
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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Session Start: Tue Jul 14 00:00:00 2015
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
[00:01:05] * TB|Away is now known as TBloemink
[00:01:20] * StevenW (~stevenw@wikimedia/steven-walling) Quit
[00:01:45] * dbrant|bbl (~dbrant@wikimedia/dbrant-wmf) Quit (Quit: dbrant|bbl)
[00:02:58] * TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
[00:05:12] * ZeroSerenity ( Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[00:05:55] <{soap|bed}> ha
[00:08:41] * juliancolton (~juliancol@wikimedia/Juliancolton) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[00:09:27] <Sir_Designer>         foks did you go to Wikimania
[00:10:15] <foks> It's not happened yet.
[00:10:21] <Sir_Designer> well, days
[00:10:46] <foks> I am going, though yes
[00:10:54] <Sir_Designer> wow.  exciting
[00:12:20] * comets (~xchat@wikimedia/Cometstyles) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:14:27] <TrueCRaysball> NotASpy: I left you  a message on your talk page
[00:14:41] <NotASpy> yeah
[00:17:43] <nonsenseferret> i have no idea why this isn't hit with minimum wage legislation
[00:17:50] <nonsenseferret> if it 'sounds like' a job, it probably is
[00:19:08] * Princess_Zelda (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:25:39] * TheSonOfCera (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:26:27] * Jianhui67 (uid54581@wikimedia/Jianhui67) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:28:42] * [ceradon] (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[00:28:51] * [ceradon] (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:32:16] * TheSonOfCera (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[00:37:14] * DiscantX ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:40:29] * [ceradon] (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[00:41:07] * syabrite (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:44:38] * Shiitest (Shiitest@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe96:4b47) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:45:15] * Carliitaeliza (~androirc@unaffiliated/carliitaeliza) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:45:30] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:46:28] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:48:04] <git> jesus christ,
[00:48:13] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:48:20] <git> slap a tag on and let someone else deal with it
[00:49:13] * Shiitest (Shiitest@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe96:4b47) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[00:49:19] <Shirik> I kinda want to make a "this article has too many issues" tag now
[00:50:04] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:50:38] <git> hahaha
[00:51:04] <git> it definitely looks like it could be a copyvio
[00:51:15] <git> just at first glance
[00:52:12] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
[00:53:51] * Fleet (~james@unaffiliated/fleetflame) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:54:05] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[00:54:35] * SuicidalZerg (~SuicidalZ@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:55:29] * Tylak ( Quit (Quit: Nettalk6 -
[00:56:29] <Shirik> sooo
[00:56:45] <Shirik> my IRC client is just now pinging me for all of the pings I got like 12 hours ago
[00:56:58] <git> i'm very tempted just to throw a prod on it :P
[00:57:05] * TrueCRaysball adds another ping to Shirik's IRC client
[00:57:18] <TrueCRaysball> *ping*
[00:57:27] <Shirik> this is why you shouldn't use pre-release operating systems
[00:58:06] <TrueCRaysball> oh, you using Windows 10?
[00:58:09] <Shirik> yeah
[00:58:14] <TrueCRaysball> How do you like it?
[00:58:22] <Shirik> I like it; it's generally been stable
[00:58:33] <Shirik> the skype app for it was complete shit but they finally fixed it
[00:58:38] <TrueCRaysball> I'm looking forward to the release
[00:58:46] <Shirik> it has one huge problem
[00:58:59] <TrueCRaysball> oh?
[00:59:02] <Shirik> if you have a calculator open, running calculator doesn't open a second one
[00:59:03] <git> it's windows
[00:59:20] <Shirik> coming from someone that usually has like 10 calculators open, this is unacceptable
[00:59:28] <Shirik> funny thing is there's like a billion feedback entries about that item
[00:59:30] * TrueCRaysball senses that git is a Mac fanboy
[00:59:44] <MJ94>
[00:59:50] <nonsenseferret> sounds like you need excel
[00:59:53] <TrueCRaysball> huh, go figure, Shirik
[01:00:01] * Puncake (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:00:10] * Keilana (~Keilana@wikipedia/Keilana) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:00:15] <Shirik> MJ94: so I saw the video of that. I was amazed at how much the ride operators didn't seem to care
[01:00:17] <Shirik> like it was no big deal
[01:00:24] <Shirik> btw I haven't received any of your pings TrueCRaysball
[01:00:31] <Shirik> I'll let you know when they come through
[01:00:33] <TrueCRaysball> hahahahaha
[01:00:47] <Shirik> they are highlighted in orange at least so it knows they're there
[01:00:52] <Shirik> the OS is just like "nah I'll let him know later"
[01:01:11] <MJ94> Shirik: no one seems surprised, and the part owner was like "mechanical failures happen irregardless of when" and I cringed.
[01:01:16] * Princess_Zelda (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[01:01:16] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[01:01:56] <git> TrueCRaysball: well i mean
[01:01:57] <Shirik> so I work on a system where we have mean time between failure numbers for everything, and the reason for that is not so when it breaks we go "oh well we expected that to happen"
[01:02:06] <Shirik> it's so that we replace it before it becomes an issue...
[01:02:51] * CyanoTex (~chatzilla@wikipedia/cyanotex) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:04:18] * Samwalton9 (~Samwalton@wikipedia/Samwalton9) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:05:20] * Puncake (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) Quit (Quit: Just got kidnapped again.)
[01:05:45] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:05:54] * Princess_Zelda (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:06:56] * LtNOWIS ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[01:09:17] * geniice ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:09:17] * geniice ( Quit (Changing host)
[01:09:17] * geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:10:05] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[01:10:20] * Hoofdconducteur (uid7833@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[01:10:57] * LtNOWIS ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:11:50] <git> the bar for GA has really gone down.'s_shared_Marvel_universe_films
[01:12:33] <geniice> always bounced around a bit
[01:13:12] <git> but it looks like it should be merged with
[01:13:29] <NotASpy> someone fix that broken reference
[01:14:04] * FastLizard4|away is now known as FastLizard4
[01:14:28] <Shirik> the fact that Fox manages to make anything that becomes a GA is impressive
[01:14:55] <Shirik> wait
[01:14:59] <Shirik> "An unassessed article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" <--?
[01:14:59] <NotASpy> "List of FOX News controversies" is surely ripe for GA/FA
[01:15:21] <NotASpy> yeah, it was created as a GA article, apparently
[01:18:18] * k6ka2 (~k6ka@unaffiliated/k6ka) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[01:21:40] <git> i think we should start all articles as good
[01:21:55] <git> and then great, awesome, fantastic, fabulous, and finally, outstanding.
[01:22:26] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:27:51] * GEOFBOT|away is now known as GEOFBOT|verybusy
[01:32:08] * NotASpy (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Nick) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[01:32:25] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:32:34] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:37:16] * Deskana|Away is now known as Deskana
[01:39:10] <{soap|bed}> ah right
[01:39:12] <{soap|bed}> the other fox
[01:39:58] <foks> :O
[01:41:02] <{soap|bed}> power strips dont make lod poppiong soumds, rigjt
[01:41:06] <{soap|bed}> serioust question
[01:41:09] <{soap|bed}> i dont now what s going on
[01:41:16] <Shirik> they do when they're about to start a fire
[01:41:52] <Shirik> I would attribute a loud popping sound to an electrical arc
[01:41:56] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 39.0/20150630154324])
[01:42:44] <{soap|bed}> hmm  was in bed when there were 4 loud sounds from that corner of the room
[01:42:45] <{soap|bed}> i dunno
[01:42:59] <{soap|bed}> i movbed i slightly, bt only was i tring to figurteour what was goigon
[01:43:37] <MJ94> what does the foks say?
