme
18:08 < Carly> Feo.tu
18:08 < Carly> Bradford just.stop and leave me alone
18:09 -!- ChrisGualtieri [~IceChat77@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:09 < Bradford> ok stop
18:09 < Bradford> leave me alone
18:09 < Carly> Thanks :)
18:09 < Koi> QUICK
18:09 < Bradford> o.o
18:09 < kingturtle>
18:09 < ChrisGualtieri> Evening all
18:10 < Bradford> Carly:  km
18:10 < Bradford> Carly: ok ahora tengo un boyfriend xd
18:11 < Bradford> yes?
18:12 < Carly> Ok you can have all boyfriends like you like Bradford
18:12 < Bradford> okay
18:14 < Carly> I dont have boyfriends that are childrens like you,if I do I will be accused by rapist
18:14 < Carly> Bradford ;) vaya con.Dios
18:14 < Bradford> Carly:  no me hables mas me pusiste triste :'(
18:14 < Carly> Bradford what? Why sad -_-
18:15 < Carly> O sea helllo
18:15 < Bradford> :(
18:15 < Bradford> he is bad
18:15 < Carly> Who?
18:15 < Bradford> yes
18:15 < Bradford> unlike
18:15 < Carly> No
18:16 < Carly> Yes.
18:16 < Bradford> dislake
18:16 < Bradford> No
18:16 < Carly> Yes I dislike
18:16 < Bradford> no
18:16 < CrackyWacky> O RLY
18:16 < Fyre> YA RLY
18:16 < Bradford> ._.
18:16 < CrackyWacky> O RLY
18:16 < Fyre> YA RLY
18:16 < Swob> yeah i think there are basically no good Android mp4 players
18:16 < CrackyWacky> NO WAI!
18:16 < Fyre> buttsecks.
18:16 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
18:16 < Bradford> wtf
18:16 -!- TOS3 [TOS@] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:16 < Carly> .-.
18:17 < Carly> Ah no WTF
18:17 < Bradford> O RLY
18:17 < Fyre> YA RLY
18:17 < Bradford> O RLY
18:17 < Bradford> ._.
18:17 < Carly> -/-
18:17 < Carly> Xdddd
18:17 < Bradford> \o/
18:18 < Carly> Bradford *( ' )
18:18 < Carly> ( ! )
18:18 -!- TOS [TOS@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
18:18 < Bradford> ._.
18:18 < Bradford> stop
18:19 < Swob> lol
18:19 < Bradford> =_=
18:19 < Carly> And leave me alone then
18:19 < Swob> "this reeever is the official limit between Balkan and Mitteleuropa"
18:19 < Carly> If you dont want to.die Bradford
18:19 < Carly> :|
18:19 < Bradford> ahhh
18:19 < Bradford> que dises
18:20  * Carly laughs
18:23 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has quit [Quit: Connection savagely beaten to death by peer]
18:23 < Carly> Bradford ayudame xon los mails
18:23 < Bradford> xd
18:23 < Carly> Pleases pleases
18:24 < Carly> Xd
18:24 < Carly> Ya chongo move on
18:24 < Carly> Bradford ;)
18:24 -!- Kinkreet [~Kinkreet@wikipedia/Kinkreet] has left #wikipedia-en []
18:25 < Bradford> e_e
18:25 < Bradford>
18:25 < Peter-C> Dear god
18:25 < Peter-C> It took me 15 minutes to find an email
18:26  * Peter-C flips over google
18:26 < Carly> Haha no!! See bradford
18:26 < Carly> Xd
18:26 < Carly> Peter-C www.nosowhat?.com
18:26 < Carly> Xd
18:26 -!- Jasper_Deng_conn [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:27 < Peter-C> ?
18:27 < Peter-C> O-o
18:27 < Bradford> o_O
18:27 -!- Jasper_Deng_away [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
18:27 -!- Jasper_Deng_conn is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
18:27 < Carly> We need to contact Wikipedians.from Bolivia
18:27 < Peter-C> Oh dear god. Some woman was just issued 3 summonses :s
18:28 < Carly> And send them an invite to Wikimeeting
18:28 < Koi> Peter-C: er.?
18:28 < Swob>
18:28 < Swob> all five of them!
18:28 < Carly> Bradford apurate.mi.internet esta lento
18:28 < Peter-C> That means she was driving so horribly she got 3 tickets
18:28 < Peter-C> It's impressive
18:28 < Peter-C> Means she will not drive for a while
18:28 < Koi> Carly: yo lo matare tu interneto.
18:28 < Bradford> O_O
18:29 < Carly> Thank you Swob :(
18:29 < Swob> not one of those five is an active editor, either
18:29 < Koi> Carly: desupues, lo dare a tu un abrazo muy muy muy muy grande.
18:29 < Carly> Koi whats up bro?!
18:29 < Swob> so either the active people just dont say theyre from Bolivia or it's going to be pretty tough searching
18:29 < Bradford>
18:29 < CrackyWacky> lol
18:29 < Koi> Carly: que sucedio? NADA. ABSOLUTAMENTE NADA.
18:29 < CrackyWacky> for sho
18:29 < Bradford> Carly: no sirve
18:30 < ChrisGualtieri> Any admin free? I had an RFC get archived before it could be closed; not sure how to respond
18:30 < Swob> oh, there's also
18:30 < Swob> link, ChrisG?
18:30 < Carly> Bradford andan lokos xd
18:30 < Bradford> =_0
18:30 < Swob> you seem like a nice guy, i'll at least look at it, not sure I can help
18:30 < Koi> Carly: me quieres dar abrazos a Swob?
18:31 < ChrisGualtieri> Bot archived it from Pump
18:31 < Bradford> o_O
18:31 < Carly> Ok
18:31 < Bradford> Carly: ese Koi que idioma habla
18:31 < Koi> Carly: quieres?
18:31 < Bradford> XD
18:31 < Carly> Koi hugs to that? No thanks
18:31 < Carly> :|
18:31 < Koi> Bradford: no seas puta.
18:31 < Bradford> 0_o
18:31 < ChrisGualtieri> It'd be great to tag it to WP:MOS-AM though as it concerns the removal of a line
18:32 < Koi> Bradford: tu eres muy pequeno.
18:32 < Carly> Hahahaha
18:32  * Carly cuddles Koi
18:33 < Carly> Xd
18:33 < Carly> Koi he is 13 years old.
18:33 < Carly> Very very little :|
18:33 < Koi> Carly: el no es bueno en cama.
18:34 < Koi> no es como Juanes.
18:34 < Bradford> XD
18:34 < Koi> "cama cama cama baby..."
18:34 < Carly> ( ¡ )
18:35 < Koi> Carly: no te gusta el Juanes?
18:35 < Bradford> wtf
18:35 < Bradford> SUPER ULTRA MEGA WTF
18:35 < Koi> Bradford: si, puedes ir a fuckearte.
18:35 < Bradford> ._.
18:36 -!- Carly [~androirc@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:36 < Koi> LOL
18:37 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
18:38 -!- Cauthon [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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18:38 < Carly> Bradford encontrast algo
18:38 -!- Mike_HH is now known as Mike_H
18:38 < Bradford> No
18:38 < Bradford> |:
18:39 < Carly> :/
18:39 < Carly> That bad
18:40 < Carly> Bradford en Google pone Love Monuments
18:40 < Carly> Y te sale :p
18:40 < Bradford> xd
18:40 < Bradford> all too well
18:41 < Carly> :)
18:41 < Carly> I am tired and tomorrow is free day to enjoy with friends
18:42 < Carly> Bradford good night and please find the emails soon
18:42 -!- Carly is now known as Carly|sleep
18:42 < Bradford> ok
18:47 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
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18:50 < Swob> i wonder if Echo will go live anytime soon
18:50 -!- Carly|sleep [~androirc@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Quit: No worry where you come from,worry where you're going]
18:51 < Dragonfly6-7> iss't it already
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18:54 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:57 < Sky2042> Swob: Echo turned into notifications iirc.
18:57 -!- Vito [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:57 < Sky2042> s/iirc/understand correctly/
18:58 < Swob> well there was more
18:58 < Swob> it was going to be LiquiDthreads
18:58 < Sky2042> nah, that's Flow you're thinking of.