[01:43:47] <foks> hi
[01:44:10] <Shirik> this is what the fox says:
[01:44:15] <{soap|bed}> incidentallty totally unrelated but i was actually just dreaming about you (foks)
[01:44:26] <foks> that's the effect I have on people
[01:44:30] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:44:30] <foks> also that is creepy af
[01:44:46] <{soap|bed}> ytou were visiting, but yoiu had a scandinavian name, and you were simultaneously a classmate of mine, living in Floirida, and living in the UK
[01:45:11] <git> Shirik: you live not far from Portland, right?
[01:45:18] <Shirik> correct
[01:45:27] <Shirik> for some definition of "not far"
[01:45:34] <foks> huh
[01:45:48] <foks> It'd be pretty cool to have a Scandinavian name
[01:46:11] <Shirik> I'm having trouble figuring out what a scandanavian name is
[01:46:16] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:46:31] <{soap|bed}> sorry i forgot it as soon as i wokeup. i probably forgot it even withing the dream itself
[01:46:34] <foks> Jan, Janssen, Lar
[01:46:36] <foks> Things like tha
[01:46:37] <git> would you happen to be going to OSCON?
[01:46:38] <foks> t
[01:46:49] <foks> names from ... scandinavia
[01:46:54] <Shirik> I wanted to but I can't
[01:47:03] <git> aw
[01:47:17] <git> i'll be in portland for that next week
[01:47:18] <git> in theory
[01:47:22] <git> if i can get a flight
[01:49:53] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:53:17] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:57:00] <{soap|bed}> an electrical arc like you said would alos generate a flash of light? right? so thats probably not what happene3d. I wouldve noticed that since it was completely dark othersise
[01:57:16] <Shirik> depends on where it happened
[01:57:49] <Shirik> that being said, assuming your circuit breakers are working, unless you hear the sound again I wouldn't worry too much about it
[01:57:50] <{soap|bed}> yeah i still think it wasnt that but i dont know what it was
[01:57:52] <{soap|bed}> ok
[01:57:58] <{soap|bed}> cool. large apt building, no idea
[01:57:58] <Shirik> it's probably not a bad idea to test your circuit breaker though
[01:58:03] <{soap|bed}> cant do that
[01:58:12] <{soap|bed}> acutally maybe ther eis
[01:58:29] <Shirik> wtf kind of place you live in that has no accessible circuit breaker
[01:59:02] <foks> what even is a circuit breaker
[01:59:05] <foks> is that like a fusebox?
[01:59:08] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:59:45] <{soap|bed}> there is. all switches are “on” exccept one that’s inaccessible
[02:00:09] <{soap|bed}> well, i think i lived in a dorm once where there was no accessible circuit breaker, they simply didnt trrust college students
[02:00:09] <Shirik> foks: I do not consider a "fusebox" replaceable
[02:00:21] <foks> ??
[02:00:21] <{soap|bed}> this one though is a little more “adult” oriented
[02:00:34] <Shirik> sorry, reusable, not replaceable
[02:00:41] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:00:53] * Keilana (~Keilana@wikipedia/Keilana) Quit (Quit: Keilana)
[02:00:58] <Shirik> so to me the difference between a fuse and a circuit breaker is that a fuse burns out and you have to get a new one and replace it
[02:01:05] <Shirik> a circuit breaker is a switch you flip back to the on position
[02:01:26] * Deskana is now known as Deskana|Away
[02:01:34] <foks> that's what a fusebox does
[02:03:16] * foks is now known as foks|vaek
[02:03:20] <{soap|bed}> okl
[02:03:38] <nakon> same thing, you just have to replace the fuse rather than trip the breaker
[02:04:13] <{soap|bed}> i probably should replace this 16 yr old power strip soon anyway
[02:04:27] <nakon> yes
[02:04:37] <{soap|bed}> its the only remaining relic of a computer i bought 16 yrs ago
[02:04:40] <nakon> get a cheap UPS
[02:05:11] <{soap|bed}> thew powe strip i have at home is also old, but hasnt been used as much so its porbab;y “fresher”
[02:05:24] <{soap|bed}> home = my parernts hiome
[02:06:00] <MJ94> hiya nakon
[02:06:05] <MJ94> hiya {soap|bed}
[02:06:06] <nakon> howdy!
[02:06:11] <MJ94> nakon: how are ya?
[02:06:14] <{soap|bed}> hi to all
[02:06:29] <nakon> not bad, just alt-tabbing between the wiki and ffxiv :D
[02:07:07] <MJ94> nakon: Hey, do you have a minute for a PM? :)
[02:07:18] <{soap|bed}> oh right the head of Nintendo passed away
[02:07:26] <{soap|bed}> from cancer. he was 55 i think
[02:07:44] * LtNOWIS ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:07:47] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan
[02:11:56] * Deskana|Away is now known as Deskana
[02:16:04] <{soap|bed}> i wonder how much a deck of Nintendo playing cards is worth
[02:21:48] * cjaacks (~Miranda@ Quit (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.
[02:22:34] <{soap|bed}> hmm theyre still out there sellinmg playing cards apparerntly, though entirely for the novelty effect
[02:23:14] <{soap|bed}> obviously no one goes to a store and buys Nintendio playing cards thinking theyre just an average playing card company like Bicycle, Hoyle, etc
[02:24:42] * Deskana is now known as Deskana|Away
[02:25:50] <MJ94> Hiya k6ka
[02:25:51] <MJ94> erm
[02:25:53] <MJ94> Keegan
[02:26:31] <Keegan> Hi
[02:26:49] <geniice> I have a 600mm lens. What should I take photos of?
[02:27:03] * Finnegan is now known as Finne|sleep
[02:27:36] <nakon> burd
[02:28:10] <geniice> Given that a go
[02:28:46] <git> i don't think commons has enough pictures of penises
[02:28:50] <git> penii?
[02:29:20] <{soap|bed}> pansies
[02:29:26] <geniice> I'm not hiring a model
[02:30:19] * Deskana|Away is now known as Deskana
[02:30:37] <geniice> might have a crack at some sporting events I suppose but this thing is heavy
[02:31:37] <geniice> just under 3kg
[02:35:33] <comets> it needs more surely..
[02:36:26] <{soap|bed}> google says Pluto is being photographed currently
[02:37:17] <geniice> Not by me
[02:37:20] <MJ94> we need more pictures of comets
[02:37:26] * MJ94 grabs camera
[02:37:34] <MJ94> comets: sit still and say cheese
[02:37:42] <geniice> MJ94 try SOHO. They get hundreds of the things
[02:38:48] <{soap|bed}>
[02:38:52] <{soap|bed}> so intriguing
[02:41:00] <geniice> Hmm look at the number of inactive dishes
[02:41:42] * juliancolton (~juliancol@wikimedia/Juliancolton) has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:41:44] <geniice> my guess is they are getting read to throw everything at new horizons
[02:43:50] <geniice> yeah one goldstone dish already getting ready and the big dishes at goldstone and Canberra are standing by
[02:44:29] <geniice> Dawn is going to have to wait
[02:44:50] <k6ka> MJ94: hello
[02:45:01] <MJ94> k6ka: hello
[02:45:14] * IDoH is now known as IDoH|AfIRC
[02:45:14] <MJ94> who are you?
[02:45:43] <comets> some guy with funny quit messages :P
[02:45:47] <k6ka> ^
[02:46:21] <k6ka> i am very fond of puns
[02:46:31] <MJ94> k6ka: just curious why you were saying hi to me and no one else :P
[02:46:47] <MJ94> not that I object, I enjoy being most liked.
[02:46:48] <MJ94> :P
[02:46:49] <k6ka> well you pinged me with a "hello" so i figured
[02:46:52] <MJ94> (kidding)
[02:47:04] <MJ94> OH
[02:47:06] <MJ94> so I did
[02:47:15] * MJ94 pretends it wasn't meant for Keegan 
[02:47:56] <k6ka> [22:26:29] <MJ94> Hiya k6ka
[02:48:27] <k6ka> i was afk when you said that but i forgot to /away myself
[02:48:52] <MJ94> Ah.