18:58 < Swob> oh
18:58 < Swob> i wonder if Flow will go live anytime soon
18:58  * Sky2042 laughs.
18:58 -!- Vito_ [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
18:58 < Dragonfly6-7> It had better not.
18:59 < Sky2042>
18:59 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:00 < Swob>
19:01 < Swob> they said no to avatars!
19:01 < Swob> theyre taking away custom signatures too
19:01 < Swob> no more being able to sign as a green bar of soap
19:02 < Sky2042> (thank god)
19:02 < Sky2042> custom sigs need(ed) to die in a fire.
19:02 < Swob> custom sigs help make pages easier to read
19:02 < Bradford> ._.
19:03 < Swob> if you say no to custom sigs you should at least allow avatars
19:03 < Swob> having neither is basically like making everything DOS mode
19:04 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
19:04 -!- RD2 is now known as RD
19:06 < Sky2042> DOS mode is not a bad thing
19:06 < mareklug> Swob there were 11 in the crunchy version.
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19:07 < Revent> Anyone know of a better guide for WikiProject banner syntax than the (crappy) template docs? Having someone following me around changing things like |needs-image=y to {{Image needed}} makes me sad...
19:08 < Revent> (not changing the assessments or anything, just the syntax)
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19:12 < CrackyWacky> yay
19:12 < CrackyWacky> i got my new google maps invite!
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19:39 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
19:40 < SigmaWP> Does anyone know that thing you do to make the [edit] links go back to the far right?
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19:45 < Sky2042> SigmaWP: In your common.css file, something to the effect of .mw-editsection {float: right} should do it
19:45 < SigmaWP> That was too easy
19:46 < Sky2042> i could be wrong.
19:46 < Sky2042> but i think that's it
19:47 -!- TOS3 [TOS@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
19:47 < SigmaWP> You're right
19:47 < SigmaWP> Thanks
19:50 < Sky2042> :D
19:50 < Sky2042> yay!
19:52 -!- Sky2042 [~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno] has quit [Quit: sleep]
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20:04 < Victorium> why is the edit section link next to the section name
20:04 < Swob> hi Victorium, welcome to Wikipedia.  Stick around awhile and youl llearn some of the great things that have happened in the last few years
20:05 < Swob> oh wait its you
20:05 < Victorium> this is my less than public irc name
20:05  * Swob embarrassed *"*
20:05 < Victorium> don't be
20:05 < Swob> i figured you were a heavy user from 2008 or so that just now came back
20:06 < Swob> I embarrass easily
20:06 < Victorium> I did join in 2009 and I remember far right edit section things
20:06 < YuviPanda> they changed about a  month back
20:06 < Victorium> and this is fucking throwing me off
20:07 < YuviPanda> adding .mw-editsection {float: right} to your common.css should 'fix' it
20:07 < Victorium> one sec
20:07 < Victorium> thanks so much
20:08 < Victorium> I have been detained for the past few weeks
20:08 < YuviPanda> 'detained'?
20:08 < Victorium> silly finals
20:08 < Victorium> and papers
20:09 < Victorium> I finished a GA today btw
20:13 -!- Swob is now known as {soap|bed}
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21:12 < Revent> *hehs* Random biography....I like this... a lot...
21:14 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:15 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
21:16 < Amqui> meanwhile in Canada
21:17 -!- spyro [~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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21:19 < Revent> *lol* Can't hit the ramp till ya have a 40...
21:20 < Dragonfly6-7> Hi
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21:28 < Revent> Hey admin! :)
21:28 < Revent> Talk:Kris_Wu  <- orphan from redirected article
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21:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so suicide is how french protest nowadays against gay marriage?
21:30 < legoktm> RIP
21:30 < legoktm> Revent: so?
21:30 < Revent> *shrugs* Not a biggie, just random MfD
21:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> legoktm if I am reading this correctly a french ideolog(?) Dominique Venner commited suicide leaving back some sort of document
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21:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
21:32 -!- Victorium [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
21:32 < Dragonfly6-7> "ideologue"
21:32 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: TE AMO SIMON :-)]
21:32 < BR____> olá, pessoal! / ¡hola, personas! / hello, people!