[02:49:27] <geniice> 9 hours to closest approach.  then 4 or so hours while the radiowaves get back to us
[02:52:47] * Deskana is now known as Deskana|Away
[02:53:00] * SPF|Cloud (uid11755@wikipedia/Southparkfan) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[02:56:38] * k6ka (~k6ka@unaffiliated/k6ka) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:57:52] * k6ka (~k6ka@unaffiliated/k6ka) has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:04:32] * geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[03:12:23] * SuicidalZerg (~SuicidalZ@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[03:13:26] <syabrite> Sigh:
[03:15:11] * RD (~Rjd0060@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:16:47] * foks|vaek is now known as foks
[03:16:50] * bewould ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:18:28] * RD (~Rjd0060@wikimedia/Rjd0060) has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:18:42] * SuicidalZerg (~SuicidalZ@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be) has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:20:17] * enterprisey (~enterpris@wikipedia/APerson) has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:21:27] * Anupam (~Anupam@unaffiliated/anupam) has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:21:59] * vicente__ (~vicente@ Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[03:22:13] * Eatmeimaredbean (~sb@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:23:20] <MJ94> syabrite: datbacklogtho
[03:23:24] <MJ94> get on it, admin ;)
[03:24:02] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:24:20] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:24:48] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:24:53] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:25:02] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:25:25] <Eatmeimaredbean> It's 2015 now, and yet still applies.
[03:25:54] <Eatmeimaredbean> btw how do you make a link?
[03:28:44] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:30:48] <Eatmeimaredbean> Being on new pages patrol can really satisfy you, if you are satisfied by being on new pages patrol. :)
[03:32:41] <Shirik> hey TrueCRaysball I got your ping
[03:33:17] <Eatmeimaredbean> The above also applies to recent changes patro l:)
[03:35:26] * bca (uid1192@wikimedia/Joe-Gazz84) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[03:37:14] <Eatmeimaredbean> Or general editing if you prefer
[03:37:31] * Josve05afk (uid46873@wikipedia/Josve05a) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[03:38:08] <Eatmeimaredbean> Or even standard browsing
[03:40:00] <{soap|bed}> yeah i still spend an average of about an hour a night browsing Wikipeida in bed on my cellphone, as Ive done since i got a smarphone
[03:40:42] <Eatmeimaredbean> Apart from ten hours per day in front of the computer, not tht it's FINALLY summer
[03:42:05] * contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[03:44:25] <Eatmeimaredbean> now I have something like 12000 on the holic test
[03:46:03] <Eatmeimaredbean> that was before the recent major cleanup
[03:48:08] * contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt) has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:49:38] <MJ94> {soap|bed}: doing what?
[03:50:17] <Eatmeimaredbean> On Wikipedia?
[03:50:32] <enterprisey> asking a friendly admin to nuke from orbit so I can move in
[03:50:53] <nakon> enterprisey: G6'd
[03:51:01] <enterprisey> nakon: woohoo, thanks
[03:51:12] <enterprisey> and dayyyum, that was speedy
[03:51:13] <enterprisey> :D
[03:51:36] <nakon> well, you asked for a "friendly" admin :D
[03:52:29] <{soap|bed}> m ostly reading about prehistoric animals, sometimes about diseases, occasionally abouyt languages or outer space
[03:52:34] <{soap|bed}> really the topic just kind of dlowas
[03:52:35] <{soap|bed}> *flows
[03:54:18] <enterprisey> nakon: if you want a quick chuckle, check out the review I dumped on the draft I moved there:
[03:54:44] <nakon> favorite candy: swedish fish
[03:54:47] <nakon> DELETE
[03:54:58] * k6ka (~k6ka@unaffiliated/k6ka) Quit (Quit: What did the mining equipment salesman use as his slogan? 'But wait, there's ore!')
[03:55:08] <Eatmeimaredbean> level 1 headings???
[03:55:17] <enterprisey> Eatmeimaredbean: wow, I didn't even catch that :D
[03:56:39] <Eatmeimaredbean> I G11'd it
[03:56:55] * geniice ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:56:55] * geniice ( Quit (Changing host)
[03:56:55] * geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:57:35] <syabrite>
[03:57:37] <syabrite> Yes.
[03:57:39] <syabrite> Just.
[03:57:43] <syabrite> So much yes.
[03:58:16] <Eatmeimaredbean> I thought you called female animals "it".
[03:59:34] <MJ94> syabrite: She quickly became part of the unit and was allowed to roam freely through camp, entering the marines' tents, where she would sleep on cold nights, and was known for her willingness to eat nearly anything, including scrambled eggs, beer, coca-cola and, once, about $30 worth of poker chips.
[03:59:42] <MJ94> Amazing.
[03:59:53] <Eatmeimaredbean> Oh my god.
[04:00:10] <syabrite> I know. That article had me cracking up.
[04:00:57] <Eatmeimaredbean> The usual "funny" ones are the one I read on new pages patrol before I mark them up for deletion.
[04:01:34] <enterprisey> Eatmeimaredbean: My usual source of gems is STiki, but NPP is pretty good also
[04:01:39] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[04:01:50] <Eatmeimaredbean> One of them said "Come back my love, I'll show you through a community activity" in Chinese
[04:01:53] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away
[04:01:59] <MJ94> wut
[04:02:23] <enterprisey> MJ94: tuw
[04:02:23] <Eatmeimaredbean> I know. I thought I was hallucinating.
[04:02:42] <MJ94> :D
[04:03:51] <Eatmeimaredbean> Well I just clean started 4 weeks ago so...
[04:05:23] <MJ94> Eatmeimaredbean: started what
[04:05:37] <Eatmeimaredbean> a new account
[04:06:10] <MJ94> oh, clean start
[04:06:17] <{soap|bed}> ok cool i did think you kind of sdeemed like not a new user
[04:06:46] <Eatmeimaredbean> My editcount wasnt very high right
[04:07:34] <{soap|bed}> oh Im not saying I know who you are
[04:07:54] <{soap|bed}> your userpage looks familiar but i think thats just an autogenerated wikiadventure type thing
[04:08:11] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan
[04:08:29] <Eatmeimaredbean> I meant on-wiki
[04:08:34] <comets> ewww wiki adventure ..
[04:16:40] * SpikeTheCat (~slechat@wikipedia/Ekips39) has joined #wikipedia-en
[04:16:59] * syabrite (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:17:37] <{soap|bed}> hi Spike
[04:17:39] <{soap|bed}> long time no see
[04:17:41] <{soap|bed}> how are you
[04:17:41] <SpikeTheCat> hi Soap
[04:17:46] <SpikeTheCat> I'm ok, how are you?
[04:18:40] <geniice> shopping at 11mm
[04:18:42] <geniice>
[04:19:02] <{soap|bed}> same
[04:20:00] <SpikeTheCat> so I've heard on my talk page that people missed me when I was away.  Perhaps I should be back more -- I seem to have gotten caught up in other projects, though.
[04:20:32] <Eatmeimaredbean> Thats a lot of cameras
[04:20:47] <SpikeTheCat> hi redbean
[04:21:08] * syabrite (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[04:21:14] <Eatmeimaredbean> Nice to see i actually have a nickname
[04:21:32] <Eatmeimaredbean> of my nickname.
[04:22:17] <SpikeTheCat> :)
[04:22:42] <SpikeTheCat> I don't know if folks answer questions here any more, but is it appropriate to include a blurb from the book cover in the article on the book?
[04:23:10] <Eatmeimaredbean> Just take a picture of the book
[04:23:22] <Eatmeimaredbean> Its covered under fair use
[04:23:42] <Eatmeimaredbean> But if you absolutely cant, then no.
[04:24:10] <SpikeTheCat> The article does have a picture of the book cover, but it also has a blurb in text form:
[04:24:18] <geniice> no
[04:24:30] <SpikeTheCat> I'm wondering if I should rewrite the text, kill it, or what.
[04:25:04] <Eatmeimaredbean> I killed it for you
[04:25:10] <SpikeTheCat> thanks.
[04:25:42] <SpikeTheCat> Seems to be there for the purpose of conveying more of the plot.  Was going to rewrite it as I usually do, but it's always hard
[04:25:56] <Eatmeimaredbean> Well have you read the book?
[04:26:00] <SpikeTheCat> no
[04:26:31] <Eatmeimaredbean> Then read it first, then you can write a plot summary
[04:27:27] <SpikeTheCat> I'm a lazy bum, even when it comes to reading about my pet topic.
[04:29:13] <Eatmeimaredbean> same here
[04:30:49] <SpikeTheCat> can someone kill this?
[04:31:09] <nakon> SpikeTheCat: it's gone
[04:31:14] <SpikeTheCat> thanks
[04:31:31] * Monty845 (~UPP@wikipedia/Monty845) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[04:31:59] <SpikeTheCat> IPs can't send email...?
[04:32:23] <nakon> it prevents logged-in users from sending mail through that IP
[04:32:40] <Eatmeimaredbean> What if someone logs in there?
[04:32:40] <SpikeTheCat> ok
[04:34:57] <Eatmeimaredbean> I used to love getting around cities on Streetview
[04:35:18] <Eatmeimaredbean> Currently I'm in Melbourne
[04:35:37] <SpikeTheCat> There doesn't seem to be much vandalism lately.  Wonder why -- maybe everyone's asleep.
[04:35:47] <SpikeTheCat> or nuts from all the voices in their head.
[04:37:03] <Eatmeimaredbean> Well it's the middle of the day here
[04:37:17] <SpikeTheCat> I'm being silly
[04:37:32] <Eatmeimaredbean> About what?
[04:37:48] <SpikeTheCat> about everyone being asleep.  Naturally not everyone is asleep at any given time.
[04:37:53] <SpikeTheCat> also the voices
[04:40:12] <Eatmeimaredbean> That would be an interesting question - in what time would the most number of people be asleep
[04:40:44] <{soap|bed}> of the woirld?
[04:40:47] <SpikeTheCat> probably when the northern hemisphere is in darkness, since it has the greatest landmass
[04:40:48] <{soap|bed}> or just the english wikipedia
[04:41:05] <{soap|bed}> clearly Chindia is the major population bloc of the entire world
[04:41:08] <Eatmeimaredbean> English Wikipedia
[04:41:11] <{soap|bed}> so probably like 4am their time
[04:41:11] <{soap|bed}> ok
[04:41:26] <SpikeTheCat> English Wikipedia is mostly white Americans or something, right?
[04:41:30] <Eatmeimaredbean> 5-8pm UTC?
[04:41:49] <{soap|bed}> well i think its fair to say that the english wikipedia is still dominated by Americans, not Indians or UK or even all those other countries put together
[04:42:05] <{soap|bed}> and most Americans are on the east coast timezone
[04:42:30] <Eatmeimaredbean> So when its afternoon here (8am UTC)?
[04:42:40] <{soap|bed}> and that although Wikipedia attracts an unusual crowd, most are nonetheless asleep at night, and awake dfuring the day. So probabl;y 4am EST is slowest
[04:42:43] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[04:42:55] <SpikeTheCat> don't a lot of Wikipedians stay up late editing?
[04:43:02] <{soap|bed}> definitely
[04:43:08] <{soap|bed}> but 4am is pushing it
[04:43:19] <{soap|bed}> anyone on at 4am EST is quite likely to be in California
[04:43:25] <Eatmeimaredbean> Or here
[04:43:28] <{soap|bed}> thougm, you have a point, maybe 5am or 6am EST woiuld be better
[04:43:50] <Eatmeimaredbean> Should we do it in UTC?
[04:44:11] <{soap|bed}> Australia’s a great country, I’d probably love it there, but nfortunately it is just too small population-0wise to outweigh even just a small region of the US
[04:44:55] <Eatmeimaredbean> It's true
[04:45:19] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[04:46:08] <Eatmeimaredbean> End result: The English Wikipedia has active times almost exactly opposite that of the world
[04:46:21] <{soap|bed}> hm
[04:46:36] <{soap|bed}> yeah, that would explain the love of exporting call centers to India during the middle of the night
[04:47:29] * JohnFLewis (uid17799@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[04:48:27] <Eatmeimaredbean> the New World is the part of the world with the least landmass
[04:48:55] <Eatmeimaredbean> Or the Western Hemisphere (comparatively)
[04:49:07] <Eatmeimaredbean> But not as extreme the Northern and Southern
[04:49:15] <{soap|bed}> i think we’ve got some of the best land though honestly
[04:49:29] <Eatmeimaredbean> That's also true
[04:49:52] <Eatmeimaredbean> What do you mean by "best" though
[04:50:21] <{soap|bed}> well,l mostly thinking early modern era when food supply was the main priority for pretty much everybody
[04:50:41] <{soap|bed}> both North and South America happen to consist mostly of flat land good for agriculture
[04:51:10] <{soap|bed}> Africa, not so much. Europe and Asia, its pretty hit or miss
[04:51:10] <Eatmeimaredbean> Ok, I kind of get you
[04:51:30] <{soap|bed}> Australia, well, plenty of flat land, not much rainfall over most of it though
[04:52:26] <{soap|bed}> according to Reddit, France is the only country in Europe that is a net exporter of food
[04:52:32] <{soap|bed}> all others eat more than they produce
[04:52:43] <Eatmeimaredbean> You have a point.
[04:52:59] * nakon (~nakon@wikimedia/nakon) Quit (Quit: user...)
[04:53:59] <Eatmeimaredbean> I do remember a book saying why the Europeans were able to settle North America and Australia (over the indigenous peoples of the lands)
[04:55:30] <{soap|bed}> i have read that China actually imports rice from the US nowadays because even though they produce pkenty of rice, they eat even more than they produce and it turns out China just isnt fantastically good for rice growing, but the US is even though we dont do it much because its not that profitable.  However, Im not entirely sure of that
[04:56:48] <{soap|bed}> yeah ok “The United States is currently unable to ship rice to China due to ongoing disagreements over phytosanitary issues. “ lol whatever that means
[04:56:56] <{soap|bed}> china doesnt like us anymore
[04:57:28] <{soap|bed}> rest of what i said seems true though.  Most of China just isnt really that great for rice farmers
[04:57:44] <Eatmeimaredbean> Southeast Australia, the most southern parts of WA and SA
[04:58:58] <Eatmeimaredbean> As well as what they said in history class: Rivers=food.
[04:59:18] <Eatmeimaredbean> And all of the gazillion things that come after it
[04:59:23] <{soap|bed}> yeah Aus seems to export about 50-80% of its rice, varying from year to year
[04:59:45] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:00:18] <Eatmeimaredbean> In conclusion, theres an advantage for having a small population
[05:02:01] <{soap|bed}> hmm. USA exports only 50% of its rice, which leaves a whole lot left over for domestic consumption
[05:02:17] <{soap|bed}> still only like 1/10 of China though
[05:02:51] <Eatmeimaredbean> Pop-wise, US is about 1/3 of China
[05:03:14] * Sri_Designer (~Sir_Desig@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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[05:04:26] <Clarkcj> Hey any admins here?
[05:05:10] <Eatmeimaredbean> How do you make a link?
[05:05:20] <Keegan> Clarkcj: Yes?