21:33 < legoktm> Revent: I don't think those get deleted.
21:34 < Revent> I'm pretty sure it's G8 speedy... tank page of deleted page...
21:34 < Revent> *talk
21:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why cant Dominique Venner and that meat cleaver guy from the UK have a talk over coffee?
21:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> that conversation would be fascinating
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21:36 < Fyre> helll
21:36 -!- Dcoetzee|2 [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:36 < Fyre> hello
21:36 < CrackyWacky> yes hello
21:36 < Detox_> y harro thar
21:36 < Prodego> ToAruShiroiNeko: I hope that one day suicide will be the universal form of protest against doing things the way I want
21:37 -!- Detox_ is now known as detox_
21:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> suicide is not a good way to protest
21:37 < detox_> wpontaneous combustion is!
21:37 < CrackyWacky> i agree
21:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> your action is forgotten whenever the next iPhone is out
21:37 < Fyre> spontaneous
21:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> real protest is being an iPhone designer
21:38 < Fyre> who cares, ToAruShiroiNeko
21:38 < CrackyWacky> shut up
21:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Fyre iPhone users
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21:39 < CrackyWacky> ah ok
21:39 -!- CrackyWacky [uid11656@gateway/web/] has quit [Changing host]
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21:40  * Fyre fartss
21:40 < detox_> ew
21:40 < CrackyWacky> gross
21:40 < Revent> *rolls*
21:40 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
21:40 < Revent>
21:40 -!- FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4
21:41 -!- Dcoetzee|2 [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
21:41 < detox_> well, we gotta ask jimmy wales to make some porn since he used to own a porn
21:42 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:42 < IDoH> Hey guys
21:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IDoH do you have ops here?
21:42 < IDoH> No, I don't.
21:42 < IDoH> Why?
21:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you should if trolls show up
21:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> :/
21:43 < IDoH> I know, I should totally have ops.
21:43 < detox_> trolls  like me?
21:43 < CrackyWacky> or me?
21:43 < Fyre> even me?
21:43 < IDoH> But how does one go about getting ops?
21:43 < Fyre> dunno
21:43  * CrackyWacky doesn't know
21:43 < detox_> no idea.
21:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IDoH by casting a spell
21:43 < IDoH> LOL
21:43 < Prodego> detox_: Can we start like this?
21:44 < CrackyWacky> yes good idea
21:44 < Prodego> AFAIK that is a real picture
21:44  * legoktm slaps Prodego 
21:44 < CrackyWacky> lol
21:44 < legoktm> uncyclopedia moved!
21:44  * CrackyWacky slaps Prodego
21:44  * Fyre slaps Prodego
21:44  * detox_ slaps Prodego as well
21:44 < IDoH> Stop slapping people, guys.
21:44 < Prodego> y'all know you want it
21:44 < legoktm>
21:45  * detox_ throws frozen fish sticks around
21:45 < legoktm>
21:45 < legoktm> new site!
21:45  * Fyre catches the fish sticks
21:45  * CrackyWacky throws them at IDoH
21:45 < IDoH> Stop that.
21:46 < detox_> stop what
21:46 < Fyre> snoooooooooop
21:46 < IDoH> Stop throwing fish sticks around, and slapping people.
21:46 < CrackyWacky> stop that?
21:46  * CrackyWacky likes slapping
21:46 < Fyre> slapping is healthy
21:47 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:47 < detox_> very health
21:47 < Fyre> hello, russavia
21:47 < IDoH> Hey russavia.
21:47 < CrackyWacky> sup russavia
21:47 < detox_> hey russavia
21:47 < SigmaWP> hi russavia
21:48 < detox_> hello SigmaWP
21:48 < Fyre> hey SigmaWP
21:48 < CrackyWacky> hola SigmaWP
21:49  * detox_ slaps Fyre
21:49  * CrackyWacky slaps Fyre
21:49  * Fyre slaps detox_
21:49 < IDoH> Sigh
21:49  * CrackyWacky slaps CrackyWacky
21:49 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:49  * Fyre slaps random people
21:50 < IDoH> Hey Mr-ex777.