[05:06:43] <{soap|bed}> im not sure what you mean, bean
[05:06:57] <{soap|bed}> IRC doesnt itself support HTML, but some clients do
[05:07:32] <{soap|bed}> hi cj
[05:07:43] <Eatmeimaredbean> I mean a hyperlink
[05:07:58] <Eatmeimaredbean> I'm using pidgin
[05:08:42] <Clarkcj> Hey soap
[05:10:09] <{soap|bed}> did you get help?
[05:10:25] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:10:36] <Clarkcj> Yeah, Keegan helped me out.
[05:10:36] <Eatmeimaredbean> Where do you get help?
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[05:21:55] <Eatmeimaredbean> Glad to see I have a nickname
[05:22:00] <Eatmeimaredbean> of my nickname
[05:22:05] <Eatmeimaredbean> of my nickname.
[05:22:49] <SailorHaumea> heh
[05:22:59] <SailorHaumea> so we made Pluto featured article, huh
[05:23:03] <SailorHaumea> because of New Horizons
[05:23:15] <Eatmeimaredbean> That would be the case
[05:23:22] <TrueCRaysball> I always find it interesting when a person reports a user but the OP gets critiqued instead.
[05:23:25] <SailorHaumea> 6 hours to go
[05:23:26] <comets> did de grasse restore pluto a a planet? :P
[05:23:31] <SailorHaumea> nope
[05:23:41] <SailorHaumea> not gonna happen
[05:23:57] <Eatmeimaredbean> until it gets the most closest?
[05:24:00] <SailorHaumea> no
[05:24:03] <SailorHaumea> it's never
[05:24:04] <SailorHaumea> going
[05:24:05] <SailorHaumea> to be
[05:24:07] <SailorHaumea> a planet
[05:24:08] <SailorHaumea> ever again
[05:24:30] <Eatmeimaredbean> That's not what I meant?
[05:25:26] <Eatmeimaredbean> But Pluto is a dwarf planet?
[05:26:05] <SailorHaumea> yes
[05:26:07] <Eatmeimaredbean> Semantically speaking, a dwarf planet is a planet.
[05:26:09] <SailorHaumea> no
[05:26:17] <SailorHaumea> semantically speaking, an asteroid is a star
[05:26:27] <SailorHaumea> because asteroid means "star-like"
[05:26:35] <SailorHaumea> do not try to bring semantics into it
[05:26:43] <SailorHaumea> yes, it was a horrible choice of words
[05:29:10] <{soap|bed}> hm. hadnty though of that
[05:29:31] <{soap|bed}> well semantically speaking, I’m a planet
[05:29:44] <{soap|bed}> because planet means “wanderer” and I take walks a lot to nowhere in particular
[05:30:57] * comets is a planet :D
[05:35:32] <Eatmeimaredbean> Semantically speaking, I'm a big pile of meat.
[05:36:28] <TrueCRaysball> comets. do you have a tail?
[05:37:01] * Shanmugamp7 (uid18127@wikipedia/Shanmugamp7) has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:38:00] <Eatmeimaredbean> They don't need to have tails to be called comets
[05:38:50] <TrueCRaysball> But they're aesthetically pleasing to the average joe that way.
[05:39:50] <Eatmeimaredbean> True
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[05:47:55] <comets> someone stole my tail :(
[05:48:38] <Eatmeimaredbean> They don't have them 80% of the time anyway.
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[07:03:15] <geniice> Eatmeimaredbean varies. I think some of the ones in tighter orbits pretty much always do
[07:06:41] <geniice> first images of nix and hydra bigger than one pixel coming in
[07:17:22] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[08:06:38] <syabrite> Is there a way to find out how many people watch a particular page?
[08:07:39] <syabrite> Found it. Nevermind.
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[08:19:35] * fetus (uid32386@wikia/Iiii-I-I-I) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[08:22:32] <Eatmeimaredbean> But comets are usually in loose orbits
[08:25:54] * syabrite (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[08:26:42] * Keilana (~Keilana@wikipedia/Keilana) Quit (Quit: Keilana)
[08:30:43] <Eatmeimaredbean> My theory has been proven correct
[08:31:10] * trifolio6 (~h@ Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[08:31:58] <Eatmeimaredbean> 7-8am UTC is the least active time here
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[09:07:57] <Eatmeimaredbean> generally early morning EST
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[10:40:36] <geniice> people too busy watching pluto
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[11:22:19] <geniice> new pluto pic
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[11:40:24] <NotASpy> geniice: and it's already on our Pluto article.,_13_July_2015.jpg
[11:40:38] <geniice> I know. Someone overtook me uploading it
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[12:04:25] <a9309131> IDoH|AfIRC: Defconbot is working again with a quick and dirty hack because I lack time to investigate deeply :(
[12:05:46] * a9309131 is now known as a930913
[12:07:03] <a930913> White_Cat_mobile: Defconbot checks how much vandalism ClueBotNG is seeing and calculates a level based on that.
[12:07:27] <White_Cat> yeah
[12:07:33] <White_Cat> I'd suggest our system :)
[12:07:36] <White_Cat> we outperform cluebot
[12:07:46] <a930913> White_Cat: Which system?
[12:07:57] <White_Cat> Revision Scoring as a Service
[12:08:13] <a930913> Can I get that as an RSS? :D
[12:08:13] <White_Cat> this week or next we will pre cache RC feed
[12:08:30] <White_Cat> RSS? Why bother with something so archeic when you can use a restles api
[12:08:36] <White_Cat> Let me link
[12:08:46] <a930913> Because that's the acronym of your service.
[12:08:48] <geniice> NH flyby ongoing
[12:08:56] <a930913> NH?
[12:09:00] <White_Cat>
[12:09:11] <White_Cat> New Horizons
[12:09:17] <White_Cat> I am exicted abaout that too
[12:09:37] <White_Cat> I was one of the people closest to new horizons since I had a flight today
[12:09:43] <White_Cat> I feel somehwat special
[12:09:55] <geniice>
[12:10:05] <White_Cat> ty for that
[12:11:03] <White_Cat> I love how media reports it as new horizons first visit to pluto
[12:12:43] <White_Cat> a930913 you can query scores for the last 50 revisions and take an average for example
[12:13:01] <White_Cat> or you can correlate both
[12:13:47] <a930913> White_Cat: With such easy checking, I wonder how easy it would be to pass junk through.
[12:14:08] <a930913> In the same way that the google DNN images were generated.
[12:14:12] <White_Cat> what do you mean?
[12:14:38] <a930913> One could generate an edit that scores 0, but is gibberish.
[12:14:58] <White_Cat> naturally. We improve our algorithm by asking the community to judge it
[12:15:03] <White_Cat> thats where wikilabels comes in
[12:15:19] <White_Cat> side from determining if an edit is damaging we also will calculate intent
[12:15:32] <White_Cat> so we will know if the damage is due to a mistake or out of mallice
[12:15:45] <White_Cat> cluebot wouldnt know the distance
[12:15:54] <White_Cat> particularly if the user is new
[12:16:19] <White_Cat> cluebot will use or labelling at some point too as far as I know
[12:16:32] <a930913> CBNG does calculate intent to some degree.
[12:16:56] <a930913> And will angry revert them if the have enough warnings.
[12:16:57] <White_Cat> its no where near our levels ssince we have a model for intent explicitly
[12:17:11] <White_Cat> ah we would know it before the first revert
[12:17:35] <a930913> The first revert is reverted anyway :p
[12:17:51] <White_Cat> no I mean we generate an intend score with the offending users first edit
[12:17:57] <White_Cat> as in before any reverts are involved
[12:20:02] <a930913> White_Cat: CBNG uses so much more than that.
[12:23:51] <White_Cat> its a matter of who generates better scores :)
[12:24:02] * enterprisey (~enterpris@wikipedia/APerson) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[12:24:15] <a930913> White_Cat: Why don't you use the ANN from CBNG and make an API from it?
[12:24:33] <White_Cat> For now SVM works better
[12:24:47] <White_Cat> we plan to implement more classifiers in the near future
[12:25:09] <White_Cat> And we intend to unify all AI based tools including cluebot
[12:25:46] <a930913> Have you got a natural dataset of human classified and verified edits?
[12:26:38] * geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[12:27:20] <White_Cat> yes and we are woking on generating another
[12:27:26] <White_Cat> using wiki labels
[12:27:35] <White_Cat> our model will be usable by cluebot people too
[12:27:39] <White_Cat> this isnt a competition
[12:27:49] <White_Cat> its more of a cooperation
[12:27:56] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[12:27:57] <White_Cat> we welcome more volunteers to wikilabels
[12:29:04] <NotASpy> I like sticky labels.
[12:30:48] * NotASpy is now known as mr_grumpy
[12:31:00] * White_Cat attaches a no smoking sticky label on mr_grumpy's forhead
[12:31:03] <a930913> White_Cat: As in, this new dataset can be fed into CBNG to make it more accurate, can't it?
[12:31:10] <White_Cat> yes
[12:31:20] <White_Cat> but we believe they'd just ask ORES for scores
[12:31:32] <White_Cat> as we will maintain the model and improve it over time
[12:31:41] <White_Cat> they merely will request the score and not worry about the rest
[12:32:04] <White_Cat> I dont know if cluebot will treat it as another feature or base decisions on the score alone
[12:32:32] <White_Cat> probably they'd do both initially and deprecate their modelling if it is deemed unnecesary
[12:32:41] <White_Cat> we intend to help tool developers not replace them
[12:32:49] <a930913> I'm not convinced though that your model will be better than CBNG though. Does it have any additional information?
[12:33:15] <White_Cat> I do not know Cluebots decision process to heart
[12:33:20] <White_Cat> but you can test our code
[12:33:56] * Zupoman (~mistrzmag@unaffiliated/zupoman) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:33:57] <White_Cat> just add
[12:33:58] <White_Cat> mw.loader.load( '//' );
[12:34:04] <White_Cat> to your global js
[12:34:12] <White_Cat> and then load rexent changes feed
[12:36:40] * mr_grumpy is now known as JollyOldStNick
[12:37:12] <a930913> White_Cat: I'm not seeing anything.
[12:37:17] <a930913> Do I need to be logged in?
[12:37:23] <a930913> I'm putting the line into console.
[12:37:33] <White_Cat> yes you need to be logged in
[12:37:34] <a930913> On work computer.
[12:37:42] <White_Cat> that needs to go on your global.js on meta
[12:37:58] <a930913> Oh, not en?
[12:38:02] <White_Cat> no
[12:38:07] <White_Cat> it works on many languages
[12:38:23] <White_Cat> portuguese, english, turkish, french and farsi
[12:38:28] <White_Cat> it should also work on azerbaijani
[12:39:04] <a930913> It errors.
[12:39:09] <a930913> <a930913> | White_Cat: I'm not seeing anything. uest URL:
[12:39:10] <a930913> Request Method:GET
[12:39:12] <a930913> Status Code:404 NOT FOUND
[12:39:27] <a930913> Er, ignore that first part.
[12:39:33] <a930913> Weird bug I guess.
[12:39:46] <White_Cat> we haave a bug if the revision does not have one before it atm
[12:39:51] <White_Cat> its eomthing we will fix soon as well
[12:39:54] <a930913> Bug as in weechat.
[12:40:19] <White_Cat> you shouldnt need to do anything to make it work aside from putting it into gloab.js
[12:40:49] <White_Cat> then going to Recent changes page should show the colors corresponding to thresholds
[12:41:03] <White_Cat> this is merely a beta demo mind you not a finished product
[12:41:16] <White_Cat> but we achieve this by 2-3 lines of code, mostly for css
[12:41:59] * FDMS (~FDMS@wikimedia/FDMS4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:44:22] <a930913> White_Cat: Soon, a bot that just checks fairly dumbly for score and reverts high ones?
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[13:08:36] <The_Photographer> Wikipedia: What is the most confusing thing about Wikipedia? ->
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[13:13:56] <a930913> IDoH: Defconbot is half limping along atm.
[13:23:45] <IDoH> a930913: Good to hear, I think?
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[13:26:50] <a930913> IDoH: I thought so for a bit, but now I'm not so sure.
[13:27:12] <IDoH> Sounds complicated.
[13:27:59] <a930913> IDoH: In any case, CBNG is b0rked atm.
[13:28:05] <IDoH> o.O
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[14:09:04] <a930913> IDoH: Last edit seemed normal \o/
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[14:14:51] <a930913> White_Cat: The more I read, the more redundancy I see :/
[14:15:21] <a930913> The main difference, is it's python and therefore much easier to use ^^
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[15:20:04] <darev> Hello!
[15:20:19] <Amortias> afternoon
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[15:52:52] <Cookies52> Hey, can I get a second opinion on a file please?
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[15:54:01] <Amortias> what file
[15:54:05] <Amortias> and what sort of opinion
[15:57:09] <Cookies52> Would fall under PD-simple?
[15:58:22] <Bsadowski1> Is it a free font though?
[15:59:49] <foks> no
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[16:02:28] <Cookies52> didn't think so - thought I'd get a second opinion though, thanks!
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[16:20:12] <Qcoder00> Cokkies52: By UK standards no
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[16:35:19] <Sir_Designer> Cookies52 forget the font, the figure is nontrivial
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[16:41:24] <Clarkcj> Is there an admin available?
[16:41:39] <GorillaWarfare> Clarkcj: Did you still need OS?
[16:41:57] <Clarkcj> Nope, Keegan took care of that for me. But this is something else.
[16:41:58] <GorillaWarfare> kk
[16:42:21] <GorillaWarfare> I'll leave it for another admin
[16:42:27] <GorillaWarfare> If you need one urgently, use the ping
[16:42:51] <Clarkcj> Well, I kind of do need an admin before this gets out of control.
[16:43:14] <Clarkcj> Do you mind if I pm you GorillaWarfare?
[16:43:41] <GorillaWarfare> I'm at work, so I usually avoid responding to anything unless it's an urgent suppression request or similar
[16:43:53] <Clarkcj> Ok.
[16:43:59] * dbrant (~dbrant@wikimedia/dbrant-wmf) Quit (Quit: dbrant)
[16:44:04] <GorillaWarfare> !admin can someone with a free minute help out Clarkcj?
[16:44:18] <jackmcbarn> perhaps i can
[16:44:23] <jackmcbarn> Clarkcj: what do you need?
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[16:44:51] <Clarkcj> Well, can you take a look at this
[16:45:44] <jackmcbarn> it looks like Aelimian21 keeps removing a reference without explanation
[16:45:48] <Clarkcj> Yep.
[16:45:59] <Clarkcj> I keep reverting and warning but still does it.
[16:46:58] <Clarkcj> So, I just wanted to let an admin know about it before it gets to far. She/he has already removed the 2 warnings I gave.
[16:48:06] <jackmcbarn> handled
[16:48:42] <Clarkcj> Thanks, want me to go ahead and rollback again?
[16:48:55] <Clarkcj> nvm just saw you did it.
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[17:16:38] <Peter-C> As per the edit counting took on X labs 47% of my edits have been to 일반 문서
[17:16:56] <Peter-C> TIL: I sleep edit 일반 문서
[17:17:23] <Keilana> …that just means mainspace in Korean....
[17:18:05] <Peter-C> I am informed.