21:50 < russavia> hey all
21:50 < russavia> happy birthday deutschland
21:51 < detox_> yay
21:51 < detox_> happy birthday
21:51 < CrackyWacky> guten tag
21:51 < Fyre> happy fucking birthday
21:51 < Fyre> yay
21:51 < Fyre> let's have a massive orgy
21:52 < CrackyWacky> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
21:52 < IDoH> Keep it PG-13, please, Fyre.
21:52 < detox_> in pink?
21:52 < Fyre> okay, cannonball the fiddle cove
21:52 < Fyre> with the pork steeple?
21:53 < Fyre> ham wallet?
21:54 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
21:57 < Theo10011> Yes, hello
21:58 < SigmaWP> sigh
21:58 < SigmaWP> WP:AN is making me sad
21:58 -!- Malvolio [~Malvolio@unaffiliated/malvolio] has quit [Quit: Malvolio]
21:58 < Susan> alt-f4
21:58 < Susan> cmd-w
21:59 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
21:59 < Prodego> SysRq
21:59 < Prodego> no wait, I'm doing it wrong
21:59 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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22:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> legoktm what?
22:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> uncyclopedia  cant move even with a tornado
22:34 < legoktm> it did
22:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the sacrilige!
22:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why does uncyclopedia exist?
22:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> shouldnt it be decyclopedia?
22:36 -!- JKL1234- is now known as JKL|lejos
22:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> legoktm it is amazing that only 24 people died in oklohoma
22:39 < Jasper_Deng> {{verification failed}}
22:39 -!- Mkdw [~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
22:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
22:40 < koishi> wikidata doesn't seem to work right
22:40 < koishi> you move links to wikidata and... then what
22:40 < koishi> how do you get to them?
22:40 < Jasper_Deng> koishi: ?
22:41 < koishi> not sure how i can make it any clearer
22:42 < Jasper_Deng> what does it mean to "get at them"?
22:43 < koishi> get to a given article in those other languages?
22:43 < Jasper_Deng> it's on the sidebar
22:43 < Jasper_Deng> as before
22:43 < koishi> but they never show up
22:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> koishi is asking what to type to make them show up
22:43 < koishi> every time a bot moves the links i have to readd page links because idk h- yeah that
22:44 < koishi> more code? bleh
22:44 < Jasper_Deng> koishi: which page?
22:44 < koishi> what's the point of wikidata actually
22:44 < koishi> any given page
22:44 < Jasper_Deng> right now it's not very useful b/c the developers haven't got the right datatypes ready for us to use
22:44 < koishi> waiting for a wikitemplate so all the templates get moved there, etc
22:44 < Jasper_Deng> the idea is to make a central repository of information
22:45 < Jasper_Deng> like, for example, someone's age
22:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Jasper_Deng dont peoples age depend on their speed
22:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> relativistic effects matter
22:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> :p
22:48 -!- Dragonfly6-7 [] has quit []
22:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> koishi I too am waiting for that
22:54 -!- LtNOWIS-mobile [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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23:00 < BR____> até logo, pessoal! / ¡hasta luego, personas! / bye, people!
23:10 -!- David_Stevenson [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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23:11 < Revent> Ye, wikidata doesn't even work for a lot of simple stuff can create the data records, but not 'get to' them.
23:12 < Jasper_Deng> nah, it's more like the former
23:12 -!- David_Stevenson [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:12 < Jasper_Deng> you can /get/ at information technically, but the English Wikipedia did not choose to enable that
23:12 < Jasper_Deng> or rather, get consensus to use it
23:12 < Revent> *shrugs* I was trying to figure out how to use it for citing books....the book data's there, but....useless.
23:13 < Revent> Well...some book data.
23:13 < koishi> if there's no way to use it, someone needs to turn off the bots lol
23:13 < Jasper_Deng> You can't yet
23:13 < koishi> or at least revert the removal
23:15 -!- Firefly67 [~Firefly67@unaffiliated/firefly67] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
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--- Log closed Thu May 23 00:00:48 2013