[17:18:19] <{soap|bed}> they still havent fixed that? lol
[17:18:29] <{soap|bed}> i guess there are other priorities
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[17:22:50] * Cookies52 (~IceChat9@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Quit: Clap on! , Clap off! Clap@#&$NO CARRIER)
[17:28:51] <{soap|bed}> Taiwan is now richer than Canada according to IMF
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[17:33:47] <{soap|bed}> greece’s unemployment rate is 25.6%
[17:34:03] <{soap|bed}> in america people panic when it hits like 6%
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[18:15:29] <a9309131> White_Cat_mobile: How hard can I hit ORES?
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[18:17:07] <a9309131> White_Cat_mobile: Ping?
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[18:27:54] <physikerwelt___> Hi I tried to move Technical University of Berlin to TU Berlin becauese The name "Technische Universität Berlin" is not translated see but it die not work. Can someone move that article for me?
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[18:31:24] <Amortias> physikerwelt___ : Im looking at it and thinking not really, its website even has the title (untranslated) in the header of the website which makes me think thats its name
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[18:34:08] <physikerwelt___> It's a corporate identiy rule that the translation must not be used in public
[18:34:47] <foks> [[MOS:TITLE]] probably applies
[18:34:55] * chowbok ( Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[18:35:02] <foks> likewise, tUnE-yArDs' article is at [[Tune-Yards]]
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[18:37:38] <physikerwelt___> Amortias: Look at is states that the name is not translated I think it would be best to TU Berlin which is the commonly used name in english
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[18:40:44] <Amortias> Looking at the opinion here youd need to make a case for it on-wiki
[18:41:34] <Amortias> instructions can be found here -
[18:42:27] <physikerwelt___> Amortias: Ok... that's too much work... I'll however share theis information
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[18:44:27] <physikerwelt___> Amortias: However thank you for effort.
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[19:04:21] <Soap2> cherry strawberry raspberry grape cranberry pomegranate plum
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[19:25:58] <White_Cat> a9309131 sure
[19:26:00] <White_Cat> just got back
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[19:30:44] <White_Cat> we intend to eliminate redudency
[19:30:54] <White_Cat> we have 4 different independent ai implementations already
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[19:48:48] <Soap2> ok so winamp says ity only rips in AAC
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[19:48:52] <Soap2> that means Apple, right?
[19:48:59] <Soap2> but presumably it can at least still play those AACs
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[19:53:39] <Soap2> so WiMP is actually better than WinAmp in that resopect
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[19:58:49] <Soap2> im confused
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[20:00:36] <Soap2> i ripped a Jerry Seinfeld CD and it says it's a jazz album by "Sabu Martinez"
[20:00:55] <Soap2> whatr kind of weird glitch is that?
[20:01:20] * natuur12|shower is now known as natuur12
[20:01:21] <Soap2> is it like Winamp says "well you didnt buy the premium Winamp so we'll just mess up all your songs by attributing them to the wrong artist. LOL"
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[20:04:12] <Ironholds> Soap2, I think it's just embarassed to be associated with Seinfeld
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[20:08:00] <Soap2> ah you dont like 'im?
[20:08:31] <Soap2> i wouldnt mind, because i basically rename all my mp3s anyway, but is annoying for now
[20:10:19] <Soap2> act'y hmm this isnt what i thoght
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[20:24:45] <Sir_Designer> Soap2  here is the screenshot of the beta El Capitan, or OS X 10.11
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[20:36:24] <git> um
[20:36:34] <git> can someone explain to me why is on the front page as "On this day"
[20:36:41] <git> when today is clearly not Sunday
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[20:50:03] <Sir_Designer> git it should be Bastille Day, ffs.  It's July 14
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[20:53:09] <git> Sir_Designer: that one is there
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[20:55:40] <Sir_Designer> it's a mistake or someone os making up for not placing it last Sunday?
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[21:01:52] <enterprisey> we delete merged templates, right?
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[21:20:21] <Soap2> dleetificationalize them
[21:20:56] <Soap2> On this day...
[21:20:56] <Soap2> July 14: Bastille Day in France (1789); National Day of Commemoration in Ireland (2015)
[21:21:45] <Soap2> yeah we should change that now
[21:21:49] <Soap2> its embarrassing
[21:22:11] <foks> ?
[21:22:18] * Jayflux (~Jason@unaffiliated/jayflux) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[21:22:45] <Soap2> its apparently not full protected
[21:22:57] <foks> ??
[21:23:12] <Sir_Designer> ask the editor who put it out if they were aware.  you don't want to deprive soeone who worked on the article from exposure, if they forgot, just my way of thinking
[21:23:19] * TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
[21:23:41] <Soap2>
[21:23:45] <Soap2> it was Howicus
[21:23:50] <Soap2> oops
[21:23:57] <Soap2> Howcheng
[21:24:41] <Soap2> ooops
[21:24:43] <Soap2> help
[21:24:50] <Soap2> its full protevted because of cascade
[21:25:05] <Soap2> fix it now please! I dont have admin access from my parents house
[21:25:28] <Sir_Designer> soap, why are you The Second Soap?  The first Soap was destroyed on the launchpad or sumthin'?
[21:26:15] <Sir_Designer> Soap13.
[21:26:36] <Sir_Designer> wasn't it Apollo 3 that was consumed by fire, or Gemini?
[21:26:56] <Soap2> i dont have my IRC password either.  literally every time i come here i think i have it saved and I dont
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[21:29:19] <Soap2> thanks frood for reporting it
[21:29:46] <Sir_Designer>   this one.
[21:31:15] <Sir_Designer> Soap2 frood no longer comes here
[21:31:18] * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:31:26] <Soap2> darn
[21:31:36] <Anna_Frodesiak> does anyone know our policy on images of famous people's signatures
[21:31:37] <Anna_Frodesiak> ?
[21:31:41] <Soap2> i thought i remembered myh amind password but i was wrong. Good thing, becaue i made it hard to remember on purpose
[21:32:11] <Anna_Frodesiak> tell me your password and i will give you feedback on its security
[21:32:14] <Anna_Frodesiak> :)
[21:32:15] <Anna_Frodesiak> hahahaha
[21:32:32] <Soap2> it was some 16 letter thing, then there was a scare so I made it even more complicated
[21:32:32] <Anna_Frodesiak> seriously. about the signature
[21:32:33] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[21:32:46] <Soap2> anna frodesiak you could fix a problem o nthe main page if you want
[21:32:56] <Soap2> since i cant get to my admin acct from here
[21:33:27] <Soap2> as for your question, I beloieve other famous sigs are on commons
[21:33:45] <Anna_Frodesiak> hmmmm
[21:34:02] <Anna_Frodesiak> what's the main page prob?
[21:34:04] <Soap2> the Obama signarture is there, though the rationale is different
[21:34:05] <Soap2>
[21:34:16] <Soap2> "This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person’s official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code. See Copyright."
[21:34:59] <Anna_Frodesiak> but what about a movie star sig for example?
[21:35:06] <Soap2> see
[21:35:08] <Anna_Frodesiak> do we have any policy on sigs in general?
[21:35:15] <Soap2> the error is in
[21:35:18] <Anna_Frodesiak> checking...
[21:36:39] <Soap2> Commons, at least, has a policy page:
[21:37:00] <Soap2> it does seem to be not quite 100% firm set in stone
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[21:37:32] <Anna_Frodesiak> ok thanks
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[21:37:43] <Anna_Frodesiak> what am i looking at wth the main page?
[21:37:52] <Anna_Frodesiak> tell me what i should do
[21:38:25] <Soap2> just remove the Irish Day of Commemmoration
[21:38:39] <Soap2> was added by accident
[21:39:33] <Anna_Frodesiak> checking...
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[21:41:45] <Anna_Frodesiak> hang on. i'm getting a temporary block from the great firewall of china
[21:41:50] <Soap2> aw
[21:41:52] <Anna_Frodesiak> it should be okay in a minute
[21:43:01] <Anna_Frodesiak> ok
[21:43:11] <Sir_Designer>                                      /me is beaming for having managed to clean his filthy Apple Wireless Keyboard withouth simulating an ambulatory cat or worse.
[21:43:26] <Anna_Frodesiak> so i edit
[21:43:46] <Anna_Frodesiak> and remove content about National Day of Commemoration
[21:43:49] <Anna_Frodesiak> right?
[21:44:53] <Anna_Frodesiak> or put a </ br> after the date to make it into an item?
[21:45:16] <Soap2> not sure about the formatting
[21:45:19] <Soap2> but yeah
[21:45:36] <Anna_Frodesiak> i need others here to say what it should look like before i modify it
[21:45:51] <Anna_Frodesiak> i don't know how the main is normally laid out
[21:45:51] <Soap2> eh, the days almost over
[21:46:10] <Anna_Frodesiak> ? it's 5:44 am here
[21:46:18] <Soap2> Im pretty sure if you just remove
[21:46:19] <Soap2>  '''[[National Day of Commemoration]]''' in Ireland (2015)
[21:46:20] <Soap2> it ll be good
[21:46:25] <Soap2> as that's what was added
[21:46:29] <Soap2> wait my semicolon didnt paste
[21:46:34] <Soap2> remove
[21:46:35] <Soap2> ; '''[[National Day of Commemoration]]''' in Ireland (2015)
[21:46:38] <Anna_Frodesiak> why remove it? it is 14th ?
[21:46:47] <Soap2> but if you didnt do it itd be removed in 2 horurs anyway
[21:47:02] <Soap2> Wikipedia main page runs on UTC
[21:47:05] <Soap2> only 2 hrs left
[21:47:22] <Soap2> the Day of Commemmoratio nwas the 12th
[21:47:29] <Soap2> it must just have been added by mistake
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[21:47:41] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[21:47:45] <Anna_Frodesiak> it says 14th
[21:48:05] <Anna_Frodesiak> oh the second one
[21:48:10] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[21:48:11] <Anna_Frodesiak> right
[21:48:13] <Sir_Designer> you emoved Bastille Day....
[21:48:54] <Anna_Frodesiak> nearest Sunday to 11 July
[21:48:59] <Anna_Frodesiak> i didn't remove anything yet
[21:49:03] <Sir_Designer> ok
[21:49:35] <Sir_Designer> bastille day is ok.  the irish thing is not
[21:51:28] <Anna_Frodesiak> is the page protected or something?
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[21:53:04] <Soap2> yeah
[21:53:08] <Soap2> cascade protection
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[21:54:18] <Anna_Frodesiak> blocked again. pls wait a minute
[21:55:16] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[21:55:19] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[21:55:23] <Anna_Frodesiak> which is right?
[21:55:59] * k6ka2 (~k6ka@unaffiliated/k6ka) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[21:56:19] <Soap2> i guess pink because it doesnt have the extra dot
[21:57:09] <Sir_Designer> i looked. could not see no extra dot.
[21:57:26] <Anna_Frodesiak> you two pls concur and be sure before i do it
[21:57:40] <Anna_Frodesiak> i've never monkeyed with the main page and i want to be sure
[21:58:02] <Anna_Frodesiak> in fact a third person here saying it's okay would be nice
[21:58:14] <Sir_Designer> i may not be quite acute in terms of seeing, as an optho dilated me earlier, but Anna, the two look identical to me
[21:59:05] <Anna_Frodesiak> July 14: Bastille Day in France (1789) is bulleted in one version and not in the other
[21:59:23] <Anna_Frodesiak> switch tabs between the two and see
[21:59:30] <Sir_Designer> oh
[21:59:38] <Sir_Designer> oh
[21:59:54] <Sir_Designer> i guess bullet it, for consistency.
[22:00:03] <Anna_Frodesiak> concur?
[22:00:08] <Anna_Frodesiak> soap?
[22:00:10] <Anna_Frodesiak> one other?
[22:00:16] <foks> Uh, don't bullet it
[22:00:19] <foks> we never bullet it
[22:00:22] <Soap2> its not technically the Main Page
[22:00:23] <foks> also I've already fixed it
[22:00:38] <Soap2> its just a page, that will be live for a mere 2 more hours, that is transcluded on the Main Pagwe
[22:00:40] <Anna_Frodesiak> Foxj
[22:00:42] <Soap2> ah thanks fox lol
[22:00:45] <Sir_Designer> unless you wish to reason that everything that follows is dross.  not as important.
[22:00:46] <Anna_Frodesiak> thanks
[22:00:50] <Anna_Frodesiak> sorry but i was chicken
[22:00:55] <Soap2> vbut thanks Anna_Frodesiak for responding
[22:01:01] * k6ka2 (~k6ka@unaffiliated/k6ka) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:01:15] <Soap2> apparerntly people didnt notice the erorr or didnt bother reporting it until just an hour ago
[22:01:16] * foks is the best, around
[22:01:22] * ggp (~guilherme@ Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[22:01:23] <Anna_Frodesiak> i envisioned a million editors screaming at me
[22:01:24] <foks> no-one's ever gonna bring me down
[22:01:35] <Anna_Frodesiak> :)
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[22:17:37] <Tgtpfsc> hi
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[22:25:37] <blanketmind> I'm trying to make sense of something. In the 1997 movie adoption of Lolita, set in late-1940s USA, the Haze family is seen to have a huge house, nice garden, and a black lady who cleans their house (not sure if she's their butler -- she isn't around that much). On the other hand, if you look closely, the house seems pretty run-down both on the outside and on the inside, although it doesn't look "shabby" by any
[22:25:37] <blanketmind> means. Just... run down. As in, could use some paint here and there. Humbert also comments at one point that "we're not rich". How does all of this add up? I know that they often prefer to make big sets because it's easier to film in, but I'm not sure that holds up as an explanation. Also, the wife seems quite "posh", or at least wants to appear as such.
[22:26:59] <foks> ohai madpig
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[22:28:28] * meoblast001 ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:28:45] <blanketmind> Anyone alive?
[22:29:09] <foks> not to speak about movies I'm not
[22:29:20] * Oshwah is now known as Oshwah_ACCing
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[22:39:35] * fetus (uid32386@wikia/Iiii-I-I-I) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[22:39:36] <Oshwah> Hi everyone!
[22:45:13] <Sir_Designer> foks your powers of troll identifications are very keen.
[22:45:26] <Oshwah> :-D
[22:45:27] <Sir_Designer> identification *
[22:45:35] * Puncake (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:46:02] <foks> he's here all the time
[22:46:20] <Sir_Designer> that is my line
[22:46:58] <foks> Also
[22:47:01] <foks> I am on a plane
[22:47:04] <foks> and it is delayed :(((((
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[23:00:23] <blanketmind> Does anyone know?
[23:00:37] * Puncake is now known as Princess_Zelda
[23:00:51] <blanketmind> Or is there a channel where there are real people and not just fuckwads?
[23:00:52] <geniice> what?
[23:02:14] <geniice> yes
[23:02:19] <Finnegan> this is the internet; there are no people, only dogs
[23:02:55] <foks> I mean, you could just use google
[23:02:58] <foks> or quora
[23:03:04] <foks> or something that isn't wikipedia-en
[23:03:09] <foks> we're not a reference desk
[23:04:11] <geniice> what is the question being asked?
[23:04:45] <Keilana> Finnegan: there are also otters, remember
[23:05:05] <Finnegan> shh, no one knows the otters are dogs
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[23:06:21] <Keilana> hOW DARE YOU
[23:07:16] <geniice> there are only about 1000 Otterhounds left aren't there?
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[23:31:38] <Eatmeimaredbean> hi soap
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[23:52:55] <{Soap}> hi
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Session Close: Wed Jul 15 00:00:00 2015